Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 2021 No. 106 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was appoint the Honorable , a Sen- INFRASTRUCTURE called to order by the Honorable JACKY ator from the State of Nevada, to perform the duties of the Chair. Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, on ROSEN, a Senator from the State of Ne- another issue, infrastructure, despite a vada. PATRICK J. LEAHY, President pro tempore. consensus in Washington that America f needs more investment in our infra- Ms. ROSEN thereupon assumed the PRAYER structure, it has been decades since Chair as Acting President pro tempore. Congress passed a stand-alone bill to The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- f address the issue. This Congress is fered the following prayer: RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME working hard to remedy that fact. Let us pray. As I have repeated, discussions about Eternal God, although we cannot see The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- infrastructure are moving forward You with our eyes or touch You with pore. Under the previous order, the along two tracks. One is bipartisan, our hands, we have experienced the re- leadership time is reserved. and the second deals with components ality of Your might and majesty. Every f of the American jobs and families plan, time we hear a newborn baby cry or which we will consider even if it lacks touch a leaf or see the sky, we know RECOGNITION OF THE bipartisan support—though, I would why we believe. note that a recent poll showed that Lord, send Your spirit to fill the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- President Biden’s infrastructure and hearts of our Senators. As they journey pore. The majority leader is recog- family plan is broadly popular. Nearly toward eternity, may they walk, Lord, nized. 70 percent of Americans support Presi- this day on the path You have pro- f dent Biden’s infrastructure plan. More vided. Give them a passion to glorify than 60 percent support additional sup- You in their thoughts, words, and port for American families. deeds. Provide them with the wisdom Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, Now, despite some overdramatized to embrace truth, honor, gentleness, ever since Democrats passed the Af- punditry, the truth is both tracks are and humility. fordable Care Act, expanding health moving forward very well, and both We pray in Your righteous Name. coverage and access to tens of millions tracks need each other. So we want to Amen. of Americans, we have had to fight work with our Republican colleagues f tooth and nail to preserve the law from on infrastructure where we have com- partisan Republican attacks. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE mon ground, and Democrats believe we For more than a decade, the assault have other priorities that the Senate The Presiding Officer led the Pledge on our healthcare law was relentless must consider above and beyond a bi- of Allegiance, as follows: from Republicans in Congress, from the partisan infrastructure bill, not the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the executive branch itself and from Re- least of which is addressing the urgent United States of America, and to the Repub- publican attorneys general in the challenge of climate change. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, courts. In a landmark vote, we in the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Yesterday, I convened all 11 Members Senate prevented the Republicans from of the Senate Budget Committee to dis- f repealing the ACA in 2017. cuss the reconciliation track. And APPOINTMENT OF ACTING Each time, in each arena, the Afford- today, I will convene the group of PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE able Care Act has prevailed, and once Democrats negotiating with Repub- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The again today, the U.S. Supreme Court, licans to discuss the bipartisan track. clerk will please read a communication in a 7-to-2 ruling, upheld the Affordable We set up the two tracks about a to the Senate from the President pro Care Act in the face of another legal month ago. Each is proceeding along, challenge. So let me say definitively: tempore (Mr. LEAHY). and the two tracks are parallel, work- The senior assistant legislative clerk The Affordable Care Act has won. The ing in concert, progressing well. read the following letter: Supreme Court has just ruled. The ACA f is here to stay. U.S. SENATE, And now we are going to try to make VOTING RIGHTS PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Washington, DC, June 17, 2021. it bigger and better—establish once Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, on To the Senate: and for all affordable healthcare as a voting rights, now we are here on the Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, basic right of every American citizen. precipice of a momentous debate here of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby What a day. in the Senate. Last night, I began the

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.


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VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JN6.000 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 process to consider voting rights legis- cies that I just mentioned are now law. falsely accuse Democrats of wanting to lation here on the floor of the Senate They would also be in effect in Texas defund the police are actively refusing next week. The process I used will had Democratic lawmakers not walked to defend the police. allow the Senate to consider S. 1 or out of the chamber in protest. Since I wish I could say the Senate was to- compromise legislation that is cur- the beginning of the year, 14 States tally different than the House—the Re- rently being discussed. In either case, have enacted 22 laws—22 laws—to make publican House—but here we have a our goal remains crystal clear: protect it harder to vote. Senate Republican saying that it really the right to vote, strengthen our de- Now, I know what the Republicans wasn’t a violent insurrection. We have mocracy, and put a stop to the tide of are saying. They are saying: Oh, well, Senate Republicans refusing to include voter suppression flooding across our we are making it easier to vote but any mention of the causes for January country. We will not consider legisla- harder to cheat. 6 in committee reports, and the Repub- tion that does not achieve those objec- But when you look at what they are lican minority mounted a partisan fili- tives. The issue is too important. actually doing, it is perfectly clear buster against an independent, bipar- Republican State legislatures are that Republicans across the country tisan Commission. the most sweeping attack are making it harder to vote and mak- That is what is happening in the on the right to vote since the begin- ing it easier to steal an election. They present-day Republican Party: a hor- ning of Jim Crow. What is their stated are targeting all the ways that poorer, net’s nest of conspiracy theories and reason for vicious assaults on voting younger, non-White and typically voter suppression in the States and a rights? They say it is election integ- Democratic voters access the ballot, Washington Republican establishment rity. and they are giving new tools to par- that is too afraid of to But listen to these policies and tell tisan election boards and unelected stand up for our democracy with con- me if you think they are about election judges to interfere with the results of a viction. integrity: democratic election—interfere with the So look, we Democrats wish the vot- Reducing polling hours and polling results of a democratic election. Does ing bill would be bipartisan. By all places. What does that have to do with that sound like a democracy? No, it rights, it should be. But the actions in election integrity? sounds like an autocracy, a dictator- State legislatures like Georgia, Iowa, Mandating that every precinct, no ship. and were totally partisan. matter how large or how small, have When you lose an election, you are None of these voter suppression laws the same number of ballot drop boxes. supposed try to win over more voters, were passed with bipartisan support— What does that have to do with elec- not try to stop the other side from vot- not one. Washington Republicans seem tion integrity? ing. These laws are un-American, auto- dead set against all remedies, whether It is saying urban areas should have cratic, and against the very, very grain it is S. 1, some modified version, or the less ability to vote than rural areas. of our grand democracy, which, for im- John Lewis Voting Rights Act, which No after-hours voting, no 24-hours mediate partisan advantage, our Re- Senator MCCONNELL has recently op- voting, no drive-through voting. publican friends are trying to under- posed. So the idea that we can have Requiring absentee ballots to be ap- mine. some kind of bipartisan solution to proved by a notary public. So the Senate is going to debate this partisan attack on democracy be- Making it a crime to give food and what to do about these laws at the Fed- fuddles me. Regrettably, the Demo- water to voters waiting in long lines at eral level next week. In an ideal world, cratic Party is the only party standing the polls. this debate would be bipartisan. Voting up for democracy right now. Allowing a judge or panel of judges to rights shouldn’t be a Democratic issue Next week, the Senate will have this overturn an election. or a Republican issue, and in the early debate. Democrats will bring forward Allowing a partisan State election days of the second-half of the last cen- legislation to protect voting rights and board to replace a duly elected county tury, that is just what it was—bipar- safeguard our democracy, and we are election board if they are ‘‘underper- tisan. But, unfortunately, now it has going to see where everyone stands— forming.’’ become totally partisan. everyone. Removing student IDs from the list Donald Trump and his Big Lie have I yield the floor. of valid forms of ID. enveloped the Republican Party, and I suggest the absence of a quorum. Moving the hours of Sunday voting they run away from truth and honesty The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- into the evening—which, coinciden- and fairness to just appease someone pore. The clerk will call the roll. tally, makes it harder for Black with authoritarian instincts, Donald J. The senior assistant legislative clerk churches to sponsor voter drives after Trump. proceeded to call the roll. services. And for all the shame that Repub- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I Are any of these policies—I would lican State legislators have brought ask unanimous consent that the order ask a single Republican on this Senate upon themselves, Washington Repub- for the quorum call be rescinded. floor to get up and say any of these licans have not covered themselves in The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- policies are dealing with election in- glory either. Here in Washington, Re- pore. Without objection, it is so or- tegrity. publicans have failed to forcefully and dered. We know what they are doing. They repeatedly stand up to the Big Lie that f are making it harder for people to vote. the last election was stolen from Don- MEASURE PLACED ON THE And if this so-called voter fraud—elec- ald Trump. That same Big Lie is fuel- CALENDAR—S. 2093 tion fraud—which we have seen none of ing these voter suppression laws from Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I in 2020, if they cared about that across one end of the country to the other. understand that there is a bill at the the board, why did they aim almost all House Republicans are comparing Jan- desk due for a second reading. of their proposals at people of color, at uary 6 to a tourist visit. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- poor people, at young people, at urban I was within 20 feet of these awful in- pore. The clerk will read the bill by people? surrectionists. They were not tourists. title for the second time. We know why. This is not about They were brandishing sticks and guns The senior assistant legislative clerk voter fraud. It is about suppressing the and this and that. read as follows: vote, particularly of Democratic-lean- House Republicans also fired Con- A bill (S. 2093) to expand Americans’ access ing voters. It is despicable. It is anti- gresswoman CHENEY. For what? Telling to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big democratic. It is what they do in dicta- the truth that is President. money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for torships—manipulate the vote, instead Just yesterday, 21 House Republicans public servants, and implement other anti- of counting it accurately. voted against awarding the Congres- corruption measures for the purpose of for- Georgia, Iowa, Montana, Florida, sional Gold Medal to the police officers tifying our democracy, and for other pur- Alabama, Utah, Arizona, Nebraska, who withstood the attack on the 6th. poses. Oklahoma, Indiana, Kentucky, Arkan- Are Republicans becoming antipolice? Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, in sas—this is where some of these poli- Some of the same Republicans who order to place the bill on the calendar

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.002 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4601 under the provisions of rule XIV, I for chilling the rights of citizens to en- Arab forces and conducting strikes would object to further proceeding. gage in political speech it doesn’t like. against ISIS. And because ISIS and al- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- It is such a radical proposal that Qaida have sometimes diverged, legal pore. Objection having been heard, the even prominent voices on the left have analysts have suggested that the 2001 bill will be placed on the calendar. urged caution. Lawyers from ACLU, no AUMF alone may be insufficient to au- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I less, have sounded the alarm on its pro- thorize operations against ISIS. suggest the absence of a quorum. posed encroachment on free speech. Do supporters of this repeal fully un- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- One liberal expert went further, saying derstand the ways it might limit coun- pore. The clerk will call the roll. that if Democrats think their bill is terterrorism missions? How about The senior assistant legislative clerk ‘‘essential to secure democracy, they cyber ops? How about support for Kurd- proceeded to call the roll. are self-deceived or deceitful.’’ And ish and Arab forces in ? How do Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, voters themselves are hardly con- they propose we respond to growing at- I ask unanimous consent that the order vinced. When asked about election tacks against our forces and interests for the quorum call be rescinded. policies like voter ID, large—large— in ? The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- majorities consistently come down on What about the prospects for robust pore. Without objection, it is so or- the opposite side of Washington Demo- congressional oversight if the Presi- dered. crats. The bill is so transparently op- dent is left to rely on unilateral article f portunistic, the Democrats’ spin has II authorities or even less transparent failed to even unite their own party ones? We are learning a lesson in real RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY here in the Senate. It is a massive time about withdrawing from Afghani- LEADER takeover of our election system with a stan without a plan. We shouldn’t The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- fill-in-the-blank rationale. Nobody is make the same mistake here. So I sus- pore. The Republican leader is recog- fooled, and next week, the Senate will pect this isn’t really about reasserting nized. reject it. congressional oversight. After all, f f when the last administration an- nounced plans to withdraw from Syria ELECTION SECURITY THE MIDDLE EAST and Afghanistan in 2019, two dozen Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, Democrats joined my amendment op- next week, as the Democratic leader now on another matter entirely, the posing the decision and reasserting our has indicated, the Senate will finally House of Representatives will vote role in foreign policy. But now, many get the opportunity to vote on the bill today on a bill from Representative of our colleagues no longer want to that House and Senate Democrats have BARBARA LEE to repeal one of the key talk about what we should be doing to both made their No. 1 priority for the authorities behind nearly two decades confront these ongoing threats. entire Congress. S. 1 is a bad bill filled of U.S. efforts to fight terrorism: the A lot can happen in 2 years, I guess. with bad ideas, and I have been crystal 2002 authorization for the use of mili- The political winds have certainly clear about opposing it from the very tary force. House Democrats claim this changed. But one thing hasn’t changed: beginning. vote is an urgent act of congressional The grave threats posed by ISIS, al- But for Democrats themselves, com- oversight, and the Democratic leader Qaida, and other terrorist groups are as ing up with a compelling rationale for has indicated the Senate will take it up real as they have ever been, and repeal- this unprecedented political power with similar zeal. ing AUMFs without agreeing on a set grab has been a long and winding road. The right way to address ongoing ter- of new authorities up front will only It started back in 2019. Then, our rorist threats is a debate certainly lead to more uncertainty about what friends on the left were still trying to worth having. I would have welcomed we are going to do about them. wrap their heads around a stunning de- that debate before the Biden adminis- For years, U.S. forces have been care- feat in the 2016 Presidential election, tration began its hasty retreat from fully handing more of the primary re- so the Speaker of the House billed H.R. Afghanistan without a plan to sustain sponsibilities for counterterrorism to 1 as a major overhaul for what her counterterror missions or support our brave local partners. Under the last ad- party concluded was a profoundly bro- friends. It is one we should have before ministration, this allowed our military ken democracy. we vote to repeal these authorities. Re- footprint in Iraq and Syria to shrink Then, 2020 changed everything. A ality is more complicated, more dan- dramatically. But the only reason that Democrat actually won the White gerous, and less politically convenient worked is because our partners have House. I guess our democracy wasn’t than its supporters actually believe. been able to trust that the U.S. mili- broken after all. This time, apparently, The fact is, the legal and practical tary is still authorized to back them Federal authorities just needed urgent application of the 2002 AUMF extends up. Today, House Democrats intend to protection from State legislatures run- far beyond the defeat of Saddam Hus- rip out one of the key authorities un- ning their own elections. sein’s regime, and tossing it aside with- derpinning that trust. So we are talking about fundamen- out answering real questions about our As I understand it, Democrats don’t tally the very same bill. And one thing ongoing efforts in the region is reck- even intend to stop there. They are is for certain: Major overhaul doesn’t less. also planning to take aim at the 2001 even begin—begin—to describe it. The So let’s clear up some facts. The 2002 authorities that allow us to keep some awful guts are all in there. AUMF has been understood for years— of the most dangerous terrorists alive There is the plan to forcibly rewrite years—to apply to a variety of threats from taking more innocent American large portions of the 50 States’ respec- emanating from Iraq. Administrations lives. The administration says it is tive election laws and the plan to cre- of both parties have cited it as an im- looking into how best to close the de- ate new, publicly funded accounts not portant legal foundation of our fight tention facility at Guantanamo Bay, for building roads or bridges, expanding against ISIS. It has been used precisely Cuba, that houses the absolute—abso- rural broadband, or fighting the opioid because the ISIS caliphate that lute—worst of the worst, including epidemic, but just piles of Federal dol- stretched into Syria emanated from Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the master- lars going to yard signs, balloons, and Iraq after President Obama’s with- mind of the September 11 attack. But TV ads for candidates at least half of drawal in 2011. thus far, the administration is rather Americans disagree with. The 2002 AUMF is important in Iraq short on details. How does the Presi- There is the plan to trash a decades- today because it provides authority for dent plan to do this? Does he intend to old, bipartisan consensus on the right U.S. forces there to defend themselves break the law and bring terrorists to way to call balls and strikes on elec- from a variety of real, exigent threats. the United States? Give them expanded tions and turn the even split of the It is arguably even more important in legal rights? Further radicalize our Federal Election Commission into a Syria, where our personnel are present prison population? Talk about domes- partisan majority and the one to give against the wishes of the brutal Assad tic violent extremism. Or does the that majority new and broader tools regime, supporting local Kurdish and President intend to send KSM and his

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.004 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4602 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 terrorist cronies to Pakistan or Saudi I just want to, literally, as we think $50 billion and a staff of almost a quar- Arabia before they have faced justice? about Senator PETERS and his family ter million men and women who are Closing Guantanamo Bay will not this morning—I just want to ask, collectively responsible for protecting make Americans safer. It will not bring maybe, for a moment of silence to re- our Nation from many of the threats solace to the victims of terrorism. It member her and the Peters family. that we face. From the clear and will not make America more respected Thank you. present threats of both foreign and do- in the world. It won’t solve the ter- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- mestic terrorism to responding to rorist threat any more than repealing pore. Without objection, it is so or- cyber attacks on our critical infra- AUMFs will end their war against us. dered. structure, to helping distribute relief (Moment of silence.) f and assistance in the face of natural NOMINATION OF JOHN K. TIEN disasters, there is no shortage of work CONCLUSION OF MORNING Madam President, as many of our to be done by that Agency and the men BUSINESS colleagues know, the Department of and women who work there every sin- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Homeland Security is still a fairly gle day. pore. Morning business is closed. young Agency, created in response to I often say that leadership is the the attacks on September 11, 2001. most important ingredient to the suc- f I vividly remember the tragic events cess of almost any organization on this EXECUTIVE SESSION of that day, a day as beautiful as planet. In sports, in business, in gov- today—sunshine, blue skies—and then ernment, our leaders set the tone at --- the whole world changed, literally, the top. They lead by their example, EXECUTIVE CALENDAR while I was riding the train from Wil- and they are the ones who guide their The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- mington to Washington, DC. I recall team to accomplish its mission, or, in pore. Under the previous order, the also, vividly, how the Members of this the case of the Department of Home- Senate will proceed to executive ses- body pulled together that day and our land Security, its many missions. That sion to resume consideration of the fol- country pulled together that day. We, is why it is crucial that the Depart- lowing nomination, which the clerk with the U.S. House of Representa- ment of Homeland Security have Sen- will report. tives, we, with the President George W. ate-confirmed, qualified leadership at The senior assistant legislative clerk Bush, set aside partisan politics, and its helm. read the nomination of Tommy P. we created the 9/11 Commission and After years in multiple administra- Beaudreau, of Alaska, to be Deputy adopted the great majority of its rec- tions leaving key Senate-confirmed Secretary of the Interior. ommendations. posts vacant or held on an ‘‘Acting’’ Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, My recollection was the cochairs of capacity for far too long, this Depart- I suggest the absence of a quorum. the 9/11 Commission, former ment needs qualified leaders now more The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- of , Tom Kean, a Repub- than ever. pore. The clerk will call the roll. lican, highly regarded, my neighbor It has been without a Senate-con- The senior assistant legislative clerk across the river, and Lee Hamilton, firmed Deputy Secretary for over 3 proceeded to call the roll. Congressman from Indiana, who was years. Let me repeat that. This vital Mr. CARPER. Madam President, I chairman of the House Foreign Rela- Agency has been without a Senate-con- ask unanimous consent that the order tions Committee, one of my mentors— firmed Deputy Secretary for more than for the quorum call be rescinded. he was a Congressman years ago—they 3 years. That has to change. With the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- led a group, the 9/11 Commission. I confirmation of COL John Tien to pore. Without objection, it is so or- think they came to agreement unani- serve, this body can do something dered. mously on 42 recommendations, passed about it, and we can do it today. them off to what would become the The responsibilities of the Deputy NOMINATION OF JOHN K. TIEN Committee on Homeland Security and Secretary are daunting. Serving as a Mr. CARPER. Thank you, Madam Governmental Affairs. We adopted al- chief operating officer, the Deputy Sec- President. I hope you are well today. most every one of them unanimously, retary of Homeland Security is respon- Good to see you and our staff. and it did a lot of good for our country sible for the day-to-day business of the I rise this morning to applaud the and provided a lot of protection for our Agency and the management of its op- nomination of COL John Tien. He has country, for our homeland. erations and 250,000 men and women. been selected by our President to serve Among the recommendations that he Colonel Tien is a proven leader and as the Deputy Secretary of the Depart- made was the creation of the Depart- dedicated public servant. He is a re- ment of Homeland Security, a very big ment of Homeland Security and the ex- tired U.S. Army colonel, whose 24-year job and an important job. pansion of our committee’s jurisdiction career includes three combat tours in I have the honor of currently serving to include homeland security. Before Iraq and national security roles in the as the senior member and former chair- that, we were the Committee on Gov- Clinton, the George W. Bush, and the man of the Senate Committee on ernmental Affairs, which is important. Obama White Houses. He has worked Homeland Security and Governmental It was an oversight committee. But hand in glove with people from dif- Affairs, which is responsible for, among with the addition of the Department of ferent perspectives and commands the other things, overseeing the operations Homeland Security, that responsibility respect of Republicans and Democrats of the Department of Homeland Secu- grew enormously. alike. rity. But since then, our committee has For the past decade, COL Tien has REMEMBERING MADELEINE A. PETERS taken on a very different purpose. I am been a leader in the private sector, Madam President, very sadly, my proud of the work that we have done where he has held senior executive colleague , who is the that has made Americans safer today. roles in our Nation’s financial sector chairman of the Homeland Security As someone who was very much in- and managed complex organizations Committee, lost his mom this week, volved in helping to stand up and as- and operations. and he cannot be with us today. Nor- semble the Department of Homeland His nomination has drawn bipartisan mally, he would be here speaking on Security, I am proud of the way it has support. Dozens of national security behalf of the nomination of Colonel grown and matured over the last 20 leaders and experts, including several Tien. years. I remain convinced that it is, in former military and civilian govern- His mother, whom I know and per- large part, the leadership provided by ment officials who served under Demo- sonally and dearly—I have known her the nominees we confirm in this Cham- cratic and Republican Presidents, have ever since Gary first joined us—she is a ber that enables the Department of expressed their strong support for Colo- huge Detroit Tigers baseball fan, as am Homeland Security to carry out suc- nel Tien’s nomination. I. I had the pleasure of going with her cessfully as its many missions. Just a week ago, the Committee on to baseball games and considered her a The Department of Homeland Secu- Homeland Security and Governmental kindred spirit. rity is an Agency with a budget of over Affairs, on which I serve, advanced his

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.006 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4603 nomination by a wide margin—by a that report, it became impossible for The Wuhan reversal is more than a wide margin, bipartisan support. Given the President or the mainstream media reminder that our social media experi- Colonel Tien’s past leadership experi- or to deny what had always ence is actually a heavily curated one. ences, I am hopeful that the Depart- been a plausible theory: that the virus It also raises serious questions about ment will finally get the Senate-con- came from the virology lab in Wuhan. censorship and the maintenance of the firmed leader it needs and deserves in Journalists moved to explain their marketplace of ideas that is a hall- this critical post. previous rejection of this theory, and mark of a free society. There is no free The American people are counting on some of them openly admitted what society without the free exchange of seasoned leadership at the Department had been obvious: that they rejected ideas. Freedom of speech, freedom of of Homeland Security after too many the theory not because of flaws in the the press, freedom of religion, freedom years of vacancies. I describe those va- theory itself but because of those who to speak in the public square—all of cancies as Swiss cheese, executive had advanced this hypothesis. these are essential elements of a free branch Swiss cheese, and that needs to We don’t know what these revived in- society. The more a government or end. vestigations will ultimately show, but other entities crack down on freedom I applaud President Biden for nomi- the Wuhan reversal illustrates multiple of speech and the free exchange of nating Colonel Tien. I encourage my issues. One, of course, is the need to re- ideas, the more we move away from a colleagues to confirm him. member that our social media experi- free society and toward tyranny. Let me say on a personal note to ence is heavily curated. The posts and I say ‘‘or other entities’’ because the Colonel Tien and his wife Tracy—and ads we see are selected for us by com- responsibility for protecting the free they have a couple of daughters, Aman- plex algorithms that analyze the data exchange of ideas extends beyond the da and Rebecca—when you serve, as he social media companies have collected government. Government, of course, did in the military for 24 years, rising on each of us and curate our experience has an absolute obligation to defend to the rank of colonel, you don’t just accordingly. our fundamental freedoms, but other serve that as an individual. It is not On top of that, as the past year or institutions in society also have a role. just the officer or enlisted person who two has illustrated, social media com- You can’t have a free society without is serving. If they have a family—and panies actively censor certain mate- free institutions. I am thinking here we almost all do—the family serves as rial, meaning that there are posts we particularly of the press, universities, will never see. well. If they have a spouse, they have and in this day and age, social media As chairman and now ranking mem- children, they serve as well. And we companies. ber of the Senate Commerce Commit- don’t often acknowledge that, not If the press or social media compa- tee’s Communications and Tech Sub- often enough, at least. nies only sanction one narrative—the committee, I have pushed for trans- I just want to take a moment to say narrative preferred by the government parency requirements for social media to Colonel Tien’s wife Tracy, to their or by social elites or by any other companies, and I have introduced two daughters, Amanda and Rebecca, we group—the marketplace of ideas bipartisan bills that would increase are grateful for your service as well. shrinks substantially. If multiple internet transparency while preserving And we are honored and privileged that groups that should be fostering the free the light-touch approach to regulation you would share a good man in this exchange of ideas combine to limit or that has allowed the internet to flour- new role for our country. ish. advance a particular narrative, they And to Colonel Tien, whose mother My Filter Bubble Transparency Act start to control public opinion instead recently passed away, I understand, would allow social media users to opt of allowing individuals to form their just a few months ago, from COVID–19, out of the filter bubble—in other own opinions based on a free flow of in- let me say that I know your mom must words, to opt out of the filtered experi- formation. be looking down from on high today ence tailored for them by opaque algo- Unfortunately, as the Wuhan story and feeling very proud of her son on rithms—and instead see an unfiltered illustrates, today we are seeing a real this day and every day. social media feed or search results. movement to restrict the free flow of With that, I suggest the absence of a The Platform Accountability and ideas. Whether we are talking about quorum. Transparency Act, which I introduced speech codes or social media censor- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. with Senator SCHATZ, would increase ship, more and more, we are seeing a WHITEHOUSE). The clerk will call the transparency and accountability preferred narrative being advanced and roll. around content moderation. Sites opinions outside of that preferred nar- The senior assistant legislative clerk would be required to provide an easily rative being censored or marginalized. proceeded to call the roll. digestible disclosure of their content We see it in government with bills Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask moderation practices for users, and, like S. 1, which would, among other unanimous consent that the order for importantly, they would be required to things, allow the IRS to consider an or- the quorum call be rescinded. explain their decisions to remove ma- ganization’s views before deciding The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without terial to consumers. whether or not to grant it tax-exempt objection, it is so ordered. Under the PACT Act, if a site chose status, or the Equality Act, which CENSORSHIP to remove your post, it would have to would crack down on freedom of speech Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, at the tell you why it decided to remove your and freedom of religion in unprece- end of May, Facebook announced that post. The PACT Act would also require dented ways. We see it outside govern- it would no longer censor claims that sites to have an appeals process. So if ment when media outlets engage in se- the coronavirus was man-made. The Facebook, for example, removed one of lective reporting to highlight an ac- mainstream media, which had savaged your posts, it would not only have to cepted narrative instead of reporting the story during the previous adminis- tell you why, but it would have to pro- the news and the facts, whatever they tration, suddenly started backpedaling, vide a way for you to appeal that deci- are, or when social media censors le- and the Biden , which had sion. gitimate theories or stories or when reportedly canceled the previous ad- Let me be clear. Private entities are universities crack down on free speech. ministration’s investigation into free to have their own opinions and In the wake of the Wuhan lab story, whether the novel coronavirus origi- viewpoints and should not be compelled we saw widespread censorship across nated in a Wuhan lab, announced a 90- by the government to publish alter- government, social media, and the day inquiry into the virus’s origins. native views, but that is not what we press for political reasons. President The occasion for all this back- are talking about with these large so- Biden seemingly shut down the former pedaling was apparently a report in the cial media platforms. Most strongly President’s investigation into the Journal that three re- deny that they are publishers and in- virus’s origin because it was the former searchers who worked at Wuhan Insti- stead hold themselves forth as neutral President’s investigation. Democrats tute of Virology ‘‘sought hospital care’’ platforms for the free exchange of ideas in Congress pressured social media in late 2019 for symptoms consistent from all corners. That is the promise companies to censor information that with the coronavirus. In the wake of they make to consumers. contradicted the narrative that they

