o CAR * ALLSTEELTUBUL ARCO NSTRUCTIO N *MAXIM UMLOAD1TO NPERSTAND *HEI GHT FRO M11 ~lI t o 17 ji" * 7HEI GHTPO SIT ION S Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (Inc.) Vol XXII, No. 104 February-March 1977 NATIONAL EXECUTIVE President : N. C. Ske vington Canty) 23rd YEAR OF PUBLICATION Club Captain: A. D. Storer (Ca nt v) Clu b Vice-Captain: M . H . Fern e~ (Wgtn) Hall. Secretar y: Cl ynt Inn s (Ca nty) Club Registrar: S. A.Engla nd, r.o. Box 4154, IN THIS ISSUE Christchurch. Executi ve: Messrs N. A. Dewhurst (Auckland}, L. J. D . Priest (Hawkes Bay), L. B. Southward (Wellington ), Notice re 21 st International W. M. Birch (Wanganui). Rally 2 President's Message 3 CORRESPONDENCE The Alan Woodman Story 4 C lu b correspondence, including member s' CHANGES 2nd Waikato-Auckland M/C Rally 7 OF ADDRESS, mu st be sent to -and you meet some wonderful T he Vin tage Car Club of N .Z . (f IlC.) r .o. Box 2546, people 8 C hristch urc h, "Jumbo" Goddard, gentleman, Intending members sho uld write to th is address. adventurer 10 All Bead ed Wheels correspo nde nce to p.a. Box 13140 Restoration of 20/60 Sunbeam 15 Road Test 20/60 Sunbeam 17 Servicing Cars 70 years ago 22 BEADED WHEELS EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Branch Notes 26 C hairman: Spencer Barnard. Co m mittee: Ga vin Bain, Geoff Hockley, Bruce Pidgeon . Letters to Editor 34 13 0b Scott, Paul G iesler. Classified Ads 35 Material for publicat ion is the responsibility of thi s committee and should be forwarded to p.a. Box 13140, Christchurch, typed or neatly printed, double spaced on CLOSING DATE one side of paper only. Clos in g date for April-May issue, Mar ch 7 t h . Reports of restorations, events, road tests, historical and technical articles welcome. No payment made to contributors. COVER PHOTO The opinions expressed in letters or arti cles in Beaded 1935 sid e va lve 10 -1 2 H.P . Harl ey Dav id son be long s Wheels are the authors' own views and do not necessarily to A llan La ke, Can te rbu ry Branch . Ph ot o ta ken in the express the policy of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (Inc.) g rou nd s o f Mon a Va le Reserve, Ch ris tc h u rch.

PRODUCTION Beaded Wheels is the voice of the Vinta ge Car mo vemen t Beaded Wheels is published bi-m onthly by Pu rse Willi s in New Zealand and of the Clubs whose effor ts are fostering and ever widening the interes t of this movement & Aiken Ltd, Christchurch for the Vintage Car Club and form rallyin g points for that ever increasing band of of N.Z. Inc .. a t its ed itorial office. p.a. Box 13140. enthusiasts. The fascination of age itself or revulsion from Christchurch . the flashy mediocrity of the present day is drawing an increasing number of motorists back to th e individuality. Mailed free to all members. Annual su bscriptio n $3.00. solid worth, and functional elegance that was demanded Ind ividu al copies a nd back numbers 5Oc. by a more discriminating generation and it is to these th at this magazine is dedicated. ADVERTISING

Reg istered ltt Post Off ice Head quarter s We lling ton Rate schedule avail able on request to Advertising as a Magltzine . Man ager, P iO, Box 13140. Christchurch. Ph one 67-346. 21st International

WHEN: 24th February - 8th March 1980

WHERE: Rotorua-The focal point of New Zealand's world famous Thermal Wonderland.

WHAT: Hub type Rally of 14 days duration 6 days motoring including Gymkhana and Hillclimb 8 days free for: Sightseeing; Optional Speed Event; Deep Sea Fishing; Talking; One Make Runs; etc. No limit on number of entrants

Plan now to be at New Zealand's 3rd International Rally. Enhy forms will be available April 1978-0NLY 15 months from NOW Accommodation and Picton-Wellington Ra:! Ferry Bookings will be available through the Government Tourist Bureau. All enquiries should be directed to: Rally Director, 1980 International Rally P.O. Box 2546, CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND. "See you in Rotorua"

P AG E TWO From the President

Fo llowing on fro m the cos ts dest inat ion and re turni ng hom e of developments. As a fur ther qu oted in the last issue of fr om Brisban e. T he idea is to means of informi ng members th e Bead ed Wh eels for the transport have two or three days in Sydney Marc h Executive Meeting will of vehicles to Au stralia for the prior to the Rall y, and then be held in R ot oru a and th ose 1978 Int ernational, the re is a foll ow the eve nt by bu s. Basicall y atte nding will be shown th e stro ng possibilit y of the se being the Rall y goes north of Sydney . faciliti es and ge neral for mat of reduced co nside rably in respect throu gh Post MacQua rrie and the eve nt. of sea tra vel should sulTieient in­ Br isbane up to N ambour on the teres t be shown. I wo uld ask all Sunshine Coast, re turn ing to T he ent ry for the Natio na l who have entered for the eve nt terminate at Surfers Paradi se. Mot or Cycle Rall y at Blenheim and those who arc still giving The cos t, based on tod ay's pric es is near 200 and represent ation cons idera tion to going to co ntac t is a pproximately $530 .00 per has been rece ived fro m th rou gh ­ me imme dia tely a t 17 Renfrew person . this figure inclu din g all out the cou ntry. I am sure all Street, Christchurch, phone acco m moda tio n (meals extra) , air will have a most en joyable week­ 45-709 C hristch urc h as only by an d land travel. Sho uld you be end. booking through the Club as a interested co ntac t me now as the NORM SKEVINGTON group will a concess ion be pos­ number go ing will determine sible. costs to a lar ge extent.

I am also negotiatmg a sug ­ In this issue is printed th e gested T our to the Rally . leaving firs t of a ser ies of rou tes or on abo ut April 5, 1978 and articles regardin g our 1980 In­ returning on say April 26. ternation al. It is pro posed to Dep arture points would be A uck­ publish further det ails of the land. Wellingt on and C hr ist­ Rall y in each succeeding issue so church with Sydney as the that you will be kept inf ormed

t-;: ------....",.-....--__I!!I"""':: I

c. HUNTON (1967) lm 55 KILMORE STREET CHRISTCHURCH Telephone 69 -786


PAGE T H REE The Alan Woodman story PART 7

Exciting news for speed-starved grass track racing fans - Canterbury Park packs 'em In again after a ' four-year lapse - and Alan Woodman is on the job again! by Geoff Hockley

With the pa ssin g of the years, the thrills of the old workshop I found the boss and other members of the Ca nterbury Park motorcycle speed carnivals still top brass witn essing the uncr ating o f what, to judge lingered in the mem ori es of the general public a nd 11'0 ::1 their imp atience with Ernie the foreman to the motorcycle fr at ernity, a nd the continued a ttitude hurry up and get the side off tbe cr ate, was evidently of the Trolling Club authorities in refusing the so mething rather special. A few minutes extremely Pion eer Motor Club the use of the track even once a ca reful application of cro wbar and nail-puller (I year was labelled as "sour grap es" by lover s o f the think the boss would have swoo ned had the precious gra ss track motorcycle sport. There seemed little contents recei ved SQ mu ch as a scratch o r a minute chan ce of a revival of mot orcycle racing on the dent) and the very first 350 c.c. bigport o.h .v. fam ou s old circuit. but, unknown to those who " Ajay" to reach Christchurch was lifted out on to the mourned the passing of the sport in Chr istchurch, fl oo r before an ad miring aud ience. Our first reac­ so mething was happening behind the scenes which tion, as I recall , was "Wow ! what an exha ust pip e! " was eventua lly to revive once more the th ri.ll s of It was mo st appro p riately ch ristened the " big-po rt" motorcycle grass track racing in the City of the mo del a nd though I can't recall the actua l diameter Plain s. The Royal N.Z. Air Force station , situated of the exh au st pipe it was, to say the least, imposing, "next door" to the Canter bur y Park cir cuit, des­ and the general appearance of the whole machine, per ately required more space for expansion , and the immaculate in nickel-plating and glossy black Air Force top br ass had for so me time been calcu­ enamel, was, also to say the least, impressive. And latingly regarding the area occupied by the Trotting my astonishment may be imagined when I was told Club's track and a menities. It nevertheless ca me as a that plans were afoot for the machine to make its surprise to the public when it was announced that the debut at the forthcoming track meeting-in the Air Force would be taking ove r Canterbury Park. hands of none other than Alan Woodman! I ca n't recall the date of the deadline, but the During the yea rs which had elapsed since the last Pion eer Motor C lub lost no time in making a last time I had seen Alan in acti on at Canterbury Park despairing appeal to the Trotting Club a utho rities in 1918, I had more or less lost touch with the doings for the use of the track for a farewell motorcycle of this rem arkable rider. Occasionally I had heard of soeed day on the old course before it vani shed under his performance s on sundry North Island tracks, and the on slaught of the demolition squads (the bulldozer at Blenheim and Nel son, but with the recession in had yet to make its appea rance). And grea t was the grass tra ck racing in Christchurch he seemed to ha ve jubilati on when it was announced that the trotting faded from the Southern scene. It was with tre­ nabobs had unbent sufficiently to gra nt the mendous intere st, therefore, that I looked forward motorcycle club's request! la his reappearance at the Park; where in past years I well remember the excitement occasioned by the he had been the idol of the crowds for his da shing prospect of ano ther speed carnival after an interval riding. Three middleweight cha mpionships in three of more than four years. At this period I was station­ successive yea rs, plus sund ry other wins, had estab­ ed in Ashburton. some 50 miles from the city, and lished his record as the most consistent performer on was thus not in the thick of thin gs, so to spea k, as I the Canterbury Park circuit. 'And he's better than would have had I been working with the parent firm ever - make no mistake abo ut that l" I was told by in Ch ristchurch. However, a once-weekly trip up to so meone who had seen him perform late the the big smoke o n bu sine ss matt ers kept me fairl y previous year - ! have forgotten on whi ch course. well in touch with things pertaining to the sporting So there seemed thrili s in store - especially as in side of the game, and with memories of Canterbury add ition to Alan with the A.I.S., the firm was also Park thrills of the past I looked forward keenly to sponsoring Spencer Stratton, a top flight rider on the forthcoming speed day . which, at the time of an y type of machine, to represent its main agency, which I write. was about a month awa y. On thi s the Indian . Strallon was to ride the firm 's very fast occas ion my arrival for the weekl y natter coincided Daytona Indian in the "'hea vyweight" or 1000 c.c. with the arrival of a sm all shipment of A..J.S. 1923 class, and a four-valve single in the up-to-600 c.c. or mod els, for which make the firm was the Ca nterbury " midd leweight" class . Percy Coleman - probably distributor, and toddling up stairs to the first-floor the most da shing and fearless of all the gra ss track PAGE FO UR sta rs, espec ially on 1000 c.c. machines - - had fi na lly rema rking that he planned to get a no ther few made a chan ge of mounts after man y yea rs of ridin g hun dred miles up during the next ten days or so , Indi an s, and, for a season or two, Excelsiors, and a nd then, as he exp ressed it, " sta rt to really tickle her turned out on a new Hurley-Davidson two-cam up ready fo r the first practice session." Incident ally. twin and a not-so-new single. Many other well­ it was a source of regret that I was unabl e to attend kno wn rid ers from both North and So uth were a lso the practice sessions on Tuesday and Thursday expected to a ppea r a nd alt ogeth er the pros pect afte rnoons prior to the big event , but in a telephone appea red to be a gra ss trac k enthusias t's dream. con versati on with the Christchurch shop the fo re­ The foll owing week sa w me mak e my usual trip to man menti on ed to me that he had tak en Alan and the the city and this tim e an even greater surpris e " Ajay" out to the track on the pr eviou s aft ernoon awai ted me."See who's upsta irs !" the counter­ and that A/an was very pleased with its performan ce. jumper told me excitedl y - so up I went , to find, "She's a rea l screa rner." I was told . sitting on a bo x beside the machine which I had seen The meeting was scheduled for M onday, Oct ober unp acked the previous week, none other than Alan 24 (just wha t this holid ay was, I have forgotten) a nd Woodman him self, looking littl e different to the day ea rly that morning saw me en ro ute to the scene of on which my friend and I had pu shed him , astride the action in compa ny with a cr owd of Ashburto n a Norton , onto the Ca nterbury Park circuit in a enthusiasts. Th e da y was perfect and the scene when pr actice period for the 1916 meeting. He remembered we arrived at the track a bout mid-morning dispelled the incident and remarked good-humo uredly, "must any lingering do ubts which migh t ha ve been held have been yo u two jokers who put the hoodoo on regarding the ability of gra ss tra ck motorcycle raci ng the Norton." Since the preceding wee k, he informed to dr aw the crowds, eve n after so lon g an a bsence me, he had run up mor e than 400 miles on the AJ.S. fro m the local scene. T ram s were d isgo rging passen­ and it was settling do wn nicely . He then pr oceeded gers in hundreds out side the ma in gates. and car s, to remove the and barrel for exa mina ­ motorc ycles, bicycles and every other form of tion and ex press ed sa tisfactio n as to their condition. wheeled tran sport (I even reca ll seei ng a few horses

ALAN AND AJAY ... "Bare essentials only" seems to have been Woody's motto in preparing the big-port A.J.S. for the Canterbury Park grass track speed carnival. PAGE FrVE and traps) added their driv ers and passenger s to the to concede many of the 500 c.c. ma chin es seemed thr ongs lined up at the turnstile s. Yes - the InJ to preclu de any cha nce of him finishin g in the first Ca nter bury Park "g ra nd finale " was definitely not three. Yet, ridin g like a tiger a nd demon str atin g tha t lack ing patronage! he had lost not one iota of his old- time dash, Alan An ano maly which 1 had noticed when goi ng ran int o third pla ce af ter just failin g to pick off the through tne programme a oay or two previou sly was second man, to who m he had co nceded a consider­ tna r while the up-to-600 c.c. and up-t o-1000 c.c. a ble star t. The winn er was Spence r Stratton, fro m were both ca tered tor in the matt er of title event s, the Levin , whose 500 c.c. Indian fou r-valve single very tnree-fitties seemed fo r so me reason to hav e been obviously had the heels of anything else in the race, overlooked, as no championship event for this type though Woody's littl e Ajay clung to it tenaciou sly. of machine was listed . T his seemed somewha t unfair Was he holding so mething in reserv e for the title la the riders of this popular class of mount and event? We were soon to kno w, fo r af ter the next espec ia lly regrett abl e in that Alan Wo od man 's event - a ten-mil e handicap for 600- 100 c.c, cha nces of ending the da y with another champion­ machines, won by ano ther Harley-mounted private snip to his credit, as in pa st years, seemed somewh at owner, Les M onkman - cam e a brief interv al while unlikely - unless his 350 c.c. mount, plu s the the competit ors in the eage rly-awa ited Ca nter bury Wcod man abil ity cou ld hold its own with the Mid dlew eight Cha mpionship received a briefin g from fastest entra nts in .the Canterbury middl eweight (up the starter after which , to the acc ompa nime nt of to 600 c.c.) C hampionship, which seemed a littl e mounting excitement from the crowd there was a opt imistic. However, Ala n was en tered in this event burst of cheering for Wo ody as he took his place on the only 350 c.c. in the field, and there seemed in the line-up a nd passed his crutch to one of his prospe ct of so me exciting du ellin g. pu shers-off as he stra dd led the little Ajay. While Promptly on time the meeting go t und er way with the star ter is giving them a final scrutiny, we ha ve a novice handicap , which was wo n by a privat e a look at the line-up and realise that our hero is owner from Bank's Peninsula, H arold Piper, on a really going to be up aga inst some strenu ous H arley. H arold was later destined to ac hieve fame competition both in men and machines - each one in the aviation world as pil ot of the " pick-a back" of the latter with a clear 150 c.c, or thereab outs plane developed by Short Bros. the British aviation adva ntage in size over the little Ajay, and firm, by whom he was employed as a test pilot. thr ee of them with four-valve power unit s. Len Next to co me up was the up-tol600 c.c. handicap, Mangharn, well known for his pa st perform an ces on and with the "b ig-port" Ajay making its debut in the this track on Harl eys, is riding the very fast factory­ hand s of one of the country's finest riders we tuned Ricardo Triumph whic h has had several suc­ expected so me excitement -- and were not disap­ cesses on Bright on Beach rid den by local boy Len pointed. It was evident, though that the handicappers Poore. Percy Co lema n, the uncrowned king of the had been ove rawed by Alan 's performance record grass miles, is making one of his ra re ap pearances on on this track in past years, as the starts he was asked a single-cylinde r machine. H is ra ther an cient-looking

JUST UNCRATED . This trim-looking little job, the first of the o.h.v, A.J.S. models to arrive in Christchurch, drew many favourable comments. Note method of attaching cylinder head by means of a stirrup, one side of which can be seen between the push rods .

P A GJ;; SIX four-valve Harley with forward-sloping cylinder so mewhat sh abby but extremely pot ent one-Iunger look s as though it has been "through the mill " but Indian . In addition to these, several other capable no doubt has plenty of punch. However, we under­ r.ders on 500 c.c. machines make up the balance of stand that the redoubtable Percy has br ou ght the the ent ry, so all in all it looks as though Woody is one-Iunger down as a seco nd string, his main interest, up aga inst some really fierce oppositi on . as in other years, being the N .Z. Heavyweight title The starter eyes the line-up, pointing to each in race, in which his spa rkling new two-cam twin should turn, receiving the " Okay" nod from eac h and then be hard to beat. The other star ter in the middleweight raisin g his flag. On e final scrutiny, and down it championship event wh o is using a machine with a flashes and the Canterbury Middleweight four-valve layout is Spencer Stratton, who has al­ Cha mpionship is under way! ready given the crowd a taste of his mettle by win­ ning an 8-mile handicap ra ce earlier in the day on a TO BE CONCLUDED .

