Supply and Demand Update Production & Market Trends

UTZ CERTIFIED: certification and traceability of sustainable agricultural commodities. www.utzcertified.org UTZ CERTIFIED Foundation | De Ruyterkade 6 | 1013 AA Amsterdam | THE NETHERLANDS Supply & Demand Update April 2011


UTZ CERTIFIED is a market-oriented sustainability program In this Supply and Demand Update we provide specific that enhances professional farming and has a positive chapters for , cocoa, tea and rooibos which include: impact on productivity, quality and efficiency. UTZ aims to 1) Quantitative data on historical supply and demand create recognition for responsible coffee, cocoa, tea, 2) A forecast of the 2011 supply rooibos, palm oil and cotton producers of all sizes and 3) A qualitative assessment of the supply and origins and to provide the tools for processors and brands demand situation. to respond to the growing demand for sustainably sourced agricultural products. UTZ CERTIFIED purchases are fully Given that UTZ CERTIFIED has now expanded to become a traceable throughout the supply chain, enabling buyers to multi-commodity program, there is an additional chapter know where their produce came from and how it was referring to the development of the palm oil and cotton produced and therefore give assurance to their consumers programs. UTZ is proud to introduce rooibos as new of responsible sourcing. certified product under the tea program starting in 2011.

UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside periodically provides an analysis to its participating producers and buyers about the historical and potential future supply and demand of UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside responsible coffee, cocoa and tea. This is done to provide the best possible insight to support commercial decision making. Please contact UTZ CERTIFIED if you have any questions or comments.

NOTE OF CAUTION WHEN USING THIS INFORMATION 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 figures are actual historical data collected by UTZ CERTIFIED. The 2011/2012 figures are estimates. Producers and buyers should use these figures with care. UTZ CERTIFIED makes no claim about their accuracy. Information can change over time.

UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside 2011 © Contact us at [email protected]

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1. Coffee

1.1 Demand and Supply Data 1. Dried coffee. Uganda uring 2010 UTZ CERTIFIED coffee D sales achieved their highest since the Sales increased by almost 50% compared to 2009, with start of the coffee program in 2002. 121.234 MT green coffee sold in 2010 equivalent to

2.020.564 bags (60kg/bag). The forecast for 2011 is to reach over 140.000 MT sales.

UTZ CERTIFIED coffee is consumed in at least 46 countries. Still the producers are benefitting from better farm In the Netherlands and Switzerland 40% of all coffee management, increased productivity, yields and improved consumed comes from UTZ CERTIFIED farms. Sara Lee, quality although they may not sell their entire produce as , Migros and Ahold Coffee Company are, amongst UTZ. Besides that, not the whole crop has the quality for others, large mainstream buyers of UTZ CERTIFIED coffee. export and some part is sold for local consumption, specialty and conventional markets or under other From the total sales, 73% was produced in Latin America. In certification programs. most of the producing countries (65%) more than 25% of the total certified supply was sold as UTZ coffee. The Premiums for UTZ have been quite stable; the average ratio sales – supply is 1:3 or 33%, which is needed weighted average Arabica premium was US$ 5.69 c/lb and for mainstream buyers so that a wide range of qualities is Robusta premium was US$ 2.13 c/lb. A total amount of US$ available and the risk of paying scarcity premiums on top of 13.152.826 has been paid directly to the certificate holders. the UTZ premium is minimized.

Notes for table 1 (next page)  Purchased coffee is only called “UTZ CERTIFIED coffee” when it has been registered with UTZ CERTIFIED through our sales announcement process and given a unique UTZ CERTIFIED tracking and tracing number.  The supply figures for 2010/2011 include certificates until March 2011.  The supply forecast for 2011 includes the amount of coffee currently registered with UTZ CERTIFIED and in the process of becoming certified. This excludes any estimate of harvests which may be higher or lower due to many factors and does not include the many producers working towards their certification who have not yet registered with us.

