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1^ Pocket Almanack \

\ 4 ^ For the Year of our LORD f

\ 1781- f

firft after Lea|i Year, i Being the ^ f A N D T K E 4

? Fiftk of American Independence t

Cilculaud for the Ufc 4 OF THB tg

Commonwealth f

I Majfachufetts : \

I IN I f Latitude 42. 30. North. i i LoQgvtade 69. 29. W. from London, h t i BOSTON f Irinted and Sold by T.&X FLEE Tj I < aad I at the Jii/

at half after Twelve at Noon j and though it will bi but fma!l Eclt, fc lo us, jet in fume Parts of the Weft Indies lit will be central. I: will happen in the 4th Deg^-^f Tejur*;. The fecond wtli ke on the Seventeenth Day oi 0/iooer, at half aftei Four m the Morning, and tho,* invifible to us will be a very p.eat Eclipfe in fome parts of the World, It will ha,)pcn in the Twenty-fifth D«grce of the Ccleftial Ballance.

Nam« and Chara

T^. "Jupitert-ntx^ ab.ve {vlars,, moves lound the Suu in four thoufand three hundred and thirty days, is the largeftof all the Planets, and attended by fourMoons. jupitcr, and Jj Saturn, nixt above not fo large, is at- tended w«th five Mt'ons, moves mund the Sun in abou: one thoufand fevco hundred & fifty one d^ys,.

TJis twelve Sid^^.

the Ram. Librae thi'S B?' lance.

S5 Cgncdr, th^ Crab, ' >f X^apricorrtuSf (he Goat,

Si Lio, the Lion, i -CC? Ajt/arius, iheWatciBear- i'li Virgo, the Virgin, ij X Pj/cfs, the Fifhe^ (n, An E NI G M A.

Have Feet; but no Lege, Back, but no Be])y,

" I Two Side?, ye may fay, and ftrange Truth tetelj ye I I've a Face bright and clear, ferene as the Sky, Without either Nofe, Cheek, Mouth, Forehead, or Eye j I'm none of the meaneft, nor Riches do Jack, For I've p'cnty of Silver pack'd at my Back^ And 'caufe without Legs, my Feet cannot rear me, Vaffafg with four^ created to bear A me ; Thus mounted, I conftantly wait on the Fair,

For the is Ward, and principal Care my my j V- ithcut a Cockade, the Ladies admire roe. And though I'm no Captain, BcJles a!) defire me. ii .Vj'.fs Though will not haik, when Mother advifcs j. appiov'd, {he never dtfpi'es iMy Courfet j ll'm honert and b'uar, and as 'tis my Duty,

ilach I fh'>\v, as well as each ftlemuh Beauty j ;Ite]i her the Tru'h, and too oft difcover, but F^att'ry. faid by her [That all was Lover 5 Her priva«^e Concern', and her cofmetick Arts, jThough rhey are hid from the World, ro me {he imparts j jl ko.vv*ev'iy proper and improper Feature, And fee the uglyi and the beautiful Creature her j In /}TOTf, it were happy-, did Lovers but fee Their N)mphs Lmperfeclionj, as they're fcen by nj«,

A Q_tr E S T I a N. AContpany of Gentlemen and Ladies fpent at a TaverR £.."1 6i. 8<^. and whe'^ t.Sev c2me to fettle jthey found that the Men paid half as many ag«'n pence as there were Men, and the Women but tw-> t'lirds t» many pence as '• e- were Women in the Conipany.

^jre, Row m.any Mf 1, how many Womsn^ and- how j •ajuch each paid in C .mpany^

VULGAR NOTES for the Year J 7 tr.

GoWen Namber, 1 Cycle of Surr, 5 j the zS

I Epadl, 4. Dicnyhan Period, \ jo Dominical Letter G I Juiiar- F riod, ^^^i- rJ^

JANUARY. i78i^\.begin? ^n. Mo,n^y

Flrii Quart, ^d Day 4 JR the Afternb«p^ Full y« 00a lothDay 5 .in the Morn ingt Lafl Qu^art. i6th Day 1 1 in the Aftefdbon, New Moon 24th Day 8*fn the Afternodo.


2 Circumcifisn. 1 7 3^ i S lof, C. S*/e« &.rc^ry^. Battis' 7 3^ 5 oiorD. (at Prii>ce;own, J 777. 4 7 3T 5

11 6iK. of iV*/./«bor« .7^1. . f3 7iHigh Tidej. @ Perieec. 7 26 5I :•;? G[S«eor:«J Sun. p«ft Epiphany. 7 26 5 10

. (A.Bifh.7.tf«/Wbel «ad. *i 1645. as 5 li 3j Twilight eads 6h, 2m. i . 24 5 4 ^»50

K» ef Po/tfB^-bMa 173*^ .- 4<^ 4 2-3 5 ^ I 5 St. Pr//

<:^ Q^Liart. l4 D4y at Noon^ 4 in^he Jtftcrnoon,

": Quart f ; tJi Dayy 10i o inftein flie MorainiMoraing, w^Vloon 2:d i><.y at Midn ght. .1^ Rci.iarkabic Diy», f^r. f.0^ F.Sta.

6b. 30m. 5 5fcr- Hurificatioii Virgin Mcrjr. 45 ^Biiji}^t\(h, and Mart. G ^ 3 ;5 ^ jsl J^^^ 4th Sunday infiEpiphaitv, a 5 •45 '«*!-»% ' - I 5 k.h^ : 35 (Treaty with France figRcd 3 33i9 26

A^Dayg !ffii8;th loS.4ra.. (i77-S- ? , 24IT0 1 < I ' itf.i> ^'O ^^-f9/i-bs h . ^ . 4 6 . 1 . 8 7 rife « 3|Kj..g ^harlct I. inre-rreH 164.8 9i 55 ^> I High ©l-erigce. ^ 7j Tides, 54 55 6 ^1 0\Septuagef^ma<.CzrtJFaJkingion6 53 ; 49 ih. . (born t 1-8 rife 1 f^ 6 5. 43 Iif. C, Northampton, 6 50 6 3J 37 37 \ Vthni'^ne. J. Angtlo Bra fchi 6 49 6 mjrn. V 3 5i (clea.Popci *s[P/«iVI.] 6 4&6 o 50 24 16: 6}7*'s fouth 5H. ^m. |6 47 6 ic ni 7j Nights length ijh.aom. 6-46 6 iS G iStxugeJima. ad before L^fl^. 6 44 6 46 »9 a| D's lat. I. 56 S. [6 43 6 20 3 Sup.C. Popn. |6 4z 6 6 4 j Day's length loh. 44^m, (6 40 H i2 5 Twilight ends 7b. jrau 6396 ])fet( 5^ '3 6 ^Apogcev •6 3X 6 34 H 7 St. Matthias Apo*. & Mirt. 6 j7 6 T3 G\^inqiiagejima, ShrcveSuoday 6 36 6. S 2 Shrove Monday. 6346 3^ i7 3 Shrove Tuefday. l.CPittsjield 6^6 >^ 4 y^ JVednefiay. Tnti of Lent. 32 o c

rhe eianet VENUS 'will ke Morning Star to %d 0/" June, tbtnce Evenijtg Star t» tbe End •/ the Tear*. Thurfday. MARCH 1 78 1, begins on

Firft Quart. 3d Day 5 in tl>€ Aftemooii, Full Moon 10^- h Day 2 in the Ai:\er»xx)n, Lait <^art. i6ch Day, 8 In the Ait^roooG, New MooB 2^.th D

F.StM MjWi Remirkiblc Days , i£?'c. r.G. D.a'vui, 6 30 J? 4* 1 1 5JSt. z\ -6, Da.vs kneto i ih. xxtn. 6 aS morB.

Sj n\?.tCi^. Germany b rn 1741 € 4; G\^iadrt^i£ima Sunday. !^ a6 I z\bopi(»i MdHTjcre 1770, 49 3ilnV. C. Efg--2rr&»n. 1^24 5^ 4lTwil'ght ^gint 4K, 40m, .623 48 s\>^ ilUam V. Stadtbolder of,^ XZ 9 4'' ^ 20 6J {Uallaiui born 174-S. 6 7' High Ti»Clcc1c 9m. 9 I 6' 7 ^jB«/;i?« «»a. by Btit.Tj-oopsi7 7 6 7 7 ' {Sr. Pd/rK^i. 6 G 6 S9j *|7*''s fouth I oh. lom. 4 44i SiGeat Fire in 5tf/?p» i76e, 3 20! ll'l 4 Sir //j

APRIL I yS I, begins on Sufiday.

Fir ft Qu^art. id Da'^ 7 rn -tiif Jfti^tocw, Tm\ Moon 8th Hay ti in the MorniBg, Laft Quart. 15th Day 8 in the Mornibg,

New .Vloon 2 3 (3 Day at Noen.

IM W Rcmarkabie Days, -fefc r.Qt. r. F.Stal

I. G A; riJ fool Day. [5 44^7 ••a 2 Towns meet to for Oo.],^ Vote ^j ^ 3' I.e. 3 Barnfiab/e, ,(»ernor,&fc. 5 4 4! St. Ambrofe. C: 5 • Perigee. 6 6 Nighr's length r ih. ^m. 7|TwiJight ends 8h, 4m. S G'.Pa/m Sunday, 7*'« 91 ^\ fet 9h. 53m. la If] 10 3 Sup.C. Concord. Inf. C. York 5 I 4 (and Plymouth, 12 5 Dayt length 13b. «in. 13 14 7 Sun and Clock together. ^5 G EafteryOt Chrifi\ rfefurreftion. 2 Eafter Monday. 3 Sup.C. Worcefier.l. C. Bofion. 1 4 • Apogee. 5 Battle at Lflif/«fro«, 1775. 6[Day break 3h. 30m, 7 Sunfaft of the Cloek im. Firft Sunday zixtx Eajier. «l SuG,eorge Son eclipfed. Dfet. Sup. C. Northampton, St. Math. Danhury inQon- (nedicut burnt, 1777. Z7 Battle at CulUdtn, 1745. 2S Gen. Wtofier \s:\\\ti, 1777. &9 GjSeeond Sui^day after Eafier. 30 MAY 1781, begins on Tuefday.

FIrft Quart, ifk Day 4 in the Morning, Full Moon 7 th Day 7 ii the Afternooa, Laft Quart. 14th Day 10 ia the A'tcrnoon, New Moon 2^d Day 3 in the Mor4Jng. Fiift Qaart. goih Day 11 in the Morning.

I jw K-'marKasie uays,cc. C s.

^'1-T 45 - 4 C eotf d1*B>cd ion Ne zvport. 12 5Jlriveniion 20: oftheCtofs 5 * 7 2 S« 7 61 Perigfe, 8 ij! ' d 5 17 3 ViMfl-fewKt-f born, A.D. 3^^ 570 ^ 07 3 9 Ml afl of G[ 3d Sun. ; fa/^r. Segc 4-59^ 4 6 »"76 21 {S^utbec rai("c

%\'Jamaica ukn by Eng. 1655 4.568 8 28 ' ' 50J - 4jb'..^.C". trr.pable. + 555* 9 4f^ ^» 54' (: K. tf fr 8 ' 3 44? r 5 40 It ' 4 (Gr.tarrirgttn Spririfclel, 447S I 26 5 Day's lergf I4h. I2». 4468 10 18 6 Apogee. 4458 '9 7 Uncrmn or darkDay &Nrghf 444S 201 G Rogation Sunday. (1780. i43^ 9 20 1 Twilifiht begins, 2h. 4001. 4.428 o 5 Sun faft of 3 deck 3m. 44l» '° 7*'8 5^ iil 4 fet 8h. 44.8 ii 36 5 A^cenfion, or //o/y ^hurjday. 9 '• 12 23 asl 6 Gib. Hovue^hnrgoyre UClin- 10 14 1 ZQ 26! ("/Off arrived at Boftoo, 5, 7 177 10 53 2 zn 438^ G ^#if'« Cal-v'tn ii«d 1 j6ik 11 46 2 5c a8 •2 -^/fx.fe^tf died, 1 744,^^56. ,368 mora, 3 S9 29 3 Gen.Affembly to bs difTolved. 435| o *T 4 » 30 Cca.EleaioDof 4 GoverHOfj&f' 50 5 I? 3« _i (at Bofion. 1 15 6 jJ 1781. 1

JUNE 1781, bvfgins on Friday.

Full Mc^a 6th Day 4 in the Morning, Laft Qu^art. 15th Day 4 in the Afternoon/ New Moon 21 it Day 4 in the Aftennoon. Firft Quart. 28th Day 4 in the Afternoon,

M W Reinarka^'e Days. £^£ ®x F,Se

< 33 8 38 7 3 2 Pcngfc. [died, t7?o. ^ ® 4- 32 3 7 57 Gov. Hutchivjon 3 IVhitfuTiday, 4- 3' ^i- 3c 8 50 til'ery 'Lltdi.Bojion. 4 Aniient Ai 4 30 82 56 9 43 5 {K. of England horn 173S. 4. 30 S3 35 10 36 6 4I D'slat. 2. 46 S. .4 30 8' rife 'I 30 7 5JGr.Earthquakeyd;?r Ti ZO 8 6\ Alexander Pope b rn lOSS. 4- 29 8 10 I 9 7', 7*5 rife ah. i 3m. 4- 28 8 10 57 I 56 2"' 10 GhrV;«/jf)' Sunday. f 8 1 30 » S9 II 2]St. iarnaias, Api/ft. f 27 8 II 59 3 30 12 3JInf.C. //'orffy?^^ aiid 'Taunton. 4 27 8 morn 4 20 »3 4 Bleffd Virgin died, A.O. 4-0. 4- 27 S o J9 5 8 '4 5I ® Agogee. {M. 60 V 27 8 IS 61 [by the Convention, i; 8g 4 26 V 16 7 New Conftttutjoa a^iieed on 4 26 8 i>7 17 GjBanleat Bunker ^h'\!L i77S. 26 8 36J8 iS 2 Biit. eva. Pbi'iadelpbia, 1778. 4 26 5- 53" 19 3JSup. C. Ipfivicb. 4 26 8lz ^9 9 20 4lAc3pulcoShip taket, 174.3. 4 26 8 a 59 10 13

41 I SJSun and Ctock tpgeiher, 4 26 8 22 ^IDayi length, I 5^. hW^. 4 26 8 8 59 59 7S0, 7\S/)riiigf:id,yi.i. bill c % 1 4 26 8 9 39 ' 5^ 24; G ad csik Trimty. St.JJjn bap, 4 26 ^ 10 t9 3« " Z^ Dunkirk del;v^C''C/?«zc/, //.16 .; S. 4 26 fo 50 3|S. C. 2'(;/>\ 1. C />'d;vy?,2^.'V.!4 a6 r n 1 F.| 4'i!'f/K5rrj t;iJr. bvF'rrnf:o i-r ^(i.'U 26 8 «» 19 »7j

I s Battle 3 1 A/onwc?i.7i', 1778 j 426? moT 39 6- St. P^/^r and St. i\^/. U a? 8 o 10 i - I 7 ^ Perigee. 1 '4 27 8 o 30 ;53 1 JULY 17S1, begins on Sunday.

