2018-2019 Annual Report | Torres and Cape Hospital and Health

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2018-2019 Annual Report | Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service 2018-2019 ANNUAL RE PO RT • v. Queensland ~ ~ Government Information about consultancies, overseas travel, and the Queensland language services policy is available at the Queensland Government Open Data website (qld.gov.au/data). An electronic copy of this report is available at https://www.health.qld.gov.au/torres-cape/html/publication-scheme. Hard copies of the annual report are available by contacting the Board Secretary (07) 4226 5945. Alternatively, you can request a copy by emailing [email protected]. The Queensland Government is committed to providing accessible services to Queenslanders from all culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. If you have difficulty in understanding the annual report, you can contact us on telephone (07) 4226 5974 and we will arrange an interpreter to effectively communicate the report to you. This annual report is licensed by the State of Queensland (Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service) under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 International license. You are free to copy, communicate and adapt this annual report, as long as you attribute the work to the State of Queensland (Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Content from this annual report should be attributed as: State of Queensland (Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service) Annual Report 2018–19. © Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service 2019 ISSN 2202-6401 (Print) ISSN 2203-8825 (Online) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this publication may contain words, names, images and descriptions of people who have passed away. 2 TORRES AND CAPE HOSPITAL HEALTH SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT: 2018-19 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO TRADITIONAL OWNERS The Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners / Custodians, past and present, within the lands in which we work. CAPE YORK Ayabadhu, Alngith, Anathangayth, Anggamudi, Apalech, Binthi, Burunga, Dingaal, Girramay, Gulaal, Gugu Muminh, Guugu-Yimidhirr, Kaantju, Koko-bera, Kokomini, Kuku Thaypan, Kuku Yalanji, Kunjen/Olkol, Kuuku – Yani, Lama Lama, Mpalitjanh, Munghan, Ngaatha, Ngayimburr, Ngurrumungu, Nugal, Oolkoloo, Oompala, Peppan, Puutch, Sara, Teppathiggi, Thaayorre, Thanakwithi, Thiitharr, Thuubi, Tjungundji, Uutaalnganu, Wanam, Warrangku, Wathayn, Waya, Wik, Wik Mungkan, Wimarangga, Winchanam, Wuthathi and Yupungathi. NORTHERN PENINSULA AREA Atambaya, Gudang, Yadhaykenu, Angkamuthi, Wuthathi. TORRES STRAIT ISLANDS The five tribal nations of the Torres Strait Islands: The Kaiwalagal The Maluilgal The Gudamaluilgal The Meriam The Kulkalgal Nations. RECOGNITION OF AUSTRALIAN SOUTH SEA ISLANDERS Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service formally recognises the Australian South Sea Islanders as a distinct cultural group within our geographical boundaries. Torres and Cape HHS is committed to fulfilling the Queensland Government Recognition Statement for Australian South Sea Islander Community to ensure that present and future generations of Australian South Sea Islanders have equality of opportunity to participate in and contribute to the economic, social, political and cultural life of the State. 3 04 September 2019 The Honourable Steven Miles MP Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services GPO Box 48 Brisbane QLD 4001 Dear Minister I am pleased to deliver for presentation to the Parliament the Annual Report 2018–2019 and financial statements for Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service. I certify that this Annual Report complies with: • the prescribed requirements of the Financial Accountability Act 2009 and the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019; and • the detailed requirements set out in the Annual Report Requirements for Queensland Government agencies. A checklist outlining the annual reporting requirements can be found on page 56 of this annual report. Yours sincerely Elthies (Ella) Kris Board Chair Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Board STATEMENT ON GOVERNMENT OBJECTIVES FOR THE COMMUNITY FROM THE CHAIR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE 4 TORRES AND CAPE HOSPITAL HEALTH SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT: 2018-19 TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT ON GOVERNMENT OBJECTIVES FOR THE COMMUNITY FROM THE CHAIR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE HIGHLIGHTS ABOUT US Strategic direction Vision, Purpose, Values Priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Our community-based and hospital-based services Targets and challenges GOVERNANCE Our people Board membership Executive management Organisational structure and workforce profile Awards and recognition Strategic workforce planning and performance Early retirement, redundancy and retrenchment Our committees