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Coffee supply and demand overview 2010/2011 (Table 1)

Historical Demand in MT Historical Supply in MT Forecast Purchased as Certified supply Certified supply UTZ CERTIFIED UTZ CERTIFIED UTZ CERTIFIED

End of 2006 End of 2007 End of 2008 End of 2009 End of 2010 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010* 2010/2011 2011/2012 ARABICA Brazil 10.737 22.221 25.211 30.659 51.574 92.463 111.834 108.615 136.444 160.000 Honduras 1.445 2.726 5.958 6.693 14.732 5.450 17.331 36.774 33.548 39.720 Colombia 3.374 7.116 12.371 10.190 6.625 23.000 38.447 48.348 50.649 50.000 Peru 3.126 1.902 4.531 2.705 5.910 7.000 19.490 13.661 20.789 19.000 Guatemala 1.500 2.022 2.065 1.427 4.407 5.420 7.455 7.924 10.333 12.000 Costa Rica 1.390 1.847 2.015 1.108 2.443 3.447 3.600 2.466 3.059 3.500 Nicaragua 458 591 1.646 2.300 1.816 2.869 4.993 3.992 7.051 10.000 Indonesia 84 407 2.077 2.024 1.594 6.497 5.624 3.224 7.105 7.500 India 2.246 1.865 2.122 570 1.417 4.298 4.224 5.183 4.788 5.700 Mexico 809 618 633 1.192 1.063 2.394 1.389 3.657 4.668 5.000 Kenya 1.084 850 1.104 1.391 865 6.127 7.413 7.503 6.760 5.000 Uganda 1.767 480 96 210 305 4.550 3.320 5.334 6.808 4.800 Burundi 265 295 0 338 357 357 250 Viet Nam 36 0 626 443 294 500 3.812 8.472 1.985 2.000 Bolivia 172 171 165 190 275 358 193 275 221 300 Papua New Guinea 0 0 0 20 250 0 200 885 505 500 Zambia 568 114 0 18 242 1.376 1.171 1.171 0,5 1.000 Ethiopia 622 149 1.000 147 216 9.430 5.348 2.029 7.612 3.000 El Salvador 0 0 19 145 76 238 850 564 354 354 Tanzania 0 27 0 109 38 673 1.502 711 1.461 1.200 Dominican Republic 0 0 0 0 38 0 0 115 115 115 Total Arabica 29.418 43.106 61.639 61.806 94.477 176.090 238.535 261.258 304.612 330.939 ROBUSTA Viet Nam 5.418 7.313 13.989 17.482 23.771 21.119 50.386 85.162 65.869 70.000 India 470 791 1.118 961 1.669 8.282 7.423 9.139 13.268 14.500 Uganda 128 769 562 1.205 1.183 4.046 3.838 5.060 4.269 4.000 Indonesia 627 637 190 563 133 6.417 5.619 4.323 4.947 5.000 Mexico 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 94 107 107 Tanzania 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 937 930 930 Total Robusta 6.643 9.510 15.859 20.211 26.756 39.864 67.266 104.714 89.391 94.537

TOTAL ARABICA & ROBUSTA 36.061 52.616 77.498 82.017 121.233 215.954 305.801 365.972 394.003 425.476 in bags (rounded) 601.017 876.933 1.291.626 1.366.950 2.020.554 3.599.233 5.096.688 6.099.525 6.566.713 7.091.267 *The certified volume of 2009/2010 has been adapted according to the real values which became apparent in 2010.

UTZ CERTIFIED has the largest volume of certified coffee worldwide. Produced in 21 countries the volume of certified coffee reached 394.003 MT (6.566.713 bags) in 2010/2011. The top three producing countries where UTZ sales originate are Brazil, Vietnam and Honduras, which account for 75% of the total 2010 sales.

