Document No. BB/LT/BBs ERECTION/3813/ET-0152 DATED: 26.07.2018 GARDEN REACH SHIPBUILDERS & ENGINEERS LTD. गा셍डन रीच शिपशिल्셍셍ड एण्셍 इंजीशनय셍ड शि शिटे셍 (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA UNDERTAKING) (भारत 셍रकार का प्रशतष्ठान) 61, Garden Reach Road Phoneदूरभाष: 033 2469-7164 Extnबिस्तार 325, FAXफैक्स: 033-2469-1400 Web siteवेि:, E-Mailई मेल:
[email protected] CIN셍ी आई एन: U35111WB1934GOI007891 NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited is a leading Warship Builders and Engineering Product Company, invites interested, reputed, resourceful and financially solvent contractors and subcontractors to submit single stage two part (Part I- Techno- Commercial & Part II- Price) bids through e-tendering mode for the work package as per following bid document. NIT No: BB/LT/BBs ERECTION/3813/ET-0152 DATED: 26.07.2018 Job Title: Erection/ Launching of Bailey Bridges at Araria District, Bihar and Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh to be executed as per SOTR (Annexure-1). Tender issuing Deptt. : Bailey Bridge ARTICLE 1: SCHEDULE OF CALENDAR DATES SCHEDULE Tender Due Date 06/08/2018 12:00 hrs. Tender Opening Date (Part I) 06/08/2018 14:00 hrs. Offer Validity Period minimum 90 days from Tender due date ARTICLE 2: COMMERCIAL REQUIREMENT FOR THE NIT FEES / DEPOSITS Security Deposit (SD) 5% of Order Value. PBG 10% of Order Value. Liquidity Damage ½ % per week or part thereof subject to max 5% of the total value of the order. Billing Frequency On Completion Job Evaluation of L1 Bridge wise Document No. BB/LT/BBs