\L)Fftctal ~Rogram

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\L)Fftctal ~Rogram t•pHi..~T Fl\..E P A IYl~ . v AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION r.:~iJhltE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Founded October 6, 1876 Incorporated December 10, 1879 \l)fftctal ~rogram TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING NARRAGANSETT PIER, R. I. JUNE 29 to JULY 6,1906 President, FRANK P. HILL, Chief Librarian, Brooklyn Public Library Secretary, J. I. WYER, Jr., Reference Librarian, State Library, Albany, N. Y. Treasurer, GARDNER M. JONES, Librarian, Public Library, Salem, Mass. J. B. LYON COMPANY, ALBANY, N.Y. .., , ,. \. EXECUTIVE BOAR.D Pt·e8ident FRANK P. HILL, Brooklyn public library First Vice-President CLEMENT W. ANDREWS, The John Crerar lib1·ary, Chicago, Ill. CONTENTS Second Vice-President 0AROLINE H. GARLAND, Public library, Dover, N. H. ·Officers 3 Secretary ·Council 4. J. I. WYEB, J.R., State library, Albany, N. Y. Local committees 5 Places and hours of meetings 6 Treasurer. General sessions 7 GARDNER M. JoNEs, Public library, Salem, Mass. .Sections and affiliated associations 12 Library School re-unions 15 Recorder. ·Conspectus 16 HELEN E. HAINES, Library Journal, New York. E:r;-President E. C. RicHARDSON, Princeton university library Assistant secretary E. C. HOVEY, 10% Beacon street, Boston, Mass. Registrar NINA E. BROWNE, A. L. A. P ublishing board, 10% Beacon street, Boston, Mass. 3 A. L. A. COUNCIL, 1905•06 The executive board and twenty-five members as follows T erm expires UJOG Local committees in charge of conference arrange· hlary E. Ahern, Publ·ic LibraTies, Chicago, Ill. A. E. Bostwick, New York public libra ry ments Johnson Brigham, Iowa state library, Des Moines H 011 O>'(t>'U committee of citi· Gcncml committee ot tl1c John Thomson, Philadelphia free library zcns- Uev. W. II. P. Fa nne~. Rhode ls/(md Lib1·ary A sso­ D.n., chairman; Gen. William c!ntion - ,losepb LeRoy llur­ H. M. Utley, Detroit public library Ames, Stepllen IT. Arno!d, rrson. P rovidence Athcnrenm, I saac C. Bates, Daniel Beck­ l't"Ovidence, chairman: Wil­ with. Wil llam Binney, G. Al­ Ham E. F oster, Public Li­ '[ e1·m ext1i1·es 1907 der B lumer, M.D., Mrs. Ilarold b r·ary, P rovidence; George Brown, Kenyon L. Butterfield, P a rke1· Wins hip, John Car ter Admiral D'. ID. Cha<lwirk, U. S. Drown Library, ProYidencc; Mell•il Dewey, Lake P lacid club, N. Y. N., Charles S. Chapin, How­ R icha rd Dliss, RNl"·on•l Li­ N. D. C. Hodges, Cincinnati publ ic library ard L. Clarl<, Mrs. Alfred M. bra ry, Newpor t; J'. Harry Bon· W. T. Peoples, New York Mercant ile library Coats. Samuel Mol'l'is Conant, gnrtz. State J.aw Lr l.>mry, E. C. Richa rdson, Princeton university li brary Rev.. Joh n B. Dlman, lion. Wil­ Providence; Clarence S. Br·ig­ liam W. Douglas, Sarah F.. ham, Rhode Island lllstorica! Lutie E. Stearns, Wisconsin free library commission, Doyle, Tion. Ellsha Dyer·. Ste­ Society, Providence; Herbert Madison phen 0. Edwards, William 0 . B righam, State Library, Gammell, Professot· H t>nry B. P rovidence ; Mabel E. Bm~·r­ Gardner. llon. F. P. Garret­ son, P ublic Library, Provi­ Term exz1i1·es l!J08 son, Col. R. H. I. Goddard, dence; rrredcrick W. Faxon, Col. William Goddard, Rev. Boston, :r.Jass.; Willinm C. J. H. Canfield, Columbia university library Daniel Goodwin, D. D .. Rev. Greene, trustee. Narra gansett Gratia A. Countryman, 1\linneapolis public library F.dward Everett Hale. D. D., Library Associa tlon, P~ncc P rofessor Albert Harkness, Dale; George D. Hersey, M.D., C. R. Dudley, Denver public library LL.D., Carolin e H azard. 1\Irs. R hode Island Medical Society, G. T. Little, Bowdoin collEoge library William r_,, Hodgman. E leazer Providence; Hany r_,. Koop­ R. G. Thwaites, Wisconsin historical society, Madison B. Homer. Uon. Frederick H . man, B rown University Li­ Jackson. Llda Shaw King, brary, Providence; Mrs. Min­ Amella S. Knight, Rev. George erva A . Sanders, Deborah Cook L. Locl<e, D.D., Fredel'lck Roy Sayles Public Library, Paw­ 'l'enn expi1·es 1909 Martin, Stephen 0. Metcalf, tucket; .A ma I-I. Ward. Harris Horace G. Mlllt>r, M.D., Pro­ Institute Library, Woonsoclcet; W. E. Henry, University of Washington library fessor W. H. Munro, F.dward ID than Wilcox, Public L ll.>mry, I. Nlcket·son, Mt·s. Gustav \.Yesterly. A. H. Hopkins, Carnegie library, Pittsburgh Radeke, Hon. Wnl tet· F.. Ran­ J. C. Rowell, University of California library ger, Hent·y D. Shnt·pe, William Anne Wallace, Carnegie library, Atlanta P. Sheffield, J r., Mt·s. 1'homas A.. L. A. int1'od·uction com­ P. Shepard, Geor~e r.. Sht>p­ mittee. 1'o serve during en­ H. C. Wellman, City library, Springfield ley, Wnlter II. Small, lion. ti re conference, In making .Tohn H. Stiness, Alf red Stone, strangers acquainted.