LINCOLN LORE Bulletin of the Lincoln National Life Foundation -- --- Dr. Louis A. WarreniEditor Published each week by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, ndlana Number 753 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA September 13, 1943 LINCOLN'S OFFICIAL FAMILY-BffiUOGRAPHY Sometimes the appearance of a new Salmon P. Chase, 1861-1864 Seward, F. W., Stward at Wa8hington book will call to the attention of the 1.18 Senat<w and Secretary of State, public a considerable number of titles Schuckers, J. W., Life and Public Serv· ices of Salm<m Portland Clwse, 1846·1881, 650pp., 1891. with which it may be classified. Gideon Seward, F. W., Seward at Washington \Velles, Lincoln's Navy Department, 669pp., 1874. is such a book. Chase, S. P., AgaimJt tl~ Re,Jealof the as Sent~.t<w and Secretary of State, Missottri Prohibition of Suwery, 1861-187!, 561pp., 1891. Just outside the pale which separates 16pJ>., 1854. Bancroft, F., Life of William H. Sew· Lincolniana from a general library is ard, 2 vols., 1900. an indefinite number of books called Luthin, R. H., Salmon P. Chase'tt P(}o collateral items. A bibliography of this litical Career Bef&re the Civil ll'ar. Seward, 0. R., William H. Seward's (23) pp., 1943. Travel• Arormd the World, 730pp., large number of Lincoln J'cference 1873. items has never been attempted, except Chase, S. P., Diary and Cor-rcttpon· in Civil War compilations, where many tlence of S. P. Cl1.0.11c, 2 vols., 1903. Seward, W. H., Recent SpeecJwg and of them properly belong, yet, most of Writing• of William H.
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