. . ••:. j TODAY'S UCHTWC:DI) |im^"*" ** ! Bunriae i 6,58 a.m.—sunsets 6.47 p^m? TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST £lghtlng-up time 7.17 p.m. Rule of the Road , KEEP LEFT—PASS ON THE RIGHT Showery Iji? jRopl feptte wuh <£



THREAT OF DOOM HANGING APPEAL CASE HEARD IN FOREIGN COMMENTS ON Silk Stocking Rope to OVER EUROPE'S CENTRES THE SUPREME COURT GERMAN "MORATORIUM" Organised British Labour to Combat Safety French Air Minister's Statement What Constitutes Obstruction Becoming Easier for Reich to BANCROFT, Ont., Aug. 31 Fascism; Trade Unions' Manifesto After Aerial Manouevres of The Police? Pay Britain, it is Said (CP)—A pair of silk stockings hastily stripped off a girl's "ONLY RUSSIA IS SAFE" Does a man's omission to open a LONDON, Aug. 31. (CP)—The legs and fashioned into a rope Fascists "Filled the World with Horror of their door to policeman in possession demand of Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, were the means of saving the of a search warrant constitute an lives of two tourist fishermen PARIS, Aug. 31. (CP)—M. Pierre German Minister of Economics, obstruction or an interruption of that the Reich be accorded a full from drowning in Lake Pud- Deeds, Swept Away Freedom" Cot, French Minister .of Air, de­ the police? ash. scribed today what he called "the moratorium on foreign debts, drew This was the question which from the Foreign Office today trade The two men were fishing constant threat of doom to the came before the Supreme Court great European cities by air raids." statistics indicating that it was from a canoe when it capsised. LONDON, Aug. 31 (CP).—Organised British labour today declared yesterday morning, when the ap­ becoming easier for Germany to They were thrown into the war on Fascism. A manifesto was issued by the General Council of the He made this statement after the peal of Conrad Darlington Sealey pay Great Britain. Trades Union Congress which threw the whole weight of British labour conclusion of the French aerial water near the bank. Miss C. against sentence passed upon him The Foreign Office did not deny Folcard, local girl, seeing their into the fight. The manifesto declared: lanouevres, in which the de­ by the Central District Magistrate fences of Paris were technically that the Germany transfer problem predicament and failing to was heard by the Acting Chief reach them, peeled off her ' Born of post war confusion crushed. was becoming more difficult so and depair, the Fas.iit party in Justice, the Hon. R. C. Hollis Hal­ far as other creditors are concerned. silk stocking and tied them STRIKE OF WELSH COAL M. Cot warned against the fright- lett. together. This hastily im­ Italy and the Nazis in Germany destruction that awaits the "Our figures show that Ger­ have used their powers to sup­ Sealey was convicted and fined 110 many's trade balance is increasing provised "rope" she threw to MINERS NEXT MONTH great European centre as a result for an offence under Section 40 the two men, whom she then press by violence all other parties. of the huge progress of aviation and that the transfer problems of Murder, torture and exile were of The Liquor Licence Act. 1921, the Reich, as they touch Great drew to safety none the worse since 1916. the magistrate finding that he had for their adventure. Demand for Increased Wages their weapons. They filled the Britain, should be easier," a world with horror of their deeds. "OUR MISTAKE" obstructed a detective officer in the Government spokesman said. execution of his duty. May Endanger Industry Servile obedience of every citizen * * * is exacted by their power con­ "Our mistake is in judging the BASLE, Aug. 31 (OP)—Officials -oo— isibilities of modern aviation A QUESTION OF INTENTION LONDON, Aug. 31 (CP)—Labour centrated in the state; freedom of the Bank for International leaders said today that 140,000 of thought and action both in the basis of aviation during Settlements today began drafting FRANCE EXPECTS RUSSIA TO he war," he said. "We forget in opening the case for the ap­ coal miners in Wales would go on the country's Press and associa­ a stiff protest to Germany against ENTER THE LEAGUE strike on the night of September tion have been swept away; the that during the last war bombard­ pellant yesterday, Mr. A. R. Vau­ yesterday's speech by Dr. Schacht, ments were small. We also forget crosson said that the facts were 30th unless they were given increas­ spirit of war and the creed of which proposed an absolute mora­ ed wages. Secretary Oliver, of blood have been glorified. that during the war London re­ not in dispute; it was essentially torium. Influence on Situation in Far lived but 30 tons of bombs, which a question of law. In the case of the South Wales Miners' Federa­ found l .800 victims. obstruction, he said, intention The authorities here said they East Being Discussed tion , has served notice to employers PEACE TREATED WITH formed a great part. The police considered the speech a declara­ that the present wage agreement CONTEMPT "Today an aerial fleet easily tion of the bankruptcy of the Reich. could drop 300 tons of bombs on arrived at 7 a.m., and Sealey's PARIS, Aug. 31. (CP)—Despite ends on that date. It is generally London within a day. Ten days door was closed the previous night. oo the growing opposition of the small feared that a new agreement will be "Peace and all its agencies are such bombardment would The Acting Chief Justice inter­ powers, France firmly expects that difficult to negotiate. treated with contempt. Middle- produce 180,000 victims. No posed that there was no evidence ENGLISH FLYER REACHES Russia will enter the League of The closing of these mines would class Germany, professional men capital could resist such slaught­ to that effect, although he added Nations in September. endanger Great Britain's coal trade, and clergical workers all find their er." that it did not make any difference CANADIAN CAPITAL Accepting Russian membership and the Government is keeping a salaries reduced to starvation limits whether it was closed the night as a virtually accomplished fact, close watch on the situation and when they are fortunate enough 'ABOMINABLE PROGRESS" before or ten minutes before, if OTTAWA, Aug. 31. (CP)—Greatly League of Nation circles turned to is prepared to intervene to prevent to find work. The standard of life a shutting down of the mines. is continually sinking. Fascism M, Cot added that his figures Sealey did not know that the fatigued but gratified at reaching the discussion of its probable ef­ police were coming to his house. his goal, Mr. John Grierson the fects on the international situ­ brings nothing in its train but op­ took no account of the "abom­ -oo pression and suffering. inable progress" made since the Mr. Vaucrosson submitted em­ English flyer reached Ottawa yester- ation. Particular interest at­ terday afternoon. He set out from tached to consideration of the "The Labour movement is deter­ war in the use of incendiary gas phatically that Sealey did not ob­ STATISTICS REVEAL RECOVERY and bombs, which would create struct the police. On the contrary, Rochester, England, on July 20th., possible influence of the Soviet's mined that Fascism bo thoroughly he told them that if they wanted to to conduct a survey flight to Can­ membership on the Far East OF BRITISH SHIPBUILDING exposed, once and for all. Each terrible panic. affiliated organisation and every Only Russia was reasonably go in they could break in, and ada by way of the northern route. situation. The last stage of the journey from lover of democracy and freedom is safe, he said, on account of the there could be no dispute that * * * LONDON, Aug. 31. (CP)—The breaking in the door was part of James Bay to Ottwa was accom­ ROHE, Aug. 31. (OP)—An official called upon to make every effort to huge distance between her capi­ recovery in the British shipbuilding achieve this object and strengthen tal and the remainder of the the duty of the police under such plished in five and three-quarter announcement supporting the Lon­ hours. and shipping industries was well the hands of the Labour move­ powers. M. Cot urged the re­ circumstances. don communique that Britain, illustrated yesterday by publica­ The Acting Chief Justice:—I do Mr. Grierson told a Canadian Italy and France are working to­ ment in it~ campaign to ensure duction of the French Army and tion of the statistics of the ton­ the victory of democracy and soci­ Navy credits, with a correspond­ not know that I should define it Press representative that his flight gether in the interests of Russia's nage built on the Clyde for the as their duty. It was their duty if had been undertaken entirely on entry into the League is expected alism over the forces of dictator­ ing increase in air credits. first seven months of this year. ship." —oo they had no other means of gaining his own and its purpose was to to be published here. The figures indicated that more entrance. make a survey of a possible airmail oo—— ships were built in the. first seven STREET FIGHTS HANDBILL DISTRIBUTOR route from the United Kingdom months of 1934 than for the whole MAIN SUBMISSION to Canada. Asked what he of 1933. The tonnage constructed RUNS FOUL OF THE LAW thought of the northern route Mr. OBSCENE BOOKS ORDERED Sporadic street fights still con­ so far this year totalled 67,786, tinue with over-zealous British From this point Mr. Vancrosson Grierson said "Plenty," and let TO BE BURNED compared to 55,669 in 1933. ieatre Manager's Complaint led to his next—and main—sub­ It go at that. Fascists. Two Black Shim were fined at Greenwich today, the mission. There was, he declared, 00 About Rivals' Employee no legal duty on Sealey's part to oo— Man Fined 10/- for Publicly sequel to a conflict with a crowd at Lewisham. A Black Shirt was assist the police under those cir­ Exhibiting Them FRENCH ECONOMIES TO OFFSET Another case concerning the ex- cumstances. The only time when a BERMUDA EMPIRE GAMES seriously injured in a Chelsea street ion of advertisements in a constable could call on a person DEVALUATION CAMPAIGN attack last night. street or highway came for assistance was when a breach TEAM SAILS HOME "If I find you or anybody else e the Worshipful A. C. Smith of the peace was being committed. with any more of this filth you will 00 . Hamilton Police Court yesterday That was a common law principle. "Reina" is Bringing 124 for go inside," Magistrate A. C. Smith PARIS, Aug. ai. (CP)— The when Webster Burcher pleaded not told Edgar Godwin in Hamilton French Cabinet announced yester­ AUSTRALIA TO RECONSIDER It could not be said that this was day that it would enact further guilty to a charge of distributing otherwise than a request for as­ Bermuda. Agents State Police Court yesterday. Godwin andbills in Wesley and Church pleaded not guilty to a charge of economies to offset the active NEW COTTON DUTIES sistance from the police. devaluation campaign. These Streets on August 25th, contrary The Acting Chief Justice:—In A cable to Sir Stanley Spurling openly exhibiting obscene pictures to the Advertisement Regulations from Major T. S. Murdoch, man­ in Reid Street East on August economies, according to the other words, you pin your case to Cabinet's statement, would total Decision Follows Protest by Act, 1911. the fact that there was no breach ager of the Bermuda Empire Games 23rd. The magistrate also ordered Mr. Edwin Coppock, manager of Team, reports that the team left books taken from Godwin to be about 113,000,000 for the 1935 Lancashire's Industry of the peace? burned immediately. budget, and a promise was made 3 Mechanics Hall Theatre, stated Mr. Vancrosson:—That is one Liverpool on Thursday. The team hat he was in the vicinity of the are all well with the exception of Constable Whiting stated that to refrain from additional tax­ of my grounds. Another is that ation. MELBOURNE. Aug. 31. (CP- theatre on Saturday, August 25th, there must be an act of commis­ Reggie Taylor, whose illness cast whilst he was on duty at the junc­ Reuter's)—Following tho receipt of between the hours of 12.30 p.m. sion and not omission. a gloom over the early part of the tion of Reid and Court Streets he -00—-— the United Kingdom's representa­ nd 4 p.m. "For the past six weeks The Acting Chief Justice:—I am tour. Taylor is now with his saw the defendant laughing and tions in regard to the new duties have been annoyed by the front father, Major Taylor, at Aldershot, joking with two girls. According WALKOUT IN THE U. S. COTTON on cotton goods, the Common­ afraid the authorities are against to the constable, Godwin was the theatre being httered with you there. and will return to Bermuda on the TRADE LAST NIGHT wealth Government has decided handbills," he said. "Orduna" on the 27th September. slapping his thighs with mirth. to reconsider the contested duties. SUSPICION ENOUGH Messrs. Harnett and Richard­ Shortly afterwards the two girls A cable of protest was sent by ths SOURCE OF THE NUISANCE son, local agents for the Pacific went away and the accused wrapped WASHINGTON, Aug. 31. (CP)— Hon. S. M. Bruce, Australian High In further argument with Mr. Steam Navigation Company, state some small books in paper. The Yesterday saw a call issued for a Commissioner in London in ex­ "I tried to locate the source of the Vaucrosson, the Acting Chief Jus­ that the Reina del Pacifico" left constable followed him and at the general strike in the United States planation of the British position.. huisance and stayed around in front tice remarked that it was not Liverpool with 124 passengers bound corner of Church and Court Streets cotton textile industry the strike The now duties proposed by Aus­ of the building. Soon I saw a child, necessary for an actual breach for Bermuda. She is expected to stopped him. "You have some to become effective tonight. Work­ tralia gave rise to threatened boy­ who was walking by, drop a hand­ of the peace, in the sense of illicit arrive at Grassy Bay at 7 a.m. on pretty hot stuff there that you ers in the wool, silk, rayon and cotts by Lancashire grocers on bill. Near Church Street I noticed trade in liquor, to be carried on September 10th., sailing at 1 p.m. were showing to those girls," he synthetic yarn industries were or­ Australian goods. In some places the accused standing in the mid­ during the time. Section 28 of for Nassau, Havana, Jamaica, told Godwin. dered to stand by for further or­ in Lancashire the boycott is already dle of the road with a bunch of the Liquor Licence Act, 1921, Canal Zone and west coast South The accused then handed over ders. in effect. handbills. I approached him and made it perfectly clear that a American ports. the books. "By the contents I Mr. Francis Gorman, chairman told him it was against the law," realised that they were unfit for of the special strike committee, -oo- Mr. Coppock went on. "He re­ constable had a perfect right to go there and search inspect and 00 publication," said P.c. Whiting. said to a labour gathering here: plied that it was his regular job." examine premises where Illicit The books were handed up to the "We have exhausted every resource Mr. Coppock then took the ac­ trade was suspected of being magistrate, who said that they in the direction of a peaceful settle­ cused, who offered no opposition, carried on. were highly obscene. Although ment." to the nearest Constable in order Mother of 21 WinsState Godwin had borne a good character HEWS Mr. Vaucrosson:»—But we are -=—00—=^= to find out whether or not the dealing with the charge of ob­ previously it was uppermost what distribution of handvills was allow­ Award was in his mind, the magistrate struction. SALVATION ARMY'S NEW HEAD On Page 11 ed in a public street. The Acting Chief Justice:—Yes, commented. The handbills, exhibited in Court, BUDAPEST.—A peasant A fine of 10/- was imposed. I know. I am not quite clear what woman living near Budapest, TO BE ELECTED NEXT WEEK? Proficienoy of Women Ath­ were advertising a matinee show at you have in your mind, but what Reid Hall, it was revealed. The ac­ has received the government's letes—Mid-Week Soccer Re­ I understood you to say was this: first prize for having more LONDON, Aug. 31. (CP)—The sults—Rain Mars Match Be­ cused claimed that he only gave that there was no breach of the away one circular that afternoon. children than any other belief grew today that the Sal­ tween "Aussies" and Kent— peace or any offence. In other mother in Hungary. She is Government House vation Army's High Council, which County Cricket Scores—In­ Mr. H. C. Mercer, a director of words, that there was no question 48 years old and has twenty- ternational Rugby Future— Reid Hall Company, the employers is in session here, would not elect about an illicit sale of liquor, and one children. She was mar­ The following were entertained its new general until some time English Net Stars to Play in of Burcher asked Mr. Coppock if that when Sealey refused to open ried at 16. Canada — Rainbow defeats the blank or the printed sides of by His ExceUency the Governor next week. the door he was not preventing the Gold medals were awarded to at luncheon at Government House As the third day of tho Council's Yankee Again—T eddy the handbills were exposed to the police from apprehending the per­ 6,000 other Hungarian moth­ Phillips Scores Another Vic­ public, as the accused was holding yesterday: session passed it the delegates son who was engaged in illegal ers, who, combined to have Pay. Lieut.-Commander A. O. continued their discussion of the tory—American Baseball Re­ them. Mr. Coppock replied that traffic. a total of 80,000 children—an sults—Mexican Is World's when they were handed to any­ Burnett, R.N. election procedure, and it became Mr. Vaucrosson:—I want to put average of thirteen and one- Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Gick, apparent that the actual voting Featherweight Boxing Cham­ body the reading matter was face it the other way, sir. Sealey is third children each. This is pion—Inter-Colonial Cricket upwards. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bushell, might be delayed over the week­ charged with obstruction, and be- proof, Hungarian authorities Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Smart, end. The anxiety of the various Trials—English Women Golf­ "SNATCHED THEM" I fore you can say Sealey had a right said, that Hungarian parents Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Huett, candidates to have the balloting ers Leave for Canada—Re­ In the witness box Burcher ad­ j to assist the police in opening the are the most prolific in the Miss M. Tresawna, conducted in a manner best suited sults of Trinidad Race Meet­ door you have to prove that Sealey world. ing. mitted that he was employed to Miss O. B. Morgan. to their interests was believed to . Miss N. la Poer. have prolonged the discussions. Continued on Page 12 Continued on Page 12 Order Your STRAWBERRY PLANTS Now-WADSON'S Page 2 THE ROYAE GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1934

