Physical Anthropology of the Author(s): A. W. Moore and John Beddoe Source: The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and , Vol. 27 (1898), pp. 104-130 Published by: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Stable URL: . Accessed: 16/06/2014 02:46

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PHYSICALANTHROPOLOGY of the ISLE OF MAN. By A. W. MOORE,M.A., and JOHNBEDDOE, M.D., F.R.S. THE fortunatecircumstance of a "Description Book" of the "Royal Manx Feiicibles"having been preservedby Mr. Edwarcd Gelliingof Douglas, enables us to give what we hope will be considereda useful contributiontowards the elucidationof the racial characteristicsof the Manx people. As many of our readers may not be acquainted with the origin of the above- named corps,we will give a briefdescription of it: In the year 1779, Great Britainwas so hard pressedby its enemieson all sides that it became desirable that the Isle of Man should contributeits mite to the general defence. A of 333 men was thereforeenrolled for the defenceof the island only. It was disbanded in October,1783, after the Peace of Versailles,but was re-embodiedon February 20th, 1793. In 1795, a second battalion,containing about the same numberof men,called the " Second Royal Manx Fencibles,"was formed forservice in Great Britainand Ireland. At the breakingout of the Irish Rebellionin 1798, these numberswere doubledand the regimentwas sent to Ireland, where it was stationed at , and otherplaces in the northof that country. Nothingis knownof what it did there. On the conclusionof the Peace of Amiensin 1802, both it and the firstbattalion, then called the " First Royal Manx Fencibles,"were disbanded. On the renewalof the war in 1803, a single regimentof eight companies,containing about 800 men,was formedfor service in Great Britain and Ireland. This regiment,also called the " Royal Manx Fencibles,"appears to have been sometimesin Eligland-for the most part in Scarboroug,h-sometimesin Ireland, and sometimesin the Isle of Man, till it was dis- banded in 1810. It is with it that our "Description Book'> has to do. This book, which contains the names of about 1,300 men who passed throughthe ranks between 1803 and 1810, has headings lettered " English," " Scotch," " Irish," " Foreigners," the Fencibles being all under the last designiation.From this numberof 1,300 we have subtractedall those under eighteen years of age (chieflydrummers), and those niotborn in the island,also all those whose names are either not Manx, or are not known in the island for a generatiolnbefore 1800, even thoughthey were bornin the island. This leaves 1,112 names

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions A. W. MOORE & J. BEDDOE.-Anthropology of Isle of afcn. 105 whaichwe have every reason to believe are those of men of native origin. The book containingthem describestheir com- plexion, eyes, hair, and stature,and it mentionsthe parish where each man was born and the trade he was broughtup to. Unfortunatelyit does not give their chest measurement or their weight,so that we caninottell whetherthe popular tradition,that the Manx Fencibles coveredmore groundthan the same numberof men in any otherregiment in the ,is corrector not. There is, however,quite enoughinfor- mationto show that theywere a veryfine body of men. Let us brieflyconsider whetherthe results we propose to give froma comparisonof the statisticsindicated are likely to approximateclosely to the true averaae physical characteristics of nativeManxmen oT not. To do this we will firstexamine in what proportionthe various parishes have contributedto the total niumber,and what is likely to be the effectupon the average of these various proportions. A glance at Table A will show that the proportionsvary from1P49 per cent. of the total population in to 5-91 per cent. in . The seven parisheswhich have the smallest proportionof Fencibles are Lonan,, , (with the townof iRamsey), (with the townof Douglas), ,and (with the townof Peel). As regardsLonan this sniall proportionis partlyaccounted for by the fact that a portionof the popula- tion consistsof miners,none of whomserved. The Manx minersare forthe mnostpart tall,rather dark men, Dr. Beddoe,in 1886, giving their average heightas 5 feet 10-3 inches,1and so some reductionin the average height of the Lonan men probablyresults fromtheir exclusion. It is from the other parishes just mentionedthat mostof the fishermuen come; and it is well knownthat the majorityof Manx fishermen and sailors are tall, fair men. Their averageheight in 1886 is given as 5 feet8-2 inches.2 They were exemptfrom serving in the Fencibles,but hundredsof them joined the Royal Navy, bothvolulntarily and involuntarily.Another cause whichwould tend to decreasethe average statureof the Fenciblesis that the farmers,who are undoubtedlya tall class, 5 feet 11-3 inches3in 1886, were not recruited. On the otherhand some men below

1 " The Physical Anthropologyof the Isle of Man, Manx Note Book," vol. iii, p. 33. 2 "The Physical Anthropologyof the Isle of Man, Manx Note Book," vol. iii, p. 33, i.e., porters,5 ft. 9 ins., fishermen,5 ft. 8,4 ins. = 5 ft. 8-7 ins. and deductfor boots 05 ins. The portersare almost all of the same class as the fishermen. 3 Ibid.; but boththis and the heightof the minersis undoubtedlyhligher than the trueaverage.

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5 feet 3 incheswere certainlyexcluded.t - But it is notoriotns that thereare veryfew full grownmien in the island below that height.2 The considerationsgiven above then tend to showthat if it had inotbeen forthe exemptionsmentioned, there would have been moretall men,and moreblue and greyeyes withfair complexions,and, perhaps,even allowing for the exclusion of men under 5 feet 3 inches,a slightlyhigher average stature. That the 1,112 names given mostlybelongY to men of native origin there can be but little doubt,and on the whole we are inclinedto thinkthey give averageswhich very closely represent the physicalcharacteristics of Manxmenat the presentday, if we bear in mindsome inherentdefects in the methodof obtaining the colour of the hair,and, to a less extent,of obtaininagthe colour of the eyes,which we will now point out. As regards hair,it would appear that the observer(or observers)was apt to call people dark-haired,where most English observerswould have used the term " brown" simply,and most Frenchmen would have said "chatain": also that the recruitingobservers called shades "black" which most English people would have called dark or dark brown,and most Frenchmen"brun" or " brunfonce." Similarly,it seems probable that theyapplied the word brownto some shades,which most of us would have called lightor fair. In short,their personal equationleaned too much to the dark side. In the eyes,it seems probable that theygave a verylimited meaningto the term" blue,"and assignedall the greyishshades of blue to "grey." Blue, however,is probablyreally less common than grey. It seems probable also that a larger proportionof "cgrey " eyes should be classed with " light" than,from the par- ticularsgiven, we have been able to do. Hazel eyes have been classed as "dlark,"though there is a conisiderablenuimber of them, and perhaps some may really have been of a neutral lhazel grey.3 On the whole, then, the results as regardshair and eyes taken between1803 alid 1810, which for convenience

1 Amongthe regulationswith referenceto enlistinagrecruits for the Royal Manx Fenciblesare the following: (1) No m-lanto be eilisted who is above 30 years of age or less than 5 ft. 5 inls. higlh,except that growinglads from17 to 19 maaybe takenat 5 ft.4 in. (2) The greatestcare to be takenithat no mianbe enlisted who is not stout anidwell made, i.e., perfectlywell limbed,open eliested,and what is called long ill tlhefork. 2 Only tlhreeout of 200 wereunder 5 ft. 4 ins.,in 1886; see " Manx Note lBook,"vol. iii, p. 32. HHazel is a termiifrequently as, I tbinlk,misapplied. It is properlythe colouirof the shell of the hazel-nut,the trie nut-brown;biit some people, as, forexample, Mlr. Fralncis Galton, apply it to the e3es whllichI call hazel grey, in wllichornly the ininerradiating fibres are hazel or oranige,alnd the outer part of the iris greyor bluislh.