Full Moon 5th Day i in the Afternoon, Lail Quart. 13th Day, 10 in the Moruing; New ViOCQ 2i.'t D^y 2 in the Morring, Firlt Qjiart. 27th Day 8 in the Afternoon,

Reir.irkabie Days, £f<: (?)i. F.Ssa

Third paft Trinity. 4 zS 8 5c 5^ Vifi tati on Virgin M<3ry. 42^ 8 19 39 3:S. C. Falmouth. IX. Plymouth 4 zS 8)2 T 3c 4; Independence declareui, 17:6. •9 g 1 50 2: Tianderoga abar don ed, I 7 7 7. 29 8 ])rift 5 ^ 4 15 6j (Grenada taken, 1779. 4 29 8 8 43 c 7 S'. Tkomsi a Becket. 4 30 8 9 2C 46. G, Fourth paft T;-z»;>y. 4 30 S 9 50 3° 2 FaitJi:ld,Cor.ntc. burnt,i779 4 3^ 8 10 13 *9 Jo' I. C. Bcflon, York. 3 Salem. & 4 31 8 10 3c 3 4!3at.atGj-. Bridge,Vir. I776. 4 V- ? 10 5 50 izl 51 A^

Full Moon 4th Day 2 in the Morcirg,

Laft Quart- 12th Day 3 in the Morning,

New Moon 19 Day 1 1 in the Morning, Firfl Quart. 26 Day 3 'n the Morning.

M W .

SEPTEMBER 3 7^1, begin? on Saturday. I

•' .^EnilyMooia'^^drXfyX 2^dD^y 2 in tpet0t Afterneon, »

; l^aft Q^n. ict"h Day 7 in the Afternooo,>X New Moon 17th Day 8 in the Afternoon/ FirA Q^art. ::4th Day ii in the ^iorDir.g..

M W Remarkable Days, ^c. 'Os. F.Se St. Giles. z Twelfth pa ft 'Xririty. 5 31 7 ^r.fc 3 Dog Days end. 5 33 7 10 Inf. C.'lVerceJier. 26 4 ^ 5 34 7, Firft Phila- 5 Corgrefs met at 5 3'7 46 6 2 ^ Apogee. (delpbid 17: A-. 5 37 7 O 7 6 (C

12 Ccmnnencerhent ' Neiv Ewoen. 5 44 7 wiorn. > 4c Twilight begins 4h. >3 ^ icm. S 4^ 7 c 6 //c/y Crc/}.- 14 5 46 7 1 7 York tak.by • New Brit. 1776. 54S / 23 ) 36 GiFourlcenth paft Trinity. 5497 3 46 10 ? 2 'Firft public Aft of Ccngrefs 5 51 7 Dfcrs 11 C " 3 S.C. WcrceHer. (Fubl;(Ti.i774 4f IT 4f i 553 Ccmmence. Dartmow.h Col. ;'9 4 5 547 6 12 4 20 Perigee. Hgh Tides. 5 ® 5567 33 '21 61 S:. Ma'.thetu, Apoft. & Evan. 5 587 3

1 .c. f 7 K England cro w r.t ; 6 r d , i 5 59,7^ a3 G Maj.^r^r^ tak. asaSpy,i7 8o 6 o 6i9 40 1, 2 Day's length I )h. ism. J6 2 6 SO 36!; 3! S.C. Springfe!d. I.C. ^^r;;/, 6 :"l 46 26' (l< fort, ScFcivraiboro" 4 j cab. 6 mcrr. 16 27 Phi la. tsk. by Si C.HotL^e, T77 7 U 6 6 o 43i7 28 6, Twilight ends 7h. 3sm. ' 16 8 6 3 is 7! St. Michael. ao 6 10 6 56IC;,

30 G Sixteenth pafl7V/«. Si.Jercm\e ,6 la 319 ^ 1

)CTOBER 1781, begins ort Monday.

8 in Morning, I Full Moon 2d Day the ! Laft Quart, roth Day 8 in the Morning,

S New Moon 17 Day 4 in the Morning, Firfl: Quart. 23 Day 11 in the Afternoon.

V/j Remarkable Hays, jSfc. ['-.G^

7'i0 Apogee. 5 I 36 S JO 10 38 I 3 ' 1. C. Bojion, Plimo. Maj . Andre\^ 14 6 ])rife TI »3 4' (hang'd for a Spy, 1 7go.i^ 166 5 14 T2 i8 5 Rattle afC7erff7a«/ow«, j6 T76 6 I2 I 1777. 33 5P Night's length izh. 4.2JU. |6 19 6 59 6 -r ife 7^. 21 6 31 6 Seventee.ith ra<^ Trinity. a3 M 3 4 6 (Battle at Still-water I 777. 24 56 SO Sup.C. Taunton. St. Dsnnii. 25 6 9 54- 33 D'Eftaing repulfed zt Georgia 266 10 38 20 Cool morn. & even. (f7/9 27 6 morn '8^ D 's lat. 4. 23. N, aX 6 9 g 7\Edivard Conf. 29 6 I 26 ss 6 GjEighteenth ^iR Trinity. 30 .59 aj High Tides. 316 9 +0 6 3 ® Perigee. 33 5 28 10 4 i?f^rg-i?>«e'sArmy furren. J777 336 D fets 1 3? 5 Fa/moutb it^.hyMoivat t7 7 356 $ 13 12 23 6 (St. L«/^f. 376 6 50 X %• 7 D' EJiaing rctreat

2 HelTians repulfed at Red Bank 416 ) 3^ 3 (and Co^. DoKof> kiH-d. 1777. 436 10 38


Morning, Full Moon I ft Day 2 ii> the Morning, Laft Quart. 8th Day, i in the New Moon i5th Day 2 in the Afternoon^ Afternoo*^ Firll Quart. 22 d Day 2 in the Afternoon, F»ali Moon 30 th Day 8 in the

M TUtCJliMBER 1781, begins on *The Old and New Testament diJj'iCisd.

Books in the Old Teftimenfc, 39

. cfl^ers, - ... 929 V Verfes, 23,214 Words, . - - - . - 592 439 Letters, . - . . - 2,728,100

Books in the New' Teftament, - 27

Chapters, - - - . - - 260

- Verfes. , 7959 Words, ------181,253 Letters, ..... 838,280

The Apocrypha hath 1S3 Chapters, 6081 Verfes, and 152,185 Words. The middleChapicf, and the Icaft in the Bible is Pfal. I17.

The midd'e Ycxit is the 8th of the -\ iS^h Pfalm. The word ^wf/ occurs in the oldTeftament 35,54.3 times. The fame in the new Teftam?n£ occurs 10,684 times. The word Jebo'vah ccc'jr« 6855 times. The middle Book of the old Tcilament h Peverrbs, The middle Chapter is Job 29th.

The nniddle Verfe is 2d Chron cics, zo'th chapter, between

the T7lh and i6th verfes. .

The leaft verfe is ift ofChroa. ift Chapter and iftvcrff.

The middlcBook in the nev/Tcftamcnt iiThefla'onians zd. The middle Chapter is betwe«n the X3fh and 14th of Roman^.

The middle Verfe is in the '7th chap. Afts, ryth verfe. The leaft Verfe is in the 1 rh chap. John, verfe 35. The 2|ft Verfe of ti.e 7th chapter of Ezra has all the letters of the alphabcr. The 19th Chapter of the zd of Kings and 37th of Ifaiah are both ahk:.


N«*# Tbofe lubo difpute the accuracy of (be above calcula- tion may examine tbs Books (bemfelves, as luitb tolerable clofe application it ivtll take them but about 3 yean.

J 78 1. c Wife S A Y I N Ci S. Nothing more precious than Time and nothing more prodigally waited. The PIcafure of what we enjoy, is loft by coveting more. Riches are got with Paia kept with Care,, and loft with Grief.

Adverfity is eafier borne, than Profperity forgot. He benefits himfclf, that doth Good to others. He is well onward in the Way of Wifdum, that can bear Reproof and mend by it. If thou dealeft with a Fox, think of his Tricks.

Flattery fits in the Parlour, when p'ain Dealing is kick'd out of Doors. One Gift well given, recovereth many Lofles.

Friendflxip is not to be bought at a Fair. He that boafts of his own knowledge, proclaims his Ignorance.

A young Twig is eafier twifted than an oW Tree.

Uileares are the Pric*' of ill Plcafurcr, i:ieauty may have fair Leave*, yet bit<^er fmit. Examples are the beft Lcfll-rs for Youth.

Shallow Wits cenfute every thing that is bcvond their Depth. A man lofeth hisTime that ccmes early to a bad Bargain, Envy fhooteth at others, and v/ouncsth herfelf. Anger may glance into the Bjcaft of a wife Man. but refts only in the Bofom of Fools.

Error is always in H2ft<*.

A Pilot it not chpfen for his Riches, but his Knowledge. He that keeps Riches, and enjoys them not, is Ike aa Afs that carries Gold, ar.d cats Thiftlcs, Covetous Mens Chefts aierich. not they. He that grafps at too much, ho'ds nothing fa(V, He ttiat has moft Time has none to lofc. If the Devil catch a Man idle, he'll fet him at Work. In the coldeft Flint there is ho\ Fire, Idlencfs xdmR thank itfclf if it go barefoot. He is mure aMt that defer vcs than -he that confera Benefits. Be a Friend to thyfelf, and othera will be fo too.

He that feeds upon Charity haih a cold Dion* . Aflc thy Purfc what thou fhouldft buy. iNot to repent of a Fault, is to juftify it. ] ' Eftlmate of Hum^.n Greatxtrfsr; ^^ ** Dream* may oft prove true. ONE Night I dream'o, and adieu : That to this fco'ifh World 1 bad Wi:h fdcmn R'fcs End decent Grief deplor'd, My Frends to Mother-Earth, her Gift rcrtar'd*. IrAuk to my Shade. Vut O ! eternal Clofe by a vile Hlebean Corpfc was la^d ! Enraged, confin'd I try'd to fhift my Ground^ unfuccefsful frurd. But aiS' Atteni-ti were Begone, grofs Lump, I cry'd, in high D-fdain, No S'ave of abjcft Birth (hall here rcmairi ! ^e diftant far — to nobler Names give Way, Arid mix with vulgar dlift thy fordid Clay !

ch t' hollow Voice reply'd, Thou Fool ! Thou Wre a Now learn the Impotcce cf Wealth and Pride j Herfditary Nam;s and Honours here. With all their Farce and Tinfel, d fappear. In thefc dark Realms, Death's reptrie HeraWs tiace, Fr'-m one fole Origin all buman Race ; On all the tine rre fq^ja! Lot attends, From Doft k nfes^ and to Dull defcerd'. Here pale Ambition quitting Pomp and Form^ Admits her laft---be(t Counfellor, a Worm. Here Nature's Charter ftands confirm'd alonr^ The Grave n !efs precarious than the Thron*. Then feek mt here Pre-eminence and State, blefs th' impartial But own anf^ WHI of Fate j Wi-sb Life its Errors and its Whims refign, Nor think a Beggar's Title woifff than thine*

A Cure for ^ Felom.

A FELON \i knowrv to be accompanied with fuch _/jL exquifite ihrcbbing Pain, before it comes to Sup- puration, as is hardly to'erable. Yet this Pain may be mlt'gared, and the Tunrordifciifled, without Suppuration, bv hr.'d/og the Fin. er fome Minutes in a Glafs of the iharpfft Vinegar^ and repeating the Immerfion as ihc Occalion may require.

Epitaph on Sir Isaac Newton. ATURE and Nature's Laws lay hid in Nigbt, N God faid let l^ciQtcn \ity and all was Light. I J r.v ^ r. IV yl very good Method n:dling Currant Wine, of { red currant is preferable to the white as yield- THE j ' ing a richer juice, and in much gieater quaiicily j gather them when full ripe, which v/ill commonly be break well in a about the middle of July J them tub; then prcfs and meafure your juice add two thirds water. and to each gallon of the juice & water put three pounds of clean dry fugarj ft.r it well till the fugar is quite ??.. folved, and then turn it up. Your juice Aould not lUnd over night if you cart pofiib'y help it. as it ihou'd not ferment before m'xture.. Obferve that your ca/ksbe fweet and clean; and fuch as v,^cr have had either bejr if r»«tv, let firft well fea- or cyder in them, and them be full, cthcrwife they foncd. Do ^lot fi',1 your cafks too bung which will be a difadvantagfr Vill work out at the Lay the hung lightly on the ho'e, to pre- ^ the wine* , crefpij^g io. la three v.eeks or ^r^*nt fliesj ^'°"^ tji? *i=' j • t>un^- hole may be flopped ,^ — naakiogi the "Pt i " ' fully -. atici -'^-tilj it has done month [ only the -^°f*JP';,, -tej e^a of Oaob.r. '«.jDg *«f J trmytheDbejacJc.a .^« ^^^^ to favour the letting ^^^'^'^^ ^tta'ns, '•'^' till the fpring, .^^ I ^""l .'n ththe Wsi.e ;Vinr ftandon ^ans in a great meafure an.^ ^j^^^ .ftrcngcrbody, wine j and .^Je peculiar to made that wee divefted.of ^/„f^^p,io„, it lyay wKhou not zi&. if not tht- l«s. "^o ^V^'itirJo^K^oyear on damage iland a above prefcr.bed. ^n

tafte, wine, letting is Yinous o ^av have this fuper.orto By Ma^"^St'o money, have- proper ^^'^ vj;V;;orted,and for much lefs comrn«n'y m^v *. _^ mpftoft wines ^_ On a Horfe Racer long^ -n'i-""/^ ^^\ JOHN ,un fo and then, to pay, HeT run- mi« debt*i^f\^t. » He diftancMal^;^^^2iji^:i?^ rSLOADS from Bostoh to th$ principal ' .

