The Stan-Dard Motor Company, Ltd.,Are Retaininig Their on More
670 OCT. 13, 1928] OLYMPIA MOTOR SHOW. cars, onle finds a iiunumer -of detail chaniges- -that- hav-e hlundred detail improvements in the chassis, Of tlhese been mlade since the last exlilbitioni. For example, in the the more important are a 4 in. wider track, lower build ever-popular " Seveni," larger lheadlanips, miiounted forward 'witlh same ground clearance, deeper and more lhandsome and fitted with separate dimiimiier bullb.s, are-now used; the radiator, electrically controlled dipping headlamps, and daslh has also beeiii proVided- witlh -ventilators, while an increased strength. throughout. It is noticeable that the -imnprovement of some inmportance is that -the brake diiims salons are not only wider, but, while-permitting the same -are niow secured to the wheel hiubs. The Austin 12-h.'p. lhead rooiii, 3 in. lower than formerly. In the bodies, four-cylinder, the 16-ih.p. six-cylinder, anid the 20-h.p. wlich have steel -panelling, valainces have been eliminated. fours " anid " sixes " have siimilarly, at various periods Dur-ing the past few yeals Riley (Coventry), Ltd., have during the past year, been subjected to slight alterations Camllle rapidlyv to the front as builders of speedy but reliable to afford users greater contvenienee and -simipler service. cars. A special feature of the Riley " nine " is that it .The- petr6l taink, -for - instance, ean now be fitled without .has four speeds, anid tliat the third-speed -gearwheels- are in disturbinig -tlie- driver, the filler lhavinig been -moved to a constant miiesh and. cladimed to be just as (quiet as -the top more accessible position, amid a petrol depth gauge is now- gear.
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