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SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1952 PAGE TWELVE ATtnge Daily Net Praia Run ThaWaatkar ^ngning ljgraU> For the Wosk Ended Fnaonst o< U. 0. WaatiMr IN eM f Dec.'U; list BsMe etothHaeM, eeU tonight; two cherubs went off to sleep. TVo AUTHORIZED hours later the parents had un­ A Go4m1 LUtle Girl Plays Smta Oaua Bonds to Aid 10,835 ■anion— M. FiAr, c— tlanN enU About Town Heard Along Main Street packed many items and were Just UONEL SERVICE Meaher #( the Audit about exhausted. They decided at Bnrcaa ef CirenlatiGBs 11:55 to call it a day. Still the beds Israeli State NORMAN'S Manche»ter—‘A City of Village Charm Mystic Review, No. 2, WBA. And on Some of Manchester*i Side StreeU^ Too did not arrive. “Tlie Variety Mart” will meet Tueidey nicht in Odd Then suddenly, a bright light The r-s»ef 449 HARTFORD ROAD f-eUawe JUU for e brtef buelneee flashed into the living room and MANCHESTER. CONN„ MONDAY, DECEMBER .15. 1952 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FIVE CEHT8 meetinc to be followed with • cun Happen Here • takes your buck. You go off mut- Special Ginvass Aimed VOL. LXXII, NO. 64 (O m sIIM AdTortlahig sa Pag* 11) Easlest solution to a «re is to terlng something the ehtaf pre- kitchen. *rhe man of the houSe got Christines perty. Gifts « f a dollor out of bed td see what was the To Relieve Gmnlry’s Tslue will be exchanfed. Mrs. attribute it to carelessness and let tends dot to hear. ’■ it go at that. But, says Fire * —----_ matter. It was only the store Shirley Smith and Mrs. Elisabeth delivery men trying to And the Economic Bottlenecks Bvtuahek will he in charge of the Chief James Schaub, one of the Genius, Yes, B u t..,, real big'dangers Is that of com- Manchester's youth have been family that had ordered the beds. piogram. and Mrs. Hasel Fahey Delivery was made at 11:59, mak­ In conjunction with the nation­ High Court and Miss Peggy Nevius. refresh- Dlacency those people who Uke keeping the aiithorlties in town RADIO BATTERIES the attitude that "It can't happen on their toes lately, what with ing it by one mimits on the pro­ wide BIO Day, Bonds for the Is­ menU. The WBA Juniors wiil have mised day of delivery. raeli Government, a local drive a l l m a k e s Ike Confident .. hotrodders and, more recently, the their Christmas party at t h e ^ - will be held tomorrow to help naid school on Friday, Dec. 19. B a rs O ath ROK Troops Kill 82 sn*«rei are'^hT^buIld- H «eeiwi that no sooner are they Mall Bag raiae funds for the State of Is­ S . pur,,- »> ... I.d wni.P.,1. u. We have received this letter cor­ rael in its struggle to achieve eco­ Arthur Dnif Stuns Memben of the double quartet ings »nu ,/hnm M older, more conservative folk, ap- recting a piece of information in nomic independence. More than who are singing at the installation 500 communities throughout the. OfPeacePlan O f L oyalty % i e ho^dly season always pe*rs not to be In the public In- a recent Herald story and adding of Manchester Lodge of Masons . .trnnr wamins terest, than they adopt some- more facts on the same subject. country will participate in this ctmeentrated one-day effort. Tuesday night are reminded that a from n/e officials conwmlng th! thing else, which appalls us even To Heard Along Main Street; Washington, Dec. 15—(A*) rehearsal will be held at the Ma­ The "New Haven" Railroad The drive is being held on the use of decorations in the homes, more. ’ New York, Dec. 15— (/P)— President-elect Dwight D. Eisen­ sonic 'Temple Sunday afternoon at But although we are at times bought the South Manchester Rail­ on which the third candle is •The Supreme Court today They are warnings Issued once a road In 1933. That was a few years lil^ted for the feast of Chanukoh, hower goes back to work in his New York h— dquarters to­ struck down Oklahoma’s Riot 2:M. All members are urged to at­ made Just as Jittery by their be­ Reds Prison year at this time. However. tend. havior as anypne else, w-e can't after the late '20’s, the time stated observance, of which started last day, prepared to map "positive p'liigrams’’ for bringing peace loyalty oath law on the Chief Schaub wants us to note In the article on last Sunday's rail night.'. This, ancient ceremony is the seven major Are hasafds in help but appreciate their desire in Korea. He said he returned from his trip to the war zone ground that it penalizes per­ for self expression and - admire fan trip on that road. The pas­ held eabh year in memory of the The IMvine Spiritual Circle will the home that demand every day with new confidence about the o u t - » ...... ■ ' « * sons who might have joined their inventiveness. senger service was discontinue a BUccMsful defense of Hebrew look for speeding ■ satisfactory I ______meet Monday at 8 p.m. in the attention. Alertness to these month or two before the "New freedom by Judah Maecabee and subversive organizations in­ Uthuanlan Hall, Golway street. dangers can make them a regular Take the "hotrodders," for In­ Tanks* Buddy stance. The police corralled about Haven" took over. Soon after tak' his followers more than 2000 In two public statements yss- nocently. UN Is SUent The lecturer and message bearer fire prevention program in which Ing over the "New Haven” remov­ years ago. will be Mrs. Charlotte Ellis of the entire family participates. 15 of them a few weeks back, torday, the general expressed op­ Dock Probe The law requirca atatc officers charging them with driving ed all "S.M.R.R." rolling stock. One Tonight "The Man of Faith.” a timism. and employes to swear they are 120 Wounded SpringSeld, Mass. All are welcome. In the order of their frequency with defective equipment and of the locomotives was used on half hour dramatic presentation Repents Own Views not affiliated *1th the Communist they are: (1) matches and esre- O nU .S.B an making unnecessary noise. Well, the siding of Casa's Woodland Mills baaed on t)ie Jewish Festival of At the same time, however, he ] Told About party or any other organlzaUon The. Salvation Army Band will less smoking, (2) defective chim­ that threw the spotlight, on all in East Hartford until recently. Chanukoh, and aponsqred by the iepetted his view that no simple that advocates violent overthrow sell Christmas trees again this neys, (3) misuse of electricity, young auto enthusiasts in town That "self-propelled" pic­ State of Israel Bond drive, will of government. It also requires a (4) defective heating apparatus, formula Is at hand, and he said year at a stand next to the citadel. and their cars and some of them tured in the article Is used on the be presented over, Station WTIC pntience, foresight end common promise to take up arms in defense O f R ed Spy In Break Try Bandmaster C. Peter Carls<^. who (51 combustible roofs, (8i kero­ really had some fahey buggies — early morning run to Boston from 10:30 to 1.1, The show. sense will be needed in finding Job R ack et of the United States. sene and other flammable liquids through Manchester. Is in charge of the project, will be Jazzy paint Jobs, dual carburetors Which features Meivyn Douglas, a •ns. Justice Clark, who wrote tKb and (7) rubbish. Yours truly, star of stage, screen, radio, tele- i assisted by members of the band. under the hood, twin exhausts Rissnhower gave no indication , court's main opinion, said :' United Nations, N. Y „ Dec. They will have trees of various During this, holiday season It showing in the rear, low-slung J. 'W. Cheney eviaion, will be broadcast over the ' New York, Dec. 16— (A*)— "Indiscriminate classification of Pusan, Korea, Dec. 15— (A*)— Allied guards killed 82 mu­ would be a good idea to remember 191 Hartford road. when he plans to meet with Gen. 15— (A*)— United Nations of­ sbtea at popular prices, and profits bodies. In fact, some of the cars nation-wide network of the Na­ Douglas MacArthur. A former longshoreman de­ innocent with knowing activity tinous Communist prisoners and w ound^ 120 on Pongam Is­ from the sale will help the band these hazards along with checking tional Broadca-sting Company. must fall aa an aaaertlon of arbi­ ficials maintained silence to­ • 4 ^ were several ideas removed from Watch Tliat Beach Herslii Phuta MecArthur declared in a speech : fied “ shut up or die" threats land Sunday in quelling one of the bloodiest Red riot of the fund. The stand will be open Mon­ your decorations. the vehicle which came off an as­ MoFgeDthan to Speak trary power. The oath offends due day about a former Russian Three-year-old Palmsda Brown fai New York ten days ago: “I am today and testified that a Korean war. The Allied Prisoner o f War Command said two day and continue through Christ­ sembly line in , with the Don’t look now but one of these Chairman of the Christmas Toy '-'At the conclusion of the radio eonSdent there Is a clear and defi­ process." employe, fired after the U. S. mas Eve. Saving nan body of one make, an engine of days your favorite beach or ocean of 80 Tanner street is pictured drama a brief addre# will be' de­ handful of waterfront figures Vote S to t American and two South Koraan*^” ' Want to know how to save drive, George Willard, Jr., reports nite solution to the Korean con­ Justices Black and Frankfurter barred him from the country another and headlights from a vacation spot may disappear. Who above in Gartner's department the response has been -excellent. livered by Henry Morgenthau, flict.” Several days later, Eisen­ controlled jobs and loan ahark aoldiera were Injured 11.097 Don't put any dimes In says BO? The U. S. Navy says so. Jr., chairman of the Board of wrote separate concurring opin­ on a charge he was trying to throwing Reds. The monthly meeting of the third, to say nothing of the store, presenting her used toys to Jlowever, more toys are needed to hower messaged MacArthur that operations on New Jersey parking meters. amount of chrome added or sub- Scientists connected with this Governors of the Israel Bond Or­ ions. Justice Jackson took no part spy for Russia in the U. S. Authorities said the riot Bolish-Amcrican Club has been Here's how it works, or doesn t. Mark Kravitz, vice president of the supply ths hundreds of children at he would like to talk with him, piers. in the case, making the vote 8 to about 8,600 die-hard civilian'”^“12,000 Pay ‘.racted. watery branch of American de­ the school. Anyone wishing to play ganization. The drama was writ­ under cover of his conficlen- postponed until Dec. 21. The meet­ You think you have a penny in local Lions Club. Palmada is sure llUlHilE and MacArthur replied that he Anthony De Vincenzo, 43, of 0. terneea _probably . The point is, that w'hile some fense report that the sea (any sea) Santa will bring her new toys this Santa to the children of Mansfield ten by David Driscoll and will be would he agreeable. The two probably waa part ef a [ "WWT • a ing was scheduled for your hand but its really a dime. Is rising throughout the world. produced and directed by Himan Hoboken, N. J„ father of four chil­ Validity of the law waa quesUon- tia! UN post, known tomorrow,. people express themselves through year and wants less fortunate chil­ Training School may do ao by generals I may meet here this week. dren, told the New York State ed by seven former teachers of UN Secretary General Trygve You put It in the meter and It more conventional channels, like This upward movement, if con­ leaving toys at any of the follow Brown, well known producer. i f l M n t A W f »nl breakoutr"~iCases W ait drops right through Into the coin dren ta have the use of her old toys. James C. Hagerty, Eisenhow­ Crime Commission probing racke­ the Oklahoma Agricultural and Me­ Lie barred publishing a file on lalaad Under Control painting and writing, or throwing tinued, could prove catastrophic to ' The Lions Club Is collecting new Ing stores: Manchester Drug, Man­ Ust of Canvassers er's press secretary, said today Members of Court Manchester, box without giving you one second the shorelines of lois'-lving lands. Chairman of the local canvas­ teering on the New *York-New chanical College. Nikolai Skvortsov, one-time czsr Col. C. V. Cadwen. head of the, tantrums or wearing loud ties, and u.^ed toys which are urgently chester Optical, Flrat National "there’s nothing new” on ■ a Eis- Jeraey waterfront: They declined to take the oath of the Soviet state farm system Forimters of America, are re- on the dial. these teenagers turned to cars, Also foreseen by the men who needed by deserving children In Bank. Gartner’s, Sherwin-Williams sers for BIG is Mrs. Philip Bayer. POW command, returned from You go away without noticing it. anhower-MacArthur meeting. "You can't get a Job on Ho­ and were fired on May 21, 1951. and since August. 1950 confiden- Pongam—off the northwest tip of W S B V ote M sqt^ to assemble at the Holmes sometimes noisy cars, sometimes peer into microscopes and delve the Mansfield Training School. Paint store, Mather's Jeweler, Assisting are Mrs. Irving Bayer, The President-elect said on his iKuMral Home, 400 Main street, When you come back you have into the mysteries of oceanic re­ Mrs. Sanol Solomon, Mrs. Jerome boken piers until you see Borelli Each had a contract of employ­ tlsl secretary to the highest-rank­ Koje island—tonight and reported flashy cars, sometimes fast cars. They will be delivered the day be­ Nassiff Arms or New Model Laun­ return here yesterday that his end Florio." ment extending unUI June 30, 1951. ing Russian In the UN secretariat. tonight aL8 o'clock to pay respects a ticket. And as for the "match guns ” search, is a possible ultimate sea- fore Christmas. dry. Brettschnelder, Mrs. Leon Rubin, everything under control. You go to the police station and Mrs. Herman Alport. Mrs. .Wil­ trip waa a starting-point for his Identlflee Cousin It waa sUpulated in Oklahoma With his boss, aisistant Secre­ Wuhington, Dec. 16— (JP) . t6 James Munsle, Sr., a member of well, they strike us as nothing level rise of about 100 feet If the own planning. At LaGuardia field He praised the island command­ the court, who died yesterday. raise a rumpus with the chief be­ present trend continues. liam Cooper, Mrs. Milton Gottlieb, He identified them in an open courts that none of the teachers tary General Constantin E. Zin­ er, Lt. (3ol. George P. Miller, and — ^The government prodded short of Inventive genius, diaboli­ lie said; hearing aa Michael Borelli, Ho­ waa connected with a aubversive chenko, Skvortsov handled Secur­ cause the meter Is not working. cal, perhaps, but genius, never­ While this total rise may not are bands of small boys, each know and, we believe, still doesn't Mrs. Harry Tarlow, Mrs. Herbert said, "Miller used sound Judge-1 its linminE wage stablization know is that while she was gone "I return, however, with a re­ boken Public Safety commissioner, organization. ity Council affairs dealing with po­ The Children of Mary Sodality of The chief sends the police theless. seem high (about one half foot carrying ,22 caliber rifles, trying Leib, Mrs. Charles Filler and Mrs. ment end did not use kny more program back into action to­ since 1895 along the eastern sea­ their best to look the part of rug­ the children organized and elected George Slossberg. newed confidence that a satis­ and Ed Florio, president of a Jer­ *1710 seven teerhers contended litical aspects of atomic, military St. James' Church will receive mechanic to try the meter. He puts We're convinced that if all thi.s factory solution in Korea can be sey local of the APL International and world security measures often A plitol-pooklag MarUwi tankman aweepa foot-thlrii aaow frOm force than was necessary. He acted a penny in and it works. He takes board) the significant thing to the ged woodsmen, a treasurer. the law was Invalid fOr these rea­ his M-46 tank on a coM Koreaa froat before a patrol Into enemy load. promptly. It could have been a day to accommodate unions communion in a body tomorrow' energy and capacity for technical speeded. I know it will demand Longshoremen’s Association. De sons: discussed by the Russians, Ameri­ the guts of the machine out and Know-How can be turned into research men is the rate in which A neighbor, out in our section They elected a treasurer to keep The heaileft aaow la IS years came with aero temperaturea. Fight­ very eeriouS'situation." and employers with 12,000 morning at the 9 o'clock Mass. the money they are getting to­ common sense and care, much fore­ Vincenzo described Borelli, his first It impaired their teaching, con- cans and other council members at Members are asked to be present looks it over. Nothing's wrong. what la commonly referred to as the sea has been rising in the last of Tolland County, recently com­ ing waa bogged dowra aad transpertatiea eame to a etaadsttll. (NEA The trouble started when prison­ w a^ boosts awaiUng an of­ He doesn't look in the coin bpx plained that "something ought to gether for a gift. sight and much patience. But not closed meetings of the council and in the lower church by 8:45. A constructive channels, we have no 50 years. more in Korea than anywhere alse (ContUned m Page Twelve) fConthiued ea Page I'welve) its commissions. Felephato). ers in six compounds defled strict ficial okay. because he hasn't got the key to fear for the future Of the country. This means peninsula land Juts be done" about the vast hordes The teacher doesn’t know be­ orders by organising military drills regular meeting will be held at 2 cause the gift Is a secret and the In the world Is honorable peace Violated U. 'S. Law Adminlatratton o f tho entlro pjn. in the school hall. All are that part of the meter. But if it can't, watch out. like the Virglnla-Maryland-Dela- which Swarm over his flelds and and demonstraMons. pay controls set-up waa changed ware area and parts of Connec­ paaturd when the hunting season youngsters took their punishment beyond the power of free men to The State department said rAnlnded to bring food for the He calls the chief back and says achieve when they pursue It Intel- Skvortsov wss barred from th# U. Then they masaed at the top of over tho weekend when Preai&nt the meter's all right. The chief Bed Ttme ticut and Rhode Island, would face opens. without letting on. a high terrace. TTiree ranks of Christmas basket. But maybe when the teacher is Ugcntly and energetically.” 8. because he "violated a U. 8. law." Truman, doopatring of getting in­ A friend of ours recently moved eventual loss of whole sections of Thinking this might be Just a American sourcea here said he had Big Powers Truce prisoners with locked arms defled dustry meh back Into service on into a new home in a nearby resi­ shoreline due to the slow rise. It case of sour grapes—that his married this Christmas vacation, Mentions ROK Forces Ridgway Bids Pact Vote advancing UN troops. Other pri­ the Wage Stabilisation board the children will give her the gift. Ha made special mention of the been carrying on espionage activi­ dential development. His opening would do no g(x>d to build break­ duties would prevent him from ties for more than a year. These, soners behind them showered the (WSB), turned the problem over night experience, we are told, was waters or various types of dams to doing the same thing—we pursued Trtien she’H know. ROK (Republic of Korea) di- guards with rocka. to Economic Stabiliser Roger L. Visiohaf. "For the competence and they added, took place outside the ; worth passing along to the hold back the ocean. the subject a bit further. UN and did not involve his work Unable to advance, the guorda Putnam. JokeotersT courage of the republic of Korea’s 428 Million for Military In Cold War Urged i readers. The Navy men say this is more He apparently has Just cause for with the Intematolnal organisa­ fired warning ehoU and ordarsd Putnam, whose own rcsigaatkm I This is what happened. than Just an abnormal tide and no complaint. These so-cailed hunters When will people ever learn that I own fighting forces, so flnelytrsln- the Reds to atop. takas him out of givernment Ih a ad by Gen. James A. Fleet, I tion. Two beds were ordered for the matter what precautions are have pulled down whole sections practical Jokes aren't funny? | All the UN would say officially Prevented Maas Break few days, turned the situation ovar children from a large department taken, the sea would have to win of his carefully planned stone Only last week an elderly gentle- | heard only the highest praise from Paris, Dec. 15— (tP)— Cren. Matthew B. Ridgway insiated to Chairman Charles C. kilUags- I all UN commanders. My own In­ waa that Skvortsov's Job was "ter­ Vienna, Dec. 15— {IP)— Thq Communist-sponsored "Con­ When they refuaed, the POW ! store. Delivery was to be made on out as it Inevitably swept over the walls; flred direct shotgun blasts man suffered injuries to his back i in a speech today that the ministers of the 14 Atlantic pact minated”—UN term for fired—be­ oommand . said, "Indiyidual weap­ worth and throe other public raom- beach and up to what Is now re­ v/hen some Jokester pulled a chair | spection of some Korean units com- gress of Peoples for Peace” today received a proposal that it FUEL GIL i a certain date—the day the family into his barn; nipped one of his nations approve his. 428 R(Uliqn .doUflr military construction cause he could not return from ons wars brought to hear. >. to hora of the W8XL They were em- I moved. The store has a reputation garded as dr\’ land. calfs on the ear with a gunshot, from under him as hs sat enJoyinR > Mctely confirmed this estimate. Russia on a home leave *he took should urge the big powers to sign a five or 10-year cold w^r |iowato4 to carry on wage cen- Perhaps this revelation may 190.00 ROKs they are called and rocks program, ut Die 30 rntninsni postponed any action on the pravent tho oatlro Ousa from ! for being prompt on deliveries. left open a pasture gate and al­ a beer in a local tavern. Some | CONTCNT Wofl last Jim’e. truce. The proposal was'made by Giuseppe Nitti, libtral mqm- breakinjr ou t" ■ The family's children, we were bring forth another spurt in ark lowed the cows to wander away, prank. The old man, besides get- , WeJJieG *>ii« 42J0 they are." program at least for today. The It waa learned that the firing her of the Italian parllamant and...... " , -...-.i...... i —— Instoad of tha WSB with equal He said he had seen some other ministers also postponed f^r an­ pMotunably the woapona were i told, became tired about 9:30 and building. and defled him to make them stop ting hops, yeast and other ingredi­ took piece In November, about m< riflw kad hmiaos. Hio approach numbers of mombera roproaenting ; wanted to go to bed. Camning cots in several instances. ents of his beverage all over his KEMP'S, Inc: United Nstibna units as well, and other day taking any action' on four montha after the 'U. 8. State meiitary Group tho public, indiutry and labor, Xil- said “their combat records are o r o ^ f '^ pe>ce ^ . G bliia ^Reds H it to the compounds ia from below, Get reliable delivery service of high- \ were unpacked and erected and the The llauated clothes, had to get medical treat­ DEWEY-RICHMAN naming^jmmmander for the new Grime Shows depqrtment instructed the U. S. Nitti said it was offered aa an llngeworth and his throe puMIe Neighbor stated flatly that his Bxbyhnd worth of their countries' proudest NATO medltSkrknean ng] preventing the effective use ef heat-eonteat oil on demand or . at rogn.- During the hunting season, one land waa not leased to the state ment at the hospital. Wonder if 787 MAIN STREET empoaty in Moacow to refuse e altemattvo to a plan by Prof. concusaion granadea. Tear gas members are to administer wage encounters many strange sights the playboy offered to pay the ex­ 788 Main St.—Maaebeater traditiona" Eisenhower mention­ mand. They hesurd Preml visa to Skvortsov if he sought one. Frederic Joliot-Curie, chairman of controls. They osked the labor lar Intervals. Both services aro available for hunting purposes and that was ed Australia, Belgium, Canada, Stress by TV, granadea could not be tiaed bo- to fit your need. All deliveries metered, along the more rural highways. penses ? de Gaaperi of Italy call for The UN acted almost two months the World Peaea Council and India Plan for mambars to stand by for "adviea" part of the reason. "Hunters Just Colombia, Etlilopia, France, Great ed propaganda campaign againat coiise a high wind waa sweeping too, for your complete protectloB. Not the least of these is the portly, don't seem to be able to read ‘No Those old jokes of sticking a after the State department ad­ Franeh atomic acientisL Joliot- across the terraces. in handling future cases. BALCH Is Your thumb tack on someone's chair, Britain. Greece, the Netherlands, the Communists...... I vised Lie of its step and why it Curie hat demanded a ban on It seemed probable that, al­ over-equipped city man attired in Trespassing’ signs. They laugh in New Zealand, the Philippines, Oidwell said tha seriously in­ bright scarlet hat and enough giving a hot foot or tying shoe­ Russia is doing Just that against | Radio Assailed had been taken anowerfuI empire, will become word personal appeal for its ac- Both Truman and Putnam have Her young charges had broken have been violating the law, for we program of military construction Casablanca, French Morocco, Seoul, Dec. IS -— (.IT) — Chinese faith. They had stationed a look­ Gale-whipped seas drove the 3.800- in Europe during 1953. ris noted that Ute aubcommlttee Dec. 15 — (87 — French author­ (now es the first capital of the ceptanca to both the Red Chinese Reds struck through rain and snow assurad CIO Prealdent Walter would have had to stop in the mid­ ton U. S. Navy ship Grommet had held lengUiy hearings and empire of peace." and the North Koreans. Re’itber they will help speed ac­ 6 PASS. SAVE TWO WAYS: out in the corridor while they dle of the street and block traffic.. In recommending the propagan­ ities today threw eight more Com­ today at three heights on the cen­ (1) LOW PRICF. . . . the moat modem equipment and ma- Reefer aground in Leghorn har­ da campaign, De Gaaperi aaid it heard miuiy complaints against munists, including three Soviet Playiag Red OanM The Indian plan provided for a tion on tho pending caaea. Rou- raised a rumpus. She took the pro­ A. Non tral Korsan front, wresting one ehtnerv In Connecticut makes possible a BETTER JOB at a per measures: she admonished, she U nion O ptical C o. bor today and 'split it in half. would "counteract outaide at­ "beer and wine' advertiaing” and citizens, out of this troubled North Nitti said he had been accused, commisaion consisting of Poland, ther has auggested broader policy LOWER PRICE. appealed to their better natures, The 40-man crew waa reported tempts at sewing discord and divi­ “the number and character of African protectorate. ' as a liberal, of "playing the Ck>m- Czechoalovakia, Sweden and Swit­ outpoat from hard-fighting (knith authorisathm to the WSB’a llaff .(2) YOUR JOB IN ENGINEERED . . . all septic Uaks, Drala- she assigned additional homework 641 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER TEL 2-3128 safe aboaM the stem half of the sion among us.” crime programa." They named the Rusalans as Vic­ zerland to handle the repatriation Koreans. While the formal report was crit of all prisoners of war. Those de­ (Ooatlaaed oa Paga Twniva) 3 YEARS TO PAY age and "sewer tinea are Installed under the watchful saper- — 14 arithmetic problems. She in­ OPEN DAILY ship, firmly lodged on rocks about ‘T am concerned," the Italian tor Sokolof, Denis 'Verda and Ta (Osatlaaed on Fage Twelve) The Chinese hit Pinpoint hilL slsloa of a Drainage Engineer. RESCLT: Yon i,)^re protected stated furthermore, that the home­ UNTn, 9 .P. M. 100 yards off shore. The bow half said, "about the interior front, the icel of some programs and forms mara Gusa, whose wife waa ousted clining repatriation would be turn­ Rocky Point end outpoat positions against coativ blimdera . . . A BIG 8AVINO. An engineered Job work papera bear parenta’ aig- STOP IN-^ANYTIME of the vearel drifted about the policy, of erosion and penetration of advertising, it said tha eom- several days ago. ed over to thf United Nations. on the lower slopes of Triangle The Russians, voting against tha gives yon LARTING AND SATISFACTORY RESULTS. naturss. h^bor for several hours and then This brought to 20 the number hill. They overran two South Kore­ TTie disciplinary action was in­ NORMAN'S emaahed on rocks nearby. (Oaaltaaed a« Faga NIaetaea) (OeaHaaefl Faga Faar) of Communists expelled from MO' proposal, auggested an immediate an outposts in pitched battles, but telligent and fair. No bne. we are “The Variety Mart" Three men were carried to eafe- roceo to France aa a result of ths ceksefire and a political confec- counterattacking republic of Ko­ Bulletins Chorches Motor Sales Til* NeickWrlitMHl AkapiNnK C^Rt^r t ; by breeches buoy across the bloody uprising a week ago. News Tidbits ence with Red China and North rea (ROK) troops recaptured the Be . . . Be Sure/ sure, could criticize. 44t HARTPOKD ROAD Satel raging water, but in late afternoon Frenchmen here meanwhile ex Korea sitting in to settle the prlS' larger' one. from the AP Wirai’ But what tha teacher didn't Called fron AP Wire* oner iasue. 80 OAKLAND STREET — TEL 2-9483 . ------_ ^ CALL---- ^---- the line* used to operate It enap- pressed belief that the aterm 'Hie most Intense fighting was ped. An Italian sailor'aeized the Truman Sees Dangers measures being taken to. put down The UN command has refused to on the southeastern alopee of nationalism will guarantee Moroc' repatriote any prisoner against his Triangle hill where some so Chin­ broken end before it disappeared Spot of tea claimed to be made RUSSEUi TAKES BRXDB in the see and rescue workers act CO years of peace. Moroccan na- will. It reported only 83.000 of ese in padded uniforms ehaiFed' Leadoa, Dec. 15—(87— Lard THE M cK i n n e y b r o s . tipnalisU. like those in Tunis, are from leaves missed by Revolution­ 170.000 POWs want to go back to out of the freeaing night. THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB; •to work at once splicing iL ists Dec. 16,1773. la sipped in com- Communist territory. Boftraad Rueaea, Sfl-yoar-aM The first man to reach ahore was In Rule^ of IVtind, Spirit flghtihg to win independence from The attack started before mid­ Britlah phUosepher, waa naur- meihoration of 179th anniversary In his reply to Pearson. Chou night and lasted until dawn. The SEWERABE DISPOSAL COMPANY Carl R. Tnidler of Beilealre.’ N. Y.. the French. ried this aftenwoB at the CRel- 1947 CLUB GOUFE Foiice measures consist in seis­ of Boston Tea Party Man who Insisted upon the "unconditional, first wave, swept over a minor out­ ' DSAINAOE M d SEWERAGE ENGINEERS the BhiFa Orst engineer. He said tried..to plant ttnee boatb in Israeli speedy and total repatriation of a«a raglstry offlco to MIm EdtOl W i^ington, Dac. IS — (fl>) —Amunlsm aad ha aald any marf' who ing almost, every member of the post. The charge finally. carried Flach, 50. a teaelMr aad aatlMr Has radio, underMat heater and de- no onO aboard wav hurt. independence party called latiqtal Foreign office last October ia aen- prisoners of war." through the main outpoat, but >130-132 Poari'Sfreaf. MoiicliMfer-^Tel. 5308 Huge waves, driven by 'winds Praaident. Truman said today tha isn’t alarmed it "aimply'aimply do(docan't tcnced to 21 months in.priaon. froH Bryn Mawr, Pa, Idea of fraedom la in danger not uadaratand tha aituatloa — or he every Communist. Moroccan, and Cliou asserted that failure to fol­ ROKs pushed the Chinees back OAKiiiiiiiili frostera. A real snappy car at a fair estimated at about 60.miles .-an French, end. nationllst-inc.lined Communlet-govemed Bulgaria low tha Oommuaist plan “would Just before daybreak. hour, continued to pound both sec- only from' Communism but from la crazy.” 1X.BCTORS CAST V O lh t. Uioaa.whq want the govemmant to "But alarm it ona thing, and members of The General Trade nanaea some 50,900 Reda to provin­ further demonstrate that your The Reds hit with a full com­ ' — '-price.. , tiona of the ship and hindered at­ Confederation. cial and municipal otficaa... Sen. purpoaa . . . is nothing but the pany — about 125 BMs — on Pin­ H a r t t ^ Dee. 15-^(87— Oaa- tempts by U. 8. Navy and Army regulate the mind and spirit. byataria la another,”, ha continued nectloat easts eight alietsral DELICATESSEN ‘The external threat to liberty “Hysteria Impala people to de- In Casablanca alpne nearly 1,000 McCIarthy makes it clear his per- continuation and expansion of the point hill, dominating height on personnel to bring the crew ashore. persona have been arrested, mostly Bonal campaign againat aubver- votes far Dwight D. Elaeahower. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Get Cable* Aboard should not drive us into suppraas- etroy the very thing they are aad Richard Nixon, n a t waa 35-A OAK STREET TEL 2-8244 ing liberty at home,” ha 'Said, struggling to preserve." members of the Independence par' eives and security risks will eon' (Oealtaaed oa Pago Two) (Ooatlaaed Oa Pago Twolvo) BUY STARTING AT 8:U SHARP Th rescue crews, including men ty, which, with the Oommunlst tinae dwring neat aeaaloa. of Con the eouat today aa the atatana from three JI.—B: Navy repair "Tlioaa who want the government Truman did not name those he Repubtteaa prealdeatial eleetsra 20 REGULAR GAMES~.T SPECIALS to regulate mattera of tha mind party, is now formally banned. gress. O PEN S A T U R D A Y A T 5 P. M, jhqw,- managed to get two cablea described at one point aa persona neet at ttm Secretary a( stated 1947 OLDSMOBILE 9 4 ^ R SEDAN and spirit are like nran who are "who believe it la toe dangerous The French aver that tha Com' Comedlaa George Jeoeel is con­ aboard and hoped to remote the muniste, labor unions and IndS' valescing from emergsnev gall k w f B ttt t i OutCMIM? oSloe to carry oat tho win •( so afraid of being murdered that to proclaim liberty throughout all the Coaaecticut voters, who oa they commit ikilelda to avoid as- blpdder operation'.'.. Thirteen' Nice blue finish. Completely equipped the land to all the inhabitants.' Nov. 4 eleeted tlM Rloeahowor- — A COMPLETE UNE OF MEMORIALS (Oaatlsaed e* Pag* Few) aaaatnation." a “Invasion and conquest by Com' (Ceattoaed Oa Page Twelve) year-old Los Angeles boy.reeelvea kl« BOOtk plat ef Meed for diseaae NIxoa ticket by nearly 189.N0 with radio, heater, white wall tires, Ilia Praaident'a remarks were ia muniat armies," he asserted Electoral College Ballots votes over the Deoaocratle teaaq j, spaach prepared for historic "would be a horror beyond our called hyiMpIastlc anemia... ISAAC 6EUIS KOCHER DEUCATES- OF PROVEN ceremonies defeating a new shrine ef Adlal Steveaooa aad dolm signal lights and hydramatic dHve. This Storm Toll at 18 capacity to inugine. But Inva Mine FI o c k I Traps More than 460' peasants and Sparkmaa. See Pottertons in the National Archivea for dis­ Sion and conquest by Communiat farm wrorkere bolt Commualst SENS, SMOKED FISH, HERRINB, IM­ play of the Declaration of Inda- Today on Next President is an exceptionally good value. ideas of right and wrong would be party in South Italian towns where GAS BARGE EXPLODES for T V In New England pandence, CoasUtution. aad BUI of Just as bad. 49 In Philippines government splits up redistributed PORTED CHEESE, FINE BROCERIES, Rights "For us to embrace the meth large land holdinga . . . Two hun­ New Terk, Dee. 15 (87 »* SUPERIORITY Washington, Dec. 15—M7— The* tons to vote today when Tkiee expM oaa aad a taflJRf Records >W on, Dec. I5L-GR—New Eng- AD three docuawats have baan ods and morals of Communism In Manila, Dec. 12 — (87 — Forty dred and fifteen couples partlci ■aaled in glass caaea apaclally de- order to defeat Communist aggros pate in aiagle marriage cereeaoay nation's 531 presidential electors bower, the Republican candidato, lira badly danraged a OHal KNISHES, KISHKA, POTATO SAUO laadTa violent death' toil since ninsi minbra were trapp^ and pre today formally east their votes to was swept into office by a rec­ llHirsday stood at 18 today in the slgaad to protect them from de­ Sion would be a moral disaster at Loa Angeles, renewing their gaooUae barge and IS- Correctly designed monuments are products of carefuL Radios eumed killed Monday when a river elect the next chief executive of ord 33,927,649 votes to Stevenson’s ANDOOLESUW. wake of a storm which brought terioration. Under the ahrine is worse than any physical caUs broke tlirough a gold mine shaft wedding VOWS. Jurad twa crewMowrearly bedOK intelligent atudy. They have balance, distinction and snow and rain and aub-freeatng a 20-ton safe, with built-in elera- trophe. World Bank loans billion the United States. 27,311.318 last Nov. 4. The blaslag craft waa pal oS Table Appliances and engulfed them in a thundering Under the C^onstltutlon, the meaning; they have beauty that will endure. temperaturea. tore, considered to be impregnable New Doflieatlea of Meals wail of water. since end of World War n and ia However, nwat electors are legal­ from ihiTB aafl waa towrad ta S majority of the deaths were against burglars, fire, bombs or *Tf that abould come to pass, R aras the worst mine disaster able to set aside 100 million la re­ Electoral 0>llege haa the legal ly free to vote as they pleaae. Fe«r drydoek attM the fkWMa had Cutting Done In Our Own Shop From The P9HCES ARE LOW ^ TERMS EASY rtuOOfl by automobilq^acctdents on water. The OonsUtution and the then the Constitution and the on record in the PhUippines. serve from profits received . . right if it wishes to elect Gov. itates bind electors by law to vote keen extIagaMMd. A waadOi D O N T FO R G ET VYE OPEN Rough Stone To The Finished Memorial Icy or snow-covered raads. Driving Declaration wars moved, under Declaration would be utterly dead The water rushed into a 400-foot U. 8. State department asks Israal Adlal Stevenson, the Democratic for the candidato who carries the SUNDAY AT 7:00 A. M. conditions were described, as haz­ heavy guard, from the Ltorary of and what wa ara doinif today deep tunnel! o f the United ParS' to release 80 Ameriraas from presidential candidate—or anyone state. ardous by state police. Congress on Saturday. The Bin of wrbold. ba the gloomiaat burial in eale Mining Co. on southeastern IsracU aitay by Dec. 24. else. Wrong-Way Veto Bara IKWIR AUW MOnOM FRESH HOT BAOELS aM ONION ROLLS! n # storm, which blanketed Rights, .ratified 181 yean ago to­ the history of the world." Luson. Eight cars of Milwaukee Rail But pollsters would be taking Nevertbelaaa, wrong-way alac- Tokyo, Doe. l» -< # )—A 1 Manchester Memorial Co. Potterton's northern New Ikigland with as day. was alraady at tha Achives Tho retiring Chief flhcecutlve J. V. Stapler, company apokts- road's eraek Hlawatha-Olymploa almost no risk in predicting a 442 tora are extramaly rara. Only thraa MO ehocfc freaa M a L . €REAMCHIlEESE - SMOKED SALMON Fuboos for SeiTice for 21 YiMn Chevrolet C o., Inc. much aa 22 iachas of siww and building. went on to aoy that ho did not man, said: ara derailed . . . About 20,000 to 89 victory for (Sen. Daright D. out of 14,879 alactona In tha na­ arrived today ki aappart Of (iw A . H. AIM ETTI, Prop. ferMght heavy rain and Ufht aaow Faae Refl CbaBeag* boHov* thto araa going to happen, ‘TIm whole Btlne. ia reported railway workera in Sudan walk off Etaanhower. tion's history hava voUd . “fc Far Tlmt g p a d y I ay Brcaklaat—4)nlcli, Eaay. DeUdons ISO Ceatcr St. Plcntj of E uy Free Perkinc Truman said all frsadom-loviag flooded. TTmi* isn't chanca that Job bacai)sa managamant rtfused That’s the way the states' votora HARRISON STREET— MANCHESTER aatioas fsM tha chananga ef Ooas- they ourvtvod." them fan bear for hraairfaet iadlcatod they wanted their elec- ^■±1' .f