(V.) To Newport (VII.) Weftcro pcft read Roxhury, Whiting 8 to Hartford and New- Dedbaffit Ames Haven, Waltole, Downes jMr Coolldge Watertown,, ^^^^^^^ 9 Ditto , Heading ^ Wrentbair.^ Mann Waltham^ G'cafon 2 Attlehorought Dagget~ fFtf/?oa, Smith fisf Pierce 4 Rebobotbf Dagget i2J£>/Vro, Baldwin 6fJont8 i Ditto, Hunt 4I .^ai^ary, Bent ^ Barker 3 JVarr^n, Cole ^{Marlborougby How 8 Brijiol, Smith ^[Dittoy Swain 3 Ferry-boufe^ Pierce zlNortbborougb, Munroe 5 Portfmoutb, Turner 3 \Sbreiv/buryt Farrar Nsivportf 9 or Baldwm, 5 ... . ., . , ^ IVorcefter^ Knight Miles 75 DrttOy Crafts 2 Z)/V/o, Jones or Steams I (VI.J To, mr^ic'b^Neiv. Serjeant LondomnA NeivHaven Leicefier, 4 Ditto^ Laihrop % .4ttleborougb, Dagget 37 Spencer, Whittemore 4 ProvidencefO\ntji Rice 9 Srookfieldy Waite 5 Jobnfon, Sheldon 3 DittOy Rice 4 . , F;/ke 5 Wefierny CGtler 6- Scituatt, Angel 4 Palmery Stott 10 Coventry, Waterman d iVilbrabamt Colton 4 , Rice 3 Springji. Plain, Chapin 4 VoJentown, Dixon^.xon Alspring/uld, Parfon. p! ^TJ"' Eaton i P/^/«/frW, _ 4 LongMeadow,r^„,^^' Colton i Newenty Burnham 8 4 £»>«, Kibby 5 Norwich, Leffingweli 7 fTindfor, ElfwoTth Mobegan, Houghton 7 7 Ditto, BiiTell i NewLondon, Douglafs 7 r>;V/tf, Potter 3 Rope-Ferry, Durfejr 6 EMartfordy Benjamin 4 JLym^, Anderfon 6 Hartford, Bull a Ditto, Parfons 3 Weatherifield, Stilman 3 Saybrook, Shipmar 4 Middleton, Fenno Ii Leigh Ditto, 5 Durham^ Camp 6 Kiliingfwortb, Merrill 5 Wallingifaed, Dolittle 8 Guilford, Stone 10 Diito, Horsficld i Baldwin li Bradford^ NortbHaven,'^}A^mfit\A 4 Ntv Haven, Beers 9 Nrw-Haven, Beers 9

Miles. i#4,| Miles i6a — ' V (Vlir.}Roaa to Nor-uxici Rfamfietuy • l en«.w ^ and Nnv-Lonlon, by Ditto, Brigham 3

way of Worce^er, C'^entrf, R-chardfoo 3 Stearns 44 £. Hariri, Wood bridge 8 Oxford, Butler II Ditto, Beniamin 10 DtttOy Campbell l\ Hartford. Bull Dudley, Carter €\^Veatierifi€!d, KLiiicm Chand'er ''^\Gr.Sti}jmp, Pjtctilry

Ditto, Cark 3 1 Kevfngton, H r* I'd ale

Grofvenar Men den, R o S 1 n ( n 4 {

' ro'jkline, Abbot S i IValingif-ord, )-.hnfon Can'erh'tryj Paine 4 iSorthHj'ven, Ma.ific'd

Backus 3 : Nsiv- Haven,' Kilby Newent, Bornham S^Milford. La-.vs

Norwich, L,othrop ji Ditto, Bryant lidohegan. Houghton ^\ Stratford, O'cot NexuLondov, Doug'.afa Cables Fairfield, Pcmfi-ld I Ditto CI;. :on (IX. j M.iidie road roHurt- Bsttey ford, N. Haven N.Tork., Q^intard and tbilade'phia. 'p-.tto. Dedham, Woodward vSceds ^ , Ditto, Fitch Ditto, E!!is - Medfield, Clarke llHorfeneck, Knap Midway, Richardfon Havelin Ditto, Ciark "LfMarrinack, Hunt ANew.Rocbel, Bailey Uodifion, Hill Ditto^ Smith \\Ear..Cbefter, Gwin ciKir.TihridjTt, Hyart Mer.doitf Amadon Ditto, Keith Halfivay Houjz, Lovejoy Ux bridge, Wood 7 Nezo-Vork, 8 Ditto, Morcdock Acrofs the Ferry to Douglaft, Hill i Kilungly, Parker Stateit J/Jcu-'d, EIiz.aheth 'Toinn Point, Tbompfon, Jacobs 7 E/i;zaictbToiLi:,G.rih2m 2 Ditto, W.Hfon yf^oodbridge, Dawfon 10 Pomfret^ Grofvcnor Ditto BruKj'wick,'W^n\ic^zWt lo IPrirceToivn, fiver i> ifhfordy Kendall \Tre.':tDfi, S'elis !^ Ditto, Ptf:kins 6- Ditto, Snow : ijio/, Befil.net 1 Ajhford, Knap inkford, PotfS 15 Philadelt^hia, BidJlc t, (X.) Road to No. Four Grtenioood, Rowiey f ^^ (Xlll.)Road UoTnPb:!a-UXlV.)^cti to j^Ibafiyr^ delpbia, to Virginia, No] ?rookjield (YW) Waitc 62 and Soutb.Carolina. \f'-'are. Downing 6 To Darby, 7 Witto, Rogers Cbefter, glBelcbertoivti, Brandetuinef iJD.tfo, Neiv-CaJiUt 6] Amberji, Elk River, IjlHadley, Nortb-Eaftt j> NortBamptOfi, ^ftffuetanfta,^ c\CbefterJield, Gunpoivder Ferry ^^{PFortbington,

Patapfco Ferry jO 1 Sandisji. 30 Pittijiild, Mount Pleafant, 13 Ditto Jpper Marlboro* 9 Pifcatatv ^ry, Port Tobacco, Hofe't Ferry, Port P.oyffl, ^nead't Tavern, Toid't Bridge, CUyburrt't Bridge Frenaui, ^iilian'.Jhurgb, Hovg Ijlar.d, ,

(XVII Road to Niw- ' l^runfivick, Thcmpfon bury Porr, ^^ Porffmoutb' GeorgeToiun, Springer CafcO'Bay &c. Vcolitficb, HardenFerrjr Medfjrdy Billings 5 Ditto, Read Kettle 2^ Pownalboro^ Lovcjoy Lynn, Newell 4 Ditto, Goodwin Danvers, Picmont 6 Cohefecontt, Smith Sa/em, Goodue & V/ebb Hafloivell, French Beverly^ Waters Vajfalboro' Bacon PPetiham^ Porter Winjlott), Pettie //'/w/fi',Smith^Tre Shattuck, Saco, Allen Toian 7 Pepperelboro',5rdr^^«ry 3 Grccle, 3 Nenv Cafco, Oucknam Scarborough, Milh'kits j NortbTarmouth, Loring Ditto, March 4" Ditto, Mitchell Falmouth, S Ditto, Coffin Brunfwick, Stone 10 ' REGISTERA F O R T H E Commomve&ith O T ^ Majfackufetts.

His Excellency AjOHN HANCOCK, Efq; Governor and CcmmrndeT in Chief of the Army & Navy, and aW the Military Forces ef the State, by Sea & Land 1 Hon.^HOMAS CujHiNG, Efq; Liejutcnant-Goveroor. COUNSELLORS. gamuel Holten "^ira). Dacielfon -iBenia.Chadbourne^^ jftzor Orne ~ ;^achan Cufhirg-iMoYcs Gill -» icmcs Prefcott ~J,\Valtcr Spooner --1 Efquires

Avery, jVi'liam Sever ^''Vgdward Cutts '^ igamuel Ofgood "" }edediah PrebbietWofeph Dorr - ^ Jona. Greenleaf ^abez Fifheri/' jSt'dleb Strong ^ flames Barker ** ^ofiah Srone^^Stephen Choate -^ Nathaniel Gorham Abraham FullerSCThomas Rice-' \ Increafe Sumner ^ Samuel Niles »^ itSolcmon freeman- Charles Turner y) Sairuel Baker-v ^John Bli^s - ^ Sam. Phillips, jun, John Pitts*- Samuel Mather*^ Ef5h. Starkweather I EIe?zer Brooks •» Ifrael Nid|iol3 -< Seih Wafhbur«e • ^ ^honr.as Durfee H jiih.* WqgdbridgeJ^ Efquires, Mr. William Baker, iu*. Clerk to the Senate.

X~^ If any rew Officers are appointed, orAlteratioiis in the] old ones befofe January 1781^ they ivill be noticed at\ the the _ End of Regifier.]— | [tS'T .-- Ltfi of cdl ths 7'swHsitt the Ctmmtnivealtbfivith toe Names^ of the Gentlemen returned to reprefent them in the Gene- ral AJJembly till the laft JVtdnefitiy in May 178 1. JtHonorabIc Caleb Davis, Efqj of Bo/ion, Speaker For the County 0/ SuiFoIk. ^''ew^«;;yyrEnochSawyer,efqJ 'Thomas Dawcsjl^ —Mofcs Little, efq; 'ohn LoypclljJil^ *^Neivhury.Ptrt, JL-,Jonathan homas WaJley, (Grcenlraf, efq smuel Auftin, wjona. Titcomb, rU -^ohn Rowe, aod Nath. Tracey.erq; I amuei Barrett, Efq' rs**iWtfriJ/f-6ffl^,'-J. Glover, efq; ^ '^ Roxhury, Dr.Eliphal Downsr -fWilljam Lee, jfq; Dorcbfjier, Eben. Wales, efq •f hen. Elbr. Gfrry.efqj Miitotty Sam. HcnffiaWj efq .^Jo/hua Ornc, efq; Braintree, Rich. Cfanch,cfq,'»Xvjfw,:inr^S3muel Bur rill ?^e)»>«««//6, Nath. Bay lej;erq^-^»iy5e/

I JV^lfoUy maj. Seth Bnllard 4- CbeifcLi, caot. Jona. Green CouTtty tf MIddlefex. • 'amhridge', col. S. |ij Frlifiklin, Dr. John Metcal Thatcher «p- Foxberotigb, mr.JohaEverctt •-* maj. Tho. Farrjngtoi; barlefioiufk, mr.Timo.Tuhs CtuKty of Eflex. Watertoivtt, Jon. Brown.efq; Salem, mr. Samuel .Ward ''Vtburn^ tbam. Baldwin, efq mr. Benja. Go^dhuCj o7icord,mii]^. JofephHcfme mr. Jacob Afhton Newton, irir. Thomas Paike mr. Henry Ffigginfoi emiing^ capt, JamesB:rcro^ 3Danvers, col. If. Hutch in fol larlbtrotigh, mr.SiraonStow Iff'iMicb, Dum. Jewett. efq}' fillerica, maj. Edw. Farmer capt. John Patch Fri2«/K^i«ff2,mr.Wm.Browi Wejiorty Jcfiah Smith, efq; -p^fon/c»w,-Dr, Abe! Goodale Medford, Jofiah BfOcki,cfq}IC5Kii'<2y, Pelbam •'•^fGreenivicb, tit, Acicn and \ . o- N. Stcbb'os "?'' ^''"' u Carlijle, ^ "^ifcr^^W//., OliverPhcIps, efq; frisford, capf. Jofeph RreS'l'ff/c-^fr^fl'Zi'.'?, mr, Dan. Smith <-yahbam, Jonas I>jX,^crq;*'^4f.7rrfl)';?'^/J,Dr.Dav.Skepar6 * Groton, hon. amesPrefcot46'c«?/^ic7;V,4, mr. Wi]'. Moore CD*. Henry WoodVj Blanford Le-vsrctty \]mjtaiuTyWDtaiuty mmr. Jof. B.Vernum Fa/wtr, Netu Saleiriy f e.-Z/crj, capt. John Mcore \Colerain^ Dunjiable, hon. John Tyng' uVare, Bcrnardjien^ Lincolriy «hon.Elcaz. ?>xook%\Chariem:nt Apfield, Tewkshuryy Jona. Reed, e(^-,\IVortbir,gt Sbutesbury^ Hopkingt»n, Stciv, Ludlow. Merryjield, Stirley, Tozimfend,- Nofivicb, Jchr.Kirkland,er(j} HolUptn, ABen, No. 7, Weji Eammn\-\^ Wilmington, Afoby^ \.'Gu7nniirtpsny capt. W. Wa«4» Nstick, Stttjebam, ''^'Chelierfield, capt.Benj. Barney

Cbefierfield Gorey ,p.-.' County «/Hampfliire. Er-v^vgfoirt, Buckhnd, Sprir.gfield, mr. Luke Blifs %iJ)r. Chauncy Brewer County of V]-^moii\.h. WefiSfrirgfi. mr.A.Burbanl* (plytn.uih, hon. JamesWarren' -J-Jultm Ely, efqj r-^Scituate, mr. Daniel Da moo' Wilbraham, ' ^(Duxborcugb, mr. J. Peterfoa] t NT/rtbdTKptcn, mr. E.Wrigh Imrpfieldx^^\,'\ Waterman! *— mr. Q^ar^usPcmen idgiuater,r.z'^\.ls Mitchcllj Sou'bamptcn, Hatfield, •- C2pt. David Kingman!