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.008 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4604 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 were embracing. The mainstream inform discussions of broadband fund- emerging technology and to speed up media savaged the lab origin story. So- ing in any infrastructure legislation. permitting while respecting the role of cial media sites censored it. And all of I am particularly looking forward to State and local governments in making this happened because of the political hearing from Denny Law, the CEO of deployment decisions. affiliation of the people advancing this Golden West Telecommunications in Adequate spectrum and the ability to reasonable hypothesis. South Dakota, who will speak on the efficiently deploy infrastructure are es- You can only have a marketplace of challenges of deploying reliable and re- sential for building out strong U.S. 5G ideas if ideas actually get out there, silient broadband in rural areas. networks. But there is another key which is why censorship, as I have said, The pandemic provided the most sig- part of the equation, and that is having is antithetical to a free society. It is nificant test to date of the resiliency of a sufficient workforce to meet the de- also important to note—and this is a our broadband networks. Overnight, mands of 5G deployment and, later, 5G critical, critical point—that having a quite literally, our networks faced maintenance. That is why I have intro- free marketplace of ideas means allow- huge new demands. As the Nation duced the Telecommunications Skilled ing some ideas that might be wrong, locked down, demand for broadband Workforce Act. My bill would help in- that might seem offensive, that might shot up. Our phones and tablets and crease the number of workers enrolled seem silly. We are not talking about laptops became our main way of com- in 5G training programs and identify content that, for example, promotes vi- municating with friends and family ways to grow the telecommunications olence but ideas that are provocative, and, for many of us, our main way of workforce to meet the demands of 5G. debatable, or out of the mainstream. doing our jobs. Video conferencing ex- As the resident of a rural State, ex- The alternative is allowing the govern- ploded—staff meetings, strategy meet- panding broadband access in rural ment or some other entity to decide ings, virtual happy hours, telemedi- areas has long been a priority of mine what information we see and what we cine. here in the U.S. Senate. We have made believe. How did our networks stand up to the a lot of progress in recent years, but It is important to remember that demand? Well, they exceeded expecta- there is more work to be done. sometimes ideas that seem silly or tions and vindicated the light-touch I recently introduced the Rural wrong initially turn out to be right. regulatory approach of the United Connectivity Advancement Program More than one widely accepted sci- States to broadband policy. While net- Act, along with Senators HASSAN, entific theory started out as a fringe works in and elsewhere slowed MORAN, and CORTEZ MASTO. Our legis- position. A prevailing opinion may streaming speeds in order to keep their lation would set aside proceeds from turn out to be wrong, and political or networks up and running, U.S. net- spectrum auctions conducted by the social power doesn’t necessarily equal works maintained both their speed and FCC to build out broadband in truth. quality. It was a real American success unserved areas. It is essential that we I hope that their abrupt reversal on story. expedite the deployment of fixed COVID’s possible origins makes media The success of American networks broadband in rural areas because this organizations and social media plat- during the pandemic was the result of technology is necessary groundwork forms think twice the next time they sustained investment by U.S. tele- for 5G deployment. Without reliable consider censoring a story. I hope it re- communications companies, which broadband, rural areas will be excluded minds them of the dangers of restrict- have made network reliability a pri- from access to 5G. ing the free flow of ideas and of their ority. Congress should continue to en- Reliable, fast internet is an essential obligation to separate their politics courage this kind of private invest- element of our Nation’s infrastructure. from their jobs. ment and maintain a regulatory re- Like roads and bridges and railways In a speech he delivered in 1967, Ron- gime that allows companies to make and airports, strong internet networks ald Reagan, marveling at our govern- the kinds of choices and investments keep our economy strong, and any in- ment by the people, said this: that have resulted in strong and resil- frastructure package should make an Perhaps you and I have lived too long with ient U.S. networks. investment in broadband and 5G, as this miracle to properly be appreciative. Going forward, one of our priorities well as including regulatory relief, like Freedom is a fragile thing, and it’s never here in Congress has to be supporting that in my STREAMLINE Act, to expe- more than one generation away from extinc- the continued development of 5G. U.S. dite 5G deployment. However, we need tion. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it companies are already building out 5G to make sure that any Federal money must be fought for and defended constantly networks, but there is more work to be is allocated in the most efficient man- by each generation, for it comes only once to done. We need to remove regulatory ner possible and distributed respon- a people. and permitting hurdles to deployment sibly, with coordination by expert I fear that long acquaintance with and ensure that companies have access Agencies like the Federal Communica- the blessings of liberty—with the bless- to the spectrum they need to build tions Commission, to prevent waste. ings of a free press and freedom of strong networks. We don’t want another situation like speech and freedom of religion—has Increasing spectrum availability will what happened in the wake of the 2009 sometimes made us careless about the spur 5G deployments, and we need to American Recovery and Reinvestment preservation of these freedoms. We are build on previous efforts to make spec- Act, which provided more than $7 bil- used to them, and we assume that they trum available, like my MOBILE NOW lion to multiple Agencies for rural will always be with us. But, as Ronald Act, legislation that we passed a few broadband deployment, a majority of Reagan pointed out, freedom has to be years ago. I have also repeatedly intro- which was wasted, resulting in just a actively safeguarded, or it will be lost. duced legislation called the STREAM- fraction of the access that was prom- I have seen too many instances lately LINE Small Cell Deployment Act to ised. where our cherished First Amendment address another key part of the 5G I am looking forward to Tuesday’s freedoms are subordinated to a polit- equation, and that is infrastructure. hearing, and I will continue to work to ical and social agenda, and I hope, I Mr. President, 5G technology re- advance nationwide 5G deployment and hope that the Wuhan story reminds us quires not just traditional cell phone ensure that our rural communities re- of the responsibility that each one of towers but small antennas called ceive the full benefits of the 5G revolu- us has to safeguard these freedoms, lest ‘‘small cells’’ that can often be at- tion. they slip away from us. tached to existing infrastructure, like I yield the floor. BROADBAND utility poles or buildings. The Federal The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Mr. President, on Tuesday, the Com- Communications Commission, under jority . merce subcommittee of which I am the Chairman Pai, modernized its regula- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—H.R. 1652 ranking member, the Subcommittee on tions for the approval of small cells, Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, in the Communications, Media, and but more work can be done to expedite city of Chicago, which I am proud to Broadband, will hold a hearing on small cell deployment. represent, there is an organization building resilient broadband networks. The STREAMLINE Act focuses on called Life Span. This is an incredible My hope is that this hearing will help updating current law to better reflect group of people who dedicate their

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.009 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4605 lives to providing comprehensive serv- worked with the advocacy organiza- maintain these critical services. Don’t ices for the survivors of domestic vio- tions on a fix to the VOCA law to sus- we owe it to them after the promise of lence and sexual assault. tain the Crime Victims Fund. help to come through? Every day they respond to horrifying Our bill would stabilize the depleted At this point, I would like to turn to cases of abuse. They help thousands of fund by redirecting monetary penalties my colleague Senator MURKOWSKI. women and children access the support from deferred prosecutions and non- And I ask unanimous consent that they need to address trauma and to re- prosecution agreements to the victims Senators MURKOWSKI, TOOMEY, and I be build their lives. and service providers that desperately able to complete our remarks prior to For example, Life Span recently as- need help. the vote. sisted a woman after her teenage The reduced deposits into the fund The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without daughter was sexually assaulted by the have already had a devastating impact. objection, it is so ordered. woman’s husband. Life Span was able Victim assistance grants have been re- The Senator from Alaska. to help the mother and daughter navi- duced by more than $600 million in Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I gate the overwhelming challenges of 2021, and more cuts are looming if we want to acknowledge and thank my pursuing justice against the abuser and don’t do something. colleague and friend from for offer support to the daughter through- The executive director of Life Span his leadership on this issue. He has out- out this horrible process. in Chicago told me that VOCA funds 44 lined well the situation in front of us When the mother pursued a divorce percent of the agency’s services—about with regard to the status of the Crime from the abuser, Life Span filed a peti- $1.6 million annually. A substantial Victims Fund. tion and is representing the mother as loss in VOCA funds would mean that Again, this is a nontaxpayer source she navigates issues of child support they would have to cut back staff who of funding, which is designed to help and allocation of custody. provide legal services, affecting an es- the millions of victims of crimes— The three Life Span staffers that the timated 880 clients. those who have been violated, those mother and daughter have interacted Life Span is not alone. Advocates who are extraordinarily vulnerable. with all provided critical bilingual and across the State of Illinois and across And we are at a place where, as he has bicultural support. They have provided the country have reached out and indicated, we have a proposal here that this crucial service for this family dur- shared what these cuts would mean for could help address how this fund is re- ing an incredibly traumatic experience. their agencies and the victims they plenished to, again, ensure that those And all three of these staffers are fund- serve. who have been made victims can re- ed by assistance provided through the The Center for Prevention of Abuse ceive some level of compensation. Victims of Crime Act, or VOCA. Life in Peoria, IL, noted: We are kind of stuck here this morn- Span told me that without VOCA fund- We never want to be in a position where we ing, which is extraordinarily unfortu- ing, ‘‘none of these personnel . . . are made to turn away people who need [our] nate. Folks back home in Alaska are would be able to have done this job.’’ specialized services and whole-hearted, dedi- just starting their day, and they are Congress passed the Victims of Crime cated care. Our teams are already stretched looking with anticipation and hope Act in 1984 to establish the Crime Vic- thin as they live the promise of our mission and, quite honestly, prayers that today tims Fund. This fund provides grants day in and day out. Fewer VOCA dollars might be the day that they get good to State victim compensation and as- means less staff and a lessened ability to news on this. sistance programs, which assist vic- help those who need to find safety, food, Right now, I have about 30 organiza- tims with expenses like medical bills, shelter, empowerment, freedom, and peace. tions in Alaska, including our domestic funeral expenses, and the loss of wages There is no time to waste. Every day violence shelters, our child advocacy during recovery. that goes by, we miss an opportunity How often I have heard Members of to help replenish this fund. In 2021, the centers, our victim advocacy organiza- Congress come to the floor and in com- fund has already missed out on ap- tions—they have all been notified that mittee speak about the plight of the proximately $400 million in deposits. they are going to expect a 35-percent victims of crime. This is an effort—an We are not even halfway through the cut to their funding, effective the 1st of overt effort by Congress—to make sure year. Imagine how much more money July, so just in a couple of weeks here. that we are there when they des- the fund may lose if we don’t do some- And because of this broken VOCA de- perately need us. thing. posit issue, this cut is set to affect The fund also provides funds to thou- That is why it is imperative that the their funds for not only this year but sands of victims service providers, like Senate immediately pass this bill. The for next year going forward. Life Span, across the Nation. These House already did it in March, with So think about it. You are the shel- providers offer programs serving vic- broad bipartisan support, and here in ter in Kodiak, where I was just 6, 8 tims of , sexual as- the Senate we have a bipartisan coali- weeks or so ago. When you are told you sault, child abuse, trafficking, and tion of 56 Senators—36 Democrats and have a 35-percent cut to your budget drunk driving. 20 Republicans—cosponsoring the legis- coming and you have a small commu- The Crime Victims Fund doesn’t re- lation. We could send this bill to the nity, where are you going to find those ceive a dime of taxpayer dollars. How President’s desk today. We should have resources? Because, believe you, me, about that? It is funded through crimi- sent it to him weeks ago. Unfortu- the individuals who still require those nal fines, penalties, forfeited bail nately, there is an objection that has services are not staying at home and bonds, and special assessments col- prevented us from moving forward. saying: Well, I guess we didn’t have the lected by the Federal Government. In a recent letter to Leader SCHUMER, services here on this big island of Ko- Historically, most of the money in victims’ rights and law enforcement or- diak; so I am just going to stay put. the fund comes from those criminal ganizations said that, ‘‘The objectors The need is still there. In fact, the fines. But in recent years, deposits into are, in effect, holding victim services need is more enhanced or exacerbated the fund have dropped significantly, as hostage in an ideological quest to over- than ever before. We have seen this as the Justice Department began relying haul the Appropriations process by a follow-on from COVID. We have seen more on deferred prosecutions and non- eliminating budgetary offsets.’’ those aftereffects, that aftershock, prosecution agreements. What a target to choose if you want when you have been in an isolated situ- Monetary penalties from these de- to change the procedure of the com- ation where you have been forced to ferred prosecutions and nonprosecution mittee—crime victims? kind of shelter in place, if you will, but agreements are currently deposited I agree with the National Coalition your home is not a safe shelter. It is into the general Treasury instead of Against Domestic Violence and so not a shelter in that sense of the word. this fund, and, as a result, this shift many other groups. More than 1,700 But you don’t have services. And so has had a devastating impact on the that are begging us to do something where do you go? You stay with your fund and the services available to and stop holding this critical legisla- abuser. You stay in the situation that crime victims in America. tion. is unsound, unsafe, because you don’t That is why a bipartisan, bicameral The passage of this legislation today have anyplace to turn. So the need out coalition of Members of Congress would ensure that victims are able to there is considerable.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.011 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4606 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 We had a situation last summer of to reconcile this on a rational basis We have a very perverse budgetary devastating loss, with five village resi- without jeopardizing them. rule, and that rule says that, in any dents in different villages who had died As if in legislative session, I ask given year, if there is money in this in domestic violence murders over a unanimous consent that the Senate Crime Victims Fund—mind you, not course of 10 days. These are small vil- proceed to the immediate consider- tax dollars, but if there is money in lages where everybody knows every- ation of H.R. 1652, which was received it—and Congress doesn’t give it to the body, and the loss of one person—an from the House and is at the desk; fur- crime victims as it is supposed to, you elder, a child, or a victim—is extraor- ther, that the bill be considered read a can pretend that it is a savings, and it dinary. And so we looked at that, and third time and passed and that the mo- allows you to spend more than you we said: Well, that is exacerbated by tion to reconsider be considered made would otherwise be able to spend on COVID and what has happened. and laid upon the table. any number of other things, on any- But, no, this has been a situation for The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. thing—tanks, buildings, roads, what- us long prior to COVID, in terms of, un- OSSOFF). Is there objection? ever. That is the dynamic. That is fortunately, the levels that we see of The Senator from Pennsylvania. what happens here. It actually creates Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, in re- domestic violence, sexual assault, the an incentive, however perverse this is, serving the right to object, let me say victimization that we see—so being for Congress not to allocate this money I think I agree with 98, 99 percent of there to provide funding for services to to the victims of crime and to their ad- help prevent these deaths, the trauma what I just heard from my colleagues. In the 11 years I have been in the vocates. By not doing so, they get to that children experience when they are Senate, I have lost track of how many claim a savings which isn’t real—but in the room, the murders that affect rape crisis centers and how many child that is the way the budget rules work— families for generations. There is a advocacy centers I have visited. They and spend that money elsewhere. story in the news just today—a domes- have expanded the number, fortu- Now, you might say: Well, who would tic situation, the husband and the wife. nately, because they have gotten addi- do a thing like that? Oh. Ha. Well, it The husband took the wife’s life and tional resources from Congress. They used to happen all the time. In 2014, then took his own, and it was a 6-year- do some of the most important work I there was $9 billion available in the old with an iPad who notified the au- know of—incredibly painful work—in Crime Victims Fund, but in order to thorities. helping a child through an appalling, spend more money elsewhere, less than I think about the reality of what a traumatic experience when there is a $1 billion was actually allocated to vic- 35-percent cut means, what it means law enforcement need to get informa- tims of crime and their advocates, so when you say your service providers tion that can further traumatize a they got $8 billion of difference that are faced with $6 million less in fund- child. I mean, the work these folks do they could spend on whatever else they ing for victims services. The shelters is amazing, it is essential, and the Sen- wanted, and they did. In 2013, it was are calling out to us for help. One do- ator from Alaska is exactly right in the same story. mestic violence shelter in the State is that there is a real need here. This was going on routinely until facing the reality of laying off six full- The good news is that there is a real, 2015 when I and some of my colleagues time jobs within their organization. very clear, and easy path forward here. said: Wait a minute. This isn’t right. This is unacceptable. The legislation that the Senator from This money is supposed to be going to I understand that there are concerns. Illinois is proposing creates a new crime victims, and it is not. Senator TOOMEY is going to speak to source of money for the Crime Victims That is the first and most objection- them. But this legislation doesn’t Fund. It is a new category, it is sub- able problem. It is also dishonest be- change how Federal tax money is stantial, and it is going to be new re- cause there is no savings of taxpayer spent. It provides a technical fix by di- sources for the advocates for crime vic- money here; this is just not giving recting additional nontaxpayer dollars tims to better be able to continue to do crime victims the money from crimi- from criminal monetary penalties into their very, very important work, and I nals that they are supposed to get. It is this fund. So we are sitting at a point fully support that. outrageous. where the longer that Congress delays So where do we disagree? Here is For a while, we got some coopera- this fix, the larger the cuts that vic- where we disagree: The legislation does tion, and they did less of this. In other tims services in my State and all require a lot of money—new money—to words, more of the money that was around the country will face. go into the Crime Victims Fund. The supposed to go to crime victims for a This has been a hard time for us, and Senator from Illinois is exactly correct while did, in fact, go there. But I am I think we recognize it, but for those in that it is not taxpayer money; it is very concerned—and I have been con- who are trying to serve victims, for money from the settlements for crimi- cerned since 2015—that, at any point in those who are trying to serve the most nal and civil penalties. I fully support time, we will go back to this process. vulnerable at an exceptionally vulner- that. What their legislation doesn’t do, So I introduced legislation called the able time in their lives, it makes it 10 however, is require a dime of that Fairness for Crime Victims Act. I in- times harder. Our providers are ex- money to actually get to the advocates troduced it in 2015. What it does is it hausted, they are burned out, and now of crime. It is very nice to put a lot of just requires that the money going into they are faced with massive cuts. We money into an account that has a the fund actually go to the victims of simply cannot fail them. name on it that is the Crime Victims crime and their advocates, and there I would urge us to look past the poli- Fund. That is very nice, and I support are various mechanisms for doing it. tics on this. This is what these victims’ that, but I would like to take one more The bill was reported out of the Senate advocates are saying: Please don’t use step and make sure the money actually Budget Committee in 2015, and it was us as the political lever here. So I join gets to the victims of crime and their unanimously adopted by the Bipartisan not only with Senator DURBIN but with advocates. Budget Act of 2019. the many in this body who would urge Now, there is a little bit of budgetary I have been working as closely as I that we pass this technical fix to information that explains why, if we can with the appropriators to address VOCA. don’t adopt my approach here, this this so that we will actually send to Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I want money will not get to the victims of crime victims the money that is sup- to thank the Senator from Alaska for crime and their advocates. You see, the posed to go to them. Since 2000, over her heartfelt remarks. appropriations process, the spending $82 billion of money has not been allo- There are innocent people who are process around here, always operates cated to crime victims, as it should victims of domestic violence whose under some limit. It could be a statu- have been, precisely because of this fate depends on what we do right here tory limit or a limit passed by a budget mechanism. and now. This is an important budg- resolution, but there is a limit. There Some might say: Well, hasn’t it got- etary debate that the Senator from is no limit as to how much people want ten better? Yes. The answer is that it Pennsylvania is raising. I ask, please to spend around here, but there is a has. But how do I know it is going to don’t use these people in this desperate limit as to how much they actually get worse? How do I know we are going situation as a pressure point. Let’s try can. to go right back to this? I will tell you

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.012 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4607 how I know. All I have to do is read the spent for other purposes but is sug- The legislative clerk called the roll. President’s budget. gesting that it could be. In fact, there Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the President Biden’s budget, if you look is a conscious effort by the Appropria- Senator from New Jersey (Mr. BOOKER) at table S–8, explicitly calls for with- tions subcommittee to make sure, if all and the Senator from Michigan (Mr. holding money from victims of crime of the money is not spent in 1 year, PETERS) are necessarily absent. and advocates for those victims from that enough will be maintained to sta- Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is the Crime Victims Fund and also the bilize the fund for future years. That is necessarily absent: the Senator from Children’s Health Insurance Program thoughtful, and that is what we like to North Dakota (Mr. CRAMER). so as to spend more money in other hear, but we are in a desperate moment The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. areas. It is right here: ‘‘changes in now wherein we need the money and SCHATZ). Are there any other Senators mandatory program offsets: $26 bil- need it at this moment. in the Chamber desiring to vote? lion.’’ It says the limitation enacted I understand my colleague’s concern The result was announced—yeas 88, will come from the Crime Victims about the scorekeeping in the budget. nays 9, as follows: Fund program and cancelations in the It is an important issue, even though it [Rollcall Vote No. 239 Ex.] Children’s Health Insurance Program. is esoteric. But to do it in relation to YEAS—88 This is not like wild speculation; this the Crime Victims Fund seems entirely Baldwin Grassley Portman is President Biden’s budget, saying: Oh, misplaced. While this adjustment does Barrasso Hagerty Reed Bennet Hassan Risch here is what I want to spend, and part not, in fact, transfer money from the Blackburn Heinrich Romney of how I will spend it—part of how we fund to other priorities, it is just a Blumenthal Hickenlooper Rosen will get there—is by withholding budgeting gimmick that he is sug- Blunt Hirono Rounds Boozman Hoeven money that should be going to victims gesting. Rubio Braun Hyde-Smith Sasse This is not the right place or time to Brown Inhofe of crime. Schatz Burr Johnson So I am fully in support of this new do this when thousands of people Schumer allocation of money into the account, across the United States are in des- Cantwell Kaine Capito Kelly Scott (FL) but money in the account doesn’t solve perate need of shelter to get out of an Cardin King Scott (SC) the problem. We need one more step, abusive home; of help for their children Carper Klobuchar Shaheen that is all—the step that says we are who have witnessed murders; and of Casey Lankford Sinema Cassidy Leahy Smith actually going to send it to victims of dealing with court proceedings that Collins Luja´ n Stabenow crime instead of whatever spending may be unintelligible to the average Coons Lummis Tester people in this town decide they prefer. person to try to protect their families Cornyn Manchin Thune That is what this is about. That is and themselves. To think that we are Cortez Masto Markey Tillis Cotton Marshall Toomey what the difference is. engaged in this high-level budget de- Crapo McConnell Van Hollen We have developed a process. We bate at this moment at their expense is Daines Menendez Warner have worked with people on both sides just not right. Duckworth Merkley Warnock of the aisle, and we have passed legisla- I urge my colleague to withdraw his Durbin Moran Warren Ernst Murkowski Whitehouse tion in committee to do it. We want to amendment and allow the legislation Feinstein Murphy Wicker Fischer Murray simply require the money that is to proceed. We can debate the budget Wyden Gillibrand Ossoff meant for victims of crime and their within the budget resolution and the Young Graham Padilla advocates to get to them, and we are appropriations process but not at the being told it won’t all get to them expense of crime victims across Amer- NAYS—9 under the status quo. ica. If he will not withdraw his amend- Cruz Lee Shelby There is a simple solution here. Hawley Paul Sullivan ment, I must object. Kennedy Sanders Tuberville There is a simple path forward. I think The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- there is a genuine, sincere agreement, tion is heard to the modification. NOT VOTING—3 among everybody who has spoken, Is there an objection to the original Booker Cramer Peters about the need for this service. All I request? The nomination was confirmed. am asking is that we actually have a Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, in re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under mechanism to get them the money serving the right to object, I will just the previous order, the motion to re- rather than to do what we all know is say briefly that, clearly and certainly, consider is considered made and laid coming: Pretend they are going to get this is not a scorekeeping debate, and upon the table, and the President will all of this money when, in fact, it is this is not about budgets. This is about be immediately notified of the Senate’s going to be diverted to other purposes. whether victims of crime and their ad- action. Therefore, I ask that the Senator vocates will actually get the money f that we say they are going to get. It is modify his request to include my CLOTURE MOTION amendment, which is at the desk; that not about what could be; it is about it be considered and agreed to; that the what has been. This money was rou- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant bill, as amended, be considered read a tinely raided for other purposes until to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the third time and passed; and that the we brought a stop to it recently, and it Senate the pending cloture motion, motion to reconsider be considered is about what will be because the Biden which the clerk will state. made and laid upon the table with no administration is telling us it intends The legislative clerk read as follows: intervening action or debate. to do this. CLOTURE MOTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there In order to ensure that crime victims We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- an objection to the modification? and their advocates actually get the ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, in re- money that we say they are going to move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- serving the right to object, I am dis- get, I object. nation of Executive Calendar No. 157, John appointed that the Senator from Penn- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- K. Tien, of Georgia, to be Deputy Secretary sylvania is adamant in his position, tion is heard. of Homeland Security. even though we are dealing with vic- VOTE ON BEAUDREAU NOMINATION Charles E. Schumer, Jack Reed, Ben Ray tims of crime, victims of domestic vio- Under the previous order, the ques- Luja´ n, Michael F. Bennet, Jeanne Sha- lence, and victims of child abuse. Like tion is, Will the Senate advise and con- heen, , , Illinois, Pennsylvania has experienced , Christopher A. sent to the Beaudreau nomination? Coons, Mark R. Warner, Robert P. a nearly 70-percent cut in VOCA fund- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask for Casey, Jr., Margaret Wood Hassan, ing since 2018, and more cuts are on the the yeas and nays. , , Mark horizon because of his strategy. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Kelly, Benjamin L. Cardin, Jeff Here is what it boils down to: If you sufficient second? Merkley. listen carefully to what the Senator There appears to be a sufficient sec- The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- from Pennsylvania has said, he is not ond. imous consent, the mandatory quorum suggesting that the money is being The clerk will call the roll. call has been waived.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.014 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4608 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 The question is, Is it the sense of the tion Act. This commonsense reform control; and, No. 2, they saw no under- Senate that debate on the nomination would ensure that people in the U.S. mining of good order and discipline. So of John K. Tien, of Georgia, to be Dep- military who have been subjected to for those reasons, that is why we need uty Secretary of Homeland Security, sexual assault and other serious crimes to pursue this legislation, a bright line. shall be brought to a close? get the justice that they deserve. And then, last is the question that The yeas and nays are mandatory I began calling for the full floor vote the chairman always raises, that this under the rule. on this bill on May 24. That was 24 days must go through the committee. The The clerk will call the roll. ago. Since then, an estimated 1,344 committee has been looking at this for The senior assistant legislative clerk servicemembers will have been raped 8 years. We have had multiple hearings called the roll. or sexually assaulted. Two in three of on this topic. We have had the data. We Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the those survivors will not even report it have talked about it with every service Senator from New Jersey (Mr. BOOKER) because they know that they are more Secretary for the last decade I have and the Senator from Michigan (Mr. likely to face retaliation than receive been on the committee. We have talked PETERS) are necessarily absent. justice. about it with each of the services for Mr. THUNE. The following Senators This is a scourge that we have been the last decade that I have been on the are necessarily absent: the Senator looking at for over 8 years. We have committee, and we have tried to get a from North Dakota (Mr. CRAMER) and passed nearly 250 measures to address vote on this measure, unsuccessfully, the Senator from (Mr. MORAN). sexual assault in the military, to ad- for the past 5 years. We have been de- The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 63, dress retaliation, to address preven- nied a vote every time in the last 5 nays 33, as follows: tion, and none of them have dented the years. So to say now that only the com- [Rollcall Vote No. 240 Ex.] numbers. In fact, our estimated cases mittee can have jurisdiction is not YEAS—63 are at about 20,000 cases, and among those, only about 200 have gone to true. They have had their chance, and Baldwin Heinrich Romney they have passed close to 250 measures. Bennet Hickenlooper Rosen courts-martial and ended in conviction. Blumenthal Hirono Rounds It is not enough. We aren’t moving the Those measures have not moved the Blunt Johnson Rubio numbers in the right direction. They needle. Those measures are ones that Brown Kaine Sanders are, in fact, going in the wrong direc- the DOD was comfortable with. They Cantwell Kelly Schatz have never wanted this measure. Now Capito King Schumer tion. Cardin Klobuchar Scott (SC) We also have a reform that we have we have agreement by the chairman, Carper Leahy Shaheen looked at for 8 years. It creates a by this panel, by many of the service Casey Luja´ n Sinema bright line at all serious crimes to han- Secretaries that, OK, fine, we are with Collins Manchin Smith you; we will take sexual assault out of Coons Markey Stabenow dle two issues: one, the bias we see in Cornyn Menendez Tester sexual assault in the military; that if the chain of command. Cortez Masto While that is good, it is not enough Merkley Tillis you are a servicemember who reports Duckworth Murkowski Van Hollen because it will create two systems of sexual assault, it is unlikely that you Durbin Murphy Warner justice, and you should not privilege Feinstein Murray Warnock will get justice, and it is likely that just one set of plaintiffs to have a posi- Fischer Ossoff Warren you will be retaliated against. Gillibrand Padilla Whitehouse tive, professional, unbiased system. Graham Portman Wyden And after we have made retaliation a And given all of the data we have Hassan Reed Young crime three times in a row, we have about race and bias against Black serv- NAYS—33 only seen one court-martial for retalia- icemembers and Brown servicemem- tion. That is outrageous. bers being punished up to 2.5 times Barrasso Grassley McConnell And so now is the time that we bring Blackburn Hagerty Paul more than White servicemembers, you Boozman Hawley Risch this measure to the floor. It does not need to fix the system for everybody. Braun Hoeven Sasse cost a lot of money. It is something So back to the argument of our al- Burr Hyde-Smith Scott (FL) that uses the existing infrastructure, Cassidy Inhofe Shelby lies, that is why they did their bright Cotton Kennedy Sullivan the existing lawyers, the existing infra- line at serious crimes—the equivalent Crapo Lankford Thune structure around the lawyers. of felonies—so that they could have a Cruz Lee Toomey Two, it does not take a long time to Daines Lummis Tuberville justice system that is worthy of the Ernst Marshall Wicker implement because, in fact, after the sacrifices that the men and women in military police complete their inves- NOT VOTING—4 our armed services make. tigation and have their recommenda- So I ask once again that we can have Booker Moran tion, basically, they send that rec- Cramer Peters a vote on this floor. We now have 66 co- ommendation to the prosecutor, as op- sponsors of this legislation, widely bi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this posed to the commander. So after the partisan. How many bills in this Cham- vote, the yeas are 63, the nays are 33. review by the prosecutor, it goes right ber are supported by LIZ WARREN and The motion is agreed to. back to the commander if that pros- at the same time? How many f ecutor declines to prosecute. pieces of legislation have been voted on So, ultimately, it changes the system EXECUTIVE CALENDAR by both and MITCH in a very small but powerful way, and MCCONNELL? Very few. But the reason The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the reason why this change is rec- we have such bipartisan support is we clerk will report the nomination. ommended by all military experts is have two female command veterans in The senior assistant legislative clerk three reasons: One, the bright line cre- this body. One is a Republican, JONI read the nomination of John K. Tien, ates a justice system for all plaintiffs ERNST. One is a Democrat, TAMMY of Georgia, to be Deputy Secretary of and all defendants. And since we have DUCKWORTH. They are both on this leg- Homeland Security. bias with regard to women in the mili- islation. They have served as com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tary and we have bias with regard to manders, and they understand the im- ator from . Black and Brown servicemembers, this portance of the commander’s roles. But Mrs. GILLIBRAND. Mr. President, I change will remove bias and profes- they also have seen that nothing has ask unanimous consent that I be al- sionalize the system for everyone. gotten better. They saw the report lowed to complete my remarks prior to Second, our allies have done this. Our from Fort Hood that said the command the recess. allies have done it—UK, Israel, Ger- climate was so toxic that it was per- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without many, Australia, Netherlands. They missible for sexual assault and sexual objection, it is so ordered. have done it over the last 40 years for harassment. And so they have said UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 1520 defendants’ rights, to make sure we enough is enough. Mrs. GILLIBRAND. Mr. President, I have a system that is fair to everyone. And so when you have so many rise again to call for this entire body to When they put this change in place, former commanders and sexual assault vote and consider the Military Justice they reported to our panel that, No. 1, survivors from this Chamber sup- Improvement and Increasing Preven- they saw no diminution in command porting this legislation, it is time that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.017 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4609 it does not need to go through the com- on Armed Services be discharged from credit for her heroic and persistent campaign mittee. More than half of our com- further consideration of S. 1520 and the over the years to highlight the problem of mittee supports this. But when we take Senate proceed to its consideration; sexual assault in the military. Few others in Congress today could have assembled such a issues like this to the committee, they that there be 2 hours of debate, equally broad bipartisan coalition of 64 co-sponsors have been taken out in conference. divided in the usual form; and that behind such an important, substantive piece Despite winning the vote in the Sen- upon the use or yielding back of time, of legislation, while moving (or, to put it ate, despite winning the vote in the the Senate vote on the bill with no in- more appropriately, dragging) the top brass House, our bill in 2019 to make sure tervening action or debate. at the Pentagon to the same place. From my that a servicemember could come for- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. experience 10 years ago preparing the mili- ward and not be prosecuted for minor KING). Is there objection? tary for the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, related offenses, like drinking or being The Senator from Rhode Island. I know how resistant to change that commu- nity can be. off base—that bill passed in the Senate, Mr. REED. Mr. President, once again, I support Senator Gillibrand’s effort to passed in the House, and was taken out I object to the request from the Sen- move charging decisions for sex offenses in in conference because the DOD didn’t ator from New York for the reasons I the military to an independent, trained like it. previously stated. I will repeat again: I group of military lawyers. I said as much So I promise you, if we pass this bill support removing prosecution of sexual publicly in 2013. Likewise, almost all retired in our committee, in the House and the assault and related crimes from the general and flag officers I speak with today Senate—I promise you—it would be chain of command, but we must take agree that the male-dominated chain of com- care that we do it thoughtfully, in a mand has failed the victims of sexual assault narrowed just down to sexual assault in the military. They accept the need for because that is what the DOD will manner that does not stress the mili- change. agree to. tary justice system or distort it in a But, in its current form, the changes con- I am tired of doing only what the way that would affect the efficiency templated by S. 1520 are not limited to sex- DOD will agree to. It is not our job to and operation of the military. The best related offenses. The bill would create an defer to the DOD. It is our job as U.S. way to do that, in my view, is to con- independent body of lawyers, outside the Senators to provide oversight and ac- sider these matters in the context of chain of command, to make charging deci- countability over the administration the annual Defense bill, which we will sions for a broad range of offenses punishable by more than a year’s confinement. These in- and over the entire Department of De- be marking up in a month. clude murder, manslaughter, child fense. Mr. President, I would also point out endangerment, larceny, robbery, fraudulent When we abdicate that responsi- that this week, Jeh Johnson, who use of a credit card, kidnapping, arson, bility, what we have is what we had for served under President Obama as the housebreaking, extortion, bribery, , the last 10 years, failure—failure in the Department of Defense general counsel, subornation of perjury and obstruction of committee because we only put for- and then Secretary of Homeland Secu- justice. (Notably, other offenses such as re- ward items the DOD was comfortable rity, wrote an article addressing the ceipt of stolen property, forgery and conduct unbecoming an officer are excluded from the with. scope of Senator GILLIBRAND’s bill, urg- I just don’t know how much longer ing caution that we focus on legislative bill’s reach, but the logic for the distinction is unclear.) In all, if enacted, the legislation we want survivors to have to wait. We solutions tailored to address the prob- would constitute the largest change to mili- have considered this legislation to- lem we are trying to solve. And to re- tary justice since the enactment of the Uni- gether. We have, every year, down, mind my colleagues, as the DOD gen- form Code of Military Justice in 1950. discussed it—pros, cons. Are other re- eral counsel, Secretary Johnson Why are offenses ranging from murder, forms working? oversaw all legal services performed arson to perjury included in the bill’s reach? I have done that with every one of within the Department of Defense. He What is the justification for so large an over- the 100 Senators in this Chamber every advised the Secretary and all govern- haul? Where is the congressional finding that, when it comes to the broader range of year for the last 10 years. It has been ment officials on military justice mat- offenses, the chain of command in the U.S. intensely considered, and I spend an ters and oversaw the annual review of military has failed in its duty to carry out extra amount of time with committee the Manual for Courts-Martial. He is military justice? members because they are interested. an informed and expert voice on these Supporters of the bill argue that, once So this is not new. It doesn’t need to matters. Congress goes down the road of creating an go through the committee. We have During his tenure as DOD general independent body to make charging deci- been denied a vote and filibustered a counsel, he was no stranger to momen- sions for sex crimes, it cannot stop; that to vote for 8 years and denied a vote for limit the creation of an independent body for tous change, leading the implementa- sex crimes would also create the stigma of the last 5 years. So I don’t know why tion of the repeal of don’t ask, don’t ‘‘pink courts’’ that appear to exist for the the committee gets sole jurisdiction. I tell. As he states in his article, he has benefit of women. In my view, the exception don’t understand. long supported moving charging deci- is warranted, perceptions can be addressed, And, again, how many measures does sions over sex offenses out of the chain and the exception should not swallow the this Chamber have that have 66 cospon- of command. rule. In both civilian and military life, the sors? Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- reality is the sex offenses are different, in It is also a generational shift. And sent to have printed in the RECORD this the manner in which they are reported, in- when you have something of such im- article. vestigated, and prosecuted. It should also be port, it comes to the floor. We repealed noted that victims of sexual assault are both There being no objection, the mate- men and women. don’t ask, don’t tell on the floor. We rial was ordered to be printed in the Here are several other considerations: had two floor votes. The majority lead- RECORD, as follows: First, as written the bill appears to require a whole new bureaucracy to implement and er at the time gave us those votes, and [From LAWFARE, June 16, 2021] it passed on the floor. It did not go execute the changes contemplated. No one THE MILITARY JUSTICE IMPROVEMENT AND IN- should be under the illusion that the broad through the committee. CREASING PREVENTION ACT: ARE THE SOLU- It is time to bring a justice system mission contemplated by the bill can be car- TIONS COMMENSURATE WITH THE PROBLEM? ried by a small band of elite JAGs in a suite that is worthy of the sacrifice that the (By Jeh Johnson) someplace in northern Virginia. The bill men and women make every day. And The Military Justice Improvement and In- would require that an independent group of you need to have that bright line so it creasing Prevention Act of 2021 is legislation lawyers make charging decisions for a vast is a justice system that works for pending in Congress to reshape the manner range women and servicemembers of color be- in which the U.S. military prosecutes sexual Mr. REED. I think given the wise cause right now we have data and evi- assault within its ranks. This is reform that comments of not only Mr. JOHNSON but dence that there is bias against those is much needed and long overdue. Notably, also the pending recommendations by individuals. however, the bill in its current form reshapes the Department of Defense concerning Mr. President, as if in legislative ses- military justice far beyond the context of this issue, again, the best place to have sexual assault. Congress should take care to sion, I ask unanimous consent that at fashion a solution commensurate with the a thorough, lively debate and amend- a time to be determined by the major- problem at hand, and not go too far. ments, by the way, which are precluded ity leader in consultation with the Re- Senator (D–NY), the in this unanimous consent, would be in publican leader, the Senate Committee principal sponsor of the bill, S. 1520, deserves the Armed Services Committee in the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.031 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4610 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 context of the annual defense author- There appears to be a sufficient sec- zation for Security and Co-operation in ization bill. That is where we have con- ond. Europe, representing 57 states that fronted and decided these issues his- The clerk will call the roll. have come together under the OSCE, torically. The bill clerk called the roll. all the countries of Europe, all the And with that, I would reiterate my Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the countries of the former , objection to the Senator from New Senator from New Jersey (Mr. BOOKER) including those located in Central York’s request. and the Senator from Michigan (Mr. Asia, the United States, and Canada. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- PETERS) are necessarily absent. Mr. President, this is a unique body tion is heard. Mr. BARRASSO. The following Sen- in that it represents both the executive Mrs. GILLIBRAND. Mr. President, ators are necessarily absent: the Sen- and legislative branches of govern- two issues: First, the op-ed by Jeh ator from North Carolina (Mr. BURR), ment. The executive branch has rep- Johnson was not in reference to my the Senator from North Dakota (Mr. resentatives on the Helsinki Commis- legislation. In fact, he conflated my CRAMER), the Senator from Kansas (Mr. sion, and both the House and Senate legislation with recommendations from MORAN), and the Senator from South have Senators and Representatives the IRC. He mentioned lawyers in Vir- Dakota (Mr. THUNE.) that serve on the Helsinki Commission. ginia having to make the decisions. The result was announced—yeas 60, I am very pleased to have as my co- That is not what my bill says. It has nays 34, as follows: leader Senator WICKER from Mis- never said that, and it is not how it is [Rollcall Vote No. 241 Ex.] sissippi as the Republican leader in the organized. In fact, my bill is organized YEAS—60 Senate on the Helsinki Commission. The Helsinki Commission has been by services to adjudicate these cases, Baldwin Heinrich Reed as they are doing today. Bennet Hickenlooper Romney responsible for elevating our moral di- Right now, prosecutors prosecute Blumenthal Hirono Rosen mension to U.S. foreign policy. Its Blunt Johnson Rounds these cases, and the decision making of principles point out very clearly that Brown Kaine Sanders you cannot have security without deal- whether to proceed to trial would be Cantwell Kelly Schatz given to them in the first instance. If Capito King Schumer ing with good governance and human Cardin they decline to prosecute, it goes right Klobuchar Scott (SC) rights; you cannot have economic Carper Leahy Shaheen progress unless you have governance back to the commander. So, for exam- Casey ´ Lujan Sinema that respects the rights of all its citi- ple, if there wasn’t enough evidence to Collins Manchin Smith zens. prosecute the case, it would go back to Coons Markey Stabenow Cortez Masto Menendez Tester That is why I was so pleased when the commander, who could then use a Duckworth Merkley Van Hollen President Biden announced that his special court-martial or he could use Durbin Murkowski Warner foreign policy would be value-based, nonjudicial punishment for related or Feinstein Murphy Warnock Fischer Murray Warren that as we participate in our foreign lesser offenses. That is typically what Gillibrand Ossoff Whitehouse policy challenges, it will always be the commanders do in these cases. Graham Padilla Wyden wrapped in our values, and his recent Hassan Portman Young So very little changes. But what does trip to Europe underscored that impor- change is the perception of the victim NAYS—34 tant lesson. And then he issued, not 2 who is asking for unbiased review by Barrasso Hagerty Risch weeks ago, the statement that corrup- someone who is highly trained to do Blackburn Hawley Rubio tion is a core national security threat Boozman Hoeven that review. It also gives assurance to Sasse and that we have a responsibility to defendants’ rights that the person Braun Hyde-Smith Scott (FL) Cassidy Inhofe Shelby fight corruption in order to protect our making the decision is unbiased and is Cornyn Kennedy Sullivan national security. highly and professionally trained. Cotton Lankford Tillis I am so pleased of the accomplish- Those changes change everything. It Crapo Lee Toomey Cruz Lummis ments of the Helsinki Commission, Tuberville changes the perception that our mili- Daines Marshall Wicker particularly from the human rights tary justice is blind, fair, and profes- Ernst McConnell and human dimension. I go back to my sional. And that is not the impression Grassley Paul early days in the House of Representa- of servicemembers today. Both women NOT VOTING—6 tives, when the Soviet Union still ex- and men and survivors of sexual as- Booker Cramer Peters isted and the challenges of Soviet sault do not believe that justice is pos- Burr Moran Thune trying to emigrate from the Soviet sible for them, and Black and Brown The nomination was confirmed. Union. It was the Helsinki Commission servicemembers do not believe the jus- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. VAN that was one of the leading voices to tice system is fair to them either. HOLLEN). Under the previous order, the help deal with Soviet Jews. This solution makes sense, and I do motion to reconsider is considered I think about trafficking in persons, not think that we should defer again made and laid upon the table, and the modern-day slavery, and the efforts our responsibility to one op-ed by one President will be immediately notified that the United States did in leading former SecDef. That is not our job, and of the Senate’s actions. that effort, including passing landmark that is not how we should be respond- The Senator from . legislation in trafficking in persons ing. f and establishing a rating system where f every country in the world is rated on MORNING BUSINESS how well they are dealing with fighting RECESS Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I ask trafficking. Now this has become the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under unanimous consent that the Senate be model, and so many countries have the previous order, the Senate stands in a period of morning business, with acted. It was the U.S. Helsinki Com- in recess until 1:45 p.m. Senators permitted to speak therein mission that led the effort for what Thereupon, the Senate, at 1:15 p.m., for up to 10 minutes each. Congress was able to pass and the recessed until 1:45 p.m. and reassem- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without international effort in order to fight bled when called to order by the Pre- objection, it is so ordered. trafficking in persons. siding Officer (Mr. KING). f I think about the perpetrators of war f crimes and crimes against humanity HELSINKI COMMISSION and genocide, and recognize that it was EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Continued Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I take the Helsinki Commission that pushed The PRESIDING OFFICER. The this time as the Chair of the Commis- to hold those who were responsible for question is, Will the Senate advise and sion on Security and Cooperation in these atrocities accountable, particu- consent to the Tien nomination? Europe, better known as the Helsinki larly as it related to the Balkan con- Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I ask Commission, as we celebrate our 45th flict. for the yeas and nays. anniversary. Then I think about the landmark leg- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a The Helsinki Commission is the vehi- islation that was passed in the Con- sufficient second? cle for U.S. participation in the Organi- gress that deals with sanctions against

