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Writings by Daishonin [1222-1282]

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Listing of Authenticated Gosho (Goibun) of Nichiren DaiShonin

This is a strict list of all authentic writings by Nichiren Shonin upon which scholars and the many Nichiren Schools can agree. It is based on the Showa teihon Nichiren Shonin Ibun published by Minobusan Kuonji in 1982. Nichiren Shu Buddhists call Nichiren Shonin's writings "Goibun" although the term "Gosho" was coined by Nikko Shonin and so such is the more common term in the Nikko lineages. This list contains 267 Gosho with links to those which have been translated into Western languages. If you know of an online translation of one of the gosho listed below, please send me the address!

Some have asked for a more concise list of gosho from the the SGI's latest translation published in 1999, The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, which are considered to be authentic by Nichiren Shu and the other Nichiren Schools. So here is a list of the gosho included below, by their number in the WND's Table of Contents: 2, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 22, 24, 26, 27, 30, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 49, 54, 55, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 105, 106, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 133, 135, 138, 140, 143, 148, 149, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 165, 166, 168.

In the listing below... Title is the romanized Japanese titles. There may be some minor variation in the romanizations used by various Schools. * is the title that Nichiren Shonin named. These are only 11 gosho. ^ indicates one of the ten major writings of Nichiren as designated by Nikko Shonin. Date is when that gosho was written. There are some "u" in front of months like uMar. "u" is uruu and means leap month. Where is where that gosho was written. Whom is to whom Nichiren Shonin wrote that gosho. Type is the form of that gosho at present. "T" means a true gosho and that we have an original at present. "U" means what was confirmed to be a true gosho, however, the original was lost in the past. "P" means that we have some portions of that gosho, but not in whole. "C" means what was copied by Nichiren's Shonin's direct disciples like Nikko Shonin.

Title Date Where Whom Type

Toki dono gohenji 9 Dec Toki T (Reply to Toki) 1253

25 Fudo Aizen kankenki Jun T 1254

Shoshu mondo sho 1255 C

Ichidai shogyo taii 1258 C Musashi dono goshosoku 17 Jul Musashibo U (Letter to Musashi) 1259

Shugo kokka ron * 1259 Kamakura U Translation available from Nichiren Shu

Nizen nijo bosatsu fusabutsuji 1259 Kamakura U

Feb Sainan koki yurai T 1260

Feb Sainan taiji sho T 1260

Rissho ankoku ron * ^ (On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land) Establishment of the Legitimate Teaching for the Protection of the Country SGI [Alt.text] Rissho Ankoku Ron NST Jul Hojo Kamakura T,C Establishment of the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the 1260 Tokiyori Land Rissho Ankoku Ron & Canon Formulation JJRS .pdf download Translation available from Nichiren Shu Að tryggja friðinn Ã​ landinu með útbreiðslu hins æðsta sannleika SGI-Iceland

Title Date Where Whom Type

Ken hobo sho * 1262 Izu U

Rondan tekitai gosho 1262 Izu P

Nanjo Hyoe Shichiro dono gosho (Letter to Nanjo Hyoe Shichiro) 13 Dec 1264 Awa Nanjo T,C Encouragement to a Sick Person SGI

Yakuoubon tokui sho * 1265 T The Essence of the Yakuo Chapter SGI

Hokke daimoku sho * The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra SGI 6 Jan 1266 Kiyosumi T Dajmoku Lotos Sutre Serbian

Zenmui sho 1266 T Title Date Where Whom Type

Hojo Ankoku ron soejo 1268 Kamakura U Tokimune

Ankoku ron gokan yurai 5 Apr Kamakura Hokanbo T Rationale for Submitting the Rissho Ankoku Ron SGI 1268

Yadoya Yadoya nyudo saigojo Sep 1268 Kamakura P nyudo

1 Mar Mikoshiburi gosho Kamakura Sanmibo P 1269

Ben dono goshosoku 10 Mar Kamakura Nissho T (Letter to Ben) 1269

9 May Toki & Monchu tokui sho Kamakura T 1269 others

Toki dono goshosoku 7 Jun Kamakura Toki T (Letter to Toki) 1269

8 Dec Ankoku ron okugaki Kamakura T 1269

Homon mousarubekiyo no koto 1269 Sanmibo T The Way to Argue Buddhist Doctrines SGI

Ko Saimyoji nyudo kenzan gosho 1269 P

Kingo dono gohenji 1270 Kamakura Ota T,C (Reply to Kingo)

