KENNETH A. NAGY PUBLICATIONS Up to JUNE 2016 For Open Access pdf, click link. For copyrighted reprint pdfs, please email your request to Ken Nagy at
[email protected]. I will be happy to share a copy of the article with individual colleagues, when permissible under copyright law. 2016 Nagy, K.A., G. Kuchling, L.S. Hillard, and B.T. Henen. (2016) Weather and sex ratios of head-started Agassiz’s desert tortoise Gopherus agassizii juveniles hatched in natural habitat enclosures. Endangered Species Research 30:145- 155. (Research article) (Link to pdf) Ellsworth, E., M.R. Boudreau, K. Nagy, J.L. Rachlow, and D.L. Murray. (2016). Differential sex-related winter energetics in free-ranging snowshoe hAres (Lepus americanus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 94:115-121. (Research article) (link to pdf) 2015 Nagy, K.A., S.Hillard, S. Dickson, and D.J. Morafka. (2015). Effects of artificial rain on survivorship, body condition, and growth of head-started desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) released to the open desert. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 10:535-549. (Research article) (Link to pdf) Nagy, K.A., L.S. Hillard, M.W. Tuma, and D.J. Morafka. (2015). Head-started desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii): Movements, survivorship and mortality causes following their release. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 10:203-215. (Research article) (link to pdf) 2014 Gienger, C.M., C.R. Tracy, and K.A. Nagy. (2014). Life in the slow lane: GilA Monsters have low rates of energy use and water flux. Copeia 2014:279-287. (Research article) (email Nagy for pdf) 2012 Nagy, K.A., and G.G.