Spacecraft Dormancy Autonomy Analysis for a Crewed Martian Mission
NASA/TM-2018-219965 Spacecraft Dormancy Autonomy Analysis for a Crewed Martian Mission Julia Badger Lead Author, Editor Contributors: Avionics Don Higbee Communications Tim Kennedy, Sharada Vitalpur ECLSS Miriam Sargusingh, Sarah Shull Guidance, Navigation and Control Bill Othon Power Francis J. Davies Propulsion Eric Hurlbert Robotics Julia Badger Software Neil Townsend Spacecraft Emergency Responses Jeff Mauldin, Emily Nelson Structures Kornel Nagy Thermal Katy Hurlbert Vehicle Systems Management Jeremy Frank Crew Perspective Stan Love National Aeronautics and Space Administration July 2018 NASA STI Program ... in Profile Since its founding, NASA has been dedicated to the CONFERENCE PUBLICATION. advancement of aeronautics and space science. The Collected papers from scientific and NASA scientific and technical information (STI) technical conferences, symposia, seminars, program plays a key part in helping NASA maintain or other meetings sponsored or this important role. co-sponsored by NASA. The NASA STI program operates under the SPECIAL PUBLICATION. Scientific, auspices of the Agency Chief Information Officer. technical, or historical information from It collects, organizes, provides for archiving, and NASA programs, projects, and missions, disseminates NASA’s STI. The NASA STI often concerned with subjects having program provides access to the NTRS Registered substantial public interest. and its public interface, the NASA Technical Report Server, thus providing one of the largest TECHNICAL TRANSLATION. collections of aeronautical and space science STI in English-language translations of foreign the world. Results are published in both non-NASA scientific and technical material pertinent to channels and by NASA in the NASA STI Report NASA’s mission. Series, which includes the following report types: Specialized services also include organizing TECHNICAL PUBLICATION.
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