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The Ledger and Times, December 18, 1947

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17 Man. Selected As Rest All-Round Kentucky Community Newspaper For 1947

MEMOIR c-- UDIT WEATHER FORECAST nar UREAU Kentucky and Tennessee- the 0 Fair and warmer today., in- Pa- IRCULATI S rt. wit -creasing cloudiness tonight -ent Probably foliose ed by oc- man, " isPrei tasionel rain Friday. a and "Akriat, v4itca •

YOUR PROGRESSIVE HOME NEWS- are: United Press PAPER FOR ONER HALF A CENTURY Murray, Kentucky, Thursday Afternoon, Dec. 1 , 1947 MURRAY POPULATION — 5187 Vol. XIX; No. 1 58 S. per. bate !Tobacco State Senators Weaks IniuredLt Propose Export Of ExnansionProuramJ °uun son, Sue Surplus To Germany; Murray Markets Ready Lee, Yesterday By Automobile By Local Teleph bo. An- Senator Cooper Warehouse Charge zzel, Married 55 Years Today ithis Urges Army Buy Mishap Occurs W.O.W. To Elect For Season Down - Offices Murray Tigers 2 •J. Ann As Victim Starts Officers, Hold 50 Million Lbs. From Last Year Mae Meet .ral Benefits Initiation Monday Washington. Dec. 18.-, Memphis slary UPi-Two Tobacl:t1 floor mimeses,. at Mur- To Cross Street tobacco-state senators are pro- ray announced today that the. Included In Plans Murray Camp 592 of the Wood- posing that the United States send Team Tonight r .Jo Joe Weeks, County Attorney. was esrehouse selling charge this sea- men of the World will hold election Germany large quantities of sur- Plans for the atha iiijured late yesterday afternoon en will be ten cents less per hun- immediate ene eif officers and initiation -cere- plus 'Murray High Tigers have one of tobacco dredweight than last season. largement of the telephone office when he was struck by an auto- monies at a nieetieg Monday night, the toughest games of the season - as "incinitive goods." They believe here was announced this mornine Mau mobile on the corner of Fifth and The five loose leaf floors here scheduled for tonight when they December 22. at 7:30 'o'clock. - this will spur production by Ger- by Offre Brown, local manager hurt, Olive streets. will begin receiving tobacco on meet Memphis Central The meeting will be held in the man workers ,and also help bol- High at the, for the ,Southern Belt Telephone Cath- Weeks was walking home. from Monday. December 29, fur the firsts!' gymnasium here. WOW Hall and all members are ster the lagging U. S. tobacco ex- Company. and work about 00 p.m. and stepped dark fired sale which will open I 1.!tql tei be present port niarket. Last year the Memphis squad off from the •urb to cross Olive on Monday, January 5. Excavation started yesterday for Sen. William were the. champs of the city, and Street, heading north. That was B. Umstead, D.. construction of a two-stoey ad- Officials have 'announced that played in the semi-finals in the last remem N. C., asked the senate approp- dition on. the rear of the present the ed. Farm Income Up government support prices ere high State tournament. • lateens committee to recommend office. This will give an increase Witnesses state that a for the current crop of tobacco and making 100,000.000 M poem Coach Ty Holland said today that of thwo-thirds more floor space, • driven by Lee Rees Melugin was Twenty will remain unchanged throughout Per Cent available to Germany immediate . his boys were not afraid of the cep- said going West on Olive. Apparently the selling season. Brown. The tobacco would. be taken from!, ponents, however, beeause. they he-did-out see the pedestrian. but Figures compiled from last year's When the new construction is For This Year reserve stocks held by the com- have been pretty "hot" iii the prac- came to a stop immediately after selling season show that the, Mur- completed two more positions modity credit corporation. tice sessions. the accelent occurred.. ray market is the largest for dark- will be added to the Twitch board, 'Washington. Dec. 18-I UP -The :Sen. John Sherman Cooper, R., According to the coach, 'both the Nearby residents administered fired tobacco. and sells few the making a total of ten. a Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Ky., urged that the army be given first and second teams have been first aid and called an ambulance latest averages of any in the wes- Brown also announced as pro- estimated today that farmers -this funds to buy 50.000,000 IPA, pounds showing remarkable form, so there which took the victim to the Hous- rn dark-fired tobacco belt. gram for enlarging cables \the -McDevitt year received a gross income of from the commodity credit corp- may be' some changes in the start- ton Clinic. I.ast year the Murray market first of next year as soon as mete that $34600000000 IBI. oration for use in "occupied areas. ing lineup for this game. Dr. Hal Houston said today ,ndled over five million More erials become available. He said's. from a frac- This is about 20 per cent more particularly, Germany." The game will begin at 8:00. Weaks suffered Pelt's .unds than the next largest mar- the engineering work had already ture of the right leg and dislocation than they got last year. 4 - t. and the sales averaged $3.00 .betn completed. well and Net income after of the ankle, as as cuts production ex- r hundred pounds higher thse At present the local telephone brumes about the and back. pensed wap Cub Scouts To head $1'8.000,000,000 B Science Building - y other market in the district. exchange is serving an area wen Cash reiepetsr were estimated at Murray. the home if the We•- Have Christmas a radius of 12 miles. With the en- ' $30,000.000,000 iBe. 22 per cent Construction rn Dark Fired Tobacco Crowe! larged cables, it is humped that Paducah Pastor iiigher than last Year. Government -sociation. has five sales floor- Party Friday the entire county can be served, payments to farmers declined tci To Start Soon :My to receive tobacco: Growers said Brown. S340,000.000 .54 i. This was 60 per ose Lea: Floor, Ferris Loose The local telephone office in-_ Main Speaker For Cub Seal pad:: .1", will have .-ent below last year when sub- if Floor. Doran Loose Leaf, Plan- stalled 500 new phones this Katterjohn and Sons, construc- their annual Christmas tree at 7:00 year. .Mies were received for meat !s Loose Leaf Floor, and Religious Week tion firm of Paducah, has given the Out- p.m. Friday night, and at present can take care of inimals arid some dairy products rids December 19, at lion of LoesceLeaf Floor. all requests for phones in the city :urine part of the year. firm Paducah. his been Pictured the W.O.W. Hall. abuse are Mr. and Mrs. A. J. "Sime" Burkeen who arc provided the trunk es. Religious Emphasis Week wilt be given the "go ahead" signal on the Rdlph Shell, magician, will enter- lines are not The bureau said the volume todas celebrating their 55th wedding work of the new science anniversary. Thes were married tain filled. With the enlargement of held here at Murray Seine College ml farm marketings increased building, the group with sleight of hand. according to President Ralph by the late Rev. at. B. Tow ery December 18. 1892. New Courses To Be The Christmas cables, more private lines can oe January IR through 22, -with the hree per cent over last year. It H. tree will 'be deco- Woods. Actual construction is ex- Mrs. Burkeen. esho is 69 years of age, was the former Miss Mary rated at the _assigned. . e Rev. Carlyle Manley of Paducah aid this reflected increased rates Offered At College program by the Cub pected to start soon. Belle Peeler. Her husband will celebrate his 76th birthday Scouts with decorations tl At present there are 2300 phones ss the principal speaker. n 1547 from the -record 1946 corn December 24. they have The excavation of the basement For Winter made during the past month. Eash I serviced by the local eechange. Rev. Marney is well known to rop, the record 1547 wheat crop Mr. Jed Mrs. Berkeen have five children, Barnes, Roy and Mrs. Quarter is complete. the dirt having been Cub will Only 400 of these are r•ural. audent groups at Shorter. Carsten nd the relatively good cotton Cleve Parish. counts. Mrs. Hudson Morris. Hardin. and Mrs. 011ie Jones. bring a 35 cent gift for used to help fill in the valley The phy•ical science department exchange during the evening. Brown said that there are many Newman, Murray. and tleiversity rem. Marshall ('ounty: 14 grandchildren and eine great grandchild. ef Kentucky. A prime interest in north of the building site. :et Murray State College has an- . The Cub Scout project for be- rural orders pending, and these Receipts from cash sales were Burkeen served as magistrate of tbe Liberty precinct for sit years is ministry has beenerpnWlions of The $176.865 "I- shaped struc- nounced that a new course Advan- cember was to gather old toys will be filled when the new im- evided as follows: and is a well known farmer and fox I unter in this community. doubt that erarticularly bother ture will be located west of the The ced Qualitative Analysis, will be which they turned over to Boa provements are made. Livestock and livestock produrts couple kave rived near Anne all of their married life. Brown said that surrounding e.ting people. Carr Health building and will face offered during the winter quarter. Scout troop 45 to repair and dis- .16.900.000 'Mi. 23 per cent higher south. The course will be taught by Prof. tribute lei needy families. A re- rural communities are now being Rev. Marney received his A B han last year. Most of the ,n. Newman Accuring to Dr. Woods, the one- 1-C . • . . 1. A. Johnson of the department. port will be heard in thessuccess served by farmers' exchanges from Carson and hie Th •rease was in meat animals with k• NI trout Southern Baptist MVO- 40 story whiling is expected to h. °liege Dietician Estimates Cost Of Special semi-micro and macro of the undertaking. which will be eliminated when -ash recipes up to nearly techniques the big rural development program . Seminery. major inter- completed and ready fen= occupam s will be. employed and Rev. Robert E. Jarman will give •gical His mei' cent and prices about 33 per by next summer. unusual methods of precipitation the invocation, and delieser a short gets under way - -' es :ere history and psecherl,esee He yet/higher. Cash receipts (rum erying One Student Is $1.33 Per Day has taught history and filtration will be introduced talk to the group. church for three lairy products increased 10 per REPEATING ROBBER GETS and employed throughout the The program has been arranged ant. with prices up 13 per cent. Miss Lydia At the present time Y.ev. Marley ON BARTENDER'S NERVES Weighing, Murray course. The. new technique takes by a committee composed eel Me- ash receipts (rem poultry and Stele College dietician, hes Hazel Wins Over is serving the lrnmanuel Baptist Hazel P.T.A. Has advantage of a pressure-bulb ar- Nix Criewford. Mrs. Glyco Wells. .ggs were six per cent higher. SPOKANE. Wash. itePo--Bai mated that the cost Church in Pathiv:eh.- His sermons of serving one rangement. and Claud Miller.