a l ANNUAL REPORT / OF THE ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY / -,^7/1908. TORONTO t PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY 1908. f. 5TOO OFFICERS 1908-09. Honorary President The Honorable Robert Allan Pyne, M.D., LL.D., M.P.P., Minister of Education, Toronto. Past Presidents Jaines Henry Coyne, M.A., .F.R.S.C., 1898-1902, St. Thomas. Charles Canniff James, M.A., F.R.S.C., 1902-1904, Toronto. George R. Pattullo, 1904-1906, Woodstock. Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Rogers, 1906-1907, Peterborough. President Frederic Barlow Cumberland, M.A., Dunain, Port Hope. Vice- Presidents, Elected Lieutenant-Colonel Ernest Cruikshank, F.R.S.C., Ottawa. David Williams, Collingwood. Vice-Presidents, Ex-Officio, Presidents of Affiliated Societies William Rennie, The York Pioneer and Historical Society, Toronto. Rev. George A. Bull, M.A., The Lundy's Lane Historical Society, Hamilton. Miss Janet Carnochan, The Niagara Historical Society, Niagara. James Henry Coyne, M.A., F.R.S.C., The Elgin Historical and Scientific Institute, St. Thomas. Judge John Anderson Ardagh, The Simcoe County Pioneer and Historical Societv. Barrie. Justus A. Griffin, The Wentworth Historical Society, Hamil- ton. Mrs. Forsyth Grant, The Women's Canadian Historical Society, Toronto. Mrs. John The Woman' s Calder, Wentworth Historical Society, Hamilton. Mrs. Ahearn, The Ottawa Women's Canadian Historical So- ciety, Ottawa. Mrs. John H. Wilson, The Elgin Women's Historical Society, St. Thomas. 4 ANNUAL, REPORT OF THE ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. T. A. S. Hay, The Town and County of Peterborough His- torical Society, Peterborough. John Lawrence, The Huron Institute, Collingwood. Henry Macklem, The London and Middlesex Historical Society, London.
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