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.032 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4611 human rights violators, first the I then returned when we were lit- I have joined Erika in the crusade to Magnitsky sanctions and then the erally taking down the Berlin Wall, speak up for the Roma population, a Global Magnitsky sanctions. It came and I joined in taking down part of the group that has been denied citizenship out of hearings from the Helsinki Com- Berlin Wall. I have part of that as a in so much of Europe. What a dif- mission and legislation that we au- prized possession in my home. ference she has made in their lives. thored. It is not only the standard here I have returned to as a Erika has worked with Members of in the United States. It has been adopt- united country and see what a demo- Congress, the Department of State and ed as the standard in Europe, in Can- cratic Germany means and the work of the OSCE to address issues ranging ada, and in other countries, to make it our Commission to bring down the Iron from the enslavement and sterilization clear that human rights violators will Curtain. Germany is now a leading of Roma to a permanent memorial in not be able to hide their illicit funds in democratic state and a great ally of Berlin dedicated to the Sinti and Roma our banking system or visit our coun- the United States. victims of the Nazi regime, to annual try. I have been to Kiev, , on sev- recognition of International Roma Perhaps our strongest contribution is eral occasions. I was there during the Day. the oversight hearings that we hold. Maidan protests, where the people de- She has brought to my attention the We also passed the Elie Wiesel Atroc- manded democracy. And then I had a candidacy of Ethel Brooks to be the ities Prevention Act. But just last chance to return and monitor the elec- first Roma board member of the U.S. week we had a hearing in the Helsinki tions in Ukraine with Senator Holocaust Memorial Museum. I know Commission on how we can prevent PORTMAN—again, a country that has that Erika will continue to bring Roma atrocities from occurring in the first been able to rid itself of the oppression perspective and history on the Holo- place. So I am very proud of the accom- of the Soviet Union. caust to further the tolerance, edu- plishments of the Commission. I have been very active in the Hel- cation, and human rights work of the Part of the responsibilities of every sinki Commission in regards to the museum. member state of the OSCE is that we Parliamentary Assembly. I chaired one I have the honor of representing the have the right to challenge any state’s of their three standing committees. I Senate on the Holocaust Memorial Mu- compliance with the Helsinki Final had a chance to become vice president seum board, and I can tell you that Act Accords. So it is our responsibility at the Parliamentary Assembly. Erika is so deeply respected by the pro- to challenge when violates Today, I acknowledge Senator fessionals at that museum for the work those provisions or we see violations in WICKER, who is vice president. It points she has done in furthering the goal of Turkey—any member state you can out the bipartisan nature of the Hel- that institution to prevent atrocities challenge. sinki Commission and our work on the against any groups of people. But we also have to do our own self- international platform. Erika has long been one of my top evaluation. As chairman of the Com- f advisers on the Holocaust restitution mission, I have been using that oppor- and Europe’s Jewish community. She tunity to question conduct in our own TRIBUTE TO ERIKA SCHLAGER has worked closely with me over the country when it does not match the re- Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, we could years to raise concerns about the rise sponsibilities that we should have. We not have accomplished any of these of Holocaust revisionism in countries saw that in the past in regard to the achievements without an incredible like Hungary and ; to foster im- issues in Guantanamo Bay. dedicated staff to the mission of the plementation of the Terezin Declara- My participation in the Helsinki Helsinki Commission, and I want to Commission goes back to my early tion on Holocaust Era Assets measures just acknowledge one individual who days in the House of Representatives to right the economic wrongs that ac- recently announced that she is retir- and some of my proudest moments of companied the Holocaust; and to hold ing, Erika Schlager, after 34 years of representing our country on the inter- accountable a French railway that service to the Commission and to the national stage. Let me just give you a transported thousands of Holocaust global community. few examples. victims to their deaths. She worked on In February 1991, I joined a fact-find- Erika received her bachelor’s degree all of these issues and made significant ing mission to Latvia, Lithuania, and from the University of North Carolina progress. Estonia. That is when the Soviet tanks in Greensboro, where she graduated Erika has been instrumental in en- were in Vilnius. That is when the So- magna cum laude and was elected to suring that the Helsinki Commission viet Union was demonstrating oppres- . She earned her A.M. works to hold the United States ac- sion against the people of the Baltic degree from in So- countable for our own human rights States. It was a very sad moment of op- viet Union studies and her record, examining U.S. policies and pression, and we went there to stand up degree with honors from the George conduct concerning Guantanamo Bay for the people of the region, to let them Washington University Law School. detention camps and U.S. policy re- know that the United States never rec- She studied at Warsaw University as a garding torture. ognized the Soviet’s occupation of the Fulbright fellow and received a di- Erika’s counsel greatly assisted me Baltic States, and that we stood with ploma from the International Institute in my role as the Parliamentary As- the people and their independence. of Human Rights in Strasbourg, sembly of the OSCE’s Special Rep- It was very interesting. We went France. Quite a record. resentative on Anti-Semitism, Racism, from there to Moscow, and Mikhail She used that academic preparation and Intolerance, where I was focused Gorbachev didn’t want to have any- to make a difference in the world—and on human rights and justice here at thing to do with us. He wouldn’t have what a difference she made. Erika has home and across the expanse of the 57 a meeting with us, and he wouldn’t ac- been an unfailing professional in her participating states of the OSCE. knowledge that we were there. But we dedication to doing whatever is nec- From the plight of African Ameri- had a meeting with Boris Yeltsin, who essary to ensure that the Commission cans and Muslims to migrants and ref- at that time was the chair of the par- meets its mandate and defends human ugees, Erika has been integral to the liament, and we got great visibility. rights abroad. Her deep expertise, Helsinki Commission’s mandate of up- And Yeltsin supported our efforts to which she has honed over decades of holding the myriad of human rights condemn the Russian use of force. work, is renowned both among policy commitments defined in the Helsinki I have been to Germany several professionals in the United States and Final Act and subsequent OSCE agree- times. My first trip on behalf of the in the countries of Central Europe that ments. Helsinki Commission was when it was she followed for the Commission. In addition to her many professional a divided country, and we went to East Erika is one of our Nation’s top ex- milestones and achievements, Erika re- Berlin. We were the voices for those op- perts on Europe’s most vulnerable com- tires from the Commission having left pressed people whose voices could not munities. She is a leading voice on a deeply personal mark on those she otherwise be heard, and we gave them Roma rights—Europe’s largest minor- worked with, from diplomats and civil hope that one day they would see free- ity, with significant populations also servants to the staff of the Helsinki dom. in the United States. Commission. She is a natural teacher

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.028 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 with a gift of taking a complex issue cane season, and 2021 is on us, but my sources to communities throughout and distilling it in a way that makes it constituents are still suffering from America struggling to recover from both relevant and accessible. the storms of 2020. There are a lot of hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and other Erika has taught our diplomats at folks in Louisiana who are still hurt- 2020 natural disasters. the Foreign Service Institute and spo- ing. If you were to fly over Lake President Biden came to Louisiana. ken at international meetings and at Charles, LA, you would still see blue Once more, he heard from Mayor Nic universities across the Nation and tarps on roofs of homes damaged a year Hunter, Governor Edwards, and myself around the world. She displayed her ex- ago. that we could hopefully have some re- ceptional teaching ability at the De- I took to the Senate floor last month lief. We need programs like community partment of State’s annual training stressing the need for disaster supple- development block grants, disaster re- program on Roma rights, and she has mental while Lake Charles and Baton covery, mitigation funding, and U.S. ensured that Roma civil society groups Rouge at that time were getting hit by Army Corps of Engineer funding for could also participate. heavy rains and severe flooding. At the southwest coastal Louisiana hurricane She has actively sought out dialogue time, Lake Charles ended up with 8 to and storm damage risk reduction. We and collaboration with new colleagues 15 inches of rain in less than 12 hours. need emergency solutions grants and to help deepen their understanding of It is heartbreaking to see them af- social services block grants to provide the Helsinki Commission’s role, of the fected once more by a natural disaster. assistance to the thousands of families challenges the Commission could use- Baton Rouge got more than 13 inches who have lost their homes due to hurri- fully seek to address abroad, and of the of rain overnight, with 15,000 homes canes like those I have been describing. unique tools at its disposal to do just and businesses without power the next We are past due moving quickly. If it that. Erika is always quick to ask about a morning. All this comes on the heels of happened tomorrow, it still would have colleague’s well-being or inquire after Hurricanes Laura and Delta and winter not happened quickly, and we have a family member’s well-being. She has storms which had catastrophic damage gone into another year which could fostered collegiality among the Com- to livestock, crops, and structures for have similar storms. We need to help mission’s staff through her unfailing Louisiana farmers. the people of Southwest Louisiana. The kindness and good nature. In so doing, For those who need a refresher, 2020 region has been pounded. My job is to she has repeatedly demonstrated how set a record for the most named do all I can to help them get back on deeply she cares, not just for the work storms—30 in 1 season and 5 of those their feet. she has dedicated her career to but also named storms hitting Louisiana, which Once more, I call on my colleagues in for the people whose great privilege it is also a record. Hurricane Laura, a the House and the Senate with a simple is to call her a colleague and a friend. category 4 hurricane, hit Lake Charles, message: Let’s get a disaster supple- I will say on a personal basis that I devastated it, and then almost the mental done. have benefited so much from her exact same place that Laura hit, Delta With that, I yield the floor. friendship, from her understanding, hit—category 2—6 weeks later. It is un- I suggest the absence of a quorum. from her strategic thinking, from precedented to have one hurricane fol- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The where we can make a difference. We lowed by another. clerk will call the roll. know there are a lot of problems NOAA calculates the damage from The senior assistant legislative clerk around the world. We know we can’t Hurricane Laura at about $19 billion proceeded to call the roll. settle all the issues. But Erika helped and Delta at $2.9 billion. Laura Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I ask us focus on areas where we can make a wreaked havoc through devastating unanimous consent that the order for difference, and thanks to her input, we winds, which reached 150 miles per the quorum call be rescinded. have made a difference. hour at landfall—the strongest hurri- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without I know I speak on behalf of all Hel- cane to hit my State since 1856. Delta objection, it is so ordered. sinki Commission members and staff was just rain. In LeBleu Settlement, The Senator from Michigan. and scores of other individuals—many just northeast of Lake Charles, they f who may not know her name—and received almost 18 inches. EXCELLENCE IN MENTAL HEALTH groups concerned about advancing I may sound like a broken record, but AND ADDICTION TREATMENT human rights around the globe and I need to just play this broken record ACT OF 2021 here at home when I say how we will once more. We cannot allow the impact miss Erika. of an entire year’s worth of natural dis- Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I am Henry Thoreau said: ‘‘Aim asters to go unaddressed. here today and soon on the floor my above morality. Be not simply good; be Just a few weeks ago, I was in Lake good friend Senator of Mis- good for something.’’ Erika has em- Charles, and I heard incredible frustra- souri will be here as well to talk about bodied that maxim in her professional tion about rebuilding in the aftermath an issue that we both care very, very career and in her life. She has made an of these storms—a church still with its passionately about. In fact, on October enormous difference, and she will con- roof ripped off; homes, as I mentioned, 31, 2013, which I guess it is amazing tinue to do so. covered with tarps—and stories from how time flies, but in 2013, Senator I wish her all the best with respect to members of the community who are BLUNT and I stood here on the Senate her future endeavors. I know we will not back in their homes and, frankly, floor together to mark a very impor- continue to hear from her. may not even be back in their city be- tant anniversary. It was 50 years to the Thank you, Erika, for the way you cause there are no homes and there is day after President Kennedy signed served the Commission, our country, no housing for them to return to. into law the Community Mental Health and the global community. The people in Lake Charles have an Act—50 years to the day. And, trag- With that, I suggest the absence of a incredible resilience and an incredible ically, it was the last piece of legisla- quorum. we-can-do spirit. So you go there, and tion he ever signed, and it was one of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The people are laughing and they are smil- the most important. clerk will call the roll. The Community Mental Health Act The senior assistant legislative clerk ing, but then you see that blue tarp, proceeded to call the roll. and you know that this community was groundbreaking; its goal, to pro- Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. President, I ask will not recover at the way things are vide full funding for comprehensive unanimous consent that the order for going. I would argue that the weather mental health services in the commu- the quorum call be rescinded. events were tragic, but the lack of ac- nity. How important. Unfortunately, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tion upon recovery is making a tragedy that has yet to fully happen. Instead, objection, it is so ordered. worse. behavioral health is funded primarily f In March, my colleague from Oregon, through grants that start and then the Senator , and I urged the grant stops. You would never say to LOUISIANA Biden administration to support a sup- someone who is having a heart attack: Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. President, June plemental disaster appropriation to ur- We would love to help you, but we are marks the start of hurri- gently address and direct Federal re- so sorry the grant ran out. Can you

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.029 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4613 come back in 6 months? And yet that is ices, outpatient mental health and sub- who really just needs help, and then what we say to people with mental ill- stance abuse treatment, and immediate they go to the emergency rooms or ness or a substance abuse disorder. screenings, risk assessments, and diag- other services, and the officer, then, Every day, multiple times a day, that nosis. And just as important, it re- sits there all day or longer with them is what people hear. quires care coordination, including or family members waiting, waiting, These people who need help aren’t ab- partnerships with emergency rooms waiting because there are not the serv- stractions, they are our moms and dads and law enforcement and veterans or- ices that they need. So with the cer- and brothers and sisters and sons and ganizations. tified behavioral health centers, we daughters and friends and, in fact, us. I Ten States, including Missouri and have 63 percent fewer visits to emer- am so grateful to Members who have Michigan, have been selected for full gency rooms for people who have a sub- shared their own mental health stories; participation in the program. And stance abuse problem or mental illness. that includes my friend, Senator TINA startup grants have been extended now Sixty percent less time in jail. We SMITH, who bravely shared her own to a number of clinics across the coun- are debating a lot these days about the struggle with depression that so, so try—40 States, plus the District of Co- role of law enforcement and more calls, many of us have had throughout our lumbia, 300 community clinics being as we definitely need, to have support lives. funded to get things started so far, and services in the community. Through We know that with the right support, we have more coming because of the the work of certified community be- people who live with some kind of a American Rescue Plan. These clinics havioral health clinics in the commu- mental health challenge can thrive. are already making a huge difference. nities where they exist, there has been They do. I have often told the story of We just had a hearing in the Finance a 60-percent reduction in folks going to growing up in Clare, MI, a little rural Committee this week from those jail. Instead, they are getting the help town, where my dad had struggles and speaking strongly about this model, they need. was misdiagnosed for years and finally, this being the model for care in the And we have seen almost a 41-percent finally, finally, correctly diagnosed as community. Just as community health decrease in homelessness—another being bipolar and getting the support centers are the model of care for phys- major way that people end up on the and help with medication he needed, ical healthcare, certified community street or in a shelter when what they and he was able to thrive after that. behavioral health clinics are now the need is help. And that is what I want to have for model for mental health and addiction Currently, about 1.5 million people are accessing these services, and it is a every person in Michigan, every family services. start. We did it as a dem- in Michigan, every family across the More than half of these clinics pro- onstration to show that this could ac- country. vide same-day services. Now, that may Unfortunately, far too many people not seem like much, but the truth of tually work and make a significant dif- still struggle to get the support that the matter is—and this has been true ference and actually save community they need. We certainly have seen that for years in Michigan because of lack resources, in addiction to providing people the help that they need and de- during the COVID–19 pandemic, and it of funding—they only are able to help serve. But we need to do more, and has gotten much, much worse, unfortu- people with the most severe problems. So if you want to walk in and connect that is why we are speaking today. nately, with everything everybody has President Kennedy believed that with somebody and express a concern, had to go through. these services should be available to One CDC report found that last June, you are probably not going to get any everyone who needs them, and Senator twice as many people as usual said services—certainly, not that day— BLUNT and I agree. That is why this they were experiencing symptoms of under the old system. Now, more than week we introduced our Excellence in anxiety and depression—not sur- half of these clinics provide same-day Mental Health and Addiction Treat- prising—and 11 percent of Americans services. Nearly all of them offer treat- ment Act of 2021. This legislation will have reported having serious thoughts ment within a week. Think about expand these high-quality mental of suicide in the past 30 days—in the someone with a substance abuse issue, health and addiction treatment serv- past 30 days. And, tragically, 200 Amer- as well as a mental illness. Time is ev- ices across the country. This is the icans are dying every day due to opioid erything. And if someone is reaching next step for States and communities overdoses, according to the CDC. And out for help, they need to get that help across the country to be able to have that is up 34 percent since the pan- right away. the healthcare funding to provide high- Ninety-five percent of these clinics demic started—34 percent. Clearly, we quality services that we know work. need to do more to get people the men- have been engaged in one or more inno- This is going to give every State the tal health care and the substance abuse vative practices with law enforcement. opportunity to create certified commu- treatment that they need and that It has actually been incredible to hear nity behavioral health clinics in their they deserve. what is being done with local law en- communities. Just imagine what that The good news is, we are well on our forcement. So when the police officers could mean for a veteran who is living way to ensuring that healthcare above are called to the scene, and it is clearly with post-traumatic stress or a young the neck will be treated like an issue that may involve mental ill- mom who recently had a baby and is healthcare below the neck. This is an ness or substance abuse, they are able struggling with postpartum depression effort that Senator BLUNT and I have to immediately connect up with those or a college student who is working to now been working on since that day we who can provide those services instead overcome his substance use disorder, came to the floor in 2013. We are well of having to take somebody to jail stay in school, and earn a degree but on the way to finally seeing President when they shouldn’t be in jail. And we just needs some help and support to be Kennedy’s vision become a reality. know that many, many people in many able to make that happen. Not long ago, Senator BLUNT and I, cases around the country, the majority Right now, only about 11 percent of as I mentioned before, after that floor of people who are in the jail are people people with substance use disorders get speech, introduced something called who actually need mental health help help in any given year. Think about the Excellence in Mental Health Act. It or substance abuse help. And so there that, 11 percent; about 11 percent of was signed into law in 2014. It created is wonderful collaboration now through those struggling with an addiction are certified community behavioral health these clinics going on. able to get help in any given year. clinics, which are funded just like fed- Statistics from the Department of Well, Senator BLUNT and I aren’t going erally qualified health centers. You Health and Human Services show that to stop until 100 percent of people with have high standards, the clinic meets people who have received services at substance abuse disorders and other the standards, and then they get fully clinics—it is amazing numbers. I will mental illnesses are able to access the funded through the healthcare system. just mention three: sixty-three percent care that they need to thrive. It requires these clinics to provide a fewer emergency rooms visits. I have This is really an important moment comprehensive set of services to every- heard from so many police officers because we, over the last several years, one who walks through the door, in- talking about they are called to the have designed working with various ad- cluding 24/7, 365 days a year crisis serv- scene, they take someone into custody ministrations now, designed quality