\ ■;/f. : / ■ ■ — _ „ : ______r UANCPESTEI EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1952 PAOETHUB »A|MH!yiii!WT pr.n. EVENING fTERAIiD. MAWCHESTEB, O O lfH , jb u NL>AT, PEvJlfciri^Ell 18, i ^ 9 i f k & t r m i ' ...... - ■' ...... are Mahlon Chapman, a member H eb ron Ellin^h ^ of the board, Mrs. William Prutt- Judge .Grants ’ China Reds Hit New Blue Gross Contract Boxer Is Held Ing, end Francis D. Green. The two members appointed by the aelect- Week’s Delay On Rape Count men are Mrs. Donald W. Wallace, This Week: - Open Tues., Thurs., Fri. and SaL Nights KEITH'S India Plan for Signed by Local Hospital Revaluations Are Complete; Windsor Locks'PolicelVab ind Frank Campbell. X r a n g e and FUEL O IL The selectmen, Clapp, Hayea and For Truckers Horton complete the committee, Prisoner Swap A new contract between Man-^mf O ct 30, ConnecUcut Blue' Complaint of Hartford Geddes on Three Charges which wtis euthorized to by the Rockville, Dec. 16—(Special)— Cross paid out $15,600,000 for hoS' Cards Sent to All Owners 24 Hour MWory Sorrko Chester Memorial HoSplUl and town to study the immediate need Once again City Court Judge Rob­ Connecticut Blue Cross was signed pltal.care, of which $16,459,000 Girl Brings Arrest of of high school facilities due to In­ (OaatlauA iruiu Paga Oaa) this week, renewing went to Connecticut’s 33 general Local Man, Dancosse Hebron, Dec. i 5-;(Speclal)—Thetlooking up some of his former psr- Ellington. Dec. 18— (Special) «one of ten area men who have re crease in populaRon. ert L. Pidgeon haa'granted a con­ IthereVnothijid! lie like under which Blue Cross pays the hospitals, under the terms of this A local resident who la alleged to ceived promotion to foreman in thW Ellington students have been at­ tinuance In the cs«e of two truck Korean war ao that peace' In the contract rsvaluation of Heiron propertlM fesUvities at 8f.' machine department of Hamilton tending the Rockville High School drivers, charged with violation of hospital for members’ care. Blue One of New England’s leading have picked an argugient with a the new sidewalk ordinance here. MORIARTY BROTHERS Far Eaat and throughout the world Cross General Manager Robert The hew contract differs from has been completed by the J. M. Episcopal Church have Standard division. United Aircraft which is overcrowded. can be further dUrupted. ' last year’s agreement in that it in­ ofesslonal bantamweight boxers, blind man ana iended up by finding Corporation. ' Attorney Bernard J. Ackerman TBL.,51«6 Pamall announced today. Wilfred W. Dancosse, 36, of 2 Hale Clsminshaw Oompany and cards tiMn scheduled. There will bo a SIS CENTER STREET '"llila,” he added, "would all the cludes depreciation of buildings himself In a fracas. Is free today Name Commlsaioaers 'Manchester Evening Herald El- today asked for one week’s time in • Forty-eight per cent of all pa­ road, is in trouble again, this time have been sent out by tbe board cwadWigM an $300 bonds pending an appear­ the trial of Paul W. Fulta, 8L of more expose the United Nations as tients admitted to the local general and equipment as part of the ape-, .. , Slid the church will be dscoratad The Crystal Lake Fire Depart­ llngtoa correspondeat, Mrs. O. F. Increaatngly becoming a toot of the on a charge of rape. Known Inside of assessors to the rssldenU affect i evergreens. There wUl not ance in Windsor Locks Court Jan. ment has named three persons ea 134 HiUiard street, Manchester, hospiUl during the year ending cial services coat The agreement BsiTk telephone Rockville 8-9813. ruling clique of the United Statea provides that the Connecticut Hos- the ring as Danny Falcone, Dan- ed, giving the new valuation on | , pageant this year but hymns $3. temporary members of the board of and WilUam A. Ahlers, 33, of In ita preparations for war and for Sept. 30 received benefits under the coase was arrested Sunday morn­ Stafford. hospitaf-Blue Cross agreement. '^tal Association will review each their ownings. WbUe the property 1 and carols wUl be sung by the ' Ronald Oeddes, 26. of Maple Fire Commissioners; Edward Lud­ extension of aggression.” hospital's cost report and make ing by Manchester Police Sgt. Ed­ ' street was ariested Saturday wig, WillUm Witinok and Earl In other court action: The contract spells out the work­ ward M. Winsler at his hoi^e fol­ valuation U materially i n c r e ^ I vt-ted ^ i r ^ Anthony Zuraw and H4hry Pel- ing between Ooanec« adjustments it deems necessary. morning on charges of breach of Rich. Forbes Celebrate If It weren’t for a meat loaf, 'The trustees of the Connecticut lowing a complaint to State Police this does not mean that H 1 Following the series fUl are in- the peace, resisting arrest snd as­ The new fire district authortaed ski, local contractors, charged with what would .become of all of the ticut’s 33 general hospitals and thb Hospital Association then certify in Hartford by Miss Frieda Levaa- a building code violation, had their Blue Cross plan. It makes possible taxes wUl be ! vlted to attend a Christmas tree sault. by the ItSl sesalon of the General l ^ l y A Holiday Of The Home_And Family , The M oet_Al^M totod Of INION SHOPPING CENTER church suppera that are ao popu­ the final cost data. seur, 18, of 1733 Main street, Kirkham, chalrnoM of tte b o ^ o f . „ r t y at the school auditorium. Authorities say that Geddes had Assembly will become effective the 25tli Anniversary cases nolled; Timothy H. Jones, s Christmas Remembrancee Ar* Those For The Home. Plan To four Ea* the Blue Cross guarantee to mem­ sailor from Bridgeport, Washing wiMABranaarr t b u s4M4 b a i lar? . Ceatract RetnacUve Hartford. . —- W’ said to<^. 2 " party has usually been held been arguing with a blind man in' first Monday in June. tire Gift List From Keith's Huge BelecUonsl bers of complete financial covsrsg Dancosse was turned over to trary, he said, they wUl remain | th e w to r y hall or Town HalL ton, pleaded nolo to a charge of on special services such as oparat The contract which is retroac- a Windsor Locks restaurant. He The three temporary commie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forbes of W l GAMY A COMPUTi UNI OP State Policeman Henry U Cludin- about the aame aa before. was womed about his conduct by failure to obeerve a stop aign and Ing room, x-rays, drugs and mos. Llve to O ct 1,. represents several Increased attendance has made the sioners will make a study of the 70 Laurel street were pleasantly was fined 33; Roger N. Ferland, skl, as the offense allegedly occur­ Flaa PubUe Hearings hMl overcrowded and aa the school Patrolman Roland Walters. grand list and needs and In June turpriaed Saturday night when Open Mon. and Wed. Until 5:30 p.m. other, "jiospttal extras” for 21 day, months of negotiations between red in South Windsor. Dancosse la Public hearings wlU take place 25 of Grovenordale, speeding, $15; of in-patient care every year. This committees of Blue Cross and the auditorium is more conveniently Other Patrolman Called will recommend a tax for the dis­ over 30 of their friends called to Herbert J. Stingle, Brookline, Connecticut Hospital Association. being held at the Hartford Bar­ in the Town Hall on the foUowing fumiahed it was felt advisable to Not long after this occtirrance, trict. The prinlclpal concern of the help them celebrate their 25th wed­ of course, is In addition to the dailj racks since he has not been able dates: Dec. 15, from 9 s.m. to 5 Mass., road rules. $15; WlUlard J. XMAS credit for room, board and general In announcing the signing of entertain the people there. Supernumerary Edward Silk, 73, distriot at the start will be main­ ding anniversary. Mrs. Robert Keith. 39, Tsdeott avenue, Rock­ to raise the $1,000 bond. He will p.m.; Dec. 16, 6 p.m., to 9 p.m.; Rev. H. R. keen will be glad to was called into the restaurant nursing service. the new agreement. Blue Croat tenance, upkeep improvement of its Eigabroadt and Miss Doris Little, ville, reckless driving $36 and fail­ General Manager Pamall com. appear in South Windsor Town and Dec. 17, from 9 a.m. to 5 pun. receive donations of money to fi­ when it . was reported that the El­ fire departnient, snd whether bet­ BUls Paid DIreotly CteurtbOn Dec. 23. Bepnseeetadve te Be There nieca? of the couple, made arrange­ ure to obtain drivers’ license, 318; BARCALO CHAIRS TOYS. mented, "It is with deep satisfac nance the glfU for the Sunday lington man had, attacked a ter of more apparatus is needed. ments for the party. Allen L. LaBontee, Manchester, ic u r ty p A . The hospltal-Blue Cross agree­ Police reported that Dancosse A representative from the Clem- school children, at any time her euatomer. HollMy Advice Q S tion and pride in our hospitals Mr. and Mrs. Forbes received a failure to obtain licenae, Judgment ment also establishes the procedure that, under the terms of this con. and the young girl met at a dance inshaw Company wUl be in charge tween now and Christmas. Police say that Geddes refused In setting up Christmas trees suspended, parking on wrong side for the payment of hospital bills tract Blue Cross looks to the hos. in Willimantic Saturday night. and wUI discuss the matter for the to leave when ordered to do so and this year, fire officials advise that number of appropriate gifts in For A Gift Of Luxurious Comfort sliver and flowers in recognition of street, 118 and failure to give directly by Blue Cross, eliminating pitals to determine u d control, After stopping for food, Dancosse illumination, of realdents. Griev­ Maacbeater Evealng Herald He- continued to give trouble after caution should be used’ to insure proper hand signal, $13; Irma A. the need for the Blue Cross mem­ through their association, the cost allegedly took the giij to an iso­ ances may also be presented. Other broa correspondent. Miss Bnsaa ^Ing removed from the eating that cOrds and IJght fixtures are in of the event. Lindberger, 34, Ellington,' failure The Chair "That Gives Your Heart A ber paying his bill In full and then program.' We believe this thor­ lated section near the Hartman members of the board os sssessors P*adl*toB, telephone WUllmnnttc establishment. He was finally sub­ good condition. 'lYees should be The hostesses served a buffet to ^ve proper hand ai^al, $12 and Lift!" Exclusive with Keith in Man­ Given On C.0.0. Deliveries applying for reimbursement from oughly demonstrates the fine rela­ tobacco plantation in South Wind, ais Joaeph A. Barraaao and Earl 1S05-J-S. dued by the 73-year-oId patrolman frc. 81 KniTTino mills You'rt tvrt to get ■ greet big kisi Robert P. Dlman. on Deepwood Bristol Brass ..-a...... 13 - 18 MAHOGANY LOWBOY drive, Amston Leke. The a x ­ ColUns...... m * 138 MAN l HISIIR GRflN COSN illary's next reemlar meeting will Ihn-Hart ...... 96 100 whtR yea give him thk! ■M’i- be Jhn. 7. at the home of Fafnir Begring^ .V'.-.- 33 36 M. Tsvlor on Bass l-eke road. Hart Cooley ...... S7H 40H LANE CEDAR CHEST gsy, tuneful Engaged In .Researrh Landers. Frary, Clk. .2 3 .2 6 Just one of a complete showing of beautiful Lane Cheats! Authen- Charles M. I-arcomb. who hss New Brit. Mach. Co. . 32H 34^ tic In design and detail, surfaced In Mahogany on heavy red cedar assisted in readying annual town North and Judd...... 26^ 29> while charcoal pita were a famjliar STATE fort, upholstered in Tapestry with rugged MapI* sight ‘ ENDS TOMORROW See the fabulous collec­ frames. Opens to a restful full sis* bed. graia gleatare House iNcfiriy CdmpMte Mat. $ P. M^-Cve. At 7:18 All Day Tuesday tion of Gifts you’ve seen A house Which is being erected in Keith’s Family Shopper for Mrs. Clauds W. Jenea, on the Magaslne! Suggestions JOHN WAYNE Qmm AHtry Hebron-GIlead rpad, U raised and for everyone . . distinc­ 1.95 Tlirt* Uttiff Dwarfs partially cPmpleted. It will be a MAUREEN O’HARA Junior's on his way In B u T U b o O tive and original gifta In ranch style house, and is located BARRY FITZGERALD a complete price range.' next to the home of her son-in-law T*rms 3 2 Fm » omd t Utfto Toils .. Goo* Aotry gnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David K. Porter, with whom she THE makee her home. *. s rru o ar Frosty tho Soowman Gon* Autry’ Mrs. Jones' mother, Mrs. Louise Blume, who is employed in QUIET M A W hM Santo Clouf GtH Yonr Lottor Canaan, will come here this week ciwwTfCHNICCHOR to spend the Christmas, holidays PtasT -STBfBT BANDITS- G« m Autry with her daughter and family. Peraeaal Meattea ' 9 - 7 / Mrs. Martin F. Qrot^ of Cam­ 8TARTS WEDNESDAY J K e i t i v s a a • a a 6 a ' G m m Antry Poppy Hio Poppy bridge, Maas., Is a visitor today at *—ATTBACnONS-8 ,,,5 OPfOSm HIGH '/li'toi. ^ the home o f her briother-in-law and sister, Mr. sad Mni. Charles ^ M-G-trsCKOTSiaODMA , HoH Bo Comhif Down Hio CMmnoy P. Miner. PtTMOUTH Gono Autry Her niece, Miss Lunlllm Miner, will spend part of the holidays A D M ^ M I TnhSoede Skirt eod Tif Set with her In Cambridge. Susy SnowBoiio .... Rosomeury Cloonoy Hold ChrtetaMW Party SKnaiTMa'SENETIEMEY Hebron’s Gray-T boys held their gift cord ooii loistietot annual ChrisUnas p a ^ Wednes­ VAN JOHNSON'lEOtfNN Hw Night Boforo Clnistnias Son9 . day evening at the 'Town HalL tawaseesMi-uoirswMis, There was exchange of gifts pres­ - olfer $g.95 Save 10% On Toys, Gono Autry mi Rosomdry Cloonoy entation of a movie and refiaah- EXPERT SERVICE FOR raeata. ’ Gono Autry LIFE k We have the tools, the attoch«d. G *t hig fovorit* color (cheic* of four). aldU and trained jaanpeoer MANY. MANY "o t h e r s EASTWOOD Exclusive to do the job rii^t. CHECK OUR COUNTERS tOO% Vl'ool THE k Complete Fuel Oil Swv* CO EMU. IMMNB ice, too. Automatie delivaqr DB VASLO Barahoo Checks WILDS — free heat-saying tipa*» ” HurrieaM LITTLE Phonographs 'iOperaUen Smith” trained, reliable (bivsra. U| Secret” Boxed Gift -_tfa cMw) BarabooiBay Surcoat SHOP 'Ar Hotter MobiOioai eontaiae Children's 10.95 to 39.95 IsWaiSMOB 1:U4;U all the heat unita year S!*®* SI7M ain YOOCMrTKJlTOiUlEATI burner can poodbly oi*— WED.! Lnre o t WUderaaea Corduroy Shirts CItiiK Cheap, ihrteMtitI buma cleanly, comNeta|y, Others 19.95 to 84.95 JERRY WALD VBANO.-v-' witch the caergy of your "young America" Btaen 6 to IS )■ * ipefk. See how LAKELAND ha* nuiched $ 2 2 .5 0 For that "Lord of the Manor" look. New shades but we’re brimming over with T T E r T hit urge » get goMg with jiricele** of brown, green, gray and wine. Sizes S, M, ML big gift ideas— drop in to see us | O p ^ TuoSm Thurs., and $nt, Nlghts"j warmth, foU protection. Eaclative Sanhpo and L. wool—lor warmth, lor Bias* 14 to S i today and you’ll be pleased at' urear, for color. Dyael far collar keep* It* M o b ilh e a l I $ 2 7.50 ,.95 tbe just right gifts you’ll find SOCONY VACUUM HEATING OH hiaury look. Chevron qaihea liniaKof Skinner'* rayon tatin. SI*** 4 to 12. at just right prices! Choose from our big selection of MORIARTY BROTHERS SWEATERS — BLOUSES CEHOIlSEfiSON 31B CENTIR ST. MANCWipi FLINTY OF PARKING C E J I O U S E S ^ : i N DRESSES — SKIRTS — HOSE — JEWELRY 130 CnoH r Sf. ConMT of Chordi I M.CU - C A LL 513S FOR TOP QUALITY WE GIVE STAMPS HANDStAGS -- HOUSECOATS — UNDERWEAR S U N T G LO W OIL OURW iRt 1 I I':'. 1- - t ' / I MAKCHESTEB e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1952 F A d F O U B MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHEStER. CONN. MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1952 PAGE & ■ Five GenerationB ia Talcottville Rescuers Rush Two Injured Regional School Terme4 ^^piine Shows Fete May Couple To Save 4?0 on In (^Ifunbia Solution for Small Towns SMFD Adds Ughts Square Dance Time at Community Y 1 Stress by TV, To Holiday Scene At Housewarming / ■ Split U. S. Ship Week«end Auto Crashes Deep River, Dec. 15—The S U teflyin g on the financial shoulders of Radfio Assailed C o m n ^ o n er of BducaUon feels! several comtounitlea. This he said, Mr. and Mrs. George L. May, Are of Minor Nature; that regional high schools are the I would not only ease the excessive "> Ohrtotmaa lighting haa been formerly of Hartford, wera given a (OontlniMd From Page One) best soluUon to the secondary edu- cost'but — ‘ *"** - also------provide- -a better - xdded to the diepley by firemen surprise housewanping Saturday Om ) ■ T ’-' (C Woman Is Summoned cation problem to the state’s sm all, school and' facilities than if one St the Spruce street headquarters. night at their new home at 519 crew members on a breeches buoy. towns. ^ i town alone ware to bear the brunt Firemen were still putting the fln- Adame street. About 23 friends •IttM b*Ue»M til* r»fflo-TV to- The Grommet Reefer, a refrigr, Columbia, Dec. 15—Two acci­ This opinion was voiced hers of setting up a single schobi for its and n^hbors attended and served !• m*Wnf pcofTW to ••it- tohtog touches to the scene erected erator riilp carrying aiippliea for dents here over the week end re- Saturday when Dr. Finis B. E5n- high school-age students. a buffet jnipper. A gift was pre­ 4tocii^B wWch, '"*o tong •• the aulted in slight injuries to a man OB top o f the building showing sented the couple. U. S. Army forces to Austria, put gleman addressed a group of some Btoto Depnrtoaent Ready ■uhtti tetoreet to eentod, to prefer- and woman and a court summons 70 educaUonal leaders from 15 children aitttog before the fire­ Mr. May, 70, engineer to the Able to gownmeht-impoeed regu- into Leghorn from New York. It He said the Btate Depeutment given to one motorist for road communities within the state. The of Education to ready to assist all place while Santa begtoa his de­ Hartford County Building for al­ most 35 years, retired Saturday. letidB.” waa to have docked today to un­ rules vkdation. meeting was held at the Valley Re­ town boards to setting up and Unta the toduetiy hee hed m scent from the chimney top: Hie He had lived and worked in the load a 176-ton cargo of footatuSa. Mrs..UlUan Gaudet. 34, of East gional School. planning such a regional endeavor. f M portunitv to explore fully Hartford, was summoned after her The need for a regional high sleigh, and reindeer are perched » f Hartford County Building since effecttoe eeU -regutottm She is a welded ship built in 1945 Here to Tolland County the.'com­ atop the building. This ia a repro­ Jan. 28, 1939. by Butler Shipyards, Duluth, Minn. car waa to collision with a vehicle school to serve three or more munities of Andover, Hsttron and to poeelble. “there eppeere to be duction from a poet card received l^ < Before that time May, whose Buffeted by the high winds and operated ty Walter Andrychowskl, towns to Tolland County, to pres- Coventry grouped together for a ao g o ^ reeeon" to Unpoee federel 61, of Wlllimantic. The miahap oc­ entlyunder study by a Joint board by one of the firemen laat year. family came to Manchester when seas the vessell dragged ita anchor regional study board, flubsequent T h e carpi sing, to be held at the he waa a year-and-a-half old, oontroto, It eekL early today and crashed to the curred yesterday noon at the comprising representatives from flndlngs on an independent scale by Other W fbllgbU of the firehouse next Sunday, will begin worked at Orford Soap Company rocka Just before dawn. Although rotary to the center of town. Andover, Bolton and Hebron. Coventry showed that town would 1. A Toluntery code of eM ce de- at 5:45 p. m., Sedrick Straughan and waa a conductor on the old no communication was possible to Mrs. Gaudet waa shaken up ProMem Becomtog Acute be more inclined to erect ita own limed eo 0 guide to broedceiten when her car struck the rear of Engleman said that the second­ announced today. Originally sched­ Manchester Street Railway. be • eubetitute for the re- crew members, witnesses on shore elementary and high school In view uled to' start at 6 o’clock, the time Joining the Manchester Police said the crew apparently realized the Willimantlc man’s truck. The ary education problem is becom­ of Increasing slse. Columbia, also ■DonaibUlty of the todlviduel ite- ing acute for smaller communities has been changed to allow suffi­ Department to 1913, May waa re­ the ship was breaking up and noise of the Impact attracted invited to Join the group, spoitsd a 5 w . Ftoel reeponelhlUty end m - and many have already been told cient time between the end of the portedly the first policeman to do scrambled to the stem. The bow churchgoers nearby. She waa taken brief respite by getting the .IVlnd- eountebillty for progrenie rematoi I city school boards that their carol Bing and beginning of church traffic duty at the Center. floated away immediately after the to Windham Community Memorial 7 with the local itaUon. Orakara L. Clark "high school pupils cannot be ac­ ham Board of Education to. agree eervices that night. George Vince Mrs. May Is the former Sarait ahip broke up. Hospital for treatment. Andry' to further tuition for Columbia expects to complete his program H. Hutton of Manchester. ' j. There have been programa chowski was uninjured. cepted for tuition to another two LOFTS **eontatotog otfenalve, objection- [ Lodged on Rooks students at Willimantle for an to- And make full announcement to­ Newly elected and appointed The second accident occurred or three years. able, or MggeatiTa material,!' and The stem to about a mile south deflnlte period. morrow. - officers of Manchester Lodge 73, Saturday night on U. S. Route -A. He pointed out that the,burden the todttitiy toKUld >take “ correc- of the Loghom dock area and'Hi- 6 Now, little Bolton has Joined A.F. and A.M., will be installed at John Kadupeki, 48, of Lebanon, of providing a high school educa­ tive actioo.” ^ . , rectly to front of Italy’s Naval tion to small towns is often impos­ with Andover and Hebron to an CAMDY g. “There to entlraiy too much| Academy. Capt. James O’Brien, a apecial communication to be held suffered the loss of a front tooth effort to And a solution to the NOTICE when his car left the road and sible in the face of mounting con­ Business Zooms Ht'rald I'a.ito. emph**** upon crime p ro grara public information officer for the at Masonic Temple tomorrow struction costs and other expense school problem. The three-town re­ We have eoaibined all our ““** too mu& time to being devot- Army base here, said it appeared ended up against a utilities pole. search committee is still engaged To the calle of ‘’Swing Yo’ Partners,” '’Promenade Around the Hall ” and other familiar tquare night at 7rS0. Graham L. Clark ’The car waa reported to be severe­ factors. His suggestion as a solu­ operations at our new aalea- ad to euch pragramaI. The fact that to be firmly lodged on the rocks tion to the problem to a regional on the project, started last sum- Upward in Stale dance calle an enthusiastic crowd enjoyed this increasingly popular type of dancing at the square will be installed worshipful mas­ ly damaged. Both crashes were, in­ dance held at the Community Y Saturday night from 8:30 to midnight, under the Bu..plces of the Man­ jtadio______and___ Mevtaion crime ne pi and did not aeem-to be in danger high school with the burden of coat me.‘. room. We are no longer do­ Igrama atteoq^ to ahow to their of breaking up further. ter; John L. Von Deck, senior war­ vestigated by troopers working out chester Branch Hartford County YWCA. Music was provided hy John DesJardins and the Mtisic ing any business at 'ooncluaiona Qiat crime doee net He aaid huge waves continued to den; Eric S. Anderson, Junior war­ of Colchiester barracks. • Hartford, Dec. 15— {/P)— Busi­ Makers. Many lodkl couples were prc.sent, rlong with a group of teen-agers from Ellsworth High be told them he had fa ll^ .saleep . . . doeo net to the leaat af- pound the wreck, sending spray den; Past Master W. Sidney Har­ turnpike east, hit another car ness and Industry in Connecticut School. The next square dance to be aponsor?d by the local Y W C A 'Will be held on Jan. 10, and all 481 Middle Turnpike East The delight of giving and receiving at the wheel. the aubcommlttee’a feelton over the superstructure. The crew rison, treasurer: Past Master T. coming onto the road from a pri­ zoomed upward in the final quar who like this form of dancing, young and old ,^like, are invited. __ crime ahowa are not Miitable Walter Reichard, secretary. vate driveway at 784 Middle turn­ In the third 'arrest, KelsOn J. LOFT'S Candies... as members came on deck only oc­ Accidents Result Millard, 84, of New Britain, Was ter o t the year and it appears loubJecU for chfldren'e p r o g n w or casionally, he said, because of the Mr. Clark has announced the e ) pike east. tfor programa that are no timed Driver, of the other car, which oharged with violation of rulea of it will remain on an upswing into have been set in the amount of iii industrial construction t^iith ness indicators for October, the STANEK traditional as the high wind and spray. They todl- pointlve officers to be Inatalled |} commission said, and less com­ that toey are likely to be waUdied In Three Arrests police say waa damaged exten- the road as the result o f. g two- 1953, the State Development Com­ checks drawn on Connecticut 24 projects begun or announced Electronic Laboratories a.'d no one was bull. follows; Herbert J. Leggett, se: / plete data for November points to jtolth lome degree of regulartty by deacoiv C. Van Zandt McQuiue, eively, waa Charles A. Williams, car accident on Broad street near mission reported today. banks, the total employment and in Noveniber. Christinas tree itself. Make About 500 Leghorn residents Plus s l^ s ran strongly through a continuance of the year-end up­ Itiilldren.’* Junior deacon; Malcolm Robertson, Police reported three motor ve­ 16, of the Middle turnpike address. Middle turnpike west early yes­ In its monthly economic report, factory payrolls. 277 BROAD ST. crowded the shore line near the Connecticut's now complete busi­ trend. • 4. "One of the greaay encourag- wrack to watch operations, while senior steward; Harold W. La van­ hicle accidents over the week-end, Williams’ car suffered about $450 terday afternoon. Accordtog to the commission noted records In addition, it also rioted a spurt it a Happier Holiday- police, Millard, driving north on £ lag aapecto of the p r a e ^ otata of others combed the area in search way, Junior steward; Charles N, all of them resulting to arrests. damage, while Mrs. Von Deck’s L>'development In televtolon pro- of drifting foodstuffs. Butter, fruit Cole, chaplain; James W. McKay, One of the persons arrested, Mrs. car received damages amounting Broad street, fafled to stop in give LOFT’S ... the Tiny Aliaon Rau, Infant daugh-, Franklin O. Welles, both of Tal- time to prevent his car's ramming *,«ram m ln g" la the growing toUraat and other foods floated into a canal organist; Hayden L. Griswold, Jr., Anna M. Von Deck, 35, of RFD 4, to about $150. IS t commercial apoaaora in cultural ter of Mr. and Mra. Cheater M. cottville. running through the center of Leg- marshal; William C. Bray, tyler. Rockville, will be presented on , In another reckless driving casO: into a car that waa stopped at Candies of Fitter Quality. nd educatioBal programa. Rau of Talcottvilla, doea not real- Mrs. Smith, who observed her the Broad atreet intersection traf­ 96th birthday in September, haa horn and was quickly picked up Past Master T. Walter Reichard charge of reckless driving to police report that Ceorge Delan­ B, Zntaroatad and oonatructlve toe that ahe to a repreaantotive of ey, 39, of RFD 1, Rockville, ran fic light. About $100 damage was the fifth living generation to thia frequently vialted in Manchester at until cuatoma ' authorities inter- will be installing officer, and Past Town Court next Monday. 1 required to en^ Mra. Von Deck was involved to off the. road on East Center street reported to each car. . to diacharge Talcottville family, a rather unua- the home of her daughter and alao vened. Most of the food broke out Master Robert W. Wilson, grand at the home of one of her sons. of wooden cases as they floated out marshal. A t the conclusion of the an accident Saturday night about about 7:35 p. m. yesterday and ______end to make ual occurence in any family. hR a Are hydrant, breaking it off The horns of the rtiinocsros are Held to the arma of her great­ Nelson I. Smith, 55 Middle tum-| of the ship and crashed on the ceremony, there will be a social 7:45, when, police report, the car r ^ 'e o d e '^ eOiica etfecUve. Some pike east. In addition to her daugh­ hour and refreshments. ahe waa driving east on Middle at the ground. Police say that modified hairs. tygtvlc and religloua groupa have grandmother, Mra. Mary Smith rocky shore. WeUea of Avery atreet, Aliaon la ter and son living to Manchester. | LOFTS Delaie made imporUnt contributione to and her grandaon and great-grand­ .. thia Held, and the induatry ahould next to her great-great-grand­ mother. Mra. Sarah C. Smith. M, of daughter pictured here, ahe has I ChBcalate NiaiatHreii atimulate audi contributiona. three other sons, 14 other grand­ g. “ Poor taate baa been .uaed in New Milford. Standing to the rear 32 tempting varieties in a are the baby’a mother, Mrs. Mari­ children and ^ other great-grand­ the adviertlaing o f certain li- lyn Rau and her grandfather. children. eenaed and regulated producU smart Christmas Gift Box. which haa been offenaive to a Milk, Dark or Milk and Dark. large aegment o f the public.' ...to the former .. Bponaora, advertlaing agendea and 2 lbs. • 2 .8 t f‘ broadcaatera ahould “ adopt meaa- urea to correct the condition.” Skywaich Schedule 7. The committee waa “ im- preaacd with the efforta of the Tuesday t., ' radio and televiaion induatry and Midnight—3 a. m...... Mr. and Mrs. Sedrick Straughan the manufacturera of dlatilled 3 a. m.—4 A m ...... Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hagenow HAMILTON STANDARD PLANT apirita” to eliminate all advertla­ 4 m.__6 a. m...... Volunteers Needed ing o f audi producta on radio and 6 a. m.—9 a. m...... Richard Frosch —end on exciting orroy of other LOFT'S ~ televiaion. 9 a. m.—N o o n ...... Mrs. Mary Close The committee aaid it heard ttoon__3 p...... Mrs. Robert Coleman, Robert Gen- Candies for Christmas including witneaaea who "took exception to ovesl Let as aiail for you, Peppermint Cones, Deluxe Hard low neckUnea,” complained about Candy, 3 p. m.—6 p. m...... Thomas Maxwell. Philip E. Reuter anywhere la the world. “ offenaive playa involving adultery 6 p. m.—8 p. m...... E- E- Perkins and Milk Chocolate Santos. and other deviationa from good g p. m.__10 p. m...... Louis Lanzano, Francis Daimcosse moral behavior,” objected to beer 10 p. m.—Midnight ...... E. B. Innruui, Wallace G. Payne T^e Price Sensation of the Year! and wine commerdala iUuatrating drinking aoenea, and took a dim £ view of Impcraonationa of doctora ed Into 1.000 shares at $100 par national executive committee of the I L O P T S Chocolates — m»nm€m9 ^ and other profeeeional people for value each. Socialist party has voted not to | run any more candidates for na- the endoraement of producta. Eugene V. McClure, EUeanor T. 829 M A iIn s t r e e t tlonal office. McClure and Leo J. McClure are Norman Thomas, confirming the I Motofdom’s Greatest Value and throughout Connecticut M cQure all the incorporators. action, aaid today the Socialists Another csrtlflcate of amend­ and other minor parties don’t have I ment, before organization, to a cer- much chance how to elect national | Doubles Stock tifleate of Incorporation indicated officers. ... Made Possible by Widespread the McClure Auto Company’s 'Thomas said “ Socialism and the I V ITm U caura ReaHy Company, starting capital haa been reduced Socialist party are not going out | a corporation formed Sept 30, haa from $35,000 to $20,000. ’That firm of business, however.” doubled ita capital atock. increaa- was also formed Sept. 30 by the fr ' tog from 150,000 to $100 ,000, an In- same three incorporators. . It would be perfect If some driv-1 Public Acceptance of the One Car atrument on file to the town clerk’a ere who skid into snowdrifts r-or.M | •iflce today Indleatea. IN BUSINESS leave their cars there for the bal­ The atock, all common, is divid- New York, Dec. 15—iJPi -’The ance of the winter. in America that Is Completely New la if weekend we had a big moving job here at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft . . . trans­ ferring the Employment Office to new quarters.