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1.2. Supply Overview Changes in prices have been influenced by the scarcity of 162.164 certified farmers. Arabica coffee as a result of an off-cycle year with a much The certified farms employ around 232.000 workers of lower crop in Brazil and two successive below average which 23% are permanent and the rest are seasonal annual crops in Colombia associated to heavy rains, workers. Throughout 2010 the UTZ CERTIFIED coffee reduced use of fertilizers because of higher prices, and program has supported farmers with implementing the UTZ increased incidence of pests and diseases. Another country Code of Conduct and will continue to work together with that experienced a decrease in production during 2010 due partners to achieve their demand of certified coffee. to bad weather conditions was Vietnam; being the world’s largest Robusta producing country this will have its 5% of the world is UTZ CERTIFIED1; this is consequences in driving international coffee prices. a high share taking into account that until now about 9% of the world production has a sustainable certification2. The While worldwide coffee production had a decrease of 6.5%, current number of UTZ CERTIFIED certificate holders is 400; from 128.2 million bags in 2008/2009 to 119.8 million bags many of those have other certifications. It is estimated that in 2009/2010, UTZ CERTIFIED coffee supply increased by about 23% of the certificate holders also have Rainforest 20% in the same period. Compared to 2009/2010 our Alliance certification, 15% are certified as Organic, 8% are supply grew from 6.1 million bags to 6.6 million bags in the Coffee Practices and 7% are also Fairtrade3. However the period 2010/2011. This is equivalent to 394.003 MT. mentioned sustainable verification/certification programs can also certify part of the farm or only certain members of the certificate holder group, therefore these percentages cannot be translated into or compared to the total production volume certified as UTZ. More detailed information is summarized in the following pages about the trends in the top ten producing countries where UTZ CERTIFIED coffee is produced.

The forecasted supply for UTZ CERTIFIED coffee is projected to reach 7.09 million bags equivalent to 425.476 MT in the period 2011/2012.

The three major producing countries of UTZ CERTIFIED Arabica are Brazil, Colombia and Honduras; Vietnam and India are the top Robusta producing countries. Fifty six new certificates were awarded during 2010 taking the total to

2. Coffee tree.

1 ICO Annual Review 2009/10 data: 119.83 million bags world coffee production for 2009/2010 period. 2 ISS “The State of Sustainability Initiatives Review 2010: Sustainability and Transparency” report estimates data on sustainable coffee for 2009 up to 17% which includes also non-certification programs (verification systems). Only taking into account volumes from certification programs the percentage goes to 8.75%. 3 These percentages are not cumulative but each one calculated from the total UTZ CERTIFIED farms; many farm units or groups have multiple certifications. © UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside 2011. Page 4 of 14 Supply & Demand Update April 2011


The effects of climate change have affected production of agricultural commodities in various ways, for instance the period October - December 2010 experienced precipitations below expectations. Despite this challenge the region had a 22% increase, mostly Arabica volumes. Productivity and quality improvements achieved after implementation of the UTZ Standard prove that the UTZ CERTIFIED program is a very efficient tool for sustainable development of coffee supply chains. The program has also had great impact in improving efficiency in farm management and market access. Challenges are similar as in the rest of producing countries:  Continuous improvement in productivity and quality with the effects of climate change  Access to finance – pre-financing for producer 3. Coffee Farmer. Uganda organizations. Six African countries are producing UTZ CERTIFIED  Low local coffee consumption coffees which contributed to 7% of the total certified supply.

