The Stan-Dard Motor Company, Ltd.,Are Retaininig Their on More

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The Stan-Dard Motor Company, Ltd.,Are Retaininig Their on More 670 OCT. 13, 1928] OLYMPIA MOTOR SHOW. cars, onle finds a iiunumer -of detail chaniges- -that- hav-e hlundred detail improvements in the chassis, Of tlhese been mlade since the last exlilbitioni. For example, in the the more important are a 4 in. wider track, lower build ever-popular " Seveni," larger lheadlanips, miiounted forward 'witlh same ground clearance, deeper and more lhandsome and fitted with separate dimiimiier bullb.s, are-now used; the radiator, electrically controlled dipping headlamps, and daslh has also beeiii proVided- witlh -ventilators, while an increased strength. throughout. It is noticeable that the -imnprovement of some inmportance is that -the brake diiims salons are not only wider, but, while-permitting the same -are niow secured to the wheel hiubs. The Austin 12-h.'p. lhead rooiii, 3 in. lower than formerly. In the bodies, four-cylinder, the 16-ih.p. six-cylinder, anid the 20-h.p. wlich have steel -panelling, valainces have been eliminated. fours " anid " sixes " have siimilarly, at various periods Dur-ing the past few yeals Riley (Coventry), Ltd., have during the past year, been subjected to slight alterations Camllle rapidlyv to the front as builders of speedy but reliable to afford users greater contvenienee and -simipler service. cars. A special feature of the Riley " nine " is that it .The- petr6l taink, -for - instance, ean now be fitled without .has four speeds, anid tliat the third-speed -gearwheels- are in disturbinig -tlie- driver, the filler lhavinig been -moved to a constant miiesh and. cladimed to be just as (quiet as -the top more accessible position, amid a petrol depth gauge is now- gear. A.mong the body designs is a new " Biarritz" saloon, fitted on the dash. in wlichl special attenltioni has been paid to the construc- In adlditioni to these chassis changes, various ne11eW body tioni anld miiountinig in order to minimize inter ior noises. miiodels lhave beemi added to the Austin range, the " seven " Tlle niew Riley 14-h.p. six-cylinder car may be described coup6 at £135 being a notable examil)le. Others include as a larger edition of the " nine." Its R.A.C. rating of the BurIlmaiii saloon aind fout-window fabric saloon on the .13.5-h.p. is no clue to the? power development capabilities 12-h.p. chassis, and an improved saloon on. the 16-h.p. six- of the enigine, which is fitted with overhead valves. In cylinder -chassis. There is no-m1Iore, popular car amongt, addition to a tourinig car there are two varieties of saloons doctors than the Austin 12-h.p. The prices of this have supplied oni the niew 14-h.p. chassis at £495 and £525 been1 reduced, and ilow range froin £245 to £315.-- For ai respectiv-ely. additional £50 users have now the o0)tion of the Austin 16-h.p. " light six," which bids fair to become as popular A niotable alterationi in the l)lans of Vauxhall Motors, in the miiarket for which it caters as the seven " in Ltd., is that they have ceased to manuifacture their its own. 30/98-11.1). anid sleeve-valve-elnginied cars, iii ordler to coni- centrate oii the 20/60-h.p. six-cylindler model initroduced Hlurnber and St(indard Cars. a year ago. Inito this they have incorporated a number of The chief featuire at tlhe Humber Company's stand is a imiprovements. By a slight' increase in enigine size, and neit 16/50-h.p. six-cvlinder car, the eng(fine of whiel has by the i-edesigniing of tlhe head, the iiitake manifold, the -the inlet valves inclined in the head *with the exUhaust cain slhaft, and the silencer, iniereased power- to the extent valves in the usual position at the side. The Hutmbel of al)out 25 per cent. is claimiied. A clhoice of nine 9/28-h.p. four-cvlinder car hlas uidtergone considerable designs of open and closed bodywork at pi-ices ranlging improvement, while in all nodels onie notices a redesigned from £495 to £695 is av-ailable for- the neew clhassis. radiator, dipping headlights, anfd a stop signial combinedl Having commiiiienced this week's ieview of the slhow with with the tail light. w-hat miiay be ter-med the popular range of car' exhibits, it The Stan-dard Motor Company, Ltd., are retaininig their miiay be well. to close with a reference to the exclusive 9-h.p., 14/28-lI.p., anid 18/42-l; p. four-cylindei cars, anid velicles of the Rolls-Royce Company, wlhose exhibit is in addition are in-tr oducing a new 15-h.p. six-cvliinder alwvays the cenitre of initei-est and admiration at Olympia. vehicle. The " fours " are uinalteired in chassis design, The var-is)us iiodelse displayed. this year are no exception but the 9-h.p. fabric saloon has been miuch impr-oved