This series includes unpublished preliminary reports and data records not intended for general distribution. They should not be referred to in publications with- out clearance from the issuing Board establishment and without clear indication of their manuscript status.


No. 990 Physical and Chemical Oceanographic Data from the West Coast of and the Northern Coast, 1957-1967

Volume I, - Muchalat Inlet and Quatsino Sound - Neroutsos Inlet

by M.NValdichuk, J. R. Markert and J. H. Meikle

Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C. Pacific Oceanographic Group

dab November, 1968 F5-5— 961°

Programmed by The Canadian Committee on Oceanography This sorles Includes unpublished preliminary reports and data records not Intended for general distribution. They should not be referred to In publications with­ out cleatance from the Issuing Board establishment and without clear Indication of their manuscript status.



No. 990 Physical and Chemical Oceanographic Data from the West Coast of Vancouver Island and the Northern , 1957-1967

Volume I, Nootka Sound- Muchalat Inlet and Quatsino Sound - Neroutsos Inlet

by M. Waldichuk, J. R. Markert and J. H. Meikle

Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C. Pacific Oceanographic Group

November, 1968

Programmed by The Canadian Committee on Oceanography ( i)


Page no.











Page no.

Fig. 1. Track chart of stations occupied in Nootka Sound- Muchalat Inlet, 12-13 August 1959. 15

Fig. 2. Track chart of stations occupied in Nootka Sound- Muchalat Inlet, 6-8 October 1961. 21

Fig. 3. Track chart of stations occupied in Nootka Sound- Muchalat Inlet, 1-3 November 1962. 39

Fig. 4. Track chart of stations occupied in Nootka Sound- Muchalat Inlet, 19-21 August 1966. 55

Fig. 5. Track chart of stations occupied in Quatsino Sound, 15-19 August 1957. 73

Fig. 6. Track chart of stations occupied in Quatsino Sound- Neroutsos Inlet, 9-11 October 1961. 91

Fig. 7. Track chart of stations occuped in Quatsino Sound, 4-5 November 1962. 101

Fig. 8. Track chart of stations occupied in Quatsino Sound, 22-23 August 1966. 113 Physical and chemical oceanographic data from the West Coast of Vancouver Island and the northern British Columbia coast, 1957-1967


M. Waldichuk, J.R. Markert and J.H. Meikle


Oceanographic surveys were conducted from 1957 to 1967 in a number of the inlets along the west coast of Vancouver Island, and on the north coast of British Columbia, in order to study the effects of existing pulp mills and to predict the pollutional effects from proposed pulp mills. The objectives in all these surveys were to examine the physical and chemical properties of the water and to determine the water movements from current measurements. Biological observations were not formally carried out, but unusual conditions were generally noted, and any samples obtained in either water sampling or bottom sampling gear were returned to the base laboratory for identification locally or elsewhere by experts. These studies formed part of the inventory of polluted waters on theBritish Columbia coast (Waldichuk, 1957).

Surveys in Muchalat Inlet reported here were commenced in 1959. Tully (1937) was the first to carry out a study of Nootka Sound, including Muchalat Inlet. The recent surveys were initiated to give oceanographic information on conditions in that inlet, which might have some bearing on the dispersal of pulp-mill effluent proposed to be discharged into the inlet from a planned pulp mill at Gold River. In cooperation with the Department of Fisheries, a·n appraisal of the system was made on the basis of survey work, and· from a comparison with similar inlets on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Further comparative data were available from surveys of conditions prevailing in pulp-mill areas on the coast. Recommendations were made f9r a submarine diffuser to take advantage of the dilution afforded by a fairly deer column of water adjacent to the site of the Gold River pulp mill. Because of a steep rock bluff bordering Neroutsos Inlet, a tunnel had to be drilled for the pipe-line to carry effluent to a diffuser at the pre­ scribed point and depth. This mill has been in operation since early 1967, and the diffuser system has been apparently operating quite satisfactorily. A survey was conducted during August 1968, to investigate dispersal of the effluent, but these data are not reported here.

The present study in Quatsino Sound was commenced in 1956 (Waldichuk, MS, 1956a, MS, 1956b) with the first survey in August 1957, following announced plans of the company to expand its sulphite pulp-mill production at Port Alice on Neroutsos Inlet. An earlier investigation of the area (Hutchinson and Lucas, MS, 1927) had found no significant changes in the chemical characteristics of the water or in the plankton following 10 years of production of the mill and ~isposal-of wastes into Neroutsos Inlet. - However, evidence of oxygen depletion from the surface waters in Neroutsos - 2 -

Inlet by the sulphite mill wastes was noted in the August 1957 survey and was subsequently reported (Waldichuk, 1958). Parts of this study have been reported in other publications, comparing the polluted conditions in various types of oceanographic environments along the British Columbia coast (Waldichuk, 1957, 1960, 1962a, 1962b, 1962c). Further surveys have continued in Neroutsos Inlet, during the later years, to observe any deterioration in the water quality with expanded production of the pulp mip.

Surveys in Fisher Channel and Cous~ns Inlet have been conducted from time to time, in order to determine theieffects of over half a century of pulp-mill waste disposal into an inlet with substantial fresh water inflow. The pulp mill at Ocean Falls has had a diversified pulp and paper production since about 1905, and the vast accumulation of particulate materials in the bottom has had a marked effect on the bottom conditions and on the benthic flora and fauna. However, because the fresh water inflow is quite substantial the year round, being controlled by a dam for power requirements in the pulp mill, the surface waters are relatively unpolluted. Data from the surveys in Cousins Inlet have only been used in descriptive comparisons of different conditions arising in divergent geographical locations, where pulp mills discharge their wastes, along the British Columbia coast (Waldichuk, 1962a, 1962b, 1962c, 1962d).

Oceanographic surveys were commenced in Kitimat Arm in the spring of 1962, in order to study the effects of the al~inum smelter at Kitimat. However, it was subsequently announced that a pulp mill was planned for this inlet, and the surv~y information became valuable for a study to determine the effects of its wastes on oceanographic conditions in the area. In cooperation with the Pacific Area Director, Department of Fisheries, studies have been continued to examine oceanographic conditions and to determine possible effects from wastes to be discharged into the head of Kitimat Arm from a pulp mill proposed for Kitimat. No reports on these studies have been released to date.

The first examination of the waters adjacent to the pulp mill on Watson Island near Prince Rupert was conducted by Stokes (MS, 1953). He found the fish, plankton and other marine life in the vicinity of the pulp mill relatively unimpaired, at that time, although dissolved oxygen concentrations at low tide were already less than 5 mg/1 at some stations.

During the first oceanographic survey in September 1961, Porpoise Harbour and Wainwright Basin were found to be the most heavily polluted coastal area observed to that time in British Columbia. In spite of the large tidal range and turbulence of the northern coastal waters, there was oxygen depletion that in some cases resulted in zero dissolved oxygen con­ centrations at various depths in Porpoise Harbour and Wainwright Basin. Almost immediately following the first survey, a report was prepared for the Department of Fisheries recommending corrective measures in this pulp mill to improve water quality of these important fishery waters (Waldichuk, MS, 1962). A survey was conducted again in April 1962 and the technical staff of the pulp mill cooperated in an important study of the waters during a we~k's closure of the pulp mill in July 1962. The 1961 - 3 - observations and these further studies on the low-oxygen conditions in Porpoise Harbour and Wainwright Basin have been reported in scientific journals (Waldichuk and Bousfield, 1962; Waldichuk, 1966).

Inlets of the B.C. Mainland and Vancouver Island have.been studied by the Institute of Oceanography of the! University of British Columbia and reported by Pickard ( 1961, 1962). Some, of those inlets are included here.

The data reported here have been cbllected by standard oceanographic procedures, with essentially the same instruments and same degree of precision as applied in ordinary inshore oceanographic surveys. The data have been processed and tabulated according to procedures and·format established for · the early oceanographic-pollution surveys. This scheme has been followed to provide consistency and uniformity of presentation from one set of data to another for ease of analysis. It is hoped that the format, however, will allow future transcription onto cards and tape for computer analysis. This data · record is published in two volumes to facilitate binding.

SURVEY PLANS The stations occupied in the various surveys are shown in the track charts represented by Fig. 1-19. The stations were arranged in such a way as to provide the gradients expected. from the effects of pollution in the given area. In the immediate locality adjacent to a pulp mill, for example, stations were relatively closely spaced. However, as one proceeded away from the polluted area, the stations were more widely separated. It was con­ sidered desirable to occupy stations well beyond the limits of the expected pollution field, into comparatively uncontaminated waters. Also, while much of the pollution is often confined to the surface layer, samples and measure­ ments were taken as close to the bottom as practical, in order to observe any unfavourable conditions in the deep water. The characteristics of the bottom water also provided information useful in some cases to the analysis of flushing rates of the whole system.


Surveys were conducted with the 85-ft Canadian Hydrographic Service Ship, CSS EHKOLI, the 72-ft Fisheries Research Board's vessel, A.P. KNIGHT, and the Canadian Naval Auxiliary Vessels, CNAV WHITETHROAT (164 ft), OSHAWA (225 ft) and LAYMORE (165 ft). Station positions were generally fixed by radar, by sextant or by compass on known landmarks. The vessels were anchored on all stations of less than 150 metres depth. On stations of greater depths, the vessel usually drifted and was manoeuvered on station to maintain the wire angle of the hydrographic cast as nearly zero as possible. A log was maintained of station positions and of meteorological information by the deck officer on watch.

Water samples were taken mainly with Fjarlie bottles (Fjarlie, 1953) (Nansen bottles were used in surveys since 1963) at the standard depths of - 4 -

2, 4, 6, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200 and 250 metres or to the maximum depth the bottom would allow. Surface samples were collected with a bucket. Temperatures were obtained, when possible, with paired reversing thermometers at each depth. Surface temperatures were measured in a bucket with a standard 0-30 C surface thermometer. These data were supplemented by continuous temperature records with ~epth using a bathythermograph. At each station, a Secchi disc reading was! taken as a measure of water trans­ parency. A turbidimeter was used in later surveys to measure in situ transmissivity, but these data are not reported here. On some surveys, bottom samples were also collected.

Samples were taken at each depth for salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH and alkalinity determinations. Dissolved oxygen, pH and alkalinity determinations were carried out immediately on board ship. Salinity samples were collected in 10-12 oz medicine bottles, sealed tightly with corks and wax or with screw caps lined with polyethylene sealers, and returned to the base laboratory for salinity determination. Dissolved oxygen was carried out by the modified Winkler method, and pH and alkalinity were determined with a Model G or Model GS Beckman pH Meter, according to the procedures described by Strickland and Parsons (1965). Salinities were carried out on the University of Washington-type conductivity salinometer for early surveys, and on an Australian (CSIRO)-type of inductive salinometer for the more recent surveys. Dei;ails of the other analyses,are giyen in the section on obser­ vations and methods. The schedule of cruises is shown in Table I.


The cooperation of masters and crews of the vessels, CSS EHKOLI, A.P. KNIGHT, CNAV WHITETHROAT, CNAV OSHAWA and CNAV LAYMORE is gratefully acknow­ ledged. Crew members often contributed to scientific work in addition to their duties normally required for operating the ship. Data processing, tabulating and typing have been carried out by Miss C. Lee, Miss M.I. Ott, Mrs. E.J. Young, Mrs. W.J. Wilson, Mrs. L.A. Bourassa, and Mrs. B. Davis.


Barnes, C.A., E.E. Collias, V.F. Felicetta, 0. Goldschmid, B.F. Hrutfiord, A. Livingston, J.L. McCarthy, G.L. Toombs, M. Waldichuk and R.W. Westley. 1963. A standardized Pearl-Benson, or nitroso, method recommended for estimation of spent sulfite liquor or sulfite waste liquor concentration in waters. Tappi, 46(6): 347-351.

Ekman, V.W. 1932. An improved type of current-meter. Conseil Perm. Internat. p. l'Explor. de la Mer. J. du Consei1, 7: 3-10.

Fjarlie, R.L.I. 1953. A seawater sampling bottle. J. Mar. Res., 12(1): 21-30. - 0 -

Goldschmid, 0., and L.F. Maranville, 1959. Improved spent sulfite liquor determination by the nitrosolignin method. Anal. Chern. 31(3): 370-374.·

Hutchinson, A.H., and C.C •. Lucas. 1927. Report on the waters of Quatsino Sound, Alice Arm, the effect of the pulp mill ~t Port Alice. Biol. Bd. Canada, MS Rept. No. 324, 9 P•l I Pearl, I.A., and H.K. Benson. 1940. A nitrosolignin colorimetric test for sulfite waste liquor in sea water~ Paper Trade Journal III(l8): 35-36. I Pickard, G.L. 1961. Oceanographic features of inlets in the British Columbia mainland coast. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, 18(6): 907-999.

1962. Oceanographic characteristics of inlets of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Ibid., 20(5): 1109-1144. Pritchard, D.W., and W.V. Burt. 1951. An inexpensive and rapid technique for obtaining current profiles in estuarine waters. J. Mar. Res., 10(2): 180-189. Stokes, J.W. MS; 1953. Pollution survey uf the Watson Island area. Dept. Fisheries, MS Rept., Typescript, 4 p. + 2 fig. Strickland, J .D.H., and T .R. Parson~. il%5. A manual of sea water analysis. Bull. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, No. 125 (2nd Ed., Revised), 203 p.

Thompson, T.G., and D.H. Anderson. 1940. The determination of the alkalinity of sea water. J. Mar. Res., 3(3): 224-229.

Tully, J.P. 1937. Oceanography of Nootka Sound. J. Biol. Bd. Canada, 3(1): 43-69. 1949. Oceanography and prediction of pulp mill pollution in Alberni Inlet. Bull. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, No. 83, 169 p.

U.S. Department of Commerce. 1950. Manual of Current Observations. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Special Publication No. 215, Revised Edition. United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Waldichuk, M. MS, 1956a. On the disposal of tailings from Yreka Mine, Neroutsos Inlet. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, Biol. Stn., Nanaimo, B.C. Mimeo., 10 p.

MS, l956b. Sulfite pulp mill expansion and effluent disposal at Port Alice, V.I. 1£1g., Mimeo., 10 P• 1957. Report on pollution studies conducted in Western Canada. Transactions of 1956 Seminar "Biological Problems in Water Pollution", p. 188-194. The Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engin~ering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, 272 p. - 6 -

Waldichuk, M. 1958. Some oceanographic characteristics of a polluted inlet in British Columbia. J. Mar. Res., 17: 536-551.

1960. Effects of pulp and paper mill wastes on the marine environ­ ment. Transactions of the 1959 Seminar "Biological Problems in Water Pollution'', p. 160-176. The Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center Tech. Rept. W60-3, 285 p.

l962a. Water pollution in British Columbia. Annual Review Fisheries Council of Canada, p. 26-28, 29, 31, 32-33.

1962b. Marine aspects of pulp ~ill pollution. Canadian Pulp and Paper Industry, 15(6): 36, 38, 40, 42-45, 48, 50, 75.

l962c. Pollution in coastal waters of British Columbia. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, Pacific Prog. Rept. No. 114, p. 13-18.

l962d. Some water pollution problems connected with the disposal of pulp mill wastes. Canadian Fish Culturist, No. 31, p. 3-34.

MS, 1962. Observations in marine waters of the Prince Rupert area, particularly with reference to pollution from the sulphite pulp mill on Watson Island, September, 1961. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, MS Rept. (Bioi.), No. 733, 16 p. + 3 fig. and Appendix.

1966. Effects of sulfite wastes in a partially enclosed marine system in British Columbia. J. Water Pollution Control Federation, 38(9): 1484-1505.

Waldichuk, M., and E.L. Bousfield. 1962. Amphipods in low-oxygen marine waters adjacent to a sulphite pulp mill. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, 19(6): 1163-1165,

Whipple, G.C., and M.C. Whipple. 1911. Solubility of oxygen in sea water. J. Am. Chern. Soc., 33: 362-368. - 7 -


Observationsa Period Ve~I_Q p A C______P_e_rson_,n_e_l ______

12-13 August 1959 A..P. KNIGHT X X X X X M. Waldichuk and H. Kessler 6-8 October 1961 CNAV WHITETHROAT X X X X X X M. Waldichuk, A.E. Werner and M. Larsen 1-3 November 1962 CNAV OSHAWA X X X X X X M. Waldichuk, A.E. Werner and J.R. Markert 19-21 August 1966 CNAV LA.YMORE X X X X X X JoHo Meikle, J.A. Stickland, J. Wong and G.H. Hallett .Qldatsino Sound - Nerou:J;.sos Inlet

15-19 August 1957 CNAV EHKOLI X X X X X M. Waldichuk and B.J. Burns 9-11 October 1961 CNA.V WHITETHROAT X X X X X M. Waldichuk, A.E. Werner and M. Larsen 4-5 November 1962 CNAV OSHAWA X X X X X M. Waldichuk, A.E. Werner and J.R. Markert 22-23 August 1966 CNAV LAYMORE X X X X X J.H. Meikle, J.A. Stickland, J. Wong and G"H~ Hallett

19-21 September 1961 CSSb EHKOLI X X X X X X M, Waldichuk and J.R. Markert 23-26 April 1962 CSS EHKOLI X X X X X X A..E. Werner and J.R. Markert 27-28 October 1964 CSS EHKOLI X X X X X M. Waldichuk and J.H. Meikle

a S = salinity; T = temperature; 0 = dissolved oxygen; P = pH; A = alkalinity; C = currents. b EHKOLI was transferred from the Canadian Naval Auxiliary Vessels (RCN) to the Canadian Hydrographic Service in 1961, which explains the change in designation prefix. - 8 -

TABLE I - SURVEYS (cont'd) Observations a Period Vessel S T 0 P A C Personnel

Douglas Channel - Kitimat ~

11-13 April 1962 CSS EHKOLI X X X X X M. Waldichuk and J.R. Markert 16-19 October 1964 CSS EHKOLI X X X X X X M. Waldichuk and J.H. Meikle 27-28 September 1967 A.P. KNIGHT X X X X X J.H. Meikle and D.A. Blank

Prince Rupert Harbour and contiguous waters

15-18 September 1961 CSS EHKOLI X X X X X X M. Waldichuk and J.R. Markert 14-21 April 1962 css EHKOLI xxxxxx M. Waldichuk and J.R. Markert 20-26 October 1964 css EHKOLI X X X X X X M. Waldichuk and J.H. Meikle 10 July - 7 August 1967 css PARRY X X X X X Xc J.H. Meikle

a S = salinity; T = temperature; 0 = dissolved oxygen; P = pH; A = alkalinity; C = currents. c Not reported here (currents were measured by the Canadian Hydrographic Service). - 9 -


Station Designation: The stations are designated by number consecutively in the order they were usually taken. rrefix letters M, Q, O, K, and P of the numbers designate stations in Mucha at Inlet, Quatsino Sound, Cousins Inlet, Kitimat Arm and Prince Rupert Harbour area, respectively.

Time: Pacific Standard Time is used thloughout. It usually signifies the instant that the messenger was dropped to close the sampling bottles. If two casts were made, the time is either given for messengers on each cast or only for the first, shallower cast. (S) denotes a shallow cast, g 0-20 m; (D) denotes a deep cast, >20 m.

~: Figures signify: date/month/year.

~· ~ Long.: Position of the ship given as latitude and longitude in degrees and minutes, at the time the messenger was dropped to c~ose the water sampling bottles and reverse the deep-sea thermometers.

Depth (.Q.f bottom): Sounding in feet, obtained from the echo sounder and/or from bottom sampler or lead weight and meter block.

B.T. Ser. No.: Bathythermograph slide number given consecutively in the order taken.

Weather: Given by word description.

Cloud ~: Given by standard symbol for the meteorological nomenclature for cloud description. Example: Ci = Cirrus; St = Stratus; Cu = Cumulus; Sc = Stratocumulus; Ns = Nimbostratus.

~.: Amount of cloud cover given in tenths of sky covered. Example: 0 = clear sky; 3 = 3/10 of sky covered; 10 = complete!~ overcast. Wind Dir.: Direction from which wind was blowing in degrees on the gyro compa~True).

Spd. :. Estimated wind speed in miles per hour.

~: Given in the meteorological number code for height and in °T for direction from which sea comes. Example: 0 • calm sea; 1 = 1 to 2-foot waves; 2 = 3 to 4-foot waves. Swell: Given in meteorological number code for height and in or for direction from which swell comes. Example: 0 = no swell; 1 = 1 to 3-foot swell; 2 = 4 to 6-foot swell. - 10 - air Temp. - Q: Air temperature on dry-bulb thermometer, as observed on ship's bridge in degrees Fahrenheit.

- !: Air temperature on wet-bulb thermometer, as observed on ship's bridge in degrees Fahrenheit. Baro: Uncorrected reading of ship's a~eroid barometer in millibars. I Secchi: Depth in feet at which a whit~, 30-cm (12-in) disc just disappears from sight. I

Col.: Water colour as observed against the white Secchi disc. (Abbreviations: lt = light; dk = dark; dl = dull; pl = pale; clr = clear; sty= silty; mky = murky; wh = white; gy • grey; br = brown; yl = yellow; gn = green; :n:i/':o red'.) · Bottom: Composition and colour of the bottom sample taken by a Dietz-La Fond, clamshell-type bottom sampler, and occasionally by anchor or other device striking the bottom.

Tide: The curve gives the predicted tide for the specified location. The arrow marks the height and phase of the tide at the time samples were taken.

Depth (of sample): Distance in metres from the water surface to the sampling ' bottle, as measured on the meter block. (Sample depths for the early surveys are given in feet because a block calibrated in yards was used.)

1 (g): Temperatures obtained from reversing thermometers are reported to the nearest 0.01 degree Celsius. Surface temperatures measured with an ordinary 0 to 30 C surface thermometer are accurate only to the nearest 0.1 C.

B.T. ~: A 450-ft (135m), 200-ft (65 m) or 100-ft (30m) bathythermograph, depending on the depth of water, was used for a continuous profile of temper­ ature with depth. The traces were corrected for temperature from a reversing thermometer, when possible, and were drawn by hand in the final record from a projected image of the B.T. slide.

§ ~): Salinity expresses the total salt content of the water in parts per thousand ~) and was usually determined on a salinometer at the base labor­ atory. These data have an accuracy of ± 0.01~. Samples with very low salinities were titrated with an accuracy of ± 0.05~.

~: Density term at atmospheric pressure and in situ temperature, as defined by: (Density - l) x 1,000. It is a function of salinity and temperature and was determined from nomographs prepared by the U.S. Hydrographic Office.

Dissolved Oxygen (m9Ll): Concentration of dissolved oxygen in milligrams per litre of water. For conversion to mg-at/1 divide by 16 and to ml/1 multiply by 0. 7. - 11 -

Dissolved Oxygen~ Sat,): Percentage that the observed concentration bears to the total concentration when the water is saturated with dissolved oxygen at the in~ salinity and temperature, Defined by:

Observed c X 100 Saturation

I The saturation concentration, as a fungtion of salinity and temperature, was obtained from a nomograph prepared by Tully (1949) from tables given by Whipple and Whipple (1911). l?l::!: Hydrogen-ion concentration in pH units (1-14) measured to the nearest 0.01 unit on a pH meter and corrected for the in situ temperature and salinity. A Beckman pH Meter (Model G-2 or GS) was generally used, with samples first brought to room temperature. The pH was measured within 12 hours whenever possible; but in case of delay, samples were held in a dark cooler,

Alkalinity - Total: The number of milliequivalents of hydrogen ion neutralized by 1 litre of sea water at 20 C. It was determined by measuring the pH in 100 ml of sea water treated with 25 ml of 0.01 N hydrochLoric acid, using a Beckman pH Meter (Model G-2 or GS) in ~he laboratory, with samples first brou~ht to room temperature, usually within 12 he-ms of collection. ... J -

- ~.: The number of milliequivalents of hydrogen ion neutralized by 1 litre of sea water at 20 C in converting carbonate and bicarbonate ions to carbon dioxide, It was evaluated from the total alkalinity, using the tables given by Strickland and Parsons (1965).

Note: In general, the tables given by Strickland and Parsons (1965) were used for calculating total and carbonate alkalinities. However, in the extreme cases, of low and high values, the equations given by Thompson and Anderson (1940) were used,

§§1: Spent sulphite liquor concentration in parts per million based on a standard of spent sulphite pulp-mill digester liquor of 10% total solids concentration. A modified procedure was used of the nitrosolignin deter­ mination first introduced by Pearl and Benson (1940), later improved by Goldschmid and Maranville (1959) and standardized by Barnes ~ ~· (1963),

Current Measurements: Surface currents were measured with a C.B.I. (Chesapeake Bay Institute) drag described by Pritchard and Burt (1951) or with a current pole and log line (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1950). Sub-surface currents were measured with a standard Ekman Current Meter (Ekman, 1932), or the Ekman-Merz modification. Wind direction and speed were estimated during the interval of current measurement.

NOOTKA SOUND - MUCHALAT INLET MIN MUCHALAT INLET Scale in nautical ll'lilll Q ! ' t 12-13 AUGUST1959


..... 49 ."_j(\ ~ j.s.LIGH I·:\ \c.·.ff~.:~. )~~~ «:zl·· •40, (}I I . .. .. - ...~ ' I - . . . . - \(0 ·


12&•30' 12e•zo' 126"10'

Fig. 1. Track chart of stations occupied in Nootka Sound-Muchalat Inlet, 12-13 August 1959.

- 17 - ft Tide 15~--~----~----~

Stations M-1 Weather& Partly cloudy; sunny Times 1628 Cloud a Type Cu Amt • 1 Dates 12/VIII/59 Winda Dir. 170 °T Spd. 15 mph. Lata 49°35.7' N Seas 2 Swells 0 Long a 126° 3h. 51 W AirTempaD. 60°f. w.- 0 f. Depths 264 ft Baroa 1035 ·mb. B.T. Ser. No. 1 Secchi a 12 ft Cola br-gn 10 22 Hr

Depth T S Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity (ft) (°C) (0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

() 11~ .• 2 31.71 23.63 13.53 158.62 8.C7 2.10 2.05 6 14.C7 31.68 23.63 13.89 162.65 8.09 2.01 1.96 12 13.14 31.73 2.3 .86 13.31 153.70 8.12 2.05 1.99 18 1:-:.91 31.75 23.92 11.88 136.39 8.C2 2.01 1.96 30 12.30 31.84 24.10 9.40 106.58 7.89 2.05 2.01 M3 11.77 31.90 24.25 8.28 92.72 7.83 1.99 1.96 60 11.50 31.9l~ 24.33 7.73 86.08 7.82 1.96 1.94 90 10.48 3;:.15 24.67 6.50 71.19 7.76 2.08 2.C5 l5G 8.61 32.75 25.44 3.58 37.76 7.61 2.10 2.08 239 7.50 32.97 25.78 3.50 36.08 ?.63 2.10 2.08

ft Tide 15~--~----~----~

10 Station& I<-2 Weathera Partly cloudy; sunny Time: lEC4 Clouda Type Cu Amt. 1 Date: 12/VIII/59 Winda Dir. 170 °T Spd. 15 mph. 5 La t a 49° )C) • 4 1 N Sea a 1 Swe lla o Longe l/.(Joz?.9' W Air Tempa D. 62 °f. w. _ 0 f. Depth a t/?.4 ft Baroa 1035 mb. o~--~----_. ____ _ B.T. Ser. No. 2 Secchi a 19 ft Cola lt-gn 4 10 16 22 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity (ft) (•c) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

() 17.2 28.83 20.78 10.64 130.07 8..,1..4 1.90 1.85 6 15.20 29.24 21.52 10.76 126.74 . 8.16, 1.86 1.79 12 14.65 31.02 23.00 11.58 136.40 8.!2 2.01 1.96 18 13.40 31.66 23.75 13.59 157.10 8.16 2.06 1.99 30 12.35 31.77 24.04 9.15 103.74 7.97 2.06 2.01 l~2 11.13 32.05 24.49 7.26 80.40 7.87 2 .ca 1.97 60 10.80 32.11 24.48 6.88 75.77 7.81 2.08 2.05 9G 10.38 32.25 24.76 6.81 74.1~3 ?.80 2.05 2.02 150 8.74 32.71 25.39 3.48 36.79 ?.64 2.09 2.07 299 ? .89 33.03 25.78 4.29 44.69 ?.68 2.13 2.11 449 ?.75 (33.06)-:' 25.81 4.42 L~5 .80 ?.83 2.13 2.10 598 7.20 33.08 25.91 4.43 45.50 7.72 2.07 2.05 -~ interpo1a ted - 18 - ft Tide 15~---,----~----~

Stations 1-1-3 Weather: i>a rtly cloudy Times 2115 Cloud: Type Cs-Cu Amt. 2 Dates 12/VIII/59 Winds Dir. 230 °T Spd. 14 mph. Lats Lf9° 38.9' N Sea: 1 Swell & 0 Long a ] 26° lL •• 7' w Air Temp: D. 59 Of • w. - Of. Depth: 1200 ft Baro: 1035 mb. 0 B .T. Ser. No. 3 Secchi a 12 ft Col: gn 8 14 20 2Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (rt) (OC) ( 0 /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. c 15.9 27.00 19.67 11.16 131.29 8.28 1.83 1.75 12 11 •• 99 27.14 19.97 11.40 132.10 3.34 1.79 1.71 16 15.51 27.71 20.30 11. 7(J 137.32 8.36 1.83 1. 7.4 26 12.10 31.80 24.11 11.19 126.30 8.25 2.15 2.07 36 11.72 (30.48)-l' (23.17) 10.03 111.20 8.27 2.09 2.01 52 11.28 32.07 2Lf .h8 8.72 96. E:_'<'j fJ.l3 2.12 2.05 78 10.66 32.24 2h.'1l 7.26 79.87 8.05 2.09 2.01, 130 r) .L.l 32.41 25.04 3.76 110.21 7.88 2.• 06 2.02 260 8.40 32.84 25.54 2.71 28.50 7 ,8(J 2.18 2.15 390 8.22 32.90 25.62 3.69 38.60 7.84 2.08 ~: .05 520 8.00 32.95 2).69 4.23 4lf.ll 7.88 2.09 2.05 ~}salinity questionable

ft Tide 15~--~------.------~

Station: L-h Weather& Partly cloudy; sunny Time: l820-C92) Cloud: Type Cu Amt. 1 Date: 13/VIII/59 Wind: Dir. 310 °T Spd. 4 mph. 0 Lat: L/; 1.0.2 1 N Sea & 0 Swe 11: 0 Long: J 26" ()7 • C ' W Air Temp: D. 62 °F. w. - 0 f. Depth: S'84 ft Baro: 1036 mb. B.T. Ser. No •. L1 Secchi: 16 ft Col: lt-r,n

Depth T s Ot ~issolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (ft) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. c 16.2 10.08 8.03 0.55 c. 53 6 18.39 20.95 11.96 10.18 120.90 8.33 1.48 1.43 r) ~- 17.01 24.67 17.65 10.63 125.95 8.44 1.79 1.70 18 11..50 ;;8.89 21.40 11.85 137.70 8.30 1.91. 1.86 3C 11.18 31.95 24.34 10.47 116.72 8.15 2.15 2.08 42 11.07 32.12 24.55 8.73 96.68 8.07 2.18 2.12 6C 10.79 32.19 24.66 7.83 86.33 8.01 2.16 2.11 90 9.96 32.26 21..84 5.41 58.55 7.88 2.18 2.14 15(; £S.67 32.73 25.42 2.31 24.42 ?.?C. 2.21 2.19 3CC 3.27 32.87 25.51 2.96 31.03 7.70 2.21 2.19 450 8.20 32.87 25.60 3.75 40.45 8.09 2.24 2.18 600 7.71 33.15 25.89 0.19 2.03 7.62 2.24 2.20 900 8.10 33 .. 15 25 .. ·85 0.16 1-.73 7.59 2.29 2.27 - 19 - Ft Tide 15~--~----~----~

Station: H-5 WeatheraPartly cloudy, sunny Time: 1042 Clouds Type Ci-Cu Amt. 2 Dates 13/VIII/59 Winds Dir. 310 or Spd. l~ mph. Lats 49°.38.3' N Sea a 0 Swell a 0 Longs 126° 05.0' w Air Temp1 D. 62 op. w. - op. Depth: 516 ft Baro 1 1036 mb. B.T. Ser. No. 5 Secchi 1 18 ft Col: 1t-gn 00 18 Hr

Deoth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (ft) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 19.5 15.48 10.11 9.84 115.63 8.23 1.06 1.04 6 18.3') 21.86 15.20 10.73 128.20 8.35 1.45 1.38 12 17.16 24.42 17.43 11.14 131.99 8.37 1.63 1.55 18 14.54 29.52 11.88 138.46 8.27 1.~9 1.91 30 11.50 31.35 23.88 11.05 122.80 8.19 2.26 2.19 42 11.37 31.95 24.36 10.34 115.02 8.17 2.27 2.20 60 10.78 32.13 24.60 8.26 90.97 8.11 2.27 2.21 90 9.89 32.20 24.81 6.65 71.89 8.03 2.30 2.25 150 8.70 32.70 25.38 1.09 11.52 7.79 2.29 2.26 300 8.25 32.89 25.60 2.15 22.54 7.'04 2.20 2.17 h50 r;.o6 32.96 25.69 2.15 22.44 7.75 2.23 2.20

Ft Tide

15 I I

10 1- Station I Weather1 - Time: Cloud1 Type Amt. Date: Winds Dir. 0 T Spd. mph. 5 i- Lat: N Sea: Swells - Long1 w Air Temp: o. op. w. op. Depth a ft Baro: mb. 0 _l I B.T. Ser. No. Secchi: ft Cola

Depth Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

MUCHALAT INLET Scole in nautical mitet 9 ! ' i 6-8 OCTOBER 1961

£ Anchor Station


I I I I 1\) I ·.·.\ ~ ~BLIGH1 .. ·"\ '\·· . ~.... . I ,...... ~:t- ~ · J'\1 lr- :.. I ·'> .. """· · ... ·~. ;r ~ ~'t"\. w4o'



I 126"30' 126•2o' 126°10'

Fig. 2. Track chart of stations occupied in Nootka Sound-Muchalat Inlet, 6-8 October 1961.