• vith prices up to 10 per cent. Hillyai.d, bartender of the for one day in Farmington With are read weekly in this territory Annual -tudent the college Although net specifically requir- Cub master Ottis Valentine arge. Receipts from crepe $13100000.- Cafe tends to get rim-eons ere-sind Christmas ifeteria is approximately over WPAD. $1.33. ed for chemistry majors, the course that all old lend new Cubs. negethee O e Be. one-fifth more than 5 p m. A customer stepped tip • However she stated that no rise in Large Margin Every evening from 6.30 to 7:30, is expected to become popular at with their parents. :attend this ar- ast year. Crep prices averaged the bar at that hour one day, ommunity Fete I cost to students c'as contemplated during Religious Emphasis Week. Murray. imual event. 5 per cent hither. receipts from demi a glass of wine and there' I at present. .S Hems Hazel fr., took a 60-31 Rev Marney will speak in the aud- A course in Advanced FAectricity nod grains were two-thirds great- • showed a pistol. He got 11,040. 1 -Thee- annual community supper win frem Farmington High School itorium and ale in chapel on. Wed- 'Students wilt understand that and Magnetism will also be offered NOTICE -r than last year. with prices up' Less than a month later the of the Hazel P. T. A. 'was held Tuesday night on the Hazel court, nesday He will be available for because of this, they cannot receive during the winter quarter, staff Postmaster Harry Sledd an- bine one-third. Cash receipts I same hold-up man came it, again Thursday night Dec. 11. in the home team doubled the score conferences with individuals' or refunds for the meals which they members of the phyeical science nounced today that the Post Office rem cotton were up 40 per cent. it 5 p.m and said, "Ni' wine this auditoriums' of the school. in the first qudrter and kept a sub- group'. miss. The money for these meets department have announced. will be open all day Saturday. e tables were artistically dee- stantial lead throughemut the game. as a result of the large time. Just the money He gut - ,must be used to balance the bird - Dean A. F Yancey has stated. "We orated, the Christmas,motif being • -1, $1.500. get," said the dietician. The score at the end of the first run .anticipate coemperation of the _ dominant. More than two-hundred Kentuckiana Winner quarter we 17-8 in favor of Hazel, Despite the rise in Makes Total Of various church groups on the cam- plates were served to _parents, the cost of at the half 27-15, and third guar. milk recently. students will pus and cemmittees from these teachers and children .The food for again ter 39-20 Market Speculators List Remains A reseiye one glass at each 122 Garments. Articles for Contest groups have been appointed to work the supper was donated by the -meal in Brandon of Hazel led the scoring thea-future. The out the details in a meeting, Thurs- community The menu was; tomato present plan of for the evening with 21 points. Secret; Income Tax Bill Introduced serving breakfast from Kentucki- ten garments: eireew.g.. apone, day. December II." juice. chicken, dressing and gravy. 7:00 until Mrs. Otis Wellman. Taylor was runner-up with 15. and topics 7:30 will continue. , blouses, pajamas, boys' overalls_ The of discussion will be green beans, creamed potatoes. ana winner in the Courier-Journal. E. Cex took the honors for the elven in the The cafeteria eas served Isuits, and shirts. next is-tie of the "Col- By United Press; Gray of the AFL Building Trades cranberry salad. celery curls,..pic- over 700 Louisville Times Farm andpeerne visiting team with 11 markers" lege, students daily for the noon and She remodelled nine cotton gar- Department propertied amendment kles. rolls, homemade' pies and The starting lineup and vents WASHINGTON. Dec. 18 'UM-- evening meals and slightly fewer Improvement contest, will receive inents and satieles, including cut- ti the Taft-Hartley Act to permit coffee. Scored were: That list Of "- big shot eommodiey for breakfast throughout this quar- her award tomorrow at a luncheon ting a full size mattress down to The proceeds of the supper NEAT TRICK market speculators remained an settlement 'of jurisdictional dis- went ter. according to make two mattresses for single Hazel Pas. Farmington te, pay fur the inter-communicat- tdministration secret today. • puttee He said the, act had not le- "Since the cost of milk and bread Mrs. Workman. will receive, her beds. Taylor 15 F Ceelley 10 CHICAGO - Mrs. Ahne ion system for the', school. It may 'heroine public later:tow-I duced 'disputes. But' Ii.'-has has increased recently, the jab of award of $100 for winning in thg Also included in her accqmplish- Davenport 7 F Lacwell 4 McGinnis. Washington, D. C. fell J. R. Taylor Was master of ever-if the House and Senate. con- tied the Art.'s hands in eettlemsritte holding down the price which you sevsing and clothing conservation ments were 30 cetten articles for Beinden 21 C F: Cuuxlt from a fourth-nom fire escape. resolu- crernomes. C. J. ('age, the new sider and approve a )(het efforts. by, making it an unfair must pay for your meals has be- the :house; bedspreads. curtaies. Bailey 6 G Barns 3 strusk a third-floor clothesline minister of the methodist church tion requiring Secretary of Aetri- labor practice to tell an empleyer come doubly hard." stated the die- Part of the project was making. slipcovers. bed 'linens, luncheon Lassiter G W. Cox 8. and was. flipped into , the second Anderson,.. to gave the invocation. A piano sulture Clinton P. which of two disputing unions to tician. "This increase has raised 21 woolen garments including boys' sets and tea towels. e Substitutes for the Cooper-coach. floor isathrdem of a startled peigh- solo produce it. deal with. __.- was played by Dan Dunn. dress pants, suits and coats. jackets, A ,total, of 122 articles and gar- ed Hazel squad were: Outland 3, bor. the Nat • • I Safety Council the 'cost of food which the cafeteria Anderson effered in respene. to Veterans - James F. O'Neill. na:' Charley Denham sang , several sets of coats. leggings and caps, relents were j Lamb 2. Shrader 2. reperts. buys approximately -$10 each day." a made by the Ken- and Gregan 4, eulepornseby Senate appropria- surijanied by Mrs. Bob the Donal commander of the. Amen- "Too much food is still being coat, suit, dresses and skirts for tuckiana winner. 1Clovis Wallace sent Kemp inter iis committee tem turn over the Gass. Thee Irazel High self eel clan Legien. said high, prices are wasted in spite of all pleas. This herself. -"Accompanying Mrs Workman to' the e•irne for the visitors, and he said he would do hoes. trio and double quartette sang now. But he pushing veterans out ef the, rune erp our cost of operation," She also remodelled nine woolen Louisville. wilt bee her husband. seemed 3 points. emigres,. Christmas carols only if the committee made .the ing market. He ufged accompanied by added Miss. Weihing. '- garments. _ la son. Tummy, and Adanetiter, Mrs. Ifio.el Journeys to Calvert City reps public. He expressed doubt Meal approval Mrs. Gass. of a $200.000.000 Commenting tin the sudent's -dis- Mrs. Workman also made 53 cat- I Gene Potts. tonight. •I any ()the r course wou,kd be program Taylor introduced a former to build veteriens' homes like of new dishes, she said, "We • • cooperatively. graduate of Hazel High School. It would be -fi- Ameriean people have a taste for lee' committee, Which leme.seid nanced-by government James P. Miller. a _minister of -backed taxi bland foods such as meat, potatoes, wants 10 expose all government free bonds the Church of Christ who acted IP and certain sweets. Will you as insiders,"„who have been Holy toastmastee he in turii 4 Land-Reps. Andrew L. introduce:II college people stay on a limited ih grain and other commodities, Somers. D.. and Hugh the peesident 'he -T. A. Mr mg N... D Seett, diet, or will you broaden :four ed- 10 to 8 not to accept Ander- Jr., R.. Pa.. C. D. Paschall who spoke voted introcitieeeti Identical on the ucation in the development of the am*s qualified eerier. bills calling' for temovill fieePales- impeertance of co-operation b('i- 1.11 tel" tsste for foods as you do in other accept his se Then it voted tem rec. tine by Oct. 1 of all Jewish dis- the parents and teachers. fields?" emmendation that it support the placed persone in U. S.leccupied Carolyn Sanders played a piano f promised joint rceeltition. Ander- Europe. Somers said 210.p00 solo. • Jews Miss Carrie Self visited little sen has hinted that the names of weeild be transferred under his Miller then introduced Dees • , •• Denny Walker last Monday. Don- \ 44)M0 congressmen may be on his preposal at a cost loss Roberts. principle of than $15,- the school n is-very sick. list Of heavy speculators. Who in turn' . . 000.000. introduced each mem- \ 'Cit10. , tees Both Neuss- and Senate were in Price Freeze--The Senate bank- ber of the faculty and gave the Tt • me shun. Before the Huai, was a ing committee said it would hold outstanding work and need of each proposal to set up a special com- hearings early next year on a pro- teacher. It seems that the, out- mittee. to investigate commedity mise! by Sen. Homer Capehart, standing need of each teacher speculators. The Senate &toted H. mit, that Dec. 13 price levels books fur their library. Mr. Mill. I ees in anti-inflatime bill. The hay's b eset as the maximum fel- all corn- suggested that a .. committee be ap- highlights: modities until May I. pointed to make up money to buy Taxes -Chairman Harela. It hut- nderson's recommendation that books. This suggestioh was made son of the House ways and means Congress pass it joint resolution re- in the form of a motion and cernmittee intreduced his bill to quiring him to turn over specula- seconded. D. N. White and Mrs e le cut personal income taxes $54.600.- tion data appeared assured of Charles Denham were appointed 000.000 it) 1948 -. His measure would speedy consideration. to take the donations. take 7.400,000 persons off federal Appropriatiems Committee Chair- Miller introduced Paul Daily FOR SANTN- Gloria Henry tax rolls. man Styles Bridges said Sen. who spoke briefly on behalf of hill:dem The Semite rejected ()met' Columbia player, feels that Ferguson. R.. Mich., waild the P T. A. his outstanding 1. an administration attempt 1,, tack introduce the resolution later .to- • 4 Old Nick has put up with a mark being. -the P. T. A. coyaf elImpulsory centred., eif scerce ma- dav. your men bership." TO CARRY PAWS CARGO-The S S Alawai, after an overhauling at New Orleans. is one - sided deal too fong terials on tem the GOP anti-infle 'Knutson's tax bill, meanwhile. The climax of the evening f,-: steaming towar 'ew York, where it will take on a cargo of food frourthe Friendship This year Santa get.s a gift hien bill. Thc party-line veffeeersas already had approval of most upP the children was a visit from Train. The vessel is scheduled to leave New York cm Dec' 20 and to deliber the food to - a pretty, prize package. 47 to 32. members of his tax-writing com- Santa Claus, who gave to each the needy of Europe around the first "of next year. no less. "Housidg --President Richard J. mittee. candy. _ .