in to the rule. The 40/50-h.p. car is represented, amonig appearance. A new model 9-h.p. has also lbeen initroduced; othmeis, by a six-cylinder " Plhantom " chassis with a this is kniown as tbe " Teigniniiouith " salooni, the special Barker enielosed limousine body seatilng six persons. The features of w-hich are sepai-ate buieket seats anid the price of the complete velhicle is £3,037. The smaller 20-h.p. Stanlite " roof, whichl cani be openied or closed as desired. six-cylinder Rolls-Royce is also on view, one, priced at The chassis of the new car is identical withl the other 9-hi.p. £2,042, being fitted with a Thlruplp and Maberly enclosed- models, with the exception of a 7 ini. longer wheel base, thlis di-iv-e limousine body painted claret and black. Needless being 8 ft. 3 in. The niew 15-li.p. six-cylinder car is anl to say, thle cars, bein-g built to a quality rather than a extremely initeresting model, anid hias been (lesigiled to give price standamrd, are magnificent examples of the mode-i-n -a high top gear performance. The engine, wlich halas a nit of cay construction. bore anid stroke of 63.5 bv 102 nim., is provided with a Next week'it is hoped to review other cars exhibited at seven-bearing crank shaft. A uniiit constructioni four-sipeed Olymnpia, anid also to diaw attention to some of the more gearbox is used, and semi-elliptical springs fitted witl inte-esting accessory exlhibits in the galleries. rebound leaves are employed front anid rea. The cals on1 view inclulde an attractive fabric saloon known as thle Ex;moutlh," listed at £325. SEGREGATION OF THE MENTALLY DEFICIENT. AIore Coven try-b til Ca's. THE Menital Deficiency Act of 1913 is in itself beneficent. A car attracting considerable attention is that sliowi-n by the Alvis Car and By its provisions the congenitally weak-minded members Enigineering Co., Ltcl.,-a 12/75-h.1). of the be four-cylinder vehicle, notable in that the engine power is community may segregated, cared for, and transmitted to the front wheels instead of as usual to the scientifically treated and trained. By its means they cani rear. At present the car is muainly designed for spor'ts be deliv-ered from the squalor and wretclhedness of their use, but it may be that sooner or later the front drive home liv-es, as often as not with mentally defective parents, will become more general. The Alvis Comipanyv are also and be placed in sheltered surroundings, where they may showving their 14/75-h.p. four-cylinder cars, which, althouglh be enabled to lead happy lives, often of surprising useful- on more orthodox lines, are well worth examiininig. The iness. Nor are the benefits of their segregation confined chassis on which an Alvista light saloon body is mllounited is attractive. to themselves. The community is relieved from much of particularly the burden of and disease The imiost striking feature of the HillImai Motor Car poverty, crime, which are Company's programm-ue for thle coiniing seasoni is the initro- directly traceable to this mentally defective populationi. duction of a 19.7-h.p. car with a " straight-eiglht " engiie, It is therefore of the utmost importance that the inten- to be marketed as a saloonl at £485. The specification tions of the Legislature should be fully realized in the itncludesA usplinterab-e glass, dipping headlighIt reflectoIrs, administrationi of this Act. The present position is far wrire wheels, servo.operated brakes, etc. The Hihimlan froom satisfactory, and it must be a matter of grave 14-li .p. four-cylinlder carS; w-hich hlave paroved vrery success- conCe1rn to all who have the best interests of the country ful durin1g the past year, are beinlg meade w!ith over two at lieart. i t T BamBu 671 OCT. I3 19281198 SEGREGATION OF THE MENTALLY DEFICIENT. EDICAL JoumA The Commissioners of the Board of Conitrol' report that Control was still in 1925 writing that " the subject whichi urgent cases are frequently brought to their notice in calls for the most serious attention is the want of accom- wlhi promllprit action is necessary in the interest both of modation for all types of defectives," and was pointing the individual and the community,thatand no accommo- out that hundreds of uyrgent cases had been,_ and wero dation is available. The lack of accommodation becomes being, discovered for whichi no vacancies in existing institu- every year more serious, and the Commissioners fear that tions were available. According to the Board's report for unless a great effort is made in the immediate future 1925, the number of local authorities who had provided any it may become impossible to administer the most important accommodation for defectives was only 17 out of the 124 sections of the Act.
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