
Index ...... 2 Letter from the Secretary General ...... 3 Letter from the Secretary General ...... 4 Letter from the Directors ...... 5 Co-Director of the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee ...... 5 Co-Director of Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee...... 6 Introduction to the committee ...... 7 History of the topic...... 7 Current Situation ...... 8 Past International Actions ...... 10 Bloc Positions ...... 11 America: ...... 12 Possible Solutions ...... 14 Questions A Resolution Must Answer (QARMAS) ...... 15 Position Papers Guidelines ...... 15 Final recommendations ...... 16 References ...... 17

Letter from the Secretary General

Dear delegates,

Welcome to International Universities MUN 2019!

My name is Valerie Delgado and I have the pleasure to be the Co-Secretary General with Alessia in this conference. I am 17 years old and I am currently a senior at Colegio Italiano Antonio Raimondi. My MUN experience started in November of 2016 with my school’s delegation, participating in Santa María Model UN. Until today, I have participated in a total of 22 conferences either as a delegate or as part of the staff team.

Getting involved in MUN has been, without a doubt, one of the best decisions I have taken. It has allowed me to understand new perspectives, meet people who I now consider my close friends and to develop my soft skills. I hope this experience is just as valuable for you and, taking this into consideration, you use your full potential. After all, we want you to have fun, to leave learning something new, making friends or even getting a prom date.

The International Universities team, Alessia, and I, during the last two months have dedicated most of our time to prepare the conference and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do. In case you have any doubt, complaint, opinion, or if there is anything you want to tell us, Alessia and I are here for you.

See you in October!

Valerie Delgado Co-Secretary General International Universities 2019 [email protected]

Letter from the Secretary General

Welcome everybody!

My name is Alessia Lara and I have the honor to be your Co-Secretary General alongside Valerie in this first edition of International Universities Model United Nations 2019. I currently am 16 years old and I am a senior student of Colegio Italiano Antonio Raimondi. It was thanks to the school’s delegation that I got involved in MUN. My first event was back in 2017 and, since that moment, I have not been able to stop going to more conferences as a delegate, chair and part of the Secretariat.

For me, IUMUN is still a dream. Sometimes I still ask Valerie if this is truly happening. We want every single one of you, delegates, to be able to enjoy both the conference and the amazing experience of being part of the MUN community. I would like to tell delegates who are participating for the first time in an event to never give up and, when the conference is over, to be able to look back and say that you were able to learn and grow from this new episode. I genuinely hope you get to enjoy MUN as much as we do.

We are extremely thankful for International Universities who, for the first time, are organizing an event and uniting schools from all around in a great conference. Valerie and I will be at your disposition all weekend. If any of you have a doubt, suggestion, comment, or just want to say: “Hello!”, do not hesitate to approach us. We will gladly stop to talk to you guys. If you have any further inquiries, please contact us.

See you soon!

Alessia Lara C. Co-Secretary General International Universities Model United Nations 2019 [email protected]

Letter from the Directors

Hello! My name is Jorge Medina and I am currently a second semester Biomedical Engineering student at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) and Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH). In this opportunity I will have the honour and pleasure to serve as your director in the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural committee alongside my co-director Angel Gomez for the first edition of International Universities Model United Nations. To know more about me, I am a huge football fan (Visca Barça) and a truly passionate person regarding action and science fiction films. In my free time I enjoy watching Dragon Ball and Naruto while procrastinating when the minimum opportunity is presented. My MUN experience started two years ago when I attended LiMUN 2017 and since then I have taken part in more than 25 conferences playing the role of delegate, Head Delegate, Faculty Advisor and Director. As a result, I have been awarded several times but the most pleasant recognition was the Book Award obtained in the North American Model United Nations (NAIMUN) 2019 where, alongside United Schools of (USP), I had the opportunity to travel to the and attend one of the most competitive conferences in the country.

Regarding the topic in discussion, it is crucial to develop holistic strategies to counter an issue that still harms people due to several causes and incorrect beliefs. One personal advice I could give regarding the topic is that try to learn of past cases such as the US before the start of Martin Luther King movement so you can implement realistic solutions that could be implemented in every country non depending on their religion or cultural background.

One message I would like to give to you is that remember that MUN is an activity to debate and grow as a person, always taking into consideration diplomacy and maintaining a balance between soft-skills and your level of content. My ideal delegate is the one who knows how to maintain an adequate proportion between their abilities and their content quality, being both aspects at the same level. Being said that, I hope to see you in October for a dynamic and interesting committee. If you have any doubts or questions or simply you would like to introduce yourselves do not hesitate to send me an e-mail! Greetings!

