Rav Dovid Feinsteinzt”L
44 PHOTOS: AVRAHAM ELBAZ, DOV BERG, FLASH87 IMAGES, JDN, MaTTIS GOLDBERG, SIMCHA WEINMAN, TSEMACH GLENN, TZVI BLUM, YISSOCHOR DUNOFF. Rav Dovid Dovid Rav Feinstein ZT”l 26 Cheshvan 5781 | November 13, 2020 He was a true osnam, a unique, towering Towering godol, whom Hashem placed in our generation to protect us. We have no way of understanding or captur- ing what we have lost. We will try, in these Greatness ~ pages, to paint a few brushstrokes from his long life, cognizant of the fact that we will barely scratch the surface. Moshe, who un- Born to Kedushah til then had Spectacular Rav Dovid was born in the year 1929 felt it neces- in the town of Luban, Russia. He was the sary to stay in oldest son of his illustrious parents, Rav Luban with the Moshe and Rebbetzin Shima. The early beleaguered Yid- Simplicity years of his life were extremely difficult. den so that he could By the time Rav Dovid was born, the ra- tend to their spiritual bidly anti-Semitic Bolshevik government needs, came to the con- BY AVROHOM BIRNbaUM gedolim. There was so much more about of Stalin was tightening its stranglehold on clusion that if he could him that was hidden than what was re- “There are no words to describe his per- Yiddishkeit and was enacting gezeirah af- not be mechanech his chil- vealed. He lived with Hashem in a way that sonality,” said Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, ter gezeirah in order to terrorize the people dren, he had no choice but only Hashem understood his greatness and rosh yeshivah of the Philadelphia Yeshiva, into relinquishing their Torah observance.
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