— ' M W i . I t - ^


COLLISOV BFTWItlCN THE rARSOFTHK The Locisville ajip New Oklians Maii. BT rREWriCK * MEWUEIIMR. BK'BkiAK I'O.VTKAL AKD SUcTHKIN' KAIL- | ‘ Jwm *r MAia An nm iTucTt. Boai>»— aaiss or urc! CosTE-ACT.—Tt>e lollowiiijc Wi.lii!i(;ton Iriler MFSCELLANEOUS. COPARTNERSHIP. uu:at _ MEDICAL. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. A^trarttotag ta DaUr ra^m m Laata*Uis. Chii Aoo, April 2 aaaara, aact attMaaal laaaraiaa...... | ''‘’iiL-IJv’V,Bariow « al. LOUIS, llloaui EI...... tf ,cq„3,n,ej thlH day dlMolved b3 matusl oooseDt. Jobu Bull, Ust* J nxaiLiTi, nisEASE Ol iiic aiDXEva, ” >» aaa iait vukaat a.iataMaa.. ro^. u. at the crors.og; ahoul 8 Via Nicaragua. a , | j C,aaitii#g ...... ( •• Ing purcba«e>1 tb^ fiitlre ' ! ii* Ftrwiniiii Itrtkails. ^ «*«UblULmuDta In aluue aulUor* And all DiMrawA at!-*iD« *>> fromaDlAorder«d Lireror S. Sa ‘ raaaMalka. ta 4a miler orit, with an emiKraut aixl freight tram I W amhn«;tok, April ‘JS. tj Stom Moody, Adn*r, and EBraJ., widow off TRRSBORTRtiT.CHRArKST...... 7 m /T or iri ,.f harum., anh ihnw arti- leed to at>e tbe oatu'’ of tbo Arm In ll<4ul«Utlun of th« old ach, *nch a« RHIALTHUnTRi tArar anall -.ta 4a Countpatlon, lnwor>l Pile*, Pai:ne»a or Chosa Harlow, de^d, Dal ta...... Mat rmsiiiC into Chicaco eo the Michigan Central ITje Ijoui^tille Pr«-»r«» rr cAillnK at oy eautllfiiiKrin. bait!nrM. AH pt-t^cac barlDA cUliu« the ( MMKFM r«.vWlU M*FAt and X. w Oileaiis mail roniract late to i,he R>od, Acidity of tbe J The New Oileana [ Bran aBIW aaa l aaaaraM«iar aaat. laaa. Storuoch, Nsa- and San Francieco ‘Icrriulii-d lo keep Ooe work, I . 0™ ' ” vlrtne ' rulroarl. amp oy one “•“l»,“r'"i ‘O'! tt< •« ! of a decree of the Cl rnt It Court, i MooeiiDaB The locomotit e ol the eapresf tram har been tlie aubiert ol aoine ' '?f f 0, B ariburn, DiAinut of Pood, * McrAtn*. aaaara.4 , uiuf icjMUKleaiark in li e k Fulre#* or ia»i, vKAaai altatauaa U tt H.e Drenpress, but dr»Nr«i« irorkoieoy tfMl am ii«oe bat goo1 t , mMertalB. mAk« par- will nell, to the hlgheiii biMer, I JJOATHL toTE airuci.atrtifA thetia* Math car filled with,th .vB4Ra4aaa4.aw« a u 41. *Vetcbt ID tbe Sioma'h, Boor j on Y TwITVRSLL « MlHaOitefAh,, Oo It 4o 4a 4r paraen^ert, and but the unporUi.ce ' Bracto* ...... It tt and crantlMir ol the ei.ter- n- iUrLr» . ai.p.a le aicrUrl in .bla city »»«>'• Monday, | (or neatnrM- ibe Jloayof May, IS6a,a UlTOF LANOrmat. *^*Fw*^ Cetoservito aoi i««^a Nr tlons, SinklDK or Plnttertog at tbe mmd Piae etreoto. < m.'ttite. 7 i* M • momeot ibe locomotive, teiulcr, pnne is not geijerally uratlt r^too.l. ! au«i aorknian-hip. — catiinue ibe baMaew ar eouth *»de * : theow ^ L*he«inat street .tot wees Steamship iNBiGAMEhT* eto i>a.A wlai | I r*t uf CoMl« moot w x« Pa tbe SUainafh, Bwliamlpc 1 if* Line. ** ** Sod ttr«- np for tryle. *i«Dd, wh< 111 Ik- I Brfxek - cer, and one tecood claw car of the evpreat. lo- Mr clrm coae of tiding, and 1 r:raa«d lu aaa Ua old Irlauda and Floyd, and e-rtendioa hock feet to a'Jl^fwot preiRpg and - 7W pmiMao; . ,f* Tbe mail aerviceoii this. route, of tlie oueauu , oou torol toeom Oaaagaara, a MfiaiBt. rrM«atil«.BM by the Ohio I Bead, Hurrte beuDOljecUntiable. and I alley; »«ih,r iwith f ...... r lE. ‘j ..i.: j ; . | customer JOHN BULL, also 10 feet irvbUDg Chfitaot, allolaiii^ lli will be v!v*a when * opme' thae neoa Dlincnlt Broatbinir, Pint* ca ro^nlred c >t>;gauie*s;e or Mi’b a WMk. My Trmik^ »rr all Antly J. I ohove-Nleecrlsed , Hb»aaqiiaea,IV m.«Mha,raMwabla,'^orw iwlaa a heap of Orleat.B, ha* hern, heretofore*, finUU ihft.tiraf. LnnlsvIllF, kr therewith N -w ORLB.vNA on tfc- very^ iUipai aqaare W»d jffOAiu* «siU ctiet atoa tied the ears of aud {kiiuU on the uay. 'ilie of tbe ekln oal Bye*, P*»n in', he OOthe F*cill<.,for5AN KRASCISB'O. t«r It MMto«44e«4***444>a M m commerce *»n Lridemigue.! i- do>- •I JO la another; lith I 1 ihw dltoolrei by malua! eon. Side, bock, € t'*t, tm,. lb'«3, bearing ioter -i krwe«t rote* off Pretghl w ;| olwae* to pvecored, ood u * Umbe, Me., SoSlU r^r*he!^^^ * • - r«<»-]an».t m«*cuua roMvMoo MS aeonfa »v of VP- 1 ua-r; oa thi* . - -r u ! of the cU>s iiveisdem4ndedaniucreas«ofn.ailacc(mu)cda- D FENNBBBR&. bav!u< from Uth Octa, l*dte lac (prlL U Interest 10 wtl- , Bamina In ^90; tsttict., IrtAl, noooo* wf Blorode ood Dropoa* .inch Flesh, Coneioct laaRlna»'on* of BvlL a <«uu rood, with cetofortotile m oa pomli >w wbicti rsKaioH their ROFK8SOU . r tbe laatlD, Greek, iirbreK*, Ham btewart. 41, eno in one Dote and ntoM^ «»f eoor*Taa ", u poetiioo. Tbo!»e iq tioc. aud Cottcre-.« authori^^d by Ijw a coi.tract Gemtn, and ireal freoiiou of Spirits BM In another; 1st Apr:?, |8S6, aw;dAd« j a^.^_ con be e^ecicaily cored fenag * Pretico. lUhan, and bpaolph Uagnacef. Apply l«t Octa, sodecemenu eqperii'r toaay ether v*>9te f>^r * * tided to esctpe from the coiiluoion, far tlfordini^ H in tbe mo«t P at ABEL LOW. 1^, tLuooiR ooe tote oal gto in oooth* RBPBABiM BR. A.' MTni **Vi7r I aV. V*! ii\ It j liberi.! uit'iner. Pio* Hlem eaifroiiDg to California or t>r#eou. 7^11 it 1 Mr. St tr*» !«*• wfllte on Wall etreei, between Ljularllle, April II, |Su3. er, UtAprlMn64. nj Main and fjo; 1st Oct , 1U4. 4L000 In eae Page R Bacon, Char ieoefi co., Matiacatiou, and it was DR. HiiOKLASD'd of tojw. R f^etean R Tnu oat I : pofals advertised expetL»e, tn-«esaiyf or hly, ore cMar*o4 $1 • ^ - a were fur, aud bidu...... lereaed.,,w» a. .a W7.A, \\itfrV\ ster. Bote and ohU front A lo 7 day* of Lm#, -.mu ..j .ii Mr , — y opCJS iUt 430 In souther; the reaatnier of the purxha»e end Oeeo, King, R Ce., Bt. L»no. * * f«rr IM« Meet, i I tor •vary « ki». T foMCMltMat boMe were dauc«rousl> ioj at I, A. bi oMtT-.ao ( and -^j>^3iewcemb R Bve. Oi^J W. B. BeyaBidi, U«:»* .“** rpUK uuSarsiitnad Ba.e f.itn nj a copartnersh'.p, le month* For tbrongh pa *a;tc tteketo appiy ' CO., nnler Iron date aevaral received ^ of »sie, 1 - a . . severe bruioea. .Messrs. Glover on to he *ecr;r'''d by fa«od 4. ^ J ders and .Mather. PRErALEu I t — _ 1 Iha name aim siylo ,1 ar lb. c. m. jacuoh, W. McCALLl'.M 4BTKWART, parcba»«*r, with a. proved »«cnrUy, and tnrther by c. TdMFLRTOK. R M jrtoc, ..*'‘‘1^’' U*' I'hc contract provide, that the a Utn Strsder R Gr-maa, Boaoe h Frsoer. . marwAl tST-tinl J i mail be ca: tied (or the pnrp.,ae of trtnaacili.i; a OSINKUAL Wl OLE- AT TOR GKRMAN MSDICIRK STORB, reserved on tbe land. rJ4dly No. 79rau --ta, S#wt»' toO’a , J**' T''!Sr* ^ringer R Whiteman, nod B. B o. 'eoedmoa 1 u> t« paM la aowra la all caaea. other aid* of the Cential track cannot be fully between I„«tiijville and BALK and KKTAIL HBODIVK aid •* oet tnp froM Sou Fraociecu u» R C New Orb an., daily ami f U B fix-twecti ilnrt«embaD,IPuurteebtli.tre«tik COMMIBBION bn.l- I'iO Arch tueel, Pniladclph a. Aale to take place on the pretnU«^k at 11 o^clork* tTTb tLl*<^yoj« Clocinnatl. j f aofir autniw i.au.icM pamma ar atianccr. deecribeil, and time will not efface the mi-toury 1416 miles, “**** • Ware-room on Main, n«>f" OCRSHAM McC'ALLl .M, **>> by ihu c- lo 30'U | back, “in emtable .safe between tieoond auc G. and steam- Thair j-iwar oaar ire abova dltea-sa la not "xcalle,!, HKNRT, C*.m. J. C. C. •» etwhar, ». LMch fi Otw, sai W_ •tt”'''' WILLIAM Ii , ef lhat terrible and hear;-.ii.diug fpeclacle,fiOUi boats,” built the "t'P"*'*® ^">1 kentneky. uiwja,*) BTKWAHI. equaled, by ary ••••ss (. Cm, , on low pressuie phn. uiher preparation la Uia PUawuis. I Thei, United Biatea, LonlsTlUe, April II, IB6»-dtf I THE .HEta hiiRK A XU as the cure, attert, FOR 8ALB. LITKRFOWL I'^ITEU M. awk, fi at laaemo... **“' Unwilling beholder. is to express la many caaoa altar aklUlul ' HvTuna, m.Kls fi WM«, . . .iiiba be an line which i. to carry the - pnjal- oaoUKaduUKoiM^^i PETERS, WEBB Sc CO, . The very desirable b»«iiing*H <*T\TEW *I\IL WTEX.IERV fiC. rsrso'I fi ,.'ii claaa had failed. .'aAe aud Lit on c... ami a. K. c msu/., Ffii.ad.'phl4. m mmaai. We >aw a heap of ruin., from lieneatfa which mail down in aix day., a'ld up in ' lyruuSHEws uF ,,,,,,,,, Till, the _ seven Mi'Sic a.nd wiiiii,k.sa'le *«uth side of 1“ . JO.I4C days. URAl.- i Main street, b<“.weeo Rrc^k THl -rapoeinT*:. fi Co. smi Av.slism J. Cs>«. ifi;..a«(,. *?' ** .**®*®*^ kbrieked out upon tbe niidnight air, ci ;es for * and Floyd, at preeeot ^ fi •- ! Besides this, there is einbractd in the M.rctaaiiae, Main .treat, upi-o.!;* oecuplei by the *ubscr{. focrooo, conti act a | Sial C'-.silm, A. MCfm T'Ws';';^" her. Toe lot ba* i V'sess't' 624 feet frsiot on Mslnsireet ^(TLANTlt. Copt. by Mn.;c .1 «niF0t. „*,cblna- 210 lo depth, and the improvemenu are .n the mo*t P^LlMU, C*p(. Nyr; r I , poaar* In wa.kur« of Ih. Oieiwut; 0014 eatro. wbolekale “• KINGGOiJl elll arf^* ’ Ka“'**m prlceN# I contlDoethe Drug convenient modem siy;e. o'alAi&b and Prescrlp- they are withal tafo, certain, andaj.i pitosam.Dleosam Apply to ARCri ',C*pi. Uac«; ' Who were able ibe lion bOK.ue-b ^ crawled out from rubbish, To perlonu this contract ; St the old siaol, corner will reuiiire a very _ , of Jefferson and 1 FU)RA K. B. JONB8, ilALTIC,C«pf. Cum-b-rwk: '" C^We have sa op., rmicy ol ItMnraar.. wMcB wi.i **“** ’*** umiijured were fully employed in ren- heavy outlay at the beginning, and, a. ser- The (Ion. CHABLEa D. BifiELiSE, — n the premi*-*. AURl.lTICaUapt. Grafton. -sw, «r aUaliar I the FOR SALE. ! Mayor at tha city oeeer oil *hip*'*«'‘i<. ^ «^r siiilre**, adrarualaa. ms toI I . January when edvtoed Mr bet'- ra dering msaiatance l>t, IsM. I« CamUau, N. Mcnt to thoM unable to extricate I vice i.. to commence in Uclober, it 0/1 BKET UF liUliUMD on Uie nnrtta s'llF of Broail- J., na me fullowtns; The*e*hlpa have boea bnlii by cotoract, r ll anil, t *i»n will reqiiiie I Armstrong's expreeelvf ewtorsed ed htaie eg sodiag netore •.F " y i.ay, taiwFFn Patent Furnace Orates. ho aooarueam i Ibemaeiaei. Ftoyi ami Preatou. For taring, In* “Booflams's €k>VCTmro*ot *ervlce; every core ho# been lokeo la the'r >ratihet!me .ni eaa ba meawa* arataluaaly. | much activity in tbe preparation UI.XxOLUTIUTi. aEKMAB BITTERS bsse , for its exicu- ' — Wa laan 'IVHK Ui»iar.ixn«l. sstide purebsMU (rnm < Lire a* tbi» of&cea Frucls ODOetruct'oa, as fa ewgir*#* to at. Loai., 'iwiTenisoB^t. (wctaanuiiletBatiiatiaao, Each nHbfcJlfmajw '“o ih# lo«ur« si.*ength and i M KOGmiOGR k HofACL aracam- moment the scene became, it possible, , tion. , ryiBK psrtnar-hlp L Xrm.troaz. ot baim en tb. nudarsignel i Sa#r urtauw, L.., th. 1 nnd.r m. .icla-l.t O'er •peed, and their a&comsH;dat.oi>* fur p4f*e.cn*srs ore u:f* ! tl dlereaiaa ******* **—“***' ' Induced os to maaa Inquiry r« priTllaf. bean -rending. 1 “"U or llo.lsva a Ii mcaa Is tbit ^ to msaufariur. .nJ «atal his r* ??!l ^c H-re a (>oor woo.au Tberearetobe built sixteen sfearoboals, of day dla*>l»

A N.« ITo.ri.i io« lyiri-iiiLn—Ke..- A VV._l,.a*t'«uc.>Y l-mdii.. LOU 1." VI I. i.K JOURNAL liV .y-: I".;" • "iV r . .i i^ 111! N » llie SS»-. irti' '# V. ii tnn.1 , n. N. YORK li- u* leitglli ••> 'erdiy ADVERTISEMENTS. ky llioioucbly •! »r rnwl iiui'.- j Mumct* «R0 rvkLi?M»0 m.keo.'l .l.S.MOKEIS&SON, j **'* •.. « 1,- enieol tlie importance imiirorc- n ».,i r ,i. ii»- .i» i.. jnr.oncl t'l' ruti- Mlow ‘•proilciou^i AT THFo f. SUMMER i'r/frnci/f 4* ^.^ tv PKENTICE E HEM)EKS(»N, Inspector (lene.-il t Diteit St •tea ’hr re« * -in from thetr o*n ilpi letters A^PCtlmn. Aytmlf, ano : . r.i . .L . »• . Army. There rorm^r hQ,i 461 Main street, side, .Voirau Wrrrf, .Vo» J iwi, lo mentf of tbe nine eer.th century. No arcumen s tint they won't run. Tl.ti n iiftii, t^Ihry tf.e u. .<.ou f.»r ih. b«t .ad mort wM.ly cir- f>«. .re now re<,uire.l to ronv.nee the p.ibl.c of f.cci, f-r tbc .K.'t, a. whileli.e pay i- »1«; Tri- Weekly, Weekly, p;r . CT1I.1W1rul.ittl Jonrual.joura^. laio th. I'nli.lnliel DaiW, f j ””i^rV:*.7';.„ .. t Sutwslal 71todid°min. C«uiU>. iJeftu/* It LUUISVII.LE, 4 7 . polUic»njr> U snoec^eea* i .umuii, with tea enti jier i», I , railroails. i mile foi travrlini; eiv- j'/’Cl.lmm. ‘*rr. Impo;.- o# Kaibfoalar-eaw WMtJ havisf leeo yoreb w*tkia tha iMt few 4ays at krtafly redacad FrlcWy they ara (7‘Evenioi' rhe War D.partineill will b* puliml luI.. i!i*i.II,. ,. .Xh. ,r, . .u know ».GWhtt , «mitM ta ae^ ‘ ... . ,1. I. . 1 iu«t to. rtecllon ..t l-.t.‘ Beu. J .hr.- tiirTrrlo.?^.«, ..L '“"''•OTi'’ »n.1 WWindow-tilass,m.low-t.lass, amiand V*iri;i*\ irsi- 1 1 .iooile, fcc., .Vo. r- * olOl KenK^nt»;rky.urk> r.h.um ,„nVp.i.lr«l.lv . » L^, r^eiu^ ao'ilii**a?^*'ri.i«irri. lu-rnei-Tiiri . _'U.7 r I li.vir, Vu ,i7t,ei,k« trump,truic|>< to otbeerotficer propcilypropeily thetlio thri.eIhrot* remainii.rt-inaiiiiii Col. Col. M»t. stone, Gen. B .-inh. ..r a. tre per niimiiii, or $H' for 3 •P''> mrouKhiI.ii : week—(eountn) O ' J™ rt ma,M.«K.uri,.n.lKen-Ilia, Missouri, ' ^ niuciy « ami Keti> !1_ >>eui.H.r»i, ' inleieptiitlerovt i- i<*itlell ill Utorlaior of a f propofoil lie would miperuede the .linmesol you, ^>'<>nd l | Alroaiiyuly ii.uchtiiucb m |, expedition'Kp«dition« propured loto yeni!»etit (oto irurvrysiiri.-y an^rrn:aiutt " T .AIMRs* ’ IHitnil '«.~r.er. PBK86 the nevaat and ma»t faah^ooahle fabrica aad tAnMgn^. ropw». j v..nie' turky Tobacco.Tobacce. ,U „f Premh and ..her 1 1 ‘he fat.hcPacitic K.ilroadKailroad routes. ^ * Umopeao < »w»fa, h o. an KMBRi lDKRtKff^or entirely a«w and hraatifai Mvlea. to ronneetroiiiiorf l.fui.;L:>ui«; ill^ille wwithlih Knox-K.no\- That'I'hat of .Ma-aMa- le *'’• Kaatbera,''••‘.'‘rs, Flaa-Seed,Klaa-S.ed, Broad ,,re.u lino of road "I'luu.eVou aitu ,oto .a .-nemorra.lc‘-nemofratlc riueu. .. I',* N. n."• U'.na^ne,««>»''''' fUsegHa*», Beeswax.Beeiwaa. i j M .lopk.„,y..ie.-lIopkln«yllle.' v"ayou w.Ti'7.i«ill! hiJe | l^rWeekly Bulletin ( 1 . n"-' V’','* MANT1LLA8~A large and eUgaot aMartmaat. aatlraly aew. no.) Sevens will have St. VonDU aulaU’l I kuuwiheknow the luami'ivrrinaiuan.,iverlu( aarrred.^efri rdt n/?a/r amiand re-pr- qurrrtyt ‘ M ueiard-Set-d, aud uih.r omovr produce will t. re- a-,v,,op,, I line mart leave kVntiickvbv one of ^droa -aann is' “J | p»abi— t LIXGMWRheat.oge, Damaak*. Ih»h Uaeaa, Napktiu, die. T,. ' ’ •'"P"rt.ri aadTuwaie. ;ueu«-«leumt ->f*f thatIhai cAuru^.eain uc. It ^ vdiredlii excharr. or In paymem of deWa duo to the - a» Lae. I t I’-ul s, .Mi:.i.i je.'ti, w ry fhoitly, all the t.pceera- wa>wa. evMeuierldeui that, ifir Mr. Jrn-den- iwearhed. I .corn *i ,ee S' n«rf.. . .M almeiiU, frankly tell ( I k«brold.rlw. Me. 88 Bro-lwar, FAMCT QOt> S'— Ribbaae, L.acea, Draoa Tiiamiage, Faaa, Mlt*. 6!oaaa, Jtc. ~ < ^<1 Moirla Co. oonwr au'i wvri* of two dl-v!*« in tbethe i( umb«rUumberlan-t0 r*ountatr..c.ounfair.. OutOne ol i u;dc»nc and•Vf““1I w„e ^*°^''***^’canlMatep,canll-Utee, .nyany n*tu.>cratl.nu.rcratir^u<>cratat cuuljeuuIJcould b-b.u*t>* y..n,v..«, i^,e Arm of J. 8. J Bxch.nie otficers(,tficFr« baihaviitjcinjc be#»nbeer, ordpmloniem; to i*. ami jLZlyyon may tall everuttedu ROSIBRT^K atl klmii altaa, and 0>rmaii. jy In afrwa few XM eVervi^TiTl’ttttrybciy>C4fy that nl,"“R/si'RlI ha^eharehave ‘'rc^vh^^re^vr-‘•rescr- ] aad BnfP«b I AT THAI Rl.i TED,’ fehnkrn Off your **»»»sF'«d.,cimn.a.si.uscK.rk.,Fr-n .. LOUISVILLE. (he enHey of BROOM CORN. s your *‘darrse>.< ui mmit,'* rc-I I****’ *‘“**‘*‘® “*' **l»”dnla Qullia, Me. »m M Co., Importera ol • t * AXTEI) at the mechanical departnam of the Ken- • Kmbtoideile*, Aj cot up comlpg; that I wni T. travel every roal and pathwaTj win ““ •'** .Sooda. the Blind, 10 u>ni of No.il Broad atreru i JXO \. W uteky iMtltutton for Broom I MIM.ER A CO., fUESDAT, MAV 3, IRM. two.r vtnrk.l aa. rMriB .iiw.1.. laOnlATlIle, May 2—^2Xwl OWKN', \% Broad «treet, Importer •? Drw — Oinuu, .via., laains aroure '“‘V'"'-’, cu»«"m7r.^".!f“.ahV. m' h"u^ I acro.'S .\ll>crijuetuue, I'ol. Hen J..I “ “"'en'rollatlo.and ''..ATI ^ ^77' aelr-wllled Irermen, to rally to MitSi'r'giik ,^y?^"’ twiperi- : G'):r;e);:). Fib»t Pacf.. Curtoa. Cane, I>ake the bradwateii of tbe Clear Fork of Cumber- N. Mexico. .\nd the fourth "thiiiK—h. unjtit >u It will bi Jour tcoi- I my rescue ; — w.ll piobablv se* , y aoil R.siM m. ,o t.ach the clique., coalttUiu?, out Iroia Sui Aiito'.iode ‘ "f kll Horrible Mar* . land r,vcr anti Bexar in llieiiext eprittp, . lh<«e;«)/i/iio/ iiirrwueri,...y»e.., w«uHi or Copfer, Elect of Railroads a larite creek ruuoine into Clinch c. - . .. I ...... ’T’"*’’'”*''''®’ n-a- —al..ai. W..Iw i Voler .re acalni.tae.in.i any candMa:.-. .n.i< i.- . i he-ruler-.be-e..i a> d i 7 .llctaloris Uiat '../raroXf /onrord Aon. */; '1' tbe n** >"»!. •'rinc ,>ui. tieeauee you au t yonr . ^ •ier, the coilinon be:ween | river. d.fiVrcure i» probably not very cat * fair ni'r.c pap I an arcouBt of Tbe ci that' ••TK^Tu'^i^MVi^ port K 1 -N ' M .M "d r*'*’ X 1 will be utterly C A S impoesibic. I U A N L I .\ apprehend, o,e-J a.t .auvaviiliiUoil ail Dent-.Tailca.plraui-. ; G for the xxn ri RLi. jcAtk M K T; aa V . I _a Souihen, lilt-III. J . . 1. . . e 1 rtvir can of the Micbiican Ceolral and u, di.'lance or coot between thc*e routrs. ami ii. i. y..u d.-, ai.-i your party - To|>ot:rapliical Corp« to turmch the torrri.cre..-abd .uia. I wiih aii req.iieiie due reap" 7 i ,m, No., I "A B IJS Mohunten- 4 FOB EVERT WOOllB.- :ioi» Railroad., Tbe Irish Exodus A J4 „t there tbi« diderence: It Kentiirky goes clfjcer* for ’heseexpHiltoii. without an almost - 'BBN-’KnwABD.^ gbey. r.inis | Tyrk, for Lin,nieotna.beanb«ot.Oiebasnbafor# ^ ur™/ JuSJ.; ih# ..f the Liueo»af Jaa. ^ tha AMlSICkKAMBRICk.H FKOTLBaMtFKorLBaownt ihre«three OrorOver sit mfUlom»miona - _ I -J ».V.- y«mym. T*hot;.^Sai».o*bot;.~. iT-r 14 ton.TheLouisv.UeandNewOrlean. MailCoo- Vction wi'h the V .rgiui. msikef a. well as Ij lur the Immedlaia relief auJ rapM cate XtterTsufficb^twhether a sulficiiuit rkomi-. m^.d run the l.eKUIalare In Chrl.tlan t.. uf c’uughr, number ol uflicer? to maU- Col'l.v, lunutnxA, ('-nriAuaiptioD, Hn>nchU'», Anhma, iA. ; rkrtii xD t?R hwoM.M ‘doTs^l tract, etc th . I* j tbc South Ca.'olina fr..ich,Swl.s.aoaG-rmanl>ryfJoo.|a. KUTirA, flOCT. Hard TT «. .ft-S w Knoki an market?, up lb. deft- lenry can be propeily -..ip;.lie,| Paln» ur I Bony Cii.XTBkfTEiJ r iTore.iy -'•‘I'i'i.' ifrMnfri.m rr,":n::nj*:;r;.vIT,"1)711.0 n.““.’;,\",:i','XrX':,°';),;ee”;,'r Soreue-iv of the l.nnes an*| Heart, Atlectlut. of the Liver, and oth«*r ,%T»jctit>a< of th** I PulisuiiAry L'’3CIIXR k KI'.SCII. Jin. 99 Bru»l atreei, i li'cnaotoa. waictmc. »nl : Ontario. Imp.,rt.ra "‘V' -Ca 01 French and stwttdctloo., or laptrlw 3wl,a G„oda, Sllka, MnalUia, 0^-. I W BUJfB, ML'dCLB, C.kBTILAUtE, NKitVB, f.»r A SiiffUi 'Un Coni^re--. Cold thr Mof/ttr of ro»!JUf»i/)/jon .' '*1 I Ir. HUon: alttoQitli »ot iho*e c/.tiiplalu .•( being bitten by a reptile -TT -ikLC-rmr^— ** Rprnl.e, Brnloea, fcrma. ®r they have Ktehaok® Fl.ee, Imp.»rt®:- SeaWa, R*c**l Wes «r ruto eat (toveruur 1»,!W. cherlkhe*! to cuatonty In their v«r> boi^>Ia'v \I T/ Scotch and IrUh Lin*^. Tleid to It. •oothlng and heal'n* faff»«*cea • ^ h vu I | Mk® a cham! OB , I - hoy Ui I - uOiy o ouF dl kht Lr V6 c fu-he*! u In the irisOxHii •wi^w. .ftikw 'Mc BF^ jbv •vtBii' «i v* 8 . ••-•••• n.v I a • . '{g. Kow, li V * \V* MAI \f'I)0\Ala!)\f'Iin\Al II K W ' " ^tl ikos -rl^t a a /aForrfAaw any ir*,, r^nffidafr yar rtm^r/ •luhi coM the and -va . lb^Ciipil-;iub5Clib«Ubv lli^ state Irom Nor- L me Ihallhe result of Ihf recent hi.’- . eys, P eurUy, intlamma- ’ ' Tw Har... awU evBar Awltwal. I Kb. J R. . y Ti w-s I M«l«. llie rOort may be favored b> tobiC ‘ a once, aii.| of the lnu,f,i, MMAXri'AfA.M KaCTT HKHHKk OFoF W •*»* Mr. i>i*. *>thuu, and (.on»umpU.iu vet..,. ' , o, e.^ for mail coLtia. in the aNVw T urUnd ai..! m the '"vnInaNe, a- It I, a r k IIAARHACS, Impoitar, o'' J* fuaraafeeM rm tiy tor SPATIM, RiMGBOMB, SPUVT. FOLK-BYI’ SCRAITHU. Whtg.,b„. .AADDI.E, HAXNKsa, iti..I>e-ocrai.cmove.ruM,t,.nj| Ncl Vo.k divtaio.. btli^om;;^ a.j'rV rnd-rL^rdru^.^rn^'^n^^^ FaUCyancy Refrigerators, nlen-s, m collar GAUB. 8F»a;.M.S, oc aoOMiol any klS.^ *e coiymerfCed. inerei a roan in RcfrigeratOI fc.,.vI,'M"fc*«haw^ J'**' Poetoffire d-oio' rat, ai.j thereby Alien i ^ Ibe •bjert it if to a.lvai.ta^for *he : Depaitmenl as to their pro-j>ccts for a lemveuius ih- iLdaccm-ut alih lo thu in a. a>oq; even a »iUhi c.>»d of obtam an u no Bmail r i ~ ~ ii iirwic ' tvh vitiLn Kwume '“?•«>••«»«?* tx. mmicam mfstasg limimimt a. aii*kri»< fd t.#kt Ai ' HiV/r'a..?.! koiiSSTAJhi, Imporiaruf •N'va.~s»rul.efca,vra.,,», la .Sll'ss.Sh.wi.. : g»j. monn. w. h.».7triT-,^iw7 "" ' »-'!» af oor raen ' BunjttBullitt st.,St., LouisvUIo.Louisville, Rml-roiaerle, anJ Tailoring hava nia.. naad It loa aevara Bnlsew aad ' «'* -“o'' r'cil'i’i/y'ir)'.;; Ky. G- .sla, Sg i Sarss. aa wi| a, M'umafa -«l frd") 3dr.“iu7 ^ Broadway. - ^ It ,are ter •«« tR®? '.y a.-t. Ilk. raag'-c-w. 2 L' to^rc^ ! cam oal, ;!Xl l. , • aay ttat w.w» hav. J;‘%u"r:)%^’Tb‘u''“"^ l"‘"‘ « ibc roo, .be dh^^^ tn.yayadlmkwll.dlntNw.i. f*'""' •ureiyaaalraly abaadmartm tmmduntti th.th® wi,mmm i*f „vone «.®h®rar t- miles ll.e K.-hmoud .. d ™ _ taxm^nen I W^oDOtbeltev. Jril.quo,Uwltkctt.Rli''=.irhU.nB :!.;rRgc7ie 7ev rn“?rR7w;™^ . ^ ^ KOK^ S.\I.E, •* <'0-» l">P«rtcTsof SUM®*“**• *®«»"Ee«p«r ••to 'k*th® Amartcnn.ARwrlcnn IxpreBkprcaa C®»,Ca,, aadmmd lactor French, Gsnuan,a;i l aimd'an',Onri!d®a*a Mgpr^s. ” Iial.a. 1 ru Mn.ne wouM ?u« tbe feehugs.l our ker.tuck, SUX Go^.I., Cioilta, > 1 Cr^»,ref.r:.d‘:y‘,;u“.:c^:Ve,i“.'i^; in'.“e, kc, t Br iadwai. '‘I" "‘•'l'' '.‘l! ^ .'•.:-,)7s"arV)7rr?-l.'. HOPE COTTOn'fACTORY.COTTON FACTORY, "“f •'*. *-“• ^*rs„.r "".V: .1:) Z • ^‘‘“•'S^'U'K “'J mile* from Ivieb- twciili per O-M. , r , rnf f 8 -Hankiort Thousanda are dylii* who —pviCi; I perlectcollltei-tioD it Lj riehhurg Yeumnn,'’ mixht l.aye been saved by rivuEHE anbacrlber,anbacri Jr!j:.b?d';;ir^^^b«tu( desirena ol pioongeninciMW. RS*-• tti«.M»u>cthe Mniite luiuorliquor UWUw es-nDlisPcses'nblishrc over > tuvlnx hlahi. wholewbo.a D .lition “Il'nd.-.iK u B.vuncr. and their the timely u.o .r ^.“sYi.^tSi'a.";, i 'iV- ‘c l;)?c^^rhSru^'r:irf:^•u^'c^^^ ? I . . ol general bu.«mess ^prices, etc.) in that curre.po.d-i.ts, as wi.ut's Bal-am ..f win ;'r?a:t" , _ , , Cbenr. A 1 nuentloo to Irun-w.rk. f. ,, his »t Xew way hor«es. Aii w'iv* do’-.bt this wttl plena® *^***’’'’**urg aotl Ktehntoud. "''I*'''' xenioee.,” am 1?* "c»k»—a few days may make a fatal diitirence eml on the pwrlocT, nideboard*, and eupboaros of private quarter ol tbe I’nior,; though they were by no m wishes to dispose of the nuFK ('orTt).'v' FACTOKr tioo In thalr power oa rok^rda lu eAckcy, Re* UCTT, I .w.ssing v alley ol This estabil-hm^rtt <*ojo>> an,n uartvnird Ml NRoRf D.4LU R CO., ! -® Ly-bbt^g down the prcpare.1 for the ^.atc of thing, .Uvefopcl reputotloD, Mo. M Pin® »lrr'».t, tbe genni. o. -- u'.V.'t! wraasay sswgrTsjr vwai jsvaaaays ,,,*,5.o' j toWrafed by ' kff-VBU»C Bt| .BdtVMluaU would be • (UURf* |»aper“ RII<] I ,T/".7i' dtpeaafA, ]U IQCtbe oneODC thatICai shonldSBOulUshould I <*ood*, Proprietor* Mjuihnu®® Iksal I l » rw..' I and tbe Uot>« V I a market In ^ Shlev os, dto®*- C®w preference *‘'V Cambrics, Ve*l-Dadvlm-w. . “ben 'r»«the pro|Hisal,pro|K>«ai 5 camecamf to beoc I their tiTriNiKmieuiR...rrtsi-mdents spok.^pr > 1. 4 ^* nw*..*. «»...... vw,. I . 1 . . Wteh to put a stop tbe 'lalfic carried on m , ere sooner we assist imture***"*^*^ the mormore *,iall In p-rfectperfect or.ler.ordf^r, i CAI.K, laiportfra U at tins letting, wbuea--, four years ago, "I’ m aUaud nowik>w mIn acUveartlre optraiion^^^optrVtloS, U and Jobber, of .SAk and Sac ramkwto Crrv, C®L, Ruf. », Mga. .. r.p.d I waa not 4 caod'ilato 111 wfwall until dli*- luij 4*1 the latest kroeraUj,7i : »h.ch and imrrTJV^nients groceries, making process -“ be com- .uere tmrdly a toute ol opposm-.n to t)i« HVii/j latto 1 v ***!J^**' ^'’, formtklus Taros of thv Coda- mire»-ta I b«liev«theMrSTAMQMheva tho MFSTAMG UMIMBMTLIMIMI isoat A® esc®n®Dt nrttcl®. My ««to 5ro««ttt * ro®pl® liq«K* by tbe keeper, of t.ve.ur, Kc.. w„ secondary^ impor- l)?^-“-th:';oc«h»‘l“tlon, our aid — rf wth Rrr nor 7fAfir*r,;‘i‘:haiahft®,77’';i‘r'rfor 1 »e^"ror,'",V^,rvi Hved mor<* irAi^ J^***”“ may come too1:: l)L^be»t qualitynlm; «at th® amailwt txpeuse. whichWhich 1 moat lhaoklh®nk j^nyou for. Bhir®Btnr® **te.. ":^,^s^''b':^:viru^thau 7 Mhec®m® h«v®,«y hoi®® f®*l down wiu moo ®wl tniurwi in two yeais. Sixtj miles of this roa-1 lance which was not contes.rd in a 'a'® '‘rvie*®.’'•t''*'-. m® c.^oai ' id^nb ^*'^'**but eoniMCtii.g P .'piri. ol bit my competitor,coiupciltor, and you knowknowthatthat w TheTh«* property Isis bonn.ledbonified by theth® ^^***^**‘^ * ^ r tbey caB S’err eaoily do so without humlrei-bumlrt^l- voted tkalnMigalnM AJlfKhvny.Allexheny rirerandrivet 1 CO., 7» WUiiani ®.tn*#.t, Imovs- hroh»»obo€W*,brok® no bocseo. 1 hod r®cour»® u» to® Moausff, ®i®1 th® ®ad hi f»ct e«n wna atooeiaiu&k. terlicss a« wrcll as Eeal. m®me who wishedWished fur myray election.flection. Two hvItv %i tavrdiavrd by PennsylvaniaPatah. nt avelive acracres of and Supl® I>ry (SUned)(Slsued) thefk. Bat,cr wilo.. .Ik politics.sssl.t.e. Wks—serWherever theIke inuaDiinl.ah.. 1 MAMSOM. pr>>ciatmiplpriclalmei that I hadhod always fh>lor't Bo/somBalsam rrour.a,erf>ut-.d, with the Cotton Factory ~ j t«*®obeen an acUvractive and actlutacting; of llVdIVi/d tbtrry.Cherry. Bolldinjia,Bulldiuga, machinery,machii 1 “* j|_,k a < ,i . . “y H'fj.H’h'ij. N^ «e r-‘ert-uedr art tied moremure than l,I, and twenty,twenty® livej;vo dwellins-houses.dwoilinc-honees.elling-honsas. I « CO., ‘17 i and Mr.