Jorge Medina Céliz Director of the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee E-mail: [email protected]

Hello and welcome to all! I am Angel Gomez (Enyol for most) and I will be directing alongside my co-director Jorge Medina, SOCHUM at IUMUN 2019 this year. I am currently in my fifth year of Law studies at Universidad de Lima, with plans of applying to the Foreign Service Office of the United States of America after I graduate. When it comes to MUN I have been heavily involved in both the university circuit as well as the school circuit, being a delegate at the university level with Peruvian Debate Society (PDS) since 2015 until 2018, where I traveled to various conferences such as HNMUN-LA, HNMUN and WorldMUN, and last year I had the privilege of being selected as a Faculty Advisor for PDS for the 2018-2019 season. On the school level I have been a Faculty Advisor for the prestigious group of “funny” people known as the Santa Maria MUN team since the year 2016 and ongoing. With the personal introduction aside, I welcome all those interested in participating in this committee to discuss real possible issues heading towards the future. For most of the modern period, we have seen with events such as Brexit and President Donald Trump’s election in 2016 that racial supremacy movements have moved from their underground position to a more public one, influencing policy of candidates and being fundamentally linked with nationalist movements in a multitude of political parties across the world. While freedom of speech is a fundamental human right and as such must be protected with the force that such right requires, it is still very alarming seeing as how the narrative has shifted in the last decade towards agendas and policy decisions that could be described as racists. As any movement, context is always needed, and we can see as the world is undergoing the worst refugee crisis since World War II from Central America (Nicaragua, , etc.), South America () and the Middle East (Syria), national identity for many is being tested and from this stems as one of the main reasons of these growing racial supremacy movements.

Now in this committee it will be up to you to find out how navigate these controversial issues, that are not as simple as one being good and the other evil as it would seem at first glance, with every movement there are always origins to be found, and if delegates are to discuss the means and possibilities of solving this issue they must do so with the utmost attention to detail. Jorge and I are looking forward to hearing your solutions and amazing possible speech ideas, with that I welcome all delegates brave enough to come to our committee and hope you all have an excellent time at IUMUN 2019!

Angel Gomez

Director of Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee E-mail: [email protected] Introduction to the committee justified by white supremacist attitudes. During the 19th century, the phrase "The The Social, Humanitarian and Cultural White Man's Burden", referring to the Committee is the Third Committee of the thought that whites have the obligation to General Assembly and was established in make the societies of the other peoples 1947 like the other main committees of the more 'civilized', was widely used to justify General Assembly. It follows the rules of imperialist policy as a noble enterprise. the Charter of the United Nations as being Thomas Carlyle, known for his historical part of one of the main committees of the account of the French Revolution, The General Assembly. Regarding state French Revolution: A History, which membership, it includes all 193 United inspired Charles Dickens' novel A Tale of Nations member states. Two Cities, argued that European supremacist policies were justified on the The committee main functions are related grounds that they provided the greatest to a range of humanitarian, social and benefit to "inferior" native people. with the human rights issues such as the appearance of ‘’scientific arguments’’ to advancement of women, the protection of justify racial superiority between people. children, indigenous issues, the treatment This was conceptualized with the theory of of refugees, the promotion of Social Darwinism developed in the 18th- fundamental freedoms through the 19th century with the start of the Industrial elimination of racism and racial Revolution and the race for Africa from the discrimination or the right to self- major European powers of the time. determination. It is important to remind that SOCHUM is a non-binding committee Using what can be described as scientific which means that it cannot impose racism, major world powers justify the sanctions, so take this in mind at the employment of slavery and cultural beliefs moment of elaborating proposals. that some races are superior than others, particularly with the booming economies of Regarding the issue itself, it is essential to nations such as the US, UK, , consider the joint actions between the Third Germany among others African slaves Committee and other international entities became a commodity for free labor. In this such as the United Nations Human Rights time one can say that these supremacy Council due to their current work at the movements where the ones in power, eradication of racism alongside with their controlling the policy of many nations. respective racial supremacy movements. However, like most groups in power, power ends up shifting from one group to another. History of the topic With the culmination of World War I, the main powers of Europe were in disarray and As most scientific investigations state that so were their empires and colonies, leading racial supremacy movements (specifically to many independence movements across white supremacy movements) started dates the world. As we see in many situations back to 17th-century, where centuries of across history when there has been victors, European colonialism in the Americas, the losers find scapegoats, this Africa, , Oceania, and Asia were unfortunately leading to the short, but ultimately extremely violent rise of Nazi 8chan shortly before the attack, citing Germany in World War II, in where with their search for reasons why they, a superior race under “scientific” reasoning of the times fell in the Great War, ended up blaming the Jewish minority of Europe of stripping of what Nazi Germany would describe as their destiny to be rulers of Europe. This led to one of the worst cases of racial cleansing and mass genocide in human history with the Holocaust in where approximately 6-8 million Jewish people were killed over the span of only 5 years.

