Secondly, shadowing the fatherhood of the Heavenly Father follows Speaks.... the logic of freedom. The accompaniment of a caring and responsible father does not mean being overprotective, possessive or overbearing. For, shadowing the Heavenly Father also implies respecting the freedom of the other, letting the other shape his or her own destiny, and providing THE VOCATION TO “SHADOW” THE FATHER the environment for the other to be the best self that he or she can be. The logic of love is the logic of freedom and therefore also the logic of Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, fatherhood. Love without freedom drifts into possessiveness and self- centredness. This requires a constant awareness that we are but foster Francis, in his apostolic letter Patris corde, refers to Polish fathers and that the members of our families belong to God and not to novelist and catholic publicist Jan Dobraczyñski’s work ‘The shadow of us. They are not mere objects of our ‘petty-kingdoms’, but sons and the Father’ that describes the life of Saint Joseph based on biblical daughters of God entrusted to our care. Fatherhood, confused with texts in the form of a novel. Employing the image of a shadow, this authoritarianism, power and upper handedness only results in tyranny, novel shows how Saint Joseph, as the guardian of the Holy Family, oppression, dictatorship, and domination instead if trustful family subjected himself to God’s intentions and played his part of being a relationships. shadow of the Heavenly Father in a way that gives testimony to the values of responsibility, patience, and true love. Thirdly, the vocation to shadow the Heavenly Father requires that we do not content ourselves with self-sacrifice but reach the deeper In a similar line of thought, Ephesians 3:14-15 retraces the vocation paternal dimension of self-gift. A father is one who does not merely of fatherhood to the Fatherhood of God himself: “I bow my knees before fulfil his obligations or sacrifices his time, money, and energy for the the Patçr (Father), from whom every patria (family) in heaven and on other. Instead, he is one who offers himself in as a gift to the other. earth takes its name.” Pope Francis rightly recommends that every Sacrifice out of obligation that is not an act of complete self-gift could father is called to “shadow” the one true Father. God is the only Father only result in unhappiness, frustrations, and servility. On the other hand, and both priests and fathers of families are fathers in an analogical gifting oneself in fatherhood is fulfilling, because it signifies maturity in sense. Fatherhood is essentially a vocation to “shadow” the heavenly our vocation. Father. I propose this insightful metaphor for our reflection this month. What does it entail to be a shadow of the father in our individual We have a perfect example of these three dimensions of fatherhood vocations? in the person of Fr. Stan Swamy, whom we know to be a father of the anawim of modern : tribals, dalits and those in the margins of our Firstly, fatherhood implies that we “accompany” our families in the society. He shadowed the fatherhood of our Heavenly Father: in his way that God the Father accompanies his creation. Saint Joseph’s courageous accompaniment of the liberation struggle of the poor and accompaniment of the Holy Family shadows the Heavenly Father’s the voiceless; in his prophetic priesthood that sought the freedom of accompaniment of Israel. As God the Father protected, shielded, walked the people he served and not his own; and in the complete gift that he along, and carried His people on their way to the promised land, saint made of his life, willing to offer himself as a martyr for the cause of his Joseph accompanies Mary and Jesus constantly watching over them people. in the face of trials, violence, and uncertainties. May the example of Saint Joseph and Fr Stan Swamy help us in our As the Pope points out, the world and the Church need such paternal vocation to shadow our Heavenly Father. accompanying fathers who are ready to shoulder the responsibility of the life of the other and well being of those in their care. As Saint Paul With prayerful wishes, would claim, we have countless guides but not enough fathers (1 Cor 4:15). Fatherhood is not merely biological, nor it is strictly functional. It is a way of being, a manner of relating, and a path of collective discernment. Therefore, the Pope says, Fathers are not born but made. We need to learn to be fathers in our patient accompaniment of those † Most Rev Dr George Antonysamy with us. Archbishop of Madras-Mylapore

¨û\YôrÜ 1 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 2 august 2021 ,uz;lhtjhf ,iwj;je;ijapd; epoyha; khWk; miog;G> gpwUila ,iwjje; ijapd; ; epHyha ; thGk ; miHgg[; Rje;jpuj;ij kjpf;f ekf;F miog;G tpLfpd;wJ. cldpUf;Fk; nghWg;Gs;s je;ijapd; fdpT> gpwiuj; jdJ cilikfshf fUJtijNah> Rje;jpuj;ijg; gwpg;gjpNyh mHj;jk; ngwhJ. khwhf ,iw ,NaRtpy; md;ghHe;j rNfhju rNfhjupfNs ! ekJ nghWg;gpy; ,Ug;gHfs; jq;fSila nrhe;j ,yf;if jPHkhdpf;fTk;> mtHfs; jhq;fshf tho;tjw;Fupa FLk;gr; #oiyia ‘Patris corde’ vd;Dk; jdJ jpUj;J}Jt klypy; jpUj;je;ij Vw;gLj;jpf; nfhLg;gjpYk; cz;ikahd je;ijapd; mf;fiw gpuhd;rp]; mtHfs; Nghye;J ehtyhrphpaUk;> fj;Njhypf;f ntspg;gLfpd;wJ. md;gpd; top Rje;jpuj;jpd; top vd;gjhy;> mJNt gj;jpupifahsUkhd jpU Jan Dobraczyñski mtHfs; vOjpa ‘The Shadow cz;ikahd je;ijapd; miog;gpw;Fupa topahfTk; khWfpd;wJ. of the father’ vd;w gilg;ig Fwpg;gpLfpd;whH. ,e;j ,yf;fpag; gilg;G Rje;jpuk; ,y;yhj md;G Ra ikaj;jpw;Fk;> gpwiuj; jdJ nrhj;jhf tptpypaj;ij mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L Gdpj #irag;gupd; fUJk; kdg;ghd;ikf;Fk; toptFj;J tpLk;. ekJ FLk;gj;jpd; tho;f;ifia ,iwj;je;ijapd; epoyha; rpj;jupf;fpd;wJ. jpUf; Xt;nthU egUk; ,iwtidr; rhHe;jtH. ehk; ntWk; tsHg;Gj; FLk;gj;jpd; ghJfhtyuhf Gdpj #irag;gH ,iwtdpd; jpl;lj;jpw;F je;ijfNs vd;gij epidtpy; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. ekJ guhkupg;gpy; jd;idNa cl;gLj;jp ,iwj;je;ijapd; epoyhf nghWg;G> nghWik ,Ug;gtHfs;> ek;Kila Fl;b uh[;[paj;jpd; nghUl;fs; my;y. khwhf> kw;Wk; cz;ikahd md;G vd;Dk; kjpg;gPLfSf;Nfw;g thOk; ek;kplk; xg;gilf;fg;gl;bUf;fpw ,iwtdpd; gps;isfs;. je;ijf;Fupa rhl;rpahdhH. ,Nj ghzpapy;> Gdpj gTy; vNgrpaUf;F vOjpa miog;G Nkyhjpf;fj;jpw;Fk;> gpwiu xLf;Ftjpw;Fk;> jd; jpUKfk; 3:14>15 trdq;fspy; je;ijf;Fhpa ,iwaioj;jy; ,iwj; tpUg;gj;jpw;Fk; my;y. khwhf ek;gpf;iff;Fupa ghrkhd FLk;g je;ijaplkpUe;Nj Cw;nwLf;fpwJ vd;ghH. “,jd; fhuzkhf cwTfis Vw;gLj;Jjy; Ntz;Lk;. tpz;ZyfpYk; kz;ZyfpYk; cs;s Xt;nthU FLk;gKk; cz;ikapNyNa FLk;gkha; tpsq;Ftjw;F fhuzkha; ,Uf;fpw %d;whtjhf ,iwj;je;ijapd; epoyha; khWjypd; miog;G ek;ik je;ijaplk; ehd; kz;bapl;L Ntz;LfpNwd;.” vdNt jhd; jpUj;je;ij xU rpy jpahfq;fs; nra;tNjhL epWj;jp tplhky;> cz;ikahd Ra Xt;nthU je;ijAk; ,iwj;je;ijapd; epoyha; thoNtz;Lk; vd;W mHg;gzj;jpw;F miof;fpd;wJ. je;ij vd;gtH jd;Dila miof;fpd;whH. ,iwtd; kl;LNk cz;ikahd je;ij. FUf;fSk; nghWg;gpw;fhfTk;> flikf;fhfTk; jdJ Neuj;ij> nghUis> rf;jpia FLk;gj; jiytHfSkhd ehk; ,iwj;je;ijapd; cwit> ek;Kila jpahfk; nra;gtH kl;Lky;y. khwhf jd;idNa nfhilahfj; jd; gq;FfspYk;> FLk;gq;fspYk; gpujpgypf;Fk; miog;igg; FLk;gj;jpw;F mh;g;gzkhf;FgtH. fl;lhaj;jpw;fhf Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk; ngw;wpUf;fpNwhk;. ,t;tiog;G ek; Xt;nthUtUila jdpg;gl;l jpahfq;fs; ek;ik vupr;rYf;Fk;> mbikj;jdj;jpw;F kl;Lk; jhd; tho;tpy; Vw;gLj;j Ntz;ba khw;wq;fs; vd;d? vd;gijj; Fwpj;J mioj;Jr; nry;Yk;. cz;ikahd je;ij vd;Dk; mh;g;;gz tho;T ,k;khjk; rpe;jpf;f cq;fis miof;fpd;Nwd;. Kjyhtjhf> ek;kpy; ,iwaioj;jypd; KjpHr;rpf;F toptFf;Fk;. ,iwj;je;ij Xl;Lnkhj;j gilg;NghL cldpUj;jy; Nghy> ek;Kila FLk;gq;fNshL ehk; cldpUj;jy; je;ijf;Fhpa miog;gpd; Kjy; ,iwj;je;ijapd; epoyha; khWk; ,e;j %d;W gupkhzq;fSf;F gupkhzk;. rpwe;j cjhuzkhf mikgtH mUs;je;ij ];lhd; rhkp mtHfs;. ek;Kila etPd ,e;jpahtpd; xJf;fg;gl;l ,iwtdpd; cz;ikahd jpUFLk;gj;jpw;F Gdpj #irag;gH mspj;j cldpUj;jy; kf;fshd goq;FbapdH> xLf;fg;gl;NlhH MfpNahUf;F ,iwj; ,];uNaYf;F flTs; je;j cldpUg;G vd;Dk; nfhilapd; epoyhFk;. je;ijapd; epoyha; tho;e;jtH mUs;je;ij ];lhd; Rthkp. ,];uNay; kf;fis ,iwj;je;ij ghJfhj;J> jg;Gtpj;J cld; ViofSf;Fk;> xLf;fg;gl;ltHfSf;Fkhd tpLjiyg; Nghuhl;lj;jpy; ele;J> jd; Njhs;fspy; Rke;J thf;fspf;fg;gl;l ehl;bw;F mtHfNshL ijupakhf cldpUe;j mtH> jdJ FUj;Jtj;jpy; jdJ mioj;Jr;nrd;wJ Nghy> Gdpj NahNrg;G jpUf;FLk;gk; re;jpj;j Rje;jpuj;ij ehlhJ> jhd; Copak; nra;j jd; kf;fspd; tpLjiyf;fhfj; rthy;fs;> td;Kiw> jaf;fq;fs; Mfpa midj;jpYk; md;id jd;id mHg;gzpj;jhH. ,Wjpahf jdJ kf;fSf;Fupa cz;ikahd kupahisAk;> ,NaRitAk; ghJfhj;J cld; ele;jhH. jpUj;je;ij kiwrhl;rpahf jd;Dila tho;it KOikahd nfhilahff; Rl;bf; fhl;LtJ Nghy> ek;Kila cyfpw;Fk; ekJ jpUmitf;Fk; ifaspj;jhH. Gdpj NahNrg;G kw;Wk; mUs;je;ij ];lhd; Rthkp gpwUila tho;tpd; nghWg;igNaw;W topelj;Jk; ,j;jifa mtHfspd; Kd;khjpup ,iwj;je;ijapd; epoyha; khWk; ek;Kila je;ijaHfs; ,d;W Njitg;gLfpd;whHfs;. Gdpj gTy; nfhupe;jpaUf;F miog;gpw;F cjTtjhf. vOjpa jpUklypy; $WtJ Nghy> ‘ek;kplk; topfhl;bfs; gyH cz;L. Mdhy; Nghjpa je;ijaHfs; ,y;iy’ (1nfhup.4:15) je;ijf;Fhpa ,iwahrPH miog;G cly; rhHe;jNjh> nghWg;G rhHe;jNjh kl;Lky;y. mJ xU tho;TKiw> cwTepiy> kw;Wk; FOk;gkha; NjHe;J njspAk; mwpT. vdNtjhd; jpUj;je;ij $Wfpd;whH> ‘je;ijaHfs; gpwg;gJ my;y> cUthf;fg;gLfpd;whHfs;. ekJ FLk;gj;Jldhd> nghWikahd + NkjF lhf;lH [hH[; me;Njhzprhkp cldpUj;jypy; ehk; je;ijaHfshf cUthf;fg;gLfpd;Nwhk;’. nrd;id - kapiy caHkiwkhtl;lk;


