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Newtires Ukes ■ '-•eV' THURSDAY^ JANUAET 18, The Weather roreoaat ol t . J. »,euther Rovean AversRe Daily Circulation For the Month ol December, 1044 lacreasiag cloudineas toaigbt. Fow IakbI Men Meet Intermittent light snow; Saturday Chapman Court, Order of Ama- Manchester Novel Lecture In Hotel in Hawaii First Lecture rloudy, Interndttent light saow Kvith, will meet tomorrow evening LECLERC 9,011 mixed with rain. In the Maeonlc Temple. It will be Member of the Andlt o the flnK moating with the new of- Date Book Four Manchester men met By Rev. Stack FUNERAL HOMI Is Illustrated recently while enjoying a din­ Barean o f Ctreniatloaa flceri In charge. Royal Matron Cla- Local League 2S Mala StncC Manchester-^A City o f Village Charm -A AdmiMlon to tlie concert to be riaaa Miller reqneata that the offl- Friday, Jan. 19 ner at the Moana Hotel at iMvMi by LuboehuU end Ncmenoff, oera meet at 7 o’clock for rchear- Concert Manchester Civic Mu­ Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, T. To Be Heard Tomorrow PhoB* 828f (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS laiiO pUuUrt*. in High, eehool hell aal. A aocl.ll Hinc with refresh- sic Association, High School hill, A. H. Blacklngton to H. Lieut. Thomas J Chara waa MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1945 Veteran of the Philip­ attending a dinner at the fa­ (Claealfled Adverttolng on Page It) omorrow night be by mem- manta will follow tlie meeting. at 8:15. Speak on New Eng­ Evening at Y; To Re­ VOL. LXIV., NO. 92 u^venhtp Uckete In Uw Mmcheeter pine Revolt and Boxer At the Y. M. C. A., first in a mous beach hotel with Roy ^ d P Civic Music AesiHjlBtlon only. The A daughter, Mary Burton Miller, aeries of four lectures by Rev. land on Jan. 31. Erland Johnson of this town view Current Books. i ' «ricert, the third In the local ae- .waa bom laat night at the Hart­ Rebellion; Others Join Thomas F. Stack of St. Thomas’s when the members of the local I party met Tom Stowe, former Buck's Corner nee, « srbsduled for 8:15 tomor- ford Hoapltal to Sergt. and Mra. Seminary, Bloomfield, “ Better The first in the series of four lec­ Pilot Saved from Flaming Hellcat Olbaon Miller, of 60 Cooper atreet. Alton Hall Blacklngton, well Herald sports editor. tw r night. A Marine who was. discharged Books for Better Times ” tures on books, under the general Reds Take Krakow; Mra. Miller waa the former Mias known throughout the east for 'The Manchc.ster men made ’ Restaurant from the Corps In 1901. a veteran — Sunday. Jan. 21 Hongen, Sdmund Mlkolowaky. aon of Mr. Helen C. Donnelly, daughter of the his "Yankee yarns” and beautiful their chance meeting an occa-1 topic of ’’Better Books for Better of the Spanish-American War, the Annual meeting of Emanuel ' Sion and spent several hours and Mrs; Alexander Mlkolowaky, late Mr. and Mra. Robert .1. Don­ Lutheran church. colored movies of New England Times.” will be given by Rev. On th« New London Tpk. of S3 Mather rtreet. la Second Cook nelly. Philippine Insurrection and the talking about the old home Thomas P. Stack at the Y. M. C. A. Boxer Rebellion, was admitted to Monday, Jan. 22 will give an illustrated lecture at town and friends here, a letter Try Oar ItaHnn Food and Baker on the S. 8. Opequon, a Paper salvage, ■ Southeast sec­ the HollLster street school on Wed­ t'jmorrow night at 8:15 o’clock. Taken by Allies; tanker In the Merchant Marine aer- The flags at the office, ar- membership In the Frank J. Mans- from Lieut. Chara reveals. Books to be reviewed tomorrow Specialties In Oar New Battle Inside Lodz; tion of town. nesday evening, January 31, at vlce. Aa a member of the galley morj’, municipal building and the ilcld Detachment, Marine Corps The Johnsons and Chara are night will be under the subject, schools In town are flying at half- League laat night in the Army and Meeting of Women’s Club, Cen­ eight o’clock. Mr. Blacklngton In the service and are based CEDAR ROOM crow it waa hie taak to bake the ter Church House. Speaker Prof. comes under the auspices of the ••Has Christianity Failed?” mbiee, apple and pumpkin plea atsff today in tribute to the ^te Navy Club. at Honolulu while Tom Stowe rhoae to be discussed are ’’Now Senator Francla T.