Eastern Illinois University The Keep Faculty Research & Creative Activity Biological Sciences January 1990 The genera of Arundinoideae (Gramineae) in the southeastern United States Gordon C. Tucker Eastern Illinois University,
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[email protected]. ' JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM THE GENERA OF ARUNDINOIDEAE (GRAMINEAE) IN THE SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES' 2 Gordon C. Tucker 3 Subfamily ARUNDINOIDEAE Tateoka, Jour. Jap. Bot. 32: 277. 1957, Perennial or annual, small to very large herbaceous plants of wetlands, wood- lands, and lowland and montane grasslands [semideserts]. Rhizomes often present. Stems erect or spreading (stolons sometimes present); nodes solid, 'Prepared for the Generic Flora of the Southeastern United State by grants from the National Science Foundation and at this writing supported by BSR-87 16834 (Norton G. Miller, principal investigator), under which this account was prepared, and BSR-87 1 7333 (Carroll E. Wood, Jr., principal investigator). This treatment. 132nd in the series, follows the format The area covered by the Generic Flora includes North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ten- I have continued to enjo\ working uiih T- orton Milk i Mid Carroll Wood on the Generic Flora project and I thank them for their interest and advice.