Hedley, mr. Jona. Smithrf ' 'f/ididd. 'tbor(j\ mr.Zeb. Sprout:

-ahoiiti»-liad!ey. hon. 'iioah'ficchefie. co!. Eben. White 1 A (Gccdrnsn, t^j^lyrrton. lieut. Fra. Shurtlcff :ikw:i'fr;^mr.Naih.D;ck tribroke, capt. j fephSmilh]

^ranby, rapt. ^hinehasJ anover^ mr, David Jacob j ^ fbatelcyy WiUiamibu-^gh, Kivgjion, Ai^irgtcn, j

V, Deerfield^ mr. David Sexton Halifax, Werebam, \ '^reerfieldy mr. David Ssiieadi County of Barnftable. County o/'NaBtuckct, Barnjiable, N. Marfton, efq; Sherburne,

^1 SturgisGorham —capt, County of Worceftcr. Nye, Y^and

Harivich, Jofeph Nye, efq; n'^sokfcld, capt.Phin.Uphan mllfieet, Elifha Doanc, t';o^\Xoxford, capt.WilJ. Hancod Falmouth, mx. SamuclBrowjiig^^^/^^ ' ^r. C. Ammidow; Chgtbam, Truro, "Sutton, Amos Singletary,efq -f^^'ceffer, col. WilJ.Henfhai County of BriftoL

J«h" Frffcndcn,efc col. Nath. Leonard H5"^/f«^'

^'.^""' '^"^'^ Mr. S. Peck. J"^^° (^'^qi\f''-''Paxton, Hubbardjlon, Sivanzey, 'Dartmouth, r^ New Braintretf maj. Jofej j^bi'furtoftfVitMt. SEm.Biown Upton, ( Board m; Norton, capt. Ifaac Ho^iges uthbtrough, capt. Newt< Mansfield, capt. Sam. Whi JVeftborcugh, Attleboro", col. John Dagget 'orthboro\ Dr. PaulNewt. -Utpi^hton, mr. AbiezerPhillipi hrewsbury,tnT. Eph.Betn FreetcivK, mr. j. Kathaw unenburghf mr.Eaftabroo ^ainham, capt.Ifr.WrJlibur^ 3^:•Fitchiurg, capt. T. Covvd Berkley^ SamuclTabcy, efq 'xbridge, mr. Nich. Bay!

'arnjard, col,. jGfi.VVfeitr County s/York. udley, mr, Edward Davis TV/t, Edward Grow, efq; -f. Ju^olton, mr. Eph. E*ir.b2rl -fKittery, John Froft,cfq; ^^^Sturbrid^e, Dr. T.>ih.Hard

4'^^//j, Natb. Wells, efq;:J'-' • •' — ardivich, ] ona. War n8r,e - •• Terwick, mr. John Hill ., 'Holden, John Child, efq; *-Pepperrelboro% T. Cutts,clqj WeJhrny€o\. —— Stope Arundel, BIddford, ouglafs, licut. Ebe»/ Mr Lebanon, Sanford, Royaljicn, John Fry, Efq \ Buxton, Fr-ihurgh, ijlminlier,rc\r. Abn.Hol [CoxhaU, Majfabefeek^ _ Princeton, fhon, Mofes( iBroivrfeld, Li't^iei'lck, Jorthiridge, mr. Ba LittkfalU. Lecminfier, Grafton Ciunty of D^kti-CoMnX^ Feterpam, Temphtof Edgartownf Afhburnham, Wardy Chilmark, Winchsndon, Athol, or T'isb t. ry . MlIf d: Fa .'mouth,* Hon. ]i6. PttbblslSbe^eld, Dr. Silas Ke!!cg .Ns.TarKoutb, ]ohnLzv/ir,i(ci\ —^ JobnAihley,jurj,efq: 'k:apeEuzul>etb,C].}oT6an,t(T^reat B-jrnngton, mr.J.Nzil "^ '\Scarborougb, Dr. '^ rm\\\PaTtridgefield,lFiiIiamft')'ivr., ^ , Sam. 4(J&r^^»«, Sole- Lombard, efqjt-AV'zy Marlborough, Jabez Biunfxvkk, JVindhatr.j \Ltncx, (Waid,efqj Harjifivel/f I^ct^G Icuce/Iefdl^anssborough, col. Jon. Smith Gray, Rcya'boroughy\ —John Harris, eftjj Pearfonfcwny Raymondtoivn-JI^Pi ttsfeld, Ch.Goodr!

Syhefter, _ MTyrizgham^Weut.JoLWiUfon County of Lincoln. -j^Stockbridge, JohnEacon'efq; ^PciVHalbsro'EzTiT^jloTyefci-f^-Becket, Natb. Kingfley, efq; \Gecige:o'zi-nM»].\f.L'nhio^infVirJfor, Will. Clark, efq; Tcpjbdm, Newcafile, 'i^.7«f5ci, jrif. Satouel Hand

U^oeiivicb, Tbomaj^oivn, I fHicbmoftd, mr.Nath. Biihop Ecwdoijjkam, Bootbbay, ^•U^,Stockhridge,mTy>I\\\'\7^TC\i Bnjiol, VMjJ'alboroughj-Adanii, capt. Enoch Paiker Medumccck, Winf.oxv, Lcudcn, fVaJhingtoit, Lee rVa'.doboreugb.Edgccmbey A'ford, Ni%» Alford, Ptttiftcn, HaUenvel/, AjhanueletEqu ivaUn t, \iiellfaft, Warren, N. Providence, Sandisjicld. t'Geovgti, Winthrfp. Tauconick Mountains, Mr. V/iiliam Baker, MefTsnger of the General Courf. I [TteGtml^men loitb thi: [f ] Mark ivcre e'.eEied Counsellor. Thofe mark'd tbut [*] loere cbojcn Senatc-s.

rsi Kor. Henry Gardner, Efoj TreaR!rer& Receiver-Genera!. J.hn Furnafr, Efqj^ieik and AiMant. Richftid Devcns, Efqj Commiffary-Genera!.

Bcrjjamin^White, Efqj firft Clerk.

Jufiicts tf the peace throughout the Citnmor.iueahb, Jeremiah Pqwell Mofes Gill • ames BoAdoin James Sullivan Jabfz Fiflier Willi£.in Sever Robert T. Paine Berjamin White Benja. Gieenleaf Enoch Freeman Timo. Danielfoa Walter Spooncr Henry Gardner Artemts Ward Caleb Cufliing Eenja. Lincoln thcmasCufhiag £enja. Chadbourn Charles Chauncy Samuel Adami

Wiliiam Cc/hing jofeph Palmer 1 James Warren Neth. Er^uires. P. Saijtant I | [.781] Civil Offieers throughout the Copsmon'wsalth. For the County of Suffolk. Jujiicei of the Common Pleas. Hon. Thomas CuHi'iDg, Samuel Ni!es, Jofeph Gardaer, and Richard Cranch, Efquires. Ecnja. Lincoln and Jofeph Palmer-, Efq'r8,fpecial Juftices. Ezskiel Price, Efq; Clerk of the Pleas and Se/fions. Hon. Oliver Wendell, Efq; Judge of Probate. William Cooper, Efq; Regifter of Probate. Mr. Jofhua Henfhaw, Regifter of Deedt, David Jeffries, Efq; County Treafurcr. Jofeph Henderfon, Efqj Sheriff. Mefli'rs. Pool Spear, and Jofeph Otis, Deputy Sheriffs. [The yuftices of the Peace for the feveral Counties are only tboje ivho have been appointed and CtmmiJJionated under the . State o/Maffachufetts Bay ./row September 1776 te November ij^o, fome f whom hvae nat yet taken tht necejffary to them t» aB in that Oaths qualify Office. J Jufiites of the Peace. •John Avery, Quo. Bo/ii Samuel Niles Braintrei Jonathan Williams ditto *Richard Cranch ditti Tbcmas Crafts, jun, ditto Thomas Penniman dttti William Cooper ditto Eleazer Weld Roxhurj *Jofeph Greenleaf ditto Nath. Sumner Dedhan * Jofeph Gardner ' ditto *Jona. Metcalf, Quo. ditt, John Avery, jun. ditto Ebenezer Battle ditt\ *JohnRurnaf8 ditto Nath. Bay ley JVeymouti Harbottle Dorr ditto Benja. Cuffiin^ Hingban Joha Lowell, Quo* ditto Ebenezer Fi/her Wrenthan Ezekiel Price ditto Renjamin Guild iitt Samuel Barrett, ditto Davi^ Rawfon Milto. John Sweetfer ditto Samuel Henfhaw,j'un. ditt James Bowdoin, Jun. ditto Ebenezer Wales Dorchejie *Jofiah Newall Needham Swift Payfon Foxborougi •Thomas Crane Stoughton Ju/hua Cheever CbeJfei *Stcph. Metcalf BtlUngham Efquires.

Tbofe marked thus [*[ are qualifed to mEi . Coroners, Nehemiah Semes John Brewer (Beriah Baftow Alex. Eiwards Wrenthdn. Samuel Ruggles Jofeph Andrews Samuel Sellon Hinghdn _ Civil fleers fsr the Csunty of E/Tex, ^ Jufiicei of the Commcn Fleas. Caleb C'jfhing, Benjsmm Greeiileaf, ,' aod Samuel Holten, Efquires. | Samuel Phillips, Aaron Wood, & JofephAppleton, Eiq" fpecial juftice?. Mr. Samuel Cgood, jun. Clerk of the Plea». Hon. Benjamin Greenleaf, Efq; Judge of Probate. Daniel Noyes, Efq; Regifter of Probate. Hon. John Pickering, Efq; Regifter of Deeds. Michael Farley, Efq; Sheriff. Deputy Sheri^s. Ipfioichy William Dodd \^eiubi.'xy-pcrty Wm. Ingalb Sakmy William Chandler \Eaverhm, Bradley Jufiices of the Peace. CalebCufhIngjQuo. Salisbury Benj., Prefcott,Quo.Z?. ditto Ichn Choate Ipfivich. Tim.Pickering,jun.Quo.

Jujiices of the Peace, qualified to a£l. John Tyrg, Quo. IfraeJ Hobart John Stone Abra. Fuller, Quo. Jonas Prefcott Daniel Whitney Jofiah Stone Quo. Samuel Curtis Jonathan Reed , Quo. James Barrsic Thomas Plj-mpton iThad. Mafon, Quo. Ephraim Wood Francis Faulkner Wil.Stickney Q^o. John Reed Joel Parkhuift JohnCuming, Quo. Samuel Wyman Jonathan Wood JohnVarniim, Quo. Jofiah Smith jEzra Sergeant jOIiverPrefcot, Quo. Jonathan Browiflfedwafd Brook^ jEIeaz.Brocks^ Qi£0. John Jones Ebenezer Bridge

I j Jonas Dix, Quoj David Haveo Thomas Blocks fjofiah Johnfon Jofiah Sartell | Timothy Walker ILeonard Williams Benjamin Brown Joha Woodward

[Abraham Watfon Ebenezer Rice ' Efquirca.

Coronenfor the County 0/ Middlefcx. I IJofeph Bixby HoUiftoti\ fee! Smith IVeJtcn Simeon Newton ^/V/oj Ephraim Ruflell Grotorif

John White 2///^r ;Vfl I William Hildreth Draiut

Civil Officers for the County ^/"Hampihlre

Jufticei of the Common Pleas^ Hon. Timothy Daaielfon, Eleazer Porter, John Blifs, and Samuel Mather, Efquires. Robert Breck, Efq; Cl«rk of the Picas and the Scffions Hon. Eleazer Porter, Efqj Juige of Probate. John Cbefter Williams, Efq; Regifter of Probate. William''Pyncheon, Efqj Regifter of Deeds, EJi/ha Porter, Efqj Sheriff. . '^"*" yu''tices of the Peace for the County bj rtampiL - fesDekinfon AmherfA^icoh Shtrmn jipfidd 'V.Pynchon.jjn. ^/^-/w^/i.yi David Smead Greenfield Reed Uxhridge^ Nehem. Stebb.'ns f feph Greenivicb r.Daaelfcn, Qi»o. SrzVw/ff/^ Samuel Taylor Charlemont Abner Morgan tf/V?? Samuel Mather fVefifield Phinehas Wright ^orthfieldSw&rhim Parks ditto CalebStrong (iuo.Nor^i?aw/».| fohn KirkJand Norivtcb Robert Breck tZ/rz-oJEiip. Leonard W, Springfiel£\ Eleazer Porter, Quo. Htf^% Jchn C. Williams' Uadky John Blifs, Quo. ^-7/<5ir^>&fl«Kl Erquires.j CoTiners, John Pynchon oi Springfield. Elijah Hunt o?\ Northampton, and Edward Taylor of WepifieldA

Civil Officers for the County o/' Plymouth, j

Jujticet of the Ccmmon Pleas. , I

Daniel Jobnfon, Benjamin Willis, John Turner and > Wiiliam Watfon, Efquires, John Cotton, Efq; Clerk of the Picas it Regifler of Deeds. Hon. Jofeph Cufliirg, Efq; Judge of Probate. Ifaac Lotkrop, Efqj Regifter of Probate. •^ GccJfge Partridge, Efq; Sheriff. Juftices of the Peace. John Cotton.Quo. tlymoutb^Y^hin. Sprcut Middlchorougl Thomas May hew ^/V/5 Jofhua White ditti Willtam Watfon, Quo. d'/>?o| Noah Ferrin Warehan. Peleg Wadfworth ditto Nehem. Thomas Ma'-pfiela Bcrj.W A\\s,Qiip. Bridgivat WoodbridgeBrown Akington Benja. Willis, jun. ditto John Ccfhing, jun. ^cituat' Edward Mitchell ' ditto Ifrael Vinal ditt'.

William Drew Kivgfttor. William Turner ditts John Turner, Quo. Pembrok Efquires Coreners. Bridgivater, Dav. K.\a%Tain]puxborough, Jofh. Stamfor Warebam,Sim\M\ Savory 'Pembroke, Wait Ford

Civil Officers for the Courity of Barnftsble. Hon. Daniel Davis, Nathaniel Fjceman, Richard Baxter and Solomon Freeman, Efquires. Thomas Paine and Jofeph Njc, Efq'rs. fpecial fufl^ice*. Jofeph Otis, Efq; Clerk of the F'eas aad of the Seirions, Hon. Daniel Davis, Efq; Judge of Probate. Kavhanifl Freemae, Efq; Regifter of Probate. Edw. Bacgn, Efq; Regifter of Deeds for BarnftableCountf,. Enoch Hallett, Efqj Sheriff. Jujiieei of the Peace. Jofeph Nye Quo. Sandiuich Dzv.ThiichtryQno.Yarmcutb Thomas Paine Eajiham Barnabas Freemao EaUbam Ebenzer Jenkins Barnjiable Winllow Lewis Wellfieet Shearja. BourD. Quo, ditto Jcfeph Doane Chatham Efquires. Coronety George Lewis cf Barnjiable.

Ctvii Officers for tbs County c^/'Briftol.

Jujiieei of the Common Pleas. Eliflia Toby, Walter Spooner, Thomas Durfce, and Benjamin Williams, Efquires. , Efq; fpcciai Juftice. Samuel Fales, Efq; Clerk of the Pica?. Hon. Benjamin Williams, Efqj Judge of Probate. George Leonard, Efq; Regifterof Probate. James Williams, Efq; Regifter of Deeds. George Godfrey, Efq; County Treafurer,. Zephaniah Leonard, Efq; Sheriff*

yuflices of the Peace.- Ez.RIchmond.Quo. D/^i)ro»l William CoFe F.ehohetk Ja.Williams, Qiio. Trt|siIvanus Martia ditto Rob. Lifcomb, Quo..