**T. Kdes,Kden, J4, dispose ®f a SlUiy faBtS of a Coun'V wi»b lo prevent Ute sale o: mymv mends,frleiid>, Kv , JUJuy'24,lS5J.y lS8i. win dlepo-edlspo-e oful it O WlilUn atreei. laiporiers tT®*—w® ‘-Tar and Tnrpanllna" titan, ta iqiare kattlaa,hottta®, calledcolled “Metjraa’a“McTeeow’a • ToirwicTolr^Je 0(!0!i Un - • -srs. ' KKPLTEEPLT OF HON.UOKa BES.bES. EDWARDS UUKTGIIKT beingbelns Medftfttv-dfv®-d \uuinto thetoe |> Ulonitiun I N' Harconn,Harcourt, Howard, ®nt>r®i®n.i T«>HM M. D4VIR8, '*’* • METtCAN Mi sSTAX^i 1 ... twHrefwrtre «. 0!ft,. in th'l*s lio/»Ain., LIXlMRMTlafar aai®by oU the prteclval «ea|r-» to ,k. ^V ..J T „ J . m P /Ves Inn^ rtm or r*n 1 th« itoiie® of the ir„iDia and Tcunecee railroad com- put'll. . ‘ liIt wa^was vincr.lod. .ncr.lod i,i easyeoay payments on the balance.balance, tJ ilemetAa ****»^'*- ob^t will be accoBptiabod. But we earnestly that ni roarfHf.onronventton the II'Ajo, Funl^blng tiooda . ww^®,di B irAip* of each at* l A. i i?iibs UOINE Of s, MaoDf^*> r ^ 1 s- REeRESENTATHL»' My>*? wife’>t'® took cuMcoMcold at«t To P^»''*o*»«P^rNon*persona whowb.. contemplate engaging »iock», Hhirte, Tt*-*, Pr.:. ipal ofl;ea->J04 cuniycounty©1.1107/001121^0onghlonght to be correctly represented, the Hatetime of her conBnement,confinement, In the Coath tblsofinrathl*this oltera — } * ahowho wapw®9 m(4ini(4l accvpiableacceptable loto the UUtrlct.district. OilDi i The phy»lcl®nphysicianph]r»lctan pruoouncedpronounced on*®r» anmn op*.oruop,.oriniiUyop,.urtaiitly r l j r j j of t bear tier disease conKoniptlon.consonipib.ii. aeldumoeklom ba pjlTaQB of tbe people not In allow any coa- -ranch road from Abingdon to Cum- Col. Mm ( , Ktflr, Zfilorof lit HojikimrJU Pieu: the coivemioncotventioo do ao?ao<* That waswok the only question India-indis- She hadhod profuse ntgbtntght sweatssw*eat“ to b® met with. Tbe aameoom® amount olof machinerymachl AgiicuUural Warebouies ' P>‘t®; »»t that quest on CouM, ol course, »“l1 bal concou h-lh-i she waa given up, for wewo dw.palreldestialrcl olor oonldoonid not now beba supplied bybv manslactureraiiianuiacturera In lesslass L. ALlJiS ;;atc A. B. see be de.lded In no than alien a -.', IsS 1 -C'Xir'Engrvivo I . . . » sc . . e kerlaad <;an The 5>t«UState -Ulwcribe*ciilMrnhes tbree-liftlthree.!, fll a Sia: I bate regretted to tbe drirrm'nalion to nre- D c an.l m W VOR TT A Ti'V'FTRV XaXC®PTC: m TV v-.-oTs-.s-._.. •ideralioo of tbr liquor Uw quettion or of any ^*P- g ofArr may, egcepi lyibe voleU.be ..ken r rreovery. Snlaul herbar childiblld part.H.k of herbar cmplatm.complaint. '*®l»'.welve months,luoiiths, whIUt Ibl.Ibla couMcoold beta removedrsniovr.l andanc pat *'• “vtor straat. Mannfacinrar llaXsJxlXaMTS. H. YORK m August. The and Dealer In Imp'v- [ ADVERTISEMENTS. then o nimenced Into oiwraflon at opce, wvtito. Seeds, '**“ 'tt® resr.u was. that, in August, a major , taking “II iifar'a Ba/saia o/ ifrl with a reputation .n-l ,lne of>f cus* Manure, Rc. iHiiorothor eatraneoufcxiraiieou, qiMmionouoolioa tocoeaeriexert tbciiie niign»lirh'c,tr,i or H«0,000. It the capital, tbuv and thn. to break me down witboct a hearing, which ba, f, of the H A.oa H ~ t*er,»,” and ilree tom alre^ly e.i.bll.hed, ~ ‘ . cored /or me, and majority In bottles eUoctwl an entire cure worth thousands to a ^ ^® . my the Cotton , ,.c blin evinced hCnubil^loii. In v 7 dturict was about wUU C a FKTt K.*l4»|«alB m CO.’M, ioflacfiee on tbea in the bringir out of caiidi- ‘ •*“** Pf®'’e insuiricicnl, tlic company. lo'>rth..usaud. her and v.er chi.d tmin. Mill, ami which It take, years to a<.|ulre. Cloth Goods. ADVKRTlSlSti A«KMTa, g ropreoetiUog my coura® oa a repreoenuttve mfo7;Jngre.-CoDgre»^. 1 . ^ _ * ' •“»v®“ooo“'.lj>'?' I would subKilba IM ^aaMa Thns, sir, was •hat dlflerence of op'nion and littia lam- IbeywonUl have nowbeen In their a large amountmount of thetba pur.purebaa*' pxLARK k WBSr, 19h Broaiway. ' mrmmu V®rk, |o isr ii. ’ by thcif OW'D Ict, miv increb,* it and aaoa an IndlvRtual.iodividoal. Imp..rtcrcat Frsn- Moatoo. d.taw far tWe I.Mialalur» fne rssnweewa nr bv >• ntonay FIMMIV.s METILLII LlFl!•***• B»\Tv i!> Whig quarrel “aflo.'iaj ami compiurolsad.'’ H>®y^ I>»>1 'ml us.'d Wistar’a Bal-am of Wild a, ttuck In a com|ianv that would cmdocicjnilnci thatba VyV-r Xnglisb,English, andaul GarmanGarmnn ora Tour mterrpreaeutatlona have been oo ir qoent that and with Goods,Goods,' torfor MerchantMtrchsniT...icoaui TaiYlai.- r- Ul're,' -Tsl wi r^'iey Axenu for tRo w«t .l,«00 ltP«ry oo®m)«Duaiticaahuaiticaa hera wiiboniwiihoui rninirlngrr.inirlng «n addition of Jl,0 more—and the ti'ale liiM*“7vM“m7ni\‘nd“«,m^^^^that “aVuatmsni and conipromise'* off 8KT1|‘717?Ka“rCT.'‘''SBTII R. he““^lihSurr“3« mymV‘p7ra°M^^^^p-ra.nal aliantlun.alianilon. *“1*nd ChAbicrs.CPAhicrs. | Office Broad'Way. cmiattwi lumraoia cas ing their »uirrv« in Augu*- a! tbe poll,. 1 H'hiji ara now SKARCT. 10 Broadway. I m the C nitwt youy,,i''“-'i“7))amTnMwill cerulnly not refoae to pu' Itsh this letter on< e. '*'“® Sim®® ood tRa Cmxxmimm. Tea l”*F®rty,lronipraprrty. from lu conv.'uirncacoDv.-ulcnca “ ' sail-llsd viKl wil log u audo-ac, nnl' scare S®lh R. S.'trry, for procuring ' ' “"o f-v-iourthsUirca-fourths wh ,sc cartldcatr ma- H> 1 Lave never bCor.before ...doald one word in rtjdyr.,.iy totoyouiyou. It above. Is a man of ...... r .v-.vCVo“^7T 1 a»t,«pt to bniqt the become bound for three-fillb? of the amount. tarlals. Is'* admirably altuau-dHtu»t>'d for The'";':;^.".”:thathe Ll'M'Nr 3KI Uw Mauw l.qL Uw of tbeDamoctau. as much varvtUy as any In this conutry, and a •“““'•'''r manutacturemaniitactara orof John slrcsi. Importers THK CSDIRSlii.NBD ARK FRBFARKD TO FURMI8B Zme PAI29TS. abuo«« manor Jobbers of 4>tvrVII. T the riacil.m< iectlv*u all ol!( men t.n.l,t>it>l!> amiraeniire reliancerailance .nan hi," , METALLIC I TPB BOATS THE a\EW l.ldO lu 200 in Mubleuburg, of bvu t« SO In Butler, of over atatement' **"*“'• METALLIC LIPB BOATS, JEk^iEY /l\C Cf>MPANY todem' rai. e public seotiment, an>i bring dUersdU opo'i nAHtUURT,HAR^URT, HOWARD, kR CG.CO. ’^ *ball become necesary, to i« terms, and.an.l ‘V/If desirv.l,das!rv.|, wonwou d also*"i '?***’ tM-jihlnf. or any >lTe or m*id^>, oiyl In oay auiohera >.pao device. It 1 , a pani«m ,l:atagem cui.umgl> build a branch from I t^oioUetwo to one Inin Gratsuu,ratoon, anuauu'overuser ibre7’to°ane'm'Bdn°'.&-tbrve to one in Bdm*>n- vubacribesubacriba a large* H 'liiTi!'*'’ 7J?o Shirt, oRort togawtoiiBiiuc inatitotloo-a But eoeb luaiiguant t our villifiratl^n ac j Fmnl.htag [ amtunt of stock. Go.,-,, ,m,„i u itev, rwaaoiiahi® -..n, »a? ^?.n«iu^.v®J^.v® that the vm?®-vm?® of these counttcii E. Kalb, a highly “ ooH opou teme. POfnfN, mf .1,1, to M«r counties re»p*tub:e rorrehant of RushvlUe. *^”^**^ n r Abingdon to Cumbe. land Gap. >>.aadcr Insure aron®e, with a geberous and maguaui- . a jw^u, ^a Park r..w, plaBoedBulperfecUy underwood by tbe Demo- But before tbe For further particular* Inquire ol , ppvk.tt® the A*;or * ] ought to hure beenyn tosf* ter, at my office, In Pitt^turg. cratic leader,. They have a few coadjutor* proper au'borijc* ,ball pay tbi* approptiittoi. ou as ’'7““?would owehave been nominatediiutulnatediiuuilnated on tin*thetl.e.r,riff,rt/ftrif tolo Dr.Df. WWiaistarVi.t.r’s HaNaulialsam of wildWild Cherry:Cheirr: "*'*’ aprJ*43®n Francin’s M»t® He Ufa Ruot Co. may nertier totodedeatdefeat the ob/ref Wbtrbwhich maleeuleucemalevolence and malice 30 d-Nwl‘ '"p?.i u ' .M FoU^^ARp M.:r„Rj,U'X.CDW,, */® itoo Thev ore rH>? puvac«> ResHv .bh.:, Kalrdeld ^ ortBjUcaUtrig tbemee.ve, Whig, or neutral,, to .1. Virginia at^ Ten..,?ee Railroad Comp.- r'^onare' m^irnt iT" co.X April 8, IS6I. stisei, imiH.r- | THE NEW STEAMBOAT LAW aaaTRu**ni-a ^ Mr. d. ’^'’* V- ” /*«^f»yp'iuie-.f, ny it i> required, desirableD*® CitVCity Property fOrfor Sale.Sc /^'• TI...X Jo PYA-miMA L’AIMGBTMvM POW-.B Hk>0 J -k mor uc- bat . by tbe hi. ciraracter repaiatl..|i, sbringt w iib r tbe stra agem t, of Locofoce origin, and act, that ,ome auurance mso, iwoud of and J*d*bf A man-la, aged alileen > ears, ba.l’, ateut*a Vanillhre Nc*^ y* r,','i'“|!7" ^ • cupWd VlmuTiiA^'tor^lir^^^SB'HrfE?-;'?;oaneni. ir, a* a -1 TO CONFiiKU TtJ jHK L.kW am maa«foctnr*na w!tR impouifB « * 1,1 vbere he I year since,iilncv, a varyvery «<»*« \creere attack of measles,meoalea, Sl.CtI .IS 5 o irnffl^firr?or'H7.iomi j * which ta-re® SELfiOM CO VES IXTO M.iRKET. •p^r.tPTS I «ard ''i atl the nece—ary laatrumeuta reqwired I® eecorwacar- • fa ^sea - OAlOk th«»® i/otou and Lis I ddccd her very much, and left her with a racking cough. Eng-rawwr^ cc‘iiim. : dab/^ .>u^> ! 2T I ^ f**7^** II* INTKRDIN'iy Bngraveio. t« r®mov® S intb, I of- t dvate from ih- fS.^vrrament Imtpvctuu. they haTiOff a#. to tR# ei - ROd no otiwf p«rpo*«9 And. if peroiiited the Cumber lond Gap. Tbc couatry trom ’ ®*‘ ’k® physicians wtthln our reach fi, IX’^rriTVKT,TITXKY JOCRLr>,jnrui r5 u . At- ai*S.'ri,^ru,^''''a'!.'e's'J^pollUclati. A* proof that.h.t fer for oale th® fuUowtng deBcrlbed * AXXIN, AftUt*ArtUt* and Kn- gtaoted vmlflcarea to tbo*e knoi* Ravtog tnorra- V'/>w motoJUa or ftiQg the pur|>uB®imrDuB* ofor rorouvluitrpmucluxi her o>ugh,cimph. buthut withoutBritVxsni »uccr»!*..•tr-w'..... •jjj »» Kraversarav(vrv\n Sr *lq^*V my \ I on Woud, •*. ' Real E^Utv: |K|K N 86 an«i go Fulton ff»m *H® of LroR t o rxrrt toy iaflurnce kt hU xt the polls, it will. lORJonto CuiEbarUnd Gap and i< far mto Kei.- appearcil to be sUeei; mn?T«rt«“A“^ 'r" , She alnklag Into a decline with everj Cnert an>lan.l beat ! ?»9 wurkwor^age.ex*N*®*ed -iiiL by 106 feet on tbeea t ,.»i^ra.her®. M. Tb* -RMiitoaaM^iww. oynipiittn uf CoUBUtuptloUa tUe mf Fifth Jmd Siema- pre.-nra Ga.ga: mv Manaa Chrom—atar, wtfh ! tucky a* t. BTOCiradf that fxt«if, fubarrv* Lorofoco pur- Barbouraaill* ba* ba«i axainineil, ”"®r7 j j *ir»*ei, nearly oppustt® tbe C®urt-huu.-ve, with 1 'l“v‘ all the im® Wa pre®*cre gao«* atucbwl, xlvlnjt iRa curroct Urn® of day, Ri/tfp-AlDC. un lOsiU® work, Tmentoe - macR ilTi^icmra'^cw o^Thcn"'"lub^o’l^y I 'hP I then trl®d Dr. ‘'IWgtrN’i Liverwort and Tar.’’ Bat ORR, Dealxcer aej Knxrseer « na •.« t , bwdrr laan I provenieut* K I thereon, conaining of g...Ml -® subaiantiai per- ao iRvaluaMe ori;u‘*1tlon lo any ateambuot or toll), any .»th®r paint, omlU !* oot - > ; . bihacitrakaieU her coagb, and gave her Nymptotu* ot a J • N*-I*au dUert. TbU I* the lonte.f wt»tor j ^ 1 more Dt votes maortit bualne«a hou-ee, of which »*Marbl® * esuc- mocratlc than niore luallgnant character. Hall” f»r*na li*bment In th® Fnited 404 By Improved Fooeat?}® Metoillc Flux f< r botler®, than pnr® wRUe lead, and a® >c retalOm it« whitewe^g oist “»Jfne pood road I State;* Kentucky IxtcofocuB, know perfectly * over that which coo ia®®rt«d • well ; dii'auce. The — R« wlthont blowinx od tR® Roitor, ti brUUaacyariiuoacy aaoMecied by Mig®biig® wM^r, r..*., or [Jw %ol-ioJlt“ jUlo'ns* m«rp“?^w l'‘*InV^ma‘i — , nDpRurwti®aoJpRurwti® «>a® plug la melted. All the obov® ore loara. It 1® narlvnlloda* f-rdhtp® ' ”®® pap®'' to lOoirameou mao a point and -tromboatk. that DO liqiior law queat wo, however much it q“.»tioo i» will Kentackv meet ViiTrinia'. ®«®“>®*i *«> r"® »“• p. Bv n’actnre*) by myte.r; ami baviox Rod thirty yeors* For ®«Utato o®r, .. • me, to aratify thalr pnvtie spleen a:.d bliiei Kc. pro^ 1 n^wed u» w«otRrr ®r wooer, gme -s. js . . J L . I *’ 8 - aoiu); ti< al exp®rience iiiiltfit seem to be favored by Locolocoa duiiti^ r and proorrtiox g noi-tie® 'oag Rdi oc® m th® working qaallttk* ot tR® obowoe A fnllor ofier etRef Fototo arodaoiriy®®!. poliucal Charleston, S. a canvaas, woBid be allowed to divert C., aud an immediate connection doscnpftuo will b® sent to ooy Rl. | loT^^ port ofthoi'otooby TR® Vhii® Xioc Foiom will cover fequot we ®y ati®«i, X®w oU^ot two^btrda mur® aurfaeo Tbon pnr» least reti^b from tbe Locofoco candidates ! aya.em of road* on tbe loatb tide suming n. maJr and >r*oTMl — ot ^"'^9 Konev eooneown witR tRolr treot*r duroR'.tty, rumh n. m *h« at tbe electwo. lame® river, in VirRinia. The Ji.tance* by thi, ®^* R All riixtnorr* oreaolKiteU to bocom® InRX cdm of , i^JlfL'^'a'c.'.yt uTc id m s'5-• iRai. bo'f 'I, 444 4 ; itfu] cun.raia^tuo oitownt. i‘Ji dim tR® ©oot wftR >oL Wc bare lud a opportanity of Mcirif route will bi a* follows: whicRn® iivca, that he canuvjt iufia®nc®a hum ^wiro mud toow* SioumcoJmt Imo roMi*^. whv i oro •okJ at low bow thif thin^i tbii ICitroductiOD of the MailtC Ro public man, if b« wiahed* could m Khaii® hi pric**», or® well wiopied for pmiwlBo ru*4*, ‘ MiUo I Blankets and Carpets o«i-Rol'diO<«w ol) mud tortolDc vurfoce^ ; *'«i ..ar.? IK,«M Uw mto poliuc, has Norfolk to Peter.b.irp. Of cv«ry descrlptloo sol® opei.ted in tbe -jO i for ty Into, wRicR they efMotoiy pr tevt freoi rostlRg, r-.* ^ork. toTo L>nrhbur^.L>orLbur| . 12* ‘ 7^ *^***”*^^ *'*^ *^''^ INwed eltR®r tu Roof or wootorr. CROlerREoflerB bUteg.btAto®. lo CoLuecUctlt,CoCitaccUcat, - 5 !* loan®isan® f*i»ehaedfal»ehood fala inexhauttipi®inexhoutiibl® audoud cannyccannot tb*i re- «"d/uMer*e hU country.Goneral *^1 Rhode IsUod,ItlRod, - Jm. k*on, Ue^pat^, for ‘‘Dr. WLtaiV I j the mu* *htaith* I GllEP:>i’ ' ocaiion iLiaginaw .. WAY, BrxOTHER, CO., TReoo poinu oro proporvd Lyocliburf to Abioffdao 190 Strotned. For ut-arly a year you hate been pnb- diJ, at New orieouF, as.*nmerepp..n*ibiiitit* BaUam of Wild Cherry’-' will cure y- -“•‘—I I & m *V> •odi® toostor. »fwl RimswmeKaim«*r< moiA \* sta^ oj.i. I forohlchhe you if mmaeRCOiueoa,Ma.a.ch«..'aa. andRoa Vermont,t erskooi, tbelOe MaineMRlue Ih,bc. was there p3iil>.hei by the moyR® ooed lo oil re«p«ct* .:k- Le«l. Ajiowdon to rrsJc'icnV'fnrr-sura-mcnV'fni»»hing »utemcnu in regard to my ©our«e, a<* cun- ^‘clvii auiborUle*,” mAo ® •0«l and ^*511 ^’oadwa,'. ORgUiaotowo* tRo 1^ credit®*!l;:S;^S'L.ara.vl^^'^";a.“‘^i^m'.'*,7,^lS3'u.atSs"alvl^^^'^"lan“‘^irm'.'*.7,l;:S;S3'L.a:Ss''a.vl^^'^";cn“‘^irm'.'*,Stbomaelvea, ood faileo barm.ea* .'.“m?a'l‘mra'.“m,at my relurJl’ifeet) mem and thi j^p/rsol''alnM m S'J"''!.*’""".'”''’ “ “ of ChUto, ood hv U® «'<.topaoy'« Walnut htr®eis,CtoclDnat1, ' *‘r«•‘fu D-utect Ohio, General Agent for i*)® l‘'t» tu cither Mdt-; revWue of *uoar® all h90mt%oAaaats- Uo&s, aiMl, 10 every CMF, It hof COOlnbuted, to yonyou have dl^irereddb-n>TTer«d that, ondood iherefuretbrre^furv )*aveftav© le- Pr‘»tect MUand preserve’*i.reBeW* th®'the* *®t««rit.Integntv,loi-^r.tT succeaa,.nrj.*aa. « . j SFWINO MACHINE. Mm vsximgfS.SIMa Ma axji UR*is , an*l toe West,West to whom allan order*oiSeM must be oiWreaeed. up with good aubBUiiUal Hardware, Ac. a-c®»*«lencv of th®*Whic»— brick hoa*«>. I 41* Dey Total 7,'d cvDi;y becDto® oo rxa*perai®il by the tupoi®oc® of yu<;r • Miwvt, Row T^rft. tbe extent of the whole numerical force it could by W'»i*on, Surblrd, a Smith, Sotcllff® R feet, houth N.le tf Jeurr»on, ^ ^ CORaSKU SlNtiER’S Cf between Ninth , and pro*trote “Tu iWeciatidDrebvrve” to®nr.«rti.’m.# .nAMgsth i T J* patent attempt to cruob m®, that you Lave grown Ui. pri.cip:.^ B.** All •'r"””'"’ ot jav.lca aoO* M. * * P*-BUpotou Doaofactwfvdmoaofactwveg Ry tRi* eotopMveotopo or^ ni^Tat'i.lU^'*":’Humie#, R .bm*on M Cary, J, B. Wilder Co., *tr®eu, improv^^ with a J-Biory ^ * ST4.Ut4 MT sK^.Di.K FKRFONU‘«'r I. aR 4CT10X iocr«oaeolacroaaatijr li.It. of ‘'®>iual‘-equal Mx/urlguu prlulags.priTilegr* a frsma lwa*« J soranonii>oa,anveuomua** aud4 »u xreatty ihatbe activityacilvlijr i aoJand p* command, to weaken aad defeat tbe party. ' Cbftrleehra* K. ii under rent M Co*, Us Haycratt, I hsilanca Sa amantar .Uarsj -Gar- SEWING MACHINE. •nm Whie paper, of the Stale? Gap to Ki.oxv ille. and if Knoxville will come batwarn Walaut 7 Behave man- . • patent), depot, M John suaal; on and aiur r %nj.alkt L.iIrdSlalrtbf l»r dutmrl pHtntt. tOd Ij;ly. a gaudbaud sii.ansit all , May ftOTJCTia xv./xa. |„^ I'lr Pearl sirasl. /rGurc:Grtf Am/wf U. IS6I, far anawd .*pnt U. isaa. tMHied to I unanimously teatify, that, although the CumberlmRl Gap, the part of the road in Alien?; vv. u. Marrl*«har, J.ffarsonvii'.a; . .. I^UK utry tutor pflvllvgeato g utrotth'. ^, ,*,*«* ^***** **• » uv a»®dle. A ".I *V ^TamT'*' in Kentucky anl d Frankfort •* will aodun.Dr irrejuttble Kailroail, I clock, F. M., a.-j >- At< hD\T^« iodicRtiMU bdfore - itia tbe electiocif were tb*t ft Urjje Emtucky btve both hoes fts feederi. fun- exctteaonly Ifardlvcrrlon and m*rrlmvul or aprcia- fcmpfa/jui.r, two year* Tg®^ ylrld | Hats Furs Ac X W a Bhuft llia« it hs® Leva awarded s«v We have obtained the foregoing f.cU from Mr. Importers, sU*** »ftl» 44hi Brood l y all iL. na» r»ter., with . blttar- ml!tmg“'thim *{ a%crra^;7oi^wmch'l w«,‘ . " MaoQlactarer», U sn two yetfi tb® treat reputation of thta labor-covloq Mlm toroei,stroei, New T1 ri. I 4od Wli iesa)® Dr-alcTBtu Fora. l>rsi nTTTOTrvT t t® " l.quor candidate* Without Garnett, d«m and viruianca <,iq«'*cadeuied, the indapanaent, se/r- the aunisq man posalWr. Aral I now appeal wl LOUfBVILLE mschlo® iaOs teva <^-ubit«Rcd to iRu couatry ood la Ma- Uw refereace U party the rhief engineer of the Vireinia and ih I whuBi I am proud 10 haas the *“'>'""“'-0 to Ihe “public sai.ilmsm'’ r.pe. a hot H'vU alLs tuocn.r.rry 1 » . • irikad Jraraira, honor nev.irx- aT-iss . Sir, I Marble Hall Kxtaliliiihmeal• I w STOtB wv h< ®" “riacGou Uaj,” as m. dafaujars, Thajr kn w raprasaut a proud, but a juat, moral, aving f®®®'^®!!received “>®the kieocyagency orof denialdental lustrument4I UIVUI forlur Salr.. ilir. ^in*. li has airraiy inutuihe.! over laertaraia pra- rasl a liuctea uga. vote for liuuor law cauoicaie*candidate* exex- theroe wanGall HouseHouse, vi.i.iiigvi.itiiie iniSthis cityrifv for the n irnoce aoJ mag- i 14 qcIIKNCK’.* Machine Depot, CJ C^unlon-i street. c.u«aC.UK <1 SATl tonne p.irpofe [ O "•“*'“ SVISTHVSar BOATRD kl atai Ji P. U. n»nliuoua latelylataljr hvMheld b?by thatbe jndicr. wu.ng l,.,m ,b,i i will av r appractaia and raUIn grateful conatltueucr, who, and whose “lltora, on k- HIk Brmfirm of Sutcima,Butcllffe, McAllhter,Me R ri^^r-*A I haute sncfi at Machinery ool worUlare I seldom offers for ea- ^ JimllR.umiMia,“ LAB.;XLASiJS, KLLx!VKLLx.r. a Cl cept where the Isquor preseuliiq; C'odi i-r vhuse Co., ’I -u<<>dwuttld re*i>ectfoUyrasi>actfnll7 call mashiLr,. l;hasbee«lnumI«c.lr,teD-l..lyln«.i.r«e co.. of - Uw candidate* bapper.ed to LouitviUc tbe importance of a ramviubraiicts fur thalr past kiDduMsi. Thry know I unf.-rtnuata hut pav dlfrereocea, are tha thatbc attenuuuattenuun olof dentists u. ••Amd jogins ia a lucrative buslaess ,||all *i«j,illBls ^ already — i-I. Brll^s^»r-*aiw*y,Br.jalwsy, a®wMawM« yIT .. a. * aiB loo hooaat oud too ptou J to “docol T.,” “battaj of n-ore tral J io do lu. Juiilca aud to actuowledaa my stock of lusirumeou, tccib, kc.,Me., whlchwhich wwill be at al ~Tui~^ i”~i naoofacturlDX v»t«ili*Riu®nta and tat** tRo hoads of to- a... 1. r.;irns.1 OH..,, <1.1 I b4t lOT I eslahlished. Musical to heho also theths regularF— iiUr Tasso* VI - railroad cotii.eclionusw.*a..v.v,».waaool.oo ko,»..s #. Jr- Instruments. Locofoco aFvvBxx.xr*i ' candKlatea. Th* between thi?hMi. cityAiij and«uu Cum-Vruui* c..ursecoursc uo*hrai notDot filhorm times‘'®'* full and eomplete. dlvMuol uprrst TA. It sew* ®T®ry variety or tootsrtols, ««iuUrepr6»vot”O^urepraaeoi” them.tbcBi. uuiruoly disarm.® i1 ihairfhclr oppoaition,uppo*t tlou, but ho* «>“Fi®‘®- • h« UKlNtv about to am«Ak a jw i tv f®elleal repoaiadljrep«aiediy calledcaiied fonhtonh Orders from ihethe coumrj-,country, accompanied th remove South thl* fall, 1 ' 'rf lrtdbiri'«Piii« WbiftfWbiga into thosetbooe State*btRteg were ,. EvwjEvery oooactaunonaoooacteufioo* manmoo ouuhtoocht to that an all-wUeall-wl,e the warme-t aipras.louseipresRion* by the coNh, will lid rrltdroaWarrrtBBt, viUlyviWJy cheated and berland Gan.Gaps We trusttru§t that tbe ev ident imnoi- of rat- I B"u""A«jMe“n!,''t?Jl: 't ' evident imnoi- now f iVrfromsmX^ni'siV.^^^^^^ I ““l-o* Her tor sale I tbe enuree stock or ' Fnjvldmce,es.ivirfsner.. thetl.s iDielUgcno®IntelllBenoa oo- 4:0 Mroodway, W®w % ®rk. LUffibuCfed, and tney taiice * Cigars, ami Furniture contamed In now aee and prociaUD tbe of toe subject will elicit from our patrl*rfisai, from a// S. K. DAWK8. Druggist o&vl Apotr'^^-anr, ' and much better thou citizens own lategrtiy, watchful core over to® un*ein-h, liberal, geDrrou»,hlxb-l*ued U coo ho r*R, ,w , _ , Marble Hall Hotel, on Firth '' AcetU f T June*, WhUv, R Cj.’s Premiu Tveifa, street, opposite the ohr k l-RAVITr.l. Mai-l-n >-'oinpai-t. anumanul. l.ne, I-jporters, l fact, a'. th> same tuD* ackuowlcflgiiig tbem?elv*< Iheir prompt atTention to it and their ’ Man- LMaTaaIIrtiIl«i*’o»^.rrjI.^.'i^ fs' u*DOW les*o^.m ' r ! »''A'>le. i- -«• v » 4ll *4 4oa4l,»ua ood fal*® choT^es mod I do fvel '-•trlci lo*l by electing me lu prrrercu*.*- JJJeid m® two wcrihr cumpetUure strnmrnts. Strings, kc. ** *f ** .11 urrr th. awjF. mil. rirq, ras, pureie* LOnTHVrr.T.T; TITIMTAT pnxpnpjtTTM 1 Country for theR« eleganceele,:auc« _— I'h; pn'e:. , fwa/ioae, What ha. bMvpned in the Ea.4erB S‘ate* will feet tbe necessary arrangemeata and “®*”OKIUM' and splendor ef lu ouiffi aiil the uiagnlilcence ul qa*«u>®s - plui*a for UMk. uaaa» aamww tJrLrI'roitawwaa mab«Aaaa. vui v* lurc- Bua u ,,.nr p.;.ar,rmt'CI, withHUuh . ^ook, and tUUinul^ing,IgUinX, Wire-WorSiUgw.?t‘wi^^^ J* Tackie, *c. i , iu^p7w^?prrjiu‘i.'3;.,'i;^:vt:.^^:v^^UMt OUUUl |0 ®0, Who “'“ji»iiNTHLGiTEK?KopitTbM^uRrJDHIS T. UL GHLS, PKOPRIK I UR. I'.sla. Ila sltuauun is exacilj •ach»rr«ok«^ •om®*in®*® that some, who do nut know m the eery bean uf the be wire t« bappeo here if keLtuCmV mre ft^curinj at tbe earliest day the proposed con- ond luungiLg oboui* are etemaiiy -trtrl-.gio,.triTi qffHOMAS H. BATK Wbun •‘’“'“’•"•‘•'‘'•‘•r .gto stlrupstir Boin* twnoeafSutcilffak Hashes’.v, fcrmrrly Sotcilllr, McAl- dty In a rapidly hu.iucss-gr.wlng locaiiun. (lata T. k T. H. Bair), 101 - irr S "*“ mathinr.-; and a draii, payabla lu our order * •'"'’••“•'"i >iat -ku rra//y do ll.ier, A Co.’s, This catahlGhmcnt has a wars hern “well pvtroniird' A Maiden Lane, Needle*, I'.vh nouks,*nl Fishing weak eMiugti l« permit lh*m*elvrs-lo b< usposfvl nection. ^rf”wp^Mo“ U.t?’i^‘r«iir!^ril^e-j’Jh^‘Jha*g«'tL ‘J’.®"' T„„, ,i.l always insure awklne, parlect ai _ »n „fkuow"U«-hat Ihey want. B-'nie o- them can ' N*. u'Jf Muiu slreci, hr hoth clUiena and strangers, ^ only be LoaUrllla, Kt- and Is now doing a * ! c,nip;eie. n. .ng sent a. dirrcieJ. - la It noi a iraqueni uccurrmea at ll.q-klnsclllr, wnruwti Inlucud'‘“J a Being In receipt -if hara recently Th-io®- sueu'Muiileml.n ufUI SHIRTauiKi .A.SUC'ilLL-ARMANCFkCTI.a.>itci»LUsaNJiA.>Li> - loal uuun the.ue sure.airm -ov..abuut .a taisrhuud....o..uu.. .U yourjou. pa- an entirely new and I Aim * w He*•* dailyliaiiy wrii*a- 1 coohi be’ IrtiniltS s'’''’' TWO ftavrq lie aav® V . aowndown such tnentueii a? anaand CouwtiulhinMnot neb« stiumlatedstiaiulatisJ ^ 1.“:" Oila , a- . . . uixDix toanyto any effort or action buthm hri.. SC “»|®f»<>0® » vh»ron?h repair IhrouRhoul, Mid every part I RKKS i- Iran caUriyca.'rd iiTurs. loachnefc they leodsraof Kestacky, verj many of them, ar* P®r> i-* T0« «“ *®“» '•®r <»“•“ know awayray .^“rtbliur^IiIdSrilrMnifsei,h.ir hiitrr and sGSw, weii-selertedw®l!-»eleried s-.sks fsk otof UKNT.ALUK.NT, GOOd” sun | mailrnant •’I''”' .Wato Jjhn Van Bureo \bo!itloni*G We did l oliio feel ngs toward me nor *‘*’®ha.i i?' “rsltsie order, tunulaedt untrained in this linen perprr.'rrf/y.'rrHy. !^ “**' U7?>a®4hl woai'I respectfullv Inrlte tbe attenttm VKWV-RW York Rustn OH Manofauiirtn*Mannfrauiirtn* ('umprani.tM'Cumpani.tM' whuk aono am,ain.r«*ctinear««ctinera can,esa, -.;.‘. ooweemingly giving !• i that ra them i^r,rf^/.Vh !' amur*w!^’yVwrrri!M*V?r!‘ co unienanc and encour- Uc* lire aproche* ‘of Dix darin* , he canvass, bu, ‘ iicomprUlng maay IV Freni > tri al, S*«hin-ry,Machin-ry, Tanner’s,r.nnet’a, Fralm, Ma,hMra. h n.u. .\-ei>r. M X I.'.t on spuul.,spuui., UoeuUnen Thre.ThremI, ^o.’r'irelV/'rr^.U^Lryr ra- ,u. u,mii Prufei.lon of the South ra” Falm, Cordage, | Jiv lurt TrVth^^^ir. Thf, n. » j r»“r P»»®r: w.,1 1, ran examinsiiunexaiiilnratlun of raasortment. .* '".•'•.“'“‘•P n»loi u”n” cr Bar Ro.Hu. m, kc^kc. kAc.c.a nianufa.irakOHura' it'lrriir-1 ;1 >r.r .h-avh»*>® mnchloesaiachiavs ®xpr«a»ly,*xpr*a.ly, aiwnvaoiwa 11" ' »*» Buret* repudiated rseuy, and >our e^tlIual• of the guiiatiiliiy ot the peu-eo- i mrmy a**ortment. By stock I, SSvIiviL ft^eneot U Uw Mftin® liqiier law aoveokeDt ftnJ \boliUoms>m os em- 444ra^'ra.4« yourun" lostlot; all staminx L-*'hw,ih lour i./riv ra-rtom . IlM 'Wgranra. ^ own pariy by •“ heighi, ra Bowlingwllng — (^c. »J«». year SGoun *' Pencils.Pencila. »707 T®* *r* Viiiirytng i I *****Batoft tR® vxciaalv* fu‘r" TPUreiU^easdth^m® a d th® Wiilg*>, bfvau*®you thluklt will a»i®y»»^i i**k**th®r withs“ a V***"'’Billiardird o,n, aa®atoa«at fuffur tb®a®tta®o® Iaskrwm®wfa, t?r4®rw SaUw i |JS^I!i.