- Nina J ames E. Sulllvnn. M.D., Cor­ E . Browne, Mrs. H enry J. nellus S. Sweetland. Hon. Wil­ Carr, Grace F. Leonard, Allee 'l'e1·m expi1·es 1910 liam H. Sweetland. Hon. B. Kroeger, Katharine L. George H. Utter, William B. Sham. Lutie E. Stearns, Purd G. T. Cla.rk, San Francisco public library Weeden, H erbert J. Wells, H . \Yt·ight, J. I. \"Vye1·, Jr. F. M. Crunden, St. Louis public library nev. Charles J. White, D.D .. Owen Wister, Mary E. Wool­ Linda A. Eastman, Cleveland public library ley. Mary F. Isom, Library association, Portland, Ore. W. C. Kimball, New J ersey public library commission 5 4 PR.OOR.AM OF OENER.AL SESSIONS Friday, June 29 Morning Free for arrival Afternoon 2:30 P. M. Executive board 3:30 P. JIL Council 5:00 P. U . Committees (as may be arranged) MEETINGS Evening 8 :30-10. Informal reception, Mathewson House Official headquarters, Mathewson l1 ouse General sessions, Ball t·oom- M athetcsc:m House Saturday, June 30 Special sessions Bibliographical society of America, Music 1·oom- At· Afternoon, z: 30. First general session. 1oood I:l ouse H arry L. Koopman, President Rhode Island library asso­ Catalog section, Ball room- Mathewson House ciation, in the chair. Children's librarians' section, Ball room- Mathewson Welcome in behalf of the State- Hon. Frederick H. House Jackson, Lieut.-Govcrnor of Rhode I sland. College and reference section, Solarium - Mathewson Welcome in behalf of the Rhode Island library association, House Harry L. Koopman, Librarian, Brown university, Provi· League of library commissions, Atlantic House- Ball dence, R . I. Room Welcome in behalf of the Local committee- Rowland G. National association of state libraries, Atlantic Houso ­ Hazard, Esq., Peace Dale, R. I. Ball,·oom Response, President American library association President's address - Some phases of library development .. Round tables Frank P. Hill, Librarian P ublic library, Brooklyn, N. Y. Small libraries, Sola1·imn- Mathe~oson 11 ouse Outline: The librarian of the large public library an ex­ Proprietary libraries, Ball•·oom - Atlantic House ecutive officer. Elxpansion of the llln·ary system a nd corresponding lnct·<'use of his duties as administrator. Place of the library in the city educational system. Trustees section, Ball room- Mathewson House Gro1ytb of branch system. Time of genera~ meetings Library affairs in Great Britain- Henry R. Tedder, Librarian The Athenreum library, Loudon 9:30 Morning sessions Report of Council Afternoon se.;sions 2:30 Repor ts of officers Evening sessions 8:00 Secretary- J. J. Wyer, Jr. Treasurer - Gardner M. Jones. Discussion of papers and reports is desired. To that end 'l'rustees of Endowment l<'und- C. c. Soule. t hose who present. papers are requested not to exceed time limit allotted. Reports of Committees Finance - S. W. F oss, Librarian Public lllJrary, Somer­ Members are requested to be ~eated promptly, as business vllle, Mass., chairman. will be started at the appomted t1me. Bookb uying- A. E. Bostwick, Cblef ot circulation de- Everyone in attendance a·c even one session is requested tc partment, New York public libmry, chairman. Outline: Since June, 1905, comml(tee has Issued 6 bulle- register at official headquarters, whether a member of tins, Including 14 closely printed r•nges of standard card the A. L. A. or not. ~ize. '.rhese haye gone to all members of the A. L. A., by (l m.sertion In the A. L. A. book·list; to r eaders of the Lib•·a•·v Jounwl and Pttblic Lib•·al"ie8, through those periodicals; nod to about 1,000 other s, Including the principal State library commissions. In this way In· formation regarding book·purchnse at second-hand. by auction, and by Importation, with names of dealers ' and the titles ot recent special catalogues and book-lists, with information regarding proposed changes in the copyright law and in library discounts, nod othe"l" data llkely to be ot value to library book buyers, has been very widely disseminated among those who w!ll be likely to need and use !t. 7 'l'itle pages to periodica ls- W. L F letcher, Libra rian, Outline: '!'he ch ildren's library's chief aim should be Amherst college Jlbrary, chairman. the lm il d~n.~ of cha1·octcr 1n the chtldrcn - not the Bool<biudlng and book pnpers- G. F. Bowet·man, Ll­ mere furnishing of intellectual education or ot amuse­ bmriau, l'ublic libra1·y, Washington, D. C., chairman. ment. The clu ty of the li hrn riau Is to provicl~ only Outline: 1. Commends to librarians Dana, Notes on boo!<· high-class hooks In the children's room (whatever binding foe libraries, ns a statemen t cover ing most of he feels he mu"t u liow in lht! mlult department). A the field assigned t n the committee.
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