Burundi mainstream markets. The estimate for 2011 supply UTZ In Burundi national production is expected to be about coffee is about 5.000 MT mainly from the large plantations. 24.000 to 27.000 MT of green coffee this year. UTZ CERTIFIED coffee from Kagombe will be in the range of 240 Uganda to 280 MT. More investors are interested in working with farmers and wet mills towards UTZ certification; if the Uganda is estimated to supply 4.000 MT and 4.800 MT of process goes smoothly then UTZ expects to have more UTZ CERTIFIED Robusta and Arabica coffee respectively. volumes in the coming year 2011/2012. Coffee farmers in Uganda work closely with exporters who ensure that standards are maintained. Kenya Other African countries National production is projected to increase from 42.000 Ethiopia is expected to supply 3.000 MT of UTZ CERTIFIED MT in 2010 to about 50.000 MT in 2011. More producers coffee from the Yirgacheffe, Sidama and Kaffa regions. continued to implement the UTZ Code of Conduct in 2010 Tanzania will contribute an estimate of 1.200 MT Arabica and more are expected during this year. The quality of the and 930 MT Robusta which include Kagera Cooperative coffees from UTZ CERTIFIED smallholder producers is Union, Lima Ltd of Mbeya Region and Kilimanjaro extremely high in the range of specialty classes and they Plantations. Zambia’s estimated national production is have a high price. However UTZ CERTIFIED coffees from 5.000 MT for 2011 and about 1.000 MT will be certified large plantations are also available which are attractive to from Mubuyu Estate.


UTZ CERTIFIED Vietnamese Robusta increased by 36% and Vietnam two new producers joined the program. For the 2010/2011 Total annual coffee production in Vietnam decreased due crop season a supply growth is expected of about 6%. to bad weather conditions: the dry season was longer and less water was available for irrigation. Production was India reduced by around 20% for this crop season and will also India’s coffee production during 2010 registered 289.600 affect the next one. Many producers have not been able to MT of which 195.000 MT was Robusta and 94.600 MT was cope with these losses as well as continuing with the Arabica. The three main coffee producing states are improvement programs for UTZ certification resulting in a Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu with elevation ranges decrease of more than 25% of UTZ CERTIFIED Robusta from 600 to 1500m above sea level. Coffee trees enjoy the volumes in 2010. With the high coffee prices, the sales of unique status of totally shade grown and diversification

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practices with species such as pepper, vanilla, banana and orange among others. As in other producing countries the coffee growers are constantly affected by shortage of workers and the effects of climatic conditions like unexpected rainfalls. The UTZ CERTIFIED Robusta volume for 2010/2001 was 13.268 MT and Arabica was 4.788 MT; Robusta increased steadily and the Arabica production stayed rather stable over the last four years. UTZ expects the same pattern for 2011/2012. Two new groups of certified producers joined the UTZ coffee program: Nedcommodities India and ECOM Gill.

Indonesia Indonesian supply recuperated from a decrease over two 4. Workers drying coffee. Vietnam consecutive years since 2007. Arabica coffee production Asian countries increased their sales of UTZ doubled in the 2010/2011 crop season, reaching 7.105MT, CERTIFIED coffee by 32% in 2010. Supply in the while Robusta saw an increase of 14%. region decreased to 85% from previous period 2009/2010.

Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean

every year and buyers have shown interest for this origin, Honduras mainly from the US and Scandinavia. In the Dominican As with previous harvests there is no flow of coffee moving Republic producers are interested in the program as they to Guatemala mainly due to the high international prices. have noticed the opportunities to increase their Most of the main producers’ organizations and exporters productivity and quality. participate in the coffee program and the increase in sales is motivating more producers to join UTZ CERTIFIED. Aside from a productivity increase UTZ has been promoting quality improvement through marketing tours, quality competitions and quality trainings. For the 2010/2011 crop season, the increase is expected to be over 39.500 MT of UTZ CERTIFIED coffee.

Guatemala Last year Guatemala increased its UTZ sales to specialty markets, which has motivated producers and organizations to maintain and even increase their availability of certified volumes. The Guatemalan UTZ coffee supply increased 30% and sales even tripled, which makes it likely that the availability of Arabica will continue growing.

