Index to the 1889-1900 Legislative Assembly of the Province
90806 GENERAL INDEX * TO THE JOURNALS AND SESSIONAL PATERS OP THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,. ONTARIO 1889 TO 1900. 52 TO 63 VIOT. 90806 ALSO INDEX TO THE DIVISIONS IN HOUSE AND LIST OF APPENDIXES TO JOURNALS. 1867-8 TO J9OO. 31 TO 63 VIOT. COMPILED FOR THE USE OF MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE BY ARTHUR H. SYDERE, Clerk Assistant. TORONTO: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY L. K. CAMERON, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. 1900. WARWICK BRO'SJfc RUTTER, PRINTERS AND BOOKBINDERS, TORONTO. GENERAL INDEX TO THE JOURNALS AND SESSIONAL PAPERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, FROM THE SESSION OF 1889 TO, AND INCLUSIVE OF, THE SESSION OF 1900. 52 TO G3 TO WHICH IS ADDED THE DIVISIONS IN THE HOUSE, 1867-8-1900, -TOGETHER WITH A LIST OF APPENDIXES TO JOURNALS FOR THE SAME PERIOD. A BERDEEN, TOWNSHIP OF : .J-JL Return ordered, of correspondence, etc., in connection with trespass in 1900, 86. Not brought down. See Timber. ACCIDENTS THKOUGH ELEVATORS : Bill No. 113, introduced for the prevention of, through Elevators, 1897, 48. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 64. Reported, 124. See Municipal Law. ACCIDENTS BY FIRE: 1. Petition respecting enforcement of by-law under Act, as to erection of fire escapes, 1894, 27. 2. Bill No. 170, introduced for the prevention of, in Hotels and other like buildings, 1900, 85. Order for second reading discharged, 104. 3. Bill No. 221, introduced for, etc., 1900, 123. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Com- mittee, 138. Reported, 156. House goes into Committee on, 187.
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