o CAR * ALLSTEELTUBUL ARCO NSTRUCTIO N *MAXIM UMLOAD1TO NPERSTAND *HEI GHT FRO M11 ~lI t o 17 ji" * 7HEI GHTPO SIT ION S Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (Inc.) Vol XXII, No. 104 February-March 1977 NATIONAL EXECUTIVE President : N. C. Ske vington Canty) 23rd YEAR OF PUBLICATION Club Captain: A. D. Storer (Ca nt v) Clu b Vice-Captain: M . H . Fern e~ (Wgtn) Hall. Secretar y: Cl ynt Inn s (Ca nty) Club Registrar: S. A.Engla nd, r.o. Box 4154, IN THIS ISSUE Christchurch. Executi ve: Messrs N. A. Dewhurst (Auckland}, L. J. D . Priest (Hawkes Bay), L. B. Southward (Wellington ), Notice re 21 st International W. M. Birch (Wanganui). Rally 2 President's Message 3 CORRESPONDENCE The Alan Woodman Story 4 C lu b correspondence, including member s' CHANGES 2nd Waikato-Auckland M/C Rally 7 OF ADDRESS, mu st be sent to -and you meet some wonderful T he Vin tage Car Club of N .Z . (f IlC.) r .o. Box 2546, people 8 C hristch urc h, "Jumbo" Goddard, gentleman, Intending members sho uld write to th is address. adventurer 10 All Bead ed Wheels correspo nde nce to p.a. Box 13140 Restoration of 20/60 Sunbeam 15 Road Test 20/60 Sunbeam 17 Servicing Cars 70 years ago 22 BEADED WHEELS EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Branch Notes 26 C hairman: Spencer Barnard. Co m mittee: Ga vin Bain, Geoff Hockley, Bruce Pidgeon . Letters to Editor 34 13 0b Scott, Paul G iesler. Classified Ads 35 Material for publicat ion is the responsibility of thi s committee and should be forwarded to p.a. Box 13140, Christchurch, typed or neatly printed, double spaced on CLOSING DATE one side of paper only. Clos in g date for April-May issue, Mar ch 7 t h . Reports of restorations, events, road tests, historical and technical articles welcome. No payment made to contributors. COVER PHOTO The opinions expressed in letters or arti cles in Beaded 1935 sid e va lve 10 -1 2 H.P . Harl ey Dav id son be long s Wheels are the authors' own views and do not necessarily to A llan La ke, Can te rbu ry Branch . Ph ot o ta ken in the express the policy of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (Inc.) g rou nd s o f Mon a Va le Reserve, Ch ris tc h u rch. PRODUCTION Beaded Wheels is the voice of the Vinta ge Car mo vemen t Beaded Wheels is published bi-m onthly by Pu rse Willi s in New Zealand and of the Clubs whose effor ts are fostering and ever widening the interes t of this movement & Aiken Ltd, Christchurch for the Vintage Car Club and form rallyin g points for that ever increasing band of of N.Z. Inc .. a t its ed itorial office. p.a. Box 13140. enthusiasts. The fascination of age itself or revulsion from Christchurch . the flashy mediocrity of the present day is drawing an increasing number of motorists back to th e individuality. Mailed free to all members. Annual su bscriptio n $3.00. solid worth, and functional elegance that was demanded Ind ividu al copies a nd back numbers 5Oc. by a more discriminating generation and it is to these th at this magazine is dedicated. ADVERTISING Reg istered ltt Post Off ice Head quarter s We lling ton Rate schedule avail able on request to Advertising as a Magltzine . Man ager, P iO, Box 13140. Christchurch. Ph one 67-346. 21st International WHEN: 24th February - 8th March 1980 WHERE: Rotorua-The focal point of New Zealand's world famous Thermal Wonderland. WHAT: Hub type Rally of 14 days duration 6 days motoring including Gymkhana and Hillclimb 8 days free for: Sightseeing; Optional Speed Event; Deep Sea Fishing; Talking; One Make Runs; etc. No limit on number of entrants Plan now to be at New Zealand's 3rd International Rally. Enhy forms will be available April 1978-0NLY 15 months from NOW Accommodation and Picton-Wellington Ra:! Ferry Bookings will be available through the Government Tourist Bureau. All enquiries should be directed to: Rally Director, 1980 International Rally P.O. Box 2546, CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND. "See you in Rotorua" P AG E TWO From the President Fo llowing on fro m the cos ts dest inat ion and re turni ng hom e of developments. As a fur ther qu oted in the last issue of fr om Brisban e. T he idea is to means of informi ng members th e Bead ed Wh eels for the transport have two