George Godfrey, Quo.. ^zVro ; Tho.Durfee, Quo. Freet'onvn Apollos Leonard ^/'//0| John Dagget Attleborcugb Geo. Leonard, Quo, iVor/o»! David Pierce Sivanz.ey Eph. Leonard, Quo^ ^z'/roi George Codding^ Digbton Edward Pope Dartmouth William Baylis ditto Benj, Aikin, Quo.. ditto William Davis Vartmotabr Elifha Toby, Quo., ditto Nfatthcw Howard Eafton Samuel Toby Berkley {Utwi'W&thhMja Raynham Efquires. Coroners,

Seth Pope- Dartmouth -.V^k^'i French Berkley "liftia May ^;//f/'o/-c«|;/jIfaac Hodges Norton onathan I^g^^Ms Tauvton\s,ti\\ Williams a;tto Rehoboth\]or\iKh2>r\ R;ed Freet''reeioivm Ifrael Barney 5w<2«xfj)lDavid Whitmarfh Dightot] Civil Officers for; the County e/'York^

"Jujiicei of the Common Pleas. Daniel Moulton, RufliArorth Jordan, BcnjaminChadbourn, and Jofeph Simpfon, Efquires. Edward Cutts, and Nath. Wells, Eft^'rs. fpecia! JufUces, Timothy Froft, Efq; Clerk of the Pleas & cf the Seflions, Hen. Jofeph Simpfon, Efq; Judge of Probate. David Sewall, Efq; Regiftcr of Probate. Daniel Moulton, Efq; County Treafurer and Rcgifter. Johnfon Moulton, SheiifF,

yujiices of the Peace. iJ^feph Frye, Quo. Fryi?urg\TnR. Jordan Pefperrtlboro ',DominicusGoodwin<&frw/

Civil Officers for the County o/*DukesCounty

fufiices of the Common Pleas. Jofeph Mayhew, James Athearn, John Worth, and Shubael Cottle, Efquires, James Athearn, Efq; Judge of Probate. Benjamin Smith, Efq; Re.yfter of Probate. Peier Norton, Efq; Sheriff.

Jupices of the Peace. Jof.Mayhew, Qun.Chilmark Shubael Cottle James Athearn, Quo. Ebenezer Smith Jonathan Allen, Quo. Beriah Norton John Worth, Q»o. Thomas Cock Enoch Coffin Efquires. Coroners. Ebenezer Norton, Thomas Allen and William Tiltoa. . I.JM I IM i\/' Civil"0]jicerTJ^r the County r/ Nantucket. J-aJticcs of the Commcn Fleas. Jofiah Coffin, Grafton Gardner, Caleb Bunker, and Eb-nezer Ca!ef, Efquires. Stephen Hufley, Efq; fpecial Juf^ice. Hon. Grafron Gardner, Efqj Judge of Probate. Frederick Folccr, Efq; Regifter of Probate. John Gardner, 2d, Sheriff. yufiices of the Peace. ]oC\ahQofRr\,Q^a. Sherburn ^KtJfhtn Huffey, Qu Grafton Gardner^ Q^. George Gardner, 2d. Quo. Caleb Bunker, (V^o. J feph Coffin, jun. Quo. Ebenezer Ca!ef, Q^o. vViiliam Brock Efqulref,

Qvfl Officers for the County r/ Worcefter Jufticis of the Common Pleas, lion. Artenaas Ward, Mofe5 Gill, Samuel Baker, and Jofepb Dorr, Efquires. Jofcph Wheeler & Jonathan V»'ard, Efq' rs. fpecial Juftices Mr. Jofeph Allen. Clck of the Pleas. Lieut, Samuel Bridge, Cryer. ; Hon. Levi Lincoln, Efq; judge of Prolate. Jofeph Wheeler, Efq; Regfftcr of Probate. Nathan Baldwin, Elq; Re^ifter of Deeds, Mr. Nathan Perry, County Treafurer. William Greenleaf, Efq; Sheriff. jfuftices of the Peace,

)ohn Child i/»/^f» I Nathan Tyler Mendon S. HartwelljQuo. iz/Hfiff^i/r^ Ifrael Taylor Harnjard Dan.Hen/haw,Quo. LeicefteA Percival Hall N. Eraintree Jofeph HenAaw ^/V/oj Ebenezer Craft Sturbridgs\ "ofeph Baker TVeftborough\ }zAt^\i\\ Mercey Dudley Paul Merdell Hardtvick Edward Davis ditto Jofiah Wilder Lancafter John Pigeon Erookfeld^ William Dinimore ditto John Mafon Barre A fa Whetcomb ditto Jacob Davis Charlton' fona. Ward, Quo. Southboro'' Jofiah Dean Vpto John Frink Rutland Ebenezer Learned Oxford^ !ohn Fefftnden ^/Vroj John Batcheldor Royaljtcn Samuel Crofljy 5i&rfry/?>«7;y Nathan Taylor Uxbridge

Edward Rawfon Mendon) Efouiref, 1 the the Jujticei of Peace fg. County of Worce/ler. idward Davis Dudley Will. Hitchborn Fitckbur^ VilliamPhips Ward Nathan Putnam Suuc; ^ohn Bifco 'Spencer Efquires Corcnen. ohn Feflenden iJa//a»^|Noah Sparhawk Barrt iliakim Spooner Peterlham\L.ox'm% Lincoln

leubenTaft Nortbbr{dge\lAzxk Lincoln - Leomirtfter

'iviJ Officers for the County of Cumberland. Jujt'ces of the Common Pleas. I ^on. Jeremiah Powell,Enoch Freeman, Solomon Lombard, and David Mitchell, Efquires, Aaron Hinckly, Jedediah Prebble, & John Lewis, Efq'rs. fpecial juftice?. Samuel Freeman, Efqj Clerk of the Pleas. Hon. Enocli Freeman, Efqj Judge of Probate, Samuel Freeman, Efqj Register of Probate. Hon, Enoch Freeman, Efqj Regifter of Dee^f. John Waite, Ef^; Sheriff. Juftkes of the Peac J;d.PrebbIe, Quo. FaUmw.h William Simmington ditto AaronHinckl.y,Quo, Btur.fiv Clement Jorcaa ditto WiU.Gorham GorhamToion D.Mitchel!,quo.A'o.rrtrr20. S^ath. Jor.cs Cape Elizabeth Edw. RulTeil, Quo. ditto Oavid S trout ditto £ feu ires Coroners. Thomas Scales • Peleg Chandler David Parker I Nath. G. Moody

Ctvtl Officers for the County ^/Lincoln. Juftices of the Common Pleas. William Lithgow, Thomas P.ice, James McCobb, and James Howard, Efquires, Nathaniel Thwing, Efq; fpecial Juftice. Jonathan Bowman, Efqj Clerk of rhe Pleas. Hon. Jonathan Bowman, Efq; Judge of Probate, Robert Cufting, Efqj Regifter of Probate. ^'^"^«5 Cu/hir^g, Efq^ Sberff. b 1 r> >3.muel Goodwin and Solomon Farfons, Deputy Sheriffs. Juftices of the Peace for the County of Lincoln. Reming. Hobby Fajalhoro Jonathan Buck Peneh/cor ^biel Lovejoy ditto James Howard IVirJlo'w hn Merrill Poxvnalboro' A bra. Prebble Bo^doinham Rowland Bridge ditto Samuel Harndcn tfoolivick Ezekiel Patty ditto Stephen Jones Macbiat Thomas Hodgdon Edgcombe Mafon Wheaton Tbomafton J jhn Stinfon George Toivn Samuel Jordan UnionRi-ver janoes McCobb ditto Andrew McFarlani Boothbty Will. Lithgow,<>uo, ditto Peter Haywood Canaan

Ducimcr Sewall ditto Oliver> Wood Norridgenu»lk Efquiret. Coroners, Thomas Bcyd ^r/M5r//Vo/IJonasJonas Farnfworth Math.71 at John White George«rcw«ljohntown) }ohn Farley

Civil Officers for 4he County <>/Berkfhire. Juftices of the Common Pleas. John Afhlcy, William Whiting, and John Brown, Efq'rs. James Barker, Efqj i^ecial Juftice. Hon. Timothy Edwards, Efqj Judge of Probate. Jahleel Woodbridge, Efq; Regifter of Probate. Mofcs Hopkins, Efqj Rcgiiler of Deeds. John Fellows, Efqj Sheriff.

Juftices of the Peace, John AfiiVy, Quo. A'"i»f^<;/^jT.Edwards,Quo. Stockbridge Theodore Sedgwick ^///o|jahiecl Woodbridge ditto Lemuel Bernard <^/'r/o| John Bacon, Qu-'i. dtto Afa DouglaJs Hancock^Simnt\ Browa, jun. ditto WMhh'm^Gr.Barrington 'E\y Root Piitsfeld

Trucman Wheeler ^/V/o I Will. Williams, Quo. ditt. Ephraim Fitch Egremont James hzrXitt Lanefhorougf. Jabez Ward N, Marlboro'' G dcon Whce!er ditto Dani»l Brown Sandisjield Nathaniel Kingfley Becket Jofhua Warner TyrringhamVNWWim Clark Ifindfo. Elijah Brown /?/Vi'wo«^| John King Tauconick Mount Samuel Ktl\oglfilliamftoivn\ Efquires. Coroners. William A'^ley Sk^ffieldlCi\eb Wright N. Marlboro Will. Goodrich Steckbridge\ \zmts HaiTh Lanefborough Juflices of the Superf§r C»urt $fJudicaturTt

Hon. WilKan^ Curtiing, j David Sewall I (Chief Juftice James Sullivsn

Natb. Pe?flee Sergeant j Elquives Andrew Henfhaw, Efq; Clerk, J

Judges of the Maritime Courts. . Hon. Nathan Cu/hi~g, Efq; for the Southern Diftrifl. Hon, Timothy Pickering, Efq^ for the Middle Diftridl. Han. Timothy Langdon Efqj for the Northern Diftri£l

Barrifiers at Laio and /^ttornies.

Rcnja. Kent, Efq; Bofton I of. Hawley.Efq j iV, rr/l'a/T/;^ Hon. Robert T. Pa=ne, Efq; Hon.JohnWorthin^tan,E'qj (Attorney General, ditto Mofes Blifs, Efq; Springfield, John Lowell, Efq; i/^/'si JohnSprague,Erq; Lar.cafter Will. Pynchon, Efq; SaleirA Shearj.Bc'jrn.Efq Barnjtai^le T. Bradbury, E^qj Ne%vbury\Oik.tiA.n%\ZT^^i({-^Bridgiva,

Attorniei at Laiv praBiJir.g at the Superior Court, BeriarninHitchbourn £:o/fo«{Edw?rd Pope Taur.ton

William Tuv^or i/.'V^'o| George Leonard ditto ditto S,t± Paddleford ditta ijonaihan Mafon, jun. ditto David Gorham Barnjtab'e Ifrsel Keith ditto Roland Cufhing P^wr.z/i&oro' Increafe Sumner Roxbury Timothy Langdon ditto William Witmo'e S^/,;;/;! William Lithgow ditto

iThcP. ParfonsAVw^'/ryPtr/ Levi Lincoln, Efq, J'^^o cefter iMcfes Pa. fons li^^-verhii/lwVAhm S:eiii)3 ditto John Frothinghsm Fi'.fmoutbl Cahh Strong Nortbampt^ Jallin Ely, ff^eft Sprif.gfie!J.,Ci\ehEmtry To,

Members of the Continental Nti-vy Boardfor tke Nortberv kept in j Department. 7heir Office Bcftcn.

Wiifiam Vernon, Jim?s Warren, & John Defhon , Efq'r$ Wili^am Story, Efq; Secretary. ijabcE Ha'ch, Efqj Continental Deputy Q^srter-Mafter-

( General for Mafl'achufetts Department. Mefli'rs Otis & Henley, Continental Apents fojCIoathlng. Jortiua Merfereau, Efq; Continental Deputy Comm (Tary. General of Frifoners at Boftop. \ I ^ Naval Officers appointed yanuary 5, 1780. For the Port of Bofton, Nathaniel Barber, Efqj For the Port o( Salem. Mr. Warwick Palfrey. For the Port of Marblehcad. Mr, John Gerry, For the Port of G/oucefter, Samuel Whitrenvre, Efq; For the Port of Newbury- pon^, Capt. Michael Hodg< For the Port of Tork, Capt. Richard TrevoU Por the Port of Pepperrelborough,TuATzmjcr6znf'E.{q For the Port of Fa'mouth, Mr. Thomas Child. For the Port of Toivnfend, William McCobb, Efq; For the Port of Penobfcot, Capt. Nicholas Crcfby. For the Port of Goiddjborough, Capt.William Nichols.

Fi)r the Port of Mzc-b/^j, Capt. Stephen Smith. L For the Port of Plymouth Thomas Mayhew, Efq; For the Port of Bamjtable, Capt. William Taylor. For the Port of Dartmouth^ Edward Pope, Efq; For the Port of Nantucket, Mr. Ichabod Plaifted. For the Port of Dukes County^ Mr. Nathan Smith.

Notaries Public, In the County of Suffolk, Eztklcl Price, Efq; and Mr. Henry Allyne, i« the County of Effex. Mr. Edw, Norris ijo/hua Orne, EfqjIMr. James Porter

Mr. Sam. Sawyer I Will.Atkins,Efq;lMr. Sam, R,Gerr In the County cf Plymouth, Capt, Ephraim Spooner. In the Coa«(y 0/" Barnftable. Winfl)W Lewis, Efq; Nathaniel Shiverick, Efq; and Ml. Richard Sears, In the County of BnAol. Eliflia Toby, Efq; and Mr. William Brown. In the County of York. Daniel Moulton, and Thomas Cutts, Efq'rs. In the County o/Dukss County. Mr. John Peafe, jun. In the County o/" Cumberland. Mr. John Frothingbam. In the County of Lincoln. Mr. Samuel McCobb, and Mr, John Page.