2nd Annual Waikato-Auckland M'C Run

On Sa tur day the 13th N ovem­ cylinde rs and seven wheels. discarded the big Bantam and ber, 1976 the locals in the small The route pr oceeded north finished the run on the back of Waikat o settlement of Rangariri from Ran gariri along Highway wife Judy's 125 model. (Ray were distracted from the normal O ne to the Te Kauwhat a turn Clarke lives at the end of the activities at the district 's T.A.B. off then turned north aga in on So uthern Motorway and is be­ and hostelry by the arrival from to so me newly re formed road co ming a recognised haven for points north and south of 40 which was expected to be rough elderly and some not so old odd mot or bikes. Machines but turned out to be an excellent mot or cycles that hav e expired ranged from Pat Wood 's 1913 sur face. Over intermi ttent metal fr om hard riding in the vicinity). Triumph to John Blincoes 1974 and sea l we eventually join ed the Aft er Papakura the route turned Norton Comma ndo. After a T ha mes Highway for a few off the South R oad and into week of indifferent weather, mile s and found the first check Auc kland 's eastern subur bs and Saturday dawned perfect and the at the Pinnacle H ill Road turn finally back to the clubrooms back up truck's main task off. where the ladies had prepared turned out to be carrying dis­ This was a steep winding roa d, the ever welcome cuppa. carded and unneccessary extra the surface of which was ex­ Length of the run was 69 miles clothing. pected to be pretty good. How­ with a ppro xima tely 13 miles of After a short briefing, or­ ever, due to the attentions of metal. Ap art from Harry's punc­ gan iser of the run, Robin Heave y the powe rs that be during the tur e, only Ray Cl ark was took off on his new Honda Four pr eceding week it turned out to tr oubled with an igniti on fault to po siti on the checks a nd was be what might be described as but was able to finish under his somewhat sur prised to find that somewhat tricky in places. Ann ow n steam. the vari ous Borough Co uncils Sim is to be cornrnended fo r her A noggin and natt er and pri ze­ had pa id particular attention to handling of the family T hunder­ giving was held in the club rooms the roads along the chose n route bolt here. Her first experi ence in in the evening. A sho rt film was during the preceding week and loo se metal, she handled the shown of some recent club sections expected to be rou gh bea st like an expert. T here were activities and included some foot­ had become smooth and also vice times when this writer felt he age tak en of the 1976 G old Kiwi versa. Ah well-such are the joys was not in complete co ntro l of Rally. The hill climb caused of planning a road trial. the situa tion. There was no real some laughter espe ciall y when At 11.45 a.m. Torn Sh ort a nd trouble thou gh but the check at some of the more spec tacular Charlie Goldberg sent Barry the end of the met al later re­ spills wer e shown in reverse. Williams away on his 1918 Har­ vealed that only the two sideca rs ley a nd he was foll owed at had maintained their set times. A gr and supper br ou ght a minute intervals by the other 44 Sh ortly after this section we gre at day to a close. Thanks once starters. There were 3 veteran s, rejoined the Great South Road again to Robin and his ass ista nts 11 vint age, 6 Post Vintage and and at this point H arry Walker for making it so and especia lly 25 P.W .V . and modems. Mo st disco vered a shortage of air in to the ladies for that terrific of thi s last gro up were pre 1960. the rear tyre of his Bantam. With food . There wer e onl y 3 Japs though mu ch pumping he mad e it to the y accounted for 1660 C.C ., 8 Ray Cl arke's home where he KEN HUME


-and you meet some wonderful people

If you think about the Vintage put a rally together without any struggle, it used to take to get Car movement in New Zealand of the hassles that we lesser passengers from Kaitaia to Whan­ - you realise it is such an absorb­ mortals seem to build into ours. garei by Ford T or Studebaker ing hobby. A hobby with inter­ If Chris Wood plots, then that service car, in time to put them ests for all kinds of people, people really will be won on time, rather on the steamer "Clansman" for like historians such as the Hock­ than inspired guessing. If Ferner Auckland. Yes this is the self leys and Hendrys who can factu­ arranges the stopover then it will same Joker Harris of Mangonui, ally record all the model changes, click. The backup and spares who is pictured on the official all the competition results, all the service on the Irishman are tradi­ handout, taking delivery of his sales successes and the idiosyncro­ tional, whilst the Priest name is first stagecoach from Whangarei sies of the people involved-in synonymous with thoroughly in [907. Yes it is the same stage­ one marque or several, one sport, checked and double checked coach that now is displayed at one success, or several failures. arrangements. M.O .T.A.T., Auckland. The There are the restorers, the special bodied 13 brass T which Scotts, Turnbulls, Catchpoles and by John McDonald was for some time in Jacksons Bulls, all painstakingly creating Museum . The author first came new parts to replace old or miss­ to know Joker Harris twenty years Sure, we have our bitchers as ago when he tried to purchase ing pieces and at the time time much as they are part of any amassing a fund of information, the Studebaker. Perhaps it is as organisation .. . perhaps they are well that he did not succeed, for as to model variations, gear ratios, there to provide some of "the and which parts will be inter­ today the same Studebaker is part variety that is the spice of life" of the legacy of the far north, changable with what modern for they are astounded that any­ equivalents. And the rallyists . .. safely under the control of the body would expect us to put our Kaitaia sub-branch. depend on them for both branch vehicles down those sort of cattle­ and invitation events, cheerfully tracks-they are convinced that It is the same little guys who clocking up thousands of miles, the master clock was wrongly set, are the strength of our organisa­ because for them motoring is or the marshall was late at the tion - hopefully following up what restoration is all about. Wet checkpoint-that they are part of clues that are years out of date­ or fine, the Whittaker F.N., the us is indisputable. spending hours on a set of guards, Ivory Model A, not forgetting only to find that they are from a But then there are the hundreds the Cross brass T or the Birchall different model. Dutifully allow­ of little guys, each in his own way Whippet, Angelique or Denny De ing their name to go forward for Dion, will be somewhere on the standing three metres tall-the ones you borrow the correct set committee, hoping like hell that road, or in the result sheets and they will not be elected, and then of sockets from-who help you at the prize-giving social after­ doing a marvellous job when they out with a bottle of oxy, or a wards ... and what socials some are . of them are-no one will forget twenty-four inch tyre when the Nelson's final "WE WE" special, swap value is more than you can Outside and away from the or how we ached after Hunua think of ; the same type who when movement there is the helpful Hundred hilarity at Sorrento asked to produce a car for an farmer who remembers seeing a when the champers and the ultra "Official Opening" quite likely pair of acetylene lamps, some violet light created some interest­ cannot get away from work but years ago of course!! Then you ing conversation pieces-that in will cheerfully ask you to drive eventually locate the nice elderly time will become legends. their beloved , so that it gentleman, who has had these is yourself that ends up chauffeur­ unusual (electric) sidelights for Talking of sporting bods-see ing the local M.P. (who turns out years, since he got them to make them swap their deerstalker for to be not a bad sort of guy him­ porch lights for his bach. Of a skid lid so as to demonstrate self). You in turn can introduce course they have become some­ that Invermay can be negotiated him to today's "Guest of Hon­ what of a family heirloom, but quite quickly without bending our" who at 93 years of age, certainly he would be prepared to one's Bentley, or flipping when the seated in a gig, cuts the ribbon let them go to someone who of Sutherlands was that symbolically signals the com­ needed them to complete a restor- overtaken by a Formula Ford at pletion of the tar scaling from ation. Brief details, nickelled the Levin Circuit. Awanui to the Bluff. Quiet brass, englishly, apparently One meets organisers who can reminiscences of the hours, and mounted through the windshield PAGE EIGHT surround, as they ha ve a lo ng a ftern oo n tea, graciously served co ar se threaded screw end to (and I hope, graciously accep ted). them , app arent ly a llowi ng fo r a H is wife ch armingly assisted Obituary bayonet type fittin g to be inte gra l with the missing names or dat es COLI N GERRING witn the sec uring ring or cap or and jogged his mem or y of peop le wh atever. In millimetres which an d plants and pla ces and person­ The Bay of Plen ty Branch are today' s measures, 140 ri m to alities-and sudde nly the after­ suffered a sad loss when fellow collar, diameter of rim 165, of noon had gone and I am no member Co lin G erring passed glass (flat) 117. T he threaded further ahead in my sea rch for aw ay last Decem ber. guards for my 24 D odge Road ster. mou nting shank 27 long by 33 In spite of his illness, Colin Does anyone need two rea r across. T he same eld erly gentle­ man aged to a tte nd our ra llies guards tha t bolt up wards th rough ma n late r agreed to make a vail­ un til a very shor t time before his the inn er edge ?- the ones I need death. able to the Northland Region al bo lt sideways th rou gh an inner T he large turnout of vin tage M useurn a variety of antiques and fl an ge. ca rs at his fun er al was proof of artifacts, perhaps of no gre a t his popularity amo ngs t our financial value, b ut redo lent of So meo ne (and it was not Earle members. To Eileen and Brian the history of the pioneer ing d ays Gill) once sa id " that yo u do n' t we ext end ou r deepest sympathy. of N orthla nd . T he offer, of shar­ have to be mad-but it helps"­ Colin will be missed fo r a ing a glass of wine was declined to which I wo uld add, " and you in favour of the invitati on to do meet so me wonderful peopl e". long time to come. J.H.

VINTAGE TYRES AND ACCESSORIES LIMITED We are the sole N.Z. Agents of Universal Tire Co. of U.S.A. and in association with Universal Tire Co. we offer the following sizes: Rim Rim Rim Size Size Size Size Size Size Size Size 2 8 x 31' 22" 32 x 3 h 25" 36 x 41 1' 27" 70 0 x 17 Ford 440 x 21 30 x 311' 2 3" 33 x 4 2 5" 37 x 5 27" 700 x 18 600 x 2 1 3 1 x 4 2 3" 34 x H 25" 36x 4 28 " 475 x1 9 700 x 2 1 33 x 5 23" 35 x 5 25 " 37xH 2298:: 65 0 x1 9 MOTO R CYCLE TYRES 30 x 3';' 24 " 34 x 4 26 " ~~ ~ ~r 2 9" 700 x 19 32x4 24 " 35 x 4} 'j' 26 " 41 x H 32" 7 50x 19 2 8 x 3';' 22" 3 3xH 24 " 36 x5 26" 43 x5 33" 450x20 28 x 2-ix 21' 23", 24 " As authorised Dunlop distributors we offer the following sizes: HIGH PRESSURE CONVENTIONAL BLACK BLACK Rim Rim 670 x 16 525 / 550 x 18 650/700 x 20 Size Size Size Size 700 x 16 600/650 x 18 525/550/ 600 x 20 26 x 2} x 2H 815 x 105 1' 750 x 16 ' 700 x 18 450/4 75 /500 x 20 2 1" 24" 26 x 31' 20" 875 x 105 'i- 450x 17 350 / 4 00x 19 *650/700 x 19 26 " 475x17 45 0 x1 9 50 0 x 24 30 x 311' 23" 820 x 120t 525/ 550 x 17 525 /550/ 60 0 x 19 32 xH 23 " 22 " ' 600/ 650 x 17 700 x 2 1 Motorcycle Rim 710 x 90t 2 1" 880 x 12 015" ' 700x 17 600x2 1 760 x 90t 23" 895 x 135 1' ' 800 x 17 500/525 x 21 26 x 3t 8 10x90t24" 23 " 475/550 x 18 450/475 x 21 26 x 2} x 2-H 2 1" t Beaded Edge * Dunlop FORT We are suppliers of the complete line of DUNLOP TYRES DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED Because of limited production runs there can be long delays in obtaining some sizes. However, we have many sizes in stock and can indicate availability of all sizes including interchangeable sizes for tyres not mentioned above. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT US AT P.O. BOX 540 TELEPHONE 7003 (all hours) WHAKATANE WHAKATANE

P AGE NINE lJ IJJumbo Goddard, gentleman, adventurer

John L. "Jumbo" Goddar d croft Marine instead to serve his pa ir of turbochar gers to the belong s to that fas t vanishing tim e as a fitter and turner. imposing 8-litre engine of yo ur breed of vintage sportsme n who Alth ough the subject is never Bentley 2-sea ter in the 1970s has enj oy a pu rsuit fo r the sake of raised during the interview, one to be the equiva lent of dropping the chase rather than the image assumes tha t the Godda rd fa mily a n ae ro engi ne into whatever he cuts, a gentlema n of int er­ was comfo rtab ly off and that Edwa rd ian chassis was availa ble nati onal repute who savo urs the yo ung John did n't ha ve to save half a century earlier. exci tement of his twin-turb o­ his apprentice wages fro m Z borowski may have used charged 8-litre Bentley thunder ­ T ho rneycroft to pay fo r wha t "Shawk' fo r so me quiet afte r­ ing th rou gh a flying mile at record must have been expe nsive past­ noon s on the T ha mes but Jumbo speed in Belgium as much as he times even in those days . injec ted so me terr or into the river do es tacki ng do wn Syd ney Har­ boat in the form of a Zeppelin bou r with his ocean raci ng yac ht engine (250 bhp a t 1600 rpm) that whipped by a followin g sq ua ll. by Eoin S. Young had been a irfreigh ted to En gland Spo rtsmen like Jumbo (John and landed by gunfire . Jumbo somehow fails to ca pture his Th e enthusias m to join T ho mas swea rs there were holes in the charact er) tend to carry a littl e had been fanned by a Broo klands crankcase and spent bullets in the of one spo rt into the next, thus upbringin g and in the August 1924 sump. "S ha wk' was never quite he greets yo u to visit his co llec­ issue of "T he Brookla nds Gaz­ the sa me again. tion of character ca rs dressed in ette" in its first yea r of publica­ His road transport in those days a salty pa ir of blue shorts and tion (it lat er becam e " Mo tor was a 1927 3-litre Bentl ey but he sockless suede desert boots. He'd Spo rt") there is a ph oto graph of co uldn't res ist gingering up W .O.'s like to have more time to sho w a lightweight Goddard in an standard 85 bhp . H e insta lled a yo u ro und but his crew is wa iting Anza ni - engined G rand Pr ix Cozette supercha rge r in 1929 but for the start of Sa turda y's race Mor gan 3-wheeler lined up with he ignored suggestion s to fit a on Syd ney harbou r. You mu st a grid-fu ll of mo torcycl e and side­ screen over the int ake and the co me aga in and stay. Ju mbo has car co mbina tions at Brooklands result was ingestio n of foreign the thic k outer skin of a man who fo r the start of the 3-lap Pr ivat e bod ies, a cracked blower casing, has made his way in the world Owners Handicap , Ridin g as and Ju mb o's general disencha nt­ and th is tend s to de ter casual co n­ passenger for that race was C.W . ment with the project. Ph ase 2 in versation, but when you penetrate "Paddy" Johnstone, winn er of the horsepower chase was the pur­ that bluff hide , Jumbo the man is the TT that yea r on a Co tton chase of a standard 6·Hitre Bent­ a gem, an ho nest enthusias t for Blackbu rn . T wo years later ley with " a ra ther un attractive thin gs that are well made, fo r Jumbo was awarded a G old 2-seater lea ther body" . The engine mach inery that was built by men Medal for his performances in was switched to the 3-litre cha ssis who cared abo ut what they were an Aero Morgan po wered by a and Jumbo had himself a home­ do ing rat her than how much they Blackburn engine. made Speed Six which he rat her were bein g paid. Servi ng yo ur time a mong giant enjoyed. H e still has the o rigina l At 67 J umbo looks back on a steam in an er a when 3-litre engine in his Sydney mot or­ ca reer loosely allied with motor­ stea m was king had to shape hou se. ing and boat s that was encour­ you r thinking and with friends John L. received his nickname aged by his barrister father, also Jumbo bou ght Miss Cha tterbox in 1932. At this point he was run­ John G odda rd, who competed in IV, a boat tha t had been runner­ ning a boatyard at Hythe on the hillclimbs with a lOt-litre popp et­ up to the speed reco rd on water so uth coast of England and was valve Daimler that at one stage in 1926, and was to benefit from invited to a party to meet Johnny held the record for the South Goddard's a ttent ion to the hull Howey, then so mething of a Hart ing climb . Born at Peas Co t­ sha pe and the stea m-dri ven power Brooklands ace. H owey was tage near C ra nleigh, Surre y, in plant. T he next boat ca me in greetin g his ho stess on the pat io 1907 yo ung John L. planned to 1928, a slippe r-stern river boat when he glanced down the lawn serve his apprentic eship at Brook ­ nam ed "S hawk" tha t had once to see Jo hn G oddard in co nversa­ lands with Pa rry T ho mas bu t been ow ned by Count Zborowski, tio n with the host. H owey en­ when Th om as was killed on Pend ­ a happy co incide nce becau se the q uired the nam e of the stra nge r ine Sa nds chasi ng the La nd Speed Goddard of late r years sure ly and then observed " H rnmm. H e Rec o rd in Bab s, the 20-year-old sha red the Co unt's enthusiasm for resembles a pantomine elepha nt G odda rd sad ly join ed T ho rney- mec ha nical excitement. Add ing a from beh ind, doesn't he '? " And

rAGE TEN from that da y on, John G odda rd was as hard as the gem they were when Jumbo is sum mering in was kn own as "Jumbo". It's a searching fo r. In 1956 he turned England a nd his N ashes are being tale he recounts with so me relish. his back on di amonds and went given a run. Jumbo then went to sea for a to Au stralia where he set out on T he G oddard saga is punctu­ peri od , sa iling o ut to Austra lia in his own account with a Willys a ted with adve nturous highlights. a squa re-rigger and received his exploring the sco rching out­ On e year find s hi m in Au stralia 's di scharge pap ers at Port Lincoln back of the Northern Territory dead heart, the next finds him as in Janua ry 1936. He enjoyed p re­ in Hammond Innes style with a an O rdi na ry Sea ma n serving war Au str ali a ·but in 1939 with geiger co unter for company. In ab oard Mayftower II on the voy­ wa r threatening he was back in 1956 he ret urned to civilisa tion age co mme mo rat ing the ' origina l En gland to serve in the N avy with one of the best ur an ium pa ssage of the Pilgr im Fathers. working on engine d evelopment specimens ever found in A ustralia. Far fro m being pr ess-gan ged at of Motor T orpedo Boats powered It was the size of his first and the Portsm outh, Jumbo knew the bo a t by 36-litre 12-cylinder quality was established bv tests buil der and whe n Alan Vi lIiers that gave 1500 bhp at 2800 rpm. in En gland and Australia bu t was casting abo ut for crew with He still has the Pack ard handbook although he returned to Pine the special experience necessary, and po wer gra phs in his librar y. Creek in his jeep he was never Jumbo was suggested. His back ­ able to establi sh a dep osit. T he ground was ideal for a trip like With war out of the way jeep still sur vives at Silversto ne this : shipyard app renticeship, Jumbo took an engineering posi­ tion with a go ld dred gin g com­ pany in New Guinea, making the most of his back ground as a fitter and turner on the dredger. Wh en his father became ill in J951 Jumbo re turne d to En gland and it was during these free weeks that he was sitti ng with a rum in the Bri xham Ya cht Club when he happened into conve rsa tion with a gentle ma n wh o turned out to be with Selection Trust, a company pr ospe cting for diamonds on the West Coast of Africa . Both men were rum d rinkers and as the rapp ort grew and the rum level sa nk in the bottle, Jumbo was offered a jo b as an eng ineer on a di amond drilling plant. In tho se d ays go od men were hard to find , and even harder to persuad e out to the wild s of Africa chas ing d iam onds in the sun, and hav ing passed the initial tests J umbo found him self promoted from engineer to prospector before he had left England. He was later made plant man ager and before he left the G old Coast he had built a new plant for Selection Trust and was bec oming some­ thi ng of a geolog ist. "T he import­ ant thin g in those days was to av oid stea ling the di amonds," Jumbo recalls with his upsid e­ do wn gr in that looks like a con­ tented so rt of scowl. When his father d ied in 1953 Jumbo went back to England but he was to spend a further two yea rs on the African di amond fields where life Jumbo Goddard with Fra:

' PAGE ELEVEN squa re-r igger sai ling expe rience. the vintage sce ne again. Ju st as forma nee of J umbo 's classic ca r. ocean racing . ... their crossin g Ar isto tle Onassis had suits wa iting T ':e tra ns-A tlantic tun e-up was took 56 days and his di sch ar ge In apartments in most o f the event ua lly completed a nd two pap er s are fr amed on the wall of maj or cit ies to avoid carrying tu rb ochar ger s were fitted with his den wh ich is really mo re of luggage, Jumbo ha s his vintage glea ming pl at ed plumbing turn­ an ent ertaining su ite, a palati al ca rs in Eng land a nd in A ustralia ing the Bentley eng ine room int o hobbies room. to avoid the annoya nces of end­ a po wer house. Back on the Bel­ The enth us iasm fo r ca rs thread s less seafreighting. As yo u might gia n Au toroute in 1972 J umbo th rou gh th e narrat ive, appearing expect, Ju mb o and T om Wheat ­ ave raged 158.2 mph over two ru ns an d re-appea ring. In 1950 he cr oft h it it off ex tremely well be­ with a best one-way spee d o f 164 bou ght a n 8-litre Bentley for £120 ing simila r typ es of men with the mph! that was to serve as the basis for necessary backin g to indulge Ca rs, the sea and stea m vie fo r his record br eaker twenty years enth usiastical ly in their hobbies. J um bo's a ttention. His spli t level la ter. It had a F ire Service sho ot­ The UK hal f of the Goddard ho me on the wealthy side of ing brake bod y on it and it looked coll ect ion is mostl y housed at Sydney is named " H ove T o " with anything but a ba rgain . "The Doning ton inc ludi ng the Turbo­ all its co nnota tio ns of a sai lor at Bentley brigade had ke pt clear of Bentley, a 1932 Type 51 Bugatt i, rest. You look d own th rough it becau se the en gine number the 1911 Co tt in-Desgouttes, two bluegums to Pittwater, a n inlet indicated that it was a model with Frazer N ashes (a 1934 TT Repl ica from Brok en Bay. Somew he re the ligh t cra nkcase, but afte r I and a 1935 She!sley single-seater) down there J umbo 's 31ft 6in bou ght it and str ipped it down I a 904 Porsche and an XK 120 Dragon ocean racer is wai ting found out that the eng ine num­ bastard ised with a 4.2 litre engine impat iently at anchor. The hou se bers mu st hav e been made out by and d isc bra kes. is split level ma inly becau se it is mistake because it was the str ong The 8-litre Bentley is a built-up two hou ses; the first hou se was crankcase mod el, and this was the hybrid wit h a ra kish 2-sea ter body bought and later Jumbo managed engine I later turbocharged. ..." that sui ts Jumbo's sty le. In 1965 to buy the neighbouring sec tion He so ld the P 100 headli ghts and he took the car ac ross to Belgium to build a second hou se joi ned to the tyres fo r £50, so tha t the fast­ for the Bentl ey D rivers C lub the first by a covered ca rpe ted est Bentley en gine in the business sprints a t G he nt and his best wa lkway. The second hou se ca me stood him in ini tia lly a t £70 ! spee d was 136 mph . One of the out as an ind ulgence with a ga r­ By the early 1960s Jumbo had spectators was an execu tive of age stretching the full len gth of establ ished a pattern of living Garrett Ai Resea rch in Ame rica the ground floor whic h can (and that he still foll ows, spe nd ing two a nd he offered the facilities of his does) hou se seve n cars and sundry year s in A ust rali a and then six company in provid ing a turbo­ mot orcycles. T he wa lls are hung mon ths in Eng land to ca tch up on charger kit to increase the per- with photogr aphs and painti ngs VINTAGE TYRES LIMITED STOCKS AVAILABLE Black White Side Wall Beaded Edge 525 x 16 500 x 19 600 x 16 24 x 2-1- 450 x 17 550 x 19 550 x 17 550 x 17 475 x 21 500 x 19 650 x 17 550 x 19 550 x 18 Arriving 475 x 21 350 1400 x 19 525 x 21 Apex Tyres Limited P.o. Box 25026 Chriskhurch

PAGE TWELVE that tie Jumbo's life in with cars, ous car viewing. Ju mbo bought history? "I~ W:l S a spare. At one boa ts a nd tra ins. T he work­ it for £A IOOO (about £750) in stage I was goi ng a long wi th the benches are an Aladdin's array Australia " before prices went chap who bought the Flyi ng Scot of vin tage pa rts, model boats, wild". A 1927 Ty pe 35C Buga tti and we were go ing to steam across mi niature stea m engines - and sta nds on jacks waiting for a set America, but it all fell through in eve n a full-size 350 c.c. Ma nx of new blad e wheels to come fro m the end . He ran ou t of bac king". Norto n, a 1946 edi tio n with its England. There is a 300SL gull­ That's the sort of vintage garden-gate frame, which sits up wing-door Mercedes and the only character I was tal king about there po lished as a gia nt trophy. lightweight Carrera Porsche in when this J umbo sto ry sta rted. If A Scott F lying Sq uirrel is tucked Australia. It's a 1959 model. A yo u' re a n a ll-rounder like J ohn away beh ind Jumbo's Rover. TC MG tha t was bought as a L. Goddard I do n't suppose it's wreck has been restored and U pstairs the build ing is given rea lly so di ffere nt to co nsider su percha rged. O the r cars a re in over to enterta ining with a la rge stea m ing across the Sta tes on the other places and J umbo has to lounge area looking d own the footpla te of the Flying Sco tsma n inlet, a kitchen to on e side and rac k his bra ins to re me mber when yo u've a lready sai led the ,L pair of bedrooms to the othe r. where they are. He keeps recall­ Atlant ic on the Mayflower Rep. One is a "s tea m roo m" with ing new ones. T he re is a 1934 or d redged for go ld in New Frazer Nash single sea te r (a n Cuneo tra in pa intings and mod el G uinea, du g fo r d iamonds in Au strali an co nversion) being re­ loc om ot ives in glass cases. T he West Africa , and ur anium in Au s­ sto red by N eville Webb. "Oh, other is for sa iling guests with a tral ia 's desertl und or turbo ­ a nd a 30 /98 special with a short sq uare-rigge r theme. We sip the cha rged a Bentley to run over 160 tubula r chassis, independ en t fro nt trad itiona l ice-cold Fos ters, pa d­ miles an hour in Belgium . din g ac ross the deep pile carpet suspe nsio n and a Panh a rd rod at to inspect rows of lib ra ry shelves the rea r .. . great fun. Mod ern If the background to John that house his collection of mot or­ suspe nsion and vintage mech ani­ Goddard a mazes yo u, Jumbo will ing, sai ling and flying book s. ca Is". Oh yes, a nd a 30 /98 in just nod a nd give yo u one of his Another hobby mak es its p resence New Zea land waiting fo r clutch upside d own grins but it's a lrigh t felt. All around the room are repairs to be co mp leted. now yo u know tha t it's rea lly a clocks; wa ll clocks, cased grand­ On the bench behi nd the Ma nx smi le an d not a scowl. But he fa ther clocks, boxed chrono meters Norton is a FLYING SCOTS­ really mu st das h. T he race starts on ta bles. If yo u tak e the time to MAN locomot ive namepl a te. A at one and the crew are waiting. . . count them, Ju mbo assures us the re a re 65. It's the type of roo m where you expect to see a ship's wheel co nverted to a tabl e. T here is one . Downsta irs a ll the ca rs carry a JG prefix on the New So uth Wa les numberplates. There is the D Type Ja guar O KV I, the first true works rac ing ca r build af ter the proto type D T ype, XKC40 I. T he ca r finished seco nd a t Le Man s driven by Rolt a nd Hamil­ ton in 1954 and Jumbo bou ght the car from Hamilton soon afte r­ wards altho ugh Duncan raced with ano the r D T ype ca rr ying the dist inctive O KV I registrat ion fo r Your place to stop or stay in a co up le of seasons before hand ­ CHRISTCHURCH ing the regist ration back to J umb o for the original D as ag reed at Licensed restaurant. A-la-Carte Menu. Over 50 well appointed suites, attractively furnished, spacious and centrally heated. Telephone and colour the time of sale in 1954. Arrange­ T.V. Each suite has private bathroom. men ts like this tend to fog histor y Only a few minutes from centre of city, Town Hall, Hagley Park and in lat er years.. .. Botanical Gardens. A gra nd old green 3/4t-litre Ample off street parking available. All credit cards accepted. Bentley sits bur bling on the tu rn ­ AUTOLODGE MOTOR INN table outside for a photographer, 72 Papanui Road, Christchurch Phone 556-109 Telex 4902 the beat of the exhau st providi ng Also at Piclon and Queenslown. idea l background mu sic for seri- P AGE THIRTEEN .- National Executive Report Report of the Nati on al Executive Meeting held at "Seven Oaks" CRESTER Timaru on Saturday. 14th and Sunday, 15th August, 1976. 1980 INTERNATIONAL RALLY : Entries will be posted in February 1978. A sepa ra te run is being considered for Commercial vehicles, CAR similar to the present Motor Cycle event. The optional speed event will probably be held at Taupo. Th e rally routes are at present being compiled and it is planned to have simp le instructions. A large number SALES of Marshal s will be req uired and Branches were requested to make this known to members. A 1980 Rally Committee was appointed and is as follows: Rally Director, N . Skevington; Assistant Rally Director, A. Starer; 374 Worcelter Street Secretary / T reasurer, C. Inns: Public Relations Officer, L. Priest; Chief Mar shall , N . Dewhurst : together with R. Row, M. Ferner, Christchurch B. RoIlo, W. Birch , B. Newrnan, B. Rogers, S. Halliday. MEMBERSHIP LIST : Because of the very poor response to the request for information to update the first qu arter of the membership list is was decided not to proceed with updating this year , but in future Buying to ask members to list their vehicles when annual subscriptions are paid .This will enable the information to be obtained without a separate or Selling special effort. Good Used Cars NATIONAL, NORTH OR SOUTH ISLAND LONG TERM CALENDAR OF EVENTS : It was resolved that in future, notice can be given in writing. to National Executive up to 50 months prior to the intended date of such events. National Executive would then, NOEL within 36 months of the date, decide by majority vote which Branch would be allocated the particular event or date applied for. PUBLIC LIABILITY COVER: R. Hasell was authorised to negotiate BEECROFT a new Insurance policy with Phoenix Insurance Co. Ltd for $500,000 with 1900 active members. It was also resolved that we seek ' an . agency agreement with the same company. Mr Skevington Member L.M.V.D.A. urged 'all branches to make sure that members have at least third party cover on th ~ir vehicles. for their own and the club's benefit. Member Vintage Car .~ " POST VINTAGE, POST WAR AND HISTORIC RACING Club (N.Z.) VEHICLES: It was resolved that in future we use the Acceptance Form as proposed and designed by M. Ferner. A vote of thanks was Telephone 897-715 moved to Mr Ferner for the work he had put into designing this form. After Hours 881-387 One Historic Racing Vehicle was presented and accepted. Five Post War motor. .cycles and one Post War car were presented and accepted. PRESIDENT AND EXECUTIVE TRAVEL FUND: The sum of $ 1,000 was transferred to the fund for the new financial year. CO MMITTEE CH AIR MEN : VIGILANCE COMMITTEE- P. Tempera was re-elected to this Have position. "Beaded Wheels" BEADED WHEELS COMMITTEE-S. Barnard was re-elected. posted regularly to SPEED STEWARD-R. Hasell was elected as the steward and was your address. Only asked to form a ,sub-committee of at least four to assist him with his $3.00 for 6 issues duties. (includes Postage). P:W. ACCEPTANCE COM MITTEE-the following were elected: ­ K. Oakenfull, P. Jones, K. Ivory, A. Starer, M. Ferner. Write to RULE BOOK : It was resolved to reprint the Rule Book in the same Subscription Dept. form as the new membership list, so that they can be kept in the same P.O. Box 13140, binder. Thi s will be carried out in the current financial year. Christchurch. WARREN BIRCH PAGE; , Jo'OURTEEN 5 Year Plan-Restoration of 20/60 Sunbeam

Earl Gill started the Sunbeam in the wilds of Mangaweka and been substituted a nd fitted up thing when he suggested the up on the payment of $20 I was close to the gearbox with only 14/40 in answer to my the owner of the beast I'd so the universal separating the two . que stion of where to get a vin­ desired. Peter Maxwell assured me the tage car and of what type. A farmer had converted it into missing mechanical parts were Although it wasn't quite what r a farm util ity vehicle som e yea rs available so the "remains" were had specified in regards to engine previous. Lat er it was bought by dra gged onto my trailer (built or gearbox, r purchased the car two youn g brothers as a fun mainly for this particular salvage anyway as even in 1968 good machine and used by them until job) and brought back to the cars were getting hard to find. a cam follower broke loose. They North Shore. The 14/40 proved to be an pushed it under a hedge where Several months later I excellent machine but I still had it was to lie for several years . drummed up the courage to start a desire for six cylinders, three the rebuilding of this incredibly litre s or more, and a four speed by Richard Stanley butchered Sunbeam. After I had gear box , so on returning from stripped the whole assemblage the 1972 Austr alian International The bodywork had been com ­ down and thrown away the I approached Peter Maxwell in pletely removed as had guards, forei gn parts the chassis frame Devonport who knew of virtually bonnet, differential assembly, was taken to my workshop every Sunbeam in New Zealand. rear brakes, also the rear four where a new rear half was fab­ He put me on to the remains of feet of the chassis frame and all ricated using templates from the 20/ 60 I've now rebuilt. The the original wheel s. John Simpson's 'Beam tourer, car was lying derelict on a farm A worm drive differen tial had another North Shore car. The

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Peter Maxwell steers the beast out from under the bushes. PAGE FIFTEEN new sectio ns were welded on and then shotblasted and pain ted. Ca ntileve r spring mounts were removed . machined and re­ riveted to the chassis and rea r­ springs obtai ned fro m Peter Maxwell. These were ca refully gro und to rem ove wear mark s and any pitting. and new bushes were mad e. T he front axle assembly was overhauled and fitted. Hartford shock ab sorbers, carefully rebuilt from man y remains, completed the axle. The engine overhaul was don e over a peri od of about four years, while I was carry ing out out other work on the running gear. The camshaft had been bent 0.40 thous. through the follower dr opping out. T his was stra ightened, gro und and Body frame ge ts it panels. hard chrorned . Chris North made new cam followers. Keith Cu tten meticulously carried out the final assembly of the seve n main bear­ ing 3.2 litre o.h.v. engi ne. T he gearbox interna ls were in excel­ lent condition but the casi ng was broken and sections were miss­ ing. Frank Un sworth of Nelson gift ed a replacement casing. A differenti al assembly (10 chassis No's different) was sent up fro m Christchurch by Frank Renwick. F ound to be bent , it was str aightened by a local engineering firm and the spring trunnion mounts machined true and white metal po ured in the trunnions and machined . About thi s stage Bill Janes took the car to Tauranga to frame up the spo rts tourer body leaving his own four cylinder,

The final fitting of thousands of parts yet to be carried out. BODIES BUILT Veteran, Vintage, P.V.V. built to framework stage (wood­ three litre 1921 'Beam fo r me to aligning them on the body was work only, no panelbeating). pan el and mak e guar ds for it. performed by Wa llace McN air. Work can be done from photos etc. or to your des ign. With the body frame, a com­ New guards were fa bricated New work only - no repairs. par atively stra ight forward part of the same materi al as the bod y For further details enquire: of the restora tion took place an d 20 swg hard all oy liners W. R. JANES, with the panelling of the bod y in were made. With the bod y CABINETMAKER 16 swg alloy. finished, the bonnet made and 37 Church Street, Gate Pa, Wooden pa tterns were made guards fitted, the whole body assem­ Tauranga. 'Phone Tauranga fr om original scree n pillar s and blage was dism antl ed and 84-803 (bus. hours), 87-583 these were cast in bronze. The painted. (even ings). delicate job of mounting a nd By now most of the awkward PAGE SI XT EEN machining job s were finished, a to feel I was getting so me where Barnard and Ali stair R o binson co mpl et e set of Rot ax lamps re­ and m y enthusiasm to dri ve the we re enlisted a nd with m y wife bu ilt a nd plated, the magnifi cent machi ne was by th is stage Va leric we wo rked far into the headl amps o bta ined per courtesy running rife. nigh ts to finish the beas t, towards of Bill Sha nno n o f New Ply­ Afte r Keith C utte n had made the end havin g o nly three hours mouth. Bill had go t these lamps the final chec ks a nd ad justments slee p each night. or igina lly fro m T asmania . to the eng ine timing a t 11.15 Fi na lly a t 2.15 o ne Sunday The serio us busi ness of final p .m . one Sa tur day night it burst morning it was read y to mo ve re-asse mbiy began! A bod y magni ficen tly int o life , So now for the firs t tim e (unde r its own sna tching pa rty included at least our lon g planned tour of th e moti ve power ). half the N orth Sho re V.c. mem­ South Isl and wa s ge tting close, it Ca meras were pro duc ed a nd bers, (not due to its we ight but see me d- the endless final fitting many ph ot ographs ta ken of the a n excellent excu se for a cele­ of a thou sand parts goi ng on car a nd the tired but elated team. bra tio n). Wi th the body bolted and on. H oping to take the car After awhile all climbed a board. fina lly o n the ch assis a nd gua rds o n a North Sho re run to the far the engi ne sta rted a nd five yea rs fitted , the upholstery was ca rried north as its test dri ve, th e a ble of wo rk an d fun was dr iven out out In ta n leather. I no w sta rted assistance of Neil a nd Di anne of the sh op a nd onto the ro ad. Road Test 20'60 Su nbeam

Fo llo wing on fro m the ow ners dark tan lea ther upholstery. Then that to reach the large woode n restorati on report this road test look ing at the ins tru me nts, th e kn o b of the right hand gear­ is to give some impression s of J aegar clock an d speedo set off ch an ge I had to lean forward the ca r a nd general information to the le ft are cle arly visible fo r sligh tly, a trifle inconvenient. on the ve hicle . D ick Stanley both driver a nd na vigat or while Fi rst gea r selec ted, clutch re­ could not be allowed to write his the oil pressure ga uge, magneto leased-a smoo th easy act io n, own test, as ever yone kn ow s swit ch a nd horn a re se t in fro nt en gin e accele ra ted-no vi bra tio n how biased Sunbeam own ers be­ of the driver a nd to the right. throu gh the so lid chassis mounts, come, so it's up to a T albot The a rnprneter a nd Rot ax light a tremendou s bu rbl e of exha us t own er to try and be honest a bout switch panel are set centrall y on - 2nd gea r is ca lled for double the oppositio n. the mahogany dash . the clutch a nd int o second as In J924 when the 20 / 60 Sun­ fast as possible or if you know beam wa s introduced , it was on e by Alistair Robinson wh at you're doing a clutchless of five Sunbeams in their ran ge cha nge is just as easy. The tight­ a nd the second most ex pe ns ive a t T he low line of the windscreen ness of the gea rbox requires you £950. T he tr aditions of th e could cause problems fo r some to make a firm action when cha ngi ng but the gear cha nge is Sun bea m co m pa ny were upheld drivers, but not fo r the owne r with the ne w mod el th ou gh no a nd it certai nly gives a nice feel­ smooth a nd a deli ght to use. new ground was covered. They ing fra mi ng the lon g bonnet , the Speeds through the gears are had produced a turbine smoo th magn ificent Rotax lamps (pa rk ­ a pproxima tely 1st-IQ mph, 2nd six cy linder, seven main bearin g, ing lamps the size of Au stin 7 - 20 rnph. 3rd- 50 mph a nd overhead valve 3,200 litre motor headlights) a nd the tower of the 4th-75 m ph. This is with the in the vintage manner with 120 radi ator filter. T he re's no- on e 4.5 to I back ax le. mm a nd 75 mm . like the E ng lish fo r giving a n The ride and handling is T ran sm ission was through single instant impr ession of qu ality. prob ably best des cribed by quot­ plat e clutch , four speed gea r box, Now to ge t dri ving. The rotax ing fro m the 1924 Autocar road torqu e tu be a nd spira l bevel final sta rter motor turns the four fo ot dri ve. test o n the 20/60. " Predomina nt cr ankshaft over with relative amon gst its points is, perhaps. N othing is known of the early ease a nd the BTH magneto the spring ing. Cantilever rear hist ory of thi s 20 /60 until the usu all y fires the motor after the springs , th ou gh em ine ntly co m­ time wh en it was co nve rt ed to first compression stro ke . The fortable wh en properly designed, farm use , but as Di ck co mments clu tch pedal call s upon a bit are not genera lly held to be the "a ca r sho uldn't need a history more mu scle than I usu all y use best for fas t ca rs, as they so me­ if it still performs well ". but this is accounted fo r by times exhibit a tendency to allow F irs t impression s on getting stro nge r springs having been the body of the ca r to lie over into the driver's seat are of the fitted to the mechanism. I found or ro ll whe n drive n fast a ro und PAGE S EV ENTEEN Competition debut, Shands patch 1976. Photo David Han cock.