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.034 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 standards. We have demonstrated that And our Presiding Officer has also care they need to deal with that prob- providing these services makes a dif- been a leader in this. I want to thank lem. ference. We have strong support from her for that as well. But I just want to The COVID pandemic added to many law enforcement. We have strong sup- thank my partner, as I was indicating of those challenges, and, realistically, port from the healthcare community, before we came down, on the 50th anni- it would, if you think about it. If you from the mental health and substance versary of President Kennedy’s signing have got a behavioral health issue, abuse community in a broad way. his last bill. that is not normally going to be helped It is exciting to see this be something And I am pleased we have been able by isolation, by worrying about that really is bipartisan. I am so to pick up the torch, and we are going healthcare for yourself or somebody thrilled we have colleagues on both to get it over the finish line and make you care about, wondering whether you sides of the aisle who are supporting sure these wonderful services are avail- are going to lose your job or someone this effort signing on. We have more able across the country. in your family is going to lose their people signing on every day. That is be- Mr. BLUNT. Thank you. Madam job. None of those things are going to cause we believe in these clinics. We President. be helpful. believe in the services and this way of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The other area that comes into play providing services. We have seen it for ator from Missouri. there is an addiction issue of any kind. ourselves, how it can change people’s f If you don’t have a behavioral health lives and give people the opportunity issue before you have an opioid depend- EXCELLENCE IN MENTAL HEALTH to be able to thrive. ency or some other addiction issue, you AND ADDICTION TREATMENT ACT When we introduced our original leg- certainly have one after that addiction islation, I spoke with Malkia Newman, Mr. BLUNT. Madam President, let takes over. whom I have known for many years. me say, our times got changed today a So all of those things were exacer- She lived for over 30 years with little bit, and I was trying to finish an- bated by the pandemic. The percentage undiagnosed and untreated bipolar dis- other thing to get over here and hear of Americans with symptoms of anx- order. She finally got the treatment in person what Senator STABENOW had iety or depression grew by more than she needed through the community to say. She has been an incredible lead- 40 percent. Drug overdose deaths in- mental health system. And what she er in this effort, a great partner. creased by 20 percent between October has done is truly amazing. We had As she mentioned, we came to the of 2019 and 2020. It was 30 percent. I Malkia come and speak as a witness for floor the last day of October 2013, think I may have said 20—30 percent. our healthcare subcommittee hearing which was the 50th anniversary of That was after 3 years of having drug in Finance that Senator DAINES and I President Kennedy’s signing the Com- overdose deaths headed in a dramati- did a few weeks ago, and she was amaz- munity Mental Health Act. Well-in- cally different direction, but suddenly ing. tended, but an awful lot of it just 2020 was the highest year ever for drug Malkia is team supervisor for the didn’t get done. Facilities were closed overdose deaths. CNS Healthcare Anti-Stigma Program that maybe were well overdue to be So the challenges of that are great. in Waterford, MI. She is a peer educa- closed, but the opportunities weren’t We now have 10 States, including both . She is developing and leading pro- put in place to replace them as that act Missouri and Michigan, that went gramming in Michigan and sharing her had hoped they would be. through a competitive process and be- expertise all across the country. She is I think we have been in the process of came part of the original Excellence in an ordained minister, and she is a making big strides toward doing that. Mental Health States. board member of the Oakland Commu- That was 2013. In 2014, we were able to In all of those States, we have cer- nity Health Network, where she has get the first pilot project for Excel- tified community behavioral health served several terms as board chair and lence in Mental Health put into place, clinics that have to meet standards. vice chair. an eight-State pilot project, where we They have to meet standards of who Last month, when she testified at our were looking not only at the impact on staffs that clinic; they have to be avail- Senate Finance Health Subcommittee those individuals and families who able 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with hearing, she said: I am living proof. I needed to have their behavioral health crisis management as a possibility. am living proof. I am an advocate, and issue treated like all other health They can do preventive screenings. I am proud to speak on behalf of those issues but also, frankly, looking to see They can determine appropriate care who have not yet found their voice. Malkia found her voice. It is time to what impact it had on all their other coordination with other providers, like make sure that everyone in our com- health issues when your behavioral emergency room departments or vet- munities has the support they need to health issue is being treated as it erans services. do the same. should be. All of those things make a dramatic I am looking forward to working One of the great costs in healthcare difference in people’s lives. People get- with my friend Senator BLUNT and all is missed appointments. You have got ting help through the clinics often of our colleagues who have already to believe that almost 20 percent of the have access to primary care treatment signed on as original cosponsors, and population that has a behavioral as well. I have visited a lot of those we welcome everyone in this body to health issue is more likely to miss an clinics in our State. I have seen what join us in moving forward legislation appointment than everybody else, and, happens with these demonstration that we have demonstrated makes a of course, that costs the whole system, projects. They are enabling more peo- difference—saving money, saving lives. but it particularly costs them. ple to get the complete healthcare they It is now time to make these services If you are going to the doctor when need—and, again, including mental available across the country. you need to, taking the medicine you healthcare and addictive treatment— I yield the floor. are supposed to take for any kind of quicker, closer to home. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. COR- health issue, eating better, sleeping In new data from the National Coun- TEZ MASTO). The Senator from Michi- better, feeling better about yourself, cil for Mental Wellbeing, 84 percent of gan. your health issues are dealt with in a those clinics, the CCBHCs they are Ms. STABENOW. I just wanted to let different way. calling them—84 percent of them were my friend Senator BLUNT, whom I have Nearly one in five Americans, accord- able to see clients within the first been talking about now on the floor—I ing to the NIH, has a behavioral health week. I think 100 percent of them were just wanted to say, with him here—and problem, but only a fraction of those able to see a client who needed to be I knew he was going to be here shortly, Americans get the care they need. The seen that day, that day. I certainly but I just want to say again what a real NIH says they have a diagnosable—al- hope that is the goal. I hope nobody pleasure and honor it has been to part- most one out of five Americans has a goes to a clinic, if professionals believe ner with my friend Senator BLUNT in diagnosable and almost always treat- you need help right now, who doesn’t this really major movement to trans- able behavioral health problem. But, get help right now. form the way we fund community men- certainly, one out of five Americans But 84 percent of the people who tal health and addiction services. who have that problem don’t get the show up get an appointment within the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.035 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4615 first week. That definitely was not the So let’s get this done this year. I Here is what happens when S. 1 case 10 years ago, and it is not the case look forward to working hard to do it comes to the floor. The debate here on now in States that haven’t become part and look forward to a full debate and S. 1 will begin with no voter ID. Take of this program. vote on this issue on the Senate floor. away your voter ID in Oklahoma. Ninety-five percent of those clinics I would yield back. Change the way you do early voting. In are involved with law enforcement ac- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- fact, change the way the ballots are ac- tivities and nursing and criminal jus- ator from Oklahoma. tually collected entirely. No longer in tice centers. In my hometown of f Oklahoma will we know the winner of Springfield, MO, every patrol officer FOR THE PEOPLE ACT OF 2021 our election at 10:30 on election night. who has been trained in crisis interven- S. 1 changes that and said that ballots Mr. LANKFORD. Madam President, tion has an iPad with them that they have to be able to be allowed to trickle next week looks like a busy week. That can connect anybody they are talking in for 10 more days after the election is is fine. We have a lot of things we need to with a 24/7 Burrell community over. So we won’t know at 10:30 at to be able to cover and to be able to health center. night on election night; we will know 2 walk through as the Senate. And they do. I have seen that happen. weeks later who actually won the elec- I have traveled with officers who have Next week will be particularly divi- sive, though, in some of the issues that tions. done that. And, by the way, I am sure As far as a reliable system that we are coming up. Let me give you two ex- they didn’t have me with an officer can all verify and check—oh, no, it amples that I hear are on the docket who wasn’t really good, but you could changes that dramatically. It now for next week. One of them deals with see, no matter how good that officer opens up what is called ballot har- how we vote in America. was, the individual, when they were vesting. Ballot harvesting would allow talking to somebody at the clinic who In Oklahoma, we know how we vote. Each State determines its own struc- political operatives to go door-to-door was a professional dealing with this all to be able to engage with people who the time, you could see that conversa- ture of how they vote. In Oklahoma, you can do absentee mail-in voting, had mail-in ballots and to say to them tion took on a totally different tone. ‘‘Have you mailed your ballot in?’’ If We have seen more and more efforts with no excuses. If for any reason you want to be able to mail in a ballot, you they say ‘‘No,’’ they can say ‘‘Well, to try to help with substance abuse. We let’s just fill it out right here on the have been able to fund the federally can do that. You can do in-person vot- porch, and then you can hand it to me, qualifying clinics in new ways because ing early. In fact, this year, our State legislature met, and they added an- and I will take it in.’’ of that. So on election day, what happens is, So 10 States are totally in this pro- other day of in-person voting. So there political operatives show up with boxes gram. Forty States, under an amend- are lots of days of in-person voting in full of ballots and turn in boxes full of ment we made a couple of years after Oklahoma. You could actually go to ballots with the words ‘‘Trust me; we got started, have been able to take the poll the day of the election and be these are all good.’’ county units or other units that they able to vote then. It is up to you. We have very straightforward voter I would tell you, in Oklahoma, we can qualify into the Excellence in Men- like it better when the postman carries tal Health Program. ID laws. We have a system set up that that ballot or when you actually turn So what we are working on now with if you do early voting or absentee vot- it in to that county or precinct official our colleagues is an effort to, once ing, all the disputes on those are han- again, make this available to the en- dled before election day itself, so that so we know where it has been, that tire country. I think we have had on election day, when the polls close at there has been an accurate chain of enough proof in the last 7 years or so to 7 p.m., we then finish all the voting—or custody, not someone showing up with show it makes a big difference. the counting, I should say, on early ab- a box full of ballots saying ‘‘Trust me; Again, let me say, everybody has al- sentee, on early in-person, and then we I collected all of these’’ because when ways known that this is the right thing are counting the day of. Usually by that happens and someone is just col- to do, and they have always known it is about 10:30 at night on election day, we lecting ballots, you have no idea if the the thing that even was financially are done voting and everyone is watch- person voting voted for one person and smart in the long run. I think we are ing all the final results in from the en- left the rest of them blank and the per- also showing here how, in the imme- tire State. son carrying them just filled out the diate healthcare context, it makes a fi- It is a pretty straightforward, clean rest of the ballot for them. You have nancially smart investment to help process that we have seen that is ex- no chain of custody at all on it. That is somebody with their behavioral health ceptionally reliable. In fact, it is so why I say S. 1 makes voting easy, challenges as you are working with all tough, in 2016, when the Russians were cheating easy, and verifying elections of their other health challenges. probing different systems to try to get impossible. Behavioral health, mental health into it, our State was one of the States This is not the direction we should needs to be treated like all other the Russians tried to get into, couldn’t go. If we want to build trust in our health. This Congress, this year, hope- get into our system, and they moved election system in America, let’s let fully starting in this Senate, has the on to other States to try to get into each State build trust in their election ability to say: OK. We are ready to those. system for each State, like we do in open the door now to every State that We have a secure system. We have a Oklahoma, where we work together to wants to participate in a program that reliable system. But that is apparently make sure we can make it as easy as would treat mental health like all not enough because S. 1 that is coming possible for every person to be able to other health. to the floor next week would say: Okla- vote and to encourage every person to I know Senator STABENOW and I are homa, we are going to completely vote, but when it is over, to verify that going to be working hard together, and change your system. People in Wash- election and to be able to know that we you are going to be helping us as we ington, DC, don’t like how you vote, can check it all off and to go, regard- work to get this done. don’t like your clean, reliable effi- less of the outcome, we can trust the Thank you for the time today. I look ciency. Regardless of complaints, we outcome because we know we can forward to the further debate of these think we want to change it here in verify it. issues. I think we have come a long Washington, DC. Let’s make it easy to vote, hard to way within the last 8 years. We can see Interestingly enough, we have a sys- cheat, and easy to verify—not having the full opportunity here right on the tem that can also verify if someone Washington, DC, folks here say DC is horizon. voted twice. In fact, in this past elec- righteous and States are wrong. I think The Congressional Budget Office, tion, 57 people in Oklahoma voted there are lots of great people all over every time they look at this, thinks it twice. We could verify that after the the country who want to do their elec- costs less than they thought the time fact based on all the records, and we tions right and who aren’t Republicans before because they are seeing the can go back and be able to actually or Democrats; they are just people pro- overall impact in ways that we thought prosecute those individuals who chose tecting democracies in the States. these pilots would prove. to vote twice because that is not legal. Let’s keep that system.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.037 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4616 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 That is the first of two divisive bills can’t we coexist? Why can’t we honor a challenge on a religious liberty issue that are coming up next week, which everyone in their differences of opin- and said, ‘‘Here are the obvious issues will absolutely fail in this body and ion? of religious liberty where I think it is should fail in this body. There is a sec- Even the Supreme Court stated unconstitutional,’’ the response I got ond bill that I understand is coming up today, in its opinion, that there was no from a member of the Judiciary Com- next week, as well, and it is called the work from Catholic Social Services to mittee was, This reminds me of the Ku Equality Act. stop gay marriages in or Klux Klan, who burned crosses and Now, I will tell you that it is a great to stop couples from fostering children used religious symbols to hide behind name, and I don’t know of anyone on who are gay couples there. They just their bigotry. my side of the aisle or on the other side chose not to do it based on their faith. The Supreme Court disagreed with of the aisle who opposes equality. I will So they were not working against indi- that today and said: We are the United state frankly that no person should be viduals. They were practicing their States of America. We honor people of discriminated against in America—no faith. faith to be able to live their faiths. We person. It is a basic constitutional Now comes the Equality Act vote honor people who don’t have faith or principle: We are all equal under the next week. The Equality Act would, for have differences in their faiths and law—all of us. We have different ideas the first time ever in this Congress, choose to be able to live that out. This about music and food. We have dif- take away the Religious Freedom Res- body should not try to cancel out every ferent ideas about sexuality. We have toration Act in statute—it would re- group of faith in the country that dis- different ideas about occupations. We move it—and say there could be no pro- agrees with people in this body who have different skin colors. We have dif- tection for religious institutions. This say: You cannot practice your faith if ferent faiths. We are a tapestry, and is a direct shot against the Supreme we tell you no. That is not who we are. that is one of the things that makes us Court, in its 9 to 0 decision today, The Equality Act is not about equal- strong in such a perfect way as to build which said: No, religious institutions ity. It is about imposing and prohib- a more perfect Union. I believe that have to be protected in their decisions. iting disagreements. We are Ameri- every person should be protected from Why can’t both exist? Why do we cans. We can respect each other and discrimination in America, but that have to get into a situation, as the disagree. We can live next-door to each does mean every person. Equality Act does, that says, if you other and disagree. Let’s prove it in Today, the Supreme Court ruled 9 to don’t agree with one particular expres- this body by not passing the poorly 0—9 to 0 in the Supreme Court—that sion, then you have to be canceled? named Equality Act but by actually Catholic Social Services in Philadel- that you have to be silenced? Why has demonstrating what this act says it phia was being discriminated against it come to this in America? wants to demonstrate. Let’s treat each by the city of Philadelphia because the The way the Equality Act is written other with respect in our differences city of Philadelphia said to Catholic is, with regard to any faith-based insti- and honor us in that. Social Services: You cannot practice tution, if they did any public, outward- I yield the floor. your Catholic faith in foster services. facing work at all—if they fed the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Now, what is the story? homeless, which many do; if they pro- jority leader. There have been Catholic services in vided clothing; if they took care of in- f Philadelphia since the 1700s. For the dividuals with food who needed it—that last 50 years, Catholic Social Services was considered to be of public accom- EXECUTIVE SESSION in Philadelphia, this particular organi- modation, their labor laws, even if they --- zation, has served the neediest children were religious institutions, had to be EXECUTIVE CALENDAR in that area by providing foster serv- exactly like large corporate labor rules Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I ices and placement for them. They are as well. It literally imposes on reli- move to proceed to executive session to a religious organization, a faith-based gious institutions that you can be a consider Calendar No. 149. organization—a Catholic organiza- private entity and be inward facing, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tion—and they believe that God cre- but if you are going to do your mission question is on agreeing to the motion. ated man and woman and that this is to actually serve the needy, then you The motion was agreed to. God’s design for marriage. So, in their have to actually shift to be like cor- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The placement of foster children, they porate America. That is not providing clerk will report the nomination. place children in homes where there is opportunities for people of faith to live The legislative clerk read the nomi- a man and a woman who are present in their faiths. nation of Christopher Charles Fonzone, marriage because of their profound be- I have to tell you that I honor people of Pennsylvania, to be General Counsel lief. of faith—people of different faiths, peo- of the Office of the Director of National There are 20 other foster services in ple of faiths that I disagree with. The Intelligence. Philadelphia that place foster children nature of religious liberty in our coun- CLOTURE MOTION in any family situation: husband and try is to be able to honor people of dif- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I wife or two men or two women. There ferent faiths. That is also what the Su- send a cloture motion to the desk. are 20 of those services in Philadelphia, preme Court reaffirmed today directly The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- but the city of Philadelphia went to in contradiction to the Equality Act. ture motion having been presented Catholic Social Services and said: You Clearly, if this were to pass—and I do under rule XXII, the Chair directs the have to be like the other 20. You can- not believe it will—the Supreme Court clerk to read the motion. not practice your faith. would hear it immediately, would align The legislative clerk read as follows: Even though, literally, Catholic So- with this case from today, and would CLOTURE MOTION cial Services had never had a gay fam- say: We have already ruled on these ily reach out to them for an adoption issues 9 to 0—that is, against not allow- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the placement—they had gone to other ing people to be able to live their Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby places—the city of Philadelphia said: faiths. move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- No, you have to change your practice. Unfortunately, there are some in this nation of Executive Calendar No. 149, Chris- Unfortunately, Catholic Social Serv- body who not only vehemently disagree topher Charles Fonzone, of Pennsylvania, to ices had to argue for their religious with the Supreme Court and with the be General Counsel of the Office of the Direc- freedom all the way to the Supreme opportunity for people to be able to tor of National Intelligence. Court, and, today, they ruled 9 to 0 live their faiths, but they are willing to Charles E. Schumer, Robert Menendez, that a faith-based institution cannot do it in the most pejorative of terms. , , Jacky be discriminated against because of When I spoke against the Equality Rosen, , Richard J. Durbin, Tammy Baldwin, Debbie Sta- their faith. They should be able to live Act in the Judiciary Committee, just benow, , Edward J. Mar- out the tenets of their faith and be able weeks ago, and shared the issues that I key, Brian Schatz, , Eliza- to practice them. To me, that is a had that were pragmatic labor issues beth Warren, Mark R. Warner, Raphael great decision to make—to say: Why and set those in front of it and also did Warnock, Benjamin L. Cardin.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.038 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4617 LEGISLATIVE SESSION corruption measures for the purpose of for- related to the nominations be printed tifying our democracy, and for other pur- in the RECORD; and that the President Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I poses. move to proceed to legislative session. be immediately notified of the Senate’s CLOTURE MOTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. The action. Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there question is on agreeing to the motion. send a cloture motion to the desk. objection? The motion was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- Without objection, it is so ordered. f ture motion having been presented The question is, Will the Senate ad- EXECUTIVE SESSION under rule XXII, the Chair directs the vise and consent to the Melroy, clerk to read the motion. Spinrad, Quinn, Trujillo, and Inglis The legislative clerk read as follows: nominations en bloc? The nominations were confirmed en EXECUTIVE CALENDAR CLOTURE MOTION bloc. Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- f move to proceed to executive session to ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby EXECUTIVE CALENDAR consider Calendar No. 107. move to bring to a close debate on the mo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tion to proceed to Calendar No. 77, S. 2093, a Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I question is on agreeing to the motion. bill to expand Americans’ access to the bal- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- The motion was agreed to. lot box, reduce the influence of big money in ate proceed to consider the following The PRESIDING OFFICER. The politics, strengthen ethics rules for public nominations: Calendar Nos. 178, 179, clerk will report the nomination. servants, and implement other anti-corrup- 181, 184, and 185; that the nominations The legislative clerk read the nomi- tion measures for the purpose of fortifying be confirmed en bloc; that the motions nation of Kiran Arjandas Ahuja, of our democracy, and for other purposes. to reconsider be considered made and Charles E. Schumer, Jeff Merkley, Amy laid upon the table with no intervening Massachusetts, to be Director of the Klobuchar, Jacky Rosen, Sheldon Office of Personnel Management for a Whitehouse, Richard J. Durbin, Jon action or debate; that no further mo- term of four years. Ossoff, Tammy Baldwin, Debbie Stabe- tions be in order to any of the nomina- CLOTURE MOTION now, Brian Schatz, Sherrod Brown, Ron tions; and that the President be imme- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I Wyden, , Raphael diately notified of the Senate’s actions send a cloture motion to the desk. Warnock, Benjamin L. Cardin, Edward and the Senate then resume legislative J. Markey, Bernard Sanders. session. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, fi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ture motion having been presented objection, it is so ordered. under rule XXII, the Chair directs the nally, I ask unanimous consent that the mandatory quorum calls for the The nominations considered and con- clerk to read the motion. firmed are as follows: The legislative clerk read as follows: cloture motions filed today, June 17, be waived. IN THE COAST GUARD CLOTURE MOTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The following named officer for appoint- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- objection, it is so ordered. ment to a position of importance and respon- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the sibility in the United States Coast Guard, Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby f and to the grade indicated under title 14, move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- EXECUTIVE SESSION U.S.C., section 305: nation of Executive Calendar No. 107, Kiran To be vice admiral Arjandas Ahuja, of Massachusetts, to be Di- Vice Adm. Michael F. McAllister rector of the Office of Personnel Manage- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR The following named officer for appoint- ment for a term of four years. Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I ment to a position of importance and respon- Charles E. Schumer, Tammy Baldwin, sibility in the United States Coast Guard, Tina Smith, Jack Reed, Kirsten E. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- and to the grade indicated under title 14, Gillibrand, Sheldon Whitehouse, Rich- ate proceed to executive session to con- U.S.C., section 305: ard J. Durbin, Angus S. King, Jr., Eliz- sider the following nominations en To be vice admiral abeth Warren, , bloc: Calendar Nos. 180, 183, 153, 155, Thomas R. Carper, Patrick J. Leahy, Rear Adm. Paul F. Thomas and 177. Christopher Murphy, Jacky Rosen, IN THE COAST GUARD Robert Menendez, Martin Heinrich, Ed- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The following named officer for appoint- ward J. Markey. objection, it is so ordered. ment as Vice Commandant in the United The clerk will report the nomina- f States Coast Guard and to the grade indi- tions en bloc. cated pursuant to the authority of title 14, LEGISLATIVE SESSION The legislative clerk read the nomi- U.S.C., section 304: Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I nations of Pamela A. Melroy, of New To be admiral move to proceed to legislative session. York, to be Deputy Administrator of Vice Adm. Linda L. Fagan The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the National Aeronautics and Space IN THE COAST GUARD question is on agreeing to the motion. Administration; Richard W. Spinrad, of The following named officers for appoint- The motion was agreed to. Oregon, to be Under Secretary of Com- ment in the United States Coast Guard to merce for Oceans and Atmosphere; the grade indicated under title 14, U.S.C., f Matthew T. Quinn, of Montana, to be section 2101(A)(2): FOR THE PEOPLE ACT OF 2021— Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for To be lieutenant commander MOTION TO PROCEED Memorial Affairs; Tanya Marie Tru- Charles J. Clark Nicholas G. Derenzo Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I jillo, of New Mexico, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Interior; and Chris Katherine R. Peet ask unanimous consent that it be in Luke P. Strittmatter Inglis, of Maryland, to be National order to proceed to Calendar No. 77, S. The following named officers for appoint- 2093. Cyber Director (New Position). ment in the grade indicated in the United The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to States Coast Guard as a member of the Coast objection, it is so ordered. consider the nominations en bloc. Guard permanent commissioned teaching Mr. SCHUMER. I move to proceed to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Madam staff under title 14, U.S.C., section 1943: Calendar No. 77, S. 2093. President, I ask unanimous consent To be lieutenant commander The PRESIDING OFFICER. The that the Senate vote en bloc on the Lisa M. Thompson clerk will report the motion. nominations without intervening ac- To be lieutenant The legislative clerk read as follows: tion or debate and that if confirmed, Tara E. Larkin the motions to reconsider be consid- Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 77, S. f ered made and laid upon the table, all 2093, a bill to expand Americans’ access to LEGISLATIVE SESSION the ballot box, reduce the influence of big without intervening action or debate; money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for that no further motions be in order to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- public servants, and implement other anti- the nominations; that any statements ate will now resume legislative session.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.041 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4618 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 AMENDING TITLE 28, UNITED ate proceed to the consideration of S. A resolution (S. Res. 278) recognizing the STATES CODE, TO REDEFINE Res. 276, submitted earlier today. 75th anniversary of United Spinal Associa- THE EASTERN AND MIDDLE JU- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tion, a leading national advocacy organiza- DICIAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH clerk will report the resolution by tion that is dedicated to promoting the inde- pendence and enhancing the quality of life of CAROLINA title. all people living with spinal cord injuries Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I The legislative clerk read as follows: and neurological disorders, including vet- ask unanimous consent that the Com- A resolution (S. Res. 276) congratulating erans, and providing support and informa- mittee on the Judiciary be discharged the University of Florida Gators for winning tion to their loved ones, care providers, and from further consideration of S. 1340 the 2021 National Collegiate Athletic Asso- personal support networks. and the Senate proceed to its imme- ciation Division I Men’s Tennis Champion- There being no objection, the Senate ship. diate consideration. proceeded to consider the resolution. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without There being no objection, the Senate Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I objection, it is so ordered. proceeded to consider the resolution. know of no further debate on the meas- The clerk will report the bill by title. Mr. SCHUMER. I ask unanimous con- ure. The legislative clerk read as follows: sent that the resolution be agreed to, The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there A bill (S. 1340) to amend title 28, United the preamble be agreed to, and that the is no further debate, the question is on States Code, to redefine the eastern and mid- motions to reconsider be considered adoption of the resolution. dle judicial districts of North Carolina. made and laid upon the table with no The resolution (S. Res. 278) was There being no objection, the com- intervening action or debate. agreed to. mittee was discharged and the Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I proceeded to consider the bill. objection, it is so ordered. ask unanimous consent that the pre- Mr. SCHUMER. I ask unanimous con- The resolution (S. Res. 276) was amble be agreed to and that the mo- sent that the bill be considered read a agreed to. tions to reconsider be considered made third time and passed and that the mo- The preamble was agreed to. and laid upon the table with no inter- tion to reconsider be considered made (The resolution, with its preamble, is vening action or debate. and laid upon the table. printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without mitted Resolutions.’’) objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. The preamble was agreed to. The bill (S. 1340) was ordered to be f (The resolution, with its preamble, is engrossed for a third reading, was read CONGRATULATING THE UNIVER- printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- the third time, and passed, as follows: SITY OF MISSISSIPPI REBELS mitted Resolutions.’’) S. 1340 WOMEN’S GOLF TEAM ON WIN- f Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- NING THE 2021 NATIONAL COLLE- resentatives of the United States of America in GIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION MEASURE READ THE FIRST Congress assembled, DIVISION I WOMEN’S GOLF TIME—S. 2118 SECTION 1. JUDICIAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH CHAMPIONSHIP CAROLINA. Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 113 of title 28, Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I understand there is a bill at the desk, United States Code, is amended— ask unanimous consent that the Sen- and I ask for its first reading. (1) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘and Wil- ate proceed to the consideration of S. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The son and’’ and inserting ‘‘Wilson, those por- Res. 277, submitted earlier today. clerk will read the title of the bill for tions of Hoke, Moore, , and Rich- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the first time. mond counties encompassing the Fort Bragg The legislative clerk read as follows: Military Reservation and Camp Mackall, clerk will report the resolution by and’’; and title. A bill (S. 2118) to amend the Internal Rev- (2) by striking subsection (b) and inserting The legislative clerk read as follows: enue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives the following: A resolution (S. Res. 277) congratulating for increased investment in clean energy, ‘‘(b) MIDDLE DISTRICT.—The Middle Dis- the University of Mississippi Rebels women’s and for other purposes. trict comprises the counties of Alamance, golf team on winning the 2021 National Colle- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I Cabarrus, Caswell, Chatham, Davidson, giate Athletic Association Division I wom- now ask for a second reading, and in Davie, Durham (excluding that portion of en’s golf championship. order to place the bill on the calendar Durham County encompassing the Federal There being no objection, the Senate Correctional Institution, Butner, North under the provisions of rule XIV, I ob- Carolina), Forsyth, Guilford, Hoke (exclud- proceeded to consider the resolution. ject to my own request. ing that portion of Hoke County encom- Mr. SCHUMER. I ask unanimous con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- passing the Fort Bragg Military Reservation sent that the resolution be agreed to, tion having been heard, the bill will be and Camp Mackall), Lee, Montgomery, the preamble be agreed to, and that the read for the second time on the next Moore (excluding that portion of Moore motions to reconsider be considered legislative day. County encompassing the Fort Bragg Mili- made and laid upon the table with no (At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the tary Reservation and Camp Mackall), Or- intervening action or debate. following statement was ordered to be ange, Person, Randolph, Richmond (exclud- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ing that portion of Richmond County encom- printed in the RECORD.) passing the Fort Bragg Military Reservation objection, it is so ordered. f The resolution (S. Res. 277) was and Camp Mackall), Rockingham, Rowan, VOTE EXPLANATION Scotland (excluding that portion of Scotland agreed to. County encompassing the Fort Bragg Mili- The preamble was agreed to. ∑ Mr. PETERS. Madam President, due tary Reservation and Camp Mackall), (The resolution, with its preamble, is to a family medical emergency, I was Stanly, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin.’’. printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- unable to attend today’s vote on Exec- (b) APPLICATION.—The amendments made mitted Resolutions.’’) utive Calendar #123—Tommy P. by subsection (a) shall not apply to any ac- Beaudreau, of Alaska, to be Deputy tion commenced or pending in any judicial f district of North Carolina before the date of Secretary of the Interior. Had I been RECOGNIZING THE 75TH ANNIVER- able to attend, I would have voted enactment of this Act. SARY OF UNITED SPINAL ASSO- f ‘‘aye’’ on confirmation. CIATION Madam President, due to a family CONGRATULATING THE UNIVER- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I medical emergency, I was unable to at- SITY OF FLORIDA GATORS FOR ask unanimous consent that the Sen- tend today’s votes on motion to invoke WINNING THE 2021 NATIONAL ate proceed to the consideration of S. cloture and confirmation of Executive COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIA- Res. 278 submitted earlier today. Calendar #157, John K. Tien, of Geor- TION DIVISION I MEN’S TENNIS The PRESIDING OFFICER. The gia, to be Deputy Secretary of Home- CHAMPIONSHIP clerk will report the resolution by land Security. Had I been able to at- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I title. tend, I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on the ask unanimous consent that the Sen- The legislative clerk read as follows: motion and ‘‘aye’’ on confirmation.∑

