A Confirmed Record of the Ephemeroptera Genus Baetisca from West of the Continental Divide and an Annotated List of the Mayflies of the Humboldt River, Nevada

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A Confirmed Record of the Ephemeroptera Genus Baetisca from West of the Continental Divide and an Annotated List of the Mayflies of the Humboldt River, Nevada Western North American Naturalist Volume 60 Number 4 Article 15 10-31-2000 A confirmed ecorr d of the Ephemeroptera genus Baetisca from west of the Continental Divide and an annotated list of the mayflies of the Humboldt River, Nevada Richard W. Baumann Brigham Young University Boris C. Kondratieff Colorado State University, Fort Collins Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/wnan Recommended Citation Baumann, Richard W. and Kondratieff, Boris C. (2000) "A confirmed ecorr d of the Ephemeroptera genus Baetisca from west of the Continental Divide and an annotated list of the mayflies of the Humboldt River, Nevada," Western North American Naturalist: Vol. 60 : No. 4 , Article 15. Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/wnan/vol60/iss4/15 This Note is brought to you for free and open access by the Western North American Naturalist Publications at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Western North American Naturalist by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. Western North American Naturalist 60(4), © 2000, pp. 459–461 A CONFIRMED RECORD OF THE EPHEMEROPTERA GENUS BAETISCA FROM WEST OF THE CONTINENTAL DIVIDE AND AN ANNOTATED LIST OF THE MAYFLIES OF THE HUMBOLDT RIVER, NEVADA Richard W. Baumann1 and Boris C. Kondratieff2 ABSTRACT.—The mayfly Baetisca lacustris is reported from the Humboldt River, Nevada, based on 3 relatively mature nymphs collected in 1997 and 2000. An annotated list of the mayfly fauna of the Humboldt River is given, which includes the section from Elko to Winnemucca. Key words: mayflies, Ephemeroptera, Baetisca, Humboldt River, Nevada. In their recent revision of the genus and Murvosh 1991), few published records Baetisca, Pescador and Berner (1981) indicate exist. Thus, it was deemed useful to produce a that they were unable to verify the presence of list of the species that have been verified from the genus at any locality west of the Continen- the Humboldt River to date. tal Divide. Although B. columbiana Edmunds The Humboldt River has its headwaters in was described from the Columbia River near the Jarbridge, Ruby, and nearby mountain Pasco, Washington (Edmunds 1960), the type, ranges in northeast–north central Nevada. which is at the California Academy of Sciences, However, our list is limited to the mainstream is the only known specimen and has not been of the Humboldt River from just below the recollected. An old historical record for Cali- confluence of the North Fork, east of Elko, to fornia (Eaton 1883–1888) also has not been the junction of Rose Creek, immediately west confirmed. of Winnemucca. Although most records are Recently, 3 relatively mature Baetisca based on nymphs, some also have been col- nymphs were found in some benthic samples lected as adults, and 1 species, Siphlonurus taken in the Humboldt River in north central occidentalis (Eaton), is known only from a large Nevada. Two of these nymphs were examined series of adults found on the Dunphy bridge. by M.L. Pescador and verified as Baetisca lacustris McDunnough. This species is wide- LIST OF MAYFLIES FROM THE spread in North America, and the nearest HUMBOLDT RIVER, NEVADA known record is from the Laramie River in Albany County, Wyoming, east of the Conti- BAETIDAE nental Divide. Consequently, it now seems Acentrella insignificans (McDunnough) possible that Baetisca may occur in the far Baetis tricaudatus Dodds west at several localities. Camelobaetidius warreni (Traver and Over the last 10 years much collecting of Edmunds) aquatic insects has occurred in Nevada. A Centroptilum bifurcatum McDunnough study on the stonefly (Plecoptera) fauna by Fallceon quilleri (Dodds) R.W. Baumann and A.L. Sheldon is nearing completion, and several studies on the benthic Since the important study of Baetis larvae fauna of the Humboldt River drainage are of North America (Morihara and McCafferty being conducted. The mayfly fauna of the 1979), several closely related genera have state is poorly known, and even though the been recognized that were formerly included potential mayfly fauna was addressed (Allen under the genus Baetis. The 5 species recorded 1Department of Zoology and Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602. 2Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523. 459 460 WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [Volume 60 belong to 5 different genera and represent the SIPHLONURIDAE present classification (Lugo-Ortiz and McCaf- Siphlonurus occidentalis (Eaton) ferty 1998). These species are widespread in western North America and are relatively Nymphs were not collected even though common in the Humboldt River drainage. benthic samples were taken from numerous stations over a 10-yr period. A large series of EPHEMERELLIDAE adults was obtained on a bridge at the follow- Ephemerella inermis Eaton ing locality: Eureka Co., Dunphy, 7 June 2000. Nymphs are good swimmers and spend Widely distributed in the Intermountain much of their life in the more lentic areas West, this species extends east to Nebraska and along the river margins. south to Texas, and so its presence in the river would be expected (Allen and Edmunds 1965). LEPTOHYPHIDAE Tricorythodes minutus Traver EPHEMERIDAE Ephemera simulans Walker This species is very common throughout Hexagenia limbata (Serville) the entire drainage and ranges throughout western North America and to the Northeast These 2 burrowing mayflies are widely dis- (McCafferty 1999). tributed in western North America (McCaf- ferty 1994), but because actual records are POLYMITARCIDAE few, the following Humboldt River sites are Ephoron album (Say) noted. Ephemera simulans: Elko Co., Carlin; Eureka This common western and midwestern Co., above Barth and below Harney. species (McCafferty 1994) is the most abun- Hexagenia limbata: Elko Co., Carlin; Eureka dant burrowing mayfly in the drainage. It Co., Dunphy and Shoshone; Lander Co., occurs from Elko County to Lander County. Argenta, Blue House Slough, and above Rock Creek. CAENIDAE Caenis latipennis Banks HEPTAGENIIDAE Heptagenia elegantula (Eaton) Provonsha’s (1990) revision of the Caenis of Rhithrogena undulata Banks North America does not list any species from Stenonema terminatum (Walsh) Nevada. However, C. latipennis was described from Washington and it is widely distributed. These species are present in warmer rivers It is found at the following localities in the of the West (Bednarik and McCafferty 1979, Humboldt River: Eureka Co., Palisade Canyon, Bednarik and Edmunds 1980). Heptagenia ele- Shoshone; Lander Co., Rock Creek conflu- gantula was collected only occasionally, but ence; Humboldt Co., 26 Ranch near Mote, the other 2 species were commonly found wher- Comas Gauging Station above Golconda. ever suitable habitats existed. BAETISCIDAE LEPTOPHLEBIIDAE Baetisca lacustris McDunnough Choroterpes albiannulata McDunnough Paraleptophlebia debilis (Walker) This taxon is recorded for the first time in Traverella albertana McDunnough Nevada from the following localities: Nevada, Eureka Co., Humboldt River at Shoshone, 13 The Choroterpes and Traverella species are November 1997, 2 nymphs; Eureka Co., commonly found in larger, warmer rivers of Humboldt River at Dunphy, 3 March 2000, 1 western North America (Jensen 1966). How- nymph. ever, P. debilis appears more sensitive to envi- ronmental perturbation and has been found Although this list of species known to occur only at 3 localities: Eureka Co., Dunphy; Hum- in the Humboldt River might not be com- boldt Co., 26 Ranch near Mote and Chris- plete, the addition of 19 species, many of tiansen Dam bridge. which are new state records from Nevada, is 2000] NOTE 461 useful. Additional collecting in the North Fork EATON, A.E. 1883–1888. A revisional monograph of recent and some of the major tributaries of the Hum- Ephemeridae or mayflies. Transactions of the Lin- naean Society of London, Second Series Zoology boldt River may increase the list. Specimens 3:1–352. are deposited at the Monte L. Bean Life Sci- EDMUNDS, G.F., JR. 1960. The mayfly genus Baetisca in ence Museum, Brigham Young University, western North America. Pan-Pacific Entomologist Provo, Utah, and C.P. Gillette Museum, Col- 36:102–104. orado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. JENSEN, S.L. 1966. The mayflies of Idaho (Ephemerop- tera). Doctoral dissertation, University of Utah, Salt Special thanks are given to George F. Lake City. 367 pp. Edmunds, Jr., Manuel L. Pescador, and Arwin LUGO-ORTIZ, C.R., AND W. P. M CCAFFERTY. 