- 23 - ft Tide 15r----,----~----~

Station: M-1 Weather:Light rain Time: 0646 Cloud: Type Ns Amt. 10 Date: 6/X/61 Winda Dir. 140 or Spd. 10 mph. Lata 49° 35.7' N Sea: 2 Swell a 1 Long a 126° 34.6 1 w Air Tempa D. 47of. w. 46 Of. Depth: 318 ft Baros 1012 mb. B •T. Ser. No. 18 Secchi a 15 ft Col: yl-gn 06 24 Hr'

Defnth T s dt Dissolved ox~gen pi Alkalini t~ m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1). % sat. Total Carb. 0 10.9 30.05 22.97 10.34 112.5. 8.16 2.04 1.97 2 11.07 30.07 22.96 10.25 112.0 8.16 2.00 1.93 4 11.12 30.16 23.02 10.48 114.5 8~18 1.98 1.91 6 11.21 30.23 23.05 10.62 127.6 $.20 2.01 1.94 10 10.7'3 31.61 24.20 9.51 104.3 8.02 2.19 2.14 15 10.40 31.84 24.45 8.51 92.7 7.97 2.13 2.08 20 10.36 31.91 24.50 7.99 87.0 7.92 2.12 2.08 30 10.08 32.10 24.69 6.41 69.6 7.84 2.25 2.22 50 B.67 32.66 25.37 2.72 28.7 7.66 ·2.28 2.25 70 8.36 32.82 25.54 2.94. 30.9 7.70 2.26 2.23

ft Tide 15~--~----~----~

Station:M-2 WeatheraHostly cloudy Time: 0830 Cloud: Type Ac Amt. 8 Date: 6/X/61 . Wind: Dir. - 0 T Spd. 0 mph. 5 Lata 49°37.1' N Sea a 1 Swellr 0 Long a 126° 30.;4 1 w Air Temp: o. 47 Of. We 46 Of • () Depth a 540 ft Baro: 1012 mb. -6 B.r. Ser. No. 19 Secchi: 15 ft Col: yl-gn 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T ·s Ot Dissolved ox~gen j:ii Alkalini t::x: (m) (oc). ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 11.3 29.39 22.39 10.92 119.3 8.29 1.98 1.90 2 11.32 29.64 22.58 11.00 120.4 8.29 2.08 ' 2.00 4 11.M~ 30.36 23.11 11.13 123.0 8.22 1.98 1.91 6 11.26 31.23 23.82 10.81 119.6 8.14 2.14 2.07 10 10.84 31.50 24.11 9.72 106.9 8.03 2.08 2.03 15 10.55 31.75 24.36 8.91 97.3 8.03 2.20 2.15 20 10.39 31.88 24.48 8.27 90.2 7.97 2.19 2.14 30 10.17 32.09 24.68 6.26 67.9 7.86 2.13 2.09 50 8.90 32.58 25.27 2.75 29.2 7.68 2.01 1.98 70 8.36 32.80 25.52 2.82 29.6 7.70 2.23 2.20 100 8.21 32.91 25.63 3.41 35.7 7.73 2.21 2.18 150 8.87 32.93 25.55 3.13 33.3 7.84 2.19 2.16 - 24 - Ft Tide 15------

Station: l~-3 WeatherJJ1ouding over, sunny Time a 0942 Cloud: Type Ac-Cs Amt. 7 Date: 6/X/61 Winds Dir. - 0 T Spd. 0 mph. Lata 4° 0 39.4' N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 126° 27.7 1 w Air Temp: D. 49°f. w. 4S 0 f • Depth: 672 ft Baro: 1012.7 mb. B.T. Ser. No. 20 Secchi a 15 ft Col: yl-gn 06 12 18 24 Hr

De~th T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

0 lJ .6 21.59 16.30 10.98 114.6 8.40 1.45 1.37 2 12.19 26.96 20.37 11.6.3 127.1 8.42 1.88 1.80 4 11.47 29.00 22.06 11.13 121.9 8.33 2.00 1.93 6 11.01 31.51 24.09 11.33 125.0 ~.21 2.18 2.11 10 10.48 31.72 24.34 8.80 96.1 8.01 2.17 2.12 15 10.52 31.77 24.37 7.88 86.3 8.02 2.20 2.15 20 10.38 .31.94 24.53 7.89 85.9 7.96 2.17 2.12 30 1'1.14 32.12 24.70 5.88 63.9 7.83 2.20 2.17 50 q.69 32.62 25.3.3 2.34 24.7 7.66 2.23 2.20 70 ¢,.34 32.81 25.5.3 2.45 25.7 7.73 2.27 2.24 /, (continued belbw)

ft Tide 15

Station: If-3 (cont 1d) Weather: Time: Cloud: Type Amt. Date: Wind: Dir. 0 T Spd. mph. 5 Lat: N Sea: Swell: Long a w Air Tempa D. Of. w. Of. ft Baro: mb. Depth a 06 24 Hr B .T. Ser. No. Secchi: ft Col:

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (rn) (oc) ( 0 /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

100 8.18 32.89 25.62 .3.28 34.3 7.67 2.24 2.21 150 32.92 3.36 2.28 190 ~.72 32.92 25.56 3.12 .3.3.0 7.74 2.25 2.22 - 25 - ft Tide 15r---~----~----~

Stations M-4 Weathers Light rain Time a 1142 Cloud: Type Ns-Ac Amt. 10 Date a 6/X/61 Winds Dir. 270 °T Spd. 5-6 mph. Lat1 49° 38.4' N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Longs 120° 20.8' w Air Temp: D. 48 Of. w. 47°f. Depths 930 ft Baro: 1012.7mb. B.T. Ser. No. 21 Secchi a 15 ft Col: Yellow 24 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (m) (•c) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 11.5 11.46 8.51 10.89 106.3 8.22 0.88 0.85 2 12.32 18.46 13.78 11.83 123.0 8.43 1.19 1.14 4 11.0* 30.05 22.96 13.83 1CJ6.1 8.51 2.14 2.02 6 10.93 31.59 24.16 10.67 117.2 8.12 2.17 2.11 10 10.60 31.75 24.34 8.83 96.6 8.02 2.15 2.10 15 10.44 31.88 24.47 7.81 85.3 7.98 2.23 2.18 20 10.34 31.97 24.56 7.16 77.9 7.93 2.16 2.12 30 10.02 32.14 24.74 5.17 56.0 7.82 2.21 2.18 50 8.69 32.63 25.33 1.89 20.0 7.63 2.20 2.18 70 8.93 32.79 25.42 1.96 20.8 7.63 . ' (continued below) ' * Temperature taken from B.T. trace. ft Tide 15 I I

10 1- - Station aM-4 (Cont'd) Weather: Time: Cloud: Type Amt. Date: Winda Dir. 0 T Spd. mph. 5 i- - Lats N Sea: Swell: Long a w Air Tempa D. Of. w. Of. Depth a ft Baro: mb. 0 I I B .T. Ser. No. Secchi: ft Col:

Depth T s at Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

100 8.30 32.85 25.57 2.47 25.9 7.74 150 8.18 32.90 25.62 2.87 30.0 7.63 250 7.73 33.13 25.88 0.20 2.7 7.52 2.31 2.29 - 26 - ft Tide 15r---~----~----~

Station: H-5 Weather& Unsettled, overcast Time a 1327 Cloud: Type Ns -Lc Amt. 10 Date a 6/X/61 Winda Dir. 270 °T . Spd • 10 mph • Lab 49° 39.0' N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long a 126° 15.0' w Air Tempa D. 48°f. w. 47°f. Depth: 1200 ft Baroa 1012 mb. B .T. Ser. No. 22 Secchia 21 ft Col: yl-gn 06 24 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alka lini t~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

0 11.8 9.41 10.67 103.5 8 .(J4 n.67 0.66 2 12.74 24.73 1S.r.;5 12.95 141.5 P,.J7 1.72 1.64 4 12.72 31.05 23.41 13.57 154.2 8.36 1.98 l.S8 6 11.59 31.64 24.10 13.45 149.9 8.29 2.13 2.05 10 10.68 31.74 24.32 8.63 94.2 8.08 2.17 2.11 15 10.47 31.91 24.49 7.28 79.5 7.98. 2.16 2.11 20 10.42 31.98 24.55 6.82 74.5 7.91 2.22 2.18 30 10.10 32.13 24.72 5.68 61.7 7.79 2.21 2.18 50 8.67 32.62 25.34 1.83 19.3 7.62 2.20 2.18 100 8.30 32.85 25.57 2.16 22.7 7.65 2.23 2.21 (continued below)

ft Tide 15 I I

10 1- StationaH-5 (Cont'd) Weather a - Time: Clouda Type Amt. Date: Wind 1 Dir. 0 T Spd. mph. 5 - - Lata N Sea: Swell a Long a w Air Tempa D. Of. w. Of. Depth a ft Baro: mb. 0 _l _l B.T. Ser. No. Secchi: ft Col:

Depth T s crt Dissolved ox~gen Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

150 8.20 32.91 25.63 2.66 27.8 7.76 2.26 2.2.3 ?00 7.82 .33.11 25.84 0.36 .3.7 7.51 2.2.3 2.21 300 7.71 3.3.17 25.90 0.25 2.6 7.51 2.28 2.26 - 27 - Ft Tide 15r----,----~----,

Stationa M-6 Weathers Mostly cloud:v, unsettled Timea 1503 Cloud: Type Ac-St Amt • 10 Date I 6/X/61 Windt Dir. 270°T Spd. 10 mph. Lata 49° 39.8' N Sea: 1 Swell: 0 Long a 126 ° 10 •7 ' W Air Temp& D. 54°F. W. 51°F. Ba ro: 1021 mb. .______.... __-J Depth a 1140 ft 0 B.T. Ser. No. 23 Secchi a 21 ft Col: Yellow on top, 6 12 18 24 Hr green below

Depth T S Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity {m) (OC) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

0 11.8 7.25 5.22 10.27 98.3 8.00 0.45 0.44 2 13.05 24.10 19.40 12.53 137.0 7.40 1.79 1.78 4 12.50 31.61 23,89 12.00 136.6 7.24 2.20 2.20 6 11.43 31.77 24.20 10.89 121.0 8.18 2.17 2.10 10 10.70 31.80 24.36 8.22 90.3 7.98 2.22 2.17 15 10.51 31.86 24.44 7.23 79.1 8.00 2.15 2.10 20 10.41 31.99 24.56 5.49 60.0 7.84 2.12 2.09 30 10.14 32.11 24.70 4.85 57.7 7.82 2.20 2.17 50 8.69 32.61 25.33 1.83 19.3 7.69 2.21 2.18 100 8.33 32.86 25.57 2.05 21.5 7.75 2.26 2.23

(continued below)

Ft Tide l5r---~1 ----T~----~

10- - StationaM-6 (Cont'd) Weather: Time a Cloud: Type Amt. Date a Wind: Dir. 0 T Spd. mph. 5- - Lata N Sea: Swell: Longa W Air Temp: D. Of. W. Of. Oeptha ft Baro: mb. o~--~·---_.•----- B .t. Ser. No. Secchi: ft Col:

Depth T S Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity (m) (oc) (o /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

150 8.19 32.91 25.63 2.56 26.8 7.74 2.27 2.24 200 7.84 33.11 25.84 0.49 5.1 7.51 2.27 2.25 300 8.03 33.16 25.85 0.33 3.5 7.50 2.28 2.26 - 28 - ft Tide 15~--~~----~--~

Stations M-7 WeathersMostly cloudy, unsettled Times 1625 Cloud: Type Ac Amt. 10 Date: 6/X/61 Winds Dir. 270 °T Spd. 10 mph. Lat: 49° 39.9' N Sea: 1 Swell: 0 Longs 126° 08.9 1 w Air Tempe D. 53 Of • w. 50°f • Depth: 1200 ft Baro: 1012 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 24 Secchia 23 ft Col: yl·-gn 6 12 18 24 Hr

De(nth T s Ot Dissolved oxy:gen Alkalinity: m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

0 11.5 7.21 5.22 10.60 100.7 8.16 0.59 0.57 2 13.45 30.10 23.31 12.73 146.1 8.30 2.10 2.01 4 12.48 31.65 23.92 11.50 130.8 8.22 2o21 2.14 6 11.44 31.74 24.18 10.90 121.1 8.13 2.19 2.13 10 10.81 31.87 24.39 9.12 100.3 8.08 2.18 2.12 15 10.51 31.95 24.50 6.16 67.4 7.89 2.22 2.18 20 10.35 31.99 24.57 5.18 56.5 7.79 2.17 2.14 30 10.03 32.10 24.60 3.76 40.7 7.70 2.22 2.19 50 8.74 32.58 25.29 1.85 19.5 7.63 2.25 2.23 100 8.35 32.85 25.57 1.76 18.5 7.69 2.31 2.28 (continued below)

ft Tide 15 I I

10 1- - Station:M-7 (Cont 1d) Weather: Time: Cloud: Type Amt. Date: Wind: Dir. 0 T Spd. mph. 5 r- - Lat: N Sea: Swell: Longa W Air Temps o. Ofo w. Of. Depth: ft Baros mb. 0 I I B •T • Ser. No. Secchi: ft Col:

Depth T S Dissolved oxy:gen Alkalinity: (m) (oc) (o/00 ) {mg/1) % sat • Total Carb.

150 8.20 32.91 24.63 1.72 18.0 7.66 2.25 2.22 200 7.86 33.11 25.85 0.53 5.5 7.52 2.18 2.16 300 33.16 0.33 2.29 - 29 - Ft Tide 15r----,-----T----~

StationsM•8 Weather: Partly cloudy Time: 1833 Cloud: Type Ac Amt. 9 Date: 6/X/61 Wind: Dir. 240 °T Spd. 12 mph. Lata 49° 40.1 1 N Sea : 1 Swe 11 : 0 Long: 126o 06.0' W Air Tempi D. 53°F. w. 50 °F. Depth : 990 ft Baro: 1013.7 mb. B.t. Ser. No. 25 Secchi 1 11.5 ft Col: Yellow T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 11.3 6.87 4.99 10.88 102.9 7.99 0.58 0.57 2 13.18 22.86 18.52 11.92 129.6 8.35 1.69 1.60 4 12.• 5* 31.48 23.79 10.80 127.1 8.16 2.27 2.20 6 11.46 31.76 24.20 10.69 119.0 8.14 2.14 2.08 10 10.85 31.84 24.38 9.30 102.2 8.02 2.21 2.16 15 10.59 31.91 24.47 5.17 56.6 7.82 2.18 2.15 20 10.59 31.95 24.50 5.17 56.6 7.77 2.22 2.19 30 9.71 32.10 24,76 3.33 35.9 7.69 2.19 2.16 50 8.66 32.62 25.37 1.68 17.8 7.58 2.25 2.23 100 8.34 32.84 25.56 1.72 18.0 7.63 2.27 2.25 *Temperature taken from B.T. trace. (continued below)

Ft Tide 15 I I

10 - - Station: M-8 (Cont 1d) Weather: Time: Cloud: Type Amt. Date: Wind: Dir. 0 T Spd. mph. 5 1- - Lat: N Sea: Swell: Long: w Air Temp: D. •F. w. op. Depth: ft Baro: mb. 0 I I B.t. Ser. No. Secchi: ft Col:

Depth T s at Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

150 8.22 32.91 25.63 0.41 4.3 7.67 2.36 2.33 200 7.86 33.11 25.84 0.49 5.1 7.44 2.25 2.24 300 7.77 33.15 25.88 0.29 3.0 7.47 2.28 2.26 - 30 - Ft Tide 15r----,----~----~

Station: M-9 Weather: Clear, sunny Time: 0926 Cloud: Type Amt • 0 Date: 7/X/61 Wind: Dir. 130°! Spd. 3 mph. Lat: 49°38.35'N Sea : 0 Swe 11 : 0 Long a 126° 05 .o• W Air Temp: D. 50°F. W. 48°F. Depth: 498 ft Ba ro: 1024.7 mb. O'------"----...... ,--.J B.T. Ser. No. 26 Secchi: 25ft Cola Greenish-yellowo 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 10.0 3.51 2.50 10.68 97.5 7.46 0.40 0.40 2 13.71 20.52 15.12 11.60 125.6 7.40 1.6J 1.60 4 13.44 29.66 23.80 11.51 132.0 7.30 2.05 2.05 6 11.20 31.81 24.28 10.29 113.9 8.16 2.13 2.06 10 10.85 31.86 24.38 10.50 115.6 8.07 2.18 2.12 15 10.57 31.93 24.48 5.46 59.8 7.88 2.05 2.01 20 10.3* 31.95 24.55 5.10 57.4 7.83 2.10 2..07 30 9.9'7 32.05 24.68 3.87 41.9 7.73 2.23 2.20 50 8.73 32.61 25.31 1.24 13.1 7.58 2.26 2.24 70 8.44 32.80 25.51 0.82 8.6 7.54 2.25 2.23 100 8.33 32.87 25.58 1.36 14.3 7.59 2.14 2.12 130 8~25 32.89 25.61 1.46 15.3 7.58 2.26 2.14 150 8.21 32.91 25.63 1.15 12.0 7.58 2.17 2.15 *Temperature taken from B.T. trace. Ft Tide 15~--~----~----~

10 Station: M-10 Weather:C1ear; sunny Time: 1041 Cloud: Type Amt • 0 Date: 7/X/61 Wind: Dir. - 0 T Spd. 0 mph. 5 Lata 49° 17.3' N Sea : 0 Swe 11 : 0 Long a 126° 03 .35' W Air Temp: D. 47°F. w. 45 °F. Depth: 390 ft Baro: 1024.7 mb. o~--~~--_.----~ B.T. Ser. No. 27 Secchi: 30 ft Col: y1-gn 0 6 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Dissolved oxygen pH Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 9.9 0.47 0.13 9.17 80.7 7.06 0.40 0.40 2 13.58 20.80 15.36 11.43 123.9 8.38 1.63 1.54 4 12.64 31.52 23.80 9.95 113.5 8.24 2.23 2.16 6 11.52" 31.77 24.18 8.60 96.0 8.10 2.20 2.14 10 11.93 31.87 24.19 8.63 97.2 8.09 2.16 2.10 15 10.58 31.92 24.47 5.58 61.2 7.95 2.20 2.15 20 10.3* 31.94 24.55 5.07 57.C 7.90 2.16 2.,12 30 9.8b 32.04 24.68 3.63 39.2 7.75 2.17 2.14 50 8.80 32.57 25.11 1.20 12.7 7.60 2.22 2.20 70 8.46 32.79 25.50 0.57 6.0 7.56 2.25 2.2.3 100 8.34 32.86 25.57 0.66 6.9 7.49 2.28 2.26 *Temperature taken from B.T. trace. - 31 - ft Tide 15r----,----~----~

Stationi H-11 Weather: Clear, sunny Times 1340 Cloud: Type Amt. 0 Dates 7/X/61 Winds Dir. - 0 T Spd. 0 mph. Lata 49° 4fl .5 t N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Longs 126° 07.4' w Air Temp: D. Of. w. Of. Depth: 174 ft Baro: mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 28 Secchi a 31 ft Col:Yellowish-green 6 24 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 10.6 3.28 2.26 9.19 83.6 7.63 0.46 0.46 2 13.35 20.89 15.47 11.57 124.4 8.38 0.18 0.09 4 13.02 31.36 23.60 12.58 144.1 8.32 2.15 2.06 6 11.96 31.70 24.06 11.34 127.5 g.21 2.17 2.10 10 10.96 31.85 24.36 9.62 105.1 8.12 2.12 2.06 15 10.56 31.93 24.48 5.37 58.8 7.86 2.20 2.16 20 10.43 31.98 24.55 5.21 ?7.0 7.88 2.14 2.10 30 10 .09 32.09 24.68 4.42 47.9 7.78 2.18 2.1? 50 ~.66 32.63 25.34 1.69 17.9 7.64 2.21 2.19

Ft Tide 15~--~----~----~

Station: H-ll.A Weather: Rain Time: H~2~ Cloud: Type Ns Amt.lO Date: 8/X/61 Wind: Dir. - 0 T Spd. 0 mph. 5 Lata 49° L~O .5 1 N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 126° ()7 .4' w Air Temp: D. 51 Of • w. 50 Of • ft Baro: 1015 mb. Depth: 174 06 24 Hr B.T. Ser. No. 29 Secchi: 20 ft Col: yl-gn

Depth T s at Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 10.6 4.13 2.92 10.80 98.7 7.51 0.46 0.46 1 10.42 4.70 3.38 10.76 98.;::> 7.45 0.59 0.59 '? 13.48 25.82 19.24 12.06 134.4 8.40 1.81 1.72 4 12.65 31.44 2 3. 7 3 11.98 135.3 8.25 2.14 2.05 6 11.61 31.76 24.17 11.83 134.9 8.16 2.19 2.12 10 10.91 31.82 24.34 9.46 104.2 8.09 2.14 2.08 15 10.63 31 .91 24.46 5.71 62.7 7.87 2.19 2.15 ?0 10.46 31.97 24.54 5.19 56.6 7.8? 2.18 2.15 30 9.75 32.15 '?.4.79 3.62 39.0 7.73 2.18 2.15 50 ~.65 32.66 25.37 1.55 16.4 7.53 2.23 2.21 - 32 -


Surface C:1rrent lfeasurements ftetjon: M-11

Date: 7 IXI61- Longitude: 1~6° 07.4()' W BIXI61 Soundjng: 174 ft. Location: Near navigational light, at Gold River.

I C. B. r. Drag bata

Current Wind Tjme/DBte Speed Direction Direction Speed - Cm/sec Knots o T o T m .p .h. 1641I7IXI61 8.3 0.160 231 - 0 17251 22.9 0.445 273 - 0 101 hI , '~~I 4~.2 0.936 239 069 5 1~341 31.5. 0.612 221 097 5 1.qJ51 () 0 221 D97 5 1C)l8l 34.2 0.664 222 - 0 lOt;JI 25.9 (l • 50 3 - ~5 051 4 2':'l21 25.9 0.503 229 - () ?r·r:;rj 32.2 (l .625 220 108 4 ?12°1 () 0 234 074 4 ')')(\'? I '··- .J/ 2°.5 0.573 229 0?1 5 ~?341 ;'.C' .5 0.573 229 (121 5 ()'">o ~Jil2/ 29.5 0.573 ?19 ···"-- 5 233()/ ?7.4 O.'i32 226 036 5-6 2357/7/X/61 /~.1 0.1)46 204 314 5-6 G032I8IXI61 30.1 0.585 ?17 0~4 4 ()1'13/ 33.5 0.651 236 036 5-6 rn33/ 24.4 0.474 261 021 7 0?021 41.9 0.814 242 01:1 4-5 n ?nc_j 35.6 0.692 245 015 6-7 (l317/ () 0 165 010 3-4 '1351/ (l (J 160 015 6-7 '14111 0 () 169 239 5-6 0500/ () 0 191 014 4-.5 OSL/?/ () () 219 019 3-4 064(:/ (l () 211 109 () ()736/ 36.9 0.717 2()7 120 5-6 (J~"J/ 2~.8 0.559 215 095 3-4 ,,~17 I ?0.5 CJ. 573 220 263 4 ():1351 3'1.1 0.585 232 112 1-2 •J)I"l31(,()?')I ?7 .l+ 0.532 211 097 L. / ./•. 22.0 0.427 251 098 1-2 ri9S61 22.c; Cl .L~5 214 os.g 4-3 10351 22. C'· 0.445 251 - 0 - 33 - MUCHALAT INLET

C. B. I. Drag Data Station: M-11 (continued)

Current Wind Time/Date ~p~ed Direction Direction Speed Cm/sec Knots o T o T m.o.h. 1100/8/X/61 28.8 0.559 246 054 6-3 1132/ 29.5 0.573 246 043 4-8 1201/ 29.5 0.573 217 - 0 1231/ 29.5 0.573 244 - 0 1300/ 30.1 0.585 235 - 0 1331/ 30.8 0.598 227 - 0 1406/ 31.5 0.612 240 184 4 1431/ 30.8 0.598 260 - 0 1458/ 28.1 0.546 258 - 0 1508/ 25.2 0.490 258 072 1-2 1535/ 8.3 0.161 288 - 0 1600/ 0 0 319 088 4-8 1633/ 5.8 0.113 267 116 2-5 1705/ 5.8 O.llJ 2.36 126 6 1732/ 0 0 222 111 4-5 1800/8/X/61 0 0 217 093 4-5 - 34 - MUCHALAT INLET Current Heasurements

Station: M-11 Latitude: 49° 40.40 1 N Remarks: Current meter was suspected to be malfunction­ Date: 7/X/61- Longitude: 126° 07.40 1 W ing for part of time. 8/X/61 Sounding: 174 ft. Location: Near navigational light, at Gold River

Ekman-Merz Current Meter Data

Current Wind Time ;bate Depth Sn-een Direction Direction Speed {Metres) em/sec Knots o T o T m.n.h. 1544/7/X/61 5 0 0 - - 0 1555/ 10 0 0 - - 0 1603/ 20 0 0 - - 0 1615/ 30 () 0 - - 0 1625/ 40 0 0 - - 0 1638/ 50 0 0 - - 0 1640/ 5 1.3 O.C25 087 - 0 1649/ 10 0 0 307 - 0 1804/ 20 0 () - 065 3-4 1823/ 30 0 () - 069 5 1834/ 40 0 0 - 097 5 1903/ 2 0 0 227 097 5 1909/ 1 4.2 0.082 192 090 2-3 1918/ 5 0 0 047 - 0 1927/ 10 0.3 o.oo6 012 - 0 1936/ 20 0 0 - - 0 1944/ 30 0 0 - 050 2-3 195!+/ 50 0 0 - 051 4 2003/ 2 12.5 0.243 347 - 0 2019/ 5 0 0 - 080 2-3 2036/ 10 0 0 357 084 5 2051/ 20 0 0 302 108 4 2103/ 30 0 0 317 080 3-5 2111/ 2 0 0 - '080 3-5 2118/ 5 4.0 0.078 050 080 3-5 2131/ 10 1.8 0.035 022 074 4 2142/ 20 0 0 307 074 4 2154/ 30 0 0 337 021 5 2206/ 40 0.5 0.010 040 021 5 - 35 - :t-IDCHALAT INLET Ekman-Merz Current Meter Data Station: M-il (continued)

Current Wind Time/Date Depth Soeed Direction Direction Speed (Metres) Cm/sec Knots o T o T m.o .h.

2220/7/X/61 2 .3.5 0.068 026 020 .3-5 22.3.3/ 5 1.1 0.021 090 021 5 2245/ 10 0 0 057 025 5 2255/ 20 0 0 - 029 5 2.304/ .30 0 0 - .354 7-8 2.312/ 2 2.0 0.0.39 027 000 6-7 2.320/ 5 0 0 072 0.30 5-6 2329/ 10 0 0 - 0.36 5-6 2.340/ 20 0 0 077 000 5-6 2.350/7/X/61 .30 4.0 0.078 280 .314 5-6 0004/8/X/61 2 10.0 0.194 267 .314 5-6 0016/ 5 1.1 0.021 052 .314 5-6 0025/ 10 0 0 - 024 4 0034/ 20 0 0 - 024 4 0047/ 30 0 0 - 0.30 4-5 ()100/ 40 (l 0 - 0.36 5-6 0112/ 2 4.6 0.089 021 0.36 5-6 0120/ 5 5.0 0.097 007 0.30 5-6 0132/ 10 0 0 - 021 7 0142/ 20 0 0 - 020 6-7 0149/ 30 Cl (l 357 020 5-6 0206/ 40 (l 0 - 012 4-5 022.3/ 2 (l 0 - 015 6-7 0?.31/ 5 0 0 - 015 6-7 0241/ 10 0 0 - 000 6-7 0252/ 20 (l 0 - .350 5-6 0300/ .30 0 0 - 349 5-6 0.309/ 40 (l 0 - 010 .3-4 0.327/ 2 0 0 - 010 3-4 0.3.34/ 5 0 0 - 010 .3-5 0.341/ 10 0 0 - 012 5-6 0.350/ 20 0 0 - 015 6-7 0359/ .30 0 0 - 011 4-5 0405/ 40 0 0 - 011 4-5 0420/ 2 (l 0 - 289 5-6 0428/ 5 0 0 - 290 5-6 04.33/ 10 0 0 - 200 5-6 - 36 - MUCHALAT INLET Ekman-Merz Current Meter Data Station: M-11 (continued)

Current Wind Time/Date Depth Sneed Direction Direction Speed (Metres) Cm7sec Knots o T o T m.n.h. 0441/8/X/61 20 (l 0 - 190 4-5 0449/ 30 (l 0 - 014 4-5 0455/ 40 0 0 - 014 4-5 0511/ 2 0 0 177 015 4-5 0516/ 5 (l 0 - 011 4-5 O'i21/ 10 (l 0 - 011 4-5 0528/ 20 (l 0 - 015 3-5 0536/ 30 0 0 - 015 3-4 0543/ 40 0 0 - 019 3-4 0603/ 2 0 0 - 019 3-4 0609/ 5 0 0 - 019 3-4 0614/ 10 0 0 - 030 2-3 n62nj 20 (l 0 - 109 1-2 0627/ 30 1.7 0.033 297 109 1-2 0634/ 40 (l 0 - 109 1-2 0703/ 2 0 0 - 110 1-2 0710/ 5 2.0 0.039 012 110 2-3 0718/ 10 1.1 0.021 247 115 2-3 0727/ 20 4.0 0.078 232 115 3-5 0740/ 30 3.5 o.n68 - 120 5~6 0750/ 40 0 0 - 095 3-4 0815/ 2 0 0 - 095 3-4 0822/ 5 0 0 - 263 4 0329/ 10 0 0 ~ - 112 3-4 0340/ 20 0 0 - 112 3-4 0351/ 30 2.7 0.052 237 097 4 0902/ 40 0 0 307 097 4 0914/ 2 0 0 - 097 3-4 0922/ 5 5.0 0.097 352 098 1-2 0931/ 10 0 0 242 098 1-2 0938/ 20 1.3 0.025 - 098 1-2 0952/ 30 6.0 0.117 332 090 4-5 0958/ 40 0.2 0.004 327 088 4-5

1008/ 2 0 0 - 088 4~5 1ouv 5 0 0 - 088 2-3 1027/ 10 0.8 0.016 037 - 0 1036/ 20 1.1 0.021 297 - 0 - 37 - :t-'1UCH.ALAT INLET

Ekman-Merz Current Meter Data Station: M-11 (continued)

Current wind Time;bate Depth Soeed Direction Direction Speed (Metres) CmLsec Knots o T o T m.p.h. 1045/8/X/61 30 3.2 0.062 237 - 0 1055/ 40 0 0 - 054 6-7 1108/ 2 0 0 - 055 6-7 1114/ 5 3.5 0.068 272 050 5-6 1123/ 10 8.0 0.155 - 050 5-6 1133/ 20 0 0 - 043 4-5 1142/ 30 2.2 0.043 - 043 4-5 1150/ 40 1.0 0.019 107 - 0 1200/ 2 3.1 0.060 003 - 0 1209/ 5 7.0 0.136 023 - 0 1220/ 10 3.1 o .o6o 213 - 0 1237/ 20 0 0 - - 0 1242/ 30 0 0 - - 0 1250/ 40 0 0 - - 0 1305/ 2 (l 0 - - 0 1313/ 5 0 0 - - 0 1321/ 10 (J 0 - - 0 1329/ 20 Cl 0 - - 0 0 1338/ 30 0 0 - ,_- 1346/ 40 0 0 - 0 1354/ 2 0 () 327 185 2-3 1404/ 5 (J 0 - 184 4 1414/ 10 (1 0 - 184 2'-3 1422/ 20 2.2 0.043 - 184 1-3 1431/ 30 0 0 - - 0 1440/ 40 (J 0 297 - 0 1449/ 2 5.7 0 .. 111 357 - 0 1458/ 5 (J 0 - - 0 1507/ 10 7.0 0.136 087 072 1-2 1519/ 20 0.5 0.010 - - 0 1527/ 30 0 0 - - 0 1544/ 2 (l 0 - - (l 1551/ 5 (1 0 - 088 3-4 1559/ 10 0 0 - 088 4~5 1607/ 20 (l 0 - 088 4-5 1615/ 30 0 0 187 100 3-4 - 38 - MUCHALAT INLET

Ekman-Merz Current Meter Data Stntion: M-11 (continued)

Current Wind Time ;bate Depth Sneed Direction Direction Speed (Metres) em/sec Knots o T o T m.o .h.

