![Writings by Nichiren Daishonin [1222-1282]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Advertize in the Coffeehouse Writings by Nichiren Daishonin [1222-1282] The Tendai~Hokke~Nichiren Web [ ] [ ] [ | ] [ | ] Nichiren Shonin (1222-1282) [ ] [ ] A ring for all sites that honour the Lotus Sutra: Tendai, Nichiren & more! Gosho Study Websites Gosho.net Disputed Gosho Daily Gosho SGI Canada BuddhistInformation.com Refuting the Niike Gosho Illuminated Gosho by Topic Nichiren The Buddhist Prophet of Truth SGI Gosho Study Downloads Fort Worth Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin SGI Historical Writings of Nichiren Daishonin NST Listing of Authenticated Gosho (Goibun) of Nichiren DaiShonin This is a strict list of all authentic writings by Nichiren Shonin upon which scholars and the many Nichiren Schools can agree. It is based on the Showa teihon Nichiren Shonin Ibun published by Minobusan Kuonji in 1982. Nichiren Shu Buddhists call Nichiren Shonin's writings "Goibun" although the term "Gosho" was coined by Nikko Shonin and so such is the more common term in the Nikko lineages. This list contains 267 Gosho with links to those which have been translated into Western languages. If you know of an online translation of one of the gosho listed below, please send me the address! Some have asked for a more concise list of gosho from the the SGI's latest translation published in 1999, The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, which are considered to be authentic by Nichiren Shu and the other Nichiren Schools. So here is a list of the gosho included below, by their number in the WND's Table of Contents: 2, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 22, 24, 26, 27, 30, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 49, 54, 55, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 105, 106, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 133, 135, 138, 140, 143, 148, 149, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 165, 166, 168. In the listing below... Title is the romanized Japanese titles. There may be some minor variation in the romanizations used by various Schools. * is the title that Nichiren Shonin named. These are only 11 gosho. ^ indicates one of the ten major writings of Nichiren as designated by Nikko Shonin. Date is when that gosho was written. There are some "u" in front of months like uMar. "u" is uruu and means leap month. Where is where that gosho was written. Whom is to whom Nichiren Shonin wrote that gosho. Type is the form of that gosho at present. "T" means a true gosho and that we have an original at present. "U" means what was confirmed to be a true gosho, however, the original was lost in the past. "P" means that we have some portions of that gosho, but not in whole. "C" means what was copied by Nichiren's Shonin's direct disciples like Nikko Shonin. Title Date Where Whom Type Toki dono gohenji 9 Dec Toki T (Reply to Toki) 1253 25 Fudo Aizen kankenki Jun T 1254 Shoshu mondo sho 1255 C Ichidai shogyo taii 1258 C Musashi dono goshosoku 17 Jul Kamakura Musashibo U (Letter to Musashi) 1259 Shugo kokka ron * 1259 Kamakura U Translation available from Nichiren Shu Nizen nijo bosatsu fusabutsuji 1259 Kamakura U Feb Sainan koki yurai T 1260 Feb Sainan taiji sho T 1260 Rissho ankoku ron * ^ (On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land) Establishment of the Legitimate Teaching for the Protection of the Country SGI [Alt.text] Rissho Ankoku Ron NST Jul Hojo Kamakura