COPY FADED 5 4 ti,5sit./..5 ..6-eare .=.••••• rAC.F. TWO THE LEDGER & TIMES, MURRAY, KENTUCKY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1947

feeling the new crop. THE LEDGER & TIMES . SCIENCE AT WORK I Tobacco stalks art• sometimes ' Carter Named _ PUBLISHED RI THE CALLOWAY PUBLISHING COMPANY used in dropping pits for chickens • 171 Calloway Consolidation of The Murray Ledger. The Times, and The It •is better to shred - or ci Chairman Of • Tuntn-Herald, October 20. 1928, and the West Kentuckian, January 17, 1942 BY P.A411. F ELLIS NEV lie said that _in the atomic pil•s Lem and use phosphate V. United Press Science Writer Proles W. PERCY WILLIAMS. PUBLISHER Ai( •the future. provision niaY th as the manure accumula Ed ucation Group Christmas Bargains today JAMES C. WILLIAMS, GENERAL MANAGER New York i OP i -L-The city l made for use of radiations in /WV, Freddi 'chemical prmess Dr. E. J Carter, head Sunday, gt 103 North 4th St Murray. Ky. dweller appears to run less risk of the edu- to the Published afternoons except Dr Burton said nevi materi Baylor To Honor AT •-• of malnutrition than his country cation department, was appointed develo Office, Murray, Kentucky, for Traninsission as I' cracking of tntered at the Post Kentucky chairman for gram Second Class Matter roleum oils, and more effeci obert Browning• the Re- Comm The ritason atx•ording to Dr chenucol Milt/alum of some ource-Vse Education committee, BSCRIPTION RA.TES: By Carrier in Murray, per week 20: per inefficienw Core Fir man E Bear ot Rutgers Um- oral resources now With Memorial which met recently in Louisville. nth, 85c. In CallOway and adjoining counties, per year, $3 50, else- food Pool's burns versity. is that the urbanite's emplt*ed ii t:.. the benefit, where $550. The committee is a part of the direct( - - - generally COIlleti f urn a much to be expect, A WACO. Test rue v. iki'S I have a few Christmas items for Children I am of NATIONAL R k:PRESENTATIVE WALLACE WITN1ER CO. 903 Sterick greater number of 'sources than Southern State Work conference. unr R“bei I Ing co;lt, have Building, Memphis . Teta; 250 l'ark Ave., New York; 307 N Michigan that of the farmer Southern State Work conference, going tc sell out, regardless of price. I do not minati !fon will be housed in' a $700.000 the space mer- Dick Ave., B. vlst..zo_ St., Boston. Di Bear charman of the .. de- 1.eaf Stalks 1 lave •oup composed of the chief state in,my store to handle this type of ready " - partment ist soils 01 the New Jet- , Fertilizer \ alue Lot :try on the 13,1%1,er ec,ity sotto, officers and the executive chandise, and I'm going to move it NOW — just in soy Agricultural Experiment sta- time for the n MAT1ONAL D1TORIAL_ anipia, in Waco, if present plans , secretor of state educationa. in your Christmas shopping. believes golf a lion "t Rutgers ma"i - ' Tobacco stalks piled - outside materialize: thirteen so hern states, meets an- or SSOCIATION , 1.;.‘e muo,•; YOU back t tr:tion. can -be a‘ oided by eating ,,,„pv,ine. „„rn nually in Jut at Daytona Beach, WILL SAVE PLENTY ON THE Aireacte an e,tioniteii FrIi0i).000 import -1)14,40— ..ods' gins'n nsony d ft' le• nttot thea feitthier value in wantel a. FOLLOWING GIFTS: -11..ble for the edifice, which still The 1111. KL.,. rt. KY PREs, .‘SSOt 1ATION rains. according to. the Agnelli • The organization,„according to occupy a city block Strong, good looking Play Horse, siiunted on relit a Dr Carter, is stressidx, resource- — We res. t c the r.ght to reject an Advertising. Letters to in; toDrthBecaAt ntle•11.:Icta The driv fore, Oack of this heavy-duty springs; sturdy enough to hold a 200- in an t'an ingationExTPhit'•y7ie's7ItouSldtatbioenspirneadL"as. ! use education as its major-Ron-it of of Pubic items which ut our opinion are not for the best interent out that the health of those who!' 'cultural movement is Dr. A. Joseph pound man. This Horse sold for $12.75 last Xmas. ment stripped 9r stored inside. the Ste- emphasis for the coming year's of our readers. eat only local produce is likely to; Armstrong, head of the depart- Mined tion says. work. Special Christmas Price $6.95 reflect deficiencies in the soil of ment of English at Baylor. In 1018, 'It i Thur6day Afternoon, December IS, 1947 Total value of the fertilizer in The Conference appointed chair- the surrounding area he presented his private Browning ment the stalks of the states tobocco men for `Resource-Use Education Big size Red Scobters, well made, rubber tires. "One of the developments tteit collection to the school._ Since then that t) crop is estimated at more than committees in each of the member Was $4.95. has been operating to ever-in- his efforts have lesulted in making this ci $1000.090 In 1944. it was estimated the AlL...igns Point Toward Nearness Of Xmas to the human it the worlds gseatest collection of states, Dr. Corteir- being one is the oreasin2 advantage at 1,180.000 Other yeals „ in which Special Christmas Price $2.95 soot. that constant books, poems :mei paintings of the from Kentucky. The Committee Is of cle estimates Vit're Made weie 1913. (:)thman Finds Scarcity Of Men famed Britisher,,, composed of deipis. heads of educe.- Delux,e Model Scooter, heavy rubber tires, bicy- • Presidi But Wise • in transP""atton 5974.000 and 1942. S892,000 tion department;. arid some prin- 'A hiCh atiTv,t.ieccollection is valued 1:v.11st:ry- cle hancitebar with rubber grips, built-in seat, Then Samples ot tobacco stalks anal- cipals arid superintendents regnina that are tar removed ,ays.1 at $250,000. Dr. Armstrong streamlined> hind I tRI:1/1 Kit K 011131V% a zed at the Experiment Station schools, said Dr. Carter. , -1:nas• ;ion,. Inc po.i:t ot consuMption !,s Potnting to one book alone .)767-1 1 nited Pres. ‘tatt orre•rendent indicatod that a too of stalks Con - Dr. Carter stated that three rna- Special C4ristrnas Price $6.95 I Se- a bioci,cht .L•!. wUrlh $50.000 Ch tamed 55 pouy*, nitrogen; jor projects which the committee V. ; 1, ' • •' .• 11.11I Japanese Like Him chairm p os p. tJett ds of us and 50 i Br..witing is undertaking this year are: Kiddies Ride-A-Car, 3 wheel. •L. 'A :7 h, I.'. ti,t, staff •ia- --i, us an.: •Ialcs el tenitia•cc, died in 1089. He was Ilope, pounds of potassium 'en stab.. 1. TO secure additional approp- se! •Liii.eri:s h:ra,ti t.:, ,,, tlc,,,,,t: ei,r,it,..;:t.:,.:1(1 trilu.c,g,s. . then and is li.iday widely rei:d His Special Christmas Price . $1.95 nd are left out in the weather.mueh ' riations for employment of state ristraas ,trike I: 1.' works have been translated into 37 Worth, of these fertilizer elements is supervisors of • . .fe- mi., i. fast, 1 and tarthcr 1 hzici foreign Lugo:ages. There are 530 resource-use educa- RED Steel Wagons — the Big oversize model, 3 noittee rain , [nut in the Kentmky State Depart- a.: k •,::. To' 1,0,s:tidily ,it ,c - 'v asb`'cl out by of his works' and criticisms of feet long. the vu '" I ment of Education, and, to work ill 00 Browning in the Japant'se laii- Special -Christmas Price $9.75 nation. ;IC!,..!1:'!. g' t tit'. roost fcrtlinlcr value Out gUi4 2 alone. toward an improved program of The) IC ,1 '..:: , fl ,,!1,c !"011 ilt . 17:11:detdhem sti •clI' '1 CI'S' :"i' I'Il.."'. "i "' " oiThtoebn:iicict:4"IstIsaltkos."71 collecting the supervision in each county of Ken- • `ri*.1 works of the poet Child's Swing — all steel frame, steel seat, for Okla.; tra' barn where' they a:e has taken Dr Armstrong across tucky. Minn.; 11:?:: :1;:::::::'.5:i,::':":1".."_,.Ii , 1:11,`,.n.'`;15....",'_ ii-li'-sl ultueleted until they can be ouidoors, with safety fastening belt. spread: the Atlantit• 32 times. He is con- 2. To organiZe and darect use indoors or Cana& An It tit ! : !. 1 ,,: is t: ,,,,,,, .ix„.6,,1 ir,l"ha ,,,,di,..,,pv....d 2. spread them as they are strip' sidered one of weeks study conference to be spin Frame can be folded to store away while not in use. ,s slay the greatest living Chick ped on small_ grain _or grass, and scholars on sored by all the state institutions of $9.75. us tii, :act., \ t Cil 'a; n inint'FbIlIS 11 Browning. Sold for Chicag - . . 1 )p,, ,i .31_ UM.' them, ICA' bedding • lixe:'..„, Tne hat present Beres:nine library public higher education of Ken- nix:. _ . st c Special Christmas Price $4.75 ,.. ou the Baylor campus. while tucky, which will be held.: at Gil- Haas, ' It,. rl!',I. ai- L's 1..,-..1,(1 u:. 'points uo. 1 small, Tobacco stalks make good beds -•-•-i oas rich Renaissame furniture. bertsvitle during the summer bf If you are looking for BAR‘Al NS, the above art land; ,- I ding tol cattle and horse's. Stra.,' hand-carv-d bookcases,' oriental 1941r John C iIi:i'tt---",:•In's:'; I'L'h."-ru:sart:"';'"'I '''l all priced way below COST to me. Int"a"ttif'''''':Ii. should be Used with them If used rugs and 3. To set up a series of experi- Os :tamed glass windows ly, Ph .."*.s on ,,p,,,,,iiky — tobacco land, the manure he,.4iia.d fur, Baylor's mental programs in resource-use' and T "L:i ":. i:jaill „r::: 5 ::, .,,,,,..„., ,,,... should bt• spread at ;east a 6...hcciici, 10 interpret -certaip of education hi a selected group T. C. In before setting time On!) - Be, v. fling's pii.ems schools in various sections of R KIRK A. POOL & CO Elmer stalks from disease-resistant kilids The oollection nurntii-rs inure tucky. Undi 13:2;'1-:: • .. ""i;;:`;'It''-i1;" 1' II.:1- ut tobacco should b.• used on land ti, di 4 000 1,0s, ranc.•ing fr. m fir.a, section Read Ledger eir Times Classifieds. structi • school: The work 1i, home talent. pen th has be Pen cent c that "d .4 you , was 28 "Ten Hogan-

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TDURSIAY, DECEMBER 18, 1947 THE LEDGER & TIMES, MURRAY, KENTUCKY --PMIE THREE - Today's Sports Parade 'Training School Colts Football Family West Texas Looks The Chinos Food Committee Suggest:

By OSCAR FRALEY Dudley said. "We intend taking From Blytheville For Cattle Boom United Press Sports Writer advantage of these talents to put over this program, which the entire Sets New Record After A "PEACE PLATE" FOR TODAY NEW Drought YORK, Dec. 18 IUP)-'--The membership is solidly behind." Professional Golfers Association Corcoran was pleased with the BLYTHEVILLE, Ark, Dea 18 COLLEGE STATION. Tex. (UP) Save **teal! Save Meal! Save thepeace! today gave a vote Of cogfidgace to move, particularly in view of. the (UPI—The —The cattle raising industry in Freddie Corcoran- as it entrusted town of Blytheville, unsettled situation since his "sneak Ark., with a West Texas is in for a boom next to the embattled Boston ,toistiman popufation of 17,500 punch" kayo by' Metz. and noted for year if nature will- only lend a THURSDAY PEACE PLATE development of a junior gait pro- ita_production oLfine "I saw Louis knocked down—so I cotton, on New hand. gram designed to help combat Vear's day will Just before Christmas, both bud- skIlltt Add onions, tomato Juice and don't feel so bad' now," he quip- claim one of the most unusual titles Even without the aid of nature, get and busy budgeteer are ready tenon Juice and boilirrg water to cover. Communism. Cover; simmer i houts or until nearly ped. in the history the range-riding rancher is slated for first-aid, which comes in the Corcoran, of American rootball. tender Add pcitatoes, and cook 30 min- velso stepped from form of a thrifty meal-in-one dish utes or until tender Thicken But with Corcoran it was more On Jan. 1, 1948, the third son of to do everything in his financial gravy: tournament directot to promotion for today's Peace Plate. Lemon and add green beans and heat. 4 servings. than a job with the juniors- and an Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester "Pop" Mos- power to. replace the damage that director of the PGA after a series tomato juice add zest and tender- CHOCOLATE PUDDING opportunity to help golf even more. ley will participate in the Sugar drought and drying 'grasa lads did of unpleasant situations which cul- ness to lamb neck slices that cup sugar Bowl game at New Orleans, and to _him thia year. have been browned and sun- minated in a fist fight with golfer To him it was a vote of confidence 5 tablespoon, flour from the men behind the game. will become the first family to A survey by A. & M. college here mered gently to succulent tender- ika teaspoon salt Dick Metz, was reported about ness. Plenty of rich gravy is part I cups milk have a member play in each of the reveals that the western aectioti. 3 squares unsweetened chocolat* ready to tear up his - contract. Bra of this menu four major bowls. • of the state will make a strong planning. I teaspoon vanilla the man who made tournament Why not round out the menu with comeback into the buyers' market Combine sugar. 11.,ur. and salt In top golf a lucrative profession comes Thirty-One Get The man who will turn the trick al refreshing fruit salad made by of double boiler, mixing thoroughly. is Norman next year. The shut in the arm, the Tossing lightly together orange or Add milk gradually, stirring constant- back now with a job of even more "Monk" Mosley, Uni- boiling survey reveals comes from late tangerine sections, plump seedless ly Add chocolate. Place over importance. Football M's at versity of Alabama halfback. The water and cook until chocolate is melted fall rains that raisins, salad greens and dressing. thick and well-blended, Crimson tide will play the Univers- brought back much and mixture is The task is to develop and di- of the drought-decimated range Creamy Chocolate Pudding, nutri- stirring constantly. Then continue cook. Murray College ity of Texas. and Mosley as under- tious and easy to make, is an mg 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. rect a junior program, culminating grass this year. Chill and serve with milk study to Harry Gilmer is expected ideal dessert choice. Add vanilla. in an international junior tourna- or thin cream 6 servings. to see plenty of Farmers faced with grass short- For quick cooking, cook Jim Moore, Murray State College action. BRAISED LAMB Note: pud- ment at the PGA's own course at alas and dwindling ater supplies, NECK SLICES ding In saucepan over direct heat until football coach, has announced that Monk is following in the WITH VEGETABLES stirring constantly. Dunedin, Fla. foot- were forced to sell eir cattle last thickened, 31 Thoroughbreds lettered in foot- steps of his famous brothers. Her- t pounds lamb neck slices, 2 teems Food Tip: Serve sweet potatoes "It is the feeling of the tourna- summer. Many rane rs (hii k ball during the 1947 season. even had and yams (they're the deep-yellow. ment schel and Rtiegell, who also played I.,, Pup Sour sponsors advisory committee to sell breeding stock because they sugary often Thirteen of the Racers will. re- for the Tide. Before entering Ala- - 21:, teaspoons salt moist, ones) . while that the answer to Communism in 'were- unable to keep them on pas- Si, teaspoon pepper they're plentiful. All sweet potatoes ceive the Murray sweater for the bama, all three this country as well as the world brothers played ture. 2 tablespoons fat haYile import-am noir-nye value. first time. Eighteen have lettered halfback on the Blytheville High 3/.. cup sliced unions is the development at a tender age 1 The !survey- reveals that the I cup *moat° juice They are good providers of food in the gridiron sport before this School team, and the Mosleys are 2 teaspoons 11.111011 juice energy. a rich source of vitamin of clean competition in sports," ranchers either held on ta their season. known in 4 potatoes. quartered A, and also give Worthwhile quan- President Arkansas as the "Foot- drained, Ed Dudley announced. cash for restocking or retired land 24 cups canned - beans tities of vitamin - C and small Of the total, only six will be lost ball Family."' slices IT1b,ed There are a lot of big-names be- best with the cattle sale proceeds. Dredge neck with C1 amounts of the B vitamins and to the Murray squad by gradua- Iferschel—"Herky" they called flour, salt and pepper Brown on holt hind Corcoran as he tackles. this About 60 per cent el the farmers sides to but Lit in Dutch oven or ueep minerals eir hi. li,1, -settoot day..g"X Maanda iScattyi—ressenden planned to purchase Tome piece of the first 'of the Mosley trio to win of Chicago is chairman and co- The six seniors lettering foe the farm equipment this fall In matarit Blue eridinafaealaim. • chairmen are Bing Crosby, Bob and Gold this year are Jack a good crop year. The drought, t W Wyatt, Heaschel was a member of the Hope, S. C. Allyn of Dayton, 0., Dyersburg, Tenn.; Perkins however, stopped that and the coa- Read the Ledger & Times Classifivi Ads Marquess, 1938 Alabama squad which clashed ; rid Marvin Leonard of. aFort Hopkinsville; Max Car- templated purchases have bean put with California in the Worth, Tex. The rest of the com- lisle, Henderson; Tommy Walker. Rose.Bowl. off until next year. Brownsville, Bill McClure, Brother Russell played with the mittee is composed of sponsors of Tenn.; More than 90 per cent of the Dyersburg, Tenn. and Neal Hobart, Tide in the 1942 Cotton Bowl game the various tournaments across the farmers .and ranchmen Who sold Ashland. against Texas A. and M. nation. cv.ttle down to the present low The They are: Marquess was the only Ardor on following year both Russell LET US Don Bothwell, Tulsa, number plan to restock next spring the squad make his first letter and Munk participated in the Okla.; Adolph Bremer, St. Paul, to when grass coiries out. Many are this year. Other ',players lettering Orange Bowl game at Miami, when Minn : Emile Collette. Montreal, buying breeding stock now, on the for the first time are Gordon Alabama rolled 'over Boston Col- Canada; Fred Dowd, St. Louis; Guth- A COOL CUSTOMER --Jack Sharkey, Jr., son of the former strength of a grass comeback after rie, Dyersburg, Tenn.; Bob Saun- lege 19 ta 0. This left the Mos- Chick Evans and Walter Mullady. -heavyweight boxing champion Of the world, Clears the low the lite fall. rains this year, al- ders, Georgetown, Ill.; Ralph College practIce leys with only one major bowl to Car Boston for a Undercoat Chicago; R. barrier the ice arena at Your W. Goldwater, Phoe- of though most sec m inclined to wait Cooper. Paducah; Jim Cullivan, fill, and Alabama took care of a.tiat- rile:, Russell Gnau, Detroit: Lloyd ses.ston with the treshman hockey team. If he's as rugged on until spring before restocking. Paris Tenn.; Paal Ware, Hunting- when they ac.c'epted a bid to Tyray Haas, Toledo; Robert Hudson, Port- .the ice as his dal was in the ring, he'll do all right. Here at Texas A. & M. most don:. Tenn.: Alvin Cope, Charles- in the New Orleans classic Ibis sea- land. Henry Hurst, Philadelphia; vocational teachers feel 'that thg WITH OUR ton, Mo.; Buddy Hewitt. Madison, son. John C. Jester, Dalras; John B. Kel- demand for stocker cattle ne-x' Tenn.; David Cdrlisle, Henderson; Pop Mosley is the family phe- ly, Philadelphia; Maurice Luxford spring will hit a . new level. Ti James Humphrey, Paducah: Billy nomenon. He never played a foot- NEW ALEMITE UNDERCOATING and Tom McMahen. Les Angeles; DO keep tree in water from time teachers are almost unanimous a Furgerson, Murray; Orvil Gibbs, ball game in his life, but for the T. C. Utterback. Richmond, and their 'belief that the competition Rector, Ark.; John Singleton, Ham- you bring it home. Make fresh sow past four years he has been assist- Elmer Ward, Boston. for thin stocker cows arid light MACHINE ilton, Ohio. ant coach of the Blytheville Junior Under the junior program, the 31 cut across trunk base before calves will be fierce in the spring. Rounding out the 1947 roster of High School team. sections of the PGA will hold in- setting up. Place tree in water. lettermen are Billy "I had to mias all the othar bowl structional classes at various Joe Saunders. containing holder,ond fill it