1625/8/X/61 2 (1 0 - 116 2-3 163~/ 5 () 0 - 116 2-,3 1646/ I 10 (l () - 120 3-4 1654/ 20 0 0 - 120 4-5 1703/ 30 0 0 ~ 126 6 1716/ I 30 (l 0 - 120 3-4 1726/ 40 (l 0 - 115 3~4 1733/ 2 0 0 267 111 4-5 1743/ 5 0 () - 110 3-4 1751/ 10 0.3 0.006 052 100 3~4 1801/ 20 () () = 093 4~5 1810/ 30 0 0 - 090 1=3 1819/8/X/61 40 0 0 I 277 - 0 MUCHALAT INLET Scale in noutical miles

9 ! i ~ 1-3 NOVEMBER1962

& Anchor Station



w ~ ~BLIGH· '\ '\- .. iJ,__ _ . :--~U--<=: r \ 49°40' ~· ' I """· • ..... • • • ~ \() .\ ~ ~· 7 --~ '


I I i 126•30' 126°20' 126°10'

Fig. 3. Track chart of stations occupied in Nootka Sound-Muchalat Inlet, 1-3 November 1962.

- 41 - Ft Tide 15r---~-----,-----

Stations M-1 Weather: Mostly clear Time: 0832 Cloud: Type Cu Amt. 3 Dates 1/XI/62 Wind: Dir. Ol0°T Spd. 5 mph. Lat: 49° 35.7' N Sea: 0 Swell: 2 Longs 126° 34.5' w Air Tempe D. 50°F. w. 50°F. Depth: 288 ft Baro: 1023 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 25 Secchi 1 21 ft Co 1: Green 0 18 Hr

De~th T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen p-i Alkalini t~ m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 11.8 25.24 19.10 9.09 101.0 7.99 1.79 1.75 2 11.80 25.26 19.11 9.14 101.6 8.03 1.76 1.72 4 12.08 28.24 21.38 9.50 108.3 8.04 1.96 1.92 6 12.30 30.21 22.84 8.78 102.1 8.06 2.14 2.08 10 12.15 30.80 23.32 8.41 97.8 8.02 2.10 2.05 15 12.14 30.84 23.37 8.29 96.5 8.03 2.14 2.09 20 11.87 31.35 23.81 7.56 87.7 7.98 2.22 2.17 30 12.06 31.83 24.14 7.69 89.9 8.06 2.24 2.18 50 11.83 32.30 24.54 7.73 90.4 8.09 2.23 2.17 80 8.25 ·32.96 25.66 1.47 16.1 7.61 2o23 2.21

10 Station: M-2 Weather: Clear, sunny Time: 1001 Cloud: Type Ci Amt.l Date a 1/XI/62 Wind: Dir. 030 °T Spd. 2 mph. 5 Lat: 49° 37.0 1 N Sea : 0 Swe 11 : 0 Long a 126° 30.5' W Air Temp: D. 53°F. W. 52°F. Depth: 516 ft Baro: 1024 mb. o~--~----_.----~ B.T. Ser. No. 26 Secchi: 30 ft Col: Green 0 6 12 18 Hr

·Depth T S Dissolved ox~gen p-i Alkalini t~ (m) (oc) (o /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 12.3 26.29 19.83 8.73 99.0 8.04 1.85 1.81 2 12.05 27.87 21.10 8.54 97.2 8.03 1.94 1.90 4 12.30 28.76 21.72 8.76 102.0 8.04 1.99 1.95 6 12.11 30.28 22.93 8.08 93.4 8.05 2.10 2.05 10 12.14 30.57 23.14 8.34 96.8 2.14 15 11.80 30.94 23.51 7.82 90.3 8.01 2.10 ° 2.05 20 11.58 31.30 23.82 7.78 89.6 7.96 2.14 2.09 30 11.60 31.64 24.09 6.81 78.7 7.97 2.16 2.11 50 11.33 32.10 24.48 6.50 74.8 8.02 2.24 2.19 100 10.96 33.04 25.28 1.73 19.9 7.61 2.24 2.22 150 8.01 33.06 25.78 1.68 18.1 7.64 2.27 2.25 - 42 - Ft Tide 15r---~----~-----

Station: M-.3 Weather: Mostly clear, sunny Time: 1112 Cloud: Type Oi-Ac Amt. 2 Date: 1/XI/62 Wind: Dir. .320 °T Spd. 2 mph. Lata 49° .39 ·4' N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 126° 27.9 1 w Air Temp: D. 57°f. w. 54 Of. Depth: 648 ft Baro: 1024 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 27 Secchi a 28 ft Co 1 : Green 0 6 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox:tgen p-i Alkali ni t:t (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 12.5 22.9.3 17.20 9.40 104.4 8.04 1.65 1.61 2 11.79 22.95 17 •.3.3 9 •.35 102 •.3 8.04 1.57 1.5.3 4 12.27 26.9.3 20 •.34 8.61 97.9 8.05 1.84 1.80 6 12.22 .30 •.37 22.97 8.41 97.6 8.14 2.10 2.08 10 12.20 .30.58 2.3.14 8.40 97.7 8.05 2.14 2.09 15 12.02 .30.7.3 2.3 •.30 8.15 94.5 8.04 2.09 2.04 20 11.81 .31.02 2.3.56 7.52 87.0 8.01 2.15 2.10 .30 11.55 .31.51 2.3 .99 6.75 77.8 7.95 2.16 2.11 50 10 •.36 .32.2.3 24.75 4.86 54.9 7.86 2.19 2.15 100 8.02 .3.3.04 25.75 1.71 18.4 7.62 2.2.3 2.21 150 7.98 .3.3.06 25.78 1.75 18.8 7.62 2.26 2.24 190 7.95 .3.3 .07 25.79 1.6.3 17.5 7.6.3 2.2.3 2.21

ft Tide 15

Station: M-4 Weather:Mostly clear, sunny Time: 1244 Cloud: Type Gi Amt. 2 Date: 1/XI/62 Wind: Dir. 060 °T Spd. 7 mph. 5 Lat: 49° .38.5' N Sea: 1 Swell: 0 Long a 126° 20.9 1 w Air Temp: D. 5S Of. w. 54 Of • Depth a 924 ft Baro: 102.3 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 28 Secchi: - * ft Col: 0 6 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox:tgen p-i Alkali ni t:t (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 11.9 20.86 15.70 10.02 108.6 8.11 1.47 1.42 2 11.72 20.89 15.76 10.0.3 108 •.3 8.11 1.50 1.45 4 11.8.3 24.29 18 •.36 9.46 104.5 8.09 1.72 1.67 6 12.11 .30 •.34 22.98 8.27 95.9 8.05 2.10 2.05 10 12.05 .30.61 2.3.20 8.14 94 •.3 8.04 2.15 2.10 15 11.98 .30.71 2.3 •.30 8.05 9.3 • .3 8.00 2.14 2.09 20 11.8.3 .31.02 2.3.56 7.4.3 86.0 7.99 2.18 2.1.3 .30 11.97 .3h4.3 2.3.86 6.69 87.8 7.96 2.18 2.1.3 50 10.72 .32 .04 24.56 5 •.39 61.2 7.8.3 2.20 2.17 100 7.98 .3.3.04 25.77 2.0.3 21.9 7.64 2.26 2.24 150 7.88 .3.3.07 25.81 1.98 21..3 7.6.3 2.26 2.24 200 7.85 .3.3.08 25.82 2.11 22.6 7.64 2. 2.3 2.21 * Current too strong for secchi disc lowering. - 43 - Tide

Station: M-5 Weather: Mostly clear, sunny Time: 1410 Cloud: Type Ci Amt. 2 Date: 1/XI/62 Wind: Dir. 060 °T Spd. 10 mph. Lata 49° .38.9' N Sea: 1 Swell: 0 Long: 126° 14.9' w Air Tempi D. 62of. w. 55°f. 1020 Depth: 1176 ft Baro: mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 29 Secchi a 21 ft Col: Green 0 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved oxygen pi Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 12.0 16.80 12.55 10.97 116.1 8.16 L22 1.16 2 12.14 18.95 14.19 9.76 105.0 8.16 1 •.30 1.24 4 11.96 29.82 22.61 8.42 96.8 8.01 2.09 2.05 6 12.08 .30.21 22.88 8.29 95.9 8.04 2.11 2.06 10 12.05 .30.5.3 2.3.12 8.02 92.9 8.01 2.14 2.09 15 11.8.3 .30. 70 2.3 •.31 7.94 91.6 8.00 2.14 2.09 20 11.74 .30.82 2.3.42 7.69 88.6 7.99 2.15 2.10 .30 12.12 .31.45 6.6.3 77.4 7.97 2.17 2.12 50 10.44 .32.00 24.56 5.20 58.8 7.86 2.24 2.20 100 8.0.3 .3.3.01 25.74 1.97 21.2 7.6.3 2.24 2.22 150 7.88 .3.3.05 25.79 1.59 17.0 7.61 2.28 2.26 200 7.84 .3.3.06 25.80 2.24 24.0 7.67 2.25 2.2.3 .300 7.82 .3.3.10 25.8.3 1..30 14.0 7.62 2.29 2.27

ft Tide 15

10 Station: M-6 Weather: Cloudy Time: 1541 Cloud 1 Type Ci Amt. 2 Date: 1/XI/62 Wind: Dir. 060 or Spd. 6 mph. 5 Lata 49° .39. 7' N Sea: 1 Swell: 0 Long: 126° 11.0' w Air Temp: D. 62 Of • w. 55 Of • Depth: 1158 ft Baro: 1020 mb. 0 B.r. Ser. No. .30 Secchi: 2.3 ft Col: Green 0 12 18 Hr

Depth T s at Dissolved oxygen pi Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 12.1 11.71 8.62 10.81 118.8 8.06 0.94 0.89 2 12.1.3 28.44 21.51 8.7.3 99.8 8.04 1.96 1.92 4 12.07 29.88 22 .6.3 8.42 97 •.3 8.04 2.08 2.04 6 11.95 .30.22 22.92 8.11 9.3.6 8.05 2.14 2.09 10 11.92 .30.46 2.3 .11 8.12 9.3.6 8.0.3 2.12 2.07 15 11.90 .30 .6.3 2.3.25 8.18 94.6 8.04 2.14 . 2.09 20 11.98 .30.92 2.3.46 7 •.38 85.5 8.02 2.11 2.06 .30 12.15 .31.41 23.80 7.26 84.8 7.97 2.16 2.11 50 10.2.3 .32 •.30 24.8.3 4.40 49.5 7.80 2.2.3 2.20 100 8.01 .3.3.02 25.74 1.90 20.4 7.64 2.28 2.26 150 7.87 .3.3.06 25.80 1.47 15.7 7.61 2.27 2.25 200 7.84 .3.3.09 25.82 2.11 22.6 7.67 2.26 2.24 .300 7.81 .3.3.10 25.84 0.90 9.6 7.59 2.29 2.27 - 44 - Ft Tide 15r---~-----,-----

Station: M-7 Weather: Mostly clear, sunny Time: 1709 Cloud: Type Ci Amt. 2 Date: 1/XI/62 Winds Dir. 090 or Spd • 10 mph • Lat: 49° 40.0 1 N Sea: 1 Swell: 0 Long: 126° 09.0 1 w Air Temp: D. 60°f. w. 54°f· 1019 Depth: 1176 ft Baro: mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 31 Secchi a 23 ft Col: Yellowish-green6 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox::tgen Alkalini t::t (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 12.1 21.88 16.45 10.82 119.8 8.23 1.50 1.44 2 12.09 29.96 22.68 8.31 96.0 8.03 2.02 1.98 4 11.94 30.22 22.92 8.29 95.7 8.04 2.10 2.05 6 11.89 30.42 23.08 8.11 93.6 8.05 2.10 2.05 10 11.83 30.55 23.20 8.11 93.6 8.02 2.11 2.06 15 11.76 30.72 23.34 7.80 89.8 7.99 2.11 2.06 20 12.17 31.12 23.57 7.14 83.2 8.00 2.16 2.11 30 12.11 31.52 23.90 6.49 75.8 7.95 2.17 2.13 1)0 10.34 32.26 24.78 4.47 50.5 7.79 2.25 2.22 99 7.99 33.02 25.75 1.69 18.2 7.62 2.24 2.22 (continued below)

ft Tide

15 I I

10 1- Station: M-7 (cont 1d) Weather: - Time: Cloud a Type Amt. 0 Date: Wind: Dir. ! Spd. mph. 5 ~ Lata N Sea: Swell: - Long: w Air Temp: D. Of. w. Of. Depth: ft Baro: mb. 0 I t B.T. Ser. No. Secchi: ft Col:

Depth T s at Dissolved ox::tgen Alkalini t::t (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

149 7.86 33.06 25.80 1.60 17.2 7.62 2.25 2~23 199 7.84 33.09 25.82 1.85 19.8 7.65 2.24 2.22 298 7.82 33.10 25.84 0.75 8.0 7.48 2.31 2.29 - 45 - Ft Tide l5r---~~------r----~

Station: M-8 Weather: Mostly clear, sunny Time: 1845 Cloud: Type Ci Amt. 2 Date: 1/XI/62 Wind: Dir. 090°T Spd. 2 mph. Lat: 49° 40.0' N Sea : 0 Swe lla 0 Long: 126o 07 .0' W Air Tempt D. 59°F. W. 54°F. Depth: 900 ft Baro: 1019 mb. B.T. Ser. No. 32 Secchi a - * ft Cola

Depth T S Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity (m) (oc) (o /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Garb.

0 11.5 16.94 12.74 11.07 115.9 8.19 1.20 1.14 2 12.20 29.78 22.53 8.35 96.6 8.04 2.03 1.99 4 12.00 30.08 22.80 8.20 94.5 8.06 2.09 2.03 6 11.91 30.31 23.00 7.84 89.2 8.07 2.15 2.09 10 11.89 30.48 23.14 7.80 90.0 8.05 2.10 2.05 15 12.01 30.81 23.36 7.38 85.5 8.00 2.12 2.07 20 12.30 31.12 23.54 7.01 82.0 8.03 2.15 2.10 30 12.06 31.49 23.88 6.66 77.7 7.97 2.18 2.13 50 10.55 32.28 24.76 4.91 55.7 7.85 2.22 2.19 100 7.97 33.00 25.23 1.22 13.1 7.60 2.27 2.25 (continued below) * Too dark for secchi disc observation. Ft Tide 15~----r-,----r-.--~

10~ StationaM-8 (cont'd) Weather: - Time: Cloud& Type Amt. Date: Wind: Dir. 0 T Spd. mph. 5- Lat& N Sea: Swell: - Long: W Air Temp: D. Of. W. Of. Depth: ft Baroa mb. o~--~~-----._•--~ B.T. Ser. No. Secchi: ft Col:

Depth T S Dissolved oxygen pH Alkalinity (m) (oc) (o/oo) {mg/1) % sat • Total Garb.

150 8.88 33.06 25.65 1.34 14.7 7.59 2.28 200 7.84 33.08 25.82 1.64 17.6 7.67 2.26 250 7.83 33.09 25.83 1.68 18.0 7.67 2.27 - 46 - Ft Tide 15r----,----~-----

Station: M-9 Weather: e1earing, su.nny Time: 0913 Cloud: Type Amt. 0 Date: 2/XI/62 Wind: Dir. 135 °T Spd. 5 mph. Lata 49° 38.21 N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 126° 05.0 1 w Air Temp: D. 48°F. w. 48°F. Depth: 504 ft Baro: 1015 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 33 Secchi: 41 ft Co 1 : Green 0 6 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen }:if Alkali nit~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 10.5 17.88 13.60 11.55 119.0 8.23 1.27 1.21 2 12.18 30.15 22.82 7.96 92.2 7.99 2.09 2.04 4 11.99 30.18 22.89 8.15 94.2 8.02 2.07 2.02 6 11.94 30.39 23.06 8.01 92.4 7.98 2.10 2.05 10 12.02 30.56 23.17 8.44 97.7 7.98 2.14 2.09 15 12.40 30.94 23.39 7.05 82.5 8.01 2.15 2.10 20 12.51 31.23 23.59 6.67 78.4 7.95 2.17 2.13 30 12.18 31.60 23.94 6.35 74.3 7.91 2.15 2.11 50 10.40 32.27 24.78 4.69 53.0 7.81 2.19 2.16 100 7.95 32.92 25.68 1.23 13.2 7.58 2.28 2.26 150 7.86 33.06 25.80 1.32 14.2 7.59 2.25 2.23

Ft Tide 15

10 Station:M-10 Weather: Clear, sunny Time: 1027 Cloud: Type Amt. 0 Date: 2/XI/62 Wind: Dir. 140 °T Spd. 2 mph. 5 Lata 49° 37.3' N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 126° 03.4' w Air Temp: D. 51°F. W• 50 Of • Depth: 372 ft Baro: 1015 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 34 Secchi: 43 ft Co 1 : Green 0 6 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen }:if Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 11,5 19.70 14.87 12.53 133.7 8.33 1.27 1.20 2 12.55 30.33 22.88 7.44 87.0 8.06 2.14 2.08 4 12.49 30.50 23.04 7.20 84.2 8.03 2.14 2.09 6 12.35 30.58 23.12 7.20 84.0 8.01 2.16 2.11 10 12.49 30.77 23.24 6.97 81.7 8.01 2.17 2.12 15 12.75 31.06 23.42 6.13 72.4 8.00 2.22 2.17 20 12.64 31.26 23.60 6.32 74.5 7.90 2.22 2.18 30 12.34 31.60 23.91 5.85 68.3 7.88 2.20 2.16 50 10.26 32.26 24.79 4.60 51.8 7.82 2.25 2.22 100 7.96 33.01 25.75 0.33 3.6 7.58 2.26 2.24 - 47 - Tide

Station: M-11 Weather: Mostly clear, sunny Times 1214 Cloud: Type Ci Amt. 1 Dates 2/XI/62 Winds Dir. 050°T Spd. 12 mph. Lab 49° 40.4' N Sea: 1 Swell: 0 Longs 126° 07.4 1 w Air Temp: D. 62°f. w. 56°f· Depth: 180 ft Baro: 1015 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 35 Secchi a ft Col: 0 6 12 18 Hr Bottom Sample: Col; grey .. Des; mud, bark, chips, fibres.

Depth T s

ft Tide 15~--~-----T----~

Station: M-llA Weather:Intermittent rain Time: 1816 Cloud: Type Ns Amt.lO Date: 3/XI/62 Wind: Dir. 00 °T Spd. 1-2 mph. 5 Lat: 49° 40.4' N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 126° 07.4' w Air Temp: D. Of. w. Of. Depth: 180 ft Baro: mb. 0 B.r. Ser. No. 36 Secchi: ft Col: 6 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 11.4 20.14 15.23 10.58 112.7 8.21 1.42 1.36 2 12.08 30.02 22.74 8.25 95.5 8.08 2.10 2.04 4 11.96 30.32 23.00 8.04 93.0 8.05 2.10 2.05 6 11.88 30.48 23.14 7.15 82.4 8.04 2.11 2.06 10 11.88 30.65 23.27 7.61 87.9 8.01 2.16 2.11 15 12.29 31.15 23.57 6.79 79.5 8.01 2.17 2.12 20 12.20 31.40 23.78 6.67 78.0 7.98 2.17 2.12 30 11.89 31.61 24.00 6.10 71.0 7.93 2.18 2.14 50 10.62 32.22 24.70 4.81 54.6 7 .. 84 2.23 2.20 - 48 - HUCHALAT DlLET

Surface Current l!easurements

Station: H-11 Remarks: Surface current was confined to thin surface Dete: 2/J.I/,62- Longitude: 126° 07 .4CJI w layer 1-2 m thick. When 3/XI/62 C.B.I. drag dropped below Soundinr,: 180 ft. Location: Near navigational surface layer, line became light, at Gold River. nearly vertical (wire ~0).

C. B. I. Drag !Data

Current ~Jind Time/Date Sneed Direction Direction Speed Cm/sec Knots o T n T m.Q.h. ?1/?/XI/6? 13.1 ().')54 07? FlO 1-2 )13/ 11.'1 0.227 077 160 1-2 40/ () () - 170 1-2 14/ 15.5 0.301 205 25? 10 nn; 1q.5 0.360 I 087 160 3 .41/ 11.7 0.2?7 I 346 ~6() 5 ! ,15/ 13.1 0.254 ·- 3'53 ?30- 3 46/ 14.3 0.278 30P, J?n 0-1 30/ 16.1 0.311 061 138 0-1 1!/J 14.3 0.278 OJ?, 110 0-1 Jl?/ 21.2 0.412 346 ?2~ Gusts-?CJ '26/ 15.5 0.301 271 220 Gusts-13 153/ 26.6 0.517 305 orv) ()-1 ?1 16/ 23.6 0.459 313 110 0-1 q ~, ()';!/ 0.179 298 150 0-J / •' 3~/ 1.0,. 5 0.360 287 160 0-1 5r I 13.1 0.254 283 1?5 0-1 ?.5/ 13.1 0.254 293 125 Cl-1 ccj--;/C/62) . / •• ..1. .. 4.1 () /)80 231 140 0-1 l51/3/XI/6? 11.7 0.227 123 142 0-1 ()1 ') ~ • .L I 5.8 0.113 123 120 <.. ~30/ 5.8 0.113 143 1/,2 3 .. OJ/ 15.5 0.301 1?,2 120 10 ?J(J/ () 0 - 076 5 .5''/ 14.3 0.273 284 070 5-6 3n/ 15.5 0.301 284 02'3 7,., ()1/ 10.0 0.196 245 042 <.. 35/ 13.1 0.?54 263 022 9 05/ 8.3 0.160 ?54 01~ 6 )30/ 11.7 0.':>27 ?38 016 2 -l)3/ 11.7 0.227 247 017 5 SJr:J/ 14.3 0.278 243 025 3 ·ry'(JJ/ 22.9 0.444 230 ()()<) 1 .30/ 17.6 0.341 230 022 1 - 49 -


C. B. I. Drag Data Station: M-11 (continued)

Current wind Time ;Date Speed Direction Direction Speed Cmisec Knots o T o T m.p.h.

Oe40/3/XI/62 16.6 0.321 1e9 344 1-2 0913/ 13.1 0.254 154 030 1-2 0953/ 1g.5 0.360 147 029 3 1019/ 16.6 0.321 163 005 1-2 1055/ 11.7 0.227 150 - 0 1119/ e.3 0.160 111 - 0 1146/ 0 0 - - 0 1219/ 0 0 - 256 g 1256/ 14.3 o.27e 133 261 10 1343/ e.3 0.160 Oe9 2e2 12 1410/ e.3 0.160 095 242 6 1452/ 22.0 0.42g 127 - 0 1516/ 22.9 0.444 114 - 0 1605/ 20.4 0.395 132 305 0 1652/ 11.7 0.227 144 24g 11 1719/ 5.e 0.113 277 210 11 1745/ 13.1 0.254 223 145 1-2 1e15/ 0 0 - - 0 1e45/ 0 0 170 - 0 1915/ 4.1 0.080 23e - 0 1941/J/xr/62 13.1 0.254 244 - 0 - 50 -


Current Measurements

Station: M-11 Latitude: 49° 40.40' N Remarks: Anchor shifted during Date: 2/XI/62- Longitude: 126° 07.40' w measurements at 3/XI/62 1746, 1849 and Sounding: 180 ft. Location: Near navigational light, 1904 hrs. at Gold River

Ekman Current Meter Data

CUrrent Winn Time/Date Depth Speed Direction Direction Speed (Metres) Cm/sec Knots o T o T m.p.h. 1325/2/XI/62 5 3.9 0.076 163 - 0 1335/ 10 5.0 0.097 223 - 0 1343/ 15 3.8 0.074 223 - 0 1352/ 20 10.3 0.199 230 - 0 1401/ 30 12.0 0.233 193 - 0 1412/ 40 2.8 0.053 - - 0 1429/ 5 1.3 0.025 - 100 1-2 1439/ 10 0 0 - 100 1-2 1449/ 15 1.3 0.024 - 100 1-2 1502/ 20 1.1 0.021 - 160 1-2 1516/ 40 4-9 0.096 143 160 1-2 1530/ 5 6.4 0.124 156 140 1-2 1542/ 10 1.8 0.035 023 170 2-3 1555/ 15 7.6 0.147 092 200 3-5 1605/ 20 9.9 0.192 097 252 10 1633/ 40 0 0 - 250 5-8 1648/ 5 1.0 0.020 - 160 3-5 1702/ 10 2.7 0.052 343 160 3 1716/ 15 5.4 0.105 103 200 3~4 1730/ 20 1.6 0.030 - 250 3-5 1746/ 40 15.6 0.303 213 260 5 1804/ 5 11.4 0.221 315 260 5 1819/ 10 12.4 0.240 323 300 3-4 1834/ 20 7.2 0.140 035 300 1-2 1849/ 40 16.4 0.318 062 320 l-2 1904/ 5 6.2 0.120 185 32() 1-2 1919/ 10 6.6 0.129 301 138 1-2 1°35/ 20 11.4 (1.221 030 110 1-2 1950/ 40 7.9 0.153 265 110 1-2 - 51 - MUCHALAT INLET Ekman Current Meter Data Station: M-11 (continued)

Current Wind Timeft>ate Depth Speed Direction Direction Speed (Metres) Cm/sec Knots c T o T m.]2.h.

2012/2/XJ./62 5 11.0 0.214 213 223 Gusts to 20 2029/ 10 0 () - 220 Gusts to 13 2043/ 20 10.1 0.196 049 200 3-10 2053/ 40 12.5 0.243 - 090 2-3 2114/ 5 11.5 0.223 256 110 1-2 2130/ 10 4.3 0.094 030 110 1-2 2143/ 20 2.0 0.039 243 150 1-2 2205/ 40 4.7 0.090 027 150 1-2 2223/ 5 8.0 0.156 - 160 1-2 ?.236/ 10 5.3 0.103 336 160 1-2 2300/ . 20 6.3 0.122 066 125 1-2 2312/ 40 5.9 0.115 096 125 1-2 2323/ 5 3.1 0.061 327 125 1-2 2344/2/XI/62 10 11.9 0.230 136 144 1-2 0001/3/XI/62 20 2.9 0.057 123 140 1-2 0020/ 30 3.7 0.072 093 123 7 0035/ 40 3.1 0.060 103 140 0-1 0050/ 5 6.8 0.132 261 142 0-1 0102/ 10 10.2 0.193 110 120 2 0131/ 20 4.3 0.084 303 142 3 0143/ 30 5.1 0.099 143 130 6-8 0159/ 50 16.1 0.313 113 110 10 02121 5 7.7 0.149 243 120 8-10 0220/ 10 20 .o 0.339 301 076 5 0229/ 20 3.8 0.074 078 076 5 0237/ 30 11.2 0.213 073 075 5-6 0247/ 40 6.6 0.123 063 075 5-6 0253/ 50 4.8 0.094 253 070 5-6 0.305/ 5 20.8 0.404 114 070 5-6 0313/ 10 10.1 0.197 033 045 5-6 0322/ 15 7.8 0.151 293 023 7 0332/ 20 3.9 0.076 353 0~3 7 0341/ 30 4.8 0.094 333 038 6 0351/ 40 0 0 - 042 2 0403/ 50 4.4 0.085 158 042 2 0415/ 5 5.5 0.107 233 040 2-5 - 52 - MUCHALAT INLET Ekman Current Meter Data Station: M-11 (continued)

Current Wind Time/Date Depth Sneed Direction Direction Speed (Metres) em/sec Knots o T o T m.n.h. 0426/3/XI/62 10 7.5 0.146 053 025 5-8 0437/ 15 6.9 0.134 018 022 9 0447/ 20 7.6 0.148 188 020 6~8 0456/ 30 4.5 0.088 328 018 6 0508/ 50 3.4 0.065 053 018 6 0518/ 5 5.1 0.099 198 018 3-5 0528/ 10 7.1 0.138 090 016 2 0538/ 15 4.3 0.083 083 016 2 0548/ 20 1.5 0.029 - 016 3-5 0601/ 30 4.1 0.080 343 017 5 0613/ 50 1.9 0.036 223 020 3-5 0621/ 5 3.3 0.064 193 025 3 0632/ 10 4.9 0.096 107 025 3 0641/ 15 1.3 0.025 - 025 3 0652/ 20 4.4 0.085 023 010 1-3 0706/ 30 3.2 0.062 188 009 1 0720/ 50 2.4 0.046 023 015 1 0731/ 5 3.6 0.070 148 022 1 074.3/ 10 1.2 0.024 - 022 1~3 0850/ 5 5.4 0.106 211 344 1-2 0901/ 10 2.7 0.052 123 350 1-2 0915/ 15 4.7 0.092 103 030 0~1 0928/ 20 1.4 0.027 - 030 0-1 2~~ 0940/ 30 8.5 0.165 210 029 -' 0959/ 40 3.0 0.059 243 029 3 1011/ 5 2.,0 0.039 - 018 1-2 1021/ 10 4.7 0.092 173 005 1-2 1033/ 15 3.4 o.o66 123 005 1-2 1044/ 20 4.9 0.096 173 005 0-1 1056/ 30 7.1 0.138 239 - 0 1109/ 40 11.3 0.219 232 - 0 1122/ 5 6.8 0.132 190 - 0 1134/ 10 10.8 0.209 213 ~ 0 1146/ 15 9.3 0.181 165 - 0 1200/ 20 2.9 0.056 183 250 3-4 1216/ 30 6.8 0.132 243 256 8 1226/ 40 11.5 0.223 157 256 8 1239/ 5 13.9 0.271 303 260 8~10 - 53 - MUCHALAT INLET Ekman Current Meter Data Station: M-11 (continued)

Current Wind Time ;Date Depth Speed Direction Direction Speed (Metres) Cm/sec Knots o T o T m.p.h. 1250/3/XI/62 10 5.8 0.112 208 261 10 1259/ 15 6.1 0.118 227 261 10 1308/ 20 8.1 0.157 143 260 10 1317/ 30 2.6 0.051 263 270 10-12 1326/ 40 8.0 0.155 176 270 10-12 1336/ 5 7.5 0.145 250 280 10-12 1345/ 10 11.0 0.213 322 282 12 1401/ 15 8.6 0.166 233 250 6-8 1411/ 20 6.1 0.119 193 242 6 1420/ 30 8.4 0.164 356 242 6 1429/ 40 12.0 0.233 209 240 5-6 1438/ 5 9.1 0.176 206 240 3-5 1446/ 10 5.2 0.101 093 240 2-3 1453/ 15 7.4 0.144 217 - 0 1501/ 20 7.6 0.148 220 - 0 1508/ 30 4.2 0.082 053 - 0 1517/ 40 4.1 0.079 253 - 0 1523/ 5 3.6 0.070 293 - 0 1537/ 10 5.5 0.107 138 300 1-2 1547/ 15 3.6 0.069 098 300 2-3 1555/ 20 3.2 0.062 143 305 .3 1613/ 30 5.2 0.101 090 300 3-4 1624/ 40 4.4 0.085 170 280 5-6 1635/ 5 2.2 0 -· 250 6-8 1644/ 10 6.7 0.130 061 248 11 1654/ 15 9.5 0.185 138 248 11 1705/ 20 7.7 0.149 088 248 11 1716/ 30 4-4 0.085 150 210 11 1727/ 40 5.1 0.098 083 200 5-8 1736/ 5 10.6 0.205 138 145 3-5 1747/ 10 10.1 0.196 125 145 1-2 1757/ 15 4.8 0.094 108 - 0 1807/ 20 4.0 0.078 223 - 0 1817/ 30 4.8 0.093 023 - 0 1828/ 40 5.7 0.110 357 - 0 1838/ 5 6.0 0.117 - - 0 1846/ 10 9.1 0.177 055 - 0 - 54 - HUCHALLT INLET

Ekman Current Z.teter Data Station: M-11 (continued)

Current vJind Time;b ete Depth Soeed Direction Direction Speed (Metres) Cm/sec Knots o T o T 1903/3/XI/62 15 7.2 0.140 080 - 0 n 1916/ 20 8.2 0.160 097 - \; 1929/ 30 6.9 0.134 Cl93 - () 1943/3/XI/62 40 4.6 0.089 133 - 0 MUCHALAT INLET Scale in nautical miles Q ! l i 19-21 AUGUST 1966

£ Anchor Station


I ()1 (J1 ' ~ s.-t1LI6" I'., V· . ~~ . I .. ;,.;.r ~ j ' 49.40' .J\:.1.. ~- :. -~ ,._.,.:.·~-~- _;r_.~\. ~

>:·-~·-·· ·I I i I BAY I ISLAND I

126•5()' 126•2o' 126.10'

Fig. 4. Track chart of stations occupied in Nootka Sound-Muchalat Inlet, 19-21 August 1966.

