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Up to 16 colours can be displayed simultaneously, from a choice of 4069. Areas can be filled with colour, windows created, graphs plotted, etc-all under control of simple Basic, Fortran or Assembler functions. At the heart of any Cromemco graphics high resolution, to give an overall Model Z2H/GS Graphics System system is Cromemco's "SDI" board, the performance vastly more superior than The Z2H/GS is a special configuration of most versatile video interface in the conventional colour TVs or CRT the Z -2H Hard Disk computer which microcomputer industry today. The terminals. includes full graphics capability and soft- Cromemco SDI is designed to meet the ware. Yet at under £8,000 it's a fraction challenge of professional and industrial Graphics Software of the cost of comparable systems. It is environments where uncompromising Cromemco's graphics software package ideal for applications in medical performance, reliability, and continued provides an interface to Fortran IV, imaging, computer -aided instructioh, compatibility are essential. Ratfor, Macro Assembler, 16K Extended pattern recognition, and the With its high point resolution, colour map Basic and 32K Structured Basic. It is industry. selection, dual page windowing written for ease of use and takes full function, automatic fill mode, and NTSC advantage of the RGB-13 monitor's The Z2H/GS includes a Z -80A or PAL broadcast compatibility, the most special graphics facilities. Thus it is processor, 64k of RAM memory, integral demanding requirements for a video efficient, flexible and extremely fast. 11 megabyte hard disk, RGB-13 colour interface can be met. The SDI provides a The package contains routines to monitor, 2 floppy disks, printer interface, choice of 4096 individual colours and up change the colour map, scale the RS -232 serial interface, and graphics to 754 by 482 point resolution. Its display area, draw dots, lines and software package. different modes of operation include bit circles, display text, and fill areas with or nybble mapped displays with varying colour. levels of resolution, and window effects Screen requiring as little as 12k data storage. addressing can be by RGB-13 Colour Monitor absolute or The Cromemco RGB-13 Cblour Monitorrelative co- has been speciarly designed for ordinates. optimum colour graphics performance when used with Cromemco's SDI video interface. It includes a fine -pitch 13" CRT with a high -precision electron gun, internal magnetic shielding, and implosion protection band. The monitor combines alphanumeric character The high-performance Z2H/GS colour graphics generation with colour graphics and system includes a Z -2H hard disk computer, RGB-13 colour monitor, and comprehensive graphics software package-all for under £8,000! Forp Cromemco...call the experts MicroCentre Complete Micro Systems Ltd., LEADING UK 30 Dundas Street DISTRIBUTORS Tel: 031-556 7354 Edinburgh EH3 6JN WHY MONKEY ARI9BIltiDpct

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ORDER INFORMATION All publications are published in the U.S.A. andare stocked in Britain by L.P. Enterprises: M.P.I. Ltd. Software pricesreflectdistribution on 8" single We aim to keep all of these books in stock and as a density discs. If a format is requested which requires result of this most mail orders are despatched by additional discs a surcharge of £4 per additional disc return of post. will be added. MAIL ORDER TELEPHONE ORDER VISIT Please add £3.00 for postage, packing and insurance Send Cash, Cheque, Postal Order, IMO, ACCESS or plus VAT on ALL software items (including manuals) Barclaycard number toMicrocomputer Products purchased. For overseas please add £4.50 per item. InternationalLtd, RoomP.C.W, 8 Cambridge If required, 'OVERNITE' service is available foran extra House, Cambridge Road, Barking, Essex 1G11 8NT. charge of £8.50. All Payment must be in sterling and drawn against a Most software on this Advertisement is available from UK bank. stock and a 72 -hour return service is thereby offeredon Subscriptions are processed to start with the next most prepaid orders. When ordering CP/M software current issue, after the date of order. please specify the format you require otherwise software will be dispatched on an 8" single density Please add £0.75 for postage on EACH book ordered. disc. These details are all current as of April 1981. For more information on any of these items, please Prices are subject to change without notice, due to phone, write or visit. (We are open during office fluctuation in the dollar rate. OEM hours). Catalogue £1.00, deducted from your first purchase. terms available omputers CALLERS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY LONDON WC1. TEL NO. 636 8210/631 4818

SUPERBRAIN Intelligent Video Terminal Systems 350K or 700K of Disk Storage SuperBrain's CP/M operating system boasts an overwhelming amount of available software in BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL and APL. What- ever your application... General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Inventory or Word Processing, SuperBrain is top in its class. And the SuperBrain QD boasts the same powerful performance but also features a double -sided drive system to render more than 700K bytes of disk storage and a full 64K of RAM. All standard!

COMPUSIAR' Functional characteristics The CompuStar 10 megabyte Disk Storage System (DSS) consists of read/write and control electronics, read/write heads, a track positioning mechanism, a spindle drive mechanism, dual disks, an air filtration system, and our exclusive 255 user controller - all packaged in a compact desktop enclosure. Although designed primarily to accommodate multiple CompuStar Video Processing Units (described at left), AINTE2TEC CONPUSEAR the unit can easily be connected to a single Super - =Cam [X.9( 510PrGE Brain Video Computer System to facilitate additional SYSIM disk storage. When used with CompuStar VDUs, how- ever, the integral Z80 based controller will permit up to 255 users to "share" the resources of the disk with minimal CPU response degradation. Read/Write Heads and Disks O 111111111111111111111111111111101iimummmail The recording media consists of a lubricated thin magnetic oxide coating on a 200mm diameter aluminium substrate. This coating formulation, together with the low load force/low mass Winchester type flying heads, permits reliable contact start/stop operation. Data on each disk surface is read by one read/write head, each of which accesses 256 tracks.

SYSTEMS®1 Hardware Processor Z -80A at full 4 MHZ Memory 64 K RAM Standard Disk Storage One 77 -track drive, 514" disks, soft -sectored. 750 K bytes per drive. One 5 Megabyte ST506 hard disk Display 12" Green phosphor Monitor 25 lines x 80 characters 240 x 100 Graphics format Screen attributes including inverse, video, blink and under- line in any of 8 intensities Keyboard Microprocessor keyboard Selectric style Lefthand function keycluster Righthand numeric keycluster 23 relegendable functiorj I/O Both serial and parallel



Includes Inventory, Database, Management, Invoicing, Mailing Addresses, Statements, Sales/Purchase Ledger with or without Auto Stock Update and Double Entry Journals including Nominal Ledger; plus A'C Receivable and Payable making Auto Bank entries.


WHICH OPTION Database options are: Within the limits of twelve fields and 256 characters per record, any file architecture can be designed with complete freedom over the linguistic conventions assigned to each field. The file can then store 32000 records which can be searched by the random access number (retrieved in less than one second) or sequentially comparing for left field parts, field -in keys, or parts of record, and then changed, printed, deleted, skipped. GRAMA (WINTER) LTD/G.W. COMPUTERS LTD are the producers of this package which is unequalled for its level of total integration, linguistic flexibility and maximised disk/memory conservation. Author Tony Winter (M.D.; B.A. LIT; B.A. HON. PHIL; AND LECTURER) Price of the package Is 975.00 (excluding menu items 19, 20, 22, 23) or 1075.00 for the full package (23 available end year, L19, 20, 22 being currently Included). Requires MBASIC-80 and runs only on hardware on our price list. DUE TO LONG TERM CONTRACTUAL COMMITMENTS, WE ARE-ONLY GIVING RESTRICTED DEMONSTRATIONS BY APPOINTMENT AT ONE OF OUR LONDON OFFICES. WE EXPORT TO ALL COUNTRIES, TAKE AMEXCO, ACCESS AND BARCLAYCARD. CONTACT TONY WINTER ON 01.636.8210 OR 01.631.4818 AND IF UNAVAILABLE THEN LEAVE A CALL BACK MESSAGE (CLEARLY STATING YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER AND NAME) ON THE WI 110011 ANSWE PHONE, WE CALL BACK ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.

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PPPSUPERBRAIN SUPERBRAIN /COMPUSTAR COMPUSTAR /PRINTER * PRINTER 84K + 320 K DISK 1850.00 / 84K MDL 10 VPU 1596,00 / OKI MICRO.80 395.00 64K + 700 K DISK 2195.00 / 64K MDL 15 PRNT 1495,00 / CENTRONIC 737 425,00 84K + 1.6 M DISK 2795,00 /64K MDL 20 VPU 2295,00 /EPSON MX80 395,00 EMULATOR TRML 495,00 / 64K MDL 30 VPU 2496,00 / TEXAS 810 1398,00 INTERTUBE III TML 495,00 / 84K MDL 40 VPU 2795,00 / DIABLO 830 1595.00 16 MEG CDC H, DISK 3950.00 / 10 MEG INTERTEC 2950.00 /NEC 5530 1695,00 40 MEG CDC H. DISK 4750.00 /32 MED INTERTEC 7950.00 /NEC 5510 1895,00 CORDLESS PHONES 135.00 / 96 MEG INTERTEC 8500.00 /NEC 5525 1895.00 SHUGART DRIVES 95.00 /BUS PROGRAM 975,00 /QUME 5/55 1950.00 TRACTORS 150,00 /BUS MANUAL 9.00 / SHEET FEED 850.00 SHUGART 5 MEG DSK 1800,00 / 8100 CONTROLLER 750.00 /CP.M (TM) FREE SYSTEM 1 3750.00 /SYSTEM 2 5550.00 /SYSTEM 3 7250.00 64K + 760 K DISK 64K + 5,3 M DISK /84K + 10,8 MEG crrr & maBUS CRT & 8100 BUS /CRT & S100 BUS IN 1 INTEGRAL UNIT IN 1 INTEGRAL UNIT / IN 1 INTEGRAL UNIT


PCW 13 TITi_Ulf NTI electronics Dept PCW, 48 Junction Road, Archway, London N19 5RD, UK. Telephone: 01-263 9493 / 01 -263 9495 YOUR SOUNDEST CONNECTION IN THE WORLD OF COMPONENTS AND COMPUTERS

IDEAL FOR YOUR BUSINESSPETS AND SYSTEMSIDEAL FOR WORD PROCESSING 4008 8k RAM 8032 New 32k with 80 col screen 4016 16K RAM 8050 Twin Disk Drive 950K 4032 32K RAM 8026 Letter quality daisy wheel C2N Cassette Unit printer/typewriter 4040 Dual Drive Disk 3023 Friction feed printer 4022 Tractor feed printer

COMPLETE 32K SYSTEMS AVAILABLE PHONE FOR MOST COMPETITIVE PRICES APPLE SYSTEMS APPLE II EUROPLUS APPLE II PLUS features: 16K MACHINES £549 32K MACHINES *High Resolution Graphics £579 * Sound capabilities 48K MACHINES £595 *Internal memory expansion capacity of 48K DISK DRIVE WITH * 8 accessory expansion sockets CONTROLLER £375 * APPLE II extended Basic DISK DRIVE WITHOUT * 9 digit arithmetic precision CONTROLLER £299 * Auto -Start automatically runs programs with computer ACCESSORY CARDS turn -on SOFTWARE * Hand controlled for games etc. ALL AVAILABLE *15 colour standard graphics. PHONE FOR FURTHERDETAI LS PRINTERS VIDEO GENIE -EG3003- VIDEO GENIE based on TRS80 EPSON MX80 £359 Dot-matrix printer with PET Utilises Z80, 12k level II Basic, Integral Cassette Deck, graphics interface. Centronics UHF, 0/P, 16k RAM, all parallel and serial: Pet and TRS80 features. Simply plug Apple compatible. True into monitor or UHF with VU bidirectional, 80 cps meter EPSON-MX80 FT/1 £399 Dual single sheet friction and £2 79 tractor, 9 wire head, true Expansion box decembers £185.00 Expansion box (with RS232) £215.00 EPSON-MX80 FT/2 £499 16k RAM card £94.00 An FT/1 with high resolution graphics 32k RAM card £129.00 Single disk drive (35 track) £215.00 EPSON MX70 £259 Dual disk drive (40 track) £410.00 Tractor feed, 7 wire head high Parallel printer cable E17.00 resolution graphics. Disk drive cable (4 drives) £32.00 SE IKOSHA GP80A £199 Dual disk drive cable £17.00 Dot matrix 5x7, 80 columns 30 cps, Parallel printer cable for unexpanded-Video Genie £33.00 graphics, double width characters. Sound Kit (fitting extra) £7.00 Lower case Kit (fitting extra) £27.50 Video Genie technical manual £5.00 Interfaces for Apple, PET, Chromasonic Sound Kit £24.95 TRS-80 & RS 232 available. (using AY -3-8910) JUST PHONE FOR FURTHER DETAILS Colour Kit £34.95

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INTERFACE Designed to simply plug UK101 and Superboard compatible. Interfaces to into your computer and any GP80, MX80 series, TX80, Centronics PI, etc standard colour television in printers. Can operate relays, motors, various other peripherals. LED Binary displays. Plugs into ACIA "8" glorious colours socket. Fully documented. Built and tested. ONLY £29.95 INCLUDES FULL DOCUMENTATION AND DEMONSTRATION TAPE TANTEL UK101, SUPERBOARD £84.95 PRESTEL BY TANTEL AVAILABLE FOR PET £98.95 The greatest thing since television & tele- SEND FOR FURTHER DETAILS phones. Communications at your fingertips forbusiness & home.180,000 pages of up-to-dateinformation on travel, news, MONITORS investment,holidays,hotelsetcetc.Ask Prestel a question and you have your answer EG 100 12" black & white £65 in seconds infull colour on your own TV. Moni 9" (illust) black & white £82 Only requires a telephone jack socket avail- HITACHI PROFESSIONAL able from the P0. £170 MONITORS 9" Black & white £99.95 011111011rerirerr DEMONSTRATION 12" Black & white £149 AVAILABLE AT OUR SHOWROOM VIC20 NEW FROM TANTEL ISPOST COMMODORE! OFFICE APPROVED COMING SOON! SEND FOR DETAILS PHONE FOR DETAILS!

Please add VAT 15% to all prices. Postage on computers, printers and cassette decks charged at cost, all other items VISA P&P 30p. Place your order using your Access or Barclaycard (Min tel order £5). Trade and export enquiries welcome. Credit facilities arranged.


First there were the TRSDOS's, 2.0, 2,1, 2.2 and 2.3. Then came Newdos +, essentially a patched version of the TRSDOS's but with a number of very useful commands and utilities added. Then VTOS 3,0 and VTOS 4.0. These constituted a departure from the earlier DOS's and featured Device Independence so that devices such as the keyboard, printer, VDU and disk drives could Interact directly together. Then came Newdos80 which is a rewrite of Newdos + , adding new utilities and new Basic commands, Its main features being the ability to mix different capacity drives on the same cable and the ability to use variable length records. Now from LOBO International comes LOOS, the fifth generation disk operating system for the TRS-80 microcomputer. It combines most of the advantages of the preceding disk operating systems and unlike some of them, le accompanied by a complete and readable set of documentation, which includes a Technical Section containing relevant addresses. It Is Impossible to describe all of the features of LDOS in an advertisement. For Instance It Includes no less than 35 library commands as follows:- APPEND COPY DEVICE DIR DO FILTER KILL LIB LINK LIST LOAD MEMORY RENAME RESET ROUTE RUN SET SPOOL ATRIB AUTO BOOT BUILD CLOCK CREATE DATE DEBUG DUMP FREE PROT PURGE SYSTEM TIME TRACE VERIFY XFER All of the useful abbreviations in Newdos are included and the System Commands in Basic (CMD) now number eleven, A program called LBASIC/ FIX is included, with which the normal TABOOS Disk Basic may be patched to Include a number of new commands and features. A Job Control Language Is included and In fact Is one of the most powerful features of LOOS, It allows the user to compilea sequence of commands or key strokes for later execution as a chain, with or without user Intervention, There are too many new features to list them herein, but examples are: The ability to provide an audible signal, output through the cassette port. To flash or blink a one line message on the video display. A WAIT feature is included so that the machlneoan be put Into a "sleep" state until such time as thesystem clock matches the time specified. And so on I Hard disks in addition to single/double density, single/double sided, 8" and 51/4" floppies are supported although they may, of course, require hardware modifications. Utilities included In the package are: BACKUP COMMAND FILE FORM AT LCOMM PATCH R8232 KEY STROKE/ MULTIPLIER PRINTER FILTER A Basic Renumber facility Is Included, as lea Basic Cross Reference function. Both are similar to the ones in Newdos + and Newdos80, Most of the utilities are library commands which were existent in the previous DOS's, have been improved with the addition of new functions or facilities, The prime development team of LDOS consisted of no less than 8 first rank programmers and they had the support and advice of six other well known programmers. They have done an excellent Job to bring to the user what must be the best disk operating system so far produced for a microcomputer, which is destined to become the Standard DOS. LDOS Is totally upward compatible with TRSDOS, that Is to say LOOS will be able to copy files and programs from TRSDOS disks onto LOOS formatted disks. As they are competitive disk operating systems, itis not suprIsIng that the manual states that disks created under Newdos are not guaranteed to be compatible with LOOS, but we have not experienced any difficulty. We have done some work on investigating the oompatIbIllty of LOOS and the Video Genie and at the time of going to press we have found no Incompatibilities. LDOS appears to run on the Video Genie without any problems at all. LOOS le compatible with either the Tandy or Electric Pencil lowercase modifications and Scripsit. LOOS is available for the Model I and Model III. A Model II version will be available shortly. LOOS £85.00 plus VATand £1.50 P&P. TRS-80 & VIDEO GENIE SOFTWARE CATALOGUE £1 .00 (refundable] plus 50p postage. MOLIMERX LTD. BANCIAWAND A. J. HARDING (MOLIMERX) gifeim 1 BUCKHURST ROAD, TOWN HALL SQUARE, BEXHILL -ON -SEA, EAST SUSSEX. TEL: (0424] 220391/223838 TELEX 88738 SOTEX

16 PCW OppVielym 11S-80 SOFTWARE FROM THE PROFESSIONALS COMPAK The title of this program is a composite word which may be interpreted in two ways, either as standing for COMplete PAcK of programmer's aids or as standing for one of the principal features of the program, namely the ability to compress Basic programs to a bare minimum. The suite is made up of four broad categories of utilities. In the aggregate they comprise a complete utility containing every foreseeable feature that a Basic programmer could require. It is written by Nigel Dibben in his usual efficient way and some indication of the complexity and completeness of the program is shown by the fact that even Dibben has been working on it for some number of months! Up until now, very useful utilities have been sold by us separately, and, of course, we will continue to do so, but for some time it has become obvious that there is a market for a utility program that does everything. Whilst the author was working on this concept, we asked him to include a program which would compress Basic programs over and above the usual simple removal of spaces and REM statements. Actually the original idea for the compression of programs came from software which has been written for the Model II and which is featured in our catalogue under the name SKRUNCH and COMPRESS. The resulting program is, as we have said, a complete programmer's aid for the serious Basic programmer. The complete program occupies 7 or 8K of RAM. Although this is no problem to the disk user, it may well be to the 16K tape user. In order to get over this difficulty (and incidentally to save money for users who have some of the utilities already) the program is available in two parts in addition to being available in the whole. The two parts are deliberately sold at the same price and at a price such that the sum of them is equal to the composite. Thus the customer does not lose from buying his program in two sections. The program is split so that COMPAK1 contains the compression and general purpose sections. COMPAK2 contains the dehug, edit and general purpose sections. COMPAK contains all of the foregoing. All are compatible with both Lev,.:' Basic and Disk Basic and can be supplied either on tape or disk. The disk version contains all three programs. Space does not allow us to describe COMPAK at any length. It is, of course, fully described in our catalogue, but briefly, split into its various sections, the features are as follows:- COMPRESSION: Removes all redundant characters or blanks including non -used GOTO statements after THEN, redundant colons, redundant quotation marks, etc. After all redundant characters have been removed the program may be packed so that all lines that can be syntactically joined together will be. Further packing may also be carried out, the effect of which is to make the program almost unreadable but still workable. DEBUG: Over 12 DEBUGing features are included which enable the program to be traced through step by step or line by line. Breakpoints may be inserted and the contents of variables may be displayed all the time. When an error is found the Edit mode may be entered immediately and automatically. Essentially, the DEBUG feature permits the programmer to find even the most hidden of bugs. EDITING: Includes a complete user definable shorthand for shifted keys. Occurances of strings and variables may be found and counted. They may also be found and a wait executed so that the user may enter Edit or whatever. The find feature may be extended so that it will automatically find the occurrence and replace it with another user defined statement or string. Lines may be joined together with the automatic insertion of a colon. Lines may be checked for incorrect referencing and marked accordingly. Lines may be copied one to the other. Programs may be appended one to the other; in other words, a block is inserted after the current program so that another may be fed in and then the both joined together. An unusual feature is the ability to decode PACKED strings which contain machine language or graphics code. GENERAL A complete renumbering function together with the ability to change the renumbering PURPOSE: increment in mid -program. A status report displays the space used by all relevant parts of the program such as arrays and variables plus of course the program itself. A Rescue feature is included so that "lost" Basic programs may be recovered. A lower case switch may be initiated so that lower case characters are printed out rather than the shorthand previously described. We would emphasise that the above is only a synopsis of the features of this extensive program. We are not aware of any incompatibilities with the current Video Genies. Level II tape: Compak1 or Compak2 £15.00 Level II tape: Compak £30.00 Disk version: All three programs £33.00 All prices are exclusive of VAT. Add 75p for P & P.

TRS-80 & VIDEO GENIE SOFTWARE CATALOGUE £1.00 [refundable] plus 50p postage.



WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF OUR NEW DEMONSTRATION CENTRE in SURREY appie & ITT2020 SALES AND SERVICE Contract Maintenance:- *On -site repair contracts *Total system or only items required *24hrs response to calls *Very competitive rates Ad -hoc Repair Service:- *Ring for repair quotation * Same day service *Collection from Red Star if required Hardware and Software Sales:- *32K RAM free with each system purchased with this advertisement *Integrated ledger system (open item) £2575 for everything!! For further information ring Byfleet (09323) 45330/41810 COME AND SEE US SOON AT Fergusson Computer Services 4PyrfordRoad,WesiByfleet, Surrey

18 PCW Makingameal of office paperwork?



A 'menu' is a guide to the series of programs The typewriter -style keyboard incorporates a available. On the PC 3201 business computer, that numeric pad for fast, simple entry data. Visually, menu will allow rapid access to Large Storage an 80 column screen provides crisp, clear Capacity-providing detailed information vital information every time. And to keep everything to the efficient running of any company...without safely in black and white there's a fast quiet printer having to wade through old-fashioned ledgers. to provide clearly -typed sheets of invoices, PC 3201 software includes specially -designed statements, file copies...anything you require. integrated Account- The PC 3201 is a complete business system. ancyl programs. Sharp reliability The PC 3201 is designed and built in Japan, by Sharp-and its sound reliable service is backed by Sharp's nationwide dealer network.

Computer Division, Sharp Electronics (UK) Ltd., Sharp House, Thorp Road, Newton Heath, Manchester M10 98E.

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Runs six to sixty times faster than Software development time cut in half. Basic. Exceptionally compact, compiled code. Programming capabilities well beyond Extensible, structured language to Applesoft. meet your needs. Auxiliary Processor (Am 9511) for fast Bonus: increased speed Applesoft floating point. functions. High-speed, extended high resolution Requires 48K Apple 11 or 11+, single graphics. disk.

Sole distributors for UK and Europe To: Datalink Microcomputer Systems Limited. Retailer enquiries welcome tPlease send 0 Complete System £290 + VAT 0 Detailed information

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EX, VAT. REC. 80 col dot graphics for f225PRICE.

Seiko's new Seikosha GP80A offers big printer performance at a FEATURES INCLUDE fraction of the cost. High quality output, proven reliability and a variety 80 col. 30 cps. of interfaces make the GP80A an ideal choice for hobbyists, Dot Matrix unihammer action 96 ASCII + 32 European characters educationalists and businessmen. Service is provided by DRG's Full graphics nationwide distributor network. Upper and lower case Available with full dealer supportfrom: Double width printing BIRMINGHAM Up to 8" paper width LONDON Westwood Computers Ltd. (021) 6325824. Up to 3 copies Electronic Brokers. (01) 278 3461. LIVERPOOL Pin feed Chromasonic. (01) 263 9493. Microdigital. (051) 227 2535. Self testing WATFORD BOLTON Watford Electronics. (0923) 40588. Professional Data Systems. (0204) 493816. INTERFACING for most systems BRISTOL SHEFFIELD Standard: Centronics Datalink Microcomputer Systems Limited. Microdigital. (0742) 750971. Options: RS232C, PET 2001 (0272) 213427. ASCOT TRS-80, Apple II, IEEE -488 CARDIFF Riva Terminals Limited. (03447) 5193. Sigma Systems. (0222) 21515. BELFAST Mackenzie Computer Services. OPTIONAL EXTRA (0232) 760325. Plain paper feed

For full product information and details of new dealers that may not appear above, ring the UK Master Distributor, DRG Business Machines on DRG 0934 416392. (Peripherals &Supplies Division) Unit 8, Lynx Crescent, Winterstoke Rd, BUSINESS Weston -super -Mare, BS24 9DW. MACHINESTHE FINEST WORLDWIDE SUPPORTED NATIONWIDE. 111. A MAJOR COMPUTER BREAKTHROUGH... A MINOR COMPUTER PRICE -TAG Things develop fast in computers - but so do prices! So who could have dreamt of a high-performance multi-user multiprocessor system for under £10,000? Yet the Jarogate Z2-HMP is just that. It has the multi-user cost -sharing advantage, yet ingeniously solves the big problem that has bugged multi -users until now . . . theserious degradation of performance caused by a shared CPU. With the Jarogate Z2-HMP, each user has his own full CPU with 64k/bytes of RAM (CP/NET plus 60k of available user memory). And there's a high-speed parallel bus giving fast interprocessor communica- tion so that users can have access to the central disk resources without the usual communication bottle- necks. Those disk resources (the well -proven Cromemco Z - 2H) are 10M/bytes of hard disk and 720k/bytes of floppy.

If you think all this is remarkable for under £10,000, look at some other specifications: Uses industry -standard MP/M and CP/NET

Four users as standard expandable to seven

Features standard Cromemco hardware,includingthewell - proven Z-2 H One 21 -slot motherboard and power supply

Existing CP/M programmes can be transferred direct

Printer interface Complete system in attractive mobile furniture

Price: Complete Jarogate Z2-HMP, £9,995 (plus VAT) For existing Cromemco Z -2H users, an upgrade package of hardware and software is available for £4,995 (plus VAT). Illustrated data sheet available - just phone or write for a copy.

JAROGATE LIMITED MICROPROCESSOR CONSULTANTS 67 Tulsemere Road, West Norwood, London SE27 9EH JAROGATE Telephone: 01-670 3674


25 This graph is a typical example printed by AUTOGRAPH on DFIF a STANDARD COMMODORE TRACTOR FEED PRINTER. No Disk Drive and No plotter required. Simple to use. Hard Copy. Fully flexible graph dimensions and position on page. Automatic scale option. Variable background formats. Plots any X, Y function Multiple graphs on same axes Full Alphanumeric labelling for professional quality presentation:

AUTOGRAPH is supplied with extensive documentation and after sales service. AUTOGRAPH 1 (16k, 32k only) Plots any function as illus. or in spaced dots. £35.50 incl. AUTOGRAPH 2 (16k, 32k only) As Autograph 1 but includes data point plot option with joining lines and marking circles £39.40 incl. AUTOGRAPH 0 (8k upwards) Simpler form of Autograph 1 but with same plot quality 1 £29.50 incl. I I CASSETTE or DISKETTE tt Supplied to Business, College and Government departments.

- 0

Z.= 1 0_ 0 C,"4 0-0 1 171 1 c ;2* - 0 :3 . 0 DYt-IRMIC AMPLIFICRTIOH FRCTOR

E: :F

PCW 23 in the west -midlands WE SSDOB AilD OISTBIBUTE

iff, 44444 "44.1 t1,1 /1* WO


SUPERBRAIN and COMPUSAR " multi-user systems.


FPAONI EAU_ US FOR OETRIk_S: r C M L 21 - 23 Holloway Chambers, 27 Priory Street, DUDLEY (03E34) 236934 Dudley, West Midlands DY1 1EU.

24 PCW Or commodore INDUSTRIAL MICRO qiume SYSTEMS NortfiShar ikappla ] CARnadex Ltd. is#1 CRC:0 FAC'T ES APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED for by by Commodore Local Government Accountants Apple II Central Government Importers/Exporters North Star Horizon National Laboratories Retailers Industrial Micro Systems 5000 Maritime Research Manufacturers & 8000 Universities Printers Schools Surveyors

WE WILL GET YOUR APPROVAL Why? Because Micro Facilities know that whether you ore a Our service does not stop when you have purchased your large establishment or a small business you are going to need system; to ensure the smooth transfer of your work we train help and good service. We believe, and our hundreds of you and your staff to use the computer and its programs in satisfied customers seem to agree, that the service we give is your own environment. As additional security we offer full second to none. maintenance contracts. Above all we will be available to Our service starts right from your initial contact. We will meet give you genuine after sales service. Not for just one week with you to discuss your requirements and your business, or one month but everytime itis wanted. without blinding you with computer jargon. We will arrange for please contact us to discuss your problems and requirements, you to have a demonstration of one or more computers from we offer you a lot more, but only charge the same. Our ability our range together with programs to suit your particular needs. will give you peace of mind and confidence that the job will be If a ready-made program is not suitable then we can analyse, done properly. design and program your particular procedures (we have Central Computer & Telecommunications Agency Approved nearly twenty years experience of doing this). Tenders from Local Authorities, Education and Government As a further service we are able to arrange both leasing and Departments welcomed. financing of your computer equipment. _MICRO Micro -Facilities Ltd. 129 High Street, Hampton Hill, Middlesex TW12 1NJ 01-9411197 and 01-979 4546FACILITIES


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TELEX 335243

26 PCW AL wpm' for ATARI ATARI' The World-beating ATARI PERSONAL t-lentt-.4,-.Ftt4ftePttartiAr5t,tr.',.- COMPUTERS ittpautp,miapp!pwiftep,-, 3 consoles available Atari 400 with 8K RAM (AFO3D) £295 Atari 400 with 16K RAM (AF36P)£340 Atari 400 Console Atari 800 with 16K RAM (AFO2C) £625 (expandable to 48K) All consoles when connected to a standard UK colour (or black and white) TV set can generate the most amazing graphics you've ever seen. Look at what you get: MORE HARDWARE * Background colour, plotting colour, text Atari 410 Cassette Recorder (AF28F) £45 colour and border colour settable to any Atari 810 Disk Drive (AFO6G) £325 one of 16 colours with 8 levels of Atari 822 40 -column Thermal illuminance! Printer (AF04E) £240 * Video display has upper and lower case Atari 850 Interface IAF29G) £120 Atari 800 Console (with cover removed) characters with true descenders, double Joystick Controllers (AC37S) £13.95 and quad size text and inverse video. Paddle Controllers (AC29G) £13.95 * 57 -Key keyboard (touch type on Atari 400) 16K RAM Memory Module (AF08.1) £65 and four function keys. MUCH MORE FOR ATARI COMING SOON SPECIAL PACKAGE OFFER * Full screen editing and four-way cursor Disk -based system for under £775)! control. The Atari 400 Console * 29 keystroke graphics and plottable points Special 32K RAM Module SOFTWARE Atari 810 Disk Drive up to 320 x 192 (160 x 96 only with 8K Disk Operating System Lots and lots of amazing software for RAM). Documentation Atari available during June 1981. * 40 character by 24 line display. Interconnecting Leads * Word Processor * VISI-CALC * Extended graphics control and high speed And everything in "Look at what you get" list. action using a DMA chip with its own * ADVENTURE GAMES * Arcade Games * Trek Games * ASSEMBLER Et Can any other computer on the market character set. offer all this at anything like this price? * Player missile graphics. DISASSEMBLER * FORTH * Teaching * Four programmable sound generators can * 3D GRAPHICS * Character Set be played individually or together and each Generator has 1785 possible sounds playable at any SEND S.A.E. NOW FOR OUR LEAFLET XH52G available JUNE VERSAWRITER one of eight volume settings, for game 12/i x 8in. drawing board. Drawing on sounds or music. board is reproduced on TV via Atari with * Full software control of pitch, timbre and 32K RAM and Disk Drive. Closed areas duration of notes in 4 -octave range. may be filled in with one of 3 colours. Text LE STICK may be added in any one of 4 fonts. Paint * Four joystick or paddle ports, sounds For Atari Computer or Video Game brush mode: select size of brush and paint output to TV. Replaces standard joystick, but much away. Air brush mode: shade in your * BASIC cartridge and 10K ROM operating easier to use. Internal motion detectors drawing-colour and density is up to you. system and full documentation. sense hand movements. Large pushbutton Plus many more features. S.a.e. for price on top of Stick. Squeeze Stick to freeze and further details. motion. A MUST for SPACE INVADERS, STAR RAIDERS Et ASTEROIDS. ONLY £24.95 lAC45Y) at our Demonstrations9th 1981. June Road, shops from284 London SeeAtari at Essex. mown Note: Order codes shown in brackets. -on-Sea,and at Maplin Electronic Supplies Ltd VVestcliff W6. Prices firm until August 30th 1981 and Tel:10702)54000 P.O. Box 3, Rayleigh, Essex. St.,Hammersmith include VAT and Postage and Packing. 159-161 King 0926 Tel: Southend (0702) 55291 1 /5541 55 (Errors excluded.) Tel: 01-748




IlkOiN14G SUPER ZX80 INVASION TOTALLY FLICKER FREE ciit"0 pH SUPER ZX80 INVASION isthe machine language game you and your Sinclair have been waiting for. Cruel and crafty invaders have been spotted Absolutely no flicker. You don't need to press any- 10 C5 in battle formation ready to attack with your ship just below them! Quickly thing for the display to move! and skilfully you shift right and left as you carefully fire your lasers at them, But watch out - they are accurate! 3 levels from easy to almost impossible 3 LEVELS OF PLAY IN EACH GAME to beat. Added bonus -each cassette also has more sophisticated 2K version which will automatically reset and challenge you for hours! From easy to dangerously difficult - you'll find it £8 hard to resist the challenge time after time! MOVING GRAPHICS No hardware modifications are necessary to get moving graphics. Just follow the instructions for cassette loading and off'you go; no extra memory needed, uses the 4K ROM.


These programs are written in the computer's own language - only this way is it possible for continuous, DOUBLE BREAKOUT flicker free action to occur You'll be amazed to see how difficultitis for you to break through the ALL PROGRAMS ON CASSETTE ZX80 DOUBLE BREAKOUT and even more astonished to see this ex- citing game fitinto your IK Sinclair 2X80! Try your skill on the easiest Loads just like any other program on cassette. Eachlevel because even with the most skilful! bat control you'll findit hard;to tape contains instructions on how best to load thecatch at the fastest level! Breaking through the first barricade is easy but cf4 cassette. don't be fooled for the second - it's much harder than you think! Two ball FITS IK BASIC MACHINE angles and curved bat will keep the excitement going for hours!

Amazing asitis,all these moving graphics programs fit into your basic IK Sinclair! * Order your games for New ROM now!!



Your fighter appears Below a convoy of Now the amazing ASTEROIDS arcade aliens! If you destroy them another set game for your TRS80! Your Ship is The newest and most exciting invaders appears who seem to be slightly cleverer floating in the middle of an asteroid belt! type game yet! Cruel and crafty aliens than before! Soon your space station Your only escape is to destroy them and attack Earth. You are the sole defender. nears but before you can dock the station the crafty alien spacecraft! Blast them As you fire your laser at the aliens comes under attack! Survival is up to you! with your laser, thrust, rotate or hit they swoop down and bomb you. The excitement is just beginning!! hyperspace to survive! Exciting use of graphics! Must be seen. TRS 80 Level 1 or 11.16K TRS80 Levels I & II 16K Tape £10 TRS80 Levels 1 & 11.16K Tape £10 Video Genie 16K Tape £10 Tape £10 Video Genie 16K Tape £10 Video Genie 16K Tape £10

THE ESSENTIAL SOFTWARE COMPANY (Viscounti Ltd.) 01-837 3154 47 Brunswick Centre, London WC1N 1AF

I have a microcomputer

0 Please send me your software catalogue. I A must for all adventure addicts! Walk down enclose a stamped self addressed envelope. El Please send me corridors depicted in full 3-D graphics. Look I enclose a cheque/postal order for around to find the objects you need to survive. But (plus 50p post & packing) beware! Monsters and Incredible Obstacles can lurk Signature round every corner! Name LABYRINTH TAPE £10 DEATHMAZE TAPE £10 Address Postcode

28 PCW Your specialist subject is Onyx systems.

You have three minutes startingnow.

Ff3 The intelligence options... "What gives you the power of a mainframe in a desk -top device?" Onyx C80018 -bit micro The Onyx C8002. Onyx C8002 16 -bit micro 12Mb cartridge tape back-up "Explain the advantages of its UNIX 7* timesharing operating system:' 64Kb RAM 512Kb RAM It enables up to 8 users to share files "Name the other Onyx system, 128Kb RAM 1032Kb RAM and compile or execute programmes together with its operating system!' written in BASIC,* COBOL, FORTRAN, UCSD The Onyx 08001. It's ideal for 1-4 users 10Mb hard disc drive PASCAL, MUMPS and C -- concurrently and and can operate under CP/Nr OASIS*and 18Mb hard disc drive independently. On custom programming, Multi -User OASIS (MOASIS). UNIX 7 cuts costs and increases CP/M, OASIS, MOASIS, or productivity enormously "Explain the advantages of OASIS UNIX 7 operating systems and MOASIS:' "Name the new database management OASIS offers applications software BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, system that can be used with the developers an unrivalled range of UCSD PASCAL, MUMPS, C Onyx C8002 computer and describe development tools for fast, easy and its advantages!' MARATHON relational DBMS practical creation of sophisticated software. MARATHON. It's a relational DBMS MOASIS makes micros run like minis. File designed specifically for UNIX commercial and Automatic Record Locking denies ..and the intelligent applications. users. It has everything that's needed to other users access to a record when help systems designers and programmers someone is updating it; Logon Password I Onyx 08001 8 -bit micro cut costs and heighten applications and Privilige Level enables a systems 1 64Kb RAM reliability and expandability. Features manager to specify which programmes 10Mb hard disc drive include an interactive query language, an and files may be accessed by various CP/M operating system interactive data entry and maintenance individuals; and OASIS Re -Entrant BASIC BASIC £5690 programme, report writers, and audit trail means less memory is needed for practical and recovery programmes. operation. Onyx 08001 8 -bit micro "Describe how Onyx computer users "Which company in the U.K. has the 128Kb RAM can get the power and versatility of technical expertise and service back- 10Mb hard disc drive mainframe network systems costing MOASIS up to deliver the full potential of the many thousands of pounds more:' UCSD PASCAL Onyx C8000 series, MARATHON By using OMNINET- a new low cost £6685 DBMS, and the OMNINET local carrier -sense multiple -access network that network?" can provide up to 80Mb of shared storage. Onyx C8002 16 -bit micro There is only one - Keen Computers. 256Kb RAM It uses shielded twisted -pair cable for the 10Mb hard disc drive interconnection of up to 64 microcomputers "How can you get more information?" UNIX 7 (8 -user) in a 4000 -feet serial link. Fill in the coupon below. C BASIC/ UCSD PASCAL £11930 Please send me details of: Name I 0 Onyx C8001 Onyx C8002 Onyx C8002 16 -bit micro Position_ Marathon relational DBMSID Omninet I 512Kb RAM Company/Establishment_ 18Mb hard disc drive II am interested in Onyx with the following I UNIX 7 (8 -user) Ioperating systems (please state). UCSD PASCAL Address I MARATHON DBMS £16790 I omp Show at theMicrocuter n see us July1981 I Onyx C800216 -bit micro You ca 29th -31st Wembley, 1032Kb RAM /------Tel. I 18Mb hard disc drive Please post to Keen Computers 1 UNIX 7 (8 -user) ( ) Marketing Department, 5 Giltspur Street I aan\/., London EC1A 9DE. Tel: 01-248 7307 UCSD PASCAL I ar) ENQUIRIES FROM OEMs, DEALERS I MARATHON DBMS I £20610 Comput AND OVERSEAS WELCOME. ILI= MIMI VIM Milli MIN MIMI MIMI WM MI= WINO MI= MIMI UM WM MIN MEMO MIN MIN VISO 'CP 71A is a trademark of Drgrtal Research Inc OASIS IS a trademark of Phase One Systems Inc Unixis a trademark of Bell "Telephone Labor al or les C BASIC is a trademark of Compiler Systems Inc PCW 29

THEVideo GenieEG3000 Series Acorn Atom WITH '16K user RAM plus extended 12K Microsoft BASIC in RUM 'Fully 1RS80 Level II soft ware compatible 'Huge range of software already available Self contained, PSU, UHF Unique in concept modulator, and cassette 'Simply plugs into E150 video monitor or UHF TV "Full expansion to the home computer disks and printer 'Absolutely complete that grows as you do! irwariefoos lust fit into mains plug. Special features include *FULL SIZED KEYBOARD "4410 *ASSEMBLER VAT Simple to build, simple to operate. AND BASIC 16K£299 A powerful, full facility computer with all the features you would *TOP QUALITY The most compact 80 column impact expect. MOULDED CASE graphic -dot printer available Just connect the assembled com- *HIGH RESOLUTION GP80at a very compact price puter to any domestic TV and COLOUR GRAPHICS by seikosha power source and you are ready Graphics, Normal and to begin. cassette interfaceUHF TV out Double- Width Characters Full-sized QWERTY keyboardput Full assembly instructions can be printed on the 6502MicroprocessorRugged same line. Pine Feed injection -moulded case 2K RAM Tractor is equipped as 8K HYPER -ROM23 integrated standard. circuits and socketsAudioE120 vA Two Line -Feed Commands 11 /6 and 411.11110111111111111N11111111111 1/9 inch) The Second Generation Print on Plain Paper with Personal Computer two copies Continuous Self -Inking Ribbon for easy handling Centronics type Parallel Interface standard Wide Range of Optional Interface Boards Self -Test Programme standard VAT £225 Al11111111.11 SUPERBRAIN SuperBrain's CP/M operating system boasts an overwhelming amount of Aculab Highest performancelowest price available software in BASIC, FOR- Floppy Tape '48K 18080A1 Full ASCII Upper & Lower TRAN, COBOL, and APL. Whatever The tape that behaves 16 Colours or shades of Grey Character Set your application. . General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Inven- like a disk. Multiple High Resolution Graphics *Unique graphical - Sound tory or Word Processing, SuperBrain Connects directly to TRS-80 Modes (64 x 71, 129 x 159, 255 x 3351Commands for Smooth Music is tops in its class. level 2 keyboard. Operating and "Character mode (60 x 24) random frequencies Er 'Split Screen Modes 320K £1850 700K £2400 file handling software in ROM enveloped sound! 1.5Mb £2750 8 commands add 12 powerful Personal RS232 IF COMMODORE functions to level 2 BASIC. No at only buttons, switches or volume Computer + VAT COMPUTERS DAI controls. Full control of all The PaperTiger 460 setsnew standards PET 8K £415 functions from keyboard or by incorporating many features previously PET 16K £525 Paper Tiger 460 only available on units costing much more. program. Maintains directory with PET 32K £650 Features like a specially developed nine wire staggered column' head which overlaps the dots up to 32 files on each tape. of each matrix character with just one pass of the printhead giving a dense, high quality print PET 8032 £895 image without reducing the units 160 c.p.s. print speed. DISK DRIVES for all TRS 80 It also offers a bi-directional logic seeking device to enhance its print optimisation character- Er Video Genie owners istics and wide range of 'print versatility" features such as mono or proportional spacing, auto- £695 matic itistificaton, programmable horizontal and vertical tabbing and 'fine' positioning for 4040 word processing applications. TRS80 £795- VAT PRINTERS version: £165 EPSON TX8OB (inc.I/ FEt Paper Tiger 560 cable) £299 Video the Paper Lger 560 is the first printer which bridges the gap between conventional matrix and 'daisy wheel' types offering quality printing at a relatively low price. EPSON MX8OT £395 Genie : £170 Full 'width' 132 column printing at 160 c.p.s., a unique nine wire 'staggeredprint headhi ANADEX DP8000 £495 directional printing, an inbuilt tractor feed and a host of selectable features sot a apart from ANADEX DP9500 £895 Please add £10Securicor ordinary matrix printers. Plus for even greater versatility a full dot plot graphics ANADEX DP9501 £995 delivery chargeto all facility if supplied which includes a 2K computers etc. buffer. £995 .VAT VIDEO MONITORS Plus 15% VATon all prices. 10" BLACK Et WHITE £85 10" GREEN SCREEN £95 Books lc bits Books Manuals Diskettes ribbons Paper chips 12114 x 211(1E4 pair. RS232 to Centronics interfaces £40 etcetc - A variety of second-hand computer equipment usually available, spares, repairs and service.

29 Belvedere, Lansdown Road, Bath. Telephone: (0225) 334659. After hours: (0761) 33283.


When 2-64 micros share up to 72Mb of Corvus hard disc through Constellation host multiplexing, you get a Miracle-no less. Miracle puts distributed data processing on tap, with each user station enjoying high-speed access and total flexibility. A Miracle can outperform a mini - network and save you money all along the line. You can expand your network as your needs expand with many kinds of micros: Apple II and III, S100 North Star, Vector Graphic, Cromemco, Superbrain, Research Machines 380Z, TRS-80 I and II, DEC LSI11- and more to come. In addition to his own dedicated computer and associated memory, each Miracle user has access to a central hard disc memory-normally twenty times faster than floppies-without interference from 2 -user from £5,709 other users. Like computers can communi- cate with each other in the network and peripherals shared. 4 -user from £7,625 Traditional peripherals, such as printers and VDUs, and interactive devices 8 -user from £12,707 like speech output, voice recognition, colour graphics, light pens and digitisers, can be linked up to give a Miracle system unrivalled 16 -user from £22,026 configurability. tape system; arid the entire contents of a Management; Incomplete Records; Job 10Mb disc can be archived in about Costing; Time Records; Graphics; Critical How a Miracle system works 15 minutes. Path Analysis. Each Constellation host multiplexer links 2-8 micros in star configuration to 5Mb, Applications software Come and see Miracle being put 10Mb or 18Mb of Corvus hard disc drive. Up Miracle can make use of a compre- through its paces at our London or to 8 host multiplexers can be connected hensive range of languages, from BASIC, Nottingham showrooms. Phone now for an together, allowing up to 64 micros to use COBOL and FORTRAN to PASCAL, ALGOL appointment or complete the coupon below. four disc drives for a total system capacity and APL. London01-248 7307 of 72Mb. PASCAL -written applications Nottingham0602 583254 Inexpensive back-up for the hard software packages include: Accounting disc system is provided by the unique Systems, Payroll and Stock Control (fully Corvus Mirror. It interfaces the data signals integrated with order processing/invoice Haan C" on the disc with a 100Mb capacity video generator); Addressing/Mailing; Database Computer5 Typical five -user - Miracle system I Please send me details of: 5.10 or 18Mb Mirror VCR IMiracle with the following micros Corvus Par dj interface disc drive To further I 140K floppy micros and Applications software packages disc drive peripherals I(please state) Constella ion rnaste I Name I mitt prexer IPosition Five 64K Company/Establishi lie' it micros I Address _ _ _ Four b/w I Tel monitors Please post to Keen Computers, I Marketing Department, L 5 Giltspur Street, London EC1A 9DE I ion MIN NMI NM MO ENQUIRIES FROM OEMs DEALERS AND OVERSEAS WELCOME. SPECIAL TERMS ARE AVAILABLE FOR EDUCATIONAL/GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS

PCW 31 Discover the full professional power of Hewlett-Packard's personal computer.

Now you can extend the HP -85's power simply by plugging in high- perforniance printers, plotters and flexible disc systems. Power where you need it. The HP -85 pins professional problem -solving power wherever you need it. There's a video display with high resolution and editing capability A whisper -quiet thermal printer for hard copies of display graphics and alphanumerics. A magnetic tape unit with up to 217 K of storage per cartridge. And a complete keyboard, including eight keys you can define yourself. Powerful, easy -to -use features, thanks to HP's extended BASIC programming language. Decide the peripherals you need. HP's Interface Bus (HP-IB/IEEE- 488) lets you add up to 14 peripherals or instruments. No need to write special operating programs- HP's peripheral ROMs do it for you. New HP enhancement ROMs and modules give you access to 80 K bytes of operating system, without significantly reducing user memory. The HP 2631B printer means high speed, high -quality printing. And the HP 7225 Graphics Plotter gives you high -resolution, publication -quality graphics on paper or film. For extra memory storage, use the HP 82900 series of 51/4" flexible disc drives. Each drive gives you about 270 K bytes of formatted storage on double -sided, double -density discs. The operating system is in the Mass Storage ROM, leaving the HP -85 main memory free. Behind the HP -85 computing VisiCale Plus software now availableas optional extra. system is the strength of Hewlett- For nror c derails or a Packard. Continuous commitment to demonstradur, contact your nearest HEWLETT quality. One -source service and support.HP Deditt show o below PACKARD Contact your nearest dealer for a demonstration: Aberdeen iyseai 'type vvritet Sc.. :cc.i et 2%.09 Belfast Larui.... Jei vices, Tel; 62556o Birmingham John Mab ot. Assoc., Tel: 643 6351. Bournemouth South Coast Business Machines, Tel. Wimborne 893040. Brighton Office Machinery Engineering, Tel: 689682. Bristol Decimal Business Machines, 'rel. 214093. Cambridge Cambridge Computer Store, Tel. 65334. Dublin Abacus Systems. rei: 711966 Edinburgh Business & Electronic Machines. fel: 226 4294. Holdene, Tel: 668 2727. Glasgow Robox, Tel: 221 8413/4. Leeds Holdcne. Tel: 459459. Leiceste; Sum iuck Service S, lel 29673 Leighton Buzzard Co-ordinated Computer Systems, Tel: Heath & Reach 581/2. Limerick Abacus Systems, Tel. 43165. Lichfield Angle American, Tel. 481042.Liverpool Microdigitai, Tel. 227 2535/6/7 Rockcliff Brothers, 'rel. 521 5830. London Euro Cale, Tel: 739 6484,636 8161, 405 3113; Sumluck-Bondain, Tel: 250 0505 and 626 0487; The Xerox Store, Tel: 4055659, 629 0694. Manchester Automated Business Equipment, Tel: 432 0708. Holdene, Tel: Wilmslow 529486. Newcastle Thos Hill International, Tel: 739261. Newport Micromedia Systems, Tel: 59276. Reading CSE Computers, Tel: 61492; Sintrom Electronics, Tel: 85464. Royston (Herts) Electrup Ian, Tel: 41171. Southampton South Coast Business Machines, Tel: 22958. Sunderland Thus Hill International, Tel: 42447. Tunbridge Wells D J Herriott, Tel: 22443/4. Wallingford Midas Advisory Services, Tel: 36773. Watford Automatic & Electronic Calculators, Tel: 31571. Woking Petalect Electronics Services, Tel: 69032. Worthing Office Machinery Engineering, Tel: 207292. CHANNEL ISLANDS: Guernsey Professional Business Systems, Tel: 26011/2. Jersey Professional Business Systems Tel: 75611.

32 PCW CPS Data Systems offer this special package:- Cornmodore 8032, 4040, Olympia Scripta RIO printer with PET interface and Wordpro 4 PLUS, with software. The Wordpro 4 PLUS lets you create, edit, file, update and simultaneously output to the printer, giving remarkably increased versatility. The system is mounted o a mobile DataDesk which can function from any 13 amp power point. * Lease based on a 3 -year contract with 3 months initial payment. Leasing is subject to approval by the Leasing Company. VAT extra.

PREFER TOPURCHASE?the stemsbelieve CPS DataSy priceofC.2,785 purchase +'JPto beexceptional money valuefor

INTERFACES AVAILABLE NOW FROM CPS:- SPECIAL OFFERS ON EQUIPMEN IEEE to par aliei cer in or !rub (addressable) £64 + VAT IEEE to Serial RS232 E72 + VA I OLYMPIA SCRI PIA H/0 t:t3U6 vA I Serial RS232 to parallel Ger rporrios + VAT OLYMPIA SCRIPTA, keyboard verbiun £990 + VAT Purchase a SCRIPTA printer from CPS CA/iliac' Nick Ashbui nei today at and get the required interface t-HEEi CPS luAlA SYS I EMS) LTD ACM DataDesks, Rutishauser Tractor third Huoi, Arden House, 1102 Warwick Road, Acocks Green Feed and Cut Sheet Feeds are available Birmingham B27 6BH. Tel 021 707 3866 at extremely competitive prices. A member of the CPS Group

PCW 33 Your search for theright price stops here.