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.047 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4619 also prohibit individuals from inten- storied history dating back to 1909. The Mr. CARDIN. Madam President. I tionally hindering, interfering with, or first seersucker suit was designed by rise today to recognize the annual com- preventing another person from voting, Joseph Haspel at his Broad Street fa- memoration of Juneteenth, the date on registering to vote, or aiding another cility in New Orleans, LA. Louisiana is which the news of the end of slavery person to vote or register to vote in a proud to have played an important part reached the enslaved peoples in the Federal election. in introducing the country to seer- Southwestern States. On June 19, 1865, In 2020, more than 5 million individ- sucker apparel. MG Gordon Granger and Union soldiers uals and as many as one in five African This lightweight cotton fabric, communicated the news of liberation Americans in some States were disen- known for its signature pucker, has to one of the last remaining confed- franchised because of voter suppression been worn and enjoyed by Americans erate outposts in Galveston, TX. Over 2 laws. across the country during the hot sum- years after President Many voter disenfranchisement laws mer months. Mr. Haspel said it best: issued the Emancipation Proclama- today come from post-Civil War efforts ‘‘Hot is hot, no matter what you do for tion, the enslaved individuals there had to stifle the 14th and 15th Amend- a living.’’ yet to hear the good news. ments. Between 1865 and 1880, at least In the 1990s, Seersucker Day was es- Over the years, African-American 13 States enacted or expanded their fel- tablished by Members of this Chamber communities nationwide and in Mary- ony disenfranchisement laws. One of to honor this unique American fashion. land have developed rich traditions the primary goals of these laws was to I proudly resumed this tradition in 2014 around this historically significant prevent Black Americans from voting. in the U.S. House of Representatives date. For all Americans, Juneteenth of- At least 11 of those States still bar in- and continued this tradition in the fers an opportunity to reflect upon and dividuals on felony probation or parole U.S. Senate. This year, I wish to des- to educate ourselves further about the from voting. Under our Constitution, ignate Thursday, June 17, as the eighth terrible history of slavery and its en- there is no legitimate justification for annual National Seersucker Day. I en- during legacy. The story of Juneteenth denying people from having a voice in courage everyone to wear seersucker also reminds me of the gap between the our democracy. Disenfranchising citi- on this day to commemorate this tradi- values and principles that we espouse zens who are living and working in the tionally American clothing. and the realities of life for everyday community serves no compelling State Americans, in particular the most vul- interest and hinders their rehabilita- f nerable. tion and reintegration into society. My I have long supported legislation to Democracy Restoration Act, S. 481, add Juneteenth National Independence would restore Federal voting rights for TRIBUTE TO MAX ENGLISH Day to the list of legal Federal public all individuals immediately upon re- Mr. COTTON. Madam President, holidays. After many years, I am lease from incarceration. SGM Max English served the Nation pleased that the Senate has finally I am proud that both my Deceptive honorably for over 28 years in the U.S. passed it and hope that the House will Practices and Voter Intimidation Act Army. He fought in combat operations act swiftly to send this bill to Presi- and my Democracy Restoration Act throughout World War II and bravely dent Biden’s desk. are included within the For the People led 36 men as a platoon sergeant in the In commemoration of this year’s hol- Act. Battle of the Bulge. His extraordinary iday, I want to take the opportunity to Finally, I want to end by com- service continued to the Pacific the- reflect in more depth on a couple of mending my home State of Maryland ater in the waning months of the war. ways that we continue to see the clear for bipartisan restorative justice work Only a few years later, he returned to impact of slavery today. One of the over the past several years. The Mary- the Pacific to fight in the Korean war. most apparent legacies is access—or land General Assembly voted nearly During his service in the Second should I say lack of access—to the bal- unanimously in 2019 to investigate the World War, Sergeant Major English lot box. Study after study and the lived more than 40 documented racial terror was injured in Germany and was experiences of so many individuals tell lynchings that took place in Maryland awarded the Purple Heart. During the us that Black Americans still experi- between 1854 and 1933, to hold public Battle of Bulge, Sergeant Major ence greater barriers to voting than hearings in communities where racial English fought and repelled repeated White Americans. One of the most im- terror lynchings occurred, and to de- Nazi attacks and ultimately helped portant tenets of our comprehensive velop recommendations that are rooted break the back of Hitler’s forces. After legislation to protect democracy, the in restorative justice for addressing, sustained combat operations in Europe, For the People Act, S. 1, is enacting a engaging, and reconciling those com- Sergeant Major English served in the Federal floor when it comes to voting munities. The commission the State Southern Pacific theater and pursued rights standards. established has received supplemental the treacherous mission of rooting out Spreading false or misleading infor- funding from the U.S. Department of irreconciled Japanese Imperial Army mation intended to suppress voting and Justice’s Emmett Till Cold Case Inves- forces after their country’s uncondi- intimidate the electorate remains one tigations Program for its efforts. Be- tional surrender. of the most effective methods used to cause of this work, Governor Hogan keep individuals, particularly Black issued posthumous pardons last month A member of ‘‘the greatest genera- Americans and other racial minorities, for 34 victims of racial lynchings in tion’’, Sergeant Major English again from voting. Advancements in our Maryland. answered the call of duty when he was means of communication, including This Juneteenth, I encourage all deployed to the Korean war. There, his the rise of social media platforms, have Americans to recognize Juneteenth as unit was tasked with repatriating made it easier for bad actors to use an opportunity to reflect upon our Na- Americans formerly held as prisoners these strategies. During the 2020 elec- tion’s shared history, to recognize the of war during the conflict. The heroic tion cycle, robocalls targeting commu- enduring effects of slavery on our soci- actions of Sergeant Major English’s nities of color in Michigan, Pennsyl- ety, and to commit to being involved in unit directly contributed to the imple- vania, , Illinois, and New York the redemptive work toward a more mentation of an armistice to stop the contained false information about how just and perfect Union. fighting on the Korean Peninsula. the recipients’ data would be shared if f Sergeant Major English is a man of they voted by mail. I have introduced exceptional character and commitment legislation, along with Senator KLO- NATIONAL SEERSUCKER DAY to the United States who embodies the BUCHAR, to address these problems by Mr. CASSIDY. Madam President, American spirit and serves as an inspi- prohibiting individuals from knowingly today I rise in recognition of seer- ration for today’s fighting men and deceiving others about the time, place, sucker manufacturers and enthusiasts women. I join all grateful Americans in eligibility, or procedures of partici- across the United States. I wish every- congratulating him for his outstanding pating in a Federal election. Our bill to one a happy National Seersucker Day. service and patriotism and thank him ban deceptive practices, S. 1840, would This uniquely American fashion has a for a job well done.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.021 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4620 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 TRIBUTE TO JANET PIRAINO TRIBUTE TO COLONEL DAVID W. ligence officer. He then would transfer TROTTER once more to Joint Base San Antonio, Ms. BALDWIN. Madam President, I Fort Sam Houston, TX, where he rise today to honor the service of Janet Ms. ERNST. Madam President, as a member of the Senate Armed Services served as the executive officer to the Piraino, my State director, who will commanding general of Army North, retire from my office and the U.S. Sen- Committee, I rise to pay tribute to COL David W. Trotter, who has self- Fifth Army. ate on July 19, 2021. lessly served our great country as a As his final assignment in uniform, Janet has spent her professional ca- U.S. Army intelligence officer. He is a COL David W. Trotter was selected to reer dedicated to serving - fellow alumnus of the Iowa State Uni- serve as the deputy commander for ites. A graduate of the University of versity Cyclone Battalion and a dear Joint Base San Antonio and the vice Wisconsin—Madison, Janet forged a friend of mine. commander of the 502d Air Base Wing. path in public service early in her ca- Colonel Trotter will retire on Novem- A highly decorated officer, Dave reer. Her first job was as a field orga- ber 30, 2021, after a successful 30-year earned several service awards, includ- nizer for a race for Wisconsin Gov- military career as an accomplished ing the Legion of Merit with oak leaf ernor, followed by nearly 10 years as a leader, infantry, and intelligence offi- cluster and the Bronze Star with oak legislative policy advisor to Wisconsin cer. Dave’s leadership abilities were leaf cluster, for his service. He also legislators in the State capitol. evident early on. I met Dave early in earned the Ranger Tab, the Master Parachutist Badge, the Pathfinder Janet quickly earned recognition as my days at Iowa State, where he served as a personal mentor and driving factor Badge, and the Air Assault Badge. a valued staff member and committed Dave has deployed in support of com- leader. Her experiences working with to my own service to this great Nation. From those early days, he grew even bat operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, both legislators and constituents led to and Syria. He has served at every level her assuming positions in a variety of more as a leader and soldier, ulti- mately completing a storied career at and commanded with distinction at the roles, both at the local and Federal company through brigade levels within government level. home and abroad, in peace and in war. It is fitting that we recognize his serv- the conventional force and within the Over the past 30-plus years, Janet has ice to this great Nation. Army’s premier Special Operations served in a variety of capacities with Colonel Trotter was commissioned in Command. He and his family have sac- many Wisconsin elected officials, in- 1992 upon graduating from Iowa State rificed so much to ensure America can cluding 7 years as State director for University as a distinguished military be what it is today. U.S. Senator ; 2 years as graduate with a bachelor in business. David, congratulations on your suc- chief of staff for Congressman Tom Dave served as an infantry platoon cessful career and well-deserved retire- Barrett; 8 years as chief of staff for leader in Korea and a company execu- ment. I want to thank you and your Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz; and 2 tive officer at Fort Carson, CO. He then family for the sacrifices you have made years as district director for U.S. Con- was selected as a company commander over the past 30 years. I join my col- gressman MARK POCAN. Outside of her for 18 months with Headquarters and leagues in Congress and all Americans roles in government, Janet has also Headquarters Company, 5th Battalion, as we express our deepest appreciation worked as a special assistant for State 20th Infantry Regiment in Fort Lewis, for your service, acknowledge you and relations at the University of Wis- WA. After command, he served as an your family’s many accomplishments consin System and as vice president for operations officer for the Des Moines, and sacrifices, and wish the very best advancement at the Overture Center IA, Recruiting Battalion before being for you, your wife Tami, and your son Foundation in Madison, where she led selected for the prestigious 75th Ranger Ty in the future. the charge to help transition this leg- Regiment. f acy performing arts venue from a city- Upon arrival at the 75th Ranger Regi- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS run venue to a privately owned facil- ment in Fort Benning, GA, Dave served ity. as an assistant intelligence officer. He --- Janet is also an active member of then was selected again for command, TRIBUTE TO NADIA HEDAYAT many community organizations, in- where he served as the military intel- ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Madam President, I cluding Madison’s Downtown Rotary. ligence detachment commander. would like to take the opportunity to She spends considerable time engaged Throughout his time in the 75th Rang- express my appreciation to Nadia for in meeting with others interested in er Regiment, Dave deployed in support her hard work as an intern in the Sen- pursuing a career in public service and of Operations Enduring Freedom and ate Republican Conference. I recognize has mentored countless Wisconsinites Iraqi Freedom. her efforts and contributions to my of- over these many years. As a field-grade officer, Dave served fice, as well as to the State of Wyo- as an operations officer in the XVIII ming. Outside of the office, Janet enjoys Airborne Corps, G2 section at Fort spending time with her partner of 20 Nadia is a native of Maryland. She is Bragg, NC. He then served as an oper- a student at American University, years, J.R. Sims, their grandbaby, ations officer and executive officer Titan Cairo Sims, and their enthusi- where she studies psychology and com- within the 525th Battlefield Surveil- munication: film and media arts. She astic pandemic puppy, Sadie. Janet lance Brigade, where he also deployed also enjoys traveling and participating has demonstrated a strong work ethic, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. which has made her an invaluable asset in organized bike rides, including the He then served again as an operations Door County Century and the Best to our office. The quality of her work is officer for the Intelligence and Secu- reflected in her great efforts over the Dam Bike Tour on her Wisconsin made rity Command at Fort Belvoir, VA, be- Trek Madone. She is a devoted fan of last several months. fore being selected for command of the I want to thank Nadia for the dedica- the Milwaukee Bucks, especially Army Geospatial Intelligence Bat- tion she has shown while working for Giannis Antetokounmpo, and is always talion at Springfield, VA. me and my staff. It was a pleasure to eager to host friends and colleagues on After various staff positions, Dave have her as part of our team. I know her roof deck overlooking the Madison served as the chief of staff, Afghanistan she will have continued success with skyline. Ministry of Interior Advisory Group, all of her future endeavors. I wish her I knew of Janet’s can-do reputation where he deployed again to Afghani- all my best on her next journey.∑ and energetic commitment to public stan in support of Operations Enduring f service long before she joined my Sen- Freedom and Freedom Sentinel. After ate office in 2015, and I am delighted a brief year on staff at Fort Huachuca, TRIBUTE TO DR. SOPHIA L. that she has become a valued member AZ, Dave deployed again in support of THOMAS of our team. Along with my entire U.S. Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq, ∑ Mr. KENNEDY. Madam President, it Senate staff, I wish her all the best as where he served as the III Corps G2. is with great pride that I recognize a she begins a new chapter with her well- After redeployment, he was chosen to constituent of mine, Sophia L. Thom- deserved retirement. serve as the Army North senior intel- as, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, PPCNP-BC,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.023 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4621 FNAP, FAANP, of New Orleans, LA for MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME her service over the last 2 years as RECEIVED DURING ADJOURNMENT The following bill was read the first president of the American Association Under the authority of the order of time: of Nurse Practitioners, AANP. the Senate of January 3, 2021, the Sec- S. 2118. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Dr. Thomas has an exemplary career retary of the Senate, on June 16, 2021, enue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives of service as a certified family and pe- during the adjournment of the Senate, for increased investment in clean energy, diatric nurse practitioner and has been received a message from the House of and for other purposes. providing health care for over 25 years Representatives announcing that the f to medically underserved populations House has passed the following bill, ENROLLED BILL PRESENTED in the greater New Orleans, LA, region. without amendment: The Secretary of the Senate reported Dr. Thomas practices at a federally S. 475. An act to amend title 5, United qualified health center in New Orleans States Code, to designate Juneteenth Na- that on today, June 17, 2021, she had and is a clinical preceptor. As a pri- tional Independence Day as a legal public presented to the President of the mary care provider, Dr. Thomas pro- holiday. United States the following enrolled vides her patients with access to cost- f bill: effective, patient-centered healthcare. S. 475. An act to amend title 5, United Dr. Thomas has continued to work on MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE States Code, to designate Juneteenth Na- the frontlines throughout the COVID– ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED tional Independence Day as a legal public 19 pandemic, including educating the At 10:03 a.m., a message from the holiday. public, diagnosing and treating pa- House of Representatives, delivered by f tients, and going door to door to vac- Mrs. Alli, one of its reading clerks, an- EXECUTIVE AND OTHER cinate residents in New Orleans. nounced that the Speaker has signed COMMUNICATIONS She holds a doctoral degree in nurs- the following enrolled bills: The following communication was ing practice from Loyola University S. 475. An act to amend title 5, United laid before the Senate, together with New Orleans, where she was honored States Code, to designate Juneteenth Na- accompanying papers, reports, and doc- with the Post-Master’s DNP Nightin- tional Independence Day as a legal public uments, and was referred as indicated: gale Award, and she has a master’s in holiday. nursing from Louisiana Sate Univer- H.R. 711. An act to amend the West Los An- EC–1224. A communication from the Presi- geles Leasing Act of 2016 to authorize the use dent of the United States, transmitting, pur- sity Health Sciences Center. She was of certain funds received pursuant to leases suant to law, a report relative to the inducted as fellow of the American entered into under such Act, and for other issuance of an that elabo- Academy of Nurse Practitioners in purposes. rates upon measures to address the national 2012. In 2020, Dr. Thomas was chosen as The enrolled bill, S. 475, was subse- emergency with respect to the information one of Modern Healthcare’s 100 Most quently signed by the Vice President. and communications technology and services supply chain that was declared in Executive Influential People in Healthcare. The enrolled bill, H.R. 711, was subse- The American Association of Nurse Order 13873 of May 15, 2019; to the Committee quently signed by the President pro on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Practitioners is the largest national tempore (Mr. LEAHY). professional membership organization -- f for nurse practitioners. Under Dr. At 12:11 p.m., a message from the PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS Thomas’s tenure, AANP membership House of Representatives, delivered by The following petitions and memo- has grown to more than 118,000 mem- Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- rials were laid before the Senate and bers. Dr. Thomas has helped lead nurse nounced that the House has passed the were referred or ordered to lie on the practitioners in transforming patient- following bills, in which it requests the table as indicated: centered healthcare and has made tre- concurrence of the Senate: mendous strides in ensuring that pol- POM–20. A concurrent resolution adopted H.R. 256. An act to repeal the Authoriza- by the Legislature of the State of Louisiana icymakers and the public understand tion for Use of Military Force Against Iraq urging the and the the care that nurse practitioners pro- Resolution of 2002. Louisiana congressional delegation to take vide to millions of Americans each H.R. 1187. An act to provide for disclosure such actions as are necessary to rename the year. of additional material information about Department of Veterans Affairs’ Lafayette I urge my colleagues to join me in public companies and establish a Sustainable Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Finance Advisory Committee, and for other honor of Rodney C. Hamilton Sr.; to the congratulating Dr. Sophia L. Thomas purposes. on a successful term as president of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. American Association of Nurse Practi- f SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 46 tioners and in thanking her for the ex- MEASURES REFERRED Whereas, Rodney Carroll Hamilton Sr. was born in Fort Worth, Texas, on March 24, 1932, cellent health care she has and con- The following bills were read the first tinues to provide to her patients as and his family moved to Lafayette, Lou- and the second times by unanimous isiana, in the summer of 1948; and well as her leadership to the nurse consent, and referred as indicated: Whereas, God, family, country, and com- ∑ practitioner profession. H.R. 256. An act to repeal the Authoriza- munity were his strong interests; and tion for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Whereas, in 1949, he joined the Marine Re- f Resolution of 2002; to the Committee on For- serve at age seventeen while attending La- eign Relations. fayette High School at the urging of his foot- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT H.R. 1187. An act to provide for disclosure ball coach, Lou Campbell; and Messages from the President of the of additional material information about Whereas, Rodney served our country dur- United States were communicated to public companies and establish a Sustainable ing the Korean War, was wounded in combat the Senate by Ms. Ridgway, one of his Finance Advisory Committee, and for other in September 1951, and was awarded the Pur- secretaries. purposes; to the Committee on Banking, ple Heart; and Housing, and Urban Affairs. Whereas, he loved the United States Ma- f f rine Corps and was proud of all Marines who served their country; and EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED MEASURES PLACED ON THE Whereas, his military involvement in- CALENDAR cluded being a member of the Marine Corps As in executive session the Presiding League, the Military Order of the Purple Officer laid before the Senate messages The following bill was read the sec- Heart, and the Veteran’s Action Coalition of from the President of the United ond time, and placed on the calendar: Southwest Louisiana where he served as States submitting sundry nominations S. 2093. A bill to expand Americans’ access Founder and Chairman Emeritus; and which were referred to the appropriate to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big Whereas, he served as a full-time elected money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for official in the Lafayette city government committees. public servants, and implement other anti- from 1968 through 1972 as a Trustee of Public (The messages received today are corruption measures for the purpose of for- Property; and printed at the end of the Senate pro- tifying our democracy, and for other pur- Whereas, Rodney made numerous contribu- ceedings.) poses. tions to help make Lafayette a better place

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JN6.008 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4622 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 including leading efforts to secure and build That Congress is urged to provide tax bene- S. 2100. A bill to amend the Federal Food, the United States Department of Veterans fits to participants in Jumpstart Savings Drug, and Cosmetic Act to ensure the safety Affairs’ Lafayette Community Based Out- programs that are similar to those currently of cosmetics; to the Committee on Health, patient Clinic, which opened in 2016; and provided to participants in College Savings Education, Labor, and Pensions. Whereas, due to Rodney’s dedication in re- plans pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 529; and, be it fur- By Mr. BLUMENTHAL: alizing the veterans clinic in Lafayette, the ther S. 2101. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- street there was named in his honor and now Resolved, That the Clerk of the House of enue Code of 1986 to allow for contributions bears signs saying, ‘‘Veterans Way, Honorary Delegates is hereby directed to forward a to the Alzheimer’s Research and Caregiving Rodney Hamilton’’; and copy of this resolution, along with a copy of Trust Fund, and for other purposes; to the Whereas, Rodney Carroll Hamilton Sr. the Jumpstart Savings Act, to the President Committee on Finance. passed away at the age of eighty-eight on and Secretary of the , By Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself and Mr. November 30, 2020. Therefore, be it to the Speaker and Clerk of the United WYDEN): Resolved that the Legislature of Louisiana States House of Representatives, and to S. 2102. A bill to amend title 38, United hereby memorializes the Louisiana congres- members of West Virginia’s congressional States Code, to direct the Under Secretary sional delegation and the United States Con- delegation. for Health of the Department of Veterans Af- gress to take such actions as are necessary f fairs to provide mammography screening for to rename the United States Department of veterans who served in locations associated Veterans Affairs’ Lafayette Community EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF with toxic exposure; to the Committee on Based Outpatient Clinic in honor of Rodney COMMITTEE Veterans’ Affairs. C. Hamilton Sr., and be it further The following executive reports of By Mr. PADILLA: Resolved, That a copy of this Resolution S. 2103. A bill to amend the Revised Stat- shall be transmitted to the secretary of the nominations were submitted: utes of the United States to hold certain United States Senate, the clerk of the By Mr. DURBIN for the Committee on the public employers liable in civil actions for United States House of Representatives, and Judiciary. Tiffany P. Cunningham, of Illi- deprivation of rights, and for other purposes; to each member of the Louisiana delegation nois, to be United States Circuit Judge for to the Committee on the Judiciary. to the United States Congress. the Federal Circuit. Anne Milgram, of New By Mr. MENENDEZ: -- Jersey, to be Administrator of Drug Enforce- S. 2104. A bill to support global labor POM–21. A concurrent resolution adopted ment. Kenneth Allen Polite, Jr., of Lou- rights, and for other purposes; to the Com- by the Legislature of the State of West Vir- isiana, to be an Assistant . mittee on Foreign Relations. ginia urging the United States Congress to (Nominations without an asterisk By Mr. CASEY: extend federal tax incentives to participants were reported with the recommenda- S. 2105. A bill to enhance mental health and psychological support within United in Jumpstart Savings programs that are tion that they be confirmed.) similar to those that are currently provided States foreign assistance programs; to the to participants in College Savings plans; to f Committee on Foreign Relations. the Committee on Finance. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND By Mr. CASEY (for himself and Mr. TILLIS): HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 24 JOINT RESOLUTIONS S. 2106. A bill to amend the Older Ameri- Whereas, The economy of the United The following bills and joint resolu- cans Act of 1965 to authorize a national net- States is experiencing increased demands for tions were introduced, read the first work of Statewide senior legal hotlines, and highly trained, skilled tradespeople to fill for other purposes; to the Committee on jobs in the construction, welding, and other and second times by unanimous con- sent, and referred as indicated: Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. vocational sectors; and By Mr. WYDEN (for himself, Mr. Whereas, In the United States, there are By Mr. BARRASSO (for himself and CRAPO, Mr. WARNER, Mr. CORNYN, Ms. nearly half a million more jobs available in Ms. CORTEZ MASTO): STABENOW, and Mr. DAINES): the skilled trades than workers with the S. 2094. A bill to provide for a new building S. 2107. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- skills to fill them; and period with respect to the cap on full-time enue Code of 1986 to establish the semicon- Whereas, The number of available jobs in equivalent residents for purposes of payment ductor manufacturing investment credit; to the skilled trades is anticipated to rise to for graduate medical education costs under the Committee on Finance. two million over the next decade; and the Medicare program for certain hospitals By Mr. WYDEN (for himself, Mr. CAS- Whereas, A traditional college education is that have established a shortage specialty SIDY, Mr. BROWN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. one path to success, but not the only path, program; to the Committee on Finance. SANDERS, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. MERKLEY, especially in light of the increasing costs of By Mr. SCHATZ: and Mr. CASEY): a traditional four-year college degree and S. 2095. A bill to expand compassionate re- S. 2108. A bill to amend title II of the So- the growing demand for skilled labor; and lease authority and elderly home confine- cial Security Act to eliminate work dis- Whereas, Encouraging students and their ment access for offenders with heightened incentives for childhood disability bene- families to invest in alternative forms of coronavirus risk; to the Committee on the ficiaries; to the Committee on Finance. postsecondary skills could help reshape our Judiciary. By Mr. KENNEDY: nation’s future workforce; and By Mr. RUBIO (for himself and Mr. S. 2109. A bill to prohibit allocations of Whereas, Providing the next generation SCOTT of Florida): Special Drawing Rights at the International the ability to save money for the future S. 2096. A bill to amend the Immigration Monetary Fund for perpetrators of genocide costs of tools, equipment, and business ex- and Nationality Act to authorize admission and state sponsors of terrorism without con- penses will make it easier to enter a voca- of Canadian retirees as long-term visitors for gressional authorization; to the Committee tion, trade, or start a small business in the pleasure described in section 101(a)(15)(B) of on Foreign Relations. skilled trades industry; and such Act, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mr. KENNEDY: Whereas, The West Virginia Legislature mittee on Finance. S. 2110. A bill to amend the Public Health has adopted legislation authorizing the West By Mr. KENNEDY: Service Act to provide for the establishment Virginia Jumpstart Savings Program, which S. 2097. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- of a virtual health pilot program to facili- creates several tax incentives to help pro- enue Code of 1986 to make permanent the tate utilization of remote patient moni- gram participants save money, by allowing permissible first-dollar coverage of tele- toring technology to maintain or expand ac- an income tax deduction for contributions to health services for purposes of health savings cess to health care services for individuals in a Jumpstart Savings account, by providing accounts; to the Committee on Finance. rural areas, and for other purposes; to the businesses with a non-refundable state tax By Mr. SASSE: Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and credit for matching an employee’s own con- S. 2098. A bill to prevent States from using Pensions . tribution to his or her account each year; or distributing resources during the COVID– By Mr. KENNEDY: and 19 national emergency in accordance with a S. 2111. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Whereas, The Jumpstart Savings Program State policy that discriminates on the basis Social Security Act to provide for the waiver will allow individuals to roll 529 College Sav- of disability, and for other purposes; to the of certain telehealth requirements to permit ings plan funds over to a Jumpstart Savings Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and reimbursement for audio-only telehealth account without facing state income tax Pensions. services under the Medicare program during penalties; and By Mr. SASSE: emergency declarations; to the Committee Whereas, West Virginia’s Jumpstart Sav- S. 2099. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- on Finance. ings Program could be a model for other enue Code of 1986 to allow individuals who By Mr. KENNEDY: states to invest in the future entrepreneur- are not enrolled in a high deductible health S. 2112. A bill to amend title XVIII of the ship and small business trade industries in plan to have access to health savings ac- Social Security Act and the SUPPORT for our nation, and Congress should extend fed- counts, and for other purposes; to the Com- Patients and Communities Act to provide for eral tax benefits to such programs; therefore, mittee on Finance. Medicare and mental and behav- be it By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself and ioral health treatment through telehealth; Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia: Ms. COLLINS): to the Committee on Finance.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JN6.021 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4623 By Mr. SASSE: Houses of Worship, and for other purposes; to S. 2133. A bill to amend the Congressional S. 2113. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- the Committee on Homeland Security and Budget Act of 1974 to provide for studies and enue Code of 1986 to expand permissible dis- Governmental Affairs. reports relating to the impact of legislation tributions from an employee’s health flexible By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. REED, on spending on children, and for other pur- spending account or health reimbursement Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, poses; to the Committee on the Budget. to their health savings ac- and Mr. SANDERS): By Mrs. GILLIBRAND (for herself and count; to the Committee on Finance. S. 2124. A bill to prohibit the award of Fed- Mr. BROWN): By Mr. KELLY (for himself and Ms. eral Government contracts to inverted do- S. 2134. A bill to establish the Data Protec- COLLINS): mestic corporations, and for other purposes; tion Agency; to the Committee on Com- S. 2114. A bill to expand the definition of to the Committee on Homeland Security and merce, Science, and Transportation. qualified persons for purposes of the Public Governmental Affairs. By Ms. HASSAN (for herself and Mr. Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act By Mr. MURPHY (for himself, Ms. BRAUN): to include health professional students; to WARREN, Ms. SMITH, and Mr. VAN S. 2135. A bill to amend title 31, United the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, HOLLEN): States Code, to require the Chief Operating and Pensions. S. 2125. A bill to divert Federal funding Officer of each agency to compile a list of By Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself, Ms. away from supporting the presence of police unnecessary programs, and for other pur- COLLINS, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. WHITE- in schools and toward evidence-based and poses; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- HOUSE, Ms. CANTWELL, Ms. BALDWIN, trauma informed services that address the rity and Governmental Affairs. Mr. MARKEY, and Ms. CORTEZ MASTO): needs of marginalized students and improve By Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself and S. 2115. A bill to amend title 28, United academic outcomes, and for other purposes; Ms. SMITH): States Code, to prohibit the exclusion of in- to the Committee on Health, Education, S. 2136. A bill to amend the Public Health dividuals from service on a Federal jury on Labor, and Pensions. Service Act to provide for the implementa- account of or gender iden- By Ms. LUMMIS (for herself and Mr. tion of curricula for training students, tity; to the Committee on the Judiciary. VAN HOLLEN): teachers, parents, and school and youth de- By Mrs. GILLIBRAND (for herself and S. 2126. A bill to designate the Federal Of- velopment personnel to understand, recog- Ms. COLLINS): fice Building located at 308 W. 21st Street in nize, prevent, and respond to signs of human S. 2116. A bill to prevent mail, tele- Cheyenne, Wyoming, as the ‘‘Louisa Swain trafficking and exploitation in children and marketing, and internet fraud targeting sen- Federal Office Building’’ ; to the Committee youth, and for other purposes; to the Com- iors in the United States, to promote efforts on Environment and Public Works. mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and to increase public awareness of the enormous By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. Pensions. impact that mail, telemarketing, and inter- VAN HOLLEN, and Mr. CASEY): By Mr. DURBIN (for himself and Mr. net fraud have on seniors, to educate the S. 2127. A bill to amend title 31, United BRAUN): public, seniors, their families, and their States Code, to require that Federal chil- S. 2137. A bill to amend title 49, United caregivers about how to identify and combat dren’s programs be separately displayed and States Code, to establish an Office of Rural fraudulent activity, and for other purposes; analyzed in the President’s budget, and for Investment, to ensure that rural commu- to the Committee on Commerce, Science, other purposes; to the Committee on the nities and regions are equitably represented and Transportation. Budget. in Federal decision-making for transpor- By Mr. WYDEN (for himself and Mr. By Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, Mr. tation policy, and for other purposes; to the MERKLEY): BLUMENTHAL, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. REED, Committee on Commerce, Science, and S. 2117. A bill to amend the Help America Mr. COONS, Ms. WARREN, Ms. KLO- Transportation. Vote Act of 2002 to ensure that voters in BUCHAR, Mr. MENENDEZ, Ms. SMITH, By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself and elections for Federal office do not wait in Mr. BOOKER, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. Mr. RUBIO): long lines in order to vote; to the Committee DUCKWORTH, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. S. 2138. A bill to respond to international on Rules and Administration. LEAHY, Ms. HIRONO, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, trafficking of Cuban medical professionals By Mr. WYDEN (for himself, Ms. STA- Mr. WYDEN, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, and by the Government of Cuba, and for other BENOW, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. CARPER, Mr. PADILLA): purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- S. 2128. A bill to ensure the humane treat- Mr. CARDIN, Mr. BROWN, Mr. BENNET, ary. ment of pregnant women by reinstating the Mr. CASEY, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, and Ms. By Mr. MERKLEY (for himself, Mr. CORTEZ MASTO): presumption of release and prohibiting VAN HOLLEN, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. S. 2118. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- shackling, restraining, and other inhumane WYDEN, Mr. PADILLA, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. enue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives treatment of pregnant detainees, and for SANDERS, Mr. BOOKER, and Mr. DUR- for increased investment in clean energy, other purposes; to the Committee on the Ju- BIN): and for other purposes; read the first time. diciary. S.J. Res. 21. A joint resolution proposing By Mr. RUBIO (for himself and Mr. By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself, Mr. an amendment to the Constitution of the ANCHIN): ROWN, and Mr. COONS): M B United States to prohibit the use of slavery S. 2119. A bill to provide for nonpreemption S. 2129. A bill to promote freedom of infor- and involuntary servitude as a punishment of measures by State and local governments mation and counter censorship and surveil- for a crime; to the Committee on the Judici- to divest from entities that engage in certain lance in , and for other purposes; ary. boycott, divestment, or sanctions activities to the Committee on Foreign Relations. targeting Israel or persons doing business in By Mr. WHITEHOUSE (for himself, Mr. f Israel or Israeli-controlled territories, and CASSIDY, Mr. COONS, Mrs. HYDE- for other purposes; to the Committee on SMITH, Mr. KAINE, Mr. KING, Mr. SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. SCHATZ, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. VAN HOL- SENATE RESOLUTIONS By Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Ms. CANT- LEN, and Mr. WICKER): The following concurrent resolutions WELL, Ms. ROSEN, and Mrs. BLACK- S. 2130. A bill to modify the disposition of and Senate resolutions were read, and BURN): certain outer Continental Shelf revenues and S. 2120. A bill to establish the United to open Federal financial sharing to heighten referred (or acted upon), as indicated: States-Israel Artificial Intelligence Center opportunities for renewable energy, and for By Mr. BARRASSO (for himself, Mr. to improve artificial intelligence research other purposes; to the Committee on Energy TESTER, Ms. LUMMIS, Mr. HOEVEN, and development cooperation; to the Com- and Natural Resources. Mr. CRAMER, Mr. THUNE, Mr. ROUNDS, mittee on Foreign Relations. By Mr. TESTER (for himself and Ms. Mr. RISCH, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. INHOFE, By Mr. CORNYN (for himself and Mrs. LUMMIS): and Mr. MARSHALL): FEINSTEIN): S. 2131. A bill to require a review of the ef- S. Res. 274. A resolution designating July S. 2121. A bill to develop best practice fects of FHA mortgage insurance policies, 24, 2021, as ‘‘National Day of the American guidelines for the use of dogs in Federal practices, and products on small-dollar Cowboy’’; to the Committee on the Judici- courts, and for other purposes; to the Com- mortgage lending, and for other purposes; to ary. mittee on the Judiciary. the Committee on Banking, Housing, and By Mr. KAINE (for himself, Ms. BALD- By Mr. WYDEN (for himself and Mr. Urban Affairs. WIN, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, DAINES): By Mr. BRAUN (for himself, Mr. BOOZ- Mr. WYDEN, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. VAN S. 2122. A bill to amend title 18, United MAN, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. CRUZ, Mr. HOLLEN, Mr. WARNER, Mr. CASEY, Mr. States Code, to regulate the use of cell-site SCOTT of Florida, and Mr. INHOFE): WHITEHOUSE, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. DUR- simulators, and for other purposes; to the S. 2132. A bill to amend title 5, United BIN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. Committee on the Judiciary. States Code, to limit the use of taxpayer COONS, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. MERKLEY, By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself and Ms. funded union time for employees of the In- and Mr. CARDIN): HASSAN): ternal Revenue Service, and for other pur- S. Res. 275. A resolution acknowledging S. 2123. A bill to establish the Federal poses; to the Committee on Finance. and apologizing for the mistreatment of, and Clearinghouse on Safety and Security Best By Mr. VAN HOLLEN (for himself, Mr. discrimination against, lesbian, gay, bisex- Practices for Faith-Based Organizations and CASEY, and Mr. MENENDEZ): ual, and transgender individuals who served