Ueno dono haha amagozen gosho 22 Dec Nanjo's Kamakura T (Letter to the Nun of Ueno) 1270 mother

Jissho sho A Treatise on the Ten Chapters of the Great Concentration May 1271 Sanmibo T and Insight WNS:2

Gyobin gohenji 13 Jul (Reply to Gyobin-bo) 1271 Gyobinbo C Gyobin sojo goetsu 1271 U

Title Date Where Whom Type

Toki dono gohenji 15 Sep (Reply to Toki) Echi Toki T 1271 Letter from Echi SGI

Gonin tsuchiro gosho 3 Oct Nichiro & Letter to Priest Nichiro in Prison HBS Echi T 1271 others Letter to Priest Nichiro in Prison SGI

Tenju keiju homon Lessening the Karmic Retribution NST Lessening the Karmic Retribution SGI Lessening the Karmic Retribution 5 Oct Echi Ota & others T SGI-UK Gosho Study 1271 L'Allègement de la Rétribution Karmique Soleil- L'Allègement de la Rétribution Karmique

Teradomari gosho 22 Oct Letter from Teradomari SGI Teradomari Toki T 1271 A Letter from Teradomari WNS:2

Onkoromonuno tamaisoro gohenji 1271 T

Title Date Where Whom Type

17 Hokke jodo mondosho Jan Tsukahara T 1272

Hasshu imoku sho 18 A Treatise on the Differences of the Lotus Sect from the Eight Feb Tsukahara Toki T Other Sects WNS:2 1272

Kaimoku sho * ^ The Opening of the Eyes SGI [Alt.text] The Opening of the Eyes Feb Open Your Eyes to the Lotus Teaching WNS:2 1272 Tsukahara U Learning from the Gosho Ikeda Excerpt from the Sutra in the Illuminated Gosho

Mar Nichimyo Oto gozen haha gohenji Tsukahara T 1272 ama

26 Ankoku ron okurijo May Ichinosawa T 1272

26 Ben dono goshosoku Nissho & Jul Ichinosawa T (Letter to Ben) others 1272

24 Muso gosho Oct Ichinosawa T 1272

Shijo kingo dono gohenji (Reply to Shijo Kingo) 1272 Ichinosawa Shijo C The Pure and Far Reaching Voice SGI The Pure and Far Reaching Voice

Kito sho * On Prayer SGI 1272 Ichinosawa U On Prayer Illuminated Gosho Oko Lecture Hokkeko-UK

Kanjin honzon sho * ^ The Thesis On The Instigator’s Fundamental Object Of Veneration For Contemplating The Mind For The Fifth Five Hundred Year Period After The Tathagata’s Passing Over To Nirvana The True Object of Worship NST 25 The True Object of Worship SGI [Alt.text] Apr Ichinosawa T,C The True Object of Worship 1273 A Treatise Revealing the Spiritual Contemplation & the Most Venerable One WNS:2 SGI-USA Study Curriculum Translation available from Nichiren Shu Le Véritable Objet de Vénération French

Kanjin honzon sho soejo 26 The True Object of Worship cover letter SGI Apr Ichinosawa Toki T The Covering Letter of the "Kanjin Honzon-sho" WNS:2 1273

Myoichi ama gohenji Apr Myoichi Ichinosawa T (Reply to the Nun Myoichi) 1273 ama Shoto shiji gosho Apr Ichinosawa P 1273

Nyosetsu shugyo sho On Practicing the Buddha's Teachings NST On Practicing the Buddha's Teachings SGI On Practicing the Buddha's Teachings May Ichinosawa C Practice In Strict Accordance With The Buddha's Teaching 1273 Practices In Strict Accordance With The Buddha's Teaching HBS

Kembutsu miraiki On the Buddha's Prophecy SGI 11 On the Buddha's Prophecy uMay Ichinosawa U,C A Testimony to the Prediction of the Buddha WNS:2 1273 Sur les Prédictions du Bouddha

Toki dono gohenji 6 Jul Ichinosawa Toki T A Response to Lord Toki WNS:2 1273

Hakii Saburo dono gohenji 3 Reply to Lord Hakiri Saburo SGI Aug Ichinosawa Nanbu C A Response to Lord Hakii Saburo WNS:2 1273

19 Ben dono amagozen gosho Myoichi Sep Ichinosawa T (Letter to the Lay Nun of Ben) ama 1273

Toki dono gohenji 3 Nov Ichinosawa Toki T (Reply to Toki) 1373

Oto gozen haha gohenji 3 Nov Nichimyo (Letter to the Mother of Oto Gozen) Ichinosawa T 1273 ama Learning from the Gosho Ikeda