After World War II the balance of power inspiration from that year's and by that end social norms, shifted mosque shootings in New Zealand and towards equality, with what we could mentioning the white genocide conspiracy describe as racial supremacy groups going theory. To follow the line of this country, underground (with exceptions in where the Council of Conservative Citizens and they were already in power such as the Boer politicians such as people in and the David Duke are the most known implementation of Apartheid) and working representatives of white supremacy more discreetly than before, this being movements that go against several demonstrated in 1950s America, with the principles of the Human Rights. KKK (founded since the end of the US Civil War) and its fight against the increasing influence other races in America were gaining, such as the African American community but not limited to them, in order to restore “white supremacy” in the US again.

Current Situation

More than 175 people have been killed in at least 16 high-profile attacks linked to white nationalism around the world since 2011. In Contradicting the common belief that racial August 3 of this year El Paso, Texas was supremacy movements are a problem witness to a in a Walmart focused only in America, the reality shows store that killed 22 people and injured 24 that this discriminatory movements are others. The attack was perpetrated by present in almost every continent. For Patrick Crusius who published a white example, in 2017 an estimated 60,000 nationalist, anti-immigrant manifesto on people marched through Warsaw on 51 people and injured 49. One of the most horrendous actions perpetrated by the author was the Facebook Live transmission he held during the first 17 minutes of the shooting in the first mosque. This broadcast showed the world the impact of the shooting while demonstrated how racism and discrimination movements were becoming even deadliest. Multiple politicians, world leaders and international