curves. Due to the design of the Fin ally the steering comes in After just an hour or so Sunbeam its low build and wide for a good measure of praise. driving this machine. I was feel­ frame, the re is no trace of heel­ Th e precise manner in which the ing quit e at home a nd sta rting ing und er this co ndition. Th e car car can be controlled due to the to think maybe a 20/60 would n't sits four-squ are on the road a nd directness of the steering, It be such a bad thin g to have, but handles as if glued to the surface. turns lock to lock, is cert ainly when you look at where the cars Speed doe s not disturb its feeling credit to Louif Coa talen, Sun­ are I soo n realised that other of safety, nor bad roads its beam 's chief design engineer. North Shore members had had poise. The spri nging is very It's a goo d point that all Sun­ similar thought s and acted on comfortable, and road shocks are beam s have and though the them. Th ere are five 20/ 60's on barely notice abl e". steering may not be as light in the North Sho re, one other in its tou ch as the 14/ 40, the 20/ 60 Auckland and ano ther two else­ Th is report reads dead true for can not be descri bed as heavy. where in New Zealand. Dick's car. Th e car can be put into impossible corners at speed and will accelera te through them CHANGE OF ADDRESS with a complete lack of fuss or FORD PARTS tyr e squea l, which leaves one Members of V.C.C. Change wond ering why beam axles Falkners Garage of add ress and an y en­ needed to be improved upon. (Since 1956) quiries re non delivery of (Brian Fal kner , Prop.) Th e four wheel brakes work Bead ed Wheels should be Large sto cks of ne w, rebu ilt, made to National Office, well though a strong leg is second hand parts fo r Ford V8 's needed to mak e them do so. The p.a. Box 2546, Christ­ up to 1976. Please se nd S.A.E. church. han d brake is very co nvenient for your require ments to 184 for emergency stops, folding Clyde Str ee t, Islan d Bay, W gtn. Subscribers. All enquiries down to the floor behind the Phone 83 7-558, open Sa turd ay to the publ ishers of Beaded gear chan ge and operating a morni ng s. Wheels, p.a. Box 131 40, sepa ra te set of shoes in the rear Ch ristchurch , drums. PAGE EIGHTEEN Miss T ho rnto n, M on tagu's secre­ tar y, but Cha rles Sykes' da ughter, The RR Mascot who had a lot to do with her fa ther 's wo rk, doubts thi s, a nd says ther e were several mo dels. T here are few motor vehicles orna me nts to the unad orned rad i­ about which more unt rue stories ator wat er tower-things like Ha ving been acce pte d, the mas­ a nd legends abound than the golliwogs, china a nima ls, toy col ca me into use on February 6, Rolls Royce car-engines guar an­ po licemen o r anything they fa nc­ 19 11, an d it is claimed to be the teed for life, "sea led " at the fac­ ied. T he directors of the co m­ first original equipment metal ca r to ry, and the mascots mad e of pa ny, concerned at this desecra­ mascot fitted in G rea t Britain. A sterling silver, to q uote just a few tion , decided to offe r as an mascot on a Rolls R oyce built examp les. I, possibl y like man y "o bligato ry ex tra " a suita ble before tha t da te is therefore an ot hers, had a lways believed that o rnament. Lord Mo ntag u, who ad di tio n. Seve ra l di ffe rent metal the mascots were mad e of so me o wned a n early ca r, had a friend co mpos itions have been used , but precious metal, if only to account in Charles Syk es, a sculptor a rtist they wer e never mad e in silver, for the fac t that the y are so and a grea t admirer of Rolls nor eve n Germa n silver. In the highly prized a nd so often stolen. Royce ca rs. Lord Mo ntag u ea rly d ays they were white metal, However, a mos t inform at ive arra nged for Sykes to meet Claude -oon to be superseded by bronze . ar ticle on the "S pirit of Ecstasy" Johnso n, the man aging d irec to r Sykes' daughter says tha t befor e in a rece nt Rolls Royce Dealer of the firm, and we kn ow tha t an 1920 so me were nick el, a nd may Journa l has enlightened me a bo ut agree me nt was ma de for the ar tist not have been plat ed. A few were this a nd a number of oth er points to des ign and manufacture so me­ silver plated to specia l order, a nd I a m sure they would not thing rea lly ou tstanding fo r use thou gh the y could a lso be brass. mind my makin g a precis of their as a mascot. He ca me up with copper or gold plat ed to ma tch essay for our mutual benefit. the well kn own fai ry, balan ced on the rem aining hardware on the espec ially as the a uthor explode s toes. a nd named it "Spirit of coachwork. Wh en chromium pla t­ one or two othe r myth s. Ecstasy" . ing came in, the formula was Before 1911, so me Rolls Royce H is mod el for the work has changed aga in, to 90 % copper, ow ner s were fitti ng the oddcst of been kn own trad ition all y as a 10 % zinc, to avoid the ea rlier tin ..

1 -

P AGE NINETEF.N content bliste rin g th e ch ro me . in th e h istory of the design , be ing Montagu, whic h the present Lord It was ag ree d in writing, recon­ those o n the 191 I Ghost, 1927 has at Beauleiu, a nd a nother (not firm eJ in 1934, tha t C ha rles Sy kes Ph antom I, 1932 20 -25 h. p., 1938 by Sykes) adorns the ra diator of wo uld be the so le maker a nd sup ­ Pha ntom 3 (the kneeling lad y), our Q ueen's Phantom 4 sta te car plier o f th e mascot s. T hey we re a nd the J960 Silve r C lo ud 2. T he - S t. George slaying th e Dragon. ma de by the lost wa x process, a p rice befo re the las t wa r was q uite Inci de nta lly, as a n ind ication of ve ry slow but most accura te reasonable a t fo ur and six guineas R oll s R oyce thoro ughness, th ey method . u ntil 1935 wh en due to each d epend ing on size. Mark checked thi s masco t fo r design, increasin g ea r prod uct ion, so me yo u, it was custo ma ry to obtain a nd und er vi brati on tests it was sa nd casting was adop ted. As b y o ne by p urch asing a car on which proved to need structural m od i­ either method meticulous han d to mount it. There are a few fica tio n. fin ish ing was nece ssa ry, it foll ows u nus ua l masco ts in ex istence­ C ha rles Sykes left a last ing Cut no two are identical. Up to o ne ca lled " Wh isper" was made memorial to his a bility, a nd he 1950 , whe n he d ied, Sykes sig ned espe cially by Sykes fo r Lord ex p lai ned that when he designe d each mascot he mad e. H e p erson­ ally checked and fin ish ed in deta il each o ne from J9 11 to J928, whe n he ha nd ed tha t as pect of his wo rk to h is d au gh ter. In 1948, R oll s R oyce, us ing new techniques in stainless steel, started p ro ducing so me of th ei r ow n. There are act uall y five di fferent pa tte rns of The S piri t of Ecst asy KENDAL LODGE MOTELS 105 Roydvale Avenue, Christchurch Phone 585-119 Spacious family units, quiet setting, next door to Russley Hotel and Golf Course. Only 2km from Air­ port. Nearest motel complex to McLeans Island. Special off-season rates to V.c.c. Members. Proprietors: Errol and Kathryn Smith Member V.c.c.

P AGE TWENTY thi s little goddess, he had in mind pressing her keen enjoy me nt, arms every bit as mu ch atte ntion to the Spirit o f Ecstasy wh o has o utstretched and sight fixed in the detail, but by the mo st modern selected road tra vel .i s her su­ c istancc. It would be fair to say method s in the fo undry which preme de light, and has sett led on tha t " the best car in the world" also cas ts and produces aircraft the prow of a R olls R oyce lo has " the best mascot in the en gine turbine blades. Surely, reve l in the freshness of the a ir, wo rld" . thi s bad ge, unique in a ll it stands and the mu sical so und of her T oda y, these pri zed possession s for, mu st be the lon gest lived of its type. fluttering drap eries. She is ex- a re mad e by the co mpa ny, with DO UG WOOD

Thunderbird! $20.50 A SELECTION From here to Obscurity (Ford T.) $27.00 OF DELUXE VOLUMES Henry's Lady (Ford A.) $27.00 Ford Model A, as Henry built it FROM THE U.S.A. $14.40 Ford, closing the years of Seventy Years of Buick $23.70 Tradition 1946, 47, 48 $9.20 Sixty Years of Chevrolet $22.00 Golden Age of the Fours $7.95 Fifty Years of Lincoln Mercury (add 30c per vel , postage) $16.95 Illustrated History of Ford $22.00 FISHERS BOOKSHO:P The VB Affair $30.00 564 Colombo Street, Seventy Years of $23.70 Christchurch 1. The Nifty Fifties (Fords) $22.75 Telephone 68-780

19 2 5 Postcards sent in by Robert Du ns, Canterbury Branch. No story known. PAGE TWENTY-ONE Servicing Cars 70 years ago

It is always a pleasure to talk possible to block its pr ogress. M r to Mr Sid Estau gh of Havelock ":'sta ugh Senior, was a breede r of North, a vetera n motor eng ineer Sutfo k drau ght horses and as he who served his apprenticeship in d rove his ca rriage and pair Ipswich, England, in 1905. T he through town with his son Sidn ey per iod 1904-08, when Sid was sitting alongside, the cry was, growing up, was an excitin g time " Father there's a Rover 6 h.p. and in motoring histor y. here come s a Gobron-Brillee", His father wo uld repl y, " I can America was reaching rea l ca r see, son, I will never get yo u inter­ prod uction with 24,000 cars mad e ested in horses, you can think of in 1905 and hire purchase offered nothing else but car s. I'd bett er for the first time . New car regis­ apprentice you to one of these Wages were to be pa id to his trations in the Un ited Ki ngdom new motor engineers." father, hours were 6 a.m. to 6 rose from 4,500 to 6,000, a 25 % p.m., the apprentice not being ga in in a single yea r. France still asked to work more than 58 hours supplied many of these cars, im­ by G. H. L10yd port s from France being several in anyone week. The employer So in September 1905, Mr may ded uct any sums he thinks hundred per month while exp ort s Esta ugh paid a £20 premium so fit from the appre ntice's wages as from England to France averaged that his son could be articlcd as a fines for any neglect, insubordin­ two or thr ee car s per month. motor apprentice. Sid still has his ation or default.The usua l The horse and allied equipment origina l apprenticeship ag reement cla uses for those days were in Britain in 1905 was worth stating he will receive 4 shillings included that the par ent would £4,000,000,000 and investors in pe r week for the first year rising provide plent y of good meat and this field resented the intrusion of by one shilling ext ra each year wa rm cloth ing so that the boy the ho rseless buggy into this profit­ until he received 8 shillings per wo uld grow strong to work hard a ble market and did eve rything week in his fifth and final year. for his maste r. WHATEVER YOUR CAR It ~ [ L~) !ACE;,, E.W. Pidgeon SELL THE PRODUCTS tHtd'~~~~~

YOU'LL NEED Branches thro ugho ut N.Z.

PAG E TWENTY-TWO Sid proved a keen apprentice learning qui ckly . He was sent out on numerou s jobs. once being sent to London to co llect a used car which a lady had hired . Arriving a t the garage Sid asked the wher e­ abouts of the car : "T here it is.' said the garag e owner, pointing to a IS03 60 h.p. Mercedes Simplex, with a I to I spro cke t drive. "But who' s goin g to drive it?" "1 am ." said dim inutive sixteen yea r old Sid. " Huh , it tak es a man to drive a car like this. " was the reply. Sid checked the compressions, whi ch were tou gh and remembered these models had a decornpressor. so pulling this ou t whilst the proprietor was net looking, he swu ng the big en gine on hal f compres­ sion, pushed the decompressor hom e as the engine The 1903 Mercedes Simplex which Sid Estaugh drove fired then climbed aboard without looking back th rough Piccadilly. and roared out into the traffic of horse buses and hansom cab s in Piccadilly. He was a week sir. " "And do you know 20,000 ton s of cement and the due to pick up the .Iady hirer at what he. is charging me- -two complete circ uit, with all amenit­ Cannon Street sta tion but o.ne guineas per week . From now o n ies, was built in nin e months at a glance at the car and she sa id, I sha ll pay you also two guineas cost of £250,000. " You drive home a nd I'll come per week while you are in my Passing throu gh Weybridge in on by tra in". service". Sid was prepared to stay the train today you see the big Punctures we re the bane of with him for life for that kind of sign along side the ra il track, every motorist's life in tho se days money. " Bro oklands 1907-19 39". Soon with such poor tyr es and so many At Bath the Napier crack ed a after Brooklands was op ened S. F. horse shoe nails on the ground, cylinder and they had to send to Edge drove a rac ing N apier for 24 so Sid soon had a flat. "I hope the Napi er factory at Acton Vale hours without relief driver at an this car has a spa re tube," prayed fo r a repl acement When Sid average speed in excess of 60 Sid, not relishing trying to patch had fitted the repl acement, he m.p.h. Bro okl ands had not plan­ the ruined tube on the road . On drove to Acton Vale to co llect ned for night racing so the tra ck lifting the back sea t he found 12 the planter, who was upstairs with was marked off with kerosen e spa re tubes, nearly all punctured, the fa mo us S. F. E DGE, head of sto rm lanterns for the first 24 so the owners obviously had N apier. Word was sent d own hour run. suffered plenty of tyre trouble. that Mr Ed ze wanted to see the In early times cars were or dered He tested the big 9 10 x 120 tubes driver-mechanic and on Sid's as chassis only and the buyer in the moat of a nearby castle arrival immediately dressed him then selected the type of body he and sat on the road to fit the do wn for not watching the radi- wanted. Where a ch assis cost repl acement. This car gave so ator level. The tea planter stepped £500, the body would cost a bout much trouble the lad y soo n sent in here and told Edge there was £50 and there was a wide selection it back to the owner s sa ying she no neglect as he watched the of styles. M ost cars still had could not afford to run it. driver check and fill the radiat or entry from the rear but by 1905 Those wer e the days of surface every morning. " It must have style was swinging to side entry. carburettors, hot tube ignition and been a defective part," said the Sid Estaugh finished his appren­ trembler coil s. Chief trouble planter . " N onsense.' boomed ticeship in 1910 and his employers were the batt eries whi ch were so Edge, " there are no defective offered to rai se his wages from poor that many buyers still parts in my Napiers", eight shillings a week to £ I per ordered acetylene light s for reIi- S. F. Edge, besides bein g a week now he was a fully qu alified ability long after dyn amos and leader in the British motor indus- mechanic. Hi s brother had just electrics were available. tr y, was also a famous racing returned from N ew Zealand to In 1906, a tea planter from d river. He, along with anothe r help wind up their fath er 's estate Ce ylon hired a N apier car and mot or distributor Parrott and and when all was ' clear, his mechanic for his furlough in severa l others decided that Eng- brother was as ked what would he Britain and his boss sent Estaugh land sho uld have the finest racin g do . "Get back to N ew Zealand. along. Tra vellin g round the coun- circuit in Europe. In 1906 a con- tha t's the only plac e. Wh y don't try, the planter noticed that his tract was let to build Brooklands. you come too ? ". So Sid came mechanic was particularly careful There wer e no half measures, the with his brother to Hawkes Bay with his money and sa id "Estaugh, contractors put 2000 men on the and his brother suggested he try what does your employer pay you iob, chartered special trains to for a chauffeur-mech ani c's job in fo r your services?" "Six shillings bring in the materials including Havelock North.


((Do you use Molyslip in all the cars you restore for the Museum?" MONTAGU: "Yes, we feel it's absolutely essential. These car s are easily damaged beyond repair; and it's our policy to keep them running, not just static museum pieces. \Ve have to pamper them like thoroughbred racehorses. Vintage car lubrication is I always hit and miss, especially at starting, or on steep hills, where I * 1920 350 h.p. Sunbeam you can starve the forward cylinders. ,------*:-::::---;,------* I wouldn't dream of taking one out the gearbox is grease lubricated. The THE TECHNICAL STORY. Molyslip is a spe­ without Molyslip." protection Molyslip gives here and on cial mot oring pr eparation of th e new engi neering WARNE: "We were amazed at the the chas sis is fantastic. It qui etens lubricant, Molybdenum Disulphide, plu s other · . ht f th down rattle considerably, too. And important additives. You add it to the oil in your resuIt s 0f M 0 Iys1ip fig rom e this new Liquid Grease injector engine. gearbox, back axle and st eering. and it word go. It's one product that really does all that's claimed for it, 'and spray is useful-some of the old 'plates' all metal-to-metal bearing surfaces with engines are frightfully inaccessible." layers of we arproof,lubricating mol ecules. In this probably more. For instance, we way, Molyslip improves the performance of your entered a 1904 Brushmobile for the oil, reducing power losses and the detrimental London/Brighton run. Our driver effe cts of engine and transmission friction. In exceeded the 760 maximum revs, pra ctical terms you get smoother running, less broke the crank case and lost nearly wear, more power, more m.p.g., less engine noise all the oil. But the car completed the and a complete abs enc e of transmission whine. run, and she'd have gone on running. Ask for Molyslip at your local service Without Molyslip she'd have seized station. garage or MOLYSLlP E up. All our engines run sweeter with accessory store. for engines I Doz. flask Molyslip. We often run the old lasts 5,000 miles Edwardian racing cars faster than thr ou gh oil cha nges. when they were made, with modern MOLYSLlP G fuels . There's a 1920 Sunbeam* that fo r gearbox, back axl e still does over lOO m.p.h, It's quite a and steering 10 oz . in­ test for old cars, so we use the best "Mr. Warne, do you reCOJn­ je ctor flask lasts 10 ,000 mend Molyslip to your other materials possible." miles. custorners]" MOLYSLlP LIQUID " Do you use Moiyslip WARNE : "Oh yes. I always tell them Grease?" it's essential to go on using Molyslip MONTAGU: "Yes. In many old cars, after their cars have been restored." Gp~~::~""d IS;? s p ra y: =:," GREASE every Available from all Branches of 01 LING point! Cannot NEW ZEALAND MOTOR CORPORATION drain, wear off.