-li.. jmaj..iJ»rAi.LMjjJt.l'a»JMU! wt£!*^iJLitiMiiimaW8i±. -- Wfa Knirai «a2*tte Correspondence mh (Unionist Satig CHEERIO! BOYS and GIRLS! HaCORPORATlNS FREE WOMEN FROM POLITICAL TMB BOTAL aAZCTTE <««TA». ma) tHB coLOHiar AND DAILY MCWS (i«T»«. ,•<«) SHACKLES MICKEY MOUSE

t*uat.i«HM> DAILY. EXCKPT SUNDAY "Widdrington" PARTY Pembroke, JHE BERMUDA PRESS, LTD. Aug. 29th. Ft KID BTRKKT. HAMILTON To the Editor, REID HALL Royal Gazette and Colonist Daily | AIM. PURCELL MANAGING EDITOR Dear Sir, SATISFACTION! TODAY AffClSTANT HHTOftl B. T. »>'•:* Afi«i«r*wT WUHLMWI IRNKIT J **»_. Will you be kind enough to #»VBRTIftlN* UANAtlRi M. M. r-A'.#»C»( publish the following? At 2.00 p.m. SUBSCRIPTION RATES "RESOLUTION 2. Franchise in L««ALt--om T*A*. -eo/-t six Mount'*. «o- TawsB Mutm i»/«i am WTM •/ Bermuda. pomitH i - T« UWTMI mwtLwmm *•«» CUIMNL • IJE.Oft MR *»*«. Ta> «K«tT •BITAIIB. W/- This Conference of the British GIANT ALL •UMCItHTIOM **:• MIPAYA11.K Commonwealth League deplores the continued exclusion from the MICKEY MOUSE MB- A.'I Ctrrcsp*W«-ao «Cfe!*ftt*

ttffli K3YSE aggros %m COIXMBI BSE** SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1934 Page 3

•SK- > ley Power and Percy Parsons, each contribute an effective study which dovetails neatly into the Hear Ye I Hear Ye I Picture-Loversl story and makes it brilliant enter­ tainment. The 'bus is wrecked on "Friday the 13th," a day which superstition 7 FINE SHOW EVENTS IN ONE holds to be unlucky, but in point of fact the general effect of the ac­ cident proves fortunate to most of the passengers. In two cases REID HALL — SATURDAY AT MECHANICS HALL softened considerably since he what appears to be tragedy of death packed a football, or threw the is turned to good account. FAMILY MATINEE mitts, so he began an intensive 00 Show Supreme conditioning campaign for the role. Pat's inexhaustible supply of KIDDIE PARTY cigars are gathering dust at home, >arty his meals are prepared with the Mickey Mouse Holds Big Kiddie *>*£!• basic idea of fasting and not feast­ Party At Reid Hall Today ing, and he's in bed each night at at Reid Hall — TODAY ten, for he has continued his train­ Giant Mickey Mouse To Present ing. Fields allows Pat one night Every Boy and Girl with Mystery Doors open 1.30 p.m. — Show starts 2.00 p.m. C^S^ each week to stay up later in order Presents to attend a boxing match. Fields At 3.30 and 9.00 p.m. scaled Pat down from 197 pounds At 3.10 and 8.40 to 178 within ten days time, and "STINGAREE" has everything that makes for had him in the proverbial pink perfect entertainment for man, woman and child. MQM's Qorgeous Techni- when the cameras turned on the MKKEY first scene. Heroic Passion Surges in the Blood! cohur Musical "" is the MOUSE) drama of a woman who sticks by Theibtazing - ntare' ot "ROAST BEEF AND her man, based on the story by "Cimarron" in the rath9 Gene Towne and C. Graham School is almost here and Uncle romance, of history * MOVIES" Baker, adapted by David Boehm WkUy is determined to make the most charming rogue! and dramatized for the screen by last few weeks before school time F. Hugh Herbert and Erwin Gelsey. the most enjoyable possible for the In the cast besides Pat O'Brien several hundred members of the are Glenda Farrell, Claire Dodd, Reid HaU Kiddie Klub. < sSitf4S9SS»J3aia3i^WSW*y> Henry O'Neill, Robert Glecklor, As usual there will be plenty of Yes, it's thejfamousjmovie dog Thomas Jackson and Arthur Vin­ cartoons, educationals, and action Bin Tin Tin'Jr., and he appears at ton. directed. pictures as well as chocolate and Mechanics' Hall Theatre this af­ -00- fruit popsieles for every boy and ternoon in Chapter 5 of th9 serial girl. called "The Wolf Dog" in whioh MECHANICS HALL TONIGHT The big event of the party will be Frankie Darro and Boots Mallory a presentation of mystery prizes also appear. The feature picture "Friday the 13th" by a giant Mickey Mouse. is full of laughs and thrills. It is There are seven separate stories oo "The Personality Kid" featuring in the Gainsborough Picture, "Fri­ Pat O'Brien and Glenda Farrell. day the 13th," and a cast of over AUSTRALIAN PICTURE To add to the entertainment there twenty stars and players, each a With is a new "Scrappy" cartoon, a travel prominent factor in the advance­ "Stingaree" Like "Cimmarron" film of Paris, Ben Pollock's Orches­ ment of the various stories. "Cavalcade" and "Rothschild" MARY BOUND tra, a Paramount Newsreel of the It has an original method of story Has Rich Historical Background *K0< CONWAY TEARLHVANDY DIVINE j PI'OPI „. military mobilizations in Europe, telling. It concentrates its import­ tAWO HINmr.SriPHENSON*UNA O'CONNOR THE DESTROYING RAY and other attractions. This special ant characters in a bus, on a stormy Richard Dix and Irene Dunne To­ matinee is scheduled to begin at night. Disaster overtakes the bus gether in Mighty Saga of Aus­ 2.15 p.m. with the doors opening and its passengers; two are killed. tralia Filled with Adventure, Come Today at 3.00 and 830 and enjoy 2 full at 2.00. Then the hands of the clock are Romance and Music —00 put back and we have a peep into the lives of the eight persons pre­ Richard Dix and Irene Dunne are hours of great entertainment but if you are "THE PERSONALITY KID" sent, and see the events that have reunited as co-stars, in "Stingar­ immediately preceded their getting ee," RKO-Radio's eventful melo­ Pat O'Brien Given Stiff Ring Train­ on the bus. drama. These stars have not ap­ An Early Bird ^H A Late Owl ^_U V ing For Fighter's Role. The film also has a galaxy of peared together in a talking pic­ at 7«oo p.m. see British star players, probably the ture since their sensational suc­ If it's true that the Irish love biggest aggregation ever seen in a cess in "Cimarron." at 10.30 pan. see to fight, then Pat O'Brien is a British picture. Jessie Matthews, "Stingaree" is a dashing and lucky chap. For O'Brien has the Edmund Gwenn, Gordon Harker, sympathetic Australian bandit who leading role in "The Personality Sonnie Hale, Emlyn Williams, Max spends his spare time composing

Kid," a Warner Bros, prize-ring: Miller, Ursula Jeans, D. A< Clarke- music. The role gives Dix an op­ JOSEPH M. SCHENCK pw* romance now showing at the , Smith, Cyril Smith, Muriel Aked, portunity to return to the adventur­ Mechanics' Hall Theatre. Mary Jerrold, Frank Lawton, Belle ous, twinkling-eyed roles he enact­ LORETTA YOUNG Pat, who was one of the best | Chrystall, Alfred Drayton, Eliot ed in the days of his early successes. amateur fighters at Marquette Makeham, Robertson Hare, Mar- Miss Dunne, opposite, has her UONEL and CARY GRANT University, realized that he had tita Hunt, Leonora Oorbett, Hart- first opportunity to exploit thor- RYMQRE BOM TO 8E» in BE BAD The Home of Consistently Qood Entertainment "ONE MAN'S ;¥< A DARRYl F. ZANUCK Production 4 OaajM^lOWtU .SHKMAN, ECHANICS HEATR: JOURNEY" &Sx ajkaarf •» yHRtb Mnstwr* •HALL# T At Last It's Here!-RONALD COL MAN'S • • • S2i'

Matinee 1/6 ... Evening 2\*** * Children 1/- "~i IT" -friTTr oughly her beautiful voice. In I "BULLDOG DRUMMOND" certainly enjoy "One Man's Jour­ AU Fun Show „ . „ TODAY • * • AU Fun Show "Stingaree" she sings both popU- | ney." The late pictura tc be shown lar and operatic song3. and Loretta Young will be Loretta Young and Cary Costumes of the Seventies in Aus­ Make Ideal Fair in Exciting and Grant in "Born To Be Bad." This tralia, together with the appearance Funny "Bulldog Drummond is a brand new picture and Reid Chapter 5 of historic characters of the period Strikes Back" Hall patrons see it with Broadway. PAT O'BRIEN as in London, where latter scenes in the story are laid, lend spectacular impressive Cast Includes Charles "THE "THE interest to the production. Butterworth, Warner Oland, Una oo Merkel, C. Aubrey Smith and PERSONALITY WOLF DOG" Halliwell Hobbes starring MECHANICS HALL KID" REID HALL Here's a hey nonny nonny and a i with GLENDA FARRELL RIN TIN TIN, Jr. hot cha cha murder mystery which — Coming Soon — is just about the gayest, most de­ "The Vanishing Shadow" lightful picture you have seen in VAUDEVILLE REVUE WORLD NEWS EVENTS years. That fascinating Ronald CAGNEY Amazing Serial Gets Under Way Colman again plays Bulldog Drum­ m TRAVEL FILM SCRAPPY CARTOON Episode 2 The Destroying Ray" mond, but this time with his Today tongue in his cheek and a naughty "HERE COMES OTHER TREATS glint in his eye, and you'll just go cur-razy about him all over again. THE NAVY" Charles Butterworth is his side­ EVENING kick and we don't have to tell you how droll the Butterworth humour is. DOUBLE FEATURE Then, too, there's Loretta Young looking so beautiful that she just Thistlecroft Sportswear must;be that "dream-walking" that you've been singing about—and our favourite comedienne, Una Merkel, Girls • • • • • coyly luring Mr. Butterworth—and CHIFFON DRESSES.... 22/6 Warner Oland being so so sinister Here's a problem for you in and oriental, and C. Aubrey Smith ORGANDIES at 11/6 up handling a "Personality Kid." so grand and British. The Cast is SILK CAPS at 25% discount CHAPTER TWO perfect, the dialogue is perfect, the direction perfect—oh, well, the also PAT O'BRIEN as whole darned thing is perfect. Stanfield jumps from the car and SILK CREPES at 25% discount "THE escapes. His enemies are frighten­ -oo- ed from the scene by the approach 166Sfs. of a motorcycle policeman. EXTRA SHOWS PERSONALITY Van Dorn appears and whisks JESSIE yAIIHEWS Stanfield away to his hidden labora­ Lionel Barrymore'sBeautiful "One £0S8)CN HARKER SCNNIE HAU KID" tory. Man's Journey" at 7.00 p.m. and Miss Grant makes a visit to her Loretta Young's "Born To Be #*•, EDMUND GWENN with GLENDA FARRELL father's office and there sees Oad- Bad" at 1.30 p.m. •Visitors CLAIRE DODD well alive. She phones Stanfield the good news and agrees to meet The early and late comers to and him at eight o'clock that evening. Reid Hall today certainly have two DjAYthel* She has been overheard by Barn- fine treats in store for them. The 2 Gamsborouqh Picture • Directed fayVICTOR . SAV1UE ett's men. first is that fine RKO picture en­ A BRILLIANT CAST IN A STORY FAMOUS BOXERS ^DE-VfJL.S:< . BRILLIANT IN THEME-—_ Van Dorn, who has perfected a titled "One Man's Journey" star­ pistol known as the "Destroying ring Lionel Barrymore, Joel Mac- K C 0 C KTA. L'£> $WJ£M& Ray," demonstrates to Stanfield Crea, May Robson, Dorothy Jor­ NEWS ... CARTOON *** 'WOLF DOG" SERIAL the death dealingdevice. They go to dan and Frances Dee. We are re­ OBTAINABLE *d ONLY AT THIS meet Gloria. In the face of capture peating this picture for the last Soon: —CAGNEY in "Here Comes the Navy" by Barnett's men, a bitter fight time at the special request of num­ (Bermudas Only EnglisJ Bar-Care) ensues and Van Dorn brings the erous friends. Those who are fond OPPOSITE FRASCATI AND Trft AQUARIUM 1S62«J«J«. "Destroying Bay" into play. of really worthwhile pictures will m*..m.ieU.t.H t'age 4 THE ROYAE GAZETTE AND COLONIST, DAILY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1934