doily. games." the elder Moaley slavia are two of the nations who schools and colleges. Murray; John ljackney. Hopkins' says. "but We 3-M rubberized undercoating yule: Alton Rodgers Jr. Mayfield: I'm going to. see that sugar bowl belong to United Nations and are The pros also will be asked to Remove dry tree from premises Kenneth Evitt, Eldorado, Ill.; game if I can get the ,tickets" . not members of UNSCO but 41 of which will prevent rust, deadens sounds work with the caddies at their immediately after holidays. Floyd Hooks, Hopkinsville: Troy But. should Pop Mosley lose this the United Nations members are home clubs to develop that latent and 'squeaks and also prevents dust from 'Kelley. Denville. Va.; B. I. opportunity to see his football. UNESCO is independent of the talent. Foe it is from the caddie Middle- ton. Portsmoutla Ohia; Danny playing son, he- may have still one United Nations but works in co- getting pen that most of golf's best talent in from the underside of the car. Wales, more chance_ _ The MusIsy's operation with UN organizations. has beetAlrasian. aps Hawthorne, Calif.; Winford DON'T attach too many light fourth Dill, Huntingdon. Tenn: Dale son Tommy will leave wraco school Its work ranges'from international Pointing up the need for an ac- strings to one outlet, and be sure McDaniel, South Bend, Joe next year for Junior High School exchange af scientific studies to S27.50 cent on golf, Corcoran explained Ind.; FORDS and . . Bronson. Chicago, Tom Cov- insulation is not worn or sockets where he says he wants to dupli- efforts to achieve a world-wide that "A few years ago the average ington, Murray and Ralph McClain, cate the achievements of his older copyright treaty. i•f your open tournament winner loose. A blown fuse is the signal Mayfield. brothers. Miss Brock listed regional scien- .1 was 28 and no wit is 33." of o dangerous 'overload. Be That means he'll have to play tific institute praposed for the Ari "Ten years ago you had your sure fuses ore right size Never halfback at Blytheville,. earn Ar- azon Basin in Brazil, the work All other S30.00 Hogans. Sneads and Nelsons com- BOWL REVIEW katisas high school All-State and internation council on reconstri. ing up," Corcoran added. -Today use a penny in fuse socket. Ah-Southerri honors. and finally non and rehabilitation of eche we have -few, if any, real fine By Bill Chapman wind up at left halfback position tional, scientific, and cultural t young golfers making a bid in the United Press sports Writer at Alabama. That's pith. sources in war-devastated big time:' the and DON'T use lighted candles on the footsteps are well defined. tries, the projects for Ivo;if TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER NOW anti There was no, question in the • Lawrence. Kara. Dec 18— UP the Gristmos tree or with other Blytheville had had eight native radio broadcasts, and the mind of Dudley and Fessetiden, —Kansas faces a hood° when it sons play in the Rose Bawl and Nations film bold as notabie PRESERVE THE BODY OF YOUR CAR president of the Western Golf As- sends its fast-stepping big six decorations. Place the tree well claimaignapbe the only city with a ievements of UNEScO. aiciation. that Corcoran was the co-champion against. Georgia Tech away from fireplace or other population under 100.000 that can ' man for the job. in the Orange Bowl at Miami on location where it is exposed to make that statement. All except i "We intend making use of his New Year's Day. No big six team Factory Trained Men In Charge two of the eight played for Ala- i ability and fine talents in deve14- ever „ has won one of the four sparks or strong heat Also keep Be Quick To Treat ing junior golf on a large scale," major post-season bowl games. tissue wrappings away from heat. Oklahoma tried unsucessfully tFOR RENT against Tennessee in the Oranat Miss Brock Tells Bronchitis fracture beds, wheel Bowl in 1939 and Missouri failaa Chronic bronchitis may develop if DO stand on ladder or sturdy Main Street Motor Sales hairs and crutches. three times-against Georgia Tech Kappa Delta your cough,chest cold,or acute bron- ; in the Orange Bowl in HMO. step stool when hanging decor- Pi Of chitis is not treated and you cannot 206 Main Street Phone 59 GEORGE BACKER afford to take a chahce with any mein- against lairdham an the ...Sugar 801 N. 21st Street ations, not on a .box or flimsy eine less potent than Creomulsion Bowl in 42 and against Texas in UNESCO Work which goes right to the seat of the PADUCAH. KY. choir. Wear low-heeled shoes the Cotton Bowl last year. trouble to help loosen and expel germ Phone I814-J phlegm aid nature to But any bowl jinx that might (this for the women; while trim- Miss Ola B. Brock, atic teacher laden and in the training school; spoke to the soothe and heal raw,tender. inflame() December 19, Christmas Vacation exist against a big six competit- ming the Yule tree. bronchial mucous membranes. begins. ion doesn't perturb the men from members of Kappa Delta Pi on the Creomulsion blepds beechwood NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL organization and work of the Uni- creosote by special process with other' ted Nations Educational, Social, time tested medicines for coughs. narcotics. and Cultural Organization It ocntains no (UNES- No- matter how many medicines CO) Friday night. you have tried, tell your druggist to Christmas Present... ',taunt Oread above the Kaw lead the conference. Bill (Red' Miss Brock said that the UNESCO sell you a bottle of Crecomulsion with is the first organization of the the understanding you must like the slightest. Coach George Sauer's Hogan and Lyrm McNutt give the way it quickly allays the cough, per- FAMILY Jayhaa ks g kind to be adopted by such a large FOR THE hafealrers, ai her only t 551)yea ; s two more passing mitting rest and sleep, or you are to threats. while Bud French, Dicta group of nations. Russia arid Yugo- have your money back. (Adv.) a- were the dare mats of • Ilia Bertagzi and Frank Pattee are A BETTER CAR it lands conference. Mica(' io 11, max *their spectacular oirgeatii iapable hall-carrying aides. Big Six taams 'learned early We are proud to have acquired for you, a real first aininence with a victory in I he class line of good clean used cars. Any one of them st bowl venture in Kansas' that they couldn i make a mistake tory. against Kansas Twice this season will make a wonderful gift for the entire family. a hen the opposition -faltered in To accompolish this. the Jay- the turd minute of play. Sauera TODAY !! hawks avill rely on the same, Let's Trade or Buy NOW !! charges came from behind to beat bys who led them to alert' victor- Nebraska and Missouri. Texas 1946 FORD PICK-UP, in first class condition. ies and two ties this iseason: ChriAlan playial a scoreless tie to. 1946 FLEETMASTER Tudor , ,I Ray 'Es:Ms,. a triple threat iina5olf5 with Kansas in the mud and rain extra clean. one of the greatest players ever and Oklahoma. Big six co-char-1.- to wear Kansas football tog:, 1942 FORD, clean and drives right. 1)1am Deadlocked the .layhawkers. CHEVROLET TUDOR SPECIAL. Really a and Oreetino 1941 13 to 13. Denver, Iowa Siate, 2. A "lighthorsc brigade" Imo beauty with radio and heater. South Dakota State, Kansas State. which averages around 185 'manila 1940 FORD TUDOR with one original tire. Extra Oklahoma A and M. and Ariz- but compiled the bast offensi ona all were beaten. clean. defensive record in the lag .ix All-American 1941 CHEVROLET TUDOR with heater. Just a Evans, -nick-named "The Rifler" Sauer, a former Nebraska. attributes his. plain car with lots of service. the midlands because of ms back at team's success to the old fantail., 1941 DE SOTO TUDOR SEDAN with radio and iti•rrinx passing ability. won _the of hard work. heater. Really a beauty. Z six aerial tale for the secona 1940 FORD TUDOR DELUXE that is extra good aight year. Ste wimpleted 30 ."Iti general, we plan to follow inai the same practice pattern for the mechanically. We want you to drive this one. of 80 passes withriut an Orange Bowl." he said. -That 1940 CHEVROLET TUDOR SPECIAL, with nev, ;ception far a gam of- 596 yard., sides his passing talentS Evans means- plenty of scrimmage. close tires. a brilliant runner and a stana- individual cam:h ing and lengthy 1938 FORD TUDOR DELUXE with new motor. a on pass defense. , close individual coaching and len- Nothing like it! The shifty lightweight line ,s play-polish." 1934 FORD one and one-half ton TRUCK. renowned air its a; dimm- rece4,.a.; Practice. which was luxurious 1936 FORD TUDOR with trunk. Any offer over field blocking and deft kinaliia when thr• season ended on 'a WHAT A JOY to own one of these fine TWO FIFTY takes it. aieties which keeps it in the op- 29. was resumed on Dec. 11. Rest-Rockers. And what a comfort to relax in the sition backfield for a good part squad will leave. for Miami ii'. smooth, quiet "rocking chair" comfort. This is a the game. Dec 26 to enable the players ta family chair that everyone will enjoy. Choice of Damks- Cash, Trade or Terms .. . In addition to Evans, the Jay- spend' Christmas with their famil long wearing covering fabrics. ; warms have two other big 31 , dividual champions. Co-Captain - CASH or TERMS Every Deal a Square Deal Schnellbacher, a 18.3-pound for riding with •u Al' 1. See CHAS. HUGO WILSON wen INISS receivine Lamas P LEGS, ARMS! NE,' ., us this 110, r the second straight year year mut pre irrni .!!, r i RILEY FURNITURE & aching 17 throws that covered T N g1 yards and produced four I MINN . 2 recovered a N Motor Co •ichdowns: He also 11"1"11111"aaeazawilial" N Billington-Jones T acked punt for a fifth score. APPLIANCE CO. Incorporated The Emmett Blevens Co. T, We'll be around to again give you good service next year In sophomore Seillback Forrest 0,,,,1,, , t,!._ a, 1. ,^1' O...., Am, !a s 0 Last Side Square Telephone 587 211 Main Street Phone 170 Kgrisas has An explosives. Manufactory --( a t rb I .shed 1910 ., Lowsvolle.2,Ky r. ;inner who scored 54 points tu 541 So Brook St - a