organizations such as Pope Francis, Donald Trump and Amnesty International Poland's independence day, with some of condemned the attack stating that those the marchers burning flares and carrying horrific attacks are an assault on all people banners that read "White Europe" and who cherish religious freedom, tolerance, "Clean Blood." Far-right symbols from the compassion and community. darkest corners of European white supremacy were proudly worn. One marcher said in a television interview that In order to tackle the problem in a his goal was to "remove Jewry from sustainable way, it is important to analyze power." all the key factors that provoke those events. One in particular is the ‘’inspiration’’ that shooters obtained from previous attacks such as the one occurred in Christchurch, New Zealand. In this shooting the responsible of the death of 51 people confessed he was inspired by the attacks in 2011 were 77 people were killed in Oslo and Uteya using car bombs and a semi-automatic rifle respectively. Another example of the power of influence of previous attacks was the case of the shooting in Kansas four years later. The American white Taking another point of view, on 15 March supremacist Frazier Glenn Miller posted on 2019 New Zealand was shocked with the a white supremacist forum that Breivik deadliest shooting in their modern history. (author of the Norway attacks) had ‘’ The attacks occurred in two mosques in inspired young Aryan men to action’’. Friday prayer (prayer that Muslims held After doing this, Miller opened fire on a every Friday) by 13.40 hours. The author, Jewish retirement home killing three Brenton Tarrant, a 28-year-old Australian people. man, described in media reports as a white supremacist and part of the alt-right, killed Past International Actions other proposals, the promotion of tolerance and respect to every single ● Universal Declaration of Human person non depending on their race, Rights: Frequently considered as emphasizing the role of the the milestone document regarding government on preventing the Human Rights, it is a declaration proliferation of new racist proclaimed in Paris on 10 movements in their countries. December 1948 which establishes a common standard of achievements ● World Conference Against for all people from every nation. It Racism, Racial Discrimination, took in mind the different legal and Xenophobia and Related cultural backgrounds from all Intolerance (2001): In 2001 the regions of the world in order to have United Nations and the United a complete perspective. Regarding Nations Human Rights Council the topic, Articles 2 and 16 puts in arranged the World Conference context that Human Rights are not Against Racism, Racial conditioned to the race and every Discrimination, Xenophobia and person has the same rights as the Related Intolerance in Durban, others. It is essential to consider this South Africa and had the declaration as the base of the participation of all United Nations following past international actions member states. The conference had as this document was the first in its the objective of being a landmark in class to address the problematic in the struggle to eradicate all forms of an international level. racism "requiring a strong follow- up mechanism to examine whether ● International Convention on the Governments have delivered on Elimination of All Forms of their promises made,". At the end of Racial Discrimination: Adopted the conference it was adopted a by the United Nations on 21 Declaration and Programme of December 1965, this convention Action that commits Member States objective is to establish a firm to undertake a wide range of commitment on the matter of the measures to combat racism and elimination of racial discrimination discrimination at the international, and the promotion of understanding regional and national levels. among all races. One important However, a number of delegations aspect about this important made known their reservations or document is that it required all dissociations on certain issues, member states to outlaw hate including those relating to the speech and criminalize membership Middle East and to the legacy of the in racist organizations. The most past. In addition, several guidelines important articles in the document for key populations such as regarding the topic in discussion are Africans and people of African articles number 2, 4, 5 and 7 were it descent, Indigenous people, mentions, alongside with many Migrants and Refugees were established in order to consider the idea that black South Africans were these populations at the moment of primitive and savage. In a radio address in elaborating plans to eradicate all 1957, for example, the Minister of Foreign forms of racism. Affairs, Eric Louw, angrily denounced foreign critics of South Africa and justified ○ Outcome Document Of The apartheid as necessary by describing at Durban Review Conference some length the murder and cannibalization (2009): Eight years later the of a white nun in Port Elizabeth in 1952. UN and the UNHRC Nor was this rhetoric limited only to black published the respective South Africans. Louw portrayed Indians, outcome of the conference for example, as fundamentally alien and it expressed its concerns outsiders and argued that so-called regarding the obstacles and “coloureds” were unable to exist in any one challenges presented that culture. remained to be solved by the Conference. In addition On the other hand, in countries such several measures to tackle as Zimbabwe, communities of white people the problem were presented have suffered from discrimination as the such as encouraging more government has forcefully evicted them contributions to the Office from their farms and committed ethnic of the United Nations High cleansing against them. Another example of Commissioner for Human racism in Africa are the requirements to be Rights to enhance its recognized a citizen from Liberia. capacity to ensure the According to their legislation citizenship effective implementation of applies to any "person who is a Negro, or of the Durban Declaration and Negro descent, born in Liberia and subject Programme of Action at the to the jurisdiction thereof". national, regional and international levels or the Asia: With particular traditions and contribution to the Trust even countries with their own languages, Fund for the Programme of being discriminated in Asia is easier than Action for the Third Decade what it seems. For example, in the Republic to Combat Racism and of Korea, many citizens are accused of Racial Discrimination. racist attitudes stemming from Korean ethnic nationalism, where notions of racial purity and blood purity are highly regarded. Bloc Positions According to Freedom House, " lacks a comprehensive Africa: By being a continent which antidiscrimination law. The country’s few has suffered European colonization, racial ethnic minorities encounter legal and supremacy movements are constant in most societal discrimination. Residents who are parts of the continent. For example, Racism not ethnic Koreans face extreme difficulties in South Africa was of course nothing new obtaining citizenship, which is based on by 1950, and it had long been predicated on parentage. Children of foreign-born residents in South Korea suffer from ‘’rebellion’’ in systematic exclusion from the education which the afro and medical systems. Racist attitudes are