RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN Part One: Detailed Resettlement Action Plan for the Dam and Reservoir

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RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN Part One: Detailed Resettlement Action Plan for the Dam and Reservoir SUPPLIED TO MARY BOOMGARD, OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION ON 22 NOV 19 04:53:40 GMT Madagascar Sahofika Hydropower Plant RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN Part One: Detailed Resettlement Action Plan for the Dam and Reservoir Part Two: Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan for the Linear Components of the Project Prepared by: Land Resources, Antananarivo, Madagascar With: Frédéric Giovannetti, Lyon, France Date: June 30, 2019 Version: C SUPPLIED TO MARY BOOMGARD, OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION ON 22 NOV 19 04:53:40 GMT SUPPLIED TO MARY BOOMGARD, OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION ON 22 NOV 19 04:53:40 GMT Eiffage Eranove HIER Themis Consortium Madagascar - Sahofika Hydropower Plant Resettlement Action Plan - Version C TRACEABILITY Version Date Reference Commented on Status by A 04/25/2019 Draft B 06/20/2019 Draft for publication C 07/05/2019 Version for submission to ONE ABBREVIATIONS AEC: Administrative Evaluation Commission AFD: French Development Agency AfDB: African Development Bank AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ALC: Local Liaison Officer Art.: Article AWS Drinking Water Supply BD: Board of Directors Banky Fampadrosoana ny Varotra (Malagasy subsidiary of the BFV: Société Générale Group) BIF: Birao Ifoton'ny Fananan-tany (Communal Land Office) CASEF: Agricultural Growth and Land Security CIRTOPO: Topographic Constituency COBA: Grassroots Community CPAR: Short Resettlement Plan Framework CSB: Basic Health Center CTD: Decentralized Territorial Communities Inter-Regional Departments and Services for the Environment and DIREDD: Sustainable Development DO: Design Office DREEF: Regional Directorate of Environment, Ecology and Forests DUP: Public Utility Declaration EPs: Essential products FCI: Finance, competitiveness and innovation FDA: Agricultural Development Fund FLM: Fiangonana Loterena Malagasy (Malagasy Lutheran Church) Fikambanan'ny Ray Aman-drenin'ny Mpianatra (Parent FRAM: Association) Land Resource page 2 | 194 SUPPLIED TO MARY BOOMGARD, OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION ON 22 NOV 19 04:53:40 GMT SUPPLIED TO MARY BOOMGARD, OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION ON 22 NOV 19 04:53:40 GMT Eiffage Eranove HIER Themis Consortium Madagascar - Sahofika Hydropower Plant Resettlement Action Plan - Version C Foiben-Taosarintanin' i Madagasikara (Madagascar Geographic FTM: and Hydrographic Institute) GIS Geographic Information System GPS: Global Positioning System GSM: Global System for Mobile GWh: Gigawatt-hour HIER: Hydro Ingénierie Études et Réalisations HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus HLI: High Labor Intensity HWM: Highest Water Mark IGA: Income Generating Activity IKVK: Iraq'i Kristy INSTAT: National Statistics Institute JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency Jiro sy Rano Malagasy (National Electricity and Water Company of JIRAMA: Madagascar) LC: Land certificate LIDAR: Light Detection and Ranging MATHTP: Ministry of Land Use Planning, Housing and Public Works Mpiray dinidinika miaraka amin'i Kristy (Association in the Catholic MDMK: Church) MEDD: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development MEEH: Ministry of Energy, Water and Hydrocarbons MEF: Ministry of Economy and Finance MGA: Malagasy Ariary MM: Minutes of meeting MMR: Network of Rural Observatories MNP: Madagascar National Park MW: Megawatts Nb: Number of people NGOS: Non-Governmental Organization NP5: Performance Standard No. 5 NPA: New Protected Area Land Resource page 3 | 194 SUPPLIED TO MARY BOOMGARD, OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION ON 22 NOV 19 04:53:40 GMT SUPPLIED TO MARY BOOMGARD, OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION ON 22 NOV 19 04:53:40 GMT Eiffage Eranove HIER Themis Consortium Madagascar - Sahofika Hydropower Plant Resettlement Action Plan - Version C NPK: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K) NR: National Road NRL Normal retention level NTFP: Non-timber forest products ONE: National Office for the Environment OP: Operating Policy OPs: Operational policies OS2: Operational Safeguard 5 Ombona Tahiry Ifampisamborana Vola (Cooperative Savings and OTIV: Credit Society) PAP: Project Affected Persons PAPAM: Madagascar Agricultural Productivity Improvement Project PAPRIZ: Rice Productivity Improvement Project in the Central Highlands PDC Community Development Plan Program to promote youth entrepreneurship in agriculture and agro- PEJAA: industry PEPP: Stakeholder Engagement Process PN: National Park PPS: Public Primary School RAP Resettlement Action Plan REDD: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation SAPM: Madagascar's