Ttu Pmbc01 000026.Pdf (13.40Mb)
-|^ls' 4^' 4*|^s 4'l^. ^ 4^4 e^&^Q^agsses^ssss^Si^^^!^^^' S^^^SSiK^J^.^g^v'?^???^^^ , /, ,'• / J /'S'' ^^^c^-^>^^ ^a^^^-tf/. POEMS BY FELICIA HEMANS, WITH AN ESSAY ON HER GENIUS, BY H T. TUCKERMAN. EDITED BY RUFUS W. GRISWOLD. NEW rOEK: LEAYITT & ALLEN BROS., No. 8 nOV/ARD STREET. INTRODUCTION. FELICIA DOROTHEA BROWNE was born in Liverpool on the twenty-first of September, 1793. Her child hood was passed among the wild mountain scenery of Wales; and before she was nineteen years of age, she had a printed collection of verses before the world.^ From this period to the end of her history she sent forth volume after volume, each surpassing its prede cessor in tenderness and beauty. At nineteen she Vv-as married to Captain HEMANS, of the Fourth regiment. He was of an irritable tempera ment, and his health had been injured by the vicis situdes of a military life. They lived together unhap pily for several years, when Captain HEMANS left England for Italy and never returned. Mrs. HEMANS continued to reside with her mother and her sister. Miss MAUY ANNE BUOWNE, now Mrs, GRAY, a poetess of some reputation, near St. Asaph, in North Wales, where she devoted her attention to literature and to the education of her children, five sons, in whom all her affections from this time v/ere centered. Here she wiote The Restoration of the Works of Art to Italy, Modern Greece, Translations from Camoens, Wallace, (iv) Dartmoor, The Sceptic, Welsh Melodies, Historic Scenes, The Siege of Valencia, The Vespers of Palermo, The Forest Sanctuary, The Songs of the Affections, Records of Women, and the lays of Many Lands.
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