- 57 - ft Tide 15r----,----~----~

Station: M-1 Weathera Clear Time: 0451 Cloud: Type · Amt. 0 Date: 19/VIII/66 Winda Dir. 355 or Spd. 18 mph. Lat: 49° 35.70 1N Sea: 0 Swell a 0 Long: 126° 34.50'w Air Tempa D. 62 Of. w. Of, Depth: 240 ft Baroa 1020 mb. 0 B.t. Ser. No. 16 Secchia ft Cola 0 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~g~n Alkalini t~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 14.51 27.62 20.43 10.09 120.5 8.22 1.93 1.88 2 14.60 28.16 20.82 10.23 122.8 8.25 .1.92 1.85 4 11.53 31.90 24.29 9.14 105.5 8.12 2.22 2.16 6 10.48 32.10 24.73 7.47 85.5 8.01 2.27 2.22 10 9.11 32.46 25.14 5.53 60.8 7.92 2.28 2.24 14.5 8.96 32.47 25.17 5.51 60.3 7.85 2.18 2.14 19 8.82 32.51 25.22 5.25 57.3 7.82 2.18 2.14 29 8.53 32.57 25.31 5.16 56.0 7.82 2.26 2.22 48 8.04 32.76 25.53 4.78 51.3 7.79 2.24 2.20 58 7.81 32.94 25.71 4.06 43.4 7.74 2.28 2.25

ft Tide 15~--~~--~-----~

Stationa M-2 Weather& Clear Time a 0608 Clouda Type Amt. 0 Date a 19/VIII/66 Winda Dir. 355 or Spd. 8 mph. 5 Lata 49° 37.101N Sea a 0 Swell a 0 Long a 126° 30.50'w Air Temp: D. 60 Of. w. Of, Depth a 492 ft Baroa 1020 mb. 00 B.t. Ser. No. 17 Secchia 21 ft Col a Green 18 Hr

Depth T s at Qissolved ox~en Alkalinit~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 13.27 29.70 22.26 10.01 118.3 8.24 2.10 2.04 2 12.76 30.45 22.93 10.33 121.4 8.23 2.13 2.06 4 11.27 32.04 24.45 8. 75 100.7 8.09 2.24 2.18 6 10.94 32.07 24.54 8.13 92.8 8.11 2.32 2.26 10 9.73 32.34 24.94 5.92 65.9 7.97 2.25 2.20 15 9.01 32.44 25.14 4.86 53.3 7.86 2.27 2.23 20 8.75 32.53 25.25 4.96 54.1 7.91 2.27 2.22 30 8.23 32.60 25.38 4.89 52.7 7.82 2.29 2.25 50 8.01 32.82 25.59 4.02 43.1 7.81 2.29 2.25 70 7.69 33.10 25.85 3.14 33.5 7.71 2.34 2.31 100 7.41 33.31 26.06 2.26 24.0 7.69 2.33 2.30 130 7.33 33.40 26.14 2.09 22.2 7.64 2.34 2.32 - 58 - Ft Tide 15r----,----~-----

Station: H-3 Weathera Clear Time: 0'738 Cloud: Type Amt. 0 Date: 19/VIII/66 Winda Dir. 240 0 T Spd. 4 mph. Lata 49° 39.40 1 N Sea: 0 Swell a 0 Long: 126° 27.901 W Air Tempa D. 68 •F. w. •F. Depth: 600 ft Baroa 1021 mb. 0 B .T. Ser. No. 18 Secchi a 18 ft Cola Green 0 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Alkalini t::l (m) (OC) ( 0 /oo) Total Carb. 0 15.62 24.42 17.75 10.43 124.8 8.33 1. 77 1.71 2 14.99 25.46 18.6g 10.83 122~. 8 [),J9 l,gl 1.73 4 12.27 31.51 23.84 11.54 135.3 8.17 2.21 2.14 6 11.42 31.93 24.34 9.33 107.6 8.09 2.27 2.21 10 10.78 32.09 24.58 7.90 89.9 7.93 2.26 2.22 15 9.67 32.36 24.97 5.38 59.8 7.89 2.27 2.23 20 8.96 32.44 25.15 4. 55 49.8 7.83 2.24 2.21 30 8.74 32.52 25.25 4.51 49.2 7.84 2.24 2.20 50 8.24 32.77 25.52 3.80 L~l.O 7.86 2.28 2.24 70 ?.79 JJ,05 :)5. go 3.05 3?.() '1.'76 ;;.:n ;~. :n ') , r lCU '(.51 3J.2B 26.02 ''-. i.:::> ;::6.1 '/, 79 ;) • j() ;?. • 3:2 150 7.32 33.41 26.15 2.11 22.1+ '7. 68 2.32 ;~. 29

Ft Tide l5r---~-----T----~

Stationa M-4 Weathera Clear Time a 0901 Clouda Type Amt. 0 Date: 19/VIII/66 Wind: Dir.190 •r Spd.17 mph. 5 Lat& 49° 38.501N Sea: 0 Swell a 0 Long: 126° 20.90 1W Air Temp: D. 68 •F. w. •F. Depth: 960 ft Baroa 1022 mb. B.T. Ser. No. 19 Secchi a 18 ft Cola 12 18 Hr

Depth T s at Oiss,lved ox::lgen Alkalinit::l (m) (•c) ( 0 /oo) (mg 1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 16.71 18.52 13.02 9.06 107.0 8.44 1.27 1.22 2 16.46 24.35 17.52 12.59 153.3 8.54 1.67 1.59 4 11.59 31.89 24.28 10.96 126.6 8.25 2.22 2.13 6 11.08 31.99 24.46 9.05 103.5 8.19 2.26 2.19 10 10.19 32.20 24.76 6.43 72.2 7.98 2.30 2.25 15 9.64 32.34 24.96 5.65 62.8 7.93 2.28 2.24 20 9.38 32.40 25.05 4.97 54.9 7.92 2.26 2.22 30 9.17 32.48 25.15 4.96 54.6 7.92 2.25 2.21 50 8.17 32.88 25.62 3.30 35.6 7.81 2.27 2.23 70 7.62 33.19 25.93 2.70 28.8 7.75 2.27 2.2.3 100 7.47 33.28 26.03 2.66 28.3 7.75 2.33 2.29 - 59 - Ft Tide 15r----,----~----~

Stationa M-5 Weathera Clear Time a 1028 Cloud: Type Amt. 0 Date a 19/VIII/66 Winda Dir. 090 °T Spd. 5 mph. Lata 49° 38.90 1 N Sea 1 0 Swell a 0 Long a 126° 14.98'W Air Tempa D. 68 •F. w. •F. Depth a 1140 ft Baroa 1022 mb. B.T. Ser. No. 20 Secchi a 16 ft Cola Green 00 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Alkalinitx ( m) (OC) ( 0 /oo) Total Carb. 0 18.0 14.73 '9.89 9.62 ll3.'i 8.33 1.10 1.07 2 14.37 21.94 16.10 12.01 13'7.9 8.48 1.63 1.55 4 11.25 31.99 24.42 8.82 101.4 8.21 2.32 2.25 6 10.91 32.11 24. 5'7 8.00 91.4 8.14 2.33 2.27 10 10.11 32.24 24.80 6.18 69.4 7.99 2.28 2.23 15 9.59 32.37 24.99 5.13 56.9 7.97 2.31 2.26 20 9.28 32.48 25.13 4.80 53.0 7.95 2.37 2.32 30 8.81 32.59 25.28 4.20 45.9 ?.88 2.37 2.32 50 8.32 32.85 25.56 3.36 36.4 7.89 2.35 ;2.31 100 7.46 33.27 26.02 3.64 38.7 7.91 2.39 2.35 1.50 7.40 33.33 26.08 3.25 34.5 7.91 2.39 2.35 200 7.39 33.33 26.08 3.18 33.8 7.79 2.36 2.32 300 7.40 33.34 26.09 3.16 33.5 7.87 2.36 2.32 Ft Tide 15

10 Stationa M-6 Weathera Clear Time a 1215 Clouda Type Amt. 0 Date: 19/VIII/66 Winda Dir. 090 •T Spd. 5 mph. 5 Lata 49° 39.801N Sea a 0 Swell a 0 Long a 126° 11.oo•w Air Temp a D. ?0 •F. w. •F. Depth a 1176 ft Baroa 1022 mb. 00 B.T. Ser. No. 21 Secchi 1 13 ft ColaGreen 12 18 Hr

Depth T s cJt Dissolved oxxgen Alkalinitx (m) <•c) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 18.2 11+.38 9.56 9.02 106.7 8.22 1.00 0.98 2 13.71 30.52 18.28 15.83 189.8 8.64 2.14 2.00 4 11.69 31.89 24.26 12.43 144.0 8.44 2.26 2.16 6 10.88 32.05 24.53 9.31 106. ?. 8.26 2.31 2.23 10 10.46 32.11 24.64 8.59 97. j_ 8.19 2.27 2.20 15 9.89 32.21 24.83 6.37 ?1.0 .8.08 2.24 2.18 20 9.50 32.34 24.98 5.58 61.8 8.02 2.25 2.20 30 9.06 32.53 25.20 4.13 45.3 7.93 2.29 2.24 .50 8.35 32.87 25.58 2.61 28.3 7.g9 2.31 2.27 100 6.45 33.28 26.03 J.48 37.0 7.87 2.37 2.33 150 7.39 33.33 26.08 3.28 34.8 7.89 2.37 2.33 200' 7.38 33.33 26.08 3.23 34.3 7.82 2.34 2.30 300 7.38 33.37 26.11 3.08 32.7 7.84· 2.34 2.30 - 60 - Ft Tide 15r---~----~~--

Stationa M-7 Weathera Clear Time a 1352 Clouda Type Amt. 0 Date a 19/VIII/66 Winch Dir. •r spd. 1 mph. Lata 49° 39.94' N Seaa 0 Swell a 0 Long a 126° 08.95' w Air Temp a D. 74 •F. w. •F. Depth a 1200 ft Baroa 1021 mb. 0 B .r. Ser. No. 22 Secchia 18 ft Cola Green 0 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Alkali ni tx (m) (OC) (•/••> Total Carb. 0 19.1 13.26 . 8.53 9.47 113.3 8.34 0.97 0.94 2 15.07 28.22 20.77 14.81 179.7 8.59 1.98 1.86 4 11.89 31.82 24.17 12.07 139.5 8.39 2.21 2.11 6 11.26 31.99 24.42 10.92 125.5 8.34 2.25 2.16 10 10.42 32.13 24.66 8.30 93.7 8.18 2.24 2.17 15 9.78 32.38 24.89 5.32 59.2 8.00 2.29 2.24 20 9.34 32.40 25.05 4.62 51.0. 7.98 2.28 2.23 30 8.96 32.55 25.24 4.00 43.8 7,86 2.31 2.26 50 8.30 32.87 25.59 2.57 27.8 7.81 2.33 2.29 100 7.45 33.28 26.03 3.51 37.3 7.89 2.35 2.31 150 7.39 33.37 26.11 3.31 35.1 7.88 2.35 2.31 200 7.39 33.37 26.11 3.30 35.0 7.79 2.35 2.31 300 7.39 33.34 26.09 3.10 3219 7.82 2.33 2.29 Ft Tide 15

10 StationaM-8 Weather& Clear Time a 0550 Cloud& Type Amt. 0 Date: 20/VIII/66 Winda Dir. 110 or Spd. 2 mph. 5 Lata 49° 40.10 1 N Sea a 0 Swell a 0 Long a 12tP 06.95 1 W Air Temp a D. 59 •F. w. •F. Depth a 1014 ft Baroa 1023 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 23 Secchi a 20 ft Col a Green 0 12 18 Hr

Depth T s at ~issol,ed ox~en Alkalinitx {m) (•c) (• /oo) (mg/1 % sat. Total Carb. 0 17.4 17.26 11.92 9.87 117.1 8.26 0.67 0.63 2 16.14 23.43 16.88 12.09 145.3 8.45 1.40 1.32 4 12.31 31.76 24.04 15.94 187.3 8.55 2.12 1.98 6 11.11 31.98 24.44 10.97 125.7 8.30 2.25 2.16 10 10.24 32.13 24.70 8.51 95.8 8.16 2.16 2.09 15 9.58 32.28 24.92 5.31 58.8 7.95 2.32 2.Z7 20 9,30 32.41 25.07 4.41 48.6 7.93 2.24 2.20 30 8.97 32.57 25.25 3.82 1;1.8 7.78 2.25 2.21 50 8.33 32.91 25.61 2.07 22.4. 7.64 2.24 2.22 100 7,5o 33.28 26.02 3.45 36.7 7.77 2.34 2.30 150 7.40 33.34 26.08 3.22 34.2 7.77 2.33 2.29 200 7.39 33.36 26.10 3.24 34.4 7.73 2.15 2.12 250 7.39 33.34 26.09 3.23 34.3 8.17· 2.25 2.17 - 61 - Ft Tide 15r----,----~----~

Stationa M-9 Weathera Clear Timea 0904 Clouda Type Amt. 0 Datea 20LVIII/66 Winda Dir. - 0 T Spd. 0 mph. Lata 49° 38.25'N Seaa 0 Swella 0 Longa 126° 05.00'w Air Tempa D.63 °F. W. °F. Depth a 420 ft Baroa 1023 mb. B .T. Ser. No. 25 Secchia 23 ft Cola Green

Depth T S Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity (m) (OC) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

0 17.88 14.49 . 9.72 9.30 109.5 8.J6 1.19 1.14 2 12.36 31.6L. 19.40 12.24 143.7 8.40 2.20 2.10 4 10.81 32.06 24.55 9.46 10'7.7 8.34 2.30 2.22 6 10.40 32.09 24.63 8.54 96.4 8.25 :.2.29 2.21

10 9.68 32.24 24.87 5.65 62.8 8.02 2.29 .c~. 2L1• 15 9.40 32.34 2!+. 99 L._.40 48.6 8.02 2.26 2.21 20 9.10 32.46 25.14 3.32 36.5 7.87 2.32 2.28 30 8.79 32.62 25.32 2.60 28.4 7.74 2.28 2.25 50 8.24 32.89 25.61 1.47 15.9 7.73 2.31 2.28 70 7.71 33.17 25.91 1.56 16.7 7.70 2.36 2.33 100 7.46 33.30 26.04 2.68 28.5 7.89 2.35 2.31

Ft Tide 15~--~----~----~

Stationa M-10 Weather a Clear Time a 0808 Clouda Type Amt. 0 Date a 20/VIII/66 Winda Dir. - 0 T Spd. 0 mph• 5 Lata 49° 37.30'N Seaa 0 Swell a 0 Long a 126° 03.40 1W Air. Tempa D. 58 •F. w. op. Depth a 408 ft Baroa 1023 mb. 00 B.T. Ser. No. 24 Secchi a 23 ft Cola Green 18 Hr

Depth T s at ~ssolJed oxygen Alkalinity ( m) <•c) ( 0 /oo) mgfl % sat. Total Carb. 0 17.79 15.34 10.39 9.88 116.8 7.69 1.22 1.22 2 11.61 31.87 24.26 11.09 128.4 8.41 2.23 2.1.3 4 10.75 32.04 2/~. 54 9.65 109.8 8.25 2.24 2.16 6 10.29 .32.13 24.68 8.68 97.7 8.22 2.23 2o16 10 9.8!;. 32.23 24. 8L, 5.97 66.6 8.00 2.25 2.20 15 9.29 3~?..39 25.06 3.91 1+3.1 7.90 2.33 2.29 ~~() 9.01 32.50 25.19 2.98 32.7 7.85 2.32 2.28 30 8.75 32.64 25.34 1.65 18.0 ?.66 2.29 2,26 50 8.15 32.95 25.67 1.24 13.1+ 7.68 2.35 2.22 70 7.72 33.16 25.90 J .10 p._J... 8 ?.59 2.38 2.36 100 7.45 33.28 26.04 2.17 ~23.0 7.71 2.38 2.35 - 62 - Ft Tide 15r----,----~----,

Stationa M-11 Weathera Clear Time a 1349 Clouch Type Amt. 0 Date a 20/VIII/66 Winch Dir. 180 •t Spd. 1 mph. Lata 49° 40.35 1 N Sea a 0 Swell a 0 Long a 126° 07.50 1 W Air T•pa D. 78 •F. w. •F. Depth a 330 ft Baroa 1022 mb. B .t. Ser. No. 26 Secchia 16 ft Cola 00 18 Hr

Depth T s dt Dissolved oxvaen Alkalinity (m) (-c) (•/••> (mg/1) % sat • Total Carb. 0 17.67 8.52 '5.22 9.83 111.3 8.44 0.86 0.84 2 12.07 31.70 24.04 15.53 181.4 8.54 2.29 2.17 4 10.97 31.98 24.46 10.93 124.8 8.34 2.29 2.21 6 10.40 32.11 24.66 9.15 103.3 8.30 2.31 2.23 10 9.82 32.23 24.84 6.25 69.7 8.14 2.37 2.31 15 9.48 32.35 24.99 4.91 54.4 8.04 2.32 2.27 20 9.20 32.45 25.12 4.26 47.0 7.95 2.27 2.22 30 8.85 32.60 25.29 3.72 40.7 7.84 2.30 2.26 50 8.31 32.87 25.58 2.22 24.0 7.79 2.32 2.28 70 7.86 33.08 25.82 1.25 13.4 7.66 2.35 2.32 90 7.53 33.23 25.98 3.06 32.6 7.81 2.40 2.36

Ft Tide 15 I I

10 Station a Weather a - - Time a Clouda Type Amt. Date a Winda Dir. •r Spd. mph. 5 1- Lata N Sea a Swell a - Long a w Air Tempa D. •F. w. •F. Depth a ft Baroa mb. 0 I I B .r. Ser. No. Secchi a ft Cola

Depth T s Cit ~ISOlJed OXVO!D pH Alkalinity <•c) (•/··> mgfl % sat. Tot•l Carb. - 63 -

MUCHALAT INLET Surface Current Measurements

Station: M-11 Latitude: Remarks: Date: 20-21/VIII/66 Longitude: 126° 07.50 1 W Sounding: 328 ft. Location: Near navigational light, at Gold River.

C. B. I. Drag Data

Current Wind Time/Date Speed Direction Direction Speed Cm/sec Knots o T o T m.p.h.

1530/20/VIII/66 50.7 0.985 109 265 17 1600/ 48.0 0.932 116 272 14 1630/ 50.7 0.985 129 285 17 1700/ 55.4 1.077 125 266 15 1730/ 32.3 0.627 141 267 8 1805/ 0 0 - 246 9 1830/ 0 0 - 238 8 1900/ 0 0 -- 0 1930/ 0 0 - - 0 2000/ 0 0 - - 0 2030/ 0 0 - 016 1 2100/ 0 0 - 137 1 2130/ 17.3 0.335 246 062 1 2200/ 10.9 0.212 236 028 3 2230/ 0 0 - 099 3 2302/ 0 0 - 083 3 2330/20/VIII/66 0 0 - 028 1 2400/21/VIII/66 25.8 0.500 241 038 1 0030/ 31.3 0.607 265 092 3 0100/ 26.9 0.523 268 091 6 0130/ 31.3 0.607 279 107 5 0300/ 20.5 0.397 271 107 9 0330/ 29.2 0.566 251 076 3 0400/ .30.2 0.587 254 070 6 0430/ 28.1 0.545 245 069 4 0500/ 23.2 0.451 250 074 4 0530/ 23.2 0.451 246 100 3 0600/ 21.9 0.425 238 065 4 0630/ 20.5 0.397 236 063 4 0700/ 0 0 - 012 4 0735/ 17.3 0.335 223 359 4 0800/ 17.3 0.335 235 335 1 0830/ 0 0 - 274 1 0900/ 0 0 - 260 3 0930/ 0 0 - 085 3 - 64 -

MU CHALA'l' INLET C. B. I. Drag Data Station M-11 (continued)

Current Wind Time/Date Soeed Direction Direction Speed Cm/sec Knots o T o T m.o.h.

1000/21/VIII/66 0 0 - 276 3 1030/ 0 0 - 275 2 1130/ 0 0 - 264 4 1200/ 0 0 - 258 3 1230/ 0 0 - 27'5 4 1300/ 10.9 0.212 097 243 11 1330/ 28.1 0.545 100 246 10 1400/ 35.2 0.684 127 278 4 1430/ 44·4 0.862 136 282 18 1500/ 45.3 0.879 134 280 15 1530/ 47.1 0.914 118 264 14 1600/ 44.4 0.862 115 246 18 1630/ 55.4 1.077 117 263 16 1700/ 50.7 0.985 120 275 15 1730/ 48.9 0.949 124 260 12 1800/ 26.9 0.523 138 284 7 1830/21/VIII/66 13.4 0.260 135 271 14

! - 65 -

MUCHALAT INLET Current Measurements

Station: M-11 Latitude: Remarks: Date: 20-21/VIII/66 Longitude: 126° 07.50' W Sounding: 328 ft. Location: Near navigational light, at Gold River.

Ekman Current Meter Data

Current Wind Time/Date Depth Speed Direction Direction Speed I (metres) Cm}sec Knots o T o T m.p.h.

1535/20/VIII/66 5 8.5 0.165 324 265 1'7 1537/ 10 3.3 0.064 014 265 17 1542/ 15 7.9 0.153 134 265 1'7 1548/ 20 4.8 0.093 174 265 17 1554/ 30 1.9 0.037 - 265 17 1600/ 40 3.9 0.076 354 272 14 1621/ 5 7.3 0.142 034 272 14 1626/ 10 8.3 0.161 184 272 14 1633/ 15 3.8 0.074 164 285 17 1638/ 20 5.6 0.109 164 285 17 1 , _ 1645/ 30 3.6 0.070 - 285 _.j.. / 1651/ 40 1.6 0.031 - 285 17 1702/ 5 3.9 0.076 074 266 15 1708/ 10 1.3 0.025 - 266 15 1713/ 15 2.4 0.047 - 266 15 1718/ 2C 1.7 0.033 084 266 15 1725/ 30 3.4 0.066 - 267 8 1741/ 40 1.0 0.019 • - 267 8 1813/ 5 2.7 0.052 164 246 9 1820/ 10 7.2 0.140 194 246 9 1828/ 15 0.8 0.016 - 246 9 1.835/ 20 3.7 0.072 254 238 8 1842/ 30 3.6 0.070 174 238 8 1850/ 40 1.9 0.037 - 238 8 1828/ 5 4.7 0.091 314 238 8 1840/ 10 5.2 0.101 094 238 8 1848/ 15 2.9 0.056 134 238 8 1857/ 20 1.2 0.023 - 238 8 1905/ 30 0 0 - - 0 1910/ 40 1.9 0.037 - - 0 1925/ 5 3.7 0.072 174 - 0 1932/ 10 2.5 0.049 - - 0 1938/ 15 4.7 0.091 074 - 0 - 66 -

MUCHALATINLET Ekman Current Meter Data Station M-11 (continued)

Current. Wind Time/Date Depth Soeed Direction Direction Speed (1}1etres) Cm/sec Knots o T o T m.o.h. 1943/20/VIII/66 20 3.7 0.072 054 - 0 1953/ 30 0.9 0.017 -- 0 1959/ 40 1.0 0.019 -- 0 2025/ 5 1.1 0.021 - - 0 2033/ 10 3.9 0.076 074 016 1 2038/ 15 1.9 0.037 - 016 1 2047/ 20 0.8 0.016 - 016' 1 2055/ 30 4.2 0.082 074 016 1 2100/ 40 2.6 0.051 284 137 1 2125/ 5 0.9 0.017 - 137 1 2132/ 10 2.7 0.052 - 062 1 2140/ 15 6.0 0.117 169 062 1 2145/ 20 1.9 0.037 - 062 1 2153/ 30 4.5 0.087 254 062 1 2158/ 40 8.7 0.169 089 028 3 2217/ 5 6.5 0.126 034 028 3 2225/ 10 3.9 0.076 134 028 3 2232/ 15 7.9 0.153 229 099 3 2238/ 20 1.7 0.033 - 099 3 2247/ 30 4.0 0.078 124 099 3 2255/ 40 0 0 - 083 3 2318/ 5 8.3 0.161 - 083 3 2325/ 10 5.5 0.107 - 028 1 2332/ 15 4.3 0.084 - 028 1 2339/ 20 0 0 - 028 1 2342/ 30 1.0 0.019 - 028 1 2350/20/VIII/66 40 0.9 0.017 - 028 1 0015/21/VIII/66 5 6.6 0.128 209 038 1 0022/ 10 4·4 0.085 - 038 1 0029/ 15 0 0 - 038 1 0035/ 20 0 0 - 092 3 0042/ 30 2.0 0.039 - 092 3 0049/ 40 0.9 0.017 - 092 3 0115/ 5 2.8 0.054 194 091 6 0124/ 10 4.3 0.084 154 091 6 0131/ 15 3.1 0.060 - 107 5 0138/ 20 2.2 0.043 114 l07 5 0145/ 30 1.7 0.033 - 107 5 0152/ 40 0.9 0.017 - 107 5 0315/ 5 5.5 0.107 234 107 9 0326/ 10 4.6 0.089 174 107 9 0333/ 15 2.9 0.056 014 076 3 0340/ 20 2.0 0.039 - 076 3 - 67 -

MUCHALAT INLE'l' Ekman Current Meter Data Station M-11 (continued)

Current i,~)nd Time/Date I Denth Sneed Direction Direction .Speed (metres) Cm/sec Knots o T o T m,v.h, 0346/21/VIII/66 30 2.0 0.039 - 076 3 0354/ 40 3.9 0.076 114 0'76 3 0400/ 5 5.8 0.113 154 070 6 0406/ 10 3.1 0.060 044 070 6 OtJ-2/ 15 0.8 0.016 - 070 6 0417/ 20 4-3 0.084 164 070 6 0424/ 30 1.2 0.023 - 069 ;.. 0430/ 40 0 0 - 069 4 0502/ 5 2.8 0.054 264 074 4 0509/ 10 1.9 0.037 - 074 4 0514/ 15 2.9 0.056 114 074 4 0521/ 20 2.2 0.043 - 0'74 4 0526/ 30 4.7 0.091 134 100 3 0533/ 40 2.5 0.049 - 100 3 0600/ 5 4.4 0.085 154 065 4 I 0605/ 10 0.8 0.016 - 065 "+ 0611/ 15 1.1 0.021 - 06.5 I+ 0616/ 20 0 0 - 065 4 0622/ 30 0 0 - 063 4 0630/ 40 0 0 - 063 4 0721/ 5 0.9 0.017 044 012 4 0728/ 10 4.1 0.080 - 012 4 0731/ 15 4.9 0.095 044 359 4 0743/ 20 2.6 0.051 084 3.59 ~~ 0750/ 30 6.5 0.126 194 359 4 0759/ 40 1.5 0.029 144 359 !+ 0806/ 5 2.0 0.039 - 335 1 0813/ 10 1.6 O,.OJl ~ 335 .c"' 0820/ 15 0.9 0.017 - 335 l_ 0827/ 20 0 0 - 274 1 081.. 0/ 30 0.9 0.017 - 274 1 0847/ 40 1.0 0.019 - 274 1 0904/ 5 0.9 0.017 - 260 3 0908/ 10 1.0 0.019 - 260 3 0916/ 15 0.9 0.017 - 260 .3 0923/ 20 1.7 0.033 - 260 3 0930/ 30 2.9 0.056 164 085 3 0935/ 40 2.0 0.039 - 085 3 1008/ 5 1.4 0.027 - 085 3 1014/ 10 1.0 0.019 144 276 J 1021/ 15 3.5 0.068 - 276 3 1027/ 20 0 0 - 276 3 2'75 2 1033/ j 30 1.4 0.027 - - 68 -

MUCHALAT INLET Ekman Current Meter Data Station M-11 (continued)

Current Wind Time/Date Depth Sneed Direction Direction Speed (met.res) em/sec Knots o T o T m.n.h 1040/21/VIII/66 40 2.9 0.056 094 275 2 1128/ 5 3.6 0.070 - 264 4 1135/ 10 1.2 0.023 - 264 4 1140/ 15 0 0 - 264 4 1145/ 20 7.0 0.136 134 264 4 1152/ 30 2.7 0.052 094 264 4 1200/ 40 0.9 0.017 - 258 3 1215/ 5 2.5 0.049 - 258 3 1222/ 10 6.1 0.118 104 258 3 1227/ 15 4.2 0.082 - 258 3 1232/ 20 1.9 0.037 024 275 4 1240/ 30 1.5 0.029 - 275 4 1247/ 40 5.7 0.111 154 275 4 1302/ 5 1.0 0.019 - 243 11 1306/ 10 5.9 0.115 139 243 11 1312/ 15 1.5 0.029 - 243 11 1320/ 20 2.7 0.052 - 243 11 1325/ 30 5.0 0.097 114 246 10 1330/ 40 0 0 - 246 10 1338/ 40 7.5 0.146 224 246 10 1400/ 5 1.5 0.029 - 278 4 1407/ 10 5.4 0.105 204 278 4 1415/ 15 2.7 0.052 334 278 4 1422/ 20 5.4 0.105 264 278 4 1427/ 30 8.0 0.155 119 282 18 1434/ 40 3.2 0.062 184 282 18 1513/ 5 6.5 0.126 174 280 15 1519/ 10 0 0 - 280 15 1525/ 15 0.9 0.017 - 280 15 1531/ 20 1.5 0.029 - 264 14 1538/ 30 1.2 0.023 - 264 14 1543/ 40 1.7 0.033 204 264 14 1615/ 5 2.0 0.039 - 246 18 1620/ 10 2.7 0.052 - 246 18 1626/ 15 2.4 0.047 234 246 18 16.33/ 20 3.0 0.058 - 263 16 1640/ 30 2.4 0.047 034 263 16 1646/ 40 4.7 0.091 024 263 16 1711/ 5 2.9 0.056 - 275 15 1717/ 10 1.4 0.027 254 275 15 1723/ 15 4.2 0.082 - 275 15 1730/ 20 1.5 0.029 - 260 12 - 69 -

1]anan Current Meter Jata

Station M-11 (continued)

I Current Hind 'l'ime/Date Soeed Direction Direction Speed Depth 0 0 fmet:r_~U Cm/sec Knots T T m.n.h. 17.36/21/VIII/66 30 0.9 0.017 260 12 ~, .., 1742/ /;..0 1 • '"I O.CJ3 I ~60 .LC:., 284 '"I 1801/ 5 2.0 0.0.39 ,.., 1806/ 10 1.4 0.027 284 I I ""'1 1812/ 15 2.7 0.052 I :?34 284 ,..,I 1818/ 20 1.0 O.Ol9 284 { ")""11 1 I 1825/ 30 3.2 0.062 ~. /.:.- ~•~4 1831/21/VIII/66 40 2.5 0.049 271 JL4' .


IV l E: T 1M1..E"T

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',, 15-19 AUGUST 1957 Q-4 I '<.. ;.-, ~~~'~. "'''~ QUATSINO SOUND ':;?;:~;(,-- Scale- in nautical miles '.', .. 9 ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. ', - \.'> ')/ Low tide line ·------5 Fathoms ------10 ---- -20

''):·:i~t~'' I. Anchor Station

I IZ~SO' 127t40' o21ho'

Fig. 5. Track chart of stations occupied in Quatsino Sound, 15-19 August 1957.

