Phd Revised Aug 2013

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Phd Revised Aug 2013 Promotor Prof. dr. Bart Dessein Vakgroep Talen en Culturen Decaan Prof. dr. Freddy Mortier Rector Prof. dr. Paul Van Cauwenberge Kaftinformatie: Zhao Xianke’s vision of the body. (YG 1.12b) ISBN: 9789070830854 Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch, mechanisch, door fotokopieën, opnamen, of enige andere manier, zonder voorafgaande toestemming van de uitgever. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Faculteit Letteren & Wijsbegeerte Leslie de Vries The Gate of Life Before Heaven and Curative Medicine in Zhao Xianke’s Yiguan Proefschrift voorgedragen tot het behalen van de graad van Doctor in de Oosterse Talen en Culturen 2012 For Weiwei & William Contents Illustrations xi Abbreviations xiii Acknowledgements xv Introduction 1 Song-Ming medical learning 6 The Supreme Ultimate 14 A study of Before Heaven 25 Outline of chapters 35 I. Text and Context 39 1. Zhao Xianke’s Yiguan Introduction 41 A wenbu physician 43 Ningbo, and beyond 54 Editions of Yiguan 64 Structure and contents 70 II. Theoretic Foundations 77 2. A new vision of the body Introduction 79 “If the Ruler is not Bright the Twelve Officials are in Danger” (but which ruler?) 82 The bodily landscape of forms 91 The gate of life 100 Imagining the formless 109 Conclusion: The genuine ruler of the body 116 3. Yinyang and the five agents Introduction 119 The creative power of yang 122 Root yin and root yang 133 Five, six, or twenty-five agents? 140 Turning relationships upside down 155 Conclusion: Formless water and fire 165 III. Therapeutic Strategies 167 4. Two Pills Introduction 169 The Wang Bing principles 173 Six or eight ingredients? 183 ix Variations on a theme 196 Conclusion: recipes and the formless ruler 203 5. Kidney yin depletion Introduction 205 Kidneys and lungs 207 Phlegm and blood-fluid 214 Yin essence and the apertures of the body 219 The digestive system 230 Conclusion: A variety of pathological manifestations 241 6. Other strategies Introduction 243 Host and guests 245 ‘Depressed’ fire 256 Before Heaven inside After Heaven 269 Spleen or kidneys? 277 Conclusion: Various methods for supporting the “one that pervades everything” 285 Discussions 287 Three Teachings 288 The Diagram of After Heaven 299 Medical tradition 309 Conclusion 317 Appendix 1: Preventive medicine 323 Appendix 2: Materia medica and recipes 329 Reference material 337 x Illustrations Figures 1. Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate 15 2. Sun Yikui’s Diagram of Supreme Ultimate 21 3. Zhang Jiebin’s Diagram of Supreme Emptiness 23 4. Diagram of Before Heaven 26 5. Diagram of After Heaven 26 6. Yin County and Yiwulü 49 7. The gate of life between the 7th and the 14th vertebra 88 8. Zhang Jiebin’s Diagram of the Inner Landscape 98 9. Pacing-horse lamps 106 10. Zhao Xianke’s Diagram of Supreme Ultimate 109 11. Close-up of the kidney region 112 12. 中 in the body 114 13. Zhao Xianke’s vision of the body 114 14. Productive and controlling relationships 121 15. From pi to tai 126 16. Waxing and waning 127 17. From tai to jing 153 18. Two methods of supplementing earth 161 19. From qian to zhen 190 20. The kidney conduit 208 21. Qian and kun water 302 22. Before Heavenly and After Heavenly productive relations 303 23. Zhen versus dui 305 Tables 1. Without Ultimate and Supreme Ultimate 112 2. The five agents and their corresponding zang-viscera 120 3. Birth and death of the five agents 141 4. Water and fire inside the other agents 143 5. Reversed relationships 156 6. The productive relationship between fire and earth 161 7. Heat effusion: causes and treatment strategies 171 8. Wasting thirst 231 xi Abbreviations1 CYP YG Chen Yongping’s modern edition of Yiguan DDJ Daode jing DZ Daozang GJS YG Guo Junshuang’s modern edition of Yiguan GR Grand dictionnaire Ricci de la langue chinoise HYDCD Hanyu dacidian Li ZYDCD Zhongyi dacidian, edited by Li Jingwei et al. LLL YG Lü Liuliang’s comments on Yiguan LS Huangdi neijing lingshu NJ Nanjing SKQS Siku quanshu SW Huangdi neijing suwen T. Taishō shinshū daizōkyō TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine WB YG Wang Bing’s comments on SW Xie ZYDCD Zhongyi dacidian, edited by Xie Guan YG Yiguan YTT YG Yan Tingting’s modern edition of Yiguan ZGYJTK Zhongguo yiji tongkao ZHDJDCD Zhonghua daojiao dacidian ZHYD Zhonghua yidian ZWDS Zangwai daoshu ZYTSML Quanguo zhongyi tushu lianhe mulu ZYWXCD Zhongyi wenxian cidian 1 Bibliographic information on abbreviated titles can be found in “Reference Material,” pp. 337 ff. xiii Acknowledgements I wish to express my utmost gratitude to Bart Dessein, my doctoral supervisor. Bart offered me the possibility to explore Zhao Xianke’s medical system. His