T,C Establishment of the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the 1260 Tokiyori Land BuddhistInformation.com Rissho Ankoku Ron & Canon Formulation JJRS .pdf download Translation available from Nichiren Shu Að tryggja friðinn à landinu með útbreiðslu hins æðsta sannleika SGI-Iceland Title Date Where Whom Type Ken hobo sho * 1262 Izu U Rondan tekitai gosho 1262 Izu P Nanjo Hyoe Shichiro dono gosho (Letter to Nanjo Hyoe Shichiro) 13 Dec 1264 Awa Nanjo T,C Encouragement to a Sick Person SGI Yakuoubon tokui sho * 1265 T The Essence of the Yakuo Chapter SGI Hokke daimoku sho * The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra SGI 6 Jan 1266 Kiyosumi T Dajmoku Lotos Sutre Serbian Zenmui sho 1266 T Title Date Where Whom Type Hojo Ankoku ron soejo 1268 Kamakura U Tokimune Ankoku ron gokan yurai 5 Apr Kamakura Hokanbo T Rationale for Submitting the Rissho Ankoku Ron SGI 1268 Yadoya Yadoya nyudo saigojo Sep 1268 Kamakura P nyudo 1 Mar Mikoshiburi gosho Kamakura Sanmibo P 1269 Ben dono goshosoku 10 Mar Kamakura Nissho T (Letter to Ben) 1269 9 May Toki & Monchu tokui sho Kamakura T 1269 others Toki dono goshosoku 7 Jun Kamakura Toki T (Letter to Toki) 1269 8 Dec Ankoku ron okugaki Kamakura T 1269 Homon mousarubekiyo no koto 1269 Sanmibo T The Way to Argue Buddhist Doctrines SGI Ko Saimyoji nyudo kenzan gosho 1269 P Kingo dono gohenji 1270 Kamakura Ota T,C (Reply to Kingo) Ueno dono haha amagozen gosho 22 Dec Nanjo's Kamakura T (Letter to the Nun of Ueno) 1270 mother Jissho sho A Treatise on the Ten Chapters of the Great Concentration May 1271 Sanmibo T and Insight WNS:2 Gyobin gohenji 13 Jul (Reply to Gyobin-bo) 1271 Gyobinbo C Gyobin sojo goetsu 1271 U Title Date Where Whom Type Toki dono gohenji 15 Sep (Reply to Toki) Echi Toki T 1271 Letter from Echi SGI Gonin tsuchiro gosho 3 Oct Nichiro & Letter to Priest Nichiro in Prison HBS Echi T 1271 others Letter to Priest Nichiro in Prison SGI Tenju keiju homon Lessening the Karmic Retribution NST Lessening the Karmic Retribution SGI Lessening the Karmic Retribution BuddhistInformation.com 5 Oct Echi Ota & others T SGI-UK Gosho Study 1271 L'Allègement de la Rétribution Karmique Soleil- lotus.net L'Allègement de la Rétribution Karmique Nichiren.free.fr Teradomari gosho 22 Oct Letter from Teradomari SGI Teradomari Toki T 1271 A Letter from Teradomari WNS:2 Onkoromonuno tamaisoro gohenji 1271 T Title Date Where Whom Type 17 Hokke jodo mondosho Jan Tsukahara T 1272 Hasshu imoku sho 18 A Treatise on the Differences of the Lotus Sect from the Eight Feb Tsukahara Toki T Other Sects WNS:2 1272 Kaimoku sho * ^ The Opening of the Eyes SGI [Alt.text] The Opening of the Eyes BuddhistInformation.com Feb Open Your Eyes to the Lotus Teaching WNS:2 1272 Tsukahara U Learning from the Gosho Ikeda Excerpt from the Nirvana Sutra in the Illuminated Gosho Mar Nichimyo Oto gozen haha gohenji Tsukahara T 1272 ama 26 Ankoku ron okurijo May Ichinosawa T 1272 26 Ben dono goshosoku Nissho & Jul Ichinosawa T (Letter to Ben) others 1272 24 Muso gosho Oct Ichinosawa T 1272 Shijo kingo dono gohenji (Reply to Shijo Kingo) 1272 Ichinosawa Shijo C The Pure and Far Reaching Voice SGI The Pure and Far Reaching Voice BuddhistInformation.com Kito sho * On Prayer SGI 1272 Ichinosawa U On Prayer Illuminated Gosho Oko Lecture Hokkeko-UK Kanjin honzon sho * ^ The Thesis On The InstigatorÂ’s Fundamental Object Of Veneration For Contemplating The Mind For The Fifth Five Hundred Year Period After The TathagataÂ’s Passing Over To Nirvana