Nicaragua UTZ is working in Nicaragua with different groups and the main coffee exporters in the country. The production of certified coffee increased 76% up to more than 7.000MT and is expected to keep growing. UTZ has promoted this origin through marketing tours and quality trainings. 5. Picking coffee. Nicaragua Other countries in the region The overall growth of the region for UTZ coffee In Costa Rica UTZ sales increased mainly because of the was 6.55% compared to 2009. As demand for demand from the US market. UTZ expects this demand to Central American coffee increases according to grow more due to the participation of specialty coffees. In expectations UTZ estimates an 8% to 10% increase. other countries like Mexico, certified supply has increased © UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside 2011. Page 6 of 14 Supply & Demand Update April 2011

South America

Brazil Peru Brazil remains the world’s largest coffee producer and is the There was an increase of over 52% in UTZ CERTIFIED largest supplier of UTZ CERTIFIED Arabica. In 2010 the crop Peruvian coffee production (20.789 MT) due to a growth in reached 58 million bags, however this is expected to drop demand for UTZ coffee from this origin, improved quality, to 45 million bags in 2011. higher volumes and more trust in local exporters. Besides the shortage of Colombian coffee which also influenced a In order to compensate any potential shortfall in the greater demand, Peru as a country experienced a good year coming year, UTZ expects an estimated 5.000 hectares will with more stable economic conditions, increased be added to the program in 2011 (the estimate is to add up international and national investments and improved to 10.000 Ha) which will account for the drop of business environment. The most relevant producing and approximately 11.000 MT. At the same time, the current exporting companies keep on setting the pace: Perhusa certified producers will continue with UTZ coffee program, Cafes Especiales, Bio azul (Grupo Ecom), Ecoterra - which will grow stronger in Minas Gerais. Thirty additional Prodelsur (Grupo Volcafe EDE), Biocafe, Fruto de Selva and farms joined UTZ and the certified area is rising on average Cedros Cafe. The Central de Cooperativas COCLA has 10% per year. reduced UTZ coffee sales in the past two years, however another four processing and exporting companies joined Colombia the program and sales of UTZ CERTIFIED coffee increased by In 2010 domestic production was 8.9 million bags, showing 118% compared to 2009. a recovery compared to 2009. The effects of the rainfall and infection of coffee rust remain negative across the country. Due to the increasing demand for UTZ CERTIFIED coffees, Nevertheless the volume of certified coffee and producers producers are preparing themselves to meet with the has increased, especially with smallholders. There is a demand. Producers have been affected by delayed rainfalls, growing contribution of the southern region (Huila and lower availability of field workers and market distortion others) to the national harvest; this region (COOCENTRAL) related to the dollar exchange and out of the ordinary contributed with 25% of UTZ CERTIFIED coffee sales this purchases of Peruvian coffee from Colombia during the first year. quarter. The pricing is now aligned with New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and differentiated for certified and quality The current shortage has kept the differentials for coffees. Colombian coffee at remarkable high level. UTZ CERTIFIED sales from Colombia were 65% compared to 2009. The main exporters for UTZ coffee are FNC, CARCAFE, Expocafé and “Compañia Cafetera la Meseta”.

6. Whased coffee cherries. Brazil For the crop season 2010/2011, 35% percent of UTZ CERTIFIED coffee was grown in Brazil, reaching 136.444MT. Production increased 26% from previous period and UTZ forecast for 2011/2012 is estimated in 160.000MT.

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1.3 Demand Overview

Worldwide demand for sustainable coffee is expected to grow in 2011. The demand for UTZ CERTIFIED coffees hit record high in 2010 reaching almost a 50% increase on the previous year, showing the growing importance of sustainability for the coffee industry. Commitments were made in 2010 showing that companies are stepping up to their responsibility and taking 7. UTZ CERTIFIED coffee beans. their consumers on the journey with them. The UTZ traceability system High market shares in countries like offers partners the credibility and assurance their customers are looking for: the Netherlands (40%), Switzerland that the products they buy are indeed sustainably produced. (40%) and Norway (23%) prove that The sales increase also relates to the fact that UTZ CERTIFIED producers can the UTZ approach works for the mass offer coffees from 21 different origins and that buyers can make use of well- market thanks to committed program established supply chains due to the strong presence and commitment of partners like Sara Lee, ACC/Ahold, international and local traders. The vast offer of different qualities enables Migros and Kaffehuset Friele. retailers and brands to switch full assortments to sustainably sourced coffee.