*?„Th.‘^pU«"uv“* re- itv All orJ»r« MaiairvMkfkti tn mvseif nr tn strTrr various -BvL'Bsnraa « «j*. ,« * «» I T5®s#T!t®s® odmlroLI®adtolrttle machta®*«machla®-, oodand ftaioRodflaiiRet swadtosoaspactina® Si-tclime -ixiiimw v gf ' wdJ cart their vole* next tkim t .,y..othtc<,n Mrmt^cl yuur own party. room, rand ..ther rapranmems; MuaroeMonroe’,* cai-nrate.lcei-uvatc-l Fend'.,P®oel'«, Ship and•“** or® *uiktt®ft. TR® •••a*asagi ftlseoaaiftlacoaai toad® i® tR® trod®trad® Augurt But, sir, attachedraitracUed 1)^.^" , ,|J,, J, JT!., w oa4 upon Maine tbermore,declaied that be never op’poaed that li' k Hu^iev .['itT^rmnllT to th.th® ibeir work, maj^ at a * itmesh®omrr^yfr-#)j txrnmiumimimtmn®xaaiiB®d a»*to®r ift*«^**^’*t** bad Drawing oo-l 10 p«ryof vent,ventra to SeVeiLocrau lMh*rdwlie/raVe"ore"7a^ih"m’ in fact the whole fn>vuteM, Wrtuax, Hubber . cl®rft,to®acl«rft>tosa poreRa-iDkporcRa.iDq ti»r u®tri*®tr own tMow.soa. liqwor law crouudg, but, wiieft declared and otumped it §0 unreservedly that you lou’t Junes, White, r McCurdy’s Premium Teoi ^ Au|^t sUftU He himself oppose! to aKiUlitig ulk®*!. coafiloLie airl klud ;*« for SebuoK TIlfW. MIN ROM. feHlD-- r.rme than fur vou** 1 »| Pin® Mr®®!. K. a. ^fhAUWCBToBMADBrMT, A.vo, K. lurnUhM la most | o i- ti convince any one t am oppumcd to the *‘Cuixi)>romUe,” ^ Wm. McUht-oiiy R Oo.’s ’‘eetli. OWWtcm% „ ' hetrrued COM, they Will Aon omoD mD,»Sx **v w - *ris II 1 tho OUe^TlOD of laverv * and ^ndarsed fulltr llu* or d'crived them <^17 4B3 Brototway, !f®w TusR. doDOMCtttULir. They wdl do ™ Ail orders octumpauUd by the ca.h i «r that I am aa “abollUom*i”-Bab’ RMictUous and ah- i a^d tie w Threat! i. i n by the timore coDvention. To / Ep^wr',;;j.;;K‘;,‘.car ible lu Ameilcra^'f w win ndimie you Ilio ouuirmpt fur uj.Z.“r.,prompt attemiun. aprJSdaml*. j berejftfT what their poliUcol brethren hftre beingt Mr. Fillmore; but your ti*arl*® ^ »'dl acll V doLeuouc f.u ^ ‘hattbit^I randand Ihey rare alofi- for prart crash and bralrance date, g'^noM AS BARBOl'R. 13 * call Fuch ft OR ntsbofl with Xxcharge p.ace. Linen' Nu. *7 Sauih FjurU .ireai, Fhiladalphia, India . man Abolitiohiit, IS a proa? abuse so«*(reen” os to think them simple and ignorant moutbrh j - - — Robber Gloves, *1. • I fi^iafs becas*®hecraase ^ a. . we r^cdrofed lortor General Scon, will be re- « — •®«''Hyi and I will rest ihe Thread.., Shua Thread., I ntt.*h.rt«nSute.-^pport prcmlaes to ibe pur- A »»1 Gllllng Threra.ls, of our Nu. 1'® Kralilmore streat, BmUBor*. the regular Demo-, of lermv.-Drmocrdf. A-i-ttr xr.iTst' ti I'm-. | ffOaSADDBNI.'aig.HOCSB CL* sM.,-., seutwl as* ri/c Lander of yours I chaser fur a DBmNG, again.t a large majurliy NiliiV term of years. own make and best ..uaHty, by the eras* only. Nu. 1F7 Xlni street, cmclnnrail. ' lastlost s®miohs®mIoh you stated that “Sewar.),“Sewar.], S imuer,imiier, NEW YORKX ORK HATS. f •r oa? aat mi dmm wort* wmea DnrmxDarmx • iR® erotic coDdidatM for Canrrao? aiHl th® I ®wisls - «. -w Otot tbs/rcrmtfttbs fretnun uf i.ur districttal*trtct who vuivdvoted lU®ih® oppvrtualiy a* this • - - - ~^*^**^ la samemi waj. I . 1 for an advaotazeoos — 1 j, Gr®«:ey, and a!. iL® au»Miiunuu „ , m-i , . __ In n, siWvKM R TO TR«v or® mad® oil pr< i«ct R od®, the ' kaoiRa ia« Martm ^ on Buren ran ox Ibe 1 **y uiuv has ' *• wret* .\bohtion condi- ) ou* atidatila a fewtew ofot yourvonr politicalnalltid'Ai e, i«nnu®s lO OUUl J75 B.-oradway, .. 1 u.u.u .. ... Mavnexu ®Mt ht? Ik inne lmM> *• I 'f ou. tx-u' 10 1 * ridiculous and cuotemptlbl® No. Irvin* Hunse, oppoalte Sitwart’s, !• BAKXR k BROTHER. I IJ un ^ ^ to aprlOdkw, KI. Water street, I I — cMtunbirth®up ID* uqnwh.toorla«an®.i.o«law question itifh.th* iL'h.^ SAMI HTMAX. Fropriftor. 14 m- y W big* " Cungr' and -they win virtually rejireil - fn*nd» knew, that, in case he ibouU be whiV p'an7ro7 DVmocitic pVi^V7iV ourd'.^urt^ -NEW , n.XX* porter*porter.-,jfFreorhrFrvnch wl»l..wGla.ra,Ch#mlc*l*,F*ln’*,Wl»luw Ula-s^Cheailcalo, FatLto, .Ladi**’ Bleaching | lORK. IMPORTANT TO Alai.l Mits, ore Mi) to that law. liUuuistsur opposed to Rc. Also, a,;sou y eoouob IK tbeiDfteU’Cff be thui dtaw -’jrara.*,m.i *k.m iTwc raww. . .. Utc “Comprooiise.*’ of Amen-.on Wtnduw Olov-, sr that‘heith*i *gen-Prtn- Bkr Steam a Motive Power \I enih Whlf* seTl ‘a* reason* to apprehend don- ‘The“reroro’; auniversary on Tuesday evenlog, tbe I.'’ UOPKINS R Bfto’S.. ro Fravent 1 hm* th®ir nvB naHs U 4n nn od f Ud Importers of French Wln- ravD naraihr i*. aoniu* .« qr«», jau.r -ji. *,«, fi pftrty li ID DO ftorf of danger frocn Will prjve tuat the Whig ar,-4 i>«uucraiic “•>’ the ihoracter of onrour prcducUoasprcdttcUoas I'st., a, |||^ PresideDcy wai an indirect but unequivocal froa It, not wi'y lu ib® rijjbu uf ih» Suuth, but u meuibers held a>d at Odd Fell.-Wh’ Uall, Jefiertou T • dow UUdS, No. «1 Barclay street. New Turk. sptvvioa*•FtrariuB. ' Safely aad tireai K«®Matoy. Laucotus foi ibe L'ocuiaaencviiieat of la-t session being ever maintained. street. tbii the saietr of tbe rolon, Ic thta itruxxle between to make I a We aim at perfection. queitftOD. They kiiofr the power of the ^4 *...® ««. i» ;.w.. .u tb" t^For Ml* by fliil k Brolber. M trau .. Bar* effort a .S' .11 i-y ..ns- 7.,. ai, k me*. m . lodeKfoy the Luiod—neither more nor th® when - k- u -a, row . mend, and euemie* .d South, the i..ue c*x,CInciiiaatl, «a» Traveling ' Taller, Huirhin., . , , . 1. A. a . . . / HaU and CapaDap.ofeverydeicr.pt.an,of every deicrlptlen; T.-acel-T.-racel- . . . _ — a Lrawra,!. as i nanr FfKem or diiciphne they bave -X‘rn'““dur“'i^'^i‘h"“^^^^^ I ; eeUbhibed over Pi***»iy whether ih® Faxiuve Uw *huuui *tood a* Jf"r"l;;. ood Cuoeb tfiOM, No. 31 Barclay *’ Mew T rft, niratl i J. street. by John \ an Buren under- Vraliiea, j w .uutiuy m -rchaiN^ eewa- the It’kio caucus, lulwre vuted down—ractnrally '>,*»»’’ Trnnks,inksy II'mbrellras,mbrellos, Toilet Brushes,Brtiehes, Music by faxhom Bai.l. I..’ief.ralc..n^ri^" -laid |j f»“F- th*u rouk hi*. . .. ma Tb*v know, th.t, by thi* u^n //„ IMr-- tn the Dtmn rot,. caacu.s, ... aarlSdaBwrariBd^ ^ood perfectly well that lit. election, .landing a, rornn'J.^L'.rn^rs^kr,'::;':?;^''^ i:*!:" IS;; rand f.-r which kc. embers uf the varluu* lyjdqes and tbe publix ^ maymray 3 dUwImdiawim I ?? Hot Air Furnaces, Ac. Iniar'i (irrolatiB: >afctj Strim — ..T."* tbe Uo i Mr# Juue^, of Teun' s(>e,<« and ~ generally ore others left It* - respeciittliy invited to altenil. - j *•*-“ * ;m«ra “* “*“'^ n.w. im.rair’L The cxerciffs wlIll commence pret .5"ly at -i o’clock Important to HousekceDerA v„ * For Stati nary Ks.: li® l..uc*isi tlvea, Mor'n® “**y vafi. In oenanc* ot any ex- 1 'I hr .Noinlirrii Lili|iutiiiiiipuliiiii MusiraKhanipioii p. M atreet, manufacturer on l dealer, whole*ale and re- Bnfrnoa — x x would necessarilv and sir, Loneai, innhtm men, wAa ff un’/ Anmr you ymon- MusifaKhamiMon d.b. funds, U forthwith divide the re- Furoaceo. Rec.-ter*, uo *’i*«*’»river. ><.;"« •'•is(. I Kspi.'-sioR, batag ^ aa canvaif, bring up tbe whole the craucus” whereiiiHm Mr. Crartier, “t'reesoller '* f. tbe mori tottucm for Locofoco force lo "~»‘»Uoii, amcoffment, or pro/.atir, on, t. m C. C. SPENCER, *' DmJttnm ilai’." than . ^ thm with their eyej open labored to ' mote to e\p an upeu ha dron. ' Ohiu. ri'pHed Ihrat he would au vule bVc'i^i i’r. «”•> toj dre* Commlttae f»pe«‘» *:’«•> aanmJ, or mmllfy tn- “1 ugitive S rave ’’A tl Jf''"*’’ I of Arramrmenit. fb* I . . ^ d. "Bolb ia on* unbroken line of katlU on: and that tbe ' I uf thoa^and* before qmrisi • . -.i. ••to the ;iF*ni uhtaintu OBR— For ralsiox Bread, .cuit. _ . whom h® has performed with an en- by other ballaiae* « Fti-o. .jri ldi« aarf cour?**v«iytid*-i*ni* brought '» ik« to t air,I ibe,1 m Demucr.iicn a- into the cxilva*?, l »®n*u “rep«un. ug.tU Thu., cucu- which “hn.iarL nnpar.lieird," the '-r. J*hn«y Crakeo, Prannngs, s,*.. ! Tb* Deoiocralic cditcrs numln.ud Snd''wht.i ex’’i'^roin.^^^^^^ Firf-pire, Corn Br,rad, of the South had no vote*. ^-iirator for B, F. PKARCE, *-*— feml'ed hot four Kven Sewrard luun Bu>d speraker, rand tba ulber oni-era INFORMATION WANTED J K.c Cu.1 of 11 Cahaa, Apote I>nuFIIagra. if It take off ranv atmnwtli at rail relit tabs Ik-n... I _ . _ . of ihta led rani precoclona mar Icral genius ra. deveiona,i hr hi. -ii-inict'uB REItri'BD OSB- raatry, Do., jtuc This am, , Forwarding and Commission H ALF. la uo* that .vary g.4. Ttacy^cupvThey occupy lu-Id* ONR-TmanOKK-TItiaD th*th® n«v®W*V4C* *f aUar®U®r FAMILT,PAMILT, HOTKUHOTRL, BOAKOI.NOBOARDl.XO OTSBwMOTSK. Any information reganllnahlm will he thankfully recr'.v* taLltcr-,tXattir-, on*lon®! n:s>n:a> bvhe appapb t®qteal to any vDatlB®vD4)B® IQiQ .MEKCILVNT, BuwBUW nsa*no®. *..1.*..1^ m> ,. •*, - ®d at the St. Charicj ilut®), Market itreet between Third 5. Therx...,i.eTherx...,i.c f r uma-u'.ia:e*wialb®;oc*lcatodlyuma-u '.iaie* wi.) ba mcolcatooly Boar,Boor, Mr. WxsBELING. VA. and Fourth, l>y hU faihar, l#M«9«*ltyl®M®9e,iry iii*«aJ: amuuLtaamuiit cr fuel rtqu'rvd, andoml tR®tRa ^ ^9^jt^UftRa arr^ ftoaf nmmdetoosMs f rwrry muoUdOftomuoUdOfio tOar ramimrt.romlmci. lUfercuctt .Merchants m-3d3^ CHARLB3 PTMBK. mranii-r ul na'Dgna'D* I. — of Louisville. [ t'umtanvt'umtauv 1.1 ,!** *** lw*anaatIWBanaat adv.Magu*advaaiagv* *aar*a*r th* aid ayateta, I’hig!, that they were hypocrite?, villain*, aud mJ dim* TheTbv AEASTXX.Aii.txTXX th* real ty a*afibetbovaad-ibetbovaad- — '' ' ’ ’ ,1 n»veiirave deceived tpy con.uiural* rand betrayed my conn- live mlareprefeniratlona to 3. deceive the pcoWc, - 3. KENNEDY^ vratiiacvatiiaj. -. but 1 i i . ihv:rc-,nc.a.iua~ihv:rc-,nc.a.iua. rat*1 urared e atre af Iha *"*“fonr ’u-ratra.'•*** fh.f I. . c 11 c euke -r- » ... * * n*Md onun FRACncALFRvCncAL . votec last fall for • mjaelf into the Thi I nioa * aright Star and traitor?, and that the dissolution threw arm, of Mr. seward my bon..r and Fuiltlca! pualtion that tbe Llory of the South! REAL KSTATK AGENT AfCTtONCER. RKsru.t, ,.fuf _':.".****? **?”»’**'?'>* “>»’ •»*•• *artanin«, of the L'uion “record” pru.-ta SODA AND MEAD. AND mar. three B.i>reDiirre balng Buwbuw loin na* In *anawin«, Genersl and tbe Frereuiicr.. Tbrai 1 bave placed my const i menu ibe Item-ucraUc member, of <>lBce ^* uummt»tof Scott for tbe Preeidencv.xiceauwiicy. . 1 1 .•. •.- . . toner,:,i aid in ibelr caucu. xaiurrio Fifth street, bear Jeffer»uo« sodand .ilxjLt Ihifthii® c'tv.L-'iv. Tb®Tbe .r.vantur.r.ventur ho* 9 prururagprururD» Tbevlo*> tnilik,think wg,— pUinlyd «ik. a ^ THETHV. INFANTTIUPAIW'PANT rivjTT he undersigned ar® now buTjusibutjual saccMded,»ac«®<«led, 1 certainly their object. Among on me record*. Se-ard men, Fn*.oller., and Abollilo' - the pr.qq.ely .d. nii. al wbith DRUMMER!DRUMMEmt i>r®par«d tu furnUb Soda ^***? *?^* n® couW a.Iay the iU»rin uf IndlRnailuii cuosttiuenu, which they fuiget aril Tha^ cm caonot never w ill I iKrio K«otttckr than thr l. , * , * a. «- b. * . ^ ^ a/c»ocraiaDettocrata arear® «oto ourt .a “• *•- [ dow bolOa that John \ ou Buren dwftrves to forfftve, Rc. ^ru.'i^iuVa’S'r- rl?*cr;.ii‘.‘.y.7ra:^.' . a I 1 i?o*u‘:y,r;':::v‘'i iSirrm^ru^ wifi If. A? loo^ fti JLeutuckjr :r;.ref;£r‘ and Tefineftoee netted Aa*.uiuiLd lb® truth of thoo® 4 d many other :m.lar night a;ij l-urlvJ .Ireper if -wn than the hand *?* *?' ‘’®'*^®'* t»rirau. rare irak'-n lo the brief vptce uf Txs I rcu:»r., ,unulaln* lenn? of -rale, kc., *'^ •*’^* ’ ®‘'* br Piesi.Vnt Pi®rr® and hi* ta«rf® that of rc*ur- Ihmnrfhrii?eBt’tOT a^d rreHure’nr”?!.**’" a!*** m fniral prajmnitra.’^w'.Hi imrieet rrom drav^ wUl b* for- TTlkl relllYliSre chrarje. .«.t.l.*?»'l>»nij® Krrace ' MaaoackBMitf and > pspeiv of iL*n . iiy; th® kiter» of the of mtlon,ra.t.D.,htuion, oat »Di»h nlm-t.,mucentnrjulut-ievuth century would furnUhfnrnl.h forth aam*om.J, be vac-amt- ermoot stand tbu* to- DO opolofilsl, “®‘out a sHisle•i .gi* on.ou® who wU.wii. say buLv .ppruv-approv^-l DemccraUx ....rre*.. Nuch-uch evldeuc®evidence ufut .ekf In lot, ra. .howo an the nf. „f*r lo Trance, and that the rest of the l.ocofoco« “ «y bewlWer the,hm beholder.afK^i*/***' It 1* » eight XiTJ^ArwHl^ cabined In fornreai-i bread )H.ad®ui of .L® Da.itm.re Sun. anlqne rand cu- prugrereion-tbai ra p-tfict poru.ltol peaa-aai tW p-*er ® Also s®® a miy animateranlmrate or In-in- I geUier mymy^ume.ewurae. That I have uikU.eded ^.clfrnyclf »a“deaddead mehauJihS hauJ stK-ech of q*—nol^inm thetb?7m< nicee ofor 3.S -LS. KennMvKennedy. Real K*uteKraut* A,cni,.tgeoi, 11\L)Ia>UI*VV UI’UIiFIL COOIX in the North, the national . • to see a mere Inunt, with arm. IkL DDlblk UUUU&. aetloa *r tX. gamete rtaid ’ Wbur PEf^ynartv leadersi_j_ a.c.u c • Coutjress tu May Usi). *^ce!y.carcely larger animateranlmate oljectulject cuuldcould b«be trtUyrrufp transferrtHitr.nrferre.| tuto a cuMcold poi-pot- h. real. to the ISJR - pot treasso of are richly de*erv- atof marrectleqresurrectloQ can nawrn®ver reachrcracn m®.m*-. Tin'Tbs’ nu party .anxao ,K.re v} a™ *^t onun7mh'Fifth street,,!ru« nnunder‘ler’ Mayor’*Mrav^^^^^ oillce. i kl. drum allckra, which ha*»® wieldswlaldra * part ealy goee ta awir.ah that-tv, if, iheD, 1 on : th® with suchranch con- libel plat®plate in »uch.uch bhu-rt *pac?®.prac- ^ • whi e laa ecu, WIU bave a aotrthem nucletl* •veraftatoLelptoPiawia«.iCrere»D?D*‘lbleapuMiioua..help wplraia .ac.re.p ,n.luiea|H,,itl«i*, WLlcs did noj, but lue Uemoeratlc a» ehurt ofuf time. j*u£t S.s. qp»RH ii.o nu tt -r ra- '^Tu re lem* and a north- •?*r*a*ln me I JAMES 3PEKD, May.rf. life, energy, . , •• »™»a®® •• nj ih,u* on "•„f “‘'n‘>r*h-nora and offices rerenf. ®t f wjil mrateraklll, I*'/** and.•pyuplrlt inIn everyaeery motion,motion. AmunkAmong the msnvmranv tin®tine ^ „ India HrraFroei* and t* ait laoi re re «««• '>»“«•«« >eceni-• thus, you withdraw UraguerreoiypfuDoftaerreutypl-bU ofot the cliy I TuC UlUOn RuDDCr Company. | K*""'®'* CunareiMi. your d®nuncla- thrctlyMr.cUy Mr. i s ?T«vnr>r ’»uyG' nireu.i. ranreiwl rek.-i. II a m®S^mam>-et alof tLMresa. Tn»iThat '*my-my Cuuinct Ula utterlyutterfr^ m3 did S. s.S. KE.ANKOT,KE.\NK(>T, AnmAnci'r. ernMW nucleus aroniMl aifaich .au— .. _ ^ ^IfulyUy inIn every .iep,m.rtialstep, manl^ hewing in hie air, F. -?*-"* thoroa^ .y terea-i. rare! they can raUy rtroiig- ever, lonsfrommeand.ppiyittotheiDy A«aln, sir, tweiaty mid tha A. ROKSIHRt.KSIllRG’RG, oppoli®oppo.lie the NationalNrailonal T®l®iraphTel.ir.ph -T*“ f .» rere be,;o»ed on them. il?JL?toeT«T>^ui^udiou. u. »nUiere minj.” ^ WWARXIIO.'SS" tRXIIo 'ss .SO.I,SO. I, NASSAfST-NrassAL- ST-ST NTN.I.N. T. .allyraraut, .ikr-Liiifd. ® of eaihniilaram and lutelllgeuc* Whoa aeeilnrawl i c beamlnatavomlof into bishira ®yeeye OiMce,Office, eundsNtaodi> com«puconepii Ii .cmert-geearti-g so thetha' Jirovti L»atLast or June, you puuiimeu:pahilsheu Southern Dt-m-KraL', and only one Southern WMk (Mr. u.,u.suuu.., andrand anybodyranyhody wno callscalira winwill TfOTT yT? FOR a A T.Tt .. m dhwcrtL^.lTd;.m, R ia ly tor future canfflct* against th* monatroui keyMay htra con- I Th. editor—i,t«e »r •!.. n....,..„.i . 1. u .1 . CllDgJuau) voi®d a?;aiONt th® Jocksoo klu-lltng o’er yc®,marchluiirace, marching with measuredmerarauredratepesteps alwaysalwrayra findl!nd him “at“rat home.-home." »30drt Eiduiirt itanm/iuturtriunddTGooduoar’tPDltDti»EnJ go i„,a,. j aa - ra That I bod srreat on outrage ‘nhai u BOODorutn doohleA fln*«n. Boiler, Msa feat long, Inch.* In re. 0 a A Iraownweiody, rani racraiterlng round him the rallrant « .,l^*’<»'W«tlaa.kt^"®<»'*rtillaa.kforDrRKEriBA*I.SGFi,w-for DTRKird BAAI.SGFi.w- RlotoeraUftfi ol rocUofi^ at preMOt w Xho aocen- tmutu me i;i> a ihraugoui every A or acre ©f •Uameter,Uometer, Inin compltt®compute order. Inquire of < .kmuch os John Van*“ Bur#n has rwmiHiat*H nn. ara.th* llnret aud mjit brilliant ton*, of h . A.N' ORUINANfi; a V. J. B. r« . ? c *• DBR.dee. andaad laketax* noothar,aooihar, »nJ*nj vua will a.-o rf -_re.re,'..- ....ra^ “ ®‘'"“ i noilu.tlen in.im. Coati, , da-CT ^’.merS’^rncl;"’ ?T.. 4cri’'retaroJ57J.« con^^ ro? h. Ninth street, on I Life-Prea®n*ers, rorpaulma. Fria Ipaladkca, throughout the couatrrcountry under the i«at*rm— nf “““r” ^Z«Tu"“ t , IJB Waraer rerere, N-w TurE. rat of * kk'lAnt •J-pi® J ra I» Pr»™re m. re-g^lug, re-pravlng. aoH r.-carblng of * *- po,,t,oo to the fugitive slave law, "it i* a grOMi .tliu ..u, I wouW dud a .mrm uf lullguraiiun a«raiu.t me puir ,rm ot prtn- a,„ a,„ _a„ Ilia CORKW.4 LL k BRo. ('aped. Air Beds, Piano Covers. tha haa* grocare aad | MmagUt* the cipics, endorrtu*'‘'ftbe cumpromi-e. But hear him, and when you„„ come away you will the sidewalks ou both sides of Main Mreet, faoaratty. rehTSalv Democracy. Aad mow w« anneal not oiaU- k •* . n u aniona tbo»® old rnauda who ctu&c to nj* to the hour oi the IVraocratic fr«m Sec- ' fthUu^e of tcriDf lo Cftll biffi '*clalm, w th the Qa^u of Shejg when she beheld th® oDd Cap.^, PiUuw-*, SuricicaJ and ' aa abolltiomst.’’ ll le^tUt Doapoiuay Wblchcouw be Imoalued wou^l cunvewlou Pualllvely refund, and voted duwti mil the to Brook street, and from Fourth to ftevenih NOTICE the patrUKiamrxat iraaSm.. wa® Bi. I.® al ‘•‘^® U of the Kentucky Whq-, but to rreuiutma. eoa„r.icg m. cumprom.re ut:, ‘'"«- A" tro .b„.„aoure „fOl leiBts to cat, rSitTr^r i" v.r.!^ me^rkut.^u^^^ oat m.lr AVS lra.1 . rer|.d:*te for I] 'rah.'., of th. .lock In CASH! „« men abolitionist*aooitf ! oni«* t-^iMtlouj -.rc mrail.. IIoo. M. .Vraber*, *"» ureeafter envelope me al a Jh>l.r. That of t*...lulp. ^ 9rc. \. lie il ordo.ned®»«iai4l trtiO ao«tK^^ jears t# destroy P*» ***1?'*^*^ **!.* ** of tlie convention, FANCY DRYJ^OODS rt.__ . a OffO the He- trlboted yaarbamble ttloru to elect Ma!, LjUiswiile, That tbc Blttewsikk Hoi’>£. A Grey^ to Cun- I atent at) I® Bonnets.— ••n both sides or I have applied at th® offic® of said Company (or a dnpH* K^T I b® Gou>'4 mod® by this Company or® worraated express, just received I fame wdicb ther have wouid therefor® .»tlHrftlHr theih© followluiifollow‘lu;j By wod by a brilliant aeries a*bissabis fn®u-linenl (Lord deliver iron(run su<.h ' resuluUun,resuluUon, to •’*alii sireti, b«*twevn Second *i’;l Bronk stre«t», nublic for ftt^Uabolition’s»Oli • sok® Surh nolitical n i« m® sulL a L stveral cases fta® stvlea an crcftots oj tliC he ta» eoeD pr*»perpfrrper totu perso*persQ' . Bat “R«“R< fu/prJ.fo/prJ. ThatTbst this converttonconvertlun aon re-curbed at lb® • i " Louuvilie Democrat to I*'!”* r#^ that yoaryour devutl >n winwill notPot ro Into tli® Dj3D I P*^<-**^ emt and expense of th F. M. ftHEF.vJiD, Treasurer and IMFltdTBRfl ,NI> ratiKHaas. a trek t" a 1 A a- th® Ko 4’jBMatB St __ Secretary. DOf to Macitucky -1 ^ ^ &K be tba hrtt of tl»a ^ IheTlitbU* ofuf the ft -Aih'Alh will Do: prnuftperuift you tuto Iy« Dominaltonbom'.naUub ufof caneou HdatesJldatei furtor Pre^ldei.tPrenldeiit !_ owners of lots an 1 parts of lot* lu rear ut such sld®- T9 (our Whirr M- audand Vice Prisl-Prvsl- I VILLIAV NT., NEW nr®«®nt®,^ th®snnn®»rt®r< a? Va». .rarx f« ’ TO hUHK. *'*Brt*DMartm \ ftU BurenR to *’*' T3T5^^XXXT^T ' 1 f^. frcrion*frcriOD* "' Fur a tluet®rtoKtluetertor little d-ntd-ut untHuntil ih®tb® ptaiformI'laiform of th®tbe partyarty I*l« LA > Straw and Straw ’^olkNi tbe gro>le to be male according tbe rroffe araMCaeilad fimunsPrimbnsP ro l !a;Jlaid downdowu Gimp Beuaett.— Best to ea- i IIAVIMG lo th* bo. ol Uot N’ot'emhor In akawaf.a.t n"k. ! W.s B. VV • nere . — W BROWN,^ ret Tonrraejf **a. the rfoar.g.i.r. 'i7*^»juvhStyles Just received,iKfvvkNf^, ^^**^*“*<*x«kr.. kn® city k^ukiuwi, ™ ^ H’*clare lor UP unIan of thetbe wholele/to/g i P* wbUhwuivu we are otteringoiicring 41 eugmetr, aud«uu theiuo curblngtobeivuruiug u> oe 1 „ or agaiLit fugitive *•{ *^1."!' whole-wnoic- alare laws Theyhe ah-.v®*le.ve reso’.uUonreeo'.atlon waaw*. sorao violentlyvlolenily opposed,(mporaej, that 1 WHOLESALE BOOK HOUSE. « T II . A all rare at placed according loto CRUOe. Tenpaate^ will atoDd, South’* I do wtbhwleh itethe people couldcou.d see yuu,you, tor then |-»rlr.g lt« sale wry much reduced rauraUs.Be ibetbe plan furnlNhedfurntFrhed by the city eo- *10..!|o. " - McAiihar h G*.. w* lovli* Ma»aachu9#tts «1. . # I . n,.m,. s*f,u., toarlra \u dcfeel,defeat. withdrewwlth.Trw It,it bnlh«t Hun.u « rOIRTIIFOIRTII STRLEl.STREET. th* a-i**,,. a i OT ftpy othcf aoftft of U w ft lo ftuit thcir owii they would. Inin utter dragnet,disf'JNi, eracla.m,e*cu:m, llwulluu , i **|5x*n“D glQcer, and the curb 10 be eight teebrn COO- , k,,uiempilbleuntempilbl* Wl„-,wist*, m3 UHANNON, TH \TCUBRa M McBOBErts. acrus* tbe (see in «llwill sUnff,rttarvA VeriDoot\VAvwkeonf II t A jreAi | u*„r,iienrv A. of v.r?ijnuV.rginl*, reuiwedreutwelliit. It « »r.gin — --- yiAtyi *U^ will “•“1ARMET NTREETR* Aii'O.,i.rO., .uqudio* i deep, CORNISH, LA.MPORT, 6 venteuce withon. Ute slightest rrotramt of priu- |» * ,;u;.*i.,i a-id oi.i.ue-d; atid *n *nH-cjmiT,mt.e H.-.o”.” Riyla Douuet Ift and be beveled Who|p«;«l 4» «1 R***ail TLiui^iuSt****!* * rlj^arole, ttu Incuencs wen- Ribtions.— ca*tooDs ex- to on tbe race, and to be bosb-ban.mered an healer tn Kmti.uckyKentuck)' foraak®loraake tbaa,them, IKlet l»rher not be ,' "reneweui?reo®weu tu®the m-Huiiu4-’:Ju!i i®to l.y th®th. reroln-lon *;*’ b® recrew’.recrcfip^ I *, , r ,1 ix * Uy rewlu'lon on luetoe roWetable No. 8 Park PUce, New Tork, O'ple- HtW can the editor of the Democrat iwurart aulGit tneu.genttoro-retiremeUigeot people.peuj.1v. Xv pressed on«1 tn sture, eli’gaut si) les and qaailtles. and close-fittiog Joints above the »nr(ace of tbe streets. Lao«® and mbfx*kl®n«a; A I “The «l*%«j:sUon.l. j.llon frumfr-,m K.m,.ckvK«-ntucky caliejcalled r,rf.^r . vuiv ,V rWre-_L_rf. L .-L.;- -A...... a vole bv 1 brute .bout .uch X result '^**^*"'*\* “*’***• Di3 D BRANNON, THATCIiRK, & McR4)Bw;RTft. Sec. ‘i. Be if /ur(5cr ordaiaed, That should tleowners BIN<4 exietnlvety eogigod to tfi® PTBLISHING, Whit® Goukiei ftiaie?*;’’ and Ibe r* '’»iuilon —«•», In the Dentocratlc bate th* face to Uy to luaUfy the stowe.ing of V* I Na^ PEKFLMKRV, 4 utb. iD CungrvM 4tod in caucu», I vuled f..r loU and |»arts of lots fronting uo b.itn Miesof Mato B M»KftKLLlNt«, and 8TIEONERT bust»«®r, ore Ribbons and MH.lnory h— Hrby ge: tb* Mmoe liquor i, .,,41 convention, lail upon the Uble Ly a vote of myte k>ivfCKffvi J «e Uw or ««te «wt of ' preporckl to L>ffvr ewry voruty of | goods to U®ir Ito® »a Bilk Gombs — ^ -* * '’ ' * IkMhXhAV latar awrakaa oiare rerere— ---J' * ' Ttra CongreMJldBnrtr*?*ra& ant the most ’ib®ral te?xu». Th«lr own publicotloa® etobroc® o»l®f liouor Irw Afitrodweed goto tlte I 7 , Glovso, Me.; cafivaaa••••»•at a dia*Ol* a . i . . • . to iaf vaiusb!® ®! cortiuiK OWD teflUDOfiv, eDKOJfeU actively ®n the table. I Boay and popular m!« oo®o«a works, to- Tu which «t|t h® Onliv m rei M a WB. w*. oAl®4 cb®*o oM tw.i a. ’^“tg rtreugtb, buttbe gether with ou nnrirmlod selvctton .4 School fiMks, tn- frooi aCction. From ifi® I factTt«M wo ^ ' elO'Jed bikjgMari’- C’.;®» rai®J 8®rle>of Amhm®wes, C-, ®Dab(®«l iTelfur" lo moho It la® toi®eo4 w.nm :* * Utg*. tftT*they are wwe. tf they h.ae tb* u* ol g 41 ^ ***• a,, L a.t«, st.tes. Do men. La, A Ciu ore a?su Urg® dvAler. to and monofacimrors *me$k»mrn lo oxomioo «or *p>c» mud ivu lor rrv.i- of vsri-ty of Cap *** pn«:oo tbeirCMBMC the Odjiuimeni mea.ares as forming ; ev®ry and Letter Popors, which they wlih facuiUec Oltbou|^tafidrfflectl*n, m their mnmal de- , thooo iM othsw to ihi mmm who, leutbanU«. than hv.Ki® rarhakth^l.- 1 . ^ BR.4 NN 0 N' y..,. oproly I offhr at monufactnrrrV wbvlesol® pricoo. ende.vored JAS. a. gtf tlM, are0 ii.taetice4 hy tbe Mn'nswwv’^•••RXMCO. . ordinary inTiDCt* areirov th. ITcna far ii.. we.,.Ao., -.o order- from the irodo respoctfully soncitod. 5®w York, fobw ft—dOmta r, :s: ' c 03 d3m c«uMb® o-o^jed from CuuC.ctiiig secuoooi lUtereht \ of I’elf-prcoerVatiMfi, will oot allow and that manv of tb.* Ohio tbenselves re— up>st prominent D^ccrats oppose ! ^ ^„ U*teri»aJir f®n.al purpOSOf,n rrvhca® dcaeneHMrtiPKa derva r.H-axd. 4 *»pib‘oO-, opd Ibot, lb®retore, tb® coulidence ODJ IR®V onght to be a.1ber®.l ot t JAS. TOLDTO) ta k* A.»hdlad4 nr,A d4..s-.d.trerai i*. k. j Cfimpromlh.®.*’ Bur it a .lan.ler I a HtCHAHnsON, WraH^ ta he d.v^ and dt.tracl«J by any «tch davtce. U 31inin Agency. *«‘'®- tn* Vrrei-i Ji .h*„ 150 Millions of Pens Aonoally. g overwhelm- H-t v^rTu.n the Hem! c?.u II. our Ji^r! ' _^ LT'':' CK.^U casks. prim® fresh Rlc® received per a notice, to ail ibt* uwnrrs uf )ou fronting on NEW YORK, A* They wdi oomiD^ atrt .uppurt * Lex- WILLI A.M thew c«.d.d.,e* •“ “* Main street afurertatd, STREET ^,,o.t tbe.r -I’nJ ?SNrc.rt:.',‘ em’^'c..:’*;' ' as to b® publUhed In on® of trehsonable consp.rhcy, they ^ nim. R figm-^'^NoVraSr*Ington and fur sale by j. BRLL, or more JOSEPH S I the city papers, dally, for at leA-t le* days, 1.1LL0TT STEEL PENS: l, Third # 1 . a between Main and river. notifying ' '""r fi.per the organ ol a cter. clique . I “ve ...J Ubltr ol reckle.. ««y m , b.rhugue. that they me oOre-^^^mui uTure.u^ro.’ | them that If tbey do not comply with tb® first ***^ l“r*ja,V~-'“‘'"" , section of MiNL'Fkcri RkR’s wAREa.dSB, •• 1 orn«;s;rof.i**M!; *s;; EAAN9NS and' Linseita—Linsei s. —25 bale* f®rsal®f®r sal® by this ordinance within thirty da) s from ib® first publlca- 2 V J*.5” 91 JOHN 3TREET, NEW YORK. ?**? J* -rgranitmi «,• "rri: re, Di3liS CORNWALL A BRO. tion .d t sld Duller, tbe socuu-i section uf this ardiuanc® „ ™r.*lzr:. ' * - A srge htuck of oun»taoiiy ,*** ^***1^* •chlnorv ~r will b«* enforce)). tbev® pupulor Poaa o« hon.*. owi T^, 4^ tbe opinion* of ai OLDE!^)LD£!^ ftIrup.—lftbbUftirup.— iftbbU for sale by URN. W. POLLARD, Pres. Board Com. Coaactl. traatla, .. w,.„ra ..d Caaraa-ara. ’ - ''vraTalrih!: m3 •• any port Of »i CORNWALL A BRO.. John V. V.\rm m. Clerk Board Com. Council. u . aa •t**^*" |4 4»„^-. eubjaet of liqaar Be >uro to a»k (r ‘•Giliott’o,” o® several portlos A pvtotod Mreu ar, giving JAMKftraSPSKD, Prchideni Buarl Aldermen. 1**^ fu:: ®xr rntmUo^t i* V M hir pipdT to have dv’n'*. bar® odupted the OUlUerOa^ by ®hlCh htS fvD® or® pop*- •••’t 1® On®W®r to 40 pooft-poid O. II. y * otl«?r f - a . J K B. and tbc act of tb® last C-oogress Lw that Dur>j»e. Inc t:- Btr.sttan, Clerk Board Aldermen. wn, ••cioetoR «aw I'wu are notorious f>»r lew, cTurrilous, i 160 kei;s Lari; Urly km tad thus lapo®« upon tho unwary on tolo- thiuo-oow Tnoi utPn ^ tiloo ara treated vulgar sUns, Leaf I «tomp. by vur Deoiocratic adohuiift- deo and that we deprecate all further s*;UAtioo Approved April 2^ IbM. , of -iues- ' I abUh *of the rlorortKi-a |a ’Til* gent lc*Deb named below, must •:<-UugaUh®«l and patrtoiic ’ 200 bbls country Lard; for t^ale wUo cam- of aJi by •30.110 JAMB8 Sa SP KKP, Msyuf. g*»fc.r'w ^ iwv For sal®sot® osOS obuvoobci>®rlatlve quality for sale I otoctonDg W urder, ood hav® i-rarafw^^^ against / In Chancery. Cost, enables us to furnUb them at a ®ost below . j ^ hMi4,a «w>- I by HRO* mnch * fh- [mil COKNWAI.I. A Straiuboat Frleudkhlp, h-.., that of Iruo plewure lu ;s%t L'*«1^:*.ure tor I ulted S‘at»- *s, > theCost Chaim. "•*"** H will i Ltior. ol ; Br.ekiDi radge. Dr. be to indicate ' J. B. Flint, Dr. M. H. How- I «a- a?;x)liit®d b» It Virtu® uf a decree of thet) Irauotffvll)® I .All kinds of Sir or ftb«et Iron wonte*i , yuor Itomocrellc k Railroad* j Governor, la-t fa.i. OD %-A1^il and hup. C'arb. Soilm.^ for Chanccry Court rendered m the otuve cause, I oo han®J and male to cr.tor at lowe®« S 'J5 loos Soda-Ash; rmt*«. "“^™Hleunder*lguuiI,uruliuulu*,wlll,onTue»- Iran'lSTlLLK price*. 1»UISUkraraUvnk*gi Sup. Cart,. .>«o.I.,rfn.1ra- |..r(,.r Ml*ret* bv ROI.UNG-MII.I.. > Pvio* L'raw raorf , lay. M.iy 3. lSS3.aboul tb* hour ol 3 u’cl«,k, P. M., ravll, Omhfmium, i ig, — ntut. T. C. COLEMAN, PTreiOenu JUapn.lMto-a .Mrrefton/, ipWfjUi"rf co* . — —: tbu hlgbe*i biiklrr. at public anctlun, — — tb* Stuamt.wt Wrarehourae . corner Wi'iile ?***^'* Bapponars, N M»'>M*mrat, Filth, to g»p« Me<» m culL •?!? ThumM • Md Sanaa fi to 31 bran tUe»t.s KIE-NUSUIP, Uer rainglnvra. Furniture, rauil Trackle, «ra rapr IS tlleratlnthw* w. fU g l ioseti , Sleta—cope® and Fli, g*. '1'M’0M UX;R r**.— recclTCJ per ^ J. OAtIft fi CO., rKy Soutbero cifi- currcDt rumor Wm. H. I'olk, Loro- 1 my cx>c-i:to-1:10- Y >n ai.4 *ei fi COa, 4lff st. mton pxocntodm eorw I yuui ar* ilrt*riiiln*d tu rote or r'-in—that OARDNKR Main desired It; therefore, in I Crete .Sn/r— vrarah lira; fDLy pockcA, and onir:® November, I vUit^d everyvfrj nciHirr the Terms ofVJ .wc— a*uu$400 cosh Inlo ha: 1, amiran.1 lorfor th*tb® hal-tial- ,I —ra r~~> «orh aro<-ia worroated.wavrontraa. *Hi*, teaiovtng with tbcir f'avea, ot |.«up:* ur other Mliorra rahal bave r- a T> T 'T*! f** a"'’*? a T" m ^ THM Ltaualran.1 I'Jt'j C A T A L A N D A S E T 3 BAI.V JtM. ; the mttt-r. .^riirat-u-t." Won't you next u:alni t * right to .lie DIDRny awrf uaraa BRI>CKEKlUH>rBRINCKERlUHlf d > : B^wwiur fhetemtoT or f-rt. trt New lotbe ettargertup of Naptes. j muiilhMmoiithi* will he iltvrH,given, lor(or equal punlumiponiuDN ®far oaidIiraia balorce.bralrarc*. lOiLk, HIODU.l, tOd TRilll.lC elldly Vork w.thout u.- b. rertored Th.t il.iijiVOO. lOlSl •«m FnlloaFa'Wa rat..re Mo.Sa_ r~f«.rire TheTbe pun-h.-urpuirha-’CT to give huDds,huDrfra, with approvedrappruvej , ‘ m3 GARDraNBR A CO. security,raecurlty, curriiig the foa* of therar Miwwxww„.,. *Urec. I talks in the followifig very plain I »u*M b**» a, oppunent. »>» Compra”T ranperlor to thie In th* rnUed ^ The New Vork paper fashion: run ih« .u.i. , ...... bearing IniereMIntvreM fromfrum the dayilray ul*>f Kalerrale until paid.|.rai.l. Suiet-hav. ' Tcu ; ftroth«unlycjnstituenl«ho....lia.l-i fa-alt wUh „ mv^ i/INttiAR.— Sale to take place onuu boardburarit thetb® huat.boat. Paid more than two mllllana oa Leraraira*. ItlU.M.AS G. STE.CRNS, NEWM Kihr TORKYORlt ItARBLEDIK ABrtT.ttn Twrtw wwraMkgA LraRwUlure i. a Loefoeo body hy «, orer- Thta w e do not ^l.ere; because Mr. Marcy courhe* IKON WORKS. r .ft) bhls family Vtu®gar; lltSKVIlfcNKY DKST,DKNT, M. t. -Purler an-Uot bar a* All Ui® news ap*Ti Ui»t oppc%eff lue hare, U C. C. 're-,, J nSTirP fflik * I flit v u-rura-fT ' In a most OFFICE,u»Fig.t, .NO..rau. j3 srbeUniug ma|ority. S’e the .. . was a member of President Polk s cabinet, and laailing u> their interntra, ran* all win JOH.N NrKEki,STKEKT, wtah Sonthere. l •irounnce, *, compllito-oiory manner, JO hhlo pnreCldcrdu; fur sal® tv o28dtaraasiihJ IIENKTII KNRT WOLFORD, Depoty.Deputy. .gtna Infliiraiice Silka. MiUin*»ry, and Fanxty /wy^ nnf«,r *nd mean pxpr®ss«d ihrir satisfaction ami .Sitna Insurance Company d i, cannot be iroo-ant of the Utatiner in wbich Col. in my eoemlee, rao lung tel rare tbe ml GARDN'SR fi CO. ^ aBto»nnra>«ai.a*\aaB»raj»w.»>,OatODO rLOOR klU D0WA»W « eaXaeoK Burh lar lE Iheir eaalitvan rerfi, rare V wish for my rrelectlon. There ar® not fifty HAaTFoKD,HARTFORD, IK VR VH -«Kh joy 01 their coalitiM with the R’higs nor DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNEHSHIP.COPARTNEA3H1P OF conn.CONN. hiioAUWAT. nbw yukk. s New “ an hundrrd conducted in this city before be repaired to Democrats who rrallj wl*h me to odp.>- <»- !» eiore Ira Jraty raaalvia* V«aEtae»«eT.VMRRiactsry, »>!,ft«t, aiH,afi3, awlmad 44tfA«a ChawyChotvy ,aofwmh,4fwa^ - I and aaij V ‘‘^re’irer"^^ haw ASH BOARDS.—ftO dozen just received and fuY rilKK llrmfirm ulef L. O.D. aTICKNKYaTlCKN KT afi. U).cO. IsIra ibUtbi. day oredi*^ S300.000S300, 000 CAPITAL,CAPITAL. AUiALL PAH)PAID IN. oBhrta* i o’k Locofacoa. Flltoo. IN *• ^ I,,, fooduct while at the Neapoli- hraitra' solvedIiolved conrenl.consent. TbrThe “>* '®-®»l Pr'e«a'»<^umpl*la*aaorm*a» off gaad* ^ ^ each hot wny nuVraii^u^i^i ht'lV Pu V pale by [m3] UAKDNKK M co. Li. by mutnsimutual hnralcarasofbusiness of tb*th® latela'.e andAnd sof®lyraralaly InvestedInverated to ginyieire-l stochs.ratockra. It,tt-« annual racral’ni. ,^* XFWMrW loKK.TORE. ro?? recelpu * My evperirnce has hern that when a pub.lc servant “ ^ I *** u> promote the .•en»ral is Armfirm will be settledraettled by John J. Key an I1 lea*lea® Wl*h ,” JamesJramet Porter, areore notDot than •»M,000. I ten Court. If, bowrvrair, be ibould be IKOOrant weltar* of the country or, ever ralutlfu’ C. Foner, lacorpontedlucoiporated latn l'.«ta.l yh* *.« exteMlv* utaractwee* "f Maraaiaraaa* Iraa uf, a:il pr«n>pt and energetic lu the di-- — aliberetther olof whom are autborliadautborlz«d to u.euse 8.. Utethe namenrame olof the(he WM. 8 TKRNoN,VXaJrt^iN; AfonUAgent, I n WTne rttiorof D—SKrat tbat chsrge ot Ms duties, the liberal men of all 60 half cheats "ir" '“'Z ‘ Uw think* t>ortle« vriu X Gunpowder Yet; laieurmlnraeulememoil 4t« firm In settlement ot Usttraanalr..afialrs. Iyff.dlyl.fyjf dly Is refuser, Bm.tRosi Conorroro.r.raor itolUukS?".’..si at tbe heck and call of ffucU " - eaaracr **^ ’ “PP'y *i>* f^per ^urca in thi* diatrtci, of only eirveu oouatiua, clioiarurt a- yoo and •JO |A|b buxAsbuXAS do do; •L..L. DoD. — — R.,>noos, i>r®®« Trlmalnga ®r oil ktodo» fr—ck It w ta abaadea the W’hig party than an kunUred mile. your STICKNBT, j mm Wt»i®w « mito. idreare now f“ clique, to crush and degrade and disgrate ftO ISlb do *“»"•'> Crop® - CltjjOrloaD} Amencao who vj 5lted Naplet wid®. and only twoor three hundred him fur LXTB c«p~; du- lung,luog, • JAMKS PORTtia, YORK - • yuo fon*/ c. NEW I J o*a. ^ a I on7 tu'’-mur 11, ty cutting INSURANCB CO. iS^S^aS 3S21;«iii5 S.TSTra*tl^—w^waveejare * ** him cll from a second election. i * • yaara a|^o. Didii t it aisrepreteni-t.repra.uni mr;me; lI will TUwv will 60 gib d ‘'*• »** be nod eaav rixift tbe period o< Lif refideuc® at that Court. •rmfuUy, cfully trawltravel roron^bTi;ibrouth luacro®# JOHN JAMKS KkT. Tha raraaao ol Ul. 58/''®^' “®«®»’ ba- ; m’wV. y le?ra"blm» least, Comin iwipnonsmrtprtou raTle«. .a itstlmooisi .(f Rccctred per aud for »ale by cea,cee, WhiuWhiw Good®,Goods, HcAiary,Hcaiery, C.C- lUnakorcfitoraalUnakorcfitoro. n®nrlviu - over tl loatei than “I ocl® ftomV’ I raiiueUon, ImL* \nr11 2 3 h )dft3. avefk*>’i ojusi L- enoraj^ to l^re .be It. and iu«Us < «n carrv th.-i/ Ju»‘1re»i.ji.f-ttraare i. now im* lomvo wtag parly tn 1M4? Dtdn l eiww iK-p- * -^>11 wi.Hngi,es. to ucuuroge anl snstslo ma To r. BRKNT, SOX, fi CO. The and®TNigncJundvrsigucJ U.Uosla';Uos 4oihm oueuttomouetatloa oimi ihs tradorrmito ^T^HK oDuv®ohuv® Cmmpmd^JwtCoospufiv beg ^to «nUsmU th® mclemsiumaWsMlun ot |::.rp:pNro!‘ 44g J4y i-drcular*’ ST'ik‘4”b® lak/'n hj^ih*.n )b Vl — l» pnaclDollv^v^!^ U® mesms rraenteo «» at y»* tru® to ibtir uusts andthe lutereM * *'“'*« AtoAUOcsUtAxaairaacia, ^**^fciwe^a^ paoli*pmolls lawraitygomanottX be perform Ibe M® I'^erwuren, Seoatorr Uanne-Hannff- \ of their blehis frleTirafrleT»*s seaerOhiy.EeaerOhiy.geaerraliy. 6Greatttreoinrat induc®oi®mtoindiKamaau aMaeadofisrsd 1Z *]f? toaa o^eratifiD Luodr^t®tuodrod i® oneona moremure than ukrUke > u«ro«r paper. NOTICE. DtAiaraw airai V-— I uto 1 without tbe glu^test «< Morttotisl Coto Ivam III*, CASH'**'*'**•* *“^0-^1 OMOUT TiaxTlux buvers.bwyerra. ; their sosortmeut Moaliem, om4 far* at Col. Polk at Naples, ajid Cco. There is no dlrUlca among lb®WL»gs, and ®very H Aio rrv II Ksuuaeilberra, baring formed racoprartnarrablp under He dividendi hav* never been lee* II An*t ia J rerert al. 1. than raOtoAB whWA thoy or® umw mumufoctnnmg tiff It ai»d rletuondfor.aleby II ‘"'^THiM*?THUSTHOS G.li.*^BABN*.9STBATRARMA Irtlaa BromdvuT,wi rei «1B®» oeM«l®m* om thm fet Irtom^B i Armatror*^ as Consul at Lirn pool—all annoiDt- orpirout u willing lo uoUe®ii meo* tbeir^uuenfmoigf. 1 Uoetyleoltho style uf Ki:TaPOHTBB,.r.re.lyl«contr..lKKT fi POH annnrally. AU loe.ee b««bravere^Tre!!.^^romptlvbeen prompYlv™ rjera, aad lu 1 ••••ot ihm hsmmty stoJdeoigm jt Te CO. ne^TI^m I ararawl^n which. T. ••**•*“BatwaenBetweentikliiv^lndblhenyLlheny sU.ra.rat. andrandra MraWroHolden Uaa,\ oar. M. T. ‘ ^oam omtontod «aM milb •( 3A a aincle DiEbr? DiduM ff-Mrecd-tmI»VrrMrf»«--««'<^«'r’”tondidoie.^* roumuaonmdmml ~«Etor.ud m. -anmmtx^ou,.“m„- Li "Iill^mn forforth®dellveiythe deHveiyolrany.of auyamouimount ol COAL from the celo- b iralnoe* hrara brea omducirad by TTnetoraG T. a Jidr gunaH cd by rresideiit Polk. *Mr. Secretaryr Morevreal,., mi of kio« U ^ disdiydJSdly tfieir •xqatoitoatooh,hmv«m®v«rhsMrtU^hXraaaJreHM^«m«mUod,smd ^4041.^ j a - «aai . ^ eiM.cl®i*i,1 ocilv®,active, oodand vfTyvery buyhuay retwraanuiire,”r®|*rra®outtr«,” and w4-ra d<1 ..|ra.r braled Uamtliun Coal Mlnesi acter and standing. / a Breiraj •o.-.o lu ra e**/ , it wara mrran aad . .. .« ra.re IIEMF.—T EMFo—91b91 bales received per Fanny ftparbawk and The aci'yI will* By your pmpfTfpform many m'gh'y exceeds $60, «o Lorwa'fiXK aan per caou will cash 4< ; •< mmsilss ro im NaaMViixE KaiLhean'rarara.aaao. 10*11then abouldauorou Baebv.rara^wj, awand Hannerfanraaaiinegaii, ami Ar».’ •"•‘••“'J ®' 174 b® rmcelv®d lo aod ' to n amtMoo, omd oosto*ioh«« — aou Arof l"'liii,ra. rvranr. b hl,.J, Sui.r; D Aubi^e's Histovy of Uie Reformation, i Oto — nicenloc Ulaa*things in mrat, favor.Iravar. Are you goodguud auUturliyautburliy og.uo-(ragratn-t F*c luo kouldum" L"*'®~-* *• •* -• ...... _ •» per cent. In . ^ ^ ^ m never regth a not® bearing Interortt. Th® a^ wat rmapoct I th®ir popularity wtth tho puhMc. huiidaad lie reatorod to thair places. IJ6 bbraS Mola9ff««i U b U A baud* coaaaiicod work at Vol. V. Insurance^ C O ' Q O A thutitd youreeiPfouroeif’yaarseif> noi dune euuagb:' fully refers Co iraugUi the public to th® f®’)r*y u« p®v®*>m», who f®rm I Ba—a a* th* advaaiaaaa a* thi* diac j„u ,,,,, , i^O bogs • rko ..a . B . . oaaay earei— I— " Rio ollee; ISTOKT oi the Reformation of tbe Sixieeoih OF CRhKLtiSTVN,LR\aLttSTiraN,w. :: If, inIn iLetrthalr convention,coovenllon, the wlsLe*wlrabea uf a maJorUimaJorUj ol tu* ounmmn dectney’. ,.k< to Ceotu- the locml Board to thU vty, vr«: Tho®. J. Martla, W. a SOLTH CAROLINA. t— eopahllMpa* withata—tad akraa* kaaJaf •f•iiiiethe Jraowi*^Lowiarilie anaand N'aahrilie.raasiiTUie rauraadrailrwad routereu.i. , have cloied vo«r dre,’.nr 160 bushels Dried Applet] raalaatit, ac rd— SrtASOK, MxacFa Co., P*., April 2y. Denrerw.Oeranuumira prevail, they wtllartll nomlam*nomlnsie ma,m*,lurlur they •.•. witb“Piw.r ro tu aepari,dtpirU—omen>> H ry (Vol. 5), by J. II. Merle D’Auhlgu®, D. D., b«)f B«lkn*p,®uhD Mnion, wniiam Prather, TVw. B. Runt a-la.Ji,whteh.«-tiatada»ae.«.ta.mM»dih»lrc*.OM- Bai\!ieu». 170 bale* Hemp; U»hla»l l>|>ilal,l.|raitai,linilal. >11 »iJ i> ymraierday. Tb* woik will now be proeccuicd ikpi >'«»" hooeat aid cuoaervativu pniiudran, . kI cloth and full cloth. The subject of this Voiuoie beta? and Koth’l Wolfh, Rsqs., a»d L. F. Tandel.,M. D. ailall ,aiil l>.ia. reara rahoM u.a thtol tho ooret, im Tbe roltinr mill in this place caurbt hr* to- MM) colls Rnpe; ^tao the Rnglir-h Reformation* Is Aveo more U interesttog W. A VBRNON, Agent, •“ "“*• •*. ?“*'“ •*" •»*e»«oo* hero* wrth.tg.ru«*le..H.*.UC. ThepeS-efttre day, and f.tally di,roy«l. ffur^' f'b“e 700 pieces Bagging] q>*rawW|VWV>300 000 . 5 tbon Us predecessors. Just received by express and for east corner *f Ma'uoog Bultitt susmts. U 00 . od a-d raota with ra— I* ^ I p— o«y part 0* tho eatarary. 100 bales Twtoe, I dBte city aoioe ten or twelve perioot were dao^erous- tfiey afiatt they can gain noaieg ky attomFiiog to •ale by A. DAVIDBON, .ootsvlll®. Jmn® 13. limO 'llvl* rka Sloekkolier. tahit ta kotp Itapan— raat be^vMi tbii are inOni dum llo | Tha MarMIa* la g^d EUzabrtbtowfi baa joo bbts Hoarb-n WhUky* t*“ latar tha raaBaa—aua^ aanue their port> at fAa fimf. ooJ IMJ Thlrt street, the ) a — reuB- a.--. !>’ iojttred ftod two pefftoni were killed odc near Market. CoptUl Stock unimpaired. aau* o* Mr. B. Daaralaa, wh* Brat latruiira*^ RiraBBy RBefi M, aBdre^ tbe#h^ J iit. Ire. — a th— Ihvai*. rcsoioder will be let or * 4,, 1 irere rerl»^r McCreary, os **ej®ciur,’*rero^t'o":” did hishi. heatbe.1 (andtrand you,yon, at.rf I |i::;u.rc*uJ^po';7tbrv OTTO^ Yurms umd Bmtiing.— WILLIAM RKRUrr. FreaMraa*. I ret. .iire-*... wire p-ran-, — i » Kav *hm».«4 ,nrinii* ti ra yZ ^t'rritC’ra^l-m'l.^ I White Snsra. JOO bogs Cottoo — ir M -t joar neural mw vnl*rar .Iran. .--I | ting .llbur.;lr.«,, that Toms, assorted numberr; LOLIBVILLR A«»KNc'T, No* 479 MaUi iTRRXT,^lNiv cml uttUty omd opyitoultom •will WE ufK pivuzm yuu rand yonr cl'que | tomstmls mmd «Hh®r vmassmmsM mu ouifi. *urr. b.vt"/,«r| In .tore rand Im i bv ' g;oud®ri, did . 1 mill s. « 7ft boles Battmg; lu sure and for sole sfreof (bush •>j^e* etusn}. yoar otao®i>,0. ), and y«iyet Gen.Gen, ScuuScou majur.tymrajur.ly and frauraWinj,” of dtod ' by doors weei of JVwfM up jititn" oedsvo mmd oototommicmstoM to » mon, or tti ndly, ih.i (b. T. y T. BRUNT, SON, k CO, BRRNT fi THOMraVS, 37ft MalnsL k3 BRRNT fi TUOMABb THUMAB B- RRRNRD tui. ,m ourJAdisU Tj dtt >IMala rwaR4 ^ fy||^pT^T|yri||^ T C — ;! — ' y ' . . U TUWSHT$ C AE : H ma HL D• ^P P ¥ » , . I i 1 — j

coDtSaues verr H^'uUful iu the soAv. i A M. Money Re^tero citlri BPDCIAL NOnCBS. In. ADVERTISEMENTS. | YORK MA^. . ut 13^1'lie Ciiicinnati Coniiaerrial liaa a (irivatu N.TORK ADVERTISEMEKTe TELEGRAPH. CO.MMERCIALs The N. T. Kxt»r^-*« of Thurvlay eveulu? 'hyp: ELPXTION. | | I » JJi't.'vAiois HrrecTi W'.sid fV»» n\ B. .M, Dmitur* Atfttr.m§ Itoww.HdAaae ^ dUpateb from a reliable source at Washiii^on or WiiiTEWAaii.—We p,-nj, jy. n. -ViXinanfd’a Af.esrta»K#H,«»c,lT0CK OF M ± as poalmaater of Circirnati. The same dispatch Locuvili r. Tri'SPAYi M*y3»16M. LARGE A ! - InveMment on luiig perl'wl^a CapltalUta are dcalroiie "f tnire at balf-paat our ane fandtnre. la the nr>t |>lac Itle tobe pie- thif rvmiofi, Tuesday. May 3d, Rl M.UikJi.—The .:eneral buslne<>a durlAij the pa5i thods. A siya that S. B. W. McLean, of Cincinnati, has ^ artd aunieltUatnneiumilnralanoni>TeltTlolbei»,((ortffo Dzy hu»i- week Laa heeu of a eery lliutied cbaracter, and tome de- UunHlions on good aecnraecnr'iyiy are easily madeoiaoe whenwnen dealre«i.aeatresi. i .ee, a ci cstt lUTcnwesL wi.n o'clock. A lull attcndaocc ia requofted, a» consul .^ent*yuA« itvAiv'tt Commission Merchants, been appointeil to Panama. The firm of Adama A Co. haw drawn from the Mint L » -- «*'>-«. ^ ^ latter ^ p.rtmpn.. t.ve esblWtPd areal dullness. The .p- o^ ** I net* a€ importance will he transacted. f2M.Q00 of the ntw slls.rslls.r’coins.coins, and«i.| .hetrtbul..l,"tTlbul"dJ Tt.eItieni all L. O. WILSON 4 CO., ARRIVAL OK THK. BALTir. "‘"ThirdThirlrd and loiirthI'ourth V.^iwards. a21 dio uraater TArlety,) but cleanlliseaa la one of tb. ’ NEWCi“°“vnR>V YORK.1 UIVlV.k Plica more «-n‘e<'lally to and grocerlea, all do- provUlona over the tonnlry.lounlrr. ThUbooaeThiehouee itIt lali aald>said, willwilt draw a daily I«p«rt«rs Mtel iokfcSM of -•. Tlrtuei*, auj to see WebeterU Voak, Mav t^everal wmkf^ 1. n. TnOMPSON la a randhUie for the office of Oob- Dacnerrewa tuiltry cleaned Lil^erM Mca»cf^ mede Nrw Kctipljcir.a of which bare a CNT1.A.MDT9TKBKT lo<, MaUiew Rvi»ert-'*. cagrancy. p|.t!itrged, ladu> enient for yon to alop In i I tak« a look at 479 Main •M, 9o\d A blick boui^ aod m evemtMr. prices. The Kxprcaa of Friday evening has the following; Jaa A dJiwiv MattoaAi And Wmern But** < . umi I at Ann of PaaTglnf and rope hare been light Flour J. F. iOitable In the Third lOppMiUus *onduM. owu r KKASlsacainlidate for C i '!e(*rc>-?ttn»y Cotfonve’iuu I- ' idrpet, r.l|ruiDKi|:falh and Xmth,i9imliy49| Z4Brr;iB*ri,A4kirr|iBat, .TFrit l 1»^ i t ba»baa been at The haleaaalea of tohat co luTJ&btein7 wrpvt, bHfreenDHireen SM Arm prices. « lofulzanceugnTzaneJ takenu't^n”in previous coinage ontlnce}i r addkdd FoonhFoerth warla.wards. atroBt, New York. 45 n%*oo4100 f«r i year. xiie dcw alivor to l have t>een larger than any prei'C’iing week thU sea;>Gn I premium— and pr»-nilum TliinlTfiinl DiHriri,Dhtrirf, NVlTBtB«sit^!ca«< BrvcM feet frontfroot by deep, M,30»*. one- ‘V* j 1-1*» fair quAlltM^a are unrhatiged. another couaierlelt id bis puswaah.u. Ualt id a,„, h-r f^ouie lime lo - oiue. The Mini makes on silver oidD ROHT.RoBT. STOHETSTOKET inacantlldatc!• a can*lhiate fur re-alectlonre-aleclloi to the fjejos iccelTed front Mew Tork, by expreaa,a lu( of rp BC aabaenboa oner t. tba trade a laraa and rart. 1 •ry Utf«« of Oms>h. which i« k«^ c*ui- t Jt ^ V- a’a a a’ a . cUoed a 1; | .entlnue tom ^howwhom- a falllEgfailing onof1 for •’.h, * V wha.iiva th-* ilf caah, oa NovMnber and the ba!- r *«>«"• Commute. ^ sixth ward,, i Rt ^1 UMPifoT tk« Mr ky tht W MI V,y, 17,IM1 bale* of which fpec- 1 r..„.utlc lu the Fifth aud Daguerreotype CA.es, of the latest styles, whkb lan be '•>" h'eky h».s wJ>»iiccil. | J®*** »«or|,I.T, w.rr.ni for ..-sAtiU ™rresrciidlD* Week l.st je»r. W ,,, ajaln, tbat when Conitreaa nndertook to Bst Kxtrsc’.s, n-'soDttsl Perfooksry. ilm*brsN>. I sow »tjlM sad fshr.co that srr cdMstsmtr sTrlvIng >'.*1 ' and battery 00 Wui. .bow a'ter Ilia a9 bSsjtf U*is. ICCee WWJ, .-..r «,ihint.rMtIDicrcfi. 1 . '"T-LI -wiu aiio .vwnrt.r. I Mk) IJiVsi. OM year, WIU ulatoretook exfutners i aod likd St Thos. C% Kyte & Co.** room*, No. 5l7| B^kaer. Bait m $loo to anawer a mMemeanor. Such other ebaoxes a. have wrenrred will be foundbelow. relative value of elKer and xoKI, it did not po far erwush. ^11 of which are uf thoir own iniportatJoO, dtreet fr< a sBTII 3 RtlNAl.Ii U a . aulldate•''"•J*" f rf t-ouaiwCoualabI Air Oricans t.J, middling ;> 13-1»>, fair Thella lUrsadoo, eteailog 1" I"" ot the maaufacturera. ooDtbtAiin. Clolllo. tiODe—f | a chicken. Ball in $490 l'“rp«.e comm. nee. Main streat, Letweeo Third and Foorth. Having oao of tholrttrm OMata 4ovo««ii eiohialvoly to tBo aalo of C.<*- I The fall,fail. haveha., beenh.en navigablen.eieable for the larxe.tlargest boataboala butbni f !V,u wiid, > upl*"** Hour—There is a large fw on. year. Sent to work bon... jhe redurtion In the weight ot silver in-tead of being le.s residing ta Ruropa, tBoy have pecnllar advantago fut — merte, Te*tloga T»r.or** Trlmmicge. While Be«iu.[>n’a• »C6ARSrcaa-CraKnCCBEr HAMt.Haaia Mr I)ul-l>„f N. B. Room* formerly vccuplo«l by J. W. Stanciide. | Mr Job* Bell, kiank Bell, the river U now falling steadily, and oal> the smallest lent, oualii to hare been fully I lATlDg In gxnMla at the Hoatory, ' and Henry Snider, all hoTs. man per |0 per cent. lowest raten. Preva ivooBao Shawl*, faakte >>t)o»s^ , OuolAlioiJi , Fourth IHihul.Diali id. Pcnnsvlvani* 23 * ' ^ liAr .Is-i k.. D..ana.A _ ...... PtOSltOX ucwdlc* iromIfuni DsvM»udDxvk]fti>n Rh. BrsDiwo.Rraritk..n. Ua II $n AOiin3t*0 ...... a a L’.aaiasl.tA K-ar*» Isaa-a. a-*k-^ a. aw.- I TheTh» aeUuoiag**,t Afft*. ingot»lOtfOta audSlid g4jidg.jid har tuRiiied*LUKilr^< QmkGnitaka> aA ! _ . _ ...... apr 12 dtf The teUuwiog well kaewuanic'ien comprise a :>>t Bca, Be., Be. In addidoo are U^vp aped srge.hw received cartlficAtc, BsUId lo«t« can thfni. Freight* have b*en verj^fisrc* I pen bWd bh« • sicoed by Prince rVkm i« unrhanwo.! $ sm end JAR. la. V ROWN 1* a caodtdaie for re-alcctlon to th — ——— of their iATgelarge aeeortmem:aeeortaeot: prlau, tacloitlmilaclwtlag HerrlmaoHerrlmacv eadaad Cetuert^s. teiMhei«AlMhasi'». office of CoDMtahle lu tbe Seventh aud K’gblb warJa. Albert, of Uie pr.g. »«l.l h.» a. lb. of %i-’.p;e *. 3^*!' V. , ^ ^'X-oT^.r vf «»|irwMy»jwwwiw«iw»*iw Ogllvlet awla»l (*!a«tS«>N(*!a'” eelgin rage-bui UUUuUwUyifUuUlid and Paadere.-a. Bumbaciaaa, Alpacas, and tBa aamofGUS jih*r artic -• World’s Fair far his hamt. The certificate can market le firm. Wheal is unchanged, and Me- WePa, and narrlsoa Browning. ThI. dimcillty ^llginand ^ teuicent dlecouul.dlscouut. "'J'' Kagllsh Medicinal Ixiracte, ' - unarrol twtmeeo The money market ist* cahj. muiitniotii'iih at 4 t»«ri»er CongrrM* ha>t cvutrivedcontrived * of theeneeoadmanu/ao appertalnlmi to the Dry Baode T-a:a. A.*-j ageate • • - iwu «i’1urtluD I Lood-a. thesaleoi **floyle*s Royal Fataat Bwac iow* iawi .g ‘ tr-nc. ***- clly. The mauer wa.wa» Itur quoUtloofiquotailoofi apply only t .> wholesalewholes. transair.vns4 llOD^,ods, Our ! Rkch’s , jj iwV lo Ku;;laud C«;enrateU Alcohol ^ in’IXr.j, ®U rI, ^lllethe Al SALES. 77i€ Greateit Remedy evtr /)ijcorcrevTfl«d. i m ' to go th»-ietbeie from ! nlaciurers* pr.c-s. Tallow I? in d**mai»dd*‘inaiid with an upward tendenev.lot,deucy. nnltiUi olhe^wI^eoiherwl>e stcani'T-eieanic-r- v.hlch are Afpiuwa’i.Arpinwa'i.' Ihe _ Wa tnvttaiBvtta tha attraclOBorattraclawor ikeiha el«>eatel«>eet '>ayerv *rr ca- i : *.ied npon to make I *mm u mako*7!atemenu*^|tKttve^^^eiatemenu rf-^peci ring ^ A-.-ay 0« rti1cat#wi are to Le roceivsbi'h laaw R aou*s Brown Wladxor and Faacy or credit. i Vorkitohl f r CO. Feaps, rMnw I Kicbardfon a: Bro. quote thtrili* a per^•nalper^“nal rrucontcrreucontcr AMI Bale RopE.~Th«> \f» aggregate BY S. G. HENRY & wlieat unchangod, took BAool^« | place Innseenbtn them,’ll, lu j tam. an>l other artlclei*. ' , • **hichhlch theitc commUieecommtuee aud wveraiM>veral A33.GMKB'.S3A,;K'^-KVrA,L3TOCBC.KnkTO,HIll^ — »i'hwith a fair consumptive demand.dcmind. Corn haslias ad- »,“•* ^‘.rai outsideoutsider*..ui.idvrs t»anicipated.lArticipaled. eon pie. es and I,ono colls, Includlns ino of each "c ^^1^ ‘’TYe^'jMra'g^llsV.CiiwU roVwoney, In Lawrenca C.».'s (late DlnoeforU**) R ! co&.eomnce oe:- i T Ilatr Glovta a* 4 FAIRBANKS ***^^^5 white 3o to 31d. "" Al a\tcri()a>. LAMK are made to walk, the WOINURD, BKl’lSKP, Flour command? J-'”’ Strgpa- i Cattlr roR THE Horab’? Fair. Tbe| tb’em*'' iouu. ‘B«ri\Ced*‘JloTBro« iilnSVs* »tca»er her trip lot wock from LwcvJrloiMiy Americ., on ; | 8,„Xhom and gereml.l PUTm.M sc.\li;s. C.b’e a.v. ,, Fl'RTHER B V THK BALTIC. i aiS^ut’”^ ot ^.!.“Kb7^ *' '' U* hUppiy. Specie *roui other ttarin <.f CricvdandlevHand to BuRalO,RnFalo looktoofc a Wlot of01 caicBttIcle onOB mtheirir v^durg “ii>^»^^* *" t^clt^nnd^^ ^*^ ‘* **‘‘* i c*** raailng from I24 to id* at»U gj U» 7c, with the exvej>- the country la now teutllug towards this direction, ati l xk*. a«.« .t ,.v ,k ..w > «i UdM aso--uot culUy at io amkh*.Mi | Iiong known— Mvarely tMtwd— always •”IT«1 f'l on tbe mormng ol tlie “ Is brgl.mlng conalderxld, , be W»y to the Wortd’* Fair ot ^ew Vofk. Ttic ef one sale of 2M roll, r-pe, which wa. dome-tic ex.b.ngrs to t„ UcUulwo, ueorg.' ICcMulleu, ThoniA. "on made .the i right—the acknowle^ed Standard.