But it's dll done now! And we're, ready to welcome you to the finest employment office in New Engidnd. There's a big pleasant woiting room with plenty of comfortable DOUBLE choirs,.. . o new streamlined orrongement o f interviewers to answer your questions . . . ' dozens of innovotiobi to speed you quickly, easily into o well-paying job. Asm UA 3-Deor $e4ee UST PRia Come in and see these new offices even if you ore just curious. Come in if you 5.0A. TOIIDO, OHIO. nUS wont to find out about the mony job openings. Come in if you wont to know more - m FIDEIAl TAXIS, STATI AND lOCAl TAXES (If any), miOHT, about the advantages of working at P&WA. » OIIIVEIY AND HANDIINO CHAIOEL OrnONAt EQUP- Whatever your reason come In. We'll be glad to see you. And rememberl . . . MENTEXTIA your visit may hold the key to a for better futurp for you and your family. GREEN STAMPS Giron With Cash Sales In Both These Stores


1. The Ruggedness of the 3* The Luxurious Comfort and DEC. 16 World-Famous ‘’ Styling of an Airliner 2s Unequalled Economy of 4# Streamlined Beauty. You f^utsrwiiuM ThsJWHALCea 0ONW m uun Opention Saves you Money W ill be i*roud to Own, u m A$ Every Mile Delight!^ to Drive It THE OF CEHOIISESSON If your cor Is of ovaroga voKia, It , W E GIVE GREEN STAMPS. will mora than moka down poymant. DeCormier Motor Sales EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ■■ MOHmmnuMTs 22 MAPU STtKT MANCHISTn Open Tuesday Until 9 P. k 50 PRATT & WHITNEY AIRCRAFT DhrMoa o f Uottod Aircraft Corporotioa — East Hortfonl li Coaa. m m Opee Ylfeekdays t t a i 4^. . . . SetonleysS to Nooa , ■ Advertiie in The Hierald-^lt Pays t i - s '' .

\ 4' ' ;

"\ )P*»- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONH« MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1962 PAGE SEVEir \e5. r'• •. MANCHEStiBB EVBNINO HERALD. MANCHE8TEB. C0 NN,;'m 6NDAV, DECEMBER 16, 1952 I I ...... "TTT MBSIX m m School. Thta will mark tho third LOANS $SS TO $SM Grange" Member' dlracUon 'o f A real world order, WHY WAIT LONGER? Missionary Group annual appearance of this group. 7 Cliiter Is Training ^."Yse"^pwaaptty ta 4 aaS M i eaa- JU niriirB trr there is, here, aa indication that SHOPPING DArS . A social hour with refreshments ( Author^ Drama There is, here, an Ihdlcatlon that Till CHRISTMAS will be enjoyed, and grab tm g gifts V In Coast Guard Meets Wednesday exchanged. Hosteasea are Mrs. ringla Loam roar war . • ■ aad last. Enm iiiO 'i»raU may be prepared to lead in the di­ Fboaa far 1-vtah laaa, write, coma in. August Carlson, chairman, and • "Tha Fulfillment,” a biblical rOM rection the Acheson-Truman re- ate. Herbert F. C?usUr. Jr., seamair .. Emanuel Women'a Missionary' Mrs. Fred Lavey, Mrs. John L Ol­ Ivaa 6 ( U I H T M l U n 'drama written and directed by giane consbtentiy opposed. recruit, U8CG, and son of Mr. and 'SOofety ,wffi have its Christmas son, Mrs. Otto Johnson and Mra IS Has. 20 Mot. Thomas Maxwell of Linnmore Bven the simUarity .of language Mrs. Herbert F. Custer of 43 Bige­ John. A. Olson. drive, will be presented during the ■ 1 meetiflS and program Wednesday 1245.80 3312J7 In the Dulles and Lodge speeches low street, is scheduled to ooia^ afternoon at 3 o’clock In the church lecturer's hour at the meeting of 349J2 Is encouraging, for it either indi­ plete the 13-week’ training course vestry. New officers for 1963 will $ 2 i 451.45 Manchester Grange Wednesday •36 night in Orange Hall. cates a coordinated intention on at the U. S..Goaat duayd Receiving be aladtad ht the bualneaa meeting. Center la Cape May, N. J..on Jan. stLyTSganrai Mr. Maxwell, who is a member their part:or an inalUn^ve' |m|>s H ie program will feature Christ- 14. He is learning the basic duties maa carols and aongs by Jha-Bound of the Grange, has built the story Csm, around the Three Wise Men in an y»|i lUtUr. many of thought w h l^ wouM aa a member of the naUon’s oldest Table S ln | ^ of ManfWlififr.Xfligi. amount to the same thing. seagoing force. unusual way. The drama in three ~ gOM CWPtlOW BAT**- ca a rsa rA rasr uen f tar vtr acenes will be augmented by spe­ ta Ad**ne« _ Dulles said, **What haa to be, Custer, 19, enhsted in the Coast Guard in New York on Oct. 14. If yM f fift'* a woilier FINANCE Ca aJ cial lighting effects. Much thought t e MooUi ...... can be." He gr^uated from Manchester Or • fraeier. tbii M iavt— has also been given to The symbolic xSt f VMtltf ...... Senator Lodge, looking forward High School and spent one year at Iny Mfly, or old Santo "' f b b h c n iib T ^ { settings and to the costumes that 22.50 to the* 1M5 charter review session the University o f Connecticut. they may correspond to robes 22.50 25.00 w S W - -■■*******...... Can't dolivtr Christniot Ev*. Whiteman, Sehrafft, P . 4k 8. worn in those days. gtiigto ...... of the United NaUons, spoke as He spends most of bis spare Ume WAIKINS and hia summers taking out Oandy Clipboard Om t miMDAVlMOMOAY.IVB««HOf lYBONOf ONTIl' • t j i . .The shepherds, the Wise Men, Cocktail Table with Pembrok* follows: ■aoTjiaM. INC Old Ipswich Solid Maple End Cushman Galleries presents «3 ic ysa ASoeSnS^wgB^^^ chartered flShlAg parUes on hia 40 Imm wets •• ioMnN jt rE . the audience chamber of King The'^wal-top Duncan Phyfo X-stretcher base haa a big ■We should aU be thinking of Herod, and the meeting of the Table haa sturdy turned legs, this cobbler's bench of solid foot fishliw yacht the Sea Hawk Honor Vennarte Arttir Drag Sforet FUNERAL Cocktail ^Table in a new large 19 X 36 inch gallery the great Import of that meeting. docked at New London. OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL NOON Wise Men and shepherds at Beth­ in 17 X 27 inch top and two birch in antiqued maple, fin­ version! ^1 x 36 inch top. 30 jo Genuine mahogany. And you, who rendered such valu­ SERVICE lehem will be portrayed by mem­ handy shelves. ish. Pegged-in legs. On Anniversary bers of Manchester Grange. Music Genuine mahogany. able service in d^eloping public Week End Deaths UraAndJLWlBit will be pro-vided by the Grange Cushman Colonial End Ta­ sentiment for creating the United Mr. and Mra. Ruaaell Vennart of '. P i r t e t t r plantat, Sidney MacAIplne. 87-00 ble of solid birch in high­ clltnt af K. •. A. S*tt- Nations, should, I believe,-'renew 70 Weaver road were honored wiUi lighted maple finish; 14 x KapreaanU tIw i; JTg your efforts to support its further By~THE ASSOCIATED PBBS8 MAORI OIL c o l FREEl DOOR PRIZES A surprise party yesterday in ob- Grand Rapids Reproduction 26 inches. Acaacy — H«w progress and evolution. Los Angeles — Rabbi Phineaa TWO 204A TURKIYS, 1 .HAM ;Meii of Temple ' aadBtmxAQ Bo^n.__ or Smoller, 49, Russian-born JewlOh servaaoe of their lOtb wadding an­ Rorg* oRd FrrIOR- of a Tip-and-Tuni Table; 'Remember that if the United leader, western regional director niversary wbieh occurred on Fri- piecrust edge: genuine ma­ d » . About 36 relaUvoa and friends To Se^ Comedies Nations had n e w been created, of the Union of Americsin Hebrew 24 HOUR SERYfCE" “ E u c k y l a d y hogany. the first concern of men of good Congregations. Died Saturday. . gati^arod at their home In ob- CMcago—Judge Otto Kemer, ®8, Oorvanee of tho occasion. will throughout the world would 'Tho group presented Mr. and ^ METER TRUCKS Tu’O one-act comedies u’ill be of the. U. 8. Carcut Court of Ap- AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY presented at the Temple Beth Mwitc amia now be devoted towards creating .peals. prominent Chicago , jurist Mra. Vannart with aome gifta for PHONE “ thalr homo and atao brought the ^ BURNER SERVICE r ' SELF SERVICE, OR WE DO IT Sholom's Men’s Club monthly «dT«tWBg dcjjy »«• what already exisU today. It W, and Democrat. Died Saturday. meeting tonight at 8:30 at the painfully and incontrovertibly Chicago—Kent S. Clow, 64, ingredients for a buffet supper. A 3196 or 8606 * 24 B E N D IX — 6 D R YE R S decorated three-tiered anniversary TEL. MANCHESTER temple. clear that without world order our manufacturer o f plumbing and The first play, "The Runaways,” r a u a ^ l B cake, made by Mr. Vennart's sunt, East Center St. MAIN AND BIAPLE STREETS — MANCHESTER ultimata destruction is only a mat­ waterworks supplies. Diad Sunday, stars Louise Nathan and Ruth m m. TtanteBa ' Washington — Sherry T, Mc- Mrs. WlUiam Orr, was the center- '■i 4523 % ■. Manfih.ester 19.95 ter of time. When we face this al-. piece on tho table. Sandals. The second is the George Adam, Jr., 49, assistant director of S. Kaufman comedy, " If Men Play­ an^TaSblleatloa Mwpt fc lw w - tematlye, we know that we can, trading and exchange for the ed Cards Like Women.” and fea­ t t will, and must create world order.". Securities and Ebcchange Oommis- tures Bill Cooper, George Shloss sioni Bom in Pensacola, Fla. Died Monday. Pacambor 15 Here ia indication that the in­ berg, Jules Karp and Satn Prlmack. Sunday. An added highlight of the meet­ 39.95 17.50 coming Republican administration Frederick, Md.—Hiia ia, from hia own remarka. tache. Bom in MilnesvlUe, P a Died to Instead of retreat from the his­ make news, a commodity that is aniood of cautloua hope, tn whidh Sunday. toric necessity it represents, that dear to every newspaper. Your re­ II ia clearly recognised "Uuit there cent editorials'regarding the Pearl wlU be great good news. ekn be no simple formuU for street property has finally Irked me lon gin g a awift, victorious endlto to the point where I must take is­ sue with J’pu. this war," and in which it is also A Beaatifol Word CbewhgWri^s I understand that you are trying recognised "that the Korean war is ExperU can ba very wrong. to place the complete responsibility hut the nuMt dramatic and most of the Pearl street widening on the That la one comforting thought for gainful phase, for us at this mo> SpeamMitGMn shoulders of the present Board of The four sides.of this Butlqlf* those hundreds of thousands cf Directors. I believe the responsi­ *|hent, o f our world-^de struggle Tray Cocktail Table d ]^ Americans who are currently en­ bility for the action does He with ^^airainat Communist aggression.” down to make an oval to|>. gaged in improving their health H ^ Y w R ^ them and that proper praise for ' ' N ot only is the Korean sltuaUon their action should be giyen to Sheraton Cocktail Table with Genuine mahogany. . through various kinds of contact difficult in itself, but lU complexl lb fed your beet them. The fact that other Boards gold-tooled leather inset in with that mlraculoua substance, When you buy her diamond a't Mtchaals, ties are increased by the fact that and do your beet, together with our Planning Com­ the 231,! X 381^2 inch banded chlorophyll, which ta the wonder, it't important to you choose from the^ finest diamonds in tha an> mission and the Zoning Board of it is part o f a world-wide picture top. Genuine mahogany. worker which makes the grass fed relaxed and free Appeals did not have the foresight 'Against this outlook, President' from strain and ten­ 'tire world. That's because less than I V* of all grow green. and vi.slon to take steps to correct elect Ehsenhower obviously has sion. (jetting your the diamonds mined are fine enough to meet our thi.s situation is not an indication "Did someone say And, so far, it’s only one expert, 22.50 certain intentions. He does not in' teeth into a smooth that the present Board of Directors an Inaighlflcant profeasor of piece of delicious exacting standards. That's why, whether / it is tend to regard peace as impoa Is not acting wisely. You Inform 32.50 chemistry, as opposed to the more Wrigley's Spear­ modest or magrtifieont in size, no gift caa match your 10,815 subscribers that what Lovely lyre-base Lamp Ta­ athla. -Nor on the other hand, does mint Gum really hdpe. It's a pleasant, i cheering experts who draw up the the incofnparaole brilliance J of a Michaels dia> is really needed in this town is a ble with oval .mahogany ^ intend ' to have the Kremlin wholesome outlet for pent-up tcniion— i second Main street, yet you advo­ Handsome nest of three advertisements and 'blurbs which gives you comfort and eatisfactioa. And mond. ■ ' . •. venered top; brass-tipped all the plana for the fu- it coeU so little! cate narrow alleys to connect the feet. 'Watkins Tables Sheraton Tables with shap- are making chlorophyll the latest and us doing all the guessing, two. Take the time to interview ed fronts and tops; genu­ thing for healthy Americana. Remember, too. Wrigley’s Spearmint some of the merchants on Asylum fiitends to have tu do some Gum has been a favorite in New Eng­ ine mahogany. We would guess, off-hand, that Street in Hartford and hear them and the Kremlin doing land for generations. It is the product the expert doesn't have a chance, of an old, establiibed company that berate the lack of vision of their imagpwaaihg. planners. Asylurh street is a one­ and that the chlorophyll phad will pioneered the development of high He does not intend to be rash. way street to-day because no one sweep on and on, all facts to the quality chewing gum. M sure to get for Christmas?"' Be does not intend to be mtrely the original Wrigley’i Spearmint Gtan. had the fortitude to start right. contrary. No merchant In thta town wants a passive. He intends to give Ameri­ Look for the mean epear on the package.' The facts, a c c o r d in g P r o f. A. duplication of that condition here. can policy some positive leverage 35.00 H. Corwin, head of the chemistry The fact that wou have always CO world affairs. But he does not been anti-Bowers could have a very department of John Hopkins Uni­ \ intend to do this by the reckless strong bearing on your stand on versity, are as follows': < Large 18th Century Cockiall ^Oae of force alone. He intends to this matter. Ho haa always been "Chlorophyll ta indispensable in "unbles-sed" in your columns but Table with shaped, gIa68-pM>- -Weave a policy of many elements, photosynthesis (the : means by this'hardly seems justification for A modern idea adapted to tected top; magazine a h ^ . Vfoceedlng with care and patience, which green plants convert light denying the town the type of plani 18th Century styling 30 x 30 ~Genuine mahogany. and yet with positive design. * A »-m ning it deserves. You are aware and air into their basic sub­ inch Comer Table is made of He took care to make plain, in that the money to purchase this stances). tt is fotmd to be highly genuine mahogany. both his formal statement and in land is to come from the parking aesthetic in coloring the vistu meter fund. Remember too, that hia informal remarks, on his re- visible from hills and mountains. ' xn,. '►*4/' . V / many motori.sts from neighboring to New York, his emphasis on towns and cities are helping to 26.50 It furnishes chemists, physiolo­ imethlng that too many Ameri- subsidize the correction of this gists, and other scientists with a spokesmen have tended to ig- situation by paying to this fund, lot of good clean fun. For other if, as you so often intimate. The Uae the Lamp Table be- ' re. In hb prepared statement, 3230 purposes, we are not certain that Herald has a solution to every tween a pair of chairs. |(k took care to list and prhise the it^haa any value." problem that arises in regards to Genuine mahogany 18th ^lita from 13 other members of the town government, you owe it Century design. Sheraton Commode Table the United Nations whg. have It ta not even, says Ihrofesaor to the taxpayers as well as your 50.00 with shaped drawer front troops in Korea, and In his infor­ Corwin, of any value as a de­ readers to make these plans 42.00 and shelf : made'of genuine odorant. • , known. It might be too much to mahogany. mal statement he emphasized the expect your paper to sponsor a station^ 'True-Type Solid fact that the "operation out there Here's what he has to aay on From the True-T>T)e Solid "Go Ahead, Manchester” plan. Cherry' Chairside Table haa b a United Nations operation, and that score: Such a plan would involve an ex­ \:’ Maple Collection comes this a drawer under" magazine so I didn’t go put to try to tell "With respect to the claim that pense to your firm and The Herald 20 X 32 inch Chippendale V big shelf. 19 Yi X 23Vi inch top. them how they should run that chlorophyll derivatives exert a <3- -n -~ has never been famous for its Step-End Table. deordorant effect on perspiration 'T T w r : . . expenditures. In that respect it VOarticular business, that activity." OPEN r " \ hardly seems logical that you are 59.50 2730 There is healthy indication that and other odors when given by bt any position to criticize those he knows that - whatever new mouth, we may conclude that it is made by the towm.'” ' H HOURS Gold-tooled leather on the tqp TpbUcies may be possible in Korea, improbable that chlorophyll de­ A Manchester shopper Handsome Sheraton End Ta­ ttey can be valid and effective rivatives are present in the blood and a dally driver ble has gold-tooled oval leath­ shelf of this genuine mahog­ thrmigh Pearl street, 29.95 'n i y if they enlist the positive ap­ stream In amounts sufficient to in- er inset in banded top. All any Step-End Table. Brass Editor’s Note! This modest critic genuine mahogany. hardware trim. proval of the nations who have as­ fluenoe the functioning of the per- seems to have thought of every sumed with us there the moral and itpiration glands after eating possible reason for Herald policy practical responsibility for a new chlorophyll derivativea. Further­ Have You on the Pearl street strip except V one; the price. Somehow, this let­ approach to the iproblem of peace more, if they were" present in such 4 z x i S , amounts, they would be extreme­ ter forgets to mention that the and w-ar. Enough? price is $15,000. It likewise fails to ly dangerous in rendering their 0 m A F T E R a fire, the amount of comment on the fact that board users sensitive to light." policy was so conducted that the Senator Lodge On The U N Professor ^ r w in tells the fas­ your insurance may prove taxpayers were deprived of all 24J0 Genuine mahogany Drum vN ot only the first public address cinating story of laboratory ex­ less than the real value of nrT-evV-'' voice and influence with regard to of John Foster Dulles since his ap­ periments in which chlorophyll your household goods dam­ the purchase. Table has a 24 inch top; in­ Nest of 3 Sheraton End aged or destroyed. As for our critic’s assumption laid drawer edges, brass- Tables measures 23 inches pointment to be secretary of state really was put into the blood that "the money to purchase this 2 2 J 0 tipped feet. high; made of genuine ma^ in the incoming administration, streams o f rata. When they were A careful checkup— today Top row, -left to right land is to come from the parking 25.00 but also the first public address taken from darkness into a bright U ^ a m o n d bridal pair, 14K gold . ,.C. 6475 meter fund,” we suggest that he hogany. — may save you hundreds of - S^amond bridal pair, 14K gold 6356 of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, light, the rata jumped up h l^ . suspend judgment'on this until he Duncan Phyfe Cocktail Table dollars laier. Ask this agenpy .)l-dlamond bridal pair, 14K gold . MOd has studied the text of the parking with more vigor than they had ~ with double pedestal base, Jr., Who ia to be United States to make certain all your te- '. jO-dlamond bridal pair, 14K gold .^ ,^ M kl,;' meter ordinance. Ambassador to the United Na- ever exhibited before, and fell back glass-protected 18Vi x 33V ^ Bunuice is adequate. y /• inch top. Genuine mahogany. tiona, have featured ringing and dead. Second row, left to right - i heartening dArlaratlons of the We don't believe much of this 3-diamond engagement ring, 14K gold '64tt 39.95 OPEN DAILY 39.75 truth about this nation's relation- scientific - debunking. Perhaps- 9-dlamohd engagement ring, 14K gold 6 W 3-diamond engagement ripg,'}>lat]num f7S0.' ITN’n t 9 P. »I. Cushman Galleries calls Uda %Klp to the United Nations.' there is no way of getting enough STOP IN—ANYTIME A rimmed top, drawer, shelf Marquise diamond bO|^ttea. Duncan Phyfe Conaol« Card the Hudson Occasional TaMe. 'J Significantly, both Mr. DpUes'. chlorophyll to do either harm or platinum , ...... 4U50O and “banded” effects are fea­ l e v l l e d i NORMAN'S Table of genuine mahogany. Solid bkch ., in Cuahnuuira khd Senator' Lodge, in their' ad-! Rood, but the idea ta appealing, Dlaihon'd cocktail ring, tures of this genuine mahog­ “The Variety Mart” drops down to form a highlighted'tniple finiih. dresses .Ut'.ihe National Council o f: fhe tame. Just the idea of ' platinqm'mounting ...... 6675^ any Commode Table. Top the Churches of CHirist, looked for-! contact with that wonderful green . Diamond and platlnuim r i l ^ ...... 61173 449 82 X 32 inch card table. ward to 1955, the date when the | 'fu ff makes us feel better, and if members of the United Nations i *ny chemist really has facts about Third row. left to right 6-diamond bridal pair, platinum . . . . 6750 abould hold their f^rat aeasion for it, he will kindly keep them to 1-dlamond bridal pair, 14K gold . . . . 6811 mvlew and posoible amendment of himself.. Even the word oounds CLKBKk 14-diamond bridal pair, 14K gold . . . . $460 18.50 the United Nations charter. This sweet and strong and clean. We ■SSBCBF lO-dlamond bridal pair, ,14K gold . . . . 6836 BANTLY 25.00 think it ta probably the moet to Bignificant, coming from the Another Sheraton St^E n d beautiful word in the EngUah Fourth. , left to right IMro men who are to ba most M KNOlUN NAME 1»C KNOWM OUMIIV «N C I m t OIL CO. Table, this one w ith ' en­ eloaely Identified with our policy language, taken from the most 9-diam(ond' engagement ring, 14K gold $65> Shaped front.' top and 15-diamond, wwifliig band, platlnunv $366' closed book cabinet. Genu­ ■ toward the UN in the Eisenhower beautiful word in the French .lan­ TEL 2-459M-4Sf4 aprons ars^ features of this 175 East Diamond and plq^u m wedding band $475 958 MAIN ST^MANCHBSTER ine inahogany. •dmlntatratloii, because it ta in guage, taken from two bf the must 14-diamoiid and platinum W A m iN S ^ genuine inahogany Step- ■och contrast to the atUtude of beautiful words In the Greek lan­ Center St. wedding band ...... 6600 End Table. the Acheaon - Truman regime, guage. And we don’t like having TcL .nftSS Diamond Ud- pbUinum wedding band $500 OPIN TUESDAY TIL f P. M. Range ond Fuel realistic mean things said about S-diamond knd platinum wedding band $390 Which hae rcpeatodly cast .cold Edgar Clarke Ditoond End- platinum cocktail ring (U ft V 18th Century End 0^ MoHckedie^ i ,.i I I t ,.WR^ on that large sagmemt of ..biaarer Oil Dislributors ‘Table of genuine mahogany (R ight) Colonial Butterfly AMiMtoan thmight which holds Prices include Fedisral tax . with drawer under shelf; End Table of solid mapls; thMR Rkt United Nations ^lust be Pity the poor little moth—as wa 333 Mda SirMt 29.95 2 9 s 5 . '-i.r climb into our winter coats, it has deeply rimined top. NOTE: One-of-a-kind Of o fow modoli; subjoet to. prior solo.' 28-z 83 laches when open. RP and Btreagthened in the to fly out fp ■ f r y r f . 1 . I '.X-'S M i . 'fc".'