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Anthropologyof theIsle of Afarn. 107 we may call those of 1806, cannot be regardedas nearly so accurateas'those gottenby Dr. Beddoe in 1886, notwithstanding the fact that the materialin the fornmercase is not o'nlymore copious,but doubtlessof morepurely native composition. The chances of errorare, however,to a considerableextent reduced by our method of groupingthe results under a very' small n-umberof heads.' As regards stature,however, the case is quite different,and it is clear that the results of 1806 are miorereliable than' those of 1886. Thus a glance at Table B whichgives the numbersand percentagesat thevarious heights, will show that in 1886 the percentagesof stattireat 5 feet 6 inches,5 feet 7 inches,and 5 feet 8 inches,between which heigghtsthe majorityof Manxmen und3oubtedlyare, total only 6 0, 15 0, and 15 0; while in 1806 theyare 18 4, 20 0, and 16 9. It is clear, too, that the various observersemployed in 1886 exerted themselvesto pick out tall men,notwithstanding their instructions. This has resultedin an average statureof 5 feet 8 50 inches2as comparedwith 5 feet 752 inches in 1806, the latter being very near the true average. Taking then Dr. Beddoe's resultsas regardseyes,3 and thoseof 1806 as regards both eyes and stature,4we have probablyvery reliable means to comrparewith statisticsas to eyes and stature in the rest of the United Kilngdom.

I The various termsused in the "Description Book" for complexionare brown,""dark," "fair,"" swarthy,""fresh," "sallow," and "pale." These we have grouped togethekfor purposes of comparison under "dark" and "fair;" "brown," "cdark,""swarthy," and "sallow" being placed under the foriuer-,and " fair,"" fresh,"and " pale " underthe latter. Eyes are designated as " blue," "grey," dark," "hazel," " black," " brown," and " light,"and have been grouped under " light," "neutral," iind " dark." The grey eyes are divided between light an& neutral by ,placing those with fair,fresh, or pale complexionsunder " light; " and thosewith dark comnplexionsand medium or dark hair under "neutral." Under "light" are also placed blue and light eyes. Under " dark" are brown,dark, hazel, and black eyes. Hair is variously niotedas " brown,""dark,". "black," " sandy,"" red," " light,"and " fair,"whiclh we have placed under "light," conitainingsandy, red, ligflht, alnd fair; " medium," i.e., brown,and " dark," i.e., black and dark. It should be borniein mind that pale comlplexionsare occasionallyunited with dark hair anld eyes,and that ligrhtgrey and blue eyes sometimesgo with dark complexionand hair. In AppendixC will be foundthe full particularsabout complexion,hair, and eyes as summarisedfrom the " DesianationBook." 2 5 ft. 9 07 ins. gross,but 0 57 may be deductedfor shoes,as about half only ofthe 2)0 were measuredin their" stockingfeet," whereas this was invariably the case withthe Fencibles. 3 From " ManlxNote Book," vol. iii. 4 See Tables C, D, and E.

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Eyes3. ______I

Light.* Dark.

per cent. per cent. ide of Man, 1886 ...... 76 6 23 -4 1806 ...... 762 23'8 tlreland. Indigenousnames ...... 74 '2 25 *8 ? ,, Exotic names .. .. 734 26- 5 tScotland ... .68 *2.. 31 *8 tEngland (north) ...... 68'0 32 0 t ,, (generally) ...... 62 4 37 6 t ,, (Cornwall) ...... 55'6 44,4 tWales ...... 55*4 44 *6

* I.e., Light + Neutral. Topinard's method (see p. 17) gives, for 180R, eyes,light, 69;8; dark,30 2. Hair, fair,20-2; dark,79-8. Index of Nigreseence (Beddoe), 602. t These are taken from the lists of desertersin the Police Gazette fora considerablenumber of years. In ,them,blue + grey + light = light; and hazel + brown+ dark + black = dark. It will thus be seeinthat the Isle of Man heads the list witl the largest percentageof light eyes,the native Irish, to which race the Manx are probablymore nearlyallied than any other, comingnext. The average height of the Manx Fencibles was 5 feet 7'52 inchles,the culminatingpoint of the curve of stature being apparently5 feet 7 inches,'but it would doubtless have been a little higherhad the measurementsbeen given in fractionsof -inches. In fact all roads lead to the one conclusionthat the truieaverage and meanistature of the Fencibles was quite 5 feet 71 inches,or 1,714 millimetres. The figuresdo not lead one to thinkthat manyislanders couildhave been rejectedfor want of height,and, on the other hand, many of the Fencibles were growinglads of 18 or 19, and certainlycould not have nearly reachedtheir full stature. Let us colmparethe results,as regardseyes and hair,in the Isle of Man, of 1806 with 1886, bearing,in mind the cautions given withreference to the former. Eyes.

Light. Neutral. Dark.

per cent per cent. per cent. 1806 .. .. 54 8 21 4 23 *8 1886 . . . 59 6 17 0 2334

The agreementin the percentageof dark eyes is remarkable; I See Table B.

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Light. Medium. Dark.

pei cent. per cent. per cent. 1806 ...... 15*0 25.6 59 *4 1886 .. .. . 23-9 35.0 41.1 and in moredetail.

Red. Fair. Medium. Dark. Black.

per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. *1806 .. .. 3.0 12 0 25*6 43 -5 15*9 1886 .. 5,2 1817 350 36,0 5 *1

* For percentagesof hair in differentdistricts and in each parishl,sce Tables D and E. Here the discrepanciesare much greaterand have probably arisen from the causes already mentioned. The question of complexion(see Table C) is also dealt with in 1806; and it shows that the percentageof fair to dark comiplexionsis as 64-6 to 35-4. VVenow approach the main object of our paper,i.e., to con- sider whetherthe statisticsbefore us throwany freshlight on the various races or race-typeswhich have inhabitedthe Isle of Man, and how theyhave been distributedin variousportions of it. With referenceto the firstpoint, as we have no cranio- logical measurements,we can only say that the rareness of red hair,1which is even more marked than in 1886, and the common occurrenceof fair and light brown hair,2show the prevalencein man ofthe Scandio-Gaeliccharacteristics described by Dr. Beddoe,3and the comparativelytall statureof the Maiux indicates the presenceof the same cross. But, as regardsthe second point,the distributionof Norsemen and Gaels in the various parts of the island,our figuresare distinctlyuseful in, as will be seen,confirming and amplifyingprevious conclusiolls.4 On this pointof distributionDr. Beddoe remarks," Whether there be any decided differencebetwveen the southernand the I See above. 2 See Tables D and E. 3 " Manx Note Book," vol. iii, pp. 26-7. 4 The inaccuracyof the particularsas to complexion,etc., though it renders the comparisonof man in these respects with other countries uncertain, does not necessarilydo so when one districtin the island is comparedwith another. The typeswe call Gaelic are those mostcommonly found in districts where the Gaelic tongueis still,or is knownto have been,spoken.