MOLYSUP IS MADE IN GREAT BRITAIN BY THE SLIP GROUP OF COMPANIES New Zealand Distributors: JACK WILSON SALES LTO P.O. Box 514, CHRISTCHURCH After enquiring from Mrs Wil­ liams in Duart Road fo r a chauf­ NEW T'RAFFIC REGULATIONS feur's job which had just been filled, she suggested he sa w Mr A revised and updated version of the Traffi c regulations is now avail able McLean wh o ran a large garage and came into force on 1.2.77. Anyone wishing to obtain a copy can do so from an y Go vernment Pr inter s Office, the price being 65 cents. The acro ss tn e road, where cars were fo llowing are the major changes which will affect the average motorist. o ften sent fr om Gi sb orne by ship REG. 7 CHANGINGD IRECT ION to Napier and then towed by Drivers wish to turn to the right (on any road in any speed are a) can horses to McLeans for repairs. now move to the centre of the roa d before turning. Provi sion still remains "T uki" McLean asked," W here however, for a driver to pull over to the left and wait before turning right do you come from ?" " Tve ju st if this is in the intere sts of safety. finished my apprenticeship in REG . 9 G IVING WAY Engla nd", Up went Mcl.ean's The right hand rule has now been rewritten in simpler form without hands in the air, "I don 't want altering its basic form EXCEPT that a vehicle turn ing left must now give way to a vehicle turn ing right. The give way to the right provisions also a ny b- - - - - y homies round here apply now where both vehicles are at stop signs or give way signs. mu cking things up " . Sid per­ REG . 12 PEDESTRIAN CRO SSIN GS suaded him to try him for a week A dr iver may now pass over a pedestrian crossing while it is being used without wag es. Slightly mollified, by a pedestrian providing he passes at least 4 m. in front of the pedestrian . McLean told him to fit 4 new REG . 15 DRIVERS SIG NALS tyres to a 1907 Wolsel ey, a tough Every driver must now (unless prevented by a sudden emergency) give jo b unl ess you kn ew what you at least 3 seconds not ice of his intention to stop, or to turn or move to left were doing. McLean came back or right by mean s of either a hand signal or an approved signa lling device. a t I p.m. a nd sa id, "When are you Provision is made for a defence against a breach of regulation if the vehicle was not required to be fitted with blinkers and arm signals were not going to sta rt on th ose 4 tyres?" practical. " I did those before lunch , they REG. 21 SPEED LIMITS only to ok a n hour", " Well yo u Two new speed limits both for motorcycles, Motorcycle towing a mu st kn ow so mething a fter all , trailer must not exceed 40 k.p.h. and a mot orcycle being towed mu st be now you ca n do a rings a nd valves disabled and must not exceed 30 k.p.h. job on that 1908 D arracq", REG. 22 STOPPING AND FO LLOWING DISTANCES A new provision stipulates that no person shall follow another vehicle at a A t the end of the week McLean distance of less than : said , " I ca n give you only £3-10-0 16 m. if his speed is 40 k.p.h. or more but less than 50 k.p.h. a week."Sid refused to accept 20 m. if his speed is 50 k.p.h. or mor e but less than 60 k.p.h. 24 m. if his speed is 60 k.p.h. or more but less than 70 k.p.h . wages for the first week which 28 m. if his speed is 70 k.p.h . or more he had promised to work fo r REG . 24 ACCIDENTS- EM ERGEN CIES nothing, but took the jo b a t more It is now an offence to drive a motor vehicle at more than 20 k.p.h. after than three times the wage he had passing a warn ing sign advising of an accident or breakdown, unt il clear been getting in England. of the accident or road hazard for which the sign was erected. REG. 27 UNSAFE VEHICLES AND LOADS [' McLean a nd all hi s staff moved Thi s regul ation now includes the offence of a load or port ion of a load to the T ourist Motor Coy in H ast­ which actually escapes or falls from the vehicle or is likely to do so. I ings so on af ter and Sid Estaugh REG . 28 SMOKE· OR VAPOUR started his own ga rage in Have­ A new provision specifies acceptable standa rds and the method of lock North in 1912. He imported measuring smoke or vapour emitted by a vehicle. Th is will only take effect so me new cars from Engla nd, not­ after a date to be fixed by the Minister (not 1.2.77) a bly the little Lea Francis in 1923 , REG . 29 NOISE A new provision specifies the amount of noise which is acceptable and the wh ich were the only ones to come mean s of measuring the noise but this provi sion also onl y takes effect after to New Zealand at that time. H e a date to be fixed by the Mini ster and futh ermore will only apply to so ld his bu siness and retired in vehicles first registered af ter that date. 1961 after 56 yea rs in the motor REG. 48 GENERAL RESTRICTIONS ON LOADING- DI MENSIONS trade and s till enjoys a very active The regulations regarding dimensions of motorc ycles have at last been life with plenty of bowling. amended, making it now legal to opera te a mot orcycle and sidecar in N.Z. A solo motorc ycle can now tow a trailer (subject to the speed limit previously mentioned) but the width must not exceed 1.5 m. and the load must not extend mor e than I m behind the rear of the trailer. TELL OUR REG. 58 TO 67 LIGHTING Lighting requirements have been rewritten to cover equi pment normally ADVERTISERS fitted to curre nt vehicles, and these new lighting standa rds are compulsory for new vehicles the onl y major changes affecting existing vehicles are a YOU SAW IT height restriction of 1.5 m. from the ground (maximum) for rear red reflectors on all vehicles, and the same height restriction for stop light s IN and turn signals on tho se vehicles that require them i.e. at least one stop "BEADED WHEELS" light on every vehicle where a visible hand signal cannot be made and turn signals OD all cars first registered at 1.7.67. P AGE TWENTY-FIVE REG . 71 TYRES It is now an offence to use on a road, or sell for such use a pneumatic tyre which has been regrooved. The only exception are tyres used on heavy motor vehicles at speeds below IIranch notes 50 k.p.h. and designed for the process of regrooving. REG. 73 WINDSCREENS AND OTHER GLAZING A new requirement here is that ANY glazing on ANY vehicle (whenever ASHBURTON first registered) must be approved safety glass when it is replaced. REG. 74 REAR VISION MIRRORS All motor vehicles other than a power cycle or a trailer must now have The large turnout of members a rear vision mirrior. In the case of motorcycles first registered before the for a working bee at our grounds commencement of these regulations this shall not apply until 104.77. in November certainly left its mark, and the club rooms and surround­ REG. 76 MUDGUARDS ing area looked neat and tidy for Every motor vehicle must now have a mudguard fitted 10 every road our combined Veteran and Motor­ wheel, unless it is not reasonable and practical to do so. cycle rally held on the 20th of the REG. 85 WARRANTS OF FITNESS month. An interesting assortment of These will now be displayed on the right hand side of the windscreen makes with bikes out-numbering and it is an offence to display more than one W.O.F. cars by about four to one made What I have listed are not the only changes, but are I think the major their way to Rakaia for lunch, re­ ones which will affect us, both as motorists and vintage restorers. The turning to Raka Nui for some field complete regulations make interesting reading for tho se so inclined, but there tests in the afternoon. And iust to are certain to be some amendments printed. prove that it is not completely a NORM DEWHURST man's world, the motorcycle section was won by Alison Ryde on her 1923 Raleigh and the car section by John McLauchlan in his 1907 Cadillac. The last week-end in November Bound Volumes saw Ashburton County celebrate its centennial in a big way, starting 01 Beaded Wheels on the Fridav with the official pre­ sentation by -the County Chairman of a handsome clock tower to the The third book of Beaded Wheels bound volumes is now Borough Council. The clock and available. This incorporates Vols 19 and 20 Nos. 86-97 mechanism was originally in the published in 1974-75. old Post Office building demolished many years ago , and local VCC Also available is the second book incorporating Vols. 17 and 18 members had a chance to inspect Nos. 74-85 published 1972.73. it at close quarters last year during its restoration in Ralph Crum's We still have a very few copies of the first book incorporating Vols. garage. The thousands of people 15 and 16 Nos. 62-73 published 1970-71. who turned out on the Saturday witnessed the largest parade of Here is your chance to dispense with a lot of of loose horses, old and modem machinery, copies and replace them with beautifully bound vintage and veteran vehicles, march­ ing girls , bands etc. probably ever permanent records. Your library will be enhanced by held in the Southern Hemisphere, the addition of these books finished in green cloth and taking more than two hours to pass gold lettered on spine. by. Vintage and veteran vehicles from Canterbury and South Can­ terbury branches helped to make $9.50 each including Postage up the seventy vehicles to turn out on the Sunday when a huge rally Send payment to P.O. Box 13140, Christchurch of assorted machinery including 40 traction engines took place in the Tinwald Domain.

BINDERS BEARING PROBLEMS? RALLY PLAQU ES Con rods re-metalled and mach­ Plaques made to order in a for List of Members ined. Main bearings re-metalled variety of materials and col­ and align bored. Oil ways cut as Calendar of Events etc per original or to instructions. ours and either engraved or The official club binders are again .Workmanship and material of cast. top quality. Work done to suit available. These are in blue rexine shaft when supplied or to instruc­ Prices can range from as low and gold blocked. as 75c each. tion. $1.75 each including packing and Blocks bored. pistons expanded For Further Information postage. and re-graved. Rings supplied or THE SWISS JEWELLERS made to suit. (Freight arranged.) Send payment with order to For the best results contact A. J. r.o. Box 912, Napier Binders Orders, Barber, Piri Lane, Paraparaumu. (Barry Anderson Proprietor) P.O. Box 13140, Phone 7141. Christchurch P AGE TWENTY-SIX Our children's Christmas part y Alan Pet erson handed over the d ue to the nature of the Trophy appeared to run smo othlv thanks running of the Gyrnnic to the ra ther than any reflection on the to some good games organisers. an Ladies committee th is veal' and competito rs and / or organiser. Co n­ excellent Fa ther Christmas and a the y proved that they co uld main­ gra tulatio ns to John Mos s who traction engine. A tug-of-war with tain the usual high standa rd of did a first class job of the 1976 the latter proved entertaining but entertainment fo r the children. run . there was no doubt abo ut it. "steam Ma ny man aged to get a ride on Con gratulation s a lso to Eric is king". the Cha ra banc or the F.W.D. truck Will iam s who, with son Mu rra y in Member Ru ssell Murdoch or the Leyland Fire Engine and all the chair of his 1931 Norton outfit, traile red his vetera n Swift north got a bag of sweets from Santa. wo n the bike section of the Hunua to com pete in the N at ional Veteran A few weeks before Christmas a 100 fo r the second yea r in suc­ Rall y in Hawkes Bay, and 4 cars number of cars turned out to the cessio n. Unlike most of the other ioined North Otago for their "Hospi tal Run" and were rewarded fifteen motor cyclists who lost Wind sor Rall y in December, while to see the enjoy me nt the y br ought maximum points, Eric fo und the New Year's day saw six ca rs make to man y unfortunat e chi ldren who first check and o nly lost 450. the pleas ant drive to Fairlie to meet wer e a ble to take a short ride in a The Annual Waikat o-Auckland with others from South Ca nterbury Vin tage car in their Hospital Run dr ew 44 starters from Tok o­ fo r the annua l Fa irlie Fes tiva l gr ound s. We all agreed that we roa , Tauranga, Nor th Shore. par ade. should do more of th is work and Hamilton and Auckland. Fuller de ­ ou r Chairma n arranged to return tails elsewhere. A recent purchase of an other late to the M angere Hospital and The Cecil Light Trophy fo r the twenties Dodge seda n has been Training Scho ol on Christmas mo st credita ble restoration of the made by Rob Ro ss. No new restor­ morning to trans port Santa from year saw seven bike s up for in­ ati on s hav e appea red since the two hou se to hou se. spectio n. Judging is alway s difficult magnificent Willy s Kni ghts of We are now prepar ing for the but there could be no ar gument Ke rry Walker's and Ron Win­ 1977 Veteran run and expect a with the final deci sion. Trevor chester 's towards the end of last record entry. bo osted by Southern Parkinson 's 1951 98 e.c. 2-speed year, but several ar e on the wa y, visitors in Auckland for the start Sun was a worthy winner. T revo r and my prediction would be that of the H or seless Carriage Club's had gone to great length s to en sure Ashbu rton will see in 1977 another Parliamentary Tour. it was correct to the minutest de­ Ford A, a Fo rd B4, another T, a BARRY ROBERT tail , even to blending his own paint Dodge van, at least one A ustin 7. to obta in the co rrect col our scheme. perhaps a second Fi at, and possibly MOTOR C YCLE NO TES and only the clo sest inspection a Buick. Th e annual "Mug Run" for 1976 reve aled that the var iou s "transfer s" KEN MA CL EOD was won by Ray Clark on his 1948 were in fact hand painted.T revor TIOO Triumph. Fraser Sim '28 has produ ced some excellent restor­ B.S.A. was one point away second ations in the past and is now and Barry Williams, with the previ­ working on an LE Velo. Other AUCKLAND ou s year's winner Dianne Barnard bike s comp leted th is year were in the chair was third on the Brian Norton 's 1935 MSS Velo. We are able to report ye t Har ley. This event is run each yea r Stu . Goodall's 1929 Norton, Bruce ano ther Veteran move to Au ckland. by someone who has not pr eviousl y Ander son's 1934 BoS.A.,Eric Wil­ Th is time it is the 16 h.p. 1908/ 9 organis ed a roa d trial. In thi s way liam s' Norton, Fred Andersons Darracq from Chris tchurch that has it is hoped more people will have 1952 Goldsta r B.S.A. and Rob in been taken over by Errol Mc Lin­ a go and realise there is a bit more He aveys A.J.S. tock . It will be so me time before to it than just writing out a route Fra nk Panes ha s a t last found the car is ready for ralli es and to sheet. The name of the event is his eage rly so ught belt drive veteran. make room for restorati on work Errol has di spo sed of his 1917 Dodge co llection to someone on the North Sho re. Biggest stir in Vintage circles was a public auction of 14 Vintage and Veteran and 19 P .V.V. cars sold for prices ranging from $2,440 for an unrestored Ersking; $3,14D for an Au stin 7 tourer (san s hood); $7,700 for a one owner 8 cylinder Packard and top price of $8,100 for a rare 1927 Hudson road ster . P .V.s so ld too- a '35 Ford V.8 br o ught $2,920 and a '42 Jeep $3,000. Why is it that people are pa ying high prices for P.V .'s and yet we often lack a quorum when som eone org anises a speci al run for the m? Could it be specu ­ lati on ? On movements within the club we hear that Jim Miller 's Humber - now almost completed has been sold to Roland Lynd. Dave Eddles­ ton ha s completed the resto ration of his Wh ippet Tourer. After several year s as organiser Royal Ruby side car outfit seen on recent Auckland Branch run. PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN It is a IY0 4 Brown recov ered from the event was thorou ghl y well org­ somewhere bv Pat Wood. Pat now anised and a most pleasan t week­ has Frank 's Dou glas. "Pat has also end. got a Rudge Multi but has parted December 13th was our next with his Ro yal Rub y. Frank as club meeting and our club captain, I feel that before the glamour usual is right into the Brown so Roger Ward, gave a very interest­ and excitement of a New Year blot we expect him to be leading us a ing talk on the G ra ham brot hers out the mem ories of the goo d merry chase before the end of the and their cars. times we enjoy ed in 1976 I should year. Our next club run was held on mention two nota ble events that ushered out the o ld year in Mar l­ Th e 1976 She ll 500 was to have the 12th and was organised by Bill Ja nes. The run went thr ou gh the borough. included a Vintage section and First ther e was the Christmas several of us had entered, but due city then Otumoetai, to Omokor oa and finished at Plummers Point Part y at On am alutu. Th ese have to a general lack of support the a lways been a feature of this whole event was abandoned. This Hot Po ols where members were able to have a swim and a lolly Branch; presents for the children then all owed a number of us who and some deserving adults del ivered are usually occupied on this date scra mble. BEV. SMITH by that grand o ld gentleman with to att end the annual Branch the white beard and the scarlet G yrnnic and a very enjoya ble day suit, plu s mor e than eno ugh foo d it was too. Robin Heave y brou ght for all, with all the trimm ings alo ng an un restore d but running meant a good time was had by Francis Barn ett Aut ocycle which everyo ne. A special vote of thank s ever yone ha d to try ou t. Wh en it GISBORNE need s to go to the brave char act er finall y ran out of gas it was esti­ who donned the traditional red mated it must have covered over Organising of the National Rally robes and faced the mob. I m yself 100 mile s aro und the padd ock . n ~xt Easter is in full swing, and would rath er face a Wild West Fin al event of the year was a will be part of the 100 years cele­ lynch party than appear as Santa picnic run in the South Au ckland brati on of Gi sborne. T hose of you Claus with a bag of "giveways" area. Over 40 bikes and riders took who are interested in comin g to before a cro wd of tod ay's children ! part. We visited the site of the old the Nati on al Rally, I suggest that You 're a brave man Col in and I'm Seagrove Airfield, venue of Au ck­ you get your acco mmodation sure everyone thank s you. land M.C.C. races some 20 years booked now. The St. Andrews bar becue was ago. Paul Clark son. Hugh Ander­ Our local calendar of events has one of the 111 0st enjoyabl e functio ns son and others reminisced while heen a bus y one, with run s to a the club has had for some time the present residents-a herd of School Gala at Nuhaka, a run to and again thank s are du e to the cattle-looked us over. We then Wairoa where Neil Peterson organi sers and the owne r of the had lunch at Clarkes Beach a few orga nised a very goo d time trial property who took the risk of fire miles on before visiting the mu seum (interest in Wair oa is increa sing), a and riot when he lent his de sirable at Waiuku and finally the G len­ cam ping week-end with Rotorua, bro ok Vintage Ra ilway where T okoroa and Wh akatan e Clubs at man y part ook of a highspeed iigzer Opotiki. Th ese event s took place ride which was the highl ight of a in November and the beginning of very enjoyable day. We mu st go December. Coming events will be back there agai n. the camp-out at T oa-Toa on the COACHBUllDING KEN H UM E Auckland Anniversar y week-end. This is becoming a popular week ­ VINTAGE TYRES &, end with members fro m other clubs interested in joining us. 11 is a BAY OF PLENTY pleasure to get away fro m the rat ACCESSORIES LTD race and into the midd le of no­ Offer the services of Our November club mee ting held where, der iving pleasur e from New a very intere sting film evening Zealand 's native bush, rivers and their full time Vintage shown by Terry Furness. It was strea ms. taken at the Hot Rod Show a t There are a number of restora ­ and Classical Panel Tulsa, Ok alahorna, America, where tion s reaching their final stages. shop for:- 5,000 cars were on show and par­ Dave Smith is now motoring his 1928 Dodge and onl y has the paint­ ticipated in G ymkhanas etc . There '.- NEW PANEL WORK were prizes for the best closed car s ing left "to complete. Stan Martin and also best open ca rs. 1st Pri ze is preparing"'for painting of his * REPAIRS TO PANEL­ was Ford Mustan g. We also saw 1930 Ch ev coupe and will be read y WORK pictures of Disneyland . G ran d for the Nat ional Rall y. Go rdo n Ca nyon and Honolulu. McDonald is wa iting for the bodv ." FABRICATION OF NEW of his 1926 Model T to be finished PARTS OR PANELS Ou r Trial Trophy run on 21st at the pan elbeaters and will be No vember was organised by Kevin motoring by Easter. Robin * RUST REPAIRS Rumble. We left Taurang a via Cameron is progressing steadily ',' CRASH DAMAGE Welcome Bay, Te Puke with lunch with his 1916 Jeffory T ourer, build­ at Rotoehu Forestry then continued ing the body for it and Ivan Harris on good vint age motoring road s to has his 1916 or 1917 Model T Contact Lake Ok ataina, where the after­ Delivery Van bod y nearl y com­ lan Wilson, Manager noon was en joyed by all. pleted and reaching the painting The Nat ional Ve ter an Rall y was stage. Ou r Club will be kee n to Phone 7003 (a ll hours) held on 20th-2 1st No vember in see these vehicles finished as the y p.a. Box 540 Ha stings and our Bran ch was re­ will be the onl y Vet erans motoring Whakatane pre sented by Doug Wood in his with thi s club. 1912 Au stin Ten, who reports that IV AN ENGLISH PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT This page is from technicalbooksIttl. P.O. Box 9335, cnr Morrow & Burke Sts Newmarket AUCKLAND telephone 540-132 and at Wellington P.O. Box 5174, Hannahs Building 262 Lambton Quay. A Pictorial History Devoted Exclusively To American Steam Traction Engines ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN STEAM TRACTION ENGINES By Jack Norbeck

• INCLUDES HISTORY OF DRAFT HORSES; PORTABLE ENGINES; BALERS; THRESHERS; SAWMILLS • 320 Large 8t x 11 Pages • Beautiful Stamped LeathereHe Hardcover • Every known American and Canadian Engine Builder Detailed and Illustrated • Many Existing Steamers Pictured • Directory of all Steam Clubs and Meets • Eight Years in Research