-5 es. --5 041.


THUB Club News Activities Locals Women's Page Weddings JO NN ILLIAM, Editor — PHONE 374-M

Pe,ony, Homemakers" • T,T! motif was carried ' rations. After a I Social Calendar College „1, Meet M.ondav With s-ion conducted by I --a-1,i. al:a W. C a Thursday. December IX Calendar • Mrs.Marbard- jetton tirs u•as told by Loret-; '1',ur:.a by recording -The La- The Business and Professional /Mmediately after r Woman's Club will meet at the January 5, and 6, Mcgiday, and Si la Claus airived with his , RY MARGAUT,TA.,BRUCK[R Woman's Club House for their an- Tuesday--Registration. 13.•!nizing prei-ciits C., every I nual Christmas dinner and *pro- FOR SA gram at 6:30. Hostesses will be January 7, Wednesday - Chapel, he pr. s•.!11 When 3lichele INlicke•yi Ryan. A cunning gleam lighted the 1 and Mesdames Elaine Brown, Nat Ryan Speaker, Rev, George Bell. y. ere Mrs. Mary Louise; rich Detroit society girl. meet-s girl's eyes. -Because I think she Hazel, Mrs Baxter Bilbrey, and, Peter Standist. poor young law- can." Hughes. E. F. Settle, Marian Berry Basketball game with Mem- yer. he thinks she's a working Mickey said hastily. "I am and Earl Nanney. phis State, here, 8:00 p.m. Mn' M C. Ellis. will- . )FOR Si Memb. rs • pri.s,fut were Mesdames girl and. alien he he hates ing to do anything I can to help The Zeta Department of the Mur- January 8, Thursday-Last day to her identity... senger Ms rile J Wall. the rich. she hides you. I can give voif this ..." ray Woman's Chib will meet at register for Samuel Adams, name is Mickey She full credit. dio am say ing her opened her purse, took out a 7:30. Mrs. Carey Boggess. Cody. Caldwell. J. 'Brooks. They are strongly at- bill and extended it. The girl took January 12. Monday-j,ast day to around H. Carter. John Conger T. C. Col- enter organized class. 7 •golyer A tracted te each other and, later. it greedily. Thursday, December 18 AT BASEBALL MEETING-Richard Muckerman (left), the tion. H lie, Leon Collie_ Laurine Doran, when Peter proposes, Mickey ac- Rosamond rose, took Mickey by January 14, Wednesday - Chapel, • :a:oh:et- The Magazine Club will meet at president ot the St. Louis Browns, and William Berridge, W C Elkins, Noble Farris, William cepts him. Her Aunt Henrietta. the arm arid marched her toward Student Org.- a Nors- 2:30 today instead .of the 25th of FOR S Furches, Clrfqrd Garrisah,- Pat with a horn she lives. strongly ob- the door. January 15, Tharsday-Basketball president of the American League, were caught by the jects. Mickey. deciding really to -Good night," she said December. velvet 11:-..-kett. Brad nit Hale. G. B. briefly. game with Tennessee Poly. cameraman during the American League meetings in New becomea working girl, runs away "I shall try to see you again." Saturday', December 20 Phone .1e!es. R F Nell, y Hunter Love. here. 800 pm. York. Muckerman has been causing much consternation in from her aunt's home and goes said Mickey. The Lee Farmer Grego) of the Cotu McDai.iel. Hall McCuiston, to stay aith her friend. Rosa- thr league for selling many of his top-flight players, and THE door opened under Rosa- Children of Confederacy, will meet some owners FOR Si I.. D Keith Morris. Sam mond Wilson. They plan to take have accused him of trying to sell his franchise good c training for jobs in a war plant. mond's impatient }lagers. They at three o'clock with Nancy Out- Use our classified .as-211-ney yd H L 0.kley, La- were to ksyndicate in another city. Meanwhile, doubts about Peter outside, with the door closed land. get the business. e Phone erne Orr. Es t'rett W Outland, J. behind have been raised in Miekey's them. N. Outland. Furdum Outland, Rosamond mind by his friendship with a said, "You will not Monday, December 22 FOR SA come again. • Th•'etas Parker. J e Farklw.. Paul shahlys: girl who has been _taint Listen." Woodmen -of the World meeting C tract, They paused. From the _a_ • F, C. 7: • s SLym,rd to see her with the evident in- - room -Win be held at 7:30 o'clock in the they had left, came the murmur of At Your Service Nation-Wide... -1943-tiri IL,ksdale tirem Redden. Hall tendon of asking for money. The r VOICE'S. WOW Hall. Election of officers tires. 1 Or 'Houvrts, Hillar girl finally gets hold of her and and initiation are scheduled. T. C In the event of a death far away from home, get in touch with she does want money "There was a man in that hay be Allen Rose. Pat R. wind. reveals that Collie. Murray Camp arrangements. Through our Nation-Wide insists she's not closet," said Rosamond bluntly 592, stated before making any used al Charles Sexton. James Shelton. but Mickey "Let's Ryan. Shortly after- get out of here quickly." that it is important that all mem- connections, we have the facilities for handling a case from place Prentis „Michele BuT it Sar,a Clifford Smith. ward, she meets Peter, who has was not so simple. The L„bers be present. may be Murray doloc okreadt the bottom of the stairs was of death to the final interment, no matter what the distance ' Eu4er..: Tarry.'R. IT TL.rtra,n. Joe enlisted and is about to leave for Fat W.,! W.. LiCt: J.+Mes an Army camp. He asks her to A UCTI,,C Rosamond said, TENTING DAYS OVER MAX CHURCHILL help the girl. Lottie McDonald. "I'll break the door down if that woman doesn't 'PERU, Mass. ,U.P.)-After six 20; at 11 to get in touch with Michele ter mil so, appear and let us out." menths in 'a tent, Mr. and Mrs SUPERIOR AMBULANCE SERVICE Ryan. Mickey promises to do Church suspicious of The woman did appear. She Harry Oakes have found a home- but Rosamond is looked situation. When Mic- curious. for their six children. They put- registei the whole "Did you find MAX H. CHURCHILL FUNERAL HOME out to see Lottie that them?" she asked. chased- a woodehopper's cabin and heifer, key sets as she unlocked the door. evening. Rosamond goes with Friendly Funeral Home", good s "Yes." Rosamond said. planned to build an addition to "The Regular Meeting her. termini She and Mickey went out and de- house their family during the win- I .MEMBER OF - Date Of Hazel CHAPTER XVIII scmded the steps. ter. brood I WHEN Mickey and Rosamond "What did she mean by 'them' ?" Phone 98 hold eie P.T.A. Is Changed Mickey eLskid. Lady "reached the shabby part of. as they went down In colonial North Carotin.. CUNEIRAL Fifth and Elm Myers.' the street. If town in which Lottie McDon- munition was so scarce that every DIRECTORS f; -- - "There was a man's glove unclet Assistant Murray. Ky. FOR Si was Rosamond, vessel not state had ald lived, it as that chair I sat on." Rosamond said owned in 'the Good z• to pay a tonnage duty on gun- usual, who took charge of grimly. "You see, that girl is Witt G=RVINC3 NATION•WIDC alakery capable of -taking care of herself. I powder, gunshot and flints. things. She found the address -- - Peter had given Mickey. It know that type. They pretend to FOR be helpless and ignorant-all for a proved to be a rooming house. purpose. Better leave situations She ran up the steps, with like that one alone." Call .10 Mickey following her, and rang the "But I promised to help her," FOR Si bell. Presently, a woman opened Mickey said stubbornly. • the door, revealing a dimly lighted -Don't be an idiot! Forget her!' clean: They dropped the subisct. but Can be M : "Does Lottie McDonald live Mickey continued to worry abou, T' asked Rosamond. it. She, too, felt that To FOR Si here?" the girl Carne coulc Santa •• A • M- The woman surveyed the two manage quite well on her own, but del C ft- . : : F• girls suspiciously before answering. she wished she could find out why all eqi "Yes, she does." Lottie McDonald was so deter- tered she in?" mined to meet Michele Ryan and "Is aid. g I las "Yes." The woman stepped back. why Peter toot such an interest in "Second floor-Eecond door to the the girl. Our Store... .1, ales. Annual Christmas . -fright. Mind your step. The light's Grove. _ burned out in the hall upstairs.' HE next morning, promptly a: - — - Party Tuesday , As the girls ascended the stairs. Tnine o'clock. Mickey and Rosa- ['DR Si Rosamond whispered. "What a mond arrived at the school when AND LEFT SO ,hine. pla•e! Lucky I came with you." they were to take their training for Moyer, They moved cautiously along the war jobs. They found themselve-- ..dark upper hall_ and lrinOelted on part of a large group of women and MANY GIFTS THAT _ the second door to the right. A light atrirLs Who weie -To -be -formed [Etc et.limm°m • shone through the dusty glass of classes for beginners. ARE... the transom. but there was no an- In the confusion of being shunt- I swer to their knock. ed about, filling in questionnaire "Eveigroly. our friend doesn't and so on. Mickey and P.osamone encourage visitors." said Rosa- became separated. And then. T mond. Mickey's astonishment, she sud- When she knocked again, they denly came face to face with some DINING AND Lewd movement in the room, then one she hadn't dreamed of seeing silence. Finally -the door was there. Mary. her maid! opene ci and Luttie McDonald "Mary!" she gasped. Magazine Club peered out. "Miss Michele! What are you DANCING "Oh-it's you." she said, as she doing here?" Nleets Today saw Mickey. but she -did not move "I want to learn to be indepen- THE ' to admit them. "I thought you dent, lust as I told you," Mickey re- might come tomorrow. That's what plied. "That's why I ran away from my aunt's house. But what about • , PO; he told me." Rosamond said briskly, "We you? When did you least there?" "I left the day after you did." STRATA CLUB work tomorrow. No time then. May TN ' we come in?" "Did Aunt Henrietta discharg. Martin, Tennessee "Yes-come on in," you?" "Yes. She thoueht I had help,. 19 ,arr MICKEY thought angrily. "Why you to slip away. She insisted I a "Famous For It's Southern lio)44makei-s Clubs - did I come here? Why should lying when I said E.had nothing . Food" Peter SUPRUSt that I take an inter- do with Your disappearance." 19 Schedule eat in this girl?" "Oh. I'm sorry, Mary! I didn't • Rosamond sat down on a chair realize I would cause you to lose it' which creaked. Mickey stood. Lot- your 19 • wn Club job." tie sat on the edge of the iron bed "It doesn't matteirsaid Mary • Mrs Clay- in the corner of Lae_ small dismal "That was useless work anyway, COME IN AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS! Jimmie Small and his room. want to be like Dan-do somethini 19 Orchestra No one spoke. The silence be- to help win the war." . BETTER HURRY! I Clah came embarrassing. .then. Rosamond ap- • M1%. Finally. Fassamond said, "My proach.y.usted She regarded Mary enr, • Costume Jewelry 19 Saturday Night, friend prirmi'. d to ii. p you Just ousisl -ghat is it that von want her to tip?" "Wtiy. Sr; Mary-your maid!" December 20 'I'm e'oirr -'tn ha vi' a baby I need Two girls standing near is rivt.ey. II my father kr,sw. he'd kill turned to stare. • House Shoes 19 Admission 7 $2.00 per couple i"•• !,- "•aal L.ut•:e. "Hush." Mickey said quickly. • "You st.01.!d hav. thoueht if nave no maid. What a silly tinh, ,; nett ti- at befrare.- reoo•ted. for you to say. Rosamond!" Mir v said ' I arn ute 'sillier • Gloves 1 , litit I 4.reild to Then there wa.s no more time t: talk. for the man in charge call( '1 w rt t.. zr mr! named for every one to form in line. • Lace Table Cloths aoted. .fTo be continuedt • ,,r1 my (The churactrri, in this serial as, • Towel Sets Before you buy Ay Range : au.s Li j au meet fIchfious " 1)42. tty.GranAtcy Ci COME IN AND LET US GIVE YOU A COMPLETE • Slips, Gowns, Bed Jackets DEMONSTRATION OF THE FAMOUS Home Of LaFittes, • House Coats Pirate Brother, Sought As Shrine • Ladies Purses

'Si-'pt55 it, It Also for DAD: Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ties, Pajamas • Luncheon'Sets

V.! I 0 a 1 time: SA

Tc COME 11.- '10 ORLIO•4710PI I ••,•• • y 1.appar. .r friends. -OF COURSO will be • Ba AIRLENE GAS COMPANY, Inc. Fa 1177 4.. j05 North Fourth Street Phone Littleton's Negligees Ca HOWARD JONES, District Manager .Sto

1,7 a.