■ ■ I iii_- NINI^, IIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONNw MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, T952 PAGE IIANCHESTER EVENING HEBALD" MANCHESTEB, C0NN« MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1952 7 a. m. until 7 p. m. instead of east Neighborhood HP Eco- Stove Donor Coventry closing at the usual hour .of 6 nomics group will meet. MHS1941B Class Reunion Committee for 1 9 4 1 B Reunion t p p i n g McCann-Vickerman Nuptials p. m. weekdays and 3 p. n). Sat­ ■ * Game' la Pl*>-ed "Get The Best For Less PIW Sets Goal urday. The Robertson School girls* Being Sought BOATS " MOTORS ristniai Seal Sumlay, Dec. ?1, the post office basketball team played Vcfnon Is Attended by 63 Couples SANTA WILL SMILE AT HIS 1953 will again be open fronr 11 a. m. Elementary School today at 3:30 LUSTER-SHEEN DRY GlEANliia Al 225 ill Pilch . to 2_p. m. for the convenience for p. m. in Vernon. i CLEANER, SOFTER CLOTHES. BRIGHTER COLORS Behrend Says Gas Burn­ EVINRUDE ^ TRADES ACCEPTED Report Shows Chriatmas mailing. - Call Special Meeting NO ODORS, NO SHRINKAGE "At; last” was the theme of the^ class departed. He noted that 34 The Board of EdiScatlon 'will 1941B class of Manchester High teachers on the staff in 1941 were er He Offered Can Be For Members Plan Setback Party have a special meeting, to^ay at 8 FOR PICKUP CALL 2-U268 3787.90 Tallied There -will be a aetback party School as 63 couples gathered for still teaching, two arc retired and ED^S MARINE SERVICE p. m. at the Robertson School to its first reunion at the Country two are dead. The P^ncipai also Used by Doeblers Now 10 WHITNEY STREET, EAST HABTFOHD Coventry. t>ec. 15—) Special) — Wedneaday at 8 -p. m. at St. interview applicants for assiatant CTub Saturday night. The class described the double session sya applnf, XXK «^-*8peci*lt- Mary's Church hall on School custodian. 1st BLDG. OFF SILVER LANE—FREE FRONT PARKIHO ' The Parent-Teacher^ association FRIENDLY CLEANERS, INC. bad 251 Rtudenta. Wilfred J. tem now being used at the high The Andover home of the Doe- . Gaylort Pain*, chairman of street, Mrs. George ZunneV. Sr., ! school. . bier family, aided by the local Wel­ OPEN 10:S0 A. M. to 8 P. M. DAILY—SUNDAY S to • P. ML has a membership goal of 225 paid and Mr*. Ale* D. Proulx will bg In Maacheeter Evening Herald i 10% DISCOUNT AT THESE CASH nnd CARHT STORES Clarke,- athletic supervisor to The honor guest, Mr. Clarke, said CkriaUnas Seals campaign for members with 203 enrolled to date: ■ IS MAPLE ST.—147 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST whom the class dedicated Ita fare Department after they were Public Health Nursing aasocla-. charge. ' .j, Coventry .correspondent, Mrs. that he had retained more contact Charles I„ IJttle, telephone Cov-1. Somanhis, was the honor; guest, and made more close friends in left homeless by a Coventry fire, __j, rejportcd at a meeting of that ' About 80 of last year's member* ■ Omiip to Meet , entry 7-62S1. I and Mrs. Clarke accompanied him. 194 IB. He recalled the many good would be. ready to live in it the osganlzation last week that I787.M have not rejoined, accordlhg to Mrs. Carl Schramm and Mr*. Other invited guests were Prin­ Ray M. Davis will be leaders of a athletes in the class and said he p bMn collected to date. Robert Hurst of the George Her- cipal and Mrs. Eldson M. Bailey was honored he had been chosen Doeblers har Hood'sH< Egg Nog now Uie American Legion, offered a is outlawed because the Andover Ehedul* for a meeting of the Holiday Mall Schedule — from your Hood Route Ssk prayet before the dinner was aparttnent has no chimney. LOWER PRICE. _ . [tn'C Oub tomorrow at 6 p.m., aU Beginning today, weekdays in­ man or vour favorite s'orc. served, asking special blessings Court Cases (2) YOUR JOB IS ENGINEERED . . . all septic taaka, Dvala- lileb time plan* for next year for members not prosppt because J. Neanwhlle the welfare director age and sewer lines are Installed under tlie watchful aapa* cluding Saturday, through Dec. 23 Call Slanchester 7706 has forgotten who offered the gas \1slon of a Drainage Englaecr. RESULT; You are p re to c » HI con* up for discussion. the post office will be open from of illness o r, being too far from Richard C. Colmer, 59. of 65 ; 4 „ . .- Clirtstinaa Carol-Sing town to attend and remembering Herald Plioto,’ stove, and is hoping the msn may against costly blimtors . A BIO SAVING. ;Aa englaeafad jw High Up On The Woodlawn circle. Ea.st Hartfonl. get in touch with him again. gives you LASTING AND SATISFACTORT RESULTS. Ibe home of Mr. and Mr*. Ed- those deceased classmates. was found guilty of driving while This is the committee that planned the euccessful reunion of the 1941B class of Manchester High rard Tapley (or more ^orre’cUy, Two mejnbers of the committee, under the influence of intoxicat­ Other furniture was taken from t o y s School that was held at the Manchester Country Oub Saturday night with about 66 couples In »t- le lawn in front of their home) For Yoor IndNIduoNy — TOYS Mrs. Nancy Bantley Dimock and ing liquors or drugs by Judge John tendance SUrting at the left, the husbands itand directly behind their wives In this head table the Veterana Center yesterday to ill be the scene of a carol-sing I.4irgest Selection Burt Inman, read a poem noting Mr. Andover. hureday night to which thejtatire Dotl^Hod SpireNo S. O. Rotlner in Town Court this scene- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sweet. Mr. and Mr*. Merrittt Salmon. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Inman, Be Safe! ...B e Sure! High School Xmas List the passing of time and changes in. morning. The court was faced with and Mrs William Roscoe, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Purcotte and Mr. and Mr*. Everett Kennedy. More furniture than the family ommunlty has been invited. The FoundidioHS — C oll NORMAN'S the Uvea of classmates. a heavy docket today and w-as still can use has been offered and, if he ------.CALL------ffalr, for which Tapley will offer Mrs. Elsio Mlnicueel "The Variety Slart” Seated at the head table wijh In ae.ssion this afternoon. can find a way to collect it. r^an accompaniment, is under the T hp ?ifp|»!*hf>r'if*»»'I S h o p p in c O n t ^ r ClethtsI Clothes! Clbthti! Thtrg just isn't a tgen- the gueajta were Mr. and Mrs. Ros- Colmer was fined $125 by Judge Behrend will store it at the Town ponforship of the Union School Phono 7737 446 HARTFORD ROAD coe ana Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy. Me., forfeited a bond for operating bond; Alice E. Galaaso, 92 Seaman was flned $.35 for speeding and $9 TA. Thf event will take the place •g tr who dofsn’t want moro! House's is the store Roltner following a lengthy trial. circle, breach of peace, Dec. 20; for a traffic light violation. Farm for future use by other needy THE McKINNEY BROS: Red and white streamers were Bond for appeal waa set at $250. a motor vehicle without a license. famines. He pointed out today f the December meeting. W- Strung- from a box shaped banner Richard B. Norton, 51. South Wind­ Thoma.s R. Donahue. 35. of 419 events. Past and Future ~Tliat has plenty, but plenty! . . , the very kind of Judge Rottner Indicated that in Adrien G. Gagnon, 26, of 34 Drive sor, speeding. Dec. 17; Eklward H. Center street, waa found guilty of that it is not fair to ask truckers SEWEMBE DISPOSAL GOMPUIY In the center of the hall bearing cases of this kind he has followed F, waa ffned $35 for reckless driv­ to transport the furniture end The South Windsor ElemMtary in-the-know clothes that send teens into a whirl! YOU the inscription ‘‘41B, At Ln.st." Frlnck, 27, 55 Clinton street, reck­ reckless driving. He was fined $50 DRAINAGE and SEWERAGE ENGINliRS lachers’ association held its holl- the opinion of scientists who say ing and passing a stop sign. less driving, Dec. 22 under $50 by Judge Rottner early this after­ workers to load and unload It with­ Bright colored balloons rose from out pay. Some of the materials of­ y Partv Thursday night in Man- can be the Santa Claus to bring them both together. bases on the walls ‘towards the that a pcr.son with .15 per cent Cases continued were aa follows: bond; Arthur Passmore, 36. Rock­ noon. A charge of evading respon­ 130-132 Foori StPMt, ManeliMtar—T«L 5301 Ihester at Cavey's Restaurant, alcohol content in the blood stream ville. a.ssaiilt and battery. Dec. 20. sibility was also heard and Dona- fered may not be picked up, he They'll adore you if you're bearing wearables from ceiling. The centerpiece was do­ Richard Beneridea. 25, Windsor, embers of the Board of Educa- nated by Pcntland the Florist. is not fit to operate a motor non-support, to Dec. 22 under $500 Wesley G. Stager, 24, Rockville, h\ie was found not guilty. said. were SMcial guests. their favorite store! . As each lady entered the hall, vehicle. Dr. Robert K. Butterfield ^bllc mraier, served Lithu- ahe waa presented with a flower, testified the alcohol content in ndan style, was held Sunday at the gift of classmate Bob Mill- Colmer's blood stream, revealed Frapeis' Church Hall. SPECIAL PART WOOL IQYS’ QUILTED LINED kowaki. through a blood -teat, waa .17, Ladies Aid Society met Frl- Otita Preeeiited Referring to the police sobriety ly at the home of Mrs. Wellman SURCOATS $14.50 1 Immediately after the dinner the teat as "rough and crude," Dr. 'limham on Long Hill roaef. A •>OXER SLACKS committee presented several gifts. Butterfield said Colmer passed ness session was held followed Tlmton collars, water repellent. Merritt Salmon and 'X s. Sweet that examination but it waa hla the showing of color slides by opinion that Colmer was not in Ellsworth Fairbtuiks. Sizes 6-12. had charge of this part of the pro­ NOW $3*98 -a m . Bob Fregln won the award condition lo operate a car because r Bacon Academy of Colchester for being the longest married of the alcohol content. Te.sts, he ' footed Ellsworth Meniorial High Reg. tS.OO to $5.75 said, have revealed that while bool in a basketball game played member of the class, 10 years, ior JR. BOYS’ while Hal Turkington was the some per.sons can "hold" a larger i the former's gym. The score wra* ,,ALL RALE8 HNAL consumption of alcoholic beverage to 62 in a close match, secord- MRS. ROBERT B. McCANN most recently married, four to spectators. Ellsworth Jay- SLACKS "Hionths: Ottb Heller was the proud and not show the affects like father of the most recent off- others, their reactions are affect­ won the preliminary game, 54 Miss Jane Vickerman, daughter ..mltta and slippers and r.-irried Solid or feney pet- aprjng, a r.X. born to Mrs, Heller ed. Colmer- was arrested Nov. 22. 34. colonial bouquet of pastel shades : HpCKMYR The ease of Frank 'Vittmer, 36, iThe Cradle Roll Nursery and of Mrs. Vivian Benjamin and of Queen Anne's lace, pink ro.-'es 10 weeks ago. It was noted here Bdergarten class of the Commti- granddaughter of Edward Vlcker- pompons, tern*, part wool. that the Inmans had an addition to of 29 Fairview street, charged tv CTiurch school will hold a man of 22 Rooievieit utrtftt, mother of the bride wore a : ^ E A V Y T R 0 USER 5 the family three weeks sgo, hut with assault and battery heard JirlStmas party on Thursday from came the bride of Robert Brownlie jwo piece dress of blue-gray faille members of the committee dis­ last Monday by the court, waa dis­ t30 to 3:30 p. m. in the primary McCann of 30 Laurel street, son o f; with black accessories and a cor- CORDUROYS 4 te 12 SS.2S qualified themselves from receiv­ posed of today. He w-aa fined $75, Mm. John M. McCann and the late Eve- of pink <*amcllia*,. BOYS' ing awards. received six months in jail, execu The longest trip to attend the tion auapended, and waa placed on iOn Saturhay the primary class lyn MeCknn, in a ceremony per-; reception for members of the SWEATERS ill hold It* party from 1:30 ■ to formed at the Little Church juimedlale families and c 1 o a e TWEEDUROYS 4 te 12 SS.SO reunion was made by Mr. and Mrs. probation for one year. 80 p. m. in the same room. Jun- around the Comer in New York : frje„d, held at 3 p. m. In the $3.95 and up Nick Nicola who drove from Bos­ George F'. Johnson, 26, of 23 r and intermediate grades will City yesterday afternoon at 2:30. Kbonv Room of the Prince George ton, Mass. Ernie Fisher admitted Seaman eircle, was fined $60 for to driving a car that came out be­ evading responsibility. Did a party at the same time in The Kpiaoopalian service was per- H''*'-'. PAJAMAS V e Community House. forrticd by Dr. Randoloh Ray of When leaving on a wedding trip fore the class, a 1939 model, and John J. O'Neil, Jr.. 25. of Leo n Personal Mentton ^ New York, .and the church was f.-oulh Mrs. McCann wore a YOUTHS' 10 l« 1* $2.95 received an award. minster. Mass., was flned $35 for SM ra. David Collins and daughter, decorated with polnsettias. ■ jrrecn wool suit with gray acces- Four door prizes were given. speeding. wendy Ann. returned to their The bride waa given in marriage gorles. After Dec, 29 the couple Paul Stowell won the first prize, Leander Ashbey, 17, of Portland, m m e Wednesday from Manchester by her brother, Ronald I. Vicker­ will reside at 30 Laurel street HOCKMYER TROUSERS a clock-radio. Turkeys were pre­ P|emoiiaI Hospital, man of Windsor Locks, nnd her A graduate of Manchester Hltrh BOYS' sented to Fregin, Fisher and Jim­ a Hot Lunch Menu ■ ai*ter-in-Iaw, Mrs. Ronald Vicker­ School in the class of 1948, the CORDUROY S4.tS ' my McConvllle. ^ T h e elementary achool menu this man, waa matron of honor. James bride 1* employed as a receptionist 1 TlES.SOc Roscoe noted that Mrs. Mildred | eek starting tomorrow: Frank- Taggart of 326 Center street was al Pratt snd Whitney Aircraft. i TWEEDUROY $7.50 Sheldon Pratt, vice president of rTRUSSE^BELTC^ best man. Mr. McCann graduated from ktan- A'- the class and voted the moat muai-1 L s. sauerkraut, mashed potato^ MUFFLES cal girl, is seriously lU. Fregin M k' r 8IEN and WOMEN 4 sandadches, tangerines; Wed-.' For her marriage the bride chester High School in the class of . ■ lid fr III - \ ! EXPERT FITTERS ^ day — orange juice, spaghetti, cho.se a ballerina length gown of 1944 snd from Bentley School of ed the committee to drilver his ■at sauce, cole slaw, pickles, jam Chantilly lace over taffeta, fashi­ Accounting and Finance in Bn.ston ■ $ 1.0 0 , turkey to the Pratt family. ndwiches. Ice cream: Thursday— oned with a cru.shfd nylon tulle in 1949. A Navy veteran, he Is now Heat/auariprs For Principal Bailey spoke briefly ^iMhur Stores J Iraed beef hash, string bean*. bodice nnd a redlngote made of an accountant for the First Na­ on the changes at MHS since this |rrot sticks, rolls, butter, cske; faille with a hor.seshoe neckline. tional Stores. 1day — tomato soup, crackers, Her shoulder length veil was of The bride's gift fo the matron of ; OUB SOOUTO ^eese sandwiches, peaches, with Imported nylon illusion attached to honor waa a bracelet and earrings, j f- FANCY SOX Ilk served at each meat. a nylon tulle cap edged with satin and the bridegroom's gift te his' and trimmed with seed pearls. She best man was a wallet. 1 BOY SOOBTS Nylon reinforced lanehester Evening Herald also wore doeskin mltta and car­ Coming Soon—with a ’53 YEAR-ROUND AIR CONDITIONING tapping eorrespondent. Mr*. .\n- ried a colonial bouquet of white EXPLORER S60UTS 39e and 50e ilLIIIM P. CoUint. Telephone Manchester roses and Bouvardia and maiden EVERY INDIVIDUAL NEED . . . Also: Crepe, Nylon Tricot and Boucia hair ferna in a white lace paper blouses in pastel shadea Sizes 32 to 46. holder. I ED’S SIGN CO. . . . Is served ..with understanding and The matron of honor was attired e Commercial Lettering thoughtfulness. Faralliee ilepend on the in a blue ribbed faille gown, made Quish I'uneral Home for seriire that tn- and more f AUTHORIZED with a wide ballerina length boiif- : o Silk Screen Process Printing clude* every moderii feeture. fant skirt and off-the-ahoulder | Motoifola TV See our nice line of belts—Leather, Plas­ I LIONEL SERVICE neckline with appllqued flowers of o Neon Service Facrturiise the onsaxine SiMmkm t PMmrB CEJHOUSE&SON tic, Cinch, Velvet and Novelties. the same material on the neckline i ' ...... ' ' ■ IM C . II ...... I NORMAN'S and ortc side of the waistline. Her , 'aaedel 2174Y—Full 82 chan­ "The Variety 5lart” Ed Tnmcznk, Manrheeter 8268 WE (=IVE GREEN STAMPS jn* Kelgl»*«r*»B4 Sh„ppiag t'.nler hat was a close fitting helmet nel UHF and VHF tuning Fun«ral and more ^ 449 IIARTFORD ROAD style trimmed with pearl.s and • Or HarHord 2-8498 built in. Nothing more to veiling to match. She wore blue , add ever! Gettheoetthat'a Hom«. teady for all preoent and • •••••••••••• • ••••• • • • • • future channels. Striking mahogany plastic table m odel w ith king-size 21 REXIBLE STEEBINB SPEUM. inch picture , ? 2 S MAIN ST. FLANNEL LINED .tube. UHF ^ built-in. -S) Owners ! 42 IN: SLEDS- $2.98 Mm Tm pOw . . . here's on important suggestiont DUNGAREES FOR BOYS. GIRLS and WOMEN We have a complete Hne oft EBEGTOB SETS It’s difficult and often impossible 190 The Most IN SLUE. RED and PLAID ^ LIONEL TBAINS for an operator to locate a S lJ I t * $8945 If you % Serviceman or woman at a camp or Important Holiday $1785 to $8945 MECHANICAL FOR BOYS also a complete Une of ac­ plan to hear “ base. So why not write in advance, ■ Saason at, the cessories. TBAIN SETS Blue Bell Brand asking him to call you? Madel XIKaWV 4 to 12 a t ...... S2.98 $241 teSSM Moc« for your money! 21 in Year If At his voice at When you purchase a pair of new ------cy/indrice/ tube, w el nut ftrtish 14 to 16 at $ 3 .5 9 H0B8MAN DOLLS Suggest that he call b efo re Christmas ^ve, LARGE SIZE, ALL>< console. All Motoreie feetures Hand Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Cleat Show Boxer Tj*pe METAL Christmas... and avoid the rush. The lines bke Arte Sefteter Switch. $288 to $15JS Mahegeny finish or limed Sizes 3 to 6 at S2.39 DOLL HOUSES will be much less erbwded on oek, slightly higher. Tires HERE! Lt» Uf Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. A Carter’s S1C9 TOOL CHESTS With llgbL R m w w tiM loauty Sizes 4 to 12 $ 4 .1 9 And ask him to call you by 90 $1J» to $688 number— his call will go through Hero's How it Works ^ - Of Hm Formal Boxer bongics KEVSTONB faster that way. Sizes 2 to 8 at $2.98 FIRE STATION Gowns You MECHANICAL w nh Riiilt-in UtljP'Tunar Be prepored! Carry your winter tires with WW Wont to . $2.98 ROLLER Beg. 04.M ^ v /l Wocn* During FOR MRLS • N« CoNverter Needed! • Nethiea Mere le Add! you at oil times, In event of tform Just COASTERS ^ ALL METAL 8 KL A ARerry Christmas This Period. Sizes 7 to 14 change wheels. s. ■ $2.98 and $3.79 $2.98 BRIDGE SET to you $18.91 Set r a d i o - c l o c k - t i m e r - a l a i » k - a u -i n -o n e You ¥m r p:- Suspenders MECHANICAL from Southern New England's Compact, with appliance Sizes 4 to 6 . .. $2.69 - FOLDINO outlet and *a*y-te-**t Find Our W ^ FLANNEL LINED timrir for on-off action of ’ FEBBiS WHERS 9,200 telephone people appliance* and radio, To Your Sotiffoet^ BRIDOE TABLES ’’lullabya" switch for auto­ No Payments Until 19 DENIM JACKETS matic bedtime turn-off. kr For Boys and Girls. $149 $1.98 Ivory, walnut or green — While They Lao| s I- himinoue indicators. n n Sizes 4 and 6 . . . • $2.69 spi^iAL 1 DAY Cl e a n in g s e r v ic e — w o r k TIMI FAYMINTS Sizes 8 to 1 2 ...... $2.98 ••• • ACCEPTED UP TO 14 A. M., EXCEPT SATURDAYS e MOaO. 626 frm SOUTHERN NIW (NOlANe *36“ yi CENTER STREET ; MANCHESTER TELEPHONE COMFANY OPEN FOR YOUR .CONVEMENCI 4 EVENIRGS UNTIL « F. M, # ' MONDAY. TUESDAY, THURSDAY. FRIDAY - ■ ’ b. . Stanek Electronics DRY CLEANERS 93 WELLS STREET TELEPHONE 7254 277 MOAD ST. T E L 2-1124 A

i. I! % r ' JA

. /

MANCTESTES g TENTWO RBKAtO. MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1952 PAGE ELEYMP'^' r PAGE TEN tax another 8% per cent cut in 1954. and pave toe way for tax reduc­ ■aid he believe the college ''be- tala o f their respective atntea. ihg next year. Otheni thought C o o ^ Completed 'nits would haveMouo to«/i waitWpnif untl until Iftitr. But he also has made it clear he tions? Present revenues are esti­ OUR NEW LOCATION Electoral C ollie longs to toe horae and buggy dfurs The law aaya six ctrtlflcatca Sm all TfMX Cut Due^by19349 feels “what happens to taxes de­ mated at 89 to 70 billions annual­ S|o rm To ll4it 18 ahoarlag the result muat be pre­ Generally, more Democrats were pends largely on the amount of ly- Course in Credit Kennedy-Pilver Wedding — maybe even before they pared immediately by each state. Inclined to o^ x x * tox cuts now Holds Vote Today hugglea,'' than Republlcana — 21 to 68 in toe whittling we can do to toe Truman Thafs juH about toe spending US MIDDLE TURNPIKE^, The certifleataa — usually signed budget.**’ goal attributed to EieenhoWer and ON THE RIGHT. OVER ‘HIE TRACKS FROM MAIN In New England RlcBard Ssitonatall, Maaaachu- by the Governor of toe state and Survey o f Copgress Shows House and 7 to 5 In toe Senate. F. Paul Coop# of. toe Hartford And Senators ganeraUy held hack Rep. Martin (R-Mass.), unop­ most CMgreeamen willing to give >OM) setta, said he believed a popular attested to by the Secretary of office of Commercial Credit Cor­ vote election would ''make aouth- mors than Houaa members. posed for House speaker, says he a specific figure for next year. In fO fO O M ) State—are then sent as follows: answer to a survey on the budget. poration haa received a certificate FIETCHED f illS g CO. v em votes wean somatoing" but One copy to toe President of • Washington, Dec.' IS—(/IV-Tha.^fad«ral income. That adda up to 95 Deapite today’s scattered opin- ilavore reducing taxes without otoera than whom they were com* Congressmen lined up 189 to 10 in Of iDOTOd north Gene D. Smith, another Pennsyl­ toe Senate, two copies to tha Bec- new Congreae, althoughaithniirh wistfullyuK atruiiv I Representatives—a b 0 u t 54 per ioita. Congress will have to make throwing toe budget out o f line. of graduation from toe oompaay'a w tiw m miaeioned,” according to a former favor of substantial cut# under the to vania elector, said aiich a eyatem retaf^ of State of toe electors' dent of. those taking a stand—who up ita mind on taxes pretty quick­ |tep. HMlcck (Ind.), unopposed for special training school In Balti­ Phone 387f Electoral OoUega prealdent eyeing a tax cut for tha homefolks want to go slow, or not go at .all, 79 billion dollar ^budget for the would anabla larger statea to dom- ■UU. two to the General Servtce# ly. Tax increaaee piled on top of Republican floor leader, said tax TortlMm Vtnnoot w*« Wt hord- Lateat auch caaa occurred in next year, aeeme to be more more, Md. inata any elaetlon. administration in Washington, on revenue cuts. tax increaaaa In toe laM two years relief should follow spending cuts. fiscal year ending next June 30. AUTO GLASS—OOMPLETELT INSTALlEP IMS when Tenneeeee went for “nie Senate was even more cau- The training classes include and communication one to tha federal Judge o f toe anxloua to chop federal spending pf war in Korea automatically he- Rep. Scott (R-Pe.), a close ad­ Opposition "to eal'ly tax cuts HIRRORS—GLASS FURNITORE TOPS ' Prealdent Truman but one of toe Vp to now, Congraas has made tlous. Only 10 Senators took an brought comments like these: iia’ mra knockod out and -«arktng oh tax cuts. member of the Ways and Means GENERAL CONTRACTING r Flee other communltiea-Falrfax and moat authorities say R would Bcattered la all directions. ■pecific types of reductloae, 42 levels, cutting revenue by three committee, blasted preeent tax wAth Hero. South Hero, Orand biUlona annually. The drop will H»e And Sen. Bridges (N.H.), a likely REMODELING AND REPAIRING not have been obligated to elect Scores ^ lawmakers indicated said they wanted to cut individual choice for OOP floor leader,, has rates as "confiscatory . . . past toe X A and Bnoaberg FaUa-have only Sen. Richard Nixon, despite the ftom toe present 22.2 per cent tax . they feel keenly a voters' protest income taxes: 40 asked for cute in insUted on budget'balancing be­ point of diminishing returns gaSlo tdephooe communlcaUoo fact he was elected Vice Preeidr ratC '^ 20 per cent on net Incomes AUTHORIZED FREE ESTIMATES — MOB^AGBS ARRANGED against high taxes—a ^ te s t fan­ excise (sales) taxes, and 39 wanted fore tax cuts. drying up capiUI, discouraging w w Otoer central oOicee. Nov. 4. ned by President-elect Eisenhower to reduce either Income on exceee o f 32,000 or lass: from 88 per cent LIONa SERVICE to 69 per cent on incomes of Southern Democrats, who have business expanaion." He urged re­ M tdephone company apoh^ After today. Nixon would autO' during the campaign. But 4kaen- profits taxes on corporations. ductions “ as soon as possible.” An­ matically succeed for he, too, is be­ 323,000 to 328.000. teamed with Republicans in the ? ^ aald half of the SOO p