tbe ‘a few lishi Kelr* ' Expre« tu,t two of tbe numbor .re tram I CoTTON.-"-On!y ‘'s'" •’»"hare taken i>»'pla< - '"ec‘VmivOTi. .a, -.oward's ’Ku'o-pe.' tl.v“ f",* igr.x- choncellor of llie exchequer's ImaiHiial S.7t‘e^ iTcIt?e?“u’g.m'‘ ^TnHc^“gulay‘OTS'’,.!:'.:.1“ ' hand Is rule a» they at pre^eul, pots, iB crstca. stockslock onou I. *,ao .mailsmall as not to Almltadmit of exten : jbai.gr,.I'hstigr^ co..ilnueCktiiiluue to do aud from at Ky., abd ' The i;rnt— l.«entod Ahhloiid, . farm af the CUy, sUtemeiit proposes lo eonlinue the income or di- J»n.e. HrMollen $16, ib- other, $ii .,ch. of tbe disease, and imparting life, bealtb, sireogib, aud , W. B. lELkMP. LtiixTillr. it. , yet ftirward S. G. HRNTaT A CO., Aact1on'’ers. trauBaciioiis. "-> **** aiuv out of proiluce to go th»-re are strong Cox*s Ce.i-rzrated Sparkling Gelatine. *»«“ *•*” s.ve' ” We i«“"’tjawie “ominaiiyUumlnally^ 94.101c94alO|c for m l- ! tbe whole sy»tcm. miniehmg »'« ®>" °f »»’* { ; «*. vlvacUy to race. lax for seven years. Al» to reduce I il, re*.wou are r««aiit apecimenf of tbe bonne proUaLl III I* * that they i,M,w " « m.,Ylv7Diay haw Pjt‘ cx-«- Bermmlx Arrowrut (« of Uie vslehrated F6D brand. FAIRdAITKS * CO.. OOU»^. 1 .evil •.iwMHmr. confirmed ^ .oIotoa-o.. a A. .a.. aho^o... J..a_. 1 dungdllnff tolO goodCOlXl tuul'lllHg.tUiU'lllHi;. . _ a .1 aI . . « We see and hear dally of per>ons who were tb« advertiaeiDeiit duty, th# gtamp duty, and to j ^ couiiuued and lucrvA^hd abuLdauce of Oiont-y. Br'^nse^ Powers, Biisllsb aad German, af ail aalors a::4 RFaGFLAR P.\('KHT. CR1PPI.KS. Their aruL^or leg* were paiaiysesJordrawu New York — ^9 Water street. CoTTOR Tarrs, fcc.—We Continue to qnoie ti, i,*l ^ I ^ *ut>slilutc IS fixed for FOR NP.U ORLCA^iS. muscle* being shrivelled and csmlractetl, fc firm, B5 will bc 9cc» At the N. V. stock boarl, ou Friday, $5,700 Kcuiucky crooked, their Hair THOMAS—Thi. 1 . amel Pencils U.kBT ft -ii. ... •# au $ a .1 ’• aud ArJr the beatbest hrsobrsodseJ*. iw ane wpieDtiid pSMeuger steamer rejoice In the permanent restoration of the u»e ’ Bdvalorem rated, making 1(1 p#r c#nt. th# maxi- . . ,a , .x . , .. *w.i ^^o new w.,.-. k w 1 ; year bonds soM at 106: Indiana State 5 s brought 974: RIVER iSEWS. , ^ .« 15 C. P. Bacon, master, will leave celebrated frOB their Bdi#rttMB#Bts, are in receipt of a Saleshies of caiidlewlcacaiidlewlcs at warp ^ „f y,,,, Ho,ba by the o»» of McLeaa’a Vol iquq) on I 14c and carpet at ISc.ISc# manufacture? —to increa?e ‘he «pirit t> i> 1 .a *rv» «>. ... White auJ Chamois Sk:as, for PrnggUta’ aad Fersa- It^ndg 102: and lutermedlaic port* on Tliur>day , I odlan* 2*% 6J I N. Indiana K U MlchUan canlc Oil Unlmenu «Who, then, will suifer with local I iiK.n-1 V’ . «3 v». .. < s’ mer*’ fre>li eupplE of fr#ceiie*. Only a few years and legacy dutie? reduce tbe tea duty within PlTTsBVRO, Msy 2, Me No. 1 batting lie and Nx.-. 2 94-. bUeeilngh— Bales at the Inst., at 5 o'clock. M. ose. 1 | 5Ui P. — ' pain or external dNeates when a safe and i FRENCH S“. R Kbi-Uil.* lO;;. Scales and of ZINC PAINT. For freight or pa^Mge apply on boanl to We‘ghu, BnglUb and French nanufac- i "««* four > '<» >•’ P"t e"'''- There arcare 4 feet 4 iucUeh water in tbe cUauuel. The 6c. or Is so ea»liy obtained?" ago they ectabliib.4 thMiKcWn. Tbcir capital 1 tore. FheioiitIv—To the Sonth con’inue scarce. We m3 80<;G8 k. RI S8ELT*. Opinmns arc equally divided rc.pw'.ne the weathereatber lais cchangeable and damp. Oobdaoc, etc.—'Sales of ICanllla cordage at 16c gJ-RKADKR’^ tsh an*l j Kuf French Tooth Bm-hea, Ha'r Bra*-}!#*- M rUL* BLAkE, k FAIRi »a*wa* limited,Iimiiea, butout tbeyluw, badimu tbn„ approve It, while otbcis think I sal#k Of Oiled and tarred cordage at 11c yon | and aM Bheli Comb*, an a--u,rt0e..: which cc. *• CiKiiKKATf Wkv 2 M 91 R. 8a;esof Ifo. 11 Broad Cinlikkati, May 2,M. Puuud freights 20c, from tbe wharf, llorsee aou cattle UNION LIND Broncbele, Goitre, P«raty*t5, ChrunU or ludammatory not be equaled In America, SumI, Dcccsearv tor auccces aii'i ibe confideoce at tbe it will overtbrow the ministry. baling ha /tng been -e;pst j, dSm lOA'^arl N*wT,;;k have proved worthy I They ^Mnywnacket ALVIN ADAMS. Nort-m, master, Ulcers or Fever Sores Caked Brca»U, Sur- .. Htle, ostensible owner of the fectoiv,lhreat- CiNil>KATi, May 2, P. M. CnU, Stic i;tiU ii the liittii , 1-sad at 10:. •*(^^wlll leave as above on Wedueaiay, tho 4th SUUe cf I', end are now doing a very lucrative buei- | Nipples, BamsBnm.*, Scalds, Inflammation or Palna,Paine, no mat- to rosecule Ihe governiiient; in the mean TheTbe river Las fallen 6 feet s.uve Saturdsy. llie wea* I tgafflClCli CttUlie Ckimbfr FariilorP. T TW | FieOra AND Qraik.—sTLc flour market bss mi-leruone Inst., at 3 o’clock, P. M. urbuwter how severe*.v*r« or how longlung th»tbe duease.|um*« hwhas .xiiiyT’exisir [ will corecar. y-m. New ano we hope lo see them ere long among the ^ Woolwich ar.-enals. llfCPM.—The market ha. been snppiw MEN aud tsrely ei}ual lo tbe demand. Superdne has been sel- anil havo It t' all of the above ol9»aa», w* nyvM known Oppoell. Si. NIrhu:** H Prorc ,tl and L'ai.ac.cr. POB THE tAAB OP THKIB Glasgow to notice aeveral eale. of superior, *ome averaglui; nearly ' first of our merehanla. Messrs. B. t T. are i« PORTp y ] OF LOUISVILLE. ling at $3 75 from store, lONpected, aud extra and faucy REGULARRFGU U. S. MAIL PACKET fall In giving spoeJy and pnmanent r.llef. Hoaiva, . L ncle Tom Stowes she was also enthusiastically t quote fair to choice cattle at , . .. SOO p,)undJ, al 7c . Wo Superior Patent White Zinr ' Paints, J ''**• i 69. At tbe close there wat: but little left FOR ST. LOtl%. A VOICE r aOM OLD KE.STl’CXr. “ **" •“! ’ »-a’ th. Bu*t *xtOT.Iv* less expert as busint *» men than they are estima- received at Edinburgh. brands tt $4a$4 V®’' . TbeswlftronnlngpassengersteamerGBN* Mb. 3. n. McLeax, St. Louis, M'.: Iv auonm-nt of KnamFieU rnmitar. lobe b.orl lei ND areaaw wevae»l Mrataiah. « o’- L, »"’I«oulue, Open Coiiaxe, nuh Pe-t. and .thn a qua!lUy which caa eaiv aafartared from remove Ihe re- $2 5U with the wool on. Liiiitw $1 to $1 50. „ one ol my nefroii, who was aeverely amicto.1 W the nerxld, Suowden, Pittaburg. , Ru-‘’:or4.od« Mahofary, Oak and Black leUla Mootagne Cw.*a Bine- liome; city continue to pay 45c. has been c f Fail partlcaiam la tla the mills Corn I application reilevaJ him. “*1“' e"«t Nai»leoii to St. Deimis. gr.iai, with 7Kheumatisui, and | m river conUowes to fell gradually. Al "mallei*Financier, Vaudearlff, Ciiiclnuatie Ho.*—Plenty. The botchers are paying 44 to 4f- p„r’ freight or passage apply on board or to T an>i parlor snite^. propar ModaoC miztnra, kcay wui ha fluatthad errbe f shelled ril“e “Jn“‘iron*bur7i' s*i7el,7 kc"^ hy ihw An imperial service of China arriving mure freely. Sales om >u>re of prime , . n , ^ . has been pre- fswtuFawn, UoUoicron, IleoJerson. ,,.3 t. BAS.IAM_ iting ihemselve-s «x€:tulvrly to the man'i- Agents. dusk laet evening there were 9 teem inches water acc-Tiling to quality. .ooner than any remedy I hav. ev- pmed for the New York exhibition. at 4dc In lots? from flaiboat In lots dealers pay35a374c. fAJtia, Paceahtf 3B» I9M, | f DceAS th# c«t»al bimI 6 f##t 4 inched OD tbe fbUd, Tbe boBLCiAl trade st Pans was moderateU* Tor uau dealers pay 30c and they are selling at 33a3.V. UNION LINE Vamt 'all neighbor, who hav. ua«IMcLASB'S VOL- The Manak'M Direeior of tha my eleKkot famif..re, TelegraphTrlexraph ttscISNATi, Ma:. M. fanm-rejetat ptlcexpilcex varylo.varying frumfru« i-di*$26 ta $6L0 per 1 TIetn* : No.So. S,X, McLeliotIf rLelion, ClDCInnall. 2, the Baltliunre Railroad. o« earnestly recommend It t*» Muetagua Ca., Corumeal we quote at 45:2i(r6«tu(TdO(jp In cnnecllo;Connection>n with and Ohio CANIC OIL LINIMKNT ’ H»rald,H**raid, aarSuJn %T. i. A Snowden, 8t. LoulLouis. mar.et Ic tleaJy; t particularly planters and farmers, a* PAUL DK J AL Klour we quoli at $3 ••0s$3 70. The HKQl LAK TTK.sDATTTK-SUAT PACKKTPACKFaT FOR WIIRKLING. the public, aud to *“w . Vn c«b«a.fAn «i.k *n, exThAw .« .* ‘J** ’ ™*t'**^*‘y (ormea, w ith ; 60c %l hundred. otaar arm la ta Tml iNFAKTIkfaht DarMMKB.—DarMMxa. 'ThifThis great prodigy . Financier, Vaudegnu,Vaudegiifl, w*Wabaali. anti weekly etTeciual for externa; 1 .** — prodiCT receipt!, are very llghte Provisions are steady, with jr^ TIIK new macntflceot paesen- the most safe, speedy, and remedy . A Lursunty as President. Pike, Fuller,Puller, 8t.8l. Loji*.Lojls. _ I J U I. J Fbcits, &C.—Apples sell briskly at$2kg$360 Tf> bbl. j ger packet BALTl.MtiRK, Clark« master, will diseases eltbvr on manor beast. _ Trunk,, ViUima uid Cnp« BacM willvill be hirehere mein a lewiUyi.lew days. He hasbaa drawn over- iwvWliavld White,White. iicClmn,McClain, wiWheeling. sales of bnlk sides at 64> i-buulders 6. lArd we <400(0 at ^^S&SKf Tlie old ministry we? di.solved to quash i leavel<>ave as alMve on Tuesday the 3J3d Iqm,loM, at 3 Tours respectfully, R. S. SACNDSR3. Coo- Dried apples from store dnll at $1. Dried peaches $2 6u PREMlTTlWfavA*avxxuax PT A fVrt.Pon*rTiA C P KUKB.4CH & CO . Reindeer, Montgoxuerr, New Orlean*. GrocerlcR are PREMIUM PIANO-FORTES.x'x,a,nu-g VklAkoO. llowiiigHowiiig bouses loin New OrleansOrleans. chi’s exposure os Ibe Cuban sl-ve trade. 94 for bbl a'dIOfor k<'g. Whisky l-^l. o'clock, P. MI. Clay Village, Shelby co., Ky., Jan. 26, 1963. _ SlOTce 7, mu4c. Law. or , Liberty bIrMI, | Quaker City, btiNhel. Lemons $3|^$3 60, according to qoaltty aud ud Skunk, Puihbutg. For I or to bKl)Vi(8TKRNaCO.,NoCO., No «l4SIBausE-B very dull. No sales of Importance. freight or pas!*ige apply on b<^ poeseealoa buodred. of soch certiil- laB MrawdwBT, %ew 2erh , I Ttie Dutch Govpniment hag p^o(e^ted aeainst Bt ^ Gen,Geti. lAU^^tte,lAfsyctte, ntle>,ntie' , Newj Orleauf. qnamity. Oranges $3 M. R. raisins at $3 1.8. MOORHEAD. pHBJHB's AV, Nctv YohK, wvuMcaU heaMra cate*, which we couW publish, but we deem It unoecei*- 9foMi|/ecfary 3At flvoad sfreef, Mrwark. .V. J. Hierarchy in Ntw T0RK,May 2, M. ^ ' " tT M I *.on of those about purrhaslr.g lo tupix Thxatxs.— be Befemen children eppear in 1 15, $1 70, and 90c fur wholes, halves, and quarters* . »ary, aittheuaeof one iweoiy-flve cent buttle will be f« ^ j 8 would invite the ei enuan of Dealers ta j ivtAVyeuv rk TTTL }I# |w ]1 J'/• \\^ onr slaeh Hollaiid, kod wilhurawD hcf minieter RECEIPTS. ...rndlJ sPKk of §4 to "I octave r*u. # # V IX a^,— mm 4 tUm ^4- . Irom 8alcs of 3.200 bbls flour—State $4 1?4; (XD bbis 8on(h- KEGUL.\RU EGLDl.AK U-U. S. M.MLM.\IL PACKET*P.\CKET- suffident to convince even the most lacrednluue of lu *» of the ehave article*. Being one ef the el piece., aad tbe Layer $3 50^43 76. Almond.-, Sicily, 16e. Figs 13c. -wi^w t i ^k'*^'***^ wt wo Chapman’s also appear in PerPrr F.wnFswn from Kv.n.viiieErsnsvllle: 754 Mcks com, rvNhlpmmli which they believe cannot he «^c«il«^J by any other ia osiabllshments 3.600 burhelN Gene- Saint toulB.Louis. magte power tn cur... ever, extern.. dU,«.. onr fnetmiee are seeend ta naao. follow - ei n sold *t $5 124, buoyant Grain— For rh".''u^Vutru*the • Ity, either !u tone, fli.; *h, quality of aiater'a., r *<*»•*«» Todd’s ware- >^i»H —Small loU ell from store at aboot the SaapiOa of our goisla «,an ha f«>ead In two ptece? (o-rifEht. Xh«The Eneligb6'nelieh and Fr#nchKrenrh amha?cadors,,nKACA»d«r« havihave U The new ao-l splendidspiendHl paN<^enserpai9<^enser steam’steam«*r Fer Hereee aad Other AalMala. e*»oa4 all iBa ' fTY** kb workmanNhlu.workmanship, MedaliMfOAta havehav# been award«lewsrdeil hy la* ' 28 Western 16. Com-mlxM U prinvipai >>>-« h A Bnq 8 pkx», Haynes A Lane; 8 price*: No. I In bbls $16; half .lo. $8; quarter do. $4 sec wheat wild at $1 $1 ciUea aad tawna in the United S«at«. ,*"2i "i- TI^ j mg FTwTKLKt.K.APHThl,Ki:K.APll No 2. Tucker, master, will T.m theatre, ia«t m^t, was crowded to over- •rrived at CoiiftantinopI#. Th# Eri£li>h amba? do Aiipersun; bbl* | ^cLean’t celebrated Uni meni 1* Ihe only »afe an.l re- A.EiiitAS Institcte lo their iasiruaarnu fim We ’to .a r:. *di^T 25 'puutoee,' owner;' 124' "••’k*' o«a wi«h iw osok* oasssmiy jj. 2 In bbl* hall do. quarter In better demand. Ralea of 20,1X13 boel.els white at 664; on Tuesday, tbe Inst., at pressasinai snase , j No. $12 60; $7; leave a, above 2d Spavin. Ring. Bone, Wln-I veam i.v luti Ex-io.,. ' „„ejy f„r tae cure of U14 t.I# *ay,say, that wawe winwui not .»aBd«uoUI.he oaBenoUI. MerchaauMerchoais wh,wB. nAsiiAK. SfoDART, fiv- roblv known f »r veur.^ *s Fisi — — j RECEIPTSHKPKlPTsc.v.i:.ii i RV nAiL.ixw.-viz.RAllRnxn Running Scfree, or 8we*ny, If proporly applied. For font v niBY RAILRO.VD. HorrliiBs 7c.Tc. Sxle*Ssles d.rtnsduring tbethe workweek of -- men'lttieos. into tbe system of education at Meynoolb Col- Co«in»hbIc.CodMsbb|c. timings New.\ew tobk,loBB, May 2,-2, P. M. - RprulDs, Bruises, 5c rutches, Cracked Heels Chkfe»,8*d- makr-rG they w..ull inv.te the cntinckoce ul the :• r* ^ vr GKOv* *va.M TliAPVjfr PA l.dlul of fUelr frieol. sri«J nf 2lv- I GKO. M. TRACYAAVaIVI f% • cen#- CO.,VV.y mxckerel, IucIoUIdkiuclodlng one of 100lOU . Wouoit*, It is *a tn- ir?;h the a:y A lege wa> negatived by 110 to 63. I about 300 inckasespackAse* m*ckml, Colton declineddecllne.l 4:4? with sxlexsales 1,250 bale?*.baler. Tbe atexmer'4steamer's KEili EGULARE G U L A R PACKET.P A r K E T dl«die Mr»«r Collar Qull*,Gall*, Cats,( Sore* or brnxYsn'cirrope^^s'bU J*eeaLud*”lmi2^ to^ equal fOCsfAru-.t*. large B yesterday stat the sboveabove ngure-.figure-, FOR .>E\V ORLFjA:4A.4S. fallible reme y. ApApply It o» directed and a cure is cer- i No. 84 WilliamWilUam bL,Bt.. COTMrcomar TMiirtapMUtiflaii irLUn.l Chancellor ol the Exchequer said that po bssK, Todd .’uicbardauni 45 do do, 12 bales bemp, 2 bbls No. 8 newenews bail a depressInKdepressing eUecteOect ou tbethe market. Flour—Flour—saleasales l«afiDl«aiia. (^rKirklaiid, st/eedetr##t ! For the Ho-ith* marker we ore cbecb# preacherpreacher, waswan per- rr^.v n»eTIte suptrbsuperb po>sengerpa>s«nger steamorsteamer EMPIRR,EMPIRE, uln In every InatoncInatonce. m making with WrBlJI tiy** ' ^ th#the revenuereveuu# lor Iheth# financial yearyenr bu .'earnvan* and ilnaeya,iinseys, Buckle*Buckie* «ih. Co; 2J23 pc.pc* bgng,beng, ijI3 coilscol la au8H»ux«vV Baot—Baat—We quote at SfijtlOc. T5a$6,76a$6, ilrai.llrai. kkw itiKm, .a exceeded the s,.iou6,20u ti2a$4 "6, Onlo $4 and FR.AMh8 and a.i.iptco i 7^ in*: J •. ..Ajjj IK. rL, L of„l bbl-,bbl-. stateState $4 62a$4 76, ,JE«^cAiu^j^Y Meekln,MeeklD,Jle. master, will leave os above on DirecUous occumponyoccumpi each bottle In KnglUb and Oer- IRON O'*tochcd Ca«e.', j wtiilorly mateHie 1,1,00on Sunday,IMiiMtay, to addreasaddreae tbethe citizensciUzetif ofOf Cm- ^ " ** W *f“i> B*rt.ey, 3ohu«n,Johnson, afc C^^Cu; to the cltmai*-. fS ' „timateeetimal# nearly 1,500,0001,500,OUO poundspound* sterling,sterluiK. andat.d r"‘J» J" arasa-Weqnote country brand, aa follows: SxlO al The .teamer'. new. ha.1 no eOect on the marten Wheat •h*'’,7 'urtulayaStblnst.,'urtMlay. 5tb lost., at4o»dock,P,at 4 ViMock, P, M. moo. 03^ IMPORTERS OF

cm,n.bli.t«>.olat, at on boardc.nirii or I*.t<> SoleSola Pruprletor,Proprietor, St. Louie,Lnnia, Mo. . . eoe d UKMrkrthous.?.the market bouses. Th.The Com- thattb.t tbetb. .xp.r.«^expenwss badlixd fallenlellet, short of Iheth. esti-rsti- '“‘'3 ’»> *»3 ">*' «• «>• Forir freightt or passrtgepe^stige|.as4oge apply f. J. TT.TI. McLKAN,McLK.iX, Sc vs--*.! vi . « Z i^7smlT “s d““x4"r; rtlie^tlJS. t«m*e.‘ Hunt *» »»> »» -mle. of l»,otO bu.hel,. Weitern $1 16, Gcne.ee $1 2b; r. a» wr»w#wrew. ewxewrvas t*i._ •_i_ ^_ , L FANCY I (>*01161X16X1vrSBu62Xl60 BOGGSBiHiiiS A RLSaSELL.RUSSELIa,RUS.3ELL, or I Fur sale tDIn leJulsvUle,l.ouisviiie.I.oali Cv.,Kr., bfby EDWIN MORRIS?MORRIS. GOODS. S• FUTTlISnigX 0X7116111 For | Ooodi,OoCflA* me.cial,svbicfae.cial,whicfa took sideettdea with tbethe the mate nearly x3^4.0Ull,X3b“.00o, leaving a surplufeurpliis revenue aCo.aCo« 2123 Usbujaan*j«ans and im*ey..iin»rys, SnmhSmith a sbutweii;sbutureli; 1t box,bos, saoitaiEx.Wc.—Tbeonly article In which there ba. 1* not conceded, g Mayor of holder* demxeding an advance which H.II. A. urMKBNIlunMKSNII A fO.4*0. Wbole^aleWh.desale Druggist, No. »aa Main street. w,; 2 | 8breve, Ander»on. m2 — | koiw. iko »"<1xiid Overplus of ^-,-126,0(10^JL'2,5'J6,U(l0. The Chancellor'sCbxnccllor’s k Th.ima.; 13 heirs, 24 bdl* paper, 3 been anyibtng of Imiwrtance done wai sugar, of which DAVIS,OAVISv nVRME,JOMM»OM.*HA.YCE,OYR^E, JUHXEO^q H.iNCF, cityt,Ii- mIB prevenUognrwvm iin. EirklanilM.rkl.nd fromfmw. .p«kmRtpewking.noblnw onbb **'*TJ“' c^omVv^* sale. on,00Obn.bels rye at eofe. Corn I. Improved with mwSldlf k I mly w buaert is tb. chief top, i ol coDv.rsxt.on .monp j - - tl»• L18IRTTf >'*«TI -Irxet,'iRXrr, N.T.,N. t., apkfsate about 300 bhd*. Tbe business has bu*hela at b3»s5c for white, aud 674a68c R K G L L A K P A.\ C K E T . ,2 tbe precHlin^precrffiu* huuiUy,huiuUy, sp.^.speaks wrilm*ell of bun.him. ^ bb'i*'i,ola’iOT»,"^il »,|c „! 37,000 * H.He tb. comoerculcomnercuil circles,circle*, uhI a creatgreat v»n#*yv.ri. ol ‘ 212';' IMFOETXRS and Who;euil. D«feri m Fancy O.vods, amvea, «h1» ! WISTim;wiikim; lota, ex- E.tSTPORT.TL'sl'CMBI.A.kEASTFORT.TCSiCCMBIA.lt FLORENCE,FLORENCE. tTwy,,,. pautERBEAffDlUt'ERBCAN RoosiiRo03tS No. 6174 MAINMaibst.8T. Dodw (inrmonia, SospOTrter^ StMha, y gs lard, I bbl dr, been |>reuy much In limited the largest lale not for ye. low Stirs cf 200 bags cottee— tt.o 9J >91i:, St. FORH l3*TllC L-mJii very ^ an1 very lUht-dranghi steamer Bf-shie,Jeweiry, Mus.cal Instrumeai*, and Napolenu tias, aBirta ot all wh« serere ao Archbwfaop; Hu|ch#f and : opinions are expressed, and it was thouehl that i Gardner a c. The new qnaliilea. Be. aviag I between Third and Foorth, formerly occupied by Mr. J. ceedlng so bhc*. Prl.-e* are a llllle easier. We now . Sugar I* Heady with i f"** potiUngo 8||.-. Marlealbo 94a9|. klKWi;K,i. “cAMPBELtfCAMPBELL, lieorge, master, win ™ Button., Perfumery, P*p-r-Hanglog-, So*p»>.der«,F-rt- '»,« engaged In tkta basiuea. tho .aaa iwoms voai.. pi-ri.ell. It would be rejected in conseqiienc# of th# mam- u- - - - „ „ / ! . anda flued up lu hand- W, Stsne. Iff, have been purchased i ^ quote low fair 10 prime at 44 to 6c by the qnautll.v, and sales of 400 boxes Havaniu, at ftn'lr; 2<0 blnls Orleans ff^BOBWl.e^aa:.-aveave for Tennessee Klver,River, Toesdav,Tnei the 3d Mon.les, Window Si... les. Cm. err, liuns, Pl-*o.«, Clots,, coeaweai i* unaecossorv. a. inoy have wndo «nch ar- *" ““'.‘i froui city wharf. who aro now Waichet, Be.; Threafa, Carp-t Baas, Stationery, Dr. -r rauaeaenu lu Barupo that tBoy 1- enll b« that arrivalb* R R at the hotels,I4ITELN, occasional small sale ot choice le made at 64c. One Inst.,, alat 12 o’clock, M., from the tome style by TBUM AS C. ETTE h CO., ar* rwalviv »f aiwaaa the M.yor’x .cUoo, I an do at 4|*54e. Porto rice A4*6e. .Molasses la umhange ; ^ ’ I?’ Trtmmlnaa, Alik Sowings, Looklag tkia>s»., lac* h- I of echich the minislcrs will resign. ^orirlrelghtIrelght or passagepasaage apply ou bo«board orur^to^to aad ovorr sieaaov tW ekolcsot aoodt iko asMUst eBbril.. uUH'ISVILLB IIOTKI.— M. KEAN. lowest. tnrnlnxtornlDEtnrnini ontout somaeomesome rare apecimem,tpecineoasnectmem, ofot laathetha a-t.art.art* an. sale of Common old crop wa* made under our luo- sales of 200bble Muscovado at 25e, and 100 bbl* Orleans ar with a great variety ,.f usefii ar.leioa, wu will '.e la prcvralinK lairktaDa a . purrhaowr. lro« siteakiDit, caused Xhc Timra, Cbromclc, and Pext praise it, f C.BASOAM. uOTd only .mil to sait.fy tko«a.lvoa ifcni oe- and EutranctEntrance andt Office in new triny SIxlhsixth Me on itreef.ttreet. ! j told oa the beat terrup. ution. In bids we quote hfe. Sale* of reOnod at 7fe9c, ,t2Sc. Sales cf 460 bbls mess pork at $16 26, prime $13 _ Gome all tlghlng lover*, erea* excitement to the city, aad at a public the other London paiien condenm it. JUBN B. OaTIS, i A lOTiCSN eecording to Iiuailty. Malaaaei comlnue* very dull with 37 *uj quiet. Salct of 260 bhls meu beef at $13, and KEGUL.VRKEGUL.AR PACKKT. Come all ye moldeoa d«ar. -e.’iii* rftbe cit«en., a committae was Late wf the Ora el GllVert Rockwr;i k Dav!«. .|- “T"'" Si!!:™,”*,’ j' ’eVrf. a heavy stock pressing on the market. .Not a sal. of con- FUli ORLEA9iB. !, 0«by on the lb h, aod chalked out the Lard la easier with sale, of 200 bbl* at loc. Sale* ^*^'7 If you will have ptetare pleooe yen, JOH.S Be eTRaSt;, JOHN L SMITH, m„Mrs sution,Sutton, d,do ALMun*y,ohiuA L Mun*y,'oh*!!!”*Oblo ao>l niagnlilcent***^n**,^,*‘podsenger steam- i i ry^.a _ Tltenew pw.ipoi.-itod,*.*, af.1 whichWiucu Honaxon, Bellamrixeiiaioy S'orer w“ aequence has been made and we quote prime rebolle.1 Por Ihe poet niae year* with Bowen k McN*m^e. wnoLca*an political MasterMoatrr Snttou,Sattoby do EIrky,Kirk}', | casks shoulders at 64c, hams 9]c aud drm. Clo- .4.* Come and get them here. action. K M ^ doju course of q| go I Wilson,W‘11»ud, t L^C^W^er*^jrjrr KMPKE88,i:U*PHE*!wi, A. R. ma*ter« will S. PISHKB JOHNSON, cliairman, to wait on the Mayor and request him .. nG wW sctiramm,Sctiranim, nN T 3J wW Tuum,TDom, ChickasawChickA*awChickava, nominally 2j(o 2Sc, a few reuil s.les of half Lhla have above ouuu Tuawlxy,Tueodiy, MayMi 3J, at 10 verseed Is nominal. Sales of 6.000 gallona llnaced oil at W®®*.«ave as08 Late with Jou. Steward, jr., k Co« X7MBRELLA AND PARASOL ' WASIIIKGTOV, t.(« wW Evan*,Kvan*q MU*mix* jJ Cook, May 2, M. cm‘ been made at 31 e. Sugar-house we quote at 33c, In Urn- o’clock, A. JI. Cv.arely reach 600 sacksoackA Rio at 9|c for(or good; at the 141 BOGGSBtKiGS 5tbL RUSSKLIe.H Come have yoar plctoree Uken THK MOflTT EXTBMSITB jj r.wriKSfiTi *30 IM TMB WOKLHf * '* M*3r2 pm* tor that purpose. *' ’ ’ *• .nd saya that nothine but a very ttrinxeDt neces- Lin«,ay. vt M Brewer, Wa-hcityWa-h citv _ . I closeclove this price wa* tartlybarely iObtalneU.»0btalneU. LagutyraLaguayra lie andaud Before yoa^re colled away. TSaownieparedto oflar kto cxatocaers aad I SFORTMEN S WARCHOUSE. asTrkaiiis R swan, do . , .. Flour 1* flnuer and in good detnacU with light recelpl-^s ally can justify Lane’s luterterenre in a difficul- i?irr'i:r au PAf'LTPT j It 6c.6c* theeoe—Cheeoe— REGULARK E tf U L A K PACKET.r A L K L 1 1 .<-.1.117 sack as aasortmeat al - Java 13c.13Ce Rice— tn smallemail loUlotk commandscommaode UMkBBLLAB and . _ osv«. a.a.i m^ e.* »-x4i. lO „ . , o Howe k i, Ather* M Toscoloo**, N sales of SOO bbls at $3 60. Whisky I8|c. Pro\islr>Ds are VSiiLS, •>, ty wbich properly belonifs lo the Sta'e D<- »•> N VT _ , . w .. n.3 dx o .14 por ?Jaw ^./rieatia.Orleana PAR whick, ror beaaiy, qaallty, flalek, I I , . V For* or Newxvew Orleans. aad svS- w-^Tx. Western Koserve I* held *1 H4(o»9' . Sperm candles IIE^RT TO>lt:% k I'Oe, (^Th- Louisville Lepon, co.mai.dml by Ml** S E Stone,i.otie,i«oii^ DlMinlofitDBlimoArninctn New , .««jwxjxa .a .ri . .-iwa s.. itekdy—1 50,000 bulk sldc* Sf»ld tt 64c, tlso 6,300 tuU 06neww aud*ud mognlnxo;;nlflcentpa4*eDgerateaiD-flctut powt caa, caasM ka aqoaled ky ear konaa Is ike Caned Siatae. as iubjecl _ ; ^rlment a cf ueffoliation, bav.nR , , , mmr*t ar*m f7~T> ThtThe 203 bKUAUWAT," NRW FORK, oo 6K 0 4 mwxtfmefor ^ I ’ R Graham,,jr.jr, RockRoc Haven 42c. Statin lots 22e, -,1 cent. oB, 4 m.s., and U. O. Parbcll’8 ARaBIA.w Libimkrt Tai- PABI81AN FASHIONS— WaiSLinxCaaeCaibrer.aa, Col. .Mo.naarratt, . cr ROBKRTROBERT J. WARD, MHlerTMiller, moater, wl|l Feid- paraded yealerday, and made a for its object tbe new joint comupssioii •( Sole* ;f 5,030 bushels corn at H' lucludltig j^fcaiiJwJcrG^&J j a iw a i.T aa 1. *- aav I ’ " nocSE- -Bishop k PAuuxa. coab 74 per cent, off: summer presicd 12c. Starch from ^^3®^*leave *4 above an\i« *i>d va-'rt a. c: a 1 a a 6*. for• - „ m Ka-w Monday, May the 9tU at 5 o’clock, P. M. and ioatchlng many a poor itore* at 5|(^6« lo lota. Soap—6c common. | conquering dUeoae taivoble lo every oiarkrt ih*> Unloo, Inc'*th6r w Md F H DennUton, | in u _ enouRh originally, but which the late admiuistra- CPB*b, Md or pas»age apply on board or to - . Fur freight , — grave. powerfully full oaaortmeni of Sp,jrtm* Ammuottloo of all kia J 0 8 Bjdley U I, Lex nowhaeaU—eolee by the dray load olOToandby the sin- \ powerleee victim from the By lu «ion »fier tour years’ futile effort i^^ '• C^TUe CleveUnd Herald aUte. that tUia- I> BnrruQihB, Bullalo «iadyn. quaHIIa. U re- SOc. : l"co: .llmulalln.. peaeuallng, and left gle bbl at klM U&PiMU &Pi M JbaiN J .26 DrS?L yrrr‘"f.lh‘S penditure of money, ULfinisbed and in an "M.^^atoruOTr*^^^ l:..‘ . , J V, i, k Bacon. Buffalo G C Keom WU wl heetjolaia. bag and cabin register at fl. A. Dumcsoll k palaied for belt Letmr use of llmbe which have been - Baker acd Sophia Bain were arretted os embarrassed condition. Miss Kens, wi* MIosM E EUlo, WU Hides.— e quota iraen and iiaen salted at 44®4|c, ' storee the t^apeqChemlea]iyprepar'*dGaoWaf1viJDg'.aL'vx6-sCi Ton ars Kapaet(n.:y TO^ATEH wvv all ststreet.reft. lavHad to mil anU sxamlM THEATER. tioguloraiogular power of reproducing the $un WaddingWedJl:;g U$h, shwcts,»htoet«, PotentPaieni Wire and I'aiver^iI'aiver-ai Car- salted 8®S4c, Missouri flint ll®l2c. A good de- . years, and by HaIt* po^tr •lock hater, (Saturday lari, on tbe ,. \T v] diT I yurcnaaluf. I. SMITH, cbarRe of being concerned ! ». w 3 corry, Ky H Saosett, Shelby John Batei pProprietor. JOHN fluid water It care,cure, all dlseto^s of th. Manufaciarar. WPLew.sNI, do niend, .? PACKET. synovial or Joint H ' REGULAR | tbe murder of Cbrtf U.D. A. Bab/f.iias8AK/Fai)A8 Btage MauAgn? w.'ij cl'*.’-?!cl'k.’ey! o'r’ ij^Xn?”i^rZuT’ in liana Sigsbv. ' . These wo- , j , r .! *!a* n ' u s 3hHT^^^%.vBrown, Sbeiby MIm RobiBoou, do FOR 9iKW ORLEA>N.ORLEA>!4. For and special correspondent of the Herald says A. Treoaurcr.7 i with *arprl*lng rapklUj.rapklUy. rheumotUa f-,;r< i WahserWarner , , . A he lergest sole was 20 Ions fair Missouri W,W. jolnukdnu tUrenv Tomes k Co are the recoaulzedrecoguiied AzeutvAzaat^ Hemp,— j RICHS men lived neatly oppooite tbe bouse tbe MU* P Rubloaoo do 8pU0did p0K>encer te^er SAFES AGAIN. where that tbe President disapproves ot Gov. Lane’s n,w,joQ^ lhe»plneaod epleen it ho* groved luelf a WEaxLEY RitHABDs,cf Luoduu, oaltav* »a nami a g* from rtuie lo the early port of the week at $100 fi tooo pricesPiiicES or aumissiun*AUMISSIUN. , ^rOT^OT*^"a*‘“‘' Mio* Bume, Vo KC LIP8K, Sturgeon, cummaDder, will leave iMttK w . .* x.? . floe a**ortmeni of hi* G"m4« a$rtl a*e aiso itretmrad to murder was committed; they bad a quarrel with ; course la regard to New Mexico, and is deter- Mast Burn’e, and for ofleclion* of the lunSKllTer, and kidney* Va W L Turner, Vo There have been seme small sale, within the range of ouneatM«\e onoo the following day*,davs, vU:viz: I r/»eci>c, any ^^'Tdren ?n.?vT I2*?!!™ to' uke ordor- Iw Guu-j from Loudon uoker UeT^. ly , WILBER’S lo recall him. C Cniii, Ind J 9 Ewtog k I, lod at 4 o’clock, P. t ay the tiUi o>o* May, M. > valuable aud powerful auxiliary, ol*o for all tbe deceaaed; iieir bouse was doted for several our quuialton.^, which la $106(«$105 ton for fair togoc-l Becotul Tier FiHay mg ^ uu*: Qot have on hand. ' K A carbarn, N AiD n M* Dolly, Ind ^ at 4 o’clock, P. PATENT , Saturday, tbe 2l! 3, wMw! bc presented freight or pa?«*ge apply on board or to For bmUeo, cranips. wouudp, chilblains, Me$tr9. Sfeorw* -Warvm, Jkcr foser* fo JbcA r#-.- lity. block light. the new Con.edyCoiLedy of NaIUBKXaIUBK ANDaNI ART, or leled. Sprain*, # . aton, her passage to Ogdetisburg. Out ol fifty X The BKNKDICT k CARTBRor . on _ w,. . RXCRANGBwvi-n**.-,-. noTBU—nnvi Hai.l k AUCTION SALES. B.NTLBMKN—On th« nlghl of the llth ay Eclipse. Tins steamer expected to Bledsoe. Bar Iron we Old School and the New—’HUuu.ou. Geo. Frederick 671 C. BASBAM. burns, etc., are speedily cored by :t. The u pE,^i,l^grs aod tbe crew, twenty-two were saved, l&OK, MCTAiaS, NaiL8, LEAD, kc.— Y entire Mock, eon*1»tln« el aio, cnndleo, whim lews, g g bbott, KashviKoobvl' P M Stonbury, K Alb ^ a w .... a aH Tvi a Aocu*>tuiiAngu-itUB WaimsleyWaim»ley (a bov of th**th«* NeNe^• School), MG* early lo-nigfat. including tbe captain, the mate, tbe purser, quote at 3}c; best charcoal bloom at 4|c. Pig Iron BY S. G. HENRY A CO. rubber-aprias* and p^felBg, oUe a very grem qaaniHy e# arrive She passed Memphis and j p w.ihi,elhl, cm BGUaa-,Mo Bateman; Frank Mountain (• .Menard, the etdert Ptter one \ of smso a.nd si'kMXR UkV <;i«>u8, palm LEVi- otoav mxbnnms.,^ >•>. at mobthe, without Intereet. Miss Kate BateaianBatvaian ^ «»»h. “** *•* boat was a psb.rmaji.DC li held $10,^45, 4 SebooSebou ), AAfter which, tbe I PACKET. bunday ei'ening. bite will probably tbe tetUers of Ithnoit. HATS, CAPS. k... at ACCTION. coutalnlng my book*, wo* in tho holteal port of tho flrs new Comedy, written *-xpre-9>lyexpre-aly forfo the The new andana onefloe passenger steamer I Batvmao , .. shore. at the hlghetil figure. ».to. . . . _. ,, , mile and a half from The upper deck L IVrrtck, Chicaao W Snyder, Trimble co A email Bale of Tenoeesee yesterday fT*7^' and everything tn It woe «aved tn tho * moat perfect cendl ij' ot live Br itber*itberff l * H. Bunce,mot‘ter,wiU pleoAure to odd my tettlmony to the vlr- ’pu-MORRoW kiiH.SlNii (Tuealay), as 19 ic'cln k, tri; iitotdc days. Tbe E left N«w . . . sa.w .. S.R CblWreuChildren by the Maybew, of the oodon CY ROBINSON, J* | ft give* me m.a 1 , totally destroyed in fifty tbe J H wheeier, l.agrange H L Tldrlck, Iowa ir~%ir TT? lion. 1 ooil Qood tho gn^ for * moif m, at onrh, m>uutes, and We itlll quote tinplate In lots, ic $!3, do. in $14 76; we wu; sell, at A«4 cii F 0 *rAM3 oaB tho ' J. 9 fr-^h Punch,PuTicb. called HKBHER ROTAL HIGHHIGIIXESd, or THE ^®^®"^*lv4veWi®m“leave osa* above, on every WednesdayWeaneiday andauJ o( kor- B , a ;y of MUs M MoCOfilin, Modleou | y.ur great madlclae. Ona my Wooded box ' if motche* neod to tight It woe. le til leana on Ihufsday evening and will leave here drifted off shore **•?“*? aaeris^u^ble Dry GgoJ,. In tbe lot w.i; t?e a* onr emmsm^ p u» bull and went down ui two i 'i roofing Uu ic $13, do. ix $14 76; Booca tin 40; Brazen NewNlw Svstem— eopriHlna,aoprililna, Mlt*MIh* KlienI Batfman; Saturday. founil— W UUoniP tlU* M* | l*t>» tkm «ofe, mr 1 ce ne l a. er’L. J _ I J 3 a P , M Vl W Jouee, Pratikim “ad a swelllug over the said and some Stik-: BatemsD.Bateman, lu the course ofuf iteComeiy,it o Cou the »llm !•I. S*3. MOORHKAD.MOORIIItAD. sli. of a ben’s eg*. Soma it wa? a sprain The boat belonged to the Northern railroad com- a wiiiett. Msade K Price, : .a' .^,s ... S.S? ^ama.1 -aa-s. .k E Ml al9 dim wheto stock fhoc hod nut Ihe ! G Meade bd e B74, 6d i and 4d * $5 mork of Are vyoo them. 101 8 $4 6.4, $4 $6 874, 874* BatemanB*t**man .... Blue, blacky so>l disc (.oiorej d >. ranieiU”rantelU’’ by the ChildrenChildn-n Peiformance r,;^ . ' by _ tow ,^ 7, TT It wto Ihe Joint water from in. ka.a and eonld not tor and was fully insured. 3 I, Cannhers, Bar.i«twn J W Barclay, Ko-eellvl I that Cafortanose y mo, yen hove here hod proof of tho . pany Pig and tar lead we now quote at 64'4ti|c for the will commencecommeuce with the Farce Mll.-dcant'd THIS niFLMi IkL'v’T AMI? WUnliTirVdT Black Lace M^t' and Gl-’t v»; H M McCrack. n, d,i TOUTH L/llEiiVi ri.'7X 3X1,1/ OniflViriOl goodnms uf yonr SoUmonder*. to fyTbe Empire ia expected to v rive early _ W R Oscar, Danvi CIIEAPLnT AND bHORiEoT lined Wl cedar on it awl an th#llnlma>U Gent’s and LodaVa* Ki G. ve«; iho perfect mkttonciiAJk PiTTSBCXU, May b|one, Mr. O ^ WU.te Rtt '.*t a»>l .MaL:-.a R.Lh..i.>; owkk’S hotel-w. b. owe\. I xA Chap- tried B. Far- | frlctels, G. j ^ by periuoston of uiy J iheu, LBWLS M. BATCa. ‘ fer 70 Ltoeo Glpkbam» on 1 fancy M i'.iUa; momirg in the City Hall. A large nimber of bEK. White Uod $2 (!i^$2 26 pore, and $1 60is$l man; Mr*. PeuiOoDt,Petiibone, Mr*.Mrs. Chapman.Chapman? , Laiayute Dewee*, m BT.Mor, C Ky Between the East and West. r.U’? Arabian Liniment, ami I w.. happy to dnd U ukt RlpkaCu'ioDaie, ai»4 Sinpes 't. Office open from 10 A. M. to 1 PP. M. and from M Huge k I, Ky keg f«tr No. 1. I BkPNKT, M»x., Doc. tSBB. M securing 7, 8 H Cole, n 3 to 6 P. M. for «eat». C Naval 8TOBE*.-We continue to quote rosin at $2 60 nectlon with tbe BaLTIBORK ANO OHIO RAIL- ^l«», wm Ih. a Rrta. of Dry Good. •>! IsaacIsa ac BMDaE,BBuiaE, Isq.,Bsq., New Orleam^Orlenne— ^ ^ j ^ £ i It Is decidedly the icreaieat Uni- J Reynolds, city * lm»l enilrely. ‘ ihlnk D'Or ®$3 2u, according loquomy; pitch at $4,audur at $4 precisely. ROAl>,si Wheeling. Through tlckeu by this line to Suieiriea m*uaUy kept !n a Urg-f CAUury ^tore. ^ We tend yon ek.eke of R*Rv:.s:?S k Cu.'eCu.'« B.f.'s,Btto's, J M Alexander, Ind meat for horse os well os hnmAi flesh I ever knew. Diedtried 10in the flrwflro »n*n ouroor town ’ Baiiliuore, WauhiUgtun City, ocd PhllodelpbU, COO bt Ttnua, coah. S. G. UKaNRI k CO., ekok the auhhl Ao«»etAngnet thinThio oo.ftrt TTurpentiner, tom,i«to ooc^ga*ion.»to i«n I Suilio I, ; W J k Ky Msdlson,Modlaon, and ’ d2 Sofo ••••d«toed *•on extremeexrregm keo*hens «*of a* !ar#eInrro fra»eframe SPORT OVER THE OAKLANDOAKLAND. I prucurexl from the agent* In Lonlevllle,Loo!*vlIle, Tremont,Tremunt,TazeweUTazewell co., UL,111., March 16, mt.lS4t. m2 Anei:noeer». hatima#,hntMtnk, f»tk — — — ^hichwhich itIt . naeed oil from the mill 62*66c, according ' - waeaaed,woe need, J T Steffee A 1, Fronkrt P B EIIU, Betlvl Oil*.— | Cluclnnaiy, ororunboarJon board the buou.buots. Uavlug mode perma-por(na> _ aorroukdedsorroondod by a qaoautyqnaaiity efof beggbogg neyngy , a-w . to- I<. ^ 3o«r,Soar, ^pe,^>pe, whUky, owlamt OrMAOa No. M to* Steadman, do D Smith, city totu ticket ibrough,ibrougL, the iravelllng public ! 3t CO. mmanya ny othoeothor oo«h«e|ibieoomhneiibie W I arraugemenu HENRY lo quantity, and from itore 67c by the bbl. Pure ca»iur V -y-^V oentoentarraugemenu ! PalsuPalsy or Paralu*u.Paralyses. onW Th# Cooperative UDion of New York city pre- Rev HcPheeier*,MePheeters, VerraUle*Verrallle* tT M Murray, city will flni^ It greatly to their imcreet, gulug Eoal ur Weet, , |nHw.stU.,oot..,lH>,6,I,g...»nhy4h.,na..Uy. Taa.w...Tazewell county,count] imnnl., * T.’^rnl'xVS^^patronize thl* line. TbThadens,Odens, .1ef Mud L.k,creek, towDsaui, Mr. Jo4io Bmne, received ’’ — ; to Byour sented their delegate. Smith, who was admitted - i «#, aiwf here certify {J I Sperm Oil $1 lo^$l 6d; taanere’ oil fi bbl] charteredebarterfil are r#-re- -y tho* thia I* oko ef »be J Jj $26^$80 Line being a company tii for ihaatbaa a , btM Sofea we ha»w £j*riier'^flie CulunUuluo ' *4,,; had loet the use of my arm mere o*. .. ..“I?*..- ^ telegraphic dupatcb from Vicksburg last nigbt *«> • temporarily in the convention. Afier hM oalvsby,OKleaby, cityCity Tbreikeld, dudo IHE U^tKEANU R.UEh rrgulaiwn. aa to Insure Bultf'ms Roots of .fncluin. saea. Ail other Mteo, exw^ thm . , LLTTbrelkeld,T lord oil qulra 1 by law to run undvr sneh make, proved wocih- I for a pure article; S2a86c In lots. paralysis. Th. dsab tmd snUr.ly wlU;- di8CU8a*oii, r«olution Strain, *1,"^ Mondsy lu June and couttoue p06»euger». , ^ lee*, 0* :oB bow oe proven on the raiiM. a lafety to tbe live* of ownouDcmc tb« iwmmful mt#Ui|r#iice of the 12 a«taURetailBtot.n saios.toito. fromfff-i-sm theth«*>!• I ! OIL Caee.— 60 throughoutinroogooui the weekwre* forlor tbe followingroiiowing purKts: buae. , V/ me me away leaving nothing but skin, mu»clo, and C Ww Mobiy,Mobly, indInd nII Gr winter»muhWlntertmiih ka«. 1,I, kyKy a jlj^^l* t*t» the only line ruunrunning la cuuuectloncuUuectlon with1 ered To«ro ree^eetfoilv, to,. w ^ a, . owinjt to circumMance* exiitinK m N#w ^ ork ATcrton ruuoi*, a \uporb atsurtia** I Qen Strange, Bowling Gni II Clapp* St Lou ' mill of ground at 46c bushel. let Ds>—Galt House Stake for 3-, ear old*—mile heat*; Baltimore and Oblo HatlruodHatlruod. all the remedies 1 could WORTHINGTON de.tb f hit briM^-i.^1.- Mr. S. P Swine^ a thee ] tried all ihe best doctors and of Perpetua Muh-, on 1 Cllxtiog EA’9es,C* R CO- , ,y , „bti^.ng in other localities, the Union | 'll Clarkson, closed line arei .ntlr.ly new and th. XL^ro’n.lirrJL™ M ^‘JlSrt^'orKP Ky PkOvisioNs AHD Lard.