02 08 2021 42nd Anniversary of the demise of Carvalho Rev Fr Raja Kennedy A 04 08 2009 25th Anniversary of the demise of Archbishop R Arulappa Rev Fr Arokiaraj Y S 28 08 2013 Rev Fr Isaac Paul V 28 08 2013 03 08 2021 56th Anniversary of the demise of Archbishop Rev Fr Charles A 28 08 2013 Louis Mathias SDB Rev Fr James Michael Raj R 28 08 2013 04 08 2021 St John Maria Vianney - Feast of the Patron of all Priests Rev Fr Pradeep Christopher 28 08 2013 06 08 2021 The Transfiguration of the Lord - Feast Rev Fr Praveen M W 28 08 2013 07 08 2021 National Prayer Day Rev Fr Sesu Arul Pragasam I 28 08 2013 14 08 2021 Archdiocesan Priestly Ordination Congratulations and Prayerful wishes! 15 08 2021 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Solemnity Independence Day NECROLOGY 21 08 2021 Our Lady of Mylapore – Feast of the Patroness of our Rt Rev Francis Arthur Carvalho 02 08 1979 Archdiocese Most Rev Dr R Arulappa 02 08 1996 30 08 2021 17th Anniversary of the demise of Archbishop Arul Most Rev Dr Louis Mathias SDB 03 08 1965 Das James Rev Fr P C Thomas 04 08 2004 Rev Fr M Antoni Swamy 05 08 2017 N.B.: Collection for Priest Relief Fund is to be made in August in all Rev Fr S Antony 07 08 2001 the churches and the amount is to be sent to the Financial Rev Fr P C Inniah 09 08 2000 Administrator at the earliest. Rev Fr K M Thomas 09 08 2017 The Chancellor Rev Fr Mathew Vettical 10 08 2006 PRAYERFUL WISHES ON YOUR BIRTHDAY Rev Fr G Susainather 12 08 2001 Rev Fr P P Lobo 15 08 1999 Rev Fr Arulraj M 01 08 1953 Rev Fr G H Lawson 22 08 1987 Rev Fr Antony Pancras 07 08 1966 Rev Fr P Sebastian 22 08 2007 Rev Fr Arokiya Doss C I 09 08 1986 Rev Fr C J Mani 27 08 2001 Rev Fr Simon Raj S 10 08 1941 Most Rev Dr Arul Das James 30 08 2004 Rev Fr Patrick Paul L 11 08 1986 Rev Fr Stanley Sebastian 15 08 1949 May their souls rest in Peace! Rev Fr Martin P B 19 08 1951 Rev Fr Jacob P A 21 08 1967 HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTION - AUGUST 2021 Rev Fr Jude Pragasam 25 08 1968 The Church: Let us pray for the Church, that she may receive from Rev Fr Stephen B 26 08 1976 the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of Rev Fr Amal Raj A 27 08 1973 the Gospel. Rev Fr Charles Anandaraj L 27 08 1988 ew;nra;jp Nehf;fk;: jpUmit - ew;nra;jpapd; xspapy; jd;id Rev Fr Thomas Elango S 29 08 1978 rPu;jpUj;Jk; mUisAk; gyj;ijAk; J}aMtpaplkpUe;J ngw> Rev Fr Louis Vembliath 04 09 1947 jpUmitf;fhf ehk; nrgk; nra;Nthk;. ¨û\YôrÜ 5 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 6 august 2021 ARCHDIOCESAN EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE ADDITIONAL APPOINTMENTS 01 Rev Fr Stanley Sebastian Vicar General Rev Fr Patrick Paul L Moderator of the Mylai Madha Archdiocesan 02 Rev Fr Vincent Chinnadurai Episcopal Vicar - Laity Propaedeutic Seminary, Santhome 03 Rev Fr Raymond Peter Superintendent of RC Schools Rev Fr Edward Antony Raj Coordinator and Resident Priest of the 04 Rev Fr K J Varghese Rozario Chancellor Mylai Madha Archdiocesan Propaedeutic 05 Rev Fr B Stephen Financial Administrator Seminary, Santhome 06 Rev Fr Roche Chinnappa Parish Priest – Thiruvottiyur 07 Rev Fr Louis Mathias Parish Priest – Washermenpet Rev Fr R James Michael Raj Finance Committee Christ College 08 Rev Fr M Arulraj Parish Priest – Santhome 09 Rev Fr A L Anthony Sebastian Director – JD Academy of Excellence Rev Fr G A Arulappan Priest In-charge Paruthipattu ARCHDIOCESAN PROPERTIES COMMITTEE sss Ex-Officio Rev Fr S Santiago SSS Parish Priest Mannurpet 01 Rev Fr Stanley Sebastian Vicar General Rev Fr George Fernandez SSS Asst Parish Priest Mannurpet 02 Rev Fr B Stephen Interim Administrator–Properties & Financial Administrator sDB 03 Rev Fr M V Jacob Director - MSSS

Rev Fr Thamathiruthuvam Irudayam SDB Parish Priest Co-Cathedral Appointed Rev Fr Vincent Kabilai SDB Asst Parish Priest Co-Cathedral 04 Rev Fr H Joe Balasamy Financial Administrator - Santhome Rev Fr Francis Sagaya Pinto SDB Asst Parish Priest Broadway 05 Rev Fr E Sandiyagu Secretary - Legal Commission Rev Fr Sagayaraj Perianayagam SDB Asst Parish Priest Broadway 06 Rev Fr D Arulraj Parish Priest – Periyapalayam Rev Fr Antony Sebastian SDB Asst Parish Priest Perambur 07 Mr M John Nicholas Madhavaram Rev Fr Samson Shanmugam SDB Asst Parish Priest Perambur 08 Major ASM Porres Little Mount Rev Fr Michael Thomas SDB Asst Parish Priest Perambur 09 Mr John Rozario Samuel Choolai 10 Mr P George Peter Raj T Nagar sDM ARCHDIOCESAN PROPERTY ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM Rev Fr F Basker Francis SDM Asst Parish Priest Avadi 01 Rev Fr B Stephen Interim Administrator-Properties & FA Rev Fr S Barnabas SDM Asst Parish Priest Sastri Nagar 02 Rev Fr H Joe Balasamy Financial Administrator-Santhome Rev Fr Sundar Michael Selvam SDM Asst Parish Priest Adyar 03 Rev Fr D Arulraj Parish Priest – Periyapalayam 04 Major ASM Porres Little Mount 05 Mr P George Peter Raj T Nagar + Most Rev Dr George Antonysamy Rev Fr K J Varghese Rozario Archbishop of Madras-Mylapore The Chancellor CHRIST COLLEGE SOCIETY (NEW SOCIETY EMERGED FROM CMES) 01 Rev Fr Stanley Sebastian Vicar General MYLAI MADHA ARCHDIOCESAN PROPAEDEUTIC SEMINARY 02 Rev Fr G J Anthonysamy Episcopal Vicar - Clergy 03 Rev Fr Harry Williams J Secretary – Christ College Seminarians of the Archdiocese of Madras – Mylapore who have 04 Rev Fr Arulmani Josephraj Principal In-charge – Christ College completed their Collegiate seminary formation will undergo one year of 05 Rev Fr Raymond Peter Superintendent of RC Schools formative programme in spirituality, psychology, discernment and 06 Rev Fr K J Varghese Rozario Chancellor human relations by residing at Santhome. 07 Rev Fr B Stephen Financial Administrator Moderator 08 Rev Fr P B Martin Parish Priest – Chinmaya Nagar 09 Rev Fr A L Anthony Sebastian Director – JD Academy of Excellence

¨û\YôrÜ 7 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 8 august 2021 LITURGICAL OVERVIEW OF THE MONTH CLERGY ONLINE ANNUAL RETREAT 2021 The month of August is dedicated to The Immaculate Heart of Mary. The entire month falls within the liturgical season of Ordinary Time, THEME: ‘FOLLOWING JESUS: AN INVITATION TO HOLINESS’ which is represented by the liturgical colour green. This symbol of hope PREACHER: REV FR PATRICK MATHIAS SDB is the colour of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven, especially the hope of a The Scheduled Online Annual Retreat will take place from glorious resurrection. It is used in the offices and Masses of Ordinary 23rd August, Monday to 27th August FridayFriday. Kindly mark the Time. days and make prior arrangements to set these days free to attend the retreat peacefully. FOCUS OF THE LITURGY We are going to do the retreat ONLINE, staying in our own places. The Gospel readings for the Sundays in August 2021 are taken from St John, St Luke and St Mark and are from Year B, Cycle 1. The general retreat time table will be as follows:

August 1 Jesus said in this Gospel, “I am the bread of 07.30 am - 08.00 am - Morning Prayer 18th Ord. Sunday life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, 10.00 am - 10.45 am - Talk I and whoever believes in me will never thirst.” 03.30 pm - 04.15 pm - Talk II 07.00 pm - 07.45 pm - Talk III August 8 “I am the living bread that came down from 07.45 pm - 08.15 pm - Eucharistic Adoration 19th Ord. Sunday heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my • We will enter into the online meet for all the sessions. The link will flesh for the life of the world.” be shared later.