• gift of long for p elf I" •dddd Ckridmas foy FRIGIDAIRE rfefc cofore apork Fkaiids feverlie . . • rwyw satin, quilltd sotin lined. hofidoy oppafites Tho wholo family will onjoy Reyel, Meek, red. 4 le 9. Yoa*n find the rebc to pkasc her teste and her Fear aimht 4laaer platea, tho hoppy song, tho sunny, leienre-honr moods swaiting your choice right FoKeloinFair btved 'a batters, fralts. fulUplumed boouty o f ono cape, euMera. Yellow. here. ' 6 Cup Fereolafor o f Gronts singing conorios. $ 4 . 3 5 Plutte Bird Cage 2.9S

SPEQAL PURCHASE Covered Sauce Pons RAYON AND SATIN I Q t . . . .$3.80 TOHinilS KIT look your QUILTED ROBES W .T .a COTTONr levoliMt H Qf. - - .$5.05 CHEMUE BATH ■y vyiU !anw ...4 eMm le 0»o4 O'emnine, E A g NYION WORK SDK «■ w iRtoi^ Sicas 12-22 Only $7.98 2 Q t . . . .$5.60 MAT SIT tEeeliwIy gift koRsd. got your phis de tax eoM wenro 3 Q t . . . .$6.45 pair 3 5 ^ Opoka pormoan t MacOreger Gift 3 pairs ere guereetsed da ROW o m I g e t ...... 800- l J f , . menliitl Cellen cesered with SAVE! D ouble Boilers ^ phw tax nylee. Weshfesl. 10 le 13. CM ISTMAS SHOP WITH Chenille Robe U P i n t . . . $ 6 . 1 0 com hfiiee good fooka^ TouH love toe graceful sweep amort proctfceiMy MANTS CRBIT COUPONS reg^arly 15.00 o f tola Itiah-tufted chenille robe, H Q t . . . . $ 7 . 9 0 OASSIC STYUV with a talent for warmth and No down' poyment with o waababiUty. 2 Qt. , .$9,15 AAuHi-eolored designs on PHOTO PIAMB solid bockgreunds. 27-ihch Grant PCA. And you got Sites 12-24^. $8.95 reuEtd mot has vride loop p hondiame GIFT WALLET in which to keep Coupons. i " g i o - H Covered C hef Skillets fringe; w o n ’t sKp,' slide. •eoutifully silver plated P rig id a ire Frigiddlro e r told fleshed, l ueded Lounging Pajamas 6 " . . . .$4.55 easel heck. Cee be.huea. Bes-Tone In aatin or quilted tops. Juat rigi A utom atic Piltrowmcrtic UNDY-UUKN for lounging around or watchu 8 " . . . .$5.85 cold wave W o a iio r Clothof Dryof 1 0 " . . . $ 7 . 1 5 aUUSTMASTOYS Sizes 12'2D $(».95 Prigidaire's Live WoterAcHeo gel* Now dry dothtt onyvritaro In your iacludM hoireiit, shampoo, tost curit, houM, any time, wMwut filling tha the *deep-dewfv* dkt ordinary BEGINNERS SET NP«.98‘ stylM sotting woiiiing ocNoorgan't touch. And room wHK*tticlqf Not'or steamy If you’re in doubt as to what IM CMM— • Mi« spteid to Doc. 31 to giv# hor . . . GIVE HER doliiM ora in water all tha* moisture. Dry Ih m flirify-seft and $ 1 4 . 9 5 A TERI GIFT CERTIFICATE timo, not bolf-in, half-otfi. Now sweet-smeMing. Hoods no plumb­ Pure trull flomrsOTRs.29C Float avoir rinsing oction. Kopidry ing or vonts. Chock thosofooturosl 7 Piocas Incl. Rock You'll look your levoliost all winter long with a luxurious good for any merchandise in Teri’s Bridal Shop or services Spin, neods no bolting down. SAFI Automatic temporoturc control, flllo d H ard Cmmdtoe _ Bos-Tone cold wave styled by on# of our exparioncod in 'I^ri’8 Beauty^^o^. «hd THOROUGH for A U dothos outootatk Timing Control, Signal- fimptitt ssmsfE Mil D 9 C beauticians! Now’is the time to get this famous cold wave —oven new Mirada Fobrlo. Light, interior Oaene Lomp. Buy Farly While OoMLy Ceam SiSe-Se-ltto COZY WOM-nUD COMFORffR permanent at this money-saving price! It's so natur.aMooking Xasee gteckloge lOe-SSo S t o c k s Are Complete 1 lA. Ckeeehite easy to menage, a perfect wave for any occasion! Oevomd Clisrriso ... Wo gjttrw vgootly komoM ol g fff $299.75 $259.75 1 lA. Aeoarted loofca "Mt"V teMd ifs few prtoo CReceletee ...... Tie ' Boy TUa Porcolaia On New Low Tcrau ^ lAa. Aaserted YewH defight her heort on Christmes*wlA 'tliit ! C R sesletes...... W e TERI'S 4 lAa. Aaeerted vrieut 100H wooMitled comferterl Fino HqrW’l BRIDAL and UNCERIE SHOP eeeeeeeee lAR covering in soNd biwe, rose, er 2 colof Beauty Salon TBS MAIN ST. (RTATB THEATER RUIUHNO) F MEN'S NITE e BUSH HARDWARE Co. NEXT DOOR TO T RTS BBAUTT SALON % Inc. 793 MAM STUKT 81t MAIN 81 ,9 |S MAM S MANCHKSTU TEL. S fB I Every W gd. 'tN 9 p . m . t A l , >->434—MA NUHEBTE R 7fS MAIN STREn MANCHESTER W . T . GRAN T CO. f • . ||i i iii ll■■Pl