*XI WU. •ALUMltUl 1~.JT a^saagiesai»aa»«tt»^«'"i*'*"t*t> •**-

Have you tried ? to Independence INURING the past few years most men have learned soma bitter lessons in economics. Specu« FLO-WAX lation Is not Thrift. Of all^ your material possessions, life insur* Easiest to use, economical, ance gives you the least cause fo* efficient. Just spread it worry. No doubt it is more appre­ ciated than ever before because on. No polishing is need­ you know it is always worth par. ed. M.A. GIBBONS CO Now is the time to lay die foun­ dation for your future indepen­ Gives your floors a lasting dence. Buy dollars for delivery at NIAGARA CRACKS UP—Pre­ at 30,000,000 pounds, changed the circle, the rock pile that age 55, 60 or later. A Long Term lovely lustre. sumably loosened by last Win* the contour of the world- crashed 180 feet into the gorge, Somers Building Endowment, which gives you pro­ ter's ice, the gigantic rock pile famous Horseshoe Falls. Here developing new falls within the that cracked from the lip of is an airview showing, within Falls. tection as well as saving, is a sure Niagara Falls, N. Y., estimated .*ttJj^af)J.-S ;i«a.U.w.i t.**HL Hamilton road to independence. Dial 1179 Established 1887 Frith's Hardware Store Warwick, Cobbs' Hill St. George's "Ebenezer" CHURCH SERVICES 2.00 p.m.—Sunday School. 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School. 1635C1s.ni. 3.00 p.m.—Rev. C. A. Munro, D.D. 11.00 a.m.—Rev. JohnU. Bell. * * * 3.30 p.m.—Sunday School. Emmanuel Church 7.30 p.m.—Rev. JohnU. Bell. Sunday, September 2nd ' lORONTd! CAN ADA 11.00 a.m.—Rev. C. A. Munro, D.D. Communion after Morning (llth after Trinity) * * * Service. 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. Emanuel Baptist Church * * * 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and. Lily Hall, Church Street, Hamilton St. David's Island Sermon. 9.30 a.m.—Sunday School. 3.00 pjm.—Rev. John U. Bell. EVEREST 9 9 9 12.00 Noon—Sung Eucharist. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship. 7.30 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Subject, "The One Called to SALVATION ARMY FIASHLIGHTS * * * Help." St. George's Parish Church 6.00 p.m.—Young People's Union. The Citadel (Court Street) Ham. 7.30 a.m.—Holy Eucharist. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship. 11.00 a.m.—Staff-Captain Morrison BATTERIES 10.15 a.m.—Catechism. Subject, "The Reward of the 7.30 p.m.—Staff-Captain Morrison 11.00 a.m.—Matins and Holy Faithful." * » * Eucharist. Rev. G. E. Stewart, D.D. Pastor St. George's and 7.30 p.m.—Evensong. 9 9 9 11.00 a.m.—Captain Broom. 9 9 9 CENTRAL CIRCUIT 8.00 p.m.—Mrs. Staff-Captain St. David's Morrison and party of Young Shelly Bay People. 9.00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist. at i* 9 BULBS 7.00 p.m.—Evensong. 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School. # * 9 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship. Somerset St. John's Church, Pembroke Tuesday, 8.00 a.m.—Prayer and 11.00 a.m.—Captain Voisey. Always 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. Praise Lsague. 8.pp p.m.—Captain Ethel Burnell * * * Dedication Service, 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. at 9 9 Fresh Holy Communion and Sermon Marsden 7.30 p.m.—Evening Prayer and 1.45 p.m.—Sunday School. Southampton Sermon. 3.00 p.m.—Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m.—Lieutenant Elsie Byford * 9 9 8.00 p.m.—Mrs. T. J. Humphrey. 8.00 p.m.—Captain Dorothea St. Mark's Church Smiths' Parish Wednesday, 8.00 p.m.—Mid-week Tame. LIGHTS 4/6 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer, Holy Service. OO Communion and Sermon. * * * Know Him?—"He? Why he's Preacher, Rt. Rev. G. Ashton Harris Bay the kind of a' fellow who would Protect his precious and up Oldham, Bishop of Albany. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service, Holy spend his time in a nudist colony * * * Communion after Service. trying to get subscriptions to a fashion magazine 1"—Wise Cracks. Holy Trinity Church, Bailey's Bay Rev. I. J. Humphrey, Minister. teeth against FILM 4.00 p.m.—Evening Prayer and ILM is one of the greatest repaired, results may prove tragic. Sermon. causes of tooth decay—and To fight dangerous film, use ASTWOOD'S Preacher. Rt. Rev. G. Ashton F Oldham, Bishop of Albany. YOUR GOOD HEALTH tooth decay often results in the Pepsodent instead of ordinary * * * loss of teeth. tooth pastes. Why? Because St. James' Church, Sandys Infantile Paralysis Can Be Spread by One Who In film are tiny, rod-shaped Pepsodent contains a special film- 9.15 a.m.—Holy Communion. Hasn't Disease germs—lactobacilli. These germs removing substance that is one of 11.00 a.m.—Evensong and Sermon. produce strong acid which eats the great discoveries in oral hy­ Preacher, Rev. R. O. Walker. By CLAUD NORTH CHRISMAN, MD. away tooth enamel just as other giene. Its power to remove every * a) * TPHE recent epidemic of infan- many carriers who do not even acids burn holes in cloth or wood. trace of film stain is revolutionary! *omach Trouble? St. Mary's Church, Warwick * tile paralysis in Los Angeles suspect they have the disease. It and vicinity again draws our at­ has been proven that it is carried Deeper and deeper go the acids. Be safe—use Pepsodent twice a 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. tention to this dread disease. The to the nose and throat and prob­ Finally the nerve is reached... the day and see your dentist at least DRINK J 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and fact that our President is suffer­ ably enters the system that way. ing from the It is also carried in some food root canal infected . .. and unless twice a year. Sermon. effects of the 12.00 Noon.—Holy Baptism. products, particularly milk. POSTUM ^ trouble and Prom our present knowledge, r 4.00 p.m.—Evening Prayer and the recent our best means of prevention is i FREE 10-day tube Sermon. celebration of by complete isolation of those we The Pepsodent Co., t * * 4i h i s birthday contains no caffein! by tbe raising know have the disease and also 919 No. Michigan Ave., Devonshire of more than of those who come in contact Chicago, 111., V. S. A. a million with it. Early recognition and 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer, Holy strict quarantine must be en­ Communion and Sermon. dollars for Please send me a free ten-day the Warm forced. sample of Pepsodent Tooth Paste. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Springs There may be stiffness of the Sermon. neck. The patient may be sensi­ I enclose Id. in stamps to cover Foundation cost of mailing. * * * t o stimulate tive to pressure anywhere. The 1 WAS slipping into chronic in­ the study and skin is especially responsive to digestion, irritability and ner­ Prospect Garrison Church treatment of any touch and there is complaint Name 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. anterior poli­ of severe aching pain from mere vousness. I tried Postum twice omyelitis has contact of the bed clothes to the a day instead of tea—and shortly 11.00 a.m.—Parade Service. OE, CHBISHAN skin. Address. .City. 7.00 p.m.—Evensong. caused it to my digestion began to adjust it­ become a national interest be­ Spasmodic pains in one or .«™_J self. Now my sleep is sound sides being a critical problem. more limbs are common, and St. Paul's Church, Paget and I'm never cross or irritable." We had expected and hoped these parts are often the seat of 8.00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist. that this amount would be sev­ the paralysis that develops later. 11.00 a.m.—Sung Eucharist. The symptoms vary greatly in eral millions and that a number severity and duration. They may 7.30 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. of foundations for study and be very slight, lasting only a day treatment could be opened in or two or be very severe for ten Wesley Church, Hamilton various parts of the country, so days or two weeks. that many, whether rich or poor, * * « Insist on 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School. could receive the benefits instead COMPETENT HELP 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship and of Just the few who had means S THE fever subsides, the Communion. to avail themselves of the facul­ A paralysis develops. This par* ties at Warm Springs. alysis seldom has any relation in Inserting a small advertise­ 7.30 p.m.—Evening , Worship ("A Many thousands of poor help­ degree to the early symptoms. A Message for Labour Day." less cripples over the entire na­ very mild case may suffer extern ment in our Classified Rev. W. Fraser Munro, Min­ tion crave the benefits of these sive paralysis, and vice versa. At ister. remedial efforts. Much study has first the paralysis is likely to be Advertising columns is a a> * * been given the trouble and some­ pronounced in the muscles of thing has been accomplished, but several limbs, or over the entire swift, sure way for an em­ Grace Church, North Shore much more is needed. It has been body including the back and re­ ployer to get in touch 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School. found that the infection is car­ spiratory organs. 11.00 a.m.—Mr. C. E. Robinson. ried from one person to another Most early deaths are due to either by mail or in person by direct contact All those ex­ paralysis of the organs of respir­ 7.30 p.m.—Rev. C. A. Munro, D.D. posed do not develop the disease, ation. This general disability Agents with the kind of workers Topic "The Blessedness of but they can carry ft to others. soon gets better and becomes per­ he needs. Work." • * • manent in only a few muscles of JOHN F. BURROWS & CO.. Ltd. Friday, 8.00p.m.—Praise and Prayer INDEED that is one of the most one or two arms or legs. This * difficult problems, in its pre­ may gradually improve, but sel­ 1102«I«]tu.Ui.s.tp. The cost is trifling, the Rev. C. A. Munro, D.D. vention and control. There are dom recovers entirely. results satisfactory, and the time saving worth while. 8R0NCH0 BILL The Royal Gazette & Colonist Daily Prisoner Turns Captor To get a really clean wash—you must use By HARRY F. SUNLIGHT SOAP O'NEILL THE ItOfAL OAZETT1 AND CX5LOW1ST DAILY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1934 Page 5

pigs was 3,069,030. The number of l horses on agricultural holdings BRITISH AGRICULTURE IN also showed a further reduction of 14,000, but the number of foalS 1933 was greater by 2,000 (5 per cent.). Wheat Crop Shows Increase MORE WORKERS The total number of agricultural of 42 Per Cent workers returned as in employ­ ment on June 3, 1933, was 715,546, LONDON:—The Ministry of compared with 697,481 in June of Agriculture's report on the acrecge the previous year. The increase and production of crops and num­ of 18,065 was equivalent to three ber of livestock in England and per cent. A notable feature was Wales in 1933 states that with u that "he number of regular adult yield about equal to the highest male workers showed an increase previously recorded and a great!/ for the first time since 1928. % J$%*V l« increased acreage, the production The estimated amount of milk of wheat was 468,000 tons, or 42 produced in 1932-33, calculated on per cent., greater than that of the the average yield per cow ascer­ previous year. tained &: a result of the census The total area returned in 1933 Of 1930-31, was 1,349,000,000 gallons, as agricultural land was 29,313,000 or 46,000,000 gallons more than in When you get the right food for a baby But it's different in one very important acres, or 46,000 acres less than in 1931-32. 1932, a further reduction of 0.2 In 1932-33 the production of eggs everything else comes right. But if way. The "Lactogen" process makes per cent. At 25,120,000 acres the area on agricultural holdings exceeding the curd light and flaky. Any baby under crops and grass showed a one acre in extent is estimated to your baby is like lots of others and can't /'USEJStSfAt, reduction of 86,000 acres, or 0.3 have been nearly 3,100,000,000, an can digest "Lactogen." And the rest per cent., but the area returned as increase of 222,000,000, or 8 per take ordinary milk, try "Lactogen." rough grazings was greater by 40,000 cent, on the year, and more than follows. Contentment. A steady gain acres. The total arable area double the corresponding estimate He will take milk then. Over and over amounted to 9,250,000 acres, cr for 1924-35. in weight. Colour coming in the 117,000 (1.2 per cent.) less than in again that is proved to be true. The wool clip of 1933 amounted cheeks! Firmness in the limbs. 1932. The area returned as under to about 63,000,0001b. (on a greasy permanent grass was greater by basis) or 3,000,0001b. less than in Take a long tall glass a;: put 30,000 acres (0.2 per cent.). 1932; this reduction was more than " Lactogen " is rich country milk. All in a stick of your favorite counterbalanced by an increase in If you are in any difficulty about Baby's CORN CROPS liquor... and fill to the brim the output of skin wool from the vitamins in it. All the cream. food, try "Lactogen." with Canada Dry! What a slaughtered animals, and the total highball that is! Corn crops occupied an area production of wool rose on the greater by 73,000 acres (1.7 per cent.) year by 1,000,0001b. to 90,000,0001b. For The Champagne of than in 1932, the area under wheat The calculations of the Value of Ginger Ales blends! It having increased by 372,000 (29 per the output of the census year 1930* sparkles with all the extra cent.) to 1,660,000 acres, which is 31 have now been made, the total gaiety of a fine old wine. It's nearly equal to the pre-War figure, value being estimated to have been flavored so delicately that it by 209,000 acres, or 22 per cent., £202,660,000. Taking into account makes even the best liquors and 86,000 acres, or 5 per cent., any alteration in the value of cer­ taste better. respectively. tain factors for which it was im­ Fine in long tall drinks, or all A further increase of nearly 15, possible to make any allowance, by itself. Charming with 000 acres, or 3 percent., raised the the total value declined between meals. Good for the children; potato acreage to a level higher than 1930,31 and 1931-32 by nearly £13,- Sold at all the better restau­ in any year since 1922, but the total 000,000, the figure for the latter rants, bars and hotels; area under roots was the lowest on year being £189,710,000. In 1932- record, turnips and swedes being 33 there was a further decline of FOR THE NEWLY BORN grown on an area smaller by 25,000 £4,880,000 to £184,830,000, making CANADA DRY acres, while the area under man­ a total decrease since the census the Champagne of Ginger Ales golds was greater by 8,000 acres than year 1930,31 of £17,830,000, or 9 in 1932. per cent. In both years the re­ The area under sugar beet In­ ductions were due to the continual creased by 109,000 acres, an increase decline in the general level of agri­ A new equivalent to 43 per cent. With cultural prices. the exception of lucerne, which was WHOLE WHEAT grown on an area smaller by 12 per cent, than in 1932, the area —00— 'J'/tfrvtcU under fodder crops was greater, Biscuit the net increase amounting to INCREASED NUMBER OF RE­ nearly 10,000 acres, or 5 per cent. (ghpesMeei) The vegetable and fruit crops, CIPIENTS OF UNEMPLOY­ finds something good in with the exception of rhubarb, MENT AND POOR RELIEF celery, and cabbage, were grown the Royal Cook Book (page 27) on larger areas. The hops acreage IN ENGLAND also showed a slight recovery, the You think of Frances Dee as the vivacious area in 1933 being greater by 364 LONDON.—A Ministry of Health acres than in the previous year. return to the House of Commons star in RKO-Radio's "Little Women." shows that the number of persons You never think of her as some one who HIGHER YIELDS in receipt of poor relief in England and Wales on the night of January likes to cook—and knows how! But you Notwithstanding the prolonged 1,1934 excluding rate-aided patients ought to see her in her kitchen! She never drought, the weather in 1933 was in mental hospitals, was 1,402,725, allows monotony to spoil the meals. favourable to all crops except hay or 348 per 10,000 of the population, and roots. The weather was par­ an increase of 27,080 compared with There's always something new. She bakes KELLOGG'S WHOLE WHEAT ticularly good for the corn crops; the corresponding number for a variety of cakes, cookies and pastries. the yield was generally above aver­ January 1, 1933. Biscuit are made of delicious Many of her favorite recipes are printed shreds of whole wheat. They age and the quality was unusually The total comprised 420,686 men, have a rich flavor that you'll good. The yield of potatoes was 481,605 women, and 500,434 child­ in the Royal Cook Book. also above average, but the yields ren. delight in. And many other Get a free copy of this book. Just mail improvements. Every biscuit of roots and hay and straw were be­ Classification shows that 199,- low. 813 were in receipt of institutional the coupon. You can bake and serve is toasted top and bottom—* The production of barley, owing relief, and 1,202,912, including many delicious surprises and be sure of extra crisp on both sides. to the reduction in acreage, was 424,946 returned as relieved on ac­ Kellogg's WHOLE WHEAT 136,000 tons, or 18 per cent, less count of unemployment, were in their success. Royal recipes are simple. Biscuit are a convenient size- less than in 1932 and was the lowest receipt of domiciliary relief. The Insist on Royal Baking Powder. It on record. The production of coresponding figures for 1933 were two just fit the cereal bowL And makes cakes lighter, never leaves any you get 15 biscuits in every oats and mixed corn was also less 209,612 and 1,166.033 respectively. red-and-green package. than in the preceding year. The number relieved on account bitter taste. Royal is your best insurance The yield of potatoes was lOcwt. of unemployment showed an in­ against baking failures. Buy Royal Baking an acre above the average and, on crease of 6,774, and was the highest a larger acreage than in 1932, the since January 1, 1928. Powder from your grocer. total production was greater by IS 170,000 tons than in that year and INSTITUTIONAL RELIEF BISCUITS was 469,000 tons above the 10-year SUGAR COOKIES average. The number of persons in re­ 8 eups flour \y* caps sugar The total production of turnips ceipt of institutional elief was 1 teaspoon Royal 1 cwp shortening and swedes and mangolds was the lower than the numver on the cor­ Baking Powder 3 eggs lowest on record. The production responding day in any year since % teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract of sugar beet was the highest on 1919, and was 37,769 less than on Sift dry ingredients together- Add shortening, mUino in record; the area under this crop March 31,1930. It was pointed out, with a *©rfc. Add unbeaten eggs and flavoring. Roll out very thin on floured board and rut with floored cookie was 43 per cent, larger than in however, that a number of estab­ eutters. Decorate tops if desired. Bake In moderate 1932, and the total production of lishments formerly administered even at 37S" F. for 8 minutes. Makes 6 dozen. trances Dee, KKO-Hadio star, washed and topped beets was 3, under the Poor Law Aots have been now playing in "Little Women" 279,000 tons. appropriated for publio health or The hop crop was satisfactory as other purposes, and the large regards both yield and quality. majority of the inmates o< the The crop was grown on a larger appopriated establishments are acreage than in the previous year, not in receipt of poor relief. OYAL BAKING POWDEk and the total production was great­ The number of casuals disclosed er by 28,000cwt. The hay harvest in the return is 15,166 as compared was secured under exceptionally with 15J939 a year earlier. Free YOU WILL WANT THESE TWO COOK BOOKS favourable conditions and was of In the administrative county of excellent quality, but because of London 125,740 persons were re­ Please send me a tree copy ofl • The Royal Cook Book; • Favorite Recipe, of Movie Stars. the dry season the crop was a light ceiving relief, a reduction of 16,- Name . — ~~—'