Hitatare gosho 1273 Ichinosawa P

Shojo daijo funbetsu sho The Differences between & Mayahana Teachings 1273 Ichinosawa Toki T WNS:2

Mokue nizo kaigen no koto Opening the Eyes of Wooden or Painted Images NST 1273 Ichinosawa U Opening the Eyes of Wooden or Painted Images SGI

Hokke gyoja chinanji 14 Shijo, The Votary of the Lotus Sutra Will Meet Persecution (Hokke Jan Ichinosawa Toki T gyoja honan ji) SGI 1274

Apr Mikyo tencho gosho Kamakura P 1274

Title Date Where Whom Type

17 Toki dono gosho May Minobu Toki T (Letter to Toki) 1274

24 Hokke shuyo sho * May Minobu T,C A Treatise on the Essence of the Lotus Sutra WNS:2 1274

Toki amagozen gohenji 1274 Minobu Toki's wife T (Reply to Toki's Wife)

Ueno dono gohenji 26 Jul Nanjo's Minobu T (Reply to Ueno) 1274 mother

Shomitsuno gosho 1274 Minobu Shomitsubo U

Seichoji Betto gobo gohenji 1274 Minobu U betto

11 Ueno dono gohenji Nov Minobu Nanjo C (Reply to Ueno) 1274

20 Soya nyudo dono gosho Nov Minobu Soya P (Letter to Soya Nyudo) 1274

Nov Kassen zai genzen gosho Minobu P 1274

15 Ken rissho i sho Dec Minobu C 1274

Shonin chi sanze ji A Sage Perceives the Three Existences of Life SGI 1274 Minobu Toki T Un Sage Perçoit les Trois Phases de la Vie French Rissho kanjo A Treatise on Establishing the Right Way of Meditation: 1274 Minobu C Similarities and Differences between the Lotus Sutra and the Great Concentration and Insight WNS:2

24 Ota dono gari gosho Jan Minobu Ota T 1275

Shijo kingo dono nyobo gohenji 27 (Reply to Shijo Kingo's Wife) Jan Minobu Shijo's wife T The Unity of Husband and Wife SGI 1275

Jan Haru no iwai gosho Minobu Nanjo T 1275

7 Feb Toki dono gohenji Minobu Toki T 1275

Kaen jogo gosho 7 Feb (On Prolonging's One's Life) Minobu Toki's wife T 1275 NOT the same as the SGI gosho [dated 1279] by the same name.

Nii amagozen gohenji 16 (Reply to the Lay Nun Nii) Feb Minobu Nii ama U Reply to Nii-ama SGI 1275

Risshokan sho okurijo 28 The Covering Letter to the Treatise on Establishing the Right Feb Minobu Sairenbo C Way of Meditation WNS:2 1275

Zuiso gosho Feb Minobu Shijo U On Omens SGI 1275

Daizen daiaku gosho Great Evil and Great Good SGI Veliko zlo i veliko dobro 1275 Minobu P Serbian

Feb Shinkokuo gosho 1275 Minobu T

Soya nyudo dono gari gosho 10 Reply to Soya Nyudo SGI Mar Minobu Soya, Ota T Odgovor Soja Njudou Serbian 1275 12 Kou nyudo dono gohenji Apr Minobu Kou nyudo T Reply to the Lay Priest Ko SGI 1275

12 Oushajo ji Apr Minobu Shijo U 1275

Kyodai sho Letter to the Brothers NST 16 Letter to the Brothers SGI Ikegami Apr Minobu T SGI-USA Study Curriculum bros. 1275 Lettre aux Frères Lettre aux Frères

Horen sho Apr Letter to Horen SGI Minobu Soya U,P 1275 Letter to Horen

Shuju onfurumai gosho (The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra) 1275 Minobu U NOT the same as the SGI gosho [dated 1276] by the same name.