Bargain Offers

Cromemco We can now supply the Cromix operating system for single and multi user working. The first big system operating system to be offered on a Pet small system -the only system which South West Technical Products Well known for making short offers up to 63K memory space 56K 6809 based system, with twin 8" disc drives and Centronics 779 work of accounting, word processing, per user. printer. From £3,163 incl. VAT, while mailing lists. A great buy from NSC. stocks last. Keenest prices around on individual boards and peripherals. 48K Apple for £695 Buy a 16K Apple from NSC Computer Shops now and get 32K FREE. 1111111111111 Acorn Atom Now available ex -stock. Special After Sales Service MOP offer to ZX80 owners: We will take Apple When you buy from NSC Computer your ZX80 in part exchange for an Shops you have the opportunity to take You know what the Apple systemAtom. advantage of a special service contract will do but you don't know the deal Used Bargain: Second hand on favourable terms. we're offering. Come and see for ZX80's from £50. yourself. Order by post with confidence Instead of calling personally at NSC Computer Shops you can send cash with order. Orders are despatched by carrier, please telephone for details of delivery charges. BOOKS: Send s.a.e. for our full price list, or call in at our shop to see our wide range of North Star Horizon publications. A complete word processing system extendible from 32K -56K All our prices are heavily discounted and Rair RAM, with up to four mini disc drives,therefore payment must accompany the The exciting new 3/30 system 4MHz Z80A processor, serial and order. Credit card payments will be accepted. Please quote credit card number offering 5 mb of fixed disc storage on parallel I/O ports and extended BASIC.and type of card. brand new 51/4" Winchester drives. Full range of accounting packages 64K Machine £4,313 incl. VAT. available. You can lease this very WE WILL NOT BE Full range of black box systems popular system for as little as £25 available. Rental terms available. per week. KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD.

cCOMPUTER SHOPS Computing to suit your size. NSC Computei Shops, 29 Hanging Ditch, Manchester M4 3ES. Ring 06i-832 2169 for further information.

NSC 24a 34 PCW Buying a printer is a serious business. We're addinga little fun... he Give(CePO Tenth \nVEPSFry interfifer The first ever Centronics printer was shipped just ten years ago. Since then we have become the world's leading independent printer manufacturer, first choice for the professional user everywhere. With everything set for an even more successful second decade, we would like our customers to join in a celebration of our 10th Anniversary, so we're making a very special offer on our highly praised Model 737 printer - at a new low Anniversary price. 0 Tht - In conjunction with Hogg Robinson Travel we're offering to everyone who buys a 737 from a Centronics Qualified Retailer, before July 12th, a chance to win a luxury holiday for two in the Bahamas at a time of your own choosing. And there are lots of other exciting prizes to be won! ,at 444. So get along to your nearest retailer displaying the 10th Anniversary 1.1 0- sign for all the details. But hurry! PrinterN Offer The offer must close on July1 lth. LI 104 Anntv

heSCEC oL Cu Centronics 737 Correspondence Quality Matrix Printer.

The ideal general purpose printer for the serious microcomputer user. Compact and attractive design Proportional and monospaced printing 40, 80, & 132 characters per line 80 characters per second print speed Roll, cut sheet and fanfold paper Bi-directional paper movement for super and sub -scripts Your Centronics Qualified Retailer

Euro-Calc Ltd 128/132 Curtain Rd Comserve Computer Services C & G Computer Group Ltd Local Business Technology Ltd Micro General 6 The Birchwoods London EC2 Tel: 01-729 4555 98 Tavistock St Bedford South Devon Hse Newton Abbot Wormley Hse 82 High Rd Wormley Little Heath Rd Tilehurst Henrys Radio 404 Edgware Rd Tel: 0234 216749 Devon Tel: 0626 62101 Broxbourne Herts Tel: 09924 66157 Reading Tel: 0734 25226 London W2 Tel: 01-402 6822 Jaxrest Linton House Avrohurst 57 High St Digital Devices Ltd Grist Business Services Ltd Informex 8-12 Lee High Rd Catherine St Aston Birmingham Ingatestone Essex 134 London Rd Southborough West Quay Rd Southampton London 5E13 Tel: 01-318 4213 Tel: 021 328 4908 Tel: 077 75 4022 Tunbridge Wells Kent Tel: 0703 39061 Lion Micro Computers Lion House Micro Associates The Computerist 642 London Rd Tel: 0892 37977/9 Aerco-Gemsoft 227 Tottenham Court Rd 471 Lichfield Road Aston Westcliffe On Sea Essex D J Herriot 42 Camden Road 171 Church St Woking Surrey London WI Tel: 01-580 7383 Birmingham Tel: 021 328 4574 Tel: 0702 335 298 Tunbridge Wells Kent Tel 0892 22443/4 Tel 04862 22881 Newtronics 255 Archway Rd Westwood Computers Ltd Screen Scene Byte Shop Manchester North Amber Ltd Great Oak Hse London N6 Tel: 01-348 3325 117-118 Tennant St Fiveways 144 St Georges Rd Cheltenham 11 Gateway House Piccadilly Albany Close Esher Surrey The Xerox Store Birmingham B15 Tel: 021 632 5824 Glos Tel: 0242 28979 Manchester Tel 061 236 4737 Tel: 0372 62071 84 Piccadilly 01-629 0694 Robert Harding Ltd Alpha Business Systems Independent Computer Engineering Petelect Micro Computers 77 High Holborn 01-405 5659 63 London Rd Brighton 89 Railway St Hertford 16/18 Littleton Rd Ashford 32 Chertsey Rd Woking Surrey 110 Moorgate 01-588 1531 Tel: 0273 608444 Tel: 0992 57425 Middy Tel 07842 47171 Tel: 048 62 63901/68497 Transom Components Ltd Interface Components Bromwall Data Services Ltd Byte Shop Computerland Business & Leisure Microcomputers 59/61 Theobald's Rd London WC I °airfield Corner Sycamore Rd 25 Park St Old Hatfield 92A Upper Parliament St 16 The Square Kenilworth Warwickshire Tel: 0926 512127 Tel: 01-405 5240 Amersham Bucks Tel: 02403 22307 Herts Tel: 07072 60980 Nottingham Tel: 0602 40576 C & G Computer Group Ltd Cambridge Computer Store Compshop Ltd 14 Station Rd Micro Age Ltd 53 Acton Rd Catel 30 Kings Road 36/38 Meadow St Weston S Mare 1 Emmanuel St Cambridge New Barnet Herts Long Eaton Nottingham Harrogate N.Yorks Tel 0423 65165 Avon Tel: 0924 417 724 Tel: 0223 65334/5 Tel: 01-441 2922 Tel 06076 64264 Huddersfield Computer Centre C & G Computer Group Ltd 4 Cross Church St Huddersfield Tower House Fairfax St Yorks Tel: 0484 20774 Bristol Tel: 0272 28424 Scotbyte Computers Ltd Decimal Business Machines Thain Hse 226 Queensferry Rd Decimal House Thomas Lane Edinburgh Tel: 031 343 1005 Bristol Tel: 0272 294591 Centronics Data ComputerErn (UK) Ltd.. Victoria Way. Burgess-tonic Hill. Sussex RH15 9NU Telephone 04446-45011 Telex: 877801

PCW 35 A complete range of professional floppy disc products from the industry leaders


Single Disk Unit f 249.00 Dual Units - 40 Tracks - £399.00 Dual Disk Unit f 488.00 80 Tracks - £549.00 Single Units 40 Tracks - £219.00 Purchase two units and 10 Dysan disk- 80 Tracks - £289.00 ettes will be provided free - worth £26.00 Move up market with Tandon Specifications, Double Density You can now buy Tandon Magnetics high quality, capability, 40 or 80 tracks and step rates as low as 3m secs marketleading,minidisc drive compatible with track to track. Also interfaces to Superbrains, Horizons, Zenith, APPLE's controller and software. SWTP, Heathkit, etc.

DYSAN DISKETTES Guaranteed Delivery

The best diskettes money can buy - approved by Apple all leading manufacturers of floppy disc drives TRS 80 Tks. for - Durability TRS 80 80 Tks - Data Reliability Superbrain S.D.Supplied in packs of 10 Quality Control Superbrain D.D. Cromenco Z2 Cromenco 3

SERVICE-TECHNICAL SUPPORT-DRIVE MAINTENANCE Our OASIS 820 is a non dedicated floppy disc drive and general purpose peripheral exerciser - for your service Engineers. Send for details. We also offer a 24 hour repair facilities for Tandon Floppy Disc Drives.

TCOMPUTERS 47.4,11"1&igLIMITED 133 Woodham Lane New Haw Weybridge Surrey KT15 3NJ All prices exclude V.A.T. and delivery charges. Tel: Weybridge(0932) 4834611 DEALER ENQUIRIES WELCOME. Telex:8813487 The unique Computer Supermarket bringsyou computer hardware at cashmand^carry prices SHARP, COMMODORE, TEXAS, TANGERINE EQUIPMENT Fully tested before despatch, or collection complete with instruction manuals, tapes, fitted 13amp plugs.

SHARP EQUIPMENT Model User Ram exc VAT inc VAT MZ8OK 20K Ram 399.00 458.85 MZ8OK 36K Ram 435.00 500.25 Sharp'Talking MZ8OK 48K Ram 499.00 573.85 free ' MZ8OFDFloppy Disc 589.00 677.35 inclusivewith VATClock sales MZ80P Printer 385.00 442.75 £50 over MZ801/0 Input/ (Only one per5 value. availabilitycustomer. Offer Output Unit87.00100.05 Sharp MZ8OK -sin-ar subject to value gift FREE LEDGER & STOCK CONTROL PROGRAM substituted.) may be WITH EVERY COMPLETE SHARP SYSTEM, i.e. 48K Sharp, Twin Floppy Disc, Printer & I/O Unit. PC1211 95.00 109.25 CE122 70.0080.50 immommamimmi=e3m0E.iiMIa go mizimeamm0 COMMODORE EQUIPMENT MI EC 02 CO DO IM MI ED I=D MMDMMDE/EI Model User Ram exc VAT Inc VAT 4008 40 Col. PET 8K Mem 378.00 434.70 4016 40 Col. PET Sharp PC1211 16K Mem 462.00 531.30 4032 40 Col. PET 32K Mem 585.00 672.75 8032 80 Col. PET 32K Mem 755.00 868.25 4040 347K Disk 585.00 672.75 8050 IM Byte Disk 755.00 868.25 4022 Printer 357.00 410.55 Ocammastcome 8024 Printer 975.00 1,121.25 113111311ils 8026 Printer 835.00 960.25 C2N Cassette 47.00 54.05 VIC Personal Computer160.00184.00 Tantel Prestel adaptor TEXAS EQUIPMENT TI -99/4 345.00 396.75 All goods sold with full manufacturer's warranty and subject to Commodore PET4032 (New lower price NOW for PAL European version) conditions of sale (available on request). ALL MACHINES ARE FULL TANGERINE EQUIPMENT UK STANDARD. Shipment arranged anywhere in UK Tantel Prestel Adaptor 170.00195.50 0000

Full colour output. Connects to any TV. Full British

Telecom approval. Requires British Telecom 96A :


jack plug. Gives access to massive home computer

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"' .

Telephone us for further information on ease of S installation. Credit facilities are readily available. COMPUTER SUPERMARKET LTD (An associate company of HB Computers Ltd) OPEN SOON New 1,500 sq. ft. Computer Registered Commodore and Sharp Dealer Supermarket premises opening shortly. 3rd Floor, Douglas House, Queens Square, Corby, Northamptonshire. Oakley Hay Industrial Estate, Corby. Telephone (05366) 62571 Telex COMPSU 341543/4 PCW 37 SHARP PC -1211 NASCOM SYSTEMS & PERIPHERALS POCKET COMPUTER The PC -1211 uses BASIC and has up to 1424 `SUPERMUM' COMBINED program steps. 80 character input line with MOTHER/BUFFER/PSU BOARD full editing facilities, 18 user definable keys, A 12 x 8 piggy -back 24 character alpha -numeric LCD display. board for the Optional cassette interface is available. Nascom 1, it PC -1211 is battery -operated, has auto power contains a five -slot off function and maintains all programs and motherboard, data in its memory even after the power has quality 5A power been turned off. supply and reliable Printer/Cassette £86.92 buffering with reset Interface £75 -4-VAT. + £1 P&P + VAT jump. The board facilitates easy floppy disk CENTRONICS MICRO expansion. PRINTERS KIT High performance - Low cost 737 - £395+£3 P&P -NAT. 737 Dot Matrix Printer runs at 80cps £85 (proportional) or 50cps (monospaced) giving +£3.50 P&P + VAT text processing quality print. This new printer is capable of printing subscripts and superscripts. FLOPPY DISC SYSTEM ENCLOSURES 730 £295 + £3 P&P+VAT. Built and tested stand alone unit with 1/2 VERO Frame £32.50 + £2 P&P + VAT 730 Dot Matrix Printer can print 10cp1 or drives for both Nascom 1 & 2. Microtype M3 Case £24.50 + £2 P&P + VAT 16.5cp1 at 100cps and 165cps respectively. Single driveCP/M (160K) £450 + £4 P&P + VAT Kenilworth Case £49.50+ £5 P&P + VAT Double driveCP/M (320K) £640 + £4 P&P + VAT 2 -card support kit £7.50 + VAT Both printers have 3 -way paper handling and Single drive D -DOS system £395 + £4 P&P + VAT 5 -card support kit £19.50 + VAT (enables existing NAS-Sys software to be used) parallel interface as standard. RS 232/V24 Sparedrive £205 + £2 P&P + VAT PERIPHERALS serial interface is optional. Verbatim Diskettes £3.75 + VAT each Fanfold paper (2000 sheets) £18+ £2.50 P&P 3 Amp PSU £32.50 + £1.50 + P&P + VAT + VAT 10 for £32 + VAT Motherboard £6.50 + VAT Nascom 1 owners: Add £10+VAT to CP/M prices above for Reset Jump Kit. Mini Motherboard£2.90 + VAT VERO DIP Board £12.50 + VAT Diskpen text editor for CP/M system I/O Board £45 + £1 P&P + VAT £43.25+75p P&P -NAT. Buffer Board £32.50 + VAT EPROM Board kit £55, built £70 NASCOM 1 kit £125 +£1 P&P + VAT NASCOM 1 built £140 +£1.50P&P A -D Converter £49.50 + VAT NASCOM 2 kit £225 +vAT Dual Monitor Board £6.50 + VAT EPROM Programmer £29.50 + VAT NASCOM 2 built £270 Castle Interface £17.50 + VAT Port Probe £17.50 + VAT NASCOM IMP PLAIN PAPER PRINTER £325 + £2.75 P&P + VAT FIRMWARE IN EPROM IMP -PRINT £30 + VAT RAM BOARD KITS NASPEN £30 + VAT 16K RAM £100±£1 P&P+VAT ZEAP 2 £50 + VAT 32K RAM £115+£1 P&P+VAT NAS-SYS 1 £25 + VAT 48K RAM £130+£1 P&P+VAT NAS-DIS £37.50 + VAT 64K RAM £145+£1 P&P+VAT NAS-DEBUG £15 + VAT NAS-SYS 3 £25+ VAT SOFTWARE ON TAPE Programmers Aid £28 + VAT ICs BASIC Programmers Aid £13 + VAT EPROMs2708. £3.50 + VAT 8K BASIC £15 + VAT ZEAP 2 £30 + VAT MICRO EPROMs2716. £5.50 +VAT Memories MART 21L02 £0.80 + VAT Voltage Regulators 4027 £0.70 + VAT SHARP MZ-80K + Peripherals T02201 amp 4116 £2.00+ VAT Bi-Directional Serial Board £99.50 + VAT + 5, + 12, + 15, + 24V 80p + VAT4118 £10.00+ VAT -5,- 12, - 15,- 24V 65p+ VAT2114 £3.004-VAT MZ8OFD (twin floppies 208K) £675 + £5 P&P +VAT Z80 Devices (4MHz 'A' MZ80P3 Printer £425 + £5 P&P + VAT 103 version) MZ80 I/O Interface £99 + £2 P&P + VAT 1A + 5V LM309K . 50p + VATMK3880 £8.00+ VAT 3A + 5V LM323K £3.50 + VATMK3881(P10)£5.00 + VAT CP/M 2.2 £200 + VAT 5A ± 5V781-105 £5.50+ VATMK3882(CTC) £5.00 + VAT Also extensive range of standard and LS TTL, CMOS SPECIAL INTERFACE OFFER and linear ICs, plus other semiconductors, in stock. Send for list. 48K MZ-80K EAGO Unless otherwise stated add 50p P&P to all orders. SHARP Prices correct at time of going to press. SYSTEM *New Interface catalogue now available on request. + £10 carriage + VAT -I Access and Barclaycard accepted. INTERFACE COMPONENTS LTD. OAKFIELD CORNER, SYCAMORE ROAD, AMERSHAM, BUCKS HP6 6SU TELEPHONE: 02403 22307. TELEX 837788

38 PCW EXPLORER -85 COMPLETE BUSINESS SYSTEM AT A FANTASTIC PRICE 64K COMPUTER- VDU - TWO 8" DRIVES- PRINTER - CP/M 2.2- EXTENDED MBASIC £290000 All you need to run your business We can supply software to suit your particular requirements EXPLORER -85 COMPUTER Kits 8085A cpu- S100 Based System Start at £85 Designed for maximum Flexibility PROBABLY THE MOST EXPANDABLE KIT ON THE MARKET TODAY. A COMPUTER FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS TODAY AND TOMORROW BE IT BEGINNERS KIT: OEM CONTROLLER: OR FULL DISC DRIVE SYSTEM EXPLORER -85 NOT THE CHEAPEST, JUST THE BEST 8085A cou - S100 slots (expandable to 6) - Powerful 2k Monitor - 4K RAM (expandable to 64K) - 8k Microsoft Basic - Speed 3.1MHz - 4,8bit I/O Ports - 1,6bit, I/O Port - 14bit Binnary counter - All programmable - Stand alone Keyboard Terminal - 64/32 characters 16 lines - upper Et lower case - Full cursor control - Power supply unit - NO EXTRAS NEEDED 4K system complet kit £327: Assembled Uncased £402: Assembled Er Cased £502 16K system complet kit £410; Assembled Uncased £485; Assembled Et Cased £585 Limited Budget? You can purchase explorer 85 in sub kits starting from £85 for the Motherboard Level 'A'.

EXPAND YOUR SYSTEM 64K 'SJ64K' S100 DYNAMIC Now -Break Through The 64K WITH 8" DRIVES RAM CARD Micro -Memory Limit! 'SS16K' Bank Selectable 16K Static RAM 8" Control Data Corp Professional Drive We offer you Hidden refresh.. fast performance Don't buy any more antique RAMs IRAM without bank selectl -now there's

LSI Controller " Write protect * Single or Double lower power consumption . latched data out- Netronic's new SS16K board featuring a universal software bank select system. density "Capacity 400K Bytes (SDI 800K Bytes puts 200ns 4116 RAM's. on board crystal 8K SS16K is capable of addressing 2,0413 different banks With SS16K boards you can (OD) unformatted " Access time 25ns. Price £350 bank selectable fully socketed solder mask on add memory beyond the 64K limit or expand to a multi terminal system DISC CONTROLLER I/O 5100 CARD both side of the board. Designed for 8080, 8085 and LOOK AT THESE FEATURES: Controls up to 4 Drives " 1771 ALSI (SD) floppy disc 300 NS. low power 2114's Z80 bus signals works in Explorer/85, Tuscan, Software BankSelector-Universaldecoder works with Cromenco, controller On board data separator (IBM com Horizon Sol, as well as all other well -designed S100 Alpha Micro, Netronics, most other systems,or your design. Onboard dip patible) 2716 PROM socket included for use in computers. switches. Bank Select Enable, Reset Enable: Reset Disable;Port Address: custom applications * On board crystal controlled Kit WIT Kit WIT Port Data On board I/O baud rate * Two serial I/O ports 16K £149 £169 48K £239 £259 AllInputs And Outputs meettheproposed IEEE standardsforthe S 100 has Autoboot to disc system when system reset 32K £194 £214 64K £284 £304 4.0 MB: Operation Generators to 9600 baud " Double sided PC board 16K upgrade kits Schmitt Trigger Buffer on all signals for maximum noise immunity Price £150 (glass epoxy). £45 Addressable On 16k Boundaries, 0-64k, dip switche selectable

DISC DRIVE CABINET WITH POWER SUPPLY Phantom Option, dip switch selectable

De Luxe steel cabinet to house single drive with PIN8MWRITE Option, dip switch selectable power supply unit to ensure maximum reliabiilty and LED Indicator to display status. stability. Price f 7 9 SOFTWARE Glass Epoxy PC Board withgold platedcontacts anddouble sided DRIVE CABLE SET UP FOR TWO CP/M 1.4 £75 - CP/M 2.2 £98.00 solder mask. Fully Socketed. Four Separate Regulators for maximum stability DRIVES Price £19 Microsoft extended MBasic £155 f 149 Kit: Assembled it Tested C115

IF YOU REALLY WANT TO You will LEARN to program in Machine code and really THE ELF11UNDERSTAND COMPUTERS THEN understand computers, from there you can expand it to meet ELF11 for YOU your requirements upto 64K RAM working in Basic level 111 Basic Specification Suggested Starters Pack:- ELF11 kit + RF Modulator + RCA COSMAC 1802 cpu K RAM expand T. Pitmans Short Course for £56.70 able to 64K - DAM - Interrupt - 16 registers - Fully Decoded Flex Keypad - Dual 7 segment ELF11 EXPANSION. We carry a full range of expansion display - Crystal clock - Onboard regulation .- kits - HARDWARE - FIRMWARE - SOFTWARE - 1861 Graphic Chip - 5 slot expansion bus -- Double sided plated through PC Board MANUALS. Send S.A.E. for brochures. ELF11 is Ideal for Beginners - Engineers - NOW AVAILABLE - FULL BASIC LEVEL 111 + RPN Maths Industry - Scientific and Educational purposesSPECIAL OFFER £49.95package COMING VERY SHORTLY - EPROM BURNER 10" MONITOR Oki Microline 80 Centronkr 737 AT ONLY £399 £79.95 SMALL, LIGHT QUIET MATRIX PRINTER LETTER QUALITY PRINTER IDEAL FOR APPLE NASCOM UNBEATABLE SNIP DotMatrix: 7 Y 9 Paper U.K. 101, ETC. VALUE AT Handling: 3 way Pitch: 5, 10 or 16 Designed for monitoring computers, characters per inch Speed. 013 closed circuit TV and Video £299 characters per second proportional! Tape Recorders 40, 80 or 132 cols 50 characters per second 10" black and white video monitor ._-..0014.°111.r6 or 8 lines per inch. monospaced tine Length: 40, BO 10 MHz band width or 132 characters Standard Inter High.guality metallic cabinet ve008001 96 ASC II+ 64 graphics character set face: Parallel ...s.r.romwr Dimensions' 9" 9" with Centronics compatible interface Trade Enquiries Welcome (Serial Interface £75 extra) (Serial version f4291

SEND SAE FOR COMPREHENSIVE BROCHURE Please add VAT to all prices. PEEP extra. Please make cheques and postal orders payable to t l l t r Ii ins NEWTRONICS or phone your order quoting BARCLAYCARD, ACCESS number. u We are open for demonstrations and Sales. Monday -Saturday 9.30 a.m.-6.30 p.m. Near,255 ARCHWAY ROAD, Highgate Underground on main Al into London. LONDON, N.6 TEL: 01-348 3325


Hazeltine 2000 Modular one basic Hazeltine 1000 The world's largest -selling teletypewriter- Now with Upper Er Lower Case. The low, low priced teletypewriter- compatible video display terminal. Features compatible video display terminal with 12" 12" screen (24 x 80). XY cursor addressing include: 12" screen (74 x 271 64 screen (12 x 80) 64 ASCII alphanumerics 64 ASCII alphanumerics Et symbols. Dual alphanumerics and symbols. 32 ASCII and symbols. Full/Half Duplex. RS232. intensity detachable keyboard. Choice of 8 control codes. Switch -selectable transmission rates up to 9600 baud. RS232. £199 transmission rates to 9600 baud. Three Range of options including All equipment reconditioned, switch -selectable operating modes full - printer port (£70.00). £399 duplex, half -duplex or batch. Direct cursor unless otherwise stated. Modular one edit addressability. Dual -intensity video. All the above plus full edit capability, Tabulation. Powerful editing capability. tabulation, 8 special function keys Remote keyboard. Selective or + many other features.£695.00 automatic roll -up. RS232. £299 POLLING MODELS also available-P.O.A. Low cost matrix printer. *Standard and Double -width characters Ideal for Microprocessor users such as (12 cpi and 6 cpi) Hobbyists Er Educationalists or for any low - *Standard parallel (Centronics -type) budget application. interface. *Full upper/lower case ASCII PLUS *Optional Interfaces available for BRAND GRAPHICS Mode. RS 232, IEEE 488, Tandy, PET, Apple II *80 -column printing with adjustable NEW. tractor feed. ONLY £199 plus carriage Er VAT (mail *30 cps print -speed with 1 -line buffer. order total /£297.851. = Electronic Brokers Ltd., 61/65 Kings Cross Road, London WC1X 9LN. Te1:01-278 3461.Telex 298694

OVewBear Computing Store Ltd

BETTER PRICES! NORTH BETTER DELIVERY! WIDEST RANGE OF STAR tem SOFTWARE For the best dealSHARP * HORIZO from the largest Installed on your site with full field sharp dealer service anywhere in U.K. fully C.P.M. phone Newbear compatible. Chosen by Newbear for (0635) 30505 its reliability and performance. Many unique products 111Z -0E11 64K Dual Drive Quad £1995.00 Zen/Listings/Word Proc. North Star Horizon ACORN Newbury Laboratory 7009 terminal £795.00 Apple PROM PROGRAMMERS Citoh8300 R.M. Printer £499.00 II plus CPIM 2.2. £95.00 PROM ERASERS I-Pleasesend urgenily7 - Sharp 0 KEYBOARDS North Star Horizon0Cat. 0 Booklist 0 Citoh0 N.L. Terminals 0 51/4 AND 8" Please contact me 0 Phone No DISC DRIVES Name Address WIDEST RANGE NEWBEAR COMPUTING STORE LTD. (HEAD OFFICE) OF BOOKS IN U.K. 40 BARTHOLOMEW STREET, NEWBURY, BERKS TEL. (0635) 30505 TELEX 848507 NCS and FIRST FLOOR OFFICES, TIVOLI CENTRE, COVENTRY ROAD, For ex -stock delivery Bear care BIRMINGHAM. TEL. 021 707 7170 12 months warranty 220-222 STOCKPORT ROAD, CHEADLE HEATH, STOCKPORT. Bear Bargains TEL. 061-4912290


Since its introduction the Sharp MZ-80K has proved to be You'll find all the help and advice you need about one of the most successful and versatile microcomputer the MZ-80K at your Specialist Sharp Dealer in the list below. systems around. Sharp now have a comprehensive range of If there is no dealer in your area, or if you require any further products ready to make the powerful MZ-80K with its information write to: - Computer Division, Printer and Disc Drives even more adaptable. Sharp Electronics (UK) Ltd., Products include:- Universal Interface Card, Machine SHARPSharp House, Thorp Road, Language and Z-80 Assembler packages, CP/M* plus a Newton Heath, comprehensive range of software. Manchester M10 9BE. *Trade mark of Digital Research Ltd. Computers that talk your language.

GET IT ALLHEREMEM AVON CLEVELAND LEICESTERSHIRE MERSEYSIDE Micro Centre SUSSEX BCG SHOP EQUIPMENT LTD Hunting Computer Services Ltd Gilbert Computers Microdigital Ltd Edinburgh. Tel: 031-556 7354 GamerBrighto Bristol, Tel: 0272 425338 Stockton-on-Tees. Tel 0642 613021 Lubenham, Tel: 0858 6585.: Liverpool. Tel 051-227 2535 Microforth n Tel: 0273 o98424 DECIMAL BUSINESS M/Cs LTD DERBYSHIRE Leicester Computer Centre Sota Communication Systems Dunfermline, Tel: 0383 34954 lax Rest Ltd., Bristol. Tel 0272 294591 Lowe Electronics Ltd Leicester, Tel: 0533 556268 Liverpool L14. Tel 051-480 5770 Moray Instruments Ltd Brighton, Tel: 0273 687667 BEDFORDSHIRE Matlock, Tel: 0629 2817 Mayes Hi Fi NORFOLK Elgin, Tel: 0343 3747 M & H Office Equipment H.B. Computers (Luton) Ltd DEVON Leicestershire. Tel Leics. 22213 Sumlock Bondain (East Anglia) Pointer Business Equipt Ltd Brighton, Tel: 0273 697231 Luton. Tel: 0582 416887 Crystal Electronics Ltd LINCOLNSHIRE Norwich, Tel 0603 26259 Glasgow, Tel: 041-332 3621 TYNE & WEAR BERKSHIRE Torquay. Tel: 0803 22699 Howes Elect & Autom. Servs. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Robox Data Systems Ltd P.M.S. Ltd Newbear Computing Store Ltd EXETER Lincoln, Tel Lincoln 32379 H. B. Computers Ltd Glasgow. Tel. 041-221 5401 Sunderland. Tel: 0783 480009 Newbury. Tel: 0635 30505 Peter Scott (Exeter) Ltd Z. R. Business Consultants Kettering, Northamptonshire, Tyseal Computers Ltd WALES BIRMINGHAM Exeter, Tel: 0392 73309 Lincoln, Tel: 0522 680087 Tel 05 36 520910 Aberdeen, Tel 0224 573111 Limrose Electronics Ltd Camden Electronics DORSET LONDON NORTHERN IRELAND SOMERSET Wrex ham, Tel: 097 883 5555 Small Heath, Tel: 021-773 8240 South Coast Business M/Cs Bridgewater Accounting 0 & M Systems Norsett Office Supplies Ltd Morriston Computer Centre E.B.S. Ltd Ferndown, Tel: 0202 893040 Whetstone, Tel: 01-446 0320 Belfast. Tel 0232 49440 Cheddar, Tel: 0934 742184 Swansea, Tel: 0792 795817 Birmingham 1, Tel: 021-233 3045 ESSEX Butel-Comco Ltd The Microcomputer Centre (N.I.) SOUTH HUMBERSIDE Sigma Systems Ltd Electronic Business Systems Ltd Prorole Ltd Hendon, TeP. 01-202 0262 Belfast. Tel Belfast 682277 Silicon Chip Centre Cardiff, Tel: 0222 21515 Birmingham. Tel: 021-384 2513 Westcliff -on-Sea. Tel 0702 335298 Central Calculators Ltd NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Grimsby. Tel: 0472 45353 WARWICKSHIRE lax Rest Ltd., GLOUCESTERSHIRE London EC2, Tel 01-729 5588 Keen Computers Ltd SOUTH WALES Business & Leisure Microcomputers Birmingham. Tel: 021-328 4908 Gloucestershire Shop Equipment Ltd Digital Design & Development ' Nottingham, Tel 0602 583245 City Radio Kenilworth, Tel: 0926 512127 Newbear Computing Store Ltd Gloucester, Tel: 0452 36012 London W1, Tel: 01-387 7388 Mansfield Business M/C Ltd Cardiff, Tel: 0222 28169 WORCESTERSHIRE Birmingham B26, Tel: 021-707 7170HAMPSHIRE Euro-Calc Ltd Mansfield. Tel 0623 26610 STAFFORDSHIRE Capricorn Computer Systems London WC1, Tel: 01-405 3223 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Advanced Business Concepts OXFORDSHIRE W. 8. Computer Services Worcester. Tel: 0905 21541 Interface Components Ltd New Milton. Tel: 0425 618181 Euro-Calc Ltd Oxford Computer Store Cannock, Tel: 0543 75555 YORKSHIRE London EC2, Tel: 01-729 4555 Amersham, Tel: 02403 22307 Xltan Systems Ltd Oxford, Tel 0865 45172 SUFFOLK Bits & P.C:s Euro-Calc Ltd Southampton, Tel: 0703 39890 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND C.1. R. Microtek Co. Ltd Wetherby, Tel: 0937 63744 Charlesworth of Crewe Ltd KENT London W1, Tel- 01-636 5560 O'Connor Computers Ltd Ipswa, Tel: 0473 50152 Datron Micro -Centre Ltd Crewe, Tel: 027056342 Video Services (Bromley) Ltd Lion Computer Shops Ltd Galway Tel 0009 61173 SURREY Sheffield, Tel: 0742 585490 Cash Register Services Bromley, Tel: 01-4608833 London W1 Tel: 01-6371601 Tomorrows World Ltd Petaled Electronic Services Huddersfield Computer Centre Chester. Tel' 0244 317549 LANCASHIRE Personal Computers Ltd Dublin 2.Tel 0001 776861 Woking. Tel: 04862 69032 Huddersfield, Tel: 0484 20774 London EC2, Tel: 01-626 8121 Cheshire Computer Services Ltd B & B Computers Ltd SALOP . .Ltd Neecos (D.P.) Ltd Levenshulme. Tel- 061-225 4763 Bolton, Tel: 0202 26644 Scope Ltd Computer Corner Croydon, Tel: 01-684 1134 Darlington. Tel: 0325 69540 Fletcher Worthington Ltd H. R. Control Systems Ltd London EC2, Tel: 01-247 8506 Shrewsbury, TeP. 0743 55166 Saradan Electronic Services Quad raphenia Ltd Hale, Tel: 061-928 8928 Chodey, Tel: 02572 75234 Sumlock Bondain Ltd SCOTLAND Wallington, Tel: 01-669 9483 Sheffield, Tel: 0742 77824 Newbear Computing Store Ltd Sound Service London EC1, Tel: 01-253 244 7 A & G Knight T & V Johnson (Microcomputers)Ram Computer Services Ltd Stockport, Tel: 061-491 2290 Burnley, Tel: 0282 38481 MANCHESTER Aberdeen, Tel 0224 630526 Camberley, Tel: 0276 20446 Bradford. Tel 0274 391166 Ors Group Ltd Sumita Electronics Ltd Sumlock Electronic Services Ltd Business and Electronics M/Cs Wa rnngton. Tel 0925 67411 Preston, Tel: 0772 55065 Manchester M3, Tel: 061-834 4233Edinburgh, Tel: 031-226 5454 The Micro Chip Shope Sumlock Software Ltd PCW 41 Blackpool. Tel: 0253 403122 Manchester M3, Tel: 061-228 3502 Edisto ComputersLid. SPECIALISTS IN MICROCOMPUTERS AND SOFTWARE 119 JOHN BRIGHT STREET, BIRMINGHAM B1 1BE Telephone: 021-632 6458 Our complete package offers you: Approved Business Dealers for: Free initial discussion and advice Apple II Plus Delta Systems Software packages Video Genie Onyx Systems Supply and Installation As fully authorised Dealers for all the above equipment and as experienced Leasing and Financing Terms computer professionals, we are the best people to assist you in choosing your Maintenance Contracts computer system. Full After Sales Service Onyx Systems Apple The C8000 series are a range of powerful small business computers from We offer a full range of equipment from the "Home/Hobbyist" type to the Onyx Systems. This state-of-the-art computer system combines high speed professional Business System. Ask about our "Starter packs". Prices from processors, memory, Winchester disk and cartridge tape drive in one efficient, £700.00-£5000.00. compact package. Video Genie Industry -compatible versions of BASIC, COBOL, PASCAL and FORTRAN Calisto Computers announce we are now stockists fo the Video are available on several operating systems leg. CP/M), along with communi- Genie Computer System, from 16K to 48K, Disk drives, Printers cations software, wordprocessing and business application packages. etc. etc. (Simdmd the Video Genie is very like the TRS-80. The The C8000 series offers more features, better performance, higher quality "Instant Software" programs are virtually lom patabit) Prices from and greater reliability than any other unit for the price. Prices from £6500- 080.00 to £3500.00 £15000.00. We also supply a full range of printers both dot matrix and daisywheel, Delta Systems connection cables and also media (diskettes and disks), stationery (listing A range of Z80 based Micro -computers starting at 64k with1 Meg of 8" paper), ribbons etc. etc. Floppy Disk Store, expanding to 512k with 34Meg of Hard Disk Store and Contact us for all your requirements, write or telephone for full details and Tape Back-up. Prices from £2500-10500.00. price lists. LOBO'S NEW LDOS PUTS MUSCLE IN YOUR TRS-80 LOBO DRIVES' new LDOS" Disk Operating System is loaded with new outstanding features that will enable you to realize the full power and potential of your TRS-80". With LDOS, you can support up to eight drives (5" and 8" drives, double -sided drives, double - density drives, 80 track drives>, including the new 8" and 5" Win- chester fixed disk drives, in any combination. Other LDOS muscle building features include: SottwoceBLE !SAN accessing techniques;- keyboard typeahead; - Dated files; nt All-A Graphic string packer; - Marked files; - File transfer by class; AV Built-in lowercase display drivers; - Non -breakable AUTO and NONN UKI1 DO commands;and many, many more. LDOS is the perfect operating system to use with your expansion interfaces and disk subsystems. Special introductory offer: £99.00 only. *TRS-80 is a registered trademark of Hadio Shack, a Tandy Company. THIS MONTH'S SPECIAL OFFER TELE VIDEO 912C TERMINAL SOLE UK DEALER ENQUIRIES £485.00+ VAT DISTRIBUTORS!! INVITED ANY QUANTITY

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Instant Software Support System Instant Software offers a special support and reporting system to enable the users of our software to get the very best support and advice on how to gain the maximum benefit from our products. Enquiries will be actioned promptly to provide a first class service. *TRS-80 trademark of Tandy Corp. CP/M trademark of Digital Res. CBasic trademark of Compiler Systems. Apple trademark of Apple Inc. E&OE -Please - use- this- page- - QS - an order- - form. - Tick- program required

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42 PCW Com Peelet,77171111.11.111 emeytve//4 a p eohsolotodyotirptesete Mien,e IIMPliter If yourpresent de/e microcornputer .40* 1. Does not carry 2. a seven Is notsupported yearmaintenance 3 bya British guarantee. Doesnot offer manufacturer. 4. yourusers Doesnot a growth offers minimum capability. 5. Does interruption not startfrom plan then around duringbreakdown. youcould Z1700offering well bedealing all the Weare looking with the abovefacilities forprofessional wrongmicro. distributors Your of ourlatest microchecklist microcomputer Keep system_the upwith technology. Prince. DigicoComputers to keeppace haveenabled with technology their Minimum ProWdes use Interruption forgrowth since If By linking 1966. your Prince Plan(MIP) you topowerful forareplacementgoes down, Permit you mini we'llexchange capability.to develop systems in the to keep a real big and rentalPrice! yourunning it Maintenance system Starting fromaround an Offering forseven &artwith the R1,700 a seven years. diskette computer, guarantee* yearmaintenance storage, visual the Digico plus languagesadd CP/M display, 'coming Prince operating of age' provides Ready and build system Backed seal tothe micro the made up from in Britain. industry. Ho developmentaccounting there. DigicoComputers business have Packs cost- just buy of computerbeenin the nominalcovering proven manufacture hardware ledgers sales,purchase fifteen and maintenancedesign, entiy,payroll, plusstock and years. With word control, Stevenae, factories forover graphics. processing order in Leeds the Unitedthe Prince and Ideal and full Kingdom.is fullysupported fornew Computer Rent.* in Maximise for low investmenttheirleamingusers Including coitems. systems and then on aminimum way undercotenantce, when link rentals ready they're themup to per week. start from to grow. fullyfamiliarlarger and We'relooking the for thesort of user tothemercy distributor of a plaything. thatcan sell If you a real business want to machine talk then and giveme a not leave callnow. pitcher

STARNG UAL DIGICO =ars Mt NEW MICRO AROUND COMPUTER USERS Arena House £1.,700 46 Broadway Letchworth Herts SG6 3BX Providing there is a maintenance contract continuously fromnew. Tel: (04626) 78172 COMPUTECH forgappla COMPUTECH forITT COMPUTECH SOFTWARE Et HARDWARE IS WIDELY ACCLAIMED - WHY? Companies like Shell UK Oil, Grindlays Bank, W.H. Smith, government departments and hundreds of firms from multinational corporations to sole traders and small businesses have licensed Computech software. Why? Thirty years experience of business fifteen years experience of computing and dedication to serving the users' interests economically must be major contributions. By the time this advertisement appears about 1000 business software packages will have been installed and supported by us. Note other features which appeal to our customers - no special equipment, all configurations of Apple systems supported, no extra charge for lifetime support, hot-line service, economical use of hardware resources, program code supplied, modifications allowed, full validation, all accountancy requirements satisfied, all data written to disk and recoverable on demand, very simple operation, emulation of traditional manual methods, comprehensive manuals with sample reports, reliable operation, advisory bulletins and free fixing of bugs, (whichis fortunately rare). Reduced licence fee for new versions with extra features. As approved dealers of Apple products and actual manufacturers of compatible hardware we combine the knowledge of hardware and software so essential for the application of microcomputers. COMPUTECH SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE INCLUDES: Payroll for 350 employees, 100 departments, all pay periods, printed payslips, approved year end documents, very quick and easy to use, £375.Sales, Purchases and General Ledgers £295 each, detailed statements. Job Costing and Group Consolidation are amongst many and various applications of the General Ledger package, which supports values to totals of one thousand million accurate to a penny! Our Utilities Disk available like other packages in 13 sector or 16 sector format, is widely used for reliable, error checking, copying, including single drive, and the renowned DPATCH program beloved of programmers for £20. We have developed a Terminal Utilities package which enables Apple to Apple and Apple to mainframe communications with local processing and storage as well as Apple to host communications from the amazingly low price of £130. Our Graphics Utilities program for use with the Microline and Epson families of printers enable the plain paper production on low cost printers of high resolution screen pictures, graphs etc.- free with Microlines or £30 separately. Keyboard Driver enables the use of our Lower Case adaptor with BASIC programs and Applewriter Patches supplied FREE with our character generator package (total cost £50) is separately available on disk with documents for £10. At the same price CAI (convert Apple pictures for ITT) makes binary high resolution picture files display properly on the ITT 2020. We sell the famous Visicalc for £125 and have delivered systems using it to do amazing things like production control, shipping accounts and stocks and shares valuations! The versatile Applewriter word-processing package at only £42, especially employed with our Lower Case Character Generator is widely used by people who cannot type to produce word-perfect copy! Experience with Apple systems has led to the design and manufacture of compatible products with enhanced features at very favourable prices to satisfy users' needs. These include the Diplomat Serial Interface which has handshaking capability and switchable options (£801, the Diplomat Parallel Interface which enables the direct use of text and graphics with the Microline and Epson printers and is a complete 'plug in and go' item with gold-plated edge -connector at £80 and has optional direct connection for Centronics 730/737 printers. Our new Diplomat Communications Card at £95 is a sophisticated peripheral especially suitable for Apple to mainframe communications at high speeds infull duplex mode with switch selectable bit rates and other options. The Lower Case adaptor is available for Apples (revision 7 and earlier) as well as ITT 2020, complete with diskette software for £50. It offers true descenders on screen and the £ sign. We also have an Optional Character Generator for the ever popular Microline M80 at £15. This provides £ sign and improved digits and lower case characters with USASCII special symbols. Our price for the Microline M80, with graphics, 40, 80 and 132 characters per line, friction, sprocket and teleprinter feed, is only £345, amazing for this small, quiet reliable 'look alike' printer. Tractor option is £40 and Serial Adaptor £80. The Microline M82, bidirectional printer with both parallel and serial input is only £525, it can have an optional 2K buffer, while the Microline M83 full width adjustable tractor 120 cps printer with similar specification is only £775. Then for all computer users there is the unique Micromux which from £800 provides up to 16 ports for simultaneous independent serial asynchronous communications! Telephone for data sheets or to arrange a demonstration of for the address of our nearest dealer. Please hurry - the demand for our products has been such that some have been temporarily out of stock. We offer the effective low cost solutions you need. Prices exclude V.A.T., carriage and packing. COMPUTECH SYSTEMS 168, Finchley Road, London NW3 BHP. Tel: 01-794 0202 Ac -,E- NTS THROUGHOUT THE UK AND OVEF-1SEAS

44 PCW The Microcomputer withoneof the world's biggestnames The ITT 2020

This is micro computing at its suitable for continuous business most compact and versatile best use, for fast, uncomplicated data Complete, self-contained - ready retrieval-at low cost, to make life to plug in and startlingly simple to easier for almost any type of operate. With easy typewriter style smaller business or professional keyboard, the ITT Floppy Disk situation.To stcl-e and display-at Drive Unit with 116k capacity the touch of a few keys-anything from address files to a whole year's financial records. All backed by the advanced technology of one of the biggest names in electronics today, ITT. With a countrywide advice and after -sales service to match. ITT World-wide Technology

ITT Consumer Products (UK) Ltd., Chester Hall Lane, Basildon, Essex. Tel: Basildon 3040 Ext 196-198 micronetworks SOLVE THESTORAGE SHORTAGE with ten multi-usermegabytes




ALSO COMPUSTARTM DISK STORAGE SYSTEMS SUPERBRAINS Our New CompuStarTM 10 Megabyte Disk Storage System (called a DSS) 10 MB Winchester £2,945 Model DD £1,845 features an 8inch Winchester drive packaged in an attractive, compact Shugart 8 inch mechanism 64K RAM Memory desktop enclosure. Complete with disk, Quiet, table -top operation 320K Dual Disk Capacity controller and power supply. Just plug it Can be used with CompuStar or Dual Serial Ports SuperBrain Video Terminals into the Z80 adaptor of your SuperBrain Integral CPU, Disks&Keyboard and turn it on. It's so quiet, you'll hardly know it's there. But, you'll quickly be astounded with its awesome power and VIDEO PROCESSING UNITS Model QD £2,195 amazing speed. £1,595 The secret behind our CompuStar DSS Model 10 VPU 64K RAM Memory isits unique controller/multiplexor. It 64K Internal Memory 670K Dual Disk Capacity allows many terminals to "share" the Dual Serial Ports resources of a single disk. So, not only can Integral CRT, CPU, & Keyboard you use the DSS with your SuperBrain, Download programmable Integral CPU, Disks & Keyboard you can configure multiple user stations Model 20 VPU £2,195 using our new series of CompuStarTM Model DT £2,595 terminals, called Video Processing Units 64K Internal Memory or VPU'sTM. 350K Dual Disk Capacity 64K RAM Memory Whether you need an extra 10 Integral CPU, Disks, CRT & 152 MB Dual Disk Capacity megabytes for your SuperBrain or an Keyboard enormousmulti-user network, the Dual Serial Ports CompuStarTM DSS solves your storage Model 30 VPU £2,595 Integral CPU. Disks & Keyboard shortage problems. Sensibly. And economically. Plus, your investment is 64K Internal Memory protected by a nationwide service. 750K Dual Disk Capacity Providing efficient on -site or depot Integral CPU, Disks, CRT & FULL RANGE OF SOFTWARE AND maintenance. Keyboard PRINTERS ALSO AVAILABLE. Get a demonstration of this extra- £2,895 ordinary new system today. Call or write: Model 40 VPU Visit our Showroom at: 60 PALL MALL MICRO NETWORKS LTD. 64K Internal Memory and see the Complete Range 60 PALL MALL, LONDON WvIB Dual Disk Capacity Tel. 01-839 3701 I ntegral C PU, Disks, CRT & DEALERS' ENQUIRIES INVITED Keyboard



The more your system can do, the better your what we sell. That means excellent service to terminal should be. That's why, if you're adding the OEM and the end user, and one of the best text editing capability to your data processing supplies programs in the business. system, you should also think about adding a So if you're getting ready to upgrade your quality daisywheel terminal to replace the matrix system, then it's time you upgraded your terminal you're using now. And the best -quality printer as well. To a Qume. terminal you can buy is one by Qume. Ask about the NEW Sprint 7 and 9 models.

A printer for every application. For more information ume:UK No matter what application you choose, contact your AUTHORISED DISTRIBUTOR Qume makes a printer to fit it. Like our Sprint 5° KSR and RO, which ACCESS DATA COMMUNICATIONS LTD., have achieved the reputation for being the 228 High Street, Uxbridge, Middlesex. Tel: (0895) 30831. easy -to -use leader in letter-perfect terminals. DAISY TERMINALS LIMITED, Bridge Road, You can have 50 different typestyles to use with Haywards Heath, West Sussex. Tel: (0444) 57546. it, including APL, scientific symbols and FACIT, Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent. international character sets. Tel: (0634) 401721. And there's the Sprint 5 Wide-Trackc)with ISG DATA SALES LIMITED, Unit 9, Fairacres Ind. Estate, RS -232C interface. The first character printer Dedworth Road, Windsor, Berkshire. Tel: (07535) 57955. data terminal in the world capable of handling ROHAN COMPUTERS LIMITED, 52 Coventry Street, paper up to 28 inches wide. That's a full 264 - Southam, Warwickshire. Tel: (092681) 4045. column printing area. Sprint 5 Wide Track adds an entirely new dimension to the printed word. The best backup in the business. Not only do we make the best printers, but Qume (UK) Limited Tel: (0734) 584646. Telex: 849706. we also provide the best support to back up A British Company of ITT

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PCW 47 ALLTHE PROGRAMS YOU'LL EVER NEED. FOR E2G0:" Say goodbye to the costs and In fact, it's the end of programming frustrations associated with writing software: as you know it. The Last One® will be available very soon. And if, because of the difficulties and More 'comprehensive and advanced costs of buying, writing and customising than anything else in existence, software, you've put off purchasing a The Last One° is a computer program that computer system up to now, you need delay writes computer programs. Programs that no longer. work first time, every time. The Last One' will be available very By asking you questions in genuinely soon from better computer outlets. To place plain English about what you want your your order, take this ad into your local program to do, The Last One® uses those dealer and ask him for further details. Or in answers to generate a totally bug -free case of difficulty, please write to us direct. program in BASIC, ready to put to immediate use. What's more, with The Last you can change or modify your programs as THE IASI ONE° often as you wish. Without effort, fuss or any YOU'LL NEVER NEED BUY ANOTHER PROGRAM. additional cost. So as your requirements D.J. 'AI' Systems Ltd., Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 9BQ. England change, your programs can too. Telephone: 04605-4117. Telex: 46338 ANYTYR G.

48 PCW Now teach 11 the next stage 4,4T4.40~ withyour 4040, micro

The pure mathematics operations analysing, programming and have been mastered, you've played operating models of real life it at chess, business information applications such as traffic control, has been analysed and printed out. heating cycle control, diesel Now for the next stage: the generator and many others. monitoring and control of other Each module comes complete equipment. with manuals suitable for classroom These working applications of the instruction or direct use by the microprocessor function are student. becoming even more important in Modules MIC 951 Automatic Washing Machine £74 full computer courses, and MIC 952 Project Board £65 Feedback's new range of MICA MIC 954 Stepping Motor £99 interfaces and modules provides MIC 955 Temperature Control £132 MIC 957 Traffic Control £66 immediate hands-on experience in MIC 958 Binary Input/Output £106 Diesel Generator and A/D: D/A Board in development. Interfaces MIC 944 PET £71 MIC 945 AIM £45 MIC 946 Apple £55 MIC 947 ABC 80 £107 Interfaces for TRS80 and 380Z in development. Prices exclusive of VAT FEEDBACK Feedback Instruments limited. Park Road, Crowborough. Sussex TN6 2C1R Telephone: (08926) 3322 Telex: 95255.

D.Sel Ue., at or rI am very interested in the Feedback MICA series of interface modules. Please Isend me detailed information. I IMy present microcomputer is I IName I IPosition I

CAM4fN, VA014.10P. 'I :two IOrganisation r-)kTh. 3rN wEVrOW., mounor. I Address I I

Telephone No .1)

See the new MICA 950 series at the National Education and Training Exhibition (NEC 2-4 July).

