Wellesley News
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) Sara Elizabeth Hackey, Tower Court Wellesley College News VOL. XXXIV WELLESLEY, MASS., FEBRUARY 18, 1921! EVEREST SCALED VALENTINE PROM HAS ! FAMOUS SINGER WILL JUDICIARY ADOPTS JUNIOR PROM OPENS WITH TRAGIC EFFORT ORIGINAL FEATURES APPEAR IN WELLESLEY THREE NEW POLICIES WITH WILLIAMS PLAY Th< Captain Noel, Photographer Of tice Of The C "The Importance Of Being Earne.t," 1924 Expedition, Lectures On A Variety Of Ing In Recant H By C.car Wilde, To Be Given Heroic Story Alt Ove By Cap and Bells QUAINT TIBET IS VISUALIZED SPECIAL DANCES ARE GIVEN HONORED IN EUROPE il i the OTHER PROM ANNOUNCEMENTS pus and village dormitories were called The at The story of the Mount Everest Ex affair which the sophomores A series of opportunities, bestowed the request of the Judiciary, or The Importance a! Bring Earnest, by pictures gave for the Thursday pedition illustrated by moving freshmen at Alumnae on one of no mean desert, have shaped evening. Februaily 11, it Oscar Wilde, will be performed tomor- will be told by Captain John Baptist Hall Saturday evening, February 13, order to inform students of three row evening, the romantic career of Dusolina Gian- new February 19. at Alumnae n;is limn, than Noel on Tuesday evening, March 2, at a mere Prom. Due to [ licies recently adopted by the Judi Hall, by the Cap and Bells Corpora- nini, the young Italian the cleverness '28 soprano who ciary. Alumnae Hall. Captain Noel was the and originality of tion of Williams College. The play, it has merited for itself the distinctive will sing at Wellesley on February 26. I. The Judiciary announces official photographer with the 1924 ex- that i which will he the opening event of the pedition as well as with previous ones. title of the "Valentine Prom," for Born into a musical family,—her will try the experiment for the re Junior Prom week-end, has already had He tolls his own personal story of the coupled with the usual perfectly cor- father a well-known opera tenor, her mainder of the academic year of sum a series of successful presentations, rect moning a purposes, the work, and the tragic re- and enjoyable dance were "ex- mother a pianist, two brothers, one of jury to attend the Judiciary when Cap and Bells made its annual tra-special"' features of t,his cheerful meetings. This sults of this famous expedition which whom is a composer and the other a jury will consist of tour during Christmas vacation visit- holiday. The sophomores were four students chosen by lot. ing Pittsfield, is made more complete and graphic wise cellist,—Dusolina Giannini has held one from Boston. Hartford. Water- n choosing such auspicious each class. In addition through the aid of the motion picture. an time, share in the promise of musical to the student bury, Stamford. New York City, Mont- for the dance it members, one Captain Noel took his camera to a coming as did at the genius. member of the Official clair, Summit, and East Orange. After art of the second semester was cer- Staff will be requested to attend. The presenting the play at Wellesley on height of 23,000 feet above sea level, a little girl in pigtails, wholly jury will be inly effective in routing any rem- expected to join in the Friday evening, Cap and Bells will at which point, physically incapable of her latent talents, ints of Midyear gloom. discussion, but will have no vote. give another performance the going a step higher, he put a tele- iannini was discovered in Philadel- follow- The This action was ing into committee heads working under taken in order that night at Mt. Holyoke. scopic lens with a two-mile range iia by Marcella Sembrich, the famous Gloria Allen, more people may know the of General Chairman, used problems The cast of The Importance of Being action and went on making pictures nger and teacher. So runs the fairy the Valentine idea to the best and methods of Judiciary and also that Earnest is as follows: Irvine and Mallory fighting their way advan- le of her life. By Sembrich she was Judiciary and it predominated the evening, may be brought more closely Algernon Moncrieff G. B. '28 to the summit of Everest. Washburn, en sent to a studio in New York, for in mimoth red heart edged with touch with the opinions and sugges- John Worthing '27 Not only do the pictures show the G. Purcell, training. Four years later, in 1923, tions lite lace stood at one end of the of the college at large and profit Lady Bracknell T. H. '26 actual work of the attempts to scale Johnson, the chance illness of the soloist sched- by and smaller hearts decorated the a greater variety of points of view Gwendoline Fairfax. .R. E. '26 .Mount Everest, but they also n McLane, uled to appear before critical New and fresh walls. The tiny white leather pro- ideas. Cecily Cardew R. N. Smyth, '27 the people, customs, and country of York audiences the following evening Any grams revealed miniature hearts student or faculty is liable to Miss Prism E. W. Fletcher, '26 quaint Tibet, the land of Lamas, sent Mr. Schindler, conductor of jury duty. with 1928 engraved on them in gold. The duty of the juror is to Canon Chausuble S. H. Evans, '26 prayer-wheels, dirt, polyandry, yaks the Schola Cantorum, to all the stu- itand Even the "pink lemonade" had in this the functioning of the Ju- Lane E. P. Bell, '28 and buttered tea; for to travel over dios in New York, in quest of a substi- ' and to case deepened to an appropriate pass on all such infor- Merriman J. b. Nott, '27 Tibet, to visit the fortress monasteries His se ndf-.l i let and was. by the way, remarkably the i to other people. It is under- of the Lamas, to venture into vail Plan Open To All good as refreshment. The orchest of GIJ 3 soloist for the stood that all specific information such snow-fields, and glaciers never before ymphony which as the Although the play is an event of the too, was well in harmony with the the Schola Cantorum facts of the case and the iden- seen by man, and finally to climb to the rere tity of Junior Prom, yet it is presented under scheme of things, not only because to give the next evening. Such the person concerned is confi- top of the wonderful mountain were the auspices of Barnswallows they provided enthusiastic-sounding enthusiastic applause as she evoked dential. Associa- the reasons for the 1924 Expedition. tion, and is open to the entire college. jazz but because they were the Crimson auditors, at this unpremedi- Reports Sent to Parents Mount Everest lies in parts of Tibet It is called to the attention of the Ramblers. tated debut, assured her engagement II. The Judiciary announces that it li;id juniors that whew, prior In lfiM, no wind- nun by any numb^e* of Zeta Alpha is the only so- puabastea conduc- 11 lie its policy that a report Special Dunces Please of eacli ciety house which been permitted to enter, and for that tors, immediately. will in: open for tea She was further se which comes before the Judiciary The intermission :ing tomorrow, Friday, reason it had remained unexplored. hardly lived up honored by the offer afternoon. of a contract with it stands in the Judiciary book be to its The remaining houses Equipment I'iiusuiiIIy Interesting name for during that time there he Victor Phonograph will he open Sat- Company, a sent to the parent or guardian of the preparations were made to were two entertaining specialty dances urday afternoon for tea and bridge, Elaborate ecognition which many artists have student and that as this policy begins previously take the pictures on this expedition. which came as a complete and agree- announced. The juniors in coveted after many years before the th the case of those students whose experience able surprise. With the room dark charge of the activities of the various Captain Noel profited by public eye. penalties run into the second semester, houses obtained on previous expeditions and except for a dim spotlight Katherine follow: Nor is considered to be the Giannini's fame confined to right of Alpha Kappa Chi (Continued on Page 2, Col. 3) Eastman gave a graceful Burmese the Louise Hunter the United States alone. In Berlin, so parent to be acquainted with the dance and a few minutes AS°ra Elinor later the rom academic Blinn S acknowledged as the musical cen- standing and Zeta Alpha huge paper heart, which had Beemed efore Elizabeth Ruhnka EMPLOY of the world, the Judiciary feels that a LECTURE RECITAL TO such she was hailed Phi Sigma an innocent decoration, became policy Eleanor Delano through the press with the injunction. to acquaint them with FOLK SONGS FROM MANY AGES decidedly alive as Darrel Morrow and n conduct (Continued Mark the name Giannini! Her voice should be adopted. on Page 2, Col. 1) Catherine Pfingst crashed through it. The letter sent ver whelms with ecstasy to the parents will in On Tuesday afternoon. February 23, the most (Continued on Page 3, Col. 3) elude a copy of the dase listener and he statement of the at 4:40 John Tasker Howard, Compos- remains in his WELLESLEY SENATE signed by the VOTES TO seat until student and the er-Pianist will give a lecture recital in the last note dies away." penalty. It was stated ENTER NATIONAL And from the conservative that complaints FEDERATION Billings Hall, subject "The Folk Song WELL KNOWN PREACHER WILL critics of from parents led to such an innovation.