Don't let it go until it one, being 1,148,000 tons smaller 705 on the previous return. Among Ctt develops into something than in 1932, and 1,374,000 tons the largest county totals were 64,- Address £ - * much more serious. below average. 504 in the West Riding of Yorkshire, Mail this coupon, to There is no better The total production of wheat, 49,368 in Glamorgan, and 20,272 remedy for the relief of barley, and oat straw was greater in Monmouth. W. S. PURVIS & CO., Dept. 183-E-3 Post Office Box 19, Hamilton, Bermuda Coughs, Colds and all by 69,000 tons than in 1932. The In the county boroughs Liver­ Bronchial Afflictions yield of orchard fruit was greater pool had the largest total, 85,938, than Eoberfs Syrup. It than in 1932. which compares with 22,857 for breaks up the cold, With the exception of cattle, Birmingham, 59,793 for Sheffield, soothes the throat and which showed an increase of 4 per and 60,262 for Manchester. quickly restores normal cent., the numbers of live stocks conditions. Most pleas­ returned in 1933 were smaller than t .,lr CHILDREN'S INVITATION CARDS ant to those returned in 1932, sheep and Manufactured b-J horses by 2 per cent, and pigs by B3K PARTIES AND BIRTJ8DAX8 KOHTHEOP & LYMAN CO., 4 per cent. LEIITEO Toronto, Canada Cattle increased by 262,000 to 6,620,000, the highest total on re­ find them effective cord, the dairy herds being more 34. each I I numerous by 84,000. Sheep were fewer by 406,000, the total being enburys A. 18,090,000, but breeding ewes had feJPASTILLES increased by 134,000 (2 per cent.). m m All classes of pigs were smaller in Obtainable from numbers than in 1932, sows by 20, all Chemists THE BERMUDA PRESS, LTD. THE EXTRACT 000 (5 per cent.), boars by 2 per Stores, etu., throughout tha Reid Street !COD LIVER AMD TAP! cent., and other pigs by 95,000 B.W.I. (3 per cent.). The total number of Page S THE fcOYAIJ G^TOl ANQ COLONIST, DAILY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1034

7.15—Same as WJZ 3gssa»s>s>iee8SSB ft*ft*ft»lftAftftft«ftftftMftftM*ftftftftft*ft*ft'M'ftftaft.^ 7.30—Hotel William Penn Orch. P.* 8.00-9.30—Same as WJZ ft* S3 9.30—Squire Hawkins S-3 *** ».* 9.45—Same as WJZ §ft*9 ** OVER THE RADIO P.* *•* 10.00— Behind the Law ft* •* 10.15—Golf Programme P.* ! mm ** Sd ><2<>CXOO<)OOGM>O&QO0O9OQO^ 10.30—Same as WJZ SCHOOL p.* ft* *'* 11.30—Sea Breeze Sports Slants P.* ft* VINES ON TENNIS FOE NBC programme with an orchestra under 11.35—Hotel William Penn Orch. p.* S3 12.00—DX Club ft* the baton of Josef Stopak to be P.* tOOOOOOOOO network, beginning today. Mana-Zucca and an aria from ft.* * i Ellsworth Vines, former national Verdi's "La Traviata." Miss Man­ Tony Wons, who won radio fame S3 with his Scrapbook, will return to ft* singles champion, will be at the ners will sing "Because of You" by ft*ft.» S3 drama when he appears in the first *.' SATURDAY 15th microphone on the last two days Wickam, "H M'Aime," from "Les ft* S3 of the meet, Friday and Saturday, Dragons De Villars" by Maillart episode of The House By the Side ft.* ».• of the Eoad on Sunday at 5.30 p.m., ft* ** Sept. 7 and 8, to give listeners a and the currently popular "Love in 8ft*9 §9 play-by-play description of the Bloom." The featured orchestral over an NBC-WEAF network. In p.* the new dramatic and musical pro­ «* semi-final and final matches. Be­ number will be Rachmaninoff's ft* 19 ginning on the opening day of the "Polichinelle." gramme inspired by the Sam Walter §9 Foss poem of the same name Wons Just a week before ft* tournament, John Tunis will * * * ft* !9 will portray John Witcomb, retired ft* broadcast a resume of high spots TONIGHT'S PROGRAMME ».ft** school opens.... A ft.* actor who has won fame in the ft.* of the play each evening at 6.00 p.m. ft* ii theatrical world and who now ex­ ft* week of specials.... ft.* He also will assist Vines in the ac­ (Bermuda Time) ft* » tends a hand of welcome to all his ft* tion broadcasts which will be heard ft.* ii next Friday at 4.30 p.m., and next GSD, 25.5 m.; GSB, 31.5 m.; friends and neighbours in The ft* Special prices and House By the Side of the Eoad. 19 Saturday at 2.45 p.m., over the Daventry, England ft* S3 The supporting cast will include ft.* Special displays NBC-WEAF network. 4.45—The B.B.C. Orchestra (Sec­ ii S3 # * # tion C), conducted by Ayl- Hazel Dopheide, dramatic reader; *.* you'll find it easy to ** Loretta Poynton, NBC actress; Gina ft* SONGS BY MARTHA MEAES mer Buesst ft**.* choose the new out­ S3 5.00—Soft Lights and Sweet Music Vanna, soprano; Emery Darcy, bari­ tone; Bonnie and Van, singers and ft* p.n* The currently popular "The Very 5.20—The B.B.C. Orchestra (contd) "*.* fits needed.... out­ •r* comedians, and an orchestra and ft* ».* Thought of You," "I'll String Along 5.30—Dance music ft* ft* vocal ensemble directed by Ulderico Er* fits that will wear *.* with Ycu" and "For All We Know" 6.15-6.30—News Bulletin *.* A* Marcelli. The programmes will ft* *.* are listed on the programme to ft.* long and look well... •r* be offered by Martha Mears, petite GSD, 25.5 m.; GSC, 31.3 m. originate in the Chicago studios. ft* P.* * * * «f* blonde contralto, over an NBC- 7.00—Time Signal from Big Ben. sa p.* CHASE AND SANBOEN HOUE Watch for further ** WEAF network this evening at 7.30. Syncopated pianoforte med­ ** v.* Miss Mears. accompanied by an leys announcements . .. »* orchestra under the direction of With Jimmy "Schnozzle" Du­ *.* •?.* 7.30—Excerpts from the Eoyal •JS 6* Jerry Sears, also will sing "Deep rante furnishing the riotous ft* p.* Automobile Club Interna­ ft.* ** Night" and the orchestral number tional Tourist Trophy Motor comedy and Eubinoff and his or­ ft* ''School Week" has •„« completing the programme will be chestra the musical interludes, an­ p.* a** Race, over the Ards Circuit, ft* been planned to p.* "Do You Ever Think of Me?" nr. Belfast: a running com­ other sparkling Chase and San­ ftj* 6ft tva P.* * * * mentary by F. J. Findon at born full-hour programme will be p.* simplify school buy­ ft* presented from the Hollywood ft* P.* RECITAL BY MARY EASTMAN the Starting Point, John p.* ing at a convenient ft* Snagge at Newtownards, and studios over an NBC-WEAF net­ ft* P.* Mary Eastman, young concert so­ p.* ft* H. W. McMullan at Comber. work on Sunday at 8.00 p.m., Ber­ ft** time with consider­ ft* prano, will offer several sentimental muda time. The selections to be p.* ft* 8.15—The Radio Novelty Quartet; P.* arias and operetta selections during heard include "St. Louis Blues," 5ft*3 • &* Cuthbert Matthews (bari­ ft* able saving... her recital over the WABC-Colum­ "The Very Thought of You," *.* ** tone) ft* ft* bia network tonight from 7.45 to "Straight from the Shoulder," p.* ft* 8.45-9.00—News Bulletin ft* ft* 9.00. Miss Eastman will open the "Isn't This the Night" and "My P.* ft,* &* ** programme with the lovely melody. Hat's On the Side of My Head." p,* ft* WEAF, New York 660 kc. ft* "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" from * * * ft.* Jerome Kern's latest operetta "Eo- 5.00—Orlando Orchestra SI ft* 5.30—Webb Orchestra WINOHELL RETUENS TO ft* ft.* berta"; and will also contribute AIRWAVES p.* GIBBONS COMPANY ft* 6.00—Programme summary ft* ft.i the French song hit, "Parle Moi p.* iv* D'Amour" ("Speak to Me of Love") 6.03—Al Pearce and his Gang ft* Walter Winchell, celebrated New ft.4 Queen Street ft.* by Lenoir; Carrie Jacobs-Bond's 6.30—Press-Radio News ft* i.f 6.35—Coakley Orchestra York newspaper columnist, will be­ P.* •».*« "Jest a-Wearyin' for You"; and gin his third series of Sunday night ft* ft* "When You're Away" from Victor 7.00—Baseball Resume ft* *.* broadcasts with the programme ft* THE HOME STORE and THE WOMANS SHOP ft* Herbert's operetta "The Only Girl." 7.15—Homespun—Dr. William H. ft* »,* Foulkes over an NBC-WJZ network on ft* &* The accompanying concert orches­ Sunday at 9.30 p.m., Bermuda P.* p.* 7.30—Martha Mears, songs; Sears &* tra will round out the programme time. Except for incidental orches­ ft* Reid Street p* Orchestra ft* ft* with Saint-Saens' delightful com­ tral music, Winchell will fill the ft* p.* 7.45—Sisters of the Skillet P.9 lessees. position. "Eeverie du Soir." quarter-hour periods with his ft* 0* 8.00- Don Bestor's Orch. t*t # # breezy comments of the great and 8.30—Canadian Concert MANHATTAN SEEENADEES near-great of stage, screen and 9.00—One Man's Family—sketch Broadway. Johnny Augustine will take over 9.30—Chicago Symphony Orch. * 9 9 the baton during Freddie Eich's 10.00—Raymond Knight's Cuckoos vacation for the popular concert 10.15—King Orchestra FEED WAEING AND HIS PENN- by the Manhattan Serenaders, to 10.45—Siberian Singers SYLVANIANS THE CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS be broadcast over the WABC- 11.00—Guy Lombardo's Orch. Columbia chain tonight, from 8.15 11.30—Paul Whiteman's Orch. Having completed a vaudeville to 8.45. Claude Eeis, tenor, will be 12.15—Carefree Carnival tour of the middle west and New the featured vocalist, and medleys England, with a shuffle off to Buffa­ Lady Nelson from two Eodgers and Hart musical WLW, Cincinnati 700 kc. lo as a side excursion, Fred Waring comedies vail be featured contribu­ 6.30—Jack Armstrong—sketch and his Pennsylvanians again will Lady Hawkins tions. The programme will open 6.45—Talk by Major Wood take up their stand at the Columbia with "Swanee"; and continue with 6.50—Tom Coakley's Orch. Eadio Playhouse, New York, on Lady Drake "Do I Love You?" and "By the Taj 7.00—The Old Observer Sunday, for their weekly broadcast Mahal" from "Student Tour," 7.15—Over the Rhine. German over the WABC-Columbia network Lady Somers from 9.30 to 10.00 p.m. "" and "Eoses Band in the Rain." all with vocal choruses 7.30—Bob Newhall. sports talk Opening up his bag of melodies, Lady Rodnev by Reis. His other contributions 7.45—R.F.D. Hour—Boss Johnston Fred Waring, abetted by his vocal­ will be "I'm In Love," "They 8.15—Gene Burchell's Orch. ists and instrumentalists, will pre­ Didn't Believe Me," "Rangers' 8.30—Northern Lights sent a programme of songs which Song" and "The Fortune Teller." 9.00—Same as WJZ won the greatest approbation from The medleys will be "A Tree in the 10.00—Same as WEAF the combined vaudeville audiences. Park," "A Little Birdie Told Me 10.15- Henry King's Orch. Rosemary and Priscilla Lane, Babs So" and "Where's That Rainbow" 10.30—Same as WJZ Eyan and her brothers, Tom War­ Are Offering from the show "Peggy Ann"; and 11.30—Castle Farm Orch. ing, Stuart Churchill, Poley Mc- "Blue Room" and "The Girl 11.55—News Bulletin Clintock and Johnny Davis will be Friend" from "The Girl Friend." 12.00—Same as WEAF heard in vocal specialties. To the Prospective Traveller, a choice of two wonderfully # # # interesting trips by their luxurious LADY BOATS — Cuisine BEETHOVEN SYMPHONY BY WJZ, New York 760 ko. HEADLINEES EETUEN TO U.S. DETEOIT ORCHESTEA 6.00- -Johnson Orchestra and Service Unsurpassed. 6.30- -Piano-Organ Duo Returning to the United States Victor Kolar, conductor of the after a series of international (1) From here to NASSAU, fife days in Nassau and return to Bermuda, or from here to Jamaica Detroit Symphony Orchestra, will 6.40- -Press-Radio News 6.45- -John Herrick, baritone; con­ broadcasts from Europe, the Gulf two days in JAMAICA and return to Bermuda. Entire round trip fourteen days. present Beethoven's First Sym­ Headliners programme with Al phony in C minor as the highlight cert orch. t>e From here to BRITISH GUIANA and return visiting Ten Historic Islands en route, Sound trip 7.00—-Stam p Club—Captain Tim Goodman's orchestra, the Modern of the second Saturday night con­ Choir, Frank Parker, Pauline Al- twenty-three days. cert to be broadcast from Ford Healy OE 7.15— Flying—Captain Al Williams pert and Onka Lundh, will be heard Symphony Gardens at A Century from the NBC studios in Eadio City Travel to MO^TSEEEATand transfer to North bound LADY BOAT for return Fome. Bound trip of Progress, Chicago, tonight, from 7.30—-Madriguer a Orchestra nine days. 8.00—-Eocheste r Civic Orch. Sunday night. This programme 9.00 to 10.00 o'clock, over the WABC- over an NBC-WJZ network at 9.00 Interestinj* Sight-seeing Shore Exclusions Arranged at Small Cost. Columbia network. 8.30—-Norther n Lights—sketch & 9.00— p.m., will mark the American radio The programme will open with -Variety Musicale i For further particulars and rates 10.00—-Mari o Cozzi, baritone; Lu­ debut of Miss Lundh, and will be •a the Overture to Mozart's opera, complete with vocal highlights by Apply to: "The Magic Flute," and will also cille Manners, soprano 10,30—-Bar n Dance Parker and the ohoir and instru­ JOHN S. DAERELL & OO. include the Grieg song, "The Last mental features by the orchestra 11.SO--Martin Orchestra 3 Phone2690 . Agents, Hamilton. Spring," and the Ballet Music from and Miss Alpert, "whirlwind pian­ lS.00—-Danc e music Gounod's "Faust." ist." The Beethoven symphony is con­ * * * sidered to be the first installment WABC , New York 860 kc. ARNHEIM MUSIC IN HALL OF of the greatest sequence of instru­ 5.45— Eaginsky Orchestra FAME tra; Garda Hall (soprano), 7.00—Charlie Previn's Orch. mental works ever conceived by 6.15— Sports Talk—Ted Husing relayed from the Grand 7.30—Baseball Scores 9.30—Waring's Pennsylvanians the mind of man. This work, 6.30— Press-Eadio News Gus Arnheim, his famous "movie- Hotel, Eastbourne. 7.35—Smoke Dreams 10.00—Wayne King's Orch. according to Berlioz, by reason of 6.35— Charles Carlile, tenor land" band and troupe of vocalists 5.30-5.40—Epilogue 8.00—Jimmy Durante and Eubin- 10.30—Ferde Grofe's Orch. its melodic style and its sobriety 6.45— Sam Bobbins' Orch. including Jimmy Newell, Maxine off's Orch. 11.00—Jack Little's Orch. 11.30—Gel Gray's Orch. of harmony and of instrumenta­ 7.00— Biljo Orchestra Tappan and a girl's trio, wiU be GSD, 25.5 m.; GSC, 31.3 m. 9.00—Gulf Headliners tion, is wholly distinct from the 7.15— Isham Jones Orch. heard Sunday night, when they 9.30—Walter Winchell 11.45—Joe Eeichman's Orch. 7.00—Time Signal from Big Ben. 12.00—Red Nichols' Orch. subsequent works of Beethoven. 7.45— Mary Eastman, soprano; enter the Hall of Fame over an NBC- A violin recital by Arthur 9.45—Unbroken Melodies The composer evidently remained concert orchestra WEAF network at 10.00 p.m. Oatterall 10.00— Hall of Fame—Arnheim's under the influence of Mozart's Orch. 8.00 Fats Waller, organ; Beale • * • 7.30—The Drawing Eoom of the KDKA, Pittsburgh 980 kc. ideas in the course of writing it, Street Boys, songs GSD, 25.5 m.; GSB, 31.5 m. Empire—The Woman's Point 10.30—L'Heure Exquise while he sometimes enlarges, and 11.00—Zero Hour—Flying Dutch­ 6.00—Those Three Girls 8.15— Dance Orchestra; Claude Daventry, England of View, a talk by Miss Wine- 6.15—-Baseball Resume everywhere imitates with ingenu­ Eeis, tenor men Orch.; Charlie Damron, 2.00—Time Signal from Big Ben. fride Wrench 6.30—Baltimore Municipal Band ity. In the work as a whole, how­ Modern Male Chorus tenor; John Barker, baritone 8.45- The Drawing Eoom of the 7.45—British Celebrity Artists, a 7.00—Silken Strings ever, the poetic idea is absent— Detroit Symphony Orch. 11.30—Tea Leaves and Jade 9.00- Empire—The Woman's Point programme of gramophone 7.30—Musical Art Programme it is music admirably framed, clear, Variety Musioale 12.00—News Bulletin 10.00- of View, a talk by Miss Wine- records 8.00—Goin' to Town imbued with life, but cold and Elder Michaux and his Con­ 10.30- fride Wrench 8.00—A religious service, relayed 9.00—Gulf Headliners sometimes paltry. The first sym­ gregation WABC, New York 860 kc. 2.15—The Gersham Parkington from Wesley's Chapel, City 9.45—Tastyeast Theatre—sketch phony does not represent the mas­ 11.00— Sylvia Froos, songs 6.00—Nick Lucas, songs Quintet Eoad 10.00—Mme. Schumann-Heink ter's work, but heralds the fruition 11.15— Glen Gray's Orch. 6.15—Summer Musicale 2.55—A religious service, relayed 8.45-9.00—Summary of the week's 10.15—Y.M.C.A. Programme of Beethoven's later symphonic 11.45— Ferde Grofe's Orch. 6.45—Carlile and London with from Wesley's Chapel, City news 10.30—L'Heure Exquise genius. 12.00— Dance music Warwick Sisters Road 11.00—Time; weather 9 •> a, 7.00—Peter the Great—sketch 3.45—A summary of the week's 11.15—Ennio Bolognini, songs COZZI AND LUCILLE MANNERS WLW. Cincinnati 700 kc. 7.30—Chicago Knights KDKA, Pittsburgh 980 kc. news 11.30—Press-Eadio News 8.00—Columbia Variety Hour 6.00—Time; weather 4.00—Interlude of gramophone re­ 6.00—Vox Humana, chorus and 11.35—Freddie Berrens' Oroh. Mario Cozzi, baritone, and Lu­ 6.15—Baseball Resume cords organ 9.00—Ward's Family Theatre— 12.00—Mills' Blue Rhythm Baud cille Manners, well-known mezzo- 6.30-7.00—Same as WJZ 4.09—Leslie Jeffries and the Grand 6.30—Baltimore Municipal Band Buddy Rogers and Jeanie ——00-— sopranp, will be co-starred on M 7,00—Stanley Metcalfe; news Hotel, Eastbourne, OrQhes« Concert Lang—musical romance THBROYAK GAZETTE AND COLONIST; DAH% SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1934 Page?