3 Ueno dono gohenji May Minobu Nanjo C (Reply to Ueno) 1275

4 Ichinosawa nyudo gosho Ichinosawa's May Minobu T Letter to Ichinosawa Nyudo wife 1275

Sajiki nyobo gohenji 25 (Reply to the Lady of Sajiki) May Minobu Sajiki nyobo P The of a Summer Robe SGI 1275 L'Offrande d'un Kimono d'Eté French

Myoichi amagozen goshosoku (Letter to the Nun Myoichi) May Winter Always Turns to Spring SGI Minobu Myoichi ama T Winter Always Turns to Spring 1275 A L'hivers Succède Toujours le Printemps

Senji sho * ^ Know the Time Asahi-net Jun The Selection of the Time SGI [Alt.text] Minobu T 1275 SGI Study Dept. .zip file Translation available from Nichiren Shu Kou amagozen gosho (Letter to the Lay Nun of Ko) 16 Letter to Ko-no-ama Gozen SGI Jun Minobu Ko's wife T Learning from the Gosho Ikeda 1275 Lettre à Kô no ama Gozen French Pismo Ko-no-ami Gozen Serbian

22 San sanzo kiu no koto Jun Minobu Nishiyama T Three Tripitaka Masters Pray for Rain SGI 1275

27 Jorenbo gosho Jun Minobu Jorenbo C (Letter to Joren-bo) 1275

Nanjo dono gohenji 2 Jul Minobu Nanjo P,C (Reply to Nanjo) 1275

Daigaku Saburo dono gosho 2 Jul Minobu Daigaku T (Letter to Daigaku Saburo) 1275

Takahashi nyudo dono gohenji 12 Jul Minobu Takahashi T Reply to Takahashi Nyudo SGI 1275

Takahashi dono gohenji 26 Jul Minobu Takahashi C (Reply to Takahashi) 1275

Myoshin amagozen gohenji 16 Myoshin (Reply to the Lay Nun Myoshin) Aug Minobu U,C ama Beneficial Medicine for All Ills SGI 1275

Myoshin amagozen gohenji 25 (Reply to the Nun Myoshin) Myoshin Aug Minobu C Upholding Faith in the Gohonzon SGI ama 1275 Podržavanje vere u Gohonzon Serbian

28 Onkoromo narabini hitoe gosho Sep Minobu Toki T 1275

Ota nyudo dono gohenji (Reply to Ota Nyudo) 3 Nov Minobu Ota T Curing Karmic Disease SGI 1275 La Guérison des Maladies Karmiques French

Nov Sonrei gobodai gosho Minobu Toki P 1275 26 Goninjo gohenji Dec Minobu Gonin T (Reply to Gonin) 1275

Chie bokoku gosho 1275 Minobu Jimyo ama T

Hakumai wakame gosho 1275 Minobu T

Seichoji daishuchu 11 Letter to the Priests of Seicho-ji NST Jan Minobu U Letter to the Priests of Seicho-ji SGI 1276

Nanjo dono gohenji 19 (Reply to Nanjo Tokimisu) Jan Minobu Nanjo C Good Fortune in This Life SGI 1276

17 Matsuno dono goshosoku Feb Minobu Matsuno T (Letter to Matsuno) 1276

Toki amagozen gosho 27 (Letter to the Lay Nun Toki) Mar Minobu Toki's wife T The Bow and Arrow SGI 1276 The Bow and Arrow

Mar Bo jikyo ji Minobu Toki T 1276

Konichibo gosho Mar Minobu Konichibo U Letter to Konichi-bo SGI 1276

Nanjo dono gohenji 24 (Reply to Nanjo Tokimitsu) uMar Minobu Nanjo T The Story of Ohashi no Taro SGI 1276

5 Kakushogobo gohenji May Minobu Kakushobo T (Reply to Kakusho-bo) 1276

10 Takenoko gosho May Minobu Kakushobo T 1276

Hokyo hoju ji 11 The Unmatched Fortune of the Law SGI May Minobu Nishiyama T The Unmatched Fortune of the Law 1276

Shijo kingo shakabutsu kuyoji 15 Consecrating an Image of Shakyamuni Buddha Made by Shijo Jun Minobu Shijo U,P Kingo SGI 1276

18 Kakushobo gohenji Jun Minobu Kakushobo T (Reply to Kakusho-bo) 1276

Ben dono goshosoku 21 Jul Minobu Nissho T (Letter to Ben) 1276

Hoon jo * ^ Repaying Debts of Gratitude (Ho'on sho) SGI [Alt.text] 21 Jul Minobu U,P SGI Study Dept. .zip file 1276 Hoon Jo available from Nichiren Shu