- 75 - Ft Tide 15~--~----~-----

Stations Q-1 Weathera Partly cloudy Times 0838 Clouda Type Ci-Cs Amt. 5 Dates 15/VIII/57 Winds Dir. - or Spd. 0 mph. Lata 50°24.5' N Sea a Swella 1 Longs 128°00.2 1 w Air Tempa D. 60 oF. w. - •F. Depths 540 ft Baroa 1023 mb. () 1 ,,, B .r. Ser. No. 1 Secchia 22.5 ft Cola lt-gn ·.-1 13 19 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ SSL (ft.) (•c) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (ppm) 0 15.1 31.27 23.10 10.10 120.3 8.38 8.58 6 14.54 31.42 23.34 10.09 119.0 8.36 13.20 15 14.79 31.28 23.17 10.21 120.0 8.39 8.58 30 14·14 31.51 23.49 9.44 110.5 8.33 5.28 60 12.53 31.61 23.89 8.06 91.8 8.21 4-50 90 12.50 31.79 24.70 7.74 81.6 8.20 5.28 150 10.00 32.38 24.91 6.65 72.3 8.07 3.60 300 8.50 32.26 24.12 6.95 81.4 8.13 3.60 450 8.00 33.05 25.77 5.40 56.4 7.96 9.78

Ft Tide 15~---~----~-----~

Station a Q-2 Weather a Cloudy TiU& 1014 Clouda TypeCi,Cs-AsAmt. 7 Date a 15/VIII/57 Winda Dir. - or Spd. 0 mph. 5 Lata 50°28.4' N Sea a 1 Swell a 1 Long a 127°55.2' w Air Temps D. 60 •F. w. - •F. Depth a 624 ft Baroa 1023.5 mb. () B.r. Ser. No. 2 Secchic 25.5 ft Cola gn '1 .7 13 19 Hr

Depth T s at Qissolved ox~gen Alkalinit~ SSL (ft.) (•c) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat • Total Carb • (ppm) 0 15.7 .31.06 22.81 9.97 120.1 8.28 18.72 6 13.76 31.16 23.22 9.33 108.3 8.25 7.44 15 14.95 31.27 2.3.13 8.75 104.0 8.19 6.60 .30 13.03 31.37 23.60 8.70 100.0 8.16 6.60 45 12.16 31.42 23.81 7.97 89.7 8.12 30.72 60 11.62 31.27 23.79 7.65 85.1 8.10 8.28 90 9.07 31.79 24.62 7.20 76.2 8.08 11.22 150 9.21 32.62 25.24 5.67 60.5 7.96 5.16 300 8.43 32.91 25.59 5.14 54.1 7.90 1.80 450 8.24 32.95 25.66 5.11 53.5 7.86 5.40 - 76 - ft Tide 15r---~----~----

Stations Q-3 Weathers Cloudy Times 1139 Cloud: Type Cs-As Am to 7 Date: 15/VIII/57 Wind: Dir. - or Spd. 0 mph. Lat: 50°28.8 1 N Sea: Swell: 1 Long: 127°47 ·4' w Air Temps D. 66of. w. - Of • Depth: 384 ft Baro: 1023.5 mb. 0 B .T. Ser. No. 3 Sec chi a 22.5 ft Col: lt-gn 1 7 13 19 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox:;tgen Alkali ni t:;t SSL (ft.) (oc) ( 0 /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (ppm) 0 16.4 30.77 22.44 10.12 123.5 8.29 11.40 6 15.30 30.99 23.85 10.79 115.8 8.34 10.50 15 14.59 31.20 23.16 10.58 124.8 8.35 11.10 30 13.56 31.37 23.49 9.64 111.7 8.31 11.40 45 12.82 31.28 23.57 8.79 100.3 8.26 12.90 60 11.92 31.23 23.71 8.08 90.4 8.15 12.60 90 10.70 31.32 23.99 7.06 77.3 8.08 12.30 150 9.99 32.12 24.73 6.65 71.9 8.05 18.60 300 8.26 32.86 25.58 5.20 54.5 7.95 6.90

Ft Tide 15~---~------~~---~

10 Station: Q-4 Weather: Partly cloudy Time: 1307 Cloud: Type Cs, Ci-Cu Amt. 5 Date: 15/VIII/57 Wind: Dir. 240 or Spd. 1 mph. 5 Lat: 50°31.21 N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Longs 127°40.61 W Air Temp: D.75 °f. w. - 0 f. Depths 402 ft Baro: 1023.5 mb. B.T. Ser. No. 4 Secchi: ft Col: 2

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox:;tgen Alkali ni t:;t SSL (ft.) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (ppm) 0 15.9 30.83 22.59 9.95 120.3 8.25 16.50 6 14.40 30.90 23.97 9.98 104.4 8.28 12.00 15 13.97 30.90 23.05 9.98 116.0 8.28 12.00 30 12.78 31.09 23.43 8.70 98.9 8.18 135.90 45 11.48 31.11 23.69 7.74 85.8 8.10 20.70 60 10.90 31.02 23.72 7.13 78.3 8.03 14.76 90 10.42 31.27 24.00 6.73 73.2 8.00 18.60 150 9.06 32.31 25.03 5.74 60.9 7.96 5.70 300 8.17 32.81 25.56 4o99 52.2 7.92 25.20 - 77 - Tide

Station a Q-5 Weather: Partly clouqy Time: 1408 Cloud: Type ili,As-Ci Amt • 4 Date a 15/VIII/57 Wind: Dir. 230 0 T Spd. 2 mph. Lata 50°31.5' N Sea: Swell: 1 Long: 127°37.3 1 w Air Temp: D. 68 op. w. - op. Depths 324 ft Baro: 1023 mb. 02 B.T. Ser. No. 5 Secchi a 25.5 ft Col: pl-gn 20 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ SSL (ft.) (oc) ( 0 /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (ppm) 0 14.4 30.61 22.74 8.69 101.7 8.15 27.84 6 13.60 30.65 22.94 8.82 102~0 8.19 14.40 15 13.39 30.70 23.02 8.67 99.8 8.14 24.60 30 12.40 30.75 23.24 8.45 95.2 8.13 24.90 45 11.07 30.90 23.60 7.24 79.4 8.06 15.30 60 10.62 31.04 23.78 6.81 74.2 7.99 15.60 90 10.53 31.08 23.83 6.72 73.0 7.98 18.60 150 8.90 32.34 25.08 5.61 59-4 7.90 6.00 300 7.98 32.93 25.68 4.81 50.1 7.86 4.00


Station a Q-6 Weather& Partly clouqy Time: 1507 Clouda Typeeu,As-Ci Amt. 4 Date: 15/VIII/57 Wind a Di r .Lt a:irs0 T Spd. 2 mph. 5 Lata 50°31.7 1 N Sea: Swell: 1 Long a 127°34.5' w Air Temp a D. 73 °F. w. - op. Depth: 63 ft Baros 1023 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 6 Secchi: 34 ft Col: pl-gn 4 10 22 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalinit~ SSL (ft.) (oc) ( 0 /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (ppm) 0 11.4 30.83 23.49 7.18 79.2 7.98 13.5 6 10.92 30.87 23.61 7.05 77.2 7.98 11.0 15 10.91 30.94 23.66 7.03 77.0 7.98 12.7 30 10.87 30.99 23.71 7.07 77.4 7.97 12.7 45 10.86 30.89 23.63 7.06 77.1 7.97 32.2 60 10.66 31.01 23.76 6.91 75.3 7.88 11.8 - 78 - Ft Tide . 15r----,-----,-----

Station: ?_..!"/ Weather: Partly cloudy Time: 1<'.)14 Cloud: Type Cu-As Amt. 4 Date: 15/VIII/57 Wind: Dir. 195 °T Spd. 2 mph. Lat: 50°33.8' N Sea: Swell: 1 Long: 127°33.1 1 w Air Tempa D. 70 Of • w. - Of. Depth: 528 ft Baroa 1022.5 mb. 0 B •T. Ser. No. 7 Secchi a 28.5 ft Col: gn 1 '7 -ll.9 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ SSL (ft.) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. (ppm) 0 11.3 )0.58 23.31 7.18 '79.0 8.00 29.4 u lCJ. (\2 30.61 23.42 7.12 77.6 8.08 10.0 15 10.77 30.56 23.39 7.19 78.2 8.04 12.0 30 10.73 30.68 23.49 7.06 76.9 8.04 16.8 45 10.55 30.71 23.54 6.92 75.0 7.99 15.2 60 10.45 30.82 23.64 6.88 74.6 7.98 18.9 90 10.42 30.ti3 23.65 6.66 72.1 8.00 10.5 150 10.47 30.90 23.70 6.74 73.1 7.97 8.2 300 10.22 31.01 23.83 6.65 71.9 7.97 17.4 450 10.10 31.01 23.85 6.31 68.0 7.95 11.3

Ft Tide 15~---~------~------~

Station: ~ 2, Weather& Partly cloudy Cu As,Ac, Time : 1'/06 Clouda Typeci' Cb Amt. 5 Date: 15/VIII/57 Wind a Dir. 13~ 0 T Spd. 6 mph. 5 Lat: 50c35 .1' N Sea: Swell: 1 Long a 127°35.5 1 W Air Temp: D.70 °f. w. _ 0 f. Depth: 430 ft Baro: 1023 mb • B.r. Ser. No. 8 Secchia 19.5 ft Colabr-gn

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen pH Alkalini t~ SSL 0 ( I"t •I\ (oc) ( /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. (ppm)

0 lL•• 8 27.47 22.60 9.99 115.6 8.19 31.8 / 0 12.16 29.06 21.97 9.30 103.0 8.14 15.0 15 10.G3 30.54 23.36 7.37 80.4 8.05 10.7 30 10.57 30.83 23.63 6.98 75.9 s.oo 18.9 /+5 10.52 30.G3 23.64 6.85 74.3 7.99 15.9 ()0 10.45 30.85 23.67 6.75 73.2 7.89 14.4 90 10.43 30.96 23.76 6.71 72.2- b.03 21.7 150 10.39 30.87 23.60 6.72 72.8 7 .9~~ 10.5 30·:; 10.24 30.99 23.81 6.50 70.2 6.00 10.2 - 79 - ft Tide 15~--~~----r---~

Stations Q-9 Weather: Partly cloudy Times 1757 Cloud: Type G'u, Ci, As Amt • 5 Dates 15/VII/57 Winds Dir.045 °T Spd. 2 mph. Latt 50°35.8' N Sea: Swell: 1 Longs 127°34.'1' W Air Temps D. 68 Of. w. - of. Depths 84 ft Baro: 1023 mb. B •T • · Ser • No • 9 Secchi a 15 ft Col: br

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ 33L (ft.) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (ppm) 0 15.0 2?.06 19.90 10.10 117.4 8.24 47.4 6 11.64 30.08 22.86 H.37 92.4 [).ll~ 12.0 15 10.77 30.Le9 23.34 7.43 80.8 8.03 9.9 30 10.51 30.75 23.58 6.79 73.6 7.99 0.3 1,.5 10.48 30.80 23.62 6.'12 72.8 7.9) 7.5 . 60 10.42 30.83 23.65 6.64 71.9 7 .91-~> 7. 5

ft Tide 15~------~

10 Stations Q-10 Weather: Drizzle Time: 0640 Cloud: Type St Amt. 10 Date: 16/vili/57 Wind: Dir. 000 °T Spd. 2 mph. 5 Lata 50°35 .4' N Sea: Swell: 1 Longs 12'/0 40.6' W Air Temp: D. 57 °f. w. - 0 f. Depth a 372 ft Baros 1026 mb. n~----~----~----J B.t. Ser. No. 10 Secchi: 15 ft Col: br-gn 3 9 15 21 Hr

Depth T s at Dissolved ox~gen Alkalinity SSL (ft.) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (ppm)

0 15.2 27.04 19.84 10.78 125.2 8.26 36.2 6 12.97 2b.97 21.76 10.70 120.5 8.24 14.4 15 11.17 .30.32 23.14 8.03 87.9 8.09 11.7 .30 10.62 .30.66 23.49 7.01 75.3 8.00 12.9 45 10.47 .30.82 23.64 6.76 73.2 7.98 9.0 60 10.43 30.83 23.65 6.67 72.3 7.97 12.4 90 10.39 30.85 23.67 6.61 71.5 7.96 10.2 150 10.37 .30.92 23.74 6.61 71.5 8.00 15.8 300 10.03 30.99 23.84 6.21 66.7 7.96 17.7 - 80 - Ft Tide 15~---,----~----~

Stations :j-11 Weather1 Overcast Time 1 Ob05 Cloud1 Type St Amt. 10 Date 1 16/VIII/57 Wind a Di r • - 0 T Spd • o mph • Lats 50°36.3 N Sea 1 Swel11 1 Longs 127°46.3 W Air Tempi D. 57 °F. W. - °F. Depths 240 ft Baro 1 1026.5 mb. B.T. Ser. No. 11 Secchi1 18 ft Col1br-gn

Depth T 5 pissolved oxygen Alkalinity 331 (ft.) (°C) (0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (ppm)

0 14.3 ?.3.74 17.49 9.56 106.8 e.oe 21.9 t. u 11.96 30.23 22.92 9.11 101.2 8.11 23.) 15 11.15 30.61 23.36 8.12 [j9.2 6.08 14.1 30 10.70 30.75 23.55 7.26 '19.1 8.02 12.0 45 10.54 30.83 23.63 7.02 76.2 7.99 11.1 60 10.44 30.83 23.65 6.86 74.3 7.99 12.(; 90 10.32 30.90 23.72 6.69 72.2 7.98 30.9 150 9.88 30.83 23.73 6.03 64.5 7.93 20.1

Ft Tide 15~---~------~-----~

Station a -~-12 Weathert Overcast Time: or)26 Cloud 1 Type St Amt. 10 Date: 16/HII/57 Winds Dir. 105 •T Spd. 2 mph. 5 Lat1 50°3b.41 N Sea 1 Swells 1 Long a 121'52.2' w Air Tempi D. 59 Of • w. - •F. Depth a 1G6 ft Baros 1026.5 mb. () 3 B .T. Ser. No. 12 Secchi 1 9 ft Cola y1-gn 9 15 21 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity SSL (ft.) (•c) (• ; .. ') (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (prm) 0 14.3 26.37 19.51 10.44 118.6 8.20 25.2 6 12.15 30.00 22.70 10.98 122.2 8.22 12.4 15 10.84 30.42 23.26 8.81 96.0 8.12 48.6 30 10.09 30.65 23.57 6.15 66.2 7.93 11.7 L.,.5 9.08 30.73 23.66 5.99 64.0 7.91 8.7 60 9.32 30.77 23.78 5-45 57.6 7.84 G.? 90 9.32 30.83 23.83 5.48 57.9 7.86 10.5 150 9.44 31.04 23.98 5.25 55.6 '1.86 15.3 - 81 - ft Tide 15r----,----~----~

Stations ~-13 Weather a Overcast Times 1203 Cloud: Type St Amt. 10 Dates 16/VIIl/57 Winda Dir. - or Spd. 0 mph. Lats 50°34.8' N Sea: Swells 1 Longs 12'/0 30.8' w Air Temps D. 60 Of. w. - Of. Depths Baros 432 ft l026.5mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 13 Secchia 13.5 ft Col: br-gn •4 10 16 22 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved oxxgen ~ Alkalini tx SSL ( i't.) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1' % sat •. Total Carb. (ppm) 0 15.8 20.07 14.38 10.21 115.0 8.23 21.6 6 13.01 29.47 21.98 12.69 146.2 8.3.6 11.7 15 11.04 30.38 23.20 9.37 102.5 8.19 21.9 30 10.64 .30.78 23.58 7.21 78.3 8.01 12.9 45 10.49 30.83 23.64 7.05 76.5 7.95 11.4 60 10.1~3 30.G7 23.69 6.88 74.7 7.99 ·39.6 90 10.39 30.90 23.72 6.66 72.1 7.95 12.3 150 10.34 30.99 23.79 6.68 72~2 7.95 26.4 30C 10.11 31.04 23.86 6.51 70.1 7.91 10.5

ft Tide

Stations Q-14 Weather& Overcast Times 1300 Clouda Type St Amt. 10 Date: 16/JIII/57 Winda Dir. 210 °T Spd. 2 mph. 5 Lata 50°35.4' N Sea a Swell a 1 Long a 12?0 26. 31 w Air Temp& D. 64 °f. w. - Of. Depth a 222 ft Baro: 1026.5 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 14 Secchi a ft Col: 6 24 Hr

Depth T s at Dissolved oxxgen Alkalinitx SSL ( i't. ) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (ppm)

0 15.1 2'/. 54 22~50 12.10 140.9 [j.34 . 18.0 6 12.94 29.32 22.03 10.91 123.2 8.24 15.0 15 11.32 30.33 23.12 9.10 100.0 8.12 15.0 30 10.74 30.68 23.49 7.62 82.9 7.97 1'7.1 45 10.62 30.71 23.53 7.36 80.0 8.01 15.J 60 10.53 30.83 23.63 7.10 77.1 7.98 17.8 90 10.45 30.85 23.66 6.88 74.5 7.97 12.2 150 10.34 30.99 23.79 6.60 71.4 7.96 12.0 - 82 ... Ft Tide 15. ..-----.------

Stations ~-15 Weather a Drizzle, overcast Times 0953 Clouda Type St ·Amt. 10 Dates 19/VIII/57 Windt Dir. - or spd. 0 mph. Lats 50°29.8 1 N Sea a 0 Swell a 0 Longs 127°34.8' w Air Tempa D. 58 Of • w. - •F. Depth: 684. ft Baroa 1021.5 mb. B Ser. No. 20 y1-gn 0 .r. Secchia 19.5 ft Cola 22 10 16 Hr

Depth T s Ot Alka 1i ni t:t SSL (ft.) (oc) ( 0 /oo) Total Carb. (ppm) 0 15.8 29.94 21.93 9.50 115.5 8.20 44-7 6 15.15 30.35 22.38 10.82 130.0 8.29 19.5 15 14.39 30.52 22.67 11.11 130.8 8.36 14.9 30 12.16 30.87 23.38 9.09 100.8 ~.18 25.5 45 11.11 31.01 23.68 7.33 80.3 8.02 29.4 60 10.83 31.04 23.75 7.20 78.4 8.01 29.4 90 9.91 31.20 24.03 6.30 67.0 7.93 36.0 150 0.39 32.53 25.30 5.10 53.3 ?.92 8.1 300 8.11 32.77 25.53 4.91 51.2 7.92 7.2 450 7.65 32.96 25.74 4.95 51.1 7 .8L~ 7.8

Ft Tide 15~---~------~------~

Station a ~-16 Weather a Cloudy Time: 0858 Clouds Type St Amt. 9 Date: 19/Vlli/57 Wind a Dir. 315 0 T Spd. 2 mph. 5 Lat: 5QC2'/.2,I N Seas Swell a 1 Longs L~/ 0 32.2 1 w Air Temp• D. 62 •F. w.- •F. Depths 624 ft Baro a 1021.5 mb. 02 B .T. Ser. No. 19 Secchia 17 ft Cola y1 16 Hr

Depth T ~:' crt Dissolved ox:tgen Alka lini t:t SSL ( 1 't .)\ (•c) (o/o~) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (ppm) 0 17.0 28.57 20.62 7.45 90.6 7.93 12.7 / () 16.15 29.49 21.51 8.32 100.0 8.09 62.5 15 1/;..90 30.16 22.29 8.92 105.0 8.15 54.6 30 11.56 31.01 23.60 9.03 100.2 8.16 12.6 45 10.95 30.99 23.69 7.70 84.4 8.09 11.1 :";() 10.63 3l.OG 23.81 7.69 '13.7 8.05 9 0 'II 90 9.5':3 31.35 24.20 5.47 58.2 7.87 10.2 150 0.27 32.43 25.24 4.98 52.1 7.L5 9.9 jQI) 8.04 32.79 25.56 4.99 52.1 '7 .Sr( 2 .LI. /+50 7.60 32.98 25.77 4-93 51.0 7.87 12.6 - 83 - ft Tide 15~--~----~-----

Station: Q-17 Weathera Cloudy Time: 0805 Clouda Type St- Ac Amt. 7 Date: 19/VIII/57 Wind: Dir. - 0 T Spd. 0 mph. Lata 50°26.0 1 N Sea a 0 Swell a 0 Long: 127°30.61 w Air Temp a D. 58 Ofo w. - Ofo Depth a 618 ft Baroa 1021 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 18 Secchia 13 ft Cola br-rd 22 4 10 16 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalinit~ SSL (ft.) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (ppm) 0 17.7 27.42 19.59 6.19 75.6 7.70 25.2 6 16.86 28.85 20.86 7.77 94·3 7.98 10.6 15 14.71 30.08 22.26 8.52 99.8 8.14 45.6 30 11.48 30.85 23.49 8.97 99.3 8.14 28.8 45 10.98 31.01 23.70 7.83 85.9 8.07 12.9 60 10.59 31.04 23.79 7.55 82.2 8.05 11.1 90 9 .. 63 31.27 24.13 5.24 55.9 7.85 70.2 150 8.10 32.46 25.29 4.52 47.0 7.83 7.8 300 7.81 32.67 25.50 4.87 50.4 7.82 7.5 450 7.60 32.93 25.73 4.86 50.1 7.89 2.4

ft Tide 15~--~-----T----~

Station: Q-18 Weathers Overcast Timea 0720 Clouda Type St Amt. 10 Date: 19/VIIl/57 Winds Dir. - or Spd. 0 mph. Lata 50°24.3' N Seaa 0 Swella 0 Longa 127°29.31 W Air Tempa D.57 Of. w. - Of. Deptha 432 ft Baroa 1021 mb. B.T. Ser. No. 17 Secchia 7.5 ft Cola rd-br

Depth T s at Dissolved ox~gen p1 Alkalini t~ SSL (ft.) (oc) ( 0 /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (ppm) 0 17.9 21.21 14.81 2.44 28.7 7.08 614.0 6 17.82 26.92 19.19 5.17 63.1 7.57 282.0 15 13.51 30.19 22.59 8.26 95.1 8.09 39.0 30 11.50 30.85 23.49 9.18 101.7 8.20 18.0 45 11.09 30.97 23.65 8.51 93.6 8.15 13.8 60 10.57 31.02 23.78 7.64 83.1 8.10 15.0 90 9.66 31.18 24.05 5.40 57.6 7.88 12.3 150 7.92 32.36 25.24 4.02 41-6 7.81 4·5 300 7.71 32.67 25.51 4o31 44·5 7.83 6.7 - 84 - Ft Tide 15~--~-----,-----

Station: Q-19 Weather: Cloudy Time: 0628 Cloud: Type.Ac,Oi..,Cu,Cs Amt. 7 Date: 19/VIII/57 Wind1 Dir. - 0 T Spd. 0 mph. Lab 50°23.0 1 N Sea: Swell: 1 Long: 127°27.41 w Air Temp a D. 57 °F. w. - op. Depth: 138 ft Baroa 1021 mb. 0 j') B.r. Ser. No. 16 Secchi a 7.5 ft Co 1 : br-rd h. I'. 4 10 16 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ SSL (fte) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (ppm) 0 1'7.0 14.66 10.03 3.20 35.6 6.98 62.1. 0 6 17.82 27.35 19.51 4-73 57.9 7.53 2.70.0 15 13.56 30.16 22.56 8.60 98.9 8.01 50o0 30 11.00 30.85 22.95 9.00 98.6 8.04 12o9 45 10.75 30.97 23.71 8.14 88.9 8.00 10o5 60 10.32 31.01 23.81 6.94 75.0 7.90 12.0 90 9.38 31.28 24.17 4.07 43.2 7.64 l2e2

Ft Tide 15~---~------.------,

Station: Q-20 Weather: Cloudy Time: 0541 Cloud a Type Ac,Gi,Cu,Cs Amt. 7 Date: 19/VIII/57 Winda Dir. i65 °T Spd. 2 mph. 5 Lat: 50°22.0 1 N Sea a Swell: 1 Longs 127°26.5 1 w Air Tetnp: D. 56 op. w. - op. Depth: 192 ft Baro: 1021 mb. B.r. Ser. No. 15 Secchi: 7.5 ft Col: rd-br 16 Hr

Depth T s at Dissolved ox~gen Alkalinity: SSL (ft.) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. (ppm) 0 16.0 12.89 8.88 4.49 48.6 7.09 2.94.0 6 17.2.3 26.51 19.00 4.21 50.7 7.43 316.0 15 12.65 .30 • .35 22.88 8.99 101.6 8.10 39o7 30 10.99 .30.8.3 2,3.56 9.85 107.8 8.11 16o5 45 10.76 .31.02 2.3.74 8.66 94.6 8.05 llo4 60 10.19 31.04 23.86 6.50 70.1 7.91 l3o5 90 9.02 31.53 24.43 3.29 34.7 7.61 38o4 150 7.93 32.40 25.26 2.23 23.1 7.56 '7o2 - 85 -

QUATSINO SOUND Surface Current Measurements

Station: Q-19 Latitude: 50° 23.0 1 N Remarks: Date: 17-18/VIII/57 Longitude: 127° 27.4' W Sounding: 102 ft. Location: . Neroutsos Inlet, near Port Alice C. B. I. Drag Data

Current W'ind Time ;bate Speed Direction Direction Speed Cm/sec Knots o T o T m.p.h. OS 50/17/VIII/57 10.6 0.206 065 320 3 1000/ 10.6 0.206 17S 320 3 1050/ 0 0 - 320 2-3 1155/ 14.1 0.274 115 310 3-5 1255/ 22.9 0.445 120 310 6-7 1355/ 30.5 0.592 145 310 7 1455/ 20 .o 0.3f39 135 310 7-10 1555/ 27.4 0.532 135 310 10-15 1650/ 29.0 0.563 150 29S 10-12 1759/ 27.7 0.54f3 127 2f35 8-10 1f355/ 21.4 0.416 133 295 6-8 1950/ 3.7 0.072 082 280 3-5 2050/ 3.7 0.072 150 285 2-3 2147/ 16.9 0.32f3 296 ~ 0 2247/ 13.0 0.253 341 - (1 2350/17 /VIII/57 11.9 0.231 005 325 2-4 0055/lS/VIII/57 17.7 0.434. 310 - calm 0200/ 1h.9 0.32f3 320 180 1-2 025f3/ 14.1 0.274 310 - calm 0357/ 14.1 0.274 345 200 1-2 0500/ 5.3 0.103 020 295 5 0605/ 13.0 0.253 325 - calm,lt. airs 0650/ 16.9 0.32f3 325 - calm 0751/ 15.9 0.309 306 - calm 0857/ 14.1 0.274 324 - calm 095f3/ 5.3 0.103 005 325 l-3,lt.airs 1044/ 23.2 0.451 325 315 2-3 1150/ 9.2 0.179 023 300 3-5 124S/ 15.5 0.301 073 315 8-10 1347/ 23.6 0.45f3 161 335 10-12 1452/ 33.6 0.653 157 325 10-12 1552/ 2f3.6 0.556 163 320 10-12 1655/ 32.3 0.627 135 305 10-12 1750/ 33.2 0.645 130 300 10 1f355/ 22.2· 0.431 135 260 7-10 13 .o . 1942/18/VIII/57 I 0.253 140 230 1-2 - 86 - lltfLTS !NO SOUND Current Measurements

Station: Q-19 Le.ti tude: 50 ° 23 .n' N Remarks:

Date: 17~18/VIII/57 Longitude: 1~7° 27.4 1 w

Sounn:lnr;: 102 ft. Location: · Nerou~os Inlet, near J1ort Alice

Ekmf'n Current Peter DatR

Current Wind Time;bate Depth Speed Direction Direction Speed o T o T (feet) Cr:oisec Knots - m.p.h. ()73B/17 /VIII /57 15 '?..4 0.047 - 320 3 nR3?/. 15 4.7 0.091 155 32r: 3 M~36/ 45 7.5 0.146 330 320 3 (1{1,/~2/ 0() 5.3 () .103 325 320 3 n?33/ 15 5.4 0.105 - 320 3 rlS'37/ 15 - 7.~ 0.151 .. ___ 125 320_. .3 rlr'J4'?_/ 45 6.1 O.llR 265 320 3 09&)4/ 90 2.6 () .051 275 320 3 lf)J2/ 15 1.7 0 .rJ33 - 320 3 }rJJ~/ 45 1.7 0.033 - 310 J-5 i l '1.4 I ~-- -' I 15 4.6 () .or,c; 115 310 J-5 11Y?/ 45 7.1 0 .13R 035 310 J-5 llt/J/ 90 1.9 () /137 - 310 3-5 l:J34/ 15 lr>.5 0. 2()4 048 310 3-5 P/+4/ 45 7.6 0.14C. 220 310 6-7 P48/ 90 L,.o 0.078 - 310 6-7 1335/ 15 10.4 '1.20? 225 310 6-7 1339/ 45 10 .(1 ().1°4 220 310 6-7 1343/ 90 c;.6 n.1r,6 055 310 7 1432/ 15 16.3 0.316 117 310 7 1437/ 45 16.6 0.322 213 310 7 14.42/ '?0 27.3 0."30 041 310 7 1445/ 15 17.3 0.336 172 310 7-10 • 11)30/ . 45 26.0 () .&)05 038 310 7-10 1543/ 90 10.5 ().204 195 3FJ lf1-15

]~35/ j 15 11.0 0.214 140 293 lCl-15 - 87 - QUATSINO SOUND

Ekman Current Heter Data

Station: Q-19 (continued)

Current ..I :inn Time/Date De nth Sneed Direction Dire~Mon Speed o T. (feet) em/sec Knots o T rr' .!"'\.h.

1()37 /17/VIII/57 45 ~.3 0.161 025 310 10-15 1h41/ 00 0,.7 (\ .169 195 298 10-12

1733/ 15 ?.1.() (] .4flr1 1~2 298 l(J-12 17/+4/ 45 7.7 0.150 345 2°8 lfJ-12 17 L~C:/ 90 5.4 0 .lOS 275 2~-5 ~-10

1~32/ Fi lL~ .4 (] .2r10 182 285 r,-10 1~31)/ 45 3.6 o.rl70 - 285 n-10 1q41/ 45 13.7 0.266 009 285 tt-10 1~L+7/ 9D 10.8 0 .210 265 285 8-10

10J3/ 1-5 4.0 0.078 135 2~0 3-5 1C:37/ 45 7.1 0 .138 32'5 2~0 3-5 lS'L~-1/ 90 1().9 0.212 325 28() 3-5

2r"\31/ 1'5 I).() c .lQQ.. ··~--·- - 28n 3-5 ?03 '1/ 15 0 I) - 280 3-5 '?.rJ44/ 45 4.4 0.00,6 - 2~0 3-5 2051/ <;n 6.1 0.11~ 312 285 2-3 2134/ I 15 3.1 n.06n ()35 28S 2-3 2141J/ 45 3.6 ().()70 095 - () '?14';)/ 0(1 4.9 n.n95 290 - (l


2334/ 15 2.4 () .'"l/+ 7 ()15 325 2-4 ?341/ 45 5.2 0.101 015 325 2-4 ?34°/17/VIII/57 ()0 5.9 () .115 092 325 2-4 r'n40/1P;/VIII/571 45 3.9 o .rJ76 125 2?5 2-4 (\045/ . 90 2.2 0 .043 - 325 2-4 () (i()t;lJ 1 15 ' 2.2 0.043 - - r1147 / 15 2.1 0 .(141 - - 0

0211/ 0 18.6 (1 .361 312 1 '3() 1-2 (\2_49,/ 45 () 0 225 - 0

(•'">.'":!3/_..,_.., 15 () 0 035 ?_r)(J 1-2 20(\ ('340/ I 45 2.4 CJ .CJL~7 255 1-2 - 88 -


Ekman Current Meter Data

Station: Q-19 (continued)

.. Current :lind T jme/Dete Depth Sneed Direction Direct1on Speed (feet) Crr7sec J':nots o T o T rn.• o.h.