Over 1,200 Photos 320 Pages

Retail Price $26.00 Crestline Publishing

P AG E TWENTY-NINE country estate to a mob such as attend a most interestin g and in· in them for some year s. Most of ourselves. An interesting feature of formative evening at a local tyre the engines, Lister, Ander son , the evening was the arrival of the retreading factory. Worsley, and Black stone were Bo yce Ace beautifully restored. Dec ember saw perhaps the most running and all had been com­ What a bike that mu st have been successful eve nt I have had the pletely restored. when it first took the road in the plea sure of att end ing with the lan and Dawn Ludema n arranged early twenties! Fit company for the Vinta ge car club and that was the the Christma s Party for the children Harle ys and Ind ian s of those years. annual picn ic of the combined in December. Unfortuna tely the Speaking of motorcycles brings Wellington , Wang anui, Wair arapa weather was atroc iou s and it had to mind a person who over a lon g and Mana waru Clubs at the pro ­ to be held in a hay barn, but the peri od of time has contributed so perty of Mr Len Southward. No children didn 't seem to mind . much fo r the readers of Beaded venue could hav e been mo re suit­ Good news for the annua l Wheels. Speaking on beh al f of the able for such an event and the Maunga-M oana Rall y to be held Marlborough Branch and I'm sure display put on by M r So uthwa rd in Ap ril thi s year. Johnson Motors, a ll members of all br anches would was a ppreciated by an estim at ed a large G ene ral Mot or s dealer in join with us. I would like to thank 250 people. What with so many New Plymouth have given u s their Ge off Hockley-that grandee of vintage cars o ut for the da y, Mr co mp lete co m plex to use for the motor cyc ling, for his interesting So uthward's static and mob ile dis­ whole week-end. The large swa p articles. What a book the Hocklev plays (and is that Stutz mobile l). meet , the Noggin and Natter, and Motor Cycling Mem oirs would be! the most attracti ve sur ro undings the sta rt and finish of the ro ad I hope we'll see the Old Ma ster and the en [oyabl e atmos phere, run will be held at Johnson Motors himsel f with at least a pair of everyone mu st hav e wished fo r a at An zac week-end . Th e workshop, Harlevs at the Marlborough Motor much lon ger day or indeed a return tyre bay and washing facilities will Cycle Rall y in March . trip soo n! all be available, making thi s a Best wishes for a year of happy BARRY ROLLE great Maunga-Moana week-end. motoring to all Branches. Entry forms are now being re­ JOHN FINNIE ceived . Rall y secretary is Co lin Johnston. G ar y Stimpson ha s bought a TARANAKI 1935 Mor ris 8 Sports mot or car, MANAWATU which he found not far from his Quite a few members have given place in Waitara. He is going to Perhaps the ' local club's most pleasure to man y folk s here in com pletely restore it for his wife imp ortant deci sion was taken on Taranaki . With two large Christmas to use, and it shouldn't be too long 29th September, 1976, when author­ parades being well attended by the bef ore we see it on the road. ity was given to the comm ittee to public, over 20,000 peopl e .were Stewart Craig, in Manaia. has negotiate for the purchase of 3 ~ able to see ca rs and mot orcycles purchased a 1935 Packard six acres of land just outside the City of a by-gone era, and the prai se cylind er Sed an , which he found and Boundary. The mo st disappointing mem bers received made the effort brou ght all the wa y home from part of this most imp ortant meeting well wor th while. Ha stin gs. Rob in Voss has acquired was the a pathy of the maj ority of Trevor Ke arns organised a ver y a post war Daimler, and also a local members towards the future interesting clu b run in November couple of vintage tractor s, to add development of the club. Th e build­ when we visited a coll ection of to his larg e coll ection.' ing committee has had to look far over thirty stationary engines. All Ashley Smi th is collecting brand ahe ad of pre sent needs and con­ are own ed by a local chap in New new Model A parts for his pro­ dition s to arrive at its recommen­ Plymouth who has been interested posed new restoration of ' his re- dations and thanks mu st be given to those members who gave their time to attend and argue for and again st the rec ommendation. As was pointed out to the meeting­ tho se who did not attend had better not try co mplaining at some later date. If negotiati ons are successful it is hoped to have a storage shed and the land drained and properly surfaced before wint er months. October was a busy month for the demand of Vintage Cars to attend Centennia l celebration s at town s and Churches , it was how­ ,, ever successful and we hop e appreciated. Not so appreciated was the poor attenda nce of cars and members at the hom estead run. It is alway s a shame and so discour­ aging to or ganisers of event s to put in so much work for so few people. November 27th we host ed the Nati onal Executive Meetin g wh ich enabled local members to meet the club executive. This occasion was appreciat ed and enjoyed by all members who attended. No vember Arthur and Mrs Hunters Triumph Super 7 seen on the Canterbury Annual club nigh t enabled members to Rally lunch stop at Coe's Ford. PAG E THIRTY stored Model ARoadster , the boot a good trip to th e Coast and mile tri p for a one day run mus t lid being the main problem. Neale really lapped up th e hospitality. surely pr ov e his ent husiasm. Whittak er ras had th e 1933 Ril ev The final event of the veal' was Fa the r C hristmas mad e his yea rly Lyn x motor running after so me th e C hris tmas par ty o n the Perry appearan ce, thi s tim e at th e Blu e m inor problems. He has a lso iust est at e a t Mapua. A ve ry good Lak e. The sky mat ched the lak e purch ased a 1937 Worsele y Seda n turnout of member s a nd fam ilies for col our and the turnout was mot or ca r. had a grea t tim e. Thanks a lot surely the biggest we have had thi s Tan Ludeman in New Plvmouth Lionel and Netta for your hos­ year. Yo u co u ldn't see Sa nta for ha s purc hase d ex member Gordo n pit ality and a reall y enjoyable kid s which is as it sho u ld be . This Marten's virtually resto red 1926 evening. wa s a great da v wh ich sta rted with Ch rysler 4 T ourer, and a host o f GRAEM E McCONNELL a run to co incide wi th the o pening spa re pa rts. He has to finish the of the old Wh ak a Post Office at re stora tion of th e hood and has the Te Amorangi Museum at all th e origina l part s to copy. The Hoiden s Bay. up ho lsterv has been co m plete ly re ­ ROTORUA On ce again our Patron and local stored bein g ret rimmed in genuine M.P. Harry Lapwood joined u s in brown leather. The ca r is ve rv re­ the Run. I am sure H a rr y spec ta b le and sho uld see Dawn . T am ofte n amazed at the co m­ thorou ghl y en joys th ese trips in a Tan and the two boys at a lot of ments received fro m the o lde r vintage, do ffing hi s stra w boa ter rallies. people when the y co me ac ro ss and waving to everyone a long th e COLlN JOHNSTON vintage ca rs miles fro m an ywh er e. wa y, Don Ang lis in his Maxwell and I had hop ed to write this lying mysel f in the 1926 C hrvs ler left on a sundrenched beach somewhe re Rot orua to spend th e C hris tmas on th e East Coast wat ching my NELSON period visiting fr iends in the eastern surfcas ting ro d bend under the pu ll part of the North Island. of a 20 lb Sna pper. In stead T am A fter sta ying overn ight on th e Blenheims annual Safa ri co n­ sitting a t the table wat ching the beach at Opotiki we sta rted round ra in pour down in Gisbo rn e and verged on Nel son for the last the East Ca pe. T he wea ther being week-e nd in October and a good ho ping th at it sto ps tom orrow fo r what it was we ca lled in a t eac h our journey do wn th e co ast to local turnout met th e visitors and hotel fo r a co ol beer a nd th is is viewed an int erest ing film of T on y Napi er . where th e commen ts sta rted. Like- ­ LES ANGUS Wollin's world tour in a C he v. " Y ou a re going round the Cape in tru ck. Bill Turner org an ised a tho se car s!" These same people did "cross-co untry" outing fo r Saturday exactly th at 40 or 50 years ago whi ch took in some o f the re ad ing when the so-c a lled road was jU5t SOUTH CANTY. on the Rosed al e Development a track with no bridges. Farm and other back country Th e Ca pe ro ad is now tar sea led road s. Most enjoyed them sel ves de­ Judgin g by the D ecember meet ­ spite the du st. all the wa v, so how come these ing, being a member of our Branch comments. Makes one wonder. Ar e Committee must be one of the The T apawera F ield Dav wh ich we soft in our old age or have our more hazardous occupa tions. be­ the C lub was invit ed to a ttend was memori es di mmed. We arrived in cau se tw o members hobbled al on g not we ll patronised for rea son s G isb orne af ter the most gloriou s ? n crutches, while ano ther limped unknown but the fo ur cars th at tr ip we have done round th e Ca pe. m un certa inl y. Back in Au gu st did mak e th e run had a good day T think the trip ha s to be done in Ne ville Christian had a leg badly out. a V int age Tourer to re all y appreci­ smashed wh en his po st-w ar Norton Several locals and families ate it. kicked back while he was attempt­ travelled to Marlborough recently Me anwhile back in Rotoru a ing to sta rt it, whil e La uric A rmit where th ey joined the Blenheim things hav e been hap peni ng . E ric broke a sma ll bon e in h is a nk le bo ys in a trip to the o ld K aik ak ah o Buckley's C lyno ha s go ne to Au ck ­ when he trod on a sto ne th e wro ng G old Mine. An int erest ing da y th at land. Don An glis has a 1926 wa v a t the Waimat e picnic run in ende d with a ba r bec ue. Chrvsler '58 Commercial on the -N ovcm ber. The th ird committee ro ad , and Roy Fl eet uses a Model casualt y was Bill Piddington, wh o The lon g-distan ce motor cycle T' pick -up for everyday transport. run orga nised by Jack Bier was havin g a bit of trouble wit h By th e time thi s is in pri nt , a new a hip. attracted 17 bikes. a ll P .V. , P .W .V. membe r, Brett Hayes, shou ld be and modern, on an enjoyable run. read y to motor in th e fam ily's 1923 So u th Ca nt er bury Bran ch mem­ Nel son . Lake Rot oit i, Blenheim Stude ba ke r a fter lon g sto rage in the be rs mu st have cre at ed a record and hom e ag ain was the co urse basem ent. of sorts recently whe n they took with morning tea a t Graham The Sec retarv's Econo my Run part in fo ur procession s in four Nicholl s bach at Rot oiti and lun ch staged in O ctober sa w 9 starters of our pro vincial towns in six at Bruyshaw Park. leave th e lake front to see whether weeks. Sta rt ing on N ovember 20, Twelve ca rs and a Vincent bik e they could afford to run a vintage there was th e centennial o f local from Nelson , Westp ort, Grey­ car. Sno w G reaves' 1924 Fiat pro ­ government a t G era ld ine , so me 22 mouth and Blenheim took part in duced the best figures. Other results m iles north of T ima ru , and th e th at m aj or event fo r Westport-the must hav e been equa lly sa tisfying celebrat ion s included a gra nd pro­ opening of the new Bul ler Bridge. as no one seems to hav e so ld his cession of a bou t 80 float s and 16 The procession , including the vin­ car. It ap pea rs we are prepa red to vintage cars. including so me non­ tage vehicles. cro ssed the new pa y for our hobby w hatever it may members in the form of the br idge, foll owin g the official o pen­ co st. Morrison fa m ily's coll ecti on o f old ing then ba ck over th e old bridge The yea rly Miss A insworth Rall y ca rs. and th e late Mr An gu s Bell 's for th e last time. Thousands of attract ed 26 entran ts fro m the Ba y 1905 D e Di on Bouton. "Miss Gel" loc al s turn ed out to witness th is clubs, including Rod Cl agu e from a ldine". great eve nt in beau tiful weather, Gisborne who came second to Two weeks later there was a and by a ll accounts eve ry one had Barry G ra n t, the winner . Rod 's 200 similar pr ocession 29 mil es so uth , PAGE THIRTY-ONE or' Timaru to mark a 100 years After all the procession s and the Internat ion al Harvester tractor­ of local government at Wairn ate , motor show , local members are hope to see it out soo n Bruce.Ed and besides a number of car s rearing to get on with some real Boyd has completed the panel work fielded there by this branch, there vintage motoring-and that 's just on his 1937 Au stin 7 and now were a few from across the rippling what we have scheduled for the awaiting a motor and gearbox over­ waters of Waitaki in North Otago. next couple of months: the annual haul. Leon Cr omarty is well on Part of thi s procession was shown mot orc ycle rall y on Janu ary 15, the way with the panel work on his on lV, and as Jim Sullivan's Roll s the Mid-Island rally on March 5, Hudson. Ed Bleackle y is making Royce Ph antom II glided ma jestic­ our annual Myster y Run on good progress in restoring his 1929 ally past in the background, the March 20. and the veteran rallv DA Dod ge- Ed has just joined reporter bra yed with typical accur­ at Eas ter. Here's hoping some of the club and it is good to see new acy of descr iption .. . . . and the yo u people from other bran ches members working ha rd and showing vintage car s rattled past "! can join us. up some of us o lder members. DANNY MORAN Arthur Evans is making great Two weeks after that, 10 mile s progress with the restoration of two up the Mt Cook Ro ad from Tirnaru H.e.S. roadster car s. These vehicles was the Annual Christmas Proces­ were made by Stutz and are a sion at Ple asant Point which alwavs WANGANUI ver y large sporting type of mot or ­ attracts quite a few members out car. Arthur has gone to great for a bit of fun . T his yea r, after length s to bu ild a complete new enjoying a socia l hour and some Recently 29 members. fam ily and bod y for one veh icle. he a lso made good mu sic at a certain large friends left to attend the combined a windscreen sur roun d and severa I building on Main Street, when the Wan gan ui, Mana watu and Well ing­ pieces for the dashb oard . Murrav procession had finished , members ton picnic he ld at Len Southward 's Hill is makin g progress with his were invited to the home of that property at Paraparaumu. 1931 Essex. man Quinn and his good wife All who attended enjoyed a Daphne for supper. Finally, on relax ing day just walking around Wan ganui was agai n the host to New Year's Dav there was another and looking at a great collection. the second round of the Marlboro Annual Procession , thi s time the These included a Second War Mer­ series of motorcycle race s and a Fairlie Countrv and Western Car­ cedes staff car , a veteran Mari on , good day's racin g was provided nival one, which also draws cars which is under restoration, as well although there wasn 't anv classic from Ashburton and North Otago as a host of other car s, bicycles, racing of the oldies e.g.•A.1.S. 7R . Branches too . motorcycles and even a plane that Manx Norton etc. Severa l V.e.e. was used for the Blenh eim Air members from other bran che s were It' s not that we reall y enjoy this Pageant. Len got out the big noti ced around the circu it-Bruce type of activity, crawling along at Stutz racer and fired it up-very Carrod, Hastin gs: Fred Hemming­ slow speeds, anxiously watching impressive. All in all a verv good way, Hawer a: Ne il and D ianne the temperature, and hoping it' s day out. . Barn ard , Auckland . not too hard on the clut ch, and ..Warren Birch is on his way to later, while on static displa y. seeing lom. the Wellington branch, after For those that may be inte reste d that too man y sma ll boys don 't the Wan ganu i V.e.C. c1ubro om s bu ying a garag7 and establ ishing a clamber over our cars all at once, Ford agenecv m Porirua. He also will be open on the night the but members feel it is something has the 1928 N ational Chev mobile. North Island Tour passes thro ugh. of a community service to turn o ut Roy Kerfoot has finished the For those who are keen on a ch in for the se occasions, helping the restoration of a 1927 Morris Ox­ wag and a noggin, the clubrooms organisers to depict whatever theme ford and we are look inc forward are in Ridgway Street behind the they are striving for, whether it to seeing it on the ro ~d . Bruce vehicle testing station. be the Old and the New, or iust Ardell ha s just purchased a 1936 the fascination of age itself. BARRY FRANCIS Eight a.m . on Boxing Day saw a lot of activity down on Caroline Bay, as ca rs arri ved at the Bay Hall to form part of an exhibition of vintage cars, model aeroplanes and model engineering items that the Caroline Bay Association was staging as an added attraction at their annual carnival. Our task was made more difficult by a city council ruling that all the ca rs PHOENIX GROUP OF COMPANIES had to be dr iven into the hall on PHOENIX ASSURANCE CO.OF NEW ZEALAND LTD plank s, and parked on plank s for the duration of the Show. Evidently PROVIDENT LIFE ASSURANCE CO. LTD. the city fathers had fears for the safety of their dance floor when subjected to the weight of such FIRE - LIFE - ACCIDENT - MARINE massive machines as Terrv Wilson's VINTAGE & VETERAN VEH ICLE lovely Barker touring bodied Rolls Ro yce, Jim Sullivan's 4t litre INSURANCE Bentlv, and John Quinn's Viva Six tourer. In all, we had 7 Christchurch Branch: P.O. Box 38 bikes and 20 cars on display in­ cluding Eric Robins '06 Darracq , 82 'H EREFORD STREET Phone 791-054 Bill Piddingtori's ' 10 Regal, Alan Averis's '11 Overland, and Terry Local Offices Throughout New Zealand Wilson's ' 13 Fiat. PAGE THIRTY-TWO FOR SALE

RADIATORS AND WHEELS: SURROUNDS: Set of 6 Houk wire 19" centre-lock with Lagonda 1911 v.g. 575.00 hubs. Good. $250.00 Wolseley 1920's v.g. $75.00 Pair Daimler 23" B.E. and diff to match. Ex . $150.00 Buick 1923 v.g. $75.00 Pair Houk No . 5 B.E . 23". V.g. $100.00 Humber 1922 V.g. $75.00 1937 Pontiac wire wheels-set of five. v.g, $100.00 Rover 1904-07 f. 575.00 Desoto 1929 g. $45.00 Dodge 1927 g. $45.00 Hillman Coventry f. $30.00 Nash 1926-27 f. $35.00 Hudson 1923 v.g. $40.00 INSTRUMENTS: Standard 1922-24 f/rough $45.00 A.C. 1923-24 g. $60.00 Dodge 1925/26 speedo-amp-oil. V.g. $38.00 set Citroen 1923? g. $55.00 Chev 1930/31 roud. Full set speedo- amp-oil-gas-water. Ex. $42.00 set Chev speedo 1925. Ex. $25.00 Stewart and Stewart Warner speedos- give details of your needs. CARBURETTORS:

Ford 1915 $15.00 Marvel D44/45 $15.00 Holley Model K $15.00 Ford V8 bearing sets (2), part No. 686333A, Rayfield MR3 $15.00 n.o .s, $35.00 Schebler Model R $15.00 Ford V8 front right mudguard, n.o.s, $95.00 Rayfield M2V $15.00 Magnetos I, 2, 4, 12 cyl. $10-$25 Lubricator Model Pair Cadillac 1912 headlights, v.g, $175.00 25 $15.00 6 cyl. Star 1925 rnotor-clutch-gj box assy, $125.00 Detroit Lubricator J2B5 $15.00 Reo motor 2 cyl. incomplete. Has timer Stromberg OEI $15.00 and lubricator, flywheel and steel engine Movals-Solex 46 Large $25.00 mount frame, no barrels. $195.00 1920/21 Wolseley motor, radiator and front half of chassis. $75.00 All glass bead blasted. N .Z. number plates 1926 on $2.00 to 58.00 each

PAYNEN FULL GASKET SETS OIL PAN GASKET SETS New old stock all $9.90: New old stock all $4.95: Hillman 1939-45 Wolseley 6/80 1952-54 Ford 8 h.p, 1932-39 Jaguar 3.5 Mk5 Singer 10 1938-49 Studebaker Commander 1936-50 Singer 9 1938-48 J932-39 Studebaker Champion 1939 Citroen 6 cyl, 1948 on Citroen 1934-55

Please allow 10% for freight, packaging and handling. VINTAGE CARS AND PARTS (N.Z.) LTD. P.O. BOX 4216 HAMILTON PHONE 64-234