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JN6.024 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4624 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 the United States in the Armed Forces, the S. 450 ical and other unlawful motives over- Foreign Service, and the Federal civil serv- At the request of Mr. BURR, the name seas, and for other purposes. ice; to the Committee on Homeland Security of the Senator from Alaska (Mr. SUL- S. 1596 and Governmental Affairs. LIVAN) was added as a cosponsor of S. By Mr. RUBIO (for himself and Mr. At the request of Mr. ROUNDS, the SCOTT of Florida): 450, a bill to award posthumously the names of the Senator from Mississippi S. Res. 276. A resolution congratulating the Congressional Gold Medal to Emmett (Mrs. HYDE-SMITH) and the Senator University of Florida Gators for winning the Till and Mamie Till-Mobley. from West Virginia (Mrs. CAPITO) were 2021 National Collegiate Athletic Association S. 611 added as cosponsors of S. 1596, a bill to Division I Men’s Tennis Championship; con- At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the require the Secretary of the Treasury sidered and agreed to. By Mr. WICKER (for himself and Mrs. name of the Senator from Wyoming to mint coins in commemoration of the HYDE-SMITH): (Ms. LUMMIS) was added as a cosponsor National World War II Memorial in S. Res. 277. A resolution congratulating the of S. 611, a bill to deposit certain funds Washington, DC, and for other pur- University of Mississippi Rebels women’s into the Crime Victims Fund, to waive poses. golf team on winning the 2021 National Colle- matching requirements, and for other S. 1848 giate Athletic Association Division I wom- purposes. en’s golf championship; considered and At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, S. 613 agreed to. the name of the Senator from Virginia By Mr. CASEY (for himself and Mr. At the request of Mr. TILLIS, the (Mr. WARNER) was added as a cosponsor MORAN): name of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. of S. 1848, a bill to prohibit discrimina- S. Res. 278. A resolution recognizing the WARNOCK) was added as a cosponsor of tion on the basis of religion, sex (in- 75th anniversary of United Spinal Associa- S. 613, a bill to direct the Secretary of cluding sexual orientation and gender tion, a leading national advocacy organiza- Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot identity), and marital status in the ad- tion that is dedicated to promoting the inde- program on dog training therapy and pendence and enhancing the quality of life of ministration and provision of child all people living with spinal cord injuries to amend title 38, United States Code, welfare services, to improve safety, and neurological disorders, including vet- to authorize the Secretary to provide well-being, and permanency for les- erans, and providing support and informa- service dogs to veterans with mental bian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and tion to their loved ones, care providers, and illnesses who do not have mobility im- queer or questioning foster youth, and personal support networks; considered and pairments. for other purposes. agreed to. S. 697 S. 1872 By Ms. ROSEN (for herself and Mr. At the request of Ms. ROSEN, the CASSIDY): At the request of Ms. ERNST, the S. Res. 279. A resolution designating June names of the Senator from Massachu- names of the Senator from 21, 2021 through June 25, 2021, as ‘‘National setts (Ms. WARREN) and the Senator (Mr. COTTON), the Senator from Texas Cybersecurity Education Week’’; to the Com- from Washington (Ms. CANTWELL) were (Mr. CRUZ), the Senator from Pennsyl- mittee on the Judiciary. added as cosponsors of S. 697, a bill to vania (Mr. CASEY) and the Senator By Mr. SCOTT of Florida (for himself require the Secretary of the Treasury from California (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) were and Mr. CRUZ): S. Res. 280. A resolution supporting a sta- to mint commemorative coins in rec- added as cosponsors of S. 1872, a bill to ble Colombia and opposing any threat to de- ognition of the Bicentennial of Harriet award a Congressional Gold Medal, col- mocracy in Colombia; to the Committee on Tubman’s birth. lectively, to the Foreign Relations. S. 1368 Rangers Veterans of World War II in f At the request of Ms. WARREN, the recognition of their extraordinary serv- ice during World War II. ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS name of the Senator from California (Mr. PADILLA) was added as a cosponsor S. 1891 S. 75 of S. 1368, a bill to make housing more At the request of Mr. COONS, the At the request of Mr. INHOFE, the affordable, and for other purposes. name of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. name of the Senator from Mississippi S. 1488 WARNOCK) was added as a cosponsor of (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Ms. DUCKWORTH, S. 1891, a bill to transfer and limit Ex- of S. 75, a bill to amend title 18, United the name of the Senator from Georgia ecutive Branch authority to suspend or States Code, to prohibit discrimination (Mr. WARNOCK) was added as a cospon- restrict the entry of a class of aliens. by abortion against an unborn child on sor of S. 1488, a bill to amend title 37, the basis of Down syndrome. S. 1909 United States Code, to establish a basic ESTER S. 204 At the request of Mr. T , the needs allowance for low-income regular At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the names of the Senator from South Da- members of the Armed Forces. name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. kota (Mr. THUNE) and the Senator from S. 1544 BROWN) was added as a cosponsor of S. North Dakota (Mr. CRAMER) were added 204, a bill to establish the Office of At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the as cosponsors of S. 1909, a bill to amend Press Freedom, to create press freedom name of the Senator from Mississippi title XVIII of the Social Security Act curriculum at the National Foreign Af- (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor to reform requirements with respect to fairs Training Center, and for other of S. 1544, a bill to amend title XIX of direct and indirect remuneration under purposes. the Social Security Act to streamline Medicare part D, and for other pur- poses. S. 267 enrollment under the Medicaid pro- At the request of Ms. SMITH, the gram of certain providers across State S. 1945 name of the Senator from Wyoming lines, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. COONS, the (Ms. LUMMIS) was added as a cosponsor S. 1548 names of the Senator from Georgia of S. 267, a bill to increase the Federal At the request of Mr. LUJA´ N, the (Mr. WARNOCK), the Senator from Ar- share of operating costs for certain name of the Senator from Pennsyl- kansas (Mr. BOOZMAN), the Senator projects that receive grants under the vania (Mr. CASEY) was added as a co- from Maryland (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) and Formula Grants to Rural Areas Pro- sponsor of S. 1548, a bill to amend the the Senator from North Carolina (Mr. gram of the Federal Transit Adminis- Public Health Service Act to improve TILLIS) were added as cosponsors of S. tration. the diversity of participants in re- 1945, a bill to provide for the long-term S. 346 search on Alzheimer’s disease, and for improvement of Historically Black Col- At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the other purposes. leges and Universities, and for other name of the Senator from New York S. 1591 purposes. (Mr. SCHUMER) was added as a cospon- At the request of Mr. WICKER, the S. 1986 sor of S. 346, a bill to end preventable name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. At the request of Mrs. CAPITO, the maternal mortality and severe mater- CORNYN) was added as a cosponsor of S. name of the Senator from Mississippi nal morbidity in the United States and 1591, a bill to counter efforts by foreign (Mrs. HYDE-SMITH) was added as a co- close disparities in maternal health governments to pursue, harass, or oth- sponsor of S. 1986, a bill to amend title outcomes, and for other purposes. erwise persecute individuals for polit- XVIII of the Social Security Act and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JN6.026 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4625 the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 to ex- (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a cosponsor personal care products and where they pand and expedite access to cardiac re- of S. Res. 240, a resolution affirming are being made before arriving in habilitation programs and pulmonary the role of the United States in im- stores. Companies would also be re- rehabilitation programs under the proving access to quality, inclusive quired to disclose their list of ingredi- Medicare program, and for other pur- public education and improved learn- ents, attest that they have safety poses. ing outcomes for children and adoles- records for their products, and report S. 1997 cents, particularly for girls, in the serious adverse events, such as infec- At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the poorest countries through the Global tions that required medical treatment, names of the Senator from Maine (Mr. Partnership for Education. to FDA within 15 days after being noti- KING) and the Senator from Maine (Ms. f fied that one occurred. COLLINS) were added as cosponsors of S. This bill would also require the FDA 1997, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED to evaluate at least five ingredients per enue Code of 1986 to provide that cer- BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTION year for safety and whether they tain contributions by government enti- By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself should be used in personal care prod- ties are treated as contributions to and Ms. COLLINS): ucts. There would be opportunities for capital. S. 2100. A bill to amend the Federal companies, scientists, consumer S. 2058 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to en- groups, medical professionals, and At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the sure the safety of cosmetics; to the other members of the public to weigh name of the Senator from North Caro- Committee on Health, Education, in not only on the safety of particular lina (Mr. TILLIS) was added as a co- Labor, and Pensions. ingredients but also which ingredients sponsor of S. 2058, a bill to improve the Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I should be a priority for review. safety and security of members of the am pleased to introduce bipartisan leg- As I’ve said before, the ‘‘Personal Armed Forces, and for other purposes. islation with Senator COLLINS today to Care Products Safety Act’’ is the result S. 2085 improve safety standards on products of many diverse groups working to- At the request of Mr. WHITEHOUSE, that affect every single American gether to ensure businesses are able to the names of the Senator from Cali- household. Most people assume that provide the safest products possible to fornia (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) and the Sen- the personal care products they use consumers. As such, this legislation ator from (Mr. every day are safe, whether it is sham- also recognizes the needs of small busi- BLUMENTHAL) were added as cosponsors poo or shaving cream, lotion or make- nesses and provides flexibility to en- of S. 2085, a bill to amend the Internal up, hair dye or deodorant. sure they are able to comply with these Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for car- In reality, however, these products new regulations while also upholding bon dioxide and other greenhouse gas are not approved by the Food and Drug strong safety standards that protect and criteria air pollutant emission Administration for safety before being consumers. fees, provide rebates to low and middle sold, and the FDA’s authority to regu- I am pleased that this legislation has income Americans, invest in fossil fuel late these products are sorely out- the support of a broad coalition, in- communities and workers, invest in en- dated. In fact, it’s been more than cluding the Environmental Working vironmental justice communities, and eighty years since the law has changed Group, Beautycounter, Estee Lauder, for other purposes. on how oversight is conducted for these Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, Revlon, S. 2087 products. It is time to finally bring the L’Oreal USA, American Academy of At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the FDA into the 21st century. Pediatrics, American Cancer Society name of the Senator from Vermont For the better part of a decade, Sen- Cancer Action Network, the Associa- (Mr. LEAHY) was added as a cosponsor ator COLLINS and I have worked with a tion of Maternal & Child Health Pro- of S. 2087, a bill to amend title 38, wide variety of stakeholders that rep- grams, the Endocrine Society, March United States Code, to expand the resent industry, consumers, and health of Dimes, National Alliance for His- membership of the Advisory Com- groups. Together, we introduce this panic Health, the National Women’s mittee on Minority Veterans to include Personal Care Products Safety bill Health Network, Au Naturale Cos- veterans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, with the support and input of these metics, Burt’s Bees Company, The Clo- transgender, gender diverse, gender groups to implement commonsense and rox Company, the Handcrafted Soap non-conforming, intersex, or queer. feasible measures. and Cosmetic Guild, and Procter & S. 2088 One of the most critical components Gamble. At the request of Mr. KELLY, the of this legislation is providing FDA I want to thank Senator COLLINS for name of the Senator from New York with mandatory recall authority over her support as well as her staff for (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- these products. Without this authority, their hard work on this important leg- sponsor of S. 2088, a bill to amend title the agency has few options to ensure islation. I urge my colleagues to join 10, United States Code, to improve the consumer safety. us in modernizing our outdated regu- process by which a member of the For example, in 2019, the FDA discov- latory system for personal care prod- Armed Forces may be referred for a ered asbestos in make-up marketed to ucts, and I hope the Senate will finally mental health evaluation. children and teens at a popular chain pass this long overdue legislation this S.J. RES. 10 store. After the FDA requested that year. At the request of Mr. KAINE, the these products stop being sold, the Thank you Madam President. I yield name of the Senator from California company refused to comply with the the Floor. (Mr. PADILLA) was added as a cosponsor request. Lacking the authority to man- --- of S.J. Res. 10, a joint resolution to re- date a recall, FDA was left with the By Mr. PADILLA: peal the authorizations for use of mili- only option of warning consumers not S. 2103. A bill to amend the Revised tary force against Iraq, and for other to use these products. This is simply Statutes of the United States to hold purposes. unacceptable. certain public employers liable in civil S. RES. 67 Under our bill, the FDA could remove actions for deprivation of rights, and At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the these harmful products from the mar- for other purposes; to the Committee name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. ketplace—whether at your local phar- on the Judiciary. RUBIO) was added as a cosponsor of S. macy or mall, or online. Perhaps even Mr. PADILLA. Mr. President, I rise Res. 67, a resolution calling for the im- more importantly, our bill would set to introduce the ‘‘Accountability for mediate release of Trevor Reed, a forth regulations to outline good man- Federal Law Enforcement Act.’’ United States citizen who was unjustly ufacturing practices for personal care This legislation recognizes the need found guilty and sentenced to 9 years products and prevent harmful products to hold bad actors accountable—period. in a Russian prison. from ever being sold. In order to build trust in our system S. RES. 240 Our bill would also require companies of justice, we must allow individuals At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the to register with the FDA so that the the right to sue Federal law enforce- name of the Senator from Maryland agency knows who is manufacturing ment agencies when the actions of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JN6.028 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4626 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 their officers lead to a violation of should support those who want to I ask unanimous consent that the bill rights. work. The bill I am introducing today be printed in the RECORD. This legislation would provide a right will change Social Security so that So ordered. of action for an individual to sue a Fed- parents and their children will know S. 2108 eral law enforcement officer and agen- that working will never disadvantage Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- cy for harm resulting from a violation them in the future. resentatives of the United States of America in of their civil and constitutional rights. Let me explain the problem. Under Congress assembled, 42 USC § 1983 currently provides this current law, a child with a disability SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. right of action for state and local law that began before age 22 may receive a This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Work With- Social Security benefit based on the out Worry Act’’. enforcement officers who violate a per- SEC. 2. ELIMINATION OF WORK DISINCENTIVE son’s rights. However, there is cur- work of a disabled, retired or deceased FOR CHILDHOOD DISABILITY BENE- rently no statutory equivalent that ex- parent. Often the child receives this FICIARIES. tends this right to incidents involving benefit for the rest of their life. Social (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 202(d) of the So- federal law enforcement officers and Security provides the benefit because cial Security Act (42 U.S.C. 402(d)) is amend- ed— agencies. the child is usually dependent on their parents for financial support. The prob- (1) in paragraph (1)(B)(ii), by striking ‘‘is Because Americans lack this right, under a disability (as defined in section there is a gap in accountability that lem is that the law regards earnings by the child above $1,310 a month as end- 223(d)) which began before he attained the urgently needs to be filled. This legis- age of 22, and’’ and inserting the following: lation fills that gap by allowing indi- ing that dependency—even if the child ‘‘is under a disability (as defined in section viduals to sue federal officers, just as is no longer able to maintain that level 223(d)), and— of work in the future. When that de- they can sue state and local officers. It ‘‘(I) the physical or mental impairment (or pendency ends, the child ceases to be would also allow individuals to sue fed- combination of impairments) that is the eligible for the benefit from the parent. basis for the finding of disability began be- eral law enforcement agencies. The Instead, the child would receive a ben- fore the child attained the age of 22 (or is of United States Supreme Court has rec- efit based on their work. The benefit such a type that can reasonably be presumed ognized that the federal government from the parent’s work is often signifi- to have begun before the child attained the will not be liable in suit unless it cantly larger than the child’s own ben- age of 22, as determined by the Commis- waives its immunity and consents. efit. Because of this policy, parents of sioner), and ‘‘(II) the impairment or combination of im- This legislation recognizes the need for children with disabilities may prevent such a waiver. pairments could have been the basis for a their child from working at their full finding of disability (without regard to While extending this right will not potential, fearing that the work will automatically end all cases of abuse by whether the child was actually engaged in cause the child to lose out on the larg- substantial gainful activity) before the child certain law enforcement officers, it er benefit. We need to change Social attained age 22, and’’; and will give the American people an im- Security to ensure parents and their (2) by adding at the end the following new portant tool to fight against injustice children that working will not cause paragraphs: while also demonstrating that the time them to be worse off in the future. ‘‘(11)(A) In the case of a child described in is now to address police brutality. To provide that assurance, I am in- subparagraph (B)(ii) of paragraph (1) who— While the United States Supreme troducing the Work Without Worry ‘‘(i) has not attained early retirement age (as defined in section 216(l)(2)); Court has addressed the absence of a Act. The bill ensures that any indi- right of action against Federal officers ‘‘(ii) has filed an application for child’s in- vidual with a disability that began be- surance benefits; and before, the scope of the provided ‘‘rem- fore age 22 will receive the larger of the ‘‘(iii) is insured for disability benefits (as edy’’ has been kept extremely narrow. benefit from either their parent’s work determined under section 223(c)(1)) at the Without a statute in place, this right or the benefit from their own work. time of such filing; will continue to be under-utilized and Any earnings from work—no matter such application shall be deemed to be an ap- could disappear whenever the Court how much—will not prevent the child plication for both child’s insurance benefits sees fit. from receiving a Social Security ben- under this subsection and disability insur- Americans deserve better. We all de- efit from their parent’s work as long as ance benefits under section 223. serve to have our constitutional rights ‘‘(B) In the case of a child described in sub- the child is eligible for disability insur- paragraph (B)(ii) of paragraph (1) who— respected, and we deserve a system ance by the same impairment from be- ‘‘(i) has attained early retirement age (as that will hold bad actors accountable. fore age 22. This legislation would give defined in section 216(l)(2)); This is too urgent a need to go parents the assurance that their child ‘‘(ii) has filed an application for child’s in- unaddressed. with a disability can work without surance benefits; and Public safety is a two-way street. We, having to worry that the child will lose ‘‘(iii) is a fully insured individual (as de- as citizens, honor our officers and trust out on the full protections that Social fined in section 214(a)) at the time of such law enforcement to keep our streets Security provides. filing; safe and peaceful. In return, we expect I want to thank Kathy Holmquist, such application shall be deemed to be an ap- President of Pathways to Independ- plication for both child’s insurance benefits officers to be held to account for bad under this subsection and old-age insurance behavior. Anything less undermines ence, Inc. in Portland, Oregon, who has benefits under section 202(a). public safety. been a leader in my state helping peo- ‘‘(C) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), in the I look forward to working with my ple with disabilities live and work with case of a child described in subparagraph (A) colleagues to pass the ‘‘Accountability dignity. Kathy contacted me about the or (B), if, at the time of filing an application for Federal Law Enforcement Act’’ as need for this legislation and I appre- for child’s insurance benefits, the amount of quickly as possible. ciate her advocacy and support. Addi- the monthly old-age or disability insurance Thank you, Mr. President. I yield the tional thanks to The Arc for the tech- benefit to which the child would be entitled floor. nical assistance and endorsement of is greater than the amount of the monthly child’s insurance benefit to which the child --- the bill. The bill is also endorsed by the By Mr. WYDEN (for himself, Mr. would be entitled, the child shall not be enti- American Network of Community Op- tled to a child’s insurance benefit based on CASSIDY, Mr. BROWN, Ms. KLO- tions and Resources (ANCOR), Consor- such application. BUCHAR, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. tium for Citizens with Disabilities ‘‘(D) For purposes of subparagraph (C), the LEAHY, Mr. MERKLEY, and Mr. (CCD) Social Security Task Force, Na- amount of the monthly old-age or disability CASEY): tional Down Syndrome Congress, and benefit to which the child would be entitled S. 2108. A bill to amend title II of the The Association of University Centers shall be determined— Social Security Act to eliminate work on Disabilities. I am grateful that So- ‘‘(i) without regard to the primary insur- disincentives for childhood disability cial Security Subcommittee Chairman ance amount calculation described section 215(a)(7); and beneficiaries; to the Committee on Fi- JOHN LARSON is introducing the com- ‘‘(ii) before application of section 224. nance. panion bill in the House of Representa- ‘‘(12) For purposes of paragraph (1)(B)(ii), a Mr. WYDEN. Madam President, one tives. The Senate bill is cosponsored by child shall not be required to be continu- topic there is much agreement on is Senators CASSIDY, BROWN, KLOBUCHAR, ously under a disability during the period be- the benefits of work, and our laws SANDERS, LEAHY, MERKLEY and CASEY. tween the date that the disability began and