Jiri kuyo gosho 1276 Minobu T

13 Dojojin shugo ji Dec Minobu Toki T 1276

20 Sadashige dono gohenji Dec Minobu Sadashige T (Reply to Sadashige) 1276

23 Nishiyama dono gohenji Jan Minobu Nishiyama U (Reply to Nishiyama) 1277

13 Genze muken gosho Feb Minobu P 1277

Shishin gohon sho ^ 10 On the Four Stages of Faith and the Five Stages of Practice SGI Apr Minobu Toki T [Alt.text] 1277

12 Jomyo shonin gohenji Apr Minobu Ota T (Reply to the Priest Jomyo) 1277

12 Nakaoki's Nakaoki mandokoro nyobo gohenji Apr Minobu P wife 1277 Shijo kingo dono gohenji (Reply to Shijo Kingo) The Eight Winds SGI Eight Winds Illuminated Gosho 1277 Minobu Shijo U,P Les Huit Vents Les Huit Vents Los Ocho Vientos Portugese gosho study

Ueno dono gohenji 15 (Reply to Ueno) May Minobu Nanjo P,C The Workings of Bonten (Brahma) and Taishaku (Shakra) SGI 1277

Shimoyama goshosoku ^ Jun (Letter to Shimoyama) Minobu Shimoyama T,C 1277 Translation available from Nichiren Shu

18 Hyoenosakan dono gohenji Jun Minobu Ikegami T (Reply to Hyoeno Sakan) 1277

25 Yorimoto chinjo Jun Minobu Shijo C Letter of Petition from Yorimoto SGI 1277

Shijo kingo dono gohenji Jul (Reply to Shijo Kingo) Minobu Shijo P 1277 A Warning against Begrudging One's Fief SGI

Nezumi iruke no koto 1277 Minobu Toki P

Ueno dono gohenji 16 Jul Minobu Nanjo T (Reply to Ueno) 1277

21 Hyoenosakan dono gohenji Aug Minobu Ikegami T (Reply to Hyoeno Sakan) 1277

Toki dono gosho (Letter to Toki) 23 The Problem to Be Pondered Night and Day SGI Aug Minobu Toki T The Problem to Be Pondered Night and Day 1277

Butsugen gosho 1277 Minobu P

Hyoenosakan dono gosho(Letter to Hyoe Sakan) 9 Sep Minobu Ikegami P,C A Father Takes Faith SGI 1277

Sushun tenno gosho (The Story of Emperor Sushun) 11 The Three Kinds of Treasure SGI Sep Minobu Shijo U Letter to the Kingo Asahi-net 1277 Three Kinds of Treasure Illuminated Gosho Letters of Nichiren

9 Dec Iwamoto Nicchu shonin gohenji Minobu U 1277

Hyoenosakan dono goehnji 20 (Reply to Hyoe Sakan) Nov Minobu Ikegami T The Three Obstacles and Four Devils SGI 1277

Ajichi shufuku gosho 1277 Minobu U

16 Jissoji gosho Jan Minobu Nichigen C (Letter to Jisso-ji) 1278

Matsuno amagozen gohenji 21 Matsuno (Reply to the Nun of Matsuno) Jan Minobu ama P 1278

Matsuno dono gohenji 13 (Reply to Matsuno) Feb Minobu Matsuno P No Safety in the Threefold World SGI 1278 No Safety in the Threefold World

Misawa sho 23 Letter to Misawa SGI Feb Minobu Misawa C A Letter to Lord Misawa of Suruga WNS:2 1278

Ueno dono gohenji 25 (Reply to Ueno) Feb Minobu Nanjo C The Two Kinds of Faith SGI 1278 Two Kinds of Faith

28 Shimon butsujo gi Feb Minobu Toki T Listening to the One Buddha Vehicle for the First Time WNS:2 1278

Kouan kaigen no koto 1278 Minobu P

Shonin gohenji 21 Reply to the Followers SGI Mar Minobu T Reply to the Followers 1278

Ueno dono gohenji (Reply to Ueno) 1 Apr Minobu Nanjo C The Teaching for the Latter Day NST 1278 The Teaching for the Latter Day SGI

11 Dannotsu bo gohenji Apr Minobu Shijo T Reply to a Believer SGI 1278

12 Zenichi ama gosho Apr Minobu Zenichi ama P (Letter to the Nun Zenichi) 1278

14 Nanjo dono gohenji Apr Minobu Nanjo T (Reply to Nanjo) 1278

3 Kubo amagozen gohenji May Minobu Kubo ama P (Reply to the Nun of Kubo) 1278

22 Rin u gosho May Minobu T 1278

24 Nanjo dono nyobo gohenji May Minobu Nanjo's wife C (Reply to Nanjo's Wife) 1278

Hyoenosakan dono gohenji May Minobu Ikegami T (Reply to Hyoenosakan) 1278

Nichinyo gozen gohenji 25 Nichinyo (Reply to Nichinyo Gozen) Jun Minobu P gozen An Outline of the Zokurui and Other Chapters SGI 1278