V " ■ ■V \ V \ \i

PAGE THIRTM W MANCHfiSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHfiSTER, CONN,, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16. 1952 ■MUCRESTEK EVENU4G HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY. DECEMBER 16. 1952 J»AGE TWELVE Commendation Ribbon for merlr returned to the United States and Ever>' •' member of the Zohlng last week was discharged from Dangers Forecast Board of Appeals serve? with the tlviiii Coitiiiiemleil torious aervlcei - in Korea. The in Improving Board in the eAvnc.at effort that decoration waa presented to him the Army. Ho served in the Army PRESORimONi Former Local Water Co* Radio and TV the reaulta that are reached con­ by Major General C. E. Ryan, for a total of eight yearsi three Obituary UN Is SUent High Court l!8S!S=!r In Rule of Mind For Korea Service chief of the Korean Military Ad­ and a half years since 1949 and Carefally ComptMiiiiM 1 2 ^ 0 Pay News Tidbits Staadard H i m ftN H O —Ch. • form to the bI-Sgt. Eilwin N. Flynn of 9 Fl>Tin. who was a.s.signed to the ing World War II. Of thla time he [ Arflmr Dri| Stirt; OnU.S.Ban Bars 'O^th 4> WTIC—BackiUat Wife. -«ta lla Dallas W TIC—Theater ol Meloi.y. native of Manchester, died yester­ (Coatlaned Frotn Page One) (Coattaaefl from Pago Om ) caaea almoat a year and a half Koreaa Foundation . . . State Sen. More' Than Expenses I Told About a.|a—'WDRC—‘Ibe Record Shop, 4:45—W KNB—The Little Show. (O iallaw * day at the Meadow Lee Convales­ Rev. James Stuart Neill, rec­ *WTHT—fcddia Arno^ Show, 4:15—WDRC—Mu»lc off th* Record. ago, h* had apoken of the threat James E. Foley of New Haven pchibits at the Public Utilities; w n c —Touna W W ^I Brown. WONS- Jaok Downey'a Waxworlr*. cent Home in Deep River after a tor emeritus of St. Mary's Epis­ <)uit Red Party tracts, none of which had auch OL totalitariamam and <3ommu- m wMfM. frinc* beneflU and aev- says he may ask legislature for oath requirements. Cbmmiaslon hearing Into the Man­ WHAT—Save A Lun T r o fr ^ . W KNB—Ed Swett Show. long illness. Zinchenko^s personal secretary law barring Communists and «il5->w nc-W om an In Mr Bim**- _ 4:44—WCCC—Newe; Market Baaket. niam, and he continued: •nnce pay proviaiona aa atcpa to Miss Wood wan bom in Man­ copal Church and rector of the loc­ It took their property (JobqF w n c —N .w f. 7oui Garden. here, Mrs. Evelyn. Thaler, told the members of Communist front or­ chester's Water Oompsny's rate' a.It— WDRC—Nawa; Old Record Shop. "That threat alill menacea free-"f M p clear away the^backlof. chester on July 10, 1870, the al church for over 35 years, from without due process of law. x-" Job Racket 'W THT—Newa: Joo OIrand. WHAT-Itafan Muaic. ganisations from state financed increase today Indicated that the 4:45—WDRC— Btng Craaby. dom. The atruggle againat Com- daughter of the late Judge OUn Senate Internal Security aubcam- It amounted to a bill of attoihdcr WHAT—Story Queen. muntam la Juat aa cruqial, Juat aa GUTS Ykaaa mattara in Uie paat have re* 1618 to 1943, died last night in a housing projects. financial condition of the company WON8—Bobby------. . . R»naon, WHAT-Famnu* Trial*. R. Wood and Rosella fWeaver) mittee last week that she had been (a leglalative act infllcting.^^piinish- W TIC—Victor H. LIndlahr. demanding, aa It waa then." jolted full board acUon. convalescent home In Bellows Rlcliard A. MacDonald steps out has been improving for the last (Oontbiiied Prom Page Om ) w n c —Juat Plihain Bill Wood, who for many years occu­ a Communist but quit the party ment without a Judicial^mal), • •la—WHAT—Croaby Quarter W KNB—Eddy Howari' Show. But he aald the Idea of freedom Putnam may authorlae auch Falls. Vt. Active In civic as well sdminlstrstor of National Pro­ two years. The hearing resumed in ' I4:*4-\VDRC- -Arth'ii Godfrey. pied the residence at 670 North • In accitlon, five of the teachers cousin, as a former bootlegger. w n o —Front Paar Farrell. la alao In danger from thoae who wider authority for the analyata aa church affairs during, his long because she thought it was evil duction Authority .' . Defense De­ Hartford today. ,,m -W H A T —Band By Demand. D----- W TH T —My True Story. Main street. said they had cons^ntloua objec- De Vincenzo was placed under :Voc«. WTIC—Welcome Traveler*. "hate <3ommunlam. but who at the tenure here. Reverend Neill's pass­ and she became bored with i t The partment Identifles 39 dead in E. Irving Rudd, engineer for the W )N 8—Will Bill e f wafre caaea before he atepa out Miss Wood was educated in tiona to the p ro m ^ to bear arma police protection several days ago U^^BC-Remori,■ - Lana. - WCCC—12 Hundred and 40 HIU. aame 11 me are unwilling to la a day or two; Presumably ing will be felt with keen regret latest Korean War Casualties re­ The O k lah oi^ Supreme Court company, produced a schedule and .. -,C(5—News; Muale. W HAT—New* In Italian; Manchester schools and moved to by many townspeople as well as Senators complimented her as a after reporting he had been W KNB—New*: Through; Ihe Tear*. acknowledge the ideala of the be would hold them to overall port. rejected the iMchers' contentions a chart showing operations from w n c —Ixirenio Jone*. Hartford nearly 28 years ago. She parishioners of St. Mary's. cooperative witness. warned anonymously he would be 14:15—WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. Conatitiitlon aa the aupreme law of bmiU of exiatinr wage aUbiliza- Zinchenko, who took his 322,000- Fsther Sicard Daniel of Colum­ and uphehF the law. Its opinion 1941 and 1951, with 1952 esti­ a-M—WDRC—Curt Maaaay. W H AT—Italian Music s an attendant at the North Reverend Neill served the local bia, South America, la expelled by found "floating" If he testified. WHAT-Newa ^ 14:25—W TH T—Whispering Street* the land. lion pollelea aa Putnam has Methodist Church. She leaves a-year post in 1949 was put on a cited an/4arlier decision by the mated. They showed that the w n c —Notea and Quot^ •Whether they know it or not, itronfly expressed himself against church from 1918 to 1943. a total Chinese Communists and crosses average revenue has increased He testified that the two latest l,j»_ W T H T — FrarkTe Friaeh— Ball- 14:44—WDRC—Arthur Godfrey, one cousin. Hiss Carol Weaver of of is years and 10 month.a, the spot with the Russians,; as well as U. S. Supreme Court upholding a threats came by telephone Friday w n c —Diuble or Nothing. theae people are encloalng the M tin f w a ^ oeillnfs. with the UN by both the Skyortsov border into Hong Kong in chains simUhr loyalty oath requirement more than the average expenses. WCCC—New*; Mu*lc Waterbury. longest rectorship in the history of Actress Rita Hayworth says night, one.from a woman who told **Wo !Sb—Cecil Brown. NawA W KNB—Voice of Manchester. aplrit aa well aa the letter of the • H e has promised that the coal Funeral services will be heM case and Mrs. Thaler's revelations. by-Uie City of Los Angeles. The average expense per custo­ original Oonatitution in a glaaa miners' pay boost won't be allow­ St. Mary's since it was organized aha intenda to withhold any divorce mer in 1951 was $28.57 as op­ him today would be his last If he Eeealaa 14:45—W TH T—When * Girl Marriea. from the Holmes Funeral Home. In the 1870'a. Feeling that the local Some sources in the UN familiar (The Highest Tribunal also has told'his story before the commis­ S :ia - WONB—Nawa. WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. caae, sealed off from the living SHOP action against Prince A ly Kahn un^ ed to become a pattern for pay 400 Main street, tomorow art 2 p. with Russian practice said that upheld validity of New York posed to $25.71 in 1950 and the w n c —Newa. 14:55—WONS—New*. parish needed a younger man In til a financial aettleifient ia reai' sion. “ 11:44-WCCC—12 Hundred and 40 Hit*. nation. They are turning it in)? a b o o ^ all along the line. Rev. John E. Post of the Skvortsov's easy affability and State's law barring Communists average revenue'per customer was WHAT—Sport*. charge, Mr. Neill voluntarily re­ ad for her daughter. The rackets the commission Is WTHT—Newa. Joa OIrand. WONB—ladle* Fair. mummy, as dead aa some old Truman and Putnam say they North Methodist Church will offi­ mingling with other nationalities from Jobs in the public school $35.19 in 1951 as opposed to W TH T—Lone Journey, pharaoh of Egypt, and in ao doing sign ^ from the rectorship in 1943 U. 8. Attorney Adrian W .^ ah er $31.28 in 1950. The estimated investigating reputedly milk the WDRC—N «w j. W TIC—Strike It-Rich.-. %nat to turn over a going pro- ciate. Burial will be at the con­ in, the building was proof that ha system.) port of 350 piillion dollars yearly. a.lg_W HAT—Supper Serenade. they are giving aid and comfort to assume charge of St. George's anters petition tn New H ^ e n U. S. average expense in 1952 is $31.79 WONB—Palter By Pateraon. WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. wrem o f wage and price controls venience of the family. Friends had a special status in Russian But Clark said today the Okla­ De Vincenzo said he was fired W H AT—Italian Voice. to the enemies of democracy.” i Episcopal Church in Lee, Mass., a District Court to canceMflttzenshIp and the estimated average revenue WTIC—Bob B»e*I«; Sporta. ■ee-A-, r--.« 'W . 1 to president-elect Eisenhower may call at the funeral home to­ government circles and may have homa Supreme Court gave no con­ from his own job as a hiring boss WDRC—Jack Zalman: Thla I Believe. W K N B -N ew *: S.40 Cliih. Ih e President said there are STYLE-RIGHT granted 10 years a ^ to woman is $38.68. lll05.^W KNB—S40 Club Music. PRICE-RIGHT ^ MlEl H When he enters office. What Kla^ night from 7 to 0 o'clock and they outranked Zinchenko in the Rus­ sideration to the factor of an em­ *;ia—WHAT—Supper Serenade. "some among ua who aeem to feel" | who has establlahM permaqent on a Hoboken pier at the Instiga­ 11:15-W TH T—We. The Women dnhower may want to do about are requested to refrain from sian party system. Moat other Com- ploye's knowledge of the nature of The company figures also show S:t5—"T in e —Guy Uembardo. residenca in fo ra t^ country . . . tion of Borelli and Florio after he w n c —weather Bureau. WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. • that the Bill of Rights guaranteea i eontrola is a problern that will be sending flowers. mimist Russians are aloof. any organization he Joined. that the operating income of its refused to cooperate with Florio g.,a—WTHT—bereno Gammell. 11:25 WONS—New*. / of freedom of worship and freedom j SOLID ^ O R among the Hist he has to handle. Prime Mlniatep 'The teachers Involved In the C'nnole said the 1943 figure their total receipts to Florio and W TH T—Lone Ranker. gree, K of C.. Board of Directors provides for such a^dmand and it W TIC—New*; Weather. we honor and venerate in theae DUNDEE can be relnforced,*y a similar de and sistera of the Cubs are cor­ Oklahoma case are Robert M. Wie- “ might have been high.” a Joe Brands, who was not further WDRC—Club Fifteen. W TH T—Jack Ben'h Show. documents la not their words of St. Francis Hospital and the man, Nancy Kent Ziebur, Werner Ernest L. Morse, vice president identified. t ! l » —WDRC—Ed MUrrow. WKNB—.New*' In th* Background. Board of the Diocesan Bureau. mand from the^barred employe's dially Invitad. WO.V8—Top Turea. W H AT—lUllan Voice. alone," he said, "but the ideas of home goven^ent. C. Baum, Samuel Hunt Lee, Jr„ and superintendent of the firm, al­ Public loading is the moving o' w n c —One Man'a Family, liberty which they express. Lu n c h e o n s e t s S^.98 TOWEL SET .^ecEYom$3.98 South Koreans Besides his son In Manchester so testified briefly. 12:15—WDRC—Aunt Jennie'* Stone*. SL Christopher's Mothers Cir­ Malcolm Cornell, Lillian A. Schmoe goods from trucks to piers, ant) f,as—WONB—New;': Concert.Faatlval. WONS—New*. "W e are engaged ht.'e today tn CIotK and napkins. he leaves his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Howard Burns, accountant for i:iS —WDRC—Suapenae. cle will hold a Christmas party at and Luella Nietz. Wieman and vice versa, as contrasted with the W TIC—Medley Time. a symbolic act. We are enshrining Oondron Flynn; another ron. "Ed­ the company, presented new ex­ W H AT—Operation Opportunity, W TH T—Luncheon Muale. PRINTED . the home of Mrs. Rose 0'Neil,''54 Nancy Ziebur did not Join In tbe longshore Job of moving goods be­ w n c —Rellroad Hour. these documents for future ages. Lose Height to ward H. Flynn ‘‘of Hartford; a hibits explaining the finaneiki op­ W KNB—Perr,v Cortio Show. iSr Long, hospital Notes Marshall road, at 7 o'clock tomor­ objection to bearing arms. tween the piers and ships. WONS—Women of Ihe Tear. W H AT—Gemma Prognam. But unless we keep alive in our brother. Alfred A. Flynn, also of erations over the last two years WTHT—Henry J. Taylor. 12:20^ WCCC—New*. r* Deep $1.29 DISH TOWELS 49c row night. Honored guest will be De Vincenzo said loans to work­ i ! l » —W H A i —Bit of Ireland. hearts the true meaning of theae WOOD CORNICE Hartford; two slaters. Miss Kath­ and showing reserves and payroll men on the piers were controlled W TH T —Phil Becker, New*. Chinese Reds Fitient's Today ...... 134 Rev. Robert Carroll. allocations. WTHT—Travel Diary. . W TIC—Marjorie Mill*. documents, what we are doing here erine Flynn and Mrs. William Rev, James S. Neill. by Tony Auregemraa. whom a com­ |.a*_WDRC— Arthur Godfrey Talent WONS—Woman * Page. todav'’ could be of little value. Smith, both of Waterbury;. and ADM ITTED SATU RD AY; Mrs. Still waiting to be heard are op­ Benuta. _ WDRC—Iioroanie of Helen Trent. CUT WORK CORDUROY CHENILLE French Expel mission attorney said v/as known WONS—Clime Doe* Not Pay, "The C«i!itltutlon and the Decla­ (Oenttnaed Ftena Page One) two erandchlldren. smaller parish, and he remained Gladys Langer, South Coventry; Mem)>en of the WSCS o f the ponents of the ratt increase. The W H AT—La Rn»* Program. Hugh Mearkle, Hartford; Andrew case opened Dec. 1. also as "Tonv Macaroni." W TH T —Rex Maupln. W KNB—Man on the Street. ration can live only Aa long as The funeral will be held tomor­ there for five years, until hijr re South Methodist Church are re­ Public loading is the moving of w n c —Voice of Flreafone. $4.98 Whitman, West Willington; John Walter H. Hibbard and Mrs. M tfJ -W C fC —Mu»lt fot Milady. they are enahrined' In our hearts SCARF SETS 5 Piece Set $3.49 BEADSPREADS Sniper ridge. They pulled back be­ tirement from the ministry. In minded of the Christmas meeting 8 More Reds goods from trucks to piers, and W H AT—We*tern Caravan. WDRC—Our Gal Sunday. row morning at 9:15 from the Dil­ Gleason, 328 School street; Mrs. Helen Fitzpatrick, heading the W TH T —Chicago Slanatui and pilnds." fore sunrise. January, 1950, he was \inahimouS' to be held in the chapel of the vice versa, as conttrasted with the W TH T—We th* Women. lon Funeral Home, 53 Main street, Ina Mankin, 16 Summit streeL opposition, returned for today's ses­ :*a—WDRC—Radio Theater, W KNB—The pattre*. . On nearby Rocky point, the Reds ly elected rector emerUlls of Stl church tonight at 7:45. A bio­ longshore Job of moving goods be­ w n c —The Telephone Hour. Hartford, with a solemn requiem ADM ITTED SUNDAY: Dennis sion with Attorney John D. La- l:44--WDHt'-New* hurled squad-slsed assaults three Maas at St. Joseph's Cathedral at Mary's Church. graphical rketdi. "Shining as Stars From Morocco tween the piers and ships. W TH T—Talk on Book*. W TIC—Now*. 'Omce before calling them off at Educated atlloward Lawler, Rockville; Mrs. Annie Forever," depicting famous women Belle. WONS—Bill Ilerry and the Newa; WCCC—Mtncheater Matinee. Water Set Ra.von Marquisette 10 o'clock. Burial will be in St. LsBelle represents over 400 cus­ De-Vincenzo said loans to work­ Reporter'a Roundup. w h a t —New*. dark yesterday. The Eighth Array Bom In Phlla^lphia, Pa., he Vakaluk, Ellington; Bernard Hast­ in Chrlstlsnlty who have offered tM5—W TH T —N.C.C.J. Open Forum Bridget's Cemetery, Tariffville. (dMitlmied from Pag* Om ) tomers of the water company in­ men on the piers were controlled WONS—Newa. FAILLE DRAPES $< was the son of .the late Robert R. ings, Rockville; Mrs. Lucille Lea, i;ta—WONS—Bonga of Our Time, W TH T—Paul Harvey. 7.49 reported scattered patrol and themselves to God, will )>e given, by Tony Auregemma, whom a J.. cluding the Eighth School and W HAT—Night Watch. $1.98 and Mary Snefleker Neill. He was 35 Maple street; Mrs. Olive Cham­ 1:15—WDRt —51* Perkin*. patrol and probe ccmtacts across Edward H. Gaines and the musical portion of the pro­ pendence parties were all linked Utilities District. commission attorney said was IS;*#—WDRC—Boh Hawk. statement from Board_ Complete with .valance. ; the remainder of the tbatUe front. educated at Harvard University berlin, 4 Nelson place;' Mrs. gram will be furnished by the known also as "Tony Macaroni.” W H AT—Newa; Nile Watch. WONS—Tanker Food Shov CURTAINS Edward Hobart Gaines. 79, of Bridget McCarthy, 99 Vernon in last week's rioting which claim­ The company ia seeking rates W TH T—Show Tune*. To the F/dltor, . Big and Uttle Norf. where fight­ and the Episcopal Theological Sem­ Chaminade Club. ' The witneiss said that if Aure- W TH T —John Daley. ___ W TIC—Juke Box Jingle*. Since there haa been so much All .colors. u 208 Charter Oak street, died yes­ ed five European lives and up­ 54”, «3”, 72” lenRth. inary in' Cambridge, from which street; Mrs. Olga Robinson, 26 which would raise its revenue by 25 WONS—Frank Edwarda. WHAT—Betty Klmh*n. PAIR ing raged for several days, was wards of 200 or 300 Moroccans gemma "knew you. you paid five w n c —Muale By Montovanl. diseu.eaion concerning the Zoning * PAIR terday after a short illneen, ihe received his B. D. degrea in Bunce drive; Harry Johnson, RFD per cent, adding $20,500 annu^ly. Suiet. About 200 attended the (3irtst- killed. The police figure of seven per cent for one week and after ]a;|g_W'ONB—Miialc Lover'a Hour, 1:44—WDRC—'Toung Dr. Malone. BoanI of Appeals of the Town of He was.bom in Glastonbury 1910. 2, Manchester; Thomas Kittle, 24 It claims the increase is neces­ W TH T—Concert Hour WCCC—Nawa; kfanrheater Matinee. Allied srarplanes damaged two May 18. 1873, the son of the late mas party In Tinker Hall yester­ European dead has now been re­ sary to meet higher taxes and op­ that 10 per cent." ,»;*# —w n c —Newa; A] Goodman a W KNB—Caravan of Muaic, Manoheater, as Cthairman of said From 1909 to 1912 he was cu­ TTIer circle; Robert Duncan, 8 "Tony never went wrong.'' said MIG-IS jeU in a flurry of 10 air James and Ellen Griswold Gaines. day. representing dance puntls of duced to five. erating costs, to pay debts and pro­ Orcheatra. 1:44—W TI(>-Bob Hop*. Board in concurrence with all rate of St. Stephen's Church in Little street; Joseph Pantaleo, 16 De Vincenzo. ‘‘He'd make sure the • WDRC—Newa. I ;45-WDRC—The Guiding Light. battles over northwest Korea. His first wife, the late Mrs. Bertha Gertrude Gardner Tyler In this The French arrests have left a vide a fair return to the stockhold­ members of said board, the follow­ Lynn,'Mass., and was then rector Hazel street; Mrs. Alice Fitch, 44 hiring foreman put them to work-- 14:1.4—New*. WONS—Ju»t Jerkin*. The UIGs came out of their R. Hutt Gaines, died In 1905. He Morse road; Mrs. Dorothea Brass, town and in Rockville, and their large, bewildered, leaderleas mass ers. Iriaa—All Station*—New*. :44—WCCC—Music. ing is offered aa a statement of of St. Matthew's Church in Brook­ or else. Tonv was interested that W H AT—Open Ilou»e. lianchurian sanctuary for the first was a member of the First CSiMrch 110 Jarvis road; Mrs. Minnie parents. Santa Claus paid a call of Moroccans who aren't sure Dividends paid as per cent of WHAT—Nite Watch - _ ,. „ policy; time in five days and clashed with lyn Manor, L. I., until coming to and distributed gifts. Door prizes which way to turn. Lacking the capital stock was one per cent In those men went to work and Miat U : l» —W TH T—The Late Bob E. Lloyd WDRC—Second Mr*. Burton. The Zoning Board of Appeal.* in of Christ, Glas'ionbury, and Das Manchester to assume‘ the rector­ Groeger, 3 West street; Mrs. A r­ he got paid.' Show. WONS—Conn. Ballroom. V. 8. F-8S Sabre JeU in high alti­ kam L ^ g e No. 86. A.F. arid A.M. were won by Betsy Salafia, Gary firebrand.* who inspired them 1951 and 1950. In 1941 It waa 5<^ W H AT—Nile Watch. WTHT—New*: Top Hit Tim*. its present -and moat recent mem- ship of St. Mary's Church -in 1918. lene Ostrout, 39 Wadsworth W TIC—The Doctor • Wife. tude fighter. I for 46 years. Until his retirement street; Mrs. Eleanor ..Dickinson, Belanger and Mrs. Miller of Birch toward independence. It ia doubtful per cent, company figures showed. WONB—Midnight Matinee, benihlp (covering Over three He was an archdeacon of Hart­ street. Jean Taggart entertained they will show much drive for a 5IAY I.OSE RIGH't'S w n c —New*. .. .. XVKNB—New*: Caravan of Music. Fifteen U. B. SuperforU Sunday Rockvlle; Margaret Reid, 565 Burns explained a sum of $26,- 2:15— WDRC—fhirry Mason. vesrs) has never indicated in any In 1941 he had been employed for ford diocese; a member of tbe De­ with Bongs, and Christmas carols while. Washhigtan, Dee. 15— — WDRC—Tnu and the World. Idght blasted a supply center and 37 years a.e a salesman at th: E. Adams street; Mrs. Evelyn Garri­ 000 of payroll money which waa 11:5*—W fiPC —Puolii Service Program WTIC—Cinderella Waekand. manner Just who should rcpic.aent partment of Missions; secretary were played by an instrumental 11 BANDITS SLAIN charged to operating expenses in Attorney Gen. James P. Mc- II ;*A...WTIC—Swpriae Svenada. w h a t —Save A Life. PARIS CURTAIN SHOP nn ere processing plant In north­ son, 39 Ashworth street; Mrs. a petitioner before the Zoning TELEPHONE 2-2747 S. K lb ^ Company In Hartford. of the executive committee of the quintet from Manchester High Tunis, Tunisia, Dec. \S—(JP)—A 1951, and another amount of Granery announced today he will WDRC-Symphony Hgll, 2:25—WONfc—New* (NEXT TO •URTON'S) west Kores. The Kyomlpo steel Mr. Qbines had remarried, and Margaret Barber. 34 Oak street; M:*4—w n c —New*: Muale. 4:44—w r c c —New*: Music. Board of Appeal.*. The decision STREET Cathedral Chapter, Hartford; and School band. A social time with group of bandits from neighboring $22,500 in the same account' for seek to strip eltltehahlp from whether or not he should be rcprc- mill storage area southwest of he leaves his wife, Mrs. Maude a member of the Executive Coun­ Peter Xepeteras, 59 Soruce street. WDRC—New*. W TH T—It Happen* Every Day; refreahmenta followed. Tripolltania, heavily armed with the first nine months of this year. James J. Matles of Brooklyn, J J111—W TIC—I n te rmesso. Scores. News. .sented by an attorney or by him­ Pyongyang and a Red Korean Sampson Gaines; three sons. Mil- cil and chaplain of the Connecti­ DISCHARGED SATURDAY: WDRC—Nor* Drake. Italian weapons, was wiped -out A t the first hearing session the N. y. The Justice department de­ 11:*4—W TIC—RIq Rythm*. self resta aolely with the applicant millUry headquarters near the- ton T. Gaines of Glastonbury, cut General Assembly, House of James Richmond. 33 Elro street; n:»4—w n o —New*. WONS—Paul* atone. The Army and Navy Club Auxil­ yesterday, with 11 killed, French commission had asked that payroll scribed Matles as a Communist hlm.*elf. cajrttal city also were bombed. Leonard E. Gaines of Manchester Representatives. In 1931,, while Mrs. Estelle Riley, South Coven­ Tom am w 2:45- WDRC—Brighter Day. iary has been Invited to attend the authorities reported today. money be accounted for. Orij^nal party official and as director of •:*#—w n c —Frank Atwma Program. W TIC—New*; In*, da News from Whether or not an attorney or he was serving in Manchester. He try; Frederick Savage, South Cov- and Bernard W., Gaines of Saco Installatloa of officers of the Two of the bandits escaped dur­ exhibits presented did not show organization for the Independent WDRC—harm Program. Holly wuMi. attorneys should serve with the Me., and three grandchildren. was also active In civic and town entr>’ ; Penny Spencer, 198 Chest­ union, Unlted|Electrical Workers 4:14—WDRC—Hymn Tim*. WONlL-ConnectIcut Ballroom. nut street; Clarence Taylor, Rock­ Auxiliary to Manchester Chapter. ing the four hour gun fight in the who , received salaries and how • : » —w n c —New*. Zoning Board of Appeals ia not s The funeral will be held Wednes­ affairs. desert. One French policeman was W H AT—910 Club. Ike Is Confident ville; Jean Tiesing, 141 Brookfield No. 17. DAV, at the VFW Home, much they were. (UE). 4:44—WONS—Bill Jenkin* Show. 1:44—WDRC—Hilltop Hnua* matter of choice with the member­ day afternoon at 1:30 at the Lowe Survivors killed. WDRC—faw n Patrol. Club. street; Mrs. Flora Vaida, Mans­ Wednesday at 8 p. m. W TIC— Weathar: Frank Atwood. W H---- AT—.New*:--- 410 < ship of the Zoning Board of Ap­ In 1911 he married the former The French said the leader of us Funeral Home. 28 Naubi c avenue field Center; Mrs. Doris West WCCO-dSroduetlon -NdwtiMI. WCCC'-M M. peals. The selection and retention Over Peace Plan Caroline L. Moeller, and'the" had the bandits was a Tunisian nation­ tVTHTW -New *; Tnp Hit Tlr.te. Glastonbury. Burial will be In St RFD 2, Manchester; Mrs. Lillian The quintet from Manchester WHAT--Cup of Coffee Club. WONS—Jack 6pwne>''a Muaic. Shop. of the members A of the board James' Cemetery, Glastonbury. three children, two sons. James High School Band will participate alist, All Zlitni and that they W TH T —Muale, Ntw*. W TIC—Lite Car -Be Beautiful. White, Rockville; Russell Yerrlng- 6:1*—w h a t — , whether with legal, engineering, or (CenUnaed from Page One) The funeral home will be open Stuart Neill, Jr., and Robert In the program of Christmas music came from a camp In Tripolltania PRE-CHRISTMAS W KNB—New*; Requeft Matin**. Neill; and one daughter. Mrs. Car­ ton. 111 Delmont street; Baby girl W TH T—Morning DerotlonA 1:45—WDRC—Houae Party. other apeclallzed training ia w'ith for the convenience of friends to­ Rogers, Willimantic. tomorrow from 7:30 to 8 p. m. at run by Lt. De Bechir Saadaoui, de­ W KNB—Now*. oline Neill Crittenden, all of whom —WON8—Early Edition. Wn(>-Ro*il «C Life. the Boai^ of Directors Where the serious proportions, and require morrow night from 7 to 9 o'clock DISCHARGED SUNDAY; John the Tall Cedars Nativity scene In scribed'as a bitter enemy of Lib­ 6145 H survive him. There are also five yan King Senoussl. 4VnC—New*. . - „ l:$a—WCCC-Newa; Muaic. Town Charter has placed it. early correction. Albasi, RFD 3, Manchester; Ro­ Center Park. The boys will play l!4 »—WCCC —Good Morning; Good WTllT-Ballacore*: Top Hit Tim*. TBe Jaat survey of the Zoning "Finally,\we must all recognize grandchildren. bert Alibrio, 203 Vernon street; the English carol. "Deck the SPECIAL! Muale. W H AT—Save A Life Program. Board dC Appeals indicated that — in all our thinking and our plan­ Funeral services for Reverend w n c —Bob Steele. , W TIC—F*p4>*r Tounp'a Family. Mre. Helen Bengtson, 37 Edgerton Halls." "Joy to the Wbrld," "Jolly WDRC—New*. _ . ■ 1;45—WCCGt-Junlor DIac' Jockey. the percentage of affirmative ning—that thV Korean war is but Funerals Neill will be held Wednesday aft­ street; Mrs. Carolyn Bentley, 18 Old St. Nicholas" and "Oh Holy Big Powers Truce 5-PJECE CHROME WONS—Weath-r: New*;-Bill Jenkin* WDRO—Carl Smith. ernoon at 7 o'clock at .St. Mary's granta^of ^titions waa approxl- the most dramatic and moat pain­ Canterbury atreet; Mra. Muriel Night.” W T H T —Breakfaal wHh Ben. * ^ W.tIC—Blabt ta.HappInesa. mataly 75% to persona repre­ ful phase, for us at this moment, Episcopal Church. Right Rev. W'KNB—Polonl*. , $:l9-.W DBC^Itunt ^m lm a Horn* James Munsle, Sr. Blasidell, 240 Lydall street; Karen In Cold War Urged W H A T —Morning Serdndde. , Fplk*. ■ senting them.*elves as well as of our worjd-wide Struggle against Largely attended funeral serv- W. Anpleton Lawrence. Bishop Carlson, 118 Summer street; Ro­ The "W e Two” group of Con- 7:14—WONS—New*. 4i44—W Tflrr—Cal Tlnney. of Western Massachus-t'.s, Will represented by attorneys. It is communist aggression. This Jour­ lce.s were held yesterday at 3 bert Carr, Bolton Center; Clyde cojrdla Lutheran C:iiurch will hold W KNB—Polonl*. '/ WDRC—It Happan* Every Day hoped that the above, will serve to ney marks not the end\but the be­ o'clock at the Holmes Funeral officiate, assisted by Right Rev. Carson, Windsor; Mrs. Ifene \C3ia- its monthly meeting tomorrow at (Continued From Page One) KITCHEN SET 7l75—W TIC—Weather. Morning Watch, w c (x :—Muaic. WTIC—Barkataz* Wit*. dispel any misunderatandings of ginning of a i>ew effort to con­ Robert M. Hatch. Suffragan Bish­ 7:14—WCCC — New*; Good Morning Home for one of the town's best pln, 80 Park street; Mrs. Rose'Con­ 7:45 p. m., with election of offi­ Mother of Peal Top Muale. ■ WHAT-Newa. the Zoning Board of Appeals. clude honorably this phase of the known Scottish residents. James op of Connecticut, who will repre­ verse, 90 Main atreet; Mrs. CaCPba cers. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Turek munist game" because he supported WDRC—Old Mu,lc Bo*. W ltNB—Naw*. liobal struggle." sent the Diocese of Connectlc\it. Choice of Color on Chairs W K N B —Newa; Phil Hate Show. Munsic of 144 Caropfield road. Cooper, North Coventry; Mrs. Ra­ will b » in charge of the program the peace movement. WONB—Bin Jer.t-ln*. John Foster Dulles, designate Rev. Dr. Fred R. Edgar of the Burial will be at the convenience chel Ellis, and daughter, Talcott- which'will consist of games, carol " I f the Communists want to pre­ 7 :IJ _W H A T —New*. for Secretary of State, told news­ South Methodist Church, of which of the family tn the Hebron Cem­ ville; Mrs. Marguerite Fiaher and singing and the exchange of 50 serve peace and act accordingly," 7:54—W TH T- - Weather. Madonna Panel Naw$ In Daytime Styles men; "The general foreign policy etery. WDRC—New*. he was a member, officiated, and son. South Coventry; Mrs. Marion cent gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick he said, "then I should be willing WONS—Weather. was made at sea." during the service Robert Gordon Tbe family requests that friends Gray, Avery street; Mrs. Mary Winzier and Mr. and Mrs. William to play their game." 6:44—WDRtP—World N4Wf Roundup. Harold E. Stassen. next Mutual omit flowers. Hanley. Greenfield, Mass.; Mrs. Gess wrill serve refreshments. Evidently under pressure by dla- $ 5 9 - 9 5 WCCC—Kiddle Corner. itang, ''Safe in the Arms of Jesus," W TH T—New*. Security Administrator, had a 30- add "Je.sus, Lover of My Soul." He Gunhiid Hill, 151 School street; satisfled delegates, the (Congress W TIC—New*. minute conference with Ei.sen- was accompanied by Mrs. Gor­ Mrs. Lizzie Hughes, Ellington; Parents and Godparents are re­ announced today that persons W H AT—Cup of Coflaa Club, hower this morning. Mrs. Irene Kehl, ^4 minded of MtF~meetlng at St. taking part In debate would not be WONS—New*. : don. \ Mrg. Wandt Leads W K N B -N ew *. Stassen declined to di.scuss de­ SatuVday evening representa­ street; Mrs. Shirley Kmerman and Marv's CSiurch tonight at 7:30 for requested tn the future to submit 6:14—WDRC—Shopptr* Bpaelal. tails of the meeting.. . He .said it . is , tives...... of the.'.be different organization!! son, 345 Hilliard street; John Ko­ instruction in Holy Baptism in the text of their address In ad­ wnc—Newj. . premature to talk about amount* which he wa.v a member called Vision (Conference zak. 32 Willlard road; Herman preparation for the Sacrament of vance. W H AT— teating with Wamp. W TH T —Marti! Agronaky. or policle* in tbe Mutual Security the funeral home to pay a final i Labbe, East Hartford; Mra. Alta BispUsm next Sunday at 11 a. m. BENSON’S, INC. j In the course of this morning's ; t-aws, 19 Riverside drive; Victor WON8—BUI JanktiT* Show. Administration. i tribute of respect. Mrs. Cecelia Wandt, R. N.. of plenary session, presided over by NEW LOCATION-—1085 MAIN STREET WK.NB—Phil Hal* Show. ' Lipsky, 3 Oak place; Mrs. Justins [ 6:M-WCCC—.Nawa; Breakfaat Nawa- Shortly after the general's ar- | hearers were Richard John- this town, president of the Con­ Mother Cabrfnl Mothers Circle George Hayward, member of the rival, three appointments to posts Mackey and son, 72 atreet; boy. OPEN son, Alexander McBride, George will have a get-together Wednes­ U. S. delegation, Mrs. Isabella. OPP. HIGH SCHOOL—TELEPHONE 3535 necticut School Nuraes Association Mrs. Harriet Muldoon, 152 Eldridge w n G rB *4 1 h Baiqa*. in the Treaaury Department were Currie. George McKinney. John day evening at the home of Mrs. Blum of Belgium replied to criti- WTHT—B ^ Lloyi. presided at the vision screening street; Eugene McClure, 85 Steep announced. They were; Porter and James Prentice. Burial conference of the association at Michael Murphy, 112 West Center ciem on the procedure of the con­ WDRC—New*. Tucs. - Thiirs. - Fri. - Sat. H. Chapman Ro»e. 45, of Cleve­ Hollow lane; Grover McLallen, street. Dinner "will be served at gress publicity voiced yesterday. was in the East Cemetery. Brady Memorial. New Haven, Sat­ South Coventry: A.xel Parka, RFD' land. Ohio, asaistant Secretary of urday, at which the principal 7:30 aharp'by caterer'Arnold Pa­ Mrs. Blum also criticized dele­ the Treasury;. W. Randolph Bur­ 2. Manchester: Mrs. Ethel Prior gan!, and the husbands of mem­ gates for not taking sufficient in­ tieorge S. Coleman, Jr. speaker was Dr. Guida, opthamol- and son, 123 Main street; Mrs. gess. 63, of Hastings-on-Hudson. Funeral services for George S. ogist and counsel for the Health bers will be guests. terest in the Ckingress' delibera­ N. T.,' consultant and special Helen Bauza, Rockville; Harold tions. Yesterday, she said, the Television Coleman. Jr., of East street. An­ Department of New Haven. State Reickert, 427 Main street; Harold deputy Secretary of the Trea.sury , who died Thursday while at Teachers College. opening of the congrese was de­ Russell..South Coventry. layed for more then an hour be­ W SB b-9f ‘ on. debt management and mone­ work, were held yesterday after­ •Dr. Guida said among other P. M. " . tary. policies, and Marion B Fol­ DISCHARGED TODAY: Miss U. S., ROK Troops cause many delegates failed to ap­ noon at 2 o’clock at St. Peter's things that it would be ideal if all Barbara Poggi. Stafford Springs; 4;0(V-K*te Smith. I . som, 59. of Rochester. N. Y., ui>- children were to have a complete pear. 8;00.rJlhort Short Drams. Episcopal Church in Hebron, with Mrs. Lillie Hollister and son. 61 5:1S—Meet The 8Ur*. der Secretary of the Trea.sury. Rev. Harnl^ Keen, rector of the «>’« examination between the age The delegates heard an Italian A M Ik IC A 't M N I WATCH i Drive A, Silver L a»* homes; Mrs. Kill 82 Red POWs woman delegate take an unexpect­ 5:30—Howt.'y Doody. _ church, officiating. Burial waa in ■ of three and six. The parents Vyrling McNeill and daughter, 17 4ie0—Whst On* Person Can Do. Dec. 16-18 -19 - 20 ed 8lep"at the Russians yesterday 4-T5—Variety Chih. KILLED CROSSLNG ROAD St. Peter's Cemetery. j would know what type of pattern" Anderson' street. Berlin, Dec. 15-^- ( ^ —Leif Enk- Bearers were George Langt Wil- ' the child's eyes would follow, ex- fOaatInaad tram Pago Om ) for rejecting 'India's Korean armi­ 4:34—SportaCope. . BIRTH SUNDAY: A son to Mr. stice pldh. To Mike Thif Ckriitmit (;40—Weathar Forecast. son, 37, a railroad canip worker liam Harts, John Tomolonis, Wil- oept for disegaed conditions which and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, 13 Laurel 4;44—World Notraloaay. was killed here last night when liam Sontos. Ernest Jarvis and might occur. Eyes are not damag­ which triggered a whole aeries of Mrs. Alexandra Piaggio, repre­ TtO^Anawer V * This. ed by use and wearing glasses is place. flare-ups an% led to a stiff crack­ senting the Italian Christian pMce Live Fereverl 7:10—n o a a Two. he was struck by a car while Jerry Szerejko. BIRTHS TODAY: A son to Mr. 7:45—Otmo’ News Cararsa. crossing the Berlin turnpike. Three Arrangements were in charge of not a cure but a corrective agent. down by {Jen. Mark Clark, UN movement, asked the Soviets to ex­ 5;0B_Vtc.eo Theater. and Mrs. Benjamin Reichlin, SO plain why they had turn^ down UNTIL 9 P. M. Necessary for good screening of Far East Commander. ^ 5:10—Voice of Ftreston*. passengers tn the car which struck Watkins Funeral Home. Sanford road; a son to Mr. and Erikaon were injured, one critical­ eyes are well-lighted charts, ac­ Fanatic Reds killed 115 other a proposal that "might have paved 4:00—1 Love Lucy. curate measurement of distance Mra. Maurice Willey, 112 Elizabeth prisoners In grabbing complete the way toward a practical solu­ t;S0-Llf* With Luigi. ly. drive. — ' 10:00—Stuclo One. Mrs. Paul G. Frarichinot, 27, of between chart and child, proper control of their wire-enclosed com­ tion of the problem." 11:00—Royal Playhouse.^ , Also Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 22-23 She also crtlicized Rusaian pro­ b u y Stamford suffered chest injurie.* Public Records occlusion of eyes and undivided pounds. More than 300 prisoners 11:30—Bafanc* Tour Bad6«L attention of the child. BITRNS PROVE FATAL were killed in the riots that fol­ paganda. saying It “ can be labeled 12:00—Nawa. when she was thrown our of the Hartford, Dec' IS — (A>) — as one ^ the causes of the cold ToasiTMa - ear. Her uncle, Pierre Billard, 70, Warrantee Deeds Dr. Mildred Stanton of. the State lowed. A. M. McrehcMts Dhrisieii of Department of Education said it isi Two poUeemen fought their way On May 1 the Reds even seized war." 7:0O~To6ar. retired French army officer suf­ Philip J.. Denoncourt and Nancy three tlmea through flaasM oa " I f the Soviet union cotea fig ­ fered head and chest injuries. He a state law that all children must Brig. (Jeh. Francis T. Dodd, Koje Hi« ChembBT of Commoret R. Denoncourt to Joseph B. the third floor at 336 High ures of mass armament in other 2796 K cie-’la'a sipiple yet extremely was reported in fair condition at have an eye screening test in camp commander, and held him 10:00—Artbnr OodWrev. v Crandley and Shirley A. Crand- street early this mornlag search­ parts of the world," Mrs. Piaggio This .exquiglte crow-atttoh de­ amnrt frock for daytime occasloni Meriden hospital. Injured but not school. The Department vsenls to hostage for 78 hours. 10:30—Tour Wlzdaw Miopper. ley. property^ oh Overland street. know of children who heed special ing for a man whooe aereama added, "it should not forget Its •— Sesatua*. sign of the -Mtidonna will add di- that haa atyle in every line. But- hospitalised was Mias Lucien Dodd's successor. Brig. Gen. k* It nca. ' Vincent P. Marcin Company to materials to conserve their sight. they had heard from tbe atreet. own efforts." . . ■Unetioa aadffrace to any r o ^ in tona trim tha allm aicirt, bright Byhert, 34, of Grenoble, France. Austin W. Russell and Nancy W. Hayden L. Bostner, restored order, Mrs. E. Bray of Torrington gave They finally found hlaa In a bath broke the bigger compounds, and Then—more in line with other 8. Army 6Ub, the houae. The painted effeOt la contraat ia uaed for collar and fllol* trooper Charles Pritchard Russell, property on Chambers a report on the St. Louis vision tub. Joaeph Allaiie, 46. wan speakers at the Communist-spon­ o f Life. created tqr ita soft aubtle cotaring. cuffa. Iflentified the driver of the car as moved aU Chineee prisoners off street. , study and stated that all types of rushed to MeCook hoapital sored gathering—she swung on the arch for Tnm om w. It meaaurea about 1()H bjr 18 Pattern No. 8607 ia a aew-ritc Paul Franchlnot, husband of the Everett R. Hinderer and Wini­ KoJe. ______intampl'a eye screenmg are subject to er­ where be died at 6:56, m hoar United States, accusing it of sup­ |:20>J>«rry Kora Shtyw. inches. ' • perforated pattern in aizea 14, 18. critically injured woman. No fred I. Hinderer to ; George A. and a half after he w M admitted Sunday's mutiny involved re- porting a policy of cold war and ror, due to the human factor. ciesalfled Communist prisoners of A N 1:00—a»4i**a*»* I ■■ Pattern No. 3766 eontaina liot- 18. 30; 40, 43. 44. Bile 16, yard charges were lodged against him. Meyer and Elsie L. Meyer, prop­ The Tele Binocular testing ap- there. foatering an enonomic blockade ■Tha IW dair'L& ^ iron tranafar for deaign. - color S of S9 inch H yard contraaL erty at Lakewood circle north. war. AU are Koraans, probably 3e;4t-jnd-aftemoan------n Nean ] pAratus waa also on display, against eastern countries. Ttiia, tM -T b * ms Payoff. chart, atltoh iUuatraUon and full For thia pattmn. aend 30e In LODGE AIDS TAXP.AYERS Quit-Claim Deed APPEAL IS DISmSSED mixturq of Both North and South she said, also could lead to war. l:{0.e.Weko,B« TravtIart. Koreans who cling grimly to their direetionZ. * r’ Ck)ina, your name, addreaa, aize Hartford, Dec. 15—tJh—Gover- Marguerite R. Riegler, to JAPS SEEK BONUS Ottawa, Dec. 15 — (A) — The 4;0^Ka»slhita. - ' Send 3fie in ctrina. your aame, deaired, and the Pattern Number *or Lodge wants to see that tax- Charles Konrad, property on Lin­ Tokyo, Der. 15—(fv—Thousands Supreme Court of Canada today Communist leadership. In the mat­ CRACK TRAIN DERAILED addreaa and the pattern number to to 8U|B BUKNRT, THE MAM- ter of repatriation, all have elected Payars in general are not required coln street. of government employrs lUUIed disndssed the appeal of Mm. Spokane, Wash.. Dec. 15—(fl— $6J». TIM ^ f M ANNE CABOT MANCHK8TEB CHBBTEE EVEMIMO HEKALD, to finance any services which are Marriage Uoeases about the Japaaese diet (parlla-' .Arthur Pitre of QMhee from a to return to Communist control The MUwnukee RnUroad's Hfa*- ■VKNINO H«BA1J> 1186 AVK. 1168 AVE.. AhnCBICAS, MEW MiPPocod to be paid for enUrely Andrew Winzier. Jr, 81 Middle ment) buildfaig for three hours nanrder eoavieRoa huralBg out The Pongam riot is certain to wmths-4NympiM streamllMr hK t o y s —TOYS AMBKICAS. MEW TOBK 66. TOEKS8,M.T. out of special funds. g w 14k NstaW m Largcat gaheUiB turnpike west, anej Margai;et Vir­ tonight, shouting demands lor o f tbe tlsse-homMag o f aa alr- provoke a atrong blaat from North a, broken rail near here early If* Va Ready for - you hoatvrBaaic Ha asked SUte Finance Com- ginia Sasiela, 32 N orw o^ street. jrear.end boauses. The English ' Uaer Sept. 9. 1949. She la ached- Korean Gen. Nam II, aenlor Red today and sevea care Jumped the - PreaciMiiff the new Anne Cabot Fashion for '53, Fall and Winter. i- . waaionar Frank MJ Lynch today Dec. 20, Center Congregational language Nlppoa.1 Tlmea said nled to" he haagad Jan. t. Two delegate to the suspended Korean track. At leant four pnieeagera NOIIMAII¥> Needleworfc . Dlrectiona for Thia new iasue ia afled with IdMa to study to what ixU nt spaclal Church. '' about SAM forced their way Into othera already have been hanged truce talks. . were Injured and heepMallaed. "TIm Variety Mart" puppet mlttena. baaic embroidery for amart, practical tewing' for a DEWEY-RICHMAK .1 • MetthborfeoaS 6hapilag Caster »tate’s Bert LeRoy Hovey, Hartford, tM .d lst cawspoMd Hsair, whUa fer their pnrt in the plet which In Um pMt, Nam unfaUin^y has Four crewmen reported minor E8T. 19M atitehea and fraud daaifna Srt new aeaaon; gift patera printed fund for offlea space and M sttier 1.M6 to 6AM dessoa- lodged protaats within a day or harts. Two paaaenger ears aver- MtYuUtXVOBD So4D ' \ and Jeasie Dunn Lathrop, 385 aeat 3$ plane paeeengeiB to thsto tn MAIN STREET MANCHESTER prlatod la thla laaua, 38 centa. Inaide the ImoIc, 25c, raperaticmal sspsusas. Henry stroeL atoated In ths stossta. two; aftor each such iacldtnL / T-' . • ^ u / I \ .'i ■ 'V - /■

