Lonan & Laxey Pew Notes 6Th June 2021 the First Sunday After Trinity
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Lonan & Laxey Pew Notes 6th June 2021 The First Sunday after Trinity Proper 5 Sunday 6th June 0800 Holy Communion BCP at Christ Church 10.30 Service of the Word (Ben from St Christopher’s will be with us) Monday 7th June 3.00pm Zoom Prayer Meeting Tuesday 8th June 10.30 Meet and Mingle at Christ Church –run by Live at Home 7.30 St Peters Onchan Licensing of Rev Alessandra DiChiarra as our Team Rector Wednesday9th June 11.00 Time Together Prayer Group at Laxey Football Club 2.00pm Laxey handbells practice at Christ Church 6.30 Wedding Meeting at Christ Church Thursday 10th June 10-12 Mid day Coffee and Chat at Laxey Football Club 10.30 Interment of ashes at Malew church Sunday 13th June 10.30 Service of the Word at Christ Church Monday 14th June 10.30 Laxey Handbells playing at Onchan Jubilee WI 3.00pm Zoom Prayer Group Tuesday 15th June 10.30-12 Meet and Mingle run by Live at Home Wednesday 16th June 11.00 Time Together –prayer Group at the Football Club 1.15 KS11 assembly at Laxey School 2.00pm Laxey handbells practice at Christ Church 7.30 Songs of Praise at St Adamnan’s Tim Grass Thursday 17th June 10-12 Mid day Coffee and Chat at Laxey Football Club 2.00pm Service at Springfields Friday 18th June VLV boards to be erected in the church during the morning. 7.30pm An Illustrated talk of Old Laxey (fund raiser) by Andrew Scarffe -encourage friends and neighbours to come and listen and learn of their history. Tickets £5.00 to include tea/coffee and biscuits. (Pay on the door too) Sunday 19th June 10.30 Service of the Word at Christ Church During the afternoon there will be a training visit for new blue badge guides led by Chris Callow/Miirinda. Hence the Welcome Centre needs to be seen to be fully functioning Monday 20th June VLV Boards will be removed (until we know if there will be any tourists) during the morning. 3.00pm Zoom Prayer group Readings 1Samuel 8;4-11, 2 Corinthians 4:13-5,1 Mark 3:20-end Prayer For the week Thought for the Week. O God, Being different from folk around us has always the strength of all those who put their been a challenge. trust in you, The Old Testament reading tells how the mercifully accept our prayers people of Israel wanted to copy their and, because through the weakness of neighbours and have a King. our mortal nature We read on and see how that went so very we can do no good thing without you, wrong. grant us the help of your grace, In the Gospel we learn how the family of Jesus that in the keeping of your wanted Him to behave as the eldest Son of the commandments family and had not realised how the path He we may please you both in will and had chosen was that set by His Father. deed; The theme of the service today is to accept the through Jesus Christ your Son our challenge of living in God’s way and not just Lord, conforming to the expectations of those around who is alive and reigns with you, us. Thus we will become the brothers and in the unity of the Holy Spirit, sisters of Jesus and His family one God, now and for ever. Amen Jo It was good to be together as the family of God in Laxey last week when we were joined by the Methodist congregation Tuesday 8th June Licensing at St Peter’s, Onchan of our Team Rector, Rev Allessandra DiChiarra Fund raising Our first event is Friday 18th June at Christ Church an illustrated talk by Andrew Scarrfe on Old Laxey –tickets available now £5 each, to include tea/coffee and biscuits 7.30 start. Our second event will be Saturday 26th June when we shall have our very own Flower Festival to coincide with Laxey Fair St Christopher’s –we are still collecting for the young people, please put your donations in the box at the back of the church. Today we welcome Ben who has come to tell us how they have fared, through lockdown - and if we can better assist in any way. Island Spirituality Network (ISN) Revd David’s Shirtliff’s morning on Saturday 12 June. Please note that the meeting is one week earlier than the date printed on the much- altered 2021 programme. Held at St John’s Mill, from 10.00am - 1.00pm. David, a Methodist Minister for twenty years, is now part of the team establishing the Retreat House, Thie dy Vea, in Peel, serving as Community Leader and Warden. During the morning, David intends to share something of the Thie dy Vea story and then to explore themes of life in its fulness, grief and loss, and the power of community. Donation of £5 which helps to cover costs. Church Details Website christchurchlaxey.com Face book Christ Church Laxey Rev Jo Dudley (Vicar) (01624) 861989 07624 411989 [email protected] Derek Osborn (Warden) 01624 862146. Hazel Smith (Warden) [email protected] Parish Safeguarding Officer Rachel Taylor 330223 [email protected] Please can you help support the church by setting up a standing order?? Bank details are: - Isle of Man Bank, Account name: Lonan and Laxey PCC, the reference is “Planned giving”, sort code is 55-91-00 account number 12953458. All contributions gratefully received .