PCW 49 Guy Kewney, editor of Datalink, presents the latest micro news.

boxing adding up to another then, suddenly, everybody $1000 or so, it doesn't was producing things that `do compare with a disk drive - the same modelling job as especially as the cartridges Visicalc but better.' One of cost $1915 all on their own these which was supposedly Lucas buys (compared with £5 or less better is Micromodeller for a disk). and it has at least outsold And its capacity may be Visicalc, in revenue terms 128 kbytes - about the samein the UK, so it must work. as a disk - but it operates at But since it costs six times as disk speeds, that is, much, it's worth reporting Nascom slowly, unlike the games that the new version of At last, the Nascom future marily at the competitive cartridges which have read- Micromodeller which is avail- is assured. It was once £200 system market. Instead,only -memory chips and there-able for the SuperBrain micro Britain's proudest micro- the company obviously sees fore function as fast as the should be seriously compared computer company; in the Nascom machines as useful computer's own ROM. with the original, Visicalc. year it has spent waiting for in industrial and commercial Intel is well aware of these The supplier, Intelligence a buyer, it has got at least applications. It will probably drawbacks, hence its (UK) Ltd, claims that Micro - a year behind the times and be daunted by the problems emphasis on a promise that modeller has 'proved to be its new owner Lucas Logic of designing something to prices will definitely come just what the micro industry can't be expected to catch match up with the Osborne down. By the third quarter was looking for to persuade up very quickly. So when the 1 or even the Shelton Sig - of this year, the price will senior managers to use new General Manager John Net or the Gemini from Johndrop by 26 percent says Intel,personal computers.' The Deane says, 'I believe Marshall (the guy who startedand a year later will have SuperBrain version is the first Nascom's incorporation in Nascom in the first place) dropped by a further 35 of several that will run on our computer portfolio when they are all available percent. However, these are machines using CP/M as their cements Lucas Logic's posi- and working in the UK. The prices to dealers and you haveoperating system, says the tion at the forefront of this reason for being pessimistic to buy 100 at a time to get company. Details on 01-947 sector of the computer is that there is no such things them. 9846 from Michael Healy businesst' it isn't altogether as an established In other words, feel free or Ashley Ward. clear which sector he's microcomputer company. to buy a system using ROM talking about. The market is changing so cartridges, or using disk, with- For the computer users, fast, the technology is out any fear of having it go the takeover means that moving from one company obsolete on you inside five Exclusive set supplies will continue to flowto another and software is years. Tim Keen must be virtually from the new headquarters inevolving; all these things helpless with laughter as Warwick - until they lose mean that each year a micro he watches his fellow 'sole interest in Nascom and want company survives are essen- distributors' of the Onyx something better. After that, tially years of innovation. Pricey model 16 -bit microsystem perform the signs are that Nascom willBig, established companies Nobody thought of doing an elegant ballet exactly think hard before investing (like Lucas) aren't good at Visicalc until it appeared; along the lines of the one he in a new design aimed pri- that. emerge from the other end in Blowing Bub- the same sequence they went in. It's a bit like watching bles the magnetic pulses pass the The waiting may be over for `read' head of a disk drive, a really useful bubble as the disk spins under it and, memory system, one which not surprisingly, it can be can be plugged into a system used the same way. like a games cartridge but Normally, these bubble which can have its contents chips are sold in their little changed, like a floppy disk. magnetically sealed packages, Intel, the chip -making with their own circuitry to company which first experi- rotate the field inside the The Commodore PET, like many similar microsystems, is mented with bubbles, has at package and store the data clever enough to pretend to be pretty dumb. And one par- last announced a product. in an endless loop. ticularly dumb thing it can do is pretend to be a terminal It's expensive because it's What Intel has done is to connected to an orthodox large computer in an air- still tricky to make bubbles. advance the packaging a bit. conditioned room and pretend well enough to fool the large They are, as specialists will Several bubble boxes and computer. know, microscopic magnetic some control circuitry are put Latest of several products to carry out this deception is circles, areas of magnetism into a little cartridge about from Davidson -Richards, a company which has produced a which show up looking like the size of a fat paperback, little box of electronics to allow the electrical connection to bubbles on microscope be made, either through your own wire or through a modem photographs, and the mag- which can be plugged into a and a bit of British Telecom wire. netised areas can be moved control box about the size of The system is available to support ICL's CO1 and CO2 from one point to the next ina small floppy disk drive. Theprotocols and to emulate the performance of ICL equipment a chain of magnetisable mole-idea is that a system with a with the following model numbers: 7181, 7501, 7502 - and cules. Seen from above the disk drive already fitted can IBM workstations model 3780 and 3270. garnet chip surface, as a have this drive plugged in Interface box plus software for the PET costs just under magnetic field rotates aroundinstead. At a price of $2550 £1000; with a working, disk -based PET and printer, a com- the chip, a long procession offor the 'drive' and one cart- plete work station is around £3000. Details on Derby (0332) bubbles marches in orderly ridge, plus the odd bit of 366803. single file and, of course, extra interface circuitry and

50 PCW NEWSPRINT got involved in around lines), which is better than November last year. many micros give you and And well he might. They better than Osborne gives are now (count them) five now but fewer than Osborne `exclusive' distributors of gives if you count the the Onyx system. `invisible' characters to left, Oh, I suppose it isn't right above and below the kind to laugh too loud and 'window'. I'm sure a reasonable 'solu- And it doesn't have all tion' has been found by now Osborne's free software but it really was fun. First, though it does include CP/M Paul Joyce of Graham as the operating system. Dorian (or is it of Terodec - If LSI Computers had or both?) was told by Doug launched this machine in Broyles, Onyx president that February, it would have made he was the exclusive UK quite a splash. After the importer. That was at Osborne announcement, Compec, when Tim Keen's however, it's hard to grasp company, Keen computers, the tone of self-satisfaction also had Onyx systems for sale with which it confesses that on its stand. The somewhat it had £1 million worth of acrimonious debate which DoI money, followed by the followed ended when it was claim that 'specification and decided that Keen got his price have been carefully through Corvus, an associated geared to researched market company and Paul Joyce got needs.' When was the research his direct from Onyx. So done? both were exclusive. Intel's Plug -a -bubble cassette - see 'Blowing bubbles'. Details on 01-836 2205, After that, the humour of which is LSI's publicity the business faded and the Not because of the strange a new British -built mico- agency number. machine went through a sight of Onyx apparently system, costing just under somewhat thin time. There - speculating over its own £3000. were, in short, problems. As actions but because he had For the money, LSI recently as mid -April, one of just been preparing a press Computers will sell you the Quick quote the dealers (I ain't saying release of his own, M Three and the machine is To quote Steve Jobs of Apple which) could be heard announcing that Onyx not heavily overpriced, in a comment now much confessing that they weren't Distribution Inc and Onyx providing you share its repeated in Silicon Valley selling well. Some say that Distribution Ltd had been makers' pleasure in the where the chips come from: the problems centred on set up to handle the pan - display, the keyboard, and 'We designed Apple II with defects in the power supply, Galactic marketing of the the inclusion of two double - six guys and it's about to which caused the data storageOnyx. Paul himself, he had density disk drives. become the most -installed device, hard disk, to fail in been told by Onyx, was to The company is aiming forcomputer of all time. We unpredictable ways. Certainlybe head of the UK branch buyers with slightly more designed the Apple III with a the diagnosis of what was of this. So he bought him- 'office equipment style' tastescorporation of 1600 and wrong was hard to make and self a ticket for San Jose. than buyers of something it still doesn't work.' I've heard many different There' an agreement was like the SuperBrain but with theories - quite usual when a being formulated at press a keener eye for a bargain power supply problem is at time, along the lines of than buyers of. . . Well, the root of things, since it 'Paul Joyce of Onyx Distri- anything offering two disks, ADA can cause a wide variety of bution is the UK distributor processor and screen for Any computing machine symptoms. Then things start- and the others are also purch-around £4000 upwards (and using the 6502 micro, such as ed picking up; systems startedasers of the original equip- there are several). Apple, Acorn and PET and selling in more than ones and ment and Doug Broyles The question isn't really with an 8 -bit parallel port, twos. didn't know about what how well it compares with can be connected to elec- At that point Doug Steve Gant was doing but SuperBrain, however, but tronic experiments2 Broyles sent his marketing Gant is entitled to appoint how it will compare with the processes, automatic test colleage Steve Gant over to agents and they will get Osborne 1 if and when that equipment, home environ- this country. Gant arrived their staff (officially) througharrives in this country at ment 'or whatever' through a with a couple of pieces of Joyce.' It'll 'save face' or under £1000 with a rather new interface from paper, apparently signed in something. better software performance. Contrology. advance by Broyles, with The real puzzle isn't 'who The M Three keyboard It's described by its maker blank spaces naming exclusiveis the exclusive distributor?' has 109 keys, which is a lot as 'low cost', a claim which distributors. but, rather, 'who would want and, properly programmed, they infuriatingly fail to back Gant, who had previously to have it known that they they could be very up with figures (always a bad poured some scorn on the were the only source?' Some-helpful. The display offers sign) but it does fit in a crate, claims of Paul Joyce (he said, how the myth persists than 1920 characters so don't count on spending 'some people have been goingan importing and service (80 characters on 24 less than £100. around saying that they are firm can wear the word pan -Galactic agents for all 'exclusive' like some kind of of Europe') gave the pieces badge, conferring instant of paper to two new firms, international importance. The Scan Data and Thame. Thamefact that many customers are used to be called Memec probably nervous about and sold equipment. dealing with an 'exclusive' Scan Data had other interests distributor, with no backup if and a PR agency with some it goes under, seems to be of style - the agency announcedlittle importance compared that 'joint exclusive' distribu- with the need to boost the tion rights (whatever that managing director's ego. means) had been awarded to the two companies. This announcement Cheap or appeared on a press release with Onyx's San Jose address and phone number. costly It included the somewhat Just how one measures 'user odd suggestion that the satisfaction per £' is some- appointment 'must thing the UK micro user will inevitably give rise to some have to evaluate carefully. On speculation over the future the face of it, this new com- of other companies who had modity either comes pretty franchises! The release struck pricey, or you can get an LSI's M3 - see 'Cheap or costly?' Paul Joyce as odd, too. awful lot of it wrapped up in

PCW 51 ....Computing for everyone

Nascom products, designed and built in Britain, are now backed by Lucas one of Britain's foremost industrial companies. This is a vindication of the innovative design of the Nascom computer and an assurance of its future.


12"x 8" PCB carrying 5L SI MOS packages.161K MOS memory packages and 33 TTL packages. There is on board interface for UHF or unmodulated video and cassette or teletype. The 4K memory block is assigned to the operating system, video display and EPROM option socket, leaving a 1K The Nascom IMP (Impact Matrix Printer) features: user RAM complete with keyboard. 60 lines per minute 80 characters per line Bi-directional printing 10 line print buffer Automatic CR/LF 96 characters ASCII set (includes upper/lower case, S, £) Accepts 81/4" paper (pressure feed) NASCOM 2 40 Accepts 9'/2" paper (tractor feed)* Tractor/pressure feed Baud rate from 110 to 9600 External signal for optional synchronisation of baud rate Serial RS232 interface. f325 VAT NASCOM FIRMWARE CPU card can accommodate either 8K of static memory or 8 2708 EPROMS. This allows for inclusion of standard firmware on board. ASSEMBLER Version 2.0 of ZEAP (Z80 Editor Assembler Package) offers in 4K features found normally only in far larger programs. A comprehensive line editor is provided in addition to an assembler operating in standard Z80 mnemonics. Direct assembly to memory allows immediate program execution. ZEAP can take advantage of special features of NAS-SYS, which was itself developed on this assembler. 111.Airille Supplied on tape at £30.00 plus VAT or in 4 x 2708 EPROMS at 11/ir or op op et fe" eqi a le am al gm allorwrimi £50.00 plus VAT. zzal DISASSEMBLER The NAS-DIS 3K disassembler reverses the effect cf assemblers such as ZEAP by turning machine code into assembler program, automatically labelling and cross-referencing to produce a complete program listing, saving hours of tedious hand disassembly Kit includes all parts to build CPU board which has resident 8K microsoft when program analysis is required. Supplied in 3 x 2708 EPROMs at BASIC and 2K NAS-SYS 1 monitor for machine code programming. £37.50 plus VAT. Included with kit is a fully assembled LICON QWERTY SOLID STATE DIAGNOSTIC PACKAGE NAS-DEBUG is a 1K addition to NAS-DIS KEYBOARD specially designed to exploit the potential of the NAS-SYS which provides remarkable facilities for error elimination, including a full monitor. Other interfaces include video to monitor or domestic TV, Kansas register display which may be edited by the cursor. An unusual feature is City standard cassette interface (300/1200 baud) or RS232/20mA the provision for examination of the program in assembler as the machine teletype interface. single -steps through it. A second video page may be assigned to allow In addition to full character generator graphics ROM is provided to give work on programs which use the screen. A very powerful assembler - BASIC on board graphics capability. based system for program development could be realised on a System uses Z80A which gives selectability between 2 or 4 MHz. NASCOM-2 with appropriate external memory by fining the 8 ROMs containing ZEAP, NAS-DIS and NAS-DEBUG into the sockets on the Nascom 2 Kit Price f225 VAT computer board. This system would function immediately on switching Power supply -3 amp. Suitable for powering of basic Nascom 1or 2 and on, without needing programs to be loaded from tape. Supplied in a 2708 memory expansion. EPROM at £15.00 plus VAT and must be operated with NAS-DIS. £32.50 VAT NAS-SYS 3. THE NEW OPERATING SYSTEM FOR NASCOM 2. Supplied in 1 x2716 EPROM RAM BOARD NAS-SYS 3 is the latest in the current series of Nascom monitors and includes features such as adjustable keyboard repeat and cursor speed, SERIES B ramboardlgives user option of 16K DYNAMIC RAM. full interrupt handling and a number of powerful routines and commands This board can be arranged in page mode to allow use of up to 4 making this probably the most comprehensive 2K monitor ever written for with NASCOM 2. Boards are fully buffered but PAGE MODE facility is an a microcomputer. £40.00 plus VAT. optional extra. This card can be used at 4MHz without wait state. TO BE INTRODUCED Price 16K fl 20 + VAT Programmable graphics colour board TBA Twin floppy disk unit, double sided, double density with NASDOS or CPM 2.2 TBA WATCH IT!! Lucas Logic Ar Nascom products fully assembled and packaged in the near future! Please send SAE for list of distributors. Nascom Microcomputers Division of Lucas Logic Limited Welton Road Wedgnock Industrial Estate Warwick CV34 5PZ Tel: 0926 497733 Telex: 312333

52 PCW NEWSPRINT who really do want to have system? Still, in a business four to seven people doing where guesses are usually the much the same sort of things best you can hope for, these on much the same sort of figures will be eagerly seized data simultaneously and whoon by many (like Nascom's really don't just want four tonew owners, I dare say) who seven separate computers. are blundering around in the Jarogate is on 01-670 3674. fog. Get it from 23 City Road, London EC1Y Micro market Figures on just how big Insure your the UK micro market is, may be and will one day become, are hard to find; a £25 good micro guess is available from Nobody on this paper would Keynote Publications. It pretend to know a good describes the area it covers insurance policy from a bad as one 'which has been little one but since Stewart Wright- affected by the recession,' son broking group has which must be the under- bothered to put together a Probably you've admired the amount o f aluminium girder and statement of the year. It sur- special package for computer sheet metal inside most multi -board microsystems, necessary veys 11 manufacturers over users providing cover for to hold each board in steady contact with the 100 -pin sockets three years, showing the people with systems costing under it. The less girder, the cheaper; the Eurocard frame difference between booming less than £5000 (another should work out cheaper on that basis. Actually, it doesn't turnover and narrow profits, policy covers machinery because it uses much better contacts; this set of boards is to and suggests that 115,000 worth more than £5000), it the new Eurocard DIN41494specification, and allows you towill be installed in the UK seems only polite to tell you build a system using Texas Instruments'990 by the end of the year. I about it. It is supposed to microsystem. It'swould have put that figure onbe marketed by the guy who from BA Electronics in Bristol: details on0454 315824. the number sold at the begin-sells you the system and he The Base unit is a plan to present a paper to theing of the year but maybe must provide (or arrange) a Eurocard box taking up to next meeting should send an Keynote is talking about the regular maintenance service four add-on cards. These can abstract to the organiser, more expensive disk -based under contract. That done, be either the 6151 unit, Cornelia Boldyreff. She's which drives relays capable of apparently most keen to have switching 5 A of mains people talk about the use of voltage (eight of them) or Pascal and the p -system in a the analogue -to -digital and commercial application. And back converter card, the if you have a commercial 6152. Details in East product of your own, hard- Kilbride from W I Macfarlane ware or software, they would on 035 52 77153. like to see it demonstrated at the meeting. Details from Maclolm Harper, secretary of Find your the group, at Oxford Univer- sity Computing Laboratory. The address is at the Program- roots ming Research Group, 45 The nicest thing about family Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 trees, I've always thought, 6PE. Abstracts to Cornelia was the beautifully -scribed at the Micro Software Unit caligraphy with all the names of the SWURCC, University in their right place, linked by of Bath, BA2 7AY. lines showing blood relations. Nothing, however could be more frustrating than drawing one of these and then finding All together that it wasn't quite right. A program to get it all right, now to calculate which way the third cousin four times Last year I met my first removed links work and also big multi -micro system: to work out anniversaires, between two and 100 costs $125. It's called users all working on the same Roots, from Commsoft in information but all having a Palo Alto, California micro to themselves. A CA94306; it runs on CP/M company called Jarogate in machines or on Heath Hdos. London (West Norwood) has Phone (415) 493 2184. now appeared with a new Drawing pictures like this on a computer screen is a risky multi-user system. business for an amateur - it could easily end up with the Jarogate is following the screen burning itself out. lead set by Digital Research, The pictures are a 3D plot of the man -powered aircraft Pascal party the American software house (Gossamer Condor) which flew the English Channel, drawn Programmers who are proud which has led us from CP/M and manipulated by a large and (relatively) expensive of something they have (four users, but not at the Hewlett-Packard HP1000 minicomputer by a large and written in the up-and-coming same time) to MP/M (two or (relatively) expensive Hewlett-Packard HP1000 language Pascal can show off more users, cursing each minicomputer with a special screen. Keen -eyed readers will a bit in front of their peers. other up and down for note that the lines are not plotted on a standard TV screen Apparently, a group of fouling up the system) and (where a regularlyscanningline flickers into brilliance when programmers who specialise finally CP/Net and its niece it crosses a line in the picture) but are actually drawn in using the version of Pascal or nephew, CP/NOS. directly, with the computer directing the electron beam. from the University of The Jarogate system looksNow there is nothing to say that a clever experimenter could California at San Diego like a standard Cromemco not stick some circuitry into a normal TV screen control (UCSD) got together and had system with a modern high - to give him software direction of that beam - but could he a great time in Bristol at the capacity hard disk storage give fail-safe control? Would he guarantee that if a software end of January. They just system, with an extra box thebug arose in the user's program, the beam would not jam in couldn't wait to get together same size on top to contain one position? Because if it did for more than a couple of again, so they have arranged afrom four to seven extra seconds, the screen would explode from the excessive local second meeting, in London, processor/memory boards. heating. . . better stick to normal raster -screen graphics for on 11-12 September. At £10,000 it should be the time being. Users of UCSD Pascal who able to satisfy those people

PCW 53 NEWSPRINT bit is the collection of moneybenevolent twinkle behind from people who buy it. which he hides a marvellous I found it more confusing investigative brain. than exciting from the Had the announcement description: 'it is designed reached me in time to give to provide full electronic you warning I would office facilities in one certainly have done so, even program'. It is an 'everything'though the lecture is part of program, in fact, handling a £80 series of lectures at the word processing, communica-London Regional tions over the phone Management Centre. The network, accounting and original TV series which Dr stock control - you name it Chris Evans himself made to and it's there. So the programgo with his book, is also is very long. How well it available now - on video works only a trial will tell. cassette - for £39.95. Details on 0272 314278. Distributor is EnterVision, All I can say for sure is that ittel 01-353 0186. won't run on any smaller PET than the 8096, but it certainly sounds ambitious. Reading Mighty lessons The Personal Computer Palace is a shop. It is a shop cassette worth mentioning because it Memorial lectures are osten- aims to be the kind of shop sibly designed to make sure `where people can walk in we never forget the person and play with computers to whose name they are given. their hearts' content.' The It doesn't take long, however,computers are Apple and before time seals over the Video Genie; other stock gap in our minds left by the includes chess games, educa- person whose memorial it is tional games, software books and we concentrate more on and magazines. It's at 6 the person who gives the Castle Street Reading, phone lecture. 0734 589249 - just follow Two years after Chris the hordes of truanting Evans' death, the second schoolkids (and see Chris Evans Memorial LectureComputerTown News - Ed). has attracted the wise old man from The Guardian, Peter Large, who will talk Monopoly Any time you feel tempted to pour scorn on the idea that about computer technology pocket computers will catch on, examine the Termipet and printing (`The Times, and think again. On the face of it, it is a terminal to the they are a changin'), a magic PET which does nothing other than feed data into the lecture I wish I could have I worry about 'efficient' computer without disturbing whoever is sitting at the main told you about before it estate agent software. Last keyboard. And at £795, it costs more than some basic PETs happened. Large is one of thetime I was buying a house, I by themselves. gems of the computer - noticed a strange thing - no The thing is, apparently, selling nonetheless, the reason watching business, being that matter how carefully I descri- being that it is battery operated and portable. It only has 23 rare beast, an older man, bed the type of house I keys, to allow it to collect numbers from a shop display area, sporting grey whiskers and a wanted, the agent homed or stock area, or whatever and it plugs into the PET later and sends the numbers into the machine. The software was developed for the Termipet maker, MSI, by PET dealer Mektronic. Details from MSI on 0628 33121. it covers breakage and loss incurred by down -time and Number game the cost of recovering lost You will have noticed that data. Details on (0533) the PET started off with a 21875. number out of a science fiction film - 2001 - on its box and since then the Deaf aid numbers have been changing. It turns out that you can Actually, they have started see sounds just as well as having meanings. The 3032 you can hear them. A group of researchers in Cambridge had meaning in the last two have put together a video digits (signifying the maxi- 'game' which replaces the mum internal memory) and normal process of listening tothe 8032 even gives you a your own voice to see if the clue as to the number of accent is going to please characters per line as well - Mummy, with the analogous 80. Resist, at all costs, the temptation to look angrily at that process of looking at the So the 8096, which was expensive electric typewriter in your office and say 'I can acoustic wave -form and expected to arrive at the recover the vast amount of money spent on that by conver- matching the one from your PET Show, should have 96 ting it into a computer printer, which is what I wanted spoken words with the one kbytes of memory inside it really.' The cost of converting it starts with the cost of a shown on the screen. It and it does. It needs it, plug -on set of actuators, continues with the fact that some works, apparently, even if say programmers, to be able such kits actually cover the keys, so you can't type any you're entirely deaf. The to run new software such as more and doesn't even end with the problem that no electric result is that deaf children, Silicon Office. Silicon typewriter was ever designed to take the battering of who usually end up speak- Office is (I quote from its continuous use and will shake itself to pieces in months. producer, the inordinately The last straw must be the need to buy this little 'feeder' ing in a very rough approxi- modest Bristol Software which feeds the paper into the platen, stopping the weight mation to the sounds made Factory) 'undoubtedly the of continuous stationery from pulling unevenly and slipping by those who can hear most exciting microcomputeron one side. It costs a mere $150 from San Mateo company themselves, can adjust program to be released this McAnn at PO Box 3173, CA 94403, USA, phone (415) their voices to become year.' 349 1229. perfectly intelligible. I suppose the 'exciting'

54 PCW NEWSPRINT directly in on the price of does require a 10 megabyte house I could afford. I could hard disk, and the whole get round that by knowing package is costly, at £9,000 the area I was moving into including a good printer and and asking if there were any all software. Details on 01- houses in that street and 920 0315. (inevitably) ended up with a house which was bigger than originally planned but actual- Do I ly cost less. From the agent's point of view, however, Broadside something like Monopoly, a There is absolutely no earthly program from Business way that government depart- Simulations, must look like a ments can support British winner - it matches houses microcomputers by insisting and also helps in estate that only British micros are mangement. And anybody used in their offices. Like it who has the chutzpah to call or not, it is stuck with the a property management pro- fact that certain American gram Monopoly is going to machines, like the Apple, are get a mention here just for standards in themselves. cheek. Details on 0892 Where British 86 3105. It runs on Alpha manufacturers feel that the Micro system. Department of Industry has gone too far is in excluding perfectly good British micros which it already has several Tandy speech copies of scattered around There is a software company With Apples selling in the UK at 1 700 per month (and rising) the country. David Broad in California which likes the the market has reached the point where it becomes worth it builds a microsystem called Tandy speech synthesiser but for UK manufacturers to make Things To Go Inside. Like the Communicator which is doesn't think much of the cheaper add-on memory, for instance. Cheaper add-on now virtually debugged and software Tandy has provided memory is the first product from U -Microcomputers, in the several of which he has sold for making it talk. So it has form of a 16 kbyte card costing £130 (£99 in kit form). This to Government departments set up as BAYSIK SPEECH, will be 'the first of a range of UK manufacture accessories'. and local authorities. selling 5.5 kbytes of machine It's available through Apple dealers, and details are on 0925 Suddenly, this machine is 'not code which adds a much 54117. approved' by the DoI. smoother control program Neither are several other to the machine. In a game of dungeons, Details from the UK agent,machines which are known to With SAYIT, the voice this causes some confusion Datormark, on Weybridge be reliable, widely available, synthesiser is programmed for other players, since a (0932)44896. and widely used. using English letters. In room which they visited One can sympathise with many cases, normal English previously and did certain the Dol in principle: the spelling will be pronounced things quite safely, may idea of having a few, easily correctly but when this suddenly be full of dangers. Card identified machines approved causes strange pronunciation, For a teacher, it means means that servicing them is `soundspelling' is used to that you aren't stuck with collection a problem of known dimen- force correct speech - for wrong 'wrong answers' The beauty of the 5100 sions. You only have to train instance Basic sounds better (or 'right answers') for system of computer cards is your engineers to cover the spelled BAYSIK. Contrast ever. The software can be that you don't have to buy ones in the list and you can this with the coding needed grown onto new disks, too, someone else's design; you buy software in bulk. But, using the Radio Shack using the Gardener package, can go through the cata- of course, it doesn't work (Tandy) software: so that you can set up logues, picking a processor quite like that. For a start, "B"+CHR$(94)+"S K". new networks using the card here, a memory card it's easier to guarantee that Details from Suite 289, operating software available there, an I/O card, a speech CP/M software will run on a 1259 El Camino Real, on the master disk. synthesiser and so on and given CP/M machine than Menlo Park, CA 94025. Its potential, Mike told so on. You put them all PET software will run on a me, is immense, and I'm together, and they turn out given PET. sure he's right, but I wish to run at different speeds, to David Broad takes the Gurrow he could get a better deal use line 27 for different pur- diplomatic stance of saying Just because I don't buy with Computer Systems poses and to screw themselve: that it's all his fault (and much software shouldn't Design Group of 3632 up solid. This explains why that of his fellow British be taken as an uncondi- Governor Drive, San Diego Sintrom has produced a box manufacturers) for being 'too tional guarantee that, when CA 912122, (415)856 and a series of Periflex 2 low profile.' It's nice of him I do pay money for code, the 1954, because I rather cards to go inside. Details to be tactful and it may do code is terrific. I did buy resent the £40. on (0734) 85464, to estab- him some good, too, but GROW and the code is pretty lish that they are all com- it isn't altogether the truth good; however the documen- patible with each other. to blame 'low profile tation is as lousy as all other marketing' for the fact that micro software in this Big Swede the DoI's Central Computing category. For $35 (£40 Swedish users have bought and Telecommunications in this country through nearly as many ABC 80 Telex link -up Authority deliberately adver- Mike Gurr) what do you get? micros from Sattco as the People with good word tised on a minuscule scale A knowledge network British have bought Nascoms processing software are nor- and with a misleading turn of links various 'answers' and - and the Sattco machine is mally forced to return to phrase, with what I know, allows decisions to be built much more expensive, so the Stone Age every time from inside sources, to in. Two good examples are clearly it has something. they use the British Telecom have been the overt intention a computer -aided instruction Sattco has accordingly Telex network, with no of not attracting too many sequence and a fantasy game. followed it up with a big control over the input, so a people. The work of sorting Grow does both, quite brother - the ABC800 - software package to link the them out, you know - well. It comes on a disk, for with a higher class display, two should have powerful quite frightful. Apple or North Star Horizon. the option of a full colour appeal. Broad's group aims to You start by going into display and a high resolution The Word Magic package `widen the Computer in various 'rooms' and obeying (240 by 240 dots) display forhas now been linked to Schools scheme and to instructions there, like graphics. It also has a bigger Telex by Small Information extend it to many parallel learning a lesson, or walking Basic interpreter and can be Systems Company and to theapplication fields that will through a dungeon master's expanded beyond the normal mix, SISC has added a be vital in the regeneration of maze. Grow, however, allows restriction of 64 kbytes of computer monitoring feature:economic activity.' He also you to EXTEND each room. memory of the Z80 micro. the machine will, if it has thinks that as well as a You can have new questions, The company promises that enough data storage, send computer in every school, new answers, new calcula- all software from the old and receive telexes after we should be aiming for tions of response, as you see machine will run on the hours with nobody in a computer in every business. fit. new. attendance. To do this, it PCW 55 You'reneveralone withaCommodore PET If you buy just any make of microcomputer you But how can Commodore offer so much? Well, could find yourself on your own. And that's serious. we've been in the high technology business for over 20 Because without first class software and support, all years, whereas many of our competitors have just you're left with is a box of wires. started out. We even manufacture the silicon chips for On the other hand, when you buy Europe's No.1 other microcomputers. This enables us to keep our microcomputer, the Commodore PET, you have costs to you down, so you can buy a self-contained access to the largest and finest range of software in the PET for £450, or a complete business system from as UK today; the most experienced dealer network; 24 little as £2,000 (+ VAT). hour field maintenance service; plus our very own Of course, you could buy a box of wires for about training courses and user's club - all to ensure that you the same price. But all you'll get from our dealers is get the best from your system. sympathy. LONDON AREA S.M.G. Microcomputers, Computer Services Midlands NORTH EAST Jeffrey Martin Computer Services MANCHESTER AREA Adda Computers Ltd, GRAVESEND, 55813 Ltd, BIRMINGHAM, 382 4171 Currie & Maughan, Ltd, NEWQUAY, 2863 Byte Shop Computerland, W13, 01-579 5845 South East Computers, Marchant Business Systems Ltd, GATESHEAD, 774540 Devon Computers, MANCHESTER, 236 4737 Advanced Management Systems, HASTINGS, 426844 BIRMINGHAM, 706 8232 Elfton Ltd PA IGNTON, 526303 Computastore Limited, EC2, 01-638 9319 Bramwell Data Services Ltd, Micro Associates, HARTLEPOOL, 61770 A.C. Systems, MANCHESTER, 832 4761 C.S.S. (Business Equipment) HATFIELD, 60980 BIRMINGHAM, 328 4574 Dyson PLYMOUTH, 260861 Cytek (UK) Ltd, Ltd, E8, 01-254 9293 Alpha Business Systems, Peach Data Services Ltd, r u6nON2Oa2 J.A.D. Integrated Services, MANCHESTER, 872 4682 Fiddes Marketing Ltd, Centralex- London Ltd, HERTFORD, 57425 BURTON -ON -TRENT, 44968 PLYMOUTH, 62616 Executive Reprographic Ltd, SE13, 01-3184213 Commonsense Business Systems NEWCASTLE, 815157 Business Electronics, MANCHESTER, 228 1637 Jondane Associates Ltd, Format Micro Centre, Computer Sales & Software Ltd, HIGH WYCOMBE, 40116 SOUTHAMPTON, 738248 Professional Computer Services COVENTRY, 664400 NEWCASTLE 21093 Centre Ltd, Kingsley Computers Ltd, Davidson -Richards Ltd, Computer Supplies (Swansea), Ltd, OLDHAM, 061-624 4065 ILFORD, 01-554 3344 HIGH WYCOMBE, 27342 Intex Data log Ltd, DERBY, 366803 STOCKTON-ON-TEES, 781193 SWANSEA, 290047 Cream Computer Shop, Brent Computer Systems, Allen Computers, HARROW, 01-863 0833 KINGS LANGLEY, 65056 NORTH WEST & SCOTLAND GRIMSBY, 40568 S. WALES & Da Vinci Computer Shop, Computopia Ltd, WEST COUNTRY N. WALES Gate Microsystems Ltd, EDGWARE, 01-952 0526 LEIGHTON BUZZARD, 376600 Caddis Computer Systems Ltd, DUNDEE, 28194 HINCKLEY, 613544 Radan Computational Ltd, B & B (Computers) Ltd, Holdene Microsystems Ltd, Henderson Bennett, South East Computers Ltd, BATH, 318483 BOLTON, 26644 SE25, 01-654 5609 MAIDSTONE, 681263 Machsize Ltd, EDINBURGH, 668 2727 LEAMINGTON SPA, 312542 C.S.S. (Bristol) Ltd, Tharstern Ltd, Gate Microsystems Ltd, Home and Business Computers, J.R. Ward Computers Ltd, BRISTOL, 779452 Arden Data Processing, BURNLEY, 38481 GLASGOW, 221 9372 E12, 01-472 5107 MILTON KEYNES, 562850 T & V Johnson (Microcomputers LEICESTER, 22255 Megapalm Ltd, Robox Ltd, GLASGOW, 8413 L &J Computers, Sum lock Bonda in (East Anglia) Etc) Ltd, BRISTOL, 422061 CARNFORTH, 3801 NW9, 01-204 7525 Ltd, NORWICH, 26259 Roger Clark Business Systems Thistle Computers (Macmicro), Sumlock Tabdown Ltd, Catlands Information Systems INVERNESS, 712774 Logic Box Ltd, T & V Johnson (Microcomputers Ltd, LEICESTER, 20455 BRISTOL, 276685 Ltd, CHESTER, 46327 SW1, 01-2221122 Etc) Ltd, OXFORD, 721461 Lowe Electronics, Ayrshire Office Computers, Sigma Systems Ltd, Catlands Information Systems KILMARNOCK, 42972 Merchant Systems Ltd, C.S.E. (Computers), MATLOCK, 2817 CARDIFF, 34869 Ltd, WILMSLOW, 527166 EC4, 01-353 1464 READING, 61492 A.J.R. Office Equipment Services Thistle Computers, Reeves Computers Ltd, KIRKWALL, 3140 Micro Computer Centre, Slough Microshop, Ltd, NOTTINGHAM, 206647 CARMARTHEN, 32441 LIVERPOOL SW14, 01-878 7044 SLOUGH, 72470 Betos (Systems) Ltd, A.C. Systems, Aughton Microsystems Ltd, Micro -Facilities Ltd, Business Electronics, NOTTINGHAM, 48108 EXETER, 71718 LIVERPOOL, 548 7788 HAMPTON HILL, 01-979 4546 N. IRELAND SOUTHAMPTON, 738248 PEG Associates (Computer Milequip Ltd, Stack Computer Services Ltd, N. Ireland Computer Centre, Sumlock Bondain Ltd, H.S.V. Ltd, Systems Ltd), RUGBY, 65756 GLOUCESTER, 411010 LIVERPOOL, 933 5511 HOLLYWOOD, 6548 EC1, 01-250 0505 SOUTHAMPTON, 22131 Walters Computer Systems Ltd, r-- Sumlock Bondain Ltd, Super -Vision, ------STOURBRIDGE, 70811 EC4, 01-626 0487 For further information about Commodore services SOUTHAMPTON, 774023 System Micros Ltd, and products, contact your local dealer, or send off 10PC2 Symtec Systems Ltd, TELFORD, 460214 SOUTHAMPTON, 38868 this coupon to obtain our free literature pack. HOME COUNTIES Stuart R Dean Ltd, To: Commodore Information Services, Millhouse Designs Ltd, SOUTHEND-ON-SEA, 62707 818 Leigh Road, Slough, Berks. SLI 4BD ALTON, 84517 The Computer Room, YORK & H.S.V. Ltd, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, 41644 N. HUMBERSIDE Name BASINGSTOKE, 62444 Orchard Computer Services, Ackroyd Typewriter & Adding MMS Ltd, WALLINGFORD, 35529 Machine Co. Ltd, Position BEDFORD, 40601 Photo Acoustics Ltd, BRADFORD, 31835 11111131:3111111 D.D.M. Direct Data Marketing WATFORD, 40698 Address Ltd, BRENTWOOD, 214168 Microchips, Microprocessor Services, Amplicon Micro Systems Ltd, WINCHESTER 68085 HULL, 23146 BRIGHTON, 562163 P.P.M. Ltd, Holdene Ltd, LEEDS, 459459 T & VJohnson (Microcomputers WOKING, 80111 South Midlands Communications Etc) Ltd, CAMBERLEY, 20446 Petalect Electronic Services Ltd, LEEDS, 782326 Intended application Cambridge Computer Store, Ltd, WOKING, 69032 Yorkshire Electronics Services CAMBRIDGE, 65334 Oxford Computer Systems, Ltd, MORLEY, 522181 Wego Computers Ltd, WOODSTOCK, 812838 Computer Centre (Sheffield) Ltd, CATERHAM, 49235 SHEFFIELD, 53519 Dataview Ltd, MIDLANDS & Hallam Computer Systems, COLCHESTER, 78811 S. HUMBERSIDE SHEFFIELD, 663125 Amplicon Micro Systems Ltd, C.B.S. Consultants, Holbrook Business Systems Ltd, az commodore CRAWLEY, 26493 BIRMINGHAM, 772 8181 SHEFFIELD, 484466 This list covers dealers participating in our adverusing. NEWSPRINT Cashing in Apple printers By now the cash register A printer costing £300 for business will have noticed the Apple has been released that people don't want to by Micro Peripherals of spend a lot of money on a Basingstoke as one of three cash register but are new printers with a price prepared to fork out quite appeal. The MX 70 gives a bit more on a cheap 80 -column print and can computer. It must annoy copy the Apple's high them. One cash register resolution display dot pattern; maker has decided to cash in the MX 100 costs £600 but on this by selling a gives 136 characters per line cheapish (£3500) micro - and is faster, while the MX system with floppy disk 85 will copy any video screen and video display, which is and the price is obviously also a cash register. In too frightening to publish, addition, the firm (Anker because Micro Peripherals Data Systems) has designed has kept it to itself. It will its new machine so that it send print samples for each can control several of its printer but it seems clear that older models and it the one thing these matrix can work in betting shops as printers can't do is imitate well as supermarkets. After the intensity variances of all, it is a computer. Details the graphics screen. Few on 01-947 1378. printers do. Details on (0256)56468.

People don't often cause a stir in this column unless they've just become bankrupt, or been appointed nineteenth ex- clusive nervous breakdown to a Japanese anti-trust micro company, but the bespectacled face of Steve Feldman is one which deserves a little flash. He has joined Alan Wood, one of the more influential movers in the micro business, at Wood's company Digitus. And he is setting himself up as an expert -to -be on networking systems. He is an old hack in the computing business, having been around for 20 years, and what makes him special isn't his expert knowledge of networks (he readily admits that, so far, he has little), nor the fact that I've asked him to write a regular column for my other paper (Datalink), but his enthusiastic abandonment of the doldrums of old-fashioned computer -room activity for the buzz of the micro world. He has actually done a lot of micro work for his old company, Data Logic, but my honest opinion is that it was all done with the old mainframe/mini hat on. Now he's getting into the retail end of the business and there's an object lesson there for other old hacks, if they care to watch. Incidentally, he was one of the founders of that ultra - respectable old-world software house Logica, so his departure These fascinating pictures can be drawn on the Apple II from orthodox practices isn't due to ignorance or under- screen, using its high resolution graphics and quite a bit of achievement. Just recognition of where the wind blows. sweat. However, getting them onto paper isn't too easy unless the video course and the bit you have the right printer -hence Stack Computer Services' Tepid grovel of the publicity which decision to produce a new circuit card, costing £140. suggests (as I did) that using In normal use it behaves as a standard printer controller Trying not to feel too guilty a computer was essential (Centronics interface) but it also has software built in to about a tepid welcome I gave didn't get to my desk. interpret and print the contents of Apple's two high-res to a Guild Sound and Vision That's the excuse; I'm graphics screens on 'most of the popular matrix printers'. training package on video pleased to say that GS&V Additional commands allow the user to scale the output, put ittape, I think I'm going to has politely put me right and to the left, or the right, or the centre of the paper, or to invertmake myself a small excuse. insists that the course needs the image. Details on 051-933 5511. It has no computer as part ofa computer.

13YIED raci4ARr6


PCW 57 YANKEE DOODLES Tom Williams reports on the American side of the microscene

Ten megabytes on a single will allow anyone to set up which accepts it in serial anybody to have any success side of an 8in floppy disk are miniature Videotex system. form and puts it in its host's at it, hence the initial certainly going to make a Minimally, a 64k TRS-80 memory via DMA. decision of Xerox, Intel and name for Iomega Corporation, Model II can be used with a At present, Omninet can DEC to collaborate on 4646 South 1500W, Ogden, modem/multiplexer that willbe readily used with Apple Ethernet-- a standard which Utah 84403. Such an im- handle up to 16 phone lines Its in conjunction with has yet to become fully probable storage capacity on simultaneously. The softwareCorvus' Constellation hard defined. On the other side, a floppy is made possible by allows pages of information disk system. The Constella- however, the need for local two techniques: an improved to be stored on disk as in thetion is a system that lets networks was so great that high -density oxide formula Prestel system and will handlevarious computers share the people simply couldn't wait by 3M Company and a crafty user requests for presentationresources of a hard disk. Con-for a standard to be method of making the of pages. stellation software arbitrates hammered out in dreary com- flexible disk rigid while it is For convenient data base requests for disk access, mittees. Thus we see an in- spinning, thus enabling the updating, another TRS-80 maintains files and the like. creasing number of head to be positioned very Model II can be used to What the Omninet does is companies going ahead and close to the disk surface. The collect data from Informationallow a large number of implementing their own local head never contacts the disk Providers and to quickly up- machines to share a single network schemes which may as in normal floppy systems. date the other computer line. The difference between be specific to that implemen- The Alpha 10 disk sub- without disturbing the users. Omninet and a local network tation on one level, but system accepts floppy disks The addition of a software - like Nestar's is that there is which are looking forward to contained in cartridges. controlled switch, called the no network master, so that if a future general standard in When a cartridge is inserted Network Three, allows one machine goes down the which all can participate. into the drive, a door in its additional database com- others are unaffected. Thus, Zilog is not only end is pushed back and puters to be added to the This also means that there implementing Z -Net and opened and the disk is system - each serving up to is a great deal of software to trying to make all future positioned on the drive 16 simultaneous calls - be written in order to utilise products compatible with spindle. Above the disk is a which can also be serviced all the possible ways the Ethernet, it is providing in- metal plate with a slot in it by the same update computer.transporters could be put formation on its own hard- through which the read/write Local networks are also together; the Constellation ware and software products head has access to the disk. proliferating these days. The scheme is only one possible to other manufacturers who As the disk spins, it tends to Nestar Cluster/One is well configuration. Corvus has saidwish to make such things as force itself against the plate. known, as are the higher -end it will be quite willing to computers and printers easily This is counteracted by air networks such as Z -Net and supply serious software usable on Z -Net. That way drawn through the drive Ethernet. But a relatively authors with the necessary everybody wins. The spindle and out between low-cost local network information to write systems products are sold to Z -Net disk and plate. The head it- scheme which will allow up programs to use Omninet. users and Z -Net gains in self is contoured so that the to 64 small computers of Future addition to the acceptance. And, more constant airflow caused by different types to be placed Omninet will consist of importantly, the broader the rotational speed assures a on the same net has just beenperipheral 'servers' - intelli- future goal of full Ethernet stable head -to -disk flying announced by Corvus gent interfaces using Trans- compatibility is not excluded, height. The rotational speed Systems, 2029 O'Toole Ave, porters and allowing the Net even if that means compa- is 1500rpm, or half that of a San Jose, California 95131. to share expensive equipmenttibility upward through Winchester disk. The air flow Called the Omninet, the net- such as printers and hard special gateway devices. We also works against contami- work uses a single twisted disks. Corvus will also make can have networking now and nation because the flow pair of shielded cables which 'gateways' to other networks,Ethernet later and yet not tends to carry particles can be up to 4000ft long both other Omninets and give up valuable hardware and around the head rather than and transmit data at a rate ofother types of network such software investments. directly over it. The people atone megabaud. as Ethernet. Preserving those invest- 'omega say they have The key to the Corvus All this brings to mind thements is becoming a watch- repeatedly blown smoke into Omninet is the interface cardsubject of standards and word among the more respon- a running drive with no ill called the Transporter. synergy. There was a time sible manufacturers. They effects. Different Transporters are when companies were a great take a go -slow -but -sure Disks are preformatted being developed to fit into deal more paranoid about approach and are no longer with embedded servo infor- the bus of a large number of maintaining absolute control bedazzled by the latest tech- mation. Formatting consists popular computers, among over the products of their nological widgets. If a new of 306 tracks of 70 sectors them Apple II, S100, TRS-80,own brainpower than many product means the customer each. Each sector, however, Zenith, DEC LSI-11, Altos today seem to be. The classic is going to have to scrap years contains two 256 -byte data and more. The Transporters example, of course, is IBM, of investment in program- fields so that the controller differ only in that part of thewho spends untold millions ming, the chances are he will can be told to act on logical circuitry which interfaces trying to make it impossible not be interested in the new sectors of either 256 or 512 them to a given bus scheme. to use any equipment with goodie. Altos Computers, bytes. On the side facing the IBM machines than that made2360 Bering Dr, San Jose, network bus (that simple and blessed by 'Big Blue' CA 85131 has noticed that twisted pair), they are iden- herself. its customers are quite willing 'Radio Shack tical. That part of the card to wait for new develop- consists of a 6801 micro- ments because Altos has seems to have computer with on -chip ROM ' This businessinstilled in them the con- and a custom gate array chip. fidence that when the new This part of the circuit takes product does arrive, it will be done it commands from the host of networkingbackward compatible with all CPU, telling it which part of the things that the customer host memory to send data ...demands is already using. Of such again ..." from and to which of the things are great fortunes other computers on the net made. On the networking front, to send it. The transfer is a compatibility.. Radio Shack seems to have DMA out of the host's done it again. It has announ- memory and that data is sent This business of net- ced a number of hardware in serial form along the line working, however, demands and software products that to the other Transporter, compatibility in order for

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PCW 59 Xitan South Coast Leaders in Microcomputer Support Application and Service

Xitan - First for Business & Xitan - First in Science and Xitan - First in Industry Commercial Systems Research Xitan's depth in microcomputer Xitan's specialised Administrative and Xitan support the more personalised experience is playing an increasing role Operational Microcomputer Systems requirements of the scientific and in the rapidly developing industrial provide cost effective computer support research users universities and colleges, applications for production and process for wide ranging business organisations; and in government and independent control, and in product and production from low entry level, stand alone research establishments with development operations. systems for the smaller business, to comprehensive practical experience integrated multiuser/multitasking embracing hardware, system, and Xitan - First for Service systems to meet the more specific needs applicational software. Xitan's local reputation is founded of the larger business enterprise. securely on Service- both in system development- software and hardware support, and service in the field. SYSTEMS Xitan Systems Ltd 23 Cumberland Place Southampton SO1 2BB Tel: 0703 38740 CrOMMICOSHARP North Star Horizoncomart 60 PCW NEWS ComputerTown UK! is a nationwide network of voluntary computer literacy centres. All letters should be addressed to: CTUK!, c/o 14 Rathbone Place, London W1P 1DE.

callyourselvesComputerTown,it'sbut word quickly spread and it is now what is being done thatis important.wildly popular. I also promised further ComputerTown is a handy name which information on the Cedar project - new groups can use and to which exis-Judith Morris runs this from Imperial Fantastic news - this month anotherting groups can affiliate themselves ifCollege Computer Centre, Exhibition six ComputerTowns have started up!they want to. Renold's offices are atRoad, London SW7 2BX, telephone Heartiestcongratulationsto thoseCarterHydraulic Works, Thornbury,01-589 5111 extension 1160. The pro- responsible. Let's have a look and seeBradford BD3 8HG.Ithink a letterjectexists'toencourage teachers to who they are. would be better than a phone call sinceexamine the possibilities of educational First of all, Alan Waring and Davidthat is Keith's business address. computing, to recognise its contribution Clark havestartedComputerTown Caversham Park Village near Reading as a solution to some of their problems Enfield at the Ridge Avenue Library.is now the proud owner of a Computer -and tofacilitate the development of Keep your eyes peeled for notices inTown. This one was launched by Patappropriate educational tools'. The pro- thelibraryorcontact Alan at50Colley in the premises of the Cavershamject maintains records of all relevant DraytonGardens,WinchmoreHill, Park Village Association. Douglas Milnebooks and papers as well as details of London N21, telephone 01-360 8020.of Personal Computer Palace in Readingexisting CAL packages. Seminars are David can be contacted at 14 heard about Pat in PCW and turned uporganised and demonstrations given. In Haughmond, Woodside Grange Road,with an Appletohelpout. Otherthis column I can only give the briefest Woodside Park, London N12, telephonedealers please note. As long as you don'tof overviews; if you feel you'd like to 01-445 5324. PCW contributor Alantry tosell your wares, you'd be moreknow more then I'm sure that Judith Tootill was one of their first volunteers.than welcome at any Computeff own. willbe delighted to hear from you. ComputerTown Street (in Somerset) You may even want to start your own - Computeff own found its way into a has now started up and it holds meet-write to me if you need any guidance onmagazine called Training Action, and a ings every Monday from 6.30 to 9.30 at setting up. very nice write-upit was, too. Editor 19a West End, Street. Tom Graves is Last month I went to visit Computer -and writer of the article, Leo Jago, des- the man responsible, aided and abettedTown, USA! and the people there arecribed CTUK! as 'thefastest -growing by Beaver Systems, Mutek, Norset ofthrilledtobits withall your efforts.voluntary organisation' and he should CheddarandSomersetComputers.CTUSA! shared a stand at the Westknow since the magazine is the house Sounds like a really nice part of theCoastFaire with People's Computerjournalof the National Council for country to be in if you're a computerCompany, probably best known for itsVoluntary Organisations. They can be freak. Tom's phone number is 0458Dr Dobb's Journal.I've fixed for allfound at 26 Bedford Square, London 45359 and, ifthat seems familiar, it'snew ComputerTowns to receive regularWC1B 3HU, telephone 01-636 6039. because he's a leading light in the Ohiocopies of the CTUSA! monthly bulletin. Otherpeoplethismonth who'd Scientific UK User Group andthe CTUK! willalsobeexhibitingin like to help or set up Computeff owns man behind Wordsmiths. September at our very own Personalare: Gary Quinn of 52a Guisborough Brigitte Gorton wrote from NewComputer World show. Anyone whoRoad, Moorsholm,Saltburn by the Addingtontosaythat' she'd'beenwants to help out should get in touchSea,CountyClevelandTS123JA; galvanised'intostarting a Computer -with me very soon, since by the timeDavid Lee, 184 Hill Lane, Southampton Town, New Addington every Thursdayyou read this the show will be less thanSO1 5DB; Michael Lee, 22 Newlyn afternoon at 3 o'clock. I guess it's beingten weeks away. As I said last monthDrive, Sale, Cheshire M33 3LE; (what a held at the local library but her letteryou'll have to pay (or scrounge) yourcoincidence - apart from the fact that doesn't say. Brigitte can be found at 18expenses, we can only provide the standboth these gents are called Lee, one is a PirbrightCrescent, New Addington,and its facilities. physicistandtheotheraphysics Croydon CRO ORT. I've finally got the Computefrownteacher!); Mr J B Hawkes, 10 Winder- Gloucester,too, now hasits veryrecords'computerised'sonow I'mmere Close, Aylesbury, Bucks HP21 own ComputerTown. Steve Haynes isworking on a comprehensive document7HP; R L Saunders, 14 St Nicholas the man who started it and it runs into helpall would-be ComputerTownsMount, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP1 theHucclecote Community Associa-to get off the ground.Itincludes a BB, telephone Hemel Hempstead tion's premises. Steve is also starting adraft constitution whichcan be51910.I'msure that every one of users group soif you're interested inadopted by any ComputerTown simplythese people would welcome contact either or both then contact Steve atby filling in the blanks with appropriatewith others who feel they'd like to 5 Guinea Street, Kingsholm, Gloucesterdetails.I am indebted to that well-help. GL1 3BL. No charge will be made forknown barrister Alistair Kelman for his Finally,we'vehadlettersfrom CTUK! meetings and a nominalfeehelp with this. Alistair has already toldpeople interested in ComputerTown in will be charged for user group activi-me how to set about things and he will the following areas: Walton on Thames, ties. In this way the user group can paybe checking over the final draft to makeSalisbury,Rinteln:BFPO29, West for hire costs and use of the HCA'ssurethat everythingiscovered. TheMailing,London W12, Birmingham facilitiesbothforitselfandfordocument will also give practical helpB29 6NB and Harrow. ComputerTown. on the actual running of a Computer - Thank you all once again for this We had an interesting letter fromTown taken from our collective experi- splendidsupport.Ifyou'dliketo Keith Taylor from the finance depart-ences. If you feel that you have anyhelp with a Computeff own then write ment of Renold Ltd. Keith has beenhints and tips to offer then please sendto me (David)at the main CTUK! doinghisbitfor computer literacythem to us. Don't worry that we mayaddress and I'll send you some guide- withinhiscompanyof about 400already have covered the same ground; I linesorput you ontoanearby employees.He askedifhisgroupwould far rather receive informationComputeff own. Keep in touch with could join CTUK! - we don't mindtwice than miss it altogether. us as things develop so that we can give who joins as long as they are genuinely I said last month that I'd bring moreyour activities publicity through involved in the spreading of computernews of Computefl'own Horsham. WellComputerTown News. Remember, all awareness on a non-commercial basis.the newsisthat Andrew Holyeris letters which need a reply should be Already a number of computer clubsrunningtheshoweverySaturdayaccompanied with an SAE and please have written to say that they've beenduring term time at Forest Boys Schooldon't try to ring us at PCW because running similar schemes for some timein Horsham. In common with most CTUK! is a spare -time project. now. That's great - there's no need to'Towns, the first session was very quiet