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northern men, taken en masse,I am not prepared to say ";1 and, as " the distributionlof Celtic and-Scandinavian place-names is remarkablyreguilar throughout the island,2there is no special indicationto be derived fromthem." Let us see if we can add to this information.To do so we will compare the percentages of light,neutral, and dark eyes,of fair,medium, and dark hair, and of fair and dark complexion;3 and, in additionto this,we will comparethe same figureson Topinard's plan, adoptedby him in his papers on the coloursof eyes and hair in France,i.e., by excludingneutral eyes4 and mediumhair,5 and calculatingthe percentagesof light and dark in the residue.; callina one method O and the otherT for the sake of distinction;and, further,to make the resultsmore complete and searching,we will compare tlheninot only in a varietyof districts,but in everyparish in the island. This done we will give the variousstatures in the same way. Let us firstdivide the island into the usually ac- cepteddistricts of nortband south.6 In makinga comparisonbetween these two,we must remem- ber that the soutlherndistrict contained a largerproportionate townpopulation,7 which would possibly tend to make tjie average of its inhabitantsshorter and darker.8 We have then:-

0. Light. Neutral. Dark. Fair. Medium. Dark.

percent. per cent. percent. peroent. percent. percent. N. Eyes 56 *8 21*4 21*8 Hair , 12 2 25 *7 62 1 S. ,, 53.9 2215 24.6 " .. 16.4 25-6 58se0

N. ,, ,2 2 27 8 ,, 16 4 83 6 S. ,, 68 .5 31,5 ,, ,0 - 78eO

Complexion. N. Fair, 68 1 per cent.; S., 62 9 per cent.; Dark, N., 31 9 per cent.; S., 37 1 per cent. I "Manx Note Book," vol. iii, p. 28. 2 Manx Names" (A. W. Moore), p. 11. 3 For the statisticson whichthese comparisonsare foundedsee Tables D,'E, and i'. These. tables will also affordmaterial for many other combinations besidesthose which we have given. 4 Dark shades of grey,grcen, light hazel grey,and generally,all colours which,on cursorv insDection,leave doubt whetherto call tlhenmlight or dark. ararious shades of chestnutor mediumbrown. 6 North = the sheadings of , Michael, and , containing'the parishesof , Jurby,, , Michael,, Maughold (with the town of Ramsey), and Lonan. South = the sheadings of , Mivddle,and Rushen, containingthe parishes of German(with the towthof Peel)., Patrick,, Onelan, Braddan (with the townof Doughlas),, Mualew(with the townof Castletowni),4rbory, and Rushen. 7 Abouit8,100 to 21,784,as comparedwith about 1,300 tb 12,207. 8 Here the eliminabionof the fishermenmakes no diffetience,as thieirnumbers are about proportionateto the comparativenumbers given in each district.

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These figuresshow that the southerneyes are darkerthan the northern,but that the nolrthernihair is darkerthaii the southerni, the index of nigirescencelbeing 65 8 in the formerand 57 4 in the latter. We will nowtake a three-folddivision inito north, central and southj2:_

0. Liglt. Neutral. Dark. Fair. Medium. Dark.

percent. perceit. percent. perceint. per cent pereent. N. Eyes .. 564 21-2 22 4 Eair .. 122 275 60 3 C. ,, .. 52*2 21*8 26 0 ,, .. 185 21 0 60-5 S. ,, *...... *557 21* 2 23*1 ,, ,, 142 28 2 57*6

T. N. Eyes .. 717 28-3 ,, . 19.7 80 3 C. ,, .. 668 - 33 2 ,, .. 231 - 76 9 S. ,, .. 706 - 9294 ,, 19S 9'092

Complexion. N. Fair, 68 4 per cent.; Dark, 31 *6 per cent. C. Fair, 63 3 per cent.; Dark, 36 -7 per cent. S. Fair, 62 -9 per cent.; Dark, 37 1 per cent.

Here again the differencesare small as regar(dseyes, the central districthaving the largest percentageof dark ones,but as in the central districtthe proportionof greyeyes with light complexionlis nmuchgreater than that of greyeyes with dark comiplexion,the inidexof nigrescenceis only 54 4 in this district as comparedwitlh 6416 in the northernand 61 9 in the southern. Anotherline of cleavaoe may be taken betweenithe eastern and westerndistricts, thotugh it is by no means as distincta divisionas that betweennorth and south,as two parishes,Bride and 7Ruslhen,lhave bothan east and west coast, thoughthe east coast is muchlonger than the west in Bride and the west tban the east in Rushen, and neitherAndreas nor belong verydistinctly to the districtsin which theyare placed, while Marown in the centre,the only parislhniot touching, the sea, belongsto neither.3 We wvill,therefore, first take Marownwitl the easternparislhes andl then with the western:-

Results fromTable E by adding darkhair to black doubled,and deducting fromthis the red and fairhair added, i.e. (dark + 2 black)- (red + fair). 2 The nortlhconitains the same parishes as before,except Lonan, which is inciudedin the ceztral district,togetlher witlh Braddan, , Marown,and German,and tbe townsof Doualas and Peel; the remaininigparishes, with the town of Castletown,constituting the soutlherndistrict. Proportionsof town to countrypopulation: N. circa 1,300 to 10,580, C.; circa G,300 to 13,276. S. circa 1,800 to 10,135. 3 E.: Bride, Lezayre, Maughold (and Ramsey), Lonan, Onclhan,Braddan (and Douglas), Santon,Malew (and CaAtletown),Arbory. W.: Patrick,Rushen, Ge man (and Peel), Miclhael,Ballaugh, Jurby, Andreas.

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0. Light. Neutral. Dark. Fair. Neutral. Dark.

percent. percent. percent. percent. percent. percent. E.* Eyes 53-9 21-3 24 8 Hair .. 14,2 2a-8 600 WV. , 57 0 21A4 21'6 * 16X6 25 3 581.

* With Marown.

T. Light. Dark. Fair. Dark.

per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. E.* Eves .. 68 5 31-5 Hair .. 19-2 80 8 NVW,. 71-9 29 'I . 22-1 77 9

Complexion. E. Fair, 64 4 per cent.; Dark, 35*6 per cent. W. Fair) 64*9 per cent.; Dark, 35 1 per cent. Index of Nigrescence: E. 61-7; W. 57-1 per cent. * With Marown.

0. Light. Neutral. Dark. Fair. Neutral. Dark.

percent. percent. per cent. percent. percent. percent. E.* Eyes.. 53-9 21.4 24 71 Hair .. 13 -2 26 7 60-1 W. ,, . . 56*3 21*6 22*1 ,* .. 1S'3 23 9 57 9 T. E.* Eyes.. 68.6 - 3164 ,, 18X1 - 81X9 W. ,, .... 71'&28-2 - .2 ,, 23 9 - 76-

Complexion. E. Fair, 64 *5 per cent.; Dark, 35 5 per cent. W. Fair, 64 7 per cent.; Dark, 3a *3 per cent. IJdex of Nigrescence: E., 62 4; W., 55X8. * WithoutMarown.