Toki nyudo dono gohenji The Treatment of Illness and the Points of Difference between 26 and Hinayana and Provisional and True Teachings Jun Minobu Toki T SGI 1278 A Response to Lay Priest Lord Toki: Treatise on Healing Sickness WNS:2

Nakatsukasa saemonnojo dono gohenji 26 (Reply to Nakatsukasa Saemon-no-jo) Jun Minobu Shijo T The Two Kinds of Illness SGI 1278

26 Hyoenosakan dono gohenji Jun Minobu Ikegami T (Reply to Hyoeno Sakan) 1278

27 Kubo amagozen gohenji Jun Minobu Kubo ama C (Reply to the Lay Nun Kubo) 1278

7 Jun Suzumono goshosoku Minobu Matsuno P 1278

Tokimitsu dono gohenji 8 Jul Reply to Tokimitsu SGI Minobu Nanjo C 1278 Reply to Tokimitsu

Myoho amagozen gohenji 14 Jul Minobu Myoho ama P (Reply to the Nun Myoho) 1278

Sennichi amagozen gohenji (Reply to the Lay Nun Sennichi) 28 Jul Sennichi The Sutra of True Requital SGI Minobu T 1278 ama Letter to the Lady Sennichi Asahi-net Letters of Nichiren

14 Imo ichida gosho Aug Minobu Nanjo T 1278

Honzon mondo sho ^ Questions and Answers Concerning the Object of Worship HBS Sep Minobu Jokenbo C [alt.text] 1278 Questions and Answers on the Honzon WNS:2

Sep Jugatsubun tokiryo gosho Minobu P 1278

Toki nyudo dono gohenji 1 Oct A Response to Lay Priest Lord Toki: Treatise on Overcoming Minobu Toki T 1278 Illusions of the Triple World by Provisional Teachings WNS:2

21 Hatsubo gosho Oct Minobu P 1278 Ueno dono gohenji 19 Minobu Nanjo C (Reply to Ueno) uOct 1278

1 Nov Kuro Taro dono gohenji Minobu Nanjo P 1278

29 Hyoenosakan dono gohenji Nov Minobu Ikegami P (Reply to Hyoeno Sakan) 1278

1 Dec Izumo amagozen gosho Minobu Izumo ama P 1278

Shokumotsu santoku gosho 1278 Minobu P

Shishiou gosho 1278 Minobu P

Zui jii gosho 1278 Minobu T

Daigaku Saburo gosho 1278 Minobu Daigaku P (Letter to Daigaku Saburo)

Ejiki gosho 1278 Minobu P

Mushimochi gosho 21 (Rice Cake Gosho) Dec Minobu Horinouchi T NOT the same as the SGI's New Year's Gosho, which bears the 1278 same Jap. title but is dated Jan 5th.

Ueno dono gohenji 3 Jan Minobu Nanjo P (Reply to Ueno) 1279

Echigobo gohenji 8 Jan Minobu Echigobo T (Reply to Echigo-bo) 1279

11 Ueno no gosura gohenji Jan Minobu T 1279

2 Feb Nichigennyo shakabutsu kuyoji Minobu Shijo's wife U 1279

28 Koushi gosho Feb Minobu Ikegami P 1279 23 Intoku yoho gosho Apr Minobu Shijo P Unseen Virtue and Visible Reward SGI 1279

4 Kubo amagozen gohenji May Minobu Kubo ama P,C (Reply to the Nun of Kubo) 1279

13 Ichidaiji gosho May Minobu P 1279

20 Matsuno dono nyobo gohenji Matsuno's Jun Minobu P Reply to Lord Matsuno's Wife SGI wife 1279

Jomyo shonin gohenji 27 Jul Minobu Ota T (Reply to Jomyo Shonin) 1279

15 Shijo kingo dono gohenji Sep Minobu Shijo U (Reply to Shijo Kingo) 1279

20 Houki dono gosho Sep Minobu Nikko C 1279

26 Nikko & Houki dono narabini shonin gosho Sep Minobu T others 1279

Shonin gonanji (Persecutions Befalling the Sage) 1 Oct Minobu T On Persecutions Befalling the Buddha SGI 1279 Sur les Persécutions Subies par le Bouddha