Leadership in ow amazingly Design and Performance of » ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS H.^1 dif is still maintained


MONITOR TOP The most perfect mechanical unit ever invented. Unparalled record for depend­ able, trouble-free performance. Requires no attention, not even oiling, uses less current, freezes more ice, and has every modern convenience coupled with dis­ tinguished styling. H FLAT TOP That's what you'll say when you see this The Aristocrat of all popular priced refrig­ new Frigidaire. And it is different — so erators. The style sensation of the year. different that it can't be compared with CANADA'S FIRST KIDNAP VICTIM—John ft. Labatt. wealthy Quality and latest modern features make Canadian brewer of London, Ontario, as be looked shortly any other electric refrigerator you have the outstanding value among conventional before kidnapers abducted him during the course of a motor trip and held him for a ransom of $150,000. Prominent as a ever seen. The trim, ail-porcelain cabinet type refrigerators. sportsman, Mr. Labatt was suffering from a weak heart and was on a special diet. His brother, Hugh, immediately stood ready to pay the ransom. 1-. sets a new style in de luxe refrigerator H LIFTOP design. And the new type freezer freezes A revolutionary new refrigerator, priced so low that it is now within the reach of any 15 pounds of ice or provides cold storage pocket book. This will be available during for meats, fish, poultry or ice cream. the early part of September. Watch for ISTBT OLD SCIENCE, . Then there are two Hydrators for vege­ the announcement of its arrivaL !UT SO IS PROPER CAi tables—adjustable shelves — ice trays that By JACQUELINE HUNT plex' i soap and scrub them Can't stick — extra space for tali containers Before Purchasing that Electric Refrigerator DEOPLE have always been f as- thoroughly but gently with a * cinated by hands. Prom the small hand brush. Do not confine see the largest display of earliest times even to the present the brushing to the nails, but —space for 36 bottles of beer—automatic there have been men and women brush the knobby prominence on HOUSEHOLD and COMMERCIAL MODELS who believed that each individ­ each wrist and brush your defrosting. And the efficiency of the ual's fortune is written in the knuckles and the wedge of flesh at the lines of the palms, the shape of between your thumb and the famous Frigidaire two-cylinder refriger­ the hands and the length of the body of your hand. Use a little fingers. It is little wonder that pumice powder for callouses and ating unit has been stepped up 20%. this should be sc, since the hands the stained rough skin at your GENERAL ELECTRIC are always attracting attention finger tips. Rinse thoroughly to themselves and they actually with tepid water. Home Appliance Store of do reveal much about your hab­ Follow the tepid rinse with a its and your personality. rinse of c'old water. Cold water Look at your own hands — does for your hands what it does ROBERT D. AITKEN critically. Even if they are scraw­ for your face—it tones the skin 1 ny, red and rough and your fin­ and stimulates the circulation. ^ ger nails neglected you can im­ Now dry your hands. S| Queen Street Hamilton Use a soft towel and with the AI i prove them immensely by giving fingers of the opposite hand wprk them just a little care each day. back the cuticles gently but firm­ Find oat how easily you can buy Frigidair You must be persistent and regu­ ly. If you do this regularly the re on lar. A little care every day will cuticles win rarely need extra our monthly budget plan do more for them than a lot of care. Keep them soft with cuticle attention when you happen to cream, lanoline, olive oil or any feel like it. good hand or softening cream. ,--• 4 Dryness Next massage the hands vigor­ and rough­ ously with hand cream or with ness are the warm olive oil. ||||jfe| most common NOTICE beauty flaws, • a) a) Pr^H and these are QUESTION: "I am one 0/ BERMUDA TRADING C0MPAN Hi "'*''' MB not overcome those unfortunate people who Lsps. tf&m simply by the cannot tan. My skin ts very fair Phone 1154—1164 Reid Street On account of the serious increase application of and sensitive and also tends to a hand lotion be dry, yet I have great difficulty in the cost of flour it has become p o c casionally. finding a foundation that is suit­ lessee;*. You have to able during the hot weather. !*^*TH?tiJQi&vMMjt^z^9anrz^&'i»»^*mx*-jar9m*9a**. necessary to raise the price of Bread. wm give them a Can you please help me?—Dian." beginning "'^SB little thought I believe that one of the all the while foundation preparations that you are going comes in cake or stick form MISS HUNT about your would be most suitable for your SATURDAY, September 1st household type of skin. Cleanse your skin ^ tasks. Hot water dries the natur­ thoroughly, rinse, and while still r al oil from the hands and makes wet smooth on the foundation, them ro'igh and red. In many which Is something like a heavy the following prices will be in effect cases it also makes the veins cream with powder added. Use ^ prominent and causes the nails only a small amount and spread J \ / \> to split and break. Use warm it evenly over your face with rigsl8"?5*33S SANDWICH LOAVES 8d water and a gentle soap powder your fingertips. Next apply a or flakes for your dishes and cream rouge and your powder. BUTTERCRUST, TEA, BOSTON, laundry. ** Dust the powder on liberally and Always wash your hands in remove the excess with a soft COTTAGE LOAVES 5d tepid yr.-.ter with a bland com- brush or » pad of clean cotton. FRENCH ROLLS, INDIVIDUAL and RYE LOAVES 3d Mails per Q.t.e.v. "Monarch of FRENCH STICKS 4d MAIL NOTICES Bermuda" for Great Britain, The Dominion of Canada, and the WHOLE WHEAT LOAVES Small t%& United States of America, will close • ROLLS • WHOLE WHEAT LOAVES Large „. 7d Week Ending Saturday the 8th.' at The General Post Office on September, 1934 Thursday the 6th. Septembar. WHOLE WHEAT LOAVES Sandwich ...... lid Ordinary Mail at 12.00 The Aristocrat of Razors Mails per Q.t.e.v. Queen of Ber­ Supplementary Mail: (Double muda for Great Britain, the Dom­ Postage) from 12.00 Noon to 1.00 This Razor can justly boast of possessing P.M. inion of Canada, and the United all of the advantages of both safety and States of America, will olose at the Registered Mail at 11.30 A.M. BERMUDA BAKERY, LTD. General Post Office today, Sept. Parcel Post fcr Great Britain straight razors without sharing their dis­ 1st, at 5.00 p.m. and the United States at 11.30 A.M. 1605C^th.f.». advantages—It embodies the compactness Registered Mail at 4.30 p.m. * * * and security of the safety with the lasting Parcel Post for Great Britain and Mails per S.s. "Lady Drake" for the United States at 4.30 p.m. The West Indies and British Gui­ keeness of the straight razor. ana, will close at The General Post Office on Friday the 7th., Malls Despatched September. From 21 /** Ordinary Mail at 4.30 P.M. Mails leaving Bermuda tomor­ Parcel Post and Registered Mail row, Sept. 2nd, should connect at 4.00 P.M. with S.s. Majestic, sailing from It's all over but New York for Southampton on the LTD 5th. Mails per S.s. "Camito" for Turks Islands and Jamaica, will close •TH \ the shooting! at The General Post Office on Fri­ •a 8 8 9 J No matter how thick the mosquitoes and the flies are, Mails due Today from England day the 7th. September. it's all over but the shooting!.... simply shoot Black Ordinary Mail at 4.30 P.M. 1604f>3th.i.m. Flag Liquid into the air and they drop dead to the floor Mails per S.s. Olympic, due to Registered Mail and Parcel !ost .... harmless and pleasing to you, but death and arrive in New York on the 87th at 4.00 P.M. a> 9 9 destruction to the pests that annoy you. should connect with Q.t.e.v. Queen of Bermuda arriving today. Mails per Q.t.e.v. "Queen of Mails Despatched Mails Due on Friday from England Bermuda" for Great Britain, The Dominion of Canada, and The Mails leaving Bermuda on Thurs­ Mails per S.s. "Majestic" due Mails per S.s. "Lady Nelson" United States of America, will day the 6th. should connect witb to arrive in New York on the 5th. /LAG J for the United States of America, close at The General Post Office M.v. "Gsorgic" sailing from New should connect with Q.t.e.v. (via Boston) and the Dominion on Saturday the 8th. September. York for Liverpool on the 8th. Sept. "Queen of Bermuda" sailing for BLACK FLAG of Canada, will close at the Gen­ Ordinary Mail at 12.00 Noon. Bermuda on the 5th. September. LIQUID.. Kills insects that fly eral Post Office on Monday the Supplementary Mail: (Double 3rd. September. Postage) From 12.00 Noon to 1.00 Mails leaving Bermuda on Satur­ -oo- POWDER.. Kills insects that crawl Ordinary Mail at 11.30 A.M. P.M. day the 8th, should connect with At last Hitler las evolved a sound BUY If TODAY Registered Mail at 11.00 A.M. Registered Mail at 11.30 A.M. S.s. "Manhattan" sailing from idea: He holds the inauguration Parcel Post for The Dominion Parcel Post for Great Britain and New York for Southampton on before the eleotion,—The New fUll STRENGTH • UNDILUTED«COSTS LESS BECAUSE YOU USE LESS of Canada at ii.QC A.M, The United States at 11.80 A.M. tho 18th. Septeraber. 1934. Yorker, Page 8 [THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER T* 11933