It will be seen that the transferenceof the parishof Marown fromone districtto the other makes verylittle change,except that the excess of the nigrescencein the east over the west is increased when the parish of Marown is transferredto the latter,and that the proportionof dark eyes and complexion is slightlygreater in the formerthan in the latter in both cases. We now proceedto comparesmaller districts, in which,it will be seen,the differencesare rathermore accentuated:

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0. Light. Neutral. Dark. Fair. Neutral. Dark.

percent. percent. percent. percent. percent. percent. N.E.*Eyes 57*5 18 6 23*9 Hair .. 10*8 25 1 64 1

N.W.t 55, 3 238 20.9 ,, ** 137 29-7 56*6


N. E. * 70 *6 _ 29 4 , . 14-4 - 85l*6

N.W.t ,, 727 27.3 19,5 805

Complexion. N.E., Fair, 700 per cent.; Dark, 30 0 per cent. N.W., Fair, 67 *7per cent.; Dark, 33 *3 per cent. Index of Nigresceice: N.E., 66 5. N.W., 58 5. * Parislhesof Bride,Lezayre, Maughold (and Ramsey). t Parishesof Andreas,Jurby, Ballaugh, Michael. Tlei e is no great distinction,the eyes and hair of the niorth- east are darkerthan the nlorth-west,and the complexionof the north-westis darkerthan that of the north-east.

0. Light. Neutral. Dark. Fair. Neutral. Dark.

percent. percent. percent. per cent. percent. percent. E.C.* Eyes 51 *5 19 *3 26 2 Hair . 15 9 22 *3 61 *8 WVc. ,, 48-1 26 4 25 5 ,, .. 23'3 18 6 58 1

T. E.C. ,, 67 -6 32 -4 ,, .. 25 79 -5

WC.t,, 653 - 34 7 28f6 - 714

Complexion: E.C., Fair, 66 -9 per cent.; Dark, 33 1 per cent. W.C., Fair, 55 *8 per cent.; Dark, 44 -2 per cent. Index of Nigrescence: E.C., 58 -0; W.C., 46*2. * Parishes of Lonan, Onehanand Braddan (with Douglas). t Marownand German(with Peel). As regardseyes thereis verylittle difference,but, though the niuch greater proportionof light hair in the west-centralis shown by the index of nigrescence,it has an equally greater proportionof dark complexions,the complexionseeming, to vary with the eyes ratherthan withthe hair. VOL. XXVII. I

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0. Light. Neutral. Dark., Fair. Neutral. Dark.

percent. percent. percent. percent. percent. percent. S.E.Z Eyes 51 *6 24 2 24 *2 Hair .. 12*6 30*8 56*6 S.W.? ,, 69 0 11 4 19 ,6 .. 196 19-6 608 T. S.E. , 68.0 - 320 ,, .. 18*2 - 81*8 S.W.? " 779 - 221 ,, .. 24-4 75 6

Complexion: S.E., Fair, 59 7 per cent.; Dark, 40 3 per cent. S.W., Fair, 73 *2per cent.; Dark, 26 8 per cent. Index of Nigrescence: S.E., 64'1. S.W., 53 '7.

+ Parishesof Santon,Malew (with Castletown)and Arbory. ? Patrick,Rushen.

Here the south-westerndistrict comes out fairer than the souith-easteLnby everytest.

0. , ~ A

p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. Jurby, iBal-.1 1 a u g h , Eyes .. 604 24 0 15 6 Hair .. 20'8 25'O 54-2 MichaelJ M a u h o 1 d g | ; 60 2 22 6 2 |9 -6 9 5 andILonan f .".' 17 12j 77

IT. Jorby, Bal- l a u g h , 79a5 25 , .. 267 - 73 3 Michael ,, .. - .. Maughold} 77 8 22-2 |,, 16 - 89-4 and Lonan

Complexion: (J., B. and M.), Fair, 67 -7 per cent.; Dark, 32.3 per cent. (1M.and L.), Fair, 6617 per cent.; Dark, 33'3 per cent. Index of Nigrescence: Jurby,etc., 54 7. Maughold and Lonan, 79 4.

Here there is a veryslight differencebetween the eyes and complexionand a considerabledifference in the hair of the two distriots,the latterhaving much the largestindex of nigrescence (79 4) of any district. It is not' however,till the resuiltsfrom the differentdistricts are placed togetherthat we can fullyappreciate their signifi- cance. We will thereforegive the proportioinsof dark eyes and

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Index of DarkDrEea. Eyes. Dark Hair. Nigrescence.

per cent. per,cent. N 1 27 :8 (13) 83 6 (3) 67.2 (2) S. J3f' 7"1 (5) *0 11) 57'4 (11) N F 28*3 (9) 80*3 (8) 64 6 (4) . 12 .. .. 33 2 (2) 76 *9 (L3) 54 *4 (15) S. J l ~~~~294(8) &302 (9) 61 -9 (7) E (a) 1 r 31'5 (5) 80'8 (6) 61'9 (8) NV. t3 J 28 -1 (12) 77 9 (12) 6571 (12) E. (b) * .. 31 -4 (7) 81-9 (4) 64 -4 (5) W.T Jt 2&-2 (10) 76 a1 (14) 55 '8 (13) N.E. 4 28*2 (10) 86 0 (2) 66*5 (3) N. W. f * . l 27'3 (14) 80'5 (7) 58'5 (9) E.C. 5 32 :4 (3) 79 5,(10) 58 0 (10) W.C. I * l 3474 (1) 7714 (17) 46 2 (17) S.E. { 32 0 (4) 8128 (5) 64'1 (6) S. .6 . 22 1 (16) 75X6 (15) 53 '7 (16) Jurby,Ballaugh 20'5 (17) and Michael 7 73 *3 (W) 54 7 (14) Maughold and 22 '2 (15) 89'4 (1) 79'4 (l) Lonan J894 1 94()

a. As with Marown. b. WithoutMarown. Before commentingon these figures,we must againi reminid our readers that we are satisfiedfrom internal evidence,and fromcomparison with Dr. Beddoe's tables,that our observers, thoughtheir standard for eyes was fairlycorrect, saw the shades of heir as througha darlteninigglass, whereforethe index of nigrescenceinvariably comes out too high. The firstremarkable featureis that the variationsof eyes and hair rarelycorresponid. This is especiallyso in the Peel district(No. 5, W.C.) whichhas the greatestproportion of dark eyes and the smilallestof dark h-air,and the Castletown (No. 6, S.E.) and Douglas districts (No. 5, E.C.) are not farbehind it in these respects. Such a pro- portionindicates ani admixture of alien blood,though probably at some remnoteepoch. In the districtcontaining the remaininig town,Ramnsey (No. 4, N.E.), the exact converseis the case; the same remarkapplies to the whole northerindivision, and, even more markedlyso, to the parishes of Maughold2and Lonan.3 lBoththese parishesare veryrou gh14 and lnaturallypoor districts, alndit is likely enough that theycontain a larger proportionof

1 The dark complexionsseenis to be mostprevalent in the parishesof Malew and German,wlhich contain the two ancienttowns of Castletownand Peel. 2 Northern. 3 Cential. 4 Tbheybelong to the sheadingof Garff," the roughcountry." I 2

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 116 A. W. MOORF,AND J. BEDDOE.-Physical