NichirenReader.com The True Object of Worship NST 25 The True Object of Worship SGI [Alt.text] Apr Ichinosawa T,C The True Object of Worship BuddhistInformation.com 1273 A Treatise Revealing the Spiritual Contemplation & the Most Venerable One WNS:2 SGI-USA Study Curriculum Translation available from Nichiren Shu Le Véritable Objet de Vénération French Kanjin honzon sho soejo 26 The True Object of Worship cover letter SGI Apr Ichinosawa Toki T The Covering Letter of the "Kanjin Honzon-sho" WNS:2 1273 Myoichi ama gohenji Apr Myoichi Ichinosawa T (Reply to the Nun Myoichi) 1273 ama Shoto shiji gosho Apr Ichinosawa P 1273 Nyosetsu shugyo sho On Practicing the Buddha's Teachings NST On Practicing the Buddha's Teachings SGI On Practicing the Buddha's Teachings BuddhistInformation.com May Ichinosawa C Practice In Strict Accordance With The Buddha's Teaching 1273 BuddhistInformation.com Practices In Strict Accordance With The Buddha's Teaching HBS Kembutsu miraiki On the Buddha's Prophecy SGI 11 On the Buddha's Prophecy BuddhistInformation.com uMay Ichinosawa U,C A Testimony to the Prediction of the Buddha WNS:2 1273 Sur les Prédictions du Bouddha Nichiren.free.fr Toki dono gohenji 6 Jul Ichinosawa Toki T A Response to Lord Toki WNS:2 1273 Hakii Saburo dono gohenji 3 Reply to Lord Hakiri Saburo SGI Aug Ichinosawa Nanbu C A Response to Lord Hakii Saburo WNS:2 1273 19 Ben dono amagozen gosho Myoichi Sep Ichinosawa T (Letter to the Lay Nun of Ben) ama 1273 Toki dono gohenji 3 Nov Ichinosawa Toki T (Reply to Toki) 1373 Oto gozen haha gohenji 3 Nov Nichimyo (Letter to the Mother of Oto Gozen) Ichinosawa T 1273 ama Learning from the Gosho Ikeda Hitatare gosho 1273 Ichinosawa P Shojo daijo funbetsu sho The Differences between Hinayana & Mayahana Teachings 1273 Ichinosawa Toki T WNS:2 Mokue nizo kaigen no koto Opening the Eyes of Wooden or Painted Images NST 1273 Ichinosawa U Opening the Eyes of Wooden or Painted Images SGI Hokke gyoja chinanji 14 Shijo, The Votary of the Lotus Sutra Will Meet Persecution (Hokke Jan Ichinosawa Toki T gyoja honan ji) SGI 1274 Apr Mikyo tencho gosho Kamakura P 1274 Title Date Where Whom Type 17 Toki dono gosho May Minobu Toki T (Letter to Toki) 1274 24 Hokke shuyo sho * May Minobu T,C A Treatise on the Essence of the Lotus Sutra WNS:2 1274 Toki amagozen gohenji 1274 Minobu Toki's wife T (Reply to Toki's Wife) Ueno dono gohenji 26 Jul Nanjo's Minobu T (Reply to Ueno) 1274 mother Shomitsuno gosho 1274 Minobu Shomitsubo U Seichoji Betto gobo gohenji 1274 Minobu U betto 11 Ueno dono gohenji Nov Minobu Nanjo C (Reply to Ueno) 1274 20 Soya nyudo dono gosho Nov Minobu Soya P (Letter to Soya Nyudo) 1274 Nov Kassen zai genzen gosho Minobu P 1274 15 Ken rissho i sho Dec Minobu C 1274 Shonin chi sanze ji A Sage Perceives the Three Existences of Life SGI 1274 Minobu Toki T Un Sage Perçoit les Trois Phases de la Vie French Rissho kanjo A Treatise on Establishing the Right Way of Meditation: 1274 Minobu C Similarities and Differences between the Lotus Sutra and the Great Concentration and Insight WNS:2 24 Ota dono gari gosho Jan Minobu Ota T 1275 Shijo kingo dono nyobo gohenji 27 (Reply to Shijo Kingo's Wife) Jan Minobu Shijo's wife T The Unity of Husband and Wife SGI 1275 Jan Haru no iwai gosho Minobu Nanjo T 1275 7 Feb Toki dono gohenji Minobu Toki T 1275 Kaen jogo gosho 7 Feb (On Prolonging's One's Life) Minobu Toki's wife T 1275 NOT the same as the SGI gosho [dated 1279] by the same name.
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