PCW 61 COMMUNICATIONS PCW welcomes correspondence from its readers but we must warn that it tends to be one way! Please be as brief as possible and add "not for publication" if your letter is to be kept private. Please note that we are unable to give advice about the purchase of computers or other hardware/software - these questions must be addressed to Sheridan Williams (see 'Computer Answers' page). Address letters to: 'Communications', Personal Computer World, 14 Rathbone Place, London W1P 1DE.

term 'literary work', al- comprehensive database of system has been acquired Linsac letter though it may be that flow clubs and user groups. by Peachtree of Atlanta, diagrams will be accom- The ALCC has generously Georgia, and is now fully In his review of The ZX80 modated under the term passed over the intial data supported by that company. Companion in April's PCW, `artistic work'. Included in used at its Easter fair and They have issued a new Peter Turk described the the list of defintions for we are allocating 1k per release of Magic Wand, book as 'accurate and `adaptation' is 'a translation group/club. At least 100 version 1.11, which corrects detailed' but quoted a price of the work' and it is con- groups are missing and a number of very minor of £10 as 'a bit steep'; in fact,sidered that translation is not much of the present infor- bugs in the last version from the price has been £7.95 for to be limited to a different mation is out of date. Will Small Business Applications several months, and it was un-language from the original officers therefore provide Inc. fortunate that our advertise- work. Under these circum- data in two parts: Tim Frost, Roundhill ment in the same issue also stances, it seems clear to me concise details, contact Computer Systems, suffered the attention of that the mere 'translation' of addresses etc for wide Marlborough, Wilts printers' gremlins, the price the original program listing sopublication; and supporting being omitted! that a 'new' program is pro- information about your For your readers' infor- duced which will run on activities to help us spread mation, we now supply a 20 - another machine would be news and represent your Zilog writes page ZX81 supplement with held to be an adaptation of views nationally. My attention has recently the Companion, including the original literary work and We have made another been drawn to an article programs and tips on the 8k is, therefore, a restricted act breakthrough by obtaining which appeared earlier this monitor. A large stamped which if performed without a large club area at the year in PCW. The article in addressed envelope will bring the permission of the Copy- PCW show; a lot of groups question was a review of the full details of all our ZX80 right owner would be an in- have already booked free Onyx C8002 microcomputer and ZX81 products. fringement of the Copyright space - but a lot of room written by Sue Eisenbach. Bob Maunder, Linsac, in the original work. is still available. While not being in a posi- Middlesborough Finally, I wonder if I We will provide full tion to comment on the might enquire through your details of the above and otherOnyx C8002 system itself, I columns if there is any great activities such as our two should like to clear up Protection depth of desire for a legal Autumn conferences, or several inaccurate and mis- system which would provide networking and small robots leading statements which protection for the implemen- and Micro Mouse, if you were made in this article points tation of ideas in software contact me (preferably with concerning Zilog's Z8002 With reference to Mr R E packages. On this theme it is feedback with other things family microprocessor Bailey's letter and your com- clear that the Patent system you expect from your products. ments thereon in your April in the UK can be used to pro-national body): 1. While talking of the Z8000 issue, I should like to make tect a product when Vernon Gifford, Planning & your article states: `. some observations for operating in accordance Liaison Office, ACC, 11 originally it was designed to general consideration. with a program package as Selhurst Rd, London SE25 be supplied in two versions: Firstly, I must point out long as the product includes 6LH; tel 01-653 3207. the Z8001 had a total of that the Courts have not yet an invention which is 'new, 45 distinct instructions. .. decided if Copyright extends involves and inventive step, is and could address 8 Mbytes to Software, although if the capable of industrial applica- via memory management expected Green Paper on tion and the grant of a Magic wand hardware while the Z8002 Copyright follows the Whit- patent for it is not excluded As a dealer supplying the had... slightly fewer instruc- ford recommendations any by the Act'. As a matter of Magic Wand package, we tions.' There are several new Copyright Act may get interest, although the Patent were very pleased to see the errors in the above statement: as a result will probably ex- on such a product does not review of the system in your a) It is true that the Z8000 tend Copyright to Software. extend to the program per se,May issue. Unfortunately is supplied in two different Secondly, Copyright pro- Section 60 (2) defines that one of the few complaints versions; the Z8001 and tection covers the expression the supply of an essential made by your reviewer, that Z8002. The difference of an idea not the idea itself. element of the invention is anfile sizes are limited by the between the two is in the size The explanation of how to infringement of a patent. I size of the text buffer, is not of memory that can be produce a game cannot be am of the opinion that the in fact a restriction imposed directly addressed. The monopolised through copy- supply of the software listing by Magic Wand. The system Z8002 which addresses a right, only the expression of of a program, which when can handle file sizes of up to smaller, 64 kbytes is packag- the idea in, say, the software loaded into a suitable hard- the CP/M limit, and the read ed in a smaller, lower cost listing. Patent protection is ware arrangement, caused a and write commands dis- package, making it a lower the only way one can protectproduct to be produced played in the illustration in cost device. However, the the 'industrial application' ofwhich infringes the claim of ayour review are used to mani-chip is identical in both an idea. patent, will be held to be the pulate files larger than the Z8001 and Z8002, the Thirdly, the restricted actssupply of an 'essential ele- text buffer. difference being achieved specified by the Copyright ment' and will therefore be The review also said that by a bonding option Act 1956 which are relevant an infringement of the the spooling system gave during manufacture. Con- in this case relate to the patent. priority to the printer. This sequently both parts have reproduction of the work or R J Hart, Liverpool is necessary to ensure that always been equally an adaptation of the work or Magic Wand works in all readily available from the making of an adaptation CP/M environments, but as Zilog. of the work. The onus is on the manual states, 'your b) Both Z8001 and Z8002 the Copyright owner to showJoin the ACC dealer may be able to make have identical instruction that copying has occurred Help us to help yourselves a minor change,' which will sets of 110 basic types which and it must be remembered and hundreds of would-be in effect reverse the priorities.may be combined with the that independent creation of members of clubs and user The only other major various addressing modes to a program involving the idea groups who are being lost to pmission from what was give over 400 different op - is an infringement of the pro-our movement through lack otherwise a very thorough code combinations. Larger tected work. of information about those review is the fact that address values, of course, Fourthly, the Copyright organisations. The Amateur Magic Wand now supports exist in the Z8001 instruc- Act 1956 includes at Section Computer Club - the first proportional printing ele- tions due to the larger address 2 subsection (6) definitions ascomputer club in the world, ments on daisywheel printers,space. In all other respects to what is an 'adaptation' of afounded in 1972 - is your allowing different spacing the instruction sets are literary work. It is widely own national body. Among for each letter. binary compatible. assumed that Software will beour more important services Since your review went c) The 'memory manage- accommodated under the we are building up a to press, the Magic Wand ment hardware' is a separate

62 PCW COMMUNICATIONS component which may be my ELF and I feel that if the rapacious 'launch now, used with the Z8001 to help someone can have fun with Manualmoansapologise later' world of manage the large address one of my programs then Why are computer and soft- micro -computer? space. It is not essential to why shouldn't they. I do ware manuals so predictably Nick Robinson, Luton use this as the Z8001 can hope that you can help me awful? address 8 Mbytes without as it would be helpful to be We seem to have tested a the Memory Management able to talk to someone who sackful of manuals recently Unit (MMU). However, the understands 1802 machine for our new Pet 8000, in nor-On-line MMU provides powerful code instead of the usual mal office conditions with memory segmentation and 6502 or Z80. secretaries unfamiliar with Alan Sutcliffe (Letters April protection features to assist Tony Higham, 24 Linford computers. The result? Every 1981 issue) presents a less in the management of large Crescent, Coaiville, manual contained a major than fair picture regarding the address spaces. Leicestershire flaw or, in some cases, was position of online informa- 2. Your article mentions a totally incomprehensible. tion services in Britain. third version of the Z8000 After three months of largely The British Library has had which we have announced. futile experimentation, we a highly successful Basic balance operational online informa- This is the Z8003 which will Basic has recently taken the have now written our own be available early next year. brunt of much undue criti- `manual' for the Wordcraft tion retrieval service since It is a further enhancement cism in the computer program. Otherwise, we 1977. This service called which will be fully oriented press. In writing thissimply could not have used it.British Library Automated compatible with Z8001 letter I hope to look at both The appalling documen- Information Retrieval but provide virtual memory sides of the argument in a fewtation for the Pet itself is wellService (BLAISE) offers support. Contrary to the simple statements. known - most of the instruc-access to files a) with impression conveyed in your comprehensive coverage of 1. The great majority of tions are simply the journal literature of article, the various Z8000 readers of this magazine unintelligible. But less versions represent a deliberatewould not be doing so if discussed perhaps are the medicine and toxicology policy by Zilog to provide a Basic were not the 'standard'inadequacies of the manuals and b) with comprehensive range of price and for the Sinclair ZX80, OZZ coverage of all books publi- performance options while language. Basic has shed in the United Kingdom `humanised' the computer. and DMS data management since 1950 and in the United at the same time providing 2. Any Pascal devotee shouldprograms. The manual for compatibility across the range States of America since 1968. try convincing a 14 or 15 Wordpro 4 is virtually The software, ELHILL, for and a growth path for the year old that he should aban-incomprehensible, and was future. Surely this is desirable. this service was developed by don Basic in favour of Pascal.the sole cause of our refusing the National Library of I hope you will take actionTo use Pascal effectively this program. to correct any misunder- Medicine in Washington but requires deep thought and Some programs romp the British Library has also standing which may have careful planning that many along cheerfully for a few developed its own software, been created in the minds of enthusiastic children cannot pages, giving the illusion that EDITOR, which enables your readers. yet be bothered to do. here is a manual that can be libraries to edit and create Phil Pittman, Zilog (UK) Computers will be used actually understood. Then Ltd, Maidenhead, Berks. records for their catalogues extensively in the future andeither the printer advances which are ultimately avail- we should not raise barriers his schedule or the writer able on microfiche. (such as the requirements succumbs to programmers' The British Library has Elvers wanted of Pascal) to the everyday elbow, and vital instructions completed some work on the use and acceptance of are telescoped into an development of its own I am writing to you in a des- computers in our society. impossibly short space. For retrieval software to run on perate attempt to try and 3. We must remember that example, the ZX80 manual contact another owner of an an ICL computer.,However Pascal too has a few badly includes some of its more because of financial problems ELF II (if one exists!). I was thought out features, one important functions in a tiny looking through several of the project entitled MERLIN such being the use of :=. chapter 'A ragbag of has been shelved. my magazines, which consist Many users of Pascal treat functions'. It mentions mostly of your great maga- The BLAISE service is this as an improvement, `arrays' in a paragraph, with- operated on a commercial zine, and I didn't see a letter because it removes the out explaining what they are basis and is widely used by or program to do with the ambiguity of statements suchor why they are used, then libraries in the United ELF II. Is it that we are as: leaves the hapless purchaser Kingdom and Europe. Many extinct or endangered species IF X=4 THEN Y=Z+3 struggling with sundry func- libraries including some and afraid to speak out? But where is the ambiguity? tions like RND (what? why?),public libraries offer access to I have been computing for The IF part is clearly a con- before signing off - with no BLAISE and the American two years now and I bought dition and the THEN part is indication of what he can services such as Lockheed the basic ELF II a year ago clearly a consequence. A wilynow do with the computer DIALOG and ORBIT. The with some money that I had compiler should distinguish by way of games, programs, charging policies vary but the for Christmas. With the between these. Since when etc. tendency is to charge £1 per release of the Sinclair ZX80 were primary school children The OZZ manual is connect minute. The average and now the '81 it is very taught that 2 x 3 := 6 ? (or beautifully laid out, but time per search is no more frustrating to know that I is this already in hand?) unless you are a stock controlthan 15 minutes, so the com- have spent over £150 and I 4. There has been much clerk, the example programs ment that it may be cheaper still don't have a system criticism of interpreters given are valueless - and littleto fly to Washington and equivalent to this, but rather compared with compilers. help is forthcoming in using back than to use a commer- than sell my ELF II, I am A compiler is useful for the the program for more cial database is very far from going to stick at it and hope fast running of perfected(?) advanced functions, eg the truth. that there is another ELF programs, but it is an obsta- survey analysis. DMS leaves There is no doubt that the owner out there who would cle if a program is merely the layman struggling after United States of America be willing to exchange pro- being developed. It can take page 6. Even Wordcraft, one is at the Vanguard of the grams with me. three or four minutes to of the better manuals, online information retrieval I am a computer freak but insert a missed space or contains nonsense instruc- area. However, to dismiss I cannot think up hundreds colon (about which Pascal tions that, if executed the efforts of the British of programs and have great has very tight rules) and get literally, are rejected. And so Library in the way Mr difficulty in writing machine the program running again, on. Sutcliffe has done is to ignore code programs. I am willing but with an interpreter it Can I suggest to all manualthe realities of the situation. to pay for software and I takes only a few seconds to writers this simple routine: Robin Frederick Guy, would be only too pleased to correct the error. A compiler `Tell it to Bridget'. Select a Aberystwyth write programs for other ELF could then be used on the lay typist unfamiliar with owners, especially as I have finished product. computers. Give her the hard- now got Basic. So what should be done? Aware and manual for a week- I have been looking for structured Basic seems the end. Then prepare your a job in computing, as I am best idea so that one can blushes for a list of protests 16, and I have had no luck, progress from simple Basic toand queries. And, please, but I am determined to keep structured Basic without the never never release a manual in the computing industry need to learn, a whole new on the market until several and perhaps I will get a job language. After all, we do non -specialists have de- as a trainee somewhere, but want people to use bugged its computerese while I stay on in the sixth computers, don't we? and unexplained leaps of form with the free time that IJonathan Palmer, Currie, logic. have I write programs for Midlothian Or is this too simple for PCW 63 With

SYSTEMS The modular design of Zilog's MCZ series of organisation, ensures that your investments in hardware microcomputer systems allows you to start small and grow and software are protected as your business grows. big - in a variety of directions, whether you are a dealer, a THINK BIG. Fill in the coupon and let us show you software developer, OEM or end user. how we can grow together. START SMALL with Zilog's inexpensive but fully To: Zilog (U.K) Ltd., supported MCZ-1 floppy disk systems and accounting Babbage House, King St., Maidenhead, Berks SL6 1DU TeL (0628) 36131 software, designed for the first-time small business user. Add software from a wide range of packages, including r word-processing and, as business expands, increase the Please send me information on the exciting range of Zilog systems. machine storage with plug-in cartridge disks. Name GROW BIG with Zilog's Z -NET local network systems. Start with a 2 Mbyte floppy disk MCZ-2, based Company on Zilog's own Z -80A processors. Add the network interfaces and connect your microcomputer stations to Address allow sharing of data,printers, modems and other expensive peripherals. Allow yourself flexible growth without loss of performance; and remember that Zilog Position promises gateways to future local network standards. Telephone Zilog's General Systems products are based on Possible dealer YES/NO Zilog's own Z-80 and Z -80A processors and have enviable Possible customer YES/NO Zilog records of reliability. Zilog's own support and service L P(J 64 PCW BENCH \TEST]

Lyn Antill puts another Japanese newcomer through its paces. Afterthesuccessfullaunch of thethem. However, John Cleese might be MZ-80K personal microcomputer, Sharpable to point to the 'platefuls of spag- has now launched an attack on the smallhetti'attheback. The main box businesscomputer market withthemeasures 18inx 14in x 4inatits PC -3201. Themachine hasbeendeepest andthe PCBs arespecially specially geared to the business marketdesigned to fit in. rather than trying to make a machine The VDU is particularly nice because which offers something for everyone.it comes on a swivel so that you can ad- This approach is quite the opposite ofjust the screen up or down and then fix thatadoptedby Transamfortheit at the required angle. It sits on a base Tuscan, which I reviewed a few monthsplate which fits under the computer/ ago. In fact, Sharp was rather concernedkeyboard unit and which permits a bit to hear that we tested machines formore adjustment of the actual position speedin performing calculations andof the screen, yet the whole thing still loops, making the point that speed waslooks like one unit rather than a box not so important as accuracy and so hadwith a TV on top. The colours used are used binary coded decimal format forgreen on black and there is a separate the arithmetic in order to get more sig-brightness control. The 12in screen can nificant figures than were possible withhave 80 by 25 chs including a wide the normal Z80 arithmetic. range of graphics, or it can be run with The Benchtest machine was provided40 by 12 double -size characters. complete with peripherals and with a The standard qwerty keyboard has a range of business software that Sharpgood feel to it. The cursor control keys had commissioned from Padmede es-are located at the top right of the letter pecially for the PC -3201. The aim is topad and thereisa separate numeric produce a reliable, business -like machinepad. Ten function keys are provided for with the level of software and supportuser definitionaswell as some pre- thatthenon -computing businessmandefined keys such as RUN and HALT. would value. One additional switch on the keyboard transfersthe machine betweenpro- gramming and operational mode. When Hardware thisisset to OP, only program exe- The system arrived in four boxes, all ofcutionandmanualoperationare which could be carried comfortably.permitted. This only matters if you are in the habit The Benchtest machine had twin 5in of carrying your computer around -floppy drives, although it is apparently but then I am, and mine's heavy! Thepossible to use as many as eight disk four components are the computer with drives,foureachontwoseparate built-in keyboard, the VDU, the diskchannels. Ican't imagine wanting to drives and theprinter. To completejuggle eight sets of floppy disks! An Sharp's 'support the user' image, theEpson printer was used. This is capable salesman also delivered a dust cover andof bidirectional printing and doing a a four-way extension to plug all thegood range of graphics characters which units into. Padmede uses to good effect in creating All the units are in shiny grey plasticthe printouts on the commercial soft- and have a sleek professional look toware.

PCW 65 The PC -3201 is built around a Z80records, etc. You even get a choice ofratecalculationswithwhich Iam microprocessor.Ithas 32 kbytes ofwhether thelinesaround the tablefamiliar and tried them on the Sharp ROM and 64 kbytes of RAM which canshould be set straight or made up ofand on my Tuscan (which doesn't have be extended up to a maximum of 112fancy characters like asterisks. doubleprecision) and compared the kbytes. The video display is memory - The display instructions and those results: $1,250,000.00 at 2.232 gave an mapped into RAM and the keyboardfor trapping function keys might seemanswer correct to .01 of a penny on the can be used to generate graphics charac-like fancyfrills,as the normal Basic Sharp, whereas my Tuscan only gave the ters in much the same way as on a PET,instructions could be used to handleanswer as a whole number of pounds, exceptthatthegraphic symbolthem; but human beings are the most£2 out, and was quite incapable of associated with each key is not shownexpensive part of any computer system dealing with the pennies. So,if you on the keyboard but on a separateand anything which can regularly savewant toget correct answers tocal- chart. There are 44 of these altogether.lines of code throughout a program is culationsinvolving more than £1000 Quite a few keys can be used in con-of great commercial value, especially (and most businessmen do) then you junction with the command key `CMD'where italso permits programs to be willprobablyagreewithSharpin to serve as abbreviations when enteringwritten in such a way that they areputting accuracy before speed. commands, eg, `CMD"1' is equivalentquick and easy to operate. to `DISP'. This can be time -saving for Another factor which leads toef- the programmer, although I doubt if theficiency in programming is the use ofCommercial casual user would remember them. libraries of subprograms to do routine Thereis even a three -octave musicjobs.These subprograms need to beprograms function so that you can write melodiescallable from the main program. This is The business software which Sharp com- by specifying the tempo and the pitchdone by a simple LOAD SUB com- missionedfrom Padmede Computer and duration of each note. One of themand which adds the subprogram into Services consists of Sales Ledger, Pur- programs Itried out did a convincingmemory with the main program. There chaseLedger,SalesInvoicingand version of 'uh!uh!' every time youis also a CHAIN command which calls NominalLedger.Theversionspro- made a mistake. the next program from a program which videdfortheBenchtestwerethe has finished, so that several programsdemonstration ones used by dealers. may be executed ina predetermined These were primarily used to show what Software sequence. the PC -3201was capable of doing, FDOS is the operating system used and An ALOAD command causes a pre- the only language availableisa very rather than to Benchtest the software determined program to be called in and itself. extended version of Basic.Althoughexecuted as soon as the program has Fourteen seconds after switch -on, a FDOS does claim to be capable ofbeen switched on. This is an extremelylarge video display announced that the supporting other languages, none wasuseful feature for the commercial user program is loading. The programs work actually mentioned. because it means that the operator hason the menu principle, and make good The manualtellsyouverylittleonly to load the FDOS master disk with use of the excellent graphics facilities. about FDOS except that itis used forthe required program on it and thenThey are self-explanatory and easy to handling disk Basic files. Again Sharp issimply switch on. use and certainly appear to be doing the working on the assumption thatitis Video display can be stored in RAM right sorts of things, although I wasn't dealing with users rather than hobbyistsandcalledup when requiredwith able to test the difficult bits, such as or programmers. The FDOS commandsVSAVE and VLOAD. KSAVE andsecurity and backup. My accountant available are: Basic, Init, Cat (to list theKLOAD will do the same for definitions was a little puzzled by some of the VAT files on adisk), Backup (to create aof definable keys. Both of these are very calculations but was able to get the right copy of a whole disk, protection levelsuseful for simplifying and standardising answers in the end. andall), Copy (forindividualfiles),theuse screen and of the Killall (to clear a disk),. and Debug. Init of the The slowness of operationisnot seems to be very slow, although I wasfunction keys. really apparent, except when loading, assured that it does verify each track as As expected, the Benchmark timesand is certainly not a problem, because it initialises it. were very slow. It also took 70 secondsthespeedof running a commercial Two manuals come with the system;to auto -load a program from switchingprogram usually depends on the speed one covers the computer and the otherthe machine on to being ready to loadof keying. If you have a heavy work- deals with the disk -based operations.the data disks. This sort of delay isloadandstillwantagood-looking Both are pretty wellfull of Basic in-irritating when you are swapping frommachine with a good service reputation structions. Indeed, it's the largest Basicone program to another, but would beand the same facilities as the Sharp, I've ever used, with about 100 instruc- trivialif the same program was to bethen you must reconcile yourself to tions. There are all the usual ones plus arun for a long stretch. In fact, auto-paying more for the extra speed. whole lot of others, mostly to use theloading in this way is actually quicker I have a thing' about documentation special features of the machine such asthan loading a system disk, then a pro-andI was a little disappointed by the Music and the function keys, which can gram disk, and then typing the name ofmanualsthatgowith the Padmede be turned on and off at various points inthe program to be executed. However, aprograms --I would have liked a bit the program. There are also a whole lotmuch more significant point was themore help in using them. But they did of display statements to make use of theaccuracy with which calculations can beinclude plenty of examples, which is extensive screenfacilities. The cursordone. To test this, I took the exchangealways helpful. can be moved to any character position on the screen with the CURSOR in- struction,while MVCUR moves the cursor on so many from its previous position. The screen can also be treated as a .160x50 array of points of light, each one of which can be set on or off by SET X,Y or RESET X,Y. The POS A,B instruction will return the position of the cursor at the time. It is possible to set fields into reverse video or make them blink and there is a COLOR in- struction for machines with a colour monitor. There is one very natty screen in- struction -- TABLE. This permits you to give a list of column and row sizes and it will then create a lattice of hori- zontal and verticallines. Thisisex- tremely useful for input, as much of the information which a businessman wants to put into his micro comes in precisely `It took you precisely eight minutes 47.09 seconds to open this parcel - thattabular form ---invoices,stock you certainly do need me!'

66 PCW can speedit up and provide a wider range of languages and applications, it could be super.

Benchmark timings (in seconds) 1 4 2 13.5 3 35.5 4 35.5 r V U 5 38.5 0 F G N J 6 67 P 7 108 8 25 Reading 100 random records: 70 Writing 100 random records: 70

Inside and outside the PC -3201. figuration of 64k processor, twin 5inHardware prices Support double -sided,double -densityfloppies, PC -3201 64k CPU £1500 The commercial useris much moreprinter and 12in screen costs just underCE 320C 80 x 25 CRT £250 concerned about this than the hobbyist£3000, which certainly represents good or even the educational user.If thevalue. CE 332P Dot matrix machine that produces your invoices printer £450 goes down, you don't send any invoices CE 331M Twin disk unit £670 and you don't get any money. Sharp is At a glance CE 341M Floppy interface aware of this and is trying to restrict card £125 dealerships to those capable of doingThis is agood-looking,apparentlyCE 350L Additional cable £30 the sort of hand -holding and backup thereliableandwell -supportedbusiness usersneed.SofarSharphas onlycomputer with a very extended Basic, authorised 50 suppliers. good graphics (and music!) and a rangeSoftware prices ofstandardbusinessprograms.TheSales Ledger £300 minimum configurationcosts £3000.Purchase Ledger £300 Conclusion The keyboard is excellent and so is theInvoicing System £300 Don't buy this machine if you want fastadjustable screen, except that there areNominal Ledger £450 processing, or lots of languages, but ifno true descenders. you are a commercial user wanting to Drawbacks are that it only supports do straightforward jobs accurately andBasic, and that itis extremely slow. It stylishly then the PC -3201 is well worth isalreadyagood,reliablebusiness considering. The minimum con- machine, and if Sharp's software experts


I find it hard to accept that Belle, thewon the play-off match against 'Chaos'. 43. f4xg5 g7 -g6 World Computer Chess Champion, is aSince then, Belle has had a series of con- 44. Kg3-f4 Kf8-e7 micro. However, Belle's principalsiderable successes, including scoring 11/2 45. Kf4-e5 Bh5- -f3 creator, Dr Ken Thompson of Bell Labsout of 2 in 30-30 games against the46. Rc3 -c7+ Ke7-d8 (and Unix fame), argued tenaciouslyinternationally known US master Mike47. Rc7-g7 Bf3-h5 that it might reasonably be consideredValvo and taking second placeina 48. Rg7-a7 Bh5-f3 to be so. This raises some importanthuman master tournament (albeit a very49. Bfl-a6 Bf3-g2 questions on which I would like to hearweak one). Belle's current rating on the50. Raj -a8+ Kd8-c7 your views; for the purpose of a chessworld scale is 140, but its performances 51. Ba6-c8 Rb6-b3 tournament, what is a micro? However,in the last year have been running at52. Ke5- f4 for the sake of argument and so that Iabout 2320 - and that is better than can tell you something about the Worldseveral of the world's 300 or so active Computer Champion in this column,International Masters. let's accept Dr Thompson's argument. That is an amazing achievement for a Those who attended the recent con-pure brute force program, even analy- ference on Advances in Computer Chesssing 160,000 nodes per second. No less at Imperial College heard Dr Thompsonamazing is the following game played on talk about his chess machine. Since9 August last year, less than a week most of you were not present, here areafter the program started playing. The some of the details which he revealed. WestGermanGrandmasterHelmut Belle is now in its (her?) third gene-Pfleger (one of the100 or so best ration. The original Belle was a smallplayers in the world) was given a simul- piece of special hardware which was ataneous display against 26 opponents, good enough player tofinishequalapparently all humans, for German TV. fourth in the World Computer Cham-It turned out, however, that one of the pionship in Toronto in 1977. Finishinghumans was relaying moves to and from 11/2points behind the winner (Chessa telephone line to 3011 Labs in New 4.6) in a four -round tournament seemsJersey. to have acted as a spur to Dr Thompson.White: Helmut Pfleger (rating 2525) A A A A The secondincarnationof BelleBlack: Belle (rating 1900) 52. ... e6 -e5+ followed about a year after the Toronto 53. Kf4xe5 Rb3xe3+ tournament and again took the form of 1.d2- d4 d7 -d5 54. Ke5-f6 f5 -f4 special chess hardware (LSI/11, move 2.c2 -c4 c7 -c6 55. Bc8- e6 Kc7-b6 generator,moveevaluatorandas- 3.c4xd5 c6xd5 56. h4 -h5 g6xh5 sociated memory). This hardware, with 4.Nbl-c3 Nb8-c6 57. g5 -g6 f4 -f3 256k main memory and 1 Mbyte of 5.Ng1-43 Ng8-f6 58. Be6xd5 Bg2-h 1 `associated memory' (used for storing a 6.Bc1-f4 Bc8-f5 59. Ra 8 -al f3 -f2 look -up table of about 100k chess posi- 7.e2 -e3 e7 -e6 60. Ral-bl+ Kb6-c7 tions) performedquite well and 8.Bfl-b5 Nf6--d7 61. Bd5xhl Re3-el achieved a respectable rating of 1900 on 9.0-0(Kel-g1)Bf8-e7 62. Bhl-g2 Relxbl the World Chess Federation scale. 10.Qd1-e2 Ra8-c8 63. g6 -g7 Rbl-gl Itis,though, the third machine, 11.Ral-cl Bf5-g4 64. g7 -g 8Q f 2-f1 Q+ which adds a PDP-11 and a 35 Mbyte 12.h2 -h3 Bg4-h5 65. Bg2xf1 Rg1xg8 Winchester(usedprincipallyfor the 13.g2 -g4 Bh5-g6 66. Bfl-h3 Kc7-d6 openings book of 300k positions) to the 14.Nf3-e5 Nd7xe 5 67. d4 -d5 h5 -h4 special hardware, that has attained for- 15.Bf4xe5 0-0(Ke8-g8) 68. Bh3-e6 Rg8-g3 midable strength and which won the 16.Be5-g3 f7- f5 White resigns. World Championship in Linz last year. 17.Bb5-d3 Be7-d6 The rough chronology of its develop- Whether ornotBelleshouldbe 18.f2 -f4 B d6 -b4 counted asa micro, the micro chess ment during 1980 was:February -- 19.g4 -g5 Qd8-e8 basicdesign; May - finalisation of machines are making great progress. One 20.a2 -a3 Bg6-h5 of the mini -micros that I am associated design; June - construction; July - 21.Qe2-d2 Bb4--a5 development; 20 July -- the machine with, the Chess Champion Mk V, played 22.b 2--b4 Ba5 b6 a couple of games against the second - made itsfirst half -move; at the begin- 23.Kg1--h2 Rf8--f7 ning of August it played its first game, generation Belle during the computer 24.Nc3-b5 Rf7-d7 conference, winning one and drawing losingtotheold Belle program; 6 25.a3 -a4 a7 -a5 August - it beat the old program con- one, which establishes that at about 26.b4xa5 Bb6xa5 1900, and the new Morphy machine vincingly; 8 August -- first games played 27.Qd2-b2 Ba5-b4 against a human opponent, winning two from ACIisclose behind - Danny 28.Bg3-el Bb4xel Kopec, another speaker at the con- games of '30-30' (each player has 30 29.Rflxel minutes' thinking time to make 30 Qe8-d8 ference,assesseditsratingat about 30.Qb2-a3 Bh5- f3 1850. moves) against a master strength player; 31.Kh2-g3 Bf3-h5 late August - played itsfirst tourna- 32.Rc1-c2 Qd8-a5 ment in preparation for Linz; Septem- 33. Rc8-a8 The 2nd European ber - program still being debugged and 34.Nb5-d6 Qa5xa4 it played its second tournament since 35.Qa3xa4 Ra8xa4 Microcomputer when the program has not changed sig- 36.Nd6xb7 Rd7xb7 nificantly(erasing and blowing 256 37.Rc2xc6 Ra4- a3 Chess PROMs is something of a deterrent to 38.Rd. -c3 Ra3xc3 fixing even major bugs). 39.Rc6xc3 h7 --h6 Championship At the end of last September, Belle 40.h3 -h4 Kg8-f8 Don't forget - the Second European tied for first place in the World Com- 41.Bd3-a6 Rb7- -b6 puter Championship in Linz and then MicrocomputerChessChampionship 42.Ba6-fl h6xg5 GOTO page 157 68 PCW Make the most ofyour Sinclair ZX Computer...


BUSINESS & Sinclair ZX NIOUSEHOLD software I= AMES on cassette. 3.95per cassette. The unprecedented popularity of Cassette 1 -Games retrieving everyday information. Cassette 5 -Junior the ZX Series of Sinclair Personal For ZX81 (and ZX80 with 8K Use it as a diary, a catalogue, a Education: 9 -11 -year -olds Computers has generated a large BASIC ROM) reminder system, or a directory. volume of programs written by users. BANK ACCOUNT -a For ZX81 (and ZX80 with 8K ORBIT -your space craft's BASIC ROM) Sinclair has undertaken to mission is to pick up a very valuable sophisticated financial recording publish the most elegant of these system with comprehensive MATHS -tests arithmetic with cargo that's in orbit around a star. three levels of difficulty, and gives on pre-recorded cassettes. Each SNIPER -you're surrounded documentation. Use it at home to program is carefully vetted for keep track of 'where the money your score out of 10. by 40 of the enemy. How quickly BALANCE -tests understanding interest and quality, and then can you spot and shoot them whengoes,' and at work for expenses, grouped with other programs to departmental budgets, etc. of levers/fulcrum theory with a they appear? series of graphic examples. form a single -subject cassette. METEORS - your starship is Each cassette costs £3.95 Cassette 4 -Games VOLUMES - 'yes' or 'no' cruising through space when you answers from the computer to a (including VAT and p&p) and comesmeet a meteor storm. How long can For ZX81 (and ZX80 with 8K complete with full instructions. BASIC ROM) and 16K RAM pack series of cube volume calculations. you dodge the deadly danger? AVERAGES -what's the average Although primarily designed LIFE -J. H. Conway's 'Game of LUNAR LANDING -bring the for the Sinclair ZX81, many of the lunar module down from orbit to a height of your class? The average Life' has achieved tremendous shoe size ofyour family? The average cassettes are suitable for running popularity in the computing world.soft landing. You control attitude on a Sinclair ZX80 -if fitted with a and orbital direction -but watch thepocket money of your friends? The Study the life, death and evolution computer plots a bar chart, and replacement 8K BASIC ROM. patterns of cells. fuel gauge! The screen displays your Some of the more elaborate flight status -digitally and graphically.distinguishesMEANfromMEDIAN. WOLFPACK - your naval BASES - convert from decimal programs can be run only on a destroyer is on a submarine hunt. TWENTYONE -a dice version Sinclair ZX Personal Computer of Blackjack. (base 10) to other bases of your The depth charges are armed, but COMBAT -you're on a suicide choice in the range 2 to 9. augmented by a 16K -byte add-on must be fired with precision. RAM pack. space mission. You have only 12 TEMP -Volumes, temperatures GOLF - what's your handicap? -and their combinations. This RAM pack and the It's a tricky course but you control missiles but the aliens have replacement ROM are described the strength of your shots. unlimited strength. Can you take How to order below. And the description of each 12 of them with you? SUBSTRIKE - on patrol, your Simply use the order form below, cassette makes it clear what Cassette 2 -Junior and either enclose a cheque or give hardware is required. frigate detects a pack of 10 enemy Education: 7 -11 -year -olds subs. Can you depth -charge them us the number of your Access, 8K BASIC ROM For Z81 with 16K RAM pack before they torpedo you? Barclaycard or Trustcard account. The 8K BASIC ROM used in the CRASH - simple addition - with CODEBREAKER - the Please allow 28 days for delivery. ZX81 is available to ZX80 owners the added attraction of a car crash computer thinks of a 4 -digit number14 -day money -back option. as a drop -in replacement chip. if you get it wrong. which you have to guess in up to 10 With the exception of animated MULTIPLY -long multi- tries. The logical approach is best! graphics, all the advanced features plication with five levels of MAYDAY -in answer to a distress of the ZX81 are now available on a difficulty. If the answer's wrong - call, you've narrowed down the ZX80-including the ability to run the solution is explained. search area to 343 cubic kilometersZX SOFTWARE much of the Sinclair ZX Software. TRAIN -multiplication tests of deep space. Can you find the Sinclair Research Ltd, The ROM chip comes with a against the computer. The winner's astronaut before his life-support 6 Kings Parade, Cambridge, new keyboard template, which can train reaches the station first. system fails in 10 hours time? Cambs., CB21SN. Tel: 0276 66104. be overlaid on the existing FRACTIONS -fractions keyboard in minutes, and a new explained at three levels of ITo:Sinclair Research, FREEPOST 7, Cambridge, CB2 IVY Please print 1 operating manual. difficulty. A ten -question test completes the program. Please send me the items I have indicated below. 16K -BYTE RAM pack ADDSUB-addition and Qty Code Item Item price Total The 16K -byte RAM pack provides subtraction with three levels of 21 Cassette 1 -Games £3.95 16 -times more memory in one difficulty. Again, wrong answers complete module. Compatible with are followed by an explanation. 22 Cassette 2 -Junior Education £3.95 the ZX81 and the ZX80, it can be used DIVISION -with five levels of 23 Cassette 3 -Business and Household £3.95 for program storage or as a database. difficulty. Mistakes are explained 24 Cassette 4 -Games £3.95 The RAM pack simply plugs graphically, and a running score is 25 Cassette 5 -Junior Education £3.95 displayed. into the existing expansion port on 17 *8K BASIC ROM for ZX80 £19.95 the rear of a Sinclair ZX Personal SPELLING -up to 500 words Computer. over five levels of difficulty. You 18 *16K RAM pack for ZX81 and ZX80 £49.95 can even change the words yourself. *Post and packing (if applicable) £2.95 Cassette 3 -Business and Total £ Household *Please add £2.95 to total order value only if ordering ROM and/or RAM. For ZX81 (and ZX80 with 8K I enclose a cheque/PO to Sinclair Research Ltd for BASIC ROM) with 16K RAM pack Please charge my Access*/Barclaycard/Trustcard no. TELEPHONE - set up your own computerised telephone directory and address book. Changes, *Please delete as applicable. additions and deletions of up to Name: Mr/Mrs/Miss

I 50 entries are easy. Address. I NOTE PAD -a powerful, easy - to -run system for storing and LIIII1 PCW 69 SHOGI David Levy looks East for this month's game.

This month I wish to introduce readers to a game which they will almost cer- tainly never have come across.Itis relatedtochess, but has an added dimension of complexity which can result in exciting sequences being sus- tained for very many more moves than in chess. This game is so popular in its country of origin (there are some 19 million players) that those who excel at the game often become millionaires, and are held in greater esteem than Bjorn Borg in Sweden or Kevin Keegan in England.I am referring to shogi, or Japanese chess, andI can recommend the game very highly to anyone who enjoys 'western' chess. My shogi-playing friends have been trying to persuade me for some time that 'western' chess is an inferior form of the game and, although I have yet to be firmly convinced by their arguments,I must confess that shogi does have enormous appeal. Since itis well known that computer pro- grammers usually show great aptitude for chess,itis likely that among the readers of this magazine there are many potential shogi masters (or dans as they are known in Japan), and many thou- sands who would enjoy the game if they know of a 9 -bit processor?) with the took an hour or so to learn how to playHow to play Shogi two armies set up in the following it. The best way to learn the game of shogistarting position: Japanisthe Mecca of shogi, butis to buy a copy of How to Play Shogi during the past few years an organi-by John Fairbairn, and to study this sationhas grown up in the westernslim volume with a shogi set in front of 9 8 7 6 world whose aim is to popularise theyou. Although shogi sets normally have AX 4. *',k A \ game outside its native country. Thethe pieces inscribed in Japanese charac- 0 p 0 S N ' 4

Shogi Association, PO Box 77, Brom-ters, the Shogi Association imports sets 4. tX 1 ley, Kent, England welcomes new mem- in which the pieces also have e bers and willsupply shogisets andwesternised lettering as well as arrows to 4 4 I I I 'I elementaryliteraturetothose whoshow you how each of them moves. It ,o1 cannot find them elsewhere.Italso shouldtake no longer to learnthe publishes a regular magazine and holdsmoves at shogi than to learn how to J meetingsinLondon.Throughtheplay western chess, and I am reliably efforts of the Shogi Association thereinformed that one can even get used to have been shogi tournaments held intheJapanesesymbolsrathermore London, for which leading Japanesequickly than one might suspect. Since players have flown half way round thethe main point of this article is to en- -'- globe, and in last year's tournament Iable the reader to write his own shogi- P PPPPPPP1,P was able tosee my colleague Larryplaying program,I must begin with a II t I I , t t if lit Kaufman, an International Chess Masterprecis of the rules and moves of the a_, RI from the USA who seems to have game. X i + 1 abandoned the 'inferior' form of the L pi -11 K Each player starts the game with 20 -i li i L game forits Japanese counterpart.I pieces made of wood or plastic. These Y X IL * 31,- XIlriii understand that he has now becomepieces are uniform in colour, but for the completely addicted, to the extent ofsake of convenience we call them Black travellingtoJapaninthe hope ofand White, as inchess. The game isFig 1 The starting position in shogi. becoming a professional shogi player. played on a 9 x 9 board (does anyone

70 PCW tically, and acquires the extra ability toone type of captured piece 'in hand' The pieces and move one square in a diagonal direction.you will have 42 or more squares on BISHOP: Similarly, when the bishop iswhich it may be dropped. It is easy to their moves promoted, its original move is retained see how the number of legal moves at KING: Each player has one king and, asand it has the new ability to move oneone's disposal can easily increase to 150 in chess, the object of the game is tosquare vertically or horizontally. or 200, once two or three enemy pieces checkmate the opposing king. As in If a pawn or lance moves to the lasthavebeencaptured.Clearlyitis chess the king can move one square inrank, or if a knight moves to either ofnecessary to find some way of reducing any direction(horizontal,vertical orthe last two ranks, promotion is com-the list of legal moves to produce a list diagonal). pulsory. At all other times, promotion isof plausible moves which is of manage- GOLD GENERAL: At the start of aoptional. able size. The answer to this problem game each player has two golds. The liesinthe useofintelligentshogi Capturing heuristics,or'proverbs'as they are gold moves one square at a time, verti- known in the trade. cally,horizontally, or diagonallyfor- If a player moves one of his pieces onto Anyone who is interested in writing a wards.Itmay not move diagonallya square that is occupied by one of hischess program need only refer to the backwards. opponent's men, the opponent's piece is enormous wealth of chess literature in SILVER GENERAL: Each player hascaptured as in chess. But here lies oneorder tofind a number of heuristics two silvers. The silver moves one square essentialdifference between the twowhich can be employed in a plausible at a time, diagonally or forwards. It maygames, and it is this difference that adds not move sideways and it may not move movegeneratoror an evaluation an extra dimension to the game ofmechanism. A lot has also been written straight backwards. shogi. KNIGHT: Each player has two knights, about shogi, but unfortunately for most In chess, when you capture one ofreadersof thisarticleitisalmost whose move has the same form as theyour opponent's piecesitis removedentirely published in Japanese, and if knight in chess but with the restrictionfrom the board forever. In shogi you that it may only move two squares for- your Japanese is anywhere near as bad keep this piece 'in hand', and later inas mineisyou willnotrelishthe wards and then one square to the left orthe game you may drop it onto anythought of ploughing through tomes of right.So whereas a chess knight hasvacant square (subject to a few restric-mysterious symbols. Here I have space eightmovesatitsdisposal from ations). The dropis made instead offor only a very small number of heuris- central square on an empty board, amoving apiece from one square totics, and I must recommend the reader shogi knight will have only two possibleanother, and itis important to remem-to take a look at the extensive list which moves, but as in chess it may jump. ber that a piece may only be dropped incan be found at the back of Fairbairn's LANCE: Each of the two lances movesits unpromoted state, even if it had beenbooklet. In addition, those of you who straight forwards as far as it likes, but itpromoted before it was captured. Whenwould like to make your shogi pro- may not jump. you drop a captured piece onto the grams as strong as possible ought to join ROOK: The shogi rook moves exactlyboard it becomes your own piece, andthe Shogi Association and try to obtain like its counterpart in western chess, infor this reason the capture of an enemyall the back numbers of Shogi magazine astraightline it as many squares as piece has a double significance. One (issue 1is sold out -Ed.), in which the wishes. There is no queen in shogi, sointeresting aspect of the drop is the fact the rook is usually regarded as the most most important proverbs are explained. that you might well decide to sacrifice a Once you understand a proverb, itis powerful piece. valuable piece on one part of the board aneasymattertoconvertitto BISHOP: Again this piece moves justin return for an inferior one, simplynumerical form so thatit can form like a chess bishop - any number ofbecause you want to be able to drop part oftheevaluation/plausibility squares in a diagonal direction. that inferior piece on another part of mechanism. PAWN: As in chess, the initial shogithe board within the next few moves. position has a row of pawns across the Shogi openings board. Since shogi is played on a 9 x 9Check and board, each player begins the game with The exact order in which the opening nine pawns, which can move one squarecheckmate moves are played does not appear to be forwards.Thereisno double pawn so critical in shogi as it is in chess. The move when a pawn makes its first move;When a king is attacked it is said to bemost important aspect of opening play there is no diagonal capturing move; andin check, just as in chess, and the playerin shogi seems to be the squares on there is no such thing as an en passant whoisincheck must take evasivewhich one places one's pieces, and not capture. action immediately - moving his owntheexactorderinwhich they are king, capturing the checking piece, ormoved there. The only source of shogi interposing a piece between the two. Ifopenings that I can find in any language Promoted pieces the king is attacked and there is no wayother than Japanese is, once again, that One of the most interesting aspects ofto save it, the player has been check-published by the Shogi Association. shogi, as compared to chess, is the factmated. Since all of the pieces are, in Sinceitisnot necessary for your that whereas in chess only the pawnspractical terms, in play throughout theshogi program to have access to large can promote to a piece of higher value,game, it is extremely rare for a game oftables of opening variations, you need in shogi some of the other pieces canshogi to end in a draw. In chess theonly devise some method of alsopromote. A promotion move isnumber of the pieces on the board isencouraging the program to make moves made by moving apiecepartly orgradually reducedas the game pro-that will lead to its pieces being on the wholly within your promotion zonegresses, and when sufficient reductionright squares. A simple method of ac- (the last three ranks or rows furthesthas taken place the game will inevitablycomplishing this is to examine each of from you). Promotion takes place atend in a draw. Those who find masterthe pieces in a desired formation and the conclusion of the promoting move,chess games boring oecause too many ofdetermine how many moves away from and itis important to remember that inthem (some 55 percent or more) areits target square itis at the moment. shogiitisnot always compulsory todrawn, need have no such fear regardingThe 'opening' feature in the evaluation promote, as we shall see. The following shogi. function can then be penalised by (say) pieces have the ability to promote: 1 point for each piece that is one move SILVER: The promoted silver moves away from its target square, 2 points for exactly like a gold. On your shogi setHow to program each piece that is two moves away, and the silver can be turned over and on the soon. This method, or any similar reverse side you will see the symbol forShogi pattern -matching process, will provide a a promoted silver. Thereis no reason why most of theuseful measure as to the degree to which KNIGHT: The promoted knight alsoprinciplesthatapplytochesspro-a desired opening formation has been moves exactly like a gold. gramming cannot also be applied to achieved. LANCE: The promoted lance movesshogi programming. Growing and exactly like a gold. searching a game treeisthe obviousThe middle game- PAWN: The promoted pawn movesapproach, the most serious problem exactly like a gold. being the large branching factor caused a few heuristics ROOK: When the rook is promoted itby the increased number of pieces (40 retains its original ability to move anyinstead of a maximum of 32) and theAs in chess, the middle game in shogi number of squares horizontally or ver-possibility of the drop. If you hold justseesmost of the manoeuvring and

PCW 71 NASBUSCOMPATIBLE NEWS More great deals from 6 Nascom Dealers

A NASCOM-2 BASED SYSTEM FOR £1549 +VAT The proven Nascom-2 microcomputer can now Gemini Dual Drive Floppy Disk System.The CPU be bought as a complete system from £1549 + and RAM boards are also available built - the VAT. For this price you get the Nascom-2 kit, 16K additional cost is available RAM board kit, Kenilworth case with 2 card frame, on application. Centronics 737 printer,10 inch monitor,and the