Gaels than the other parishes. Anyhow,it is in themthat the maximuimof dark hair anidall blutthe maximumof light eyes is found,and that the index of nigrescenceis highest,this beinig ju1stwhat might be expected in a largely Gaelic populationi. The coast of Cuimlberlald,lyinga opposite and withinsight, may lhaveheld out greaterattractions to Norwegian settlersin these parishes,so that,while the greaternumber of theirarrivals were probablyon the west coast of the island,as the sandy shoresof the north-westerndistrict would facilitatethe haulingup their slhips,the greaternumber of their departuresnmay have been fromthe east coast. This supposition is strikinglyconfirmed by our results, especially when tllose given by the north-westernparishes of Jurby,Ballaugh, and Michael, are comiparedwith eastern parishes of Maughold and Lonan (No. 7), the formierhaving the smallest proportiollof dark eyes and niearlythe smallest of dark hair,and the latter nearly the smallest of dark eyes, and quite the largest of dark hair. The conmparisonof the north-easterncoast with the north-western1and of the south- eastern with the south-westernigives less decided results,but it will be seen that in the south-westerndistrict the propor- tion of dark eyes is veryslmiall, and that of dark lhairis not large. Let us now see how the results frolmistature confirmnthose from colouir. The average height of the niortherndistrict is 5 feet 7'66 inches,of the southerni,5 feet7 45 inches. Thlen,dividing, the islancdinto three districtsas before,the northernis 5 feet7'71 incihes,the cen-tral,5 feet 7 31 inches,and the southern,5 feet 7 55 inches; the eastern25 feet 747 inclles,and the western, 5 feet 7-66 inches, th)e eastern35 feet 7'40 inelhes,and the western,5 feet7'50 inches; the east-central,5 feet7'34 inches, tlhewest-central, 5 feet 7 26 inches; the nortlh-western,5 feet 785 inehes, the south-eastern,5 feet 757 inches; the south- western,5 feet7'53 inches; Jurby,Ballaugh and Miclhael,5 feet 8 02 inches; Mlaugholdand Lonan, 5 feet7 34 inicles. Here we lind the fair-hairedmlen of Jurby,Ballaugh alndMichael takingr the lead inl heigrlt,closely followed iby the samiieparishes, witi the adljacent parish of Andreas, theniby the niortherniianid westernidistricts, while the shortest miienare founidin the east and wvestcentral districts,where there is ani adimiixtuire of alien people in the towns,and in the most puirelyGaelic district,i.e., the parishes-of Maughold alnd Lonani. Thuls tlhe 1 PariElies of Jurbh,Andreas, Ballaugh, Michaol. 2 Eastern witlhMarown and westernwithout. I East-rn withoutMarown and westernwith,

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Anthropologyof theIsle of ilan. 117 taller men are foundin the districtswhich, frorn the colourof eyes and hair,we have decidedto containthe largestproportion of men of Scandinaviandescent and the shorterin those whicb we have decided,in the same way,to be more purelyGaelic. This is just what mighthave been expected. An interestingpart of the " DescriptionBook " is that which gives the various occupationsof the Fencibles. The large pro- portionof them employedin some tradeor handicraft,viz., 403 out of 1,112,there being 709 labourers,is remarkable. The average height of the labourers,5 feet 7-61 inches, is identical with their height as given by Dr. Beddoe in 1886.1 The labourers of the north average 5 feet 7-81 inches,of the centre,5 feet 7 38 inches,and of the south,5 feet 7 64 inches. The tallest workersare the joiners,averaging 5 feet7-72 inches, and the shortest,the barbers,5 feet 7-18 inches, the general averagestature of theworkers, other than labourers,being 5 feet 7 37 inches.2 We are now in a positionto summarisethe resultswe have arrivedat, and can state that,generally speaking, they distinctly confirmDr. Beddoe's conclusionsthat the populationof the Isle of Man is Scandio-Gaelic,and that thereis no verygreat differ- enicein the proportionatedistribution of Norsemeniand Gaels in the north and south. Our results,however, enable us to state furtherthat there appears to be a decidedpreponderance of Norsemenin the parishesof Jurby,Ballaugh, alnd Michael, and of Gaels in the parishes of Maughold and Lonan, while there are distinct traces of alien eleimentsin the districtsof Douglas, Castletownand Peel, especially in the latter,where the large proportionof dark eyes and fairlhair is veryreinark- able. In Tables D and E will be foundthe nublbersalnd percentages of the various comiplexions,eyes and hair in each parish,anid in Table F the stature. They are interestingin tlhemselves,but, exceptingin the parishesof Braddan and Malew, the iiiinubers are too small to allow of any conclusivejudgment being formiied upon them. And yet the results as regards both colour an-id statureapproximnate closely to what any one knowinatlle island well would expect. The Jurbypeople are certainlytlle fairest in the island,thougch there is not so m-iuclhdifference betweeni tlhemand the inhabitantsof the otherparishes, especially those of Bride, as our figureswould indicate. As regards stature popular opinion has it that the men of Jurbyand Patrick arc the tallest, and that Ballaiighi,Michael, Gernman,and IRushen followin the ordergiven, and, bearin;gin mind that tllc parishes I See " Manx Note Book," vol. iii, p. 33. 2 See Table 2.

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 118 A. W. MIOORE AND J. BEDDOE. -Phby3iCc6I

of Patrick, German, and IRushen lose in. stature from the eliminationof the fishermen,this also agrees closelywith ouir figures.


TABLE A.-Proportion of populationof eachparish servinigin the"Fencibles."

Parish. Population.* Fencibles. Per cent.

Bride' ... (8) 840 26 3 10 Jurby ...... (15) 910 23 2 63 Andreas .... (4) 1,892 72 3 '80 B3allaugh ... (7) 1,236 39 3 24 Michael .... (9) 1,215 34 3 0() Lezayre .. . . (5) 1,965 74 3 76 Maughold and Ramrsey .... (14) 2,522 67 2-65

10,580 335 3 15 NorthernParishes- Lonan...... (17) 1,627 26 1 49 Onchan ...... (9) 1,070 32 3n00 Braddan and Douglas (13) 6,426 175 2 72 Marown.... (6) 1,021 38 3 71 Germanand Peel (11) 3,132 91 2 ,91

13,276 362 2 77 Ccntral Parishes- 7 Patrick ...... (12) 2,092 58 2 78 Santon ...... (2) 656 31 4 72 Malew and Castletown (1) ! 4,009 237 5 '91 Arbory ...... (3) 1,299 50 3 85 Rushen .(16) 2,079 39 1 87 10,135 415 3 83

Islands...... 33 C91 1,112 3 25

* Censuses were taken in 1792 anid 111, the above figuresleinlg a mcan betweenthe two.

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Anthropologyofthe Isle ofAlan. 119

TABLEB.-Percentage at eachheight between 5 ft. and 6 ft.11 imt.

1806. 1886.

ft. in.

5 0 1i5 2

3 4 3 9 145 5 9.1 40 6 18 4 6 0

7 20c0 15 0 8 16 9 15 0

9 13*5 18 0 10 9 0 13 5 11 4*8 10 0 6 0 1 4 9 0 1i1l 25

2 0 3 2 *5 3 01

4 .05 5 O'1 0O5

11 . 0 5

100 100

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TABLE B-(dctailed.) STATURE OF NAT'IVEI MANXMEN.


