Y, Mat ?, ^-Triple Sheet
New YORK HERALD, SATURDAY, MAT ?, ^-TRIPLE SHEET. 3 - - .. i i more lethargy. But new that Ptodwont hu into Um dominions of whilst ihe Mne force end value m If H were In In the wWe* shall ala*-' hi considered it ebtifcbM, fcfc,vl« and (Siritibl* fr.t Ivnn, atton meat, Viatra, hoi not ..r immr Merely InioMM the fol'twtog urtldo, (be wh'iie in wiib ibo law* of tlu proved, by tbe regular and wtae eierdae of fraadmn, that Um of Um Awnnid present artlolo. riin'omtty ration m of and tor lieeoo u, uoa powtr retiming oomplinent. MU»Mth or «mh, 1M0, mi * »P»W1 h hfr owty of substitution all the other cutties of th .<iriur.it' to wlue.li are a* well a» it* Italian wormy sign »" ink Article »a. The prortaees ud Fnieigny, M,| "to moons ol this ibey Hu'Je-ded, » n>' atlad or io« ca of ovt u » Northern Italy, including Kitiguom nf dardlau »nc ;wr, of Bavoy to of P»r« abah be tntlnUiuid and regirdei m ab lM> military regwUtiMil aod the nup-mo chvge in..', i< viut. K.rope A iut> uut«j uf hi aOMMon the llaine o:' ell the territory tr^ northward of Ugine. said tieuty lie -de »tne wdb ibo bravest nut one of tin W..gt,»he h .* he Austrian 1 Itie Imnbirdo Vonitiu never laea.'rec.iin, to Uto of e on the two courts. referred to lire govern noma relative to '.be object* Of by provinces."alio 10 m more r , ut u is caone.
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