1998. A new V. Provonsha for confirming our identifications North American genus of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) and providing help and encouragement. Joseph and key to Baetis complex genera. Entomological News 109:345–353. M. Jarvis and Michael J. Mitchell were pivotal MCCAFFERTY, W.P. 1994. Distributional and classificatory in our studies of the nymphs and aided in supplement to the burrowing mayflies (Ephemerop- many ways. tera: Ephemeroidea) of the United States. Entomo- logical News 105:1–13. ______. 1999. The mayflies of North America. http://www. LITERATURE CITED entm.purdue.edu/entomology/research/mayfly/ species.html. ALLEN, R.K., AND G.F. EDMUNDS, JR. 1965. A revision of MORIHARA, D.K., AND W. P. M CCAFFERTY. 1979. The Baetis the genus Ephemerella (Ephemeroptera, Ephem- larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). erellidae) VIII. The subgenus Ephemerella in North Transactions of the American Entomological Society America. Miscellaneous Publications of the Entomo- 105:139–221. logical Society of America 4:243–282. PESCADOR, M.L., AND L. BERNER. 1981. The mayfly family ALLEN, R.K., AND C.M. MURVOSH. 1991. A biogeographi- Baetiscidae (Ephemeroptera). Part II. Biosystemat- cally based assessment of the potential mayfly fauna ics of the genus Baetisca. Transactions of the Ameri- of Nevada. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 67:206–215. can Entomological Society 107:163–228. BEDNARIK, A.F., AND G.F. EDMUNDS, JR. 1980. Descrip- PROVONSHA, A.V. 1990. A revision of the genus Caenis in tions of larval Heptagenia from the Rocky Mountain North America (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae).
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    rrc,m: Ar-v/~f·lC·F~-f1 ;;\: ~~;:::; ...':-~--_,!r'·i·:_: :-· 1. :- \ ·:J;c;L()G'f ~·~- ~·., _·· ,, ____ ,_,>-:.. ;-·;.-.;JViarshall {:-·:~-.:nl! ~11 ?ut,;'.shir:g ~::o: ;.:1c.;i· !.:t;0n, 196:0) THE MAYFLY FAMILY BAETISCIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA). PART I Lewis Berner and Manuel L. Pescador* Department of Zoology, University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32611 ABSTRACT The history of the taxonomy and phylogeny of Baetisca~ the single genus in the family Baetiscidae, is reviewed beginning with the description of Prosopistoma as a crustacean. The relationship of the Prosopistomatidae to the Baetiscidae is treated as well as the concurrence of the authors with Edmunds' conclusion that the two families are derived from a common ancestor but parallel evolution must explain some of their similarities. There is a summary of presently recognized species and characteristics by which nymphs are differentiated. A brief treatment of the ecology and life history of various species is included. INTRODUCTION If Latreille had had nymphal specimens of Baetisca in 1833, would he have been as puzzled by them as he was by Prosopistoma when he described these curious nymphs as a new genus of crustacean? Certainly, Baetisca nymphs are sufficiently different from other Ephemeroptera to cause one to conclude that he might have done so. The superficial similarities of the mesonotal shields and the gills were enough to lead early entomologists to the misconception that the two are very closely related. Only in recent years, through * Laboratory of Aquatic Entomology, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Florida 32307 511 512 LEWIS BERNER AND MANUEL L. PESCADOR modern phylogenetic studies of all stages, has it been recognized that there are significant differences between them.
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