- -• a

•••• 0





FOR SALE-Four room house on ANSWER TO For Sale Erwin street joining city /).nits, •REVIol's 4.1 'Ill I Ride In Airplane $2,500.00. 'Rev. Lloyd Underhill, Crossword Puzzle 2nd and Chestnut. D18p ACROSS 34-Darup Proves No Cure FOR SALE-4 inch drop siding No. 35-Russian mountain 1 and No. 2.grade-Morgan & Cu., FOR SALE-Six foot electric re- 1-Shred ol cloth range - 4 4-Secret ageht 37-Warning signal For Hazel. Ky. D20c frigerator, good coodition $85.00. 7-Wooden shoe 39-Death Hiccoughs 12-Turkish bilker 41-Extent See R. M. Canon, 1010 West Pup- 13-Cravat 45-That woman /-FOR SALE 1941 C;levrolet; 5-pas: lar street. D18p 14-Llsing 46-Moon goddess ATLANTA. Ga. i U.P.)--If you senger deluxe, ra- 15-Flat headpiece 47 -Appearing don't like airplane thrills but you , special, 16- High note gnawed dio and heater, good condition all 17-Chatt 50 -Clreet letter think they might help get rid of Service Sta- IS-Heroic 51-Skip a stone the hiccough; don't- feet obliged to around. See at Shell Notices 20-Plan across water tion, Hazel, Ky. D20c 21-Kind of cloth 52-Country near go up in an airplane. 73-04 4.41 the three China It .anight not work. kingdoms 53-Empty talk Not ,if you FOR SALE-Evening dress and ATTENTION Poultry Owners- 26-Stiolon 54-Blackbird have hiccoughs that really are hic- 26-Drug 55-Flowed out velvet coat, size 18. Never worn. Phone or write us for free culling 29-Top 54-Naive metal coughs. Not even if the plane does Phone 693-W-1. D19p of flock on Saturday, December 32-Wanderer 57 -Guided HUSS nose-dives straight at the ground 20. Keep birds up. L. F. Thur- weweamemwese from 10.000 feet or more. Not even t I-Prieed FOR SALE-One 9x12 wool rug in mond, Phone 386J. Dec.18c 5 la 2-Yawning -if you're almost scared to death 3-Erchin before you get back to terra firma. good condition. 500 Vine Street. rj 4-Ocean liner a Phone 271. D19p NOTICE-A new shipment of As- 5-Ba-li tallow; 4 Take it from Juanita McMichen 6-Yes of -year-old bestos shingles h-as arrived. We b 7-Lucifer Atlanta. a 19 lass with FOR SALE-Allis-Chalmers model have plenty for immediate install. 9-Bat dark hair who hiccoughed for eight 9-Small amount C tractor with cultivator and plow. lotion. PADUCAH SIDING CO. • 19 long, weekaawhileatiociairs tried out -7-11143- model. All the extras. Ma- rita-Qm Carter, ox 292:Z7-- II-A numtrwr every remedy they knew except 19-Spanish hero tires. Perfect condition. Power lege Station, Murray or call 1044- 20-Bishop's hat two, hay baler with a .9 h.p. engine; W, Paducah'. D18p 2/ 22-Cirema Filially they gave her the choice 23-Propel a boat J. Howard McGrath of Rhocit'i used about 60 days. See J C. or 24-Copt between those two--an airplane TALKING POLITICS?-Sen, ATTENTION Al! Truck Drivers- Ya• 3 2S-P, unit thrill ride oiran operation to relieve Island (left), newly appointed Democratic National Chair., Prentis Dunn on ConlIbid and 27-Band of armed !Murray, and receive reward. D19c The Calloway Cu. Soil Imp. Assn. men pres,aire on the phrenic nerve. man, confers with Paul T. Fitzpatrick of Buffalo. N_.IY will receive bids to noon Dec. 27 31 29 -What cow chews Choice Proves Hard Democratic Committee COTTON CUTIE-Designed 30 --Land measure 1 chairman of the New York State AUCTION SALE--Saturday, Dec. and slag and un- 31 --Moccasin ' I It was a hard choice; especially for hauling lime for Christmas party-going. 41 before a private dinner with 100 Democratic leaders In New 20; at 10 oclock, at my farm guar- material from rail- 13- Fret iifter having taken nourishment loading bag 36 One who le•ses It Is believed one of the sublects discussed wa ter this gingham _frock is York City mile south of Sniking Spring road siding to house, for 1948. If house through nose tubes, havin& been on Prostrient on tt "dressed up" with staithec 38-- Nothing the tenderin4 of the nomination as Vice Church. I will offer for sale: 1 interested call at the office on East diuti ranging from sparsity . to that trims tot 40-in front rruman ticket to former Postinastet General James A Fat la - registered Jersey cow, 1 registered Main and get a form on v..hich to white lace 42 -Ret rd for over-abundance,' having had trans- sleeves and pocket anc ' brat er, heifer, Fartnall F12 Tractor in subtnit your bid. W. R. Perry, 43 --Billy fusions, minor scares and shocks. good shape; lime spreader, other Manager. D18c makes a dainty yoke tot a 44 -Luke arm After all that Juanita was des- :o• 46 -Heavenly body farming tools; Hay. 1 horse, 6 yrs: little girl's dress Bolt, 47 114.1;- plonent perate. She was in the Lospitgl Happy Endhng. the hiccoughs ceased.- brood mare in foal. Some house- DON'T FORGET our Auto Auction pocket and yoke are trIm- 46 Steal pale and werzi from the ordeal. Juanita climbed out of the cock- But for plane rides-- no more for 49- G'ube hold goods. Mrs. Robert R. beginning at P. t Cm**. 1)1•114466.1, 11•11. Juanita like that. Sale every Saturday med with rippling soil-- N 50- fkll She chose the airplane ride. She pit at the end of the boor stall bit:- -- - Myers.* D18p 10:30, rain or shine. $200 if they ruffles. • and her father, M. S. McMichen of coughing every -10 seconds. don't sell, $10.00 if do sell. Jacksonville. Fla., boarded a plane FOR SALE--Warm Morning stove ehey Hornsby said he was awfully WOMEN KNOW COLORS can sell . . anybody can are given maximum opportunity Sons. piloted by Marine dive-bomber ace Good as n a.v. Price $40. Long's Anybody sorry his "treatment" hadn't done SOUTHBRIDGE, Mass'I ilI.P.)- Street Car Exchange to assume responsibility and dero- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Johnson Joe Hornsby.. Bakery. buy-Main any good. Southern Airways re- Aboht 4 per cent of men are color Wei 410 and Auction Cu. Hopkinsvilla Army Leadership onstrate initiativ‘ have moved int() their new home Far an hour the plane zoomed gretted it, too, and they refused *m.•••• blind, compared with only three- tf 'The program include-a. 76 hours of on Highway 121 near Coldwater. la-al climbed. Hornsby rocked it up FOR SALE One electric train Ky. payment. They called it it "mercy tenths of one per cent of women. practical work as non-com- Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bazzell ;aid down. He dived the red and ^ompleta. Excellent condition Schools Expand flight." I Dr. Paul &leder of the American Can VT. missioned offici•rs_ and assistant in- 1 and son and Mr. and Mr.;. A. L. yellow craft at tremendous speed D18c The story had a happy ending. Optic41 Co so reports lifter a series structiirs: '30 hours of instruction I Bazzial spent Saturday afternoon Juanita said she Was scared "al- Lost and Found The four'. new Potential Leaders 1 The operation was successful :Ind of color lir, et• pt on tests. FOR SALE -'41 Hui( k sed ai very NG:: Wa y- most to death.- Schools, conducted by the Regular in training riltaltidi-• and 30 hour,: in the home of Mr :lid clean; all accessories. $139500 It was rL,,r lust FOUND - Tarpaulin. near Five Army for selected new iecruits of leacier:hip training in such sub- Ion Mitchell of Paducah. plane ride. Can be seen at 1010 Poplar. D18p • It Points. (*.tier may have by tele- who show evidence of superiiii- in- jects as the Army enviroment, Mr. and Mrs : didn't do. the hit-Coughs any char:mien:41es L.I the FOR SALE--Extra good used Mo- phoning 892-W and paying for telligence and leadership p-itenti- moved into *ear nit w basement soldier. leadership of small unit- - D20c 'flip' Highway 121 near Cold- del C Allis-Chalmers Tractor and this ad. alines. have been expiiiicied to I Sunday Mo. callers in•the WE SELL ID bait lcriinti soItItitai of 'Nana all equipmeql, disk_ndW. Regis- train ti of 1.200 potential le ict -4444-Mr.,-a 4--Ra+sselt LOST OR STRAYED-A male jet problems not Inv...lying hattl- tered pointer bird dog: 10 months cTi. every six weeks. it was ian- l'.!c Ilith tt Waters and soli spent were Mi. and Mrs. Lester Keller sey calf. Light squirrel color. old, priced to sell. C. Eugene maimed he:e li:t• Captain :re the past week with Mrs. Haid d.iiagliti r, Mr. :mil Mt.s. WO- Weighs about 600 lbs. Strayed c„n„, of. Jones. 1 1-2 mi. 'east of Lynn AVt • ! ham Carter and dant:ht.-I. awl Mi. RUBBER STAMPS from the pasture last Satumabya_l_fiet., Grove. D18p if At- • Carlene Lamb spent and MriAiikoyd Carter arid s-rs and Notify W. B. Howard. Route 1. hisidt. Ill. week-cnct in the home of Mr. Mrs. Jennine's Turner and Edwin. ti• • a'OR SALE-Kenmore washing ma- and receive reward. D19p Murray. Design(1 mi•Id•reeiiiits with Colldwaltez New: •incl MI, Earl Lamb. Loretta Turner spent Sunday dune. Good condition - R. E. no previous military expertfrice Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Black and with Doris Adams. . Moyer. phone 279-J. Ledger & Times READ TIM CLASSIMIEDS! to enlisted lisi;cl'era who can loci . Sunday visitors in the 'nettle of ,or were Sunday visitors in the Mr. andMrs. J. T. Dixon and _Lionzcoinnastiiseitai olfictr and Mrs. lenuUuts Tui.uer_wera DAL _and_ Mira F.- E._Young: iv[Oily .sgerit _.aukcita_in2.0L borne tih• Infantry Artillei . Mr and Mrs Buyd Car;-,'r tind blot of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dixon. •IirDlt.t irnis. t h,. fa all asa. I courses !a NANCY Don't Menton Any Names By Ernie Bushrniller from I- 'ill to,itert v • ',Ain:: to C.apiiaitt Stti do,/ LOOK I ,aar LiKE WHAT SIZE ? IT'S pit/71/' • S t• •C i- OVER THIS WOOLEN TO BUY TO E3E A !USED A GREEN LIST SHOP • VERY SURPRISE CAS, SWEATER SMALL FOR TODAY cittn PLEASE CHRISTMAS

TWO 1941 FORDS-Super Deluxe. Nice and dean.

1939 CHEVROLET. Good motor and tires. Nice and clean.

1940 FORD 2-door Standard.

1941 Club Coupe. Radio and heater. Nice and clean. _ - a 7., I•••*•• St•4*••• ft* I* V 5. r.• _ . 1942 CHEVROLET SPECIAL DELUXE, 4-door. Radio and heater. Nice and clean.

1934 CHEVROLET. Good motor and tires. Clean ABBIE an' SLATS Hagstone's Plan In Action Raehprn Van Buren for this model. Kirby Vacuum • Cleaners 17 1942 FORD JEEP. -Al's2 NOW, FRIEND§ AND NE10/460R5- ,) YOU ,t-NOW THATPM Als.0 ING THAT* Whf y THeir6 Order Now For Christmas FOL10.77- THE IF YOU'RE 5UQPRY:EP ORD/NARY HOME-/IAKEC rt/ rAixwvci TO YOU ;WAY- TO AIN'T rTr T'HOLD _ Give iier i, ico,ii.,. the WOIll-D'S "AUNT Aelefi.ia" TO HEAR ME ON ThE A/PS.0E0AL TALENT-EA'CEPT TELL YOU ABOUr A NEW ROTTEN ft) FO:;)-TItE';E Other Nice Clean Cars To Choose From ' FINEST VACUUM CLEANER. PROGRAM. RAPID-- WELL TO TRY ro Kerp A NiCE SFCAKFA.IT ra90-- WONPER WHAT TN.aNaf.1.c.i , Only the Kirby tan supply the !I'M NO RAP:: HOME -ANP ERV CALLE0- HAG5TONE I :.10N14 housewife with every type of clean- \,..._PERFC.RMER AND YOU 6000,IVCLESOME: U5E. sEM FOR! Ci.4C)Ltf;! or she Intelit need or want With I •-•;:t Att. ICNtti1 IMO! Kirby' it's all in 'me, the one chart- yr/ • WILSON & LAWRENCE • ' a... 444 1"1 'r does it all Before buying an:c , rtraner. sec the Kirby perform ii USED CAR LOT your home. For free deimiit.Ar,i- non with us, obligathin. ph' iii' 201 MAPLE PHONE 150 11204.--E. L. Robinson, Sales Ag- /14 • - D20 f . Murray Live Stock Company The Beat Market in West Kentucky LPL ABNER Night Keeps Falling ! ! ! By Al Capp . AUDREY W. SIMMONS, Owner .11,1•1•1‘.01•1, a' SALES EACH TUESDAY AT 2:60 O'CLOCK IT CO.M.E.S T' IT'S JEST TH'SHANK 0'TH' OH, NC:W./7 WON'T AH BE BUT; 7-NE- 50,v IS NEVER COmING rE"PIN' 4•H TAIKES MAH EVENIN'-AN' ALL AH KIN (GR?oAN1v.'p) HAPPY tIEK.1 U,17:L/Z ABNER. 07 NO WONDER or-F- T HOMODY.r.r TI-IINK OF IS - BREAKFUSTYr- TH SUN COMES UP -AN'AI -I YOU'RE HUNGRY. YOU-AND ALL SALES REPORT FOR DEC. 16, 1947 AI I IS 0:,..LISUALLY IIREAKFUST. 07 KIN TEAR INTO -I NEM I-1AM DOGPATCH-HAVE OEEN kAITING Ffttiey Vrtris- 32.00 anzikicRisr rr AN:AIGS??.. FOR SUNRISE-FOR 3 DAYS NOW.," Total head sold 736 No. 1 Ve-iiTS 30.00 gEA KRA- No. 2 Vials Good Quality Fat Steers 20.00- 24.00 el Throwouts ta2:)- 20.110" .Baby Beeves 18.00- 23.00

Fat rows 12.00- 17.00 HOGS 180 to 300 pounds 26.11) Cant-kers and Cutters 7.00- 11.50 I 9.00- 16.20 Sows •':`,.7.-) Down e.

Stock (*attic 104)0- 16.5o f,‘ All farmers and stockmen please bring your Milk Cows, per head 65.00-165.0o stock to market Eefore 1!00 o'clock.