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the date that the application for child’s in- ‘‘(b) INVERTED DOMESTIC CORPORATION.— may issue regulations decreasing the thresh- surance benefits is filed.’’. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of this sec- old percent in any of the tests under such (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments tion, a foreign incorporated entity shall be regulations for determining if business ac- made by this section shall apply to applica- treated as an inverted domestic corporation tivities constitute significant domestic busi- tions filed on or after the date that is 24 if, pursuant to a plan (or a series of related ness activities for purposes of this para- months after the date of the enactment of transactions)— graph. this section. ‘‘(A) the entity completes on or after May ‘‘(c) WAIVER.— --- 8, 2014, the direct or indirect acquisition of— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The head of an executive By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. ‘‘(i) substantially all of the properties held agency may waive subsection (a) with re- REED, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. directly or indirectly by a domestic corpora- spect to any Federal Government contract WHITEHOUSE, and Mr. SANDERS): tion; or under the authority of such head if the head S. 2124. A bill to prohibit the award ‘‘(ii) substantially all of the assets of, or determines that the waiver is— of Federal Government contracts to in- substantially all of the properties consti- ‘‘(A) required in the interest of national se- tuting a trade or business of, a domestic curity; or verted domestic corporations, and for partnership; and ‘‘(B) necessary for the efficient or effective other purposes; to the Committee on ‘‘(B) after the acquisition, either— administration of Federal or federally fund- Homeland Security and Governmental ‘‘(i) more than 50 percent of the stock (by ed— Affairs. vote or value) of the entity is held— ‘‘(i) programs that provide health benefits Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask ‘‘(I) in the case of an acquisition with re- to individuals; or unanimous consent that the text of the spect to a domestic corporation, by former ‘‘(ii) public health programs. shareholders of the domestic corporation by bill be printed in the RECORD. ‘‘(2) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—The head of an There being no objection, the text of reason of holding stock in the domestic cor- executive agency issuing a waiver under poration; or the bill was ordered to be printed in paragraph (1) shall, not later than 14 days ‘‘(II) in the case of an acquisition with re- after issuing such waiver, submit a written the RECORD, as follows: spect to a domestic partnership, by former notification of the waiver to the relevant au- S. 2124 partners of the domestic partnership by rea- thorizing committees of Congress and the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- son of holding a capital or profits interest in Committees on Appropriations of the Senate resentatives of the United States of America in the domestic partnership; or and the House of Representatives. Congress assembled, ‘‘(ii) the management and control of the ‘‘(d) APPLICABILITY.— SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. expanded affiliated group which includes the ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in This Act may be cited as the ‘‘American entity occurs, directly or indirectly, pri- paragraph (2), this section shall not apply to Business for American Companies Act of marily within the United States, as deter- any contract entered into before the date of 2021’’. mined pursuant to regulations prescribed by the enactment of this section. the Secretary of the Treasury, and such ex- SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON AWARDING CONTRACTS ‘‘(2) TASK AND DELIVERY ORDERS.—This sec- TO INVERTED DOMESTIC CORPORA- panded affiliated group has significant do- tion shall apply to any task or delivery order TIONS. mestic business activities. issued after the date of the enactment of this (a) CIVILIAN CONTRACTS.— ‘‘(2) EXCEPTION FOR CORPORATIONS WITH section pursuant to a contract entered into (1) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 47 of title 41, SUBSTANTIAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES IN FOREIGN before, on, or after such date of enactment. United States Code, is amended by adding at COUNTRY OF ORGANIZATION.— ‘‘(3) SCOPE.—This section applies only to the end the following new section: ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—A foreign incorporated contracts subject to regulation under the entity described in paragraph (1) shall not be Federal Acquisition Regulation. ‘‘§ 4715. Prohibition on awarding contracts to treated as an inverted domestic corporation inverted domestic corporations ‘‘(e) DEFINITIONS AND SPECIAL RULES.— if after the acquisition the expanded affili- ‘‘(1) DEFINITIONS.—In this section, the ‘‘(a) PROHIBITION.— ated group which includes the entity has terms ‘expanded affiliated group’, ‘foreign ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The head of an executive substantial business activities in the foreign incorporated entity’, ‘person’, ‘domestic’, agency may not award a contract for the country in which or under the law of which and ‘foreign’ have the meaning given those procurement of property or services to— the entity is created or organized when com- terms in section 835(c) of the Homeland Se- ‘‘(A) any foreign incorporated entity that pared to the total business activities of such curity Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 395(c)). such head has determined is an inverted do- expanded affiliated group. ‘‘(2) SPECIAL RULES.—In applying sub- mestic corporation or any subsidiary of such ‘‘(B) SUBSTANTIAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES.— section (b) of this section for purposes of sub- entity; or The Secretary of the Treasury (or the Sec- section (a) of this section, the rules described ‘‘(B) any joint venture if more than 10 per- retary’s delegate) shall establish regulations under 835(c)(1) of the Homeland Security Act cent of the joint venture (by vote or value) is for determining whether an affiliated group of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 395(c)(1)) shall apply.’’. held by a foreign incorporated entity that has substantial business activities for pur- (2) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of such head has determined is an inverted do- poses of subparagraph (A), except that such sections at the beginning of chapter 47 of mestic corporation or any subsidiary of such regulations may not treat any group as hav- title 41, United States Code, is amended by entity. ing substantial business activities if such inserting after the item relating to section ‘‘(2) SUBCONTRACTS.— group would not be considered to have sub- 4714 the following new item: ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The head of an execu- stantial business activities under the regula- tive agency shall include in each contract for tions prescribed under section 7874 of the In- ‘‘4715. Prohibition on awarding contracts to the procurement of property or services ternal Revenue Code of 1986, as in effect on inverted domestic corpora- awarded by the executive agency with a January 18, 2017. tions.’’. (b) DEFENSE CONTRACTS.— value in excess of $10,000,000, other than a ‘‘(3) SIGNIFICANT DOMESTIC BUSINESS ACTIVI- (1) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 137 of title 10, contract for exclusively commercial items, a TIES.— United States Code, is amended by adding at clause that prohibits the prime contractor ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of para- on such contract from— graph (1)(B)(ii), an expanded affiliated group the end the following new section: ‘‘(i) awarding a first-tier subcontract with has significant domestic business activities ‘‘§ 2339d. Prohibition on awarding contracts a value greater than 10 percent of the total if at least 25 percent of— to inverted domestic corporations value of the prime contract to an entity or ‘‘(i) the employees of the group are based ‘‘(a) PROHIBITION.— joint venture described in paragraph (1); or in the United States; ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The head of an agency ‘‘(ii) structuring subcontract tiers in a ‘‘(ii) the employee compensation incurred may not award a contract for the procure- manner designed to avoid the limitation in by the group is incurred with respect to em- ment of property or services to— paragraph (1) by enabling an entity or joint ployees based in the United States; ‘‘(A) any foreign incorporated entity that venture described in paragraph (1) to perform ‘‘(iii) the assets of the group are located in such head has determined is an inverted do- more than 10 percent of the total value of the United States; or mestic corporation or any subsidiary of such the prime contract as a lower-tier subcon- ‘‘(iv) the income of the group is derived in entity; or tractor. the United States. ‘‘(B) any joint venture if more than 10 per- ‘‘(B) PENALTIES.—The contract clause in- ‘‘(B) DETERMINATION.—Determinations pur- cent of the joint venture (by vote or value) is cluded in contracts pursuant to subpara- suant to subparagraph (A) shall be made in owned by a foreign incorporated entity that graph (A) shall provide that, in the event the same manner as such determinations are such head has determined is an inverted do- that the prime contractor violates the con- made for purposes of determining substantial mestic corporation or any subsidiary of such tract clause— business activities under regulations re- entity. ‘‘(i) the prime contract may be terminated ferred to in paragraph (2) as in effect on Jan- ‘‘(2) SUBCONTRACTS.— for default; and uary 18, 2017, but applied by treating all ref- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The head of an execu- ‘‘(ii) the matter may be referred to the sus- erences in such regulations to ‘foreign coun- tive agency shall include in each contract for pension or debarment official for the appro- try’ and ‘relevant foreign country’ as ref- the procurement of property or services priate agency and may be a basis for suspen- erences to ‘the United States’. The Secretary awarded by the executive agency with a sion or debarment of the prime contractor. of the Treasury (or the Secretary’s delegate) value in excess of $10,000,000, other than a

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contract for exclusively commercial items, a ‘‘(3) SIGNIFICANT DOMESTIC BUSINESS ACTIVI- chapter 364 of such title, inserted after sec- clause that prohibits the prime contractor TIES.— tion 4660, as added by section 1862(b) of the on such contract from— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of para- William M. (Mac) Thornberry National De- ‘‘(i) awarding a first-tier subcontract with graph (1)(B)(ii), an expanded affiliated group fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 a value greater than 10 percent of the total has significant domestic business activities (Public Law 116–283), and redesignated as sec- value of the prime contract to an entity or if at least 25 percent of— tion 4661. joint venture described in paragraph (1); or ‘‘(i) the employees of the group are based (B) CLERICAL AMENDMENTS.— ‘‘(ii) structuring subcontract tiers in a in the United States; (i) TARGET CHAPTER TABLE OF SECTIONS.— manner designed to avoid the limitation in ‘‘(ii) the employee compensation incurred The table of sections at the beginning of paragraph (1) by enabling an entity or joint by the group is incurred with respect to em- chapter 364 of title 10, United States Code, as venture described in paragraph (1) to perform ployees based in the United States; added by section 1862(a) of the William M. more than 10 percent of the total value of ‘‘(iii) the assets of the group are located in (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Author- the prime contract as a lower-tier subcon- the United States; or ization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (Public Law tractor. ‘‘(iv) the income of the group is derived in 116–283), is amended by inserting after the ‘‘(B) PENALTIES.—The contract clause in- the United States. item relating to section 4660 the following cluded in contracts pursuant to subpara- ‘‘(B) DETERMINATION.—Determinations pur- new item: graph (A) shall provide that, in the event suant to subparagraph (A) shall be made in ‘‘Sec. 4661. Prohibition on awarding con- that the prime contractor violates the con- the same manner as such determinations are tracts to inverted domestic cor- tract clause— made for purposes of determining substantial porations.’’. ‘‘(i) the prime contract may be terminated business activities under regulations re- (ii) ORIGIN CHAPTER TABLE OF SECTIONS.— for default; and ferred to in paragraph (2) as in effect on Jan- The table of sections at the beginning of ‘‘(ii) the matter may be referred to the sus- uary 18, 2017, but applied by treating all ref- chapter 137 of title 10, United States Code, as pension or debarment official for the appro- erences in such regulations to ‘foreign coun- amended by paragraph (2), is amended by priate agency and may be a basis for suspen- try’ and ‘relevant foreign country’ as ref- striking the item relating to section 2339d. sion or debarment of the prime contractor. erences to ‘the United States’. The Secretary (C) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments ‘‘(b) INVERTED DOMESTIC CORPORATION.— of the Treasury (or the Secretary’s delegate) made by this paragraph shall take effect on ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of this sec- may issue regulations decreasing the thresh- January 1, 2022. tion, a foreign incorporated entity shall be old percent in any of the tests under such (D) REFERENCES; SAVINGS PROVISIONS; RULE treated as an inverted domestic corporation regulations for determining if business ac- OF CONSTRUCTION.—Sections 1883 through 1885 if, pursuant to a plan (or a series of related tivities constitute significant domestic busi- of the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National transactions)— ness activities for purposes of this para- Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year ‘‘(A) the entity completes on or after May graph. 2021 (Public Law 116–283) shall apply with re- 8, 2014, the direct or indirect acquisition of— ‘‘(c) WAIVER.— spect to the amendments made under this ‘‘(i) substantially all of the properties held ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The head of an agency paragraph as if such amendments were made directly or indirectly by a domestic corpora- may waive subsection (a) with respect to any under title XVIII of such Act. tion; or Federal Government contract under the au- (c) REGULATIONS REGARDING MANAGEMENT ‘‘(ii) substantially all of the assets of, or thority of such head if the head determines AND CONTROL.— substantially all of the properties consti- that the waiver is required in the interest of (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the tuting a trade or business of, a domestic national security or is necessary for the effi- Treasury (or the Secretary’s delegate) shall, partnership; and cient or effective administration of Federal for purposes of section 4714(b)(1)(B)(ii) of ‘‘(B) after the acquisition, either— or federally funded programs that provide title 41, United States Code, and section ‘‘(i) more than 50 percent of the stock (by health benefits to individuals. 2339d(b)(1)(B)(ii) of title 10, United States vote or value) of the entity is held— ‘‘(2) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—The head of an Code, as added by subsections (a) and (b), re- ‘‘(I) in the case of an acquisition with re- agency issuing a waiver under paragraph (1) spectively, prescribe regulations for purposes spect to a domestic corporation, by former shall, not later than 14 days after issuing of determining cases in which the manage- shareholders of the domestic corporation by such waiver, submit a written notification of ment and control of an expanded affiliated reason of holding stock in the domestic cor- the waiver to the congressional defense com- group is to be treated as occurring, directly poration; or mittees. or indirectly, primarily within the United ‘‘(II) in the case of an acquisition with re- ‘‘(d) APPLICABILITY.— States. The regulations prescribed under the spect to a domestic partnership, by former ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in preceding sentence shall apply to periods partners of the domestic partnership by rea- paragraph (2), this section shall not apply to after May 8, 2014. son of holding a capital or profits interest in any contract entered into before the date of (2) EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AND SENIOR MAN- the domestic partnership; or the enactment of this section. AGEMENT.—The regulations prescribed under ‘‘(ii) the management and control of the ‘‘(2) TASK AND DELIVERY ORDERS.—This sec- paragraph (1) shall provide that the manage- expanded affiliated group which includes the tion shall apply to any task or delivery order ment and control of an expanded affiliated entity occurs, directly or indirectly, pri- issued after the date of the enactment of this group shall be treated as occurring, directly marily within the United States, as deter- section pursuant to a contract entered into or indirectly, primarily within the United mined pursuant to regulations prescribed by before, on, or after such date of enactment. States if substantially all of the executive the Secretary of the Treasury, and such ex- ‘‘(3) SCOPE.—This section applies only to officers and senior management of the ex- panded affiliated group has significant do- contracts subject to regulation under the panded affiliated group who exercise day-to- mestic business activities. Federal Acquisition Regulation and the De- day responsibility for making decisions in- ‘‘(2) EXCEPTION FOR CORPORATIONS WITH fense Supplement to the Federal Acquisition volving strategic, financial, and operational SUBSTANTIAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES IN FOREIGN Regulation. policies of the expanded affiliated group are COUNTRY OF ORGANIZATION.— ‘‘(e) DEFINITIONS AND SPECIAL RULES.— based or primarily located within the United ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—A foreign incorporated ‘‘(1) DEFINITIONS.—In this section, the States. Individuals who in fact exercise such entity described in paragraph (1) shall not be terms ‘expanded affiliated group’, ‘foreign day-to-day responsibilities shall be treated treated as an inverted domestic corporation incorporated entity’, ‘person’, ‘domestic’, as executive officers and senior management if after the acquisition the expanded affili- and ‘foreign’ have the meaning given those regardless of their title. ated group which includes the entity has terms in section 835(c) of the Homeland Se- --- substantial business activities in the foreign curity Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 395(c)). By Mr. DURBIN (for himself and country in which or under the law of which ‘‘(2) SPECIAL RULES.—In applying sub- Mr. BRAUN): the entity is created or organized when com- section (b) of this section for purposes of sub- S. 2137. A bill to amend title 49, pared to the total business activities of such section (a) of this section, the rules described United States Code, to establish an Of- expanded affiliated group. under 835(c)(1) of the Homeland Security Act fice of Rural Investment, to ensure ‘‘(B) SUBSTANTIAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES.— of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 395(c)(1)) shall apply.’’. that rural communities and regions are The Secretary of the Treasury (or the Sec- (2) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of equitably represented in Federal deci- retary’s delegate) shall establish regulations sections at the beginning of chapter 137 of sion-making for transportation policy, for determining whether an affiliated group title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section and for other purposes; to the Com- has substantial business activities for pur- mittee on Commerce, Science, and poses of subparagraph (A), except that such 2339c the following new item: regulations may not treat any group as hav- ‘‘2339d. Prohibition on awarding contracts to Transportation. ing substantial business activities if such inverted domestic corpora- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask group would not be considered to have sub- tions.’’. unanimous consent that the text of the stantial business activities under the regula- (3) FUTURE TRANSFER.— bill be printed in the RECORD. tions prescribed under section 7874 of the In- (A) TRANSFER AND REDESIGNATION.—Sec- There being no objection, the text of ternal Revenue Code of 1986, as in effect on tion 2339d of title 10, United States Code, as the bill was ordered to be printed in January 18, 2017. added by paragraph (1), is transferred to the RECORD, as follows:

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S. 2137 quality of life in rural communities and re- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall des- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- gions; ignate not fewer than 1 representative from resentatives of the United States of America in ‘‘(C) provide information and outreach to each office or agency of the Department de- Congress assembled, rural communities and regions concerning scribed in subparagraph (B) who shall be re- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. the availability and eligibility requirements sponsible for leading the efforts within that This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Rural Trans- of participating in programs of the Depart- office or agency to further the goals and ob- portation Equity Act of 2021’’. ment; jectives described in subparagraph (B) of ‘‘(D) help rural communities and regions— paragraph (3). SEC. 2. RURAL INVESTMENT. ‘‘(i) identify competitive economic advan- ‘‘(B) OFFICES AND AGENCIES DESCRIBED.— (a) OFFICE OF RURAL INVESTMENT.— tages and transportation investments that The offices and agencies of the Department (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—Section 102 of title 49, ensure continued economic growth; and referred to in subparagraph (A) are each of United States Code, is amended— ‘‘(ii) avoid duplicative transportation in- the following: (A) in subsection (a), by inserting ‘‘(re- vestments; ‘‘(i) The Office of the Under Secretary of ferred to in this section as the ‘Depart- ‘‘(E) serve as a resource for assisting rural Transportation for Policy. ment’)’’ after ‘‘Department of Transpor- communities and regions with respect to ‘‘(ii) The Office of the General Counsel. tation’’; Federal transportation programs; ‘‘(iii) The Office of the Chief Financial Offi- (B) in subsection (b), in the first sentence, ‘‘(F) identify— cer and Assistant Secretary for Budget and by inserting ‘‘(referred to in this section as ‘‘(i) Federal statutes, regulations, and po- Programs. the ‘Secretary’)’’ after ‘‘Secretary of Trans- lices that may impede the Department from ‘‘(iv) The Federal Aviation Administration. portation’’; supporting effective rural infrastructure ‘‘(v) The Federal Highway Administration. (C) in subsection (f)(1), by striking ‘‘De- projects that address national transpor- ‘‘(vi) The Federal Railroad Administration. partment of Transportation’’ each place it tation goals; and ‘‘(vii) The Federal Transit Administration. appears and inserting ‘‘Department’’; ‘‘(ii) potential measures to solve or miti- ‘‘(viii) The Office of the Assistant Sec- (D) by redesignating subsection (h) as sub- gate those issues; retary for Governmental Affairs. section (i); and ‘‘(G) identify improved, simplified, and ‘‘(ix) The Office of Public Affairs. (E) by inserting after subsection (g) the streamlined internal processes to help lim- ‘‘(x) Any other office or agency of the De- following: ited-resource rural communities and regions partment that the Secretary determines to ‘‘(h) OFFICE OF RURAL INVESTMENT.— access transportation investments; be appropriate. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—There is established in ‘‘(H) recommend changes and initiatives ‘‘(C) DUTIES.—The Chief Infrastructure the Department, within the Office of the Sec- for the Secretary to consider; Funding Officer of the Department and the retary, an Office of Rural Investment (re- ‘‘(I) ensure and coordinate a routine rural representatives designated under subpara- ferred to in this subsection as the ‘Office’). consultation on the development of policies, graph (A)— ‘‘(2) LEADERSHIP.—The Office shall be head- programs, and activities of the Department; ‘‘(i) shall— ed by a Director for Rural Investment (re- ‘‘(J) serve as an advocate within the De- ‘‘(I) meet bimonthly; and ferred to in this subsection as the ‘Director’) partment on behalf of rural communities and ‘‘(II) recommend initiatives to the Office; who shall be appointed by, and report di- regions; and and rectly to, the Secretary. ‘‘(K) work in coordination with the Depart- ‘‘(ii) may participate in all meetings and ‘‘(3) MISSION.— ment of Agriculture, the Department of relevant activities of the Office to provide ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The mission of the Of- Health and Human Services, the Department input and guidance relevant to rural trans- fice shall be to coordinate with other offices of Commerce, the Federal Communications portation infrastructure projects and issues. and agencies within the Department and Commission, and other Federal agencies, as ‘‘(9) ADDITIONAL INPUT.— with other Federal agencies to further the the Secretary determines to be appropriate, ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall goals and objectives described in subpara- in carrying out the duties described in sub- seek input from the offices and agencies of graph (B). paragraphs (A) through (J). the Department described in subparagraph ‘‘(B) GOALS AND OBJECTIVES DESCRIBED.— ‘‘(5) CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS.—For the (B) to further the goals and objectives de- The goals and objectives referred to in sub- purpose of carrying out the mission of the scribed in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (3). paragraph (A) are— Office under paragraph (3), the Secretary ‘‘(B) OFFICES AND AGENCIES DESCRIBED.— ‘‘(i) to ensure that the unique needs and at- may enter into contracts, cooperative agree- The offices and agencies of the Department tributes of rural transportation, involving ments, and other agreements as necessary, referred to in subparagraph (A) are each of all modes, are fully addressed and prioritized including with research centers, institutions the following: during the development and implementation of higher education, States, units of local ‘‘(i) The Maritime Administration. of transportation policies, programs, and ac- government, nonprofit organizations, or a ‘‘(ii) The Saint Lawrence Seaway Develop- tivities within the Department; combination of any of those entities— ment Corporation. ‘‘(ii) to improve coordination of Federal ‘‘(A) to conduct research on transportation ‘‘(iii) The National Highway Traffic Safety transportation policies, programs, and ac- investments that promote rural economic Administration. tivities within the Department in a manner development; ‘‘(10) REPORT.—Each year, the Office shall that expands economic development in rural ‘‘(B) to solicit information in the develop- submit to the Secretary a report describ- communities and regions, and to provide rec- ment of policy, programs, and activities of ing— ommendations for improvement, including the Department that can improve infrastruc- ‘‘(A) the objectives of the Office for the additional internal realignments; ture investment and economic development coming year; and ‘‘(iii) to expand Federal transportation in- in rural communities and regions; ‘‘(B) how the objectives of the Office were frastructure investment in rural commu- ‘‘(C) to develop educational and outreach accomplished in the previous year. nities and regions, including by providing materials, including the conduct of work- ‘‘(11) APPLICABILITY.—In carrying out the recommendations for changes in existing shops, courses, and certified training for mission of the Office under paragraph (3), the funding distribution patterns; rural communities and regions that can fur- Secretary shall consider as rural any area ‘‘(iv) to use innovation to resolve local and ther the mission and goals of the Office and considered to be a rural area under a Federal regional transportation challenges faced by the Department; and transportation program of the Depart- rural communities and regions; ‘‘(D) to carry out any other activities, as ment.’’. ‘‘(v) to promote and improve planning and determined by the Secretary to be appro- (2) COUNCIL ON CREDIT AND FINANCE.—Sec- coordination among rural communities and priate. tion 117(b)(1) of title 49, United States Code, regions to maximize the unique competitive ‘‘(6) GRANTS.— is amended by adding at the end the fol- advantage in those locations while avoiding ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Director may award lowing: duplicative Federal, State and local invest- competitive grants to an entity described in ‘‘(I) The Director for Rural Investment.’’. ments; and subparagraph (B) to support expanded edu- (b) RURAL TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY ‘‘(vi) to ensure that all rural communities cation, outreach, and technical assistance to COUNCIL.— and regions lacking resources receive rural communities and regions. (1) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection: proactive outreach, education, and technical ‘‘(B) ENTITY DESCRIBED.—An entity referred (A) ADVISORY COUNCIL.—The term ‘‘advi- assistance to improve access to Federal to in subparagraph (A) is a nonprofit organi- sory council’’ means the rural transpor- transportation programs. zation or an institution of higher education tation advisory council established under ‘‘(4) DUTIES OF THE DIRECTOR.—The Direc- that has not less than 3 years of experience paragraph (2). tor shall— providing meaningful transportation tech- (B) RELEVANT COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS.— ‘‘(A) be responsible for engaging in activi- nical assistance or advocacy services to rural The term ‘‘relevant committees of Congress’’ ties to carry out the mission described in communities and regions. means— paragraph (3); ‘‘(7) EMPLOYEES.—The Secretary shall en- (i) the Committee on Transportation and ‘‘(B) organize, guide, and lead activities sure that not more than 4 full-time equiva- Infrastructure of the House of Representa- within the Department to address disparities lent employees are assigned to the Office. tives; in rural transportation infrastructure to im- ‘‘(8) COORDINATION WITHIN AND AMONG OTHER (ii) the Committee on Energy and Com- prove safety, economic development, and OFFICES AND AGENCIES OF THE DEPARTMENT.— merce of the House of Representatives;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JN6.041 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4630 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 (iii) the Committee on Environment and (F) CONSECUTIVE TERMS.—An appointee to SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Public Works of the Senate; the advisory council may serve 1 additional, (iv) the Committee on Commerce, Science, consecutive term if the member is re- and Transportation of the Senate; appointed by the Secretary. SENATE RESOLUTION 274—DESIG- (v) the Committee on Banking, Housing, (4) MEETINGS.— NATING JULY 24, 2021, AS ‘‘NA- and Urban Affairs of the Senate; (A) IN GENERAL.—The advisory council TIONAL DAY OF THE AMERICAN (vi) the Subcommittee on Transportation, shall meet not less than twice per year, as COWBOY’’ and Housing and Urban Development, and determined by the Secretary. Mr. BARRASSO (for himself, Mr. Related Agencies of the Committee on Ap- (B) INITIAL MEETING.—Not later than 180 TESTER, Ms. LUMMIS, Mr. HOEVEN, Mr. propriations of the House of Representatives; days after the date on which the initial and members of the advisory council are ap- CRAMER, Mr. THUNE, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. (vii) the Subcommittee on Transportation, pointed under paragraph (3)(C), the advisory RISCH, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. INHOFE, and Mr. Housing and Urban Development, and Re- council shall hold the first meeting of the MARSHALL) submitted the following lated Agencies of the Committee on Appro- advisory council. resolution; which was referred to the priations of the Senate. (5) DUTIES.— Committee on the Judiciary: (C) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ (A) IN GENERAL.—The advisory council S. RES. 274 means the Secretary of Transportation. shall— (2) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall Whereas pioneering men and women, rec- establish a rural transportation advisory (i) advise the Office of Rural Investment on ognized as ‘‘cowboys’’, helped to establish council to consult with and advise the Office issues related to rural needs relating to Fed- the American West; of Rural Investment. eral transportation programs; Whereas the cowboy embodies honesty, in- tegrity, courage, compassion, respect, a (3) MEMBERSHIP.— (ii) evaluate and review ongoing research strong work ethic, and patriotism; (A) IN GENERAL.—The advisory council activities relating to rural transportation Whereas the cowboy spirit exemplifies shall be composed of 15 members, appointed networks, including new and emerging bar- strength of character, sound family values, by the Secretary, of whom— riers to economic development and access to and good common sense; (i) not fewer than 1 shall be a representa- investments; Whereas the cowboy archetype transcends tive from an institution of higher education (iii) develop recommendations for any ethnicity, gender, geographic boundaries, or extension program; changes to Federal law, regulations, internal and political affiliations; (ii) not fewer than 1 shall be a representa- Department of Transportation policies or Whereas the cowboy, who lives off the land tive from an organization promoting busi- guidance, or other measures that would and works to protect and enhance the envi- ness and economic development, such as a eliminate barriers for rural access or im- ronment, is an excellent steward of the land chamber of commerce, a local government prove rural equity in transportation invest- and its creatures; institution, or a planning organization; ments; Whereas cowboy traditions have been a (iii) not fewer than 1 shall be a representa- (iv) examine methods of maximizing the part of American culture for generations; tive from a financing entity; number of opportunities for assistance for Whereas the cowboy continues to be an im- (iv) not fewer than 1 shall have experience rural communities and regions under Federal portant part of the economy through the in health, mobility, or emergency services; transportation programs, including expanded work of many thousands of ranchers across (v) not fewer than 1 shall have experience outreach and technical assistance; the United States who contribute to the eco- in transportation safety; (v) examine methods of encouraging inter- nomic well-being of every State; (vi) not fewer than 1 shall have experience Whereas millions of fans watch profes- with workforce access; governmental and local resource cooperation to mitigate duplicative investments in key sional and working ranch rodeo events annu- (vii) not fewer than 1 shall have experience ally, making rodeo one of the most-watched with tourism and recreational activities; rural communities and regions and improve the efficiencies in the delivery of Federal sports in the United States; (viii) not fewer than 1 shall have— Whereas membership and participation in transportation programs; (I) experience with rural supply chains, rodeo and other organizations that promote (vi) evaluate other methods of creating such as direct-to-consumer supply chains; and encompass the livelihood of cowboys new opportunities for rural communities and and span every generation and transcend race (II) wholesale distribution experience; regions; and and gender; (ix) not fewer than 1 shall have experience (vii) address any other relevant issues as Whereas the cowboy is a central figure in in emerging or innovative technologies re- the Secretary determines to be appropriate. literature, film, and music and occupies a lating to rural transportation networks; (B) REPORTS.—Not later than 1 year after central place in the public imagination; (x) not fewer than 1 shall have experience the date on which the initial members of the Whereas the cowboy is an American icon; in food, nutrition, and grocery access; advisory council are appointed under para- and (xi) not fewer than 1 shall represent agri- graph (3)(C), and every 2 years thereafter Whereas the ongoing contributions made culture, nutrition, or forestry; and through 2026, the advisory council shall sub- by cowboys and cowgirls to their commu- (xii) not fewer than 1 shall have experience mit to the Secretary and the relevant com- nities should be recognized and encouraged: with historically underserved regions, as de- mittees of Congress a report describing the Now, therefore, be it termined by the Secretary. recommendations developed under subpara- Resolved, That the Senate— (B) REQUIREMENT.—The Secretary shall ap- graph (A)(iii). (1) designates July 24, 2021, as ‘‘National point members to the advisory council in a (6) PERSONNEL MATTERS.— Day of the American Cowboy’’; and manner that ensures, to the maximum ex- (2) encourages the people of the United tent practicable, that the geographic and (A) COMPENSATION.—A member of the advi- sory council shall serve without compensa- States to observe the day with appropriate economic diversity of rural communities and ceremonies and activities. regions of the United States are represented. tion. (C) TIMING OF INITIAL APPOINTMENTS.—Not (B) TRAVEL EXPENSES.—A member of the later than 180 days after the date of enact- advisory council shall be allowed travel ex- SENATE RESOLUTION 275—AC- ment of this Act, the Secretary shall appoint penses, including per diem in lieu of subsist- KNOWLEDGING AND APOLO- the initial members of the advisory council. ence, in accordance with section 5703 of title GIZING FOR THE MISTREATMENT (D) PERIOD OF APPOINTMENTS.— 5, United States Code. OF, AND DISCRIMINATION (i) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in (7) TERMINATION.— AGAINST, LESBIAN, GAY, BISEX- clause (ii), a member of the advisory council (A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph UAL, AND TRANSGENDER INDI- shall be appointed for a term of 3 years. (B), the advisory council shall terminate on VIDUALS WHO SERVED THE (ii) INITIAL APPOINTMENTS.—Of the mem- the date that is 5 years after the date on UNITED STATES IN THE ARMED bers first appointed to the advisory council— which the initial members are appointed FORCES, THE FOREIGN SERVICE, (I) 5, as determined by the Secretary, shall under paragraph (3)(C). be appointed for a term of 3 years; AND THE FEDERAL CIVIL SERV- (B) EXTENSION.—Before the date on which ICE (II) 5, as determined by the Secretary, the advisory council terminates, the Sec- shall be appointed for a term of 2 years; and retary may renew the advisory council for 1 Mr. KAINE (for himself, Ms. BALD- (III) 5, as determined by the Secretary, or more 2-year periods. WIN, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, shall be appointed for a term of 1 year. Mr. WYDEN, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. VAN HOL- (E) VACANCIES.—Any vacancy on the advi- (c) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— LEN, Mr. WARNER, Mr. CASEY, Mr. sory council— There is authorized to be appropriated to WHITEHOUSE, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. DUR- (i) shall not affect the power of the advi- carry out this section and the amendments BIN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. sory council; and made by this section $7,000,000 for each of fis- COONS, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. MERKLEY, (ii) shall be filled as soon as practicable cal years 2022 through 2026. and in the same manner as the original ap- and Mr. CARDIN) submitted the fol- pointment. lowing resolution; which was referred

