United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8.490,212 B1 Asher Et Al
USOO8490212B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8.490,212 B1 Asher et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 23, 2013 (54) QUICK RELEASE GARMENT 4,697.285 A 10/1987 Sylvester 5,060,314 A 10, 1991 Lewis 5,259,093 A 11/1993 D'Annunzio (75) Inventors: Matthew Asher, Imperial, MO (US); 5,331,683 A * 7/1994 Stone et al. ........................ 2.25 Carl James Quinlan, Maysville, NC 5,495,621 A 3, 1996 Kibbee (US) 5,512.348 A 4/1996 Mazelsky 5,516,234 A 5/1996 Duchesne (73) Assignee: Eagle Industries Unlimited, Inc., 5,785,0115,724,707 A 7/19983, 1998 Gitterman,Kirk et al. III Fenton, MO (US) 5,806.740 A 9/1998 Carlson 5,897,468 A 4/1999 Lumpkin (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,966,747 A 10/1999 Crupi et al. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 93.9 A 538 aXOal. U.S.C. 154(b) by 1899 days. 6,098,196 A 8/2000 Logan 6,138,277 A * 10/2000 Gillen et al. ...................... 2,102 (21) Appl. No.: 11/671,068 6,164.048 A 12/2000 Rhodes 6,185,738 B1 2/2001 Sidebottom (22) Filed: Feb. 5, 2007 6,308,334 B1 10/2001 Maas 6.421,833 B2 7/2002 Khanamirian et al. (51) Int. Cl. (Continued) (52) it.to: (2006.01) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Src.w. 2/2.5: 2/462 CA 642244 6, 1962 (58) Field of Classification Search OTHER PUBLICATIONS S. licati - - - - - file? - - - - - - - - - - i.
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