or three days in Sydney Marc h Executive Meeting will of vehicles to Au stralia for the prior to the Rall y, and then be held in R ot oru a and th ose 1978 Int ernational, the re is a foll ow the eve nt by bu s. Basicall y atte nding will be shown th e stro ng possibilit y of the se being the Rall y goes north of Sydney . faciliti es and ge neral for mat of reduced co nside rably in respect throu gh Post MacQua rrie and the eve nt. of sea tra vel should sulTieient in­ Br isbane up to N ambour on the teres t be shown. I wo uld ask all Sunshine Coast, re turn ing to T he ent ry for the Natio na l who have entered for the eve nt terminate at Surfers Paradi se. Mot or Cycle Rall y at Blenheim and those who arc still giving The cos t, based on tod ay's pric es is near 200 and represent ation cons idera tion to going to co ntac t is a pproximately $530 .00 per has been rece ived fro m th rou gh ­ me imme dia tely a t 17 Renfrew person . this figure inclu din g all out the cou ntry. I am sure all Street, Christchurch, phone acco m moda tio n (meals extra) , air will have a most en joyable week­ 45-709 C hristch urc h as only by an d land travel. Sho uld you be end. booking through the Club as a interested co ntac t me now as the NORM SKEVINGTON group will a concess ion be pos­ number go ing will determine sible. costs to a lar ge extent. I am also negotiatmg a sug ­ In this issue is printed th e gested T our to the Rally . leaving firs t of a ser ies of rou tes or on abo ut April 5, 1978 and articles regardin g our 1980 In­ returning on say April 26. ternation al. It is pro posed to Dep arture points would be A uck­ publish further det ails of the land. Wellingt on and C hr ist­ Rall y in each succeeding issue so church with Sydney as the that you will be kept inf ormed t-;: ------....",.-....--__I!!I"""':: I c. HUNTON (1967) lm 55 KILMORE STREET CHRISTCHURCH Telephone 69 -786 Specialists in ... DOOR LOCK AND WINDOW NEW BODY WORK REPAIRS GLASS REPLACEMENTS BUMPER REPLACEMENT SERVICE CHASSIS STRAIGHTENING PAINTING WE TAKE THE DENT OUT OF ACCIDENT PAGE T H REE The Alan Woodman story PART 7 Exciting news for speed-starved grass track racing fans - Canterbury Park packs 'em In again after a ' four-year lapse - and Alan Woodman is on the job again! by Geoff Hockley With the pa ssin g of the years, the thrills of the old workshop I found the boss and other members of the Ca nterbury Park motorcycle speed carnivals still top brass witn essing the uncr ating o f what, to judge lingered in the mem ori es of the general public a nd 11'0 ::1 their imp atience with Ernie the foreman to the motorcycle fr at ernity, a nd the continued a ttitude hurry up and get the side off tbe cr ate, was evidently of the Trolling Club authorities in refusing the so mething rather special. A few minutes extremely Pion eer Motor Club the use of the track even once a ca reful application of cro wbar and nail-puller (I year was labelled as "sour grap es" by lover s o f the think the boss would have swoo ned had the precious gra ss track motorcycle sport. There seemed little contents recei ved SQ mu ch as a scratch o r a minute chan ce of a revival of mot orcycle racing on the dent) and the very first 350 c.c. bigport o.h .v. fam ou s old circuit. but, unknown to those who " Ajay" to reach Christchurch was lifted out on to the mourned the passing of the sport in Chr istchurch, fl oo r before an ad miring aud ience. Our first reac­ so mething was happening behind the scenes which tion, as I recall , was "Wow ! what an exha ust pip e! " was eventua lly to revive once more the th ri.ll s of It was mo st appro p riately ch ristened the " big-po rt" motorcycle grass track racing in the City of the mo del a nd though I can't recall the actua l diameter Plain s. The Royal N.Z. Air Force station , situated of the exh au st pipe it was, to say the least, imposing, "next door" to the Canter bur y Park cir cuit, des­ and the general appearance of the whole machine, per ately required more space for expansion , and the immaculate in nickel-plating and glossy black Air Force top br ass had for so me time been calcu­ enamel, was, also to say the least, impressive.
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