Austria Germany The Wild Bean Café at BP gas stations now serve UTZ UTZ coffees are served at Petit Bistro, the gastronomic CERTIFIED coffee. Cremesso, a new capsule system has corner of the ARAL gas stations and now also in the 1200 been launched with UTZ coffee. SHELL gas stations around the country. The UTZ CERTIFIED Senseo blend Nature’s Selection (a Sara Lee blend) is Belgium renamed to Bio Selection. The supermarket chain Edeka Edel, part of the Cafea group, has joined our program offers the UTZ CERTIFIED range Schweitzers. producing soluble UTZ coffees. An increased number of smaller roasters joined UTZ in the last year. LIDL Belgium Italy also introduced UTZ coffee pads under their private label. Torrefazione Omkaffé has launched their top quality TERRA VIVA brand with UTZ coffee beans. Denmark Market leader Merrild offers several UTZ products and Netherlands reports great successes in the OOH market. On the RØd The Netherlands shows strong growth in demand for UTZ Merrild coffee the UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside 2D scan on coffees especially in the retail sector. L’Or capsules (100% pack and point of sales material was trialed in 2010. This UTZ) from Sara Lee are now also available in Dutch tool contains a code that can be scanned by a mobile supermarkets, just as a new certified product range of telephone and directs to information (video or website) single origins from Papua New Guinea, Peru and India. about the coffee and UTZ. Peter Larssen launched its first UTZ CERTIFIED/organic product. BKI has signed up as a All Euroshopper coffee from AMS is now UTZ CERTIFIED. registered member. launched a new coffee bar concept for IKEA Heerlen with the Supergusto UTZ blend. Selecta started the Finland roll-out of UTZ coffee in all SHELL gas stations. Market leader Gustav Paulig offers several UTZ CERTIFIED LIDL launches UTZ CERTIFIED coffee pads and Dekamarkt products. Pirkka coffee from retailer Kesko is UTZ labeled, will introduce UTZ coffees under their private label. The as well the coffees served at McDonald’s (same goes for national consumption of UTZ coffee in the Netherlands is Russia and the Baltic States). already 40%!

France Norway Sara Lee launched L’Or capsules in the French retail market Market leader Kaffehuset Friele achieved 60% sourcing as which are 100% UTZ and a new Senseo product which is UTZ CERTIFIED, and several labeled products are available. organic/UTZ. UTZ coffee supplied by Selecta is available at 42% of the sales of Coop Kaffee are UTZ CERTIFIED. Joh several SHELL gas stations along the highways. Johannson continues with their ALI KAFFE mørkbrent. At

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the moment 23% of the coffee being consumed in Norway CERTIFIED volumes. IKEA continues to sell and serve UTZ is UTZ CERTIFIED. coffee in their outlets worldwide.