_ a R e -d 0

_-_'55______-_ - __ .K1 -_ _ _;__ --___ | _ _

4 -l?? i_

_ - ;- 1l - - 1 1 1 1 _1M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 1 _ 2 I - [ 1 1 - 2 - - - 1 1 2 6 10 13 .<: _-- - -1 1-- g 0 2--- 11C 4 2 8 - 1 - 3 1- 3 - 1 5 16 5 11 3 1 1i7 2 6 2 22 3- 9 2 3 17 3-_ 6 1 3 13 52 o 10 4 |4 6'4 4 9 6 37 2 4 12 |2 |5 23 5 1 25 6 1 38 |iC0 t; 9 2 3103l 7 11 7 12 52 4 7 20 4 8 43 11 1 29 12 2 55 150 7 022G1 4 21711 64 14 4 47 9 6 80 187 Y 07 -3 13 2 20 7 6 161]0- 4 2---1--- 65 3 3 35 lO1- 124 753 19 6 - - 51 I' -7 10 83 I' --1223 > 6 5 215 7 611 9 5 3 7 45 18 76 6 7 44 10 7 74 205 5 2 2 8 3 1 10 6 32 2 5 12 6 8 33 4 4 211 3 4 36 101(1 m 4421 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 14 5 1 5 16 2 3 5 1 23 14 344 3 1.... 1 1 2 25 1--5 4 111 7 2 1 _ -1 41 16

26 23 2 79 131 74 7 335 232 17 38 91 36 31 237 50 39 415 1112 , I , I I I i I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II I

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Anthropologyof theIsle of Afan. 121

TABLE C1.-Eyes.

Light. Neutral. Dark. _... _ _ ,....______.___,_ _ _ _

Liglht. 1Blue. Grey. lTazel. Browni. Dark. BlackA-.

Bi'ide .. . 2 13 8 - 3

Jurby .. .. - 2 13 6 - - - Andreas * *1- 2 60 13 5 2 PAallaugh .. .. 2 3 29 4 1 - _ MSicha1&el.. .. _ 5 25 2 _ 2 _ TJCzayre .. .. 4 53 9 6 2 itlaughold I 1 6 48 5 - 5 2

NortlhernParisies.. .3 21 233 47 1 21 6

Loinan 2. .. -12 20 2 _ 2 - Onelifn . - 4 17 3 - 5 3 Braddan ald} 2 5 122 11 4 19 9

MaIown .. .. - 2 26 6 - 4 - Germanand Peel.. 3 4 61 2 2 14 5

CentralParislhes .. 5 17 21 ) 27 6 41 17

Patrick .. .. 2 8 37 3 , 8 - Salton .. .. -- 8 16 1 - 5 1 AMalewand Castle- ' 2 28 149 17 7 30 4 town ..

Arbory .. .. 2 6 30 7 5 - Rulshlen ... .. _- i 6 25 2 - 1 5

SouthernParislhes.. 6 56 257 30 7 49 10

Island .. . I 14 97 73G 104 1 1 114 33

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 122 A. W. MOORE AND J. BEDDOE.-Physical

TABLE 0.-Hair.

Light. Medium. Dark.

Sandy. Red. Light. Fair. Brown. Dark. Black.

Bride .. .. - 5 4 13 4 Jurby .. .. _ - 3 3 10 6 1 Andreas .. .. 1 -_ 2 - 26 30 13 Ballaugh.. .. - 8 4 4 11 12 Michael ., ,. 1 1 10 14 8 Lezayre .. .. 1 _ 5 1 27 31 9 Maugholdand } 1 1 4 11 41 9 Ramsey

NorthernParishes. 3 2 24 12 92 146 56

Lonan . - - 2 1 1 20 2 Onchan .. .. 1 3 2 8 14 4

Douglan - 3 21 4 43 82 22 Marown .. .. - 9 6 22 1 German and Peel. 6 3 9 3 18 36 16

CentralParishes .. 6 7 44 10 76 174 45

Patrick ,. 2 - 1 8 10 31 6 Santon 1.. .. - 1 - 11 18 1 Malew and Castle-1l 5 7 13 7 74 78 53 town j Arbory .. .. - 1 6 13 20 10 Rushen .. .. - 2 4 2 9 16 6

SouthernParishes.. 7 9 20 23 117 163 76

Island .. .. 16 18 88 454 285 483 177

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Anthtropologyof thbe Isle of Afan>. 12:3


Fair. Dark.

Fair. Freslh. Pale. Sallow. Brown. Dark. Swarthy.

Bride .. .. 3 15 2 1 3 2 Jurby .. .. 5 14 2 1 1 Aridreas .. .. 20 24 3 4 18 3 Ballaugh .. .. 14 11 1 1 9 3 Michael .. . 6 11 1 1 13 2 Lezayre .. .. 23 26 3 1 3 13 5 Maughold and} 14 27 4 3 3 16

NorthernParislhes.. 85 128 16 10 8 73 15

Lonan ,. .. 3 13 1 _ 6 3 Onchan .. .. 7 13 1 5 3 3 Douglas ..a n} 66 48 4 1 6 45 5

Alarown .. .. 10 13 1 2 _ 9 3 GUermanand Peel 30 16 2 2 36 5

CentralParishes . 116 103 9 8 8 99 19

Patrick .. .. 29 14 2 1 - 8 4 Santon .. .. 12 10 1 - 5 3 AMalewand Castle- 47 79 6 2 9 49 45 town . j Arbory .. .. 8 26 1 1 _ 8 6 Rushen .. .. 11 15 1 2 6 4

SouthernParishes.. 107 144 10 5 16 74 69

Island .. .. 308 375 35 23 32 246 93

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 124 A. W. o\100rEAND J. I3EDDOE.-Physicad

TABLE D. --Ei es.

Lighbt. Neutral. Dark. TotalI______Pairish. NU11,-! ber. No. Per Per N Per cent. No. cent. cent.

Bride .. .. E. 26 10 385 5 18 4 11 43'1 Jurby .. .. W. 23 13 65 2 2 8 7 6 26,1 Andreas .. .. W. 72 35 48 6 17 23 6 20 27 8 Ballaugh .. .. W. 39 25 64 1 9 33*1 5 12 8 Michael .. .. W. 34 18 52 9 12 35 3 4 11 8 Lezayre .. .. E. 74 46 62 2 11 14 9 17 22 9 AMaugholJand Ramsey E. 67 40 60 0 15 22 5 12 17 5 Lonan .. .. E. 26 16 61 5 6 23 1 4 15 4 Onchan .. .. E. 32 16 50 0 5 15 6 11 314 Braddan and Douglas E. 175 95 54 3 84 19 4 46 26 V MAarown . C. 38 19 50.0 9 23 7 10 26 3 Crerman aDdPeel . W. 91 43 47 3 23 27 5 23 25 3 1Patrick .. .. W. 58 42 72 4 5 8 6 11 19 0 S'antoI .. .. E. 31 20 64 5 4 12 9 7 22 6 Malew and Castletown E. 237 113 47 7 66 27 9 58 24.4 Aibory .. .. E. 50 31 62 0 7 14 0 12 24 0 Ruslien .. .. W. 39 25 64 1 6 15*4 8 20'5


Fair. Medium. Dark. Parish. Per Per {lo. N.|Pelt Noe N. cent.P6r NN' cent.

