The Selected Papers of John Jay, 1760-1779 Volume 1 Index
The Selected Papers of John Jay, 1760-1779 Volume 1 Index Actaeon (ship), 278n3 Active (ship): admiralty court case on, 553 Act of March 18, 1780, 678n1 Adams, Charles Francis, xxxii Adams, John: administration of, xxv; confers with General Howe, 294, 294n2; on congressional committees, 137n1, 220n1, 239n4; and congressional instructions, xxxiii– xxxiv; and Conway cabal, 559n1; correspondence of, l; as diplomat, xlii; dispatches of, 601, 602n5; and Dutch loans, 696n2; and factions, 171; and independence, 170, 240n1, 250n3; influences N.Y. Constitution, 401; and inoculation, 489n1; JJ declines court appointment by, xliv; JJ’s correspondence with, xxxv; letter to, quoted, xxxvii; mission to the Netherlands, xxxiii; and moderates, xxvii; and New England interests, xxxii; as peace commissioner, xxxii, xxxiii–xxxiv, 698, 714; political theories of, 401, 402; praised, 665; quoted, 221n1, 305n3, 481n1; recollections of, 98, 99; relationship with JJ, xxxii, 98; voyages, xxxii, 665n7; writings of, 401 Adams, John Quincy, xxxii Adams, Samuel, 621n3; and appeal to Canada, 116; and authorship of Address to the People of Great Britain, 98; on congressional committees, 119, 137n1; as congressional delegate, 624n1; and Conway cabal, 559n1; and factionalism, 171; and French alliance, 572; identified, 119; militancy of, xxv; moderate distrust of, xxvii Adams family, 621n5 Adams-Lee faction: and committee memberships, 171 Addison, Joseph: quoted, 48, 49n4, 518, 519n5, 602, 604n2; writings of, 49n4, 543n5, 604n2 “Address of the Convention of the State of New York to their Constituents”: authorship of, 320–25; illustrated, 323 Address to the Electors of Great Britain, An, 143, 145n2 Address to the People of Great Britain, An, 96–99, 100–107, 109n1, 134, 137n1, 145n5, 177 Address to the People of the State of New York: and ratification debate, xl Adgate, Matthew, 377, 379, 380 Administration of Justice Act, xxvi, 105.
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