Poland Switzerland Strauss Group successfully introduced their UTZ CERTIFIED 40% of coffee consumed in Switzerland is UTZ CERTIFIED, MK Café Professional. The Wild Bean Café at BP thanks to Migros which completed the full switch of their gas stations serves UTZ CERTIFIED coffee. base assortment to UTZ CERTIFIED by the end of 2010 and thanks to Delica/Cremesso, IKEA, Illycafé, Jura and Selecta. Spain As new members we can report Wild Bean Café, offering Cafés Novell launched a new line of single serve UTZ coffees UTZ coffee at BP gas stations as well as quality roaster called Picolo Novell. Marcilla will sell more than 1.000 tons Hochstrasser AG. of UTZ CERTIFIED coffee annually in Spain. Icona and Coprocafe are the most active traders in UTZ coffees. UK Roaster Cafes Vitoria, buying organization Comercial de Highlights: Taylors of Harrogate launched the UTZ Hot Lava Materias Primas and trader Intergrano also joined our Java coffee in retail. After success in the Netherlands and program. Spain the Bazar coffees (100% UTZ) are available in several pubs of Scottish & Newcastle Pub Company. All Sara Lee Sweden coffee in the UK will be certified by 2013. Armajaro trading The key players ICA, Löfberg Lilla/Kaffehuset Karlstad and substantially increased the volumes of UTZ coffees in 2011. Arvid Nordquist continued buying considerable UTZ Other key traders are Falcon Commodities and Tristao Trading Panama UK.

North America

products; others bought UTZ coffees in blends. Tight supplies in washed Arabicas from Indonesia, Peru and Colombia are evident as limiting the ability to satisfy new client volumes. Top coffee companies – Kraft (Yuban and ), J.M. Smucker Companyand – already raised prices during the final months of 2010 and some considered their price increases in 2011. Coffee prices are now up nearly 50% in the last six months while world coffee stockpiles are at an eleven-year low.

Consumption per capita in the US is expected to stay 8. Roasting coffee. between 2.1Kg and 2.2Kg. According to Datamonitor by the end of 2014, the coffee market will total 716.6 million kg, UTZ has strong growth in new traders and roasters, with an expected CAGR of 1.5% between 2009 and 2014. like Rothfos (Neumann), Serengetti and Mercon, This market is estimated to increase by $692m in sales over responding to new interest in the coffee program. the 2009−14 period. The roast/ground coffee segment is expected to account for a 95.5% share in 2014, followed by , with a USA and Canada 4.5%. By the end of 2014, the coffee category will be worth UTZ CERTIFIED had a strong adoption in 2010, signing up 8 $7,335m, with an expected CAGR of 2% between 2009 and new OOH roasters, and 3 retail roasters. One OOH roaster, 2014. Café and Terra Coffee in Canada, launched 100%

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Japan Several new UTZ coffee products were launched during 2010. Some are available in retailer chains like Seijo-Ishii, Ito-Yokado, etc., and others available in internet online shops like Amazon.com. Also, a first plastic cup RTD(=ready to drink) 100% UTZ chilled coffee drink was sold in more than 420 branches of Newdays, a convenience store chain located in railway stations. Skynet Asia Airlines started serving 100% UTZ coffee in all their 48/day flights. Total of 14 roasting factories (8 companies) are Choc certified now. Due to high international coffee prices, major coffee companies have increased (or have announced an increase) prices of consumer products recently.

9. Sustainability day coffee tasting. The Netherlands Australia Sustainable coffee sales are growing exponentially every year confirming a trend in the industry towards Australia responsible sourcing. UTZ CERTIFIED is actively Banjo's Bakery Chain was the first to bring UTZ to working with partners to communicate their story to television! They have bakery chains around Tasmania and consumers. Raising awareness among consumers for some on the mainland serving all UTZ coffee. The Coffee sustainable produced coffee: A common goal! Club introduced UTZ to its customers and invited them to join the online UTZ supporters’ community. Compass Group launched Lavazza’s UTZ CERTIFIED Super Gusto espresso blend. Compass Group is the world’s leading foodservice company and caters to over 650 sites in Australia.

UTZ CERTIFIED E-Learning Centre

With a growing demand for UTZ CERTIFIED coffee, cocoa and tea, the number of technical assistants, technical consultants and Certification Bodies (CB) and their auditors is growing. The growth and complexity of compliance with international certification criteria requires strengthening the training and monitoring provided by UTZ CERTIFIED in a cost efficient way. UTZ CERTIFIED has developed an on-line training tool in order to provide training possibilities and updated information in a very clear and informative way about every aspect of our program’s implementation.


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