GEMINI G805 FLOPPY DISK SYSTEM FOR NASCOM-1 & 2 Its here at lastA floppy disk system and CP/M. CP/M SYSTEM.The disk unit comes fully assembled complete with one or two 5i." drives (FD250 double sided, single density) giving 160K per drive, controller card, power supply, interconnects from Nascom-1 or 2 to the FDC card and a second interconnect from the FDC card to two drives,CP/M 1.4 on diskette plus manuata BIOS EPROM and new N2MD PROM.AII in a stylish enclosure. CASSETTE NASCOM-2 Microcomputer Kit £225 + VATDISKPEN Nascom-2 Single drive system. £450 + VAT ENHANCING UNIT NASCOM-1 Microcomputer Kit £125 + VATThe powerful text editor written for the Nascom-2 Double drive system £640 + VAT Built & tested £140 + VATNascom is now available on a 51 inch floppy Nascom-1 Single drive system. £460 + VATThe Castle interface is a built and tested add- IMP Printer. Built & tested £325 + VATdisk with a number of new features. Price Nascom-1 Double drive system £650 + VATon unit which lifts the Nascom-2 into the £43.25 + VAT. Additional FD250 drives £205 + VATclass of the fully professional computer.lt CENTRONICS 737 D -DOS SYSTEM. The disk unit is also mutes spurious output from cassette recorder MICRO PRINTER PORT PROBE available without CP/M to enable existing switching, adds motor control facilities, A high performance, low price, dot-matrix Allows monitoring of input and output of Nos -Sys software to be used. Simple read, automatically switches output between printer that runs at 80cps (proportional) and Nascom P I 0.This board can generate write routines are supplied in EPROM.The unitcassette and printer, simplifies 2400 baud 50cps (monospaced).This new printer gives interrupts and simulate handshake control. plugs straight into the Nascom PIO. cassette operating and provides true RS232 handshake. text processing quality printAnd can print Price (kit) £17.50 + VAT. Single drive system £395 + VAT Castle Interface Unit £17.50 + VATsubscripts and superscripts.lt has 3 -way (please state which Nascom the unit is for) paper handling and parallel interface as HEX & CONTROL KEYPADS Certain parts of the CP/M and D -DOS disk A -D CONVERTER standa rd.Seria I interface is optional. Price Hexadecimal scratchpad keyboard kit for systems ore available in kit form. For really interesting and useful interactions £425 + VAT.Fanfold paper (2000 sheets) Details available on request. N1/2:Price £34 + VAT. with the outside world' the Milham analogue £18 , VAT. As above but including (on the same board) KENILWORTH CASE to digital converter is a must.This 8 -bit a control keypad kit to add N2 control keys to converter is multiplexed between four GEMINI `SUPERMUM' Ni .PrIce £40.50 VAT. FOR NASCOM-2 channels - all software selectable.Sampling 12 x8 piggy -back board for Nascom-1 The Kenilworth case is a professional case rate is 4KHz.Sensitivity is adjustable. offering five -slot motherboard,quality 5A BASIC PROGRAMMER'S AID designed specifically for the Nascom-2 and Typical applications include temperature power supply and reliable buffering with reset Supplied on tape for N1 / 2 running Nas-Sys up to four additional 8' x 8" cardsit has measurement,voice analysis, joystick jump facility. 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PROGRAMMER'S AID any number of times on screen 2708 (multi -rail) and 2716 (single -rail) Kenilworth case £49.50 + VATFor Nascom ROM BASIC running under Nas- simultaneously.Max screen capacity:768 EPROM programmer kit controlled by N1/2 2 -card support kit £7.50 + VATSys.Supplied in 2 x 2708 EPROMs.Fecitures cells. Dot resolution:384 x 25698304. PIO.Supplied with comprehensive software 5 -card support kit £19.50 + VAT include:auto line numbering; intelligent Many other features including intermixing of for use with Nas-Sys. renumbering; program appending;line alpha -numeric characters and pixels. Price Kit Price £29.50 + VAT. GEMINI EPROM BOARD deletion; hexadecimal conversion; (kit) £60 , VAT. 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PCW 72 struggling for a strategic advantage. Thisit will be much safer from attack than ifthe enemy king. If this test provides a is the part of the game for which anitis in an exposed part of the board,positive result, the program can then evaluationfunctionwillbe of thewith few of its own pieces nearby. As inlook along allvariations in which its greatest use. The players must fight forchess, it often pays in shogi to keep theown moves are checking moves. During control of important squares, and inpawns in front of your own king asthis phase of the game all other moves particular for control of the area neardefensive pieces, obstructing the attackmay be ignored, on the assumption that their opponent's king.Inshogi theof the advancing enemy. In addition, itif he is given a single move's respite, initiative is just as important as it is inis useful to have two or three generalsyour opponent will be able to bring chess,and by building up a strong(golds and silvers) near your king foranother piece to the defence of his king, attack in the area near the enemy king,added protection. The different shogior will move his king to a safer square. a player may develop an initiative whichopenings usuallydefineaparticularThe routine which searches for mate can later be converted into a win. Manydefensive formation for the king, so byshould therefore be single-minded, and of the heuristics that you will find inreading about the openings you willby ignoring all moves other than checks Shogi magazine willrelate to the in-learn the various defensive formationsit ought to be able to search 7 or 9 -ply itiative and to the concepts of kingand you can design a feature for yourdeep, or even further.If no mate is attack and king safety. evaluationfunction based on givingfoundwithin somepredetermined Perhaps the most difficult problembonus points for having your own kinghorizon, the program simply reverts to that you will encounter when writing awell protected by the correct piece. the middle -game search and shogiprogram isthatnobody has Gaining material in a game of shogilooks for a move which improves its written one before you, so thereis isusefulfor two reasons, and somestrategic control of the position. absolutely no published literature onmethod must be found to reflect this the subject. In order to convert a shogifact in your evaluation function. When heuristic into a feature for your evalu-you capture an enemy piece you deprive How to deal ation function you will therefore behis king of a certain measure of pro- compelled to make various guesses andtection if the captured piece was nearwith drops estimates, and then improve the weight-to the king this protection will be muchAs I mentioned earlier, one of the most ings of your function in the light ofgreater thanif the piece was manyserious problems in writing a strong experience. squares away from the king. You alsoshogi program is the very large branch- Possibly the most surprising aspect ofhave an extra piece 'in hand' which maying factor caused by being able to drop shogi heuristics is the fact that there isbe used later in the game to achieve acapturedpieceontoalmost any no recognised scale of values for thesome strategic aim or to expose thevacant square on the board. (In fact you pieces themselves. Almost every school-enemy kingstillfurther during themay dropontoany vacantsquare boy knows that in chess a bishop orblistering attack which you launch prior provided that (a) you are not dropping a knight is worth roughly three pawns, ato checkmate. One way in which yourpawn, lance or knight onto a square rook five pawns, and a queen nineprogram can measure the value of a from which it will never be able to move; pawns, but to the best of my know-capturedpieceliesinthelossof(b) you will not have two unpromoted ledge thereisnothing reliable in themobility experienced by your opponent pawns on the same file at the same time; shogi literature to compare. (Readerswhen you capture one of his pieces.and (c) you do not drop a pawn in such should be warned that in one book,Another way is simply to add a certaina way as to give checkmate on the published in English, the rook is said tonumber of points for every piece thatmove.) How can we reduce the branch- be more valuable than the king -ignoreyou hold in hand. ing factor without ignoring most of the this book and, probably, anything else So far, we have discussed only a verybetter drops? not published by the Shogi Association.)small proportion of the total number of The answer lies in identifying a num- Those of you who have read myshogi principles, but these are amongber of key vacant squares (say ten) and articles on chess will know that thethe most important. A computer pro-examining drops only onto those key second most important feature, aftergram which takes into considerationsquares. This can be accomplished by material, is mobility. In fact the chessmobility, king attack, king safety and usingtheevaluationfunctionto pieces have material values which arethe number of pieces held'in hand'measure the improvement in score that not entirely disproportionate to theirwould be able to play a game bettercould be achieved by dropping a hypo- average mobilities, soit would be pos-than the novice who has just learned thetheticalpiece(a'genie')onto each sible to write a chess program that wasrules of the game. One very importantvacant square. The genie has the power governedbypresentandpotentialaspect of shogi is the mating attack, andof all the other pieces combined, and by mobility, rather than by material andthis is one area in which your programestimating itseffect on the mobility, presentmobility. In shogi, sincewill be able to play better than manyking safety, king attack and other fea- material values cannot be defined in thehumans, becauseitrequires pure cal-tures of the evaluation function, when same way as they can in chess, mobilityculation. placed on each of the vacant squares, it is possibly the most important feature. is possible to produce a ranking order We define mobility in shogi in the same for the vacant squares which indicates way as we do in chess - the number ofThe mating attack which squares are the best candidates squares attacked by a piece. In shogi there is no endgame in the samefor drops. By reducing the number of The attack on the enemy king is ofsense as there is in chess. Because cap-such squares from (at least) 42 to ten, greater importance in shogi than it is intured pieces can reappear on the board,we can reduce the total number of chess.For thisreason, two featuresitis rare for a shogi game to end whenmoves which the program needs to con- which are employed in many chess pro-the board is almost completely devoidsider. This is especially important when grams are absolutely vitalin a shogiof material. To win at shogi you mustmore than one type of piece is to be program: King Attack and King Safety.launch a successful mating attack. Weheld in hand. A primitive measure for King Attack ishave already discussed two of the evalu- found by adding 2 points for everyation features which can help a programIf a Shogi playing attack on a square which is not moreset up and develop an attack against the than three squares distant from theenemy king. The tactical phase thatprogram is enemy king, and 1 point for every pos-ends the game will often contain a long, sible move to a square from which suchforcing sequence of moves that is diffi- an attack can be made. The sum ofcult for many human players to spot. Atoo difficult these attacks and potential attacks pro-computer program should have no such Itis,perhaps, daunting enough to the vides a measure of the extent to which aproblems, provided thatitis lookingreader for me to suggest that you learn a player's pieces can operate within thealong the correct path of the tree. new game as complex as shogi without vicinity of the enemy king, and the The answer lies in knowing when tomy adding to this suggestion with the extent to which they control possiblesearch for a mating continuation, and inthought that you should also write a flight squares that might be used by theignoring all other factors when lookingshogi-playing program. You may feel enemy king to escape from a strongfor a mate. Itis normally sufficient tothat the game itself requires enough of attack. have four of your own pieces attackingyour time, and that a shogi-playing pro- King Safety can best be measured bythe enemy king area, so your matinggram might be beyond you, especially in taking into account the number, natureroutine can be triggered by a test whichview of the paucity of literature on and proximity of friendly pieces thatcounts the number of your own piecesshogi heuristics. In that case, there is are situated near the king. If your kingwhich impinge on any of the squaresstill one programming exercise which is surrounded by many of its own pieceswhich are within (say) three squares ofyou willdefinitely find worth your

PCW 73 while, as it will test your understandingcheck), and whether or not a move givesmay allow a free capture). Prefer to of many of the tree -searching ideas thatcheck. These two tests are sufficient,evade check by capturing the checking we havediscussedinthisseries ofsince a move which fails both tests is in- piece than by moving the king (reason articles, and it will stretch your abilityadmissableinthe treesearch. Your the less material your opponent has to write code that executes efficiently. problem -solving program has only a veryon the board, the harder it will be for Just as there are many people whosmall number of branches at each node,him to force checkmate). are interested in chess problems ('Whiteand so a deep search is possible without Of course, these rules of thumb all to Play and Mate in two Moves'), so there the programconsumingenormoushave very many exceptions, but other is even greater interestin shogi prob-amounts of time. There is not too muchthings being equal (which they never lems. An extremelyinterestingpro-scope within a problem -solving programare)allof them have some value in gramming exercisecan be foundin for speeding up the search without theordering the search. writing a program which will search foruse of heuristics, but one or two notions checkmates. In the composition of ado suggest themselves. Prefer a checking chess problemitis part of the com-move that is near to the enemy king toBibliography poser's task that he must not allow aone which is further away (reason- a checking move to be the key to thefar away move allows more interposing Fairbairn, J: How to Play Shogi. solution. In shogi, the opposite is truepossibilities).Prefera'safe' checking Shogi Association: Shogi (magazine). all moves in a shogi problem mustmove to a move which allows the free The reader is strongly warned against all be checks or replies to check. capture of material(reason --with other shogi literature published in any A program which solves shogi prob-more pieces of your own side on the language other than Japanese. Up to the lems must therefore employ an efficientboard, you have greater chances oftime of writing this article (May 1981) test to determine whether or not a moveforcing mate). Prefer to evade check by no other accurate literature is known, is legal(ie, whether a reply to checkmoving the king than by interposing a and errors in the rules and the moves of achieves the aim of moving out ofpiece (reason- an interposing movethe pieces abound. COMPETITION Modem microcomputer technology has many applications, but one where it has so far had little impact is in reducing the problems of disability. To mark the designation by the United Nations of 1981 as "The International Year of Disabled People", PCW, in conjunction with the IYDP Technology Working Group, is holding a competition for the best article on the subject: "The application of micro -computer technology to the problems of disability". There must be many possible applications for microtechnology in the fields of physical and sensory disabilities - remember, these include handicaps such as deafness,

blindness, diabetes and epilepsy, as well as the more obvious physical impediments. PERSONidieCOMPUTER 2nd Prize3rd Prize £100 £50

Articles of around 2500 words are invited, which can be either theoretical or a description of an actual application (with photographs, if possible), and which we will print in PCW later in the year. Entries will be judged by FC'W's Editor, David Tebbutt, Adrian V Stokes, Chairman of the IYDP Technology Working Group and Judith Hann, presenter of Tomorrow's World and science writer. Please send your entry to IYDP Competition, 14 Rathbone Place, London W1P IDE, enclosing a suitable SAE if you would like it returned. kl 19 81

Etilater International Year of Disabled People Data Applications Ltd has kindly donated the first prize of a 48K personal computer worth £595. Plugging into the domestic TV, it provides sound, colour and high -resolution graphics. Sharp Electronics (UK) Ltd has kindly donated the third prize of £50.

74 PCW doesyour computertalk? SPE ECH


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For use with Nascom, Pet, using the National the necessary user software your expressions/responses Apple, Tandy, UK 101. Semiconductor `Digitalker' to make insertion into your etc. into your programs using The first in our new range chip. There is an on -board 2" programs simple. The depth the appropriate code. of peripheral boards for the speaker and audio amplifier. to which you expand your use The main board and the popular microcomputers will The speech -board itself is of the board is your decision. piggy -back will be available at be a speech synthesizer. "Nasbus" compatible. The "Digitalker" chip has the end of July 1981 and the As with all our products it There is a piggy -back board 256 expressions which include interface boards to give will be fully built and tested. which generates an RS232 words and sub -sounds. These compatability to the Pet, The main board is 8" x 5", interface to any computer sub -sounds will enable you to Apple and Tandy will follow through plated, double sided with an RS232 serial port. expand your vocabulary sequentially in the following and fully buffered. We are The board is supplied with rapidly and allow you to write two months. Arfon Microelectronics is a new company based around the knowledge and proven design success of people who have been at the forefront of the expansion of micros in the UK. The design group have an interest in many areas involved with microprocessors and future products will not always be specifically computing. products that the design team rFor details of the products and to get on our mailing list Based in Caernarfon, in a have generated for outside please fill in the coupon and post to 1 modern 25,000 sq.ft. factory, companies. Arfon Microelectronics Limited, Cibyn Industrial Estate, the company will sell its Arfon would like to hear Caernarfon, Gwynedd, Wales. products throughout Europe. from any company with a The custom built factory will possible design and/or Name produce built and tested manufacturing need related to Address products to a very high their own business. standard. For contact with the design Not only will the factory team etc. please write to Telephone produce 'house products' but K. Borland at 153 High Street, will also manufacture Potters Bar, Hertfordshire. Existing Computer System Type of user: El Hobbiest CiCommercial [Industrial Next Proposed Product: a Light Pen in use with the same series DEducational of microcomputers. The pen will be properly encased and the Mags Read:Ei Practical DPCW EIComp Today whole manufactured for commercial use. The flexibility of input OComp Weekly IIIComputing with a light pen and the instantanious screen addressing makes this product a must for a regular computer user. LOthers Proposed launch Aug/Sept. 1981 BLACK BOX III MICROCOMPUTER SOLUTIONS \ high-speed hard disk,16 simultaneous users, and Conventional microcomputers can 3 have problems - too little memory, ) shared -resource multi -computer networking, the only not enough storage, poor com- 4 thing micro about the Black Box III is the price.

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Healey Office Equipment Unit 7, Westfield Industrial Estate, Portsmouth Road, Horndean, Hants Tel: 0705 597555 Digitus Ltd 9 Macklin Street, Covent Garden, London WC2 Tel: 01-405 6761 Hallam Computer Systems Ltd 1 Berkeley Precinct, Eccleshall Road, Sheffield SH 8PN Tel: 0742 663125 Holdene Ltd Manchester Unity House, 11-12 Rampart Road, Leeds Tel: 0532 459459 Lion Micro Computers Ltd 227 Tottenham Court Road, London WI Tel: 01-636 9613 and 21 Bond St Brighton Tel: 0273 601838 Micromedia Systems, Seymour House, 14-16 Chepstow Road, Newport, Gwent Tel: 0633 59276 NSC Computer Shops 29 Hanging Ditch, M Manchester Tel: 061-832 2269 T & V Johnson (Microcomputers) Johnson House, 75-79 Park St Camberley Tel: 0276 20446 also 148 Cowley Road, Oxford Tel: 0865 721461 and 48 Gloucester Road, Bristol BS7 8BH Tel 0272 422061

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PCW 77 W:ktiA4as. N-FriviilLA131ex, I was sitting in the kitchen dump their US suppliers earlier today (I am writing when the Japanese got going this quite late at night as it properly and waxed lyrical happens - which it usually NIP IN THE AIRabout such items as support does). From where I was This month we're pleased to introduce and reliability. Several sitting I could see a wondrous dealers talked about the panorama of that jewel of Martin Banks, who'll be giving us a monthly `paternal' attitude of the English architecture, Luton. overview of the micro world. Japanese towards them, Watching a beautiful sunset about the Japanese wanting of blues and reds that follow- to work in partnership. ed on a day when it had Closer to reality, they also rained, blown a gale and done Let's start by looking at ducts but also having the mentioned the better margins most of those things that are the Japanese and the effect distribution networks. Here, on sales that the Japanese generally unconducive to they are likely to have. For the Japanese have a distinct provided, allowing the thinking wonderful thoughts,reasons that are much too advantage over the American dealers themselves to offer it occurred to me that there long, complicated and con- and European manufac- better support to the was some form of symbolic tentious to go into here, turers. Through the way they customer. parallel between the weather Japanese industry has been have taken over the consumer A measure of the and the UK microsystems able to organise coherent electronics marketplace, expectations held out for industry. Then I thought and cohesive plans for target-they have learned all the the Japanese by the dealers that perhaps I was taking the ing selected market areas, good and bad points of is the fact that all were idea a little too far - you developing well -engineered running a distribution net- convinced that a Japanese know what I mean, the products suitable for the work. They now seem intent company will be number industry being damp, full of market and then manufac- on using that knowledge to one supplier in the UK wind and quietly fizzling turing them and marketing the full in the micro business within two years. This out in a well stage-managed them in sufficient volume - and many dealers can against a background of and terribly dignified demise. and with sufficient skill to hardly wait. unanimous agreement that I decided in the end that acquire significant shares of Dealers are naturally none of the Japanese are I was right but not complet- that selected market. reluctant to be quoted on yet ready or in a position ely so; some of the original to assume that mantle. symbolism hung together The current leading somewhere and so I thought contender in the UK is about it some more. And Sharp, with its MZ-80K, then... and then. It came selling at the rate of around back to me. Over recent 500 a month and climbing. weeks several events have This is being followed to occurred in and around the market by the 3201 business industry that have changed system and the MZ-80B the longer -term perspectives scientific system. Sharp's on the micro scene and manager, Paul Streeter, who changed them not just in concurs with the generally good old Blighty but through- held view of the company's out the world. fourth position in the UK The things? One is the marketshare rankings, says Japanese presence; another that this has been achieved is the position of the exist- with a system not suited to ing major computer manufac- the main growth market in turers; another is the the country, the small existence or not of a new business and 'occupational' consumer market and sector., products to fill it. Each and `The keyboard is wrong,' any of these would have a he says of the '80K, 'and significant impact on the until we got CP/M running shape and feel of the micro there wasn't much of the world. Put them together, right software.' With the new however, and the changes 3201 he hopes to have this are likely to be fundamental, last fault corrected. The long term and very painful provision of suitable software for some people and is seen by everyone as the companies. one factor holding back the But for whom, I hear Japanese rush. And though you ask, will they be pain- Sharp is currently the leading ful? Well, I'll tell you. The contender, there are and will people and companies that be others. There are some are likely to suffer most smaller Japanese companies are the very companies that already pitching in the began the whole business in One of the contenders: Ohi's BMC if 800 market and the likes of NEC the first place - the and Matsushita are preparing Commodores, Apples, Japanese companies have their views but rebellion to jump in. Tandysz Cromemcos, etc, done this in shipbuilding, against the dominant US Bob Gleadow, UK general etc, which manufacture motor manufacturing, manufacturers is growing in manager at Commodore, the hardware that the consumer electronics and their ranks and fond eyes doesn't feel they will go for dealers and retailers sell in semiconductors. They are are being turned Eastward. the business market, prefer- this country. They are the also doing it in computers, `We welcome them with open ring to wait for the emer- ones in danger of suffering starting at the mainframe arms', one said to me. 'They gence of the consumer the glowing sunset of digni- end with kit that is plug - trade differently. They don't market proper. He also states fied demise. And there is compatible with IBM and want to put you out of that they have been able to evidence to suggest that part then working down. business.' He went on to say take advantage of the market of the reason will be the fact Having seen the growth that Japanese suppliers development work put in by that elements of the distribu- in the market for micro- could easily make dealers the American companies. tion chain essential to their computer systems, the change their current alle- `They have learned from our success - the dealers and Japanese are now ready to giances on the question of mistakes in the market,' retailers - appear to think move in in a big way. To do suppliers. he says, 'but we are capable they are full of the symbolic this, of course, means not Another said he knew of of operating at their stand- water and wind. only having the right pro - several who would probably ards of products and support.

78 PCW The marketplace demands products. Take IBM, for an increase in support in example. The company, and many areas.' I quote, 'never speculates Despite this, Sharp's new on future developments' but 3201 and NEC's 8000 series it now has two shops in the -EviATEIVIE machines show that the UK, has been playing with its Japanese want a share of the own personal computer business market as well as system for around two years NIP IN THE AIR the consumer one. The and has been talking to American manufacturers Matsushita in Japan about The third point is the speech I/O, expensive use of are in for a tough fight and buying a small system from consumer market - whether firmware, use of the public it looks as if they may not them. Take DEC; it has been it exists and what products telephone system, etc - and be able to count on too working for over two years will serve it. One man who some of them are now begin- much support from their on a single -chip LSI-11 feels the time may be right ning to appear, or at least dealers. processor. to test the water is HB be talked about with some The question of dealers Computers director Mike certainty. Then, the and distribution brings me to Hambly, who has decided to consumer micro market will the second point: the posi- IBM has been set up the aptly -named be as significant as the tion of the existing computer Computer Supermarket in pocket calculator was ten manufacturers. Companies talking to Corby, Northants. He is years ago. I cannot say with like IBM, Digital Equipment aware of the gamble he is any confidence that I feel it and Xerox have quietly sat Matsushita taking, saying quite blithely: has happened yet. on the sidelines watching the 'In two years time I will be One thing is certain, cut and"thrust of the micro a millionaire, or have fallen however. When it does occur, market and watched it in Japan ..." flat on my face.' The gamble it is likely to be the Japanese develop from the non - is, in fact, two -fold, for not companies that come up with important area of funsters With companies like these only is he taking on tire trials the goods. and hobbyists into a big it is not so much a case of and tribulations of setting up Put all these points money operation that is them becoming like horse- a new company in a business together and it becomes beginning to take market - drawn coaches - superseded noted for its fatalities but he possible to see why I suggest share away from them. As by events - even though is setting out to create a that changes are round the one Digital Equipment there are several industry sector of the market that has corner. The changes are supplier in this country put observers who contend that palpably failed to materialise both in the products them- it to me recently: 'I visited this is possibly the case. so far. selves and the mix of a small company the other Instead, it is more likely to The consumer sector companies that manufacture day that was running invoic- be a case of waiting to see represents, at best, only ten them. The small companies ing on a PET and it worked.' how things develop in the per cent of the marketplace, that started this business All three companies are marketplace and then being and the general frailty of userhave had to struggle to get now dabbling in the distribu- ready to make a move. I am users when it comes to sub- going, and some have become tion end of the business, not suggesting that once jects like software has effec- tolerably large companies opening retail outlets at they do make their moves, tively blocked concerted in succeeding. By succeeding, least in part to learn the these companies will have a attempts to merchandise however, they have also rules of the game. It can be divine right to the micro - micros. started to tread on some pain- assumed that they will be market (if no-one else does, This situation will ful corns. Some will survive tolerably quick learners and the Japanese will ensure that)certainly change in time but they won't all be Davids it can be taken as a certainty but only a fool would under-and there are signs that the against the Goliaths. that they will have suitable value their chances. changes are on the horizon -

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Everybody is talkingabout Acorn the packet suitably converted into a Computers Ltd, most of the interest serial data -stream, enclosed by start and being focussed on the BBC's choice of TEST stop bytes (otherwise known as open Acorntosupplya machine around andcloseflags)anda16 -bit CRC whichtobaseitsfirstconsumer (cyclicredundancy check)-see computer series. Thishas generated a diagram.Obviously, on reception of wide range of comment in the press, such a bit frame from the network the particularlyinconnection withthe Sue Eisenbach and Chris Sadler ADLC will strip off the extra bits and eccentricity of Acorn's Basic dialect. continue our series of Multi-user reformat the messages as parallel data The second interesting event has been Bench tests with a low-cost which itputs on the local processor's the announcement of Econet, which bus. appears to offer multi-user computing British system. Before it can transmit a packet, it atanincredibleand unprecedentedbededicatedtotherunning ofa is necessary for the ADLC to determine low cost. program called the File Server and thethe state of activity on the network. The idea behind this network schemePrint Server respectively. On the reviewAn idle state will be seen by the ADLC isn'tnew - you start with a small,machine, for example, the File Stationas a stream of logic is (at least 15 bits cheap, stand-alone microcomputer anduses the Acorn System Three with its long)whereasinabusystate(ie, arrange for several of these to be linkedfloppy disk but the printer was attachedanother ADLC transmitting somewhere) to something which lets them access atooneofthe Atoms whichhad,logic Os will have been inserted into the common disk system, a printer or anyconsequently,to be sacrificed(asa bit stream (Zero Bit Insertion). Thus, other expensive or esoteric peripheraluserstation)every timeaprint-outeach ADLC can 'listen' to the network which it may require occasionally butwas required. The next revision of theand will only transmit when the net- not continuously. In this way a collect-networksoftware(tobe apparentlywork is free. ion of PETs can be clustered by meanswritten in machine code, rather than in However, this does not deal with the of the Mupet, Apples by means ofBasic as is the current one) is expected`collision' problem when two ADLCs Nestar and Acorn Atoms by means ofto offer sufficient flexibiltiy to allowhear nothing on the network and begin Econet. Of these, the last is the cheapest,several File and/or Print stations on thetransmitting simultaneously. Should this British and the subject of this month'ssame network. However, there are nooccur, the information actually on the Benchtest. plans to combine these two functionsnetwork becomes corrupted, a circum- into a single node (an obvious saving),stance detected by both transmitting nor to offer hard -disk facilities. stations which listen to their own trans- Hardware The Econet interface card comes inmission. These will then back off until An Econet systemconsists of threetwo versions: one for the Atom, plug-the network is clear again. In order to elements - the nodes (or 'stations')ging into the top (ie, wrong) side of theprevent this from happening over and which comprise two or more micro-PCB - a thin strip of board right above overagain, each station generates a computers, each with a processor, somethe keyboard; the other for the Acornunique 'arbitration code'. As soon as memory and possibly peripheral devices;(Systems Two, Three, Four or Five) -the colliding stations have backed off, the network cable which carries thea Eurocard which slots directly into thethey rotate their arbitration codes and information between nodes; and theAcorn bus. Both require a 4k machineinterrogate the top bit. Depending on Econet interfacecard, one of whichcode program starting at A000H and,its value, they either return to listening must be installed in each active node.at leastin the case of the Atom, is or try toretransmit. Since the two The review system comprised four fullystored in ROM. The Econet software isarbitration codes are different, event- configured Atoms (c f, Atom Technicalboot strapped into the local processorually one will get the opportunity to Data,forabrief sketch - or Mikeon power -up or when < BREAK > htransmit without interference. In fact, Dennis in PCW, July 1980 for a full pressed. each arbitration codeis made up of review); one Acorn System Three (a Inthe design of a network,itis eight is and eight Os so that any station 6502 -based machine built on the Acornnecessary to define how the informationhas a 50-50 chance of going first follow- Eurocard bus and featuringasingle to be transmitted on the network is toing any collision. This is also probably mini -floppy drive); a Seikosha printerbe made up (often called the 'packet);necessary to conserve uniqueness under and a number of lengths of four-wayhow it is to be transmitted and how allrotation - it will be interesting to see cable with standard five -pin din the trafficon the networkis to behowAcorncopeswitharbitrating connectors. This is by no means theregulated. On the Econet, much of thisamongitsproposed64kstations. maximal network - the current Econetwork is handled by the Motorola MC Assumingthatastationmanages a will support some 255 stations while a6584 ADLC (AdvancedData Linksuccessful transmission, it first sends a future version is planned to cater forController) which is housed on every`scout' message (the first few bytes of 64k nodes organised as a hierarchy ofinterface card. When one station wantsthepacket)and only transmits the up to 255 local networks, each compri-to send a message to another, its Econetremainder when the receiving station sing up to 255 stations. software will structure the body of thehasacknowledged andindicatedits Each station has a unique addressmessage into one or more packets whichwillingnessorabilityto receive the which is hard -wired into the interfaceare passed onto the ADLC. Each packetframe. During the entire transaction the card. Stations number 255 and 235 arecontains source and destination identifi-two participating stations have complete respectively designated the File Stationcation codes (one byte each), a one -bytecontrol of the network and any other and the Print Station. This is because`port -number' which serves to identifystation wanting to transmit would find if these facilities are required on the net-thenatureofthemessage(eg,a the network in a busy state. work (and it is reasonable to expect thatcommand or a piece of data, etc) and Physically, the network cable they would be) then each of the micro-the information itself. The ADLC thenconsists of two twisted pairs - one for computers located at these nodes mustconstructs a 'bit -frame' which containsdata transmission and the other for

80 PCW clock signals (in both directions). Forsystem (NOS) together with its low-levelappear on both screens but will only short networks, shielding is not necess-primitives. Thelatterconsist of sixbe obeyed by the remote processor. ary, althoughitis recommended forroutines used in the construction of theOn the other hand, the remote key- longerruns.Anyconfiguration is high-level NOS commands (see later)board isdisabled (except for break). possible (provided there are no loops),and are available to programmers atSo thisis what you can do - type althougha straight-linehook-upis assembler languagelevel. TRANSMIT *REMOTE 3 (say) and take over station recommended for larger networks sinceand RECEIVE are the lowest level and3. You can load a program into memory, the signal deteriorates over spurs andhave obvious functions, while PEEKbegin execution and the memory on branches. Branch connectors are such and POKE have their normal meaningsyour system will be unaffected. Mean- that the electricalcontinuity of theexcepttheyactonanotheruser'swhile, the user at station 3 just sits network is not dependent on whether ormemory(thisnetworkistheidealhelplessly watching. Unfortunately, not any individual node is switched on.environment for the programmer who iswhen graphics mode is used, the signal (Incidentally, neither the Acorn nor thealso a busybody!). RESET and STARTdoes not get back to the local screen. Atom appear to have on/off switchesare even worse - RESET tells a distantSince *VIEW cantransfergraphics anywhere on the casing.) The clockstation to stop what it is doing and waitsignals across the network, we assume signals are generated by one station,for a START instruction (so that itsthisis a bug in *REMOTE. While in designated the 'master -station'. (Jumpersmemory can be examined/alteredin remote mode, the remote station can be exist to configure any Econet interfacepeace), while START itselfpasses areset by typing 0 and remote mode card to perform this function.) Thesememory address to the waiting stationitself can be disabled by the command are used to synchronise data transfer.and causes it to begin execution there.*ROFF. The documentation mentions a The clock frequency recommended by The high-level commands under NOS further command, *NOTIFY n, which is Acorn depends on thesizeof thecan be used in immediate mode orintended to send a message to the screen network. The review system was rated embedded in Basic programs. Some areof station n (or broadcast to all stations at 250 kHz which would have been goodinheritedfrom Acorn's Cassette andif n=0) - but we couldn't getit to up to 300 m. For networks up toDisk Operating Systems (COS and DOSwork. 1.7 km (sounds suspiciously close to a respectively). These are *SAVE; Finally, the printer station is access- mile),107kHz was recommended.*LOAD; *CAT(alogue) and *DELETE.ed from another station by typing ,\ B Talking of recommendations, ChrisThe * serves to designate these as NOS(must be followed by 'delete' due to Curry of Acorn Computers felt that a commands rather than commands to thea bug in the current software) and dis- typical Econet configuration will prob-resident Basic system (eg, LIST, RUN,abled by /\ C. The effect is the same as ablyconsistof as many Atoms asetc). Other commands deal with specific /\ P under CP/M inthat anything required (fully expanded) and probablynetwork functions so that *VIEW nappearing on the screen will be repro- an Acorn System Five asthe Fileprovides the user with a snap -shot ofduced at the printer. That completes Station. This has two (Tandem) double - station n's screen. therangeof commands recognised tracked, double sided minifloppies (800Continuous 'viewing' can be achieved byby the NOS. They are simple to use kbytesdiskstorage)andprobably 10 *VIEW 3 (for instance) and appear to be reasonably efficient, 24k of RAM. Since this is the top -of -20 GOTO 10 if a little limited. The network error the -lineinfileservers,thisworksRUN. messages are clear and worth mention- outabit more expensive than theHowever, this viewing can never be ing: Econet might appearatfirstsight.entirely surreptitious since the victim'sNOT LISTENING: station referenced is screen'snows'slightlyduringeachswitched off snapshot and the continuous interrupt-NO REPLY: fault during transmission Software ions slow down processing discernably.BUSY: peripheral in use There are several different parts to the Similarly, the command *REMOTETIME OUT: peripheral not used for software available on the Econet. Firstlyn will allow the user of a local stationextended period (eg 15 secs) so link there is the Econet interface program(notn)to take over station n (thebetween station and printer severed installed in 4k of ROM in each station.remotestation)entirely. CommandsNO! FILESERVER: attemptto Thisfeatures the network operatingtypedintothelocalkeyboardwill*REMOTE the file station.

PCW 81 The secondpart of the networkenced by starting address and length. implemented and proved satisfactory, softwareconsistsoftheperipheral While we had the Econet, we had thebefore committing themselves to the utilities. These are called 'servers', soopportunity to preview Acorn's newEconet. thereisa'fileserver' and a'printPascal. This has not yet been released For the NOS: server'. Both of these programs haveand is currently missing some features1. Some means of restrictingavaila- to be executed on the processors at thewhichitwill need beforeitcan bebility of powerful network commands relevant stations before the network isregarded as fully viable. We received ato 'privileged' stations; ready for use. The file server must runletter fromitscreator, PaulFarrel,2. Wider range of high level commands at station 255. Every time a file is refer-telling us as much and asking us notproviding easier access to NOS prim- enced by another station (ie,SAVEd orto Benchmark it as all the debugging itives; LOADed) an entry is made on the filestatements were stillin. A fuller de-3. Provision for more than one file or server screen. This consists of the namescription of the language itself will beprinterstationonthesystem and of the file and other information likegiven in a future article but we cannotamalgamation of file and print stations; its location on the diskette, etc. Whenresist publishing our Benchmarks (float- 4. Pascal. the file server is booted in, every stationing point tests excluded - not yet For the File Server: on the network is made known to theimplemented); they make quite interest-1. A simple yet robust security system fileserver by a program known asing reading when compared to otherfor user files; BOOT. A 'qualifier' can be associated6502 Pascals. 2. Provision for data -file manipulation with each station - presumably this will A Pascal compiler would be a verywithin programs; be used in future versions to define thedefinite boon tothe Econet system 3.Provisionforhard -diskor other status or privilege of users on thatbut the snag seems to be that part of the massive file -store. station, in sofar as this status affectscompiler's address space overlaps the For the Print Server: access to disk -files.Likewise, the lit-Econetinterfaceprogram's spaceso Implementation of a spooling system erature mentions a number of commands covering file operations(including random access),directory operations, and disk operations, including defining and altering public and private access rights. Our file server, however, could only LOAD and SAVE Basic programs or *LOAD and *SAVE small (less than 20 kbytes) chunks of memory. The file server runs on an Acorn System 3, 4 or 5. The print server on the other hand runs on an ordinary Atom to which a printer is attached at station number 235. When another station types B at command level (or $2 in a Basic PRINT statement), it gets control of the printer stationuntil /\ C (or $3 in a Basic PRINT statement)istyped or until thereisno transmissionforseveralThe Econet controller fits along the top of the keyboard. seconds, after which the print server willdisengageitself and type 'TIME OUT' on both the printer and the attachedstation.Shouldany other station try to get the printer while it is .6, engaged,a'BUSY' messagewillbe " received and the user will have to try .11 .. again later.

The third software element includes 14.1 . ) user utilities and language translators. ltom~ At the moment all thatis offered in /:is this department is Acorn's Basic with Assembler which is supplied in ROM on all Atom stations and on disk in the file station. For those readers who cannot remember Mike Dennis's fairly extensive coverage of this dialect, here is a list of the more idiosyncratic highlights, both good and bad points: 1. 32 -bit precision integers named A, B, .. . X, Y, Z (ie, only 27 allowed). 2. Floating point variables and strings designated by non -alphanumeric prefixes (eg, $ for strings, etc). Arrays refer- enced by doublecharactervariable names (eg, AA). 3. The prefix"?' has the effect of a PEEK or a POKE depending on the The extra board to the left replaces the Basic ROM to provide Pascal. context. 4.The PRINT statement does notwith the current design this can neverwhereby output from different users is automatically append a < CR > - thisbe. Perhaps future configurations willtemporarily stored on a disk and queued must be done explicitly. support a disk -residentrelocatableto the printer when it becomes free. 5. The construct DO < statement >Pascal which can be down -loaded onto UNTIL < condition > is supported. individual stations. 6. The command LINK can be used to Inconclusion, we found that theBenchmarks enable the incorporation of assemblerEconet seemed to have very promisingThe multi-user Benchmarks take on a mnemonicsdirectlyintotheBasic potential as the basis of a low-cost net-different shape when run on a network. source. (This is how the NOS primitiveswork but feel that interested readersFor instance, the test designed to tie up can be utilised in programs.) should wait until the following enhance-a single processor will not show any Finally, under NOSitisnotat ments andextensions(someundereffects when each user has a processor. present possible to create or access datadevelopment or mentioned in the spec-On the other hand the file accessing files except as chunks of memory refer-ification, some not) have beentests are crucial and here, unfortunately,

82 PCW for 80 Column Printers call Micto Peeipheials

SEIKOSHA GP 801EPSON MX 70 Probably the world's most compact 80 column Impact Printer The lowest cost 80 CPS Printer with High Resolution Graphics

*5x7 dot matrix *80 CPS *5x7 dot matrix *128 chr uni-directional *96 chr set set inc f sign *High Res inc f sign "High Resolution Graphics *30 CPS *80 chrs Graphics (8x480 dots/line) /line or extended chrs "80 chrs/line or extended *12 chrs per inch *Tractor *Adjustable Tractor Feed feed *Up to 8" plain paper "4" to 10" paper with up with 3 copies *17.25d x to 3 copies *Easy head 32.8w x 13.2h cms *2.5Kg replacement. Ideal for Acorn, Apple, Nascom etc. £259* SEI KOSH A GP80(inc.2000sheetsof paper) £199* Friction Modification Kit £call OKI MICROLINE 80rCENTRONICS 737P I High quality proportional text suitable for word processing TRS-80 Graphics compatability type applications.

"9x7 dot matrix *80CPS *80 CPS proportional mode uni-directional *80 col. "50 CPS mono spaced mode or condensed "Expanded *111x9 (proportional or 7x8 characters *Friction and (monospaced) matrix *96 pin feed *Up to 3 copies character set ".9%" pin feed or friction *Reverse platen

OKIDATA MICROLINE 80 £299*_.A CENTRONICS 737 £349* EPSON MX801rEPSON MXBO F/T- Correspondence quality hardcopy at a realistic price X 80 F/T-2 ".9x9 matrix with true descenders "80 CPS bi-directional with logic ®This must be the first choice for seeking "80 column with conden- a truly professional 80 col. printer sed and enlarged characters .9x9 matrix with true descen- giving 40, 66, 80 and 132 chrs/ I ders "Friction and Tractor *12 line "Tractor feed *Optional different fonts "40, 66, 80 + °ewer eet,4132r, column "Single sheet feed - interfaces for APPLE, PET, 111011 TRS80, VIDEO GENIE, SHARP Valet ing "96 chr set inc 4 Int chrs RS232 EPSON MX80 F/T TYPE 1 . £call EPSON MX8OT £call Ideal for Apple, EPSON MX80 F/T TYPE 2 Friction ModificationKit £call PET, Acorn, Interfaces Ecall TRS80, Sharp etc.paper Roll Holder £call , L Interfaces £call A r r EPSONMX82-1 OKI MICROLINE 80 £299* two High Resolution Graphics with 'high gearing' EPSON MX8OT £call EPSON MX82 £389* EPSON MX85 £call ".9x9 matrix with descenders "Details as MX80T/1 but with EPSON MX100 £575* high geared high resolution ANACOM 150 £699* graphics (1152 dots/line) QANTEX 6000 P/ S £call 00,74/. PAPER TIGER 560 G £995* ANADEX 9501 spevai VISTA-TEC (P) £950 L EPSON MX82 C389* FOR ALL YOUR PRINTER NEEDS CALL 0256 56468 we were not able to test as fully as weSchools need to provide systems forAtom, together with several typescripts would have liked. There are two diskpupils to learn programming on and toincluding`Econet VersionI - User tests, each designedtotransfer 100run CAL software on. For the former,Manual';'Acorn(Econet)Technical 128 -byte records to and from the disk.an Econet system could be a slightlyManual'; 'Acorn DOS Manual' and a In the first test, the file should be open-dubioussolution.Firstly,amulti-long document entitled 'Atomic Net- ed and closed before and after eachuser system in a school environmentwork Operation' which appeared to be write and read, while in the second testmust be reasonably secure, and the Filesome sort of promotional specification the file is opened for 100 writes, thenServeravailableforreview purposesfor the Econet. closed,then openedfor100readsoffered no security. The thought of 20 Ofthese'AtomicTheoryand before finally being closed again. pupils each on their own machine butPractice' was the only document in its Since the Econet would not alloweach with the capability of deleting and finalform and, as a microcomputer data files to be accessed from within aalteringeveryoneelse'sfilesand userdocument,isofareasonably program we had to be content withmemory, as well as the ability to disable high standard. Itis 212 pages long, is transferring chunks of memory onto thekeyboardsatwill,woulddeterall paginated, includes a table of contents disk and retrieving them. Since eachteachers save those who take particular and succeeds in being entertaining and such transfer involves opening and clos-delightinanarchic chaos (orstrict informative with numerous examples. ing a file we took this activity to bedisciplinarians.)Infairness, however,Apart from the DOS manual, the other roughly equivalent to the first of theAcorn has promisedamore securedocuments appear to be preliminary tests described above(ie, the 'shortsystem. Secondly, there is only a veryversions of different ages and variable record' disk test). For the second test,limited choice of languages availableaccuracy, generated during the Econet we would have like to transfer 12,800on Econet stations. A strange dialectproject, and describing features some of bytes in one go but this proved tooof Basic and Assembler may not bewhich do not yet exist. No doubt they much for thefileserver so we wereeveryone's idea of the ideal teachingwill become more accurate as they are reduced to transferring 1280 bytes tenmachine.(ThePascalandEconet prepared for final publication but the times. This gave reductions in timing ofsoftware occupy the same address space, overall impression is again of reasonably the order of one quarter, so, extrapolat-so cannot be used together.) Finally, well -written clear descriptions of ing, one could expect improvements ofthe Atom inparticular (thatis, the features and of technical specifications, a factor of one quarter again for the full`cheap' solution) has space in its case for complete withcircuitdiagrams. The disk test. However, there will have to bea maximum of 12k and this may not be style of these, however, is not a tutor- considerable changes inthe softwaresufficientfor A -level pupils to write ialnature,incontrast with 'Atomic before these tests can be run properly. their projects on. Besides its price, in itsTheory'. MU Benchmarks 1 User2 Users 3 Users 4 Users Expansion Processor Test 33.2 33.4 33.4 33.3 I/O Test 119.5 120.1 119.7 120.0 The minimum Econet consists of two Short Record Disk Test161.4 321.8 482.7 643.2 linked Acorn System Twos each with a Long Record Disk Test 37.9 71.2 107.3 137.7 few k of memory, an Econet interface and only machine code capabilities; one withacassetteforbackingstore, Finally,aspromised,theAtomfavourarethe250x192resolutionCurrentlythe maximum an Econet Pascal Benchmark figures: graphics, sound and interfacing capabil- can contain is 255 Acorn System Fives magnifier 2.4ities useful for CAL and other computereach with 64k memory and two double forloop 31.3applications. However, there is a dearthsided double tracked minifloppy drives whileloop 80.7of quality software around to exploit(nofile -server),alongwitha wide repeatloop 71.0these capabilities. assortmentofinterfacecards.The literalassign 47.7 Itis hard to see the Econet, as itAcornsalesliterature promises even memoryaccess 46.8stands, fitting into a business environ-larger systems with up to 64k stations realarithmetic ment, where there is a need for robustconnected on subnetworks, all talking realalgebra hardware (and lots of it - eg, hardto each other and to other computers vector 126.1disks), robust software (and lots of it, on the much faster Cambridge Ring. equalif 86.0such as ledgers, financial planning pack- If there are hardware limitations on unequalif 83.4ages, databases, word processing stuff) an Econet, it isn't with the number of noparameters 13.4and good file security. However, Chris stations one can attach to it but with value 33.0Curry did mention that independentthesizeof each station. Larger and reference 27.4micro firms were developing software to faster (Winchester?) disks are needed maths connect several major micros into thefor a network of any size. On the soft- Econet (Apple, PET, Research Machinesware side, Acorn offers a fairly limited 380Z) which may carry the type of soft-choice of options for future expansion Potential ware which business users expect toand extensions to its sparse catalogue Acorn bills the Econet as a low-costhave. However, there is some doubt that ofsystemsoftwarewouldnotgo local computer networking system forCP/M will perform quickly enough to unappreciated. schools,businessandlaboratories'.satisfy the Econet's protocol. Firstly, letitbe said that the system Thelaboratoryuserisprobably certainly is low-cost but, owing to theAcorn'slongestestablishedtypeof unbundling(literally)of chunks ofcustomer and itis probably in the labsPrices essential hardware, it is not as low-costthat the Econet will fit with the least as it might seem. For instance, you'vetrouble. The Acorn systems provideAs there isa wide range of products probably seen the Atom advertised ata wide range of extremely useful cardsthat can appear in an Econet configurat- £120 but you've still got to get hold ofand even the Atom comes witha ion, the list below is a sample of the a (separate) power supply and monitorVersatileInterfaceAdaptoroption.more commonly purchased products. (total price £142) becore you could getAlso, laboratories are accustomed toThese prices exclude VAT. it up and running. Or you could makehaving cables and connectors leadingMinimal Atom kit with integer hither and thither and a cheap, easy -to - Basic £120 do with a domestic television. Fully expanded Atom with graphics and Bearing this in mind, each station onuse network could prove an excellent and efficient way of collecting, manip-floating point Basic £250 the Econet therefore consists of three Mains adaptor boxes (computer with keyboard,ulating and storing lab data. The Basic, £ 8 although eccentric for teachingKeyboard and cables £ 96 monitor, powersupply)plusinter- Hitachi 9in B/W monitor £136 connecting wiring, plus network cable -programming, seems well -suited to lab applications. Colour monitor £365 soanyoneplanninganinstallation Acorn System 3 (1 floppy drive) £775 should consider building in this wiringDocumentation Acorn System 5(2 ds double track (and installing on/off switches nearby). drives) £1650 Despite this, on a cost per machineThe (prototype) Econet system whichFile Server (full version) and Print basis,the Econet appears to be anwe reviewed was supplied with a spiral -Server £100 attractive proposition for schools - thisbound 'Atomic Theory and Practice',Atom Econet card + software view has been endorsed by the DOI.covering Basic and Assembler for the ROM £ 50 84 PCW or132 Column Printers call Micto Petipheiali

OKI MICROLINE 83 EPSON MX 100 Complete with RS232 interface The ultimate in Matrix Printers *Friction *Tractor *136 column *22 different Dealer Special *9x7 matrix *132 column chr sizes '7 International *Friction and Pin Feed chr sets *Up to 254 chrs *4 chr sizes *120 CPS bi- per line *9x9 matrix * directional *96 chr set plus *80CPS bi-directional 64 block graphics *True descenders *High geared *High res graphics (1632 dots/line)

OKIDATA MICROLINE 83 E799* EPSON MX100 £575* NEC SPINWRITER QANTEX 6000P Rugged, reliable correspondence quality printer 6000S Low cost, compact

'9x9 matrix with descenders 55CPS bi-directional *150CPS bi-directional *Interchangeable *Logic seeking * 136 chrs/ thimbles Proportional line *96 chr set *Exp chrs spacing *Tractor option *Parallel or serial int.

NEC SPINWRITER 5510 £1350* QANTEX 6000P (Parallel) NEC SPINWRITER 5530 £1350* QANTEX 6000S (Serial) PAPER TIGER 560GTANADEX13139501 For high quality correspondence quality printing High resolution natrix printer

*160 CPS bi-directional *132 *11x9 matrix *High resol- column *High res graphics ution graphics '200 CPS bi- *2K buffer *Double width chrs directional *X-on/X-off *RS232 or Centronics interface *RS232 interface *4 print *Up to 14.75" paper *Tractor densities 10, 12.5, 15 and feed *Up to 6 part paper 16.7 chr per inch

PAPER TIGER 560G £995*_J ANADEX DP9501 Ecall

MICRO PERIPHERALS are the UK's largest suppliers of Epson I VISTA -TEC Printers and independent printer specialists. Daisy Wheel letter quality *1 YEAR GUARANTEE on all printers (except NEC and TEC). *FREE DELIVERY (UK mainland only) *SPECIAL DISCOUNTS '25CPS *Letter quality for Educational Establishments *FREE PRINTOUT and data *136 column *Proport- sheets on all printers (call today). *DEALER/TRADE/OEM prices ional spacing *Bi- are available (call 'Trade' Sales today). *FREE EXPERT ADVICE directional *Diablo compatible *Friction on all our printers *DEALER EXPRESS SERVICE if orders are feed placed before 11 am, delivery will be made by same day (50 mile radius of Basingstoke (inc.London) there is a small charge for this service. *BARCLAYCARD/VISA/ACCESS accepted for telephone 1') orders. *CREDIT facilities can be arranged. *ENTER YOUR SCHOOL into the National Education Computing Competition LVISTA-TEC £950* L(ask for details).

ALL PRICES QUOTED ARE EXCLUSIVE OF V.A.T. Micro Peripheral BUT INCLUDE DELIVERY !!! 61 NEW MARKET SQUARE, BASINGSTOKE, HAMPSHIRE. Telephone: 0256 56468 The Printer Professionals Acorn Econet Eurocard + software Atom Technical Data ROM £ 60 Pascal £ 60 CPU 6502 Seikosha printer £195 Memory RAM 2k -12k, ROM 8k -16k The review configuration would cost: Keyboard 60 keys incluidng cursor 4 Maximal Atoms £1000 Screen 32x16 alphanumeric (uc and reverse video), 256x192 point 1 Acorn System 3 £ 775 graphics 1 keyboard £ 96 Cassette Kansas City CUTS 5 b/w monitors £ 680 Disk Drives Not tested disk system with BASF drives promised 4 Atom Econet cards £ 200 Printer Seikosha printer (and other parallel printers) 1 Acorn Econet card £ 60 Bus Acorn's onw 64 -way Eurocard socket 4 mains adaptors £ 32 Ports Cassette Interface, parallel port, Econet port 1 Seikosha printer 195 System SoftwareCOS Assorted cables and connectors£ 20? Languages Acorn Basic, BBC Basic (soon), Assembler, Pascal Sum £3058 VAT £ 459Acorn's ads areslightly misleading -demonstrate the powers of the Econet Total £3517'A ten station network with 400 kbytethey did much to show off the Atom as The price of a four -user system based onfile station costs around £3000 and asan ideal inexpensive machine for games an Acorn System Three File Serverlittle as £40 for each additional station.'- complete with graphics (256x192) would be: Ten stations for £3000 implies thatand sound. If Acorn had had multi - Review Machine (a three -user system users have 2k RAM and no monitor onstation games we might never have got + printer) £3058their Atoms, while £40 per additionalaroundtoreturningitssystem,let 1 maximal Atom + monitor + powerstationimpliesthatthe stationhas alone writing this review... supply + Econet card and cables £ 449already been purchased and only the Acorn Computers are relatively in- File Server £ 100interface card is required. expensive,flexiblebus -basedmicro- Sum £ 3607 computers,idealfor laboratory use, VAT £ 541Conclusion whereas Atoms are very inexpensive, Total £4148The review configuration was delivered if limited, all -in -one micros. The Econet The price of an eight -user system baseddirectly from an exhibition where itis an inexpensive method of hooking on an Acorn System Five File Serverhad received three days of batteringvirtually any number (actually 244) of would be: either of these micros together so that 9 fully configured Atoms (with Econetfrom thousands of children. It seemed they can share more expensive resources. none the worse forwear. We hadThe hardware configuration appears to card) £4041occasionalhardwaredifficultiesthat 1 Acorn System Five £1650didn'treappearwhencableswere be quite sensible. Unfortunately, at the 1 keyboard, monitor, and Econet disconnectedandreconnected.Ourtimethisreview was written,the card £290overall impression was that the hard-accompanyingsoftwarewasrather 1 Seikosha printer £ 195ware was as robust as one could expectprimitive - and the software a user sees 1 File Server £ 100of a system with numerous temporarymay make the difference as to whether Sum £6276connections. For a permanent system,a system is desirable, acceptable or use- VAT £ 941channelling forthe cables would be less.We hopethat,despitehaving Total £7217strongly recommended. obtainedtheBBC microcontract, The nicest thing about receiving aAcorn (whose products have always Although an Econet systemisin-system direct from a show is that thereshown a streak of originality) will not expensive per station (for the three -was a full games disk. Numerous friendsbecome too pre -occupied to provide this user, four -user and eight -user systemsspent many enjoyable hours playingpotentially powerful system with the pricedabove, thecosts are £1172,Dogfight, Rattrap, Astro, Space software support itso patently needs. £1037 and £902 per station respectively)Invaders (all three versions) and Break- theabovecalculationsshowthatout.Althoughthese games didnot

.THE GREAT COVER-UP! `N% Not since the days of Watergate has there been a public scandel of such far-reaching implications. '' %, ioa % It has recently come to the attention of the PCW 4, ',p, Secret Police that certain regular readers have been 14, ,,,, % storing their valuable back issues 'au naturelle'. 16t?, 1)o %, We consider this practise to be singularly lack- 6P \e6 %ing in dignity, and would therefore appeal to you .4' % in the name of common decency to please IS, 15, ensurethat your magazines areproperly 4.% dressed at all times. ':P0 This may be achieved by the simple 0.., r 0 '''.; % expedient of purchasing one or more of i'<:>,;* eto% our sturdy yet colourful PCW binders. 6) t.)/ q,... tr, Of ,p ' So why notjoininthe 4 0 ..0 os % oc, greatcover-upandpreserve 06 c 4,1,0 'eo c;$ your precious PCW's in their e',)d'c'40 ./ -%originalpristine I v9' 06',,o94, perfection. , Just check the .4 °<,.4e, ---4 %.60 '6/. .0 % coupon at thefoot ,,,,o -'6>,, 4 ior T ,1 0 (:)6) . % of the page. . 'kr IA, -et?' 0 /0 6'r<9.. %, '',..,tr, ' C''',) --,... 0 c?' '0'to N 0 'Pe 0.e. o a ts_,,, 4,7? %, 6) 0,_ ,/, t, '1 c?6, N ;> e ' %, eo N, N

86 PCW SECRETS OF SYSTEMS ANALYSIS PART 11: IMPLEMENTING A COMPUTING SYSTEM Lyn An till continues her series on bridging the gap between users and experts.