American people more commonly expressed towards started to fight for immigrants from other Asian countries and their rights against Africa, and less so towards European, white the white supremacy North American, and white Latin American movements. Until immigrants who can occasionally receive nowadays there are good treatment. Related discrimination has several examples of also been reported with regards to mixed- white supremacy race children, Chinese Korean, and North attacks such as the Korean immigrants. one occurred in El Paso, where a mass Another clear example happened in shooting happened , including the Nuba Mountains and as “a response to the Blue Nile regions, from 1955 to 2005, it is Hispanic invasion of estimated that nearly 4 million black people Texas”. were killed or ethnically cleansed. During the Second Sudanese Civil War, about 2.5 ● South America: million people were killed in attacks widely The most known regarded as racially motivated against black example is the case indigenous Africans. of Venezuelan people who flee their America: country searching ● North America: for better Being a continent opportunities. They highly affected by arrive mainly to immigration, racism , Peru and is still present in this where several part of America. of them are One of the most discriminated by popular examples is their nationality and the case of United merely treated as States, a country in slaves. For example, which racial in Peru several supremacy xenophobic and movements discriminatory provoked the death paintings could be of three afro found around the American people in streets of the most 1955. The same year important cities this event occurred; claiming that Martin Luther King Venezuelan people started a are guilty of the insecurity of the Oceania: In Oceania, white supremacy country and they are movements have been in most focus in the only a weight for the nation of New Zealand due to its cultural government. This mix between the native and British attitude could result populations, and the influx of Islam contradictory teachings from Indonesia. This leads to the because the majority Christchurch mosque shootings, were two of the countries in consecutive terrorist shooting attacks at this region have mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, different cultural during Friday Prayer on 15 March 2019. backgrounds. The attacks began at the Al Noor Mosque in the suburb of Riccarton at 1:40 p.m. and Europe: According to the Implicit- continued at the Linwood Islamic Centre at association test (a reaction-based about 1:55 p.m. The gunman live-streamed psychological test designed to measure the first attack on Facebook Live. implicit racial bias) in charge of Harvard University in 2002 recognized that the The attacks killed 51 people and injured 49. weakest racial bias was found in Serbia and Brenton Tarrant, a 28-year-old Australian Slovenia, and the strongest racial bias was man, described in media reports as a white found in the Czech Republic, Estonia, supremacist and part of the alt-right, was Lithuania, Malta, Belarus, Ukraine, arrested and initially charged with one Moldova, , Slovakia and Portugal. murder. Tarrant was later charged with 51 murders, 40 attempted murders, and It is important to take into engaging in a terrorist act; he pleaded not consideration the past events such as the guilty to all charges, with the trial expected proliferation of the Nazism in Germany, to start in May 2020. The attacks have been which along different political measures, linked to an increase in white supremacism promoted racism and discrimination by and alt-right extremism globally observed establish an ‘’ideal’’ stereotype of human since about 2015. Politicians and world being. leaders condemned the attacks, and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described it as In this continent is important to "one of New Zealand's darkest days". The highlight the importance of the regional government established a royal commission documents signed such as the EU’s Charter of inquiry into its security agencies in the of Fundamental Rights and the job of the wake of the attacks, which are the deadliest European Commission against Racism and mass shooting in modern New Zealand Intolerance (ECRI) which specializes in history. questions relating to the fight against racism, discrimination (on grounds of New Zealand has often been considered a “race”, ethnic/national origin, color, safe country and has a relatively low level citizenship, religion, language, sexual of homicide. These attacks were the first orientation and gender identity), mass shooting in the country since the xenophobia, antisemitism and intolerance. Raurimu massacre in 1997. Prior to that, the deadliest public mass shooting was the 1990 massacre, in which 13 they are being left behind in favor of new people died. While the country has rarely trends in immigration, and for this they feel been associated with the extreme right, justified in trying to take control back of experts have suggested that far-right their lives. Due to this one might want to extremism has been growing in New focus on understanding and then tackling in Zealand. The sociologist Paul Spoonley has particular the economic issues in some called Christchurch a hotbed for white nations that these main groups are going supremacists and the extreme nationalist through because of globalization. movement, a suggestion rejected by Christchurch MP Gerry Brownlee. Now this does not mean one cannot look Australia, where the alleged gunman was into short-term solutions as well, one area from, has also seen an increase in in particular that is seldom seen due to the xenophobia, racism, and Islamophobia. fact that these groups are private in origin, is funding and resources. When it comes to Islam is practiced by over 46,000 New mass protests and coordinated acts of Zealanders (1.2% of the population), 3,000 domestic terrorism under the banner of of them in Christchurch and the wider supremacy, it can definitely be said that if Canterbury region. The Al Noor Mosque these groups were not to have the same opened in 1985; it was the first mosque in access to resources such as arms, or if the the South Island. In 2014 and 2015, local access to arms and other resources could be press reported an allegation that a monitored, it might be considered that it congregation member had been radicalized would be harder for these acts to be at the mosque. The Linwood Islamic Centre perpetrated. opened in early 2018. Another aspect to tackle is hate speech, from this rhetoric, many racial movements Possible Solutions find inspiration for their actions, which is why countering tribalized hate speech When it comes to the issue of Racial begins by a realization that while freedom Supremacy Movements, one must of expression is a fundamental human right, understand that its fundamental to tackle it the emergence of social media has created by its roots, if you do not first identify and multiple platforms for the production, then solve the root cause of these packaging and dissemination of hate movements, then more will be created. speech. Education on media ethics should Simply tackling a specific movement and focus on the rights and freedoms of its organization from a national security journalists and their role in creating and standpoint will only work in the short-term. promoting peaceful societies.