Infurance Officer in Bofton. Kept by Ezekiel Pi ice, Efq; and Mr. Edward Payne MuJUr-MaJters in theJevsral Counties, for \he County of Suffolk, Mr. Edward Green, Captain Afa White, and Major Sclh BuUard. For the County of Effex, Mr. Jofeph Hillcr, Col.-Samue) Johnfon, Col. Nathaniel Wad;, and Mr. Eben. March. For the County of Middkjex, Jonas Howard, Efq; For the County of Hampf^ire, Col. Reggies Woodbridge, and Major David Dxkinfon. For the County of Plymouth, Capt. James Hatch, and Mr. Thomas Sprcut. For the County of Barnftable, Jofeph Otisj Ei^j. and Col. Zenos Winflow. For the County of BriftsI, Mr. Nathaniel Morton, 3d, and Major Silas Cobb, For the County of /for ft/>5r, Major Bartb. Woodbury William Dunfmore, Efq; and Major Jofeph Bowman. For the County of T$rky Capt. Jafeph Bragdon, jun. Jofhoa Clark and Dominicus Goodwin, Efq'rs, For the County of Cumberlairdi Col. Peter Noyes, and Col. Jonathan Mitchell. For the County of Linctln, Brigadier Harn^ell. For the County of Eerkjhire, Trueman Wheeler, Efq; and Mr. Ezra Hunt. Superifitendenti. For the County of ^a^cj/^, Mr. Edward Green, For the County of £//^x, Col. Ifracl Hutcbinfon, For the County of Middlefex, Major Jofeph Hofmer. For the County cf Hampjhirey Major Noah Goodman. For the County of P/ymouth^ Major Nath. Gooding, For the County of Barnftable, Col. Nath. Freeman. For the County of Briftol, Col. James WilHam?. For the County of fVorcefter, Major Scth Wafhburn. For the County of Tork, Col, Ichabod Goodwin. For the County of Cumberland, John Lewis, Efqj For the Count; " Lincoln, Col. Dummer Sewai). For the County of Berkjhire, Capt.Wilttam Walker

Committee for methodizing, jiating and fettling of the public Accounts. ^ jOhn Deming, Peter Boyer and Stephen Gorham, Efq'rSo

Committee for fettling nvith the Army, ^^ammJBaldwin, Samuel Auftin, &ThomasWalley,Efqrj- — ' " ( ' A Aients for recsivjng Skirts tShoesy Stockings^ and Blankets Jor the Army% In thcCouaty of Suffolk, Lemuel Kollock, Efq; In the County oi Effex, Ifrael Hutchinfon, Efq; In the County of MiddUfex, Jofeph Hofmer, Efq; In the County of fVorceJter, Seth Wa/hburo, Efq; Id the County of Hampjhirey Elijah Hunt, Efq; In the County of Berkshire, William Williams, Efq; In the County of Plymouch, Capt. David Kingman. In the County of Bamftable, Col. Enoch Hallct. In the County of Briftol, George Godfrey, Efq- In the County of Tork, Edward CuttB,Erqj In the County of Cumberland, John Lewis, Efqj In the County of Lincoln, Dulnmer Sewall, Efq; In the County of Dukes-County, Jamet Athcarn, Efq;. In the County of Nantucket, Stephen HufTey, Efq;

Committee of Supplies of MafTachufctti ^ota of tb, Continental Army, Ebenezer Wales, Amafa Davia, & JoHahBatchelor, EfqVs

ConduSior t» overfee and ^ro-vide for tbs Tranfpertatiot «/" Storet for the Army., Mr. |ohn Goddard.

CommiJioTjer refidin^ at Springfield* fo receive Recruit- for the Continental Army, Mr. Luke fllifs.

Commiffary to Maflachufetts Quota ofthe Army, Capt. Ezra Lunt.

InfpeElori of Cloatbing for the Army, Mefli'n Bartholomew Kneeland, John Simpkini, h Samuel Bangs.

Continental Agent for Indian Eastern Department, Col. John Allen, of Machiaf. Members (j/f£>?iMaflachufctts Board of IVar. Samuel Ifaac Phillips and Phillips Sava|e | John Brown >J Nathaniel Cofham Eleaacr Johnfon X Efquires Mr. Turner Phillip^ Secretary. John Locas, Efq; Commiffary of PenfiODCrs, Afaj. John Hopkine, Dep.Commiff. Gener al of Prifoners —

HARVARD COLL EG JL in Cambridge, founded in 1638: j From which Time to the Year 17S0 there have been' aSi 5 Students graduated, of whom 1430 are fince dead.] Prefident, Vacant,. OVERSEERS, The Governor, Lieutenant Governnr, Council and Senate, the Prefident, and Minifters of the Congregational Churches in the Towns of Cambridge, JVatertoxun. Charlejiown, Bofion, Roxkury and Dorchefter,

Rev. Simeon Howard, Secretary to the Overseen. CORPORyiTION.

— •, Prefident, Hon. James Bowdoin, Efqj

Rev. Samuel Cooper, D. D. I ^ ,. ^"^'^'' Rev. Edward Wigglefwonh, S.T.P. Hollis ^ Rev. John Lathrop, R.ef, Simeon Howard,

Ebenez er Storer, Efq; Treafurer. PROFESSORS. Rev. Samuel Williams, HoUifian Profejfor of the Mathematici and Natural Pbtlojophy. Rev.EdwardWiggIefworth,Ho///^jflPro/e^or ofDivinity. Stepheo Sewall, A. M. Hancock Profeffor of the Hebrew and other Oriental Languages.

j ' TUTORS, John Mellen, A. M. 'William Bentley, A. M.

Charles Stearns, A. M. I Vacant. Librarian. ^mmmKtmtkmfifaB^^ Steward. Caleb Gannett, A. M. Butler. Phillips Payfon, A. B.

Commencement the third Wednefday in July,

Vacations. FrcmCommenccment, four weeks. From the third Wednefday mOSiober, two weeks. From the firft Wednefday in January^ five weeks. The two weeks immediately preceeding the laft Wednefday in ^priL iVames of the Me7nbers of the /American Academy ofArts and Sciences, alpbabetically arranged, (In conformity to the incorporating A6i)

[Incorporated May 4, 1780.]

Hon. , Efqj Doftor Jofeph Orne, Hon. , cfqj Mr. Theodore Parfons, John Bacon, efq; Hon. , efq^ Hon. James Bowdoin, efq; Hon, Rob. Treat Paine, ef(j. Rev. Charles Chauncy, B.D. Rev. Phillips Payfon, Rer. John Clark, Samuel Phillips, jun, efq; David Cobb, efqj Hon. John Pickering, efq; Rev. Samuel Cooper, D. D, Hon. Oliver Prefect, efq; Hon. Thomas Cufhing, efq; Rev. Zedekiah Sanger, Triftram Dalton, efq;. Hon. Nath. P. Serjeant, efq; Hon. Francis Dana, efqj Micajah Sawyer, efq; Rev. Samuel Deane^ , efq; Rev. Perez Fobes, Hon. Wiliiam Sever, efq; Rev. Caleb Gannett, , efq; Hon, Henry Gardner, efq; Hon. David Sewall, sfqj Mr, Benjamin Guild, John Spraguc, efqj Hon, , efq; iEbenczer Storer, efq; Hon, Jofeph Hawley, efq; Caleb Strong, efq; Edw,Auguftus Holyoke,efq; Hon. James Sullivan, efq; Doftor Ebenezv Hunt, Doftor Bernard Sweat, Jonathan Jackfon, efq^ Mr. Nathaniel Tracy, Doftor Charles Jarvjs, Cotton Tufts, efq; Rev. Samuel Langdor, D.D^ Hon. James Warren, efq; Hon. Levi Lincoln, efqj Rev. Samuel Weft, Rev. Daniel Little, Rev.Edward Wigglefworth, Elijah Lothrop, efq; Rev. Jofeph Willard, John Lowell, efq; Rev. Samuel Williams, Rev. Samuel M»ristri'DrD. lilfTf-Abraham Williams, Samuel Moody, efq; Rev. Nehemiah Williams, Hon, Andrew Oliver, efq; Mr. James Winthrop.

Officers of the American Acadamy of Arls and Sciences, chofenfor the current Year,

Hon. James Bowdoin, Efq; o(,BoJion, Prefident. Rev. Samuel Cooper, D. D. of Bofon, Vice Prefidenli Counsellors to the Acadsmy of Arts^ &c. * ^"'^ Hon. Thomas C(«rhing. Efqj of Bojlon. Hon. Henry Gardner, Efq; cf ditto, H >n. John Hancock, Efaj oi ditto. Rev. Samue! Largdrn, D. D. oi Cambridge, John Lowell, Efqj of Bcjion. Hon. Robeit Treat Paine, ETq; of ditto. Rev. Phillips Payfon, of Ci-f//.-^.

Hon. James Warren, Efq; ci' Plymouth. Rev. Pr^AsffoT Wigglefwortb, of Cambridge. Rev. Pr.fefTor Williams, of ^;Vro. Mr, CalebGannet, of Catnbridge, Recording Secretary. Rev. Jofeph Willard, o{ Beverly. CorrefcondingSecretary Ebenezer Storcr, Efqj of Bojlon, Treafurer.

Mr. Profefljr Sewa!), of Cambridge , Vice Trcafuter, Mr. James Winthrop, of ditto. Cabinet Keeper.

The End ind Defign of thelnftltution of this Acat'cmy is to promote and encourage the knowledge of the Anti- quities of America, and of the natural Hiftory cf the Cocntry, and to determine the Ufe« to which the various

Natural Produftions of the Counrry may be applied j to promote and encourage the Knowledge of medical Difco cries, Mathematical Difquifitioos, Philofophical Enqui rics and Experiments ; Aftronomxal, Meteorological and

Geographical Obfervations j and Improvements in Aeri- cuJcure, Arts, Manufadures and Commerce : — Alfo to cultivate every Art and Science which may tend to ad- vance the Intereft, Honor, Dignity and Happincfs of a free, independent and virti ^js People, The N;:mberof the AcaHemy, who are Inhabitants o>* thisComrooawcalth, is not, at any one Time, to conHfl of more than two Hundred, nor lefs than Forty ; and heir Place of Meeting ccvei to be more than 30 Miles diftant from Bcfton.

The ftated Meetings of the Academy are four Times in a Year, f/x. on the laft VVednefday ia January and the Day next preceeding the laQ: Wednefday in

May^ at Bojion ; , On the Wednefday next preceed-

ing the laft Tuefday in Augufl : And the fecondWed-

ncfdaj \T\ November, at the Univerfity m Cambridge. ".. ^JTTntJu. . urchssy and Religious ^jfemhlig^

Note, E. is E;-ifcopa!ian. B. Baptift. P. Prefijj teriani Iseligiout AJfembliei in the County 0/ Suffolk. Firft Church, Rev. Charles Chauncy, D.D. i Founded^ and Rev. John Clark, Cornhill, Boftnn. \ 1630 Old North Church, \_deftroyedin the Tear 1775. J 1650 Antipaedobaptift Church, Rev. Samuel Stillman, 1665 SouthChurch, MarlboroughStre€t,Rcv.Jof.Ecc!e, l66gi [The infide dejiroyed by the BritiJhTroopi in 1775] King's Chapel, E. Vacant, Tremount-Strcet. 1688 Church in Brattle Street, Rev. Sam. Cooper, 0.D, 1699 Friends Meeting, in Levcrett Lane. 1710 New North Church, NorthStreet, Rev. John Eliot. 1714 New South Church, Summer-Street, Vacant. 1716 Church in Middle-Street, Rev. JohnLathrop, ZTxi Chrift Church, E. Salem-Strect, Lewis. 1712 Prefbyterian Church, Long-Lane, Vacant. '73^ Church in Hollis-Street, Rev. Ebenezer Wight. 17 32 TrinityChurch, E. Si)mmcrStreet, Rev. S.Parfcer. T734 Weft Church, Rev. Simeon Howard. 173^ Church in Bennet-Street, Rev. Sam. Mathr.r, D.D. 1742 Second Antipaedobaptift, Rev. Ifaac Skillman, 174 Church in School-Streetj Rev. Andrew Crofwell, 174 Saodeman't'Tate Church, Middie-Street. 17^^

Roxbury, Vacant XCshaJfet, Rev.Jrfcn Brown Rev. Tho. Abbot Wedfisld, Thomas Prentice Will. Gordon, D. D. Thon as Gear Dorche/ier, Mofes Eveic'"- Wrenthaniy Jofeph Bean Milton, Rev, NathRobbir.s William Willigmsi Braintret, Anthony Wibiid Hrookline, Jr-fsph Jackfon Mcfes Taft Nsedban?, Si'^mntl Weft Ezra Weld Vacant Vacant E Stoughton, Samuel Dunbar fVeymouih, Wiiliam Smith Jededish Adams Simeon William' Stoughtonham, Philip Curii Hingbsm, Ebenezer Gay Medway, Nath. Bucknam Daniel Shute Daniel Sanford Dedham, Jafon Haven Bellir.gbam, Noah Alden / Benjamin Caryl UuU, Vacant Jabez Chlckering Walpohy Vacant ThtmasTha'cher Ckeljea, Phillips Payibn Emmons I Vacant E Frarklin. Nath. igious AJf'.mcliei in the County of Eirex. ilem, Rev. Thomas Barnard !<'eivbufy,Kev.joha Tucker John Prince Vacant James Diman David Toppaa Natb.Whi:aker,DD Mofes Parfons Daniel Hopkins Ohver Noble Vacant * E Newhury'Port yTho.Ckry Friends Samuel Spring tarbkbead, Wm.Wbltwell John Murray P Ifaac Story Edward Bafs E Vacant E ^opsfield, Daniel Brick Rotviey, Vacant f John Treadwell Jofeph Roby James Chandler Vacant George Lcflie Friends Boxfcrdy Eiizur Holyoke tanvers, Benja. Wadfworth Mofes Hale Nathan Holt Middleton, Elis's Smith everly, Jofeph Willard Andover^ William Symmes Vacant Jonathan French ^ancbejier, }itn]i. Toppaa Bradford, Vacant ^enbam, Jofeph Swala William Dutch Uoucejier, Eli Forbei Metbuen, Chrifto. Sergeafit Daniel Fuller Haverhill, John Shaw John Rogers Phineas Adams Vacant Giles Merrill £ben. Cleaveland Hfzekiah Smith B flfivicb, Levi FriiTjie Alm/hury, Thcmas Hibbcit Manaffcb Culler Paine VVingate Jofeph Dana Sali/bury, Edward Noyes Jrhn CJeaveland Samuel Wcbftcr

f\£ligiout Ajjcmhliei in the CouTity 0/ Middlefex. '<2»w^r;Wg'e,N,Applecor,DD, Lexington, ]cn3iS Clafke Samuel Cook IVoburn, Vacant Vacant E John Marrett lb ar Ieft 01V n, Tbo. Prentice fVatertc'WTi,K\ch. R. Eliot Wccl/crd, David Ofgocd Newton, Vacant Ucr.cbam, Vacant Vacant Maldtn, Petft Thatcher Waltbam, jzcoh Cu/hing Eliakim Willis Wejion, Samuel WocdvFard Readings Caleb Prentice i'/jf/ii/rKf, Elijah Browne Eliab Stone Natick, Stephen Badger Thomas Haven Hollifion, Jofhua Prentice ^^Hopkington, Eli'ah Fitch Dracuty Nathan Davies Framingham, Vacant Ckdnnfordy Ebcnezcr Brid Sudbury, JaCv^b Bijilow Vacant B EaftSudbury, Jofiah Bridge Dunftable, Vacant Marlborough, Vacant Wefiford, Mathew S^ribncr Stotu, joiiaihan Newell ASion, Moles Adanaj Concord, Ezra Ripley Littleton, Daniel Ropeis Lincoln, Vacant Groton, Daniel Chaplin Bedford, Jofeph Penniman Shirley, Phineas Whitney Baierlca, Henry Cummings Pepper rell, John Bui lard IVilmingtoni Ifaac Morrill Toivnjend, Samuel Dix