August 15 The Gospel relates the encounter of Mary with • Kindly find a convenient place where you will get good internet The Assumption St Elizabeth and Mary’s . connectivity as well as an ambience of prayer. Please inform your parishioners that we are making our online retreat so that we will August 22 In this Gospel, Peter tells Jesus, “You have not be disturbed unnecessarily unless for urgent matters. 21st Ord. Sunday the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the • The sacrament of Reconciliation is an important aspect of any Holy One of God.” retreat. Let us find ourselves a priest of choice to make a good confession during the retreat. August 29 Jesus admonishes the pharisees. 22nd Ord. Sunday • The retreat will end with the Archbishop’s address on 27th at 11.30 am. Rev Fr Joseph Arockia Jayakumar Quotes of St John Marie Vianney ...... “Only after the Last Judgment will Mary get any rest; from now until Quotes of Pope Francis...... then, she is much too busy with her children.”

“When our hands have touched spices, they give fragrance to all  Don’t throw plastic in the Sea. they handle. Let us make our prayers pass through the hands of  Open your eyes to God’s humble presence the Blessed Virgin. She will make them fragrant.”  May we sink our roots in the dream of peace

¨û\YôrÜ 9 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 10 august 2021 FAMILY COMMISSION Prisoners’ Reintegration and Redemption PRISON MINISTRY SUNDAY Marriage Preparation Course Scheduled programme 07-08-2021 and 08-08-2021 in Tamil (online) PASTORAL LETTER 21-08-2021 and 22-08-2021 in Tamil direct class at Pastoral Centre. 04-09-2021, 05-09-2020, 25-09-2020, 26-09-2020 in Tamil (online) Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ, 18-09-2021, 19-09-2021 in English (online) 02-10-2021, 03-10-2021, 23-10-2021, 24-10-2021 in Tamil (online) As we celebrate Prison Ministry Sunday, let us consider prisoners as our brethren and do whatever is possible for their integral human 06-11-2021, 07-11-2021, 20-11-2021, 21-11-201 in Tamil (online) development. Every diocese shall have a Prison Ministry India (PMI) 27-11-2021, 28-11-2021 in English (online) unit to look after the needs of prisoners, and parish priests shall take 04-12-2020, 05-12-2021, 18-12-2021, 19-12-2021 in Tamil (online) special care to reach out to the lost sheep in prisons. Consecrated Kindly register either in website or people have a special responsibility to participate in the release, directly in the family commission office. Contact number: 7200124168 reformation, and reintegration of prisoners. Pious associations and / 044- 2493 4853. lay faithful are cordially invited to take part in the prisoners’ reintegration projects of PMI. For Jesus came “to proclaim good news Kindly help the needed couples to avail the opportunity of having to the poor... to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight effective family counselling in the family counselling cell throughout to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the the month either in online platform or direct counselling from 09.00 year of the Lord’s favour” (Lk 4: 18-19). am to 05.00 pm. Kindly approach family commission counselling call to have prior Prisoner’s Rehabilitation and Reintegration appointment with the counsellor. Expecting your generous cooperation Alphi (43) was an inmate of Snehashramam, Kerala a rehabilitation centre for released women prisoners of Prison Ministry India. She was to heal the families from the poison of division. married to Mr Johnson. They have an eight-year-old child studying in Rev Fr Sesu Arul Pragasam Standard III. They had neither land nor house of their own. PMI bought a small plot of land for them. With the financial assistance of the PMI NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL DAYS TO REMEMBER Ruby Jubilee housing project, they completed the construction of the house and now live peacefully glorifying the Lord. Savitha was in high

st school when her father was imprisoned. She had no possibility of 1 Sunday International Friendship Day / Youth Day (CBCI) continuing her education. PMI came to her assistance and now she is 07 Aug National Prayer Day (CCBI) completing her M.Com. Though Gopal completed his life sentence, he 08 Aug World Senior Citizen’s Day was not released from prison as he could not pay the compensation to the victim. PMI paid the compensation and now he is released and 09 Aug International Day of the World’s Indigenous People leading a pacifist family life. 10 Aug World Bio Fuel Day / Black Day “It is something beautiful, a gift of God, to take care of the people, 12 Aug International Youth Day men and women in jail. Let us thank the Lord for his great love to 13 Aug National Organ Donation Day share the joy of loving,” said Saint Mother Teresa, a Saint of the Gutters, 19 Aug World Humanitarian Day / World Photography Day when she addressed PMI volunteers during the second National Convention held at Navintha Retreat Centre, Delhi in 1995. When the 29 Aug International Day against Nuclear Tests / then Chief Minister of West Bengal met Mother Teresa, he told her National Sports day about 34 girls in prison who were arrested from brothel houses. These young girls with pathetic family backgrounds had been forced into 30 Aug National Small Industry Day prostitution and thrown behind bars. They all were picked up by the

¨û\YôrÜ 11 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 12 august 2021 mother of love and were reformed and reintegrated. Mother Teresa by meeting people personally. Here we become not mere distributors witnessed the tremendous change in the life of every person who was of easy money, but we become one with the helpless in their struggle. picked up from the dark cells of prisons. Prison Ministry India has PMI volunteers stand at the church doors with a bucket in their hands, rehabilitated and reintegrated thousands of prisoners and their families begging something from those who have to give to those who don’t from the time of its inception. have. Prisoners’ Redemption PMI Ruby Jubilee God came down in our sinfulness! God came down when we were This year, Prison Ministry India celebrates its Ruby Jubilee with many lost! In the eyes of God, we never lose our worth. We always remain new projects for the integral development of prisoners and their families. precious in his sight; for God is infinite love. God cannot but love, fire I am glad to share with you some of the major Ruby Jubilee projects cannot but warm up. PMI volunteers believe strongly that no one is such as homes for prisoners’ children, houses for released prisoners, beyond transformation, and our Redeemer has taught us that no one establishment of special PMI Task Forces such as Terrorists Saving is beyond redemption as he assured Paradise to the ‘Good Thief. God Squad, Death Row Commandos, Mafia Redeemers, scholarships to also chooses the filthiest of places, stinking places, for his work of prisoners’ children, and releasing prisoners with legal and financial redemption. Behind the walls of maximum-security prisons, hard-core assistance. Let us praise and thank God for the unfathomable blessings criminals are being transformed into messengers of hope. “Those who showered upon our brethren behind the bars and the PMI volunteers. are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came Let us continue to pray for our incarcerated brethren especially during not to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mk 2:17). The purpose of Jesus these days of pandemic and closely collaborate with PMI in their coming to this earth was to call sinners and to redeem the lost. Jesus endeavour to implement the jubilee projects. I take this opportunity to who cried out from the Cross, “I thirst” (Jn 19:28) continues to thirst for praise and thank God for all the blessings showered upon prisoners the souls behind the dark cells of prisons. and their families in the past 40 years and extend my heartiest What shall we do for the reintegration and redemption of prisoners? congratulations to those who pioneered this beautiful ministry. If you want to be a part of this noble work of God’s redeeming mission, Conclusion you can reach out by volunteering in three ways. As we celebrate Prison Ministry Sunday, let us remember and pray Firstly, the origin of Prison Ministry India is from the Blessed for prisoners all over the world especially the 4.7 lakh people languishing Sacrament. Those hours spent before the Blessed Sacrament were in the 1350 Indian prisons, their families, victims, the officers and the powerful moments for the growth of this ministry. Before each visit, volunteers who serve them. Dear brethren behind the bars, we love members spend time in prayer. They recite the , make intercessory you, we are with you, we pray for you and we are ready to do whatever prayers and fast. Basically, Prison Ministry India is a prayer group for is possible for your reformation and reintegration. Dear PMI family the reintegration and redemption of our brethren in prison. members, your visits to the prison are equivalent to visiting Jesus for he said, “I was in prison and you visited me” (Mt 25:36). During these Secondly, you can visit prisons and PMI rehabilitation centres and COVID-19 pandemic days, we pray for you in a special way. Your homes for prisoners’ children. “My family has abandoned me; society continued financial support for the Prison Ministry will highly be considers me only as a criminal. If you do not help me, who else will in appreciated. Along with my brother , I express my sincere this world? When I am released, nobody will dare to give me a job. gratitude to the dioceses, major superiors and well-wishers for your Would you please find a job for me?” These heart-breaking cries of generous contributions towards this ministry. I am sure Jesus who came prisoners moved the hearts of PMI volunteers and the result was the in search of the lost will bless you abundantly. I acknowledge and first rehabilitation centre, Snehashramam established in 1991. Today, appreciate the PMI volunteers for their profound commitment in Prison Ministry India runs 20 rehabilitation centres for released persons reforming and reintegrating prisoners, which all of us know, is one of and their children. the most challenging tasks. May Saint Maximilian Kolbe, the patron of Prison Ministry India, intercede for the fruitfulness of this ministry and Thirdly, you can financially support PMI for prisoners’ rehabilitation may Mary, our blessed mother, be always there to protect you. and reintegration. One of the basic principles of PMI is ‘begging’. We beg to give prisoners a better future. We beg to provide them a life of dignity. We beg to make them kings and queens. We do not have any + Bishop Allwyn D’Silva foreign funding to meet expenses, but we actualise our plans and visions Chairperson, Prison Ministry India

