Pogrammme 2013

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Pogrammme 2013 E4 Our ‘proper’ Oldtimer numbers this year are about the same as last year, but our Classic entries—1973 on if in a C2 club—have grown significantly so that our numbers this year will be nudging 400—yet again a record. As the format of this programme, which we introduced last year, has proved successful, we’ve naturally stuck with it. You should be able to get this and last year’s programme on your mobile etc from www.Oldtimer.uk.com, where you can request email circulars on our rallies; next year we intend to accept entries online via our website, www.Oldtimer.uk.com—however, if you still require a paper entry form for next year, please either give the Secretary at HQ here today or send her by post a Stamped Addressed Envelope, as in future we will only be sending information by email—if you’ve had to pay postage bills lately you’ll know why! As many of you will know, the Airshow planned for 8th June this year didn’t happen—although by way of compensation the Red Arrows did come, giving a wonderful display lasting nearly half an hour. With just seven days notice we were allowed to organise a rally on The Leas here, and 40 cars turned up to take advantage of the offer—as seems to be MG TA 1937 usual for our events, in magnificent warm sunshine. The central photo on the cover taken over the bonnet of a mag- nificent Silver Cloud III gives the flavour! As ever, we are grateful to our sponsors, Folkestone Town Council, for the prizes and plaques, our judges and mar- shals From Folkestone Automobile Club and the Lions, local landowners and businesses for displaying posters, and Shepway District Council for smartening up The Leas for the Bank Holiday. Jaguar MkII 1963 E59 French contingent arriving last year Clubs Attending 2013 19B Aston Martin Club 20A Ford Capri Club 20+21A Lefthookers American Car Club 16A Ford Cortina MkII Club 12A Ashford & Faversham Club 11A Mercedes Club 3A Billys Bangers 5B Hillman Owners Club 4A Hythe & Dymchurch Club 9B Morgan Sports Car Club 9A Bond Bugs Club 11B RAVERA Mercedes 500K replica 3B Canterbury Triumph Club 00 Invicta Landrover Club 10A Citroen Car Club 22A Jaguar Enthusiasts Club 7A Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts Club 0A Dover Transport Museum 12A Jubilee MG Club 11B+15A Rover P6 Owners Club 13+14A+B East Kent Morris Minor Club 12B Kent Classic & Sports Car Club 8B+9A Sunbeam Talbot Alpine Club 1+2 A+B Folkestone Automobile Club 16B+17A Kent Kit Car Club 17+18A+B Thanet Classics 23A Freelance Motor Club 22B Kent Smarties Club F122 AC Owners F118 Classic Audi F80 Porche Owners E97 Alfa Romeo F68 Cobra Replica E16 Pre 50 C18 Austin 10 F39 Datsun Z F79 Reliant wners E117 Austin A60 Historic Category B3 Ford Model T D26 ROMMC B6 Bentley Drivers F14 Ford Orion C8 Rover Register F18 Bexhill 100 E33 Ford Zephyr D29 Triumph Roadster F131 BMW F88 Hop Mog E43 Triumph Stag Owners F24 British Mini C7 Humber E35 TSSC E66 Mustang Owners D25 F1 M Williams 1979 Reliant Scimitar GTE YWP 330W 2A F67 John Nash 1999 JNS MkI GP car (1940 style) JKM 654Y 16B F2 CJB Gannon 1980 Rolls-Royce Carmargue FYT 320V 7B F68 I Williamson 2001 Pilgrim Sumo convertible D287 NEX 19B F3 Anthony Ford 