TfTyAM^wr^jSamuelSpaulding y^Jh)>y, Samuel Whitman

Religious AJfemblies m the County o/' HampiTiirc. Springfeld, RcbertBreck Sunderland, Rev.Jof. Afliley Step.Wi]li*m£,DD. Ware, Vacant

McKinftry Ptf /«<>/-, J. Ebcnezcr Baldwin P WcjiSpringfield, Jof. Lothrop Greenivich, Vacant Sylvanus GrifwolJ ^ekherfioKvn, Juftus Forward E. Upham B New Salem, Joel Fefter fVilbraham, Vacant Samuel Biglow B Northampton, Solo. Williams Sbuteibury, Vacant Southampton, Jonahan Judd William Ewing B Kadley, Samuel Hopkins Pelham, Nath. Merrill P 5««/i'-//.WZfvJ.Woodbridge Montague, Judah Ka/h Granby, Simon Backus Northfie'd, John Hubbard Amberp, David Parfons JVarivick, Samuel Reed Hatfield, Jofeph Lyman Bernardfion, Job Wright Willian:sbwgh, Vacant Colerain, Taggart B V/hateley, Rufus Wells Cbar'emont, Jona. Leavit Deerfield, Jonathan Aftjey Cbefierfield, Vacant Conivay, John Emerfcn Chefierfield Gore,, Sbelhurne, Robert Hubbart Murrayfield, AaronBafcoHll Greenfield, Roger Newtpn Apfield. Nehemiah Porter Wefificld, Vacant Nchemia*h Smith B Southrwick, Abel Forward Cummington, James Briggs hVorthington, J, Huntington Le-verett, Vacant Blanford, Vacant P Ludlo'w, Granville, Vacant Merryfieldf mfieldy Nath. Williams Norivich, So.Brimfield, Ezra Reeve Weft Hamptofif Elijah Codding B Er'v'ngjhire, Monjon, Jeflc Ives Buckland, - fUtllgioui AJJmhlies in the County of V\ymouth. lytnouihj Rev. Cb.Robbias fjriJgivater, Rey.D.PctK'ns Ivory Hoviry and John Reed Vacant John Sha Ang'er S. Angier Hanover, Vacant J. & Satuate Vacant John Porter David Barnes MiddleboTou^h Vacant Vacant ^ Caleb Turner Marpjleld, William Shaw Solomon Reed Atherton Wales Ifaac Backus B DuxborougbZt6z^\ihSingtx EbenezerHynds B

Kingjion, Zephaniah Will s Afa Hunt B Pemcrcke, Thomas Smith Plympton, Ezra Sampfon Gad Hitchcock John Hovvland Friendj RoeheJIer, Jonathan Moore Abington, Samuel Niles Thomas Weft Halihx, Eohraim Briggs Lemuel LeBarroa Wareham, Vacant

eligious AJJemhliei in the County o/Barnftabie. Earnjiabk Rev/l':m, Hilyard H^rw/cA.Rev.IfaiahDunfter Oakes Shaw Richard Chacc B Falmouth, Ifaiah Mann Chatham, Stephen Emery, Friends JVeLf,eity llaiah Lewis Sandivicb, Abra. Williams Eajlbam, Edward Cheever Eliflia Tupfer ' Jonathan Bafcom Frifnds Truro, Caleb U(.^ham fi'arp^pee, Gideon Hawley PrcvincetOTvnS imuelParker' Tarir.outb, Timothy Alden Ephraim Ellis, Mi£ionary\ Nathan Stone to the Indians, \

Religious Ajjlmblies in the County BriftoJ. of |

Taunton, I- Rev.Eph. Judl'on | ainham, Rev. Perez Fobcs]

Vacant E -Siuanzey, Jabrz Weed B 3 WiiliamNeifonB • John Mafon Bi

Robert Mafon B \ Diglton, hn Smith J | Enoch GotC £ j Freetoivn, Vacant I

Abrer Lewis B \

Fr ends 3

Dartmouth, Sdmuel Weft |

:Friends four Meetings 1 Eafton, Archibald CempbcU* ^ Afa Carr 8 ^-jjcmuLici in zoe yauniy sj lOrK, Arundel^ Rev. Silas Moody PVellif Mofcs Hfmingv/ay Daniel Little

'Pepperrelboro\ J. Faiifi;ld Narraganfet^No.^^, P. Coffin Sanford, Vacant P. Tingley B Biddcfordf Buxton, Coxhal!, Fryburgb, Broivnfieldy Limerick, Littlefalls.

Religious Ajfemblia the County of Worccfler, JVorce/ieff Rev. T. Maccai-ty Upton, Rev. Elifha Fiih Southborough, Nathan Stone Bnokfitld, Ephraim Ward Wejlborough, Ebeu.Parkman Nathan Ft/k h3orthboro\ Pctcr Whitney " Appleton Bolton, Vacant Lelceder^ Benjamin Conkliti John Walley Benja. Foficr B Harvard, Vacant Friends Ifaiah Parker B Weftern, Ifaac Jones Lancalkr, T'\m. Harrington Spencer, Jofeph Pcpe Reuben Holci-mb Haxtcn, Alexaodfr Thayer

Shrewsbury i Jofeph Sumner Holden, Jofeph Avery E'eazsr Fairbanks Isutland, J. Buckminfler

Grafton, Daniel Grofvenor . ^arre, Jafiah Dana Vacant B Princeton^ Vjcant Sutton, David Hall, D.D. Hubbardfon,Kehenx. Farkei Ebcnrzer Chaplin Oakham, Vacant Benja. Mar/h B Hardivick, David White ElifliiRanfomfi Wcf'iinfter,- Afaph Rice h Mendon, Jofeph Willard NfwBraintree, B. Ruggles Amariah Froft Daniel Forter Friends peterjham, Solomon Reed Uxbridge, Hezfk. Chapman Athol, James Humfhrey Friends Templeton, Eben. Sparhawk ~' Dudley, Charles Gleafon AJhburnham, John Cu/hinj

Starbridge, Jofhua Paine I Vitcbburg, J'^hn Payfon Nortbbridge, Vacant P Leotninfer, Francis Gardnei

Feicnds I lohn Rogers Dcuglafs, ITaat! Stone Lunenburgb, Zabd/cl Ada Vacant B l'yi?:cbcndon. ]ofeph Brow Oxford, Jofeph Cowjrsin Royaifon, JcfeFh Lee Charleto:' V^acant Whitcman laccbs 'igious j^JJ'£K:bJieiin the County o/'Dukes-Coun!:y. EJgartoivn, Jt)lBjh Thaxter Cbriftiantoivn, Zac.Mayhew Tiihury, GeorgrDaman Gaybead, Zac. Honfuit Zbilmark, Vacant Silas Paul E

H digiaui. AlT^mbliei in the Couniy of Nan tucker. Sberburre, Rev. Bfza Shaw Friends |

Reiigisus AJfembliei in the County o/"Cumber!an>'' Fa/moutb, Rtv. Tho. Smith C^rij^ra.Rev. lofnhThache Samuel Dean Scarhcrougb,^tr'].Q.hz^wx]<. Ebenfzer Williams Tho. Lancafter P"

Thomas Brcwn Pecrfjatonvn, J. Thcmfon V.caa: E NeivGloucefier^ S.. FfXcroJ't F'iends B'urjwick, Jchn Milder upeE/izaietb, Eph. Clarke Royalhorc-igh, Sylfepery mndbam] Pe'cr T. Smith R aym' ndt civ v, Gi ay, No.Tarmoutb, T. Oilman BaherftOivr^ llarpf'zveH, Samael Earon Bridgetcicv..

l\e.'igioui ^ Temhliei in the Cour.ty of Lincoln. Pc,iin:alb:rs\ Re T Moore] Boothbj-^, PJ'intbrcf, Vaca-it E VaJJ'ailicrcugb, M'arrtn, Woolivich, jofi3h Wiafhip St.Georges, ThorraJioTvnj Newcafile, Vacant Eellfafi, Edgccmbr, Georgetoicn, Vacant IValdohcrough, Br-.ftcl, Francis Winter IVinJlcw, IJailoicd!^ BowdsJnbvn, Topjham, Pitrsf^cn, Mcduvicooi.

ReligioMi A£'emhliei in the County of Berkfhire.

Sheffield, Ktv. jobn Keep \ Lenox, Rev, Samuel Munfon Pittsjjeld, Thomas Alien Sand.rJiJd, Eleczer Storrs

Vo!entine Rothburn B I NeivMarlborougb, Vacant Gideon Bofwick E \Becket, Zadok Hun Egrem^nt, Eliphalct Steele If'f^iiliam^oivtit Seth Swift Alf-ird, Vacant FichmoKd, Vacant Stockbridge^S\i^htT\ Weft \Laneih(.tcugh, DaniclCoUips

J. Sargeant^ PreacheAPaitridgcfiJd, Vacant to the IndianslGreatBarrington, H^indjaf- JVeft Stockbridge \Hmccck, Wafnington, Lee 'Z^r/w^^aw^Adon jahBidwclll/fiawi. Nev) j^'ford,

Laudon, Vacanf ^^Jha^'ele^, Tauccuick. ( . ^

Mi£i5nary\,mong the Indiani ca!'eJ7^S\if. Nations,' Rev. Samuel K-tklaBJ. of Stcckbridge. i'v. Militia of Mariachuf|tt5. fiis Excellency John Hancocic, Efq; Cominander in Chi Martin Brimmsr, Efqj ^ Aids de Camp. James Carcw, Efqj 1 Major-Generali. Hon. Michael Farley, and Hon. Oliver Prefcoft, Ef^'rj. Jonathan Ciarke Lewisj Efq; / Aids d« Camp to James Winthrop, Efqj \ Gen. Prefcotr, Peleg Wadfwoith, Efqj Adjutant-General.

Brigadiers and Majors of Brigade of the Militia,

Counties, l Brigadiers. I Majors of Brigade

Suffolk 1 Solomon Lovell

Eirex I Jonathan Titcomb Enoch Titcomb Middlefex Eleazer Brooks Jofeph Hofmer Hampniire TimojhyDanieiron Abner Morgan Plymouth lofeph Culhing Earn a able jofeph Otis Eben.Crocker, jun Briftol George Godfrfy William Sevet Yoik loh-n Froft Jonathan Nowell Worcefter Jonathan Warner Paul Mcndell Cumberland Samuel Thompfon Lincoln Charlffs Cuihing

Berkfhire ; John 'Fcl!o\vs William King

officers of the Cajole and Fort en Gover ror' s Ijland. 5 Hi "Excellency John Hancock, Efq; Commander in Chie^ -Col. William Burbeck, Captain-Lieutenant, Samuel Treat, Ef^j Second- Lieutenant, William Hickling, Efq; Gunner,

- , Chaplain. Lewis de Marefquelle, Efq; Colonel of Artillery a JnJpeBor General of the Founder ies.

Chief Engineers, Col. Richard Gridley, Lieut. Colonel Will'am Buibec and M^jor Scarborouph Gridley.

Officers of the Commoniuealth''s Labaratery, Col. William Sxirhcck, Comptroller. Mr. John hvtheck, MiaJferFire-JVorker. Mr. Jofhua Bcntlcy, Clerk. Held Offcen, &fc. of the Militia opbe Toton */ SoftoirH; Edward Proaer, Efq; Colonel. Jofeph Webb, Efq; Lieutenant Colonel, John May, Efqj Major. Capt. John Boy if. Adjutant. Mr. John Lowell, Sluarter-MaHer,

Captaim. Lieutenants. I tJ Lieutenants, Elias Parkman Tho. Chamberlain Samuel Hjward la Joib Farriogton William Brown ! John Parker Jjhn Welles Skillia [Simeon Turner Nforton Brailsford Jofeph Ford Jofeph CJark j

Manaflth Marfton James Gary 1 V/illiam Barry Alexander Hodgdon Thomas Chapman iSam.Barrett.jun, Joho Wife William Peak Timothy Green

Vdcant Ifrael Cook ' John Roulftone Ward NoNo. 1, ) No. 4, f Vacar-t, No. 8, r No. lo,lo. J

Chelfea Company belonging to Bo&on Regimer.t. Jofeph Pra't, Captain. Samuel Pratt, Lieutenant. Jonathan Hawkes, td Lieutenant.

Officers at Fort-HiU. John Ingerfol, Captain. David Bell, Capt. Lieutenant,

Daniel Ingerfol, Fi'-fi Lieutenant.

Independent Company. Brown, Gawen Jan. Efq; Fit li Lieutenant J with the Rank of Lieutenant Colonel. John Johnfton, Efqj Second Lieutenant j with the Rank of Firji Major.

Brigade Train of Artillery of Bofton Regiment. William Miiler,.Erq; Captain, with the Rank of Major. Jofhua Wefherle, Efqj ift Lieutenant, Rank of Captain Ebeiiezer May, id Lieutenant.