12 Houki dono gohenji Oct Minobu Nikko C 1279

Oct Ryusenji moushijo Minobu T 1279

17 Hendoku iyaku gosho Nikko & Oct Minobu C (Letter on Turning Poison into Medicine) others 1279 Jimyo amagozen gohenji 2 Nov Minobu Jimyo ama C (Reply to the Nun Jimyo) 1279

Ueno dono gohenji (Reply to Ueno) The Dragon Gate SGI The Dragon Gate 6 Nov Dragon Gate Animated Gosho Minobu Nanjo T Dragon Gate Illuminated Gosho 1279 La Porte du Dragon La Porte du DragonSGI-France Drekahlið SGI-Iceland

25 Toki nyudo dono gohenji Nov Minobu Toki T (Reply to Toki Nyudo) 1279

25 Toki dono nyobo amagozen gosho Nov Minobu Toki's wife T (Letter to Toki's Wife) 1279

25 Hyoenosakan dono nyobo gohenji Ikegami's Nov Minobu T (Reply to Hyoeno Sakan's Wife) wife 1279

17 Kubo amagozen gohenji Dec Minobu Kubo ama C (Reply to the Nun of Kubo) 1279

27 Ueno dono gohenji Dec Minobu Nanjo T (Reply to Ueno) 1279

Ueno dono gohenji 11 (Reply to Ueno) Jan Minobu Nanjo P The Third Day of the New Year SGI 1280 The Third Day of the New Year

27 Jikaku daishi ji Jan Minobu Ota T 1280

10 Toki nyudo dono gohenji Apr Minobu Toki T (Reply to the Lay Priest Toki) 1280 Kawai dono gohenji 19 Minobu Kawai P (Reply to Kawai) Apr 1280

4 Myoshin amagozen gohenji Myoshin May Minobu C (Reply to the Lay Nun Myoshin) 1280 ama

Shokyo to Hokekyo to nani no ji 26 A Comparison of the Lotus Sutra and Other SGI May Minobu Toki T The Difficulty and Easiness in Understanding the Lotus Sutra 1280 and Other Sutras WNS:2

29 Niita dono gosho May Minobu Niita T (Letter to Niita) 1280

27 Kubo amagozen gohenji Jun Minobu Kubo ama C (Reply to the Lay Nun Kubo) 1280

Ota dono nyobo gohenji 2 Jul Minobu Ota's wife T (Reply to Ota's Wife) 1280

Sennichi ama gohenji (Reply to the Nun Sennichi) 2 Jul Sennichi The Treasure of a Filial Child SGI Minobu T 1280 ama Letter to the Lady Sennichi Asahi-net Letters of Nichiren

Ueno dono gohenji 2 Jul Minobu Nanjo P (Reply to Ueno) 1280

Urabon gosho (On Offerings for Deceased Ancestors) On the Urabon SGI 13 Jul Jibubo's On the Urabon Sutra (Avalambana Sutra) Minobu T 1280 grandmother The Origin of the Urabon NST Oko Lecture NST

26 Ueno dono gohenji Aug Minobu Nanjo C (Reply to Ueno) 1280

Ueno dono gohenji 6 Sep (Reply to Ueno) Minobu Nanjo T Learning from the Gosho Ikeda 1280

Nanjo dono gohenji Sep (Reply to Nanjo) 1280 Minobu Nanjo P

19 Kounichi ama gohenji Kounichi Sep Minobu P (Reply to the Nun Kounichi) ama 1280

20 O amagozen gohenji Sep Minobu O ama P (Reply to O Ama) 1280

20 Nichiro & Ryonin onchu gosho Oct Minobu T other 1280

23 Daizu gosho Oct Minobu U 1280

Ueno dono haha amagozen gohenji 24 Nanjo's Reply to the Mother of Lord Ueno SGI Oct Minobu P mother Learning from the Gosho Ikeda 1280

29 Toki dono gohenji Nov Minobu Toki T (Reply to Toki) 1280

Nanjo dono gohenji Dec Minobu Nanjo P (Reply to Nanjo) 1280

18 Chimyobo gohenji Dec Minobu Chimyobo T (Reply to Chimyo-bo) 1280

Ueno dono gohenji (Reply to Ueno) 27 The Wealthy Man Sudatta SGI Dec Minobu Nanjo C Gosho Study for Discussion Mtgs The Spirit of Offering 1280 Without Hesitation SGI-Canada