Bride...... E. 5 19*2 4 15-4 17 65*4 Jurbv...... W. 6 2f6'1 10 43-5 7 30.4 An(dreas .. .. W. 3 4-2 26 1 36-1 43 59-7 Ballaugl .. .. W. 12 30 *8 4 10 2 23 59 0 Michael .^ .. W. 2 5 7 10 29-6 22 64*7 Lezayre .. .. E. 7 9 4 27 36-5 40 54-1 Maughold and Ramsey E. 6 9 0 11 16*4 50 74 6 Lonan E.. .. . 3 11.5 1 3 9 22 84-6 Onchan .. .. E. 6 18 7 8 25-0 18 56*3 Braddan and Douglas E. 28 16 0 43 24*6 104 59*4 Marown .. .. C. 9 23*7 6 15*8 23 60'5 German and Peel W. 21 23 1 18 19*8 52 57 1 Patrick .. .. W. 11 19 0 10 17*2 37 63*8 Santon .. .. E. 1 3 *2 11 35*5 19 6t*3 Malew and Castletown E 32 13 *5 74 31 *2 131 5 *3 Arbory E.. .. . 7 14-0 13 26-0 33 60-0 Rushen .. .. W. 8 20*5 9 23 1 22 56*4

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions A7tthropologyof the Isle of Alan. 12a


Fair. Dark. Parish. _ No. Per cent. No. Per cent.

Bride.. E. 20 76,9 6 23-1 Jurby.. .. .W W. 21 91-3 2 8 7 Andreas .. .. W. 47 65 -4 25 34-7 Ballaugh .. .. W. 26 66 '7 13 33 3 Michael W. 18 52-9 16 47 -1 L-ezayre .. .. E. 52 70 3 22 29-7 Maugholdand Ramsey E. 45 67 *2 22 32 *8 Lonan .. .. E. 17 65 *4 9 34-6 Onchan .. .. E. 21 65 6 11 34 4 Braddan and Douglas E. 118 67-4 57 32-6 Marown .. .. C. 24 63-2 14 36-8 Germanand Peel W. 48 52-7 43 47 -3 P'atrick .. .. W. 45 77 *6 13 22 *4 Santon .. .. E. 23 74-2 8 25-8 Malew and Castletown E. 132 55*7 105 44 3 Arbory .. .. E. 35 70 (0 15 30.0 Riuslien .. .. W. 26 66 *7 13 33 3

TABLE D.-Eycs acndHair. (Topina's Mlethiod.)

Eyes. Hair.

Parish. No. Per cent. No. Per cent.

Light. Dark. Light. Dark. Fair. Dark. Fair. Dark.

Bride .. .. 10' 11 47 *6 52 *4 5 17 22 *7 77 *3 Jurby .. .. 15 6 71*4 28*6 6 7 46*2 53 8 Aindreas .. . 35 20 63 *6 36*4 3 43 6 *5 93 *5 Ballaugh .. 2a 5 83*5 16 -7 12 23 34*3 65 `7 Micliael .. .. 18 4 81 *8 18 *2 2 22 8 *4 91 *6 Lezavre .. .. 46 17 73 0 27 0 7 40 14 9 85 1 Maulghold ald} 40 12 77 0 33 0 6 50 10*7 89*3

Lonan .. .. 16 4 80 0 20 0 3 22 12 0 88 0 Onchan .. 16 11 59*3 40*7 6 18 25 0 75 0 Braddan ail} 95 46 67*4 32*6 28 104 21*2 78*8 Marowl .. .. 19 10 65*5 34*5 9 23 28 1 719 German .. .. 43 23 65*2 34*8 21 52 28*8 71*2 Patrick .. .. 42 11 79*2 20*8 11 37 22*9 77*1 San1ton .. .. 20 7 74 1 25 9 1 19 5 0 95 0 Malew .. .. 113 58 66 1 33.9 32 131 19 *6 80 4 Arbory .. .. 31 12 72 1 27*9 7 30 18 9 81 1 Ruslen .. .. 25 8 75*8 24*2 8 22 26 7 73*3

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TABLE E.-(J)etailed.)

ComplexionLight. ComplexionLight. ComplexionDark.

______Eyes Dark.

Blue and Light Eyes. Eyes Grey. Eyes Grey. - -

R.l F. IB. ID. B1. IR. B.B D. |B1.R. IF.l B. ID. Bl.l R. F. IB. ID. IBl.


OniChan.e ...... 1 2 - I - 3 2 7 1- - 3 1 1-- 3 6 2 t Braddan and Douglas .. 3 2 1 1 - - 23 28 351 2 - - 9 20 5 - - 5 26 15 t Marown ...... 2 - - -- 6 2 9 - - 2 6 1 1 2 7 4 Germananc Peel . . 7 - - - - 12 9 14 1-- 9 10 6 2 - - 12 9

11 7 2 1 1 46 41 76 4 - 23 43 13 2 1 10 54 27 o

Southern- Patrick.. | 2 3 2 2 1- 6 6 18 2 -- 1 3,1-- 1 8 2 Santon...... 1 3 4 - - 6 6 - - 1 3- -- 1 5 1 q Malew ...... 12 7 5 2 4 - 13 27 34 9 - 24 27 15 - - 18 15 25 9- Arbory...... 5 1 1 1- 2 6 11 4 3 3 1 - - 3 5 4 F Rushen ...... 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 - - 1 4 1 - - 2 2 4

16 17 12 10 7- 2 550 78 ;15 5 30 40 18 25 35 36

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TABLE E.-(Detailed.)

Complexion Light. Complexion Dark.

Blue and Light Eyes. - GreyEyes. GreyEyes. | Dark Eyes.

R. F. B. 1). Bl. R. F. B. D. Bl. R. F. B. D. B1. R. F. B. D. Bl.

Northern- Q) Bride...... 1 1 - - - 4 - 4 - - - 4 1 - 3 5 3 Jurhy -...... 2- - -- 4 5 3 1 - - 2 - - 5 1 _ Andreas ...... 1 1 - - 1 19 13 - - 2 15 - - - 5 2 13 , Ballaugh .. .. 3 2- - 9 4 4 3 - - 2 7 - - 32 2 Michael...... 2 - -- 3 - - 4 6 3- 6 6 - - 2 2> Lezayre...... 1 1 2 - - - 5 16 21 -- 5 6 - 4 4 9 < Maughold ...... 1 1 2 2 1 - 4 4 22 3 -- 210 3 3 `7 2

N 5 9 5 4 4 - 27 52 73 10 -- 15 45 ll - - 20 24 31 Island...... 7 2 1 1 - 6 4l 76 4 - 23 43 13 2 1 10 51 27 a 6S 1 17 12 10 7 - 26 50 78 1 --| 30 40 18 -- 25 35| 36 v

32 33 19 15 12 -99143 227 29-- 68128 42 2 1 551139t

-l-v-- - 9 23 26 111 498 238 265

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TAP.LrEl tE.-S?~mmcary.

ComplexionULgt ComiplexionDark. ______Eyes Dark I Ee ak Eyes Blue, Grey,or Light. Eyes Grey.