critical questions guided me throughout the entire research. Over the years, Bart was always available for advice. He had the incredible patience to read, and reread the many earlier drafts of the present text. He further provided me with the opportunities and responsibilities necessary to gain experience, not only as a scholar but also as a teacher. I am most indebted to Dan Vercammen for introducing me to the research of Chinese medicine and for initiating me in Daoist internal alchemy. Dan was the one who drew my attention to Zhao Xianke’s Yiguan. He assumed that Yiguan contained a treasure trove of information about the interaction between late Ming cosmology and medicine. His assumptions proved to be right. I especially want to thank Catherine Despeux and Ann Heirman, both members of my DBC (doctoraatsbegeleidingscommissie). They periodically gave feedback on the progression of my work. Catherine stimulated me by emphasising the importance of my research, as the relation between medicine and religion/philosophy in the late Ming dynasty had hardly been studied before. I was fortunate to gain from her incredible insights and broad expertise in the fields of medicine and Daoism in China. When my focus was drifting, Catherine drove it back to a research fully centred on the analysis of the contents of Zhao Xianke’s text. Ann contributed with her critical notes during the DBC meetings. Furthermore, as an assistant to her courses of Classical Chinese, we closely collaborated on a day-to-day basis. I often mirrored myself to Ann’s analytical approach to all problems related to teaching and research. This proved to be a great help to structure my thoughts, and eventually to put them on paper. I am so much obliged to Tom De Rauw for scrutinising the entire final draft of my thesis. I further owe my gratitude to Klaus Pinte and Chiu “Melody” Tzu-lung for helping me out with Buddhist terminology. I thank Mathieu Torck for discussing methodological issues related to the research of Chinese medical history. Silke Geffcken was the first person around when I needed help to solve (academic) problems. Mieke Matthyssen shared my curiosity about the meaning of premodern philosophical concepts in contemporary China. Andreas Niehaus engaged me in his project on Ekiken Kaibara. I learned a lot from Christian Uhl. While assisting Christian in the methodology courses for Japanology students, he showed me what good research should be all about. Other colleagues that inspired me while I was a xv doctoral researcher and assistant lecturer at the Vakgroep Talen en Culturen van Zuid- en Oost-Azië at Ghent University are Ellen Van Goethem, Evelien Vandenhautte, Gudrun Pinte, Ono Jun’ichi, Li Man, Claire Maes, Stefanie Rotsaert, Julia Schneider, Chang Chin-Yin, and Tine Walravens. Special thanks go to Brigitte Van Wambeke, the secretary and wise woman of the department, for showing me the bigger picture when I got lost in the throes of it all. Gitte Callaert helped with the adaptation of my text to the faculty stylesheet and with the cover design. I further wish to thank the many students whose questions contributed to shape my own ideas. Guiding the MA research of Lander Platteeuw, Ady Van den Stock and Lien Chan Sook Wouters was really exiting. Although Ghent provided a stimulating intellectual environment, my research topic posed some specific practical demands that could not be fulfilled by her alone. I found a great number of sources in the library of the Needham Research Institute in Cambridge. I wish to thank John Moffett for his enthusiasm, hospitality, and meticulous librarianship. In Hangzhou, Kong Linghong, the director of the Center of Daoist Studies at Zhejiang University, and Fang Chunyang, the editor in chief of Zhejiang zhongyi zazhi, advised me during the initial stage of my research. The Hanban Scholarship of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China allowed me to study for one month under the guidance of Zheng Jinsheng at the Research Center for the History of Chinese Medicine and Chinese Medical Literature of the Chinese Academy for Chinese Medical Sciences (CACMS). In Beijing, I further wish to thank Liao Yuqun, the director of the Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Hu Fuchen, researcher at the Academy for Social Sciences, and Els Van den Heuvel, at that time writing an MA thesis on TCM. Els opened the door to the world of digital Chinese medical sources. The library staff of the Shanghai Library, the Shanghai University of TCM, the Nanjing Library, the Library of the Nanjing University of TCM, the Zhejiang University Library, the Zhejiang Provincial Library, and the Tianyi Ge Library were all extremely helpful.
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