^TTTTJ^^IMW.."!—trl»iftu.T-.^i»i.M»wia'7_'^#rTr What makes skin o • iSmooth- IPrinkle-free? HE HAS EVERYTHING Kl&




>DR*N-SS STARTS Miss Eleanor Roosevelt wisely gives her skin in youth Pond's simple Two-Skin care

Two REASONS HE HAS an attractive manner, good features and real ability. But 1 Active Oil Glands in Under Skin he never quite seems to succeed. There are many people just like 2 Natural Moisture in Outer Skin him. They are beaten by consti­ pation. They feel tired ... suffer this moisture out—causes dryness— HERE are tiny glands in your headaches and blotchy complex­ Under Skin which pour out coarse texture. To counteract this moisture loss, try Pond's Vanishing ions. They're handicapped — beauty oils in early youth. But •TITTLE POKER FACE" TRIES POLITUCC- . Z'Azn Wills Cream. It contains a precioussubstance unnecessarily. soon they bes;in to fail. Then the which not only checks the loss—but Moody. tortner woman's tennis champicrii has :•: ill "or pol- firm structure of this skin shrinks. actually restores moisture. And as a itics and here She 5s sesn irtreducirs ",?:""". - -mr C C. Fleischmann's Yeast is a natu­ The glorious firmness is gone. The powder base you'll find Pond's Van* Young, gubernatorial candidate, at a lanciu. .i .._;» i __a- Outer Skin, in order to fit the ishing Cream is unsurpassed, You'll Cisco. ral health food to combat consti­ Under, must then form folds, lines. rejoice in the way your make-up will pation. Doctors recommend it, cling—flawlessly perfect. A n Oil Cream for your Under Skin— not as a drug, but as a norma! aid To prevent wrinkles, you must use Try this Simple Two-SKlN to digestion. Yeast helps to elimi­ an oil cream which will penetrate Treatment Daily nate poisonous wastes from the deep into yourlnder Skin—Pond's While Vacation Bays Last body. Energy returns. Pimples Cold Cream will do this. Its fine, 1. Every night cleanse and firm your Under Skin with Pond's Cold Cream. go. Buy Fleischmann's Yeast pure oils sink deep down and tone Wipe off, repeat, patting vigorously. your Under Skin. Besides this, from your grocer. Eat three cakes 2. Next, smooth your Outer Skin with Let Lunch Be Picnic Meal 1'ond's Cold Cream is the most Pond's Vanishing Cream. Leave it on every day for several weeks. marvelous kind of cleanser you by JUDITH WILSON Huckleberries with Rice PlakeS all night. and Cream Notice the difference it makes could have. Every speck of dirt is NLY a few more Weeks of removed from your pores. Your 3. Every morning, and during the day, Creamed Dicsd Beef on Toast in you. another Cold Cream cleansing. Follow 0 freedom before school calls skin is renewed and refreshed from bhe youngsters indoors to theif Coffee with Pond's Vanishing Cream. Then Dinner deep down. make-up. lessons. Keep them in the fresh air as much as possible these last Broiled Lamb Chops A Greaseless Cream for your Outer Try this simple Two-Skin Treat­ days of August. This is a grand Baked Potatoes Relishes FLEISCKMANM*! Skin—This outer layer of skin is so ment which so many of the loveliest time for you to get your share Baked Stuffed Cucumbers A NATURAL different! It contains active moisture women in the world rely upon. See your af sunshine and fun, too, before Peach Roly-Poly Iced Coffee HEALTH FOOD cells. But constant exposure whips own skin gain in beauty immediately. you have to settle down to a WEDNESDAY Strict household routine. Breakfast , FREE OFFER: Mail coupon today for free Organize your duties around Sliced Oranges and Bananas Ssl tubes of Pond's Two famous Creams. the house to take as little time Poached Eggs on Toast INDiGEST'GN? if ,. •qttrnt m Nicholl & Ashton, Dept. A.-85 as possible and then join the Coffee attack* of indirection, bad ;=r- :-t^ni* arh, send for our frer bookie H P. O. Box 372, Hamilton, Bermuda children in their excursions and Dinner (Porch) adventures. Let lunch be a sim­ Cream of Tomato Soup ponds on UeaUli." Mail trie cm ple, easily prepared picnic meal Jellied Salmon Loaf with Name ,______. served in the depths of the woods Garnishes or at home . Potato Chips Pickled Peaches Address_ When making up your weekly Blueberry Pudding menus plan for as many outdoor Iced Tea "OUJiOtl lot meals as the weather will allow. THURSDAY Copyright, 193., Pond's Extract Compaav Dad will go to his office feeling Breakfast more in tune with the world if Fresh Grapefruit Juice Post Office Box 19, Hamilton. Bermuda his breakfast was a leisurely Cereal Muffins Bacon meal served on the porch, and Hot Chocolate hell be sure to enjoy an outdoor Dinner (Picnic) dinner or picnic if he isnt asked Grilled Small Steaks to help prepare it. Chopped Tomato and Cucumbei SUNDAY Sandwiches Breakfast (Outdoors) Cream Cheese-Jelly Sandwiches *4*&3* Makes you fee! fit Chilled Grapejuice Stuffed Celery Beefsteak and Bacon Kabobs Peach Tarts Toasted Buns Sliced Tomatoes Coffee Strawberry Jam FRIDAY Coffee Breakfast and fresh Cantaloup Dinner fc_s? ^__>^ ^"Sfi!ac%»._.^!i_§5lHi@«_J_ Braised Chicken with Garden Baked Eggs With Cream Sauce Vegetables Toast Coffee a .__"C^Sfc "Pear- Cottage Cheese Salad Dinner Grape-Marshmallow Sherbet Stuffed Peppers with Shrimp Small Cakes Coffee Corn Pudding Baked Potatoes MONDAY Assorted Salad Breakfast Apple Snow Hot Tea Stewed Apricots SATURDAY Scrambled Eggs Toast Breakfast Coffee Milk Melon Balls in Orange Juice Dinner (Outdoors) Jelly Omelet Brigand Stew (Chopped Meat, Toast Coffee l.:-'=;hrooms and Spaghetti) Dinner (Porch) Com on the Cob Rolls Broiled Veal Kidney Chops Pickles Fruit Cheese Potatoes with Parsley Butter Punch Buttered Wax Beans TUESDAY Radishes Breakfast (Porch) Peach Shortcake Coffee Protect yourself r®m BRITAIN NEEDS NEW CONCEPT fcr the moment by increasing em­ ployment. There %vas, however, a J% W- m At the end of a long day you feel fatigued, perhaps OF PRIVATE ENTERPRISE limit to new Industries that could dirty, and it is then that you'll revel in a wash with be set up. refreshing Lifebuoy Toilet Soap. Lifebuoy in­ Economists Address to Liberal The capacity of expansion in home industries had reached satur- Summer School ! vigorates as it cleanses; makes your skin glow with ^Ita'-^c?xi t7''and both the present health and fitness. British Government and tbe .Fed­ Its deep-cleansing, antfseptic-smelling lather gives a OXFORD, England.—"A private eration of British Industries had office is a public trust." This cleaner after-effect, because it completely removes agreed that the only hope of further variation of President Roosevelt's improvement lay in the recovery the accumulated impurities from the skin, leaving it "A public office is a public trust," of international trade. , Hundreds of thousands of lives are endan- fresh and healthily clean. was recently advocated as a new , gered every year by the diseases whieh in­ Get a tablet from your dealer to-day 1 economic ideal for Britain by Sir FREE TRADE sects carry.That is why you should beware Walter Lay ton, editor of the Econ­ ot weak insecticides. Be sure you eet FLIT omist, at the Liberal Summer -refuse all imitations. Flit spray does not School here. "I do not in any sense qualify my stain. Insist on the yellow tin with the sol­ Britain, Sir Walter said, does not view that free trade is my ultimate dier and black band. need a "new deal" like America, objective," Sir Walter went on. "We must recognize that we have but a new vision, a new conception Tlie new arrivsl— of private enterprise. to approach the new era of freer international trade by and through F's* PowderS It is possible, he said, to get eff- .e_T*. "__•_. ciency without unlimited profit. a plan which involved discrimina­ FUt Powder ends the nuisance of ~^*S?*^'^§-_3a TOILET SOAP IBlto tion in the sense of a low tariff crawling insects. Kills roaches, bed- j /^^Sj*?5§5^ By way of illustration he instanced bags, ants and lice; protects against j ( V P^S^S-lilf -BT 347A-50 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND the British gas industry, most of group of countries from which mollis; kills fleas on dogs and other I V I /"j&^SaS which is in private hands. Further­ those who do not play the game are household pets. FUt Powder has all f^X /D-Ss^far'N. more, its profits are limited by definitely excluded." In Sir thehattngpoteeroffamousFtttSpray. %\J 1 I **_' ' ; Statute. Yet, said Sir Walter, it Walter's opinion the quota system has shown great and successful should be used for moving back enterprise in meeting the com­ to a lower tariff basis, and stabilized petition of the electriticy industry. currencies are also a complement­ ary necessity. ACME NOT A FETISH Backache is the most persistent symptom of kidney troubles. ITr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills entirely rid the system of the poisons "If we want to preserve tho driv­ which cause backache, lumbago and other ing force, the capacity for trial painful and dangerous diseases. Used once or twice a week they ensure the healthful and error of the system of private Eat action of the liver, kidneys and bowels. enterprise," Sir Walter declared, ASK YOUR CiKO_j_.«. "we must be sure not to magnify private enterprise and profit into a FOR DanCHASE'S fetish and carry it to extremes." Quaker Oats With regard to Britain's new Carr's English Biscuits •4. £•..•>• LIS economic system, Sir Walter ad­ MLSJ mitted that protection had helped ' For Health L F, J. C. FOOTE, Ucal Af eat THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY.THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, Page 9



Bread the very staff of life can be had in all its nourishing A New forms, from Whole Wheat to the soft creamy White breads, all properly baked to a golden brown in evenly regulated White Buckskin I ovens. In order to secure the best order "Quality Whole Wheat Bread" wrapped in attractive BROGUE sanitary waxed wrappers,

at 6d a loaf for Men \\W\\

QUALITY BAKERY LTD. An exceedingly smart full brogue Pembroke West Dial 2158 shoe with a leather sole—"Worn 1443tsl8.s25.sl.s8. with summer clothing or grey flannels. THE ARRIVAL OF WALL STREET TO CM) ON RAMP—The first of two seaplane landing ramps as it was launched ' 25;,i at the Brooklyn, N, Y., navy yard, whence it will be towed to the foot of Wall Street, New York I City, for use in airplane commuter service between the famous street and courts on uctm. Island. BE ' ______t

lonely sometimes." Robin said. a « He lave heir a Strang, look, and for a moment she felt alarmed lest she might have become just a TRIMINGHAM BROTHERS '•<*:'!• ._*_#•****§$« BAND WANTED, shade too personal. §e*s "I do," he answered, "get lonely sometimes, but I have a few real friends that I enjoy no end. Other MELBA V. NEWTON times. I must admit. I am about tu.th.i. c 1934 by united Feature syndicate. Ine as lonely a person as there is in STEAMERS this world." When Robin St. Hillaire, last stumble onto real people who in­ "You ought to fall In love," of an old Southern family, is terest me—people doing the sim­ Robin suggested teasingly. From NEW YORK disappointed in love and, on ple, unplanned-for things I like to top of that, loses her job, she do away from my work, on a holi­ Bring yo'i tbe Latest j"\EAN looked serious. "1 have decides to become hard-boiled. day. Sometimes I want to be *•* thought of that, sometimes— She returns to her native New quiet and sometimes noisy, but I of trying marriage again. But it Orleans to angle a job out of don't like to plan everything in hasn't worked out that way, and some old family friends, the advance." I haven t tried very hard to bring Vaughns, and with the deliber­ He was thoughtful for a mo­ it about Why. I can't say. I arid ate intention of setting her cap ment, then continued, as if talking guess it's dm that eternal lack of for young Dean Vaughn. She is more to himself than to her decision in peop'p like myself. In shamed when Dean, father, an "Oh, I reckon it is hard on wo­ the mem time, the years are slip- MAGAZINES old friend of her grandfather's, men—having a chance at society LAMP SHADES oing by and I am slipping with insists on taking her into the and not having their men folks them " family, which consists of him­ interested tn that sort oi thing At the self and Dean, and also a niece. My ex-wife—

"A HA, lady! We are now turn- '• Such Low Prices *"** ing into the drive of tbe Dandelion Club," Dean told her, as: they rolled along a winding gravel I road which led to a brightly light- ; at i£iic rough?Disposition sour? Last ed, many-winged, one-story struc- j night's party still in your system? ture. Pick up with PICOT! It sparkles.., His tone had changed and he | it sets digestion right and gives a was the impersonal Dean Vaughn j new view on life. A teaspoon or so, again. Robin was glad he was. It A. S. COOPER & SONS in a glass of water. PICOT Grape was easier for her to feel heartless. Front Street Phone 1244 Flavored SALT tastes good and does A few minutes later, Dean had the trick . . . keeps you feeling fit. escorted her into the club and they __$'• were following the head waiter to; 1592<[«Iw.».tj. Distributors in Bermuda a small table in a far corner ofl W. S. PURVIS & CO, Ltd the dining room, The orchestra was playing a blues tune. Robin's world, for the moment, was a dizzy but pleasant confusion of changing lights, in­ She felt the presence of Dean Vaughn at her side, and triguing shadows, and music. She had a sense of wild elation. felt the presence of Dean Vaughn at her side and, contrasting his they were on their way again. Flo what it means to be one's real solidity with the bizarre scene and ^B For Sunny Days^_^_M It would be fun, thought self—different from the crowd she the half barbaric music, she had has known—one of these days. 1*11 a sense of wild elation. ! 621C.slw.l9.sOct6.W.Oct24. Robin, going to a supper club show her what it means to go For the first time, she under­ witt. Dean. Here was a man, a where you please, when you please, stood completely Tina's slant on DRILL and PIQUE HATS Woman sensed, who could instead of chaining oneself to a life. You had a right to certain handle any situation. routine of insufferable parties and things—certain luxuries and com­ obligations." All White with Green Lining Bermuda • forts—and if you couldn't get "We Vaughns are not what you Robin felt something she would them by waiting for thgm, you might call conventional." Deah have denied was jealousy, but it had a right to go after them— Small sizes 2/9 to 3/6 said, as they drove away from the Was something much akin to that. plot and plan for them. She re­ S- P. C. A, house. "My father never was, SO he was going to "teach Flo?" membered her recent disappoint­ and I don't believe my mother had "The reason I mentioned these ment in love. There are hun­ Large " 4/6 to 5/6 HENRY COOUIOGE ADAMS a particularly conventional slant things," Dean continued, "is that dreds like that one," Tina had ••CRKTART on things, although she was a I just wanted you to -know why told her. "Hundreds, yes, and social leader in her day. My I'd rather go out to a supper club maybe more," Robin thought. "But N«W WINDSOR HOTIL father and I have never cared and chat and watch other people I'm different, now. No more Vic Haswells for me. No more scruples SYDNEY O. SIMS much for society. It's always the having a good time, and get lost LOCKWARD & CO. same thing—going about seeing in a crowd, than to do something and no more of the old unselfish­ rNSPCCTOR people and attending affairs that staid and planned beforehand.'* ness. It's Robin for Robin!" Reid Street M40NI 1783 Hre one. I-like to go places, with­ "Yet, going about without any­ 1376fCtul4.5l8.th23.tu28sl.th6. out too many plans, and just one in particular, you get very (To be continued)