R. F.

361. North.. .. 5 39 58 8s 15 205) 13' 51 11 77 - 20 27 32 79 Per cent. .. 1,4 10,8 16,0 24 4 4 2 56 8 4,2 14,1 3 0 21-4 5 5 7 -5 8 -8 21 8 z 751. South.. .. 27 93- 104 154 26 404 53 77 31 161 2 1 35 86 62 186 Per cent. .. 3 -6 12,3 14 1 20 -4 3 5 53,9 71 10 -3 4 1 21. 5 0 2 01l 4 8 11 -3 8 -2 24 6 335. Northern .. 5 36 57 77 14 189 15 45 11 71 - - 20 24, 31. 75 Per cenit. .. 1 5 10-8 17 -0 23 -0 4 -2 56 -4 4 4 13'4 3 -3 212-2 - 5-9 7.1 9 -2 22 4 362. Central .. 11 53 43 77 5 189 23~ 43 13 79 2 1 10 54 27 94 Per cent. 3 0 14 -7 1l'8 21 3 3 4 52 2 6 -4 11 8 3 6 21 -8 0,6 03 27 19 7 60 4 115.Southern .. 16 43 62 88 22 231 30 40 18 88 -~ - 25 35 36 96 i Per cent. . 3 -8 10 3 15-0 21-3 5 3 55-7 7 2 9-7 4 3 21 2 - - 6 0 8*4 8 -7 23 1. 756. East' .. .. 8 83 107 170 26 406 49 86 27 162 - 1 42 83 6 8 Per cent. . 2 -4 11 -2 14 -3 22-4 3 -5 53-9 6 -5 11 2 3 7 21-3 - 0 1 5 -5 110 8 -2 24 8 356. Wes t. . 14 47 55 72 15 203 19142 15 76 2 - 13 30 32 77 Per cent. 3*9 13-2 15,4 20-4 4 -2 57-0 5 41 11 8 4 2 21.-4 0 -6 - 3 -8 8 -4 8 -7 21,6 718. East2. . 1 7 15 11 2 8 47 80 26 153 - - 40 76 62 178 Per cent. . 2 5 10,7 414 2 2d4 3 6 53*9 6 -6 11 2 3 6 21,4 - 5 -6 10-6 8 -5 24 7 394. West. .. 14 55 57 81 15 222 21 43 16 85 2j 1 15 37 32 87 Per cent. 3.5 14 0 14,6 20-4 3 8 56-3 5'3 12 3 4 1 217 0-5 0*3 3 8 9 2 8 2 22,0

1 With Marown. WitliouitMarown.

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TABLE E.-Su mnmary.

N ComplexionLight. ComplexionDark. Eyes Dark. Eyes, Blue, Cxreyor Light. Eyes Grey.

R. F. B. D. B1. Total. B. D. B1. Total. R. F. B. D. B1. Total.

.__ .__ ___ .-_ -_1-__--_1-._1 167. North-east.. 1 16 25 49 4 96 7 20 4 31 - 10 16 14 40 Per Cent. . 1 2 9 6 14 9 29 4 2 4 57 5 4 2 12 0 2*4 18*6 - - 6-0 9 5 8 4 23 9 168. North-west ..3 20 32 28 10 93 8 25 7 40 - - 10 18 7 35 Per cent. .. 18 118 19 0 16 -7 6 0 55,3 4 7 14-9 4 2 23 -8 - 6 0 10 7 4 -2 20'9 233. East ceiitral 4 33 32 54 4 127 12 27 6 45 _ - 8 35 18 61 Per cent. 1 8 13 8 13-9 23 2 1-8 54*5 5 1 11 6 2-6 19-3 - 3 5 15 0 7 6 26 2 129e. Westcentral.. 7 20 11 23 1 62 11 16 7 34 2 1 2 19 9 33 Per cent. .. 5 4 16-3 8 -6 16-9 0 -8 48,1 8 6 12-3 5*4 26 -4 1 -6 0 -8 1 1-6 14 -7 7 -0 25 -5 318. South-east .. 12 28 48 15 18 164 28 33 16 77 - - 22 25 30 77 Per cent. .. 38 87 15 2 18 2 5 -7 5116 87 10b4 5 0 242 - - 6 9 78 9 4 24-2 97. South-west.. 4 15 14 30 4 67 2 7 2 11 - _ 3 10 6 19 Per cent. .. 41 1513 14A4 3110 4 1 69 0 2,1 72 2 1 11 4 - 3 1 10 3 6 2 19 6 Jurby 1 96. Ballaugh S 2 18 13 15 10 58 6 10 7 23 - - 5 6 4 15 Michael J Per cent. .. 21 1818 13 -6 15 -6 10-3 60-4 6-3 10-3 7*3 24-0 - - 52 6*3 4 1 15*6 M h W93. LO7 . } 1 8 7 35 5 56 2 16 3 21 - 3 10 3 16 111 86 7 5 375 5-4 602 2-2 17-2 3-2 22-6 - 32 10-8 3-2 17-2

This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 02:46:22 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 130 A. W. MOORE & J. BEDDOE.-Anlth0opologyof Isle of Ilfwn

TABLE F.-Statwre.

Parish. Average. Tallest. Shortest.

ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. Bride .. . .. E (8) 5 7 50 5 11 5 3 Jlurby ...... W (1) 5 8,25 6 0 5 4 Andreas ...... W (11) 5 7 33 6 1 5 4 Ballaugh ...... W (2) 5 7.95 5 11 5 4 Michael ...... W (3) 5 7,85 5 11 5 3 Lezayre ...... E (7) 5 7 61 6 1 5 3 Maughold and Ramsey.. E (8) 5 7 50 6 1 5 3 Northern Parishes .. .. 5 7 71 6 0 5 3 *43

Lonan ...... E (04) 5 7.27 5 11 5 3 Onchan ...... E (10) 5 7.47 6 0 5 4 Braddan and Douglas .. E (13) 5 7 -30 6 2 5 3 Marown .. .. ,. 0(12) 5 7 32 6 5 5 3 Germanand Peel * W (17) 5 7'20 6 1 5 3 Central Parishes.. .. 5 7 31 6 1,40 5 3*20

Patrick . .. .. W (5) 5 7,80 6 1 5 3 Santon ...... E(16) 5 7'22 6 2 5 3 Malew and Castletown .. E (6) 5 7 65 6 1 5 4 Arbory ...... E (4) 5 7,84 6 1 5 4 Rushen ...... W (15) 5 7 26 6 3 5 3 SouthernParishes .. .. 5 7.55 6 1 -60 5 3 40

Averageheight for the whole Island, 5 feet 7,52 inches.


Average stature. N. C. S. Total.

ft. in. Labourers.. .. 5 7 61 205 225 279 709 Joiners .. 5 7,72 12 7 13 32 Tailors .. .. 5 7c08 25 22 31 78 Weavers .. .. 5 7.43 42 33 28 103 Shoemakers .. 5 7 49 21 35 37 93 Blacksmiths .. 5 7.44 9 4 5 18 Hatters .. .. 5 7-32 5 7 2 14 Barbers .. .. 5 7 18 2 6 3 ' 1 Masons 5 7.45 3 3 4 10 Othertrades .. 5 7 25 11 20 13 44 Averageof trades.. 5 7'37 335 362 415 1112

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