PAGE THIRTY-THREE agai n another en ioya ble get- we obviously gave the people made WELLINGTON togeth er. it a memora ble day. All members On the financial front, local live contributed to the ente rta inment wire Ray Ivin has pr oduced a answe ring questions and discussing On ce "g ain we are grateful to Mr co lour T.V. set for our raff le. This the 'good old da ys' of pion eer and Mrs Len So uthward for their pro ject is to host the National motoring. We arrived at Chr is ho spit alit y in hostin g our combined Rall y next year. We were fo rtunate Wo od s property as the sausages branches picnic . T ho ugh un able to enough to hav e space mad e ava il­ were co ming hot off the plate and be present m yself , more than one abl e by a city bank to displ ay D ave a grea t array of food and bever age local club mem ber has asked me Palm er's Humberette where raffle kept us happy for the evening. to express their a pprec iation per tickets aplenty were sold . Inc ident­ Father Ch ristm as made a brief medium of these notes. The usual ally , this cut e vehicl e made its appear ance on the scen e with lolli es pleasant air of informality we hav e debut on the occasion of ou r etc . come to ex pect was again evident. November rall y. Th anks Dave for T wo Waik at o ca rs too k part in An added bonus was the viewing of your co-o pera tion. the Nation al Veteran Rall y a t the now legend ar y mu seum. the DI CK GADD H astin gs last November and I ha d m ight y Stutz an d the Mercedes the pleas ure of navigat ing Theo de Sports were brough t out fo r clo ser Leeu w's car in tha t rall y. It was ins pect ion as well as the electric a marvellous week -end . Th e ra lly car. Add to th is the swimming pool WAIKATO was well or gan ised and the Satur­ frolics and readers will understand day night beer festiv al would be that a good time was had by all. On reflection, the past year has one of the most enterta ining even­ Kindred club member s ca me from been acti ve fo r the club. The Feb­ ings I have att ended. as far afield as Wa nga nui, Wa i­ ruary Antique Auto Show had MAX R EID rarapa, and Man awatu. moderat e success and Double 50 A ne w high was attai ned by ou r was po pular as usual. Our big clu b captain Terry Mathers and his disappointment was the lack of aides in organising our November entries in the November No rth rall y. Almos t fifty sta rters entered, Island P.V. rall y. Th e club had Letters and as a mem ber of the two little o ptio n but to can cel the event, to theEdjtor wh~el e r fra terni ty, I mu st say it but we intend to try aga in next was a mo st enj o yable ru n. Our year. sincere thanks to General Motors Over the past few years the com ­ El dersfle ld, for the use of their ca feteria as mitt ee has had man y fund rai sing Llanbadoc, the lun ch sto p. activities with the hope of o bta ining Usk, Following the usual co nvivial clubrooms . In M ay this year we G went NP5 ISY dinner on Saturday evening, our intend to run an 'Antiqu e Car U.K. annua l auction was held on Sun­ Show ' in Chartwell Squa re sho p­ 29 /1 1/7 6 day morning. As a result , club pin g co mplex. We will present to Sir funds will benefit to the extent of the public a displa y of a bout 55 For a number of yea rs I have nearly $300. cars and hope to have a fa ir re­ been co llecting informati on on the We are indeh ted to Barrv pre sen tati on of a ll cla sses and types Star Cyc le Co ., Star Mot or Co . Wicken s for his info rmative talk of vehi cles. and Sta r Engineering Co., of on the subjec t of Elect ropl at ing and Our T wilight Run in November Wol verh ampton . England. the prepar ation of wo rk at our was supposed to take adv ant age of Recentl y I pur chased two books November club night. He had all our lovely sum mer motoring publi shed by A. H. & A. W. Reed the an swers to so me cur ly qu estions weather, but it was free zing. Never­ of Wellington and both these book s th rown at him , and o bvio usly theless we had a good turnout and refer to a Star Cyc le Co . of knows his subject. it was good to see three veterans Chri stchu rch and on page 19 of Wellington was aga in well repre­ entered, two with their tops down. The Veteran Years of New Ze a­ sented at the Masterton Motor The run finished at the Reese's land M otor ing there is a picture Cycle rall y. This is always an residence where Mik e and Trica put of M r F. N. Ad arn s standing with en joyable week -end away, and the on a splendid barbecue mea l. his Star car. T here are a number fact that it co nsistently draws Our final outing for the year was of similarities between this car and entries fro m the H awkes Bay and an Old Folks run and Christmas the 6 h.p, marketed in 1901 and T aranaki riders is ample testimony barbecu e and party. Th e run was 1902 by the Brit ish Co ., but it of the fact. an inf ormal procession of about appears to use a steel tu be chassis. A heart y thankyo u to Ro y and 20 ca rs to five olel peoples homes. Th e Briti sh Co . onl y used stee l F rances E lwin for organising yet I can ass ure yo u that the plea sure tub es on th eir origina l Benz type model. Can you tell me whether the car illu str ated was of New Zealand RALLY PLAQUES, CAR BADGES, manu facture, or assembled fro m Engine Plates and Sundries purchased components (I have seen an identi cal bon net re- Colin and Rosemary Ja ck would like to adv ise new postal addr ess: cently in thi s co untry) or is in P.O. BOX 152, ARROWTOWN fac t an imp orted car fro m the CENTRAL OTAGO. U.K .? It is a rem ark ably we ll Residential. Cnr Thames Street and Centennial Ave . ARROWTOWN. designed little ca r for a prototype. A number of picture s in the sam e We will as always welcome enqu iries and Club visitors as in the boo k refer to the E nglish Stars as past, and also give prompt service. Star Stua rts or plain Stua rts. Ca n We have man y hundreds of diff erent badg es, plates etc far too man y you tell me if this happened be­ to mention individually, for Cars, Cycles and Comm ercials. cause there was alread y a Star Cycle Co . of New Zealand? PAGE THIRTY-FOUR If there is any inform ation on such phrases as " revulsion from the New Zealand Company I the flashy mediocrity of the pre­ would be most interested in a sent day". 'potted' history. Are you reall y so short of suit­ Classified ads I have a 1905 7 h.p . Star similar abl e material'! I doubt it. Over to the car in the centre of the six months ago members were picture shown on page 89 of the urged to supply features on road same book . tests etc. At least one illustrated YOUR AD will have grea ter If the car shown on page 19 is article supplied as a result is still impact in a bord er. Remit $3.00 of British manu fact ure and there awaiti ng space; and with encour­ extra to norm al rates and ask are other pho tos of this car with­ agement more ar ticles of this kind for Box Ad. ou t Mr Adam s obstructing a larg e wou ld come forward from all over port ion I would be mo st grateful the country. to receive copi es. Any cop ying ex­ I would beg that this club mag­ penses will be reimbursed. azine, sub sidised by club members RATES FOR CLASSII'IEDS One final point regard ing the first to give news and background Members of Vintage Cor Club Inc . Star imported. Th ere are references readin g on club vehicle s and activi­ $ J.50 for first 40 words or less t he re­ elsewhere of it having arrived in ties, should once again express its afte r 2 cents pe r word. 1900 and not 1899 as sta ted in the basic principles and become the Non Member book. If it was an 1899 car it is true voice of this Vin tage Ca r $2 .00 for first 40 words or less th e re­ old er than any Star mentioned in Club of New Zealand. a ft e r 2 cents pe r wor d . the U.K. jou rnals of the time. 0 ALISTAIR ROBINSON BOX AD $3 .00 ex t ra to ab ove ra tes. Stars were illustr ated until late (North Shore Branch) Jul y 1899, aIthough advertisements PHOTO AD $8 .00 ex tra to ab ove rates. first appeared in May. TIle actual Th e 50th A nniversary of a com­ Enclose good blac k a nd whi te photo. year of its importing is of great pany assembling motor vehicles in Advert isements mu st be typ ed or clearly intere st and help in dat ing the fir ~t New Zealand was considered suili­ pri n te d . car s. ciently important and newsworthy to CHEQUE OR POSTAL NOTE MUST BE Should you kn ow of an yone be record ed in ou r magazine.Quite ENCLOSED requiring info rmation on the U.K. G .l\{. apart fro m this ha ve been a Send to: The Advertisin g Manager, Stars 1 would be ver y glad to very loyal supporter of Beaded p.a. Box 131 40, hel p. At the mom ent I am assisting W heels alm ost since th e first issue. CHRI STCHURCH. thre e people in Australia who ar e We would have lik ed the 1927 not late r than 10 th of mont h preceding restoring Star cars . Vau xhall in a more prominent posi­ publica t ion. NEALE A. LA WSON tion and it is only a pity Beaded A s far as we kn ow thi s car has IIOt Wheels was not thought of when th e FOR SAL E photographs were taken . Th e evellt survived.- Ed . Hud son Wasp, Hornet, Co m­ however, rath er than th e cars them­ mod ore. Brand new 6 inlet, 6 selves was in mind ill the selection exhaust valves, $9 each . Also Sir, of our cover picture. A 11 material Wasp or Hornet full wheel ca ps, I am writing to express my dis­ was supplied gratis. $15 each. Other Hudson spares appointment and disgust upon A t thi s stage we are not sho rt of available. Write Bruce Stacey, seeing the cover of the Dec lJan articles and the one y on ref er to 779 Childers Road, Gi sborne, issue of the magazine which is has been typed out from hand or Phone 88-205. designed to be the voice of the writt en copy. edit ed and now typ e­ ,~.. vinta ge car movement in New set and appears ill this issue . Zealand . When Beaded Wheels re­ - Edito r WANTED sorts to stra ight commercial pro paga nda on its cover it drags Sir . 1939 Buick 8. the club' s publicati on to a new I have heard a great deal of Whole or parts. Repl y J. G . low. criticism from man y locals about Wilson (member), Kerrytown So you claim it's not pro­ the choice of cover for the Decem­ 4 R.D., Tim aru. Or Phone paganda? Then why wasn't South­ ber jJanuary issue No . 103. There 827M Ternuka collect. wards 1927 Vauxhall placed are many people who feel that it proudly in the foreground, instead is most inappropriate, and indeed of skulking out of the spotlight offensive, to publish what the v FOR SAL E behind G .M .'s latest gleaming believe to be an advertisement for ARIEL 500 c.c, R.H. cre ation. And why does a hal f the Vauxhall Che vette on the cover 1939 SPRINGER page inside the magazine feature of our club journa l. There are $5,000 the 1967 facto ry opened by Sir tho se who hold a more moderate Max Olsson. Ph one New Ply­ Keith Holyoake? We may appreci­ view but who strongly decry the mouth 88-528 eve, 87-126 bus. ate the par t G.M. has pla yed in placing of the 1927 Vauxhall to the history of motoring, but surely the rear of the Chevette, believing that is no rea son to make our that it would be better placed to CHASSIS RESTORATIONS ma gazine a G.M. benefit. It would the fore. If you need your cha ssis re­ be interesting to know whether I wish to strongly disassociate paired, rebuilt, sections of your General Motors supplied the cover myself from these opinions and chassis. or bra cket s reproduced pho tograph free of charge or instead I would like to congratu­ to original, contac t, late you on so effectively illus­ wheth er club me mbers also sub­ PARAHAKI E NGINEERING sidised this. tra ting what our movement is all May be it's time the edito rial ab out and the reason why we P.O. Box 528, committee reread the ded ication of collect the cars we do. WHANGAREI Beaded Whee ls printed on the E. E. STEVENS Wor kmanship guaranteed open ing page and took note of North Shore Branch P AGE THIRTY-FIVE CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH, DODGE. DESOTO, MAXWELL, AUTO RESTORAnONS FARGO, GRAHAM BROS . Notice is hereby given to owners of an y of the above mentioned LIMITED vehicles of a newly formed club officially recorded with the recog­ nised Car Clubs of New Zealand as the Chrysler Restorers Club of New Zealand. We ca n now offer If you are interested in the restoration, preservation and C USTOM TUBE BENDING information about your ca r, we can help you! for exhaust systems on For further information contact the Secretary. C lo Box 673 ALLC A RS and Manurewa MOTORCYCLES AUCKLAND I " to 2" 0 .0. FOR SAL E The fo llowing Sorry- N o fitting WANTED Veteran, Vintage and Post Vintage Fo r A.J.S. 1949 350. To finish Manuals. Alvis-Road Test of the my bike I require a Smiths 0-85 3 litre Saloon also publicity bro­ Enquiries to P.O. Box 22273. rn .p.h. speedo and a 6 x 4 car­ chure, technical specifications of Phone 69-988, burettor slide. I will pay your the Speed 20 with colour pictures. or call at 63 St. Asaph Street, price for good examples. Gary Lanch ester- IO h.p, (circa 1934) CHRISTCH URC H Laskey, 15 Pine Street, Gis ­ Brochure, technical information, borne. Phone 4600. Body styles and colour schemes. Wo lseley Manuals - 11/22 h.p ., 12/ 32 h.p. (2 copies), Fourteen WANTE~New or second hand (printed May 1923),Fifteen (printed 400 or 450 x 19" Michelin tyres for A COMPLETE GASKET June 1921), 16/45 h.p. (Printed my French vintage car. Can trade SERVICE Nov. 1927), Twenty (printed July for ot her brands if necessary. John Copper asbestos head gaskets 1922), 21/60 h.p. (Eight cylinder), Hearne, 54 King Edward Avenue, handmade to your pattern. All Ninth Edition (printed June 1920) Bayswater, Auckland 9. Phone types of copper and copper covering 16/20 h.p., 24/30 h.p., 457-629. asbest os rings and joints; mani­ 30/40 h.p., (Veteran). List of spa re NOTE ON NORTH ISLAND fold gaskets in suitable materials. parts for Stellite car ( 1914 Season), TOUR Over 25 years experience com­ Running Instructions for the Tokoroa Branch are hosting the bined with top grade materials Wol seley Ten (printed Jan 1921), tour on Saturday, 5th Ma y, com­ assures you of a first class job. Workshop Instructions for 16/45 menc ing with afternoon tea at the H. C. (Joe) Moore, 6 Gloria h.p. (printed 1928). Prefer to sell clubroorns, Lichfield and noggin Avenue, Te Atatu North, Auck­ to car owners. Reply Jo hn Herne, and natter in evening. Sunday. 6th. land , 8. (M ember). 54 King Edward Ave , Bayswater, 10 a.m. -run to John Bayl y's farm Auckland 9. at Tirau whe re a swap meet will be held . Members from surround­ ing branches are welcome to attend these functions which will end with a barbecue tea. The tour will be farewelled on 7th .

WANTED For 1929 Indian Chief motor­ cycle. Co mplete motor or pair of good cylinders for 61", or cylinde rs and heads for 74", pair of 74" flywheels. Timing chest cover, 3 screw mount oil pump type . outer prim ary drive cover. rea r chainguard, pair of foot­ boards, carrier and rear stand. 1929 "Bullet" headlight. HAVE FOR SWAP 1916 power-plus motor, veter­ an B.A.T. tank, "Big-valve" power-plus front cylinder. num­ erous "Scout" and "Chief" parts, HILLCLIMB WHEELS earl y Mac Velo cylinder, Army Pair of original factory twin rear wheel s complete with hubs (as Indian parts, BSA B3I parts, photograph) both in good order ex T ipo 8 cm Ma sterati circa 1934, Ariel single parts, Triumph T iger could be easily adapted for other machinery. Each wheel takes two Cub parts, complete "lames " Dunlop 500 x 19 racing cove rs. Also pair of G .N. wheels and hubs auto-cycle. D. K.R ogers, 168 complete with locking hub nut s. Repl y to John Hearne, 54 King Valley Road, Henderson, Auck­ Edward Avenue, Bayswater, Auckland 9. land .