At this point in the series you willoften not possible to run two systemsimpressed by this excuse and neither have worked out exactly what yourcompletely in parallel - I doubt if yourwould it help you to keep a check on system is supposed to be doing for you.customers would like to receive dupli-your stock position. There must always You will have bought a machine and allcate invoices, or if you would wish tobe some outside realities that you can the accessories - cables, paper, floppymake payments twice over. But there'scheck your computer records against disks, etc. And, finally, you will haveno harm in keeping two sets of booksmoneyinthe bank, stockon the either bought a program package or had(as long as they agree). shelves,carboncopiesinthefiling a program written for you, and tested Parallel running presents the samecabinets. it. Now you are at the nail-biting stagedifficulties that I mentioned last month, So, how do you decide which option - ready to go live. in that you will often need to haveto go for? Partly it will depend on how the same piece of paper (such as a cus-you feel about it. Are you a gambler by Getting to know tomer order) in two places at once andnature, do you like a bit of excitement? you will have to arrange a fairly carefulOr would you prefer the slow steady clerical system to make sure that every-approach, even ifit did involve some the program thing gets processed properly and noneovertime? If it is vital that your records You'veprobablydonethisalreadyof these bits of paper get lost. Thisbe accurate, then you must be sure that during thetesting but perhaps somebrings us to the final disadvantage ofyou have some way to check them, as of your staff have yet to tryitout.parallel running. Your staff simply maythe bank did in my example. If you If you bought a package, you may notnot have enough time to put everythingsuddenly change your stock records have spent much time using it, soit throughtwice. Large companies canover to a computer and then find that would be a good idea to practise. Gettake on a few temps while the regularthe only way you can check them is by toknowthemanualoroperatingstaff act as supervisors, telling the tempsdoing a complete stock -take each night, instructions. You may not be able towhat to do. This may not be practicalyou may well decide that a parallel run remember all the routines that you havein a small firm, either because of thewould be preferable. However, if you can to perform, but if you can understandexpense of hiring temporary staff, ordo a quick check against cash in the till, what's in the manual then you can lookbecause the work can only be done byor against a manual list of work that up any tricky bitswhen you needsomeonewhoknowsthesystem.you've run up as you were entering it them. All the problems of duplicating yourintothe computer, thenthequick It's very easy to follow the set pieceefforts can be avoided by making achangeover would be quite safe. instructions which they often give at thesudden change, say over a weekend, If both of these options seem to start of the manual but it's not alwaysfrom one system to the other. However,involve too much hard work at once, so easy to sort out how to get started ononce you've gone over tothe newthen you may decide to compromise in your own data. If you have any doubtssystem you're stuck with it. If you'veways that many users of big computers about doing this, then start with a fewfound that it's got your records into awould. This wouldinvolvedoing a simple examples of your own work andmuddle, you'll just have to unmuddleparallel run on one section of the work follow these through all the stages untilthem. There's no chance of having aat a time, and can be less of a strain pro- you are feeling more confident. quick look at what's gone through thevided that it's easy to separate out an Often, the most difficult part of run-manual system. This means that youidentifiable area which can be compu- ning a system is getting it going andhave to be rather more careful aboutterised without upsetting the manual since this is also the time when you areyour testing and about the way in whichoperation of the other parts. With a least familiar with the program and theyou have enteredall your old data.book-keeping system, for example, one machine, you have to be prepared forThere is a certain amount of adrenalincould start with the sales ledger and things to be alittle more difficult.in this approach which does help youthen add the invoicing, leaving the pur- You're probably thinking that you'veconcentrate, and to put more effort intochase ledger, stock control, etc, to a been patientfora long time now,getting the new system right.Istill later date. Alternatively, you might try working slowly and carefully through allhaven'tforgottenthe excitement ofmaintaining just a few accounts on the the stages. Well, there's only one morewatching my first system go live in thiscomputer,as wellas keeping your stage to be careful about, so don't rushway. It was in a bank, which was evenmanual records. It all rather depends on things now! more exciting because they are so care-how many accounts and transactions ful about their records. Of course we are involved. did have some way of checking that the The changeover answers coming out of the computer There are basically two ways in whichwere correct because the dealers keptTaking on the data you can change over from one system totheir own records of their transactions,This has to be done carefully, because if another. You can run the two systemsas did the cashiers. At the end of theyou start off with duff data, nothing in parallel for a test period, until youday we were £3 million out! It tookwill ever be right. However, this presents arehappythatthe new systemis some frantic debugging to get thingsfar fewer problems for the micro user working properly, or you can go 'coldright but within three days everythingthan for someone withmillionsof turkey' by switching one off and thewas okay. records to enter into a mainframe. The other on. Each of these methods has If you decide to go for the cleanchances are that you can get things up advantages and drawbacks. break, then you must have some way ofover a weekend, or ata time when The advantage of a parallel run is thechecking your computer records - butbusiness is slack. security it offers you. You can look atthen you should have that anyway. You Is the data already in the right sort of the answers you're getting from the newcannot just rely on the computer gettingformat? You may be unlucky and find system and compare them with thoseitright for you. I doubt if the Inlandthat your existing records don't keep from the old. If you like them, well andRevenue or the VAT man would acceptquite the same bits of information as good; if you don't, then you can douncheckedcomputerfiguresasanyou're going to want to put on the something about it before you have toexcuseforgetting your tax returnscomputer, or else that you're going to rely on the new system entirely. Itis wrong. Your auditor would not bebe combining data from two different PCW 87 Applesoftware from FREE BASIC TRAINING COURSE Leicester Computer Centre WITH EVERY 1.101 A.C.E. (Applesoft Command Editor) A powerful co resident enhancement to Applesoft! Functions include. SHARP Powerful line editor - INSERT & DELETE Text, see control characters, find characters etc. Abbreviated commands - L for LIST, C for CATALOG etc. Keyboard Macros - Define your own i.e. (CTRL) P = PEEK, MZ-80K (CTR L) R = Return. Variable Dump - See currentvaluesof NON -ARRAY variables, also list line numbers a given variable is on. Execute monitor commands from Basic - HEX/DECIMAL convert, ASCII/HEX memory dump. Commands are executed right from the keyboard without treat ing or loading any external files. A.C.E. is a must for efficient program development. 48 K Applesoft ROM required - £19.95 + VAT (Diskette only - please specify DOS 3.2 or 3.3) VISICALC UTILITIES allows you to: 1. List out on your printer or monitor all the worksheet formulae 2.Re -format the printoutofyour worksheets with variable column widths, additional text headings, dates and page control and numbering. Registered Software Arts Inc. £34.95 + VAT ASCII XPRESS III With this package your Apple can talk to just about anything that has dialup access, from another Apple II to mainframe systems! It features file oriented upload/download facilities, a built in line editor withfull editing functions as well as support for your printer and keyboard macros in the terminal routine. Also included are support programs to help you convert Apple II Includes programs, (Applesoft, Integer and binary) to their file form. Fast machine language "crunching" is used to compress program files * 20K RAM to their minimum size to save online time. £39.95 + VAT 1418 * One day BASIC course * BASIC Cassette & Manual trie * 12 months guarantee corresp ncJent * Many options & programmes by R. Wagner available * Nowwith mathematics routine THE CORRESPONDENT issure to be one of the most NETT VAT TOTAL versatile programs in your library! It can be used as: MZ-80 Computer 48K £478.00£71.70 £549.70 AText Processor,ADatabase (with or without printer!), MZ-80K 28K UPGRADE £87.00 £13.03 £100.05 AProgramming Utility. Apple disk£29.95 + VAT MZ-80 I/O Interface Unit £62.00 £6.30 £48.30 MZ-80 FD Dual Disk Drive £693.00£103.95f796.95 Attiiitatiow8,Sitaufabow MZ-80 FDK Additional MZ-80FD £616.00£92.40 £708.40 A teaching aid, used to illustrate algebra and statistics. MZ-80 RS232 Interface £110.00£16.50 £126.50 Makes full use of the Apple's high resolution graphics. MZ-80 P3 Matrix Printer £430.00£64.50 £494.50 Apple disk£29.95 + VAT CP/M Operating System £196.00£29.40 £225.40 PC -1211 Pocket Computer £91.00 £13.65 £104.65 Apple World ishere. The fast3D CE -121 Cassette Interface £12.60 £1.89 £14.95 graphics package that runs on your Apple IIplus.Zoom, RP1600 Daisywheel Printer L1450.00.£217.50£1667.50 pan, tilt and scale your own designs on the Apple Ledger and stock control packages free with computer systems screen, at only£29.95 + VAT SUPER DISK COPY III SDCis a menu -driven programme that allows Please send me manipulation of all types of files underDOS 3.1, 3.2 and3.3. £24.95 + VAT PASCAL -FORTRAN Name )a. eF o COMPATABLEAn exciting Address ti Iaf- new addition to your Pascal library - enablesyouto create 3Dgraphics, viewable from any angle and distance. I enclose cheque/P.O. for .£ (£to P&P) £49.95 + VAT Plus a complete range of "off the shelf" programs for finance, commercial, scientific Butel-Comco Limited Barclaycard and education. Keep yourself up to date, send for our "Fact Sheets" giving Garrick Industrial Centre full program details. 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88 PCW places. If that's the case, then it mightover a week or so and can be entered asit is just another bit of office machinery be difficult to copy stuff straight fromand when time's available. Once that'swhich must be treated properly and your existing books into the computer.been done, operations can be suspendedwhich will soon find its place in the It might be easier to do the job in twoover a weekend, while the volatile bitsworking routine. You'll soon find what stages.Findoutexactly what dataof information, like balances and stockyou can and can't get away with but do you're going to be entering into thequantities are added. This reduces thetry to avoid any disasters in the early computer - what items, in what order,amount of work to be done during thestages - they're bad for morale! isthere any limit on the number offranticperiodwith aconsequent One thing that always surprises pro- characters in a given field, or on theincrease in the likelihood of everythinggrammersisthe way in which users value of particular items? Create a formbeing done properly with minimum dis-manage to adapt the way they use pro- on which you can write the input data.ruption to your business. grams to deal with more applications Try it out on a few records just to make than were originally intended. A non - sure and then get loads of them printedRunning the new programming user tends to take the off. program as given and uses his imagina- Before you can take on any data,system tion to see other uses for the data. One you have to call a halt on the processing technicalcollegeshowed metheir of anything on the old system. Do what-Itis always difficult getting used to student records system in which they ever checking you can on the old systemsomething new. This is the time when had to condense a lot of information and then leave it alone. Decide on theyou are most likely to make a mistake,into a limited number of fields. When order in which you will work throughand when you will find it most difficultthe operator discovered that she needed the old books and stick to it and thatto correct any mistakes because youto store an extra field after a student you don't walk off and leave anythingdon't quite know how. This lack ofhad withdrawn, she simply put the data halfway through - you'll only lose yourfamiliarity with the system can some- into a space that would have held some- place! It really does pay to check andtimes make an operator feel a bit harras-thing else but which wasn't needed any double-checkatthis stage. Jobs likesed; others react very differently because more. Sc the program was doing an going through all your customers andthey are enjoying the novelty and mayadditional job and she hadn't had to call copying their names and addresses aretryto rush ahead. Either way itis in the programmer. Even if she had, he so boring, and so simple, that you willimportant to build up good habits rightwould have had difficulty finding any make the incredible number of stupidfrom the start. Apart from all the nor-'extra space. mistakes. If you cannot put the datamal good office habits of orderliness, Running a system on a microcompu- straight into the machine, then fill inetc, there are specific procedures asso-ter isn't so different from running it any the forms you have prepared, checkciated with a computer system. Mostother way. You still have to be metho- these and then type the data into theimportant of theseistaking backupdical and work out procedures for doing computer. You'll need to check yourcopies of data and programs and theand checking each stage of the work. typing against the forms but you shouldsafe keeping of floppy disks. EverybodyWe're back with the 'dumb clerk'I alsocross-checkitagainsttheold will get the occasional data corruption,talked about at the beginning of the records where possible. but there is no doubt that some peopleseries. The micro is a willing, but unin- You may, again, be faced with theget more than others, because they aretelligent,clericalassistant. The only problem that there is just too much datacareless. sensein which you have to be more to take on at once. A possible way out A microcomputer is partofa careful when operating a micro is in the of this is to enter all the fixed bits ofcomplete system and its operation mustkeeping of data. You always did have to datafirst.Thingslikenames andbe meshed in with all the other things addresses aren't going to change muchgoing on around it. Once programmed, GOTO page 142 PET COLOU COLOUR displays on standard Uk Colour Tv's in tandem with PET VDU



PCW 89 court as an expert witness and make statements like:'Car A was travelling on the correctside of the roadat between 49 and 53mph immediately TOM'S prior to the accident.' This sort of state- ment by an expertisabsolutely in- Tom Ravensdale is a man who knowsvaluable in unravelling things like in- the answers. suranceclaims. Thefactthat Tom cannot be more precise in his speed TANDY The Company estimate if,for Tom runs an accident research and in-example, this accident happened in an vestigation company in East London.area where the speed limit is 30mph. It He is regularly approached by solicitors isclear that the vehicle in question PROBES and insurance companies who need towas exceeding the speed limit. know as accurately as possible what Tom's motivation to do this type of happened in an accident. Sometimes thework is that he feels very strongly that approach is made years after the event,many accidents areclearly avoidable and Tom has to unravel the truth from aand thereisno need for the annual PRANGS mass of often -conflicting statements,carnage that takes place on our roads. plus any evidence which may have beenDid you know that every year 6500 Road accidents cost Britain collected at the time of the accident. Hepeople are killed on Britain's roads and dearly, not only in terms of always visits the scene to take his ownGod knows how many are maimed for human misery but also in the photographs, make measurements andlife? Go into the orthopaedic ward of £1.5m it costs the taxpayer each note things like tree positions, type ofany hospital and count the number of road surface and so on. He then worksmotorcyclists rece'ving treatment - it year. David Tebbutt reports on through all this information, extractingwill usually be the majority of patients. a man who's doing something the relevant bits for subsequent entry toEach year 70,000 motorcyclistsare about it. hisaccidentresearchprogramsuitekilled or injured in Britain alone. which runs on a Tandy TRS-80 micro- Tomisatheartaresearcher;in computer. This suite incorporates for-addition to running the business, he is mulae derived from the laws of New-currently investigating motorcycle con- BillJones was driving home after atonian physics first observed by Galileospicuity at Loughborough University - pleasant weekend with friends. Feelingand later formalised by Newton in the relaxed, he was keeping to the country trying to find answers to questions such 17th century, together with the resultsas: shouldmotorcyclistsdriveon lanes well away from the rush of theof more modern activities, such as thedippedbeams; what colour clothing motorway traffic.His attractive wifeAmerican research into crush factors.shows up best? It is to fund this sort of was by hisside and his two youngBy crashing cars into solid objects, aactivitythat Tom actually runs his children were playing happily in theteam has produced tables of the energycompany. This means that he drives back. A split-second later, the car was a required to produce different degreeshimself extremely hard, usually working mangled heap at the roadside, he andof distortion of vehicles under various18 hours a day and often as many as 20 the children were all badly injured, andcircumstances (angle of impact, whetheror more. his wife lay dying. Another car had hit the collision is with a solid or moveable themhead-on.Itsdriverandfourobject,etc).Otherfileswithinthe passengeis were also badly injured. Thesystem hold details of every commonBackground road was wide enough for the vehiclesmotor vehicle used in Britain, includingIn order to explain how this business to pass each other and neither car wasinformation such as kerb weight, groundcame about itis worth delving a little anywhere near the speed limit allocatedclearance,trackingandcentreofinto Tom's past. When he was a child tothatstretchofroad.So what gravity. he had an almost obsessive interest in happened?And,moreimportantly, Tom, together with his system,isGray's Anatomy. By the time he was what can be done to prevent this sort ofthen able to assess the likely cause often he probably knew more about the horror? accident and, if necessary, stand up inhuman body than most of us ever find 90 PCW helmets. One of the interesting thingssequently Secretary General) of The he discovered was that if you paint orLaw Society from 1939 to 1969 and he use certain solvents such as petrol on awas also instrumental in founding the polycarbonate crash helmet, you renderBritish Academy of Forensic Sciences. it virtually useless. Tom duly wrote hisIt was this last activity that was to lead report and presentedit to the Homehim to Tom. Sir Thomas suggested that Office. Tom could continue his research by pro- By now Tom had really got the roadvidingan independent and unbiased safety bit between his teeth again, so heaccident investigation service to set up an accident research unit in thesolicitors and insurance companies. Sir London Hospital with the 'massive helpThomas figured that since the police of the Metropolitan Police'. Accordinghave access to experts to help them to Tom, these men really bent overdiscover what happensinaccidents, backwards to help him. He attendedthen the public should have the same accident investigation courses at opportunities. Tom andSir Thomas out. Unfortunately his parents regarded HendonPoliceCollegeandinthethen set up the present company - thisinterest as 'perverted' and 'dirty' UnitedStates,andhe'sparticularly Private Accident Investigation & and madea habit of walloping himproud to have studied under StannardResearch Ltd - to perform precisely whenever he was caught reading the Baker at Chicago's North Western Uni- thisservice. Tom runs the company book. Tom even took to readingit versity Traffic Institute. Tom attendedwith the help of his wife Soraya and beneath the bedcovers by candlelight.and investigated several hundred acci-his son John, plus a number of medical This was all very well until the day hedents during this research and his finaland ex -police consultants.Sadly,Sir set his bed on fire and almost killed report earned him a Fellowship of theThomas died during the course of my himself! Anyway he survived and wentInstitute of Professional Investigators. investigation for this case study. on to lead a most remarkable life. When he was 14 he left home and roamed around Europe doing odd jobs, returning to England after a few months only to be picked up by the police and taken home. As soon as he was 16 he was offagain and became veryin- terested in motorcycles. For nine years he toured the world racing bikes, using thestart money from one race to finance the trip to the next. Now, while Tom won his fair share of races, he also had more than his fair share of accidents. He even managed to fracture his skull twice - once in Japan and then again atBrandsHatch.Hisfinalaccident happened in Casablanca, where he broke his back. Spending several months in plaster gave Tom the opportunity to reflect on hislife anditalso brought him the opportunity to study. Before leaving hospital Tom had passed ten 0 levels and three A levels. This was just the beginning of an amazing amount of study which was to bring him several degrees and diplomas in the years to come. It was while carrying out research into the use of biological simulations in teachingatReading Universitythat Tom was approached by the Home Office to carry out a 12 -month study into the effectivenessofpolicemotorcycle helmets. Tom jumped at the oppor- tunity of involving himself in a cam- paign very dear to his heart - that of road safety. Apart from 'considerable personal experience of crashes', Tom had once staged an exhibition called OperationSkidlid.He had gathered together a number of his racing cronies to exhibit their crashed bikes and to try and persuade youngsters to wear crash helmets. Tom embarked on this study with his usual enthusiasm, getting various spon- sors to pay for trips to accident research laboratories around the world so that he could take advantage of all the accu- mulated wisdom of that time. During this work, Tom had a need for infor- mationaboutthetypesofinjury sustained in motorcycle accidents and,Tom Rauensdale as a result, spent a lot of time with a team of doctors, surgeons and patho- Towards the end of this particular logists at the London Hospital Medicalstudy, Sir Thomas Lund came on theAn Investigation College, examining people who had diedscene.Sir Thomas was probably bestOn my final visit to Tom, I asked if we or been injured in such accidents andknown for his efforts in setting up thecould work through a case together and, correlatingthisinformation with hisLegalAidandAdviceSchemein rather than present my findings in an findingsafter examiningtheircrashBritain. He was Secretary (and sub -abstract, academic way, I shall describe






iirmws - Edna= - sera "ff/K /We/4'07- .040v: tirenati:

DataStar is an easytolearn,yetprofessionally MIKAallivielte 'isa powerful file merging tool permitting powerful, comprehensive dataentry, retrieval and update up to eight levels of nested file references as well as chaining. system for microcomputer systems. DataStar handles record As variable data is merged with text MailMerge automatically keeping applications frominitialdesign through updating, reforms paragraphs asrequired to conform to the margin addition/deletion, and search/ retrieval of records - quickly settingsandjustificationusedintheoriginal document andeasily,evenforcomplex operations.DataStar is a resultinginaccurately formed and marginated documents powerful program that can be used for an extremely wide that look as though each received special attention, all with- range of possible applications by experienced programmers or out special intervention, consideration or calculation required systems analysts as well as inexperienced first-time users. The by the operator. DataStarpackageconsistsof twoparts:FormGen and DataStar. Formgen is used to prepare forms for entering data, then DataStar handles the data entry and verification process according to the form requirements defined by FormGen. SUPCPSOMcombinesperformanceandflexibility DataStar features include: data entry verification by sight, list in sorting, merging and selecting information from data files. and retype; arithmetic operations on fields; record search/ It can sort and merge up to 32 files into a single file, at the retrieval and edit/updating; comprehensive help messages and rate of 560 records per minute. And new records can be inte- instructions displayed on screen; compatibility with CP/M grated into a master file in one simple and efficient operation. supported languages e.g. BASIC, FORTRAN etc; automatic SuperSort is a star at sorting. It will accept just about any kind documenting of field and form layouts detailing verification of record you can imagine. The data can be justified, or etc., horizontal and vertical scrolling allows design of forms include floating decimals, exponential notation, or upper and exceeding screen width and depth. Application examples: lower case letters;it can even be in several standard formats, Order entry and invoicing, name and address lists etc. such as binary, bcd, ASCII, etc. You won't have to waste time and money translatingyour records for the computer. And you can have fixed or variable length records and fields.In fact, you can have a different number of fields in each record. WordStar is a powerful, screen -oriented, integrated wordprocessingpackagefor CP/M systems. Advanced features include:simultaneous printing and editing, multiple DataStar £145/£25 levels of user -selectable help messages, word-wrap, page break - Software*/Manual", WordStar £185/£25 display, hyphen help, and extensiveprintenhancements, - Software*/Manual**, including boldface, underline, sub and super script, variable MailMerge - Software*/Manual**, f55/£15 line height and character pitch. Comprehensive screen prompts SuperSort 1 - Software*/Manual**, £95/£20 allow for easy insertion and deletion of words, lines, para- graphs and pages. Gives true screen image of what your print- *Price of software includes manual VISA out will look like, before you print. Use in conjunction with **100% credit if software is purchased later MailMerge to automatically insert variable text either from console or data files into standard forms, such as circulars Air etc. TRADE ENQUIRIES WELCOME

Prices and specificationssubjectto change without prior notice. MAIN UK DISTRIBUTOR: CP/M isa trademark of Digital Research Wordstar, DataStar, Super - Sort and MailMerge are trademarks of MicroPro Inc. INTERAM COMPUTER SYSTEMS LTD., 46 BALHAM HIGH RD., LONDON SW12 9AQ Please write or phone for free 16 -page brochures and flyers. Tel: 01 - 675 5325/6/7 Telex: 925859 exactly what happened, making just enough changes so that the particular case can't be identified. We started with a bundle of notes andphotographsprovidedbythe solicitor, together with other notes and photographs taken by Tom at the scene of the crash. The bundle contained masses of correspondence between the people involved in the accident, the in- surance companies and the solicitors. In addition there were statements taken by police from victims and witnesses, in- surance claim forms, plus maps of the scene drawn by both the police and by Tom. Had there already been a court case relating to the accident, then the court record would also have been in the file. The particular accident I worked on isthe one mentioned in the opening paragraph of this article. Mr Jones was indeed driving along on his own side of road when a car coming in the opposite direction hit him head on. The accident happened in the rain on a curve and a numberofpeople wereinjured. Tragically, Mr Jones' wife died of her injuries.A witnesstotheaccident claimed that the car which hit Mr Jones' vehicle was on the wrong side of the road at the time of the accident. From impact damage and the vehicles' final resting positions it was easy for Tom to confirm this statement. Accordingtoallparties involved, there was water lying on the road. The policenotedthatitextended right across the road for a distance of some 30ft and lay about a quarter of an inch deep over most of its area. The tyre pressures and tread depths for both vehicleshad been recorded by the police and Tom made a note of these. He also noted the make and type of each car involved. Finally he extracted detailsof the curve,specifically the chordandmiddleordinate lengths. These were to be used later to work out the radius of the bend. Armed with this information, we moved across to the computer. Tom's machineisa 48k TRS-80 Model 1 level2 withfourdiskdrives, two printers, an acoustic coupler and upper/ lower case characters. He's tweaked the drives so that the Tandy ones have 40 tracks and the Micropolis ones have 80.The pocket Tandy comes in handy. One of the printers is a unidirectional,on the road and Tom entered the cam-WITH A RADIUS OF 757 FEET, A upper-case only machine while the otherber angle followed by the coefficient ofRADIUS OF GYRATION OF2.5 isbidirectional withfullupper- andfriction which made allowance for theFEET AND A CENTRE OF GRAVITY lower-case characters. The first thing wefact that the road was wet. ImmediatelyOF 1.78FEET, THE MAXIMUM did was to establish the radius of thethe system presented a result: SPEED WITHOUT OVERTURNING curve. Tom called upthe appropriateTHE CRITICAL SPEEDFOR AIS: 56.278 MPH, 82.7137 FEET/SEC; routine, popped in the chord and theCURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 75790.8196 KPH, 25.2277 METRES/SEC. middle ordinate figures and was pre-FEET AND A COEFFICIENT OF Interestingly, the system told us that sented with the result: FRICTION OF .5 WITH AN ADVERSEthe maximum safe speed for this par- WITH A CHORD LENGTH OF 110CAMBER OF 1IN 25 IS: 72.0052ticular vehicle under these conditions is FEET AND A MIDDLE ORDINATE MPH; 105.89FEET/SEC;116.267only 56 mph. OF 2 FEET, THE RADIUS OF THEKPH;32.2964METRES/SEC. THE In order to doublecheck the findings CURVE WILL BE 757.25 FEET ORACCELERATION/DECELERATION sofar, Tom entereddetails of the 230.961 METRES. RATE IS 16.1 FT/SEC/SEC. damage to each vehicle. To help him do AlthoughTomwasinstinctively The next thing to do was to look atthis, a menu appeared which offered the aware of the sort of speeds that such athe make and type of vehicle. Tomchoice of eight types of impact. He curve would allow, he still went throughkeyed this in and his 'vehicle data re-chose a head-on impact with another the full procedure so that I could under-trieval' program responded with all thevehicleandenteredthedepthof stand properly. relevant facts about that particular car;crushing at the front of the car. The The next thing he did was to call upnamely the kerb weight, gross weight,system replied with an estimated speed a routine based on a standard police for-height, width, length, wheelbase, fronton impact of 42.9mph. mula which works out a safe negotiatingtrack,reartrack,groundclearance, Since the collision speed for both speed fora given curve, taking intoturningcircle,engine size, maximumvehicles (we had checked the other car, account camber and the coefficient ofspeed and centre of gravity. The systemtoo) was considerablyless than the friction of the road surface. You maythen went on to give details of thetheoretical critical speed for that curve, noticethatthisparticularformulamaximum safe speeds for thisparti-Tom had to look for possible causes of takes no account of the type of vehicle.cular vehicle, taking these factors intothe loss of control. You'll remember The notes revealed an adverse camberaccount: that a quarter of an inch of water was

PCW 93 THE ACORN ECONET Thenewlow-cost interconnecting communication systemfor computers and peripherals.

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STATION 1 STATION 2 STATION 3 STATION 4 STATION 5 "Toourknowledge the Econet is by far the lowest cost networkavailable in the world" A ten station network with 400K byte file station costs around £3,000 and then as little as £50 for each additional stationinterface. WHAT THE ECONET DOES ECONET'S ADVANTAGE OVER TIMESHARING The Econet communications network system has been developed Each Atom station costs less than a typical terminal on a timesharing to enable up to 255 Atoms and/or other systems to communicate system.. Each station runs programs at maximum processor speed; with each other almost instantaneously and to share facilities such as extra stations don't slow the system down. Each station is disks and printers. The network is totally democratic. All stations can independent; a fault on one station doesn't affect the others. The communicate with each other independently unless specifically Econet is far more flexible than a timesharing system.. Extra facilities prohibited at a data transfer rate of up to 210 kilobaud. Any station can can be added as self-contained units. be set up as a master station with an ability to define priorities and open ECONET WITH OTHER ACORN SYSTEMS or close facilities to subordinate stations.The master station can Any Acorn Eurocard System or standard Atom can be added. however communicate with all stations at once or singly. Compact hardware modules fit neatly inside the Atom. HOW THE ECONET WORKS A ROM carries the software for low level network commands. All the stations on the Atomic Network are connected together in the Sophisticated file server/printer server software is available. network by ordinary 4 -wire cable. There is no specific direction of flow At its lowest level the Econet can be fitted to two Atoms only. of data; the network simply ensures a path between any pair of stations. FIND OUT MORE! 1. Before transmitting on the network a station listens until the network For comprehensive information about Econet simply fill is free. in the coupon below and post it today. Full details will be 2. If two stations transmit simultaneously the 'collision' is detected by a sent to you straightaway. circuit on each station's Econet interface and both stations stop transmitting. 3. After a collision is detected, each station causing the collision retries ACORNAcorn Computers Limited imMediately, or abandons the attempt and continues listening until 4a Market Hill, the network is free again. The course of action taken is determined by COMPUTERCambridge CB2 3NJ a 'collision -arbitration' algorithm ensuring that no two stations go through the same sequence of actions. no:Acorn Computers Ltd., 4a Market Hill, CAMBRIDGE CB2 3NJ 1 In practice these procedures give very efficient use of the Econet, with Please send me full information about the ACORN Econet the minimum number of retries. I Name During the time that two stations are in communications the network is I kept continuously busy, so there is no opportunity for another station to I Establishment interrupt and cause a collision. Once the conversation is finished the I Address I network is released, and other stations waiting to use it will again compete to gain access to it. I I Postcode I PCW 7/81 E Lelephone No

94 PCW lying on the road, so Tom dug out theown system, the only other programfortunate for making the decision to notes for an earlier hydroplaning (weTom uses regularly is his Scripsit wordbuy Tandy. often call it aquaplaning) accident. He'dprocessing package which produces all Itis interesting to note the simi- worked out some new formulae for thishis final reports. larities between Tom and people like type of case, based on tests conducted David James (see 'The Last One' in by NASA on the effect of depth ofComputing February's PCW). They are not com- water on runways for landing of air- puter people by profession. They are craft. Tom wrote a new piece of codebackground essentially users who are convinced that and patched it into the system while ITom first encountered computers whena computer will help them tackle many sat there. He then provided it with thehe was an Open University student inof their problems. They set about the appropriate figures, including tyre pres-1972. At that time he was purely awholebusinessinanentirelyun- sures taken from the police report, anduser making use of statistical packages,structured way, doing a little program the system replied by telling him thatalthough one of his courses was a sys-here and another there, satisfying their the maximum 'safe' speed for this curvetems course. He was to wait a furtherneeds as they arise rather than working ranged from 47 to 51mph under thesefive years before becoming heavily in-to some grand master -plan. As they go conditions. volvedinthe programming side.In along they merge programs and bits of The message was clear: the curve at1977, while studying for his Dip FE in programsuntiltheybegintohave the time of the accident was not safe atresearchstatistics at Garnett College,something which you or I might call a much more than 45mph. In fact, theTom finally found the need to use thesystem. And the system works, because local council had rated it as a 60mphcollege computer. His particular require-each element in it worked at the time it road when it should really have beenments were so specific that he had towas firstwritten. In this way, some rated as a 30mph road, since the figureslearn to program in Basic in order to putenormously complex, and often untidy, arrived at during this investigation werethe system to good use.Since thatsystems are being created. I'm sure that all maxima. time, Tom has spent an average of fourthis approach offends the purists but As afinal check, Tom re -read theto five hours daily writing programs in I'm equally sure that these same purists case notes and one of the police state-Basic. Of course, having access to awould still be stuck at first base trying ments said that they had tried negotia-college machine isn't quite the sameto getthe user todefine his exact ting the bend under similar conditionsthing as having your own computer, sorequirements before they dared start and they'd experienced great difficultyTom boughtaTI59 programmablework on the system design. The fact is controlling the police car at more thancalculator. This was fine for a while,that people like Tom often don't know 50mph. Needless to say, this paragraphbut then he knew he had to get some-precisely what they want and to get almost leapt out of the page at us! thing more powerful - but what? them to commit themselves to ideas at In this way, Tom is able to use the Now you're hardly going to believesuch an early stage quite often robs same methods he has always used to dothis, but another of Tom's many talentsthem of the chance to use the com- his accident investigations, except thatis that he is something of an electronicsputer's full potential. Now, I know that now the calculations are done inawizard. He once designed and built a there's a place for both approaches but, fraction of the time it used to take. burglar alarm for a motorcycle whichhaving seen The Last One and now The example we worked throughstarted by issuing a spoken warning to aTom's excellent system, I'd be the last highlightsonlya few of the manywould-be thief if he tampered with theto sneer at what I can best describe as facilities that Tom has built into hislock. If he sat on the bike, the thingan organic approach to programming - system. One of the major functionsthreatened the thief that it would callit just grows. I think that this marks just gives him the ability to break down athe police. If he then tried to ride off onthe beginning of the long-awaited micro skid into fractions of a second, showingit, it did call the police and it screamedrevolution in which the power of the the speed and position of a vehicle atto passers-by that it was being stolen.personal computer is wielded by the each moment. He can, using standardThe reason I mention this is that Tom user instead of by the data processing driver perception and reaction times,used to haunt his local Tandy store forindustry which hasn't always operated establish where a pedestrian might havehis electronic components. Just at thein the user's best interest. And that's been prior to an accident. Until recently,time he realised he needed more com-putting it mildly! if a pedestrian had been knocked downputing power, he popped into the shop on a crossing, the driver has usuallywhere he saw his first personal com-Some dire warnings been given the blame. Tom can tell, forputer - a TRS-80. A littlebit ofTom is convinced that the computer is example, whether the pedestrian wasresearch showed Tom that he couldn't the most 'intellectually addictive device actually on the pavement when theget a machine of similar power moreever made'. He warns newcomers that driver realised that he or she was aboutcheaply so he went back to Tandy andthey must be prepared to spend a lot of to run out into the road. He can alsobought himself a tape -based system,time on it if they plan to do their own tellto a certain extent whether wit-using his oscilloscope in part -exchange! programming. I'm sure that most pro- nesses aretelling the truth. On one Starting off with very simple three -grammers would agree that most five occasion someone told him that they'dline programs which helped him assessminute jobs end up taking five hours! It heard the skid, rushed out into the roadvehicle speeds from skid marks, Tom isbecause of the interminable hours and seen the crash happen. Tom wasswiftly moved to the more sophisticatedspent at the keyboard that Tom suggests able to demonstrate that this was im-routinesmentionedearlierinthisyou buy the most comfortable chair possible since the accident happened onarticle. As he encountered a new typepossible because, while you're program- a curve and that the sound of the skidof accident, he'd work out appropriate ming, you are completely oblivious to had first taken a while to reach theformulae and pop them into the system.any aches and pains which might be witness's ears. The witness had then toItis in this way that the system hasdeveloping. It's only when you stop that run into the road in order to see the sitegrown during the past two or threeyou realise you have the most awful of the accident, by which time it wouldyears. Tom reckons that this accidentbackache. have all been over. In a similar way,research suite won't be finished for ten When itcomes to the choice of Tom can work out things like whoyears at least, if ever. machine, Tom advises you to buy a might have been first to enter a junction So there we have it: a man who knew `HighStreet,mass market' machine in a crossroads collision. He can eventhat he needed some sort of tool to helpwhich has plenty of software available. calculate the speed of each vehicle priorhim with his complex accident researchHe didn't give a lot of thought to soft- toimpactfromtheirfinalrestingequations went into a Tandy store andware and it wasn't until he'd written a positions. found just the thing. Of course, Tomfair number of programs that he dis- The list is almost endless. In the casequicklybecame frustratedwiththecovered they were already available in of accidents involving motorcycles, Tomcassette tapes and he soon upgraded to athe shops! Finally, he recommends that can work out the relevant details frompair of Tandy disk drives. As the data-you buy the biggest machine you can vector analysis, whichtakesintobase grew, Tom bought a couple ofafford: you are almost certain to need account the resting places of both theMicropolis drives and, as the printingthe extra capacity as you find more and bikes and the riders. Tom is currentlyloadincreased, he decided to buy amore jobs you want to do on it. perfecting a new series of equationsprinter. Before long he outgrew even which deal with vehicle speedsesti-this, which is how he ended up with his The future matedfromprojectionsandtrajec-present four drive, two printer system. Tom's head is absolutely bursting with tories. Tom is absolutely delighted with theideas for his system. For example, it Apart from a few utilities and hisequipment and considers himself very GOTO page 158.

PCW 95 COMPUTER ANSWERS Send your queries to: Sheridan Williams, 35 St Julians Road, St Albans, Herts.

0 0

variables that are required to of is that true file processing Starting any kind of business have double precision can be requires two cassette decks; requires professional advice. so specified. Any system this can be overcome pro- Certainly much more than running under the CP/M vided you have sufficient can be given in a brief answer operating system could use main store, but in going for a such as this. There are several MBasic, which allows double low budget system you are books on the subject of precision. One of the almost certainly going to be setting up your own business cheapest systems that has short on main memory. It and I suggest that this might Adaptor double precision is the Video appears that each record will be as good a starting point as Genie. contain about 30 characters any. I am sure that you are wanted SW after coding and it is easy to probably quite an expert in work out the memory your own field and would I recently purchased a UHF required for processing by realise that you will need ex- modulator type UM1111E36 multiplying the number of pertise in several areas other from Interface Components Cow PET characters per record by the than the pure computing side. of Amersham. The modulatorI am interested in using a number of records (200 cattle You are bounded by all has a phone socket output computer as an 'electronic will require 200 x 30 = 6000 the copyright laws, the same and none of the shops I've herd book' to store pedigree ch ; ie, 6k of memory). The as any other person/company been to can help me with an cattle identities, together calculated memory require- in Britain, but the whole area adaptor for connecting to a with sex, date of birth and sixments must be over and of computer software copy- coaxial cable to a TV set. physical measurements per above the amount used by right is shrouded in un- Where can I obtain a suitable animal (three -digit integers) Basic and your program, so certainties. You should avoid adaptor? so that one or more of the you are unlikely to find an situations that are morally Len Wood, Bourne End, following analyses are 8k system large enough. How-wrong, such as changing a few Buckinghamshire possible: ever, all this is irrelevant pro- statements in a program and 1. List of parents and grand- vided the computer supports calling it your own. There has You should have no difficultyparents with measurements; twin cassette decks, and file been a recent case where obtaining suitable plugs and 2. List of close relatives with commands to access both at someone produced a program sockets from Maplin at 159- measurements; the same time. Beware the that would enable users of 161 King Street, Hammer- 3. Comparison of measure- salesman who will not com- Visicalc to copy their disks; smith, London W6, tel 01- ments of contemporaries. mit himself on this point. this can seem innocent or far- 748 0926, or 284 London What kind of computers reaching, depending on the Road, Westcliffe-on-Sea, would be suitable, bearing in Writing programs to cassette Essex; in fact, any good is simply not good enough. way you look at it. You pay mind that I have no know- The PET in its cheapest whatever commission you electronics/radio shop shouldledge of electronics? This agree at the time - this is up be able to supply you. would be very much a secondhand version with two SW cassette decks is certainly up to you and the program 'hobby' development for me to this task but make sure supplier - and you make the in the first instance. that you get both the cassettepayments in any way that I P Ross, Inuerurie, Aber- deck heads aligned because you agree. Write directly to Tools not dee nsh ire this is the most frequent the advertising department of cause of error when using twoPCW for current advertising Well, I think this is one of the decks. Most micros read cas- costs. toys ideal ways in which to sette files at around 30 ch/s, SW I am interested in statistical become familiar with com- which means one record per and other scientific calcula- puters and programming. Yousecond in your case. With 200 tions, but the Commodore have in mind an application cattle, this will take just over hich one PET with all of its advantagesin which you know precisely three minutes to produce an As a newcomer to computing lacks arithmetic accuracy ; mywhat you want; it is simple answer. Updating the file will I have decided that, to learn HP 33E calculator calculates and only requires a small take around twice as long as as much as possible about the to ten -figure accuracy. There system. You are also starting you will have to wait for bothsubject, it is essential to have are many of us who are in- off by treating it as a hobby, reading and writing times for my own computer. Three terested in using micros as which means that you pro- each cassette. machines appear specially scientific tools rather than bably won't be too upset if it SW suitable for the beginner: the toys for playing Space takes longer to master than Sinclair ZX80, the Acorn Invaders - can you help on expected. Atom and the Newbury New - this point? You have stated nearly as Brain. Could you please com- F M Eggert, London much as I need except for theGetting ment on these and suggest maximum foreseeable size of which would suit a beginner Any piece of equipment that herd. This is not of crucial started best? exists in as many varieties as importance as you will see I have recently inherited If I want to expand at a do computers needs a well - later. You must look for a some money and am con- later date, would this be pos- written specification of computer that has good file sidering starting up a softwaresible or should I think of requirements before a short- handling commands and, of house for the TRS-80, but starting with something like a list of suitable items can be course, which has a cassette have no real knowledge on Video Genie? Guy Kewney drawn up. The PET (together interface; but let us look at how to do this. In particular, suggested in your February with many others) does have the problem in more detail. I require information as issue that there could be limited arithmetic precision. Basically, there are two follows: some delay on the NewBrain. This is not a fault of the hard-ways in which we might want1. The initial cash outlay be- Would it be better to wait for ware but of the version of to process files - serially and fore I can start ; this, or choose some other Basic provided. If a system randomly (directly). For the 2. The best way to obtain machine now? was chosen that didn't have latter, a disk drive is essential,software; JA Priam, Exmouth; Jan Basic in ROM it is much while for the former it is only3. What copyright laws I am Kalin, Ljubljana; and M more likely that a suitable essential if fast pro- bounded by; Shroff, London version of Basic could be cessing is required, otherwise 4. What percentage royalties I found. There are machines a cassette deck will do. Your pay; Taking the last point first - that have a double precision application can easily be done5. How I make such pay- the microcomputer market is capability and have Basic in using serial files and it ments; still in a state of rapid ROM if this is important. remains for you to determine6. The cost of advertising in development and those who Languages such as Fortran what delay is acceptable PCW. wait before buying will have a have a double precision capa-before results are obtained. D S Webb, Colwyn Bay, wider choice and quite likely bility built in and those The next thing to be awareClwyd lower prices. On the other

96 PCW COMPUTER ANSWERS hand, they will have let all that time go by when they Chess Trig caics ting factorials? could have been learning Phillip L Watson about computing 'hands-on'. Would you please give me the And I do agree that's the bestdespair equations by which Basic or Most people are aware that any other compiler calculatesthere are series that approxi- way to learn. So, if you can't I am in despair! I bought a get such practical experience values for sine, cosine tan- mate to the functions sine, at work, or from a school or Tandy TRS-80 4k Level 1 gent, logarithm, etc.Why is cosine, tangent and logarithm; with the aim of programmingthere no routine for calcula- the series for sine is: college, and you've got aboutit to play chess - the rest I £150 to spare, you can get leave to your imagination! y5 7 your experience at home; I'm now having it upgraded X3 . all x. with the usual advantages of to 16k level 2, and would sin(x) = x -- -X + .. valid for as much time as you like, andappreciate your help over 3! 5! 7! when you like. how to program it for chess There are at least two playing. I expect that I will There are similar series for terms. To get such a series we other computers to add to need a Z80 machine the other functions. How- will have to accept a restrict- your list: the Sharp PC1211 editor/assembler and/or a T ever, there is a major draw- ion on the range of validity Pocket Computer (or the bug but would welcome yourback with such series - you for x; this is not too much of Tandy version of it) and the guidance. If I need extra may have to take dozens of a problem because functions Microtan. Of all these the RAM, is this easily and terms to obtain the correct such as sine repeat them- Atom and Microtan offer cheaply available for the answer. What we require is a selves anyway. Here is a series ready scope to expand in for sine: steady stages to much more TRS-80 as it is for the ZX80?series that gives you the powerful systems with R W Edwards, Tamworthy correct answer in only a few printers and disk drives. The NewBrain's spec probably You do not say in your letter k=3 2*k+1 offers scope for expansion, aswhether you want to program sine x = > ' a 2*k+1 x ABS(x) <=2 it is very well provided with your Tandy to play chess for k=0 I/O features, the ability to the fun of the programming cope with a lot of RAM, and challenge, or primarily so that with an increasable amount ofyou can use it to play chess. where al = 1.000 000 002 then, using a loop, accumu- ROM. But as yet there's no If the latter is your real aim, a3 = -.166 666 589 late the sum as follows: indication of when it will be then I am convinced that youa5 = .008 333 075 FOR K = 0 TO 3 available. would do much better by a7 = -.000 198 107 T=T+A(2*K+1)*Xt(2*K+1) The Acorn has an unusual buying an effective chess - a= .000 002 608 NEXT K version of Basic -a strong playing program ready - If you don't understand thenPRINT"Sine of";X;"IS";1' point if you are a mathema- written rather than spending ask a friend with a little I hope you get the idea. tician, a weakness if you wantyour money on system soft- maths knowledge (A -levels Notice that ABS(X) must be to learn Basic from it for laterware. An effective chess - will do). If you were going to< = PI/2; therefore, you will use on other machines. The playing program represents program it in Basic, then set have to scale your values for ZX81 is a most intriguing many hundreds (if not thou- up in an array values for A(1)x. Here are the series for: item, having a number of sands) of man-hours in A(3) A(5) A(7) and A(9) features most helpful to the writing it. beginner, such as single key- If you really want to go stroke entry of many ahead with writing your own k=5 2*k commonly used Basic key- chess -playing program you cosine x= > ,a 2*k x ABS(x) < 1 words and instant syntax will certainly want to use k=0 checking as each line is machine code for speed. So entered. The Sharp pocket you should start by mastering computer is just that, a com- the use of Z80 machine code where a0 = 1.000 000 000 000a6 = -.001 388 885 683 puter operating in Basic, on the TRS-80, using the a2 = -.499 999 999 942 a8 = .000 024 795 132 which is about the size of, USR function in level 2 a4 = .041 666 665 950 al 0 = -.000 000 269 591 and cheaper than, many pro- Basic. Then the best bet grammable calculators. The would be to contact someone Tangent:k=6' penalty for the small size and else working on the same tangent x = 2*k+1 x2*k+1 ABS(x) < = low cost is slow operation in problem. 4 comparison with the other Chess programs for the k=0 machines in question. TRS-80 are available from As regards expansion, this A J Harding (Molimerx), can be done, as I've said, from £14 to £26. where al = 1.000 000 02 a9 = .024 570 96 without going to the expense P L Mcllmoyle a3 = .333 330 82 al= .002 940 45 of a Video Genie, although at a5 = .133 397 62 a13 = .009 473 24 about £320 VAT paid, that is a7 = .059 358 36 also very good value for money. Natural logarithm (1n): P L Mcllmoyle k=3 ln x = ln 2[-0.5 + = a k=02*k+1 u2*k+11 al = 2.885 390 072 74 valid for 2-35 < x < 1 a3 = 0.961 800 762 29 x - SQR(2)/2 a5 = .576 584 342 06 where u a7 = .434 259 751 29 x + SQR(2)/2 Square root: x y = 0.25 * (w + x/w) + (w + x/w) where w = k(x+b-d) Handbook for Computing if 0.5 < = x < k Elementary Functions by w = k(x+b) if k = x <1 L A Lyusternik, 0 A Cher- where k = 0.57155; vonenkis and A R Yanpol'skii b = 0.75787;d = 0.013857. published by Pergamon Press These formulae came fromSW Our apologiesto MrL W Huson whose name was wrongly mentioned in connection with a Hewlett-Packard `It must be all those diet programs you keep query(MayPCW). Willhelpfulreaders plesestop feeding into it.' writing to him. PCW 97 FREE! to PETusers

INN an PRINTOUTI is the independent magazine about1111 the PET, CBM & VIC computers. I I Each issue is packed with news, soft-111 ware reviews, programming articles, tests of the latest peripherals. We are' ISO convinced you'll want to subscribe that t we're willing to send you a copy completelyii ,free of charge. Just mailus your address and% athe serial number of your PET, CBM or VIC. is

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98 PEW Andrew Stephenson takes an in-depth look at a versatile group of processors. 8 FAMILY Few PCW readers can have failed toincluding external pins; the four ports,are numerous but my impression is that notice how busy every integrated cir-with handshaking on three if required;Ziloghasanticipated many real -life cuit manufacturer of any size has been six prioritisablevectoredinterruptsapplications. Not only are the options lately, bringing the benefits of VLSI tofrom a choice of eight sources - twouseful but the handbooks do offer a the masses. Meanwhile, largely hiddenfromtheUART,twofromthe cleardescription of how to achieve by the squads of glamorous 16- and 32 -timer -counters, four from ports. them. bit CPUs, some comparatively incon- Four 8 -bit ports can be configured to spicuous butveryinteresting micro-Memory provide a wealth of I/O options. In all processors have been appearing, too. respects - data, status, control - they For example,theZilogrange hasUsers of devices such as the 6800 should are handled as part of the register file quietlyexpanded:apartfromthehave lessdifficultyin accepting theand can even be treated as accumulators famous Z80 and the recent Z8000,Z8601 than Z80 devotees, who mayin some cases. For the sake of clarity there's now the Z8601. This has becomehave to adjust to the totally memory -theyare the founder member of the potentiallymapped I/O structure. More thought - bestsummarisedoutof significant Z8family of devices, ofprovoking isthe way the memory issequence: which 18 should be available by thedivided up - see Figure 1. - Port 3 provides four output lines and time you read this. Since all derive from Of the two major memory blocks,four input lines. These tend to be used the Z8601, it seems sensible to examineone is designed as being for program,for odd signals: handshakes for other that one first. althoughtherearecommandsforports, UART I/O, timer I/O, interrupt moving register contents into and outrequests and soforth.Alternatively, of both areas with equal ease. the two nibbles can carry data. The Z8 The lowest 2k of program is held in- Port 2 is always available for any mix on -chip ROM. In the Z8601, this wouldof 8 -bit I/O, with or without handshake The Z8601 is a true one -chip micro- via port 3. computer, carrying enough ROM, RAMbe factory -programmed; other versions allowphysicallyexternal but opera-- Ports 0 and1,loosely speaking, and I/O for quite demanding practical provide control and data lines for exter- applications. In processing power it liestionally internal ROM to be connected, a feature likely to endear the Z8 familynal memory, or they act as normal I/O, close to the Z80; though more 'byte - depending on the desired configuration. oriented' and lacking in automatically -to small-scale users. The device automa- Port 0 gives two bidirectional nibbles, is more versatiletically copes with the physical difference repeating functions, it while port 1gives one bidirectional in its architechture. between on -chip and off -chip programbyte. Again, these ports can be control- Its design has obviously benefitted memory, crossing the boundary withoutled by handshaking signals via port 3. enormously from the exercise whichprogrammer effort. This applies equally Each of the two 8 -bit timer -counters also yielded the Z8000. Many functionsto the stack, which can occupy registershasaprogrammable6 -bitprescaler. have been rationalised, especially thoseor off -chip RAM. Both prescalers can divide the internal involving register operations. From the By contrast, external data movementsclock (running at one eighth the rate of viewpoints of both the circuit designerhave their own set of commands, owingthe external 8 MHz supply) by any value and the programmer, it appears to haveto the distinction drawn between thefrom 1 to 64. If required, port 3 can been soundly thought out. In no wayinternal register file and external RAM.drive one as a counter, as well as output shoulditbe regarded as a 'cut -downAlthough register addresses run from 0an 'end -of -count'signal from either. micro'. to 255 (with a couple of gaps), and may These choices, along with others which Unlike the Z80, the Z8601 is purelybe thought of as slotting into a 2k non -determinewhetherthetimersloop memory -mapped. Those 'ports' it doesaddressable space at the bottom of datacontinuously or make asinglepass, have are 'I/O channels' rather than logi-memory, they do not really form partwhether they generate interrupt cal entities manipulated by a separateof the data area. requests, whether they start or stop or addressingmode.Asin theZ80, The problems of applying the Z8601restartandwhetheroneof them programs can extend to 64k but a dis-to practical systems have clearly beenprovides the clock for the UART, are all tinctionisdrawn between 'programthoughtthroughcarefully.Although set by software. Once started, the timers space' and 'data space' (my terms), soexternal memory costs some I/O lines,run independently of the CPU. The that, while 64k can be given over tolosseshavebeenminimisedby an8 -bit counters (but not the prescalers) program, another 62k can be given toingeniouschoiceofconfigurationscan bereadsafelyatanyinstant. data. whichatfirstsightisbewildering, Duplex serial I/O can run as fast as Of an internal file of 144 8 -bit regis-but soon reveals the underlying logic.62,500 baud without recourse to any ters, no fewer than 124 are general-More than one configuration is possible,off -chiphardware,althoughbuffers purpose accumulators for logical,according to how large the additionalwould be advisable. The format supplied arithmeticalandtestoperations,in memory needs to be. There is no con-is the popular one start bit, eight data various addressing modes. They canflictbetween memory requirementsbits, two stop bits mixture, with the even provide stack space. Sixteen of theand those of the UART, timers, etc.option of converting one of the data remaining 20 are control and/or statusAgain, the CPU copes with all off -chipbits into an odd parity bit. Tolerance of registers. while the odd four are assignedaddressing automatically - provided thefrequencyerrorsshouldbegood to four ports whose 32 I/O lines can beright pins have been used, naturally!because the receiver loses interest after reconfigured in many ways. only one stop bit. Mapped intotheregister space arePeripherals Eight sources can generate requests severalon -chip'devices': a 'start -There are approximately four classesfor interrupts, of which up to six can stop code' UART; two counter -timersof peripheral, discountingadd-onbe accepted and juggled into any of 48 connectabletovarious usefulpointsmemory. The possible configurationspriorityorders,according to system