¨û\YôrÜ 13 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 14 august 2021 T¦dÏÝdLs - ùNn§Ls SC/ST gzpf;;FG; [_iy 19-k; Njjpad;W SC/ST gzpf;FOtpd; nrayH mUs;gzp kupa [hd; Ngh];Nfh> nrd;id r%f Nrit rq;fj;jpd; ,af;FdH tptpypa gzpf;;;;;FG mUs;gzp M V N[f;fg; kw;Wk; gzpf;FOtpd; xUq;fpizg;ghsH [_d; 27-k; Njjpad;W “tptpypaj;NjhL XH Mz;L” njhlH tptpypa jpU Nkj;a+ ,tHfs; midtUk; rpWghd;ik eyj;Jiw mikr;rH thrpg;gpd; 6-k; khj tptpypa tpdh-tpil Nghl;b eilngw;wJ. ,jpy; khz;GkpF gPl;lH my;Nghd;]; mtHfis re;jpj;J jypj; fj;Njhypf;f $Fs; gbtj;jpd; topahf 568 egHfs; NjHtpy; gq;Nfw;wdH. 120 kf;fSf;F Njitahd fy;tp Ntiytha;g;G> nghUshjhu tsHr;rp egHfs; 100/100 kjpg;ngz;fs; ngw;whHfs;. gw;wp fye;jha;T nra;jhHfs;. [_iy 25-k; Njjpad;W eilngw;w 7-k; khj tptpypa tpdh-tpil fle;j gy Mz;Lfshf jypj; fpwp];jth;fis gl;baypdj;jth; (SC) Nghl;bapy; 542 egHfs; NjHtpy; gq;Nfw;wdH. 62 egHfs; 100/100 chpik kWf;fg;gl;L tUfpwJ. ,jdhy; fy;tp> Ntiy tha;g;Gfs; kjpg;ngz;fs; ngw;whHfs;. kWf;fg;gl;Lk;> murpay; kw;Wk; rl;l ghJfhg;gpd;wpAk; kj mbg;gilapy; (SC) mwptpg;G: 1) tptpypag; gzpf;FO kw;Wk; jpUtopghl;L gzpf;FO Ntw;Wik fhl;Lk; FbauRj; jiyth; Miz 1950d; gj;jp 3-I ,ize;J 2021-2022-k; Mz;bw;fhd ‘jpUtopghl;bd; topfhl;b’ thrf uj;J nra;tjhf ePz;l fhyk; thf;FWjp mspj;Jk; ve;j muRk; Fwpg;Gfs; jahhpf;Fk; gzp eilngw;W tUfpd;wJ. kf;fspd; ,d;Wtiu nra;atpy;iy. ,jid Jf;fehshf nfhz;lhbf; jpUtopghl;Lg; gad;ghl;bw;Nfw;g> jpUtopghl;bd; Kiwikf;Fk; nfhz;bUf;fpNwhk;. ,e;j Mz;L kf;fs;; xd;W $Ltjw;F muR cNuhikj; jpUg;gyp E}ypd; nghJg;gbg;gpidf;Fk; Vw;gTk; kpfj; jil tpjpj;Js;sjhy; ,e;j Jf;f ehs; epfo;it mDrhpf;Fk; tpjkhf Jy;ypakhf> rhpahf> Kiwahf jahhpj;J jkpof MaH Nguitapd; gq;Fje;ijah;fs; jq;fs; Mya Kfg;gpy; Jf;fehs; mlq;fpa Ngdh; jpUtopghl;Lg; gzpf;FOtpd; xg;GjNyhL ‘jpUtUiff; fhyk; Kjy; itj;J gq;F kf;fs; Ie;J Kjy; gj;J egh;fisf;nfhz;L fWg;Gf;nfhb fpwp];J murH ngUtpoh’ tiu jahhpf;fg;gLfpd;wJ. gq;Fj;je;ijaH Ve;jp mDrhpf;Fk;gb Nfl;Lf;nfhs;fpNwhk;. jhq;fs; epfo;j;Jk; ,e;j fs; jq;fs; gq;Fj;jsq;fSf;F Njitahd gpujpfSf;F tptpypag; Jf;fehs; epo;r;rpia Gifg;glk; vLj;J Nguhah; ,y;yj;jpw;Fk;> SC/ST gzpf;FOtpy; gjpT nra;jpLf. Mf];L khjk; ,Wjpf;Fs; gjpT gzpf;FOtpw;Fk; mDg;gp itf;Fk;gb gzptd;Gld; Nfl;Lf; nra;jpl md;Gld; Nfl;Lf;nfhs;fpd;Nwd;. ,e;j jpUtopghl;bd; nfhs;fpNwhk;. topfhl;bia xH Mz;L Gj;jfkhfNth> my;yJ Xt;nthU khjkhfNth mUs;gzp MLA khpa [hd; Ngh];Nfh tpRthrpfs; gad;gLj;jpf;nfhs;s VJthf jahhpf;fg;gls;sJ. ------cs;slf;fk;: • Gjpa thrf E}y;fspd; mikg;GKiw> • khjk; / Njjp / fpoik> • jpUTil epwk; / jpUg;Gfo; khiy thuq;fs;> • Gdpjh;fs; /epidT / tpohf;fs; / ngUtpohf;fs;;> • thrf E}y; kw;Wk; jpUg;gyp E}y; gf;fq;fs;> • thrfq;fs; / gjpYiughly; bghJepiyapdh;;;;; gzpf;;;;;FG • kw;Wk; gy;ytp> jpUtpopg;Gj; jpUg;gyp kw;Wk; ,e;jpahTf;fhd nghJepiyapdH gzpf;FOtpd; Gjpa nrayH gzpNaw;G kw;Wk; rpwg;Gj; jpUg;gypfs; ,jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;sJ. gzptpil epfo;r;rp [_iy 24-k; Njjpad;W mUs;gzp ikaj;jpy; 2) nrg;lk;gH tptpypa khjj;ij Kd;dpl;L gq;Fjsq;fspy; tptpypaf; eilngw;wJ. ekJ cah;kiwkhtl;l mUs;gzp ikaj;jpy; Gjpjhf fz;fhl;rp mikf;f Njitahd fz;fhl;rp glq;fis tptpypag; gjtpNaw;w ,af;Feh; mUs;gzp N[hrg; MNuhf;fpa n[aFkhh; kw;Wk; gzpf;FOtpypUe;J ngw tpUk;GgtHfs; tptpypag; gzpf;FOit nghJepiyapdH gzpf;FOtpd; Gjpa nrayH jpU Y}f;fh]; kzp njhlHG nfhs;sTk;. mth;fis tuNtw;Fk; tz;zk; ,e;epfo;T eilngw;wJ. ekJ / / 3) tptpypa khjk; thuk; QhapW rpwg;gpf;f Njitahd Kd;dhs; cah;kiwkhtl;l nghJepiyapdH gzpf;FOtpd; nrayh;; topfhl;Ljy;fs; Rtnuhl;bfs; Mfpait Mf];L khjk; ,Wjpf;Fs; jpU tpy;ypak; FkhH mth;fs; nghJepiyapdH gzpFOtpd; fle;j mDg;gg;gLk;. Mz;Lfspd; nray;ghLfs; Fwpj;j tpsf;f mwpf;ifia gfph;e;Jf; 4) nrg;lk;gH tptpypa khjj;ij Kd;dpl;L [_iy 18-k; Njjp Kjy; nfhz;lhh;. mtUf;F ghuhl;Lk;> ed;wpAk; njhptpf;fg;gl;L nfsutpf;fg; “ nrg;lk;gH 30-k; Njjp tiu thl;];Mg; topahf tptpypak; mwpNthk; gl;lhh;. ,f;$l;lj;jpy; nrd;id r%f Nrit rq;fj;jpd; ,af;FdH ” 75 ehspy; vd;w jiyg;gpy; tptpypaf; Fwpg;Gfis jpde;NjhWk; mUs;gzp M V N[f;fg; rpwg;G tpUe;jpduhf fye;J nfhz;ldH. ekJ mDg;gg;gl;L tUfpd;wJ. caHkiwkhtl;lj;jpy; nray;gLk; midj;J mikg;Gfspd; epHthfpfs; 5) tptpypa khjj;ij Kd;dpl;Nlh my;yJ gq;Fj;jsq;fSf;F RkhH 50 NgH ,f;$l;lj;jpy; fye;J nfhz;lhHfs;. ed;wp ghlYld; Njitahd jpUtptpypaq;fs; mjpf vz;zpf;ifapy; thq;f ,Ug;gtH ,e;epfo;T ,dpNj eilngw;wJ. fs; tptpypag; gzpf;FOtpy; Kd;$l;bNa jfty; mspj;jhy; jpU Y}f;fh]; kzp Njitahd gpujpfis tutioj;J ju KbAk;. mUs;gzp cghy;l]; Re;jH