/IRIVIIJI57 qo 2.9 f) .056 175 200 1-2 lit31~I 15 4.0 0.07B 21() 2()0 l-2 •'J/.1/ l;; 45 .3 .r' 0 .rJ5P, .3 .3 5 2nn 1-2 1 ( 1;.4q I ro 7.1 n.13B 128 295 5

I 15 4.1~ n .rJB6 165 295 5 I 45 2.~ () .0'>4 45 - (l 0?37 Fi 4.1 ().f)r,() .310 - 0 07 1;.4; 45 1.6 () .031 - - 0 ")Q') rl7'"iL~I C'() !+• 7 0 .0~11 ...... ,.: .... - 0

, I (\ () (l ~I 11) .315 - (l!]J'""'rl 15 B.3 0.161 350 325 1-3 r,o I - L/3 I 45 7.3 0 • ];L,?. -- 1.35 .325- 1-3 1r101 I C!() 7.0 (J.1.36 353 325 1-3 1034 15 P-.1 0.157 2()0 325 1-3 II liJJd­'I L~5 R.1 () .157 ?25 325 l-3 J (J/.4 I C() 11.0 ().231 .327 315 2-3 lJV/ 15 (~ ·'~ () .163 345 315 2-3 JlJ7I 45 6.1 0.119 325 31'1 2-3 11/,J I no P,.5 f). J 65 18~ 3(10 3-5 1"'34I 15 5.3 n.103 325 Jno 3-5 ]?L.' )I 4.5 4.1 () .r)8fl 295 315 ~-10 J.:' 4r I C'·() 8.4 () .163 125 .315 ~-10 l"ll I 15 1n.n r1 .lC'L~ 2('5 .315 '1-10 lJJ{)I I L~5 6.2 () .121 215 315 0.-10 I C(' 134: I 1".1 n.203 175 335 10-12 1434 15 o.n () .175 035 335 10-12 11,3!1-~ 45 B.1 (1.157 225 335 J(J-12 1443 I C)() 7.2 (1.140 130 325 10-12 l'"iJ]/ 15 6.6 n.12~ (J65 325 10-12 1"36 I 1'1.3 (\ .207 205 325 10-12 II 45 llJ/;.1 ()() 7.8 () .l'i2 22fJ .320 10-12 I I I 15 1?.1 0.235 235 320 10-12 I I - 89 - QUATSINO SOUND

Ekman CuiTent Heter Data

Station: Q-19 (continued)

Current Wind Time ;Date Depth Sneed Direction Direction Speed (feet) em/sec Knots o T o T mon.h. 1637/18/VIII/57 45 10.3 0.200 212 320 10-12 1642/ 90 13.5 0.262 025 305 10-12 1733/ 15 5.1 0.099 095 305 10-12 1737/ 45 4.0 0.078 015 305 10-12 1742/ 90 6.5 0.126 260 305 10-12 1748/ sfc 40.2 0.780 108 260 7-10 1832/ 15 4.6 0.089 115 260 7-10 1837/ 45 2.3 0.045 - 260 7-10 1847/ 45 2.3 0.045 145 260 7-10 1855/ 90 7.2 0.140 342 260 7-10 1928/ 15 6.1 0.119 075 260 7-10 1935/ 45 4.8 0.093 035 260 7-10 1942/18/VIII/57 90 5.5 0.107 315 230 1-2

Hot 8 , . "!.-.L


so•IO' "'1-'

:~,, ,:.;1_0· ·~· dill'~, ~:, ·' .,i. ~~'! ~,~) "'

L 50"10' 9- II OCTOBER 1961 QUATSINO SOUND Scale in nautical mlleo

Q ! ' ~ ' ~ ··Low tide line ------5 Fathomo -·-·-·- ---·-10 -- ·-·- -20

' ' ·: ' ' ' i IZ"eo' IIUMO'

Fig. 6. Track chart of stations occupied in Quatsino Sound-Neroutsos Inlet, 9-11 October 1961.

- 93 - Ft Tide 15~~-,----~----~

· Stations Q-1 Weathera Mostly cloudy Times 0915 Cloud: Type Ac Amt. 8 Dates 11/X/61 Winda Dir. 115°T Spd. 7 mph. Lata 5fJO 24.8 1 N Sea: 1 Swell a 4 Longs 12~ 0 0.40' w Air Tempa D. 51 op. W. 46 °F. Depths 564 ft Baro: 1008.7 mb. B.T. Ser. No. 42 Secchi 1 43 ft Co 1 : Green 00 18 Hr

DeGth T s Ot Dissolved oxxgen pi Alkalini tx m) (OC) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 10.4 31.77 24.40 9.00 97.9 8.04 2.18 2.13 2 10.27 31.73 24.39 9.50 103.2 8.07 2.23 2.18 4 10.24 31.73 24.39 9.00 97 .8 8.07 2.13 2.08 6 10.34 31.78 24.40 8.98 97.6 8.11 2.10 2.04 10 10.55 31.91 24.47 ~L96 98 .o ~3.09 2.17 2.11 15 10.'54 31.91 24.48 7.56 82.7 8.09 2.19 2.13 19 10.51 31.97 24.52 8.88 97.2 8.06 2.12 . 2.06 29 10.34 32.10 24.65 8.51 92.9 8.03 2.12 2.07 49 9.94 32.32 24.88 9.00 97.3 8.01 2.12 2.07 68 9.70 32.92 25.40 5.75 62.2 7.86 2.20 2.16 97 8.40 33.21 25.84 4.93 51.6 7.83 2.15 2.12 146 7.50 33.45 .26.16 4.58 47.5 7.71 2.23 .2.21

Ft Tide 15

Stations Q-2 Weathers OVercast, c1earjn§ Time a 0749 Clouds Type Ns-/.c Amt. Date: 9/X/61 Wind: Dir. 260 °T Spd. 5 mph. 5 Lata 50° 25.45 1 N Sea: 2 Swell: 1 Long a 127° 55.02' w Air Temp1 D. 50 Of • w··. 48 Of • Depths 1320 ft Baro: 1002 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 30 Secchi: 15 ft Col: Brownish-green 6 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved oxxgen pi Alkalini tx (m) (•c) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 10.5 28.87 22.12 7.92 84.8 7.87 1.87 1.84 2 10.51 30.41 23.32 7.66 82.9 7.93 2.06 2.02 4 10.44 31.24 24.14 7.66 83.4 7.98 2.11 2.06 6 10.39 31.68 24.32 7.99 87.0 7.96 1.98 1.93 10 10.32 31.88 24.49 7.98 86.9 7.99 2.15 2.10 15 10.20 32.03 24.63 7.98 86.8 7.94 2.14 2.10 20 10.23 32.04 24.63 7.06 76.8 7.96 2.17 2.12 30 10.11 32.18 24.75 7.16 77.6 7.92 2.15 2.11 50 9.46 32.59 25.19 6.33 68.1 7.95 2.20 2.15 70 8.46 33.09 25.74 5.06 53.3 7.87 2.23 2.19 100 8.03 33.25 25.92 4.68 49.0 7.86 2.24 2.20 150 7.86 33.30 25.99 4.57 47.6 7.87 2.28 2.24 200 7.76 33.35 26.04 4.57 47.4 7.81 2.23 2.20 - 94 - Ft Tide 15r---~----~----~

Station: Q-3 Weathers C1earinr,, light clouds Time: 0910 Cloud: Type Cs-Ci Amt. 5 Date: 9/X/61 Winda Dir. 210°T Spd. 4 mph. Lat: 50° 28.77' N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 127° 47.4' W Air Tempa D. 52°F. w. 49°F. Depth: 504 ft Baro: 1003. 7mb. B .T. Ser. No. 31 Secchia 6.5 ft Col()k. ·red brown

Depth T s Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 0 0 / ./ 5.45 4.03 10.01 90.9 7.18 0.48 0.48 ~ 10.58 30.22 23.16 7.57 82.0 7.91 2.03 1.99 4 10.59 30.72 23.54 7.42 80.6 7.91 2.03 1.99 6 10.40 31.41 24.11 6.26 68.1 7.79 2.01 1.98 10 10.29 31.55 24.24 S.84 63.4 7.78 2.13 2.10 15 10.24 31.85 24.48 5.52 60.0 7 .76 2.14 2.11 20 FJ.21 32.()0 24.60 5.25 57.0 7.80 2.14 2.11 30 10.06 32.20 24.7?!, 5.06 54.8 7.78 2.23 2.20 49 9.50 32.55 25.16 5.20 55.8 7.75 2.17 2.14 69 8.41 33.11 25.77 4.62 48.7 7.81 2.24 2.21 99 8.19 33.20 25.86 4.53 47.5 7.83 2.28 2.25 148 8.12 33.23 25.90 4.53 47.4 2.26

Ft Tide l~

Station: Q-4 Weather: Partly cloudy, sunny Time: 1017 Cloud: TypeCs-Ci Amt. 5 Date: ojx/61 Wind: Dir. 240 °T Spd. 3 mph. 5 Lat: 50 ° 31.4' N Sea : 0 Swe 11 : 0 Longs 127° 40.3' W Air Temp: D. 53 °F. w. 50 °F. Depth: 408 ft Baro: 1003.7mb. B.T. Ser. No. 32 Secchi: 13 ft Col:Yl-br 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity (M) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 10.6 24.86 19.00 7.83 81.8 7.74 1.63 1.62 2 10.33 30.44 23.36 5.87 63.4 7.64 1.98 1.96 4 10. 2/,. 31.05 23.86 5.87 63.5 7.62 2.11 2.09 6 10.21 31.12 23.92 5.39 68.3 7.62 2.11 2.09 10 10.09 31.51 24.24 5.08 55.0 7.64 2.15 2.13 15 9.88 31.86 24.55 5.08 54.8 7.64 2.14 2.11 20 9.77 32.02 24.69 4.87 52.4 7.62 2.20 2.18 30 S'.68 32.34 24.95 5.04 54.3 7.70 2.17 2.14 50 q.70 32.97 25.60 4.55 48.2 7.73 2.28 2.26 70 8.30 33.18 25.83 4.25 44.7 7.70 2.23 2.21 99 ~.13 33.24 25.90 4.25 44.5 7.71 2.20 2.18 - 95 - ft Tide 15r---~----~----~

Stations Q-5 Weather &Partly cloudy, showers Times 1128 Cloud: Type Ac-Sc Amt. 6 Dates 9/X/61 Wind: Dir. 130°T Spd. 5 mph. Lata 50° 31.6 1 N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long a 127° 37.25 I W Air Temp a D. 54°f. w. 49°f. Depth: 330 ft Baro: 1003.7 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. Secchi: 10 ft Col: Brownish-yellow 24 Hr

De(rth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Jfl Alkalini t~ m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 10.8 29.05 ?2.21 6.14 66.? 7.63 1.91 1.89 2 10.46 29.92 22.94 5.48 59.1 7.67 2.25 2.22 4 10.29 3(). 70 23.58 5.32 57.5 7.65 2.15 2.12 6 10.21 31.21 23.09 4.88 52.8 7.63 2.16 2.14 10 10.13 31.5S 24.29 4.63 50.1 7.66 2.20 2.17 15 l"Y. 08 31.60 24.31 . 4.52 48.8 7.63 2.19 2.17 20 9.88 31.92 24.69 4.55 49.1 7.7() 2.13 2.10 30 9.57 32.36 24.9S 4.43 47.7 7.70 2.31 2.28 50 8.39 33.13 25.78 3.85 40.5 7.7?. 2.26 2.24 70 8.13 33.22 25.88 3.61 37.9 7.69 2.26 2.24 90 8.06 33.25 25.92 3.50 36.6 7.68

Ft Tide 15

10 Station: Q-6 Weather: Partly cloudy, showers Time: 1329 Cloud: Type Cu-Cb Amt. 6 Date: 9/X/61 Wind: Dir. 130 °T Spdo 5 mph. 5 Lat: 50° 28.8 1 N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 127° 34.8' w Air Temp: D. 53 Of • w. 49 Of. Depth: 6no ft Baroa 1002 mb. 06 B.T. Ser. No. 34 Secchi: 10 ft Col:Lt. brown 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s at Dissolved ox~gen Iii Alkalini t~ {m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 11.2 25.66 19.52 7.46 79.2 7.72 1.71 1.69 2 10.74 ?.9 .88 22.86 6.56 71.1 7.72 1.98 1.95 4 1().'57 3().52 23.39 5.34 57.8 7.64 2.06 2 .n4 6 lfl .44 31.22 23.95 4.96 43.9 7.'57 2.13 2.11 10 10.38 31.42 24.12 4.71 51.2 7.58 2.15 2.13 14 9.95 32.04 24.68 4.93 53.3 7.69 2.18 2.15 19 9.98 32.20 24.79 4.79 51.8 7.77 2.20 2.17 29 9.82 32.43 25.00 4.82 52.2 7.77 2.2() 2.17 48 9.17 32.76 25.36 4.32 46.0 7.78 2.16 2.13 68 9.70 33.09 25.'53 4.fJ6 44.0 7.73 2.22 2.19 97 8.14 33.22 25.88 3.94 41.3 7.78 2.20 2.17 145 7.91 33.31 25.99 3.98 41.5 7.81 2.27 2.24 - 96 - ft Tide 15~--~~----~----

Station: '<~.-7 Weather:Cloudy-sunny intervals Time: 1447 Cloud: Type Cu Amt. 7 Date: 9/X/61 Winds Dir. 130°T Spd. 5 mph. Lat: 50 ° 27.85 IN Sea: 0 Swells 0 Long: V7° 32.3 1 w Air Temp s D• 50 ° f • W• 46 Of • Depth: 636 ft Baro: 1002 mb. 0 B .T. Ser. No. 35 Secchis 10 ft Co 1: Brown 6 12 18 24 Hr

De(rth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen ~ Alkali nit~ m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 n.o 25.71 19.60 7.45 82.3 7.56 1.77 1.75 2 l(l .85 ::>.6.63 20.33 7.23 76.7 7.77 1.85 1.82 4 10.!S4 2R.!SO ?1.88 6.L,4 69.1 7.71 1.9S' 1.07 6 1().64 30.78 23.58 4.98 54.2 7.S4 2.ll 2.09 10 10.31 31.69 24.35 4.69 51.0 7.6" 2.16 2.14 15 ().85 32.29 24.88 4.6S' 50.7 7.71 2.23 2.20 20 9.86 32.37 24.95 4.42 47.7 7.86 2.22 2.18 30 8.72 32.57 25.12 4.46 48.2 7.85 2.27 2.23 tj() 8.88 32.87 25.50 3.07 32.6 7. 7L, 2.27 2.25 70 8.30 33.17 25.82 3.7q 39.8 7.7(>, 2.28 2.25 1()0 R.ll 33.23 25.90 3.84 40.2 7.81 2.26 2.23 150 7.74 33.37 2fl.n6 3.85 40 .o 7.84 2.23 2.20 180 7.52 33.43 26.14 3.25 33.6 7.74 2.23 2.21

ft Tide 1~

Station: '~-8 Weather: lfost1y cloudy Time: 1606 Cloud: Typecu..:Ns Amt. 7 Date: '/X/61 Wind: Dir. 160 °T Spd. 10 mph. 5 Lat: 50 o 26 .rl I N Sea: 0.50 Swell: 0 Long: 127o 3n.t:;l w Air Temp: D. 52 Of • w. 48 Of • Depth: 624 ft Baro: 1002 mb. 0 B .T. Ser. No. 36 Secchi: 11.5 ft Col: Brown 6 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s at Dissolved ox~gen ~ Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 10.8 22.04 16.78 7.12 73.2 7.48 1.55 1.54 ::> 10.(>,6 29.73 2?..73 5.93 64.3 7.62 2.03 2.n1 4 10.69 3().45 23.32 5.17 56.3 7.62 2.10 2.08 6 10.'56 30.98 23.75 4.77 51.9 7.53 2.10 2.08 10 10.33 31.77 24.40 4.49 48.8 7.h2 2.16 2.14 15 10.14 31.0 9 24.60 4.65 50.4 7.68 2.13 2.10 20 a.qs 32.30 24.87 4.49 48.6 7.76 2.18 2.15 30 9.5* 32.42 25.04 4.30 48.';· 7.79 2.17 2.14 50 9.03 32.92 25.51 2.65 28.2 7.70 2.23 2.2n 7() 8.65 33.11 25.72 3.62 38.4 7.82 2.23 2.20 1()() 8.10 33.22 25.89 3.66 38.4 7.77 2.17 2.14 150 7.64 33.40 26.10 3.47 36.0 7.80 2.25 2.22 180 7.51 33.43 26.14 2.77 28.7 7.70 2.20 2.18 *Temperature taken from B.T. trace. - 97 - Tide

Stations Q-9 Weather: Unsettled - 1t. rain Times 1758 Cloud: Type Ac-Ns Amt. 10 Dates 9/X/61 Winds Dir. 1400T Spd. 5 mph. Lata 50° 24.3' N Sea : 0 Swe llz 0 Longs 127° 30.6' W Air Temp: D. 47°F. W. 45°F. Depths 474 ft Baro: 1003 mb. B.T. Ser. No. 37 Secchi: 8 ft Col: Dk. brown

Depth T s Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo). {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 10.4 8.19 6.11 8.68 8LO 7.14 o.62 o.62 2 10.67 29.63 22.69 5.45 59.0 7.60 2.01 1.99 4 10.57 30.32 23.23 5.58 60.4 7.61 2.06 2.04 6 10.56 31.09 23.84 4.54 49.3 7.42 2.06 2.05 10 10.29 31.87 24.49 4.53 49.2 7.65 2.14 2.11 15 10.20 32.16 24.73 4.53 49.2 7.53 2.15 2.13 20 10.17 32.28 24.83 4-41 47.9 7.74 2.19 2.16 30 10.09 32.38 24.92 4.16 45.2 7.72 2.25 2.22 50 9.14 32.76 25.37 2.37 25.3 7.57 2.25 2.23 70 8.23 33.14 25.80 3.45 36.2 7.72 2.23 2.21 100 8.01 33.24 25.92 3.42 35.8 7.65 2.25 2.23 130 7.72 33.34 26.04 3.33 34.6 7.75

Stations Q-10 Weather:Light rain Time: 1913 Cloud a Type Ac-Ns Amt • 10 Date: 9/X/61 Winds Dir. 260 °T Spd. 8 mph. 5 Lat: 50° 23.73 1 N Sea: 1 Swell: 0 Long: 127° 28.6 1 W Air Temp: D. 47 °F. w. 45 °F. Depth: 324 ft Baro: 1003 mb. 0 6 B.T. Ser. No. 38 Sec chi : 6. 5 ft Co 1: Brown 12 24 Hr

Depth T s Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 10.1 8.48 6.37 8.24 76.6 7.04 0.63 0.63 2 10.65 29.91 22.90 5.79 62.6 7.55 2.08 2.06 4 10.51 31.01 23.79 4.33 47 .o 7.60 2.09 2.07 6 10.54 31.11 23.85 4.37 47.5 7.55 2.06 2.04 10 10.37 31.95 24.54 4.21 45.8 7.65 2.18 2.15 15 10.31 32.26 24.79 2.71 29.6 7.71 2.15 2.12 20 10.22 32.33 24.86 4.29 46.7 7.76 2.24 2.21 30 9.93 32.42 24.98 3.76 40.7 7.71 2.20 2.17 50 9 3* 32.88 25.45 2.33 25. B 7,61 2.19 :.17 70 8.16 33.15 25.82 3.32 34.8 7.75 2.24 2.21 90 8,1* 33.22 25.89 3.49 37. ~; *Temperature taken from B.T. trace. - 98 - Ft Tide 15r---~----~----~

Station: Q-11 Weather: Rain Time: 2054 Cloud: Type Ns Amt. 10 Date: 9/X/61 Wind: Dir. 260 or Spd. 2-5 mph. Lat: 50° 23.0' N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 127° 27.4' w Air Temp: D. 46°F. w. 46°F. Depth: 174 ft Baro: 1003.7 mb. 0 B •T • Se r • No • 39 Secchi a 6.5 ft Col: Brown 6 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 9.5 4.85 3.60 8.67 86.7 7.39 n.55 0.55 2 10.55 30.70 23.53 4.62 50.2 7 .(jJ 2.14 2.12 4' 10.55 31.27 23.98 4.11 44.8 7.60 2.15 2.13 6 10.48 32.00 24.56 4.03 44.1 7.56 2.10 2.08 10 10.43 32.21 24.73 3.74 41.0 7.56 2.16 2.14 15 10.30 32.30 24.82 3.69 40.3 7.58 2.36 2.34 20 10.29 32.33 24.85 3.69 40.3 7.70 2.14 2 .. 11 30 9.97 32.45 25.00 3.fo5 39.6 7.68 2.10 2.07 50 8.48 33.00 25.66 0.95 10.0 7.50 2.27 2.25

Ft Tide 15

10 Station: Q=·l2 Weather: Rain Time: 22()g Cloud: Type Ns Amt.10 Date: 9/X/61 Wind: Dir. 260 or Spd. 1-3 mph. 5 Lat: 50° 22.1 1 N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 1;~? 0 :::_6 .6 I w Air Temp: D. op. w. Of. Depth: '1'7?... ,_ ft Baro: 1002.7 mb. 0 B .r. Ser. No. 40 Secchi: ft Col: 6 12 18 24 Hr

Depth '· T s at Dissolved ox~gen pH Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb.

0 1).~ 2.75 1.45 10.42 101.5 7.36 I) .10 0.10 2 10.62 28.89 22.11 4.19 45.1 7.47 1.81 1.80 4 10.56 31.16 23.89 4.03 43.3 7.52 2.10 2.08 >' 0 10.1)5 31.80 24.39 3.84 42.0 7.58 2.0R 2.06 iO 10.64 31.95 24.49 3.57 39.3 7.60 1.96 1.94 15 10.41 32.29 24.79 3.57 39.1 7.63 2.15 2.13 ;~o 10.25 32.38 24 .. 89 3.32 36.3 7.63 1.98 1.96 30 9.92 32.48 25.02 3.11 33.7 7.66 2.19 2.16 50 8.41 33.01 25.68 0.41 4.3 7.50 2.23 2.21 - 99 - Tide

Station: Q-13 Weathers Light rain Time: 2305 Cloud: Type Ns Amt. 10 Date: 9/X/61 Wind: Dir. 260°T Spd.1-3 mph. Lab 50° 21.1' N Sea: 0 Swells 0 Long: 127° 26.5' w Air Temp: D. 43°F. w. 43°F. Depth: 126 ft Baro: 1002. 7mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 41 Secchi a 8 ft Co 1 : Brown 6 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (m) (•c) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 8.6 1.48 1.02 10.38 89.1 7.20 0.31 0.31 2 10.74 29.90 22.88 3.74 40.5 7.45 1.79 1.77 4 10.68 30.56 23.41 4.75 51.7 7.51 2.06 2.04 6 10.73 3.79 2.01 10 10.73 31.72 24.30 3.53 38.8 7.45 2 .(16 2.04 15 10.45 32.30 24.80 3.47 38.0 7.57 2.16 2.14 20 10.32 32.38 24.89 3.32 36.3 7.61 2.2e 2.26 30 9.98 32.48 25.01 2.74 29.7 7.71 2.25 2.22 35 9.75 32.54 25.10 2.65 28.7 7.77 2.18 2.15

Ft Tide 15 I I .. 10 1- - Station: Weather: Time: Cloud: Type Amt. Date: Wind: Dir. 0 T Spd. mph. 5 - Lata N Sea a Swell: - Long: w Air Temp: D. •F. w. •F. Depth: ft Baro: mb. 0 I I B.T. Ser. No. Secchi a ft Cola

Depth r· s at Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (•c) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

I Ill 1M\..ET

...... so• 3d 0 ......

:l.. •l ~t.. 8· ~~:-~~·. ~~'). ., i,~!~~~l ..... ,.fl.i''C .:_.; < ~ 50"25'

4-5 N

t ~7':\~'J:~·-~.

':..~~...... } ~,\ ....~' 'f Low tide line ...... 5 Fathoma ------10 ---- -20 .'?{~~{~";

' \ , ,.llj

~\ "''1/ IIT1&0' 12'1.40' 11:r•W

Fig. 7. Track chart of stations occupied in Quatsino Sound, 4-5 November 1962.

- 103 - ft Tide 15r---~-----T----~

Station: Q-1 Weather: Overcast, lt. rain Time: 2353 Cloud: Type Ns Amt. 8 Date: 5/XI/62 Wind: Dir. 130 °T Spd. 13 mph. Lat: 50° 23.5' N Sea: 3 Swell: 3 Long: 128° 04.5' w Air Temp: D. 52°f. w. 50°f. Depth: 264 ft Baro: 1018 mb. 0 B.T~ Ser. No. 56 Secchi a ft Col: 12 18 6Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 11.4 30.70 23.39 8.71 99.6 8.04 2.06 2.01 2 11.70 30.86 23.47 8.67 100.0 8.06 2.03 1.97 4 11.76 31.08 23.62 8.73 99.6 8.03 2.14 2.09 6 11.81 31.14 23.66 8.70 100.7 8.08 2.14 2.08 10 11.94 31.39 23.83 8.60 100.0 8.12 2.15 2.09 15 12.14 31.70 24.02 8.59 100.3 8.15 2.17 2.11 20 12.17 31.71 24.03 8.66 101.3 8.13 2.16 2.10 30 12.24 31.73 24.03 8.46 99.1 8.15 2.22 2.16 50 12.23 31.78 24.07 8.52 100.0 8.15 2.18 2.12 70 12.21 31.99 24.23 8.63 101.4 8.15 2.21 2.15

Ft Tide 15----~----~----~

Station:Q-2 Weather:Cloudy, unsettled Time: 2139 Cloud: Type Ns Amt. 9 Date: 5/XI/62 Wind: Dir. 070 or Spd. 8 mph. 5 Late 50° 28.4' N Sea: 2 Swell: 1 Long a 127° 55 .2' w Air Temp: D. 48 °f. w. 48 Of • Depth a 672 ft Baro: 1016 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 55 Secchi: ft Col: 12 18 24 6Hr

Depth T s at Dissolved ox~gen pH Alkalini t~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 10.3 27.32 20.98 8.54 93.2 7.87 1.85 1.82 2 10.97 29.09 22.21 7.40 83 .o 7.85 1.99 1.96 4 10.90 29.16 22.28 7.12 79.5 7.85 1.99 1.96 6 11.00 29.46 22.50 7.06 79.3 7.87 2.03 lo99 10 11.14 30.07 22.95 7.00 79.1 7.93 2.06 2.02 15 11.68 30.71 23.35 8.21 94.4 8.08 2.15 . 2.09 20 11.80 30.90 23.48 8.38 97.0 8.03 2.14 2.09 30 11.92 31.30 23.76 8.70 100.9 8.07 2.16 2.10 50 11.72 31.79 24.18 8.08 93 .. 8 8.08 2.17 2.11 100 10.00 32.44 24.98 5.37 60.3 7.88 2.23 2.19 150 9.65 32.58 25.15 5.47 61.1 7.88 2.23 2.19 180 9.63 32.60 25.17 5.39 60.0 7.88 2.23 2.19 ••• I - 104 - ., Ft Tide 15~------~ .. '•Station: Q-3 Weather: Intermittent rain Tintea 0741 Cloud a Type Ns~tc Amt. l-0 Dates 4/XI/62 Winda Dir. - ~T Spd. 0 mph. Lata 50° 28.8 1 N Sea 1 0 S~ell.: 0 Lo~g a 127° 1.7 .41 W Air Temp1 o. S0°F. W. 50°F. De~~h: . ~0 ft 8aro 1 1005 mb. . 0 B.T. Ser. No. 37 Secchi I 20 ft Col: le11owisp-gre~n o'-----'----'12--1~8 Hr

Depth T 5 Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity (m) (oC) ( 0 /oo) (m97n ·· ,;··sat. Total Carb. 0 11.0 28,89 22.05 6.72 75.2 3.74 1.99 1.99 2 10.90 28.89 2?.07 6.63 74.0 ·7!83 2.00 1.97 4 i0.9.2 ~.28 22.37 6.'T.I 71.1 7.78 1,99 t•96 6 10;89 ~9.57 2~.60 6.30 70.7 7.84 2~Q5 2.02 10 lQ;88 29~77 2?.76 6.40 71.9 7.87 •2 ,09 __ 2.• 06 15 iia5 j0.19 23.03 6.96 78.7 7.97 2;.05 2.00 20 11~43 ~.66 2~.35 7.68 87.8 7,98 2•14 2.69 30 ~1;78 31.07 ~3.51 7.55 87.2 8.06 2~1,6 2o.10 49 1~SO ~1.57 24.04 7.68 88.4 ~Lo4 2.11 ?•06 69 10~3,3 32.17 24.70 6.05 68.2 7.94 2~4 2o.l.Q 99 '9;82 32.45 2s.o2 5.16 57.7 7.90 2.21 2~17 \ 1.9 9.78 32.46 25 .0.3 5.16 57.7 7.89 2.20 2.16

••• Ft Tide 15~--~----~--~

10 St~ti on a Q-4 Weather1Intermittent rain n*'e: 0917 Cloud 1 Type So ~!llt .l._o Da ~e: 4/XI/62 WiQda l)l.r. 04Q ,,T ~pd. 6 ~ph. 5 tat 1 so• 31.2 • N Sea 1 0 ;$we)l1• 0 torg1 127• 40.7• w Air Temp a D•. 50 °F • W• 50 'F, Depth I 408 ft Baro a 1005 mb. 0 ...._ ____._ ___,_----:-~ 1 B.T. Ser. No. 38 Secchi 1 21 ft Co~ 1¥e11owish-:-green 0 6 12 1~ Hr

Depth T 5 Dissolved oxygen~ Pi Alkalinity 0 ~- ·% ··sat • (m) <•c> ( /oo) '- (iii97rr total Carb. 0 11.2 29.50 22.49 6.30 71.1 ., •73 1.95 1.92 2 10.94 29.51 22.55 6.13 68.9 7.78 2.00 1.97 4 10.85 29.70 22.61 6.15 69.0 7.82 2.00 1.97 6 10.85 29.73 22.63 6.15 69.0 7.83 2.00 1.97 10 10.83 29.90 22.87 6.19 69.5 7.85 2.06 2.03 15 10.83 29.97 22.92 6.13 68.9 7.92 2.05 2.01 20 10.88 30.25 23.14 6.53 73.6 7.86 2.03 1.99 30 10.98 30.75 23.50 6.83 77.4 7.91 2.09 2.05 ·•( 50 10.76 31.86 24.40 6.65 75.6 7.93 2.17 2.13 tf· 100 9.90 32.28 24.86 5.12 57 •.3 7.83 2.19 2.16 140 9.38 32.58 25.19 4.09 45.2 7.75 2.23 2.20 - 105 - Ft Tide 15r----,----~----~

Station: Q-5 Weathers Clearing Time: 1031 Cloud: Type St Amt. 8 Date: 4/XI/62 Winds Dir. - 0 T Spd. 0 mph. Lat: 50° 31.5' N Sea: 0 Swells 0 Long: 127° 37.3' w Air Temp: D. 54 °f. W• 5J Of • Depth: 312 ft Baro: 1005 mb. 0 B .r. Ser. No. 39 Secchi: 23 ft Col: Yellowish~greeno 6 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalinit~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 11.1 29.43 22.46 6.18 69.6 7.76 2.00 1.97 2 10.85 29.53 22.58 6.05 67.8 7.81 2.05 2.02 4 10.79 29.73 22.64 6.13 68.7 7.81 2.06 2.03 6 10.78 29.90 22.88 6.05 67.8 7.85 2.06 2.03 10 10.79 29.91 22.89 6.17 69.2 7.81 2.09 2 .. 06 15 10.80 29.91 22.88 6.11 68.7 7.85 2.08 2 .. 05 20 10.79 30.00 22.94 6.17 69.3 7.85 2.07 2.04 30 10.81 30.52 23.35 6.39 72.0 7.87 2.09 2.05 50 10.89 31.63 24.20 6 .. 83 77.7 7.93 2.17 2.13 70 10.07 32.17 24.76 4.66 52.1 7.86 2.18 2.14 100 9.46 .32.55 25.16 4.15 46.0 7.78 2.23 2.20

10 Station: Q-6 Weather: Clearing Time: 1136 Cloud: Type Sc-Ac Amt. 7 Date : 4/XI/62 Wind: Dir. - 0 T Spd. 0 mph. 5 Lat: 50° 32.0 1 N Sea : 0 Swe 11 : 0 Long: 127° 35 .8' W Air Temp: D. 56°f. w. 54°f. Depth : 144 ft Baro: 1005 mb. o~--~----_.----~ B .r. Ser. No. 40 Secchi: 26 ft Col: Green 0 6 12 18 Hr

Depth T S Dissolved ox~gen pH Alkalini t~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

0 11.2 29.22 22.27 6.30 71.2 7.8; 1.99 1.96 2 10.86 29.55 22.60 6.10 68.4 7.85 2.03 2.00 4 10.85 29.62 22.65 6.10 68.4 7.85 2 .. 03 2.00 6 10.80 29.65 22.69 6.06 67.8 7.84 2.05 2.02 10 10.78 29.76 22.77 6.12 68.5 7 .. 85 2.05 . 2.02 15 10.78 29.85 22.84 6.06 67.8 7 .. 87 2 .. 09 2.05 20 10.79 29.94 22.90 6.13 68.6 7.86 2.06 2.02 30 10.77 31.03 23 .. 06 6.44 72.7 7.90 2.12 2.08 40 10.64 31.68 23.51 6.40 72.3 7 .. 93 2.14 2.10 - 106 - Ft Tide 15r----,----~----~

Station: Q-7 Weather: Clearing Time: 1246 Cloud: Type Sc-Ac Amt. 6 Date: 4/XI/62 Winds Dir. ll0°T Spd. 11 mph. Lat: 50° 33.8' N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 127° 33.2' w Air Temp: D. 59°f. W• 56 Of • Depth: 456 ft Baro: 1003 mb. 0 B .T. Ser. No. 41 Secchi: 21 ft Col: Yellowish-green 0 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox::Lgen pi Alkalini t::L (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 12.0 20.50 15.40 9.45 102.4 7.85 2.18 2.15 ') "'" 11.06 25.78 19.64 7.45 81.8 7.83 1.82 1.79 4 10.83 27.84 21.28 7.14 79.0 7.84 1.94 lo91 6 10.75 28.37 21.69 6.84 75.8 7.84 1.99 1.96 10 10.73 29.28 22.40 6.67 74.4 7.86 2.03 1.99 15 10.71 29.43 22.52 6.'55 73.2 7.88 2.09 2.05 20 10.71 29.63 22.68 6.64 74.2 7.85 2.03 2.00 30 10.69 29.88 22.88 6.60 73.9 7.85 2.05 2.02 50 10.68 30.11 23.06 6.64 72.3 7.85 2.07 2.04 100 10.59 30.58 23.43 5.83 65.4 7.81 2.12 2.09 lL~O 10.36 31.47 24.16 4.29 48.1 7.69 2.16 2.13

Ft Tide 15

10 Station: Q-8 Weather: Partly cloudy Time: 1401 Cloud: Type Cs-Ci Amt. 6 Date: 4/XI/62 Wind: Dir. - 0 T Spd.Light airs 5 Lat: 50° 35 .2' N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 127° 35 .4' w Air Temp: D. 62 Of • w. 58 Of • Depth: 414 ft Baro: 1001 rnb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 42 Secchi: 23 ft Col: Yellowish-green 6 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s crt Dissolved ox::Lgen pi Alkalini t::L (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. c 12.5 19.49 14.55 8.82 96.0 7.96 L40 L36 -, ?.-'. 11.20 24.91 18.95 7.49 82 .o 7.96 1.81 1.77 4 10.67 28.65 21.92 5.53 61.3 8.01 2.01 1.,97 6 10.66 29.03 22.22 5.75 64.0 7.83 2 .. 04 2.01 10 10.66 29.37 22.48 5.91 65.9 7.85 2.05 2.02 1.<:: ~./ 10.66 29.58 22.64 5.92 66.1 7.89 2.09 2.05 .20 10.66 29.74 22.77 5.90 66.0 7.86 2"07 2.03 30 10.70 29.91 22.90 6.06 67.8 7.86 2.05 2.01 50 10.65 30.10 23.05 5.87 65.8 7.81 2.09 2.06 100 10.51 30.59 23.46 7.79 2.14 2.11 130 10.37 31.34 24.06 7.67 2.15 2.12 - 107 - ft Tide l5r---~----~----~

Station:Q-9 Weather: Heavy rain Time: 0836 Cloud: Type Ns Amt.10 Date: 5/XI/62 Wind: Dir. 040 °T Spd. 3 mph. Lata 50° 35 .8' N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 127° 34.7' w Air Temp: D. 46 °f. W• 46 Of • Depth: 246 ft Baro: 1004 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 46 Secchia 16.5ft Col :Yellowish-brown o 6 12 18 Hr

Depth T s eft Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb.

