Lieutenant-General Sir James Willcocks, -Colonel (honorary Colonel) K.C.B., K.C.S.I., K.C.M.G., D.S.O., Com- The Right Honourable Lord Richard manding Indian Army Corps, British Expe- Frederick Cavendish, 5th Battalion, Royal ditionary Force. Lancaster (). Lieutenant-Colonel Algernon Hamilton Stannus Goff, . To be Additional Members of the -Colonel Henry Wickham, The Class, or Knights Commanders of the said Most Northamptonshire Yeomanry (Territorial Distinguished Order: — Force). Lieutenant-General Sir John Grenfell Lieutenant-Colonel Frederic Gustav Lewis, Maxwell, K.C.B., C.V.O., C.M.G., D.S.O., 13th Princess Louise's Kensington Battalion, Colonel, The Black Watch (Royal High- The London Regiment (Territorial Force). landers), General Officer Commanding The Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Anthony Force in Egypt. Howell, 3rd Battalion, The London Regi- -General (temporary Lieutenant- ment, Royal Fusiliers (Territorial Force). General) Sir Cecil Frederick Nevil Macready, Lieutenant-Colonel Harry Walker, 4th K.C.B., -General, British Expe- City of Dundee Battalion, Royal High- ditionary Force. landers (Territorial Force). Major-General (temporary Lieutenant- Lieutenant-Colonel Colquhoun Scott General) William Riddell Birdwood, Dodgson, Army Service Corps. K.C.S.I., C.B., C.I.E., D.S.O., Indian Lieutenant-Colonel Herbert Graham Army, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. Stainforth, Indian Army. Lieutenant-Colonel Rupert Shoolbred, 16th Battalion, The London Regiment, To be Additional Members of the Third Queen's Westminster Rifles (Territorial Class, or Companions of the said Most Dis- Force). tinguished Order: — Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Sydney Hamil- ton, Army Ordnance Department. The Reverend John Morrow Simms, D.D., Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Geoffrey Twin- K.H.C., Principal Chaplain to the Forces. ing, M.V.O., Royal Engineers. Army Chaplains' Department. Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick George Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Langham, 5th Battalion, The Royal Sussex Wellesley Lynedoch Henry Paget, C.B., Regiment (Territorial Force). M.V.O. Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Slade Baker, Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Army Ordnance Department. Francis John De Gex, C.B. Lieutenant-Colonel Valentine Murray, Colonel Charles Massy Mathew, C.B., Royal Engineers. D.S.O. Lieutenant-Colonel David Aubrey Cal- The Reverend Jacob Blackbourne, M.A., lender, The Royal Scots (LothianRegiment). Chaplain to the Forces, 1st Class, Army Lieutenant^Colonel William Tankerville Chaplains' Department. Monypenny Reeve, The Regiment. The Reverend William Stevenson Jaffray, Lieutenant-Colonel Tom Harry Finch Chaplain to the Forces, 1st Class, Army Pearse, The Cheshire Regiment. Chaplains' Department. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Hall Hayes, The Reverend Ewen George Fitzroy Mac- Middlesex Regiment. pherson, B.A., Chaplain to the Forces, 1st Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell Coffin, Class, Army Chaplains' Department. Royal Engineers. Colonel Ernest Reuben Charles Butler, Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Potts, Royal F.R.C.V.S., Army Veterinary Service. Artillery. Colonel Colquhoun Grant Morrison. Lieutenant-Colonel David Henry Drake- Colonel Henry Brooke Hagstromer Wright, Brockman, Indian Army. •Chief Engineer, Egypt. Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Oates Travers, Colonel John Anderson Dealy. D.S.O., Devonshire Regiment. Colonel Herbert de Touffreville Phillips, Lieutenant-Colonel Reginald Burge Ship- .Royal Artillery. ley, 9th Battalion, The London Regiment, Colonel Lancelot Graham, Royal Artil- Queen Victoria's Rifles (Territorial Force). lery. Lieutenant - Colonel Thomas Owen Honorary Colonel Henry Adeane Erskine, Marden, Welsh Regiment. C.B., Northumberland Divisional Train, Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Thornhill attached Army Service Corps. Ravenhill, Royal Artillery. Colonel (honorary Brigadier-General) Lieutenant-Colonel John Patrick Cumber - Francis Sudlow Garratt, C.B., D.S.O., lege Hennessy, Indian Army. Retired Pay. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Arthur Peyton Brevet Colonel Courtenay Bpurchier Lindsay, Indian Army. Vyvyan, C.B., Retired Pay, East Kent Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Walter Regiment. Viscount Hampden, Hertfordshire Regi- Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel ment (Territorial Force). Henry Joseph Walker Jerome, C.B., Lieutenant-Colonel David James Mason Retired Pay, Royal Engineers. MacFarlane, 4th Ross Highland Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Colonel) Seaforth Highlanders (Territorial Force). George Sidney Sheppard, Indian Army. Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Richard Wood, Lieutenant-Colonel Algernon Edward Royal Irish Fusiliers. Luke Wear, M.D., Royal Army Medical Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Glyn Ouseley, Corps (Territorial Force). D.S.O., Royal Artillery. Lieutenant -Colonel Arthur William Lieutenant-Colonel Alb an Randell Crof- Bentley Buckle, Army Pay Department. ton Atkins, Army Service Corps. A 2