Memorial Center Completes Another Successful Year
.~ r • All tlte News of All the Pointes rosse~ Every ThufsClay. Morning Home of the News I 99 Kercheval TU, 2-6900 "Co11).plete-News Coverage of All the Pointes 'Entered a. Second Class Matter / ' Ie Per COpy GROSSE POINTE, MI~HIGAN, OCTOBER I, 1953 at the Post Office at Detroit, Mlch. Full~ Paid Circulation VOLUME I4-NO: 40 13.00 Per Yeti. .. III" .. , , Mobile Unit HEADLINES Don't Forget To Keep That Date Today Memorial Center 0/ t,'J, Paying Visit \VEEK Completes Another Here Today As Compiled by tb, Grosss Points News Contributors Urgently NeeCl- Successful Year . ed at Pointe Memorial Thursday, September 24 Church from 2 to 8 p.m. WALTER REUTHER, UAW and CIO president, informed Reports Disclosed at Annual Dinner Show Great Increase The Red Cross Mobile Unit members of the State Bar of in Attendance and Many Additions to Plant will be at the Grosse Pointe Michigan at their annual m.eet- and Program Memorial Church from 2 to 8 ing in the Sheraton-Cadlll~c p.m, today., , Thursday, Octo- .Hotel, that a fight is expected In the auto industry over the guar- Grosse Pointe's War Memorial Center completed its most ber 1, for the first blood col- anteed annual wage. They were successful year with a11:,annual dinner meeting held in the lection made here since last also informed that the labor C,enter Monday night. The various commit~ee head~ gave spring. The sponsors, all the unions do not intend to sign any their. reports, which all showed a marked Increase In the local churches, the Board of new contracts until the laborers number of people who have used the Center this year.
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