Executive Safety and Quality Audit Finance Our risk management Internal audit External scrutiny, information systems and record keeping Queensland Public Service ethics Confidential information PERFORMANCE Demand on services Service standards Financial summary FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GLOSSARY 5 STATEMENT ON GOVERNMENT OBJECTIVES FOR THE COMMUNITY The Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service is committed to the Our Future State: Advancing Queens- land’s Priorities. Our policies, strategies and services align with the outcomes of: • Keep Queenslanders healthy • Give all our children a great start • Be a responsive government • Keep Communities safe • Create jobs in a strong economy Give all Create jobs in a our children strong economy ---a great start • Create jobs • Increase the number of • Increase private sector babies born healthier investment • Increase childhood • Engage more young immunisation rates Queenslanders in education, • Improve wellbeing prior training or work to school Keep Be a responsive Our Queenslanders government Future State ------ healthy • Increase the number • Make Queensland Advancing of Queenslanders with Government services a healthy body weight easy to use Queensland's • Reduce suicides Priorities Keep communities safe • Reduce the rate of crime victims • Reduce rates of youth • Improve water quality reoffending The Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service Strategic Plan 2019-2023 outlines our goal of strengthening the region through the development of a sustainable, supported local workforce, growing our ability and capability to respond to local needs by delivering innovative self-sufficient services closer to home. The Torres and Cape HHS’s vision aligns with the directions outlined in My health, Queensland’s future: Advancing health 2026. 6 TORRES AND CAPE HOSPITAL HEALTH SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT: 2018-19 Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Se,vice Strategic Plan 2019-2 023 Strensttienl ng tl'IP reg-ton t flrnugh tM devetopmHit ot a !.USlat1tab1e. supportf'd loralwonrnm•. growing our e b ;ltry and capabl lltyto rec;pono to lf)(;il ni?i>dc: by Leading connected health care to achieve longer, healthier lives. About us ueensland Government Oclim lli! h <111a1ityhcalth scMcts We ~re c«rmi:".cd to identi~ng­ lcm.-,; and C1pe- I t<Kf)!tr.J i;;M t'l'•t malll'l'II~ por.-n1111 1t M ar1<1 tes.pond ngto OjlfKHlllnlllP.t,, In: objectives for the community Hul'lh ~f"1lce (TCHHS) Is wellness by: Closln~ the G.2p. Our slr~lt-:'!ic pl;,n rt'flct.l!. uur <.-OtT 1mil'fll!n l lo \\Ofl,Cf,13 with ;intl Ens.J ~r,e se<1rnless pn1en: Preven tafr•'e nealth care. lht- h.1Q1,t'.st p nuidetofpubtit advandnethe Queensland Gowmmcnfs objectNes fo1 !he community: jOl.fnf"f'-· 1,J,ovi,m'>g <11~ rlMf't ;o MmP. ht-AIIII rnr.- <:t>N~K ;tt:«K<. • l(c{:,> Quttnslandcrs health)•, Etr.brad.rg CU :ti.ra I dl••erslty. Partne-rlngw!th agencies Jnd • Give al1our r.h!ldff>n a CJN!t 'llart. the most northern re-note C-01!.::bo1.ir n" arn.J comu:clin!I, COl'Tl mu1titil~. • Se a responsL-.·e S:OV>:?tnme-nt wilt! (..(11urn,mili(''> )IIKI 111~11d"'>· M~ i•r i, (18 ~ !hull rill"nf:,- ·n ilrt:ilSUrQua'f!lolillld. • l{c(:o co-nmunitics safe. I nhardng the <.a;iarity .'lid e.adl Ti'ldtit)'. • (.nJ!IP Joh,; In ,1 ,;tmng N'.<mO'Nf. TCHHS i=,roviclc-s hC.llth capabUly of thcworldwtc. DiJ1Cit.il tr.insfo,rm;;.tion wHh services toil resident MaAift1i>i111< the lht ol i-op1:W.:d <l <:1lil;,1 11.;1l•rlit!>. popi.,IJIIOl'I of 16.966 technoto,, . TrainlM a.rd edJu : on. ·11itti 67%identifyine as • I nsi,g'° and f.u1t11'f11,1'li<llf., .-.i!h Ahoti;,!Olt>i/ x.nrt/or h>II""" Our risks We wlll :ior.hlP'>'l> our <,lra!fgll commvniw and st.iifto de IN er Strati l 'i.lPJl<ler. I "" rf<Og.' :a.nl1 -JbiCtliv~ l,v l'\;~OKllisiris atod thanecs required. t,ipe of se-r"l l<es provide<! T1anag1ng rls.li.S which I npact<X1r Our nroit,Cllvi' n11pnrt1Jnit•~ to militi!I!>- IIU: Ind.lei,-'. Our values arc ddi11t:J in a fuumsl 3bl!l:y t,:i: Si"NiU' Agrt>Plf'U"r-1 Winl • Prfl'41c,p- ~I~ 1H<I llig" 1'),lillltv patient catc. lmpMcmcr,is in Jli!flmcnt "''lh the Ocputmcnt of Heal th. " !J;,!lvf'rll"l!'gratf'fl and c;atery .tM qi.~lity:!.!andtHl!<:. Scrvkcs an: prw idcd .Jtrus~ c,:,ord:nated prlma,y he.s'.tb c.are. • IJ(gtta1 tran,.totm.1~iM lnotltJdlng iMPtUVtd bu:.inc:,:; inltt!i:;a;Cll-t:C i'-> lt1cililit'.\. (i'j ho~ l;1"' im.:I " I ll~tJrf" lf{l'tfl!J>I/P-- !nhMl!llt 1Uft"1 31 pritn<Jiy and commtlllity die<tat ¥1,j other assets to dcli-.'Cr .ind ana>tlic.tlt.aPJbiiitic:,. ~rvirf',. • Growing our wn11!.lor,~ t~ro•Jgt'I hc.Jttt1 ~ices) bv more "/\1U.1a.andr11tafnas.ll;lieda,,d ::fo~e lilllc. Vtilh 01.111.ommuniiti~ than 1000 Statt tOfllfJci.\:nl•101kio1i;e. 11mJ edt.t:Jlion pa,u~. Torres and Cape Hospita l and Health Se,vice Strategic Plan 2019-2 023 Gover'l'me-111 otiiective• Df'li11eri110 11vafitt (f011"1M stWIU!.f.. -..:.kl' c.:,c ddNC'l'd I,; il'C'ngM ?OOJ;lc It lh ll'll' 1igti Sl!U$•l the 11glll plv.e 8'1d !tie r19¥.11f!lf .
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