august 2021 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 15 ¨û\YôrÜ 16 ,f;fhyq;fspy; ‘,iwtdpd; ,g;nghOjhfpa’ ek; Mz;> ngz;> 18-tJ ,isQH QhapW (01-08-2021) ,isQHfs; vz;zw;w ghjpg;Gfisr; re;jpj;Js;sdH. vOe;J epy;> eP fz;ltw;wpw;Fr; rhd;Wgfu ehd; cd;id nghUshjhu neUf;fbapidr; re;jpj;Js;s ,tHfs; ez;gHfis Vw;gLj;jpNdd;(jpg 26:16) Neubahfr; re;jpf;f ,ayhikahYk; tPl;bw;Fs;NsNa milgl;Lf; Maupd; Rw;Wkly; fple;jjhYk; r%f tiyj;jsq;fis msTf;fjpfkhfg; gad;gLj;jj; njhlq;fpAs;sdH. ,iza tpisahl;Lfisg; NguhHtj;Jld; tpisahlj; njhlq;fpAs;sdH. ,it mtHfisf; FLk;gq;fspypUe;Jk; fpwp];J ,NaRtpy; md;gpw;fpdpa Mz;> ngz; ,isQHfNs! kw;wtHfsplkpUe;Jk; Jz;bj;J tpl;Ls;sd. jdpik epiwe;j nka;epfH mUs;gzpahsHfNs! mUs;rNfhjupfNs! ,Ughy; nghJepiyapdNu! cyfpw;Fs; js;spAs;sd. NrHe;J tUtJ> fye;J ciuahLtJ> vd;Wk; thOk; ,isQH ,NaR toq;fpLk; eytho;Tk; kfpo;r;rpAk; ,ize;J nray;gLtJ Mfpatw;wpypUe;J tpyfp vz;kpd; MrpAk; cq;fis capuhw;wYld; thor; nra;tjhf! Gyk;ngaHjiyf; nfhzHe;Js;sd. ,g;Nghf;F mtHfs; Nkw;nfhs;Sk; gazj;jpy;> mtHfis mQ;rp eLq;fpj; jl;Lj;jLkhwr; nra;fpd;wJ. ngUe;njhw;Wr; #oyhy; fLikahd ghjpg;gpw;F MshfpAs;s NkYk; mtHfspilNa kd mOj;jj;ijAk; ,Wf;fj;ijAk; mjpfupj;J ,isQHfSf;Ff; fUiz fhl;l ehk; fw;Wf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. cstpay; tifahd ghjpg;Gfis cUthf;fpAs;sJ. mg;gbr; nra;jhy; kl;LNk ehk; xU Gjpa cyfpidf; fl;bnaOg;g KbAk; vd;gjidj; jha;j; jpUmit czHe;Js;sJ. vdNt> khDl cupikfspd; fhg;ghsH mUs;gzp ];Nld; Rthkp ePjpkd;wf; ,isQHfs; kPJ jpUmit mf;fiw fhl;Ltjid midj;J fhtypy; mePjpahfg; gLf;nfhiy nra;ag;gl;lJk; ,e;Jj;Jt ,isQHfSf;Fk; czHj;j Ntz;Lk; vd;gjw;fhf xt;nthU gq;fpYk; mbg;gilthj mikg;Gfspd; tsHr;rpAk; fpwpj;jtHfshfpa ekJ ,isQH Qhapiwr; rpwg;gpf;f miog;G tpLf;fpd;wJ. jpUmitapd; ,Ug;gpid Nfs;tpf;Fs;shfpAs;sd. xd;wpa murpd; ngUq;FOk ftdj;jpw;Fk; mUs;gzp mf;fiwf;Fk; ikakhf Mz;> ngz;> epWtd eyd; rhHe;j Nghf;fpidAk; kjr;rpWghd;ikapdH> jypj;Jfs;> ,isQHfs; ,Ug;gjid mtHfs; czur; nra;aNtz;Lk; vd;w goq;FbapdH MfpaNahUf;F vjpuhd Nghf;FfisAk; Fwpj;J khw;Wf; Nehf;fpy; ,e;ehisr; rpwg;gpf;f xt;nthU fpwpj;jtUk; fUj;J njuptpj;jhNy> NjrtpNuhjp> efHg;Gw ef;ry;fs; vd;W miof;fg;gLfpd;Nwhk;. Fw;wg;gLj;jg;gLtJ> ‘cgh| Nghd;w nfh^u rl;lq;fshy; ifJ nra;ag;gLtJ> gpiz toq;fhky; mtHfsJ Fuy;fis xLf;FtJ ngUe;njhw;W cUthf;fpAs;s neUf;fbfs;: Nghd;w ,r;#oy; ,isQHfspilNa cr;rf;fl;l mr;rj;ij Nfhtpl;-19 ngUe;njhw;W ,d;iwa fhyj;jpy; xl;L nkhj;j cUthf;fpAs;sJ. cyifNa epiyFiya itj;Js;sJ. ,wg;Gk; ghjpg;Gk; mjpfk;. nfhs;isNehahy;> ehk; kw;wtHfNshL neUq;fp tho KbahJ Nghd Nfhapy;fspy; jpUg;gypf; nfhz;lhl;lq;fs; ,d;ik> jpUtpohf;fs; #oy;epiy> ek;ik ve;j mstpw;F tYtw;wtHfshf khw;wptpl;lJ ,d;ik Mfpad mUs;tho;tpy; ntw;wplj;ij cUthf;fpAs;sd. vd;gij> ehk; kwf;f ,ayhJ. ek; ez;gHfNshL ,Uf;f Kbatpy;iy. ,tw;wpw;fhf ,iwkf;fNshL ,isQHfSk; Vq;Ftjidf; clDiog;ghsHfisf; fhzKbatpy;iy. mijtpl> ekJ fz;Zw;Nwhk;. ,f;fhy neUf;fbfs; ,iwtidg; gw;wpAk; ek;gpf;if FLk;gj;jtHfsplNk neUq;f Kbatpy;iy. Fwpg;ghf> ekJ njhlHghfTk; vz;zw;w Nfs;tpfis mtHfspy; cUthf;fpAs;sd. FLk;gj;jpNy ,wf;Fk; jUthapy; ,Ug;gtHfisf;$lj; njhl;Lj;J}f;fp ngUe;njhw;wpd; miyfs; njhlUk; ,f;fhyj;jpYk; xd;wpa murpd; vLj;Jg; guhkupf;f Kbatpy;iy. mtHfsJ ,wg;gpy; Kiwahfj; kf;fs; tpuNuhjr; nray;ghLfs; eLtpYk; ,isQH Qhapiwr; rpwg;gpf;f Jf;fk; mDrupf;ff;$l ek;khy; Kbatpy;iy. mNjhL$l> kPz;Lk; cs;Nsk;. “vOe;J epy;> eP fz;ltw;wpw;Fr; rhd;Wgfu ehd; cd;id nghJKlf;fk; eilKiwg;gLj;jg;gl;ljhy; gy;NtW fl;Lg;ghLfspdhy; Vw;gLj;jpNdd;”> (jpg 26.16) vd;w ,iwr;nrhw;nwhliu ikaf;fUthff; gy;NtW ,lHghLfisr; re;jpj;Njhk;. %d;whk; miyg;guty; njhlq;f nfhz;L rpe;jpf;f miof;fg;gLfpd;Nwhk;. ,Ug;gJ gw;wpa mwptpg;G ,d;Dk; mr;rj;ij cz;lhf;fpAs;sJ. ,iwthf;fpd; xspapy; rhd;W gfHjy; xd;wpa murpd; gzkjpg;gpog;G> [p.v];.b. Nghd;w eltbf;if jk; ,dj;jhidj; Jd;GWj;jpa vfpg;jpaid nfhiy nra;jjdhy; fspdhy; fle;j 45 Mz;Lfspy; ,y;yhj tifapy; Ntiyapog;G ghuNthDf;F mQ;rp kPjpahDf;Fj; jg;gpNahba ,isQH NkhNr Vw;gl;Ls;sJ. ngUe;njhw;Wf; fhyj;jpy;> njhopy; epWtdq;fs; vupAk; Kl;Gjupy; ‘,Uf;fpd;wtuhf ,Uf;Fk; ,iwtidr;| re;jpj;jhH. nray;glhikahy; rpwpJ rpwpjhf Ml;Fiwg;gpy; ngz; ,isQHfs; fz;LzHe;jhH. ,iwtdpd; tpLtpf;Fk; nraYf;F mtH rhd;W Ntiyapof;Fk; Mgj;jpw;F cs;shfpAs;sdH. gw;whf;Fiwf;F gfHe;jhH. “J}a;ikaw;w cjLfs; nfhz;ltd; ehd;”, vd;W jd;dpiy muRg;gzpfspy; Xa;T ngWk; mfitahdJ 58-ypUe;J 60-Mf czHe;j ,isQH vrhahtplk; “vdJ gzpiar; nra;a ahiu caHj;jg;gl;Ls;sJ vd;gJ> muR Ntiy fpilf;Fk; vd;w vjpHghHg;gpy; mDg;GNtd;? ekJ gzpf;fhf ahH NghthH?” vd;W tpdtpa ,Ue;j ,isQHfSf;F muR Ntiy vd;gJ vl;lhf; fdpahfptpl;lJ> ,iwtDf;F “,Njh ehdpUf;fpd;Nwd; mbNaid mDg;Gk;” vd;W ¨û\YôrÜ 17 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 18 august 2021 gjpy;nkhop $wp> ePjpAs;s muruhy; nfhzug;gltpUe;j ,iwtdpd; ,isQHfs; ,we;Njhiu ey;ylf;fk; nra;a cjtpdH. mj;Jld; Ml;rpf;Fr; rhd;W gfHe;jhH. “jha; tapw;wpy; cd;id ehd; cUthf;Fk; rhiyfspy; Rw;wpj; jpupAk; eha; cs;spl;l tpyq;FfSf;F cztpl;L Kd;Ng mwpe;jpUe;Njd;> eP gpwf;Fk; Kd;Nd cd;idj; ,e;j neUf;fbahd fhyfl;lj;jpy; capHfspd;kPJ mf;fiwia jpUepiyg;gLj;jpNdd;> kf;fs; ,dq;fSf;F ,iwthf;fpddhf ntspg;gLj;jpAs;sdH. gpwH JaHfz;L Jbf;Fk; kdKk; me;jj; cd;id Vw;gLj;jpNdd;” vd;W flTshy; miof;fg;gl;l ,isQH Jaupidj; Jilf;Fk; topfhZk; QhdKk; mtHfsplk; vNukpah vjpHg;Gfspd; eLtpYk; Jd;GWk; Copadhf tho;e;J gpd;dpg;gpize;J fplf;fpd;wd vd;gjid cWjpg;gLj;jpAs;sdH. ,iwtDfFr; rhd;W gfHe;jhH. mNj Nghd;W Ntshz; njhopiyr; jq;fsJ tho;tpy; fz;Lnfhz;l capHj;j ,isQH ,NaRtpw;Fr; nra;j ,isQH MNkh]; ,iwtdpd; r%f ePjpf;Fr; rhd;W gfHe;jhH. rhd;W gfHe;Js;sdH. ,r;nray;ghLfs; ekJ xl;Lnkhj;j jkpo;ehL jpUmitapYk; vjpnuhypf;f Ntz;Lk;. md;id kupah ,sikf;Fupa JzptNthL> mQ;rhJ> Nfs;tp Nfl;Fk; Mw;wy; ngw;wpUe;jth;> ‘Mk;’ vd ciuj;J JzpTld; ,e;jf; nfhNuhdh fhyj;jpy;> vtUk; ‘jd;id kl;Lk; fhg;ghw;wpf; miw$tiy Vw;Wf; nfhz;lhH. jkJ mioj;jYf;F KOg; nfhs;s ,ayhJ’ vd;w ghlj;ij ehk; fw;Ws;Nshk;. “Gwf;fzpg;G> nghWg;Ngw;W> jkJ r%f> mUs;tho;Tf; flikia czHe;J> ,Wjp jd;dyk;> gpuptpid> kwjp Nghd;w nrhw;fs;> ,d;iwa #oypy; %r;Rtiu nray;gl;lhH. jk; kfdpd; Jd;gj;jpy; cldpUe;J ekJ fhJfspy; xUNghJk; xypf;fhjtz;zk; xope;J NghfNtz;Lk; cs;sj;jpy; mtuJ Jd;gq;fisg; gfpHe;J nfhz;lhH. ,iwtdpd; vd;W ehd; Mirg;gLfpd;Nwd;” vd;w jpUj;je;ij gpuhd;rp]; ,iwahl;rpf; fdTf;F capuspf;Fk; Mw;wiy mtH ngw;whH. mtHfsJ $w;Wf;Fr; nray;tbtk; nfhLf;Fk; tz;zk; fpwp];J mNjNghd;W> jpUj;J}jHfSk; Gdpj gTYk; capHj;j ,NaRitj; ,NaRTf;Fs; midtUk; cld;gpwe;NjhH vd;w czHTld; tho;tJ jq;fsJ tho;tpy; re;jpj;j gpwF mtHfs; jhq;fs; fz;l ,NaRtpw;Fr; mtUf;Fr; rhd;W gfHtjw;fhd thapyhf mikAk;. rhd;W gfHe;jdH. ehk; rhd;W gfu.... ek;gpf;if fPw;Wfshf ek; ,isQHfs; ehk; kWfpwp];Jfsha; thoTk; ek; ,isQHfs; ek; topahff; cyfshtpa ngUe;njhw;iw vjpHf;nfhs;Sk; ,j;jifa Ntisapy;> fz;LzUk; ,NaRtpw;Fr; rhd;WgfuTk; gpd;tUk; gupe;Jiufis ehk; vy;yhUk; cld;gpwe;jtHfs; vd;gijg; ngupa mstpy; czuj; Kd;itf;f ,tz; tpiofpd;Nwd;: njhlq;fpapUf;fpNwhk;. capUf;Fg; gae;J my;yYWk; NtisapYk; 1. ngUe;njhw;wpdhy; jsHe;jpUf;Fk; ekf;F> vd;Wk; cld; thOk; vy;yhUk; tho Ntz;Lk; vd;w MirNahLk; vy;yhiuAk; fhg;ghw;w ,iwtd; ek;NkhL ,Ug;gjdhy;> ekJ tho;T xl;Lnkhj;jkhf Kbe;J Ntz;Lk; vd;fpd;w NjhoikNahLk; gy ,isQHfs; jq;fsJ NghfhJ vd;w ek;gpf;if gpwg;ngLf;fpd;wJ. ,e;ek;gpf;ifapidg; gq;fspg;igr; nra;jpUf;fpd;wdH. ngw;NwhHfs;> jhj;jhf;fs;> ghl;bfs;> MrpupaHfs; MfpNahH jq;fs; fz;fis ,iwtid Nehf;fp caHj;jp> ,iwNtz;lypy; jkpo;ehl;bd; gy;NtW fpuhkq;fspy; nfhNuhdh njhw;Wapupapd; epiyj;jpUe;J> jhq;fs; vjpHnfhs;Sk; ngUk; rpf;fy;fisf; fle;J jhf;fk; Vw;gl;Ltplf; $lhJ vd;gjw;fhff; fpuhk vy;iyapy; nry;yNtz;Lk; vd;gjw;F fyq;fiu tpsf;fkhf epd;W Nrhjidr; rhtb mikj;J> kf;fs; ahUk; flf;fhj tifapy; ,isQHfSf;F topfhl;LfpwdH. mtHfsplkpUe;J ,isQHfs; ghJfhg;Gg; gzpapy; ,isQHfs; njhw;wpypUe;J kf;fisf; jq;fsJ ,iwek;gpf;ifiag; GJg;gpj;Jf; nfhs;s topfhl;Ljiyg; fhj;Js;sdH. ntspkhepyj; njhopyhsHfs;> Mjutw;NwhH MfpNahUf;F ngwNtz;Lk;. mNjhL$l njhiyNehf;Fg; ghHit> czitg; gfpHe;J mtHfsJ grpiag; Nghf;fpAs;sdH. Nehapdhy; nray;ghLfSf;F tYt+l;Lk; ,iwNtz;ly; Mfpatw;iw mtHfs; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltHfSf;F kUj;Jtkidfspy; cs;s gLf;if trjp> ngw> ehk; cld;gazpf;f Ntz;Lk;. capH tspahk; Mf;rp[d; fpilf;f trjp> kUj;Jt mtur CHjp 2. “nghJeyd; fUjp> Njhoikapd; mbg;gilapy; ,isQH fpilf;f trjp Mfpad Vw;ghL nra;tjpy; Kidg;Gf; fhl;bAs;sdH. $btUtJ> ,d;iwa cyfpw;F kpfTk; mtrpakhdJ. ,t;tpjk; jdpikg;gLj;jg;gl;L ,Ue;jtHfSf;F czT Vw;ghL nra;tJ> ,ize;J tuKbahky;> mkHe;J NgrKbahky; NghFk;NghJ> kUj;Jt cjtp> csey cjtp Mfpad fpilg;gjw;F topfhl;bdH. rz;ilfs; cUthfpd;wd. NghHfshy; mope;JtUk; ,t;Tyfpy;> fgRuf; FbePH Vw;ghL nra;tJ> Kff;ftrk; toq;FtJ Mfpa gzpfis cq;fsplk; ehd; Nfl;gJ> ,Jjhd;... cq;fs; kj;jpapy; el;Gwit xUq;fpizj;jdH. ,iza tiyj;jsq;fspy; Njhoik rf;jpfs; tsHf;f ngUk; Kaw;rpfis Nkw;nfhs;;Sq;fs;” vd;W fpa+gh ehl;L Nkw;nfhz;l Nghuhl;lq;fSf;F MjuT njuptpj;J> mtw;wpy; ,isQHfisr; re;jpj;j Ntisapy; ,af;fkhf xd;W$Ltjd; gq;Nfw;wdH. jdpegH ,ilntspAld; ngl;Nuhy;> Bry; tpiy caHT> Njitapidj; jpUj;je;ij gpuhd;rp]; njspTgLj;jpdhH. ekJ ePjpkd;w gLfhtypy; mUs;gzp ];Nld; Rthkp mtHfsJ gLnfhiy ,isQHfs; jFe;j tsHr;rp fhzTk; MSikia tsHj;njLf;fTk; Mfpadtw;wpw;F vjpuhf MHg;ghl;lq;fis Kd;ndLj;jdH. Gj;jfq;fs; jiyikj;Jtj;jpy; tsuTk; ,af;fq;fs; ngUk; gq;fhw;Wfpd;wd. thrpg;gJ> ftpij vOJtJ> fl;Liufs; vOJtJ> fijfs; vdNt> cq;fsJ gq;fpYk; md;gpaj;jpYk; cs;s Mz;> ngz; cUthf;FtJ vd gy tbtq;fspy; jq;fsJ Neuj;ijg; nghWg;Gld; ,isQHfs; ,af;fkhf xUq;fpize;J> el;Gwtpy; tsHe;J> jq;fis gad;gLj;jp> tiyj;jsq;fspy; njhFj;jdH. rpygFjpfspy; ek; cUthf;fpf; nfhs;s cjTtJ ek; midtupd; flik.