4 COPY FADED pft c ritss /

PAC.17. SIX THY iiER & TIMES, MURRAY, KENTUCKY THURSDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1917 AND TIES IN RECENT POLL . .. law were the Communists.- thus Eagles. Miss- Yancey reigns as Queen WINNERS giving impetus to the chronic ar- Athletics Queen After a close game between the over Both basketball and track gument in Italy as to whether the "B" teams of the respective schools during -the 1947-48 season.' Both -From left to -right-below: means used by the Communists to in which Murray Training school athletic events are-, under the themselves Jan Under- %.114)1c1Wi•ii Bill eter-"The Best Looking Boy In HighSchool" fight fascism are!. not won by the close margin of 15-14, supervision of Mr.' , fascists; pure and simple. Mr. ....Ralph Boyd, captain of the wood, ' Hubert Scott-"Murray Training School's Boy With the ""-- The law has been severely crib- Training School Colts. peesented , Bt Pjersonatlity.- tiled as undemocratic by magis- Miss Yancey with a bou-quet of yel- IDAHO CURTAIN LIFTED trates because it, seeks to punish low mums. Attendants for the pre- Betty Yancey--"The Best Looking Girl in High School". MOSCOW, Ida. (CI's-The Uni- fascists for acts which the Com- sentation went Miss Sue Hughes, Copeland-"Iligh School Girl with the Best Per- versity of Idaho kill drop its bars Ur munists are committing freely -al- last year's Athletic Queen snd Mr. sonality.'• • against non-Idaho residents.* next Most very day. , Hugh Fuqua, co-captain of last President J. E. Buchanan Marion was also niimett by the faculty in secret ballot- year's basketball team. semester. Passage of. the law 'came in the said the big rush of veterans ap- Miss Yancey has been a Murray " ing as the best all-around Senior IIigh School Student midst of the big Communist-in- pears to be leveling off and con- :C. Murray Training School. spired and Communist-led cam- Training scnooi cneer-ieader for struction of additional housing paign of political violence through- the past three years-sparking the facilities permitted enrollment of De Boyd-"• Thtr Best Athlete• in ,Muri•ay out the nation. The Communists Colts to many victories. After the selected non,resideiit •-•, hoer. said their campaign was directed presentation, the Colt -"A" team Ce against. "the revival. of fassism." went on to a 43-35 victory over Everyone else, from,- the govern- the Kirksey "A" team. READ THE CLAISSHIEDS 'In • ment to even the moderate leftist (Wei parties, saw the alleged fascist re- clubt .,Fr•ini lc! ' vival as a "scareerow," a -"stratv FRIDAY off sk • and sa thinly disguised ex- phis .1 an'd Sharli•.rotig_h cuse" to cover Communist political and Saturday the 1 agitation, ordered by the Kremlin Wi tii•I at Murray via the Cominform, and designed Seco!' to overthrow the pro-United States Training Si fives rightist government and wreck, the Betty Yancey 111,THE SADDLE v:C411/... find Marsfiall Plan. ,lrohn Sht•:j,.!, \\ al.' Ileir for "Tilt, play( Most of the hundreds of attacks Crowned Queen of the by the Communist 'crowds were di- techt rected against the headquarters Athletic Events New screen thrills.,. as ML neTascist II1Temoofo7 immi Qualungue your action favorit iCommon Man) party - the 1 and of the now avowedly Miss Betty Yancey, daughter of smashes Anion fascist went 'Italian Social Dean and Mrs. A. F. Yancey, was land grab! movement. that Independent crowned Queen of Murray Train- newspapers in .both The Big Quake Not Fascism Again Milan and Rome ing school Athletic Events on Nov. said the sacking row and burning and 21. beating of police • utes Likely For Tri An Issue In by the Conftnunist mobs was Miss Yancey, who Is a senior at COM 11 fascism at its worst. the Training school was selected lead. State Area Italian Politics But the Comnsistust attacks re- in an election in which each class Ch vhaled a surprising number of presented a candidate for the hon- fensi' ROMF P Fascism, three nests of the M.S.I. (Ttalian Social od. The occasion for the presenta- hit 1 MOvemen'ti. By the time the Com- tion was the period between the parts n.••%ilt.;.... for the old 'days if were munist campaign was three weeks "B" Team and "A" Team basket- Mussolini da Co. and one part hate folio• old, even leftist republicans and ball games against the Kirksey Pridi against CommUnism, is back in the anti-Communists Socialists "Tfilu were DER and news in Italy. • freightened sufficiently'hi the fas- said the changeover, besides over- were Nobody knows whether fascism cist revival to vote for the law coming increased costs, definitely sioUNTIttiv stand is really on the increase, as charged which made it illegal for people will help speed the return of the • by the Communists. Nobody knows who called themselves fascists or nickel bar of candy. "4 MARTHA MYER Thi whether the fascists have an over- monarchists to d o the things the Five of the Hershey corpora- RICHARD MARTIN • STEVE BRODIE Tenn all organitatiorr from which the Communists were doing to sur- tion's 35 bar-making units have , will : . virisais known branshes take press them. been replaced with the sew devices . toute !orders. Not a few Italian oblervers have and more v.3111 be installed when SUNDAY and MONDAY Muss 1 And nobody knows whether they pointed out that a title persecu- the equipment is available. at 8 a candidate for their new tion is just what the new fascists Labor Saved The company is anxious to Lir "man .ori a horse" to lead the:a. need to get going in earnest. move Mari. The name .if Gen. Giovanni Messe in the rest of the needed stream- Mille HEADS N... M. --Morris •s•ls. o.mmanded the Italian fascist lined machinery because 'I 4-"ft Clani Sayre. el Montclair, N. J . y in Russia, is frequently men- produces 30 per cent more.bars on ,11-TOTE-EM 5-Cent Candy Bar 20 per cent less floor space and .21 Alex, however president of Corn Products Jeffr, Bst neither does anysne doubt cuts each unit's labor requirements Refining Co. is president , Stew faskssts are back fur thi- May Come Back from nine workers to three. ior 1948 of the Nattottiti sSul Oranges, 8-lb. bag 39c ne since Mussolini was an The new system has cut down Association of Manufac- Harg .r! factor in Italian politics HERSHEYPa. 4 UP -Maybe the on "reject s"-faulty bars--by tdrers. He formerly was a about Bran, Onions, nice 5-lb. bag 55c Tlse snrpristag all-absorbinr ques- !se-cent candy bar will comeback. 75 per cent and eliminated the Sc Student-engineer boiler • si , n conn• with Italian e chocolate industry is instan- need for two "watcher?' at each unit Murr Potatoes. White, 10-lb. bag 50c washer in 'his firm t ,s, long agPubl new labor-siis:ing machinery Other Cent Ft cmy N., 2 of svorld at war-is which might do the trick. cost-savers have been em- Cigarlettes. Popular Brands, carton S1.55 ployed is n,o,st more sinned When costs began to skyrocket, at the 65-acre Hershey -a particularly in the cocoa-bean plant. In the milk .(LIENwikL URFE%RAv Raisins. Seedless, 1-lb. bag 15c •-.h . dr,'" th ,r7 i•dewaterine" SI section, new LEY • FRAM SULLY • The qu... will be tested in market, the industry was faced machinery that re- n S. his- A 'mod. 4.• 4.1.• Mime' Caw Does.' 11, 11.• arts 1,19sner - rogr br,ViAitr-the-.414erfalaiVe. et - seeing Ow quires_ the- attention of only -ene _ _. ____ . _ Shreckled Cocoanut, 4-n?.. bolt 16c , TurT'ti dayS CXX umitoC to...awes 1...vivskart , price of popular-brand candy bars man (the old one P.A... op',MP. C r400.1041• 044/e1.414 0:11411 CAM . r, a new extraorli- needed three, is /Kt ule ready for Sto Confectioner's Sugar, • ,ts ac,.:-,,t fascist oegani- jump to as high as 10 cents--or opera 2141t1 .4,01 find faster and more Jug. • hss .h,-en pushed through economical White or Brown, box 12c 4.4ss„erit.,,.. The pi olactom Be Gove Apples IRA and Yellow - Delicious, Ex-Sen ice Merv's I 1-seh:n1 the ‹pneia1 They started switching to new mashinery. and here in this "choc- LETTUCE, 2 large heads 35c Cui Winesap. in boxes or bu. baskets NesN s I i Disibled Ex-Service Men's ols te city" the results were beyond PASCHALL CELERY Ige. stalk -23c SHOP ECONOMY s Chi Fruit Cocktail, large 21 ., size can 37e 'sat west Broadway Louis- expectations. An official of the BELL PEPPERS, lb. 32c Sit, Hershey Ch,,colate Corporation For All Your Chlistmas at 74 `silk: i KIN Ss; 081 IN APPLES, King Davis, I Oc Cherry King Cherries, No. 2 can 25c lb. Col St 141:1 11 5% Sit SI( 10E1 Bushel $3.50 Holiday Foods Cri D SI Peaches, Halves or Sliced, 2' , can 25c ORANGES, lb. 7c; 8-lb. bag .... 39c oat, Grape Juice, pint 25c 20-lb. bag 98c :Fry Our CRANBERRIES, lb. .. -39c MODERN SELF-SERVICE Cranberry Sauce, Ocean Spray 19c FRESH TOMATOES, lb. 32c Mayonnaise. Lady Betty, pint 36c Prunes. Evap., large, lb. 17c Rice, 2-lb. bat 25c Cigarettes, all popular brands, carton $1.55 Peaches, Fancy Evaporated, lb. 22c Picnic Hamsi•Krey Brand, lb. 49c Octagon or Big Jim Soap, 2 bars 19c Grey's Breakfast Bacon, lb. 75c CANDY Steak, Round or Sirloin, Choice Grade, lb. 75c Mar's 10c Toasted Almond Bars, 24 bars in box S1.95 3 bars for 25c Small Hams,8 to 12 lbs. average, lb. 59c Cherry Chocolates, Fancy, 1-lb. box 79c Oleo, Keyko, lb. -39c- Fancy Chocolate Creams, Old. Fashion Choc, Drops Candy, lb. 39c- 51 2 lb. box S3.00 Chocolate Drops, lb. 35c Bulk Seedless Raisins, lb. 19c French Burnt Peanuts, Chocolate and Xmas Hand Mix Candy, lb. 39c Maple Whip Cream Fudge, Bos- White Cake Mix, box 29c ton B. Beans, Peanut Brittle and Squares, Orange Slices, Choco- VARSITY Swans Down Cake Flour 49c late Covered Peanuts and Raisins. GOP LEADER-At the height of his recent speech In Town Toilet Tissue, 2 rools for 25c -lb. Hall. New York, Senator Robert A. Taft made an ideal sub- Chocolate Mint Patties, 1 TODAY ..ject for' the photographer An avowed candidate for the boxes . 55c 'Republican Presidential nomination, the Ohioan chose tor Pineapple, Del Monte Crushed or Sliced, N.2 can 35c his subject, "A Republican Program for 1948". and other popular numbers. and FRIDAY Fruit Cocktail, Del Monte, No 214. can 48c ,.BRUTAL RECKLESS LOVE. ASK FOR Baker's Cocoanut, box 23c Mix Nuts, Cream Nuts, English Wal- HATE... CLIMBING TO NEW Cranberry Sauce, Ocean Spray, can 21c nuts, Pecans, and Cocoanuts. PEAKS .0f TERROR! CAREY'S HAFT° Decorated Salad Bowls, lai-ge 39c We have a complete line of NUTS and CANDY Medium 32c MEAT CURING SALT Decorated Cups and Saucers or Plates, set S1.69 Carey's • Never cakes or hardens SHOP EARLY, get the best, avoid the Rush I 16.24c 69c • Cares to the king's taste Iron Skillets, No. 8 Carries Aluminum Dish Pan, 12-qt. 89c • Clings to the meat cures faster Wash Pan 59c The Flayor • Seals in the flavor Ask about our Complete Line of FROZEN FOODS Aluminum Muffin Pansreach 79c • Favorite in most locker plants Tea Kettle, Copper Chrome Plated S2.89 Percolators, Blue Enamel, each 93c Ask fcir FLUFFO By Name Electric Lanterns, large S2.00 & S1.39 in 25-50-100 1.1). Bags I, ECONOMY SELF ...... (4.1%..a.i...... - CAREY'S SERVICE S2.59 • Stove,Boards 89c, S2.49 and ert 1..cp Penetratier, Tobacco in 1-1b. cans with greetings ' 4-osee Cam/. War,* Distributed by STILL THE BUSIEST PLACE IN IOWN Na Lit RO1!‘!+1 009GLAS '4 bei Prince- A., 89c; Geo. W. 79c, and Table Salt • BOATWRIGHT & . - thi tad rIttB;1 COMPANY Velvet 89c t'AI: ,::',1 '....4 • tn'''''"di 1 nest for Table ••• t‘ ':t ,. " Ks. and Kitchen l'se Murray. 114Flolph Thurman, Owner Telephone 130



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