— xcessive duUnebS b*' with nine entries— $100 entrance—$6U Cj-Th.f^The ste^vrssteamers of thisihi. lln. , Mas, Rc..c„u.t,t .4 of- I , coouii.iic«l th. city, also it expedient orgamzalions - - ** ^* '- ^ I promioeot Bcrchuit of that Uid of deem two should exist » • Merchobt* oaJ r a t ...... aiher c D AU-u, Sreenshg kFBwkrr,B F B >oker, Ky lurieu.forfeit. largest,lergest,rffMt. fastest,f6-tt6rtt. safest,fiafarita aud»iiJ mostmofft supefbsnuaib ' oat*?iat* ever bolltbnlll ; - v... i- i m taiereotad la the tnioTTmea 4 . -I a sw,a i. -i^s V a . — -.1 I t ..... 26 dtrT.’reu: kmi* Hytiri 1 R,»«cs ef charau.erized the pork markei. Not a sale worth men- Llnimemt, and a boi- there subordinate to tbe National Union. d P FFnir.**, Ind s8 Dunaidwn,UolUtdsoo, imlID>1 p^y—purse $200— twu-mile heats, for all beaten oo the Weetem waters, and are cumpo*ed a* foUuws, viz: u«e of B. G. Faiioll’s Arabian tew towk* oed pepere from Are ere reepeafully reqaeeeed ^>qg Orleus, wnere be was one of tbe firm of 26 du du Perpemaido; ^ w ; tlonlng, wlih the exception of about 100 bbls M. O. at • A. Murdock, Sunday, 8 P M. os coil Ol the viore ef the aeien lgneit and peveoe 1 A warm disciUMon followed. — ——i— KORRST CITY, Capt. oee entirely cared me, and my arm Is now »troof iS do lu Mu6* Ru«e*, new kiou, • aem- »s. c ,1 berof eertlflfotee similar to th* -Winey, Oreeo, A Co. Mr. 6, wai a genlieman uO, took place during the week until yesterday, when trance free. DAVID WHITK, Capt, Wm* McLean, Muo«la«, 3 P. M 26 du du do do, Rrmv’ntatile'; ohuve, ex«emMag wv«t p«,ding a motion fo amend by granting the i $14 and fleshy os the other. flrst-rate for boms, MARRIED,MARRIEDp hi Day—Louisville Hotel Slake for 4-year-oMs—2-mlIe BALT1.MURK, Caot. William Ciark, Tuebday, 3 f. M e period of tew years. No book, paper, ur Jocameet j# fullest accep'-ation of that term, extensive- Csmeilsay Axal oo; Dwsrf oroui.*, in the !*• W*ls mv*» were uken at $lu 25 and 160 bbls tn two I any d application of tbe Cooperative Union, the con- On thetbe InsU,inat., by the Rev. w.W. w.W. Bveret,F.veret, Geori.eGeori. i heat-i— $300 entrance, $60 forfeit—cloaed with ALVIN ADAMS, Capt. G. W. Norton, WednetMlay,3P. M. sprains, and bums. eeqipewa hoe ever beea thjured by flre la eay ed | Hbu odendran*; N o.:rv>l>a.« V. Ri and mi*§Miss these vofea. veiition adjoarned. R'‘thebfokdthebfokd Mary L.«L.. daughterdsnghier uf JohuJoi lou at the same, which is a lecllce of 26c hbl. ThU I six entries. VIRGINIA, Capt. Charles V. Wells, Thursday, 3 P. M. i Jy known, sod bifhly estoeaed. We beard oo a Permit Tree*. Venu., Tree-*; Vtrre* 'le Oerr^^.re, j b.ggert, K»q., alt of thl* city. ' LooJt out C#tin/er/ei/s.—The public ore cantlooel Aa ossertmee t -t the*# Safe*, B|«sruKjq^^ for | w'th . 4ib Purse $400— 3* mile heal*, Cspt. Bam. Ms»un, Frhlay, at 3 P M. wltboht Day— I FALLS CITY, ont aad Ta.e*a ' The National Union will be in session some asking price >e»terUay and the market was vtry GlDgohekobar Forty Doalir Tree; reUleilof him Ust nigbt which i. worth . Pewder-Freof L^chs ead Joees^i onecdoU f th Day— Purse $160—mile beats, 3 best lu 6. THOMASBWANN, Capt. Juhn McLure, Saianlay,3 P. M. ^gginst another counterfeit, which hoe lately mode lu P1n« Mslru.'t Auara.i>*l9>; powder towef l^ka. Ball 1? to j be pvcii on edneeday niEbt : tiioch .. < dull. Bacou has nut been In better demand. i fur „ , ^ 4 A A W The $tb Day— Purse $tK>0— 4-mUe beats, with au Inside suke Fare fron. LouUvllle to BaUlmure ^ale at th* Depot, 14$ Water vireet, aad at the Facto- rTpeatUeis. Mr. bwiney wai itandini; al DIED. Parrsll’s Liniment, the Bulbuu^ Ru it* s-d F-ower See>l«; appearance, called W. B. Arabian ’j the . , ry, curaerc« ef Avenue by PitUbure Uiaon. .a- pflBcipal sales were 40,000 pound* pork-house «ides at • $300—closed with 4 entries. Fare from Louisville to PUilalelphU or Washing- A ead Si. Mork’e Fiaee, Mvw " ' I J — v-,_ " In CarrolCarrortriii.lOT. Ky.,Kt . on SundayMundAvm.rfninffmurnlng, MayIImtIry1st, MlWr< | ooor Ml New UrOrLaanalean* witnwith a number ol inend*friendi „ ****“**/ ^* *®®“***^**^'* ^^“** ***• *“’“ 9TR4RNH a MARVIN, I day, being invoice . the an , , LvevL*C\ s.muh UAsraiv.,llAWkiNY, w»ewire o»of d.D. Ilmkie,Hinkle, i 74c, 30,000 pounds shoulders at flu, and 1,000 piece*pieces bulk I ?11? at pre^t rrom the huu.e - f Baltimore, Ue G.g. d! Hinkle/ K»q.lK»q*9k*? I ?2 May 1. i ill be two stable* from TennesKee, two from Fore from Ctnclnnatl to Baltimore ...$10 00 an ceeesers toRlch R Co., 14$ Water street. New Terk, a«ed^2-yv.r^ | iQg tbe name o? Farrell, many wlU buy It in good faith I M. Mortm a Co., lBp'.*rte«J frum Fn aroni.d him. One of them, noticing a valuable Side*, »elected, at $6 80. These lots were bought together thesaly maker* uf Salemaaitor Safe* Loul*laus. one frem Alabama, one from Virginia, and i Fare from Clncluoatl to PuUalciphU or Wodthlng- la iha UhlMdStatem knowledge that * counierfelt txl*t*,aad are r^pecifuUy ovuad I 00 without the 1 cotoWmni WiUer m R»oh’» OtoewtaT I *°**4II breaetpui worn by Mr. bwiney, asked that be Galveston dates to tbe 21st. The survev of the by a dealer atd curer; also in the early part of tbe week one freui Ohio, lo attecdaoce. With the great number ton City ^ ^ LAWr aw NOTICE.wnTir-p training In Kentncky, good sport be An oddiUi.ual charge of ouly $3 for StateitoV.'ili" they will p.h .OTlydl«.v„thet,«r.rwhen h..pu- f?* StOTm?Steam* ak Marv:.r2:121n:,7*Morvjo, Salamagiler Safe Mom^eeurerm J»or*e* may >n Wetlnesiay mural:! 2,600 «tr.extra sugar-cured FurX-hous.purk-house b.m.bam* at kUcI0|c rackvd.packed. | CT be iD.de tb. recipient of it when Mr. S. Grivejton rxilroRd ha* been re?ume-tiD. TLe , I la a safe et the Fair la I milb ooc ejtccptiOQ, who requeBsedto bg permit- in»nr*nr- Companv i*o 26 dirtmetwiiu cLarge. I B MoOllHKAD, rell, sole Inventor and proprietor, and wholesale drug- BY S U. HENRY St CO. imitoa. darlag e perma of tone- 't^BCHAXTh’ LOL'I nVILLE I.^Nt‘KA^l a 4 O. . Gatette that the Indians nr# Kecoimirc d#- I side?,,idc*, 9c f.*rfor clear sides,sld.s, and lOlqallcI04ittllc forlor plain-boggedplain-bagged uyi I ! ^ ]u6dtf Agent, Lou1»viUe, Ky. 17 Mala street, PeoUa, llUnota, to whom all Largt SiUy/ G'0autiful compliiDeRt well ner- Mhe j o a of isIS dear 12 Paid in, SrRPLVs. fliif isog g and and a iors^ a#M* nt : <- Bonkero,Bookero, 1853 yuu get;et It wUh the Utteriletters H.B. G. before Foneli's’^tho*,Farrell’s—lhu», ond•»« a#w FumUnrejFuruithre, jor 00oc- jumtjuut nvat Jewelers,Jcweiere, *adaad MerMercchh laail am caa hebe gasylledsupyiied withwi:R I Au.ttou.rrs, »-uU rnurn hi? ?luwe thanks tor . ini; coto. io Fort Belkuab, were detained a* O. shoulder?shoulders ttat about th.the same tlgure?figures These must now be -^v _ WILL continue to maketosurance en hulls , of irrUrrf. ***' '*^‘*^» •*'*'' ... a .... Steamboat*, on Cargoes per same, on Ve*- '' ' .-^*'[‘5**^ sel'tog^Rrai I*i^eVn’*ti*e oty*sn^vlt considered outside quotsltons,quotations, and we now quote should- , i’ioM WRECKwrxck C4F.-I . ^ SAVEDSArKD FROM in*THE OFTHBok thb 8TIAMKRst.am.r car - '^Z AklliKlliXin XJUliliAXto AXiciVi/UXFXi. j ^|||4^ THIRTEEN DOLLARS THROUGH- I *11 otheri are ccunterfelU. d3«'T 14$ HW WU# and CDUdren, ro*# upon th# fuaid, wi’n - year*, n« G aware of a r*'jkuri that Is lo ctrcnla- ers ribbed sides 74c, clear side* 9c, iroaXIA.iroaXlA. Woier sireM, Mew Tort. at 6^4^}6S>64c, bams 10(^I0(3i 9C9l^~rrom Atlantic and foreign Ports, aud also on I j -4,1 — >OTICKS. Splendid klll#d S#!itn.e| 1 lUal on arcouM of the great lacr. atve louiforlblf gross, or single at railed if,*- hrCAMBOAT — Tb# n#W his warriors, nin# in number, lb# Ouo uf hU bn^l- tuUdingf», Rc., against damage fire. MOSl Safe, llltQp, UUd Route | Soldbytheduseo, botUe Ue WK'.'XfcjDAT MoaNiNG, M^y4ili,at J 11c; DutUeld*n..mwLU sugar-curedan-.r-rnr-ai I24c.I91r FromRrrkfn tbeth- eountry#^.s«n,r* weWto by ...... to. D. sS. BLNKDICT, Pre*ldcnt. ru 1... ,b«. ... I a , ,, o. $ut.?M«ucai$Ute? Medici Agency, Mo.Mo.»oF»avthatr«.t,«.H.*0 Fanrth atre.l,B. H. Hay- Cities,Cities. i rieune, Empre.?, W.Uih,, leave, foi ' the EasteruEastern h-U ,« News- tTsl," „to quote shoulders 6F.46C, ribbed aides .ic, c.ear sides 8f To \ ITOoag^ Rlovuil To FumitUTe Bnyero. ^ iis.s r,'.r.,sr7ri; a Wji. PBATIItn, Secretary. ' • ’ ” y the CINCINNATI .M.VIL LINK s?nd CKvClNNATl craft, agent, and by regularly authorised agents throughthrough- ; t„ yi» v uotic. that h. ii r.sdy , ! oOLUi.V’^'AtiiAn'MeO tabl, Flociatlun M-.*.4C9.i,*?, OrkaDf this eveuin|(. Tbe Empress M ooe of I ^ and PITTSUCRiiSTKAM P.VCKEf LINK to Pitts-! . 2. sooally to sal— of Hval Kslat* B ont thebe CnltedUnited SUtes.States. 9 dodu d?*d«i do;du; ^ .. . , . PlIILADXLrjIIA, May | 4i ^ . ,, , , ““ •>«" Peuusyivauia P H 1 T'l H 1 ^ themoe' elejianllj- fimabed knd furijohed passen- .itb-r in th* b. cufion. BenJ. J. Adam*, burg, thence by the Central Railroad '* *' *^**^^ ’’ W . house? ..“Tl? tr'c.'irciu ot h.rk!i\“^^^ i - aw. *' , , ...... orcCu.r"“i:ri _ ppnc** Su5u *?•“" ^ IVflA^vVJOj ' gypne- 26 and cents,7 and ^$1$I wperpar boula.bottle. '» "• it the United I of coontry In keg* tu I'Ullodelpbla and Baltimore tn 19 hour*. “rtoufly , *>fa1r ,.vo„.”favorp.” very firm. Sale* prime for shipment I A. A. Gordon, Wm. T. Bartley, tb^mgh w»> boat? oo tbe river xnii ha? nroved herself to n,,qoeld and „„00 wowO picLe-,[tie* IlwMBa-Moitludi r* > P*^ _**’*^°*_' Louisville through to Philadelphia or AGENTSfSXrS WANTED In every town, village, sodsad hamlet SffORCkWRy IV. l3*Farefrum . 47S in thu city and is not rxpecteil to Ij^harge*iT^charse? moderate,moiirraie. aDdand ehi ill In all car*-* be to the **• Wm. V. Hite. (17_ 15 g. <^1 s^l 3hai««;Shaiev; , 7., States Hotel 10c. Dealers are paying ‘>^»4c In bbls and ^4<^9jc in j | _ Baltluirtre thirteen dollar*. fasleat, "'‘''-r. all dlm-t thee United States, In which one It nut already estob- 10 s.-fn*.,<*. Frua-cu di*ih«e»id i*ih«e»; tbe I In be -De •• wfaicb is a irreat considera- five tbrougb tbe nigbU ' ; IV^.iULD tavito the eiieattoa of 'tru^geya vialtiaE ^ counuy. ‘ cket* tu be bod ou board Clncincatt mail packets, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. gt-rg. N*wT*rUU hi* ar«e eoaortmeag IKl'Paad.M.luaira.— Pittsburg 3 and A. llshed.1. Address H. G.Q. Farrell, os above,obovv, accompanied ef tjoo With travelers. Capt. Wilson is a polite- Potatoes and Omurs— t. a dniy. M.vhauock GLOBE 1 9i,l RAM'S CiOMl'AMY,CiO.Ml'AM tl"Li*lrrains leave at 11| o’clock, M. 4 a r**^* i'. Y, I York, May ^ S*5^k** i?**8*"^*'~ Uti* line are tbe largvBt, fastest, sorest, with reference character, respoa*lhlUty,responsibility, Ac. S 75.' UTICA, NKIV YORK. 1 Tue steamers of good a*os to Wiih ob in^luJinvulu.* uf psiorr.! B.i.seub* RItH i.\B TLil^ Fl R3IIT[Rf, * ’ In at bbl, ^ oa Tiba. the putatoe? can b* housht lot? •? and unions al . . gentleman and has happy faculty of makinc book and job printers struck for lii;;ber iosfi ntur bois do dodu* ruv, aud*>»i “<>nioBt tiuptrl) ve»>el* now mnnlug in tUe W«Bt~all <»# richaww Tbe '’'’j* Authorized Capital 300 000 s7d4wRw4d4wRw4 A>^>A I a largeiarse lot of toe GrAtvA-riv,GrvtvA-rivh, «ulaul ,.uc. .fwl amt wucamaiia'**engers bo* been pr>- at 2, comfort ^Oii A lee, and fuehsneh a olcevtoeacnlcovtoe ^ ^ri.e porticuiaroafticaiar s'tMitu.Qs-ibuiii.q i •..-uib .. we forth.for the abov*-namMabove-nam#’! 'lompany,>;oai|'»ny, and I?Is now IY*0ll What HatJ—HatI— ihvibv :.ul« .. . ai—i lu Piano-Tortes with BILKui.i.vt d vn..u .a 5<*»4<‘>a. p.r quality. PMith.ra quote at at 40c laprowRd AcUOB& NT k THOMAS. thu sole. \>r>Ver> manymouy >f ar-T ' ; -vred *r ,aieeiu«. r-* to-day-'a Bail boat (or St. Louu. Slie leaves at The priotrrs employed on tbe moriiine paj>ers B|H^3ks to taks rlskeon hulls and cargoes ItAi; !l!i laIs **punkl*s,”**punkl*s,’’Ul*hall-—ihi* hall-—4t4ti*,e»'ltheis, o»i the menmeothaithat uo — MANTF eC'Tl'RaD oy A. $AA8raiiX> _ from th. country and from store. ainsenx w. STATE, Opt. M. W. BeltzhooyeR, -‘-I » —» aii'i vebsels BL'CKKTR Ity and in eoud urdrr. V o* Bteamboats oal cargoesof by sea, struck to-day for ' to . to .to . a I A i. ( IioD in defence oluf tbe New Yorklork co operativeopera'ivi - _ 1_ | "un”'.ur“ BRILLIANT, Capt. K. J. GRacl, Leave* Cinciunatl un Buoday* tlce tbehabOTaflclalbeneficial iMnlUreeults tocruingaccruing from th.the lncrto.lngl&crea:>log / vn .tETXRNOO.N, an H nor areomtnadatimia far pastecfert. union. Tbe meetinjr then adjourned liil to I NURICN.— **®®' TniRSDar May 6. at*.'.:., a, ..

! LITV t:0>1PA8l\. . . . FALLA IMSLRA8ltE riTISBr UGH, Capt. IIUOH CA.MracLL, SARSAPARILLA ANO IRIS wlllbei), «o the prem>ba>, that vatojble prupvrtf 8«4j ‘.rams fri-hh Smyrna Fr.'s; Tallow— carce and we quote at S|^9c, tale of BLACKWELL'S maker oe to AoTloa axo ton£, PIANO , occordlDg Briumore,of tbe Uuoo Line, it fhe pack- morrow. OS i Office Nu. 416, north *lde Main *t., oppusiie LuuUvllIe aeahssT Tiie j Leaves Ciucluuaii oo Muiulay. luu '*0 flu Ui do; one of the mtot pl.toant, lafe, and afllca- hnu«aa-’U>- Pll.vo. himiiar .im. now at aw ln^toJwv. 4 to quality. Hotel, bet. Sixth and SHvemh, Louisville, Ky. TKRSICOLA, | ME3SKNGKH NO 2, Capt. John KLlNErELTLB, «t fur M beeline, and. a. reearda .peed and ac- 60 *"£"Puics L«5or RaiBlns; j Vo„„.„er General^uttmg down 16300,000, ef which B160,000is Leavoti ClDcinnail un Tuesilay. dll <16*0 rt.ua .Itccatlcto exunu Go rtgh. .trmxht mtd buy . | ,5S100 du do; Tobacco.— ho market bos cuntinuea very firm wuh MR j paid audsecared. _ commodatiotw, bae no superior above tbe falls. . bottle, linear yuu—and nil will 6e welL Depot teent*', t«> a NKfoot aliKy. I keep ^ 100too *4 d.Uo do do;du; heavy bales. Darlog the latter part of the week prices Comluue to Insure Mercban- U. S. MAIL DAILY LlaNI;; Al Lot Is29 reel irout uO Main -:rcel 196de#p, tui coves Pr io glass i Third sireot- near Jefimoo, and con Tbe Geore* Campbell, Capt M.tcbril Caargr, 6 cj«. BorteauxBordeaux Frucee jan; dlse, No- 94c weei sldo of ,,, were ti»t so full, but It was <>wtug to the quality and nut Stuck, , agaluet lo^s when BETWECN 2> fool ailer. j 2 do do do ID fancy boxes; | iRvtr Patent ^ on Bteamboats or other Deoaio^aiv iruag' u d? Elastic Palt MatUeasM, ‘ ! 31 Lot Is 28fev: front on M.i'.i i.reet by : .• * leav.a to-day forTeoneeeee river. Tbe Camp- 76 ?«:k.t-eckb ?otisoft ?h.llbhell Almunds;Al tuawantof cooflleuce lathe staple on the port of bur* . LOUISVILLE and S.A.INT LOUIB. 19$d *epc ! jOO appltcan’a from ** good vessels, by Uver, lake, sea, (madb c.ndbs New York, and — MHIMB slier •-,< 30-fout alley. a .-bw abb rxeruAB raocBs?,) le bog* Broxil-Nut*; ere, A tuusldersble portion of...the sales was old crop. f - On and the Ui uf Flb- bell IS a neat and comfortalde boat and com- { canal, and railroad routes, or on any of tbeoavtgaole u next, a regular SALOON, BOo Lot No. I i- a large ol i iub-taui.s. tw«--:v' SUE ^ toeether, are to 10IS do Freo-hh Filberts;F. iot, ij RU A a V DAiLV^4Mig|M ICBX^AM Tbe sale? f.r the week have been 629 hbd», against waters uf the commercial world; also agsl *t lues on 747 ' | On-I Wood bUlldiOaC- maniied by a eentieman wbo fives Ibe strictest 16 do<*< KogilibKogllbh waioWaluutSy carrying tbe U. 8. Mail,^^^^^* . NO. 86 fifth STREET. , h„i Hull, ®o: steamboat- tod other good veweU. also agalust‘ Private Dwellings, Hotels, Steam- .va?..u. , i>n Lots Nric?. 2 an I 3 art fra!u ’ ii‘l!n|!*. 600 e«(>hel* Peauut*; same «c-k l.it aul tb. i.,ul ^ale.o^ tbe ».mu,n, i u,atovm. .ad St. Louie, ea.lng Lon- twu b> lossP""? Fire on BaUdlng* Mercbandlhe property,““‘f ^ ll. hCHULTHK^% hega leave to oanuunce to tke atfe. -mu ,o U.inem, arri wbo, hi. by and and A'. w be added-.- by enerej-, I ‘S60 ’hh‘i?Ttx!:rp“rn.;bbls lexa* Fecaus; jgvllle, a* follow*- xH U boats, l^ps. Ac. ^ ending ‘With the 30th April, x I . , mouths), have been 7,4(3 bURGK, Prebldent. cltlsena of LuulsvlPe that bis Saloon, which ba* re- C : Fuller 10 o’clock* l good doable ued42 inch BolMr; Steamea Jacob Staadlr.^^ 1 fi# CiociQnati 26 t.Mstihls Indisr^alDdisr*a du;du, PIKE, Capt. W. Fa .....Monday, style elegance unsurpA'**ra hese beds, tugvtner with ia>LsrKRS,pfu.ows* Rc#4tflUDod8tifk|^ ^ippoeiDoii hbd5, against 9,070 hhd* same time la*t year shewing N. C. SUMMERS, Secretary. i ceutly been fitted up in a of I — «« I Tucker Tuesday, 1 uprizbt Raxiue, $..nch r):i*v.er. toi f**.- 76** buxet ire-h Fude Crackers, TELEGRAPH, J. t- ac., ore ‘ Rhodes R Vemou's ' by any In tbe Western country, U nuw open fur tbe rc> T CUM uRTBRS, eMved to the pabetc, oft -r Enquirer gives the following << de?etiption of this • 65 f’-ei b«*avy a falling ull tbla season un la.-t of 1,667 bfads. DIRECTORS: I 1. H. Junes Wednesday, Stofttn;:, with P-.iiir*; made boats *f warm fneoiL along tbe Ohio and broody We must GEN. PIKR, * kind tu a thorvogh trial, aa the beet and cheapeot towwn. ; ceptluu of ibuse who may be su a* to extend him Their JOHN A. DUNLOP, RtiB’T BKATTT, H. I. Tburstlay, 2 flr**t-rairt Panin,^ MachM#*; 2 urrcp*iirrcp* dried Codfinh;Codfl* thelu actual• turn* dlQciencyuiuvivuv, iii W. CLlFToN. H. Spotts poesees many oml greet a4TeaUg«*e, •t#hm#r, which is dow fioisbinF lor tb# mail I againag*JU remarkreiuarnu.,that In thelue crop at*v which he ho* b’lberto re- itoMiig which rtv#Tff I Hm the kOiue liberal patronage T#cfj#s-«# Jr, “ 4 Circular Saw-, Kto:..rc wl Tt^-. mt 600 ca*c«co*e« Rab«>rg’i fn*»hfn*» ccuked Oyslf rs; WM.K. 8NODDY, JOHN FERGUSON, FASHION, Z. M. Sberley Friday,^ wiib « ho mentluaed the folWw;og, via; I > 29 blot leobt treble that number, at a very large quantity of ll.e celved at their band*. apr dim o30 COinphliy ! jaMKS BKlDt4EFUilD, CUAS. Q. ARMSTRoNGc LADY PIKE. J. Remellu, Aalcrda^ 4 good* La Jie., whb Pu!i> • . • LOipirif. 10 do ptekiedpickled Oyrt«oypter* iu square cabs; ^ They ore cheeper leenhoir—’Wl'.t reiolh ihotr etoMtoliF I . I sale* this season was old crop. W* cunttnue to quote dl8 LADY FKANKL1N, W. 8. D. Megowan, Sunday, 1 TeaoUag M*.'bibe,.; 10 do superlot Bplced Oyster*; cf ^ STATUARY. alway<^ere proof agmaoz oil kfaie >f ecrtoln—ere peo- g^Tbepropoted Hooaac tunnel, tbe co*.- ' Her low pressure boilers are 38 fee! in lei,gtn ‘a Bu lOri do; 20 b^xM^Jutob.boxes Julube ^”?uPa»te of dlflertni flavors; second* I The steamer* of tbla line are uf tbe first class, com- venter* aa wert ao rello«r-s of i lugs $4a$4 60, $4 60a$6 26, fir*ts $6 26a$6 26, TH£ FlKE.nt.A'h ASL KA.^Ci:; LO.MPA.’9 now eiblbUion at my Marble Mantle ware- I rheumotum—oroswoetoo ; n AVE on diameter, containing two furnace.?, Martin, all mao !>,iJ aud officered by careful aud experienced men, 1 M rtlclet Mt b-tae. aod far muro cloonly then any gfrurtion of wbiub is fiercely | 100,000 kind?; ' eihoe—or# ea»«iy disrutsed io tbe I and manufacturing leaf $6 60a$ll. OF LOUISVILLE. I room a tew pieces choice liailaa Statuary, direct reoew I to .$ , _ . with accummodatloDs fur poMseugers uiisurpa-**ed bV any Itrwuof bolt ot Mar*tine'::.\ .~*^a;.1 :n-. 26 boxev Macorunl; ' Office uf ed—are va;.toi..o aa us h-rassshvBaa, . . on the northwest corner Matu aud Wall street*. a henh . . ,i trum Florence, which are worthy the attention uf per- j mer- Boaion pa,«r.. will be, i subjoin parUcnlart uf the week s saleb: water*. over $60, 4 moaihv’ ciei:;— ive-i when completed, k4,10u 26 du Vermicelli; ] We boats lu the Western *t.„r YuKr- Mhu.e,; .y- iresoof this moiortal hmug 1 ™ dirlctoux. disposed to patruoi*e the fine arts, and which ore j sMMcMhLv vimat to I boil«r 1* Hues— 10 mams, 21 incbea duineler, sons , J . , Fur freight pa*aage apply on t>oard or to ab^ In bank L, -V L- 260 , I or [ tam a p«r*uaporsoa eewrolseveral d*«s. feet mlawgtb, or upwards of four mUe*. do Claret assorted tran’b; On Monday, sales of 9l hhds— 1 at $8 60, 42 at $4 16a J. S. Morrl^, jJ. W, Kilfus, ofierei for sale a: a sumli odvancu upon the invoice The i reiurn?, 17 inches *isis a„d 6 diameter. Tbe steam- J26dtfj;^ouii C.l;. BASHAM,0AortA.W] Aseat,Ameei, . Terms of of R: • E«f<;.'c~« will 25 todo pn7lpure Fr*nOTFrench Brsudy; "’’'‘‘•P’ They he f. 21 lOU do Muscat wine. I- stocks of M erchane, ao i other property against IFOR JbANTrOKT, TUMLMBIA A.'^ID FLOR- No. Pork Piece, amd 18 Murray nxees. New Tmt- toc z <4 toE.4!u^ toKOK. II . AM toa: zjc • tocoto toto j by pvnporticKizte i 60a$6 86, 11 at $6a$6 66, 8 at tim.. It ii eatimnlwi tfiat pended upon ttiem beeii hi ^ ® $6 $6 80a$7, 0jj jg^rchandlse aud Cargoes JJrt-p*«IM.t«to Ctmnto.maUmt, baa etioricoua, at.d they The atw..above ha e all been received per late arrivals and , generally agalONl ! E^ii'e. aprX] 29 Jhbtf North si le Jef,er»uo »U, near Fourth. tad jtBm HWKti , the 8e**, River*, Inlaod I ‘^- a.lA th. ffMtl.c ' *'7- -**' 10 at 30?t$7 66* Oo Wednesday, sales of 113 hhds the peril* of and trausportatlun; br Bm XMtol. (kif i-Kirzordinnf work loob u it tbe combioed powers of time and steam t now“d-v -vffor 4*1'sole low -'i'by and $7 I' .. The spieudld pa».?<-ngcr steamer TISHO- 1- Ax\ll NTS, , cze bc built within tbe | SEME M lirLLKNlil'LLEN k MiKiRg,MiMiRg, Steamboat* aud Sea Vessel*. MlNtvii, Briscoe, master, will leave L< gfrecUonoter i5 tone each. : $3 76a$S 80, 96, $6a RtmoaJ ami iaii imbHKh k « ^ ^ * a. Tbe chimneys are . 603 Main *t.,*i. a>l)uiulug Book uf Louisville. $••« river*, i |wapc*crn .1^.0 CL ; ni3 Mam laud!:.gto on Gmo aud Tennessee oo 8atord.vy, MitiuiL, t eniiDentl} ueeful to the &!))( 9H ^3 9 .t 86.$6 « al V6*,S at FirClilCD’S ^Cht' nlCS’ ICSUTuDCC > on a plan similar to tboe# ol siesmshipe, $6 66, $5 90, $6 40, ? $6 76a, CO i and uf March, ^ e 6th I9th Saturday tbe 2d, Igtb, and I 7. j MENAGERIES UNITED. Between Second and Third ata. Oet-rge ttadcflf Bacton, aod if in ih# sales Madiaou, i aOih of April, and Saturday the 14ib and 28lh uf May, L. Schay'er, Moq., Choiles Dueto, R«^, opioioo of #Rki- tb# sheets bciiiK all beni lenf^huie# the chiiDDey. N« I and 8 at $7 $0a$8. On Thnrtday,iy, of ISlisi hhds rather Indiana. j | TRaNOKR9 wbo are not cuoirollcd la thslr purcha- J. Gr«^t PeoroaiB, Bk)., I pa.->»age board I Rgv. fl. W. Beiiuwa, ' CAPITAL $100,000, AND A .HURPLU8. For freight or apply on er to A (bc ' coodcLtoti^ eiieiii#«—the cylmd» rs fin poor f,uality, oe follow^' 63bb4*. at $4a$l 66 2124 at $4 60s sicwrs roMieupracUcAbie^tbc Tb# are 66, $4 ses •‘xiravagant ;.ew9paper puff* witsout esaui- - oppooebU nmy f21d3ui 1. 8. MOORHEAD. S by - Ritha Towoeeud, Esq., Ruhen J. Reaxta, *«.• JJ ^e*o"a ,7.’ Thos. pAiriii.diri-rctarj., avid White, resident. |0 Ty • L. . to to... . V I'A-Is Zh ../A luspeci •"r tb«‘tu*elve*, ore tovUed to the »iu«'« ^ toewer, M D., NtcMoio* De^ Eeq., t tainrbea Ifiri IU l>rD! i : ^ Having beou appolutrd agent of ramatruction i? . B"5irw.’5j.raX, | ^ -fixed and .earn tb? priew at wh*cb gu>Hle are offered at J. W. Brodahaw, nic of wroiiunl i.’oi. tfi. I.ttir IT- . . M. D., Jeeeah J. , shnfla , I1 Copu Cewetock, and — vol. syo. rnw $-4. i 6 at $7a»7 86, 4 at ,3 76»$J 96, and Uhdhbd ir«-htra'b at $8$l 10 I thl* Company In („onWvUla, 1 am Sjih REGULAR LACRE T. \ - M.iisoy IFOR. ' Hoaord, Buffalu, cum. C. S. M. StoMer luarkMl I t'* risks uaLui.d a* '^S diauelcr. The diameter of tlic ateau.- . ar. wML that Vlsur of Uwuxht and bap- ^ luchcs in “rh.? Krldar, sale. TJ hbd. tobacco— 1I at $3,a 80,SO, 40 at $4 U6aIi6a ! FUR eVA9iSVIl4LE H&;NDi;rwNO.>i. ^ -mkC One of tbe principle* of the e^tobU^hraeat Is— net to ^ ^ Reiaoker, tolUCto m —tug*, x*hh1s, aud ail klsd« of pru; -7 spleU'lld packet steamer \VN, cnpiiie. (.t 3ft The FA Hull Thcoc ! it aft ou J p,,*, 22 „ch«. tbould b,. ' *' >» »* •' »*•«»80a$o 4 at $7»» «“40 and*“<1 _ '"‘uf Ini “ eriy a^alUftl lire; al-u rl*B* uo *tea>ub>Al bull*•auo car- Ur. ii p.rfrrfljr undimtood llixl they are >wo, entirply I Mec^hcr a ^ CF pc??cn|>n' on Si. ^ 3 „ ^,.4 1 „ 90. On Samnlar,Saturlsy, i^ales.air? of “-o*^0 gue* generally; on * *a ve^^eD, sieamtuau, and tlatbuat*;

> tfie tain. ' «*'“*«.>Olrillic?, X* tsorkinc Ipid tb# tajp# boat.)boat. ) piat.e .r. -xi>.tlencli.acipurlenclLg it.the trial*tr’.alj of CbrlmUnCiul.il.n ate.”—iifc.”— A , J1 at ‘O'* “O "" Inland trau.puri.tiun Hue., Lookin*-GUato Waxchomato. Eefi),.! 4iul wc lUMtcratand BiU defiver . bbd»—bbd>— I bhd at $3,3 SO, 30 $4a$l 6686 9 at $4 80a$4S0a$4 95, 15 ,#| a l,cfurc | Moore, k. Timei. noriliW'.' corner ot .MiSn .nd Wall ?tr«u, Ulf founiurr. .if Uaiki.e.s, Co I > LookitS’-Giwaaa. at Hatacid from , »5.$6^ »^-n.0. 8k at $5a. 8to$5S.‘.a5 96,9& 1.i at $«*$8aa.a« 65,nc. 4. al .7 | Pnren!! (•ere on Tl:Hriday #F#iiin^. < Herts I UTelleil. .r Knew Ya. H..I4 Lih? $7, $7 (nS diiM] F. U. ArwixH), Axent. ^ -,...1... .nriearZNii r-ronilfe of bower ; ' -'WiiPe: ri.HB .otd«“'>>o *;hiD»TT to th. omnoxnttiam 60,snd$9 66..udS .t-. I for the |.A.'t ufteuu year* to luotlfy uie lo the«e suio- »t Unio. 4-.l>.r,60ct>i 30,h8 LtoiXiax-«4ito.to bM itofctol wwatoi LOUISVILLE MARIN B AND i'lRB I lueais. large. Is I 1 ..to.. »ot.- fltov^rirulvcwiilic8T# 'fuiy ’ cirith,76 cti*. The assortment, ihoo^b Lul yet very The rales ye-icrCa^, wbioD art o„; Included In the Regular Tri ecblv MRflHeu Rt*d KeuisvllU .toilua '.a ihelr uiauafociure, uy wbkrh 'I ' t 1 S2^Jt M urirragntid tbatthat thw Altrtn Al iVtoiiHAVrF' ' good. 1. r wm eMtto4i.» •M8#moud Ui# Alvtn AtUou 4w, wrlnen . mural porp^e, «pu- of Ruaoluglocenuectlon with tbs * ni4*ii# g truJ trip 1# Cinriiwgti > ! This company c«contlnu*^* t Railroad. • , { 10. take risks on U m'M*' j11u--..,.i 1. a t• • \M%a $7 ki sRaaKiie ihu exieitoiv# stock*eetof.eua Tb# hull and is jounsen; Mor- **D“»*Miwn aiiyenority of HART- ,» AM \MbVRu«VttJ 'A cabin ,.bre» real to I GEXtlNE Me- a<*r:- tulH hf Lapploea^*. The huok IS well celculateo hull* and cargo*.’.' uf »tvaail4>ats aad vessels The *{ilead!4 pa->e!i;ier sioanier MART 8TKPHUN8, i 1’“^* WuvL— In good demaod and we quote lo grease at 30c, , **‘® FORD COLLIN 8 AAK8 bar** Induced seme m«uu- I P‘ » emr'’ aticAii T ihe toa, k Co. L#0ff*b of bull iv 33*i l##l$ #auuug bearu.”~C'our4 I'a- 3«C, and ,ub-«.,ned fst'lnrtra to stamp their A* CcOtoLl^d, AUdkacn 8 k. r*;- >-bv for a. H. ToM.ntt,. poriA and inland tottiurday at io’ciotk, positively. u I ; I-»11«1 foreign I •«>«'•> Of ^eek w,dlh"of i;;7in‘V:i;'fiold 8; V and Re- ( ‘J - *"•’ toffi«4t ’ - oi, MiN.tf.'U t • ii. Atricril, PrtoOb cu; cii-ih, ,6c«*. hxas are rreunentl- toOUl uor manuiocture. .r i t : 1 lu euc exii'bt- iue|(ector pcr,$o advanced. luc, leave* Madison after - | as The UktUfet sales merchari aud urnlng, Immediately the I W. tor Sem width we#r iwhoal ho. of inam raK. I whissy—WiiisSY—Has Um were at also, ou tuildluict, I'.trmluie agslnct arrival ‘‘ T^. B -Sicb Itood I .eporteo «f ''-“a*-* -r«. of tb. cat,, cT.ry H.ud.j, Wcdn«day, sad I'rtd... Gi.NHN AXSJ, hav. ‘•“-i ^ v..k^ W.H be Cto«mii .1 1^4? for raw. Sales of rectified fromrromiioiu .lot.Pio.a .tat Idlra.l'VI34fa,i?v. W' aou I I 1 x,:r;Vr'.‘en??.\i“oV^^r..7;n'r::iv:.'ir wisbinjwishing rail"'--'ral!*^*'* direction for mure ihnn '-la.tr-X't.'ifcaty-ivc 1 ovsa^iiiilag wildWILD i MRL.IOH7.wion^* p.ss.nK.r?assenger# luuketu ub. tb.the i;i*. iiadlsohSi.ul.oi) wh 1 'U" ^ UVKaOVER I5w uvis.;LIVINGUVlN't: W AMMAICwiJt-Vi,, reeche*! about the highest point. | It 1* ilUa* ^^**^*’*®*^ ^8 :< r - • ^#or|^#OU8 style. moral ie*9Sou*. stale for the family, ebuooragiug greaf*Y»o ^Q!tL^iv#u^ae to ^aks ^ | 4xhjLHeJ nn a >ci. . 3n0 feet i* Ud | J , U thUUne. diXt I '7.' fogn .tMa T.CW.Tr^-M*vTFoctorr iwI9B18$ OiMto.fcniyeX>i*eae mv#et,jiew_Tefh^toJWt,mvom. ^J«inMa Tliomoa H. Hunt, K.J? Martin, I NwTwb. Carry, al U^, M ap|iUcartt for the jK>st cf dumestlc plra-ure*. and Uaviog upon the mind MONET M akrbt.— orrccfcd hy HvtoMiuoi taiion, are ^Tpr.oVly COLLINS k Co., hart- h«o*th by UF) feci;.- breodU, lort . -se price vf w! ,*- - j, calcuUied to ocrommodat# 1 * Co- VK) nx««#n- 4 . B rh.viAr, W. J. Und«.,be, B. R Smith, U. D. N'ewcfimt ll.iSS'.'SS'', N»». »T4 TB 4»i, STixUrr, . latx. cHlea. *’* =>"».* >*w lOBK, ' I I jltoi-Jf If F'ctunnloadeu.-.. VA.N ABtfZu laiw.ui tXf ; C' 1 aac I1 oBD.iln nt I XL W. COLLINS. liR, PrositieaU ’ F er . uiUMUlB JiAiicrACTTBBB. or .lirrj . ud la tb. dJowIy Bo.ss. UANl'LS mbw two. . IeHMMdaiV ATin (p('f Ol jr A ir Jb^^OM i - — Tb.Tbe OT-andrtcMmnew and elegant i.tb.l.to^^^^^packet sieaojers '•f***'*’ f'”'***^ atroott, Lo.i.tI..., u. IK'NDVI .n, Tl . IWDAb. «•? i BRN[RV FRANKLINVKxicri Ik- Johnson, master. NBGROBn IXT ^MTTin . _ JBlOma. ot •‘ >» Preinl- a p. M.; Tnetolay Irom 9 i j, 13 *. aad 3 ill; 7 aaC ** Bmanaito Ufot, tv« leave regnlarly every morning at d# 11.?? mm | la, tu wUiuh flrfct 10 o’clock, A. M llax to pay a fair canh pnea tor ?osad_a w’’* C.flb. Pou, . . 7ii|i«p. m. CaadlMUcSto »>• L»- enter IttPtltuif* carrying the U. 8. mail, J|'be.Uhy Nexro^ and he alto kaop. coo-fM »«8* «* Lampto PHckora, Admt.,io» M otuu. CalMi-n ucd.r IBysan^t .(• ! Tinatm, IMat. ill the principal AOGGS k RUSSELL, Agenti* £K_?tauily OD band Nrkrr.a. lot ?aJ.. P.r?oi„_B aod Tot Bpwi.; Plat»l aad Uir^ii BI|.w»a.»OT. |6,.nu | PMX-. ’ a a^mmwtoto m, ' W. «W X UrS CUy • . paTga^ lUUlOOa State* au'l by King ki.kroM for .ato, or wMblax to pnrekaa., 9°‘‘ ^ | JlS Irucers in tbe ITulietl their agent*; wumv Tb, cavalcad* wi,i anlT. la the c.it ik. abow Ltollw: TIaaad aad Baaaa.lad Run PWto Mnl:. • REGIXAR .. PAlKETa ' OB llto Plttuieni tO-da,. PAMILTFAMILT GROCERYIJROCKI New York c«unuy....l dls imnuls I . And to \ITP0LR8ALElITBOLItSALX AND KKfAILKKrAlL 14^6 dir I a Myhbav, New York; It tb.lr Ict.rut to aiv. a call- Ul.olllc. d.- kalUn, Pry Santo. R. .Md6MO b.O# ««.wai boan 1 Irtto 1 I •m.li.mmavesar ..we HU8S£\ aoraln: aboai IOa’clrck,ai>d a Pu?, U4 TWaaii Bad Irna, trwi “t. Ltouls Intelligencer •!,£aayt atreei,street, bet*.b.l.Mu dit Bank ubMcrm hatwecn itortawi*? la orpt-ED, MifiMflied and c^fiicatcd yy ^ Vartrtyv,rtety Xuirr,Xuire, No.Ko. 417 MsrkMMarket Peanarlvauls....p.rS8l T.nn.ss.. 1 H? Grant k Twells* Pbna' Iih. T*nn.... f 11. Thu’s V. Bhunuioe, *”"***' conslailox ol lb. t’arrla jlcComo*, uta!9(ern | j Uank,Tenn..l j-a Kennet A.Dvdle\> Oblo. d30di.li M. GAB&lSOto* lag ta. antioa;?, drawn by I3B .pinidid aad Wwraatn. raat7 oaaa rreMdHi’ war d*.,d, rilnted bcies:rweiT«lbcxes:roraoe*, ^* nn-w,nicw, in .tot*.tut. and tuttot iwlelutl. Lr KaitoaalNailunal Ban-,B&nk, Wush.iWcjfh.id.'d. Uk.en..u.DxLau.coa.au.Dg • wsU leave L-uls- a rufficientsufficient amount i1 ,to4k.4.a4k. .1. I al«ais DoftheHiPr. Ma.* *, and ravegave him have Mif.eeded in crttiuj!getting olul aprlddljT* A ROMANTIC THIEF! throuah ik. prloctpal .tmi, a> to. pavulaa r.>r 1 ni-nknARDT vtile, every .,bibi. it W, BrBbnARPT.BrnanARDTARPT.^ Patriotic Bk, Wa.,B... I dll Missouri bgnktf.* Tnur*da> at II o’clock. LVRl’OMRF HirKS VITl’UPI f aewal ptcces of gaU, line of packet? ' * pat tn Hon, xlvinx ik. pnb;io .. <*,«**'' **”***‘' aU mviiad bim to call Block aubacribwi for » new be- For freight orrAattggs apply un board or to the IT waa lb. murolng ol a bcaottiol ilay to tb. muoib opportaalty or kaboMini .o. sulveut w*vh- Mtcblgao bank* e-lli *^ left, Alai.,Alfcl.',S.-26a par ritv InId otof April, 1863,I9$3, that 1 strolleditrolltol Into th.the ?trr.t»streets ol Lon- o«ot th.the mema.; bO'noa* prottotoon? ncr Tbe but tra? it if i tioxM,Ik>x«*, teteWedreteWed p.r iiaakor(faakar CUr> wltonaed. aftm. boy followed thi? city and Loui.viiW, epd now piven n —36 Jtldtin C. BASHAM. { ra rsT T> to 1* Pi T w m •» by a Iwen iDgttO bjuk't..,*,..! d!f Louisiaaa bauks pMi I pattao.passed. MR. GOLD AMD SILVER lemdlcBtai. Ta '"*'.lore and tor sale by isvllie to take a view of tbe bn»y ibruogd a*te IhrrUh*7 VAN SMBt RGH, wbowilDeaoedUieuiterview.atri the lit e will be iuunedialely te.-me.'; Ibe Kentuck) DMiM.....,.)aar Nor. B’k af him. * . ,k, ...i ...... TVE'-STX-ITT A r»X.,BT c-< , r,ru-> who ouMhat Awrvr fAlo il* o>>)«tobject loIn * theth. muetmtot— t.ii.wnqj ..f ar. vrr. iX W. BORKHABPT.nnRxiiAiinT BachKatU one,oor, save.ay* myself,my..|r, sevmeilf.rmtol to haveb*T. tomelom. ; Uou Comionoi,, will, a; a aaw bid eucimige tbe _ - - friscuusluM. RF, Id*. E. W. OUrk Rru., KtUUL.AKKFIJIIIAR Kh.Ak'l.'\Tr4’KYl ULKt UIVlilVKIJUK PArVL'T 1 PENCIL*^**''’*" AND PEN C \SE1S. bit bad early day, and k . goU reretyed for* boats will be built lo start at an PACKfcl, »|.w. A. I wandered along Main ai,nu J ,.l ahoy. c»n.m p.tlod al Ibv rxhlbiltor, tho ^ t0^6 41* checks, .»m Jdu 9> SU BABKFLSE1.».HI'T0L-HS For PSito;;. on.1 a.q../ uu oodUlor araia (tb# best in/ormed of Ihe I by (mS| w^bi rki^^tARPT. $6 I CiVi Ca;era 8 » to above, when, lo! and behoW' I obnrred a .togulflcnii aad altog tbn dlOnasi ?vom WtosHitice a lOT write—tbe Courier’?, { Tu tmanrah's, ma- I ...... AmerlcAD sllvar.A.omsh duitars 1 (H PI8TOLA t Hot. n>e fotiHr.foiMea BnBo.nt».u.i< . i Mlw Mattie. The t.t:;Ttodou W34 too »uoag—th* tvr •n* apao.ntn.enU - i. pk«» t'dimoo, '.T . V/iXOXl J! vXv M Uvli. '®«“*, bait bbi., and kUti- BugiNh gnlneos 6 Loulsd’ur* 4 2t ‘ I'aet. **^??*.l!?*?.**t 00 -.j m»--aod, Iwinf no on. •“»>•* toJ* | “F'r" »eljeJ on "iancrlptlon »l th* rriaH lor Waal, waato DICKSON A GILMORK. "”c|A Licence 16 cues received ud for J "•J* Anima..-, performan.-- 1 hUtoui aehal ptkwaaM ‘^-1 and kit* Napoleons .••••3 SO 1 Docat»...... aa.....2 Frederick A. Peelcn, of Pennsj lvu,ia, '£ 2 ‘ •* «* ‘”'*’7’ *’"* “ »*• »'8phani., ..II Sirt., GLN“, . , J. it. llto •?,! Poaejs Monkeya. »c, f i nawaahtohhT i.«.lDrlbeitoUnor.fNewVort,.^.ppou.t-nutwTr^IuJloirf « br M>la lake » MruBTBltS ANB D8ALEK3 IK Vy Uleby,.i^i;-ry Imsi j/r. NONTGOM^^ 1 vt ' | Kuglltob bhllimgs 0 20 | Crowns 1 034RI riXcOLS, anr )«t Ilk. an, . th^ r»|0^ iff antakM oot ''"-od bill? l prTnCpal h- all dlata JAMB3 CMOMMT, Wall ertdary Legrimn to Cantral America. • by [mkj m th. u lithoirapaa at dt. j of n i Mit W. BI'ixKIIAKDT. I n?blng* Tacki., No. 53, Thirdtuira siren,Street, nearne»r Main, ^ta we mh na inspcctoni though Kaatern oxchat.g. LiJ pram, and scarce. The noml- 1? Ham, Lon That picture I — nothing G#v. Mubbgrd^ of e oUOtXI>Efih.~63 c«>kii hacou Bbunider* lo stole and I <«> previous to the arrtvei »r th.* esmoouv. oJedli A|diii#x Couaul to Rso Jg- '.vUle, Xy., ar« nowopMlnealareeaMortmentof lln.an - - - H .upnoaed to htow bto», rotori.torJT-A . > , . . lndlY»doe‘ wMl I — ] IMMTMA.’VCB OM UMfcBtotcd Ml CMk- fat OTl rate In bank It preui.; Uiair .ap(;ly U very llghi plain OaudfuisaUoy ^ ^ MUMU. nctro. ,jHOW-WIKDW kale bv i Doubi.,i.,rrcl Shot (luoki Gant<»OT?i 8*ot Bell. "'•7 m-3 JAS. TODD to mCH.ABD8GN. »»«F "®* -^n and admire lu batouMu the, Hu Uvuel riaeu, » BMP lealttMi W. R. Bl RKHa:;r .SewOrlegf}* aschange. eieht par to Pjosk*; Percusalon Cap*; Colt’s «u4 Allen’s R« \I IS8 ELLai BKL CE. ( '™,' *' “ ^ •“ T.1 - 4 4 mouth*. S 'olvers; GoD Lock*, Rlil» Rarrslo, an4 Qnn maierlalb K*giitei cahuana, Peru. • -to! 1 trtom M titoat u thirintv That h«nk ^tbell!^ bLAhkkh use hRggr.^ intereBt uff a^^ ( prem* Money Is plenty. The bonk' also a large oaeortinent uf tlue Flablng Tackle. ThU, wlti IT ef Paris just received and for sale by 1,60V btl* prime M jlgseeo, Io superior cypresr *re to per cent:eot heir large stock on bond, when debn C. CiarAT^Z:LZt^^^:i^btt^ dtuconntlng freely. Out-iour r*l« « 8 make* tbe most completea* mi P^ANCia McHAERT. city aext week, she wtU be a* ergevt stock that ho* ever been In this city, which we lo bv the Jl»UiMtttlahie BMR rAPRA. khto^J^’^lalr to prtin. Sugar; at sUll lower prices beretoiore. BRNMIfig|S«i??MCI.ARX4wa . «l.alt >?4a’Uai I *“ Geo. ji. fiaunderg it an applicant for Ihe poal ead selling than y hr Al’lilC Ceaieut.—A large tot of fresh gronad Plonlfft M. CLARE. rxMBS cmuMMT, .ffOTt far -cmb'^ la etore ami for sale by has mode Its appearance, and the difflcolty will soon»D be »• at. .« fliataaria Rifies made to order; retiring done in the best man UydruuUc C'ement kept constauily un hand and rt Frta af Cooaul lo London. H fur tjl^OOU Mux -Watchuo.—a..—4*1s6u arv.artjm' r.v.i>Mi toi ' iwt 1 pa a ttnt aad Btok Pa,a Watl agroot. J , mi GRAT It BROWN. sept 18 weowRdtfls - I obviated. ner. W ^ale by (m2) J. R. MU.HTViOMRaTMO.HTr; to C<>. I laaNdKlaU i - : - . . K ~ p , .