MANCHEBlER biVENlNG HERALD. KANCHE8TEB. CONN. MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1962 PAGE PIPTBEN BY DICK TURNER entertained tha 48-Club Wednes­ Sense and Nonsense Columbia day at bar boms wltk a luncheon. , a,,...... WORTUE tR o c k v ille Casts ElM toral Vote Max Poater, real aetata agent O i of WiUlmanUc has purchased from WHO gowTROLS A u- t h e Money 1 m Th e Famiw V 300 ACRFJS — PARTLY CUT Girl Scouts Wrap Mrs. Anna - Moore, the former A stupid person one dsy seeing over part old farm. No buUdlnfs. TC s man of lesmlnR enjoying the Iknma Brouaseau place on Hebron pleasures of the tabie, said. "So, Side road. Hunting. Absolutely Police Mull Two Theories Gifts for Hospital road and has ranted it to Mr. and worthless. Price $600. , Mrs .Edward PalUar, fonnariy of SAY " air, philosophers I see can indulge (Me.) in the greateat delicacies."—"Why —Advertlsment in Bangor Tannar avenue, WlUlmanUc. no," replied the other, "do you paper. ^ In Week-End Diner Break Columbia, Dec. 18—(Special)— MEIRY The local girl scout (roop held its Manchester Bvaalag Herald Co- FINE think Providence IntJended all the weekly meeting at Yeoman'a HaU I good things for fools.?” Just because there was a two RockvUle, Dec. 15—(Special)—4 the future but lines will carry a lumblUi correapeaGeat, Mrs. Frank Wednesday evening. Eiach scout Marehlaa,'^ tafaphena WUUmaaitlc CHRISTMAS car garage on a place a man FoUoe here today were thought to greatly Increased load. b ro ^ h t a-gift suitable for some­ He was from the backwoods and bought, he went and bought an­ On Saturday men w en working one at the Mansfield Training 8-G8M. ^ wmt CANDIES vlaittng the big city for the first other car. be worktnl: on the theory of "an on a new installation at the east inside Job" in connection with a School and Hospital and wrapped time to see a lawyer. Finally locat­ end of Union street where a 75 It during the meeting. ing the big office building, he Harris — 'I could bite my tongue week-end break as Bonan'a Rea- KVA transformer was placed on a taurant (Rockville Diner) which Patrol leaders were elected as started and started at the numer­ for saying that. ,* v new pole located at the southwest followa: Chaslotte Orlando, Joyce ous elevators loading and unload­ Pearl — Go ahead, it won t hurt netted thieves more than $300, corner of Union Church. This will mostly in ellver. Pierson, Sara Savage. Asriatant ing their crowds. me. Sandy Genoveel, one of the rea- make possible the removal of aever- patrol leaden are Karen /«*thony, M) Country Man fto a man passing al smaller transformers. Larger Yvonne .Eccleston, Sandra Gardin­ by)—Mister, who owns' all those The wedding of M iss... and taurant proprietors told police the Kitehaii Fresh That Yoi Will money may have been taken dur­ and heavier service wires wlU be er; Baibara Randall waa elected busy little offices people are al­ Frederick.., will take place next strung which will. eliminate the aecretary and Kathy Beck, treas­ Monday, the mother of the brlda to ing 3 and 4 a. m., Sunday morn­ ways going into and coming j^ut ing when the establiahment waa l a ^ number of w ins on the poles. urer. of? be announced late today. —Man­ locked by him. One hour later an The company expects to place Scouts plan a ChriaUnas party 48 napkins *|49 Be Proud to Serve and Give hattan (Kan.) paper. employe re-entered the reetauraiR several other large transforaera at their next meeting after wVsh A real executive is a man who and tMgan to prepare food for that and heavier wirea in other loca­ they will go carolling at homes' in can hand back a letter for a third Practice in life whatever you ths vicinity of the Center. EXTRA FINE PAPER THIN RI8ION CANDY...... 1 lb. box 98c day'a busiaesa. tions in .tha center of the city, ■a A dVllfflt retyping to a red-headed steno­ pray for, and God will give it to which will allow for the increased Sciiednle Open Meeting BEAUTIFCLLT WRAPPED—MAKES AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT grapher. you more abundantly. t OoiMlder H um Element The Shutterbugs, camera en­ Tills time element waa bein^ demand for power. Herald Photo. conaidered on the "inaide Job” Probate Hearing thusiasts, will have an open meet­ MmJWm J ird—You're Just as stupid A fellow who owns a neighbor­ Mra. Hairy B. Lngg ing in the parlors of ths First DEUO DEPAETMENT CANDY CANES ...... 10c-25c-50c-$1.00 Ills- hood morde says he hates ’IT—on theory becauae of the poeslbiUty A, hearing will be held tomorrow SO.S.C. I as ms. , at 10:30 a. m. at Probate Court to Methodist Church la WiUlmantic .lor—^Thanks, may I return account of busincua U to bad ha that the thief had accreted him­ RockviUe, D ec.'is—(Special)— Jan. 18. Dr. Ralph E. Wolmer of can't afford a TV act. self in the building before .lt waa act upon the application of Elenore Mrs. Harry H. Lugg of RockvUle Columbia will ahow colored alides. JS ^ the compliment? lockad. Alto under atudy la the E Leinhos who asks thst an in­ this noon Joined seven other state CREAMY WAFERS ...... Lb. 59e Donation Box Readied LET US PILL TOUR RED. GREEN, Pm K, WHITE *J. B. hM mod«rnis«d hl« •quipmcnt!" poaaibllity that entry could have strument in writing, said to be tl.e Republican presidential electors at There will be a carton left in the DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE been made th ro u ^ a rear window last wUl and testament of the es­ the Capitol in Hartford to cast corridor of Horaco W. Porter which wsus not locked. tate of Roee M. Leinhos. late of her ballot for the Elsenhower- Albert Hewitt, who airlved at 8 School on Monday and Tuesday AU TYPES OF FANCY HARD CANDY MAJOR HOOPLE this city, be admitted to probate. Nixon team. and anyone wishing to donate gifts BY J. R. Wn.LIAMS OUR BOApniNO HOUPB with a. m. Sunday morning, noticed that Reeenl Arrival Mra. Lugg was a representative for the Norwich State Hospital is SOLID AND FILLED OITT OIIR WAY «. H. *>•.«.» Mi OMi»_ Answtr to Prtviout Puiilo the cabinet below the caah reglater Mr. and Mrs. Sal vino Tets, 43 from New Haven in the General requested to deposit them in-that B&AD,ft?/S.'I’A\ iHTHt 5AK\E IVUHV YOU ALWAYS ^ had been forced open. Hie Inveatl- Windsor avenus, RockvUle. are Assembly aeeslon of 1947-1948. carton. EOWT TELL ME /tOOT GWE OFF A ^ T5IS 13 n a a a n gation showed the money waa Calkd for sad doUYtred HLLED CELOFHANE STOCKINGS ...... Each 59c UAnJOA«^V-^ VSlUAT- TO PUV V«gttoblt Dinner H O n o a c i Q U O parents of a son born Saturday at She also served on the Board of Mrs. FY-ederlck Beardsley of TH«rBO» CONT /VAARTMA P « CHCI TM AS.' f REPEAT LOT OF STEAkA “W htt do you •ty.yvf, stop dipping Into tho puneh bowl nflating smd police were called. Hartford Hospital. Education in New Haven, in 1947. pronptijr at sm oztni 0 6 n c i a □ a a a o n The vstft amount of chsmge ia Columbia is chairman of the com­ HAVE MORE PUM - 6 HE H A S e V E R y - " THAT , ^ ABOUT t h e whtn I’m not looking—okoyJ" ■MIIC] a i e m a o u Resigna Position She is president of the Women's mittee soliciting fob gifts. charge. -T1HAN &RVS’.’ THE \A46 HORIZONTAL 1 -----tipi on uaad to supidy two cigaret vending Republican CTub of Vernon. She E*MILA)WlWS AIR. THIMG.OF COURSE, KOH-IMOOR. □C3C3 □ ( 3 0 Mrs. Helen LaBonte of Tolland Personal Mention ASSORTED POPS—12 FLAVORS...... D cs. 29c PRESEMT I>1AN\On5D I toast a s a a □ □C9G9L3I3 maehlnaa, an automatic coin oper­ who haa been aecretary at the of haa recently been elected a trus­ Tony Mazanik of Utley HiU and C A U 2-9814 AMD h e k t a s t e s 1 Green 4 Lighting ated muaie box and for making MOOJ M*RIN( 3 (MOT RUlMTO , VMHEtO •' O R ATO>HsJ vegetable agR Q □ a i o a r a a flee of Production and Marketing tee of Bennett Junior College, John Kosak of Lake road are both BY GALBRAITH devices □ aic] □ ■ □ □ 0 1 3 cuatomar change. from where she graduated in 1931. patients at Windham Community A BEAUTIFOL JEVMELS AlMO WOU GAMS CAR A(MD SIDE GLANCES 4 Kind of bean a o o o o o Fern Aeaedatton on Park street hss resigned her CHOCOLAn "PEEL AWAY” klli^HT OF S A B LE S — I HER A VMilOO UP ‘ 5 Arrow poiion a c i a position. She hss sccepted a posi­ Memorial Hospital. NHE raARMAOY SVegcUble 0 Cciiter a n a □ r a d Realdenta of Campbell avenue Mra. Chauncey M. Squier, Sr., SANTAS SNOWMEN...... Eoch 25c to $1.35 HAR-ROMPH.' 'vSHOCK GN\HG HER A le ie e a 088 ai in Vernon have formed ah improve- tion S t the Harry Uebmsn office street for the formation of a club AiMO COOPOti GOOD 7 Winglikc part iD a n i □ □ □ in Ellington and starts her new for young men. Hie meeting will 12 Poaseuiva 8 Silica ment association and elected of­ . STAVED FOR *1.50 OH pronoun l a a a □ □ a ficers to head it, following a meet­ duties today. During the past week be open to boys 16 yesra of age WHITE m d MILK CHOCOLATE SANTA POPS .. 10c oiM 20c A DOZetM, 9 Leave out m o □ □ she was entertained by a number and over. The club will be affiliat­ ourvro^ / I IS Indigo 10 Above ing last week at the old school- 14Kafflr warrior a pj„e,ppi, 28 Toward the 43 Land of the house on Dobson avenue. of her fellow workers and friends ed with the National Hot Rod Walter H. Hibbard of Manohes at'luncheons. Club. Officers will be elected to­ I hand n xm . s'heltered' side potato Resame Schedule METAL, MOTHER GOOSE KIDDIE RO X ...... $1.25 29 Was borne 44 Valley (poet.) tar, aecretary of that town's as night and bylaws adopted. FOXED WITH THEIR FAVORITE CANDIES _ 15 Lid 19 Danger soclation and Mcretary of the Charles W. Wing, manager of The club will have a more adult 16 Large medal m Chinese 31 Fleshy fruits 48 Ancient name Waterfront HeighU Association of the Social Security Office at Hart­ board of directors. Prospective I 18 Cracked official 33 Presents of Syria Coventry, presided at the sesaion. ford, announces that the scheduled members have already started to 20 Volcano residence 38 Reach lor 47 Metal Up for discuMion at the meeting visits at the RockvlUe Post Office, convert a barn in Somers into a CaOPHANE WRAPPED PECAN ROLLS I 21 Legal metiers 24______Crustacean 40 Taut 48 Fondles waa an offer by Elarl J. Campbell omitted due to the Thanksgiving clubhouse and state the group will A DELICIOUS TREAT OR GIFT 22 Wildcat 25 2 5 Half H a lf(p (prefix) r' 41 Goddess 49 Seed to sell to the present water service holiday, will be carried on regular­ work for highway safety. Instruct 24 Scorch 26 Restrain of peace container of to area residents. Members heard ly in the future. The first session members to drive correctly, spon­ 26 Extinct 27 Condescend 42 Musical some the offer explained and how it following the interruption was sor ■ teams in athletic events. Any CRYSTALLIZED ION SONS ...... Lb. $1.10 27 Equality ing favor directions vegctablea would affect them. held Thursday. InformaUon may member arrested and convicted of 30 System of rule Offlceie Elected be received at the Hartford Of­ a motor vehicle violation will be 32 Great (prefix) 1 r - r 1 " $ t 1 10 II Elected were co-chairmen Gil­ fice, 490 Capital avenue. suspended, according to proposed FOR THAT SPECIAL GIFT— A SOX OF 34 Charm bert Hunt and William Dowling; Today's Church Events bylaws. ,, MUNSOH*$ CHOCOLATES— 1-2-3 and 5 LR. IOXES 35 Revised r " v ~ n vice president, William Smith; sec- The Youth Fellowship of RocE- 88 Encore retaiT, Mrs. Hunt; Mra. Raymond ville Methodist Church will bowl All Tolland and Vernon news 37 Thin 8T It n Splelman, treasurer; committee on at 7:80 p. m., with guests from are now handWd through the ItiAI(S

• V A P a .. -M NEW. LOCATION 1085 MAIN ST., OPP,HIGHSCHOOU-TEL 3535 XSOMMMN $T. .I4ANCHKATU4 T K L .4 I4 S Advertise in The Herald— It ^ays 'V ' ; ■ \- i . !■ /■ }

' ( .• >]• .A


e v e n i n g t o A l J . MANtJNESTEIt. OONN^ MONPAT> PECEMBER IB, 19SS______^a 6e gnctfflw Felix and Knight Sensational as BA’s Swamp Middletown THE Browns Lose buLGain Pro Conference Honors j Nap and Tuck Affair Herald Angle Rams, Detroit J W" ' OUT OF DOORS with Disclose Big Ten By I Score 35, 27 Points Maaaca..«*r (ItX). EARL W. YOST College Basketha II Season Play, Winner . a. r. pu. Aim of Moore Alirn. rf ...... •9 M 7 ' 8|Ni^ Editor McLarnon, rt ...... 1 2>2 4 In 1|02 to 80'Victory Ackerman. It ...... 1-8 9 Willing to Send Meets Browns Goodwin. It vv.aa.aaaav J 2-3 8 Archie Sure of $75,600 MONDAY 4 father of Ckjvemor Al. giant Con- r9Ux. c , ...... a 12 1M3 95 NO?mAY . necticut footbaU star the paat ' Starts Rotting Down Hitt Mnizht. rt ...... 13 1-5 27 Wednesday Against Joe 1 By HAL TURKINOTON ] ydbe scored on four hook Hrrtabrrf. rf ...... 0 0"0 0 Holiday greeting cards New York. Dec. 15 — (P) — The Maniotta, 1# ...... 4. d 0-1 12 in the mall bag from two G ls.' THURSDAY Cleveland Browns, a . gridiron A crushln|[ two-man perform- shots, Allen re(|r>*ter*d three of his Maxim in Title Scrap Officials to Bowl New York. Dec. 15— UP) —The one# by Ray Felix and Bobby j famous one handers and Knight ToUli ...... a 42 1I-2S 101 SFC Bruntg Moake, Jr., and Pfc. office visitor la Frank Hara- Dialogue on Coondogs power since lh*ir organlaatlon In MIddIctawa (M) collegiate basketball season like Knight directed the British Ameri-i ***** •** St. LouU. Dec. 15—(4^— Don't Joe Berner. Both men are in burda, one-time m M ^ er of A snowball, rolling down hill, gains 1846, will play ih their third Zlrkel. Tf ...... 10 4-1 24 IIBIl rtlHts»»-»as. ------Watkins. I( ...... 5 2-2 12 knock television when you talk to i ^ ^ o v e r s e a s . Berner is a h-h American basketb.U teams Burke Captures Miami momentum this week with a boat ■tralght National FootbaU Longue cans to their------fourth ------straight» Ji^ ^ kITA enUred the fray Forman, c ...... 1-2 5 Chicago, Dec. 15—(45— Dl#-6 the meeting wUl be sent to them when the PA's were the toast of By JOE STETSON * American League victory at th# ::: ^ U-S 2 Archie Moore. ' this w#ek, it wa# taamad. former Eastern Pro I f Of games sprinkled around the Dog IkUtor championship gam* Dec. 28 but at the outset of the second session, Carlion. c ...... closure that the Big Ten is will the toam on the polished lanes. country that should determine the expense of the Middletown Guards Blaetti. rt ...... 0 1-1 1 TV money and aom* long over­ Big Ten headquarter# in Chicago ketball player with Manchester Frank now operates a turkey "The wife aaya It'e O. K.,” Jack whether their opponent will be l« s replacing Goqdwin. Big John rip­ Dombroakl. rf ...... S 0-1 12 ing to pick up a tab of at least would neither deny nor confirm while Moske was a football stand­ relative strengths of some of the yesterday afternoon, 102 to 80. The pled in three backet tosses as Felix Curran. 1# ...... a. n 2-2 24 due action by the boxing com­ farm in Glastonbury.. Winnie Open in Sudden Death abouted, not waiting until hia car | Angeles or Detroit U a matUr that victory in Middletown .aet the ... 0 oc) Trinity Awards ish (New Haven) basketball team. At the 500-yard 5th, the 27-year- <11) Kinge (Pa.), 67-51, participate la hunting with some of the boys date originally aet for th# cham­ shot. Felix, however, was not to ting up yesterday. Goodwin has Kearns "Moore next or else. The vritllng to mix v(flth the Briton. nouncement will be delayed. the Bulldogs lost it, SB-78. try. How can i r o r anyone else, Sam has been at the Elm City par­ old Mayer seized the advantage B F. PtP. three InterM^oaal fraya to know that I'd like to do more you'll tree more coons in lee# pionship game — will be used to perfection aa he knocked in many be denied and led the victors with But Turpin may fight middle­ A confidential Associated Preaa name a man fo r ' AU America N. Twfrdy. rf ...... < 3 14 been playing a steady brand of New York Commission told them ish for nearly three decades. A when he laid hia third shot Just The Pirates play host to Louis­ of it.” time with a allent trailer, but determine the National Conference rebounds. He had 21 points In the 12 points, more than half th* total weight champion Ray Robinson or Hartford, Dec. 15—(41—Seventy- poll of Big Ten presidents and honors If we haven't seen him play Qulmb.v,-rf ...... 1 there iin't nearly ao much sport. - flriit half, going the limit without bail consistently. th* same thin*. TABLE 'RNNI8 80HBDULB local man. Sam played all sports three feet from the pin, while ilfropii. If ...... ville tonight and John Carrol Tues­ "It is hard to say,” I continued, winner In Detroit. The lea^ e a Of the club in the atanaa. Knight. Wilkes-Barre is unbeaten in five TCearns has been around too long enter a middleweight elimination three Trinity College students re­ other officials Indicate# that a vote at least two games? , , Routine with local teams for many years. Burke was 10 fMt away. TulJy. If ...... 0 day night and then clash with "which attributes are more impor­ A great deal of the fun la in lie- title gAine l8 lUted tor Cleveland. rest. Knight waa in a class of hia Maazlotta and Goodwin .helped in tourney In the event Sugar Ray for renewal of the Rose Bowl con Tsatn Two va Team Thraa, T:00. day followed by a trip to St. Farrell, c ...... M tenlng to the chaee. A coon, own in that final half as. he rang gamer. The Barons go to the post to permit his man to risk hi* pre­ ceived letters and numeral awards TMun Six va Team One, 8:00. One of his better players this sea­ But Burke calmly rammed in his Western Kentucky on Thursday at tant, but I'll mention firet things year ago the Rantu beat the the production. Given a reat at the once, more this week before vlslt- cious crown without a fat guaran­ abdicates. r tract possibly would carry by ( Thomas Seminary where I talk Balnn, rg ...... warned by the dog'e voice, can lay up seven hoops. His 13 baaketa for football and soccer today at Tlhm Four va. Team Viva, UiiB. son is Hal Kopp. son of the Rhode ball for a birdie four, thus shifting McKiwv«r, If...... * Madison Square Garden. It Seton firet. A dog must have a g o ^ Browne for the title In Ix>M An- start of the last quarter, Felix waa fhg this town, for the first time tee for Insurance and that’s where 6-4 tiiargln at this time. with Rev. Phil Blaney, of Man Island grid coach... Johnny the pressure to Mayer, and the Hall la to taate defeat, the op­ note. A dog ehould be straight a more Interesting and difficult from the field waa tops for the roimdly applaud^ for his S3 point the annual fall sports dinner, it dieater, versity basketball coach at this season, meeting Scranton in TV came In. The sponsor of the nllnola, Ohio SUte. .Hidiigan Burke, former pro eager here young Army tank corps veteran ToUl* 19 position must find a way to halt on raccooig as a dog that goes off trail and the contest Is far more **A1*I In all It ^*s quite an ending day. ' effort. was announced today by Ray the seminary . . Motor to Middle- — Frankie per cent. Wlikee-Barre W. Scranton 7^ la the nation today. Although he fic is light and scenery good----- National Open champion Julius Bob Speight contributed 23 points. al tusslea this week In an effort Sinkwich. Georgia gridiron star, Manchester 102. Middletown 80. one of the top teams in New Eng­ go in favor of th# Rose Bowl, th# Talk with Bob Voight, former Tylpf. rf ...... ^ 9 5 to crush Mississippi State, 102-71. 80 after adding 18 point* Satur- "We won’t get much money out has nqyer had an abundance of Boros, who did not compete in' the Erickpor. If ...... 1 1 3 The big surprise In Southern to remain unbeaten. The Wildcats, Intersectlonal tilts feature this waa voted top athlete of the year. of It,” aald Charley Johnston, land in the third year of soccer as vote would be an affirmative 6-4 U(3onn athlete, before Wlnsted Conference circles la the auspicious . TfL Rockville 5-902S coach varsity basketball. says he has no basketball worries the 1852 tour on a sour note by Topliff, If ...... 1 5 1 consecutive and convincing lengue date any challenger. My guy can Satarffay team, which won two and lost tion in a accrat aaaaion at th# win­ as all the players (Burr Carlson. Rlcki'rt. c ...... S 0 J then face Michigan State the next DePaul of CRilc^o on Wednesday record for conaequtlve conyeralona Brown and outfleldera Sam Weat three this year, under Coach Alvin WEDNESDAY finishing out of the money in the conquesta and Carl Reynolds. Senators sent lick ’em all anyway, and that goes Pawtucket at EUntra. ter big ten meeting 10 day# ago. or 5«5507 . Wally Wldholm. Eddie Rosmarin. Miami Tournament. T. O Nell, rf ...... 1 2 5 North Carolina is idle until Dec. night. and collide with (Dolerado at Tulia to . . . Saratoga at Middletown. R. Reinhart. The official transcribed minute# of Important business matters take Warrrn. If ...... ^ ^ S Kansas, the NCAA tourney Two of the league*# ttara aaid Fred Marberry to Detroit for Earl for th# haavywalghta too.” ffeaday BUI Dietrick) are playing on a Burke's $2,000 purse lifted him Churllla. I f ; ...... 0 0 fl 28 when the Tar Heels take part Saturttaiy. Up moat o f the day after getting champion, alms to get back on the farewell as active players and a ■phe NBA, Incidentally. In order- Pawtucket at Scranton. split.. How about those Step into third list ahead of Sam Snead, In the Dixie Classic at Raleigh. In the Far West, Brigham Young Whitehlll. Mancheater at Wllkea-Barre. ■the sports copy down In the a. m. TotalP ...... S . • 13 victory trail at the expense of third — Bob Waterfleld of Los ..Forced to pass up annual Tro­ Brothers, Negro dance teaim on who had to miss the Miami Open ' Score at half time. 16-11 Jarvia. Louisiana State University, appears to bs the class of the Middletown at Saratoga. Ed Sullivan's teevee show? Those to work in the same movie with SMU on Friday and Saturday Skyline sector, having won five Angeles—played hia laat home W« offer thoM two eon for solo in on "At Is" con­ Sport Schedule phy Night dinner at the Country picked to replace idle Kentucky aa nights at Lawrence. The Jayhawka fellows are without any question Boros. Snead won $18,908. Snead the Southeastern Conference lead­ in a row. The Cougars entertain game. UCONNS BEAT B. O. Club, a move that I regret..Talk NBA AT A GLANCE won their opener rather handling Sammy Baugh, for 16 years I briefly with John Rogers in Hart­ the best dance team these eyes was defending champion in the er, inaugurates its league schedule Washington State Tuesday and dition, ond tfmy ora priend accordingly. Thny WE lEUEVE WE HAVE Storfs, Dec. 15—(4V-In collect­ Monday, Dec. 15 Miami Open and has won it five from Tulane, but were nidely jolt­ visit Oregon State Friday and wearer of a Washington uniform, ing it* fourth consecutive victory ford. The local man is promi­ have ever seen on teevee or in Sunday's Results Wednesday at Alabama. With pro­ ed on Saturday by Rice. 54-51. Mtller'a va, Wapping, 7—Y. nent in Negro circles and is the person, times. Syracuse 102, Philadelphia 83. lific-scoring Bob Pettit paving the Saturday. pleyed very little in hia finale and should bo hondy for rough wintor driving. her* Saturday, the University of Silk City va. Morlarty'i, 8:30—Y. Among the Midwest indepen­ hla'laat play was a failure. He held (^nnccUcut basketball team com­ Fort Wayne 88. Indianapolis 71. way, LSU has amass^ four suc­ dents, Notre Dame shapes up as On the Pacific Coast, California Tuesday, Dec. 16 New York 74, Milwaukee 66. cessive victories over non-loop has an unblemished slate in four the ball for George Buksar’s kick, ^HNECTlCinrS bined its talents for speed and ac­ Newington vs. Collegians, 7—Rec. a strong club. The Fighting Irirti. Minneapolis 85. Rochester 77. foes. non-conference games, while de after Eddie Le Baron had aneaked curacy. The Huskies, by virtue of Frankie’s va. Herm’s, 8:30—Rec. owning three consecutive triumphs. over for Washington’s winning ■inking approximately one-third of B. A. Club Boston 83. Baltimore 73. Illinois, rated as one of the na­ Including an 84-64 thumping of fending champion UCLA and 1941MGKARD CLIPPER Wednesday, Dee. 17 tion's top-ranking quintets, Washington boast 3-1 records. Cal­ touchdown In the final aeconds and the shots they took at the hoop, Pioneer vs. Teachers. 7—Y, Dart League Marquette last Saturday, sees ac­ the kick was blocked. LEANEST CAR~ mauled a Boston College quintet W e are overstocked! HILLYER WINS launches defense of Its Big Ten tion three times this week. The ifornia is at Washington Friday State vs. Buck's. 8:80—Y. crown tonight against Michigan. and Saturday nights. Frankie Albert, San Francisco’s 19N PONTIAC CLUB 70-61. U(3onn sharpshooting wa« Friday, Dec. 18 lads from South Bend are home master of the " T ’l, bowed out with ^ 8TAND1N(i Willimantic, Dec. 15—(iPi—Hill- The mini, who also clash with But­ too much for Boston to keep up BA's va. Wilkes-Barre, 8:30—Ar­ with Loyola of Chicago on Wed­ one of bis fine display# of paaalng with a# Ckmnecticut made good 27 These Car$ Are All Very Clean W. L. yer C^ollegc's basketball team ler on Saturday In a non-league nesday and vlalt East Lansing over ■EC BTANDINGH EYE 'EM-TRY 'EM-BUY 'EM mory. Indiana .... skirmish, has won its lone start, w . L, Pci, afld calling of plays, Waterfleld, 1941 4-DOOR SEDAN . out of 78 floor shots. The Eagles, High at Windham. Dodfrra ... pulled itaclf up to a .500 season the weekend for games against average at the expense of the Wil- beating Loyola of C3iicago, 71-67. Darl-Mild ...... 21 7 .750 however, yielded honors to team­ In the third loss of the" aeaMn Murphy’s vs. Cypress Arms, 7— Red Sox ... Kansas State and UCLA on Friday 19 • .678 f i Bron-ni .... limantio State Teachers College, contended for Big Ten supremacy McCann's ...... mate Von Brocklln. who toased scored only 15 out of 72 floor Rec. Come In For The Phtlliea .... and Saturday nlghU, respectively. Renn's Tavern — U 10 .642 three touchdown passes. which suffered its second setback has taken three in a row, and is Teams In th* Southwest Con­ Hartford Road Grill 17 11 .607 T M E:;H MONTHS TO MV ■hots. Double Strikes vs. Nasalffs, 8:80— Tanka ...... 500 In the other league game, the in three starts here Saturday resting until Dec. 23 when it meete ference concluded their first week Pazani'a ...... 14 14 Rec. Best Deal In The State Armor>' Tavern . . . . . 12 15 .464 Chicago Bea-s edg^ th* Chicago HOOKEY AT A GLANCE FBIDAY srHEDFLE night. Hlllyer now aporU a 2-2 Illinois. The (Sophers turned back of activity with Rice. Texas C3iri*- .350 Indio* ...... 7 21 Carditmls, 10-7. CUTER CHEVROLET CO., INC, bodfefk V P. Yanks. record by defeatlns: tne Teachers Nebraska. 71-62, Saturday. tlan and Texa* emerging unarath- Loomla Streot Flva . . S • .107 Red Sox VP. Inillara. 75-70 in a closely fought battle. Another Midwest kingpin, Kan- 311 MAIN ST. PHONE 6U74 1949 OLDS 76 4-DOOR SEDAN SuOday’s Result* 1952 BUICK 72R Phllllea VP. Brownp. Gray. Low mileage. Badlo aad healer. Nattoaal Lsagae Steek Ne. U -675...... ^ ■ Montnal 0. Detroit 0 Cne). LOW MILEAGE—SAVE. Toronto 2, New York 2 (Tie). Barstow 1941 CHEVROLET FLEETUNi AIRO-SEDAN Ghlcaga 2. Boston 2 (Tit). ■astera Leagoe 1952 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, new paint ( 0 9 5 Says You giv* — or r a e a h w a Fawdtelaa Stock No. U-624. Try this eae at ...... y w ad Wattilngten 2 Johnstown 2 (Tie) Ptease Drive Carefully Springfield 7 Trop (NY) 5. shirt or robo with prrdo. You hav* Ih4)' RADIO AND HE.\TER—SAVE. cartain knowladga ihot no gM1 o f $• 1950 CHEVROLn 4-DOOR SIDAN DELUXE , WESLEYAN ROUTED "IT'S TH E 1952 DODGE 2-DR. SEDAN Black. Radio and heater, PewergUde. One pwaer car. C l A Q C kind could bo Nnar. Tho virgin wool Stock No. U-671...... Miadletown, Dec. 15—(4>)—Wea- fabric* oro soft and rich, oil Fondlolea- HEATER AND GYRO TRANSMISSION. *This Town Is Fuji of Oldsmobiles’ leyan'a basketball team couldn't TRUTH!" 1950 LINCOLN 4-DOOR SEDAN ■nap a strong Springfield College wovon. , , . All or# splandidly faHorod 1950 MERCURY 2-DR. SEDAN ' Cedor trojoa gray. Radio, heater, hydramatle. defense and it coujdn't atop co- IMMEDIATE DBUVERY for tho utmost In comfort and fraadoai. istock N*. U-MO. A real bay a t ...... $ 1 7 9 5 captqin Allan Schutta from dump­ FOR CHRI5TMAS RADIO. HEATER, OVERDRIVE. VERY LOW and we don’t want them scratched ■I ing In 22 poinU Saturday night MILEAGE. 1949 MERCURY CONVERTIRLE here. Springfield took lU second 1 Yoor fo Poy VYIth Oelor' maraMo. RaAa. heater, overdrive, aew palat ■tralfht victory by downing Wes­ leyan 86-60. The viaitors had a No Extra Cliargas 1949 MERCDRY la exeMleat coodltlea. Stock No. U-tSd...... $ 1 4 9 5 1950 BUICK SUPER 2-DOOR 1951 OLOSMOBILE 41-25 advantage at the half. ONLY 10% DOWN For a big gift CLUB COUPI RADIO. HEATER. HYDRAMATIO. BADIO* HEATER* 194R "WINDSOR" 4-DOOR SEDAN RADIO. HEATER AND DYNAFLOW. ONE OWNER AND CLEAN. PRICED FOR QUICK EAUC. C O A C H BhM. Radio aad keater. ( 1 1 ^ 5 Stock Na. U-BOd...... ■MviltoMMCalwMa 1950 BUICK SUPER SEDAN on a small budget.. I o r S E D A N amr« Smt Twin DM RADIO. HEATER AND DYNAFLOW. . . . give the car owner STAR SEAT COV- 1951 CHEVROLET 1949 OLOSMOBILE 5 0 0 1951 FORD TUDOR Keepsake SARAN PLASTIC RADIO. HEAIEB, HYDRABIATIC. Gray. Heater, 1C,000 lalle ear. EPis, These factor.v-priced seat covers are RADIO. HEATER. POWEROLIDE $ 1 5 9 5 t : A V I . D R i N (, 1949 OLOSMOBILE 2-DR. SEDAN guaranteed to fit, sure to please. Available A REAL CREAM PUFF. A "ROCKET ENGINE CAR.” SETS IN Stack Na. I4T-22«...... ' in a wide variety of colorful ilattems and STOCK 19S1 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN RADIO AND HEATER. materifils. : Gram. >ailo mM hmtar. 1951PONTIKC 1947 PLYMOUTH j'Ktock iCOe NT'*'2S1* •###*#**##**•••*#••••••••••' $ 1 8 9 5 1949 BUICK SEUAN RADIO, HEATER. RADIO.HEATER A CLEAN CLUB COUPE. CHEAP TRANjBPMTATlON. 1950 PACKARD 4-DOOR SEDAN RADIO. HEATER AND DYNAFIX)W. I GIFT CERTIFICATES | Oraco. Radla aod heater. Stack Na. V-TT4...... ’ ...... $ 1 3 4 5