By corge McManas 6 IPX King Features Syndicate, Inc., Grej' Britain rights reservtd Page 10 [THE KDYAL QfEEUM AND. COLONISE DAE?, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER % 1934

sana _*» SPECIAL NOTICE HAMILTON POLICE COURT stealing a toy pistol, valued at 2/6d, from tho Phoenix Drug Store, a STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS to Parents Before the Wor. A. C. Smith yes­ boy of twelve was sentenced to terday three strokes of the birch. S.s. Volendam (Holland-America RESIDENT STUDENTS The second case concerned a mes­ Line) is due to sail for New York senger boy of fifteen years of age today. Agents, Harnett andRich- with BOARD RIOTOUS BEHAVIOUR OASES who was charged with stealing £1 ardson. at the from Mr. Fred Frith's grocery store • » » Hastings Leroy Trott pleaded on August 29th. The boy was em­ Q.t.e.v. Queen of Bermuda (Fur­ SALTUS GRAMMAR SCHOOL guilty to a charge of acting in a ployed to convey monies from one ness-Bermuda Line) is due to Subject to securing a sufficient riotous manner at North Shore store to another and a missing £1 arrive from New York today sail­ * I I number of Resident pupils, it i? on August 29th. Constable Da­ note was traced to him. He was ing for New York tomorrow at 3 p. proposed to establish at the Saltus Costa received word from Con­ sentenced to receive twelve strokes m. Agents, Messrs. Watlington and Grammar School, Pembroke, Ber­ stable Burge that there was fight­ of the birch. Conyers. Wash days now P^^^^l muda, a Resident Students' De­ ing going on in a small grocery 00 » * * partment, store beloning to Mrs. Vanlow. Hasn't Got a Script.—A well- M.v. Georgic (Ounard-White Star Proceeding to the shop, Constable known actor was appearing in a Line) is due to arrive from New Commences at Easter Term, DaCosta found that the accused, play in which a thunder-storm York tomorrow, sailing for New Are happy days ^^||l 1935 who was under the influence of played an important part. One j York the same day. Agents, liquor, had "started to smash up night in the middle of a speech he ' Messrs. Harnett and Richardson. The students, strictly limited in a show case, broken a table, punch- was interrupted by a terrific peal. | And Ironing, too, is easy* number, will receive their tuition in Mrs. Vanlow in the chest and The annoyed actor looked up into the regular classes of the school, struch another man by the name And the angry stage-hand re­ the flies and said, "That came in plied, "Ob, did it? Well, it came under competent and efficient mas­ of Brown." the wrong place." from 'eaven."—Illustrated News. ters, Mr. R. E. E. Booker, M.A., Trott pleaded that he was "sky­ Headmaster. Their accommoda­ larking" with another boy and tion and meals will be under the that in the course of a scuffle a ! special direction of a Housemaster, chair had broken the showcase. j You just sit down and assisted by a Matron and staff. He was fined 10/-. The re-organization of this old- John Alfred Moore and Lloyd ' Oossword Puzzle feed the clothes to the machine—it is as established school, effective with Alexander Wells pleaded guilty to By LARS MORRIS the Christmas Term, 1934, will a similar charge. About midnight ACROSS HSTZBDAY'S a—lake responsibility provide all pupils, day as well as ANSWK* _ for loss on August 25th, Constable Whit­ 1—figures 3—Goddess ot earth resident, with exceptional oppor­ ing's attention was drawn to a 7—Boat bracket 4—Sprite easy as that. When the ironing is over, 13—Lacking blood i 5—Binds tunities for a thorough and high- couple of men fighting in Reid 14—One who cheers H E|M Is M o N|E s P ~ B 8—Saves j grade secondary education. (slang) A IP AS ES p E L O 7—Attempted i. Street East, near the Metropole 18—Printer's measures T A M 1 i N[E o s l_ o 8—Gray with age 16—Pertaining to Asian ° T . the machine folds ingenuously into a por? Applications for entry of Resident Store. Moore persisted in at­ T A|M B AIR HJO c T o A D 9—Was victorious *\i kingdom l R|E _J• _D &!p O T 10—iNear Students must be made NOT tacking Wells, said the Constable. 18—B in P sharp l_ P 11—Disprove 19— Petition B A c . _!N] O W__L E A S 12—Exchanges LATER than October 31st, 1934. "They weren't drunk but they 21—That which satisfies L. A n siBs AT •s|A D D L E 1"—Heavenly body •« 32—Hist shoot A, e oWclo Y__FIOIB__D 1 E 30—Cause of love For further particulars please com­ had been drinking," he added. 23—Sea eagles 22—Foundation of earth's celain-topped kitchen table. 25-Stufi S E B 1 A|LIIC|U[BIIB E E a crust municate with The difference of opinion was 36—Network T R e N DBP]A'R|_B A a D S 24—Tempest about "something to do with a 27—Tanned hide IS 0 AIMHA a 26—Bellows .«•*_! JOHN J. BUSHELL, 29—Metal deposits c A T T_ E Ni — D U_ ,S T 28—Garden tool i«tM 30—Makes noise ol COW s R_iE 29—Permit i.iliV!!: Secretary-Treasurer, 'message'," said the Constable. H o M E, F o u N O A R M o 31—Dread s 31—Ghosts .fits His Worship, amidst laughter: "The 32—Twenty K a 1 A E •- E 6 r\ U L 32—Scattered fl&ffl Front Street, Hamilton. 3t—Protectoi- E a R E E S E L 9 e 33—Customer message was in the bottle, I sup­ yt—sruit _. 2. D 34—Vegetables 101 Its. to 13.10.34 38—Write I 35—Rumored pose!" 39—Highlander 38—Places 40—Make public SO—Misdirected 38—Forces open In fining the accused 5/- each, 41—Packing case 62—Musical studies j 41—Cozy thing 43—Cows (Scotch) 53—Spirited horses ; 42—Give forth ELECTRICITY BANISHES "CHORES" His Worship warned them that a «4—Concerning t 45—Man's nickname 45—Offensive DOWN ' 46—Point of compass repetition of the offence would 47—Continent (ab.) 49—Had (French) land them in gaol. It was not 48—Spasmodic exhalation 1—Young lady 51—French article THE BERMUDA many months since Moore was released from custody. 1 2 3 U 5 b 1 8 9* IO M 12 HIGH SCHOOL The Electric Light Company SEQUEL TO LAST CASE 13 \H

For Girls Arising out of the ast case Elma IS Its n 18 Louise Bremmer was charged with % % 1634«Is,t„. Effective with the opening of using threatening and abusive lan­ 19 10 21 22 the Christmas Term on guage and conducting herself in an September 24th, the offensive manner at the same time W. % 25 24 -5 : ._ and place. Constable Whiting told the Court that the accused was % % 2~ 28 29 ii present during the fight between NOTICE to and Transition Forms Moore and Wells. "She insisted % 3i upon batting in," said the Con­ • will provide, in addition to the stable. "She was objectionable % AMERICAN VISITORS 52 r •5M 35 ?fc> both in speech and act ons, and S5 usual morning session, an On returning to the United States you are allowed to when told that she would be re­ % ported to the Chief of Police she SI 3S 39 take in one Quart of Wine or Spirits Free of Duty. AFTERNOON SESSION You may also take in as much more as you wish for shouted, 'M.nd your own /// % your personal use, by paying duty on it. business.' " MO 41 U_ MS from 1.45 to 3.00 o'clock, the Bremmer claimed that she was We shall be glad to welcome you at our Store and ex­ latter being available, without % % plain to you how you can stock your cellar for the next endeavouring to separate Moore MU ws W*> M7 extra charge, for the conveni­ and Wells, but the magistrate y few months and save money, besides being sure that ence of parents who desire found her guilty and imposed a fine A % you have the highest grades of liquor. M8 M9 _o 51 their children to be at the of 5/-. "The next time you will go school during,, the afternoon I inside," His Worship threatened. hours. 52 .5 1 GOSLING BROS., Ltd. The fee, £2. 10. 0. per term BICYCLE CASES WINE MERCHANTS (three terms to the year) i $ 1934 by United Feature Syndicate. Inc. Established 1822 includes supplies. Wil iam DeSilva pleaded guilty to riding his cycle without a lighted lamp attached on the evening of Application forms may be j August 24th. When he saw a con­ had on application to: stable he dismounted and pro­ ceeded to walk. He was fined 10/-. JOHN J. BUSHELL, John McMeeking pleaded guilty Secretary-Treasurer, to a similar charge and was fined Front St., Hamilton. 5/-. He had a torch but the bulb 1557ts25.sl.s5. had apparently burned out. Con­ stable Loader said that the offence was committed on the Elbow Beach road at 1.35 a.m. on August 26th. It was a very bright moonlight night, In fining the accused, His Wor­ NEW PARKER PEN ship said that it was bad luck that his bulb should have burned out Vacuum* but he should have made sure that his torch was in order before pro­ Filled ceeding. for parasites, fleas, lice—yes, and CHARGED WITH VAGRANCY even Ticks—and you won't find holds 102% a single one. It's simply because Albert Manchester pleaded guilty I'm regularly dusted with SATURDAY SPECIALS more ink_ to a charge of vagrancy at No. 7 yet no increase in size . shed at 2.10 a.m. last Thursday morning. Constable MacPherson New merchandise has begun to A beauty—the Parker Vac* uum Filler Pen—styled with a said that he discovered the accused arrive from England .. • barrel of striped laminations sleeping in the shed on top of some as shimmering as velvet, yet PULVEX non-breakable. It's utterly dis­ bags. He had difficulty in arousing We have a few lines we want to tinct ive in style, principle and Manchester and suspected he had VERMIN P OW DER clear... performance. Holds 102% been drinking more ink. Fills by vacuum in­ Manchester told the Court that PULVEX for dry-dusting and KUR-MAXGE for washing have stead of by rubber sac. Its proved an inestimable boon to dog-owners in tick-infested For a few weeks there will be gold and platinum point writes j he had been flshng off the dock; two ways—upper side, extra countries. Most insecticides just stupefy the parasites or drive 'Specials' to clear these. fine—underside, fine,mediu m | it rained so hard that he had a few them away, but PULVEX kills them " certain sure " and keeps or broad.... -^ drinks and went to sleep. Asked if them off tiU the next dusting; apply about once a week at the he had a home, the accused replied time of grooming. Quite harmless even to young puppies or TODAY nursing bitches. No objectionable smell, greasiness, irritation emphatically, "Sure I've got a or staining. Try it and satisfy yourself. HANDBAGS . . PURSES . . BAGS home." 5/- and 12/- The Bermuda Pres* Sergeant MacPherson, prosecut­ 1/3 and 3/6 ing for the Police, told His Worship SMALL BOYS' WASH SUITS Ltd. that Manchester was last con­ victed for offensive behaviour in Manufactured by the proprietors of 2/6 July. COOPER DOG PRODUCTS Manchester was fined 10/-, with BATISTE and BROADCLOTH COOPER, McDOUGALL & ROBERTSON, Ltd l/- costs for breakfast yesterday Berkhamsted, Herts, England. 1/3 the yard morning. of head or throat Is usually C benefited by the vapors of— TWO JUVENILE CASESj 9" MEDICAL HALL THE WOMANS SHOP *| VISItt Two juvenile cases were heard by Reid Street Reid Street OVER 1? MILLION JARS USED YEARLY the Magistrate yesterday. For

Is Your Stove Cooking Satisfactory* If not discard it We can replace it with a New One 4T A LOW COST Carrying Five Different Makes for Your Selection


«>«i»<>«_»lK_»i>« THE BERMUDA RAILWAY CO., Ltd. i Local and Foreign Sporting Newss BARUCH Sunday, September 2nd