PCW 99 needs.Allofthisiscontrolledvia registers. It should be appreciated that the official Zilog view of how the Apart from the four edge -triggered data memory divides is that external RAM and internal registers form two separate areas. While true from the standpoint of the port 3 input lines, requests can come instruction set, the two do not overlap and hence are merged in from the UART (`receiver ready' and the diagram shown here. `transmitterready')andfrom both timers. Astute readers may be wonder- ing how separate interrupts can arise Program Data from the UART and both of the timers, FFFF FFFF since one of the timers supplies the UART clock. Likewise, how can all four (R/W) (R/W) External port 3 inputs give requests, along with 0800 0800 the UART receiver? Answer: two pairs 07FF On - of those signals are mutually exclusive; chip one or the other of each has to be ROM Control &FF chosen,henceonlysixinterrupts. status R FO Internal. Interrupt vectors are held in the first (Note3) (Registers not addressable 12 bytes of program memory. A simple as part of main data area: procedure allows a choice between servi- 000C (R/0) General 7F only as registers) cing interrupts sequentially, or allowing fra 15 t interrupts to be interrupted, although 0000 vectrs) registers requests can also be polled. & ports 00 Notes: 'Softer" features 1. 000C is the program origin after a reset. 2. represents gaps in the register file. Given its instruction set, architecture, 3. The 'on -chip ROM is replaced in some UPC devices by 36 bytes and 4 MHz internal clock, the Z8601 of bootstrap ROM, enough to oversee the loading of program offers a serious challenge to the Z80. into off -chip RAM which thereafter behaves as on -chip ROM. There are 231 command types. Zilog claims three addressing modes (direct, Fig 1 Z8601 memory map. indirect, indexed) but the Z8's ability to address blocks of 16 registers, using a `register pointer' andabbreviated Device Pack Min £/unit: batch 1 -off addressing, is really a fourth. type type qty price If data already lies in a register - any working register - it can be operated on CPUs: immediately, in combination with itself, Z8601 standard 40 dil Plastic 3000£7 3000 n/a or with constants, or with the contents Z8602 2716 pins 64 dil Ceramic1 £24 100 £34 Z8603 protopack 40 dil Ceramic 1 £37 100 £52 of any other register. If the data lies in 1 £7.50 100 £10 program or data memory, or must be Z8681 ROM -less 40 dil Plastic moved outto either of those areas, Z8601 simple 'load' commands will effect the Z86124k, similar to28602but uses 2732 (etc) transfer but there are no means whereby Z8613 Z8603 a move can be combined with value Z8761 2k ROM Basic40 dil Plastic 1 £23 : £100 £? manipulation.However,sinceevery registeris an accumulator and all are UPCs: equally well -endowed with processing Zxxx0 On -chip ROM 40 dil Plastic 3000£13 : 3000 n/a abilities, this should inconvenience few Zxxxl 4k ext ROM 64 dil Plastic 1 £55 : 100 £77 1 : 100 £77 users. Zxxx2 4k ext RAM 64 dil Plastic £55 Zxxx3 ROM protop 40 dil Plastic 1 £55 : 100 £77 Value -altering commands include the Zxxx4 RAM protop 40 dil Plastic 1 £55 : 100 £77 fundamentalarithmeticaloperations (add and subtract, with and without Table 1 Z8 Family: Rough price guide, March 1981 carry; clear; decrement and increment; decimal adjust; swap nibbles), logical There are two main divisions: combinations(and,orexclusive -or, complement, various rotations through Z859x series - meant for use with 8 -bit host CPUs; Z809x series - for use with 16 -bit CPUs. carry, or not) and comparisons, along Further subdivision arises from the choice of program withtwo bit -maskingtestswhich memory organisation. The Zxxx0 are similar to the Z8611, together outstrip the Z80 bit commands in having an on -chip ROM for the program. Two other and of course there are the tests achiev- types, Zxxxl and Zxxx3, are analogous to the Z8612 and ed using logical operations. Z8613 in offering two ways of connecting off -chip ROM. Although the Z8601 is as strong as The remaining two, Zxxx2 and Zxxx4, contain pre-set most microprocessors on byte manipu- ROM and a bootstrap program which allows the host CPU lation, there are only two commands for to download the UPC's program into RAM on 'reset'. altering words: Zxxx0 standard - on -chip ROM 40 dil increment and decre- Zxxxl 4k external ROM - 2732, etc 64 dil ment. Of course, this restriction is of no Zxxx2 4k external RAM 64 dil realconsequence;anyprogrammer Zxxx3 ROM protopack 40 dil worth tuppence an hour should be able Zxxx4 RAM protopack 40 dil to get around it. The RAM types meant to fit the protopack devices are: More inconvenient is the lack of func- 2k : MSM 2128, OKI Semiconductors; tions such as the Z80's LDIR, which TMS 4016, Texas Instruments; will move a block of data by automati- HM 611 P, Hitachi, CMOS. cally -repeating transfers guided through 4k : Z6132, Zilog, quasi -static, JEDEC pin -out. pointers. The Z8 equivalents operate Table 2 Z8 Family: Universal Peripheral Controllers strictly across the division between regi- sters and memory spaces and do nowith an earlier mention of 8 MHz. more than move a byte, then increment Zilog confuses this question withits Pipeline ordecrement their pointers without own documentation, which remains theFigures for execution speed are further repeating. There is also a lack of func-weakest part of the whole Z8 package.complicated by 'pipelining', not a Zilog tions suitable for searching lists located The clock need consist of no more thandiversification into plumbing but a trick outside the register space and none for acrystalwith two smallcapacitorsfor cutting computation time. Although automatic searches or strings for given wired to two pins. Alternatively, oneno longer brand new, the implementa- characters. Minor though these nuisan- pin may be driven from a TTL supply.tion of this idea in the Z8601 illustrates ces are, they should be borne in mind. Frequencies up to 8 MHz are acceptablethe quiet revolution which the Z8 series The mention of a 4 MHz clock a fewand will be halved for general internalrepresents. The notionissimplein paragraphs up may not seem to jibe use. theory: when all the values needed for 100 PCW one instruction have been obtained byand calls, where the exact target addressmany applications will require off -chip the CPU, the next set is fetched and putis known. memory anyhow,thisdevice comes into a 'pipeline' so it will be ready forRelative Addressing is the familiar form with just enough pre-set program to immediate use on completion of thewhere the current program address isconfigure itforexternalmemory. current task. Several instructions mayincreased or reduced by the amountThereafter, theuser's software takes be stored. By and large, the programmergiven in the instruction. This mode is over.Itischeap, does everything a canignoreall thisextraactivity,confined to jumps and decrement thenZ8601 with external memory will and although occasionally there is need forjump if non -zero. should appeal to small users. special care. Most instructions require Three more types differ from the 2k six or ten internal machine cycles, whileLearning the Z860x series by containing 4k of ROM: the slowest of all takes only 20, so the Z8611, Z8612, Z8613. Obviously, there overall speed is comparable to that of is no 'ROM -less' version here. the Z80A on simple tasks. language The instructionset appears easyto Derivatives Addressing learn,symbolicallyandfunctionally. Zilog would have been foolish not to Unhappily, Zilog has made a desperatecapitalise on the Z8's potential as a In the Z8 family the addressing conven-mess of the notation used in its hand- stand-alonecontroller books, in that thereisa profoundly of peripherals. tion employed by the Z80 is reversed, Accordingly, it hasproducedten so that now the high byte of a word is confusing inconsistency between `Universal Peripheral Controllers'. stored below the low byte. Compare howassemblercode mnemonics andthe Every member of this sub -family is the two would store the hex word shorthand summaries given in the other-virtually a Z8 with one less port, no ABCD at address 1000: wise splended instruction descriptions. For example, @RR in Assembler is theUART, no 'externally -addressable Z80 Z8 equivalent of R in Summary. Further- memory, an enlarged file (256 registers) @ 1000: CD AB more, r in Summary equals Rn (whereand a very nice ability to chat to the @ 1001: AB CD nisa value between 0 and 255) inCPU over an 8 -bit bus (Zilog's own This is not sheer perversity on Zilog'sAssembler. How Zilog dared inflict this`Z -bus' - very simple, very logical, easy part. There are advantages to the 'new' garble on the world isa mystery; itto use, reminiscent of 6800 protocol). convention. runs a very serious risk of having some-The CPU can be allowed two-way access Zilogadmitstothreeaddressing one else 'take over' the production ofto any number ofregisters, thereby modes, then makes a separate fuss aboutthe explanatory literature which oughtspeeding data exchange but if necessary a fourth. With due respect to Zilog, I to be kept firmly in house. the UPC can pull up the drawbridge shall lump them together; then I shall That said, the official assembler codeand sulk. Some versions allow the CPU describe two more: is uncomplicated and closely related to to load the UPC's program after a reset; Register Pointer Mode permits abbrevia- that for the Z80. Sadly, there as yetRAM is substituted for ROM, the wiring ted addressing and is available in theappears to be no equivalent to the use-differs slightly but otherwise allis the majority of instructions. The registerful Z80 Technical Manual. The closestsame. The main line of divisionlies fileis divided into groups of 16 regis- Z8publication,similarlytitledandbetween UPCs intended for use with the ters, each group being identified by thepaperbound, concentrates on hardwareZ80/8080, etc (Z859x series), and those high nibble of its hex address. One ofdetails and confinesitself to a very forthe Z8000 (Z809xseries).See the housekeeping registers, number 253 technical summary of the instructionTable 2for details and rough prices. (or FD hex), acts as a pointer to theset. Though much of this information current working register group, in thatwill certainly be needed by program-Specials itshigh nibbleis combined with themers, itis a bit much to ask them toObviously,the Z8601can bepre- single nibble supplied by the instructionspend a further considerable sum on theprogrammed to do virtually any task to create the exact address. Thus, ifZ8 PLZ/ASMAssemblyLanguage appropriate to a small microprocessor. register FD holds 6A hex and theProgramming Manual of which only aAgain, Zilog has seized the advantage instruction gives the value 3 hex, theminor part is given over to (excellent) andhas producedthe Z8671, pre- register pointed to for use in the opera-explanations of instructions andprogrammed with a monitor and Basic, tion is number 63 hex. Programs whichmnemonics. all in 2k. can call standard routines without need- However, though the Z8671 appears ing to calculate absolute addresses can to be on sale, the information available operate far faster, so this feature is ofCurrent commer- isstill 'preliminary'. Zilog spent about considerable importance. 30 minutes digging through a handbook The other three modes are also widelycial situation `half an inch thick', then said enough available: Eighteen versions of the Z8 already for me to guess that it's an unsurprising Register Addressing will be familiar toexist, many of them package variationsbutpossiblyuseful/amusinginteger every programmer since one particularaimed at different sorts of users. Table 1Basic. Otherwise the Z8671 is a normal register is designated by number. Eithergives a current general price guide forZ8601, so can access additional exter- the number itself may be given (eg 63100 -off and one-off quantities othernalprogram.CliveSinclair andhis hex), or Register Pointer Mode may bethandevicesfactory -programmed toimitators could soon be selling one - used. Some instructions imply a pair oforder. chip computers, never mind these bulky registers, whose contents are to be used Z8601 is the standard version, descri- ZX8 1 s! incombination. For example, INCWbed above. Being factory -programmed, RR10 results in the word held in regis- itwill probably only appeal to largeFuture ters 10 and 11 being incremented. Inusers. Like the majority of the family, such cases, the address must be an evenitis supplied in a 40 -pin DIL pack, indevelopments number. bothceramicandplasticversions. One could speculate endlessly on what Indirect Register Addressing causes the Z8602,a'developmentdevice',is might be done with the Z8 and its register (or registers) designated by thefunctionally identical to the Z8601 and derivates. Among the tangible develop- instruction to be read; then the contents issuppliedina 64 -pin pack whosements which can now be ...,;ntioned are are taken as the address (of a register orpin -out resembles that of the Z8601. faster versions of all these devices, pro- program instruction, as applicable). ThisThe 24 extra pins are direct connections bably to be identified by the suffix 'A', appliestovirtuallyeveryoperationto external ROM, such as the 5V 2716,which will have a maximum external whichrequiresanabsoluteaddress,and require no buffering. Because of clock speed of 12 MHz. On byte -level including jumps. these extra lines, up to 2 kbytes of pro-tasks this should push the Z80A firmly Indexed Addressing is slightly trickier.gram cost no I/O, although additions be- into the league below and even the The instruction yields two values; one isyond this limit do. as does data memory. Z8OB will have to look to its laurels. the address of a register whose contents Z8603 is a 'protopack' device intend- The outcome of such 'contests', of are added to the other value to yielded for development applications wherecourse, depends on those who find the address of the register to be used inthe pack must mimic the Z8601 as farapplications for this new family. People the operation. This mode is also widelyas possible, even to board layout. Tolike you, the reader. available. achieve this, it has a piggyback socket The fifthandsixth modes hardlyfor a 2716 EPROM. Our thanks to Zilog (UK) Ltd for its require more than a mention: Z8681, called the 'ROM -less Z8', is ahelp in the preparation of this article. Direct Addressing is used only for jumps

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102 PCW Compiled by Derrick Dathes

warfare in which you do your damned-SpaceWars(TRS-80)byRichard est to do down the other fellow withoutA cland (13) of Colchester. lastingdamage. Take Monopoly, forDie Rolling/Betting (ZX80) by Adam instance,thebiggestsuccessstoryBrown & Simon Holmes of Bicester. among modern games. Or chess, amongMaze for PET, by A Esmond (14) of Computer games old games. You 'do' your opponentsScarborough. I've been speculating recently on what itand you feel cross or self-critical - orPontoon for ZX80 by D J Ford (12) of is that makes a good computer gamemurderous! - if you lose. Chepstow. and I thought that, with so many of you Ithink that good computer gamesDrawing on TRS-80 by Robin Gardner sendinginprograms, you might behavethiselement,too.InSpace(14) of Bedford. interested in my conclusions. Invaders, I suspect that most players areZX-80 Maths Test, by Stephen Bootes At first sight, there doesn't seem tonot murderous towards the little jiggl-of Hartwell, Northants. be much connection between gamesing, stupid, advancing green men. No -RandomLines(TRS-80)by Mark other than the fact that they're playedI suspect that players have in the fore-Claydon (15) of Harrow. onacomputer.For instance, whatfront of their minds their mate's bestBreakout(Microtan65)byPeter possible points of similarity are therescore, and itis this they are trying toSimpson of Wivenhoe, Essex. between - say - Space Invaders on thebetter - andthroughit,him/her. Well done, all of you! You can't one hand and Adventure on the other? I can accept that many people won'tsend too many. Space Invaders is all real-time graphicsfeel this way but are simply bettering whileAdventurehasnoreal-timetheir own scores,in which case, the element and is all text. person they are trying to 'do betterCommercial break Instead of looking directly at thethan' is themselves. They are trying toDo you suffer from lost tapes, falling problemofwhatmakes a good improve some skill - which brings inprograms or misplacedletters? Then computer game, however,ithelpsif the next important element of a goodyou must try the new miracle ingre- we look at and analyse those computergame. Does it exercise some skill? Candient - addressing!Tested bythe games that are not so good - are thereyou get better and better at the game, BritishDental Association, addressing elements that we can say detract fromor does itrely too much on chance?keeps your tapes andlettersintact, their value? A good test of this skill factor is torestores them to former vitality and Yes,Ithink that there are and ifenquireif you can do worse if youkeeps you happy. Nine out of ten cats you thought aboutitfor a bit, youdeliberatelyneglecttoexercise yourprefer it. might come up with similar answers. skill.I throw this one in because one One thing that poor games do notcomputerised versionofDungeonsEnd of break doisinvolve the user enough. Thereand Dragons I saw upgraded the player have been several veryclever gamesas he progressed through the game, toWould the author of the ZX-80 Adven- that have gone across my desk that weresuch an extent that he was virtuallyture Maze please write in? I don't have minor miraclesof programming butinvincible. We're back to that image ofyour address. Oh, and would you all when you ran the programs there wasCharlie Chaplinagain. The programplease put your name and address on littlefor you to do except sit backwriter wrongly thought of increasedyour tapes as well as your letters? It and admire. This is a game? Nobodyskill as a reward rather than somethinggets to be quite a headache matching wants a game like that; we want to beearned and maintained by effort, some-one with'tother.Thanksa bunch! doingsomething - participating -thing unique to the player. making things happen. Space Invaders Lastly, D & D reminds me that there does that, all right - every split second.is an element of imagination or evenMugtraps Many games lose their interest afterfantasy in a good game. I don't thinkMy Mugtrap Awardthis month(a about 30 seconds because they are toothisneeds stressing, as most peoplestupendous book -token) goes to easy. They conjure up the image ofare well aware of it and indeed,itis Richard Vernon (15) of Uxbridge, who Charlie Chaplin yawning and casuallyprobably the most obvious point of all.sent this in for the Acorn Atom: polishing the fingernails of one hand There we are, then - my recipe for220 (end of main program) while bopping a queue of blunderinga good computer game: 1. Involve the221 P.$21 idiots who persist in charging through aplayer as much as possible. 2. Give the230 (JSR #FFE3;STA #81;RTS;) certain door - they never learn andplayer a real challenge. 3. Give the game235 P.$6 knocking them down gets boring. To bea bit of a bite - the chance to do oppo- 240 P."WOULD YOU LIKE successful, a game has to present a realnents down, evenifthe opponent is ANOTHER GAME" " challenge. yourself or the computer. 4. Involve250 P. "HIT KEY Y OR N" There are challenges and challenges,the exercise of skills - manipulation,270 LI.#82 of course. A game thatis challengingthinking, observing, analysis, computa-280 IF ?#81 = CH"N" T.E. for an adult might be so incomprehen-tion - anything at all. 5. Exercise the290 IF ?#81 = CH"Y" T.RUN sible to a child as to be pointless.(I user's imagination in some way. 300 P .$7 ;G.250 know of no child who is as hooked on Now you should all be able to write That'snice.Ifyoucanfollow running the economy as I am!) The age -superb games programs and send themAcorn's peculiar Basic, you will see that range aimed at must therefore be clearlyin to PCW when you've done it! (How'sthemugdoesnothavetopress thought out - and a game that willthat for a challenge and the exercise ofRETURN at the end of a program. He appeal to all ages is about is common as skills?) just taps Y or N, but if he does neither, snowballs in the Sahara. This is true for he is looped to line 250 over and over any kind of game, not just those run onPrograms received until he does. a computer. A little reminder to all of you that These thoughts help to get us started. Decimal -to -Binary Converter andI'm interested in mugtraps and I'll give One thought that came to my mind wasNoughts and Crosses (Hewlett Packardbook -tokens for any published on this that good games have a bit of a 'bite'.9830A), by Michael Bissett (15)ofpage. Roll 'em in! This is a terrific way That is to say, they're a sort of stylisedGlenrothes, Fife. that we can all learn from each other.

PCW 103 1-1./ I shown in Figure 2. \ This can be seen as an icosahedron, \ / I one of the five regular solids of Euclid. Ithas 12 vertices and 20 triangular I faces. Inspection of the diagram allows t:-1 ". us to answer the questions asked above:

RC- 1) From any position, only 11 other I \ I, tl %/ positions can be reached. The remaining / c -t 12 positions form a disjoint set with an \I 41. - exactly similar state diagram; 2) Of the 11 positions, five can be Alan Sutcliffe continues his thought -provoking series. reached in one move and another five are two moves away. The final position, which is an exact reversal of the first Generating patterns is intrinsically satis- 1) From a given starting position, is itand at the opposite vertex of the icosa- fying, but it also has many applications.possible to reach all the other positions?hedron, can be reached in three moves. I find it particularly pleasing to enumer- 2) Of those that can be reached, what is Thereis nothing special about the ate all possible patterns of a particularthe fewest number of moves needed toarrangement 12345 that we have chosen kind. This is also useful in the analysisget to each and, in particular, which to start with, except the way we happen of many games and pastimes. Havingpositionisfurthest away, having theto have numbered it. Each of the other written in the last two months aboutlongest minimum path to it? positions is equivalent. The regularity of ways of generating complete sets of pat- The first job is to list all the possiblethis state diagram is attractive; notice terns, I am now going to turn to theirpositions. These are simply all the cyclicthat there are just 20 ways in which the use in the study of games. permutations of the digits 1 to 5. Theresides of a triangle may be numbered Statediagrams arethe subject of are just 4! = 24 of these, since 1 may bewith the digits1to 5, all the digits this article. In the first half I give sometaken arbitrarily to be in the first placedifferent on a triangle; each of these 20 examples of their derivation and use and followed by all the arrangements of theways occurs just once when each link of in the second part some programs areremaining counters. thediagramisnumbered withthe presented for manipulating state The second task in deriving the statecounter that is moved. diagrams. This is interspersed with somediagrams is listing all the links from one Here is an elaboration of Oppo that general remarks. position to the next. In each state ofyou may care to analyse. Call it Poop. Any game that can be played on aOppo there are just five possible moves:The five counters are now placed in the computer can only have a finite numberone for each of the five counters. Thisframe of arectangular 2x3 grid, as of positions or states. This number maylisting may be done in an organised wayshown in Figure 3. Any counter immed- be very large and unknown (as in thesimply by taking the states in order andiately next to the empty cell may be game of chess) but nevertheless limited.noting for each the states to which it moved into it. In the example shown 1, The number of different positions incan lead in one move. The resultis 3 or 5 may be moved. If one of the chess is certainly less than 6535, since corner cellsis empty, then only two each of the 32 pieces must be on one of 1 1 moves are possible. Arrangements which the 64 cells or off the board. This is 5 2 5 3 differ only by rotation through 180 gross overestimate, since no two pieces GIVES degrees, like those in Figure 3, are con- are allowed to be on the same square. A 4 3 2 4 sidered identical. There are no other somewhat better upper limit is 65!/33! symmetries to be discounted. although this counts pawns as distinct. Thestatediagramisvery much Some other restrictions are also ignored, Fig 1 A move in Oppo. bigger. Since absolute position now mat- such as impossible positions and sym- ters, as well as the position of the blank metrical cases. There are at least 64!/50! differentpositions - the number of ways of placing one piece of each kind and colour on theboard. But the numbers hardly matter: the point is that they are finite. Many other games havea more modest number of possible positions but even for quite simple games the number can be fairly large. In noughts and crosses, for example, even allowing for rotations and reflections, there are many hundreds of different states that can occur in the course of a game. A state diagram is simply a list of all the possible positions that can arise in a game or other activity, together with details of all the links that lead from each position directly to the next. A path through a state diagram is a series of one or more links from one position to another. If the diagram represents a game, then one complete instance of playing the game will be represented by a path from the starting position to an end position. I will illustrate the use of a state diagram to solve a little puzzle that I call Oppo. Oppo is played with five numbered counters arranged in a ring. A move con- sists of taking any counter and moving it to a position at the opposite side of the ring, as shown inFigure 1. The order of the counters round the ring is all thatmatters,nottheirexact location: the counters do not fit into fixed cells. For convenience, arrange- ments will always be shown with 1 at the top. The following questions can Fig 2 The state diagram for Oppo. now be asked and answered:

104 PCW 234 5 1 4S

1 5 432 ©4SEEO m M UNEmumOCIE MOEUM Fig 3 Identical positions in Poop. 24 24m MUM ©S MEM MOMMME cell, there are 24x3x5 = 360 different states. But the state diagram is still very MM regular: itis shown in Figure 4, with a 1 IS MUM close-up of a portion of it in Figure 5. MOM MMM There are two essentially different EMU kinds of move. When a piece is moved MM between the two middle cells - as in EMUmum E. the move of 3 in Figure 3 -- the cyclic

order of the counters is altered, as with Fig 5 Part of the state diagram for Poop in detail. moves in the first puzzle. For all other moves the cyclic order of the counters isnot altogether lose its interest, certainlycoded into a matrix with one row for not changed; a counter is simply movedloses its mystery. each state as a destination for a link. one place round the perimeter of the Notice,however,thatthestateNotice that links are directed and A to board. diagram we are traversingisnot theB is not the same thing as B to A. Figure The states thus fall into groups of 15state diagram of the game Poppo but of7 shows part of the data for Min in the which all have the same cyclic order.the puzzle Poop, as shown in Figure 4:first form and the whole matrix for the Each single state in the Oppo diagram callitSo. This has become the gamesecond method is shown in Figure 8. is replaced by such a cycle of 15 states.board for Poppo, which has a far more The first method has the advantage At every third state round each cycle,complex state diagram, say Sp. Eachof needing less space than the second. a move is possible into another cycle,stateinSprepresents a path in SoThe code needed to process it is a little corresponding to the moves in Oppo.from the chosen starting position tomore complicated, but in the second The whole state space again falls intosome other position. Sp has as manymethod time is wasted inspecting empty two disjoint parts, now with 180 statesstates as there are paths in So from acells in the matrix. The second method in each part: 12 cycles of 15 states. It givencellto any other cell withouthas the advantage thatit can be read can take up to 21 moves to get fromvisitingany onetwice.Plus,tobe both forwards and backwards, while the one state to another in Poop. accurate, one state for each path in So lists only give the forward links explici- Consider the following game for twothat ends with the one repetition thattly.All these factors should be con- players: starting from any position, theterminates the game. State diagrams cansidered in choosing the method to be players move alternately; a moveis always be used as a game board in thisused in a particular case, together with defined as before; the first player to way,withanorderof magnitudetheconstraintsof theparticular move into a position already used losesincreasein the levelof complexity.machine. If the state diagram is dense (Pooped). Since the aim of describing Oppo was to with links - many or most states can be There are two distinct ways to play giveasimple example,Iwillleavereached fromagivenstate - then the game - let's call it Poppo. The firstfurther investigation of this proliferatingprobably the matrix is preferable, but if isusinga box of six cells and fiveexample to you and turn to anotherthe matrix of linksis sparse then the counters,writingdownalistofgame with a less regular state diagram.system of listsis likely to be better. It is a simple game of the Nim type - I shallnowdetailsomeuseful let's callit Min. It is played with eightprocesses that can be applied to the counters, set out initially as in Figure 6state data. The first is to find the total on the corners and sides of a square.number of possible games. Program A The rules of Min are: there are two givesthisfor the matrix data. The players who move alternately; a movealgorithm goes likethis:establisha consists of removing one, two, or threecount for each state and set all these counters with these conditions - anycounts initially to zero. There is just one single counter may be removed, any twopartial game for the initialstate: the counters not part of a part of threeboard set up and no moves made. Set counters in a line may be removed, anythe count for the initial state to 1. For three counters in a line may be remov- eachstate which has hadits count ed.Theplayer who takes the lastcomputed, starting with the initial state, counter wins. add its count to the count for each of There are 17 different possible statesthe states to which this state directly of the board in Min, including the finalleads. When this has been repeated for empty board. I have enumerated theseall the states, the total number of games by hand and they are shown in Figure 6. will appear as the count for the final Many arrangementswith differentstate. appearances are identical as far as the This method also works when there rules of Min are concerned. State E inare several starting positions or finish- Figure 6, for example, consists essen-ing positions. Care must be taken to tially of three counters in a line plus anyensure thatallthe links leading to a Fig 4 State diagram for Poop. other three counters that do not formstate have had their count added to its another line of three, either by them-count before that is added to those of positions used as the game proceeds, soselves or with one of the counters in theitssuccessors.Program A does not that any repetition can be noted. Thefirst three. check forthis but assumes that the secondis to trace out the route of suc- Thereare28 = 256 apparentlystates are in order of their occurrence cessive moves on the state diagram. Thedifferent states which reduce to the 17in the game. This is easily achieved in two methods give two entirely differentcases given. Figure 6 also shows theany game like Min where one or more of views of whatislogicallythe samelinks (moves) between states. There arethe countersare removed from (or game. In the first it is very difficult totwo main ways in which the informa-added to) the board at each move until seeaheadandtorememberthetion in this state diagram can conven-some limit is reached. Simply list the positions already visited. In the second,iently be coded into data for a Basicstatesinorderofthe number of the past, present and future of the gameprogram.Inthefirstmethod,forcounters present. All Nim games are in areallrelativelyeasytosee.Theeach state there is a list of states tothis categoryaswell as many cards difference is like that between navigat-which it can lead in one move. The lastgames, such as whist, where a card must ing an unknown maze with only pencilstate should be marked as win, lose orbe played at every turn. Noughts and and paper and going round it with adraw for the player to reach it. In thecrosses has the same property, as does map and compass. The game, if it doessecondmethod,theinformationis Othello or reversi. There cannot be a


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106 PCW Number Unsafe the second player can always of links Links win. e 0 Program B takes the state diagram 1 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 for Min and determines the Safe and 2 34 Unsafe states.It can easily be adapted 5 87 9 2 7 4 5 6 8 91011 for other state diagrams. 2 3 3 6 5 6 7 9 1112 In more complex games there may 0 0 appear to be many starting and ending 0

0 I N(I V(I,J) positions, but this can be simplified. 4 5 8 8 7 There is only one starting position, the 6 9 10 11 0 1112 blank board. If the first player has the 4 5 6 7 17 choice of initial position, this is taken as O 0 0 0 the first move, even though it may be 17 0 O 0 I. different in kind from the other moves. 8 11 10 There are only three end states:first 12 13 11 12 13 Fig 7 Part of the state diagram for player wins, second player wins, and 8 9 10 Min as lists drawn game. In noughts and crosses, 13 0 0 0 0 initial allocation of the cards there isfor example, there are many distinct only one possible game. The sequencestates which count as a win for 0, the 11 13 II 12 13 II12 13 of moves is entirely determined, sincefirstplayer. Introduce a nominal last 14 16 16 each state leads to only one other state.move for X, the losing move, which con- 12 The interest is in the unknown, thoughsists, say, of changing all Xs to Os. This predetermined, outcome of each game.is then the one state to which all the Now we come to the most importantlosing states for X lead. It counts as Un-

13 16 14 I part of game analysis: how to win. Insafe (for X) so that all the states leading 16 any game, like Min, for which the statetoit,the normal end states for the 13 14 diagram is known and the outcome isgame, become Safe(for0). All the always a win for one player (no draws,winning states for X can be treated in ties, or stalemates), it is always possiblethe same way, and a third new end state IS 18 15 16 17 for one player to ensure a win, whateverintroduced to tie together all the end the other player does. To find out howstates corresponding to a drawn game. is to do this means establishing each state To determine the game, first trace of the game as Safe or Unsafe for thethe Safe/Unsafe states back from the winning player. 0 -wins state, using the method given 16 17 Safe(fortheplayer)meansa above. If the process reaches the start position from which the opponent muststate then 0 can always win whatever X 16 always move to an Unsafe position.does and no further analysis is needed. Unsafe(forthe opponent) means aBut it may be that the process will peter position from which the player canout: at some stage from a set of Unsafe 17 always move to a safe position. Whichpositions there will be no Safe position state is which is determined by startingwhich leads only to Unsafe ones. 0 17 attheend and working backwardscannot win such a game, assuming that through it. X always plays as well as possible. In Itis as though the state diagram isthis case repeat the analysis, starting divided into small safe islands surroun-with the X -wins state. This will show ded by an unsafe sea. The islands are soeither that X can always win, or that the spaced that, stepping from one island,game must endin a draw, given as the opponent cannot reach another inalways that both players adopt the best Fig 6 State diagram for Min. asingle move, but must land in thestrategy. sea. And from any such position in the Another use for state diagrams is in sea, the player can always get to theprograms that learn to play a game. For link between two states with the samenext island. The final position in Min is each move between two states there is a number of pieces played. Safe: landing there ensures a win. Thus,weight which gives the relative proba- Thispropertyalsoensuresthat bility of choosing that move from the another condition is met which is neces- possible ones from that position. Thus, sary for the number of games to be TO the matrix of weights has the same finite and therefore countable. That is O 1:4 1 2 3 4 5 16 17 dimensions as matrix of moves (or as thatthere be no loops in the state 1 0 11 1 1 00 the lists of moves, if that method of diagram and no sequence of links that representing the dataisbeing used). loads from a state back to itself, so that 2 000 1 1 00 Each time itis the computer's turn to no state may be repeated in a particular 3 moveitselects at random from the game. Since infinite games are hard on 000 0 1 00 possible moves according to the weights. the players, any game with loops in the M(I,J) Initially, all the weights are set equal, so state diagram should have a limiting thatthe computer playsentirelyat rule. In chess, this is that the game ends random. Even when it is only one move on the third visit to any state. 16000 0 0 0 1 from winning, the program does not Beggar -my -neighbour is a game that preferthe winning move above the looks as though it can go on for ever, 17 0000 0 00 other possible moves. In that sense, it thoughitseldomdoes.With some knows nothing about how to play ex- limited packs of cards, there is a loop in Fig 8 Part of the state diagram for cept what moves are allowed. state diagram. Suppose that the first Min as a matrix Each time a gameisplayed, the player has nnJn and the second has just weights for the moves taken are ad- Jn, where Jisa Jack and nis anyany state with a link to it is Unsafe. The justed. Ifthecomputer won,the number card from 2 to 10, and it is thenext step backwards is to find any Safe weightsareincreased,improvingits first player to play, these cards beingstate, ie, any state that is linked only tochances of followingthe same path face down from the top. Then, afterstatesalready categorisedasUnsafe. again. If it loses, they are decreased. The threecardshavebeenplayed,theGiven a set of Unsafe positions, as justamount of changeisopen tofine- positionwillbe reversed, Jn againstfound, there must be at least one Safetuning. The weights for moves near the nnJn, to play. The game will thus con-state which is linked only to them. Thisend of the game should be altered more tinue to oscillate between these two istrue under the conditions alreadythan those near the start. A move at the statesindefinitely. I amnotsuregiven and provided that the state dia-end which leads immediately to a win whether this can happen with a fullgram is finite. This process is repeatedcan be weighted 100 per cent and the pack of 52 cards initially divided equal-for further generations of Unsafe and other moves from that state ignored in ly, which is the usual way the game isSafe states until the starting stateis future. The program will then learn played.Beggar -my -neighbourhasanreached.If this is Safe then the first quickly how to do well at the end of the unusually simple state diagram. For anyplayer to play can always win and if it isgame. A move near the beginning which

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Finally Pascal is accessible to everyone. This simple, Here is a complete new approach to Pascal. Every yet complete guide to standard and UCSD Pascal Pascal Symbol, reserved word, identifier and contains step-by-step instructions for learning the operation is described in alphabetical order. Each powerful Pascal language, as well as exercises entry includes definition, syntactic diagram and designed to develop skill and comprehension semantic description, implementation, variations throughout the learning process. and program examples. This comprehensive Beginners will be able to understand the entire book dictionary contains all the features of most existing and quickly learn to program in Pascal through. versions of Pascal in an easy -to -use, easy -to -read actual practice. Experienced programmers will be format (see example, opposite page). Pascal challenged by the complex concepts presented at Versions you will find in the PASCAL HANDBOOK the end of each chapter. Everyone will appreciate include Jensen and Wirth (Standard and CDC the organization and extensive appendices which version), H -P1000, OMSI, (DEC), PASCAL/Z ISO make this book a valuable reference tool. AND UCSD Pascal.

Dept.-The Computer Get these invaluable books from your Local Bookshop or Micro Store- NOW! In case of Bookshop difficulty, send S.A.E. and we'll letyou have the name of your nearest stockist. Temple House, 43/48 New Street, Birmingham B2 4LA 100 IN -Er 100 INIT 110 Dui 14(17;17) 110 DIM M(17,17),S(17) 120 DIM 0(17) 120 DIM T(1'') 130 DATA 0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 130 DATA 0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 140 DATA 0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 150 DATA 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0 210 DATA 1,1,0, 160 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 300 READ 170 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 500 FOR I=1 TO 17 190 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 510 3(I)=0 190 DATA 0,0.0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0 520 NEXT I 200 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0 530 A=0 210 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0 541 FOR I=1 TO 17 220 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0 550 IF S(I)<>0 THEN 630 230 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0 560 FOR J=1 TO 17 240 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0 570 17 S(J)<>0 THEN 590 250 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0 580 IF M(I,J)>0 THEN 630 260 DATA. 590 NEXT 1 270 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1 600 A=A+1 280 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 610 s(I)=1 290 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 620 T(A)=I 300 READ '4 630 NEXT I 310 FOR I=1 TO 17 640 IF et=0 THEN 730 320 C(I)=0 650 FOR X=1 TO 330 NEXT I 660 .1=T(X) 340 C(1)=1 670 FOR I=1 TO 17 690 IF M(I, J)=1 THEN 700 350 FOR .1=1TO 16 360 FOR J=1 TO 17 690 S(I)=-1 700 NEXT I roIF 14( ,J)=0 THEN 310 380 C(J)=C(J)+C(I) 71 1 NEXT X 390 NEXT J 720 10 TO 530 400 NEXT I 730 FOR I=1 TO 17 410 PRINT 0(17) 740 IF S (I )<0 THEN 77') 420 END 750 PRINT " SAFE"II 760 00 TO 730 770 PRINT "UNSAFE " ; 780 NEXT I Program A 790 END UNSAFE 1 is on a winning route may also be on When a game isplayed, the com- several losing ones.It should not beputer's move is determined by selecting UNSAFE 2 ruled out too quickly as the programa counter at random from those in the UNSAFE 3 cannot learn fully what to do at oneappropriate box. A trace is kept of the SAFE 4 stage of the game until it knows moremoves made in the game and when the UNSAFE 5 about what happens later. In this wayoutcome is known at the end of the the learning process and the backwardsgame the weights are adjusted by adding TJNSAFE 6 search for Safe positions are very similar.or removing counters. Gradually the SAFE7 Itis not necessary to have an elec-machine improves its game. It took a UNSAFE 9 tronic computer to construct such aclass of students a week to build this UNSAFE 9 learning machine. I visited Ulster Poly-machine and then they had to operate UNSAFE 10 technicinBelfast recently and Johnit.I am not sure how good it became Frazer, head of Art and Design Research,but a couple of years later they are still UNSAFE 11 told me how they had built a machinetalking about the experience. UNSAFE 12 that learnt to play noughts and crosses The importance of generating the SAFE 13 minimum state diagram is now clear: usingartstudents and match boxes. UNSAFE 14 There is one box for each state in thethatisof recognising and removing state diagram.Itis marked with thelogically identical states that differ only UNSAFE 15 moves that can be made from it. Theseby reflection, rotation or some other UNSAFE 16 are colour -coded on each box and in theform of rearrangement that is not sig- SAFE 17 box are coloured counters the numbersnificant in the game being played. If of which determine the weightings forstates are duplicated, the state diagram the moves. Initially each box containsand the storage space to represent it will an equal number of counters of each ofbe bigger than need be. Also, the lean Program B its colours. ning process will be diluted. Passing through one instance of a state, the pro- gram willnot benefit from what it learnt from using the other instance of it. The program will behave as though it has a split memory. ( Next month Next monthIwill describe some waysofgeneratingpseudo -random valueswithlittlecomputationand `Certainly sir - you can program it to believe in absolutely anything!' without using the RND function. PCW 109 BACK ISSUES SERVICE Here is a complete guide to all available back issues of PCW. A quick guide to their contents is shown below. Check the coupon overleaf for the issues you require.

Apple Showpiece, PEEK &MZ-80K Bouncing ball, POKE for Apple & Pascal, Superboard-UK101 Bug PET Giant Slalom, Speed bypass, PET Replace & Acceleration.

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-c .... :. te.. Volume 2 No 4 Apple medical applica- reorrnmews UNDER0001111,.Xow. tion/North Star Horizon/ So rod Volume 1 No 1, 1978 Word processing/High The 77-68 /Practical hints speed cassette interface/ Volume 3 No 6 on kit building/Nascom Sorting/Buying a compu- June 1980 Volume 4 No 1 1/Charity case study / ter for a small business Benchtest: Tandy TRS-80 Volume 3 No 11 January 1981 Flowcharting/Pontoon Model II/Benchtest: November 1980 Benchtest: Transam flowchart Volume 2 No 5 Sintrom P'eriflex 630/48 /Benchtest: the SBS-8000/ Tuscan/Real-time control September 1979 Staff case study/Checkout:Announcing Computer - using trains - part 1/ Volume 1 No 2, 1978 Benchtest: Compucolor Softy Intelligent EPROM town UK!/Apple/ITT 2020Recover from a data tape Kit building/Basic - first II/Checkout: Heuristics Pro rgamm er /Checkout: Colour graphics/Imp prin- disaster/PET Music/ steps/Case study -a soft- Speech Lab/Testing Exatron Stringy EloPPYI ter/Programs: PET Ski. ware house/PET 2001/ Precognition /Pascal Research machines 380Z/ series - Part I/Programs: Practical examples of the School computing/E78 - 6800 Time response, IEEE -488 bus use/ Europa Bus. Apple memory test, Programs: Naming Nascom Fx 201p spaceship, PET files, 380Z Pictures, Volume 1 No 3, 1978 Orbit sim, PET digital Fuel tank calculations - More efficient programs/ clock, Acronyms. PET, PET large numeral Cosmac 1802/The PDP11 generator, PET tank battle, Part 1/Small business Volume 1 No 11 Basic string handling computing - an approach/ March 1979 routines/Pascal: Final The Z80/EPROM program- SYM-1 /Mk14 /IEEE -488 instalment. mer construction. Bus/Motorola 6809/Small computer networks/TMS- Volume 1 No 4 9900 homebrew. August 1978 From ideas to programs/ Volume 1 No 12 A computer or a kit?/ April 1979 The KIM/Tandy TRS-80 Kim 3B - Additions/ Apple II Vector MZ/RM 380Z User interviewer/Com- Volume 1 No 5 puter aided learning. September 1978 School computing/Bits Volume 2 No 1 and Bytes for beginners/ May 1979 The PDP II Part II/The Chess_programming/Using S100 bus a small business computer Part I/Smart 1/In defence Volume 1 No 6 of PET/3D Noughts & October 1978 crosses. Pilot/Assembly code pro- gramming/Small business Volume 2 No 2 case study/PET Preening/ June 1979 Time tabling for schools. Different computer lan- guages /(M SI ) 6800 /Using Volume 1 No 8 a small business computer Volume 3 No 9 December 1978 Part II/Demonstrations Setember 1980 Microcomputer architec- using the Apple II Part I. Benchtest: BASF 7120/ ture/System design/ Checkout: Hi -Tech S100 Colossus/Medical inter- Volume 2 No 3 colour VDU board/ viewing machine/Hints July 1979 Secrets of systems analy- for the business beginner/ Basic or Pascal?/The sis - Part 1/Sub set - Cromemco Z2D/School Sorcerer/Z8000/Chess part 1/Benchtest: CBM's computing/3rd Noughts programming /Graphics `SuperPET'./Programs: & crosses/Low cost/High for the TRS-80/Apple- PET Dots & boxes, PET speed cassette interface vision -part II/ Bloobers, PET Demolition,

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PCW 111 BOOKFARE Once again Malcolm Peltu mounts his structured programming hobby -horse - then looks at the ZX81 manual. involved in computing. Too often, books on this subject ignore More quality, Ican remember some golden batch the human element. programming days when you were con- When he was talking to Data Proces- less Basic tent with getting one run a day - andsing managers in researching the book, Regularreadersof `Bookfare' mightthen you were likely to find the opera-Abbott found that they were frequently thinkIhave been conducting an anti -tors had shuffled your punched cards toat a loss to explain just why they were Basic, pro -Cobol campaign. Through myproduce a syntax error or there hadexperiencing on-line programming pro- own words and those of some booksbeen an obvious slip of the program-blems. Abbott began torealisethat reviewed, I have indeed strongly statedming mind. This kind of environment the arguments against regarding Basiccreatedhugedelays while programs as auniversal programming panacea.were punched by the programmer or But as reader Frank Little pointeddata preparation staff, delivered to the out in the March PCW, the real argu-computer and the results posted back. ment is not primarily about Basic versus Pluggingthe programmer directly Cobol. What I have been trying to high-to the computer via an on-line link had lightistheimportance of injectingobvious advantages in cutting through notions of qualityinto programmingthesedelays.But, as Abbott points objectivesandimplementations. Myout,'theintroductionofon-line main objection to Basic is that it hasprogramming haslittledirect impact donelittletoimproveor promoteon thequalityofprogramsand concepts ofprogrammingquality,programming because these are govern- although ithas helped to increase theedmainlybythelanguages, design quantity of programming being done. Ialso object to the trendy notion that, just because itis easy to write a program in Basic, programming and the whole theoretical and practical founda- tions of systems and information scien- ces are also simple. This month I would therefore like to turn the spotlight on three books which, invery different ways, examine the qualitativeaspectsofprogramming, starting with a neat little book from the National Computing Centre,On-line many of these problems boiled down to programming -A Management Guide an increased sloppiness in the attitude by Joe Abbott. The other two books are of staff and the overall operation of the concerned with structured design and department. In an amusingandimportant chapter, he characterises five types of programmer: speed merchants, tedium - haters, perfectionists, technology freaks andolddogs.'Aspeedmerchant believes that the purpose of program testing is to find errors and that any purposefulsearchingforerrorsin advanceofprogramtestingisan unnecessary and wasteful duplication of strategies and quality -control techniqueseffort,' explains Abbott. On-line used,noneofwhichneedchangeprogrammingencouragesthespeed simply because on-line programming ismerchant by enabling programs to be introduced.' writteninaneven more quick -fire But he says that on-line programmingmanner than before and makes him or can have an indirect impact on program-her even more careless in the belief ming quality, 'ranging from a substan-thaterrors can be eliminated simply tial improvement to a substantial degra- by having more test runs. dation.' The main improvements can Abbott describes the tedium -haters comeifthe time savedin programas programmers who hate the routine development is at least partly used inside of programming. 'Program docu- adding to the time and resources spentmentation, testing and any form of tevat4h on better quality control techniques,record keeping are seen as evils, grudg- r/a).4 including better structured design, im-ingly admitted to be necessary. Whilst the more esoterictopic of programproved documentation, audit checks, etc. such programmers hate planning, the language definition. Later, I also have a Thereisa danger, however, that anycreation of test -files and the repetitive few criticial comments on the ZX81timesavedinprogram development checkingofresults,theylovethe manual. will be used as an excuse to try to rush challenge of"insoluble" program To most personal computer users,through more programs. Never minderrors.' In a traditional batch environ- on-lineinteractiveprogrammingisa the quality, feel the bug -ridden width.ment, the tedium -hater is forced to fill natural way of life. Yet for many com- On-line programming, says Abbott,in some time by doing more testing mercial programmers, batch program-also creates an internal pressure on thethan he or she feels desirable. In on- ming is still the order of the day. Thereprogrammer to write more lines of code.line development, however, the tedium - was a time not long ago when on-lineThiscontributestothe'hastyandhater justifies the lack of testing and programming was virtually unheard of. impulsive style of programming whichdocumentationbyarguingthaton- Abbott's bookis aimed primarily atunfortunately often characterises on-line systems have been introduced in managersinorganisations with largeline programming.' Abbott's perceptionorder to improve the speed and volume DP departments but much of what heofthe importanceofsubjective of work. says provides a valuable insight into theprogrammer attitudesindetermining The perfectionist 'knows that the programming psyche which should be ofthe effectiveness of program develop-testing process has no perfect ending' interest and enlightenment to anyonement is the main strength of the book.and so continues to search for it. The


would learn no new on-line tricks. 'His giventotheeasewith whichthe loyalty and devotion tohis mastersprogram can be understood, modified earned him a reprieve and he was left and enhanced, are applicable to virtually alone in the hope that he would eventu-every program. Within this structured allygrow outofit,'says Abbott.strategy, the foibles of individual pro- Abbott goes on to discuss some prac- grammers become less significant ticalguidelinesforeffectingon-line because faults can be isolated within programming. But I have concentrated particular modules and programmers are on his witty descriptions of programmer given clear objectives on which they can types as they are of general applicabilitythe monitored. and set the human scene for the next Structureddesignmeansputting two books under review. These dealgreater effort into the phase between with complex and evolving technical specifying system objectives and coding. debates which attempt to keep theThis fits in with Joe Abbott's assertion speed freak, the old dog, the hobbyist,that on-line programming can improve the technology freak and other pro-program quality if time and resources grammers under control. saved by using on-line techniques are specifically allocated to giving priority Designs on your to structured design and other methods whichimproveoverallquality.As programs Stevens aims toprovideapractical Basic and personal computers openedintroduction to the subject, he neces- up the world of computing to a wide- sarilygets involvedindescribing the eyednew audience by making themechanics of his particular approach to complexities of computing seem structured design. This should not put perfectionistis obsessed not only withsimple. Basic, however, was built withoff any seeker of the essential truths of accuracy but also with style in codeease of use in mind rather than forprogram design. and documentation. 'Whilst their aimsimplementing principles of good pro- The book is full of nuggets of good may be laudable, perfectionists can begram design. advice, such as: 'Solutions can often be a real pain in the neck because they go Ithas taken a long time for themade dramatically simpler just by con- to extremes and expect everyone elsecomputer science purists to come tocentrating on finding the simplest alter- to do likewise.' Perfectionists regard theterms with personal computing; for a native.Itisunfortunate how much availability of more computing resour-long time they dismissed it as an irrele-unnecessarycomplexityresultsfrom ces via on-line links as a cue to take evenvant toy. But now that microcompu-designs based on premature attention to more time in searching for computingtersareincreasinglyencroaching onperformance considerations or to pre- Nirvana. business, industrial and scientific datasumedfutureneeds.Itiseasier to Technology freaks make as much useprocessing, there is a growing need toachieve the best performance by design- as possible of hardware and software aspopularise what had previously beening the simplest solution first.' amatter of principle. 'They becomeviewedasthepreserveof specialist He warns, however, that simplicity fanaticalaboutsplit-screenediting,computer scientists and data processingshould not be thought of as equivalent copying and duplication of code andprofessionals. to writing the fewest lines of code. 'The interactivetesting.When challenged Using Structured Design by Waynefewest lines of code can probably be abouttheirdisproportionateuseofP Stevens is a step in the right direc-arrived at only througha process of resources, they claim they have learnedtion because it tries to exaplain struc-optimisation. This is by definition not touse the technology where othertured design principles and practice tothe simplest way to write the code and programmershavenot,'commentsboth the uninitiated and to DP profes-usually results in code that is hard to sionals. The Definition of Programmingchange.' Languages by Andrew D McGettrick is In Using Structured Design, Stevens aimed mainly at advanced computerhas distilled a wealth of experience into science students butitindicates thata form which could inject some much - even an apparently abstruse subject canneededgoodsenseintoeveryone's beexpressindown-to-earthterms,code. (Incidentally, he does not even even if, in this case, the understandablemention Basic.) bitsare wrappedin a great deal of Andrew McGettrick's book tackles mathematical notation. a subject which is more removed from ThesubtitleofStevens'bookdaily programming needs, the definition succinctlysummarisestheaimofof programming languages. This is an structured design: how to make important practicalsubject, however, programs simple, changeable,flexiblebecause theclarityand comprehen- and re -usable. Stevens was one of ansivenesswithwhichalanguageis IBM team which formulated a structu-defined influences the ease with which red design strategy which has had greatstandardsforthelanguagecan be influence in commercial DP. established, compilers and interpreters `Structured design reduces the costdeveloped and the quality of programs of developing and maintaining programsproduced.Itisalso a subject which be reducing the time and effort required.delves into linguistics, logic and mathe- It does so by reducing complexity andmatical theory,which doesnot bymakingiteasiertoimplementlend itself to light bed -time reading. As changes - both to fix an error and toMcGettrickhaswrittenthebook add a new requirement,'Stevensprimarilyforinclusionincomputer explains in the introduction. And hescience courses, he naturally goes into proceeds to describe how this is doneconsiderable depthintothis theory. with a clarity that enables the principles But for the average, non -specialist Abbott. Once again, on-line program-he expounds to be easily extracted fromreader, itis possible to pick one's way ming increases the sloppiness of thisthe specific examples he uses, which arethrough the technicalities to find out programmingbirdbyplacing more inCobol and oriented tolarge DPsome fascinating historical background resourcesatitstwitchingfingertips.systems. tothe way different languages have Abbott came across one programmer These principles of simplicity anddeveloped and the attempts made to who declared himself an old dog whomodularityofdesign, withpriorityrationalise language definitions.