Kangyo sho (On Hachiman) Dec Minobu U,P NOT the same as the SGI gosho which bears the name of this 1280 deity, but which has the Jap. title Shijo Kingo moto onfuni. Tayusakan dono gohenji (Reply to Tayu Sakan) 1280 Minobu Ikegami P

Ounichi dono gohenji 1280 Minobu Ounichi P Reply to Lady Onichi-nyo SGI

Hoe sho 1280 Minobu T

5 Jan Ishikawa's Omonsu dono nyobo gohenji Minobu T 1281 wife

Ueno amagozen gohenji 13 (Reply to the Lay Nun of Ueno) Nanjo's Jan Minobu T The Gift of Clear Sake SGI mother 1281 Learning from the Gosho Ikeda

17 Sajiki nyobo gohenji Feb Minobu T (Reply to Sajiki's Wife) 1281

18 Ueno dono gohenji Mar Minobu Nanjo C (Reply to Ueno) 1281

6 Apr Oke Hisago goshosoku Minobu T 1281

May Taifu gosho Minobu P 1281

Ueno dono gosho 1281 Minobu Nanjo P (Letter to Ueno)

27 Jul Gosho gohenji Minobu T 1281

1 uJul Soya Jiro nyudo dono goho Minobu Soya C 1281

Kounichi shonin gohenji 8 Aug Kounichi Minobu U (Reply to Kounichi Shonin) 1281 ama

Toki nyudo dono gohenji 22 (Reply to Toki Nyudo) Oct Minobu Toki T 1281 27 Esshu chakunan narabini saini no koto Oct Minobu Toki P 1281

Ueno amagozen gohenji 15 Nanjo's (Reply to the Nun of Ueno) Nov Minobu P mother Wu-lung and I-lung SGI 1281

25 Jibiki gosho Nov Minobu Nanbu U 1281

Nov Robyo gosho Minobu P 1281

Ueno dono haha amagozen gohenji 8 Dec Nanjo's (Reply to the Mother of Lord Ueno) Minobu T 1281 mother On My Sickness Learning from the Gosho Ikeda

Kubo amagozen gohenji 27 (Reply to the Nun of Kubo) Dec Minobu Kubo ama C Roots of Good Fortune SGI 1281 Koreni dobre srece Serbian

Nishiyama's Nishiyama dono goke amagozen gohenji 1281 Minobu C wife

Shijo kingo dono gohenji 7 Jan Minobu Shijo P (Reply to Shijo Kingo) 1282

14 Naiki sakon nyudo dono gohenji Naiki sakon Jan Minobu T (Reply to Naiki Sakan Nyudo) nyudo 1282

Jan Haru no hajime gosho Minobu P 1282

25 Houki ko gobo goshosoku Feb Minobu Nikko T 1282

28 Hokke shomyo sho Feb Minobu Nanjo T The Proof of the Lotus Sutra SGI 1282 Mar Mushiro sanmai gosho Minobu Nanjo P 1282

Hakii dono gosho 19 (Letter to Hakiri) Sep Ikegami Nanbu U Nichiren Shonin and Mt. Minobu NBIC Bridge 1282

Letters of Selected Writings Writings of The Rissho Ankoku Nichiren The Fujufuse Some Disputed Writings of Nichiren Nichiren Shonin: Ron, The Shimoyama (Translations Controversy in in the Nichiren Corpus: (Translations Doctrine 1 Apr Letter, Hoon-jo, from the Asian Nichiren . Textual, Hermeneutical from the Oriental 2003. Doctrine 2 Senji-Sho, Kanjin Classics) by Jeffery Hunter, 1989. and Historical Problems. Classics) by Jan 2002. Honzon-Sho, Nichiren, Publ. by UMI Jacqueline Ilyse Stone, Nichiren, Philip Editors: George Kaimoku-Sho, and Burton Watson Dissertation Services 1990. UMI Dissertation B. Yampolsky Tanabe Jr. & The Shugo Kokka- (Translator), for loose-leaf copies; Services for loose-leaf (Editor), Burton Kyotsu Hori. ron. Major Writings Philip B. or call 1-800-521-0600 copies; or call 1-800-521- Watson Publ. by the Univ. by Nichiren Shonin Yampolsky to obtain a soft- or 0600 to obtain a soft- or (Translator). of Hawaii for translated by (Editor). hard-bound volume: hard-bound volume. Hardcover July Nichiren-shu. Nichiren Shu. Hardcover May Order #9105837. 1990. 1996.

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