Protected Areas System SFI: International Finance Corporation SFK: Sekoly Finoana Katolika (Catholic Private School) SIS: Social impact study STIP: Computerized PAP Data Processing System TF: Land Title TFPs: Technical and Financial Partners USD: United State Dollar Vondrona Olona Ifotony (local forest management and protection VOI: entity) Land Resource page 4 | 194 SUPPLIED TO MARY BOOMGARD, OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION ON 22 NOV 19 04:53:40 GMT SUPPLIED TO MARY BOOMGARD, OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION ON 22 NOV 19 04:53:40 GMT Eiffage Eranove HIER Themis Consortium Madagascar - Sahofika Hydropower Plant Resettlement Action Plan - Version C CONTENTS PART ONE – RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAM AND RESERVOIR ............................. 14 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 15 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................... 27 1.1 PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT ................................................................................................ 28 1.2 MAIN COMPONENTS AND AFFECTED AREAS ................................................................................ 30 1.2.1 PROJECT COMPONENTS .............................................................................................................. 30 1.3 EFFORTS TO MINIMIZE THE RESETTLEMENT PROCESS .................................................................. 32 2 RAP OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................. 33 2.1 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF THE RAP (RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN) ............................................ 34 2.2 RAP PRINCIPLES ....................................................................................................................... 35 3 PROJECT IMPACTS ............................................................................................................... 37 3.1 IMPACTS ON LAND ...................................................................................................................... 38 3.1.1 AREA OF IMPACTED LAND ............................................................................................................ 38 3.1.2 NUMBER OF PLOT OWNERS ......................................................................................................... 38 3.2 IMPACTS ON CROPS .................................................................................................................... 38 3.2.1 ANNUAL CROPS .......................................................................................................................... 38 3.2.2 PERENNIAL CROPS ..................................................................................................................... 39 3.3 IMPACTS ON RESIDENTIAL HOUSES AND ANCILLARY BUILDINGS ................................................... 40 3.3.1 RESIDENTIAL HOUSES ................................................................................................................. 40 3.3.2 ANCILLARY BUILDINGS ................................................................................................................ 41 3.3.3 GENDER ..................................................................................................................................... 42 3.4 IMPACTS ON COMMUNITY ASSETS ............................................................................................... 42 3.5 IMPACT ON PLACES OF WORSHIP ................................................................................................ 43 3.7 IMPACT ON CULTURAL SITES AND ASSETS ................................................................................... 45 3.8 IMPACT ON COMMUNITY NATURAL RESOURCES ........................................................................... 45 3.9 SUMMARY OF PHYSICAL AND ECONOMIC DISPLACEMENTS ........................................................... 46 4 BASIC SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ............................................................................. 48 4.1 INVENTORY METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 49 4.2 RESULTS OF THE SURVEY AND INVENTORY .................................................................................. 50 4.3 GENERAL GEOGRAPHICAL CONTEXT ........................................................................................... 50 4.3.1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT AREA ................................................................................ 51 4.3.2 ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE ...................................................................................................... 54 4.3.3 BRIEF GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 54 4.3.4 HISTORY OF THE POPULATION ....................................................................................................
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