P AGE THIRTY-SIX FOR SALE- 1917 Model T roadster partly restored, br and FOR SALE AUTO new turtle deck , four tyres and Rad iat or in good condition for RESTORATIONS LTD tub es and running boards only 1914 American Overland car. L.M .V.D. few parts missing. Body in Offers to Bill Mulder, R.D. I, Maungaturoto. Phone 325M New wooden bod y frames a nd reasonable condition. $ 1500. Also 19: 6 Ford T roadster bod y in fa ir Ievenings. repairs condition $30. Please contact G . W. Panel work repairs. McGregor, 109 Reservoir Ro ad, WANTED - 1938 Buick park New panel work - gua rds, etc. Oamaru. Phone 71-124. (Member). light s. Will sell 1930 Chrysler Mechanical overhauls. WANTED - American Bantam Coupe parts. Doors, front and Fa brica tion of repl acem ent engine, complete or otherwise, rear guards, side mount brackets, parts. an y condition. Surely there mu st fro nt bumper, radiator core, Spare parts. be one somewhere. Looks just badge, front axle. steering bo x, Vehicles bought, sold, sold like an Au stin 7 engine if viewed bits and pieces. The lot $25.00. on behalf. in a mirror, with slight differences. L. Jenkins, 66 Kiripaka Road, Wh angarei. Phone 73-035. Phone, write or call Will buy or can swap 1925 Harley Davidson motor about WANTED TO BUY-for 1928 AUTO RESTORATIONS 1000 c.c ., incomplete, or other model B. Ariel; tank fittings, 63 St Asaph Street Ban tam parts, A7 parts, Fiat Topo­ suita ble mag, primary chain-case. lino parts, Hand Klaxon, wind-up bulbhorn, chainguard, carrier. ex­ Christchurch gramo phone, portable TV, etc . Ivan hau st system, any other parts ap­ Phone 69-988 G ardiner, 326 Panama Road, Ota­ preci at ed . Could swap Raleigh 250 P.O. Box 22273 huhu, Auckland. Phone Ot ahuhu motor and other M IC parts, veteran 65-291. Overland motor, most parts of WANT TO BUY-folding type 26-28 Pontiac. John Hayman, 4 sea ts to convert 5 sea ter T ourer R.D. Balclutha, South Ot ago WANTED TO BUY to 7 seater, al so speedo for 1918 (member). 1936-39 Hillman o r Humber 10. Buick 6, could swa p for veteran WANTED TO SW AP -Restored Mu st have sound body, no ru st, Dodge speedo, also head rest 1949 B.S.A . CIO. Accepted tidy interior. Mech ani cal brackets for same Buick. W rite to P.W.V. No. 37. Complete sp are condition not too im po rtant. D. Lang, 62 Rutherford Road , motor. Exchange for unrestored, Plea se write to Gibson , 80 Napier. complete vintage motorcycle, an y Folk stone Drive, Hasting s. All make con sidered. Replies to B. replies answered. Hayman. 4 RD. Balclutha, South AUTO RESTORATIONS Ot ago (member). FO R SA LE -1938 Packard Sed an LTD 8 cylinder, dismantled 2 cars L.M.V.D. running gear and parts, and are proud to announce th eir complete right and left hand appointments as New Zealand drive, original radio heater etc . Agents for main body shell floor rusty but restora ble $350 o.n.o. Phone A. WEFCO LEATHER SPRING Bilyard 6942, Whakatane. GAITERS WANTED-Tail light, complete Literature available from : front and rear bumper bars, rear AUTO RESTORATIONS ashtrays, petrol tank cap. All for 1929 D.A. Dodge. For Sale­ LTD G ra y motor four cylinder 1925 63 St. Asa ph Street, Dodge Bros. headlight, two 1955 WANTED-for 1927 Chrysler Christchurch Le Velocettes all there plu s lots Hearse restoration parts as sho wn. P.O. Box 22273 of new parts and second hand Two loop door handles, a nd one Telephone 69-988 ones. Will exchange L.E.s for 500 each of other parts as shown, a lso c.c. Motorcycle, single or twin . an y hearse fittings if suita ble. Will Jim Billyard, 687 Portobello Road, buy or swap. Replies 1. Mair, HUDSON, Essex, Terrapl ane Club Broadbay, Dunedin. Phone 854. Box 33 Clyde , Otago. of New Zealand. Dedicated to pre ­ FOR SALE-Army Indian , in serv ing the great ca rs bu ilt by good go ing order. Reg istered and WANTED Hudson. H.E.T. own er s, join our W.O.F. Motor bored to 60 degrees progressive club and obtain man y OS. Also another bike for parts, Unrestored but mu st be benefits, monthly maga zine , tech­ and parts of a third bike. Offe rs absolutely complete P.V. or nical tips , library. Fo r further over $900. Roly May. 39A Nevada P.W.V. English or Continental, information contact Member ship Drive, New Plymouth. Ph one classic or . Preference Secretarv. 55 Bennetts Ro ad . 87-298 . Bentley, but other models considered. Replies to F. L. Hickman, 51 Straven Road, FOR SALE Christchurch I. Phone 45-110 . 1937. h.p, six cylinder. G enuine 67,000 miles. New rings , bearings, valves, clutch . Interior and hood lining original and as wANTED TO BUY , Model T new. Body and paintwork good. This car would be one of the Parts 13-14. Please write or call best in New Zealand. Regi strati on and warrant. Colour grey. $2,600 collect. P. Ball , 2 G rea t South o.n.o. Terms a pproved bu yer. Original hand book. Write to Road, Papatoetoe. Ph . Pop 88-698. B. Stacey, 779 Childers Road, or Phone 88-205 Gisbome. (Member). PAGE THIRTY-SEVEN WANTED-For 1930 Mo del A FOR SALE-WORKSHOP MANUALS Pheat on , hoo d bows and front and SU NBEAM RAPI ER: Series HI lIJA Alpine series I and 11. $15 rear seats. For swapping-one AUTO REPAIR MANUAL: Co vers American ca rs. Covers 700 horn , 2 fro nt mud guard s (l Jh, r /h) mod els. 225,000 repair facts. $38. both with wells and a steel radi ator AM ERI CAN NA TI ONAL SERVICE DATA BOOK covers a ll surro und. Wayne Hawker, 14 Am erican ca rs 1936-I948 mo tors, carburett ors electri ca l etc. $45. Hargest Cresce nt, Christchurch 2. MORRIS MINOR S: Series MM . $14. Phone 795-913. ROV ER S: 60-75·90 . $15. WANTED-Willys Jeep or Ford CHE V ROLET 1955: Booklet. $5. G .P.W. chassis, an y condition, also AN GLIA 250 and 350K G . $5. any other part s. Also req uired six cylinder s.v. motor for 1929 Sta n­ Write to Bruce Stacey, 779 Childers Road , G isborne dard . Repl y D. F. Creed, 2 Park or Phone 88-205. Road . Belm ont, Lower Hu tt. (Member). FOR SALE - / 4, 1927 ORIG INAL sale s catalogues fo r PARTS 1948 Standard Car. For all Clifton Tourer. Co llectors dream . sale- Collector is disposing items parts. Also motor to fit Jagu ar SS Going ord er, original unr estored indiv idually. They inclu de A.C., 36/37 12 h.p. Write to S. Chee t­ co ndition, fully inta ct, almost full Alvis, Aston Mar tin, Bristol, ham , 12 Worcester Street, Levin or complement of or iginal tools, Bugatti , Facelvega, Ferrari, 150, Phone 84-659 business hours. grease gun, pum p etc. Bod y in Jaguar, Jensen, Lagond a, Lam­ (Member). excellent condit ion. Or iginal borghini, Maser atti, Pegaso, ROY A LENFIELD 700 c.c. T win leather upholstery. Writ e Au stin, Porsche, Rolls-Ro yce, S.S. Serious Meteor 1953. Motor and cycle parts III b Heref ord Stret , Christchurc h. co llectors please write for complete wanted (especia lly saddle and left list which covers pre-war and post­ hand side tool box ). Literatu re on WANTED -for 1929 Model A: same required. Repl ies to All an Headli ght lenses, Tudor outside war items. Graham Pilgrim, 39 Lyndhurst Close, Craw ley, RH I1 Th ornpson , P.O. Box 1366, Wellin g­ door handl es and windo w winders. ton. Phone 720-23 1. fo ur 21 inch wheels, fo ur hubcaps, BAR, Sussex, England. horn , radi ator and radi ator she ll. W. J. Fre w, R.D. 5. T aihape . WANTED-Bab y Triumph cycle part s and wheels. 195 INort on International rear mudguard and tool box. Will swa p Rud ge motor and gearbox part s or Ca mmy NATIONAL Nort on parts. R. W. Holrnes, No . I Crossroad, RD. 3, Hamilton. Phone 8303 Ca mbridge , evenings. (mem ber). PRE 1956 SWAP- B.S.A.Bant am parts: B.31 engine: B.33 engine: man y B.S.A. C.IO part s: and Ariel sprin g-heel fram e. Requ ire- com plete set MG gird er forks for 1938 B.S.A. 500 c.c.Sports motorcycle. Also 1928 Essex radi a tor surro und and side light brack ets., John Simmons , RALLY R.D. 5, Wellsford. Phone 5117. (Member). WANTED- Ch assis and steel wellside tra y for 1937 or 1938 Ford V8. Gearbox for 1929-30 EASTER 1977 (April 8th M 11th ) De Soto 8. Any 3 speed Chrysler product from 1929 to 1934 is suitable. G . Andrew, R.D. 4, Wellsfor d. Phone 5076. Two full days of MG Motoring and Social WANTED Side-car chassis for Indian Chief. long spring type. Events for MG: 1926 to 1955. Can swa p Harl ey "C" spring chassis or "Ftexi" (U.S.A.) chass is. Ca n anyon e supp ly details of Tank Monogram of Gamage M IC For details write to Rally Secretary (so ld by Garnages of Lond on 1902-1924), Wood , 7 Maxwell Avenue, Papatoetoe. Len May WANTED C / M Milton Grange Pharmacy, Any veteran kero sene or acetylene sidelights, tail-lights, headli ght s, 282 Colombo Street, horn s, generat or s or other acces­ CHRISTCHURCH 2. sor ies. Single items or com plete collections of interest. AUTO RESTORATION S LTD. P.O. Box 22273, Ch ristchurch. PAGE THIRTY-EIGHT WANTED-1930 Ford Pheaton rear body section and hood bows, VINTAGE RADIO SERVICE or complete body. Have Whippet, Specialists in the repair and restoration of car radios from mid Dodge, Buick and Model A parts thirties to present date. to swap. F . Collins, et» P.O. A few radios in stock at all times as well as a complete aer ial Henley, Otago. Phone HY-895. service. All work carried out by qualified serviceman. VINTAGE RADIO SERVICE FOR SALE-1947 Standard Flying Cl«: 10 Duna Place 8 in very good condition. Has been restored by vintage club member. Palmerston North Genuine reason for sale. $500. Phone 61-193 Whangarei or write G. R. Dawson. 2 Montague Place, Onerahi, Whangarei. (Member). FOR SALE SELL-Austin 12/4 Truck. 1928, ANSALDO 4C circa 1923 partly restored; spares include WANTED -Pre War American Complete car in kitset form, but crankcase and "heavy" gearbox. Coupe, prefer Chev or similar in minus body with enough spares in­ Enquiries to Robert Shand, Box 13, good original or restored condition. cluding a chassis to build a second Fairlie. Phone 25 collect. Also want Morris 8 sports wind­ car. Plus several spare motors, screen and brackets and 1933 gearboxes, radiators, axles etc . PARTS WANTED for 1925 Rolls Royce P.!. Tourer; Windscreen Morris Minor handbook. Jack Offers for all or part will be con­ Blyth. 26 Trafford Street. Christ­ sidered. frame .Hood bows or iron work, 2 large D type Park lights. If you church. Phone 596-496. AUTO RESTORATIONS LTD. have any of the above parts off a L.M.V.D. large English Tourer of the same FOR SALE-1954 Daimler Con­ P.O . Box 22273, Christchurch, quest. Original radio, heater and 63 St. Asaph Street. era they may suit. Buy or swap for any of the following : Pre-war handbook. Sound condition. Price $550 o.n.o. P.O. Box 101, Bright­ WANTED-1934 body. Motor Rola car radio in good cond., Aulster windscreen frame­ water, Nelson. Phone 809 Bright­ Could swap my station wagon body water. (non original). Sell-Rover 9 (1926) suit M.G. or similar, 1908 brass side light (original). Smiths 8 day brass radiator $60.00. Phone Wel­ WANTED-for single cyl, De lington 687-824 or write M. J. clock. Richard Langridge (Mem­ Dion, C. 1904. I need a steering Driscoll, 13 Te Whiti Grove, Koro ber) . 18 Linden Street, Mt Roskill, Auckland. Phone 675-899. un it or any parts plus a front axle. Koro, Petone. For 1905 type AB two cyl. De PL YMOUTH PE4 Saloon 1934. WANTED-Has anybody any leads Dion I need a steering column and Complete body less bonnet and or parts suitable for my 1915 box and a gear lever. For 1911 grill , very little rust. No running Series 16 SF4 Studebaker roadster. Renault two cyl. a radiator, gear­ gear or motor. 2 vacuum units, Urgently require 26" diameter box and carburettor. For c. 1906 good windscreen, steering box. wooden felloe wheels and rims Darracq 4 cyl . approx. 10 litres , I Would make good parts car. Cheap suitable 34 x 4 straight sided tyres, need a large steel cased gearbox. I or swap for 1928 Dodge Standard generator Wagner EM 214 or 114 also require engine parts for my Six parts. John Moroney, 81 type 45w and any body or other Silver Ghost Rolls Royce, or Porangahau Road, Waipukurau. parts. Also require for '28 Chev would purchase a complete eng ine (Member). roadster, doors and rear body if necessary. Lots of swaps avail­ panels or measurements or com­ able or would purchase for cash. FOR SALE-1934 Ford "Y". Easy plete car. All replies answered. Gavin Bain , "Waitahuna", Main restoration. Has spare motor, good Contact John Rogers, "Foxburn", Road, Governors Bay, Christ­ body, 3 new (additional) tyres plus Fairlie, South Canrerburry. church. other bits. Would consider swap for vintage bike restored I restorable. Price $500. For further particulars write or phone Kerry Brady, 73-272 or 7 William Street, Whangarei. WINGS & WHEELS SPECTACULAR (Member). Sunday, 13th March, 1977 FOR EXCHANGE only. Will ex­ change Si A frame and forks To assist the fund raising campaign for the "Sir Keith Park Velocette, for Speedway Rudge Memorial Airfield" at Meola Road, Point Chevalier, Auckland. parts. Would also exchange Velo­ A grand Wings and Wheels Spectacular of vehicles and aircraft cette KSS MkII motor complete of all descriptions will be held at the PUKEKOHE RACECOURSE carbo and mag. for similar Rudge on SUNDAY, 13th MARCH, 1977. Speedway motor. This Vel o. engine All manner of events. such as Aerobatics, Formation, Handling, will fit into above Velo. frame. Re­ Novelty, Aerial Spraying and Air Racing. together with competition plies to Box 43, Nuhaka H.B. motor racing and time trials, and an attempt at the World Speed Record for Electric cars, will take place. SWAP-1931 500 C.c. o.h.c. Ariel Square Four, restored, for complete Mass parachute drop, gliding and hot air ballons, with model pre 1915 car. Wanted-White and steam railway, veteran and vintage cars, model aircraft, fire fighting, Poppe single cylinder mic engine double deck er buses, and helicopter rides. as fitted to Aricl, King Dick. Swift In other words-something of interest for the whole family. etc. Also any parts or information on Swift m Ic circa 1914. Dale SUNDAY, 13th MARCH 1977 Conlon, 6 Pitfure Road, Wakefield. Phone 245. PAGE THIRTY-NINE WANTED VINTAGE ELECTROPLATING ZENITH CA RBURETTOR (British made) T ype 48 V 12. As fitted to Nickel plating by slow-deposit, as on your original vintage Talb ot 105 and Light Sports parts. Will not peel or crack, polishes to a long-lasting Railt ons. R. B. Shan d, Box 13, lustrous shine, and gives better pro tection against corrosion. Fairlie. Phone 25 collect. For quick service and quality work, consign your work to : FOR SAL E-1949 Ford 10 partl y restored. Needs rust and engine PRATTS ELECTROPLATERS LTD, NELSON repairs, $50. Wanted- for 1925 P.O. Box 474 Phone 77-283 Rugb y Tourer. Steering wheel. horn button , hand thr ottle lever. hub covers, bonnet, cow l, wheels, tyres. pedal rubbers. David Willis , Auckl and . Phone HWK 46.102 . FOR SA LE-Morris '8' Series I or WANTED-any old bicycles or (Member). 11. 16" and IT spoked steel wheel s, parts thereof. An yth ing at all of FOR SAL E-I927 B.S.A. motor­ six stud fixing. $10.00 each. C. E. intere st-the older the better. cycle 3t h.p, (500 c.c.) side valve Budd , 15 Morgan Street, Johnson­ Gavin Bain, "Wa itahuna", Main single. F lat tank and acetylene ville, Wellin gton. Road . Governors Bay, Christ­ lighting. Unrestored and with man y WANTE D-For Morris '8' Series church. spares including complete engine I or 11, a petrol tank , a dynamo, a WANTED -Automobile year . Will and gearbox. Price , highe st offer dynamo mounting plate, a rear pay good prices for Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, over $800, or would consider bumper bar , a rear bonnet hin ge 5, 11 , 12. Gavin Bain, "Waitahuna", Matchless, AJS or Velo cette 1945­ and two sernophore turn indic ators. Main Road , G overn ors Bay, 1955 as part payment. For fu rther Repl y to C. E. Budd , 15 Morgan Christchurch. particulars contact P. Hutton, 20 Street, Johnsonville, Wellington . FOR SALE- 1934 Austin IQ van, Trimble Pla ce, Bell Block, New origina l, with history. In goo d re­ Plymouth. Phone 70-97 1. (Mem­ AMILCAR. An y parts of '26-'28 4 stora ble order. Also a L10yd mot or, ber) . cylinder Am ilcar sports urgen tly good for part s and plen ty of VW PARTS may be hard to find but wanted, particularly a sound part s. Wr ite Peter Golley, 140 there's bound to be something suit­ chassis . An y lead s apprecia- Lon sdale Street, Christchurch 7. abl e at the Ashburton Branch ted. Also wanted- '27-'28 Ind ian Phone 889-070. SWAP MEET on Sa turday, 26th Scout sea t, front guard and handl e­ WANTED-Part s for 1924-25 Aus­ March commencing at 12.00 noon bars etc., Bosch ZR4 Du al mag­ tin 7. Radiator. surround, open in the club grounds. Maronan neto; One sound 15" wire wheel ex centred B.E. wheels, brakeshoes fo r Road . Tinwald. 50 cents per trader. M.G ., T.R.2 etc. Will buy any of 6" diame ter brake drums, circul ar WANTED-Circa 1916 Buick 6 the above part s or will swap yari­ C.A.V. 3 button switch panel, belt cylinder part s. I have not started ou s vinta ge and veteran items, some dri ve speedometer and attachments, restoration yet, so all part s will be motorcycle bits, M.G. spares, T.D. / magneto switch. magneto model of great interest. Please write if you T.F. a lso J8" and 19" wires, earl y fan bracket, start er handle with have a part that might interest me: Austin 7 parts, late vintage Harle y bracket, hub caps, and headl ights. Ron Duffield, 17 Brabourne Street. front brake and horn, some brass Grateful for an y repl ies to J. R. Christchurch, 2. (Member). Phone etc. Write to Alastair Mclntosh, Barker, 60 Dobson s Valle y Road, 328-314. Rakiura Parade. Invercargil l, 9 Atawhai, Nelson. Phone 88-352 1930 Pontiac Seda n. Wanted wheel s R.D. Phone Invercargill 89-848. collect. (Member). ( 19" split rim wires) and any body EXCHA NGE- New Ford 'T' tail WANTED Back issues of part s main ly wanted. An y other lights red (glass); earl y Vauxhall 'Thoroughbred and Classic Cars'. part s welcom ed. Mike Turner, 28A tail/ stop; English 'But lers' tail/stop; Gordon Vogtherr. P.O. Box 71, Featherston Street, Levin . Phone Chev 6 tail stop -glas s only; Ford Hastings. 83,059 Levin. 'T' ammeter: new fibre universals, 3t " x 4" between bolt holes; earl y 6v wiper; early Morris ammeter: oil gauge; Wa lker and Hall ash tra y; side car 'Easting' wind screen frame ; side car telescopic safety 1978 NORTH ISLAND RALLY couplings: earl y 2 stroke direct lighting head light. Swap any item to celebrate for motor cycle parts. B. R. Bryan, 58 Smart Ro ad, R,D. 2, New Ply­ WELLINGTON BRANCH mouth. 21st ANNIVERSARY FO R SAL E: 1927 New Henl v full y restored; 500 C.c. J.A.P. o.h .v, ~arch competition motor: gas light ing; Easter - 24th-27th, 1978 Pilgrim oil pump with han dlebar operated auxilliary pump; unregis­ • Good ra llying for all vehicle classes tered; as motor is completely new, • No entry fee •Generous prizes ha s yet to be run in. Best cash offer; will con sider Engli sh un­ • Rally plaques for all entrants restored mac hine part s excha nge. Write: B. R. Bryan , 58 Smart JOIN US IN CELEBRATING THIS BIRTHDAY EVENT Ro ad, R.D . 2, New Plymouth. PAGE FORTY VETERAN & VINTAGE CARS LTD 207 BUCKLAND RD WEST MANGERE EAST

T FORD Manifold Gaskets $2.00 each T FORD EXHAUST PIPES $6.50

An authentic dup licate of th e o rigina l. 11 inches RUCKSTELL SERVICE MANUAL long, solid brass and ve ry noisy. $22.50 Rep rint of origina l se rvice bulletin plus mode rn Does not include control valve. information . 12 pages 8} x 11, 36 illustration s for both ca r and TT truck units. $ 1.25

W INDSHIELD H RUBBER Th e piece of rubbe r that fits between the • upper and lower sec tions . of the windshie ld. 45c ft. LOWER WINDS HIELD Th e rubber sea l that inserts into th e bot tom ~ of th e lowe r section of , 11 A" Ford windshi eld. The lip Manifold Clamps ru bs ag ainst the cowl $4.0 0 for sealing. Man ifold Gaskets 1 1/ 8" T Rubb er $2 .00 pair 45c ft. A. Ford Mod e l A Brass water out let $ 11.50 B. Ford Model T Exhaust Nut s 5 .50 Decarb gasket set C. Dodge 4 Exhaust nuts 7 .00 $16.00 D. Rugby Exhaust Nu ts 7 .50 Essex and Hudson made to orde r $7 .50 ea. TYRES AND TUBES IN STOCK CAR TYRES (W / W = Wh ite Walls) BEADED EDGE Ty re Tu be Tube 500 x 24 $ 105.0 0 $ 10.50 440 x 23 105.50 6.50 30 x 3} 65.00 6.50 500 x 23 103 .0 0 10 .50 Top side + Lower 440 x 23 85 .00 6. 50 MOTOR CYCLE TYRES Alum inium Extrusion windshield 600 x 2 1 107.25 10 .50 Frami ng thick 1" wide 475 x2 1 36.00 5 .00 26 x 2} BE 33 .00 ·r Shapes and welds easi ly $1.50 ft. 600 x 20 50 .00 10 .50 26 x 3 BE 33 .00 50 0 x 20 36 .00 5 .00 26 x 2 BE 36 .00 650 x 19 50 .00 6.00 350x 16 10.00 550 x 19 36 .011 'i .00 350 x 19 20.00 Write 500 x 19 36.0 0 5.00 400 x 19 20.00 440 x 19 65.00 5.00 If we do not list you r size VETERAN AND 350/40 0 x 19 55 .00 5.00 we may stil l be able to help VINTAGE CARS LTD., 75.00 6.50 5 50 x 18 TUBES 5 50 x 18 W /W 4 5.00 6 .50 P.O. Box 43009 4 50 x 18 65 .00 6.5 0 475 /550 x 19 / 20 6.75 MANGERE 450/550 x21 6.75 550 x 17 38. 0 0 6.50 PHONE MRE 55-316 550 x 17 W /W 42.00 6.50 450 x 17 26 .0 0 6.50 New Zealand representative 600 x 16 W /W 38 .00 H78-1 5 W /W 60 .00 (& Wl fIJJ 48 mmnHRlnG) PRICES ON THIS LIST SUBJ ECT TOCHANGEW ITHOUT NOT ICE ANTIOUE AUTO PARTS, ACCESSORIES AND TI RES T'~.!!o!~~e Since the earliest days of motoring . Firestone have set the standard of reliability, economy, and safety. Today 's motorist, like his father and grandfather before him . looks to Firestone for EXTRA mileage and EXTRA reliability. Firestone can do this because their technicians are experts who make only tyres, there are no other products to cloud the issue. Tyres are the life blood of Firestone . they literally know them inside out. From their uniquely successful formula of tyre making has emerged the famous Firestone family of radial and crossply passenger car tyres . No other range of tyres caters for your individual requirements quite like Firestone ... Ttre,,,odtomo,row fit