The travelling public are respectfully requested to note the following changes in the time-table for the CLEARANCE Trinidad Race Meet Results English Tennis Players to Meet above date only:— TRINIDAD, August 31. (OP)— Canadian Stars 9.10 a.m. ex St. George's will run on same booked The Port-of-Spain race results at time as week-days. SALE San-arosa on the second day were MONTREAL, Aug. 31. (OP)— 9.45 a.m. ex St. George's will be cancalled. as follows:— Fred Perry and F. H. D. Wilde will j play a team of picked Canadian F. R. STEMP, ARIMA STAKES net stars here on September 10, General Manager. announces the Quebec Tennis Asso­ 1646ff.s. 1. Pandour; 2. Vermeil; 3. Well ciation. Final Res' .ctions Earned. The two Englishmen will be accompanied by three of the lead­ from 259b to 50°/o SAVANNAH HANDICAP ing United States players or three of the English women star at SPECIAL are now marked on 1. Savoy Folly; 2. Gammon; 3. present in America. all the fine fashions High Priestess. 00 ENGLISH included in our An­ COCORITE HANDICAP Rainbow Defeats Yankee for nual Stale. We urge SPRING 1. Azalea; 2. Gold Digger; 3. Second Consecutive Victory BELTS you to come in and Daddy's Boy. .3 3/- each make your selections i NEWPORT, Aug. 31. (OP)—Rain­ t NURSERY HANDICAP bow scored her second successive as soon as possible- victory over Yankee in the final ILINEN St. George's 1. Bachelor Fort; 2. Lady Esther; trials to select the defender of the SHOP 3. Hundrew. America's Cup, outsailing the Bos­ ton sloop by two minutes and 21 • SPORT COATfc MUNICIPAL STAKES seconds over a thirty-mile triangu­ lar course. 1. Warrant; Z. Vidella; 3. WeU This victory resulted in Rainbow • SILK SPORT DRESSES -' Earned, holding a two to one lead over her FRENCH BAZAAR SPECIALS i only rival in the final trials. Yan­ •COTTON SPORT MATURITA HANDICAP kee won the first encounter but has now been defeated twice in suc­ DRESSES 1. Denebede; 2. Saint Patrick; 3. cession. MEN'S GREY AND WHITE SNEAKERS, Extra Heavy Sole, Dick Turpln. oo Sizes 6 to 11 3/. •EVENING WRAPS LADIES WHITE SNEAKERS, One Strap with Heels, Sizes 3 to 8 2/6 MALABAR HANDICAP American Baseball Results • FLOWERED and CHILDREN'S WHITE SNEAKERS, Lace Up— PLAIN CHIFFONS 1. Cavalier; 2. Forty-Seven; 8. The following are the American Sizes 4 to 7 i/g Caribee. Baseball results as supplied the Sizes 8 to 11 „_ 1/9 •KNITTED SUITS and R.G. & CD., by the Canadian Sizes 12 to 1 . 2/3 BEOKLES MEMORIAL HANI??- P-^SB:— LADIES' WHITE PIQUE HATS 1/6 DRESSES CAP LADIES' COTTON ANKLETS 6d ^Mt AMERICAN LEAGUE • LINEN and TRAVEL 1. Vermeil; 2. Savoy Folly; 3. CHILDREN'S SOCKS 6d Mount Zion. Washington 2 New York 8 CHILDREN'S COTTON PANTIES 64 SUITS Good times were recorded in all races. The track was in fine con* Detroit 6 Cleveland 1 MEN'S BLUE WORKING SHIRTS 2/- dition. MEN'S WHITE TROUSERS 3/9 oo INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE MEN'S ART SILK POLO SHIRTS in Brown 2/- Other colours 2,6 I Albany 0 Newark 11 BOYS' STRIPED OVERALLS, Sizes from 8 to 16 2/6 BARUCH Mid-Week Soccer Results BuffalAlbanyo . 5 Newark 7 BOYS' SNEAKER BOOTS, Sizes from 6 to 13, 3/-, 1 to 5 3/3 6 Rochester 9 LONDON, August 30 (OP)—Eng­ Syracuse. Reid Street Syracuse 9 Baltimore 3 All our LADIES DRESS, in cotton, voile pique and silk, greatly lish League Soccer games played 9 Baltimore 8 reduced. this evening resulted as follows:— No Charges Hamilton No Returns AMERICAN ASSOCIATION All our LADIES' SPORTS SHOES, black and white, and brown and white, with leather soles, reduced from 12/6 to 10/-. Other 1651+f.s. THIRD DIVISION Toledo 16 Kansas City 5 Sports Shoes at 8/-. (Southern Section) Columbus 2 Milwaukee 5 oo Q. P. Rangers 3 Crystal Palace 3 I Clapton O. 0 Coventry C. 1 Mexican is Recognised as (Northern Section) Featherweight Champion THE FRENCH BAZAAR ELDERS & FYFFES, LTD. Somerset Hamilton St. George's Carlisle TJ. 2 Acorington S. o NEW YORK, Aug. 31. (OP)—Al­ 1657^3. Direct to Avonmouth, England and -00—— berto "Baby" Arizmendi, the Mexi­ can 126ft. champion, last night won Kingston, Jamaica Rain Mars "Aussies" Match recognition by the New York States ____?—— .... j.. .-—..• • , i . . Boxing Commission as the feather­ From England To England WANTERBURY, August 30 (CP)— weight boxing champion of the WEEKLY BARGAINS S.s. Bayano 25th Sept. S.s. Carare 15th Sept. Continued rains saturated the world, pounding out a fifteen- S.s. Coronado 23rd Oct. S.s. Cavina 12th Jan. i wicket today, causing postpone- round decision over Mike Belloise S.s. Carare 27th NOT. S.s. Carare 9th Feb. j ment of the Australia-Kent match, j of New York before a crowd of LADIES' CREPE SILK SKIRTS „....4/6 S.s. Bayano 8th Jan. S.s. Fatuca 21st Mar. This is the second day on which 7,000 spectators. Men's Brown or Black LEATHER OXFORDS S.s. Coronado 5th Feb. S.s. Fatuca 3rd May play has been suspended on ac- i Crepe Soles 9/6 S.s. Bayano. 5th Mar. count of unfavourable weather S.s. Camito 2nd April conditions. Barbados Cricket Team to be . MEN'S KHAKI WORK PANTS 5/- For farther information apply to: Kent went in first and lost two ! wickets for 21 runs. Announced Next Thursday l THE NATIONAL STORES WATLINGTON & CONYERS, Agents. oo BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Aug. 5 Somerset Hamilton St. Georgia English Cricket Results 31. (CP)—The final practice match J for the forthcoming cricket tour­ The following are the English nament in British Guiana started County Cricket scores as supplied today between teams captained by IN BERMUDA Experience is the *Best Teacher... to the Royal Gazette by the Can­ Hoad and Tarilton at Kensington. The scores were as foUows:— where Bicycles are the chief and cheapest means of adian Press:— Transportation, it is obvious that they must be but... it is expensive... Hampshire 242 for 7, Mead 57 not protected. Why not take advantage of the ex­ out, versus Worcestershire at Ports­ Hoad's XI, 138, J. D. Sealey 35, mouth; G. Waithe 41, E. A. Williams 3 for Store or park them in the right place where they perience we have gained and save Derbyshire 181, Marlow 4 for 50; 22; Tarilton's XI 55 for 2, Carew may also be cleaned and repaired, etc money? second innings, 125 for 2, Skinner not out 20, Bourne 26. 50 not out; Leicestershire 189, The match will be continued on Phone 1149 or call for particulars at Armstrong 56, at Chesterfield; Thursday next, at the conclusion We Know How! Notts 219, Hardstaff 60, Sims 5 of which the Barbados team to BERMUDA BICYCLE GARAGE for 67; Middlesex 221 for 7, Hearne particpate in the Inter-Colonial Queen Street, Hamilton 50; tournament will be announced. F. G. HOLMES & CO. Glamorgan 173, Smart 52 not out, —-oo—— Fender 8 for 79; Surrey 220, Gregory THE Machinists and Locksmiths 56, Clay 5 for 95, at Cardiff. English Women Golfers Leave on Burnaby Hill, below the * Tower" ——00—— ICE CREAM FREEZERS The telephone number is 2290 LONDON, Aug. 31. (OP)—A team 1654t 1 h 3M. ia tack month Increased Number of Recipient. of eight of the foremost women All Sizes — Lowest Prices golfers in the British Isles sailed International Rugby between for Canada today aboard the Can­ American and English college sides i adian Pacific liner S.s. Duchess of seems to have an assured future. , York, to meet a Canadian team in John T. McGovern, one of the dir- : an international match at Toronto MASTERS HARDWARE CO. Hurricanes in Bermuda ectors of the Sportsmanship i on September 15th. They will also Phone 1192 for best value in hardware compete in the Ladies Open Cham­ Brotherhood, who was instrument- I lie4.th.eiip, al in arranging the last Anglo- { pionship. American college rugger match, Doris Chambers is captain of the Are not uncommon at this time of the recently discussed the possibilities English team, also manager, others of continuing the idea of Anglo- being Miss Pamela Barton, Mrs. year—a good Barometer keeps one American rugby with several of­ George Coars, Miss Diana Fish- wick, Miss Molly Gourley, Miss posted on weather conditions and is an ficials of the Rugby Union. He ** reports that the idea was received Wanda Morgan, Miss Diana Plump- tt asset to any home. favourably. ton and Mrs. J. B. Walters. HOMELIGHT They come in exquisite lines of rich The Literary Digest has offered mahogany in all sizes and shapes, and to put up a suitable trophy for rug­ by competition between English priced and American college teams. FINE HEN TURKEYS 00 The Brand of Kerosene that has given From 15/^ to £6. 0. 0 Average 9 — 10 lbs Teddy Phillips Wins Again universal satisfaction for over 25 years WIMBLEDON, Aug. 31. (OP)— 1/6 per lb The Astwood -Dickinson Co. Teddy Phillips of Toronto, who has been fighting professionally WEST INDIA OIL COMPANY Front Street for about twelve months, tonight outpointed Louis Weustenrad of MILES & CO, Wholesale Distributors 1636TT.I. Belgium in a ten-round bout at the Wimbledon Stadium. 1637tf.«. Cycling LEGGINGS—Waterproof—Reduced to 12/* pair—ASTWOQD'S Page 12 (THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST, DAILY, SATURDAY, SE_?TEMBERi fr|f£|

Classified Advertisements Fresh Stock of VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS LOST STEAYED from the Biological Sta­ "LEAVES NO BRUSH MARKS" tion, St. George's West, male Airedale Terrier, tail docked. Answers to name "Swizzle." Id- cense 1759. Notify Station, tel. THOS. J. WADSON & SON 9131. Reward. 1568«j W. L. Tucker. Dial 2158. On Sunday night A. Arriga and orders of the polioe. 1671*s. his Inverurie Gypsy Orchestra will Mr. Vaucrosson did not dispute present a programme of Russian that the police had a perfect right music. The programme will be:— OFFICE and Unfurnished APART­ to enter the house on suspicion, MENT in Bermuda Fire & Marine Procession of the "Boyars" but whether it entitled them to A. Arriga Insurance Building. Apply to call upon Sealey to assist them was Secretary, Bermuda Fire & Mar­ Valse from Ballet "Sleeping' another matter. Beauty".. Tschaikowsky ine Insurance Co., Ltd. The Court interposed several tu.th.s. tp "Kamenoy Ostrow" — Monastery times that Sealey was not charged Idyll... Rubenstein with not assisting the police; he Five Room APARTMENT at Thor- "Gypsy Love"—Russian Romance was charged with obstructing or leigh, Devonshire, all modern Transcription interrupting them. 64imimmrt fit r conveniences. E. M. Browne, "Russiana"—Grand Eantasie Bermuda Cigar Store. A. Ariga CASE FOR CROWN 1640*th.s. Intermission l P*"f Unfurnished APARTMENT, Craw­ Major R. W. Appleby, the Acting Slavonic Rhapsodie Friedman EN-L-RATION contains all the neces­ ford House, Cor. Church St. & Attorney General, when Mr. Vau­ IF your dog is under ^ I Cedar Avenue, Modern Conven­ Andante Cantabile from D M sary elements for keeping dogs in crosson had concluded the case for iences. Tel. 1974. Major string quartet, ar­ weight, feed him on the appeal, remarked to the Court: good condition—clean, lean meat, ce­ 1588..tu.s. ranged for piano quartet "Your Honour will not wish to hear KEN-L-RATION and see how rap­ reals, and cod liver oil—making the Tschaikowsky me. I have nothing to say in answer. idly he will improve. No dog will perfectly balanced food. I OALE HILL, Oedar Avenue, also Arriga, 1st violin Abrams, 2nd No case has been made out in thrive on scraps—he must be fed Apartment and Shop in Burnaby violin favour of the appeal. There is no Sole Distributors NICHOLL & ASHTON * regularly on a well-balanced diet. Building, tm mediate possession. Prinzwalli, cello Lawrence, piano Feed KEN-L-RATION to your dog regularly and note his improvement... Your dealer stock* it Dial 1688. "Toreador and Andalouse" 0683fs. tp. Rubenstein MAN'S SUDDEN DEATH AT CHAPPEL BROS., LTD. • • PENDLETON - MANCHESTE R Prelude in G Minor. Rachmaninoff "Scheherazade".. Rimsky-Korsakow ST. GEORGE'S At the conclusion of this concert upset, and be prescribed treatment. that last Saturday when she ar­ The following verdict was de­ Mr. Hayes Hamilton will show his Inquiry and Verdict About an bour later be was again rived home at dinner time, deceased livered: "That Albert James Sto­ MECHANICS HALL colour movies of Bermuda. called to the house. On arriving was eating part of a shark which vell died at St. George's on August A Corhoner's inquiry into the be found that Stovell was dead. he had caught on Thursday, and 25th., 1934, and from the medical — Coming Soon — death of Albert James Stovell, Nurse Pearson had been called cooked on Friday. About 3.30 p.m. evidence adduced, we are of opinion B.I.S.B. aged 38, Who died on Saturday to give treatment and whilst she he complained of feeling ill, and that death was due to uraemia, night, was held on Tuesday at was carrying it out the deceased commenced vomiting. About 9 aided by other complications. CAGNEY St. George's Police Court. The complained of chest tightening, p.m. witness sent for the doctor, St. George's Court Tomorrow in Coroner, Mr. S. S. Toddings, Jr., had a sort of fit, and died. On who examined him and prescribed oo Evening presided with the following jury:— instructions from the Coroner, a for him. NIGHT BAN ON MOTOR HORNS Messrs. John Wright, (foreman) post mortem was carried out by Witness called in Nurse Pearson "HERE COMES The Bermuda Imperial Silver Reuben Burgess, Chas. Swainson, witness and Dr. Arton. to assist. Later the nurse cal ed THROUGHOUT BRITAIN Band will play its usual Sunday Alfred Trott, Cleeve Hayward, Wil­ Deceased had been suffering from for brandy. She told witness her THE NAVY" evening Concert in Bung's Square liam Fox, James Waldron, David multiple complaints. They found husband was very low, and in­ LONDON. Aug. 31 (CP)—"The tomorrow evening at 8.40, Mr. S. Minors. Sergt. F. Cray appeared pus in both kidneys, the liver was structed her to send for the doctor. anti-honking" order to motorists Clayton Pye conducting, with the for the Police. in a degenerate condition, tbe NURSE'S EVIDENCE during London's sleeping hours following programme: Overture, Dr. O. J. Fournier stated that heart was affected, and there has proved so successful that the SEVERE 'QUAKES FELT "Barber of Seville," "Rossini; about 9.15 p.m. he was called was hardening of tbe arteries, es­ Nurse B. E. Pearson stated that Ministry of Transport has decided Intermezzo, "Rendezvous," Alet- to see the deceased at his house. pecially tbe main artery. it was about 9.45 p.m. when she to extend it to every town and city IN N. AMERICA ter; Trombone Solo by Mr. Norman He found him lying in bed, con­ There was fluid in tbe stomach was called to the bouse. Mrs. in the country. Pye, to be announced; "Homeward scious, complaining of stomach but nothing to lead one to suspect Stovell told her of the treatment The scheme not only worked with HALIFAX, Aug. 31 (CP).—A sev-. Bound"by Mr. Anthony Ferraz, pain, amongst other symptoms. poisoning. They concluded tbe man prescribed by Dr. Fournier, which surprising smoothness, but the ere earthquake was recorded on the the composer conducting; The bad uraemia, a retention of poisons she started to carry out. De­ Ministry was flooded with con­ seismographs at Halifax, Ottawa Blue Danube Waltz, by special re­ HAD SHARK MEAT in tbe body caused by tbe kidneys ceased was lying on the bed, and gratulations from grateful citizens. and Washington today. At HaUfax quest; Excerpts from "Rose Maria," not functioning. Witness stated was breathing heavily. Although oo — it was estimated at 2,000 miles, at Friml; "Community Land" by Deceased's wife told him they that deceased could not have lived fifteen minutes later be died whilst Perfect.—"This fish is not too Washington 2,300 and at Ottawa Stoddon; with the hymn "Abide had both had shark meat that day. long. she was attending to him. The fresh, Tony." 2,900 kilometres, apparently in a with Me" arranged by Mr. S. The conclusion he came to was that Mrs. Hagar Virginia Stovell, doctor was sent for. Stovell was "No, sir. Justa right."—Smith's northerly direction. Tbe tremours Clayton Pye. he was suffering from intestinal widow of tbe deceased, stated dead when the doctor arrived. Weekly. lasted three hours. "BICYCLES for Juveniles an* AdtiIt§"~WADSQN'S