0 10.7 19.48 14.82 8.17 85.3 7.70 1.46 1.44 2 10.98 27.89 21.30 6.16 68.5 7.78 1.99 1.96 4 10.89 28.51 21.78 6.05 67.4 7.79 2 .. 05 2.02 6 10.72 28.92 22.13 5.99 66.7 7.81 2.01 1.98 10 10.70 29.30 22.42 5.99 66.7 7.82 2.08 2.05 14 10.70 29.45 22.54 5.98 66.7 7.86 2.10 2.06 1.9 10.68 29.56 22.63 5.93 66.2 7.84 2.08 2.05

Ft Tide 15r---~----~----·

10 Station: Q-10 Weather: Clouding over Time: 1514 Cloud: Type Cu-Sc Amt. 10 Date: 4/XI/62 Wind: Dir. 130 °T Spd. 8 mph. 5 Lat: 50° 35 .4' N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Longa 127° 40.6' W Air Temp: D. 57°f. w. 55 °f. Depth: 384 ft Baro: 1000 mb. 0 '------'---__....--~ B.T. Ser. No. 43 Secchi: 16 ft Col :Yellowish-brown 6 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s eft Dissolved oxygen pH Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 11.8 19.38 14.58 8.44 90.3 7.79 1.46 1.43 2 11.21 25.48 19.47 6.36 69.9 7.79 1.79 1.76 4 10.73 28.28 21.62 5.58 61.8 7.78 1.99 1.96 6 10.64 28.92 22.14 5.60 62.2 7.80 2.00 1.97 10 10.62 29.27 22.40 5.68 63.2 7.00 2.06 2.03 15 10.58 29.53 22.62 5.56 62.0 7.86 2.09 2.05 20 10.62 29.68 22.73 5.77 64.4 7.80 2.06 2.03 30 10.59 29.93 22.93 5.73 63.9 7.81 2.09 2.06 50 10.53 30.-11 23.08 5.51 61.5 7.80 2.09 2.06 100 10.50 30.53 23.41 4.62 51.7 7.73 2.14 2.11 - 108 - Ft Tide 15.---~~----r----,

Station:Q-11 Weather:C1oudy Time: 1625 Cloud: TypeCu-Sc Amt .10 Date: 4/XI/62 Wind: Dir. 130 °T Spd. 12 mph. Lab 50° 36.3 1 N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 1:no 4R .3' w Air Temp: D. 57 Of • w. 52 Of • Depth: 246 ft Baros 1000 mb. . 0 B.T. Ser. No. 44 Secchi: 6.5 ft Col:Ye11owish-brown 6 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved oxygen pH Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) . %sat. Total Garb • 0 11.2 13.06 9.80 9.04 91.8 7.76 1.18 1.15 ? 10.91 ?5.59 19.52 5.77 62.3 7.71 1.84 1.82 4 10.~0 27.72 21.19 5.04 5'5.8 7.69 1.96 1.94 6 10.63 28.61 21.90 4.99 55.3 7.71 1.()9 1.97 10 10.75 29.27 22.39 5.39 60.2 7.76 2 .()2 1.99 14 10.5~ 20.51 22.61 S.45 60.7 7.81 2.06 2.03 19 10.58 29.56 2'? .64 5.38 60.0 7.77 2.04 2.01 29 10.56 29.75 22.~0 5.38 60.0 7.75 2.07 2.04 48 10.54 30.01 23.00 5.n9 56.9 7.72 2 .CJ7 2.04

ft Tide 15~-----.-----.----.

Station :•-2 -12 Weather: Intermittent rain Time: 1751 Cloud: Type Cu-Sc Amt. 10 Date: 4/XI/62 Wind: Dir. 120°T Spd. 8 mph. 5 Lat: 5rJ 0 Y~ .3' N Sea : 1 Swe 11 : 0 Longa 1/7° 5~.1 1 W Air Temp: D. 52°f. w. 50 °f. Depth: 186 ft Baro: 998 mb. B.T. Ser. No. 45 Secchi: ft Col: 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved oxygen pH Alkalinity (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 11.0 6.70 4.88 9.93 96.8 7.6° (). C)O (). 88 ? 10.74 '?.() .49 1l).59 6.35 66.9 7.59 1.59 1.57 4 10.71 ?8.39 n.71 4.79 53.1 7.59 2Jl1 1.99 6 1() .65 2~.93 22.14 4.78 53.1 7.65 2.03 2.01 10 10.60 29.26 22.40 4.78 53.1 7.A7 2.09 2.(16 15 10.60 '?0 .46 22.56 4.60 51.'? 7.70 2.09 2.06 20 10.6() 2°.59 22.66 4.6?. 51.5 7.67 '?.09 2.06 3(1 lr1 .S7 2° .8/~ n.87 4.64 51.7 7.69 2.09 2 .C16 50 ().96 J?.15 24.76 2.13 23.8 7.56 2.25 2.23 - 109 - ft Tide 15r----,----~----~

Station: Q-13 Weather: Rain Time: Cloud: Type Ns Amt.10 Date: 1~75 XI/62 Wind: Dir. 080 or Spd. 3 mph. Lata 50° 34.81 N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 127° 30.7 w Air Temp: D. 47 °f. W• 47 Of • Depth: 432 ft Baro: 1005 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 48 Secchi: 20 ft Col:Ye11owish-green 0 6 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 10.7 26.52 20.28 7.40 81.0 7.77 1.90 1.87 2 10.88 26.99 20.60 7.18 79.2 7.79 1.91 1.88 4 10.85 28.05 21.42 6.59 72.8 7.82 1.99 1.96 6 10.73 29.20 22.34 7.81 2.05 2.02 10 10.73 29.34 22.45 7.82 2.01 1.98 15 10.70 29.48 22.56 7.86 2.05 2.01 20 10.70 29.64 22.69 7.83 2.05 2.02 30 10.69 29.99 22.96 7.83 2.09 2.06 50 10.68 30.19 23.12 7.80 2.07 2.04 100 10.56 30.57 23.43 5.20 58.3 7.78 2.09 2.06 130 10.51 31.49 24.16 3.84 43.0 7.68 2.16 2.13

Ft Tide 15~--~-----T----~

10 Station: Q-14 Weather: Rain Time: 0958 Clouda Type Ns Amt. 10 Date: 5/XI/62 Wind a Di r. - 0 T Spd. 0 mph • 5 Lata 50°35.4' N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Longa 127° 26.4' W Air Tempa D. 46 °f. w. 46°f. Depth : 216 ft Baro: 1004 mb. 0 .___ __.. ____._ ____. B.T. Ser. No. 47 Secchi: 16.5 ft Col: Yellowish-brownO 12 18 Hr

Depth T S Dissolved ox~gen pH Alkalini t~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 9.7 14.72 11.27 9.21 91.5 7.80 0.93 0.90 2 11.03 28.04 21.38 6.62 73.7 7.83 1.96 . 1.93 4 10.97 28.31 21.61 6.76 75.3 7.83 1.99 1.96 6 10.85 28.59 21.85 6.26 69.8 7.83 1.99 1.96 10 10.75 29.00 22.18 6.04 67.2 7.84 1.94 1.91 15 10.67 29.40 22.50 5.86 65.3 7.84 2.09 2.06 20 10.68 29.49 22.57 5.87 65.5 7.83 2.05 2.02 30 10.66 29.73 22.76 5.91 66.0 7.83 2.06 2.03 50 10.61 30.02 22.99 5.79 64.8 7.81 2.07 2.04 •• - 110 - ft Tide 15r----,----~----, .. 'station:Q-15 Weather: Rain Timf:!: 1222 Cloud: TypeNs Amt .10 Oat~ a 5/XI/62 Wind: Dh·· 120 •T Spd. 18 mph. Lata 50° 29.8' N Sea: 1 Swell: 0 Long: 127° 34.8' w Air Temp a o. 47 °f. w. 47 Of • Depth: 396 ft Baro: 1006 mb. 0 B.T. Ser-. No. 49 Secchi: 15 ft Col: Yellowish-green o 6 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen Alkalini t~ (m) (•c) ( 0 /oo) hng/1) % sat. Total Carb. . 0 10.7 28.32 21.66 6.23 69.0 7.66 1.95 1.92 ' z, 10.67 28.35 21.70 6.22 68.9 7.67 1.99 1.97 4 10.75 28.53 21.81 6.12 68.0 7.73 1.99 1.97 6 28.98 22.15 6.14 68.5 7.71 2.00 1.98 10 10.83 :?.9.82 22.80 6.30 70.7 7.80 2.06 2 .0.3 1~? 10.R3 J0.06 22.99 6.29 70.6 7.86 2.09 2.05 20 1rJ.85 30.30 23.17 6.32 71.1 7.87 2.10 2.06 jO 10.99 30.88 23.60 6.83 78.6 7.93 2.13 2.09 50 10.80 31.53 24.14 6.66 75.5 7.93 2.15 2.11 70 9.94 32.24 24.83 5.06 56.5 7.83 2,21 2.18 .. ft Tide 15----~~--~----~

Station:Q-16 Weather: Rain - continuous Time: 1.345 Cloud: Type Na Amt. 10 Date: 5/XI/62 Wind: Oir. 150°T Spd. 8 mph. 5 Lata 50° 27.8' N Sea: 1 Swell: 0 Long a ll7° 32 .2 ' w Air Temp: o. J;i•f. Wo 47 Of. Depth: 600 ft Baro: 1007 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 50 Secchi: 13 ft Col: Yellowish··green 6 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T 5 at Dissolved ox~gen Jfl. Alkalini t~ (rr.) (•c) (• /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

.~.. _,.., 0 10.7 I ,. 28.15 21.53 6.67 73.7 / o? 1.96 l.q/+ 10.68 28.13 21.52 6.45 71.3 ?.64 1.96 l.q4 4.. 10.71 2S.25 21.60 6.52 72.2 7.65 1.9h 1.~)4 (1 10.85 29.35 22.44 6.55 72.8 7.73 2.05 2.02 10 "''C lO.S4 29.76 22.76 6.68 75.0 7 .( / 2.07 2.04 1 ., 10.8'2 30.18 23.08 .:.73 ?5.7 7.89 2.10 • ;2 .06 ;w 10.82 30.39 23.25 6.61 74.5 ?.$4 2.09 .....•) uo'l_F. 30 10.78 .30 .73 23.52 6.?.6 70.5 7.80 <.12. 2o09 so 10.66 31.58 24.20 6.34 77.4 (j'-' 7.89 2.16 l.12. 100 9.74 32.46 25.04 4.58 51.2 7.7( 2.-~2 2.1') \7<} 9.?? 33.51 25.85 2.51 28.~~ 7 .r~r:.. 2.28 2~~5 - 111 - Ft Tide 15~------~----

Station:Q-17 Weather: Overcast Times 1930 Cloud: Type ns Amt. 10 Dates r:;jJJ /6'?. Wind: Dir. 140 °1 Spd. 10 mph. Lata 50° ?6.0 1 N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Longs 127° 30.3 1 w Air Temp: D. 46 Of • w. 44 Of • Depth: 5RR ft . Bar.o: 1013 mb •. 06 a .T. Ser. No. 54 Secchi & ft Col: 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox~gen pH Alkalinit~ (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb. 0 10.5 '?6.94 20.63 (,. 76 73 -~' 7.69 1.94 1.92 ') 10.49 ;:>6.99 2o.6g 6.56 71.7 7.74 1.n7 1.n5 4 10.56 ?7 .06 2fl.g1 6.56 71.7 7.75 1.n5 1.n3 5 10.71 ;:>8.7'13 2?.01 6.:->3 69~2 7.75 2.()1 1.99 9 10.88 '?.9.67 22.68 5.n2 66.5 7.76 2.06 2 .. 03 14 10.83 '?.0 .88 '?.2.85 5.95 66.9 7.82 2.07 2.04 18 10.84 30.2'13 23.16 6.15 69.2 7·.g3 2.11 2.08 27 10.78 30.65 23.46 5.84 65.8 7.M 2.10 2.07 46 10.68 31.38 24.01~ 4.83 54.6 7.77 2.17 2.14 91 C:.78 32.32 24.95 4.63 51.6 7.7C: 2.20 2.17 137 7.65 33.34 '?.6.05 2.79 29.8 7.7() 2.26 2.23

ft Tide 15------~----~--~

10 Station: Q-18 Weather: Overcnst Time: 1R21 Cloud& Type Ns Amt. 10 Date: 5/XI/62 Wind: Dir. - 0 T Spd. Lieht airs 5 Lat: 50° 24.3 1 N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 1?7° 29.3' W Air Temp: D. 48 °f. w. 48 °f. Depth: 396 ft Baro: 1012 mb. 0 ~....-. ____..._ __ ...______,~ B.r. Ser. No. 53 Secchi: ft Col: 6 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s

0 10.6 26.33 20.15 6.69 72.9 7.36 1.85 1.84 2 10.65 28.07 ?1.48 6.21 68.7 7.76 1.99 1.96 4 10.79 29 ·'~7 22.54 6.00 67.0 7.76 2.07 2.04 6 10.85 29.72 22.7';> S.73 64.3 7.74 2.05 2.02 10 10.84 29.80 22.79 5.73 64.3 7'. 76 2.07 2.04 15 10.82 ?9 .96 22.92 5.93 66.5 7.82 2.10 2.07 ?() 10.82 30.14 '?.3.06 6.20 69.n 7.84 2.09 2.06 29 10.73 30.77 23.56 4.~n 54.2 7.75 2.12 2.09 49 10.52 31.58 24.22 3.08 34.7 7.60 2.18 2.16 98 9.74 3'?..47 25.04 3.10 34.5 7.66 2.;-?4 2.';>1 - 112 - Tide

Station:Q-19 WeatheraCloudy, partial clearing Time: 1659 Cloud 1 Type Ns Amt. 9 Date: 5/XI/62 Winda Dir. - 0 T Spd. 0 mph. Lat: 50° 2.3.0 1 N Sea 1 0 Swell a 0 Long: 127° 27.4' w Air Temp a D. 49 °f. w. 48 Ofo Depth: 192 ft Baroa 1012 mb. B .r. Ser. No. 52 Secchia 8 ft ColaReddish-brown 06 12 18 24 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox::tgen Alkalini t::t (m) (OC) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 8.9 4.49 .3 •.37 10 •.39 95.0 7.45 0.50 0.49 2 10.88 29.68 22.69 5.18 58.0 7.68 2.09 2.06 4 10.9.3 29.77 22.75 5.21 58.6 7.71 2.06 2.0.3 6 10.82 29.8.3 22.82 5.18 58.2 7.74 2.09 2.06 10 11.00 29.93 22.87 5.6.3 6.3.5 7.77 2.07 2.04 15 10.78 .30.00 22.95 5.26 59.0 7.77 2.01 1.98 20 10.78 .30.14 2.3.07 5 •.36 60.1 7.77 2.09 2.06 30 10.72 .30.66 2.3 .48 4.66 52.4 7.71 2.10 2.07 50 10.1.3 .31.81 24.48 o.oo o.o 7~.35 2 •.32 2 •.32

ft Tide 15~--~----~----,

10 Station: Q-20 Weather& Rain - continuous Time: 1515 Cloud: Type Ns Amt. 10 Date: 5/XI/62 Wind a Dir. - 0 T Spd .Light airs 5 Lat: 50° 22.0' N Seaa 0 Swell: 0 Long: 127° 26.5' W Air Temp: D. 48°f. w. 47°f. Ba ro: 1009 mb • 0 L-.,...,_--'---""'---~ Depth: 168 ft 24 B.r. Ser. No. 51 Secchi 1 1.3 ft Col: Yellowish-green 6 Hr

Depth T s at Dissolved ox::tgen Alkalini t::t (m) (oc) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Garb.

0 8.7 2.09 1.50 11.14 100.0 7.51 0.41 0.40 2 10.89 29 •.31 22.40 4.94 55.4 7.65 2.05 2.0.3 4 10.8.3 29.68 22.60 5 •.31 59.6 7.69 2.07 2.04 6 10.81 29.82 22.81 5 •.32 59.8 7 .7.3 2.08 2.05 10 10.82 29.89 22.86 5.50 61.8 7.75 2.09 ' 2.06 1,., .L) 10.79 .30.02 22.97 5 .1+9 61.7 7.81 2.14 2.11 20 10.74 .30.12 2.3.05 7.46 8.3.7 7.76 2.12 2.09 30 10.69 30.63 2.3.46 4 .. 19 47.2 7.67 2.12 2.09 50 10 .10 30.95 2.3.80 o.oo o.o 7 •.34 2.28 2.28 HoI. 8 E:



1-' sa• :so' 1-' w

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~' \,~·~:·,

~;< ~~~~~ ·~

------~-J!' 22-23 AUGUSTI966 ~1..:...-~;~;·~·\, QUATSINO SOUND 1 f[~rf:·· Scale in nautical miles 9 I ~ ~ ~ ~ Low tide line :,;:, ------5 Fatllomo ,;. ------~10 -----20

' ' _,

~ 127tl0' 12'1',4a'

Fig. 8. Track chart of stations occupied in Quatsino Sound, 22-23 August 1966.

- 115 - Ft Tide 15r----,----~----~

Station: Q-1 Weather: Clear Time: 0555 Cloud: . Type Cu Amt. 3 Date: 22fVIII/66 Winda Dir. 030 °T Spd. 17 mph. Lata 50° 24.85 1N Sea: 0 Swell a 4 Long: 128° oo.28•w Air Temp: o. 54 °F. w. •F. DepthJ 588 ft Baros 1017 mb. B.T. Ser. No. 27 Secchia 20 ft Cola Green 00 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved ox:tgen Alkalinity ( m) (•c) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 9.95 32.51 25.04 6.99 78.4 7.99 2 9.97 32.49 25.03 7.01 78.5 8.02 4 9.86 32.50 25.05 7.12 79.6 8.09 6 9.84 32.51 25.06 7.04 78.7 8.05 10 9.47 32.63 25.22 6.76 74.9 8.06 14.5 8.62 32.81 25.49 5.72 62.4 7.98 19 8.41 32.87 25.57 5.65 61.2 7.96 29 7.99 33.01 25.74 5.38 57.8 7.87 48 7.56 33.27 26.00 4.92 52.6 7.89 68 7.26 33.43 26.18 4.81 51.0 7.84 97 7.13 33.64 26.36 4.33 45.8 7.83 145 7.08 33.60 26.33 4.17 44.0 7.81

Ft Tide 15

Station: Q-2 Weather& Broken clouds Time: 0700 Clouda Type St Amt. 9 Date: 22/VIII/66 Winda Dir. 105 °T Spd. 17 mph. 5 Lata 50° 28.32 1N Sea a 2 Swell a 0 Long a 127° 55.22 1W Air Tempa D. 56 °F. w. •F. Depth a 612 ft Baroa 1018 mb. 0 s.r. Ser. No. 28 Secchia 15 ft Cola Green 0 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity ( m) (•c) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

0 11.04 31.90 24~39 6.12 70.0 7.92 2.23 2.19 2 11.00 31.91 24.40 6.09 69.6 7.96 2.30 2.25 4 10.98 31.93 24.42 5.96 68.0 8.02 2.29 2.24 6 10.87 32.03 24.51 6.01 68.5 7.96 2.35 2.30 10 10.06 32.24 24.81 5.53 62.0 8.02 2.36 2.31 15 9.99 32.30 24.88 5.74 64.3 7.95 2.30 2.25 20 9.09 32.64 25.28 5.55 61.1 7.95 2.31 2.25 30 8.05 33.06 25.77 5.00 53.8 7.87 2.29 2.25 49 7.63 33.24 25.97 4.56 48.7 7.91 2.38 2.34 69 7.41 33.31 26.06 4. 51 47.8 7.86 2.31 2.27 98 7.36 JJ.33 26.08 4.43 47.0 7.90 2.29 2.25 148 7.26 33.41 26.16 4.43 46.9 7.83 2.27 2.23 .. ..• I - 116 - 'I Ft Tide 15,r---~------..... Stationa Q-3 leathera Broken clouds 1 Tiaea 0847 Cloud a Type St Aat. 9 Datea 22/VIII/66 Winch Dl;r. llO ..,- Spd. a aph. Lata 50° 28.80 1K Seaa 0 Swell• 0 Longa 127° 47.40 11 Air Taapa D. ~9 •P• •• Depth I 480 ft Baroa 1019 lib. B.T. Ser. No. 29 Secchil 16 ft Cola ~een 18 Hr

Depth Alkalinity Cm) Total Carb. i 0 10.52 32.04 24-58 5.64 6.3.9 7.75 2.25 2.22 • 2 10.41 .32.05 24.61 5-54 62.5 7.87 2.26 2.22 4 10 • .32 32.05 24.62 5.49 61.9 ?.90 2.18 2.14 6 10.09 32.11 24.?1 5.36 60.1 7.91 2.2.3 2.19 10 9 . .32 32.34 25.01 5.08 56.1 7.;91 2.29 2.25 15 9.09 32.45 25.14 5.04 55.4 7.88 2.26 2.22 20 8.90 32.54 25.2.3 5.04 55.1 ?.87 2.40 2 • .35 30 8.12 32.93 25.66 4.86 52.4 ?.85 2.27 2.23 50 7.60 3.3.18 25.92 4.54 48.4 ?.87 2.30 2.26 70 7.39 33.27 26.0.3 4.64 49.2 ?.8.3 2 • .31 2.27 lOO 7 • .35 3.3.31 26.07 4.93 52.3 7.84 2.33 2.29 1.30 7.31 33.35 26.10 4·.57 48.5 7.83 2.28 2.24 ••• ft Tide 15r---~----~--~

StatioJ\a Q-4 leatheraBroken clouds Tiaea 0952 Qlogh Type S,t Aat. 9 Dates 22/VIII/66 Winch D1r.120 ..!]' t!...-. 8 aph. Lata 50° 31.25' K s.. ·~ ··~r · SWIJI\i o J.onga 1270 40.60• I A1,r. T-1 D. 61 ~p. I. •F.; Depth I 450 ft Baroa 1020 Jab. 8 .T. Ser. No. .30 Secchia 13 ·it ~11 Brown

,,, Depth T s Alk~nity lm) (ec) (•/··> To~l C8rb. ••• 0 10.8.3 31.88 24.40 5 •.35 60.9 ?.?9 2.2.3 2.20 ~ 10.86 .31.91 24.42 5 • .36 61.0 7.88 2.24 2.20 4 10.60. .31.92 24.47 5.16 58.4 7.95 2.28 2.23 6 10.27 .31.95 24.55 5.20 58.4 7.87 2 • .30 2.26 10 9.97 .31.99 24.63 5.25 58.6 7.94 2.29 2.25 15 9.88. .32.06 24.70 5.20 ;8.o 7.91 2.29 2.25 20 9.20 .32 •.35 25.04 5.13 ;6.5 7.90 2.23 2.19 •. . 30 8.72 .32. 57 25.29 s~o1 .51~. 6 7.82 2.2'7 2.23 Ci=· 50 .7 .58 .3.3.15 25.91 4-59 48.9 7.88 2.31 2.2:1 70 7.46 .33.20 25.97 4.57' 48.5 7.84 2.29 2.25 t.OO 7 . .39 .3.3.24 26.01 4-52 47.9 7.84 ~-29 2.25 - 117 - Ft Tide 15r-----..----.---....

Stations Q-5 Weather: High fog Time a 0635 Cloud: Type St Amt. 5 Date: 23/VIII/66 Wind: Dir. 020 0 T Spd. 3 mph. Lata 50° 31.55 1 N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long a 127° 37.35 1 w Air Tempe D. 59 op. w. op, Depth: 360 ft Baro: 1020 mb. 0 B .T. Ser. No. 38 Secchi a 8 ft Col: Bro'W!l 0 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved o~gen Alkalinity (m) (•c) ( 0 /oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb. 0 12.01 31.17 23.63 2.00 23.2 7.32 2.17 2.17 2 11.25 .31.53 24.07 3.40 38.9 7.62 2.21 2.19 4 11.23 31.64 24.15 3.1~7 39.7 7.73 2.22 2.19 6 9.72 32.08 24.75 5.21 57.9 7.90 2q26 2e22 10 9.25 32.32 25.01 5.0'7 55.9 7.83 2.25 2.22 15 8.18 32.81 25.56 4· 57 49.2 7.95 2.30 2.25 20 7.72 33.06 2.5.82 4.47 47.8 7.90 ;2o29 2.25 30 7.49 33.20 25.96 4-49 47.'7 8.01 2.36 2.31 50 7.43 33.24 26.00 4.47 47.5 7.97 2.3'7 2.32 70 7.40 33. ~:5 26.02 4·49 47.7 '7"95 ~~. :33 2.28 90 7.38 33.59 26.28 4.4L. /._7 .2 7. 9L, 2 • .33 2.29

Ft Tide 15~--~---~----~

Station a Q-6 Weathera Clear Time a 1100 Clouda Type Fs Amt. 1 Date a 22/VIIJ/66 Winda Dir. 0.50 or Sp<:i. 1 mph. 5 Lata 50° 32.0.5' N Sea a 0 Swell a 0 Long a 12'7° 35.80 I W Air. Temp: D. 74 Of • w. o·p • Depth a 1.26 ft Baroa 1020 mb. 00 B .r. Ser. No. 31 Secchi a .30 ft Cola Green 18 Hr

Depth T s at Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity (m) (•c) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

0 10.02 31.94 24.58 5.29 59.2 7,7.5 2.,28 2.25 2 10.01 31.94 24.58 5.38 60.2 7.92 2.24 2.20 4 10.00 31.94 24.59 5.34 59.7 '7.92 2.29 2.25 6 9.99 31.96 24.61 5.33 59.6 7.98 2.26 2.21 10 9.92 31. 9'7 24.63 5.34 59.6 7.94 2.29 2.25 15 9.83 32.03 24.68 5.22 58.2 7.91 2.27 2.23 20 9-34 32.24 24.93 5.06 55.8 7.85 2.30 2.26 30 9.12 32.3'7 25.06 4.92 54.1 7.89 2.31 2.27 - 118 - Ft . Tide 15r---~----~-----

Stationa Q-7 Weathera Partly cloudy Time a 1517 Cloud: Type As Amt. 5 Date: 23/VIII/66 Winch Dir. 090•T spd. 5 mph. Lata 50° 33.80' N Sea: 2 Swell a 1 Long: 127° 33.15' w Air Tempa o. 69 •F. w. •F. Depth: 300 ft Baroa 1020 mb. 0 B.T. Ser. No. 45 Secchia 16 ft Cola Green 0 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Diss,lved oxvaen Alkalinit~ (m) (OC) ( 0 /oo) {mg 1) % sat. Total Carb. u 10.87 31.72 24.28 6.24 71.0 7.75 2.36 2.33

~-·' 10.77 31.73 24.30 6.27 71.1 8.03 2.33 2.28 4. 10.36 31.77 24.40 5.90 66.4 8.03 2.32 2.27 6 10.04 31.84 24.50 5.82 65.0 7.96 2.35 2.30 .• 1'\ .LtJ 9.87 31.96 24.63 5.53 61.6 7.9.3 . 2.33 2.:::9 i5 9.79 32.00 24.67 5-44 60./+ 8.02 2.33 2.28 :20 9.74 32.05 24.71 5.41 60.1 7.96 2.30 2.25 30 9.72 32.07 24.74 5.29 58.8 7.99 2.31 2.26 9. 7:2 32.09 24.75 5.32 59.1 8.00 2.35 2.30 ''"?(', l ~"' 9.72 32.11 24.76 5.27 58.6 7.98 2.33 2.28

Ft Tide 15~--~~~~----~

Stationa Q-8 Weathera Low overcast Time a 0813 Clouda Type Sc Amt. 10 Date a 23/VIII/66 Winda Dir. 105 °T Spd. 3 mph. 5 Lata 50° 35.18 1N Seaa 0 Swella 0 Long a 127° J5.5C'w Air Tempa o. 54 •F. •F • 420 •• Depth a ft Baroa 1020 mb. 00 a.r. Ser. No. 39 Sacchia 13 ft Cola 18 Hr

Depth T s ~ §S,lVed OXW!!! Alkali nit~ {.!r.) (OC) ( 0 /oo) mg 1) % sat. Total Carb.