august 2021 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 19 ¨û\YôrÜ 20 3. ek;ikr; #o;e;J elf;Fk; mj;jid epfo;TfSk; ek;ik xl;Lnkhj;jkhf cYf;fp vLf;f Ntz;Lk;. mg;gb cYf;fp vLf;fg;gLk;NghJ kdpjHfshfpa “ehk; vy;yhUk; xU jha;g;gps;isfs; CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS OF INDIA vd;gij mwpe;JzHe;J xUtiu xUtH jhq;fpg;gpbf;f Ntz;Lk;” vd> jpUj;je;ij gpuhd;rp]; mwpTWj;Jfpd;whH. cld;gpwe;Njhf;Fupa md;Gld; thoe;J xl;Lnkhj;j khDlj;ijAk; kPl;nlLf;f ek;kpilNa gpuptpidiaAk; Vw;wj;jho;TfisAk; cUthf;Fk; rhjpg;gpuptpid> ghypd NtWghL> rkj;Jtkw;w nghUshjhuk; Mfpatw;iw Ref: CCBI/CIR-09 26th July 2021 xl;Lnkhj;jkhff; fise;njwpa ehk; xt;nthtUk; Kd;tu Ntz;Lk;. To 4. ngUe;njhw;wpd; njhlH miyfis vjpHnfhs;s xUq;fpize;j All Members of the CCBI r%fr; nray;ghl;il ,isQHfs; Kd;ndLf;f jq;fsJ jpwik> tpUg;gk;> ,ay;Gf;Nfw;gj; jd;dhHtj; njhz;lHfshff; fsq;fhz Your Eminence /Grace / Excellency / Rev , cld;gazpg;Nghk;. mjw;F cjTk; tifapy;> tUKd; fhg;Nghk; FO> Gs;sp tptuk; Nrfupg;G> Clff;FO> NjitawpAk; FO> cjTk; Cordial greetings from the CCBI General Secretariat! fuq;fs; FO> czTf;FO> Mw;Wg;gLj;Jk; FO> topghl;Lf;FO Mfpatw;iw cUthf;fp> mtw;wpy; jd;dhHtKs;s ,isQHfis As I have communicated to you earlier (Ref: CCBI/08, dated 10 ,izj;J topfhl;LNthk;. July, 2021), the National Prayer Service for the Health of the World will be conducted on Saturday, 7 August 2021, from 8.30 to 9.30 pm, from 5. njhw;wpypUe;J ghJfhf;f rpwe;j ghJfhg;Gf; Nflakhfj; jLg;g+rp the tombs of St Thomas, St Francis Xavier and St Teresa of Kolkata and mike;Js;sjhy;> ekJ gq;fpYk; Rw;wpAs;s CHfspYk; jLg;g+rp gw;wpa from the Marian Basilicas of Bandra (Mumbai), Sardhana (Meerut), tpopg;GzHit Vw;gLj;jp> jLg;g+rp Kfhk;fis ,isQHfsJ Hyderabad, Shivajinagar (Bangalore) and Vailankanni. xj;Jiog;Gld; Vw;ghL nra;Nthk;.