Officers of the Troop of Horfe of the ^d Regiment in EfTcx. Rojert Perkins, Captain. Eli/ha Brown, jun. Lieutenant, John Payfon, jun. Cornet. Pelatiah Brown, ^arter-Mafier. ——. I u \ Fie!J Oj^cers, &c. of the feveral Regiments cf Mi/itia. SUFFOLK. 3d Regiment, ift Rcgimcnr. Jo^a.Cogfwell,juo. colonel William Mclntcih Colonel Ifuc Dcdgc lieut. col.| Eleazcr Weld licut. col. Charles Smith major George Gouid major Jofeph G,ouid 2d major Ebenezer Battle ad majoi John Heajd adjutant Jofeph Smith adjutant 4th Regiment. | 2d Regim«Bt< Samuel johnfcn coloijel David Cylh ng colonel *John Whitticr lieut. col Thomas Lothrop licut. col. njamin Gage major Ifaiah Cu/hing major Samuel Bodwell ad major) Samuel Ward ad major Brindley Stevens adjutant

3d Regiment, 5th Regiment. J Benjamin Gili colonel William Baccn ColoneL Samuel Pierce licut. col, Thomas Grant licut. coJ.j Jofeph Babcock major John Sclmon major. Robert Swan ad major Nicholas Broughton 2dmaj. Enoch Leonard adjutant Jofeph Eaton adjutant 4th Regiment. 6tb Regiment. j Benjamin Hawes colonel Jofiah Sartell colonel lieut. col. Daniel Warner lieut. col. Scth Bullard major John Rowe, jun. major^ Sabin Mann &d msjor Eleazcr Crafts admajor Noah Pratt adjutant 7th Regiment. 5th Regiment. — colonel Eben. Thayer, tert. colonel — lieut. col, Edmund Billings lieut. col. — major

'•Seth Turner major * ' - 2d major _,__ j zi major Sth Regiment. (David Holbrook adjutant Larkin Thorndike colonel|Aiii

I ESSEX. Enoch Putnam lieut.col Ift Caleb Lowe majon I Regiment. I—- c«lonel John Flint ad majoi l^ [j«hn Flagg lieut. col. MIDDLESEX.

ofeph Hiller major 1 ft Regiment. feavid Parkr jd major colonejH'

2d flegiment. —— ' lieut. col I Ralph VtoB, colonel —— majo

Jofeph Hufe lieut. col. i« " ad majo Jchn Metril major ad Regiment. h Bernard Hoyt ad major Jonathan Fox colonejifij,), 4««,"ainej Kettle a'ijutant B enja. Brown lieut. cq! Falkner — Matrofs Company. BRISTOL, Thomas Mayhew captain ift Regiment. Thomas Nicholfon iff licut. Thomas Carpenter co%iel John May ad licut. Pcieg Slead iieut. col 2d Regiment. Nath. Carpenter majoi "~* colonel Pe eg Shearman 2d majoi Jeremiah Hall lieut. col. Frederick Drown adjutan IJohn Clap major 2d Regiment. iDavid Tilden id majoi John Hath way colone Matrofs Cc.Kpany. SylvefterRichmond lieut.col [Prince Stetfon captain VlanafTah Kempton majo Jc/hua Barftow iftlieut. Jofeph Duffee 2d majo MicahSilvefter.jun. 2d lieut. Cyrus French adjutan 3d Regiment. 3d Regiment, Eliphalet Gary colonel Abiel Mitchell colone Edward Cobb lieut. col JamesWiliiam5,jon. licut. CO Abraham Wafhburn major Rob. Crofman, jun. majo John Ames 2d major Jonathan Shaw ad majo| Eleazer Carver adjutant VVilliam Sever adjutan

4th Regiment. 4th Regiment. i Ebenczer Sprout colonel Ifaac Dean colone Ebenezer White lieut. tol. Eli/ha May lieut. col Ifrael Ferrin major Stephen Richardfon majo John Nelfon 2d major Silas Cobb ad majo Jofcpb Ha/kell adjutant Eiihu t^agget adjutan BARNSTABLE. Matrofs Company, ift Regiment. Seth Smith captai Nathaniel Freeman colonel Ephraim Lane ift lieut Enoch Hallet lieut. col. Kezekiah Willard 2d lieut Jofeph Dimmock major TOR K. George Lewis »d major I ft Regiment. Nathan Nye.jun. adjutant Edward Grow colone Matrofs Company. John Littlefield lieut, col Micah Hamblin captain John Newell mijo Benjamin Smith ift lieut. Abel Moulton 2«l majo Anfel Howland ad iieut. Jofiah Chace adjutan 2d Regiment. Matrofs Company. Eli/ha Cobb colonel Samuel Nafon captai Zenos Winflow lieut. col. Nehemiah Bean iftlieu< Benja Godfrey major Storer Sewall 2d lieut Job Crocker ad major 2d Regiment. Thoroas Knowles adjutant Ichabod Goodwin colon* ^oTeph Prime lieut. colonel Matrofs Company. * ohn Shapley major Reuben Sibley captain amuel Leighton ad major ift lieut. ^ndrew Fernald adjutant Aaron Sibley 2d lieut. 3d Reg mcBt. 6th Regiment, 'hcmas Cutts colonpl Jab Cufiiing colonel cnathan Scone Ikut. col. Mofes Whcelock lieut. col. -* lumphrey Pike major Ezra Beman major lam. Waterhoufe 2d major Jona. Chaf.man 2d major rheo. Lyman adjutant jBteck Parkmai acijutant kfO RCESTER. 7th Regiment. I ft Regiment. colonel jamuel Denny colonel Daniel Clap lieut. col. ' Jcnjimin Flagg lieut. col. Wii»i«m Meriam major

' Afa Baldwin majoi 3er,jamin Nye 2d major Jetb Wa/hburn ad majo' Jotham Hu^hton adjutant Phinehas Newhall adjucaot 8th Regiment, adRcgimeot, j-ihn Rand colonel Jofiah Whitney colonel Ebenaecr ridge lieut.col. vViliiamGreenieaf lieut. cdl. David Wilder major Jafeph Sageant -' maj-j [ofeph Ballas 2d major ManafTeh Sawyer admajo!. CUMiJ ERL AND. Gerlhom Flagg adjuiant ift Regiarent. 3d Regiment. i?eter Noyes colonel Nathan Ty'er colontl iMaihanlel Jordan lieut.col. Samuel C agin ieut.ccl. lames Merriil major Berjamin Farrar major James Jr.hnfon admajar Ifaac Martin 2d majoi 2d Regiment, lEphralm Spr/'ng adj utan fonathan Mitchell colonel 4th^eg'ment. Nath, Purrington lieut.col. major colone' Charles Gerri/h _ Stephen Rice lieut. col. Nath. Larrabee 2d major Reuben Reed major 3d Regiment. jjlofeph Bowman »d major Reuben Fogt! colonel Ebenezer Froft adjutant \ichard Lombard lieut. col. 5th Regiment. Timo. Mc'Daniel major Jacob Davis colonel Ebentaer Rowe 2d major Timothy Newell lieot. col. Gideon Meferve adjutant Narh. Healey major 4th Regiment. Benj. Woodbury 4d major Timcthy Pike colonel Ezra Bowman adjutant Mofes Merrill- lieut. coU . WjJliam Knight major Samuel friitthews id major DavidLINCOLN.Ha/ker a^ljuUnt Samuel McCobb colonel Dummrr Sewall lieut. co! John Hufe major James Karjter 2d majo. xA Regiment. Jpfeph North colone] William Howard licut. col.JAfa B^'dwin Ezckel Pattee maio»j Jacob Brown Rowland Cufhing 2d m:j.j Bencdift Dewey adjutan Ebenezer Farewell adjutant. Matrofi Co^npany, 3d RegimenU William FeUow* captai I iWilliam Jones colonel jPau' Dewey i-ft licoi lAadrew Reed lieut. col, iHeman Smith 2d lieu IJohn Farler majo/ 2cl Re^^iment. iMofet Davis 2d iriajioi 9enjatnin Symoad» colon* Be DJ. Wccdbridgfti aijocaioit jTinachan Smith lieo». co 4th Regiment, Haac Aratton maj( I JMafon Wheaton colonel Thomas Luik idmaj; Wm. Farrifwonh lieut. '£oL Xhomfon J.Skinner adjutai James Miaot. majqr jd RegimcB'. Hants Robirfon ad major David Roffi'cr colon Abijab Waternjan adjutirtt Oliver Root lieut. co 5th Regiment.. Aaron Rowley maji Jonathan Buck colone' ..,,., -_ T-- ad majt Nicholas Holt lieut, colonel Jofeph Skinner adjma William Eaton mzjpi Matrs.fs Company,

....' ' - capta J 00a. Buckf jun. 2d msj . adiuta/jtlRufus Allen iftliei |Ga!eb Stanley ad liev j>«#The.aboye Regiments contain upwards of 67a Cor panics, exclufive of Cavalry ard Matroffcs.

Keeper of the P o'Z'iier Magazine /« BoAon'. Mr. Ttjomas Ft.fter.

Continental loqn Office in Boftcn. Nathaaiel Appleton, fiiq} Commiflionef- Meirrrs Nathaniel Noyes and Oliver Grecok*^ QUrk Truck Mafiir at Fort Halifax. Colonel fonathan Brewer. — — — tgnah at Nanteijket Fort and Cajile IJland in the Dey. For a Ship in Sight A blue Flag boified. For a Snow, A Ur.ior Flag. For a Br g, A Pendant. If three Toplai! VcflsiS appeii The blue Flag, Union td Pendant, the Pendant appermcft. ---If two Topfail effels, two Flags.- — \i more than three Topfail Veflels Jpcar, £Bi under twenty, then a Gun is to be fircd,and the Ko Flags *ni Pendant ho.fted, the Pendant lowermoft j )e firing to be repe«fed every four Minutes till the Sig- als are anfwercd at the Caftle. — -If twenty or r/ioreTop.

il Veflels appear, the large blue Flag is to be hoifted up crmoft, the Pendant next, and the Union lowermoft, and wo Guns fired as one Minute's diftance, an6 if the Sig- als are cot anfwercd at the Caftle in five Minutes, then hree Cannon are to be fired, at one Minute's diftance

ill they are ; and when anfwsred, the Colours are to be laul'd down,.-.If thpy a-e dfcoverfd to be French Vcf-

]» St, George'' s Enftgn is to be boifted, and kept flying

il the fame Signal is anfwered at the Caflle.—

Signals in the Night. Upon difcovering the Enemy in the Night the Alarm' to be given ar Nantafket by firing one Cannon and three dockets fu'ccfiively and if tbe fame Signal is not re- J peated at the Caftle \n fix Minute?, the firing and tbrow- ng of Rockets are to be repeated every fix Minutes.

TheCaft'e is to anf^-er the Signals given at Nantafket n every ref.ieifi, and repeat rheoi till they are anfwered

t Bofton bv the Fort on Fort-Hill, and they are not to 'alute any VeHels coming in except Men of War,Frigate nd armed Veflels belonging to our Allies, and none of hem with more than 13 Guny, and always to dtfchargc two lefs than the VefJe! difcharges. j

If an Alaim is tobe grneral in the Night, then the.

Beacon is to te fired at Bofton, and Expren"c8 fent into: the Co'jntry to fire the other Beacons there. " j

fa Fleet of Topfail Vefllels is difcovered from CaoC, Ann, Marblehead, Plymouth, Barnftable, Sec, ExprcfTes' ate immcciaiely to be fent to fiofton. j —- iufj\fjs^ Marriages, and IJfue ofthe Kings of Ftance, Spain and Great Britain. LEWIS the 1 6th, Kmg of France and Navarre, born Anguft Z5, 1754.. Married May 17, t7 7o, to iVJarja Anionierta, Archduchels of Auftria, born Novem, I, 1775. Succeeded his Grandfather, Lewis 15th, May 10, 1774, and crowned at R.heims, June 11, 1775.— Their Jflfue, Midarae Maria Thercfa Charlotte, bori* December 19, 177S. CHARLES the 3d, King of Spain, born January 20, 17 16. Has IfTue by bis late Queen,— Maria jofepha.born July 16, 174.4.— Maria Louifa, born Nov. 24, T745.— Chailes Anthony, Prince of Afturias^ born Nov. 11, (748. —Ferdinand Anthory, King of the Two Sicilies, born Jan. x2, 175.1.-— Gabriel Ar.thony, Grand Priorof Spain, born May 12, 1752.— Anthony Pafcall, bo. Dec. 31,1755. GEORGE the 3d, King of Great Britain, born June 4, 1738, proclaimed King Odl. 26, 1760, married Sept. ?, T761, to the Frincefs Charlotte of MecklinburgStrelitz.' Crowned Sepr. 22, 1761. Their ifTue are,GeorgeAuguftu& Frederick, Prince of Wales, born Aug. 12, I762. — -Fre- derick, BiOiop of Ofnaburg, born Aug. 16, 1763 Wil- liam Henry, born Aug. 21, 1765.— -Charlotte Augufta, born Sept. 29, 1776.-—Edward, born Nov^ 2, 1767.- — Augufla Sophia, born Nov. 8, 1765J.— Elizabeth, born

May 22, I770.---Etncft Auguftus, born Jur.e 5, 177'.— Auguftus Frederick, born Jan. 27, 17-3.— -AdolphurFre- dcrick, born Feb. 24, 1774.— Maiy, born April 25,1776, — Soph)a, born Nov, 3, J777.--.0£taviu?, Feb. 33,17791.

PoftOfficei in MaiTachufetts. &c. Fa/woar/:>,Sam.Frceman.Efq Bofion, jona. Haftings, jun.

Neivhury, Butklcy Emerfon '. orc-f'er, William Stearns IpJ'U.ich, Daniel Noyes Sprir.gfield^ Mofes Church Saiem, Mafco! Williams Pro'vidence, John Carter. The Southern and Eaftern Port arrives at ihe PoftOffice

Bofton on Wednefcays at c; o'Clock in the Afternoon, and fets out again at 10 o'Clock on Thurfday Morning. — .Mr. Mumford, the Pofl frrm New London, puts up at Mr. Bracket's, at Cromwell's Head, in Scl^.ooi-ftreet. Mefli'rs Hyde and Adams, the Pofls from Hartford, put up at Col. Brewer's, near the Market, and at Mr. Wort's, the GrcenDiagon, near the MillBridge. — And Mr. Njble , the PifcataquaPoft, at the Widow Gray's in State- ftreet.

JUN2 ^ ^2 W.P