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JN6.041 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4631 to the Committee on Homeland Secu- Whereas, under the pressures of the Cold gay, or bisexual person because of prejudice rity and Governmental Affairs.: War, and at the instigation and lead of Con- was prohibited; gress, the Federal Government also pursued S. RES. 275 Whereas many Federal Government agen- anti-LGBT policies, which resulted in tens of cies, including the National Security Agen- Whereas the Federal Government discrimi- thousands of LGBT civilian employees being cy, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the nated against and terminated hundreds of terminated; Department of State, none of which were thousands of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and Whereas the Department of State began in- subject to the rules of the CSC, continued to transgender (referred to in this preamble as vestigations into employees for alleged ho- harass and seek to exclude lesbian, gay, and ‘‘LGBT’’) individuals who served the United mosexual activity as early as the 1940s; bisexual individuals from their ranks until States in the Armed Forces, the Foreign Whereas following Senator Joseph 1995, when President issued Ex- Service, and the Federal civil service (re- McCarthy’s targeting of gay employees in ecutive Order 12968 (50 U.S.C. 3161 note; relat- ferred to in this preamble as ‘‘civilian em- the Department of State in 1950, the Senate ing to access to classified information), ployees’’) for decades, causing untold harm held hearings on ‘‘The Employment of Homo- which barred the practice of denying a Fed- to those individuals professionally, finan- sexuals and other Sex Perverts in the Gov- eral Government security clearance solely cially, socially, and medically, among other ernment’’, which— on the basis of sexual orientation; harms; (1) led to the issuance of a widely read re- Whereas transgender military service Whereas Congress enacted legislation, led port that falsely asserted that gay people members, Foreign Service members, and ci- oversight hearings, and issued reports and posed a security risk because they could be vilian employees continued to be harassed public pronouncements against LGBT mili- easily blackmailed; and tary service members, Foreign Service mem- and excluded from Federal civil service until (2) found that gay people were unsuitable 2014, when President issued bers, and civilian employees; employees because ‘‘one homosexual can pol- Whereas the policy that led to the dis- Executive Order 13672 (79 Fed. Reg. 42971; re- lute a Government office’’; lating to further amendments to Executive charge and systematic screening of gay, les- Whereas, in response to Senator bian, and bisexual military service members Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity McCarthy’s allegations against gay people, in the Federal Government, and Executive was codified in a 1949 decree by the newly- the Department of State increased its perse- consolidated Department of Defense, which Order 11246, Equal Employment Oppor- cution of lesbian, gay, and bisexual employ- tunity), which prohibited the Federal Gov- mandated that ‘‘homosexual personnel, irre- ees; spective of sex, should not be permitted to ernment and Federal contractors from dis- Whereas more than 1,000 Department of criminating on the basis of sexual orienta- serve in any branch of the Armed Forces in State employees were dismissed due to their any capacity and prompt separation of tion or ; sexual orientation, and many more individ- known homosexuals from the Armed Forces Whereas, on January 9, 2017, Secretary of uals were prevented from joining the Depart- is mandatory’’; State issued a formal apology for ment of State due to discriminatory hiring Whereas the Federal Government main- the pattern of discrimination against LGBT practices; tained policies to drive hundreds of thou- Foreign Service members and civilian em- Whereas thousands of lesbian, gay, and bi- sands of LGBT military service members, ployees at the Department of State; sexual individuals served honorably in the who honorably served the United States in Whereas, despite persecution and system- Department of State as Foreign Service offi- uniform, including many who were fighting atic mistreatment by the Federal Govern- cers, Foreign Service specialists, civil serv- in wars around the world, from its military ment beginning in the early 1940s though the ants, and contractors, upholding the values, ranks; 1990s, including what historians have labeled and advancing the interests, of the United Whereas, in 1993, Congress enacted the Na- as the ‘‘’’, LGBT individuals States even as the country discriminated tional Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal have never stopped honorably serving the against them; Year 1994 (Public Law 103–160; 107 Stat. 1547), United States; Whereas the effort to purge gay and les- which contained the so-called ‘‘Don’t Ask, Whereas LGBT individuals continued to bian employees from the Federal Govern- Don’t Tell’’ policy that prohibited lesbian, make significant contributions to the United ment was codified in 1953 when President gay, and bisexual military service members States through their work as clerks and law- Dwight D. Eisenhower issued Executive from disclosing their sexual orientation yers, surgeons and nurses, Purple Heart re- Order 10450 (18 Fed. Reg. 2489; relating to se- while they served in the Armed Forces; cipients and Navy Seals, translators and air curity requirements for Government employ- Whereas, despite the ‘‘Don’t Ask, Don’t traffic controllers, engineers and astrono- ment), which— mers, teachers and diplomats, rangers and Tell’’ policy, LGBT military service mem- (1) defined ‘‘perversion’’ as a security bers continued to be investigated and dis- Postal Service workers, and advisors and threat; and policy makers; charged solely on the basis of the sexual ori- (2) mandated that every civilian employee Whereas other countries throughout the entation of those military service members; and contractor pass a security clearance; world, including some of the closest allies of Whereas historians have estimated that at Whereas, over many decades, the Federal the United States, have apologized for simi- least 100,000 military service members were Government, led by security officials in the larly discriminating against LGBT military forced out of the Armed Forces between Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Civil service members, Foreign Service members, World War II and 2011 simply for being Service Commission (referred to in this pre- and civilian employees; and LGBT, while countless others were forced to amble as the ‘‘CSC’’), and nearly every other Whereas, in order for the United States to hide their identities and live in fear while agency of the Federal Government, inves- heal and move forward, the Federal Govern- serving; tigated, harassed, interrogated, and termi- ment must accord all LGBT individuals who Whereas, although the ‘‘Don’t Ask, Don’t nated thousands of lesbian, gay, and bisexual were discriminated against by, wrongfully Tell’’ policy was intended to allow qualified civilian employees for no other reason than terminated by, and excluded from serving in citizens to serve in the Armed Forced regard- the sexual orientation of those employees; the Armed Forces, the Foreign Service, and less of their sexual orientation, the policy Whereas these discriminatory policies by the Federal civil service the same acknowl- was inherently discriminatory against LGBT the Federal Government, the largest em- edgment and apology: Now, therefore, be it military service members because it prohib- ployer in the United States, encouraged Resolved, ited those service members from disclosing similar efforts at the State and local level, their sexual orientation; particularly in higher education and the pri- SECTION 1. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Whereas, with the enactment of the Don’t vate sector; The Senate— Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010 (10 U.S.C. Whereas, in 1969, the United States Court (1) acknowledges and condemns the dis- 654 note; Public Law 111–321), Congress joined of Appeals for the District of Columbia Cir- crimination against, wrongful termination military leaders in acknowledging that les- cuit ruled in Norton v. Macy, 417 F.2d 1161 of, and exclusion from the Federal civil serv- bian, gay, and bisexual military service (1969) that— ice, the Foreign Service, and the Armed members serve the United States just as (1) ‘‘homosexual conduct’’ may never be Forces of the thousands of lesbian, gay, bi- bravely and well as other military service the sole cause for dismissal of a protected ci- sexual, and transgender (referred to in this members; vilian employee; and section as ‘‘LGBT’’) individuals who were af- Whereas the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal (2) the potential embarrassment stemming fected by the anti-LGBT policies of the Fed- Act of 2010 (10 U.S.C. 654 note; Public Law from the private conduct of a civilian em- eral Government; 111–321) and the 2016 policy shift of the De- ployee may not affect the efficiency of the (2) on behalf of the United States, apolo- partment of Defense, which permitted Federal civil service; gizes to— transgender individuals to enlist and openly Whereas, despite the decision in Norton v. (A) the affected LGBT military service serve in the Armed Forces, has made the Macy, the CSC continued its efforts to rid members, Foreign Service members, vet- Armed Forces stronger and more effective; the Federal Government of gay, lesbian, and erans, and Federal civil service employees; Whereas military leaders have likewise ac- bisexual employees until 1973, when the and knowledged that, in addition to lesbian, gay, United States District Court for the North- (B) the families of those service members, and bisexual military service members, ern District of California ruled in Society for veterans, and Federal civil service employ- transgender service members also serve the Individual Rights, Inc. v. Hampton, 63 F.R.D. ees; and United States just as bravely and well as 399 (1973) that the exclusion or discharge (3) reaffirms the commitment of the Fed- other service members; from Federal civil service of any lesbian, eral Government to treat all military service

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JN6.040 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4632 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 members, Foreign Service members, vet- toward advancing equality for all SENATE RESOLUTION 277—CON- erans, and Federal civil service employees LGBT people in Virginia and across our GRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY and retirees, including LGBT individuals, nation. OF MISSISSIPPI REBELS WOM- with equal respect and fairness. Thank you, Mr. President. EN’S GOLF TEAM ON WINNING SEC. 2. DISCLAIMER. Nothing in this resolution— --- THE 2021 NATIONAL COLLEGIATE (1) authorizes or supports any claim ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION DIVI- against the United States; or SENATE RESOLUTION 276—CON- SION I WOMEN’S GOLF CHAM- (2) serves as a settlement of any claim GRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY PIONSHIP against the United States. OF FLORIDA GATORS FOR WIN- Mr. WICKER (for himself and Mrs. Mr. KAINE. Mr. President. Senator NING THE 2021 NATIONAL COLLE- HYDE-SMITH) submitted the following BALDWIN and I are pleased to introduce GIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION resolution; which was considered and a resolution that acknowledges and DIVISION I MEN’S TENNIS CHAM- agreed to: apologizes for the mistreatment of and PIONSHIP S. RES. 277 discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi- sexual, and transgender (LBGT) indi- Mr. RUBIO (for himself and Mr. Whereas, on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, the SCOTT of Florida) submitted the fol- University of Mississippi Rebels Women’s viduals who have served our nation as golf team won the 2021 National Collegiate civil servants or members of the Armed lowing resolution; which was consid- ered and agreed to: Athletic Association (referred to in this pre- Forces and Foreign Service. This sys- amble as the ‘‘NCAA’’) Division I women’s temic mistreatment and discrimina- S. RES. 276 golf championship at Grayhawk Golf Club in tion of members of the LGBT commu- Whereas, on May 22, 2021, the University of Scottsdale, Arizona; nity began as early as the 1940s and Florida Gators Men’s Tennis Team (referred Whereas, on winning the 2021 NCAA Divi- continued well into the 1990s and is to in this preamble as the ‘‘Gators’’) won the sion I women’s golf championship, the Uni- often termed as the Lavender Scare by 2021 National Collegiate Athletic Association versity of Mississippi women’s golf team be- (referred to in this preamble as the ‘‘NCAA’’) came the first women’s team in University historians. During this time, it is esti- Division I Men’s Tennis Championship; history to win an NCAA national champion- mated that 100,000 service members Whereas the 2021 NCAA Division I Men’s ship; were forced out of the Armed Forces Tennis Championship is the first NCAA Divi- Whereas the University of Mississippi between World War II and 2011. In addi- sion I Men’s Tennis Championship the women’s golf team claimed the first NCAA tion, more than 1,000 State Department Gators have won; national championship in a team sport for employees were dismissed due to their Whereas the Gators defeated Baylor Uni- the University since the football team won alleged sexual orientation, and many versity’s Men’s Tennis Team in the NCAA the 1962 NCAA Division I football champion- ship; more were prevented from serving due Division I Men’s Tennis Championship; Whereas this marks the 42nd national title Whereas the appearance of the University to discriminatory hiring practices. for the University of Florida Gators Ath- of Mississippi women’s golf team in the Policies such as the 1949 decree by letics programs; NCAA Division I women’s golf championship the Department of Defense mandating Whereas men’s tennis is the 15th sport in was the first appearance in an NCAA na- that ‘‘homosexual personnel, irrespec- which the University of Florida has won a tional championship game for an athletics tive of sex, should not be permitted to national title; team of the University since 1995; serve in any branch of the Armed Whereas the University of Florida is 1 of 2 Whereas the University of Mississippi Forces’’ led to the mass discharge and programs in the Nation to win at least 1 na- women’s golf team defeated the second place tional championship in every fully contested Oklahoma State University Cowgirls 4–1 in systemic screening of gay, lesbian, and match play; bisexual military service members. season since the 2008–2009 season; Whereas the championship victory clinch- Whereas Chiarra Tamburlini secured a 6- Similar policies within the State De- ing match was won by Ben Shelton, son of and-5 win, the largest margin of victory in partment followed led to mass dismis- Gators Head Coach Bryan Shelton; NCAA championship match history; sals and terminations of Foreign Serv- Whereas Gators player Blaise Bicknell— Whereas the University of Mississippi ice and civil service employees. Subse- (1) holds a perfect record in dual matches women’s golf team was under the leadership quently, policies were enacted across in his career; and of 2020 Southeastern Conference (referred to in this preamble as the ‘‘SEC’’) Coach of the (2) is the fourth player in Gators history to the Federal government targeting Year Kory Henkes and Assistant Coach Zack go undefeated in dual matches; members of the LGBT community. To Byrd; Whereas Gators Head Coach Bryan this day, historians do not know the Whereas Coach Kory Henkes has led the Shelton— University of Mississippi women’s golf team exact number of people impacted. How- (1) is the fifth coach across all NCAA to incredible success during her 6 seasons at ever, despite these harmful and dis- sports to coach a men’s and women’s na- the helm, including last season, when she led criminatory policies, LGBT people con- tional championship winning team; and the program to 4 team tournament titles and tinued to faithfully serve and make (2) the first coach in NCAA history to lead set the record for most wins in a single sea- a men’s program and women’s program to a significant contributions to the United son; States, many of whom became clerks NCAA Division I Tennis Championship; and Whereas Julia Johnson was named a first- and lawyers, surgeons and nurses, Pur- Whereas the following entire Gator roster team All-American and first-team All-SEC; ple Heart recipients and Navy Seals, and coaching staff contributed to the NCAA Whereas Kennedy Swann was named sec- translators and air traffic controllers, Division I Men’s Tennis Championship vic- ond-team All-SEC, with the national cham- tory: Associate Head Coach Tanner Stump, pionship bringing her career record in match engineers and astronomers, teachers Volunteer Assistant Coach Scott Perelman, and diplomats, and rangers and postal play to 10–2; and student athletes Andy Andrade, Brian Whereas members of the University of Mis- workers. Berdusco, Blaise Bicknell, Josh Goodger, sissippi women’s golf team have been hon- It is time to acknowledge the harm Will Grant, Lukas Greif, Johannes Ingildsen, ored by various awards throughout the 2020– caused to these Americans, their fami- Sam Riffice, Ben Shelton, and Duarte Vale: 2021 season, including the selection of Julia lies, and our country by depriving Now, therefore, be it Johnson to represent the United States in LGBT people of the right to serve as Resolved, That the Senate— the Cup; federal civil servants, diplomats, or in (1) congratulates the University of Florida Whereas the University of Mississippi now the Armed Services. This Senate reso- Gators Men’s Tennis Team and the students, boasts 26 total NCAA national champion- alumni, faculty, staff, and trustees of the ships; lution takes a stand on the side of re- University of Florida, for winning the 2021 Whereas the University of Mississippi spect for LBGT Americans who have National Collegiate Athletic Association Di- women’s golf team was ranked 5th in the served our nation and reaffirms our vision I Men’s Tennis Championship; and United States by Golfweek and the Golfstat commitment to treat all public serv- (2) respectfully directs the Secretary of the Team Rankings; ants with fairness and equality, regard- Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of this Whereas the University of Mississippi less of their sexual orientation or gen- resolution to— women’s golf team, composed of Julia John- der identity. I’m proud to introduce (A) the President of the University of Flor- son, Kennedy Swann, Chiarra Tamburlini, this Senate resolution during Pride ida, Kent Fuchs; and teammates McKinley Cunningham, (B) the Athletic Director of the University Ellen Hume, Ellen Hutchinson-Kay, Andrea Month to reaffirm our nation’s com- of Florida, Scott Stricklin; and Lignell, Macy Somoskey, and Smilla mitment to treat everyone, including (C) the Head Coach of the University of Sonderby displayed outstanding dedication, LGBT Americans, with equal respect Florida Gators Men’s Tennis Team, Bryan teamwork, and sportsmanship throughout and fairness. I will continue working Shelton. the 2020–2021 season; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JN6.040 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE June 17, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4633 Whereas the University of Mississippi subway stations and commuter rail stations, (4) threatens the critical infrastructure of women’s golf team has brought great pride and all new transit stations accessible to the United States; and honor— wheelchair users, and estab- Whereas expanding cybersecurity edu- (1) to the University of Mississippi; lished a paratransit system for people unable cation opportunities is important to address (2) to loyal fans of the University of Mis- to use mass transit, leading to a model that the cybersecurity workforce shortage and sissippi; and would be incorporated as part of the trans- prepare the United States for ongoing and (3) to the entire State of Mississippi: Now, portation provisions of the landmark Ameri- future national security threats; therefore, be it cans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. 12101 et Whereas cybersecurity education can pro- Resolved, That the Senate— seq.); vide learning and career opportunities for (1) congratulates the University of Mis- Whereas, regardless of a person’s level of kindergarten through grade 12 students sissippi women’s golf team, including the abilities, United Spinal Association seeks to across the United States, as well as bolster athletes, coaches, faculty, students, and build an inclusive world that— the capacity of the domestic workforce to alumni of the University of Mississippi, on (1) removes barriers, particularly for defend the United Sates and secure the econ- winning the 2021 National Collegiate Ath- wheelchair users; omy of the United States; letic Association Division I women’s golf (2) embraces the talents of all people with Whereas, in 2020, introduced as part of the championship; disabilities to achieve their full potential; Providing Resources for Ongoing Training (2) recognizes the University of Mississippi and and Education in Cyber Technologies Act of for its excellence as an institution of higher (3) provides people with disabilities equal 2020 and enacted as part of the William M. education; and opportunities to pursue their interests and (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Author- (3) respectfully requests that the Secretary dreams; ization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (Public Law of the Senate transmit an enrolled copy of Whereas United Spinal Association con- 116–283), Congress authorized the Cybersecu- this resolution to— tinues to support and advocate on behalf of rity Education Training Assistance Pro- (A) the Chancellor of the University of more than 2,000,000 people in the United gram, a Department of Homeland Security Mississippi, Dr. Glenn Boyce; States living with spinal cord injuries or initiative to provide cybersecurity career (B) the Athletic Director of the University neurological disorders, as well as veterans, awareness, curricular resources, and profes- of Mississippi, Keith Carter; and through— sional development to elementary and sec- (C) the head coach of the University of (1) proven programs and services, and nur- ondary schools; and Mississippi women’s golf team, Kory Henkes. turing innovative self-reliance, advocacy, Whereas ensuring access to cybersecurity and leadership; education for all students in the United SENATE RESOLUTION 278—RECOG- (2) empowering its members, their loved States regardless of race, ethnicity, socio- ones, care providers, and stakeholders with NIZING THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY economic status, or geographic location will resources, one-on-one assistance, and peer expand opportunities for good-paying jobs in OF UNITED SPINAL ASSOCIA- support; TION, A LEADING NATIONAL AD- high-demand fields: Now, therefore, be it (3) promoting independence through em- Resolved, That the Senate— VOCACY ORGANIZATION THAT IS ployment opportunities and inclusion into (1) designates June 21, 2021 through June DEDICATED TO PROMOTING THE mainstream society; and 25, 2021, as ‘‘National Cybersecurity Edu- (4) advocating for greater disability rights, INDEPENDENCE AND ENHANCING cation Week’’; including access to health care, rehabilita- THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF ALL (2) encourages the people of the United tion, mobility equipment, transportation, States to acknowledge the importance of cy- PEOPLE LIVING WITH SPINAL community services, and the built environ- bersecurity education; CORD INJURIES AND NEURO- ment; and (3) encourages educational and training in- LOGICAL DISORDERS, INCLUDING Whereas the legacy of James J. Peters, stitutions to increase the understanding and VETERANS, AND PROVIDING who once described the straightforward awareness of cybersecurity education at such strategy in advocating for people in the SUPPORT AND INFORMATION TO institutions; and United States with disabilities as simply re- THEIR LOVED ONES, CARE PRO- (4) commits to— fusing to accept no for an answer, is alive VIDERS, AND PERSONAL SUP- (A) raising awareness about cybersecurity and well throughout United Spinal Associa- PORT NETWORKS education; and tion: Now, therefore, be it (B) taking legislative actions to address Mr. CASEY (for himself and Mr. Resolved, That the Senate— cybersecurity education expansion and ad- (1) recognizes that throughout 75 years of MORAN) submitted the following reso- dress the cybersecurity workforce shortage. lution; which was considered and service, United Spinal Association has made f agreed to.: significant contributions to the lives of peo- ple in the United States with disabilities, in- S. RES. 278 SENATE RESOLUTION 280—SUP- cluding veterans; PORTING A STABLE COLOMBIA Whereas, in 1946, a group of returning vet- (2) honors United Spinal Association for its erans from World War II in New York, New continued role in supporting and advocating AND OPPOSING ANY THREAT TO York, formed the organization now known as for people with spinal cord injuries and neu- DEMOCRACY IN COLOMBIA United Spinal Association to address the rological disorders, as well as all veterans; Mr. SCOTT of Florida (for himself needs of paralyzed veterans; and and Mr. CRUZ) submitted the following Whereas, in 1948, members of this organiza- (3) commemorates 2021 as the 75th anniver- resolution; which was referred to the tion advocated for and secured the first ac- sary of the founding of United Spinal Asso- Committee on Foreign Relations : cessible housing bill in the United States ciation. (the Act of June 19, 1948 (62 Stat. 500; Public S. RES. 280 Law 80–702)), which provided Federal funds SENATE RESOLUTION 279—DESIG- Whereas Colombia is among the oldest for the building of accessible homes for para- standing democracies in Latin America; lyzed veterans; NATING JUNE 21, 2021 THROUGH Whereas the United States established dip- Whereas, in 1968, members of this organiza- JUNE 25, 2021, AS ‘‘NATIONAL CY- lomatic relations with Colombia in 1822; tion advocated for the passage of the Archi- BERSECURITY EDUCATION Whereas Colombia is a constitutional re- tectural Barriers Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 4151 et WEEK’’ public where the people of Colombia hold the seq.), which guarantees equal access to feder- Ms. ROSEN (for herself and Mr. CAS- power and elect representatives to exercise ally-funded buildings and facilities for that power; SIDY) submitted the following resolu- wheelchair users and all people of the United Whereas, after many years of violence and States with disabilities; tion; which was referred to the Com- armed conflict, in 2021 Colombia is the Whereas, in 1970, James J. Peters, who mittee on the Judiciary.: strongest ally to the United States in Latin would later lead United Spinal Association, S. RES. 279 America; exposed the deplorable conditions that para- Whereas, according to a 2017 projection, Whereas, with the support of the United lyzed Vietnam veterans faced at the Bronx the United States will face a shortage of States, Colombia has transformed itself be- Veterans Administration Hospital with an 1,800,000 cybersecurity workers by 2022; tween 2001 and 2021 from a volatile and near- article in LIFE magazine, leading the Vet- Whereas recent cyberattacks on the United failed state into a rich democracy with a erans Administration to establish a national States have highlighted the cybersecurity growing free market economy; spinal cord injury service office to address workforce shortage in the United States Whereas May 15, 2022, will mark the 10- the needs of paralyzed veterans and the ren- that— year anniversary of the entry into force of ovation of the Bronx Veterans Administra- (1) poses a threat to the national security the United States-Colombia Trade Pro- tion Hospital, which was later named for of the United States; motion Agreement, which has supported eco- Peters; (2) jeopardizes the economy of the United nomic growth and employment opportunities Whereas, in 1985, New York City settled a States; in both Colombia and the United States; lawsuit initiated by United Spinal Associa- (3) puts the digital privacy of the United Whereas the United States maintains sup- tion, agreeing to make all city buses, key States at risk; and port for Colombia in response to the COVID–

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jun 18, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JN6.048 S17JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S4634 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2021 19 pandemic, including provision of excess promoting violent unrest, vandalism, and de- Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 10 a.m., to vaccine doses to help revitalize the economy struction of property: Now, therefore, be it conduct a hearing. of Colombia; Resolved, That the Senate— COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS Whereas presidential and legislative elec- (1) declares its firm commitment to Colom- tions were held in Colombia in 2018, and the bia, the strongest ally of the United States The Committee on Foreign Relations people of Colombia elected Iva´ n Duque in Latin America; is authorized to meet during the ses- Ma´ rquez president in a second round of elec- (2) opposes any effort to undermine the de- sion of the Senate on Thursday, June tions that impartial international observers mocracy or sovereignty of Colombia; 17, 2021, at 10 a.m., to conduct a hear- considered free and fair and the most peace- (3) encourages the international commu- ing. ful in decades; nity to stand for democracy in Colombia and COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, Whereas the United States and Colombia to condemn any efforts to undermine that AND PENSIONS share a commitment to promoting security, democracy; prosperity, human rights, and democracy in (4) condemns any regime in any country, The Committee on Health, Edu- Colombia and across the Western Hemi- such as Cuba, Venezuela, or , that gives cation, Labor, and Pensions is author- sphere; aid to terrorist groups in Colombia by pro- ized to meet during the session of the Whereas, in recent years, the Government viding training, weapons, or funding, or by Senate on Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 10 of Colombia has taken courageous steps to hosting those groups within the borders of a.m., to conduct a hearing. enforce the law, stop drug traffickers, and the nation-state; COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY rein in foreign terrorist organizations like (5) strongly condemns the terrorist attack the National Liberation Army (referred to in perpetrated on June 15, 2021, and attributed The Committee on the Judiciary is this preamble as the ‘‘ELN’’) and the Revolu- to the National Liberation Army by the authorized to meet during the session tionary Armed Forces of Colombia (referred Duque administration, against the military of the Senate on Thursday, June 17, to in this preamble as the ‘‘FARC’’); base of the 30th Army Brigade of Colombia in 2021, at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing on Whereas the United States continues to Cu´ cuta, Colombia, the northeastern border nominations. support the efforts of the Government of Co- city near Venezuela, where United States SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING lombia for peace, including protection of vul- soldiers were present, at least 36 people were nerable populations such as Indigenous and injured, and infrastructure of the military The Special Committee on Aging is Afro-Colombian communities, support for base was destroyed; authorized to meet during the session human rights defenders, provision of greater (6) condemns any blockade of essential of the Senate on Thursday, June 17, educational opportunities, increases in pub- goods and services, including imports or 2021, at 9:30 a.m., to conduct a hearing. lic and private investments, especially in transports of medicine or food, and strongly SUBCOMMITTEE ON EMERGING THREADS AND rural areas, and respect for human rights condemns all violence or attacks against in- SPENDING OVERSIGHT and the rule of law; nocent citizens of Colombia or their private Whereas the United States maintains a property or businesses; The Subcommittee on Emergng strong commitment to cooperating with the (7) recognizes that a stable and prosperous Threads and Spending Oversight of the Government of Colombia to investigate, ar- Colombia serves United States interests in Committee on Homeland Security and rest, and prosecute members of Latin America; and Governmental Affairs is authorized to transnational criminal organizations and to (8) reemphasizes the shared democratic dismantle terrorist groups like the ELN, the meet during the session of the Senate values of Colombia and the United States FARC, and Hezbollah, whose illicit activi- on Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 10:15 through free and fair elections with the ties, specifically narcotrafficking, devastate a.m., to conduct a hearing. peaceful participation of all political leaders the citizens of Colombia and Latin America; and parties, accompanied by credible local f Whereas, since 2016, the United States has and international observers, including in the provided more than $1,000,000,000 in direct presidential elections in Colombia in 2022. PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR and indirect support to peace implementa- tion in Colombia; f Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that Parker Loy, Whereas Colombia is an essential partner AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO of the United States in continuing efforts to an intern in my office, be granted floor MEET support the courageous people of Venezuela privileges for today, June 17, 2021. in their fight for freedom, democracy, and Mr. GILLIBRAND. Mr. President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without economic prosperity against the dictatorship have 9 requests for committees to meet objection, it is so ordered. of Nicola´ s Maduro by generously hosting and during today’s session of the Senate. f providing aid to nearly 1,800,000 citizens of They have the approval of the Majority Venezuela as of June 2021 and by providing them essential services such as healthcare and Minority leaders. ORDERS FOR MONDAY, JUNE 21, and education; Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph 2021 Whereas, in February 2021, President 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, fi- Duque issued temporary protective status ate, the following committees are au- nally, I ask unanimous consent that with work authorization to citizens of Ven- thorized to meet during today’s session when the Senate completes its business ezuela living in Colombia; of the Senate: Whereas the leadership of the Government today, it adjourn until 3 p.m., Monday, of Colombia during the humanitarian crisis COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES June 21; that following the prayer and in Venezuela has been critical in organizing The Committee on Armed Services is pledge, the morning hour be deemed regional support for Interim President Juan authorized to meet during the session expired, the Journal of proceedings be Guaido´ , as well as in denouncing the dicta- of the Senate on Thursday, June 17, approved to date, the time for the two torship of Maduro and helping implement 2021, at 9:30 a.m., to conduct a hearing. leaders be reserved for their use later policies to isolate his narcoterrorist regime, COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN in the day, and morning business be specifically through the Lima Group and the AFFAIRS Organization of American States; closed; further, that upon the conclu- Whereas the security situation in Colom- The Committee on Banking, Housing, sion of morning business, the Senate bia has improved significantly between 2000 and Urban Affairs is authorized to proceed to executive session to resume and 2021, but the migrant influx from Ven- meet during the session of the Senate consideration of the Fonzone nomina- ezuela and the economic effects of the on Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 10 a.m., tion; finally, that the cloture motions COVID–19 pandemic have hurt the economy to conduct a hearing. filed during today’s session of the Sen- of Colombia, creating unique challenges for COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND ate ripen at 5:30 p.m. on Monday. Colombia that demand action and support TRANSPORTATION The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without from strong democratic allies like the United States; The Committee on Commerce, objection, it is so ordered. Whereas freedom of speech, freedom to Science, and Transportation is author- f peacefully assemble, and other human rights ized to meet during the session of the are inalienable, and any acts of excess force Senate on Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 10 ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, against peaceful protesters should be con- a.m., to conduct a hearing. JUNE 21, 2021, AT 3 P.M. demned and investigated; and COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, if Whereas enemies of freedom, such as the RESOURCES communist regime of Raul Castro in Cuba there is no further business to come be- and the Maduro regime in Venezuela, exploit The Committee on Energy and Nat- fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- and abuse the vulnerable and individuals ural Resources is authorized to meet sent that it stand adjourned under the simply asking for their voices to be heard by during the session of the Senate on previous order.


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