Address and Contact Information Drikung Kyobpa Choling (Tibetan
Retreat at DKC with Khenchen Gyaltshen Rinpoche Samsara and Nirvana: Two Sides of the Same Hand 10am – 5pm Saturday and Sunday August 11th and 12th Friday evening talk 7pm August 10th — Saturday Evening: 7pm Dharma Protectors Practice The village of Tsari and the surrounding areas are amount the most sacred places in Tibet. It was there that Khenchen Rinpoche was born in the spring of 1946. In 1960, because of the political situation in Tibet, Khenchen Rinpoche fled to India with his family. They settled in Darjeeling, where he began his education. Even at a young age, he was an excellent and dedicated student, and he was able to complete his middle school studies in less than that average time. Around the time he completed middle school, a new university, the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, opened in Varanasi, India and Khenchen Rinpoche traveled to Varanasi in 1967 to seek admission. There he began a nine year course of study that included Madhyamaka, Abhidharma, Vinaya, the Abhisamayalankara, and the Uttarartantra, as well as history, logic and Tibetan grammar. In 1968, he had the good fortune to take ordination with the great Kalu Rinpoche and shortly after graduating from the Institute, he received teachings from the 16th Karmapa on The Eight Treasures of Mahamudra Songs. Even after completing this long and arduous study, Khenchen Rinpoche wanted only to deepen his knowledge and practice of the Dharma, and thus he sought out and received teachings and instructions from great Buddhist masters. Thus, with the Venerable Khunu Lama Rinpoche, he studied The Jewel ornament of Liberation, The Precious Garland of the Excellent Path, teachings on Mahamudra and many songs of Milarepa.
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