6. Nfhtpl;-19 ,uz;L miyfspdNghJk; muR kUj;Jtkid This special Prayer Service with a Eucharistic Benediction will be kUj;JtHfs;> nrtpypaHfs;> gzpahsHfs; MfpaNahuJ gzpfs; telecast on Catholic satellite television channels like Madha TV, Shalom msg;gupaJ. capHfhf;Fk; kUe;Jfs;. kUj;Jt fUtpfs; (Ventilator)> TV, Goodness TV, Divyavani TV, Atmadarshan TV, Ishvani TV, CCR TV capHtsp (Oxygen) Nghd;wit jhuhskhf midtUf;Fk; and Prarthana Bhawan TV; it will also be streamed through leading toq;fg;gl;ld. ,g;gbg;gl;l rpwg;Gkpf;f kUj;Jtkidapd; Catholic YouTube channels. fl;likg;Gfs; midj;Jk; ed;F guhkupf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. njhlf;f eytho;T ikaq;fspy; kUj;Jt muru CHjp (Ambulance) trjpfs; I request you to share the attached electronic copy of the Prayer Nkk;gLj;jg;glTk; Kjyikr;rUf;Fk; ey;tho;Tj;Jiw Service with all your parishes, religious communities, institutions and mikr;rfj;jpw;Fk; njupag;gLj;jTk; ifnaOj;J ,af;fj;jpid lay faithful. Encourage everyone to actively take part in the Prayer ,isQHfNshL ,ize;J Kd;ndLg;Nghk;. Service by making use of the enclosed prayer text.

vjpHtUk; Mfj;J jpq;fs; Kjy; Qhapiw ,isQH Qhapwhf It is our earnest desire that all the faithful in India and our people ehk; rpwg;gpf;fpd;Nwhk; vd;Wk; ,isQuhd ,NaR ,iwj;je;ijAld; abroad should be encouraged to pray as one family during that hour. nfhz;l xd;wpg;gpdhy; mtuJ ,uf;f Kfj;jpw;Fr; rhd;W gfHe;jhH. Let us pray to Our Lord and seek the intercession of our Blessed Mother mNj Nghd;W> ,NaRNthL nfhz;;l cwNthLk; gq;fpd; tsHr;rpapy; and our beloved Saints to help us in this time of pain and suffering.

+ MaH NkjF erNud; #ir (Nfhl;lhW MaH) jiytH - jkpof MaH Nguitapd; ,isQH gzpf;FO

august 2021 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 21 ¨û\YôrÜ 22 THE PRAYER SERVICE Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever 1. Opening Song and ever.

From Mount Mary Basilica, Bandra, Mumbai All: Amen. Choir: Most Rev John Rodrigues, Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay and Team 4. Psalter

Blest be the Lord, blest be the Lord, Psalm 130: ‘My Soul Waits for the Lord’ (ESV CE Translation) The God of mercy, the God who saves. I shall not fear the dark of night, Celebrant: Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord! Nor the arrow that flies by day. He will release me from the nets of sinful ones. All: Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord! He will protect me from their wicked hands. O Lord, hear my voice! Beneath the shadow of his wings, I will rejoice, Let your ears be attentive To find a dwelling place secure. to the voice of my pleas for mercy! I need not shrink before the terrors of the night, Nor stand alone before the light of day. All: Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord! No harm shall come to me, no arrow strike me down. No evil settle in my soul. If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? 2. Introduction But with you there is forgiveness, Rev Dr Stephen Alathara that you may be feared. Deputy Secretary General, CCBI From St Mary’s Basilica, Shivajinagar, Bangalore All: Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord!

3. Initial Prayer Wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; Most Rev George Antonysamy my soul waits for the Lord Vice President, CCBI and Archbishop of Madras-Mylapore more than watchmen for the morning, From the Tomb of St Thomas, Santhome Cathedral Basilica, Chennai more than watchmen for the morning.

Celebrant: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy All: Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord! Spirit. All: Amen. O Israel, hope in the Lord! Celebrant: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the For with the Lord there is steadfast love, Lord Jesus Christ. and with him is plentiful redemption All: And with your Spirit And he will redeem Israel from all its iniquities. Celebrant: Let us pray Almighty and eternal God, our refuge in every danger, to All: Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord! whom we turn in our distress; in faith, we pray, look with compassion on the afflicted, grant eternal rest to the dead, 5. Gospel Proclamation - John 11:28-44 comfort to mourners, healing to the sick, peace to the dying, strength to healthcare workers, wisdom to our leaders and Rev Dr Raymond Joseph the courage to reach out to all in love, so that together we Secretary, CCBI Commission for Vocations, Seminaries, Clergy and Religious may give glory to your holy name. From St Mary’s Basilica, Shivajinagar, Bangalore

august 2021 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 23 ¨û\YôrÜ 24 Celebrant: The Lord be with you. Celebrant: God of love, we the people of India, turn to you with prayerful All: And with your spirit. hearts and with confidence in your loving presence among us now and in every moment of our lives. We stand before you as people of Celebrant: A reading from the holy Gospel according to John hope, trusting in your care and protection. May we be comforted by All: Glory to you, O Lord. your love in these times of anxiety.

Martha went and called her sister Mary, saying in private, “The Teacher Oration 1 (Hindi) is here and is calling for you.” And when she heard it, she rose quickly and went to him. Ms Jyotsna D’Souza, Diocese ofVasai, Maharashtra President, Indian Catholic Youth Movement Now when Mary came to where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his From the Basilica of Our Lady of Graces, Sardhana, UP feet, saying to him, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come Intention: For the Universal Church and Church in India with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled. And he said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to him, Lector: We pray for Pope Francis, and for all Church leaders, that God “Lord, come and see.” Jesus wept. may give them the wisdom and courage they need as they lead the Church during this pandemic; watch over them and keep them faithful Then Jesus, deeply moved again, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and to their vocation; teach them to recognize and interpret the signs of a stone lay against it. Jesus said, “Take away the stone.” Martha, the the times; strengthen them with the gifts of the Spirit and help them to sister of the dead man, said to him, “Lord, by this time there will be an serve the people entrusted to their care, especially the poor and the odour, for he has been dead four days.” Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell lowly. We pray. you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” So they took away the stone. All: Lord hear our prayer

And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, “Father, I thank you that you Oration 2 (Tamil) have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this on account of the people standing around, that they may believe that you Bro Alex Diamond Raj, SG sent me.” When he had said these things, he cried out with a loud Director, Montfort Bhavan, Meerut voice, “Lazarus, come out.” The man who had died came out, his hands From the Basilica of Our Lady of Graces, Sardhana, UP and feet bound with linen strips, and his face wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.” Intention: For the Health of the World and all sick people

Celebrant: The Gospel of the Lord. Lector: Merciful God, we entrust to your tender care those who are ill or in pain, knowing that whenever danger threatens, your everlasting All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. arms are there to hold them safe. Give us a heart that is compassionate and kind so that we may feel the pain of others and help those who 6. Reflection need our help. Comfort, heal and strengthen them, and restore them to good health. We pray His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias Archbishop of Bombay All: Lord hear our prayer From Holy Name Cathedral, Colaba, Mumbai Oration 3 (Khasi) 7. Prayer of the faithful Fr Chetan Machado Ms Valentia Nongtdu, Diocese of Jowai Secretary, CCBI Commission for Youth Finance Secretary, Jowai Diocese, Meghalaya From the Basilica of Our Lady of Graces, Sardhana, UP From the Basilica of Our Lady of Graces, Sardhana, UP

¨û\YôrÜ august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ august 2021 25 26 Intention: For Health workers: nurses, doctors, scientists and civil Oration 6 (Santali) servants. Bro Prem Murmu Lector: Gracious God, give skill, sympathy and resilience to all who are Assistant Director, Montfort Bhavan, Meerut From the Basilica of Our Lady caring for the sick, and your wisdom to those searching for a cure. of Graces, Sardhana, UP Strengthen them with your Spirit, that, through their work, many may be restored to good health. For doctors, nurses and medical Intention : For all deceased persons due to Covid and other illnesses. researchers, that, through their skill and insights, many may be restored to health. We pray Lector: For all the unnamed and unclaimed who have died and who do not have others to remember them; for all members of our families All: Lord hear our prayer who have departed from us and who gifted us with their gentle care, wisdom and support. For all the frontline workers, teachers, educators Oration 4 (Telugu) and school staff, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers who lost their lives during this pandemic. We pray. Mr John Paul Member, ICYM, New Delhi All: Lord hear our prayer From the Basilica of Our Lady of Graces, Sardhana, UP Oration 7 (Malayalam) Intention: For those suffering because of war, violence, injustice, economic problems, lack of jobs etc. Sr Dr Lisa FSLG Our Lady of Graces Hospital, Sardhana Lector: God our Father, we surrender our world which is bruised with From the Basilica of Our Lady of Graces, Sardhana, UP war, violence, injustice, economic problems, unemployment and poverty. Heal our world; heal our bodies, strengthen our hearts and minds, Intention: For all the departed bishops, priests and religious during and, in the midst of turmoil, give us hope and peace. May we be alert the pandemic. to the needs of the isolated and the homebound, and care for them in their vulnerability. We pray. Lector: For all bishops, priests and deacons who have died and who lived in loving service of God, preached God’s word and accompanied All: Lord hear our prayer their communities, we pray For all consecrated women and men who died and who earnestly yearned for God in their lives and devoted Oration 5 (Kannada) themselves to the generous service of others, we pray.

Sr Sudeepti, FSLG All: Lord hear our prayer Nurse, Our Lady of Graces Hospital, Sardhana From the Basilica of Our Lady of Graces, Sardhana, UP Celebrant: I will say of the Lord, ‘You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust’. God of mercy and compassion, we lift our brothers Intention: For migrants, displaced people, people working away from and sisters in India to you. We pray for your protection and provision, home. we pray for the nations of the earth to have compassion on suffering humanity. When we are in need, you are our refuge. Compassionate Lector: Lord, we pray for all those who migrate for various reasons and God, draw close to all who seek your refuge today. We make this prayer whose lives are at risk. Guide them always and keep them safe from through Christ our Lord. people who abuse them. Protect them from wars, violence and drug traffickers. May they be welcomed wherever they are, comforted in All: Amen. their afflictions and consoled in their distress. We pray.

All : Lord hear our prayer

¨û\YôrÜ 27 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 28 august 2021 8. Prayer for the Control of Coronavirus WE BELIEVE IN YOU, O LORD (Response)

Most Rev Anthony Poola Archbishop of Hyderabad Only begotten Son of the Father, who descended from Heaven for our From the Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption, Hyderabad salvation, All: We believe in you, O Lord. Celebrant: Let us pray Heavenly doctor, who inclines over our misery, Almighty and merciful God, who show Your love to all creation, graciously All: We believe in you, O Lord. hear the prayers we make for all those affected by the Coronavirus in various parts of the world. Sacrificed Lamb, who offers himself to save us from evil, All: We believe in you, O Lord.0 We come before you asking for a full control of the outbreak, for a healing of those affected, for the victims and their families. Good Shepherd, who gives his life for the flock he loves, All: We believe in you, O Lord. We pray for the caregivers: the doctors, nurses and attendants, that they may be protected from the infection and strengthened in spirit. Living bread and medicine of immortality, who gives us Life eternal, All: We believe in you, O Lord. We pray for the Government and health authorities, that they take appropriate steps for the good of the people. We make this prayer FREE US, O LORD (Response) through Christ our Lord. From the power of Satan and the seductions of the world, All: Amen. All: Free us, O Lord.