1985 Mazda RX7 spts coupe C979 RMV 12B F69 D Dixon 1974 Triumph Stag spts tourer DFD 299 3B F4 R Hubbard 1975 MGB Jubilee GT RGJ 958P 12A F70 F Armstrong 1973 Citroen DS 23 sln LJB 915L 9B F5 Bill Webb 1974 Rover P6 3500S Estate VLK 493M 1B F71 Jason Roots 1979 MGB roadster ERW 132T 12A F6 Ian Saker 1978 Dax Tojeiro sln DAX 327J 16B F72 Malcolm Roots 1993 MG RV8 roadster L427 BJT 12A F7 Greg Jones 1973 Triumph TR6 spts GCJ 35 3A F73 Rodney Cremin 1998 Citroen XM—CT turbo auto R682 PKV 10A F8 John Tomlin 1975 Rover P6 4dr sln KKP 336P 1B F74 Junior Cremin 1983 Porche 911SC CPD 674Y 9B F9 Paul Bailey 1983 Ford Capri 1.6LS coupe HEG 869Y 20A F75 Mrs C Young 1994 Rover Maestro 700L AA van M802 OAN 4B F10 John Woolls 1999 Mercedes Benz S600 sln S600 JHW 11A F76 Simon Smith 1990 Ford Mustang convertible M14 SVS 20A F11 I Kendall 1974 Jaguar V12 E Type roadster RKM 222M 19A F77 John Canini 1984 Australian Ford Capri conv A2 WHO 1A F12 P Giles 1986 Reliant Rialto 2 van D991 LKE 19B F78 John Canini 1986 Renault THA camper van D228 LLB 1A F14 R&S Amos 1986 Ford Orion 1.6 Ghia sln D556 OTW 20A F79 Simon Hodges 1973 Reliant Rebel sln NEE 553M 19B F15 Roy Reeks 1978 Rover SDI sln TDY 827S 1B F80 I Longstaff 1993 Porsche 911 coupe KBV 175 19B F16 P Stannett 1995 Dax Toveiro Cobra spts M125 YAR 16B F81 Phil Webber 1996 Landrover Discovery P308 KAC 00 F17 L Staples 1973 MGB GT auto hatchback VPC 356M 12A F82 Leslie Staden 2004 Smart roadster spts GL04 VMR 22B F18 Simon Lavis 1979 Mercedes Benz 450 SLC coupe NSV 232 11A F83 Leon Staden 2002 Smart 4.2 cabrio KP02 PNY 22B F19 Terry Young 2000 Chevrolet Corvette coop 8 VET 20B F84 H Gill 2005 Smart 4 semi auto sln KR05 VCK 22B F20 B Atkinson 1979 Vauxhall Cavalier sln CMV 133T 12B F85 Mrs P Gill 2002 Smart Pulse coupe LG52 VJL 22B F21 D Singleton 1981 Vauxhall Chevette sln VKE 53X 12B F86 Richard Yaxley 2012 Morgan +8 2str YAX 88 9B F22 Tony Joyce 1992 Chevrolet Stingray J271 JKR 20B F87 Keith Lark 2002 Chevrolet Corvette coupe M20 KEF 19B F23 Geoff Gillett 1973 Jaguar E Type convertible WHJ 148M 2A F88 Mrs H McDuff 2000 Morgan +4 16V-I W67 WRV 9B F24 John Newby 2013 Mini Cooper GF13 HFR 15B F89 Richard Smith 2005 Smart roadster convertible LD05 NWS 22B F25 Aaron Smith 1983 Vauxhall Chevette GL sln YPM 128Y 12B F90 Janet Prior 1991 Jaguar Sovereign auto sln H107 YYN 4A F26 Chris Parrott 1980 MGB roadster SKL 218W 12A F91 Graham Godden 2005 Ford Mustang GT coupe GG05 USA 21A F27 David Hurst 1973 Ford Capri RS3 100 coupe RPU 653M 20A F92 E Holbrook 1986 Mercedes 300SL convertible D133 JHX 11A F28 G Howard 1977 MGB roadster PFB 800R 12A F93 Paul Grundy 1980 Ford Fiesta MkI sln DKT 667N 20A F29 Frank Gillett 1991 Mercedes Benz 300D sln J852 KKP 11A F94 Bryan Harvey 1973 Bond Bug PKE 497L 9A F30 John Riddle 1999 Jaguar Royale soft top FXI 617 16B F95 Ben Harvey 1989 Pegeot 205 GTI hatch 894 EUL 9A F31 Dereck Potter 1984 Reliant Scimitar SE6G GTE B925 FDN 3A F96 Tom Harvey 1986 Ford Capri coupe D73 MKK 9A F32 Tony Griscti 1987 Mini Mayfair sln E420 HPO 15B F97 David Archer 2003 Smart roadster coupe LJ53 DHO 22B F33 Dennis Cooper 1999 Ford Puma racing Tickford cope R800 DJC 20B F98 Jason Blackford 1984 Ford Granada Ghia sln B800 HAP 20A F34 John Jones 1980 Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow sln JJ 1483 7B F99 Grant Buckingham 1974 Ford Escort RKX 880M 20A F35 C Cook 1986 Ford Capri 3dr sln D670 XAB 20A F100 A&E Watling 1974 Rover P6 3.900 sln OBW 447M 11B F36 S Possee 2000 Rover Mini 40 sln 15B F101 Dave Guy 1989 Landrover Defender 110 G241 DPC 00 F37 Tony Vernal 1973 Mercedes SL roadster BHZ 2802 11A F102 Michael Burnett 2002 Mercedes SL100 auto conv E12 MAB 11A F38 J Curtis 1974 Austin Mini Clubman RKT 733M 2A F103 Alan Bonney 2003 Pilgrim Sumo spts E642 BKM 16B F39 Roger Allan 1974 Datsun 260Z spts SKN 489M 19A F104 Mark Bubb 1988 Lotus Excel coupe F94 MPJ 12B F40 ME Oliver 1983 Mercedes Benz estate A650 JOD 11A F105 Keith Frost 2001 JBA Falcon tourer B2 KHF 16B F41 P McGarry 1974 Ford Escort sln HPH 615N 1A F106 P Plested 1973 Triumph 2000 MkII sln HKK 178L 15A F42 R Knights 1999 Landrover Discovery estate V462 LAT 00 F107 A Spackman 1991 Pilgrim Family tourer PFN 460S 17A F43 A Wheeler 1976 Vauxhall VX 4/90 sln NGP 470P 12B F108 Aline Ongley 1989 VW T25 camper F966 HGK 12A F44 Ted Jackson 1986 Jaguar XJS V12 coupe C185 LTU 22A F109 Miss J Nutting 2000 Rover Mini Cooper S W12 DAB 15B F45 R Barwick 1978 Jaguar XJ6 LWB sln XMY 110S 22A F110 Mike Turpin 1980 Landrover short wheelbase MLJ 354W 00 F46 A wormwood 1997 Jaguar X300 sln XJI 898 22A F111 John Cooke 2004 Hawk Cobra 289 FIA spts SKK 207H 17A F47 P Utting 1990 Jaguar XJS V12 coupe G694 XPC 22A F112 Sue Cooke 2012 Imperial Landau 1928 style SUI 8807 17A F48 D Phillips 1973 Jaguar E Type roadster FTM 460L 22A F113 D Walford 1973 Aston Martin V8 custom JYT 522N 19B F49 Colin Boakes 1998 Jaguar XK8 convertible spts S11 XKB 22A F114 V Walford 1974 Aston Martin V8 Volante conv REG 65 19B F50 D Brown 1997 Jaguar XJ6 sln P787 DUX 22A F115 J Walford 1990 Aston Martin Virage Classic H997 YYX 19B F51 M Emmerson 1995 Daimler 6 sln M429 EWW 22A F116 A Galaway 1976 Excalibur Crusader EDD 269 17A F52 R Kendall 2000 Jaguar S Type sln J1 RGK 22A F117 T Dickinson 1973 Triumph TR6 spts roadster JOE 303L 15A F53 Jules Letley 1976 Landrover series III SWB PKO 176R 00 F118 Nick Reed 1988 Audi 100 2.2E sln F586 DNB 19B F54 Ted Hill 1996 Landrover Discovery I 4x4 P629 KKE 00 F119 Jacques Normand 1976 Citroen Acadyane 400 van 2533JB62 11B F55 M&R Francis 1974 Landrover 109 pick up RUG 239M 00 F120 JP Huber 1995 Rover Mini berline 7106XN62 11B F56 M&R Francis 1986 Range Rover Classic D461 RYD 00 F121 Malcolm Smith 2012 Hawk 289 Cobra replica spts EPK 515K 17A F57 Nickey Chalk 1997 Landrover Discovery estate R767 DTX 00 F122 M Hodgson 1994 AC Brooklands Ace A1 BCU 19B F58 Nickey Chalk 1990 Landrover Discovery pick up H48 UHJ 00 F123 Paula Knights 1981 Landrover series 3 RKJ 241W 00 F59 J&M Bungan 2003 Landrover Discovery FP53 MDX 00 F124 D Quartley 1976 MkI Escort campervan GUO 568N 18B F60 S Golder 1987 Landrover station wagon E182 HPK 00 F125 Connor Shaw 1987 Vauxhall Nova 1.3SR hatch D787 NKO 18B F61 D Burgess 1991 Ford F150 truck H226 MPB 20B F126 Lee Collier 1987 Rolls-Royce Silver Spirit sln E517 AHL 18B F62 M Oliver 1996 Landrover Defender N326 CWX 00 F127 D Morran 1988 Austin Mini F501 WPW 18B F63 D Sullivan 2000 Mercedes 300K roadster FLX 295 16B F128 Andrew Pagram 1982 Ford
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