The USAID Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWSNET) (Réseau USAID du Système d’Alerte Précoce contre la Famine) 01 BP 1615 Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso, West Africa Tel/Fax: 226-31-46-74. Email:
[email protected] STATE OF FOOD SECURITY IN BURKINA FASO FEWS NET UPDATE FOR AUGUST-SEPTEMBER, 2001 SEPTEMBER 27, 2001 SUMMARY Both food availability and access conditions improved significantly throughout the country from mid-August to September 20, thanks in part to the delivery of 5,000 MT of food aid from Libya and the availability of early-planted crops, such as maize, cowpeas, and groundnuts. Except for the Sahel Region, most households have been enjoying access to fresh produce from their fields. Consequently, food security conditions in most localities were significantly better than in the past several months. Even without early-maturing crops, households in the Sahel Region were not likely to suffer much from food insecurity, owing to good rains that sustained bountiful pastures and provided adequate water to meet the needs of the livestock. With healthy animals at hand, milk and meat became available to most livestock-owning households who could also exchange some of their animals for cereal on local markets with no problems. Thus, relatively good security conditions have prevailed throughout the country. To date, the growing season appears to be performing well. As rains remained steady and adequate throughout the period, most crops reached the advanced stage of grain filling/maturation as of mid-September. In the South and Southwest areas, sources from the Ministry of Agriculture even reported that a number of crops, such as maize, cowpeas, groundnuts, and ignames were already ready for consumption.