For this measures must be taken to Awareness must be raised on the political, understand the reasoning behind these social and cultural rights of individuals and ideologies, as stated previously, it's not as groups, including freedom of speech, and the responsibilities and social implications simple as one being good and the other evil, that come with press freedom. Journalists with the spread of globalization, many must be equipped with the knowledge and groups across the world are feeling as if skills to identify hate speech and to avoid new attacks by racial counteract hate speech messages. supremacy movements? 5. What can be done to limit the areas We also must Encourage conflict sensitive of discourse of racial supremacy reporting and multicultural awareness movements on the internet, should campaigns; conflict sensitive reporting will it be done? If so how? help dispel the ‘us’ against ‘them’ fallacy. Journalists should be taught conflict sensitive reporting skills. Multicultural Position Papers Guidelines awareness campaigns should emphasize knowledge about and respect for the As part of the conference every delegation diversity of cultures and traditions. must attach a position paper, which must Journalists must exercise professional be written in Times New Roman size 11 standards in this and can write articles, air with simple space and an extension of no programmes and even speak with people longer than one page. The document without taking sides. should follow the following structure:

● Heading: In this section it should be Questions A Resolution Must Answer included: (QARMAS) ○ Coat of arms and the official name of the country 1. How can member states counter the ○ Committee’s full name proliferation of new racial ○ Delegate’s full name supremacy movements while ○ Delegation’s/school’s name reducing the effects of the existing ones? If education measures are ● First paragraph: In this paragraph it proposed, how it would be tackled is crucial that delegates analyze the the problem of religion and current situation and express their ideologies present in several respective policies and projects countries? related with the issue. Here there are 2. How previous effective projects some recommendations: and measures could be emulated in ○ Using statistics and the modern society in order to proportions helps to create eradicate racial supremacy an interesting reading and movements from the roots? improve the quality of the 3. In which ways could hate speech arguments. and violent attacks perpetrated by ○ Including the names and racial supremacy movements could their effects of the current be prevented in a viable aspect? projects that your country 4. Taking into consideration the has implemented with the ‘’inspiration’’ that criminals aim of demonstrating deep obtained from past shootings, what and concise research. strategies need to be created to ○ If you include a subtopic about the issue, it is expected to be solved with ○ The list of references could your proposals in the last be either at the footnotes or paragraph. in another page. ○ You need to bear in mind ● Second paragraph: that if you do not cite your ○ It must be included the sources it will be considered relevant past UN actions as plagiarism and it will (pacts, resolutions or affect negatively in your engagements) that are final evaluation. related with the issue. ○ Besides that, it is The deadline for position papers is recommendable to analyze September 29 at 23:59, e-mails will be the effectivity of these posted a couple of day before the deadline. actions and if they were It is important to know that if you do not significant in the reduction send a position paper you will not be of the issue. eligible for an award.

● Third paragraph: It is the most important paragraph of the document because it is the section Final recommendations where your proposals to solve the issue are presented. Congratulations on finishing the Study ○ The proposals must be Guide! At this point your knowledge about innovative, this means that the different racial supremacy movements the plan currently does not and its consequences is on a superficial exist. However, if your level, that is to say that you have acquired country developed an basic concepts regarding this complex and effective plan that worked in interesting topic. However, it is essential the past it is recommendable that you expand your borders by doing to imitate it and adapt it to more research beyond the references the context of every country. provided by the study guide. The success of ○ The proposals must be your participation in this committee is complete in the sense of directly dependent on your level of research having in mind the aspect of you have to solve this multisectoral issue. funding, supervision and participation of all sectors of In order to create a more dynamic and the country. complete debate, the dais expect that the topic is solved in a holistic way. Being said ● References: that, we expect to hear different ○ All information must be multisectoral and viable solutions. Do not referenced at the end of the focus at all times on a specific aspect such document following APA as education and awareness campaigns rules. because the debate will turn monotonous and different subtopics would be ignored. answer your questions (we will try to Finally, we can only say that we expect an answer them as soon as possible) incredible committee alongside the level of delegates at all aspects. If after reading the Best of luck! study guide you have any doubts or a section was not clear enough, do not Jorge & Angel hesitate to send us an email so we can


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