9. Litany of Supplications -1 (Pope Francis) From pride and from the presumption that we can do without you, All: Free us, O Lord. Most Rev Thomas D’Souza Archbishop of Calcutta From the deceptions of fear and anguish, From the Tomb of Mother Teresa, Kolkata All: Free us, O Lord.

WE ADORE YOU, O LORD (Response) From unbelief and despair, All: Free us, O Lord. True God and true man, truly present in the Holy Sacrament, All: We adore you, O Lord. From hardness of heart and the incapacity to love, All: Free us, O Lord. Our Saviour, God-with-us, faithful and rich in mercy, All: We adore you, O Lord. 10. Litany of Supplications - II (Pope Francis)

King and Lord of creation and history, Very Rev Mary Prema Pierick, M.C. All: We adore you, O Lord. Superior General, Missionaries of Charity From the Tomb of Mother Theresa, Kolkata Conqueror of sin and death, All: We adore you, O Lord. SAVE US, O LORD (Response) Friend of humankind, risen and living at the right hand of the Father, All: We adore you, O Lord. From all the evils that afflict humanity, All: Save us, O Lord.

¨û\YôrÜ 29 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 30 august 2021 From hunger, famine and egoism, 11. Prayer for the Departed Souls All: Save us, O Lord. Most Rev Vincent Aind From disease, epidemics and fear of our brothers and sisters, Bishop of Bagdogra, West Bengal All: Save us, O Lord. From the Tomb of Mother Theresa, Kolkata

From devastating folly, from merciless interests and from violence, Celebrant: Let Us Pray All: Save us, O Lord. In your hands, O Lord, we humbly entrust our brothers and sisters. In From deception, misinformation and manipulation of consciences, this life you embraced them with your tender love; deliver them now All: Save us, O Lord. from every evil and grant them eternal rest.

CONSOLE US, O LORD (Response) Welcome them into paradise, where there will be no sorrow, no weeping or pain, but fullness of peace and joy with your Son and the Holy Spirit Look upon your Church, which is crossing the desert, forever and ever. All: Console us, O Lord. All: Amen. Look upon humanity, terrified by fear and anguish, All: Console us, O Lord. (Let us now pause for a moment of silence in remembrance of all who have died of Covid-19 and other illnesses). Look upon the sick and the dying, oppressed by loneliness, All: Console us, O Lord. Celebrant: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

Look upon doctors and health care workers, overwhelmed by fatigue, All: And let perpetual light shine upon them. All: Console us, O Lord. Celebrant: May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy Look upon politicians and administrators, who bear the weight of of God, rest in peace. decisions, All: Console us, O Lord. All: Amen.

GIVE US YOUR SPIRIT, O LORD (Response) 12. of the Church in India to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary In the hour of trial and confusion, All: Give us your Spirit, O Lord. Most Rev Anil Joseph Thomas Couto Secretary General, CCBI and Archbishop of Delhi In temptation and in weakness, From Sacred Heart Cathedral, New Delhi All: Give us your Spirit, O Lord. (Kindly recite together with the celebrant) In the battle against evil and sin, All: Give us your Spirit, O Lord. Celebrant: Heart of Jesus Christ, healer of souls, Beloved Son and Face of the Father’s mercy, the pilgrim Church in our beloved motherland In the search for true good and true joy, India looks to Your open side, the fountain of our salvation, and begs All: Give us your Spirit, O Lord. You: - in this particular hour of distress, watch over Your Church, inspire In the decision to remain in You and in Your friendship, the leaders of the nations, listen to the poor and the afflicted, exalt the All: Give us your Spirit, O Lord. humble and the oppressed, heal the sick and the sinners, raise up

¨û\YôrÜ 31 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 32 august 2021 those who are bowed down and disheartened, release captives and May the love and the peace of Jesus, Your Son sustain us in hope and prisoners and deliver us from the pandemic which besets us. may Your Holy Spirit strengthen and console us, until at last we are all Heart of Jesus Christ, healer of souls, the pilgrim Church in our beloved reunited with those who went before us. motherland India gazes upon You and begs You: All: Amen. - in this particular hour of distress, sustain the children, the elderly and the most vulnerable, comfort the physicians, nurses, healthcare Divine Praises professionals and voluntary caregivers, strengthen families and Blessed be God. reinforce us in fellowship and solidarity, be the light of the dying, receive Blessed be his holy name. the deceased in Your kingdom, turn away all evil from us and deliver Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man. us from the pandemic which besets us. Blessed be the name of Jesus. Blessed be his most Sacred Heart. Heart of Jesus Christ, healer of souls and Son of the Blessed Virgin Blessed be his most Precious Blood. Mary, through the Heart of Your Mother, accept the consecration of Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Your Church in our beloved motherland India, and deliver us from the Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. pandemic which besets us. By consecrating ourselves to Your Sacred Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. Heart, the symbol of saving love, may we help continue the redemption Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. of all people from the scourge of sin, pain, suffering and the finality of Blessed be her glorious Assumption. death. Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse. We hereby entrust our beloved motherland India to the protection of Blessed be God in his angels and in his saints. the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who leads our way to Your Divine Heart. May the Blessed Virgin Mary be the Health of the sick and the Refuge Choir of Your disciples born at the foot of the Cross of Your love. Tantum ergo Sacramentum May the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to whom we entrust ourselves, stay Down in adoration falling, with us. In this particular hour of distress, receive those who have Veneremur cernui: died, encourage those who consecrate themselves to You and renew Lo! the sacred Host we hail, the universe and all humankind. Et antiquum documentum Lo! o’er ancient forms departing All: Amen. Novo cedat ritui: 13. Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament Newer rites of grace prevail; Praestet fides supplementum Most Rev Filipe Neri Ferrao Faith for all defects supplying, President, CCBI and Archbishop of Goa and Daman Sensuum defectui. From the Basilica of Bom Jesus, Goa (Tomb of St Francis Xavier) Where the feeble senses fail. Genitori, Genitoque Prayer of Blessing To the everlasting Father, Laus et iubilatio, Celebrant: Let us pray And the Son Who reigns on high Salus, honor, virtus quoque Father of mercies and God of all consolation, bless us all with your untiring love, comfort us in our loss and sorrow, gently wipe away every With the Holy Spirit proceeding tear from our eyes and lift us up from the depths of our grief. Sit et benedictio: Forth from each eternally,

¨û\YôrÜ 33 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 34 august 2021 Procedenti ab utroque Be salvation, honor, blessing, ARCHBISHOP’S ENGAGEMENTS - AUGUST 2021 Compar sit laudatio. Might and endless majesty. 02 08 21 M CCBI Office Bearers Online Meeting Abp’s House Amen. 04 08 21 E Episcopal Consecration Salem 12 08 21 E LSS Retreat Cathedral Celebrant: Lord Jesus Christ, you gave us the Eucharist as the memorial 13 08 21 M Inauguration Mass - Myali Madha of your suffering and death. May our worship of this sacrament of your body and blood help us to experience the salvation you won for us and Archdiocesan Propaedeutic Seminary Santhome the peace of the kingdom where you live with the Father and the Holy E Blessing of the New SMA Generalate Madhavaram Spirit, one God, forever and ever. 14 08 21 M Archdiocesan Priestly Ordination Cathedral All: Amen. 15 08 21 E Episcopal Consecration Trichy 14. Concluding Song 21 08 21 E Our Lady of Mylapore - Festal Mass Cathedral 22 08 21 M Consecration of the Renovated Church Kanakammachatram From the Basilica of Our Lady of Vailankanni, Tamilnadu Choir: Most Rev M Devadass Ambrose, Bishop of Thanjavur and Team 23 - 27 Clergy Online Annual Retreat 28 08 21 E Consecration of the Renovated Church PoompozhilNgr - Hail Holy Queen (Latin Song) 29 08 21 E Flag Hoisting & Mass Besant Nagar HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MONTH N.B: Other engagements and personal appointments of the The Church in her holy wisdom has provided a cycle of events in its Archbishop remain suspended for August 2021. liturgical year which allow the faithful to celebrate the major feasts in Secretary to the Archbishop the life of Christ and Mary. Most notably, during August, we celebrate the feast of the Transfiguration (August 6) and the feast of the Assumption (August 15). CONGRATULATIONS & PRAYERFUL WISHES

The other main feasts of this month are St Eusebius of Vercelli and 1. Pope Francis has appointed Fr Deepak Valerian Tauro, of the St Peter Julian Eymard (August 2), St John Mary Vianney (August Clergy of Muzaffarpur, as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Delhi, 4), Dedication of St Mary Major (August 5), Transfiguration of the assigning him the Titular See of Buleliana. The appointment was made Lord (August 6), St Sixtus II and Companions and St Cajetan (August public on 16 July 2021. Heartily we, Archbishop, Priests and Religious 7), St Teresa Benedicta (August 9), St Lawrence (August 10), of the Archdiocese render our prayers and wishes. St Clare (August 11), St Jane Frances de Chantal (August 12), St Maximilian Kolbe (August 14), St Stephen of Hungary (August 16), 2. We heartily wish and appreciate Rev Fr Bosco SDB and Rev St John Eudes (August 19), St Bernard (August 20), St Pius X (August Bro Hirudhayam SG as they are appointed as Members of State Minority 21), St Rose of Lima (August 23), St Bartholomew (August 24), St Louis Commission by the honourable Chief Minister of Tamilnadu of (August 25), St Monica (August 27), St Augustine (August 28) Mr M K Stalin.

The feasts of St AlphonsusLiguori (August 1), St Dominic (August 3. Honourable Chief Minister of Tamilnadu Mr M K Stalin has 8), the Queenship of Mary (August 22), and the Martyrdom of St John appointed Rev Fr A Raj SDB, by the order of the Governor, as a member the Baptist (August 29) fall on a Sunday so they are superseded by of the Tamilnadu Public Service Commission. Appreciation and prayers the Sunday Liturgy and the Liturgy of the Assumption. for his service. ¨û\YôrÜ 35 august 2021 ¨û\YôrÜ 36 august 2021