-Maloney. The' He is George Carter of Poquo- Ralph F. Blschoff of Wesleyan Educational Club. He ha.s spoke is publicity director for the ORCHESTRA tnat were aerved to the men aboard University. Subject: "The Peace frequently In Hartford and in With the Mondng Star,” by Thom­ Thars. • FrI. - Sat. • Son. Foe on Defense ahlp on Chrlatmaa Day. flag^it the post office building waa nock, Windsor, and was discharg­ ; American Red Cross In the Pa­ as Keman; "Bet ween Heaven and placed at half-staff yesterdny on 'd from the Marine Corps in 190? Table.” Manchester before, and all who cific ocean area. Each Week. Budapest Fall Near , Friday, Jan. 26 Ecrth,” by Franz Werfel; ”Chrls- ordera of Postmaster Grant be­ after a long period of service have heard him will vouch for ttanity In the Market Place” by LEGAL BEVERAGES gtreman. Second Class, Q. R. cause of the death of the Senator. afloat and ashore In several foreign Blood Donors Mobile Unit here. him aa an unusually entertaining American First Airay j ]\u,,g^g t Aatrauckas. formerly of Manchea. Michael de la Bedoyere and ’’Chris­ countries. ‘The Pampered Darling.” one- speaker. Many people know him tianity and Democracy” by Blocked Four Miles ter, now of New York City, waa George Carter enlisted In the act comedy by Intermediate Fel­ also as originator of the program Fall Collapses Strong­ nbonrd the U. 8. Destroyer “Wool- Jacques Maritain Marine Corps in 1898 and waa a lowship at South Methodist ha calls "Yankee Yarns” which i Choir Elects The seriea of lectures, which Is North of St. Vith; Yanks Use aey" when It took part recently In Money Is Repaid member of the famoue crew of the Plan Favored Poland’s Flags est German Position an engagement in support of the church. he broadcasts on Friday evenings open to the general public. Is being USS Brooklyn in the Battle of Wednesday, Jon. 81 over Springfield and Boston sta­ sponsored by the Itelghta of Co­ Germans Gain Narrow In Southern Poland; U. S. Fifth Army In Northern It­ Stale by Mooney Santiago, Cuba. After that his­ . Lec ture by A. Hall Blacklngton Its Officers A REMINDER! aly. The “Woolacy" along with a tions. lumbus, the Daughters of Isabella Now Floating Old French toric battle Marine Carter was put on "Yankee News Reel of 1944.” His movie, the “Yankee News­ and the Ladies of Columbus. Rhine Corridor to By Gen. Kirk Germans Withdraw British destnver bombarded Nazi ashore with the First Marina Bat­ When Yon Need Mom targeU. The ’'Woolaey” la known Auspices Educational Club, Hol­ reel.” which he ourrently com­ Shift Forces Around. The suit the' state brought talion at Guantanamo Cuba, and lister street auditorium. piles from various interesting Old Leaders Chosen; Line Forts Across Danube in as *one of the flghtlnest .'■-htpa" In helped to wipe out the Spaniards at Over Warsaw the Mediterranean waters. against Michael Mooney to recover Saturday, Feb. 10 .subjects In New England waa re­ INSURANCE Inadequacy of Nursing Hungarian Capital; the Battle of McCullough Hill and South End Firemen’e "Ladlee' cently presented by Invitation be- Report Eight Members f u r n a c e b e f a i b i n o Bulletin! money paid for old age assistance in other engagements In that area. Wells o a BUBNEB SERVICE Fire • Theft • Antomobile Care as Battle Casual­ William J. LaRlvlere, Jr., hus­ night.” Sports Center, fqre the 4,000 members of the Paris, Jan. 19.— (A>>— The Maginot Line Pillboxes Nazis in Slovakia in which resulted In property owned Served on Ounbomt street. National Geographio Society In In Services Now. For Fall Inforoiatioa Coll - or Fumitum Hundreds of Pole»^ As- band of Mrs. .lulla R. LaRlvlere. of After the battle of SanUago the Germans burst out of the ty Patients Increase Vise in Fourth Drive. 195 Spruce street, and aon of Mr. by Mr. Mooney on Autumn atreet .Sunday, Feb. 11 Wai^ington. Help in Fighting Off being. atuched, has been settled. Brooklyn was sent to the Philip­ Union worship service. South------ At the annual meeting of the VAN CAMP BROS. northern end of the Rhine Hun^e Gigantic Task .and Mrs. W. J. LaRlvlere, of 180 pines to relieve the USS Baltimore, Mr. Blacklngton has a never- 18 Voora' Experteoee! CALL Makes Action Urgent. German Attach Along Porter atreet, won hla silver gun­ The state has been reimbursed and Methodist, churcll, 7:30 p. m. of ending fund of anecdote and ."enlor Choir of St. Mary's Episco­ bridgehead above Strasbourg Of Bringing Ancient London, Jan. 19.— the lots and house owned by Mr. the flagship of th# Pacific Fleet all Protestant Churches and Tem­ TEI-EPHONE 8244 ner's wings and promotion to the and Marine Carter was assigned humor; and he covers a wide range pal church held toi the Parish FrM laapeetinaB! today and linked up with oth­ Washington, Jan. 19—(/P) The 60 Miles of Front. Marshal Stalin’s forces cap* giade o f corporal when he comple­ Mooney have been sold to Eldward ple Beth Sholom. of material In each year's newsreel. ALEXANDER Capital Back to Li fie.
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