0 12.87 31.08 23.41 8.33 98.5 7.92 2.21 2.17 ~~ 12.21 31.27 23.68 7.93 92.6 7.99 2.21 2.16 I 10.76 31.51 24.13 5.90 66.8 7.94 2.22 2.18 '•/ 0 10.52 31.54 24.19 5.69 64.1 7.88 2.22 2.18 .iO 9.97 31.69 24.40 5.06 56.3 7.80 2.19 2.16 ., r: ,L) 9.80 31.85 24.55 4.88 54.2 7.85 2.22 2.18 20 9.87 31.89 24.57 5.01 55.8 7.91 2.16 2.12 JO 9.78 31.97 24.65 4-97 55.2 7.90 2.26 2.22 5C 9.74 32.03 24.70 5.10 56.7 7.86 2.27 2.23 ?0 '9.66 32.11 24.78 5.11 56.7 7.89 2.19 2.15 100 9.54 32.15. 24.83 5.06 56.0 7.87 2.25 2.21 - 119 - Ft Tide 15r----r----,----,

Sta't;iona Q-9 Weathera Partly cloudy 1 Tiaea 1219 Clouch Type As Aart. 8 Dates 23/VIII/66 Winch Di.r. - •T Spd. l mph. Lata 50° 35.75 1 N Sea a 0 Swell a 0 Longs 127° 34.65 1 W Air Taapa D. 68 •F. W. •F. Deptha 72 ft Baroa 1020 mb. B.T. Ser. No. 42 Secchia 11 ft Cola Grey-green

Depth T s dt Rtssolved OXYQen Alkali ni :t:t (m) (ec) "(•/··> agfl) % sat. Total Carb. 0 13.93 31.22 23.31 7.85 94.9 8.00 2.27 2.22 2 12.97 31.36 23.61 7.50 89.0 8.0~. 2.31 2.26 4 10.73 31.65 2:4.25 5.53 62.6 7.98 2.25 2.20 6 10.35 31.70 24.34 5.37 60.3 7.94 2.2.8 2.24 10 10.08 31.77 24.45 5.25 58.7 7.88 2.30 2.26 15 9.97 31.84 24.51 4.96 55.4 7.87 2.26 2.22 20 9.88 31.91 24.59 4.93 55.0 7.85 2.27 2.23

Ft Tide 15~--~----~----~

StationaQ-10 WeatheraPart1y cloudy Tiaea 1041 Clouda Type As Alit. 8 Date a 23/VIII/66 Winch Dir. 340 •T Spd. 3 mph. Lata 50° 35.40 1 N Sea a 0 Swell a 0 Long a 127° 40.601 w Air Tepa o. 62 •F. w. •F. 1021 Depth a 366 ft Baroa ab. 00 B .T. Ser. No. 41 Secchia 16 ft Cola Green 12 18 Hr

Depth T s &lltallni t:t (m) (ec) <·I··> ~I&"1D9 1)viS! %2XW!!! sat. Total Carb. 0 13.60 31.22 23.36 8.25 99.0 7.96 2.18 2.13 2 12.23 31.27 23.67 7.82 91.4 8.03 2.27 2.,22 4 11.92 31.29 23.76 7.36 85.4 8.02 2.27 2.22 6 11.06 31.46 24.04 6.38 72.7 7.97 2.25 2.20 10 10.10 31.64 24.34 5 46 61.0 7.89 2.27 2.23 15 9.82 31.82 24.52 5.10 56.7 7.88 2.30 2.26 20 9.76 31.89 24.59 5.07 56._3 7.91 2.26 2.22 30 9.80 31.96 24.64 5.05 56.1 8.02 2.29 2.24 50 9.71 32.04 24.71 5.32 59.0 7.99 2.31 2.26 70 9.66 32.11 24.78 5.25 58.2 7.92 2.32 2.28 90 9.59 32.12 24.79 5.23 57.9 7.93 2.25 2.21 - 120 - Ft . Tide 15~---r--~,_---,

Stationa Q-11 Weather• Low overcast Time a 0937 Clouch Type Sc Amt. 10 Date a 23/VIII/66 Winch Dir. 200 •T Spd. 1 mph. Lata 50° 36.35'N Sea a 0 Swell a 0 Long a 127° 48.35 1 W Air T•pa D. 60 •F. w. •F. Depth a 216 ft Baroa 1021 mb. B .T. Ser. No. 40 Seechia 16 ft Cola Green 00 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot ~ss,lved oxvaen Alkalinitl ( m) <·I··> 119 1) i sat. Total Carb. 0 11.39 31.28 23.84 6.31 72.3 7.81 2.11 2.08 r) ~- 11.06 31.31 23.92 6.11 69.6 7.84 2.21 : • ~-g 4 10.62 31.48 24.13 5.44 61.4 7.83 2.23 2.20 6 10.12 31.66 24 .• 36 4.99 55.8 7.78 2.20 2.17 F',; 9.98 31.71 24.42 5.01 55.9 7.78 2.24 2.21 15 9.80 31.86 24.56 5.05 56.1 7.90 2. 2/+ 2.20 20 9.76 31.91 24.61 4.83 53.6 7.87 2.29 2.25 30 9.76 31.96 24.65 4.82 53.5 7.78 2.21 2.18 50 9.75 32.00 24.68 4.91 54.5 7.3C 2.2;: 2.19

Ft Tide 15~--~~---T-----

Station a Q-13 WeatheraPart1y cloudy Time a 1328 Clouda Type As Amt. 8 Date a 23/VIII/66 Winch Dir. - •t Spd. 1 mph. Lata 50° 34.85'N Seaa 0 Swell a 0 Long a 127° 30.?5'W Air Tempa D. 69 •F. •F • 360 1020 •• Depth a ft Baroa lib. 00 B.t. Ser. No. 43 Seeehia 15 ft Cola Green 12 18 Hr

Depth T S. ~ 11"'15! lxvaen pH 6lkalinitl ( m) (OC) <·I··> ag 1 sat. Total Carb. 0 12.44 31.52 23.83 6.76 79.4 7.89 2.25 2.21 2 12.19 31.50 23.86 6.94 81.1 7.97 2.21 2.16 4 10.77 31.66 24.24 5.70 64.6 7.98 2.24 2.19 6 10.18 31.76 24.42 5.13 5?.4 7.99 2.27 2.22 10 10.01 31.85 24.51 4.99 55.8 7.84 2.25 2.22 15 9.'77 31.93 24.62 4.68 51.9 '7.90 2.24 2.20 20 9.'77 31.96 24.64 4·64 51.6 7.88 2.29 2.25 30 9.7'7 32.02 24.69 4.86 54.0 7.79 2.26 2.23 50 .9.65 32.15 24.81 5.03 55.8 7.87 2.24 2.20 '70 9.58 32.14 24.81 5.02 55.6 7.82 2.22 2.19 90 9.53 32.17 24.84 5.05 55.9 7.83 2.27 2.24 - 121 - Ft Tide 15~---,----~-----

Station: Q-14 Weather: Partly cloudy Time: 1427 Cloud: Type As Amt. 5 Date: 23/VIII/66 Winch Dir. o9o or spd. 5 mph. Lat: 50° 35.421 N Sea: 1 Swell: 0 Long: 127° 26.40 1 w Air Temp: D. 69 •F. w. •F. Depth: 222 ft Baro: 1020 mb. B.T. Ser. No. 44 Secchi: 15 ft Col: Green 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot ~ssolved oxvqen Alkalinit~ (m) {OC) <·I··> mgfl) % sat. Total Carb. 0 11.93 31.55 23.96 6.61 76.9 7.89 2.29 2.25 2 11.96 32.29* 24.52 6.61 77.3 7.90 2.27 2.23 4 11.34 31.60 24.09 6.57 75.4 7.97 2.29 2.24 6 11.15 31.63 24.16 6.42 73.3 8.00 2.28 2.23 10 10.38 31.77 24.39 5.50 61.9 7.92 2.27 2.23 15 10.10 31.81 24.47 5.15 57.6 7.95 2.26 2.21 20 9.87 31.89 24.57 4.97 55.3 7.91 2.31 2.27 30 9.79 31.96 24.64 4.90 54.4 7.95 2.34 2.29 50 9.75 32.04 24.70 4.94 54.9 7.90 2.32 2.28 * Salinity probably in error due to evaporation from cracked sample bottle.

Ft Tide 15r---~----~----~

Station:Q-15 Weather: Clear Time: 1236 Cloud: Type Cu Amt. 1 22/VIII/66 Date: Winda Dir. - •T Spd. 1 mph. 5 Lata 50° 29.go• N Sea a 0 Swell: 0 Long a 127° 34.80 1 w Air Tempa D. 75 °F. w. •F. Depth a 588 ft Baroa 1020 Jib. 00 B.T. Ser. No. 32 Secchia 28 ft Cola Brownish 12 18 Hr

Depth T s ~ssolved oXYQen Alkalinit~ (m) (OC) (•/··> mgfl) % sat. Total Carb. 0 13.75 31.39 23.47 4.34 52.4 7 .6/+ 2.24 2.22 2 10.30 31.81 24.44 4.81 54.0 7.73 2.27 2.2/+ 4 10.02 31.86 24.52 4.78 53.4 7.80 2.25 2.22 6 9.90 31.93 24.60 4.95 55.2 7.83 2.27 2.24 10 9.82 32.05 24.70 5.55 6l.g 7.86 2.25 2.21 15 9.58 32.20 24.86 5.53 61.2 7.87 2.31 2.27 20 9.39 32.28 24 .• 95 5.57 61.5 7.82 2.31 2.28 30 8.80 32.57 25.28 5.21 56.9 7.86 2.35 2.30 50 7.47 33.13 25.91 4.76 50.5 7.90 2.29 2.25 70 7.47 33.15 25.92 4.98 52.9 7.87 2.34 2.30 100 7.43 33.23 25.99 4-93 52.3 7.87 2.29 2.25 150 7.30 - 122 - Ft Tide 15r----,----~-----

Stations Q-16 Weathera Clear Timea 1346 Clouda Type Cu Amt. 1 Datea 22/VIII/66 Winda Dir. - •r Spd. 1 mph. Lata 50° 27 .so• N Sea a 0 Swell a 0 Longs 127° 32.25 1 W Air Tempa D.76 °F. W. •F. Depths 612 ft Baroa1019 lib. B .T. Ser. No. 33 Secchi a 6 ft Cola Dark brow-n

Depth T s Ot Dissolved oxvaen Alkalini t:l ( m) (OC) ( 0 /oo) (mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

0 15.61 29.70 21.79 6.86 ~~. G6 2.06 '\ .. ) ·~! ( 1. ,._. ,.;~b ~- 12.22 30.81 23.31 0.10 1.2 7.23 2.18 4 11.39 31.22 2'3.79 1.08 12.4 7.47 2.21 2.19 (J 10.03 31.81 24.48 3.92 43.8 7.81 2.?9 2 .. 26 lC 9.61 31.95 24.66 4.23 46.8 7.78 .:2. 31 2o28 5 9.41 32.14 24.84 4.66 51.4 7.87 2929 2.25 20 9.45 4.86 2.29 y\J 8.49 32.61 2.5.35 4.88 52.9 7.84 '2..27 ;.2. 23 50 ?.57 33.06 25 •.84 4.25 45.2 7.89 2.31 ;? • 27 70 7.35 3J.l7 25.96 4.35 46.1 7.85 2.30 2.26 -~oo 7.29 33.23 26.02 4.44 47.0 7.87 2.32 2.28 1 7.04 33.39 26.17 3.85 40.6 7.81 2.31 2. ~~7

Ft Tide 15

Station a Q-17 Weather a Clear Time a 1442 Cloud a Type Cu Amt. 1 Date a 22/VIII/66 Wind a Dir. - •r Spd. 1 mph. 5 s~~o 1 Lata .. \.1 25.95 N Seaa 0 SWell a 0 Long a i2?0 30.55 1W Air Tempa D. 77 •F. •F. Depth a 600 ft Baroa nab. •• 0 B.T. Ser. No. .34 Secchi a 5 ft Cola Brown 0 12 18 Hr

Depth T s Cit ~~~,lved oxvagn pH Alltalini t:l {rrt;, <•c) ( 0 /oo) 119 l) % sat • Total Carb.

2.412. u,, 16.21 28.84 21.01 6.64 2.12 '·· .77 31.20 23.89 0.98 11.1 7.36 ;~* 24 2~ ~?.3 ,, ~- .~ 4 9.88 31.71 24.44 3.?9 42.2 7.68 .: : .. 2.22 6 9.74 31.93 24.63 4.45 L9.4 7.83 2.27 2. 2L. I(' ~L,.,; 9.41+ 32.06 24.67 L; .• 41 /.;..'!:3.7 7.78 ;~. 2~. 2.21 ,I~ 9.27 32.16 24.88 4.62 50.9 7.77 2.21~ 2.21 ..:'.U"r 9.o;: 32.30 25.03 4.47 49.0 7.83 2.2? 2.24 JO 7.83 32.68 25.50 2.89 30.8 7.75 2.30 ;? • ~26 7.51 33.11 25.89 4.42 47.0 7.95 2.35 2.30 7() 7.39 .33.16 25.94 4.1+8 47.5 7. 9ll- 2.25 2.21 LGO 7.31 33.23 26.01 4.55 48.2 7.87 2.35 2.31 1 ;o 7.09 33.35 26.13 4.12 43.4 7.82 2.35 2.31 - 123 - Ft Tide 15,r----,~--~----~

Stationa Q-18 Weather: Clear Tille a 1544 Cloud: Type Cu Allt. 1 Date: 226VIII/66 Wind: Dir. - •T spd. 0 llph. Lata 50 24.25 1 N Sea: 0 Swell: 0 Long: 127° 29.35' w Air Temp: D. 85 •F. w. •F. Depth: 432 ft Baro: 1019 mb. B .T. Ser. No. 35 Secchia 4 ft Col: Brown 00 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved oXVQen Alkalinity (m) {OC) "{•/oo) {mg/1) % sat. Total Carb.

0 17.63 28.80 20.65 6.78 2.12 2.12 2 9.84 31.67 24.41 2.33 25.9 7.76 2.35 2.32 4 9.27 31.73 24.54 2. 2/1 24.6 7.69 2.33 2.30 6 9.15 31.88 24.68 3.35 36.7 7.83 2.29 2.26 10 9.07 32.09 24.85 3.96 43.4 7.87 2.29 2.25 15 8.68 32.20 25.00 3.84 41.7 7.78 2.29 2.26 20 8.53 32.43 25.21 3.64 39.5 7.94 2.30 2.26 30 7 .64. 32.86 25.67 2.36 25.1 7.88 2.34 2.30 50 7.42 33.12 25.91 4.37 26.4 8.00 2.37 2.32 70 7.36 33.16 25.95 ~~.35 L.6.1 8.00 :2.38 2.33 100 7.25 33.24 26.03 4.18 1+4• 2 7.98 2.34 2.29

Ft Tide 15~---~~---T-----~

StationaQ-19 Weather: Clear Tillea 1752 Clouda Type Allt. 0 Date a 22/VIII/66 Winda Dir. - 0 T Spd. o •ph· 5 Lata 50° 22.90 1 N Seaa 0 Swella 0 Longa 127° 27.40' w Air Tempa D. 88 •F. w. •F. Depth& 150 ft Baro a 1018 mb. 0 '-----.JL.o.----'--..J B.T. Ser. No. 37 Secchi a 2 ft Cola Dark brown 0 12 18 Hr

Depth T s ~§SOlved oxvaen Alkalinij:y (m) {OC) { 0 /oo) · mgfl) % sat. Total Carb.

0 15.52 28.04 20.53 6u31 L95 L95 2 9-45 31.51 24.35 L74 19.:2 7c48 2.23 2.21 4 9.13 31.65 24.50 1.81 19.8 7 0 52 2.24 2.22 6 8.99 31.83 24,67 2.11 23.C 7.61 2.21 2.19 10 8.81 31.98 24.81 2.38 25c9 7.66 2.28 2.25 15 8.68 32.11 24.93 2.79 3Ca3 7.61 2.33 2.31 20 8.47 32.,24 25.06 3.39 36.6 ?.6? 2.29 2.,27 30 7.80 32.72 25. 51+ L94 20.7 7.62 2.34 2.32 - 124 - ft Tide 15r-----...... --o~.

Station& Q-20 Weathera Clear Time a 1.716 Clouda Type Aat. 0 Date a ;~2/VIII/66 Winch Dir. - •t Spd. 0 mph. Lata 50° 22.00 1 N Sea a 0 Swell a 0 Long a 127° 26.50 1 • Air tempa D. 88 •f. •F. Depth: 162 ft Baroa 1018 lib. •• B .T. Ser. No. 36 Seedda 4 ft Cola Brown 00 18 Hr

Depth T s Ot Dissolved oxvaen Alkalinity ( m) (OC) <·I··> (JMJ/1) ~ sat. Total Carb. 0 15.88 28.18 20.57 6.55 2.10 2.10 2 11.48 30.69 23.36 0.36 4.1 7.14 2.18 2.18 4 9.18 31.64 24.49 2.27 24.8 7. 5;? 2.27 2.25 6 8.98 31.80 24.65 2.27 24.8 7.58 2.26 2.24 10 8.75 31.92 24.77 2.35 25,5 7.66 2.27 2.24 15 8.72 3:~.10 24.91 2.56 27.8 7.59 2.26 2.24 20 8.52 32.19 25.02 2.39 25.9 7.66 2.28 2.25 30 7.81 32.78 25.58 1.07 11.4 7.52 2.31 2.29

ft Tide

15 I I

10 ~ Station a Weather a - Time: Clouda Type Alit. Date a Winda Dir. •t Spd. aph. 5 Lata N Sea a Swell a -- Long a Air. Tapa D. •F. •f. Depth a •ft Baroa lib. •• 0 I I B .T. Ser. No. Secchia ft Cola

(Ji' Depth T s Rt Jsolv!!l ~ Alkali!!!ty (OC) .<•I••> ~/1) sa£ Total Carb. BATHYTHERMOGRAMS


Bathythermograph traces are generally arranged in surveys by: (1) chronological order, and then (2) area from south to north. They are listed, where possible, in the order of serial number for a given survey. However, standard pre-printed sheets with a given depth range were used for copying the B.T. traces, so that stations not taken in sequence were sometimes grouped together on one page. Traces are given, in some cases, for areas (Alberni Inlet and Discovery Passage) not reported in this data record, but which were surveyed during the same oceanographic cruise that covered Nootka and Quatsino Sounds. These traces are not designated with serial numbers here. ME - 127 - QUATSINO SOUND SURVEY 15-19 August 1957 08.34/15/VIII/57 1009/15/VIII/57 1135/15/VIII/57 1302/15/VIII/57 STJT Q-1 STN. :~-2 STN, Q-1 SJN • s/?.-455 60°F 40 45 so• 55 60°F 40 45 50 55 60°F 40 45 >0 ~ 60°F 40

50 100 150 200 250

300 350 400 Ft. 450 Ser. ~o. 1 Ser. No. 2 Ser. l~o. 3 Ser. No. 4

1703/15/VIII/57 0802/16/VIII/57 STH. Q-11 40 4~nrro Q-~ 60°F 40 45 50 55 60°F


150 200 250

300 350 400 Ft. 450 Ser. No. 7 Ser. No. 8 Ser. No. 10 Ser. No. 11

12 r, 1/16/VIII/57 0716/19/VIII/57 0800/19/VIII/57 0853/19/VIII/57 ;"'TF Q-13 STH Q-1~ "'T'F q-17 0-16 40 45 .J ·so• · ss 60°F 40 45 so• ss ·' 60°F 40 45 ' ~50 • 5 60°F 40 45 ST~1· ~5 60°F

so 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Ft. 450 Ser. No. 13 Ser. No. 18 Ser. No. 17 Ser. No. 16

- 129 -








60 Sec-, no. 5 Sera No, (,

C/925/16/VIII/57 STNoQ~l2 STNoQ.=20 20°C






60 Sero ;~o. 12 Sero >Joo 14 Sl?ro Po. 20

0,' ~4/19/'JIII/57 STN "Q=19 10 15 2ooc 10 10 0 5 5 5 m







- 131 -

QUATSINO SOUND SURVEY 15-19 August 1957 0949/19/VIII/57 STN. Q-15 45 50 55 60°F 45 50 55 60°F 45 50 55 60°F 45 50 55 60°F 40 40 40 40 so







400 Ft. 450 Ser. No. 15

50 45 50 55 45 50 55 45 50 55 40 45 40 40 40







400 Ft. 450

50 55 45 50 55 45 50 55 60°F 45 50 55 40 45 40 40 40







400 Ft. 450

- 133 - MUCHALAT INLET SURVEY 12-13 August 1959

1537/12/VIII/59 STN J·!-1 1839/12/VIli/59 STN.H-2 2035/12/VIII/59 STN J1-3 15 20 "C 15 20 "C 15 20 "C 5 10 5 10 IS 10 0 m





125 Ser. No. 2 Ser. No. 3

0940/13/VIII/59 STH J~~-4 1020/13/VIII/59 STn J:-5 15 20 "C 15 20 "C 15 2o•c 5 10 5 10 5 10 0 m





125 Ser. No. 4 Ser. No. 5

10 15 2o•c 10 15 20 "C 15 20 "C 5 5 5 10 0 m






- 135 -


0935/3/X/61 1112/3/X/61 . 1320/3/X/61 1459/3/X/61 STN. A-3 STN. A-4 STN • 15 15 115 /-5 . 10 10 15 1 115 0 m






1650/3/X/61 1826/3/X/61 0654/6/X/61 0838/6/X/61 STN. A-6 STU. A-7 STN. H-1 STN. M-2 15 10 115 115 15 15 10 15 15 10 15 10 0 m





125 Ser. No. 18 Ser. No. 19

1004/6/X/61 1153/6/X/61 1337/6/t./61 1515/6/X/61 STIT. l :-3 STN. };-4 STN. l!-5 15 115 115 STN. 1:-6 15 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 0 m





1215 Ser. No. 20 Ser. No. 21 Ser. No. 22 Ser. No. 23

- 137 -


1636/6/X1 61 1B51/6/X/61 0935/7/X/61 1050/7/X/61 ST 11. 1' -7 STN. X-8 STN. E-9 STN. H-10 10 115 IS 10 18 15 10 liS IS 10 18 0 m






Ser. ~lo. 24 Ser. No. 25 Ser. No. 26 Ser. No. 27

0802/9/X/61 09HV9/X/61 1026/()/X/61 1135/9/X/61 S Tl'T <. ~)-2 ST1T. Q-3 STN. ST!IT. Q-5 18 Q-4 8 1o 1e 15 10 10 liS 10 18 0 m






Ser. No. 30 Ser. No. 31 Ser. No. 32 Ser. No. 33

1339/9/X/61 1458/S/X/61 1616/9/X/61 1WJB/9 /X/61 STN. Q-6 ST~T. Q-7 STN. Q-8 STN. Q-9 liS 115 liS 18 8 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 0 m





1215 Ser. No. 34 Ser; No. 35 Ser~ No. 36 Ser. No. 37

- 139 -


1924/9/X/61 ()C122/11/X/61 STN. Q-10 STtT. Q-1 15 10 15 15 us IS 10 IS IS 10 IS 10 0 Ill






Ser. No. 38 Ser. No. 42

15 15 15 IS 10 IS 10 10 15 10 0 Ill






15 us liS IS 10 10 us IS 10 10 0 Ill







0709/3/X/61 0846/4/X/61 0942/4/X/61 1040/4/X/61 ;>TN • f\10], STN • &-8 STN. A-9 STN. A-10 15 1 e ~ ~~ e ~ ~~





1131/4/X/61 1330/4/X/61 1425/4/X/61 1521/4/X/61 STN. A-ll STN. A-12 STH. J.-13 STl'. A-14 , e 10 e 10 e 10 1e~ ·· e ~ ~~



40 eo


1616/4/X/61 0912/5/X/61 1117 /5/X/61 1354/7/X/61 STN. A-15 STN. A-16 STN. A-18 STN. N-11 e 10 e ~ ~~ 5 10 115~ e 10




60 .. - Ser. No·~ ·2s


2101/9/X/61 2217/9/X/61 2312/9/X/61 STl''. 0-12 STN. 0-13 15"C ~TN. ~0 1l 15"C 5 10 15"C 5 (O 15"C



40 eo Ser. No. 29 Ser. No. 39 Ser. No. 40 Ser. No. 41

0752/12/X/61 0916/12/X/61 0955/12/X/61 1041/12/X/61 STF. D-§ STN. D-7 STN. D-6 STN. D-1 15"C 5 10 15"C 5 10 15"C 5 15"C



40 eo

1146/12/X/61 1323/12/X/61 1432/12/X/61 1532/12/X/61 C'T'T D 3 STN.~-2 STH. D-5 STN. cP-10 "C ~ [,. 10 15"C 5 15"C 5 10 15"C 5 15



40 eo

- 145 -


0915/30/X/62 1019/30/X/62 1142/30/X/62 1340/30/X/62 STN. A-2 STN. A-3 STN. A-5 16 10 16 15 16 6 10 6 5 10 5 10 0 m






1512/30/X/62 1705/30/X/62 mnJ/1/XI/62 0941/1/XI/62 STN. A~6 STN. A~7 STN. 11~:: STN. M.,2 15 10 15 11S 15 5 10 5 IS 10 IS 10 0 m





125 Ser. No. 2:J

1037/l/XI/62 1225/1/XI/62 1522/1/XI/62 STN. M·~J STN. M=4 STN. M~6 15 15 15 15 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 0 m





125 Ser. No. ';.7 Ser. No. 2.8 Ser. No. 29 Ser. No. 30


1624/1/XI/62 18()5/1/XI/6?. 0850/2/XI/62 0947/2/XI/62 STJT. M-7 STN. M-3 STN. J~-9 STN. H-10 115 10 115 115 115 15 10 15 15 10 15 10 0 m





125 Ser. No. 31 Ser. No. 32 Ser. No. 33 Ser. No. 34

1132/?/XI/62 1824/3/XI/62 0718/4/XI/62 0847/4/XI/62 STN. t-f-11 STN. H-11A STN. Q-3 ST!T. Q-4 115 10 115 15 115 15 10 15 15 10 15 10 0 m






Ser. No. 35 Ser. No. 36 Ser. No. 37 Ser. No. 38

1n15/4/XI/62 1120/4/XI/62 1230/4/XI/62 1344/4/XI/6?. STN. · Q-5 STN. Q-6 STN. Q-7 STU. Q-8 10 15 115 115 115 15 5 10 5 10 5 10 0 m





1215 Ser. No. 39 Ser. No. 40 Ser. No. 41 Ser. No. 42

- 149 -


1458/4/XI/62 101~2/5/XI/62 1326/5/XI/62 17/+5/S/XI/6? sT~r. Q-1n STJT. ~~-13 STN. ~-16 STU. Q-18 1e 10 15 15 15 e 10 e 10 5 10 0 m






Ser. No. 43 Ser. No. 48 Ser. No. 50 Ser. No. 53

1845/5/XI/62 ~l.ll~/5 j;Gj62 2333/5/XI/6~ ST:r. r;-17 STU. Q-2 STN. C~-1 10 15 10 15 15 15 5 5 5 10 5 10 0 m






Ser. No. 54 Ser. No. 55 Ser. No. 56

10 15 15 15 15 5 5 10 5 10 5 10 0 m






- 151 - ALBERNI INLET AND QUATSINO SOUND SURVEYS 30 October - 5 November 1962

lSlJ/31/X/62 1539/31/X/62 1615/31/X/62 16~~q/31/X/62 STN. 1.-20 STN. A-21 STN. A-22 STN. A-13

~ 10 I~"C ~ 10 I~"C ~ 10 I~"C ~ 10 I~"C 0 m




40 so eo

1607/4/XI/62 1733/4/XI/62 0846/5/XI/62 0945/5/XI/62 STN. ·~-11 ST!T. Q-12 STN. Q-9 STN. Q-14

~ 10 IS"C ~ 10 15"C ~ 10 I~"C ~ 0 15"C 0 m





!50 eo Ser. No. 44 Ser. No'. 45 Ser • .No. 46 Ser. No. 47 - 1207/5/XI/62 1459/5/XI/62 1622/5/X!/62 ' STN. Q-15 STH. Q-20 STN. Q-19 I~"C 5 10 15"C ~ 10 15"C 10 I!S"C




40 eo Ser. No. 49 Ser. No~ 51 Ser. No. 52 .. - 153 - MUCHAIA T INLET SURVEY 19-20 August 1966 0550/19/VIII/66 0745/19/VIII/66 0915/19/VIII/66 STN. M-2 STN. M-3 STN. M~4 2o•c 10 1~ 2o•c 10 15 2o•c 10 1~ 6 ~ 6 0 m

26 ~




12~ Ser. No. 17 Ser. No. 18 Ser. No. 19

1015/19/VIII/66 1230/19/VIII/66 1330/19/VIII/66 STN. M-5 STN. M-6 STN. M-7

20'C 200C 10 1~ 20'C 10 15 10 1~ ~ 6 5 0 m



60 '


100 ! I •

12~ Ser. No. 20 Ser. No. 21 Ser. No. 22

0600/20/VI II/66 0755/20/VIII/66 0915/20/VII I/66 STN. M-B STN. M-10 STN. M-9

15 200C 10 15 20'C 15 20"C 5 10 5 5 10 0 m





12~ Ser. No. 23 Ser. No. 24 Ser. No. 25 • - 155 - MUCHALAT INLET AND QUA TSINO SOUND SURVEYS 19-23 August 1966 0545/22/VI II/66 0705/22/VIII/66 1330/20/VIII/66 STN. Q-2 STN. M-11 STN. Q-1 1!5 20"<: 10 1!5 20"(: 10 15 20"<: 15 10 5 5 0 m





1215 Ser. No. 26 Ser. No. 27 Ser. No. 28

0945/22/VIII/66 1240/22/VII I/66 0840/22/VIII/66 STN. Q-15 STN. Q-3 STN. Q-4 1!5 2o•c 10 1!5 2o•c 10 1!5 2o•c !5 10 5 5 0 m

215 ..l


1 LW-,_._,.._,...n, ~ _;_;' -1-U-!+H-1-+++1+++-I-I-I+W-1 100 + i, , I

12!5 Ser. No. 29 Ser. No. 30 Ser. No. 32

1450/22/VIII/66 1545/22/VIII/66 1335/22/VIII/66 STN. Q-18 STN. Q-16 STN. Q-17 10 115 20"<: 15 20"C 5 5 10




Ser. No. 33 Ser. No. 34 Ser. No. 35 •

• - 157 - QUATSINO SOUND SURVEY 22-23 August 1966 0625/23/VIII/66 0815/23/VIII/66 1045/23/Vlll/66 STN. Q-5 STN. Q-8 STN. Q-10 115 20 "C 115 20'C 115 20"C 15 10 15 10 15 10 0 m





1215 Ser. No. 38 Ser. No. 39 Ser. No. 41

1330/23/VIII/66 1520/23/VII I/66 STN. Q-13 STN. Q-7

115 20'C 10 115 20'C 10 115 20'C 15 10 5 0 m





1215 Ser. No. 43 Ser. No. 45

115 20 "C 10 15 .20'C 15 2o•c 15 10 15 5 10 0 m





1215 •

• - 159 - AI.BERNI INLET, QUATSINO SOUND AND DISCOVERY PASSAGE SURVEYS 16-25 August 1966 0815/16/VIII/66 0850/17/VIII/66 1000/17/VIII/66 STN. A-1 STN. A-9 STN. A-10 II 10 Ill 10 10 20 211•c 0 II 15 20 211"C 0 II 15 20 zs•c 0 0 m m - s II

10 10

Ill IS

20 20

25 25

30 30 30

1015/17/VIII/66 1130/17/VIII/66 1200/17/VIII/66 STN. A-ll STN. A-12 STN. A-13 II 10 115 10 115 10 20 2s•c 0 15 20 215"C 0 15 IS 20 0 0 215•c m m 15 II

10 10

Ill 115

20 20

215 215 25

30 30 30

1515/18/VIII/66 1045/22/VIII/66 1720/22/VIII/66 STN. A-14 STN. Q-6 STN. Q-20 10 10 10 0 5 15 20 0 5 15 20 0 5 15 20 25"C 0 25"C O 215"C O m m m 5 5 5

10 10 10

15 115 115

20 20 20

25 25 25

30 30 30 Ser. No. 31 Ser. No. 36

1757 /22/VIII/66 1220/23/VIII/66 1115/24/VIII/66 STN. Q-19 STN. Q-9 STN. D-6 10 15 10 15 0 5 20 25"C 0 5 10 15 20 15 20 25•c 0 0 m m 5 15

10 10 10

15 115 15

20 20 20

25 25 25

30 30 30 Ser. No. 37 Ser. No. 42 •


0430/19/VIII/66 0930/23/VIII/66 1430/23/VIII/66 STN. M-1 STN. Q-11 STN. Q-14 5 5 10 15 20°C 5 10 15






60 Ser. No. 16 Ser. No. 40 Ser. No. 44

10 0 5 15 20°C 5 10 5 10 m







10 15 20°C 0 5 5 10 5 10 m