COP.IRTNERSHIPS MEDICAL BUSINESS CARDS MISCELLANEOUS PRANSPORTATION MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS CARDS TkrF«ETFB<« AXD rF^LSRA IN OKEAT CURB—READI NOTICE. A HBaUI J EPPERSON VII1I.E RAILROAD. n T ICT' CREAM SALOON NOW OPEN, A K Ul. dm’- 1 wilt o>». In th. Vrjnsw. of New and lathiaiaabir Pairiii Itadcnj HCwaoN A HozacBa (•: ifTY K- DOWNING ft BRO., .Nfw PaufBger Arraistmriit. Al'ITIUlt '-«>MalsilU» S I) IJ 1. K R D \\ l{ CICHAXO*. Mr. M. COMM .1 DR. SWAYNE’S Hi-Irmn'r AMO MACCatXn, A H A A K , TAuM Saathweal corner Jeifersoa and Second atreola mid Tmirtk. ORD. TO. MuMi.bmeot will Do cottJu.twl ouUer iti ^1 n3 Wnlani at., CIncin— Compound Sirup of Wild Cherry, Th« mo^i EvpedllUaa a»d CmfariaMe Honto. MAIMUe *. OR.tMT, Ik. Md ^ CARRIAGE, HARNESS. AND TRUNK ini' nmio. mod .tjle. ^Sarf«‘*w)r» to M, ^h'Vtnrj. uMwMwl TRIMMINGS. 7*-r»»r •» ATI rocnlar Sniaa oi Goooortm ot Aofthum orery TUJK UEIGINAL AND ^iSKUlKK PlU:<*ABATlU2i. I Duunc (lutktn W tt>. w»i:- no. 151 (fof merly 153 Wood *t Pittsburg, J«i. I, IS6I. AVI.S’G rrc»*ntiy refltted aiti paperel ihe|r .'taJooat ), Pa W. n. AI.EKR. ’ W w«ii* rMpMUaiiT H r ;• wlay and ^hlny. CONSUMPTION, t.i atyie for the €0:11(4 >*« tra. Collv. Uactiw. *i«* KwiBtM. LMitM’. .wy*».crtr ioi>of Eu.c> LMttinMA Ki»ri'-1.4 Id macoid'.* rt o( -.:ae«u, torm tk. ot BoOiN* and orher Aocmrlttea eetry CoMt* Hmn*kiti$f Litrr (’ompfeiw H m* .Miwtr ihM y ^8aio Stock*, • Mtk kiM.. IIMI roiM.. Mi*n.. H.kt. ud I{«kr. ot IU«rni too pr« prletor-wuiild return th'-ir aeWaow ledciurut} to I Ikl. D M i M.wOt tho Mooi.hon^f Tn-karg'* SpUtirfj tHoody of Brfmiktvg^ Pcin in ihe laJifv ot :>> Mr.d vKti.jt) t r the liberal pat- . fsH.. n.lr,Btoc. L..lh.r MdOMrk V.na.L.Sad4..r** .,w &i Kail? and a* u>-a 1 wiih I'ak'^r. A. M. (laiaUvilie time) La SiclIienDe.aboaet:ful nom dSna "nirofU, portor lanco, w.,i Ik - •*, of Hrtoiiyand Luny*. ! 8*iert*i l5 |k«*. ai aud we reai t'Ciially oo!tr!t irem the trad* a start C.eara, op |ioaa*Dier> •nir -t tT;i'luced thta a.'aao&w nf t«nl hMily.iQrr r '.-rf P 'lWNlXiyJk b;jA, their f.at«“ijtUFe. n, t. UKtXNO.'.*, Tbe viMl clfrt aad ftperdy rare known tor an) PRO.. K”Ckr>rd. aodt'otoa- 4^. MiLLXk, Prof, of M i«lc oBd Doociaa, O.P. McROBERTa. ALEX SL liicXSC. m | ef ibe abeve It JOSEPH GRIFPITH; Apr wd Corner of J«0er»(>ti and 8t.d«. Uuti Materlaiv. and FUlirtR T^^'ikle, niK AMCKICaN C.IRDaUK COMFANV, No. 6U2 P. M., till dark. Geouetaou, frwM? tUlf ofebick. C0aF0l.\D SIKIP (IF WILU lUERKl! Maahe*:;e, Tens. >pec:rully calls the allenth n of iuetcbant>^, eun«mUh«, vt tier 5trce*. Sew Turk, are now peet*ared i.» re- I r«>ad arrive* from ItaLanaiiMl^; A/«r Me^rtw Spra't. It C'>w ASOTUEa UOMK CKHTlKlCATft. and coming thli: way. t< Loctn. .od otbera t" h(a laise -t» * or One •:« 1 plain double and ertvf' and exccufc ortera for a VKHT firPERloR witl Trr aj~$!a per ‘>Aaii>n of 24 *et dovra and take up pai*cU4crt at all the rc,;aiar Mvaarww Nea.aod R uraii.f «. dkt liRi 1 *- Vfll.] Great Cure of Ezekiel Thomas. male berrM Sht.t Conr* Co<*'baiel Ailen'a Reri iveri>, QI.'AUrY 4.( «'01I n CopLga an 1 k,p>,«t Tarlooa «>UUxkf-. MaieriaU of all klni^. !•!•. In rurot manner, by their new laatiactM^ wi;i aiao ho given In fhkmln BOOTS Can and Oun the : enect Fateot •Uliv (Snndavf* tv claoMk AND SHOSS. V !tta t rrrr violrtit ( ouRfa* witA |>«1 d lO t&e excepted) at % /clock A. M.. or a* t »b le baa Ji:«t received a lar^e lot of fine r.5>hluc Ta^'kie, t^^mtaar er aod pnv*te r,.**deace«. apr Sdtm Ati«;bT' t«t, »o:«*urt> of the !uu«», i>horuitn>»of bretUi, iot»* a* (hr niomtOii tram from ItHliauapou* arr;vea on th.- huh. toKether mak»« hie *j’>re.: far with hl< former teck, Mock Tu-* of the CuttoD are U»-i more compactly MadiM»n rowJ, J«ii^:((l.1ia]|*.(tLKT. oi Ap-^ *:(» , r :.;bt A-c., 1 i»»Ade iritl of varlou and will arrive in Jrffertoovllle at I*.'* t FUr!!-.; Tackle very All of t. hlcli he will at. 1 with ruor.‘ even iruAiou by th''lr pr->ce-a t&aa by marble and bTONB FOR SALE. remrdifs, «ht(b were r>‘v .mrn« Dd.‘J tilth'' ptt'crc /cu>ck P. M. Returnitf, it will leave JrfTrr^tiUviiU ai .M A N l' (I ( K A C r f K E B S very low a-« n'uat. any oth^'r made kn^wu. ' I V U K STi IN X *< >. . who»e « ar 1 aad machine work* are but Rrew ^vor*c. The violcuu: oi mjr cuurI o’clock P. M. aie) w II reicb PSdif bortatT oV.-rk P. .Mo. Pearl etreot..'’.7..r..T. ’ filrlng wlthneaiDm’ a» I'apa’^-h. Tie t-. SCPRRloR JL dene ankle reparUd ea VA8TI.T w n., tn full to oa tho comer of High airoot aad Mtaail •A^ p'ich ih*i xt*’ I ;o.»^i5 from :uy no^trll Uioe connect with the .4cc >nim<-r any other C -r la.:* txiai.t, for ai, C'iSilDiMil, have commoaced oporailwaa ta jawiag, ?rUeo (h** i'ar. >uifi of ooufThtu'.; came uik)Q lui-; iuJeei> ou the Maiiacn froiii thence t'< lu-M »:.4p>' .*• tr. ^ •( all tre*.'ng, D13BOLUTION. Kigcinc Vs --els 4U 1 Canal G*e.anl for othir par- train an 1 p.d'«hiDg. sioeo and Marblo fbr laio to njy w)^ I'' ti»em- dpr- tod the hour ut lUT d« win ^top. (or the rirtiTen'ence «•? |i < T.:rr-, at a.. po**- ubvre»;renKth an«1 rt'iulrcd. It 1* tune-c*ttrr*. It ^UR c^t«rtaer>hi|> rxii-tius itctweea tbe u*..‘1>*r.lgne.l R. Y JARVIS. darabillty are fttatiOD* al.jn’j I* th»-ir Intemtoa to bo alway* pruvt- i AftTirt- firecu* •] T't'Ar At bau^'i* At ihH utu**« jou rccon. the line, Niih y.diig aat returning. TTOBSET r’d* F’lth Mrrri- vqua'.iy pliable nearly water- d»l Wlit a gord •teck (.( -< Li- day diod.dve.1, J. W. Heyer Lavmg AT law.... wet wheu wet or drr, and B/ these Ita.iaa Martio, Daytoo Sloae, T ih- ;,f i.f your t' »oipoatul8>rup of v.'tUCherrj arran.:emeota the Kxprem* ira.n f ru - a bete. »taint, Iht prt liiv! dr»irrd, Kree.Hioii* fr.>nithe b*.* imerrifi in #alJ ~ccvru H. Firldlng. een Mam au adjolulng of, cntforin ^lr', made of auy !eu4'h Rorkv'.le aM ttaeaa Tlato guarrloe* Of M. wti.r'i 111 'y h> Ban in etxith*', cnrofort^ tti«l aUa.< rcct coDuertlon with the 2*helliwwii. alu 3Bd Mj. 11>./0 J. w. k Ha«*k. aUdlui »:>d La* be* n dcmou-tratid *» ar at lea*t three tline« Marl.:.*. any rel:^ee«l the pAh'i la Knebvllla RaMn a.l t'ani*, and • tt couch* with ihr a: > Kxbr*«> re«4n*rr«l \ 03 ! •!.(. a. any other K pe with the came n^age. Manner, la t« nAetaeace of their facLtaloa for J. .tl.. IIIOMAI). '. train M. ICELBOURKR, >pei x tud bealiMJ tuy luuy>. Kc. I coulliiutU tb* from Madl«oti to lodiaaapoh... abjr- ;-3-- I IaLHCR. B- RIUIABI’SUX. whUh n iut(;C An • saininatloD by eoD'.orner-i ana rhip owner* of thi*. t>ey wi 1 anJertako fo tarn i*h the dreeaed lA>oirv:.;e. K}.. March IS 1S59. tzi-il c^r of Ut tut fiow, tht(l M£RCH.\NT TAILOR A.ND CX-OTHIE.^. F. CO.. the Cordapv made t« thla Cor.i( any i» re-p«ct(uKy »oIi- Terre 'i.At' rial with a dl-; atch nut hitherto known In the Stooo Coiu|x‘UDii8ir ip <>r H >i Cherry, 1 am rurt l, aud abl* t> FISCHER & Haut*^ r a>U the »am*> day, fortalDg by tho latter Soath aid# at., daara halaw Cited. a LQ*ia«*^. and whic'i Hala 3 PUth. *. maM eaahie tho Stone entter i I thiufc 1*. luva'.uahle metllclii' re*pM:trutly inform iLe cit! cotmectb a ntaars or OPART>EKwillp. -'iy labor. an (V TV W0l*LD .m to St. L0QI8. ^ao Oealruoa of vi.»ing ont mf -toca >, ^aaOT- order* J4r< *ae*r: of the luu|t^, aud one tha and omniry dvaVr* that ma*Je by tbe Accooitn* elation train MADM CU/rBIMGaad PUBSISIII.N** GutiM f<,r N*w V-irk, will rvvClvf and wiia more cer^olaiy of qaick *etame gi>a ' itLtir with the and d p.of- t the aaaie ana »t)l'' •>( FIELDING N. TUilM AS, (or »Li u' I c kcoan to all atUtetM. If perrons would pur Mat.d, No. 4.* Market Mteet, bdween^^^ afterLoiiO train on the Madlaou ro^l. whereby tho purpt.ao of giving •xc.a-iwiy t" ttau ba» ever pu«»;ble ]u my auent.oo w le ••urth alddlm T. F. ABELL, Secretary, ;*a*Aeti,tera boen under the old ay»tem of purpoae of trauraaiug tli« WhokraleaLd Reull Hat c'aa>- u*e .^nxloal an>t Revalue article a-^ prepared by you and Hfih, a bpleud:d a***rtmeDt of HATS and arrive la liHlianapolf* at 9 o’clock P. M .JIXi 1* Tai!oeta« ha*tao*o, I am huw sxlmng at Bv hand lab. r. lid Cap tnuineiw tn all It* t ranche*. and not tcz.i>ir with the many »pcrloa» atMt wonhlea* ibeae cotnectlon*, traveler* from any of the roaJ*^ ieie»r. My otach f naagoeogy vanotyol tooatiomea’a R i-ck* ot Sloe 0 or Marble aeat to tha yard will ha — «. B. FIKLUINM. pr. ;•a^at^4•^ which are aii'-'u*pted i.^ te palraed uS ou tb> We fpar* no pain* nor trout!** to hnng ont a r*pleudiJ, rvtumlog to lndlauapoli«, taking eilber of tb^ Ma*ilaon Woanag Apparel and Puraiaului »4*e>ia. and aa««*ii i>r dre*»c 1 to dtaieu«iuaa ua roaaoaahlo term.** VAL. TIJOMA.S. rt putat’oo of y-'iir', It mUht be the mtan>^ of tavlDv Ine, audta tyHoiof r>ar own <-ty|e and manatacture. lodlaaapoil' train* to Biiinburg* and the train* of tkl- apeMdtf J. M. MtLSOnUfB. Vf Clneinrail. April X—d*nt L.u’^vlUe, Ky., March IS, 1S63. e 33 raauy valaab;e ittrer. i freely ofler tbi* rUitfUCDt for th« are fia*tcrliu oor*Hve* that they will eeil fa«t with X cba3«*l frwu tbe lat«' R' nturcv Dry i>ock Company road irt»m ihn..., can arrUe »n Jcttemonviile or Loul*- Large Stock of tenrilt of those who are suCerlng ar 1 wa>. ut tl:e neighborh ood, aa (LATX PIIULPS OViX), N retlfini: from hiulo<*., on account of my Infirm Cherry tu, three do*>rii west of ScUuy IktU Second atreet* Our fur**nian l» w« d-knoou a an cxcel- on ((rm<« and with dl*patch. Ttae»e well a* from ail polDt* tbU r -i-, can **nt hatter. >>0 BL'» FALO, .>i. V. 29 State street, Boston, I b< aiih, 1 beg leave toreojinmeud suceveeurs, Ftv d- PiitiftdcipLia. Wehave hau<>: Dock* are ihuught to be *.:perlor tu any ou the Wefli*’ru FLEGAM my r.ber. AAD The euba havlag (esew) FASUIOAADLE FUHAlTUllE, thl« weil-kauw*. lOK A Tbooia*. to ibe favorable coti- idrisUou of my Fur tufanu—.New »tyle u( fashionable HaL«,fur, woo), water*. Tbe Company Lave rnja,;ed the sorvu.-a of Mr. The ahcT* certliicatw froiu a man well knewn by • a term 'if y*-AT«. wove) anaoaace friends a» gentlemen emiaetdt) worthy auJ deserving (Ud *tr that »tatloo. ,i! BAAKEKS It WUOLESAJ.E RETAIL. ratiiify I irirltcd of U are to call and ilu-audves that U - * - ‘".eot* a:;d repa ie, has h«ea tyc, at*d price. For lurtU' Iniurmailun, we take tbe liberty of rc|er« reforurhed la the SU’i3 J. W. B£TRR. another roluntary> dlKtut«‘r« >ted, and lIvluR w'tneot u ^ i ityieof mudrra elegiDCe, aad is prepared K »*»>iith. l ull’d Sta(c:k. «of(, and btt»lneaa llata of ev- ring to tbe following Kebtlemen, viz: Capt. Bently, late aew And Dealers in Ibcchange, the Kreat v.nae^of Dr. hWAYNL'S COUPOCICD hlkO ‘ 1 s!l rrspecta fur the rcceptiLO *'>' variety, fur, of B^mtoua; tt aad ouavcalvace eg venUtated | DINhOLiriO^. i-»amer«, and broad-brim, Capt. Matbew<«. tbe l.ev*ngtun; i’apt. CHXrjTB, DMArrs^tERTIFirATEn J. M. or wthi> Ch! uhv. »nd OF DEFVSiTf STOKES bnixb tiau. f*>r the & SON, country iradt Brown, of tbe * Rou*e la central Oar !ch 01 Mraw I* aiHl be pifc; Capl. aad nammanl Ai4 Istirrtil KO.535 STREET, OPPOSITE BANK OF KENTl'CKV of JAMES UiH A CXI. If this day disFolved by mo Ga la the very heart uf the city, apoa the pvtact- u In a f w dava. the Xatchet Nt . Capi. 1 ».sac Jonei'.of lbs (sen. Pike; AT LOWEST ILArXS. lualooDse.t. Either paitj is aothurtzed to o*e the K«i-uine wacept the oriRinal article aa prepared by Dr. 3; rt IMtf. .f tSHr Mm w.n.’.r-cr., tu mrrnit uit »»«irtmfnt ot - at »treet, coiiticucu* tu tach rat. road depot, Lake Brie, M the Call arid • laminr. niarS dly t'apt Tour, of Bt. Loois; and Capt. James Montguniery, ^ name of Ann tu ll^cbtotlon. The books of the con- SwA> ue. ihai bl.-« portreu ou the wra; per aruun CdUpciUM mmdo om all poru ol See u and alT>mllnr i.'m- r.oe*! view uf halfalo aad the ad- ih« Emom. Rich and Dlegant Furnitore, cern will remain in the hocse in wbich they Lave been each botUe. I'Dttl obuio th:i> CoDpouoa you will you SOMERVILLE & HARE. tr«-nt rona*ry tbar cao be bad la tha eny. *1^ ' aoii - djiag tastncM. JAMES low, never know the real v'.rtues of the Wild Cherry. T* i#f eotlfwiy Mra si( Jes ; .n.s, :-t :a any ^e « rtwbi ~>t anfi^JB It will ever be the purpose of the proprietor RSrXBEOVCBa. th the Wevt, f'oppcr, to pro- JOS. T. TOMPKINS. I'r*. pared Laborabiry* at Tin, ami NAerl Iron liorfcers, and a .r< any red! prtree, ooMM-tlog •( tail and WO! only by DK. hWAVNK,at LU id# the Cumt >rt* of 4 pleasant heewe la heha.i of all BOWroN: Lonisvi-.e, OcU IS, ISftJ. o3d hevetitb Fhllatleipbia. Jeffersonville Railroad Company, yio. 4 K’jrth »trt*et, above Market, Dx'uUrt th XfoiTs, Jhtlow and Tin MVirr. I ho may tavur him w*th their patroK.age Ue tra«Cs PraabUa Bovta, B«|.: W. B. Fooxor. B«q., C*>h «r MUffOGjyr, u'jfi\=-r, jv/) rff£/itiy Fr/?v/rr/?£, wholesale and retail at proprietor’s prlcee, by * korsale, A31 31aln itreel, between Eleventh and Eighth, AKK.A.NGtMKM. l)«t tee «ame gen--ruaitr which was accorded him m Bank e« Cfmirrii Me->srt. J. B. Thas*r ( OPART^bERNiliP. J. S. MORRlh R. Cii., 4:luu« wbarttx ai r, ALd Empire State atay alse be exiemled Whim ta hla MBW roXK: Tompkins his interest In tbe stock -3f good* belong, B. Mo.'nell, C4>mer of Market atel Filth &tre'%’JX H. VAX ALLBX. Carpeater A Ttrmi’ye, McCurdy, AidrKh, and Xtea- M'UoLhhAl.B DRY GOOUB huftness at the sauie siaad Do by F. S t at 1^ cer. nent --•( Stoves, Casituiie, and Tin Ware, which aud under the some firm. JAMK8 Low, Ma.;.wn; Wiu. Y.CruU'tcr. Frankfort, My.; J. M. Owen ^ ^rnt« per bcodre«od*, which *ba.l ml-r dtf pcbllc patrousge. f 26 «16ni CAD HT'TCniNaH A CO.. 4AC Mala st. MRS. A. M. KRESS covi rail expense-* atul « '*mmi*sloas for rccelviag, *hip BALTIMORE OHIO OR. As J. VANDERNLICE, AND RAILROAD. S now In receipt > li .tVK -^eureti ft - •*telb«:vs right ing a an! Ct»MMlS6lON busl- I NKKT Fancy ba- selected to manufacture MeAFKhl BBOTHBKw, WBOLNbALB OBoOKXT ET PHAM.MACIE L.A PARIS, NEALE & LUCKETT, point this road, with great care In tbe Lasieru cUieit, to which she will on r prt^uce, Ac., efi th), r-jad. wpi b- I •s i Mill lu Ksattt'’kv and Teon^ssre. ThI* Mill has oBWABDIM** 18* on neea, and will occupy the oU suud of M . leiry A B:o. ^ Haring been practlclag Medl- '10MMIA81ON MbKCliANTB, IMWest Pratt itrert, and comm MXiiOf.kNTh, •luly forwarded, after * •very variety ef rich, rarOf ^ receive s<1dUloos throughout tbe seaiH>D, and respect- lu delivery JefT rsutivU’s, at att *4vai.t*£*- which must r‘re It Into generaj use. 81m- comer Mala and <4atncy seweg., ug. JOHN TKKHY, cine twenty-nine years past, begs y Hammore, give their exclusive attention to the sale F Wheet. Vs. ( expense to tbe etalpper ol only a/ cr^ psr :t :t= c fully solicit* tbe patrouage of the laiie.H . f Loal-vtiie < end one hotf t t>:» >trortK.n. doraole, m>A liable te get Mt of K^Ecfer to L«»al«v‘i e Msrthaiit*. MlCAJAh iXtLESDT, ^^^^VBg^T^^toieave to announce to his fiieode Tobacco, Floor, lirsln, Baron, A-. atarndlT and sarroundlng country. Mr*. K. will receive thrsngb- buad<^cd pound*. D. C. N>X1»1.HT. r* pair, and ea*lC. and the public generally that he Rf/er to tne foil irfn^ gentlemen: ont the season the latest Kepuet* of Kashtoos rftrea at6 dtf [D. T, A CJ 4*»n*l 8ap*t. Mi. I n! I have ^c* i f them. 1 ai*o manufacture •till contlDoes to devote bU time and attentloo to the al- C. C. ^amUtta, , Ca^^h. Ba!i6 Halt form Paris, London, and New York. Order* from coun- UAND-MILI 8. 80 that •very family can provide Itaelf rOPARTMERSUIP. leviation of human suffering by curing the following dis- D. 8pr1gc, Km)., Ca*h. Merchants* Bank..... TW patroouge that hns te« bestowed by a liitera: po^ :l: upon u» r .re eur fir*. psqing induced to try merchant* aoo transient per*uu* filled with care a:i*l with clean sw<-«-t homlnv lu flee ai leu minutes’ time. . has os fit a-soctoted with In M'HOI.K- EAGLE up I BAVK this day me tb* eases: Cough*, Colds, Arthma, Pits, Dropsy, Dy*pepeta. ia«. W. AlDuit, Mechaolcs’Bank FOlWDEIiY m«r present Stsre in a sty^e of mecuisc no*- m >re worthy tb< extoofeive act gruoing tradsef Loulsrllle. son, J, dispatch. Farmer-. M ii*r-. M-rcbant-, axel oth« re vieitluu Lou- A. a. WALL S. i. a. LiTMO«.W X. H^suv MOVX-.. 1 SALK DhCG business my U. MtrRTON MUH- Piles, Fistulas, Gvut, Kbeuiaatlsm, Messrs. Wm. Woodward A Co Liver Complaluts, «vlilrare re*p^rt?3iiy Invutd to call ami see the Mill OROIMO FLOOR OR rRI\. ms. Tbe same will be conducted as beretofure, at the seamen “ 431 .Market st., bet. Fenrth and Fifth, seath side, lu WACCAcE. LllBOOW, a CO.. OCR IPAL NALFN ROOM Scrofula, W'hite-SwelUng*, D. of the Skin, Ner- Hare, Pterson, ll dliay, A Co •tperailun st Baldwin** Fouxkiery, uld stand, under tbe name and style of J. S. M0KKI8 A Ma n street, betwoea Bilious * - B. maril d3m Mft8. A. M. KHK88. XoM, Gr»u, lim, Mr r. rentnle a very torge stoD FLOOR OR hILK R4H»M, v28 O R. WKBB, ROWLAND, A CO. H pelui for *bis r«ka>S we are now prepare! tu ^'i^- KT COPARTNERSHIP. ures of tbe most eminent practitioners In the country. «• K. Webb, Kowlaot), A Co, Loutsvlllo. N cm., th« ihruttXb receipt'* at taesumtaer ta cs: CASH ADVANCEa UMUlo. . dMi.r. 'I .jut ’ fer ladie* he undertiguel eut*-rrd Into copartnership, on the untried, Ri)wlano*, and Tobacco cuoslgurl to our rrlondo in w 4 »q»iefidM Tetu Rohe at 74 Be.iars; aiec a largr -;ock •- NXDY, fur the on WUuLBSALB of the medicine, requiring no fee until after f IS dflai* large C-oiMOM B* ef C: Sham:-, Pans Maouiia*, Rmlrolderles, the coat the / )d Clas*~8hectlng*, (irocerlee, Need*, Qumher uf are stove aad gra’e patisruT-,, oti >1. F,)XK1GN AND DoMRSTlC LlQCoK bu.-ltiri-*, and have ^^_Me»»r*. WILLIAM A UAKRKT BaliRT, Barton, AMAoof Tr-mmiags, Ac. resiorattoo of their health, and tbe full satUlactlou to added w eur already large *t nung on Fifth aad BAiniLLKV, HAH.'kLN.a. A.ND TKtXA mhoaesucce*-* ir .Trltiag, Aiithturt'c. Book- Booe^, Bristle-,, Hemp, taken the the patient’s mind of thebeueUt couferred. This 1* the .New York', moa eztenalvu and OCR THIRD FLOOR w,^ MAM'FAI TORV. ^ Keeping, Rngll^n Graimuar, Geometry, Lo- Beeswax, Ac gfevlOOlb*. davlraol- o-eortiaaou la thr Vr.t r- RuU.U stfeeta, a few door* below Mato. principle upon which Dr. Vsmderslice Is governed ^ ^ market. Aaa>ng in all MARTIN A JOHNSON, comer of hi CISBi Leaf and manufacture! Tibac- Philatrecu, de^ire to great Y'^rk au>l giber Ka-tern co,Hog*’ Ha'r, Lestb«^r, Ac.... gfk>100 b*. Bjlttmofe, out >. DreKget*. Dec. SO, 1S08—d JAMR8 KENNEDY. Person* aiBicted with Corns, Bnoloiu, Ac., can ^9 Ug In New cltiv*. Tbeeo ceo- These Moeee have have sttf'Qtlon of pnrebaM-rs 4tbCla5*^B«ion, Lar i, Lard OH, Coffee, great weight ot meul, hlahly 4a *h etnctir ti e to^HlI^ULJS tlsmeu have mo*t •atlMacturily realised the high s*teero CbRiieston. Our basine«a, as heretofore* wltl he ceMurted zi- c ok£ pxk i: syttem, and a^ to selling cheep, them entirely removed and permanently cur^ without u»d •d, and elegant ta appesrxuce. They ufOto their stock. Tbvy -tudy to always keep on band an as- of tbe public—for the testlmimlal* thoy bring with them Fioh, Cotton, Ac 40c 100 It*. ue a.i the tbae# whe hear previenely dealt wnh no, a word t* -t. T-. the people f^om the c .untry pAln. Tuouixxid# of persons have been cured New Orienny. madem improvememm «Aea wr penlcularly re- DlsaoluUoa. by Dr. V. sortment of jf the different kinds osed the From Pl’.tsUurg, shippers rely upon prompt dis- groctleal experience ha io- gee re LEATHER by »bcw that iQ Ireland, their native country, as well a* In may ap umewd eur •r>trai aad our goads. They can rnUm vived. copartnership hireUMore existing between Wm. and can Lear tecumony to hU wundertul success. 1 dtf B. WBBB, ROWLAND. A CO. eeloped. he trode, with Sar th T G. and everything usasHy connected with their bo*lne»a« by blgbei,t classes of ladle* and gentlemen, among whom mid dtf B. HUSTON A MILTON. f m. ACo., wa*, by mutosl convent, di«»oiv*d moved in a few days radically, wlthuut offensive or dele- seleea, aad we thtnh in lue.tty, pneoe, a m. G. Stewart They would particularlv direct attention to tbelrCarrlage they have meved. But me cao with truth say that we * they cun U the li-t mat. Burkbardt, having porcLased the terlou* medicine. Dr. V. being eminently succe^rful tn •ulled. Having *A!ars««i our nitaufacturioe on Wm and Ruegy HARNESS, from the most common to the have never seen more beautlfnl speclmeo* of Petiman- >iep«rt- rectlve all this branch ef his practice, patlenu would aent, we can entire coocem, is only authorised to moneys save much promptly meek all drmamie. ] ILSON, STAKJ 31 1 finest sliver and tra— monnted. *hlp; and, beside* po*>o-M,lug this m perfeciiou himself, Rtoi.kf im W K • ), & SMITH the and money, t .-ay nothing of anxiety the patronage dae the ou&cem, and nee the name of firm In liqnl- Ume of mind, by whtah heshoea sekiudly hesb«wed en c-’ Their bnstne«s Is coodneted on the basis of cook, qnUk Mr. Barry has the faculty uf communicating It to others. datleo. STEhart, giving him an early cal!. Ha warrants to all, 00 matter we trust by strict aad prompt alteat ue all ord«r, t 458 MAIN STREET, talety ondtTnall prur maeu- cure or no pay. Invalids! those oar who wish to im- ongh your true Interest Is to factured work shal be ae aeretofiMe, *qoa: it net sep*-- ed of good qnallty, and they aak the encouragement due prove their haodwrutua. 1 mu*t candidly acknowledge MOTKE TO E.klkTER^ TK.kVELBRV Tbe uadersigoed, having porctaveU tbe luteres* of Wm. apply to Dr. Y'. at once, who ho* the proper medlclDeto nor to the beet, and MMwguetSen vlv«a to home manafaciure. June 3 dlyrenetm that Mr. Barr> baa no rival In this country a* Penman, 'u all Q. Stewart, will continue the busloese, and eollcUsa meet all cases. jf confixtUMu railroad from Cincinnati^ CUvt^ i» WALLACM, DRUGS. MEDICINES. PATE.VT MEDICINE?, SCRCEOVS INSTRCMENTS P\IVTS Grammarian, B-a>k-Keeper, and Tea<'ber of Mental LlTBfbOW, A Cl). contlouatloo of patronage. Dr. Vauder«!lc« begs leave to say further, that he has H'ooflfgr, Matiliony OUJ^ DVE^STI FF?. SPICES, VARNISHES, BRL'SHES. PETER NOLL’S CITY BREWERY, Calculation; almost all Commercial calculations con be landf jiUianct. O., and PERKL’MERY. GLASS- W. Bl’PKQARDT. wUh him remedies prepared In a •dentillc and skillful Sixth (itreel, between Main and Water. perfonaed by tbe appUcailuo of one fiaore only. Mr. ChicazOy ii/., fo Pniladtlpkia^ pta Pennoylva^ WARE. FRENCH AND AMERICAN WIN1M*W-GLASS. VIRGINIA. tnauner under his own eye, to cure each and all dUtaaes rOlTDA A MORRIS, nnderslgncd. retiring (rum the late firm, re* Barr)' will reform tbe most Imperfect writing, sud fix The In - nia Jiaiiroadyjrom VUtxbnrt to pHdadtipkia. MlSSOl'Rl. AND KENTUCRV M lu which his attention has been so long directed, with \ a The nodeniigned, having taken charge of the Vr^HOLBBALB GBOCBR8 AND Ft'll ANCFACTIRED TOBACCO, tnruk hi* graiefol thank- t* tbepstr->os, and at the vame 4^ any lady’s or Rentleman’s hand In a style of uDlfurmlty, DBAUCR9 \S full directions bow to use theui; therefore, invalid* from jld-eeubll»hid azNl well-knewn City Brewery, PiroTigh from Clucinuatl to Phliade;^;;ia in 39 hour?. f f elgn aad DsnassUc Wiasa,U inura, and Fruiu. No. A FEnawto PM^ipt arttmtr heavy Aprlaff suppli*^ vhlch reolers tbeir stork one of the largest and oomplett Ume recommeads his »uccevk.»r aa to every re«i.ect ueatQsss, and elegance, In one month; emboldened by meet section of the cuULtry, i»y aodresslng •• •* J any a letter po«i- IHHBrwpectfttUy Informs theciUsensof LaolBvUio i :«ve and to ^ '26 Iff Feat «tre«t« between M xi n afrl Water, Louuv Lie, K j \n the rmiai Sude*. Tbetr stock wa* purehaaed er Imp-wnerv aad e*anufa ou band a supply of PORTER, *< Ntgbest an>l Pltuhnrg to * 19 l^The piles poM for Conakry Prvt:;ce. r-ee lenue. aad |R«7 are preparud to warraw the qaallty of the*.? cuode, aad a • ietermlned te sel) tL«SD for cuak mart HM. G. >TKWaHT. (or hi* labor, extraoMloary success, be has had one a fee, can have advice and medicine sent them. ALF., . MALT, HOPS, and FRESH TK AST (every Cooaigniuifnu soilcltsd. ;<«5 •w to uaffMbted protopt deaierw ee tbe usual Ume, as lew a- they ttaouaand mo>i dlstlngoisbed ladles and gentlemen at Kelagthe shertesl and quickest rente can be pure ja*^ Ka^u with the addition of U Females suiTerlog with Irregularitlc*, nervousneas, patronage the public. fre«tb« have fOPARTNERSlIlP. do. ilav), an-1 solicits (be of Boarding Schools, Academies, taeum rretgkt* ead charges. They rasMeai aaenta u e Rupq, throuch whem the; am enabled to keep tkeU be College.