■7' MANCHESTER EVENING jEPBltAZDr MANCHESTER, OCWN, WOWDAT, DECEMBER 15, I9Bg PAGENINETEIN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 19B2 (.> flffltaiGKTEEK Be for Bala T8 Wanted—Real Estate 77 Legal Notice 45 Blamoiids-^^^Watelif BaaaahaM Gooia 11 Wasring Appaial—Fiiis ST Packing Gises Insiaess Scrricea Offered 13 PaiBtinK— Papering 21 Dogs—Birds—Pete 41 Arttek* for Silo MORES ON UBOTATION o r Aotbawbilw for Salt 4| Aatoiaobiles for Sale 4 Jtwofary 48 OONkiDBRiNO SELUNO •TX>OD-Bra” 1968— YOUR PROPERTYt CLAIMS RUBBISH AND ASHES Removed. COdCBR SPANIEL Pupplas. 8 BENSON'S ChfMmaa SpqoiU! New "HELLO” 1963 ____ MUSKRAT Fur coat, aim IS. I SIX-ROOM SINGLE ONE OP THESE CLEAN ^ ____ , Without obligation to you, we CONVERTIBLE Parking Iota and driveways PAINTING And Papering. No weoka old. Red and black. A.K.C. Home console electric sewing ma­ LEONARD W. YOST, Jtwsier, re­ CKUBBRAUlfO THK NSW Worn only OBca. Phono 8-lW L House Tractor USED CARS chine, regular 8138.50; aqle price pairs. aojuata watchas axpartly.. ______Do you want an attractivo I wiu appraise or maka you a ceah AT A COURT o r PROBATX hoMen SPECIALS I IN YOUR CHRISTMAS 8TOCKINQ plowed. Immediate eervlce, rea­ Job too small. Call 8372. registered. Howard C. Chase, ■raA* WITH THE BIGGBST ■t Coventry within end for tho Dlitrict sonable rates. Phone 3-0650. Harmony Hill. Hebron Road, 896.M, Including a $10.96 button- Raasonabls prloea. Open daUy. BARGAIN e v e r : PLANTINA FOX Jeckot. COB-1 Six-Room Chipe 0>d having offar for property. See ua before of CoTpnlry o r th« bth c'iy of Guaranteed In Writing! hola attachment free. Terms. Buy out of season and lavel South Bolton. Phond Mancheater Thursday evaninga 129 Spruce h e w 1983 “CHARM HOUSE” veru to cape. Top queuty. Worn o]] locatod on a nke 92 yous^l Dump Equipment to Be Giving whiskey? Be origliiai! 1W3 Chrysler New Yorker 4-Door. PAPERH.ANGING and Painting. Benson's, 1088 Main atreet. BRAB-BURN REALTY 'H as’ THOMAS O. WELLES. Radio. Heater, Power Steering. 8427. t ■tract. Phone 2-4887. d e l u x e 3 b e a u t i f u l ROOMS few times Phone 2.2343. ft. lot west of Main street in 1N7 PLYMOUTH HoosehoM Scrvlees Call Walter B. Cookson, 3-2291. Phone 6373 Eeq., Jude*. Kept in Lean*to Until Loaded with extras. Big saving. SIEBERT Folding Baby Carriage ■ rURNTTURB On^ motion 'ion o f Barbara Perry Lord. IMS 8TUDEBAKER Offered IS-A CANARIES— A large aelecUon at LADIES’ Black Seal pMt, fuu|the north end? Convenient! Administratrix. School Stroat, South CLASSIFIED ADVT. 1851 Chrysler New Yorker 4-Door. PAINTING. Exterior and Interior, in very good condition. Cah Look! Only $696 , LUTTNOS Wanted. Single, two- CovanJry, Connecticut, on tha Intestate New Building Erected guaranteed slngera. Also fomales. Fuel and Food 4t-A lAok! Friendly Tarma length, Bize 33. $30. W riU Bee I to Broad street achool. IMS CHEVROLET Radio, Heatef, New "nrea. Seat paperhanging. Ceilinga reflntsh- 8375. famUy, three-famUy. burin aae estate of Anna Lord, also known M DEPT. HOURS FLAT FINISH HoUand window for breeding. WiU hold unUl Lookl Fret Storaga T8, Herald. Leona Lord, late of Coveotry within Covers. sbadea made to meaaura. AU ed. Wall paper books on request. WOOD. Stove or flreplnce lengths. property. Have many caal^buy- A load of packing cases dumped 8:1S A. M. t« 4:S0 P. M. All Convertlblea. 1891 Plymouth Club Coupe. Heater. Christmas. Inquire 32 Bsink atreet E. AUTOMATIC b LaNKET, l«ok! For E vrythlng PRICED FOR QUICK SALE] ■akt dlitrict. deceased. This Court doth inetal vantUan bllnda at a new Estimates given. FuUy Uuured. or caU 3-0024. Delivered $18 per cord. Phone TWO LAOna’ RTtntar OoeU, o m are Mortgages arranged. Please decree that ilx monlha be allowed and off at the town’s disposal area AU Priced to 8«U. Extra clean. Low mUeSge. Binglo control, roae cUMS in Mancheater, Diswict of Coventry. Jemee E. P«w «r uMA iy terrlflc deal. Brunner’a, 358 East Covers. Mortgagea 31 A.K.C. REGISTERED GoUle Pupa, ANTIQUE CHINA and glam. - hrsta tha New Tsar—Ramember ■crap lr«i and othar metat Now I Phone: Office 5440 etrucUon materials have been Bolton, Coventry and Vernon. ESTATE o r ALEXANDEER 80LEN- with OMMMrt M^V'IVBiSla Center. Open 'tU 8. % ready Christmas week. CaU Man' Maka 'ovely and laatlng Christ- v whao you trade with ua, yoo're la tha time to eeU for 'Xmaal Evenings 2-5988 or 2-4278 salvaged from Highway Depart­ DIAL 5121 Tour Chryaler-Plymouth Dealer Florists—Narserii 15 85” X 24’ X }4” SAFE, 875. CaU Howard R. Hsatlnga. 3-1107. 81U. late of Coventry, In the Probate FIRST AND Second mortgages cheater 3-8086. mas gifts.. Virginia L.-Madden’s !■ doing busineaa with a big. reUable money. CaU Oztrlnaky 5678. District of Coventry, deceased. ment Jobe. Aad why sal? It’s du 1M7 MERCURY SEDAN. An ex- 8087, CHRIS't'VAS Sprays 50c, wreaths bought for our own account Fast, Antique Shop In Findell Venetian , ztore. backed by 43 years o f honaat The Administratrix having exhibited The town recently purehaaed a fineeMaadag Krirtacky ceUent one owner car. Bank fi­ BrtOWN-BEAUPRE, INC. confldfntlal aarvlee. Manchester [183 THOMPSUf Road—Six room |THINKING of selling your home? her ac'minlatrsUon account with said prefabricated ateel buinllng for the 80 Bissell St. Phone 7181 81, mistletoe and holly 35c each, SaoBDISH IMPOR’nED UNEN Blind Building, Mancheater daaUngt. LUt It with E. A B. Agency for Estate to the Court of Probate tor eald wkiefcay. Cal tema I«ct and FMiid nancing. See thla one tcday at Investment Oorp., 244 Main S t BEULGLE DOOS, pedigreed and Rooms wHhoBt Board 59 Cape Cod. Two hatha, one with tractor, but delivery may take cemetery baskets $1 each and up, Tableclotha, NapMna and Towels. Green. 1 to 6 daUy. Other houra. SEE rr AT YOUR ■taU ahowar. Flraplace, open] that special attention. 421 Parker District for allowance. It is yaartain U)ST—Black binder conUInln^ of- Center Motor Sales. 1950 PACKARD 4-door sedan, hai Phone 5418. registered A.K.C. Phone 7729. Norman atraet. Phone 8519. CONVBNIENCK DURINO DAY ORDERED: That the ITth day of long as seven weeks. IMl CHEVROLET Bel-Air, ke«u- Christmas trees polneettlas, cut Telephone 2-3807. ’ ■tairway. Hot water oU heat street Phone 2-1167 ro 2-8715. December, 1(63. at 10:00 o ’clock In the IcUU iMpeni retatUif to atate overdrivfe. electrtcmatic clutch, OR EVENINO NEWLY DECORATED, beSuU- Meanwhile, the open lean-to tlful lutone. Fully equipped, flowers at reasonable prices. Me- Aluminum combination storm I foperoon, at the Probate Office In Cov­ with a tarpaulin front will protect tmalneaa. A lio pictures Uken in radio, heater, new tires Beauti­ THREE, TWO-Panel doora with FRANK'S Antlquea and aecond FOR appointment PHONE fuUy fumiahed rooms for two or I WANTED—Two-farolly flat with entry be, and the same la assigned for Powerglide. As good as new. See Convllle the Florist, 302 Wood- Pusiaeas Opportaaltlea 32 the expensive ^uipment from the Bermuda and picture eiewer. Re­ ful black. See "Top Dollar” Jones PoaKry aad Sapj^t* 43 hardware. Also 30 gallon copper hand atore. 66 Cooper atroat Buya MR. ALBERT. HARTFORD SrMSS three, ‘^ompkte light housekeep­ windows and screens. Hatchway, { three beOrooina or a duplex. Phone a hearing on the allowence of said ad­ Bob Oliver, Center Motor Sales, bridge street Open evenings 'tU 9 lovely yard, approx. 76’ x 188’, ministration account with said Estate weather. ward. No queationa arked. Phene tonight at Brunner'a, 358 East AMAZING Opportunity. Soft Ice water tank. Phone 2-0725. and s«Us good lyaed fumituro and AFTER 7 P. M. a-4690 ing faculties avnUabla. Ointral. 2-0087. 461 Main street. until Christmas. BROAD BRElhSTEI) B^6nz» tur­ Reasonably priced. ChUdran sc. with trees galore, Juat a Jurapj and this Court rilrecU the Administra­ A gate, which wUI block the ap­ M874. Center.' Open 'tU 9. Cream. Land owners, realtora, antlquea. Phone 8968. Open 9 to V you have no means at trana- trix to cite all persons Interested keys, frerh frozen, reatv anytime. UyDYS SKI boots, size 8%, lady’s csptable. Mra. Dorsey, 14 Arch, | from Verplanck school. Immedi- proach to the dump during houra REAL EXTRA CLEAN FOR GUARANTEED ROOFS that atoreoperatora. Wa are seeking 5:30. portaUon I'll tend my auto for you. therein to appear at eaUI time and I McCl u r e a u t o —W e win pay two ttongs, A-1 locations for to 25 pounds. Schaub’a Turkey ice skates, zlae 8, zkl poles. AU No ohUgaUon. second floor. ata occupancy. Elva Tyler, exclu-1 ilace, by publishing this order one when It la closed, waa completed stay on in any kind of storm, and ime li> some newspaper having a clr­ Saturday and locked for the first ABBoanccBMiits CARS TRADED ON THE you more for your good uaed car Taatee-Frees of America and A-1 Farm, 188 HillstpWn Road. like ned. Phone 2-9567. CROSLEY Shelvadore Refrigerator A— L —B-^E—R —T— S ■Ive agent 3-4469. gutters, conductors and roof re­ AT THE CENTER—Ciaan, com­ Ridgway Asks culaUon In Mid District, and by post­ time-Saturday night. towards a new Hudson, Wasp, operators. We now have over 500 In good condlUon, $40.00. CaU 43 Alljm St.—Hartford , ing a copy on the public sign poat near­ n e w ’53 DODGE AND pairs. Call Coughllr 7707. COLONIAU 6 rooms'with large est to the place where the deceased A new set of mgulationa for the POLLS RESTORED. 4reased to Pacemaker or Hornet We wUI stores nationally and we are ex­ 3-8890 after 4 p. m. fortable room In qxilet home. 30 { order and wifK«>- Tel. Coventry Articles for Salt 45 CHILD’S AUTO pedal car. Almost Wadaworth street.. * ' living room, fireplace, oak floorz, last (.Welt, at least 6vs daya before use of the dmp goes into effect to­ PLYMOUTH. ALL CARS not be out traded. McClure Auto, panding our Connecticut opera­ MISCEIXANEOUB Hous e h o I d For 428 Million Mid time aHlgned.' new 810. CaU 8658 after 5. JET 99 CljfcANBR—never uaed. - comMnation aluminum wlndowa. day and under the rules the dump T-6M9. 373 Main street TeL 2-9442. Open Roofing—^IdtiiK 16 tion. Land oamers, -realtora— If CARPET REMNANTS. 98e and furniture, dinlne room set. meUl And due return make. EXTRA CLEAN AND Floor sample. Reg. $99.95—will ROOM FOR Rent near Canter. door, ‘roughin’ playroom, oU hot CertlOcd from' Record. will be open from 8 a. m. to 5 jp. evenings. you have a top location for build­ up. Manchester Carpet Center, crib; good condltiou; reasonable. COMPLETELY sell far $75. Normans, "The Heat and hot watdr. Gantleman wktar heat near school and bus, (Oontinaad tram Pnga Ona) THOMAS O.. WELLES. Judge. m, daily and from I p. m. to 5 p. WE SPECIALIZE In rooting and ing a drlre-in store. We will pay 308 Male sttreeL Phon'a 2-4348. Phone 8463. Court of Probate. Pnaonaii Variety Mart,” 449 Hartford preferred. ST Fester straat Phone $13,900. Owner 9-3698. m. on Sundays and hoitdaya. GUARANTEED 1960 DODGE PICK-UP. new mo­ siding. Highest Quality ma you up to $50 per month rantat Baildinr Materials 47 District of Coventry, r n g T ' tor, $725; 1937 Ford m-Ton Plat terials. Workmanship guaran­ Road. ^ ______■ 5831.______’ ____ which the Communleta practice Under the new rules non-resi­ WANTED—Ride to Pratt and Operators—We urge you to In­ ROYAL AND Smlth-Oorona port­ dents will need a permit from the 1952 Dodge Wayfarer Tudor—Ra« form. Very reasonable. 1083 teed. A.-A. Dion. Inc., 299 Autumn able and standard typewriters. i MANCHESTER Gfaen — Lrirga I gystematically and which was for- Whltncv, aecond jdiift 8:30 to 1^. vestigate the moet profitable RED CEDAR SIDING, V Joint, CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! Arvln ta - ' e l e c t r i c s t o v e . Phona 3-5639. PLEASANT Front room. Excel­ general manager before they can dio and heater. Green. Tolland turnpike, Buckland. street Phone 4860. AU makea o f adding maehlBes thm ^droom tych. Uvlag mulatad and exalted by Marahal poUtical and mlUtary matters of Vlom vicinity of Hihiard and Dairy, Soft Ice Milk propoaition per M 8140.00. ble Radioa In colors, only $14.95. lent bed. bathroom floor. Continu­ with Sreplaoe, dlBlng aU, modem ■ ' uae the dump. General Managm' Broad atreeta. Phone 2-1345. 1851 Dodge Coronet 4-Dr.—Gyro- aold or rented Repairs on aU Stalin In his tp««ch to the Com- conoom to tho 14 nations, both In- 1950 (7HEVROLET Styleline deluxe MANCHESTER -r- Roofing and In the atate. We will completely CEDAR STAIN SHAKES, per sq. Benson's, 1085 Main street. ous hot water. OIntraL OAa or kitchen, tUe bath, radiant heat, Richard Martin said today he haa matic, heater. Gray. makes' Marlow’s. BROAD LOOM, wine colored rug sids and outride of the NATO 4-door sedan, fully equipped, ex­ Siding Co. Also all types o f paint­ equip a 2-freeacr store for only $1I.N. two biialnasa peoplt. Phona 8337, attadiad garag*. Vacant. O. L 25 Congreaa (In Moscow in been told It would be Illegal to DESIRE RIDE from Eaat Hart 1961 Dodge Coronet 4-Dr.—Radio with pad. aise I ’l ” x 10’6”, C8H area.” S M B L K F n i ford. Aator Theater vicinity, to cellent condition. Private owner, ing and carpentry work. Guaran­ 83800.000. Very liberal financing. 50% OFF on famous maks Bat- 18” WOOD 8HINGL£8. No. 1 Per- year mortgage avaUable. Small I October) charge a fee for the permits, but and heater. Tutone gray. fectlona, per aq: $18.50. NEW SPEED Queen Ironer. $85. 3-3674 after 5 p. m. The first line of attack U This was taken to mean the Depot Square vicinity, at 8:05 eve Tel. 2-8410 after 5 p. m. teed work. Phone 2-8933 for freo A qualified partner-operator teriea. Written- guarantees. $1.00 down payment Warren Howland that applicants can be required to 1951 Dodge Meadowbrook 4-Dr.— STAIN GRADE 1% MAHOGANY Phone 2-5009. ROOM FOR RENT. CkU 3-0131. formed by the Communist parties ministers would discuss both the make a donation. I wM tk» StpMit (1790) B ii^ Tel. Manchester 3-8M7. estimates. should make from 86,000-89,000 dqwn--81-00 weekly. Cniso Serv- Realty. Phone 8600 anytime. K orea n and Indo-China wars. Radio nad heater. Black. in a 30-week season. Phone, write DOORS, av. $9.95. ______In our own countries. These Stalin icenter. Tel. 4164, 4165, or 3-0980. OA8 STOVE. CkU France already has submitted a THE PROSPSXrr Hill School for 1951 Dodge Meadowbrook 4-Dr.- Anto Accessories— ^Tires f GREAT EASTERN Roofing and or wife—Keith B. Smith. Meriden FRAMING. 2x4 to 2x10. CALORIC 127 PORTER atreet. Six room co- j has called the ‘aasault brigades' in SHEUVnUNO, 1x8, (amaU truck HAVE A Vacancy In our apart­ paper asking additional American jrouair children. TranaportaUon Construction Co Applicators of 5-2960, P. O. Box 319, or 375 Pratt BOLTON — BuUding stone and •774. iMtlal With garage. OU heat, auto- the Intomatlonal struggle for con- 7 ANDt VIA* OID WHI$KIT 91D40R> WITHm'CHOlCCM Heater. Blue. WINTER •nRES— Pennsylvania load loU), per M 899.50. ment for one gentleman. Private support for bar fight against the Ike Victory Fails, fumiahed. Mra. Lela Tjrbur, direc­ Bird and Fltntkote, Guaranteed street, Meriden, Conn. flagstone. Bolton Notch Quarry. matie hot water, garage. Imme- quMt w d P®wer.” 64.1 n O O f-S VIA* OiO KINTUOtV $T*AIOMT 9$ f^ -6 g M ,1950 Chevrolet 4-Dr. — Heater. Cleat, Goodyear Suburbanite and SELECT APPALACHIAN OAK WANTED bedroom, share kitchen and liv­ dlaie occupancy. Priced at fis.-1 ‘‘Bach country de^ds I ^ as Communist-led Vletmlnh in Indo- tor. Phone 3-S7S7. roofs and aiding. Life-time alum- Phone 3-0817. Stanley Pntnode. ing room 'With two other feUowa. 9OTTU0 IN lOND: IM flOOf f. rffftt 6 CO« lEONGTOfi KMtUCR* Green. 2 In 1 recaps. Auto Lite, Penn- FLOORING, per M $309.00. 760. T. J. Lockett. Broker. 244 it muot, China. Professor Saysi 4.Dr. — Heater. .sylvania and Bowera batteries. tnum clapboard and combination Help Wanted— Femala 35 Msehinery sitd Tools 52 Ideal setup. Phona 6418. BALLARD’S Driving School. Man- 1946 Plymouth storm windows and screcna. For CINCO ALL Aluminum combinn- WINDOWS—Complete, av. $14.98. waiik RfMAf PtiAn* officA 5416 proper for Itself and with differing The council also'wUI discuss the Free road service. Terms on all « ' “ "IlntsMlty.Intensity, Nevertheless, since It chcatar’a oldeat Thotiaaads of Black. free estimates call 8271. Evenings SHIRT PRESS operator. Exper­ tion windows. No painting, no CarpMtan, CorpMlm' VERY ATTRA(?nVE room for European defense treaty, atill products The Budget Center, 91 I concerns an Interior front which awaiting ratification by moat of New Haven, Ckmn., Dec, 15 — aeddant free inatnictien houra. 1949 Plymouth- 4-Dr. — Hester. •8303. Albert V- Lindsay. Owner. ience not necessary. Apply in per­ changing, no atoring. Free eati- The Original and Only Office USED TRACTORS, farm equip­ two: Full housekeeping faclUtlea Huadrada of aatlafled atiftenta. Center street. BOLTON—Located In At neigh- forms part of a single defense front the nations, which Is designed to (P) — The election o f Oeneral El- Black. son. New Model Laun<^, 73 mate given, no obUgatlon. Call in New Haven. H«lp«rB end LcibGran ment, anow plowa, cement mix- aUached. Bendix washer, continu­ For appointment tel. 3-2345. borhood this charming six room found^ lyon our Mllance, le It not bring German troops into the west­ 1949 Plymouth 4-Dr. — Heater, 1 CONNECTICUT Valley Construc­ i^ummit atreet. William Tunsky. 2-9095. era, garden tractors with equip­ ous hot water, oil heat. Near bus sonhowor aa Praaident baa ’’failad tion. Guaranteed roofs and aiding. ment, buUdosere in stock at all home offere country Uvlng at its «vl^nt ^ t NA'TO ern defense setup as 'part o f the to produce an Jipaweep of confi­ WHITE HOUAND TDIKEYS LADIES—Ideal Chrlatmaa Hft Green. NOW and Cheney’s. 82 Garden etreet. Aluminum storm windows and WANTED—Diacriminatlng house­ BRAND NEW 17” Emerson tele­ NATIONAL Apply times. Terms DuhHn Trector Oo., beat There are approx. 8 acres projected six-nation E u ro p e a n dence In American foreign policy, for him. SChick 20 or Remtnirton 1940 Pontiac 6 4-Dr. Sedan. gutters. All men protected by In­ wives to work for reputeble cos­ vision 8169. Tax and warranty North Wbidham Road, WUliman- ypoR RENT—W«U FUmiahod Room of land over rihich your children * coordinating ariny. a Yaio profiosor said hero lart SO electric raaora. RuaarH'a Bar­ 1947 Dodge 4-Dr. — Radio and BY POPULAR REQUEST BUILDERS SUPPLIES surance. Three years to pay. Free metic firm evenlngsk No exper­ included. Can arrange terms to tie 3-8217. ■ulUblo for light houaakoopliig. chn romp and play, or if you are 1®“ ' night. ^ N.Y.Dra«Ml ber Shop, Co'mcr Oak and Spruce. heater, engine overhauled. Black. estimates. Call 7180. Alfred ience necessary. Must have car. suit. CaU 2-0980. 420 -Davenport Avenue RockvUle 6-9684. Apply 24 Grove a gardener at heart apaoe la f , Prof. Frederick M. Watkina, an 1947 Hudson 4-Dr. — Radio and JARVIS REALTY GO. 3 : Winter tires 1-2 price sale, Charset Owner. Call Manchester 4476, street, apartment No. 8, RockvUle. plMtlfuu A ChryrieT AlVTemp • ®»untry where Conmunlat American cltlsen who formerly W tifb r heater. Like new. Gray. STORM WINDOWS and doors. New Haven, Cohn. Security Probers f t ABtoBKiMks f»r Sale 4 S D«v«r Rdcd| MmlesI ImtVQinents 5$ heattag ayatam ka«pa tha houaa ■arved on the poUUeal science aad 1946 Dodge 4-Dr,.— Radio and I Buy one regular price, get one WANTED — Capable Woman to Permalum, Paramount, alum' Telephone ST 7-3597 ATTRACTIVE ROOM for boalnSM aoonomics faculty at MoOtU Uni­ 20 LBS. AND O VIt. S ic LB. BBrORB TOD Buy a uaed ear heater, engine overhauled. Blue. Roofing If-A care for child In my home, 8:30 Inum combination. Phone 4010. woman. CantraUy located. Kitch­ fo».TfroT^®^rt^r the m^uKo’?“ e"“wS^ Start Ship Check versity, Montreal, said in a atate- 1-2 price. Casing plus tiuc. en privUegea It d ^ r e d . CaU 4881 We prepiwa fiMa* twkaya iwriy tar tiM w th. aat Gorman Motor Salea. Bulck 1936 Chevrolet 4-Dr.—Radio and to 4. CaU 3-8890 after 4 p. m. EYee eetlmstes. Dkrect factory t r u m p e t s , Cfiarlneta, troBbonea. 5hem are many other wide radio program that Oanad- ROOFIN'J—Specialising In repair­ attars. Salea and 'Servloe, 285 Main heater. dealer. ■axophoPM. guitars. LargOat iana eapeclaUy do not trust Amtr- BATTERIES 50 OFF ing roofs of all kinds. Al90 new MEDICAL Secretary or nurse. In Plymouth, Eng., Dec. 15—UPi— al»et. Phoat 3-457L Open eve- ■alecyon of Inatnuna^ In town. [m.M.gggiirr r o o m , convenient to Ican foreign poUcy. FRANK M. HARABURDA roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys physician's office, part time, ex COMPLETE Selection of doll car­ ed with flowers. Show by ig- strikes by tha F r e n c h An American Immigration officer TRUCKS 1997 B r I h M ' AU I Center. Etaoe to park ear, Phona "The feeling o f Oanadlana la ASH SWAMP BOAD. OLABtONBBBYr-ffiP..>StlS 1951 Dodgs >,i Ton Pickup—Heat­ cleaned, rejpslred. 36 yeara* ex­ perience not necessary. Phone riages and-, ztrollen. Tricycles. pointment only. ’ ’ I Communist leaders. | began a security check on crew O f o m m o ’* W ard:Kmuaa. 87 W alnut B83S. j ■ 3 .qQ44. 3-4469. that the Interests o f CUnada and WE 'WISH YOU A BIEBBY OBDRlBniAB TibK UPS: 1951 Ford. 1950 Ford, er. Red. 7,000 miles. SERVICENTER perience. Free eatimatea. OaU 2-4342. Gifts for the entire home and AUCTION ------— I Nor did antl-weetem alliance | members of the French liner the other western nations are con­ 1988 Dodgt 8-4 ton, 1849 Chev­ 1947 Studebaker 2 Ton C A C— | Howley. Manchester 5361. family, Appliances and TV. Cham- ACCXIRDIONS — Reo and Ex- EXPANDABLE CAPE D-Two alogMi appear as usual on walla stantly being Jeopardized by Inept 436 Center St. Phone 2-0980 STEULDY, Dependable Income for rolet. 1M7 Dodge, 1M8 and *41 Red. Dump. b en Furniture at the' Gre«n. eelsior. Amplifier included. 120 h q o m POR RENT. CaU 2-0181. vAAJTfl old. Noftr schoed uidicuid brid^os. I la i :n declalone over which they have women who can contact Avon GMC 1-ton, 1M9 Studebaker, 1946 1650 Dodge Ton Panel—Heater. Open 10 a m. to 5 p. m. Evenings At Ltciu Hall, MaaalMsttr, Com. bass. Excellent condition. Good bua line. Immediate occupancy. I Bhien the French (Communist I from New York, It waa diacloaed n o co n tro l,” Watkina aa Chevrolet, 1M4 Ford H i ton long TWO NEW Firestone 6:50 x 16 Heating— Plomblng 17 customers and prospects. Write 7:30 to 8:30. On Lewnaia St., O ff Mata, Oppealte State Armory Chrletmae buy. 59 HoU atm et $13,800. Phona 9983. j party paper, L’Humanlte, had only I today. “Furthermore, the election of Gon- Red. Extra nice. tires and tubes, uaed 1,000 miles, Dlst. Mgr., P. O. Box 27, North ATTRACmVBLY Furnished Room ______w hcelbM , 1M8 GMC, 1M2 Inter- HEA'nNG From A to Z. Con­ " ..------1 a small story on an inside page It waa the first such check made eral Elsenhower as Preaidant has natlMia^ 1936 International Open T il 9 Every Night For $35. Inquire 13 Short street. Branford, Conn. LEWYT VACUUM Oeaner. floor F0R SALE—Century Accordion. To Rent. Complete light house-1 k x NCHESTER -New lix i«om|aaying, _ "The ^ Americana left no]u„der the McCarran-Waltera Im- failed to produce any upsurge of version burners, boller-bumer X dump, 1M9 Ford panel, 1947 Your Convenience. sample, never used. Reg. $89.95, UO baari black and white. C4U keeptoig facUltiqa_available. Prl-| coloMal. Large roonu, and clotata, j douirthat they were the mastera | iteration act which aeriu to b v confidence In American foreign units, complete heating eystems. PERMANENT Full time salea WEDNESB8Y EVE, DEa 17 AT IP . M. vote entrance. Couple preferred. | Chevrolet sedan delivery. Low For the finest In quality used] seU for $65. Norman’s. “The 8598.______■ tile bath. oU hot water heat, fire-1 ©f the situation.” It added that I ckinununista and Oommunlat sym- policy, either in Ceneda or alas- Wanted Antos— All work guaranteed. 'Dme pay­ Woman wpnted at Burton's. Ap­ Variety Mart,” 449 Hartford INSPECTION AFTER 4 P. M. Inquire 167 Maple street. place. Near bua and achoola 115,-1 no major declalons would be tak-1 p^thlsen from the United States. prices. Champ's, Route 30, Rock- cars see our large selection today. | ments arrang