-, and private fam- IIATB this day as*ooated with me Mr. J. V. ESCOTT blllty, etc., can permanently cured by tbe tr*’atmcot Barlty. PKTr.B NOLL, freak aad oo«M»ieve durtog tbe season, tlrdccu will tc pruBptiy filled with fuo^ at a* low rates and of ilies. ironcE. will continue the bu-l- of Dr. Vandersllce. Ladles, let no scruple* nor false c37 :6m Late proprietor of tbe ClnclnnaU Brewery |fO*d quality a» If tbe partlee wrr*- here in petsoa aud Mr. JaMKS M(K>R£, and Mr. Barry will endeavor to merit the esteem of the delicacy Linder you from applying in proper person, b. R. Giaseog. Featbari Renek* baokeroot. Rags. Rtvwwax, Mustard la In the new buKdlug, Main street, betweea Fourth public, atMl hopes that the ladle't and g^mtleoieo of this . -Seed, Ttmo(bT.8«ed, Flax ised, aad rous- can readily re»(orTr, & when you be ae to health. «n preffuc* , r ea rm: ty caksa at tae market prtcu la pagiacat of dcUs 4ns or In exchaags (or goods, city will not be more plea*«d by hla masterly mKhod of Doctor may be fi>und at bis office, 101 Preston S ined, and stralghtcuoJ by ELKO-i HUTCHiifoa a CO.. tnar I# dAwte ACO. teaching than by bis kind and most conciliatory mural k DAVI«. MKaalwtuvra, No..3*ukI street, t etwevn lireea and Walnut, from 7 to 13 A.M., sniCKBDANTZ, 61 F. BEGAN manner t<» bis pupHs. N Sixth street, nearth* t^n-Hu'i**, keep on band and from i to 6 P. M 38 o27 ddm Book-Keeper at tbe Cliy brewery. . Jan dtf BOOK-KEEPING BT SINGLE AND DOUBLK KNTRT. ao aa«urtmsnt of Dormant aad Portable Platfoito Seals* HM4AN, EMOrr, A MOORE, Private of^ce 00 Market, betveea Floyd and Brook. of all This lnd>»pvD»able trouch ot mercantile eaucatlon U sizes, weuhfnc from 90U W *.fi0fi lbs, smuablstor MPORTERS an-1 Dealers in Wall-Paper, Loeking- '^Irr^ Wfslfrn Rfsfrve wsfp'...,'^ AGUE AND FEVER OK CHILLS AAD FEVER taught after tbe m««t approved and practUal mauaer. - mlllns-niir.*, f^nnderies, Ima stores, Rc.- I tSlaaees, 1)11 and Water Color Patoilng-, Engravings, ' also Hopper aL<) Packlrig t*;.«-at 8ca>*« fee giisl-Bllls- TAKE NOnOC CWKIt AND WISE : ,Z.~’ The vanoas Iran^actlous or biialness are Introiloced and Artiste’ Materials, Daruerreotype btock, 4tc. Manufac- all r-:~.4truc*ed on the E AVB ttken an office on Market street, south slde,te- elucidated, *ets of books are regularly opened au t closed, moot scleaude prladplss, osto- Cured Smith's Tonic turer* MifTur, Purtrait, aud Af*! frum Clrveland v:at\svc- (TMX OLbXbT rrana lotuvilxc). by S3rrup. of an! ail other Frauen, Mainc .imi'licity ai»l accurary, If m I t fova UfooK and Floyd, wbvro 1 may bo consulted tn Vinegar axhl Clear iDklgbi of commercial life Is given Uu* pupil. and warranted equal tn all t Iroad an>l Obto an*! Pennsyivar.ia G'K Wufk Us ranches. a«/t -ot*er:or ! i aJ! oth^r*. Thev are boildlag order a the oumlug trem 8 o’clock till 13, aud totbeeveolng —.'I Tb*^ mmt ext(-D^lvv & cheap- L , . The number ef leason* Is tnd llmltel—the pupil 1* per- to a. N1CBOLA3 i^iiea . ftreett. 9, r.vket a«i.a at the WeOJel New BxlidiAg Main, between Fourth aad Fifth ' , superior ot 9ca:,s for weighing Ba),CoaI, aad Cat- 'he attentloaor h , froD 3 o’clock till B—iieiween hoar , and at any other A e»tVlnrgsr Er-taMl»hmeni V j mitted to attend till perfect. :u*- ' tle, Depu» stvl Tra..'* ;^sle* (or Railr iaits; Patent ttm< at my rv*ldeucc, No. 101 Pre^t•' 3 street, fr"'* tu IN THE WEST. The Academy Is opeu day and evening. First class for aiao TJa^ .?r. and -iht'- to hi* f \ Baiance* for Ml l«, PlantatUna, fit i:tf ladles, from 7 till 9 In ihe morning, and sei4*ivl cla»», lor Pork Husses, Ike., al' newly Invented TKNT1- DU. TANDEBSLtCB. WAREHOUSE ^ . wsiraoted st»«l bear:uf «,aiid si priee* staau cotopet NOTICE. KO. 1B4 FlRXT STREET, gentlemen, from 9 till 1*L and (rum 14 till 4; and 4 tin 6 to S Hunting diamond/^ tion with sny aiaricet, the qnaiity being considered. ^BK firm of RAWquN, bAiazb, A OO. wa) dissolved Pittsburg. tn tbe afternoon for ladles’ ev*>iiing class, and from < till WIGS, warrunteT8 an Mata stroot, on# sft- C£f>, ka.-, exhiblte«l to ns some these elegant spictmeos ef W’r;rs>i-i n Eleventh and Twelfth, in toot froitt by tlfidoep. COPARTNERSHIP. the sumiiitr trade ef aieamhoat work C4.m ueoers. Office for the present tn the Clerk’s exiioUltely beautiful specimi u> of XTrlting, a* uugbt by where. Also, a *p««wdld assortm«m OlrcoU Court Of- to DR. 0. D. BRrCB, ritgR subsciiuer* have tbis day a*fMjciat*d Mr. 8. J. C. MILLER R CO., fice. feb 10 dtf him Id a scries of lecHont. Mr. U. guaraniles to Impart Half Wigs, Brai^ aad Curls alwa*. „ L f|^lil8Ht)AD being Duw cuQipletv, it op« il> a 'viuma- dtf Seveuih st., n«^r Market. with and EK- BniliU tt., opposite Smith a i>hut«cU’s. to his pnpiU teucta tn»iructluu* a* will enable them In a X MARTIN them In tb# WUOLEoALE X Dlcatlon between Fwiblnti aud Pbllair!pi:is, TAIL I'EY' erreci style ct mercsuttle Comte, Brushes, Per^4mery, Glovea, and a «eners. as- (1833) SPRING. (1853 Plttaburg and Baltimor' , by which freight iriUi the W-n. FOR BALE. to pattern 10 sa t iu*tumer"~a very elexantwayoi Lears the bigbe-t testlmo- sortment e# Fuwy aeeds.ef the lateei cootiucee m bereto(i>re,at the old stand, under the name a y Penmanship. Ue witu him can reach an Ea-t*-ra market quicker and cheater than ;nmorta«iea,t . :-e doing away with blla«li or curiam* aronud your side- A . G O W D V fit CO., Dlai* of bis snccess. gentlt^men who are engaged nn«l*T*.gu.d, wishing to ctoso his hnslnee*. found at (ho ohovo establishment. and style of EOBIN8ON, wKiGiIT. ACO. Tonng by any of the preseui rival roufs. They C4Minect with light*. Patterns to he seen In a nam*'tr of dwelllugs No. 439 Main street, Lonisville, tn mercantile pursoits cannot better dispose of their 1 wouldM.Tsr for sale his C4)N4BCnONART RSTAB- G. NICBOLAR, M >, 98 Funrth st., Jan. du ExlBlNBON R WRIGHT. the Daily packets at PITTSBI RG, (r>ro St. Lums, in the city sad the office on Ballltt Mr»-ct. NVITE ths sttvotlod buyers their ti me t han by placing themselves at bis school.*’ Ll-'IIM KNT rill theo>m*ref First aad Jefferson siroeta, Jeff boewtea Maio aad Martst, Luu.svine, a of to nansually Loul!»vUie, Clncmnatt, Wheeim,;, ai.U a.; uiv differeo y- tc-..-ther with th« FaroKure, Rc«, lasafelhoaso, ooool*:- N. A Forsoas residing at adistsnce, NOTICE. spr 13 aim J. C. M. «t CO. I large aud comprebenslve assortment of FOREIGN ervr. Barry has fitted np a beauiiful front room for point* on the aad wtoRiae o part fuiiuw*: )orward ordore for Wigs, N conseqoenco of the death of William Bonos, his aud DOMESTIC STaPLE snd FANCY DRYGOODS. ladles, not infer. or to any in tbe ctiy, and a separate inc in a* caa take the a*a«uroog tb**r I rr".cker Ma-*'tir:--,1 Rr***! Wag.>o, Tools, Moulds he., bonds la tho N>lluwmgaanoer(wh!ch I interest lu the ba*me«ie ot CAMFBhLL, KrS8ELL,h Cbestuut Sueet Female Seminary, One of the members of tbe firm is permanently loca- room for gentlemen, and means to give geterul satl-rac- WESTERN WATERS; wi.i guaraatg tkeo* In lion to tbe public. nov «l*m fer liak— -bop \u>l taony making; 7 Josen caao-sear a porfoct fft), vix: OU., at Clodnuau, teruimatel on the 80ib Uitiiuo. ted tbs Kant, and gives his undivided attention to the 4 Also with the Cleveland and P:ib-barg Ra!i*.>a-I ant the 6JA CUKSlMrfiT., PHILADELPHIA. (Jba'r>, ::> vu«.'.;An Crru.'e TsKl^s mahussoy Dtvans, 98 leu Meaonre round tho h«od, «ay from Tb( afiair* ef ibe late firm will be settled b> the nn- purcha^e of Goods. Oblo and Feao*ylvaoU lialLoad at Pittsburg. 30 to 28 tn< puuiar Tab:#", HaN.vm arul -'^ruir Carpets, Rods and Mats; 3d. Meosnro from th# forebeml to the dersigocd, snrslvtbg partner*, wbo will coailnae tl<* We are dally In receipt of Goods, and ear fsclltties FOR SALE. Car-, run tfirongh between F.!t"burg aLd PhUad«:phiA napo, 13 to 1 ^ to. iars- f*‘sme Wln!-w ahods*. 88. RoM wbelwmle aad total: bp WUsoa, Starblvd, k fincltl. are such tbat we keep our stock supplied with tbe latest The large and commodious STEAM FCRNI- 3 gm Moosorofrom sarto«arocro.,fer«head,iltol': to. transartlunof a GENERAL, COMMISSION, PKODDCE, j ^ wltbOQl transhlpiiieot uf Fr«:i.*hi, an advantago that and choice^t style* to market, firr| TURK (at corner and Jar, f'>r Can-li-4; 3 8eda P>uot EtatMlsCo.Qier De 4th. Measnrofroo eartoearacroseCTaamm.lUoUdo» and FOiiWARDlSG busm*** on ihetr own accunm, a* f |tUE 8pnng quarter of this Iistitntloo will commence be had In tbe KaS'em and FACrOKT tbe of Main be appr claim'd by all *hlppen>. nlyncet that of the mountains, ^*oorte,mh strets), withal! the MacLtuery, and canter,, 11 Jar. Prrrerve>, Cake and ClxarCaaos* a lalof K^Addrees aaabweo. No. 8 Last Front street, oiucmi*aU, under tbe same style (hr Ibui April; Ihe next acadruilc year, tkptember defy competUion west 111! 1 Cauilv.lS ;sl3w.: :iTi Cha.rs, Dre-*>ag Bureau, Car- of CAMPBELL, RUSSRLL, R CU. I^N3. mar 8 w44iUf 5miL the Lot, 'JOB by 90 feet, Is Dow offered for sale at 1 W. H. STOKES, IMiNALO CAMPBELL, , * great bargain. pet Rn;, Clo^ <, A-trul Lamp, WanJrobo, CocLng EDWIN MORRIS, TbG Seminary Is plea-antiy »Uus«el In tbe npper part 1853. SPRING IMPORTATIONS 1853. The machinery Is of the very best kind, aud la In per- Btove, tu. (SUCCESSOR TO E R. W. H. Kov. 1, laU—dtf J. CHAB. HUBhELL. of Covstonl -trett, a location combining all tbe advan- \i7BOLBSAUt DRI <»«*IAT k dealer STORES,) fect running order. a:«o, tbe ac<»*i tr»-l Lejso, with the prlellefo of Joha tages of the city, «iih comparaiUe retlrvmtnt Vf Qlla, kc«. No. 484 Mala 9^re<-t U>ppo« nCFOBTKk AND DKALKB III from Its T. Gray to bin, of tbe Lot, Situated in ihs city ef Lonl^ NOTICE PerHons wishing to ptircbase art Invited to rail and Botel}. betweea Plfth and Mxth sue^t-, Lu' rx<.liemeDU Tbe bou*e Is commodluus and pleasant, First N cuO*oque:' bi*come part- family dorint or spend a portion of It In tbe niauu'acturer*. U;s stock Is now tbe largest and mutt of tbe kind that can be obtained at auy other Citabllsh- X\ ners 10 oonsurt a Wboloaaie HARDW AkK and CUT- trafeiing wpb pr>ncl;.als. Farther parilcnlars may R.BIhTl4EI IROo A%l» EK%ka F44t.Ml£R% rp!endid ever bvfure brought to the West, aud be Is de- m«mt In the Western ciUe*. A CAHO. LERY Store In LeulgvUIe, £>., under the name uf H. B« be learovd f.om circular*. Tt.lr4 tla». AMD MaCfillbE bHop, termined to off r great tu’lu.'emeuts 10 purchasers, aud Those who are aoont tomlsbtng cither Steamboata, B.rtcs ..emuy 1.C.I.U tii. BBlELDBkCO. BKNRY B. SHIELDS, Rf/ermcet, Boil-r la ftrklna and keen, Canuir.,'l Monreo r*r*-rt, be weei, Etotrn’li af»d Ttwrlfth ^ ^ would respectfully solicit a.l in want of any gooits In bis pnbllc ur private houses, will find It ao ob)ect to call and -XT'T*- •* O ol Uit HARTFOEU FIRE July 1,1863. G. /.SHIELDS. CuttoQ [In .mtorj, fi'iceo.varr, I caior sttenOon cleea to toe Mr«. Rmma Wlllaril, Truy, N. T.: Mrs. John H. Wil- doe tt call and examine bis slock befo*e making tb*lr examine the above before pnrchaslng. -a*a «*• amla («» - vq'tArr oetow toe LiMiternie Paper-Mlli). ikw TaJluw, TubicCM In leaf ^ r.>'cb oomfakt, i ona.oafw. I ship^ir.g meec" — lard, do.; Stephen W. Tayior, LL. D., Hamilton, N. T.; purebasrs, as be is confident of pleaetog them in both Foil sets from $40 to $300. f ot tocOo LAWoON A FRANK. Prcp^letors. — Dv— lu. uduiMi.i ri.k. lut gwo eeppiy ei nerewerr «jiw * tiired lea.fward], luce ^mam a , Rev. D. Gillette, New York: Rev. aud J *Aiea la rsekooae tor ' A. R Babcock, New quality price. (tnil] J* G. MATI1BR8. BURLBT k LTFORD, li- r* ' llaKt ro*Tl aRRh jf SIWaM k »^iB« k.v«>Ikaa, kc.. rm-ctem. tm vkoB I hrmotorc lory cocistootly on aui receiving I bt* doe 31 un bM. uib> bond, to# Turk; Rev. h. Vnller, D. D., Baltimore., M4.;T. F iller, Third It., south side, bet. Sycamore and Broadway, Fanrill Cla... ^ f, 8 imv R< tero tk^-tr tuceretoauk* tor Uie very l.Q-- tu oti MXuuat u hATiti. direct Impurtotloits from Borupe oud from Amen- u moc, .M. 0-, Beanrort, e. C.i Hun R. a. Barnwe l,do.- How- in dtf Clnclnnatt, Ohio. Bacon, C dti (In •nmuirr]. C >tr«>,'l fai i**crie*4 tL^tr ui: I i.k. IB Tbe Subscribers have Store, Jy80 poirvoore kevetotor* at Cut MtelF Uirlr D<*tKtitiorhM^« cau nmoufoctares. Fur sole tu morcbsjtts ond tro- ard Maloidui, D.. Rt'v La'd aad Larooii [larouw], F^rk, 4 D. Lewlfdmrg, Pa ; H. A. Haard- ( „ im ... J06RPH HADIX>X, offer fur sole ot iuw prlces->^ Mala etroca, a«ar Ninui. eb; c w*, Thr Flrr U.iiruiof Co.if.WF ww la Oers at os low price* oo ot ony oetoblUbm<»nt In the nd -* *'*' chvtcrad mao, D. D., Phliai*-lphla; Kev. Cuas. Wa81*, ba. i>^w *ulM a .acomfai TIN PLATK-S COPPER, kc. ^ to l>u*lana tor orrr fortF West. ]J13dtf) H. B. SniKL' 8 k CO. A n.ka Coach manc/ \cti bbh. jg^B tc to tie* acwoo locotlek. lio'litg puriua*'.: F^.r>- bt. ua^ai(.irad 4-360 boxtoTiu P:otee* X. be»t Cuorcool broods; ) -•MOV* w caa* capital w and » ^ *teo fkiM strert e-twmma4lou» bn.k al; rr.pccu obe of tb. >M.t loututloo. te K.v Ea*- Jefiriswo,!. hove 800 do •ize T.n; Freight Ag-nt, PiiUburg. uiOvUM, Ky., where Morroge- .4 to MiiiaiBa, tooy are eoab.od I* eariy oa a:l the oifftsreot JCEKS E. TFUEE, A.eot, 1 OAsocloied with me In the extro criptluo ore hw;lt to uf ier r >r emo, > r I B. J. BaNEKDBR, ^rpAnmooi* ta toetr uaoof kastoeas wito incrrasrd *1* *>• Main oo»r '%|||8 A DDLEKT, H AKN KS 8, oud : 100,000 puoods Bro-lers’ Cupper, 10 to tOO pound sheets; fa- Bank or laml.nila. 2J fforobCity, and eieffonee of fihUh concot be ««>ru*p^« «UU>,ao«are ia.:y preparod «o m-nufect«re Ctig ue- ^THUKb busloe*e B. R. MILKS. lOyO'.iO do Cupper Bolt*; Freight Ageui, PmtwIelphUa ri^llE sub-enber wuhe^ to **|| (be right to use any in th* city. Wuckmem *f cv.^rirny or* *ngaged a OM aatomery tor Bteaaihsgm, GGst-M Jig, Ba*-lf I.*, l9)fil The potroDore ot my former cos- 6,000 do Pig Tin; MAGRAW k KvMlNS, LIFE RAM( E. JETER’S IMPROVED M lo the th* b«m aiol«r:a.o aoed oud ml w*>rk wair*i4«ed. tomer* \m re*pectfnlly solicited ot the bouse ui Dr. k ITT 1 PLANING 4CUINR 10,000 do CumposiUon Shesthlng Nolls Freight Agent> BAlUmore. A^rten**, aad ocbor oeea; Fire Bagloea. for city urr-. mm. th* ManiSUN IKSCEAKC* cuy of LouDvIUe. sod In the Stai* of lodltua. For par- esses J. L. Kl.Llorr, ml9 JOSBPH BaDPOX. M*W Ha«*4riiso. toommiog Mochtoe*, for M il Saws, k MliJES, 681 seoth stdo Molu oireei, between Second 100 Shesthlog Cupper, 14 to 80 oz. < OMPakir tak. Eaed lir. r1—• oa ticulars oppyto the subsertber, nearSa.lna Pust-ufflee, Besop MenOiirr?, Femps, BtoHiOg, aaoper*, Pu: ey*. nd Third. Jon39dtf 8. DKWITT. Freight Agent, Nw. 7 Wes; st., N. T. term*. Soai. of tb* ad- Jeffersoo co., Ky. CORDAGE. Fakotmi, kc.; Forriog ef a« Oeocriptivo*; Bra*- Cast H. U. UlKJSTOaN, BicDBRMOTTS. fiffcORAUf & CO. Taaia«c* —ar— tki. •IJfilf *f oobiwf griKN MORTON. 3*000 colls Msolllu Rop« , 6 toresd to 9 inch; FOU.9iUERY, f 16 Uly Geoerul Freight Agent* Pnilodelphlu. 78 *'.£» a«to fu aktff Brae* Wert ef all ktous ffoe S ft Irea COPARTNERSHIP. HYDRAULIC No. FuvhTM .rnsKT, t,6uu do Tsrred do, 6 thread to 9 Inch; Narthenot comer Floyd and H’athington ttreettf • e»uag,oeliakio fer emad wchiaory, a* veu m Ca*T- l#u An omplo OMb copltala subocTtter* bar* thti* day cuterod Into partner- of Aro Bffsrtnfi for «oi *, at tho w.w-*t ro*h ^rXo* 100,IJOO PIECIIS PAPtR UN SALi! TiOO do Bolt Hope, Spunyom, Marline, 6c LOVISVIIXL, Kv. luas of Ike tergeot klaa, emfrractug ai* kiade of Maenmo- fid* Beduood rotu* of premium, X «blp (or the purpose of tranhaettue a GENERAL WUL Dj,p)eDdld atorrtmcbt d CO'KING Ot.4 MNATi 600 do India Hupe* hr subscribers are now making Mill Ca-tlngs and 8d. Ubera trovelthg pn«li*gea, withont AGENCY aod COMMISSION bu«lDi-ss, dDdrr tbe name J|hTOVB8, of heovy oadfflirM!* pa:t-m«, vs*; oxtracharfo, At 475 Main Street Machinery trum new patterns got np lo «ffe to soemoi heroofur ih giviog os general *ai. iiha of waLLACK popx k<-0-, and will uccopy the »ame SAIL DUCK. T tbe must ^^atmta ooO tooe*. y, CAitforu’a risks ukon, elihor by tho capo, lath- aving completed our arraogemeoi* in the New 10 OS er« ho«o (ortho 6fce*« yeoro. *tore, Oh S« rood etroot. Dear Main. muderu and approved style. Also, tobacco, lard, timber, rrviiln m .f.nlD«* ts pronouBCed by wouf^-eteat Judflos Mot On*- ptu- bub, or ovenox^ root*. Bu'«dlng. receive*! 1,160 bolts Cotton Duck, Nos. 3 to 10; H and a large portion of oor Sprint and mill Screws, Iron RalUng, Furclng and Llulng cne.f the er*ata«t abor-savlag mochlor* of tho reaiiof the bOMt ocel m’ltt 04. proved stfi**. Ir wallacr pope, X V. D. ^itk. Negroo* tusurod, uador eonola roetrlcUoaa, we are enabled to exbib't 300 do do do, doable width; GAETANO A CO*. Go. for *ale the mo*t ex- Pomps of varloas site* and kind-, ca^t Iron Screw Pipes ace. Bv :t* us* voe urdin.vry workman coo w>rtlc* oa o ve hove oUoiiMd th* poturtus formerly m iw. Appllcotious will b* proiupUy acted Jan. 1, 1988. W. 11. POPE. 100 bales Light Cotton; Adams A Co.'s Western Express. .To. Ifft .MtoU sf.« tetm 8kxfh mmd .V'wraJA, LowsrW/e* JIb. on. tensive ani complete assortment trf Paper Hangings ever ot 6 Inch r n, h'iL* equally skillfnl tn Foovdory (John Cotry**), and w* con (uriiist: 1. 1, 14, <4i If* ^ diameter, Socket and .n a >'a. os & aht or ten okes lMPt»»TlR8 «8 or.o* No. 618 Male etroot, near the Bonk of kbuwn In tblT.cttr, and having 660 bolts soperlur Kugilsh Duck, 00 to 8; Dnngert 0 Lake .\ i new store, have Rallruoi! Car .ixles. Car Wheels, and other coeilng* fur --2.«.-;ieni<:rri f.^r Uahi iruu wurs. It te vorytlmple aad t'lgar*, Nau, Cun»n;.. 1.*..,^.:. .fl i3UlSl^E!S« «*Ddeavured tu make It emplarfcaliy SAIL TWINE. £kURAME COMFAXY', burg, end thence by Patkets, or. in • je» xoetke. by Dno4 Fruiu, Oont*' t Lot-* “llif Pajifr House of ihe West.’’ 100 boles and bbls Cotton oud Hemp. B-iy’s and French’s vatont Huh Morticing Mscblot for t'..rcd an*! tor ooio by Maxiuop* I BaV/unore and (Miu Rut'roed to H'keeiing and L'nn/n IKO. PAPER WAREHOUSE. wagon and carriage mokets* use, which has been pro TIV18 k BABBABOeX, The 15 years' txperlmceut onr senior partner gives nt, OAKIM. Line ^eamboatt to LouuoWem _ ^ N*. Powell, Presidout. nounced by competent Judge* one of the greatest labor- of mar 21 w^kitSm LooUville, Ky, TO BEBRCfeiANTB AND OTHERS. B. B. Secretary. we tmtl, a Uiun>ugb knuwiwige of this bosloeisa in all its WaiTNcr, W. 2,000 boles Nortbe.m, uundseacb. saving machines ever Invented. Order* fruiu a distance, UK underslgnei, a-i well ** teaches us to anticipate the wants MkSCTO&S. at specified rates* for Kzprros freights tour CAST IRGM RAILING. Wook!y,okd W*.-klf, vooM vogpootfblU ask Useat- and pleoK- the ta*teof lberao»t lastldlou*. BINTING, INDIA BAGGING. with satUfoctory refereocOK, or cash remlilooces, will T fruu M.G. Bright, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. the Rastem cities on terms most lavoraMe to shipper* 'B have a large o*«ortmeat uf very hoadsooM Bo!'.- uoa of tb* buiifooi of po|>er*i fine papers, especially the receive prompt auenUon. mo* Lsktena* to th:« Cm Our French, are mode to our 200 piece*, scarlet, blue, white, kc; tultablo fur yards, oeviotsneo, aad L. Shrevsb ry, I tag pouemo u NO. II CUFF STKKT, NFW YORK, expre-s-y dec6w2kd TBV1S k DARBAROUK. both for time and price. U C. Soaxoy, own order and excloslveb fur this EstabtUh- 100 bole» Indio Bogging. .No, bkt Msla stretq, i IVNB Boos, Bank Notes, Bonds, Coin, and parcels of every d>-- baiconu'»,to which ve coil tho oueotloa of ihooo ta voat Wm. J. re Sole kgcBlf iB tSe ('ailed States for-^ lArcuvl sad Thirl* Lo«i«> MoCturo, Da-.ld Whitt, GUNNY BAGS, WROUGHT SPIKES, BURLAPS. scrlptlun carried to and from LooUvill* aihl all th'* of iUillax for toy of tho obove-aamed purpoeoa. Wo Musprau’s buporlor Bleaching Powder; LEATHER! LEATHER! LEATHER! Koat- J. AWeyrr. A ' are prepared to put It up at shun aotice oo tho moot « 800 bale^. bush Gnuny Hogs; em cities, in aAorfer (:mc and lower rcten then any other •reotouok la tto Waho»h, Wnio* nvor, aad Gr«ok nrer Victoria Mills Celebrated Wnilog papery 34 |\ MARSHALL has Just retuiued from the Bast, af- with Ine Ohdersighod, bavUg boct Expreti lintm Koch Kxprt*»s (<« In cnar.sor u-ir >wu rea->na'jN term.-, iwder- from adlstovco toilofoc- « alleys. It ta at (hte Ume the okly Bagiisr. payv* Bnseell •• Bnperlor “ ** 600 kvgs Wrought spikes* o!l sizes; ter hsvlng hts Calf-Skins, isio ot Dacv;..e, paU oppoicied ag«nt for th* XJ» completed purchs*e*uf lory referoaoeo will r^cr.ve prompt oiteortoa. Kf, above « « 10 boles Burlaps, 40 to 45 Inch, for Coffee Bogs, I -special mesaengcr, with iron »are* fur security of m*.- I ebof la BvanselUo, aad offOrs tor soportar ladnmsnriil* kAsvog Genesee “ Printing kc, Morocco, and Findings of every variety. Ills stock is of Hjdraallo Potodory, tna(!tuUon,soUclu th* pe oey. We ron no rl-k of lake navlxatleo, oor of river TEVISk BABHaROL'X* to t > to*«tevUI* affvortleors to tag oChor paper pobilshefi ta Eawilos k 80ns* Rngllsh Tissue ^ CHAINS AND AaSCHORS. the very best, having been selected by bim.-elf frvm the TAYLOR ARMhlROhG - - ^ tronoge of tho cuiumanity Ins east of Ctnclnuoti, and use theoAorferf Hnoof Rtolr»aJ m3l J Comer WsshingtoB tail Floyd sts. lorn fogisk. Tho patftto*r tokos this opportoatty to rv- Cowan k Co.’* Knsi.*b and hootch B'rlUui de. largo stuck* of Eantem Importers. U14 supplies ore (SvccKsaoBa to Tavlow k RavMaaaR tho vartoo* deportmeat* I of the touloeoo. He U authc 100.000 (cnnris EnglisbprovedCholni'ables, tol loch Clneiunatt to Yurk. 4«*1 t tta Me thonfc* for tholiboral Lualsvt*ie They are also agents tor the principal 'rom New y%mka Mreol* pairuaoffe Bo l*tod to rooclre eppIlcatioiM for lusurmooe oi>— paper monutoc- T'>p?oH Chain*, 6-16 mure extensive thou any In tbecUy, and lu point of qual- Fl'MPB. 60,00) do to j IRON IALBBS in BVAiST I os airooffr Tsooloofi. Tertoo, kc., toodo kaovs by ap- torero to this country, ood ofl«r for cale by far the ity equaled by nunc. bos rec-.*ive4 ts now FAST FREIGHT LITi:. 1 MtoCR4rrk>N OF M Wwa* Live* most He Just and '*‘1 The of ludtvidoaU for a term of yeors or for Iffff 8U0 Aucbuis, f*9*'i 60 to 3,U0U pounds. 1 manufacture ood havo olwaye oa hand Iroa Fore* xoatioa bf looar or ocBorvts* to extensive and desirable stock of Pap^rr and Paper MaiiO- 1 will a1*o contract fur Freight by our Post Freight D and Geatlem*t.’s F;^mi«hiu^ oud Ft.ivy G Is, I opening— The fiuiu of Ateombuou had thotr Corgooo. | anuais. any other I Lomoln No. wel|.« of any depth. wsrraat oor i~ fur cisterns oai We MAodkerchiefs, fiwj s Caaes, eouotry. 8,000 White Ia<*ail, rrlun’* 60 do do du do, 2; low rotes from New York and lower rates from PhLo- peadr , Ticnks, BhtpSLent> by sea anL Iniobd Coevoyanco. kegs raanufactmre, No. 1, No. well, v.ll rofand th* tooaoy tf Pump* to perform and LKo-Fresorvoro, Ooau, Teoca, Laila’v offer*, And BttiMiug> extra and pure, In poAaged rum 26 800 60 do SlIverMcdalFrrncbda, Nu. I; nelpl la than any other tine. jsl. of all cssenpueta aad tbeli conim They occupy tbe large ouJ oomnodlous varebouser* to they roll to , marked -Fast FreUh'i Line.” C^Gfioe oa Main sireot, near th» Bonk of street, aad the Locu ever th* large Iroa Sitorea, 1,000 kegs Paints, assorted color*. do various br’nds do N>.1; Loultv! 7 and 9 4N EXCHLLK.nT KAsM uD tbe Ohio river* lo 100 do Phtiklelpbla du, No. 1; P*P«r Package* carried by Fast Freight Lin*, WILLIAM a. PaXWT r-trm Wm Tm0!> JAR. I.TTLIB, Alow. Cliff •treet. gold leaf, J.KPANNED TINS, 011- CAST IKUM S4 FIFEB, ^ ^ Huntci’v Buitum, oooiamltg upwards of 200 Kips, and no Package charged less than fur one RSW MRkMT k THGWAA. N. B. For tho higk standiag of this Compoay Their busloesv la strictly wholesale, and Writing Papers 60 do do large size. hundred always fur oblR acres, upon wblcfa 1* a large orchard of tbe best ItK) packs Gold L*ar; puundo. p (. 1*1 4, u. If* 2, 24* and 8 tack A.ND t rvferetkco Is mod* to by the co*e 00 y. ilort^n •'>0 band toil !ur »ale at low rotes. Th«o« Flpes ore selected yonux tuple tree*. Tlile ItMllsputsble. 100 Japanned Tint, 10X14; 13-1) lison, li. i:ao- No. ; 100 bbU Northern Bright Varnish; ’ of Msy, IS63. Any lufurmatlun In relation ttu ar* soM* a»t ave a great sttvontage ever th* ordt- to the farm 20 do Engit.-h Kid, ad colors. Nos. 1 ondJ; apolG, Torre ilante, and Salat Looli !a;iy a; I04 .1. M. Paper suds te order oay fice or v<**jtl. Liberal ad- &A) bundle* Sand Sheathing Paper. | ca*t iruo ptpe ihe sap*rlorUy *f tho Jotats aad THE con be bad uf the undersigned. oxkl Lexlagton M- osry frum GIRARD *J0 do Curosu do, do, Nus. 1 aad Fronkiurt at3 P. vanooemodeou oocwigDraenui of Paper, Paper Maker** 2; rose celerity with which they or* laki doora. TB# THOMAS SBcrra, J. B. KIKKRAD, K^Axents fur the Birmingham Cupper Works, Union 6a ADAMS k CO. the and do superlur Tupping Skins, all eolor:^ I LIFE ISSruiME, i^.MllV, stock, ood other merchorMlise. a't^utiuo of **« ;:r«T* of railroods I* coiled to tho*e UNITED ST.\TES HEMP A4;E.NT, kSt TRUST alSdtf S!zih ^t-, between Market and J*‘fier-on. Wbiie U'aD »RA.'%MFORT RAILRO.ID. t>'.c-yar!- to to JATIBB I. LB Also, large **surtaieut 1 * a very uf Lsstiugs, Galoons, ' ^ • at-^e Com a n VINEGAR. tJXo\e*iu Du Foul** Ride, FFFG, 26 lbs etch) f'pc-. order. ic^ >m[onle-! with (Otlafoctory reteroaccs DBALXB IN WAfCUlUk Jp'iV fi bo* dec 18 A d tu*i on tiecuuk via be b Id At ih^* ••(&€* of p y a per- tm] U6m and Trimmings. ! pnuol charter, 6.04) du du du, FFFG, 12 lbs do; will bo pr iUptl; attend**! to. ,oaa e Otopon* tL tl..- t’ltp, ea tb* first Fr,dA) lu Mat, tor sad their copl- I ^ All of soli SUvor Wore, Nu. 88 Funnn WAKRE.N BRIGGS, which via bo on the most reosunoble terms. 1 beea :