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The Fortran language, for example,to the TV but they may be caused aBloggs. And the index is totally inade- grewvery much fromthe machinelittle problem in searching for a shopquate. I also found at least one instance upwards. The Fortran project startedthat supplies a jack -to -DIN plug if theyof a misprint in an example (the second in 1954 with the aim of providing ahave aDIN -sockettaperecorder.example on page 83) and a number of high level language for the IBM 704 But then what? They are faced withoccasions where the machine did not computer and many of the features ofaclosely -typed, 200 -page manual.It do what was intended, as in the square Fortran are related to the structure ofstarts by telling them how to get thesines of eggs illustration. themachine. Atalaterstage, thefeel of the keyboard with a very simple But the chapter on what happens American Standards Association (ASA)program. And here comes thefirst whenthecomputergetsfullwill became involved in trying to standard-shock: the keyboard is cramped, crow-probablyfrightentheBloggs most. ise Fortran. Since then, the ASA, underded and complex -looking. Chapter 3 of`When the memory fills up odd things its new name of the American Nationalthe manual gives a half -page historycan happen; but they are not usually Standards Institute (ANSI), has playedwhich the Bloggs will probably findfatal,' says the manual. To the Bloggs, a leading role in international standardis-virtually useless. It merely states thatwho thought they were buying a clever ation. the ZX81 uses Basic but there are othermachine that will play Space Invaders Another stream of computerlanguages with 'a neater structure and as well as teach little Sid about program- languages grew out of a working groupgreater power' or ones that can also ming, unpredictability such as this can oftheInternationalFederationofbe used 'on-line'. The words I have put be frightening, particularly when words Information Processing (IFIP) in 1960in quotes should be explained to thelike 'fatal' are used. andeventuallybecameknownasBloggs or else not used at all. Sinclair should have done better. In Algol 60. This working party developed Then comes Chapter 4 - the ZX81fact,itdid with the ZX80 manual, anelegant means of defining Algolas a calculator. Great stuff if you arewhich was much more readable and and took a more idealistic, theoreticaldoing maths atschool or universityexplained examples more clearly. Per- approachtolanguagedesignthanandfeelathomewithoperands, haps it should employ Tim Hartnell to Fortran, Cobol and Basic, which had aunary minus and mantissa. But pitywrite the next one. His Making the more pragmatic approach. The structu-the poor Bloggs. Within this chapter, theMost of Your ZX80 (reviewed in April redapproach todefining Algol wasuse of commas and semicolons in thePCW) shows that it is possible to appeal reflectedin the language, which pro-PRINT command are described. Theto the Bloggs by showing how to write motes a block -structured approach toBloggs will want to know this but willsimple games programs and, at the same programming that is an important stepprobably miss it out here because all time, explaining Basic principles. on the way to good structured design.their worst fears about the computer It would also be nice if introductory Pascal, among other languages, grewbeing something mysterious and 'mathe- material to systems like the ZX81 tried from this Algolseed, which is whymatical'may have been confirmed.to explain the concepts of information Pascal fulfills more principles of good Chapter 5 is concerned with mathe-management and systems design;as systems and programming theorymaticalfunctions anditisonlyin well as how to write a Basic program. I than thepragmaticapproachofChapter 6 that ordinary words are usedlook forward to the Ladybird book on Basic. inexamples,likeavariablecalled structured programming. McGettrick provides sufficientEGGS. Yet hereagain,the manual evidence that he can write for a layquickly says 'should you want to knowIn this month's 'Bookare' were: audience; he should try to tackle thethe square of the sine of the price ofOn-line Programming: A Management formidable task of writing a book ononeeggtype: PRINT SIN (EGGS/Guide by Joe Abbott (National Compu- this subject which avoids the technica-12)**2'. Besides confusing the Bloggsting Centre, £7.50); lities and concentrates on the historical,by talking about squares of sines, if theyUsing Structured Design by Wayne P philosophical, theoretical and practicaldo type this on the machine, they willStevens (John Wiley & Sons, £14.20); forces which have interwoven to createbegreetedwithanerrormessage. The Definition of Programming the modern computing language scene. The book is structured in such a wayLanguages by Andrew D McGettrick Taken together, Abbott, Stevens andthatitis difficult to find elementary(CambridgeUniversityPress,£6.25 McGettrick cover a great deal of impor-facilities,like the spacings in PRINT,paperback, £13.50 hardback); tant ground which should eventuallywithout delving into chapters with titlesThe ZX81 Basic Programming Manual become as much a part of the personalthatwouldbemeaninglesstothe(free with the Sinclair ZX81). computing consciousness as Basic and allthe other paraphernalia that cur- rently fills PCW. Joe Bloggs on the ZX81 manual While on the subject of reinterpreting complexities for a mass market, I would like to poke my oar in on the ZX81 manual. The ZX81's admirable techno- logicalcapability andthe value for money have already been evaluated by David Tebbutt in the May PCW. For a computing freak who cannot afford anything more expensive, many hours of fun can be obtained from the ZX81, particularly if you have the 16k RAM. My concern, however, is the way the ZX81 manual fails to appeal to Joe and Gladys Bloggs. Sinclair's advertising in the non -technical press makes it clear that the company is interested in selling to Joe and Gladys, the ordinary people still mystified by computing. So what happens when the Bloggs unwrap their new ZX81? They will probably find it easy enough to plug in

PCW 115 system or even started the programmingcomputer 'failure'. ButI wonder how for their first system. In one case, themuch of the blame attaches to the pro- finaldecision to choose between twogrammer who was unable to tell them UP THE separate 'hardware' systems was madewhat he was providing? simply on the colour of one of them, A worseillustrationof the non - eventhoughthe other system wascommunicating computer person is the obviously more technically suitable forfollowing: a company I know did every- that company. It's almost as if largething right.It started by employing a SHARP numbers of normally sane businessmenconsultant who investigated the feasi- andwomenarehumanlemmingsbility of what the company wanted to rushing to mass computer suicide. Whatdo, and finally produced a report which causes this orgy of self-destruction? detailed requirements exactly on paper. END Well,I believe there are three mainThis was given to the software house it problemareas:computermystique,employedandthenprogramswere non -communicating computer people,written to meet that specification. Two and goodold-fashioned lack ofyears later the system was still not im- planning. plemented because, in the words of the If we loom at the first of these areas,senior partner, 'we just could not com- computer mystique, the surprising thingmunicate with the programmer. The isthatitcauses the most trouble toprograms had "bugs" and he wasn't peoplewhoareusuallyvehementabletoexplain whathis problems supporters of computers. The sort ofwere.' Now the partner concerned has person I meanisprobably an avidhis own personal computer so was well watcher of programmes such as To-able to understand programming prob- morrow's World. His or her childrenlems but, even so, the computer man are probably doing computer studies atcouldn't get through. The story has at school or college. They are also mostleast got a happy ending, since the com- likely to support the exhortations ofpanyconcernedhas now contacted politicians and others to 'join the com-other programmers anditlooksas munications revolution'. It's no surprise,though it will eventually get its system therefore, that the computer starts offworking. as some sort of deity. Now I don't think What is so worrying about this last I will be able to change the sensational-caseis that the management involved ism of computers in the media but thedid everything right. They started by solution to mystique is knowledge. Isdefining what they wanted to do. They there a CornputerTown in your area? Ifthen hired a consultant to investigate there is, join it. If there isn't, how aboutwhether the system could be handled starting one? (I know my Editor willbymicrocomputers.Theconsultant love this but seriously, folks, why don'tproducedafullsystem specification you start one?) If you are not the or-and the company used this to get quo- ganising type, then why not buy a smalltations from a number of local software personal computer or even a program-houses. Now at this stage, had any of mable calculator? Mystery clears whenthe software houses concerned had a you've written a few programs, or had`package' which met the specification, to reload a cassette program a numberthere would now be a successful instal- of times because of mis-reads. lation which would have been running Now you may have noticed that I'vefor about a year. Unfortunately, the saidnothing about talking to anyonerequirements were mainly in the stock youmay knowinthecomputercontrol area and at that stage no pack- industry. The reason is simple: in manyages were available which met these cases, such a talk would just confirm theneeds.Infact, even now they would computer mystique. In fact, for peopleprobably still have to have a custom- involved in communications, computerbuilt system.The problem therefore industry employees are incomprehen- stillexists. How, having defined your sible. It wouldn't be so bad if we stuckrequirements, do you get the software to our jargon like input and output and house to show its ability (or lack of hardware and software, but we don't; ability)tocommunicate? I would weevenchangethemeaningsofsuggest that you get them to produce ordinary words like 'words' and 'bits'written program specifications and pro- and 'bites'(I know we spellit'bytes'posed operating instructions first. Now but it sounds the same). In some casesyou may have to pay for this separately, it's like talking to someone who, whenparticularly if you are then not going to Mike Knight reports on life as he speaks, alternates each word betweenlet them do the programming, but at it really is in the micro world. English and Chinese. You get half anleast you know if they can or cannot idea of what he's saying but never reallycommunicate. As a last resort these pro- know. This, of course,isthe worstgram specifications might enable you to danger - you may think you're com-do it yourself. It's more likely, however, municating perfectly. I know one com-that you could use them as the basis for I'm sometimes surprised to find thatpany whereI asked if they had toldwriting your own program specifications any computer installations are success- their programmer what they wanted and in your own language. These could be ful. In fact, if some business people ranthey said yes. They had wanted a simpleused by other software houses and you their companies the way they set about system for their sales ledger. But whatwould have the advantage of knowing buying computers, I'm surprised theirthey had got was the equivalent of awhat the programs were going to do companies still exist. helicopter when they needed only abefore you got them. In some cases, the decision to buy ismoped. Both were capable of going Finally,I don't want to paint too made simply as a result of a chancefrom A to B but the system suppliedgloomy a picture of computer people. meeting on the golf course. You knowneeded a trained pilot to operate it. HadMost of us try hard not to speak in a the situation: MD comes in on Mondaythecompanyconcernedtakenthe `foreign'language, butif you don't morning, saying, 'Old Bloggs has got atrouble totrain someone or employunderstand uspleasesayso straight computer. Find out what itis and getsomeone with that knowledge, the sys-away and we'll try and express ourselves me a bigger one.' I wish that I could saytem would have worked and, infact, in another way. In the end you'll get thatthis was an exaggeration butI could have given them a lot of manage-what you want --- a successful computer actually know four companies who in- mentinformationwhich may havesystem. But remember: when you are stalled computers and two years laterenabled them to expand their business.looking for a computer system the last had either not implemented their firstThey did not and so there was another thing you want is the computer.

116 PCW Comart Approved Dealers Belfast 0 & M Systems 95 Dublin Road Tel: 0232 49440 Birmingham Byteshop Computerland Ltd 94/96 Hurst St, B5 4TD Tel: 021 622 7149 Cambridge Cambridge Computer Stores 1 Emmanuel St, CBI 1NE Tel: 0223 68155 Cornwall Benchmark Computer Systems Ltd Tremena Manor Tremena Road St Austell, PL25 5GG Tel: 0726 610000 Dublin Lendac Data Systems Ltd 8 Dawson St The clean simplicity outside... Tel: 0001 372052 Glasgow Byteshop Computerland Ltd Magnet House 61 Waterloo St. G2 7BP Tel: 041 221 7409 Leeds Holdene Ltd Manchester Unity House 11/12 Rampart Road Woodhouse St Tel: 0532 459459 London Byteshop Computerland Ltd 324 Euston Road London WI Tel: 01-387 0505 Dig itus 9 Macklin Street Covent Garden WC2 Tel: 01 405 6761 Jarrogate 67 Tulsemere Road. West Norwood. London SE17 Tel: 01-670 3674 Manchester Byteshop Computerland Ltd 11 Gateway House Piccadilly Station Approach Tel: 061 236 4737 NSC Computers 29 Hanging Ditch Tel: 061 832 2269 Newbury Newbear Computing Store 40 Bartholomew St Tel: 0635 30505 Nottingham Byteshop Computerland Ltd 92A Upper Parliament St, NG 1 6LF Tel: 0602 40576 Sheffield Hallam Computer Systems 451 Eccleshall Road, S11 9PN Tel: 0742 663125 Southampton Xitan Systems 23 Cumberland Place, SO1 2BB Tel: 0703 38740 Sudbury Eurotec Consultants Holbrook Hall Little Waldingford Tel: 0206 262319 Warwicks ...conceals the pedigree inside. Business & Leisure Microcomputers 16 The Square Kenilworth Tel: 0926 512127 Watford Lux Computer Services 108 The Parade High Street The clean lines outside, conceal the power Watford WD11 2AW Comart'sCP100 Communicator is the new British Tel: 0923 29513 designed, British made Microcomputer from within; its S-100 bus means wide ranging Comart Microcomputer dealers Comart. It is the result of a carefully conceived peripheral support, and simple after sales care. are located strategically throughout the country to give development programme. It exploits Comart's first And, that's not all. Communicator is built to keep support, guidance and assistance. In the event of hand experience of the British computer market, your future options open. It's ready for Prestel, difficulty contact Comart direct. and their growing strength as a manufacturer. asynchronous, and synchronous operation. It has CP100 is the first of a new generation of expandable memory capability and yet it's price flexible, expandable micros specifically competitive as a stand-alone system with its developed to suit British operating conditions and CP/MTM operating system, and support communication requirements. software. Find out more about Communicator today.

The U.K. Leaders in Microcomputer Development, Application and Support. Comart St Neots HUNTINGDON Cambs PE19 2AF Tel (0480) 215005 Telex: 32514 Comart G. Whatare Ingersoll andCanon doin at the 1981ler°

Show?- both have booked big display areas - both will do a lotof business If your company is not represented you had better ask why. OM ME MI MIMI OM MN 111M Mil MI 11111 9,000 visitors, mostly business people, flocked to PCW Wembley for last year's event and many exhibitors I reported record sales. Please send me details of the 1981 Microcomputer ShowI Following this success, twice the exhibition area I I may wish to exhibit has been made available for the 1981 event - I I am interested in attending the seminars 3,000 square metres on two levels. Organisations I who have not yet booked are advised to telephone IName the Online Exhibitions Department who will make Company a provisional booking for your company awaiting I I your written confirmation. Address I Exhibition: 30,31July, 1 August Associated Seminars Telephone Thursday 30 July Small Computers in Business I Friday 31 July Microcomputer Technology Please return to: Online Conferences Ltd. Argyle House, Advances INorthwood Hills, Middx. HA6 Friday 31 July Micros in Education Tel: Northwood (09274) 28211 Telex: 923498

MEI WM One MINI M1111 MN IMM1 !MI =11 IMIM Inn MEI 111111 Mil ME11111 the text. There's a column counter at the top of the screen to help set margins and there's also a line counter. A shift lock is provided by pressing controlandshifttogetherandis unlocked by pressing shift, an action as FORMAT- closeasit'spossibletoget on the Apple's keyboard to that of a real type- This month Peter Rodwell looks at an Apple -based WP system writer. You enter the format mode by press- The Apple II is one of the 'old faithfuls' Afterloading, you arepresenteding escape, which has a toggle action; of the micro world; it has been aroundwith a master menu which allows you tothe screen tells you which mode you're for ages (or so it seems) and is one ofinitialise disks, view the disks' directori-in, which is important because in format the world's top -selling machines. Thises, load, save, replace or delete textmode, nearly every key activates a com- means that programmers and retailersfiles on disk, print text or work on themand. 'Format'isactuallyaslight have had plenty of time to get used tomailing list. Additionally, there are twomisnomer - quiteafewofthe its quirks and that plenty of companiesediting commands, one for 'old' textcommands are editing commands. have been able to produce hardware(ie, text already in the Apple's memory) The format mode gives complete cur- additions to plug into the slots providedand one for 'new' text, which meanssor control: the <- and -÷ keys function inside the case for this purpose. what it says. as expected, while up and down move- The resultisthat, no matter how Format -80callseachtextfilea ments are also available. You can also weird your application, it's quite pro-`page', which means a memory -full ofmove the cursor to the following word, bable that someone, somewhere has pro-text rather than a printed page. Theline, sentence, paragraph or text block, ducedapieceof hardware and/ormaximum page sizeis 80 lines long,jump tothe start or end of similar software to do the job on an Apple.which means just over 900 words will locations or scan backwards or forwards Word processing isn't, of course, afit into each file. Once you've filled athrough text at variable speeds to check particularly weird application but thepage, you must saveitto disk andit. The Apple has a repeat key, a must standard Apple II is not really suited tocontinue on a new page. for cursor movements. the job, mainly because of its The editoroffers two modes of Text can be inserted at the cursor 40 -column screen and its lack of a true,operation, text entry and format. In positionand asimple, one -character typewriter -action shift key. (And pleasethe text entry mode, everything youdelete function is activated by hitting don't write in to say that you find 40type appears on the screen; the systemthe 'X' key. More elaborate deletion is columns perfectlyadequate for WP;has word-wrap builtin so there's noalso provided, operating on line, para- either you haven't tried an 80 -columnneed to hit return at the end of eachgraph and all text and there's a blank system and don't know what you'reline - the word you're typing is trans-command which differs from delete in missing, or you're not processing lotsferred to the start of the next line ifthat a blank space isleft in the text, of business -typewords.)Both these itwon't allfitin. As well as word-while delete closes it up. drawbacks can be overcome, though;wrap, Format -80 has automatic There'safindcommand, which thereareseveral80 -column plug-inhyphenationbuiltin,althoughthispositions the cursor atthestartof cards for the Apple and a proper shiftseems a little timid; in theory, it shouldthe sought text and there's a search and function can easily be fitted. All youhyphenate words correctly at the endreplace facility, oddly called edit, which need now is the WP software. of each line and only perform a word-is rather more intelligent than that on This review is of a twin -disk Applewrap ifit can't find a suitable place toother machines: suppose, for example, IIEuroplus, fitted with a Computerput a hyphen, but in practice, over ayou want to replace 'the' with 'some' Stop80 -columncard. The softwarelot of text editing, it only hyphenatedthroughoutyour text;unlike many packageisFormat -80,producedin-twice and got both of those wrongother word processors, Format -80 will houseby ApplespecialistPersonal(`pocket -sized' came out as also act on 'The' and 'THE', replacing Computers Ltd(no relationtothis`pocket-s-ized', for example).Thethem with 'Some' and 'SOME', a very magazine). The packageisanall -in - hyphens, incidentally, are 'ghost'useful feature indeed. one editor and formatter which, as ahyphens, which don't appear on print- A block move command is available, bonus, includes a mailing list handler.out. which allows you to place a block in a You can move the cursor back toreserved part of the Apple's memory correctmistakes,usingtheback - and recallitlater for insertion at any Editing arrow key, but the forwards arrow keydesired place in the text. Format -80 is loaded simply by slottingprovides a tab function since there's Format -80 provides a useful range of the disk into drive 1 and switching on theno tab key on the Apple's keyboard.editing commands, then. The only real Apple - itloads and starts runningTab positions can be set while in the criticismI would want to make is of automatically. The disk, incidentally, isentry mode, the positions being shownthe amount of key pressing needed to copy protected, which means you can'tby little arrows above and below the activatethem. To deletealine, for make a back-up copy and have to gotext area on the screen. Right and leftexample, when you're busy entering backtoPersonal Computersifthemargins can also be set and these aretext, you must press escape to get into master disk fails. shown by white bars above and belowthe format mode, then D for delete PCW 119 AWord Processor, Report Writer, Mailing System, Data Base Manager, anda Computer all for £1995

Yes,we are offering all this with our and dual 5" double -density drives with And just to make certain that you SERIES 5000 5" floppy -disc system the option of a third drive (or quad get full use out of your system, for the incredibly low price of L1995.* capacity drives in place of double - nationwide field service support is Not only do you get a powerful density) in the same cabinet. available at a modest extra cost. Z -80A system on the S-100 bus built toAdditionally,there is the Turbocharger * add VAT and the terminal and printer of high quality standards by Industrial option providing both enhanced disc your choice at the costs shown. Microsystems, one of the longest -and capacity,disc performance and best -established companies in the diagnostics. And if even greater storage microcomputer industry,and is required we can supply 8" floppy Series 5000 with 64KB Dynamic RAM, supported by Equinox,specialists in drives and cartridge disc drives. dual 5" double density drives, CP/M microcomputers and multi-user A powerful system for the Operating System, Wordstar, Mail -Merge and Datastar systems. computer -user and system £1995 developer - and one with The same system with quad drives in eventual access to OS/2000, place of the double density drives £2230 the Industrial MicrosystemsAdd-on double density drive £290 networking system. Add-on quad drive £405 And for the office or Peripherals: business user we are Televideo 912C VDU £595 including as standard a Elbit 1920X VDU with Wordstar powerful Word -Processing keyboard package (Wordstar), a Mailing and OKI Microline 80 printer 595 Texas 810 150cps printer 450 Letterwriting package (Mail -Merge) NEC Spinwriter RO Word and the Datastar Data Base Manager.processing printer £1850 All these packages are widely accepted and professionally written by All prices exclude VA I;carriage,training and installation Micropro International. and are subject to our standard terms and conditions. Being CP/M based,the system with OEM dealerand educational enquiries welcome. suitable configuration will also run the business software developed by (for You also get the instance) Graffcom,Peachtree, Ilipopular CP/M Paxton,etc. Operating System It will also run a wide range of (from Digital Research),languages - Basic,Cobol,Fortran, UINOX a 12 -slot bus for easy Pascal,APL,Algol,C.Lisp,and Forth expansion,a Z -80A CPU for powerful and will support a wide range of add- COMPUTER SYSTEMS LIMITED performance,2 serial and one parallel on S-100 devices, such as floating pointKleeman House,16 Aiming Street, interfaces,64KB of dynamic RAM processors,Prestel interfaces,speech New Inn Yard,London EC2A 3HB with in-built error detection capability,synthesisers,digitisers and plotters,etc.Tel:01-739 2387/9 & 01-729 4460

PCW 120 followed by L for line, then escape againto continue entering text. The reason is partly that care has been taken to keep the commands easy to remem- ber and to provide sub -menus wherever possible, and also that the Apple's key- board has no spare keys which can be dedicated to special functions; it would beinterestingto know whether the add-on numeric keypad unit, with suit- ably re -labelled keys, could be used to activate some of the more frequently - used commands. Saving text to disk is quite straight- forward. Each page of text must be given a name and a number so that a document can be split into several pages - 'Text1','Text2', etc. Format -80 won't let you save a page with the same name and number as a page already on disk - you have to use the replace commandinstead,sothere'slittle chance of accidentally over -writing your previous efforts. Each disk can hold up to 17 900 -word pages. One annoying omission is a disk -to -disk copying com- mand, so backup copies have to be made by loading individual pages from one disk into the Apple's memory and then saving them onto the other disk. Formatting Format -80's formatting is a mixture of pre-set system parameters and embed- : k8O) Position: 18 ded commands. The embedded ones are About six gears ago, writer and word -games addict C9 Endfield, entered while editing, using the format an exPatriate American living in London, bought one of the mode, and have an immediate effect - early Pocket calculators. It struck him that a calculator -s" you can see what you've done and undo ized device with an alPhanumeric keyboard would make the ideal basis for a word -game he'd invented - but he didn't like the itif it's not what you wanted. In this idea of a full keyboard with one keg for each letter of the way you can centre lines, justify text, alPhabet. It would be too fiddly, he thought. close up blank spaces, insertprinter Thus was born the idea for the Microwriterp a device codes, de -justify, underline, slide lines which would allow You to tYPe alPhanumerics using Just one keg up and down and slide words left and for each finger and Pressing them in various combinations to Produce the required characters. right. You can also align numbers by There was a Problem, though. To do this You'd have to decimal point, which is handy, although memorise the keg combinations and that seemed an almost Format -80contains no mathematical imPossible task to ask of anyone. Also, decoding the keg functions for adding columns of figures. combinations and Producing characters from them seemed rather (One of the nice things about reviewing comPlicated. Two innovations changed this. Firstly, the develoPment Format -80 was that, asit'sa British of microelectronics - and, in Particular, the availability of product,itsauthor Mike Hardwick low-cost CMOS chiPs - made the decoding task easy. And CV was but a phone call/tube ride away. himself solved the keg combinations Problem by hitting on the The reasonfornotincluding maths functions, he explained, was that he feltthat such functions shift respon- sibility for the figures away from the Mailing list : initialiselniversal labelsIntries lain menu boss to the secretary.Isee his point, although I'm not sure I agree that such BMW Label : Entry : a shift is always a bad thing.) 3C It Snafu. It Miss J Mannlei3h-Thise ItIC $address ]C Flat 27 Another range of formatting para- It IC it RodwellHouse meters can be set up and saved on the C 3C 3C it 47 HighStreet master disk. These include the number C 3C3C Stown ]C Angtown of lines per printed page, what happens C it $Postcode It SOL 1FF C It $salute 3[ John at the end of each page (form feed or ItC 7C waitforakeytobe pressed,for lE IC example), the pagination start number C IC 3C and details of the header and footer. C 3C II IC Special ASCII character sequences can C C 7CC IC be specified to be sent to the printer in C 3[ ] C 3C IC 3CIC responsetoprinter codes embedded C 3C IC within the text, allowing the system to C 3[3C IC cope with special printer functions such : . as bolding, underlining, super- and sub - General entry : libtrg findS move 0 Relete flank 1808[ scripting. Format -80 can also cope with the proportional spacing found on theTop: the system as tested; centre: part of a text page during entry - the more exotic printers. The parameter filewhite bars show the margins; bottom: an entry in a mailing list, with labels. alsoincludes comprehensive heading and footing options, which is a little porating label names and these will be inconvenient as you can't then easilyMailing list substituted in each copy of the letter changethesewithina document.Format -80containsamailinglist by the entries corresponding to those You can print either the text inhandler which allows you to build uplabels. Comments can be added under memory or one or more pages on diskand manage a file of up to 442 nameseach mailing list entry. and multiple copies are catered for.and addresses per disk. Each line of each The version of Format -80 tested was There is no facility for previewing theentry can be given a label and lists cana pre-release version and had one or text on the screen in its final format,be sorted by any of these labels; youtwo features yet to be finished; one of with pagination, headings, etc. can also create a standard letter incor-these was a logical function which will

PCW 121 allow, for example, selective printing ofman, Format -80 could prove a valuable names and addresses depending on thetool; like Wordpro on the SuperPET, it contents of the labels' fields. Thus yougives you a useful WP system while couldprint'personalised'letterstoallowing the computer to be used for every solicitorin Birmingham whoseother things - there are certainly plenty namewasn'tSmith,forinstance. ofgoodbusinesssoftwarepackages Therearefacilitiesfor reviewing,available for the Apple. altering and deleting records in the list Secretaries would feel very at home with the system. One of the main con- and for initialising disks. This last func- The Apple's keyboard tionisa little awkward asitdoesn'tsiderations in the package's design has allow you to initialise an unwanted textbeen to make the hardware as much like a normal typewriter as possible, in terms You may have noticed that I haven't diskfor mailing use - you have to mentioneda so initialise the disk using the Apple diskof the way it's operated, while taking printer farinthis advantage of the features which only areview. Personal Computers supplies a operating system and then re -initialise choice of daisywheel printers for quality itfromthemailinglistsection ofWP can provide. This is as it should be,output, including the new Olympia 17 Format -80. for a word processor is a piece of officecps machine;unfortunately none of equipment, not a computer, and shouldthese was available for the test period Documentation therefore be as user-friendly as possible.and a Centronics 703 dot matrix unit As the testedversion of Format -80Format -80 is friendly and would make awas supplied instead. This defied my was incomplete (as well as the mailinguseful general office tool. attempts to get itto work so printing listlogic,a whole -document word was done on my Epson MX -80, which searchandreplacefunctionhadn'tHardware was reviewed in the Magic Wand test in been implemented), the accompanyingAs I said at the start of this review, the May. documentation was alsopreliminary,Apple has been around almost since the taking the form of an 11 -page 'First -dawn of the microcomputer age; it's a guide'. This briefly explained most ofwell -proven, well-known machine with aSummary the package's features apart from thegood reputation for reliability and has a Format -80is a friendly, well -designed mailing list and was intended as a verywell-built, quality feel to it. If it does goword processing package which quick introduction to the system. Bywrong, then there are plenty of people provides a useful range of functions for the time you read this review, the finalaround to help you out. generaloffice/smallbusinessuse.It version of Format -80 should be ready, For word processing, I found it quitewould appeal most to small business completewitha200 -pagemanualpleasantto use. The keyboard felt ausers, especially those wanting to use which, in view of the high standard oflittle cramped asit'sslightlysmaller their Apples for other purposes. It's a thesoftware,Iwould expect to bethan that of a standard typewriter, butparticularly helpful system, with menus very good. the keys have a nice solid feel to them.and sub -menusforalmostevery A major horror when using the Apple ascommand, although the penalty paid Users acomputeristhatofaccidentally for these is that you have to make more How, then, could Format -80 appeal tohitting the reset key when you intended keystrokes to activate some functions our four user groups? tohit return, thereby destroying thethan are necessary on other systems. As I said last month in my review ofprogram in the memory; with TheAppleintheconfiguration Wordpro 4 Plus, being a member of theFormat -80,hittingresetmerely putstestedis a pleasant machine for word author/journalist group,I don'tfindyou back to the master menu and leavesprocessing, has a good reliability record, a system which enforces the splittingthe text in memory unchanged. plentyof service backup across the ofdocumentsinto anumberof The modification to provide a true country and can be used for many other separatefilesparticularlyconvenientshift keyis very simple and Personal applications. to use. If you weren't bothered by this,Computers will do it for free if you buy Finally, because of the system's 900 - though,the system containsalltheeithera completesystemorjust word maximum page capacity and the editing and formatting functions you'reFormat -80 from them; if you can't take lack of the document -wide search and likelytoneed.Public relations -typeyour Apple along to have the mod done, replace function on the version tested, persons might find it particularly handyPC will supply a circuit diagram, instruc- itwasn't possible to run any of our for writing and mailing medium volumestions and telephone advice for you to WP Benchmarks. of press releases. either do it yourself or have it done by a The report writer would also find thelocal dealer. The mod includes a switchPrices system limiting, but to a lesser extentat the rear of the machine to restore the 48k Apple II with twin than an author, although the formattingApple's normal shift function, should disks and monitor £1664 commands - of great interest to thisyou also want to use it as a computer. Computer Stop 80 -col board 175 user - are not particularly powerful. The output from the Computer Stop Format -80 300 The system does, however, allow good80 -column boardisof good quality,Prices exclude VAT and are those of printercontrol,sofancytypefaces,although there are no true descenders PersonalComputers Ltd, whom we etc, could compensate for this. on letters like `p' and `g'; the displaywould like to thank for the loan of the For the manager or small business-actually has 81 characters on 25 lines. hardware and software tested.

butfeelqualifiedtoconductcase studies, Benchtests or whatever then drop us a line saying what you'd like to do and why you think you're qualified to do it. We're not particularly looking for strings of academic qualifications - experience carries just as much weight. Dick Pountain is always on the look- out for interesting calculator features PCW welcomes approaches from would-appear on both thearticle and theand we wouldn't mind seeing one or be writers, even those who may nevercovering letter. If you have submittedtwo readers getting on their soapboxes haveappearedinprintbefore.In the same work to other magazines youbut remember: even articles such as this game it is often those with practicalshould tell us - it would be embarrass-this need a structure. experience who have important thingsing (to say the least) if the same article Reading PCW will give you a good to say so we don't mind too much ifappeared in more than one. idea of the style we prefer. You may their prose is less than perfect. Providing If you have an idea for an article ornotice that we try to avoid pomposity that submissions have a sensible struct-a series, write us a letter outlining yourat one extreme and flippancy at the ureandfollowalogicalsequence,ideas. A one or two page synopsis givingother (except in 'Chip Chat', that is). we can take care of the polishing. Herethe proposed structure, sequence and Finally, have a look through back are some tips: content will give us a sound basis forissue indexes and try not to re -invent Ifthearticleisalreadywritten,discussion. Pleasegive us a daytimeany wheels. Oh, we almost forgot - simply send it in, making sure that your'phone number if possible. PCW does pay for all published work. name,addressand'phone number If you have nothing specific in mind

122 PCW Technology leaps ahead with theVector Graphic 3005 from Almarc

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Almarc bring you the latest in micro facilities are available throughout the U.K. computer technology. The 3005, 5.6 Mega Specification includes: byte hard disc system from Vector Graphic * A nearly silent 54" 5 Megabyte for the price of an 8" floppy disc system. Winchester hard disc. The 3005 represents the latest technology* A 630K byte double -sided, quad in desk top systems with the speed, capacity, density floppy drive. convenience and reliability of * The Vector 3 intelligent terminal. State-of-the-art Winchester hard Almarc Also the standard software disc technology. package supplied with all Vector Ask Almarc about the 3005 systems: CP/M 2.-2, Microsoft and other Vector Graphic systems Basic 80, Scope (Editor) and in the range. Full sales and servicingDATA SYSTEMS Raid (Debugger). Almarc Data Systems Ltd., 906 Woodborough Road, Nottingham NG3 SQS. Nottingham (0602) 625035 Telex: 37407 Almarc/G

PCW 123 LET P 37 PRINT 40 LET A! 50 XT 54PRINT`. 55 56 111 57 PRINT 60 LET D. 70 FOR I= 80 LET Tt 90 NEXT I 100 FOR I= 110 LET X. New! Sinclair ZX81 120 LET N= TWille%TO 740nT-V' Personal Computer. ;a

Kit: 149.21complete Reach advanced computer comprehension in a few absorbing hours Built: 1980 saw a genuine breakthrough - the Sinclair ZX80, world's first com- 169.93 plete personal computer for under complete £100. At £99.95, the ZX80 offered a specification unchallenged at the price. Over 50,000 were sold, and the ZX80 won virtually universal praise from computer professionals. Now the Sinclair lead is in- creased: for just £69.95, the new Sinclair ZX81 offers even more advanced computer facilities at an even lower price. And the ZX81 kit means an even bigger saving. At £49.95 it costs almost 40% less than the ZX80 kit! Kit Lower price: higher capability or built - With the ZX81, it's just as simple to teach yourself computing, but the it's up to you! ZX81 packs even greater working The picture shows dramatically how capability than the ZX80. easy the ZX81 kit is to build: just It uses the same micro- four chips to assemble (plus, of processor, but incorporates a new, course the other discrete com- more powerful 8K BASIC ROM - ponents) -a few hours' work with a the 'trained intelligence' of the fine -tipped soldering iron. And you computer. This chip works in may already have a suitable mains New decimals, handles logs and trig, adaptor - 600 mA at 9 V DC nominal BASIC manual allows you to plot graphs, and unregulated (supplied with built builds up animated displays. version). And the ZX81 incorporates Kit and built versions come other operation refinements - the complete with all leads to connect facility to load and save named to your TV (colour or black and programs on cassette, for example, white) and cassette recorder. or to select a program off a cassette through the keyboard. Higher specification, lower price - how's it done? Quite simply, by design. The ZX80 reduced the chips in a working computer from 40 or so, to 21. The ZX81 reduces the 21 to 4! The secret lies in a totally new Every ZX81 comes with a master chip. Designed by Sinclair comprehensive, specially -written and custom-built in Britain, this manual -a complete course in unique chip replaces 18 chips from BASIC programming, from first Proven micro -processor, new 8K BASIC principles to complex programs. the ZX80! ROM, RAM-and unique new master chip. Ifyou own a 16K -BYTE RAM Sinclair ZX80... pack for massive The new 8K BASIC ROM used in the Sinclair ZX81 is available to ZX80 add-on memory. owners as a drop -in replacement Designed as a complete module to chip. (Complete with new keyboard fit your Sinclair ZX80 or ZX81, the o template and operating manual.) RAM pack simply plugs into the With the exception of animated existing expansion port at the rear graphics, all the advanced features of the computer to multiply your of the ZX81 are now available on data/program storage by 16! your ZX80 - including the ability to Use it for long and complex drive the Sinclair ZX Printer. programs or as a personal database. Yet it costs as little as half the price Comingsoon - of competitive additional memory. New, improved specification Z80 A micro -processor- new faster version of the the ZX Printer. famous Z80 Designed exclusively for use with chip, widelythe ZX81 (and ZX80 with 8K BASIC recognised ROM), the printer offers full alpha - as the best numerics across 32 columns, and ever made. highly sophisticated graphics. *Unique Special features include COPY, 'one -touch' key which prints out exactly what is on word entry: the the whole TV screen without the ZX81 eliminates a need for further instructions. The great deal of tire- ZX Printerwill be available in Summer taw ezvroya,r:y brzociwcp, irt Pi/eV or some typing. Key 1981, at around £50 - watch this car arilsn'zip, Irft ors/ reir twit,/ words (RUN, LIST, space! .frar47, PRINT, etc.) have their lir091 own single -key entry. Unique syntax -check How to order your ZX81 and report codes identify BY PHONE - Access or Barclaycard programming errors holders can call 01-200 0200 for immediately. personal attention 24 hours a day, Full range of mathematical every day. BY FREEPOST - use the and scientific functions accurate no -stamp -needed coupon below. to eight decimal places. You can pay by cheque, postal Graph -drawing and animated - order, Access or Barclaycard. display facilities. EITHER WAY - please allow up to Multi -dimensional string and 28 days for delivery. And there's a numerical arrays. 14 -day money -back option, of Up to 26 FOR/NEXT loops. course. We want you to be satisfied Randomise function - useful for beyond doubt - and we have no games as well as serious doubt that you will be. applications. Cassette LOAD and SAVE with Po: Sinclair Research Ltd, FREEPOST 7, Cambridge, CB21YY. Order71 named programs. Qty Item Code Item price Total 1K -byte RAM expandable to 16K £ £ Sinclair ZX81 Personal Computer kit(s). Price includes bytes with Sinclair RAM pack. ZX81 BASIC manual, excludes mains adaptor. 12 49.95 Able to drive the new Sinclair Ready -assembled Sinclair ZX81 Personal Computer(s). printer (not available yet - but Price includes ZX81 BASIC manual and mains adaptor. 11 69.95 coming soon!) Mains Adaptor(s) (600 mA at 9 V DC nominal unregulated). 10 8.95 Advanced 4 -chip design: micro- 16K -BYTE RAM pack(s). 18 49.95 processor, ROM, RAM, plus master 8K BASIC ROM to fit ZX80. 17 19.95 chip - unique, custom-built chip Post and Packing. 2.95 replacing 18 ZX80 chips. Please tick if you require a VAT receipt 0 TOTAL £ *I enclose a cheque/postal order payable to Sinclair Research Ltd, for £ 11-1=Imirs *Please charge to my Access/Barclaycard/Trustcard account no. 11111111111111 1 1 *Please delete/complete as applicable. Please print. ZX81 Name: Mr/Mrs/Miss 111111111 11111 Sinclair Research Ltd, Address 6 Kings Parade, Cambridge, Cambs.,

i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I CB21SN. Tel: 0276 66104. LREEPOST - no stamp needed. PCW081 Reg. no: 214 4630 00. READERS WRITE Chris Sadler presents further feedback following his proposed series of Benchmarks.

I read your Pascal Benchmarks article(although some of the others may do2. Itcanonlybe compared fairly (PCW March) with interest as I am con-this) and of being able to utilise theagainst the other 6502 -based machine, sideringbuyingaPascalcompiler/AMD 9511 maths chip (I don't thinkApple running UCSD Pascal in a mini- interpreter. As I have an 5100 machinethe others can do this) which shouldmum of 48k. It cannot obviously be running CP/M I thought I might obtainkeep the number -crunching programmer compared for speed when the machines afewuseful comments from yourhappy. are 16 -bit or even against Z80 -based correspondent Mr C J Neville and I have MS -Pascalisthe new Pascal frommachines with full 16 -bit stack pointer. thereforeenclosed aletterwhich IMicrosoft.Italsoproducesnative3. Please accept our timings for the would be extremely gratefulif youcodeandMicrosoft is apparently CP/M version running on the Tuscan would pass on to him. I would welcome`committed' to keeping to the standard.microcomputer. your comments. I've never used this one but I'm told It may be of interest to your reader- Russel Gadd, Southsea, Hants that it operates on three levels: level oneship that TCL Pascal for PET and TCL is written to the ISO standard; level twoPascal for CP/M has now sold over As far as I know, there are five possiblehas the sorts of extensions found on the2000 copies worldwide since the launch compilers available under CP/M.UCSD system (eg, random access files,of the product in July 1980. We have AlthoughIhaven't had much experi-string -handling) and a bit more; the level also concluded two majorOEM ence with any of them and have neverthree is 'system' Pascal. contracts for parts of the source code. even laid my hands on two, I do have Prices are: TCL Pascal £120, Pascal -Not bad in six months? a bit of information (mostly hearsay,M £195, Pascal -Z £205, Pascal-MT+ The book of TCL Pascal is being gossip or manufacturer's claims). Any£250, MS -Pascal £195. launched in June 1981. reader who can add to (or correct) these Also, as a final thought, many PET impressions with actual experience as a owners will be pleased to know that user of one or more of these is invitedI enclose a table of Benchmark timingsTCL Pascal for the 80 -column PET is to write in. for UCSD Pascal on the North Starnearly ready and should be available TCL Pascalisproduced by TCLHorizon (which is, of course, a Z80A,from TCL Software or PET dealers in Softwareand is a whollyBritish4 MHz rig). All timings were obtainedlate March 1981. This means there will product. It compiles into p -code and isusing a digital stopwatch running eachbethreeversions:the3032, 4032 said to meet the Pascal standard. It runsBenchmark three times and averagingand 8032 inthe new V1.6 release. in two modes (see elsewhere in thisthe result. To assist timing, the modi-Graham Clifton, Director, TCL article) with thecompiler eitherfication proposed by Dr John RostronSoftware. memory- or disk -resident; the former ofwas adopted. these is easier and faster to use but When we attempted to run Bench-Of course you are right, account should restricts the possible size of the usermark 'maths' we obtained, as did Drbe taken of the relative 'size' (word - program for a given amount of memory.Rostron, a floating point error. This issize, memory, clock speed and architec- Itis also relatively cheap compared todue to attempting to calculate EXP(90)tural features) of the machine on which theother CP/M(Pascal)compilers.and not EXP(1000) as the good Doctorthe Benchmarks are run and I withdraw Pascal -M (from Sorcim) also compilessuggests. This brings me to an interest-my previously -stateddisappointment. into p -code and is supposed to be verying point: how have those other UCSDAs a user, itis important to know not close to UCSD Pascal - so much so thattimes for program maths been obtained?only where your system stands in rela- programs can transfer almost directly,If the contributors had to modify thetion to others but why. butIcannottellwhat the 'almost'program, would they let us know the entails as I've never actually used thissource code so that we may run a fair system. Apparently a version of thisand impartial test? The enclosed times were recorded for runs under CP/M 86 (CP/M on theKeith E Gould (on behalf of PlymouthTCL Pascal under CP/M. As both a resi- 8086) so that upgrading to a 16 -bitDistrictAmateurComputingClub) dent mode and a compiling mode are system ceases to be a problem. offered,bothweretimed.Forthe Pascal -Z (from Ithaca Intersystems)Thank you for your timings.I hopecompiling modethefastestoption, compilestomacroassembler.Thisthat, by now, you will have spotted thewhich suppresses error checking, was enables Pascal source programs to bemodification (published in March PCW) used, but as the TCL Pascal only compi- runwithmachinecodeorotherwhichmakesmathsruncorrectly.les to p -code rather than native Z80 or language routines patched in. Judging 8080 code, the timings are rather slow. by our timings, however, the arithmetic For the resident mode there is an is really slow and I believe that Pascal -ZWith referencetothe relatively slowoverhead of 14.2 seconds to load the is probably further from the standardtimings for TCL Pascal running on thecompiler (8in single -density disks) but than the others are. Commodore PET, can we make the thisis only required once per Pascal Pascal-MT+ (from MT Micro-following points? session. systems) compiles to native code and1. This compiler had to be extremely I found, incidentally, that TCL Pascal has the advantages of being capable ofcompact to run on a standard 32k PET. will not run under CP/M 2.2, only under directlyproducing ROM -ablecodeHence some loss of speed. CP/M 1.4. Peculiar things happen like

126 PCW getting extra characters on input underNow you have corrected your Pascal micros.Ithink you are right that a 2.2that work correctlyunder1.4. Benchmarks, I have run them on ourmainframe environmentcanprovide Other programs do not behave in thisCyber 174 mainframe, with Pascal3, specialhardware(likeyourfloating way. Do any of your other readers find thelatestversion of Wirth's originalpoint .processor),specialised software this? CDC compiler. At first sight these don'tand expert personnel - just the kind of Although I like Pascal as a language,show the advantage of a very fast float-computing power a research scientist the development system I tend to use is ing point processor. But despite theirmight want and at a price only the the Microsoft Basic Interpreter/Compiler names,realarithmetic and realalgebraresearch scientists can afford. However, combination.Interpretingisamostaretestsof integerarithmetic andthereare other kinds of computing satisfactory way of debugging a program integer -to -realconversion!Thisisn'tpower(likeflexibility,availability, - extra lines can be quickly added andgood enough! The tests show the stupi-portability, even personal ownership) particular variable values printed at thedity of current Pascal compilers even onwhich appeal to other people (including console, whereas the compiled versionmainframes, for any Fortran optimisingresearchscientistswithpossibleless will run at high speed. Compiled Basiccompiler would notice the inner repeat-computationally onerous tasks) and at on my system runs more quickly thaned statements could be taken outside costs which are more attainable. interpreted Basic on a Tektronix 4052 the do -loop. Incidentally, there are at least three `High Speed' desktop computer. My motivationfor running these micro -basedsolutionstoyour word On my 5100 system I use an IthacaBenchmarks was to assess the relativeprocessing problems - Wordcraft (with Z80 CPU card running at 4 MHz withpower of 16 -bit micros, such asthe thescientificoption)onthe PET, one wait state, 64k of ExpandoramOnyx. There is a considerable debate as Wordstar on any system with a program- dynamic memory, and a variety of otherto how much serious scientific compu-mable charactergenerator (eg, Cifer goodies including a fast video digitiserting can be done on micros. During the2684) and the AVTEK 1800. These are with the 6 -bit TRW chip, the Micro -day interm our mainframe supportsthe ones I know of - perhaps there are Angelo graphics display with its ownabout 140 users on two CPUs and many others. 5 MHz Z808 and 32k RAM, fourperipheral processors. Even under those It is interesting to receive timings for A -to -D channels, three D -to -A channelsconditions,the user has more powera mainframe - I have heard rumours and a GI sound generator and Nat Semi'savailabletohimthanany ofthe that there are several systems (main- time -of -day clock. machines in your table except perhapsframes and minis) with our Benchmarks From your timings it looks as thoughthe Microengine. It would appear to be lying around on them but whose figures either the 5100 Microengine board or asome time before the scientist's dreamhave not seen the light of day - come Z8000 board will have to be a futureof a personal computer to do all his on, there's plenty of room in the table. addition to my system but could I alsocomputations will be realised. My thanks also to P S Bott of Harrogate appeal to some software house to do for We are abouttoenterthe wordfor his table of timings for the North Pascal what Microsoft has done forprocessor age but the need for manyStar Horizon using the UCSD p -system. Basic, and bring easy development tomathematicalsymbolsruledouta Don't forget about the UCSD Users a fine language. micro -based solution there, too. Society(USUS(UK))conferenceat David J Taylor, Edinburgh Dr B D Ripley, Dept of Mathematics,Westfield College (11-12 September). Imperial College, London Details from Malcolm Harper, Secretary, You certainly seem to have a very fancy USUS(UK), 45 Banbury Road, Oxford system and I can see why you'd like aI'm not too sure what point you are OX2 6PE. very flexible development 'environment'making with regardto realarithmetic This is timed to coincide with the to help you to marshal] all your featuresand realalgebra. The process you des-PCW Show and delegates will be able to andfacilities.Iwould have thought,cribewouldcertainlyoccurifthebook accommodation (and gethalf- however, that the opportunities offeredcrucialassignmentstatementswere price show tickets) from the night of by Pascalfor minimising logical andindeed Fortran statements, but, as I9 September, to attend the Show on the declarative bugs would outweigh theunderstand it, a Pascal compiler would 10. ease with which these problems (moremake theinteger -to -realconversions Stop press:I have received (too late prevalent in Basic) can be ironed outfirst(at compile -time in the case of for inclusion) a letter about NASPAS - with an interpreter.Iwonder if yourealarithmetic,atrun-timeforreal - Pascal on the Nascom - and have dis- haveeverconsideredthe UCSD p -algebra) and then evaluate the expres-covered Pascal on the Acorn Atom. I system which isbilled as a 'programsion in 'real' terms for assignment to the shallinvestigate both of these for a development environment'? - when itsreal variable. Maybe that's more 'stupid' future article. compiler finds an erroritoffers thethan an optimising Fortran compiler option of carrying on with the compila-would be but the first optimising Pascal tion or dropping you straight into thecompiler to be produced iscertainly If you have a contribution for Pascal editor at the offending line. going to show up in the Benchmarks. Benchmarks, sent it to Chris Sadler, c/o I've given quite a bit of thought to PCW, 14 Rathbone Place, London W1P your remarks about mainframes versus 1DE. PASCAL BENCHMARKS SUMMARY

C cY CY, G).9 ' 4''' b ,sc1iQv eeo&e 1\O oq, C4 cw"++% *\''' F\ N \ \ \ N, 't9. . \ 4,4 , .40p, A.,0C z

PCW 127 E595 Personal Computer with high specification & "real world" expansion. Easy to program 16 colour graphics with sound. Socket for printer on RS232 port, also stereo output. DAI "real world" industrial control Eurocards plug into the DCE bus. The machine has 48K and a thriving user group is providing software. As the CPU is the 8080, CP/M (TM) and discs arrive in a couple of months.

E2495 British made commercial computer (with 800K diskette storage) By Interactive Data Systems of Milton Keynes. Providing as standard 64K, Z80 CPU card with 2 serial ports and 2 spare slots in its S 100 bus. Discs are 8", 5" or Winchester. The CP/M operating system means that a mass of written software and facilities are available in addition to the supplied software for sales, purchase & nominal ledgers plus payroll.

E205 Program for PETS. 1200 activities under 400 cost codes Keyboard entered networks give a critical path, fixed & free float and earliest/latest start/finish times. Reports (screened or printed) give activities in node/calendar sequence, with float selection by cost code and period. Activity costing & targeting included. Demonstrations available.

Interactive Data Systems £235 SBMC An S 100 single board microcomputer card with 4MHz Z80A, 1K RAM, sockets for EPROM, 2 serial ports, Z80 CTC. L 1 0 5 Z80 CPU A 4MHz Z80A CPU card with the S100 interface circuitry. E450 64K DRAM 64Kbytes dynamic RAM (4116) with bank select, 8 or 16 bit operation, each 4K block deselectable, 24 bit addressing. E I98 16K SRAMI 6Kbytes static RAM (low power 2114's) E 114 8K SRAM 8Kbytes static RAM. E198 D.F.D.C.Floppy disc controller, single/double density, single/double sided mixed 5 A " and 8" drives, up to 4 in total. E223 PCI 10 A mixture of opto-isolated, analogue and TTL inputs; relay, analogue and TTL outputs. E32.50 TERM 40 Active Termination Board. E265 VID II/O mapped V.D.U. controller with Centronics printer port. E 155 PSU Complete S100 power supply. E88 PSUC Power Supply Card. £75 PSUT Power Supply Transformer, bridge. capacitor, cables. Dual E 135 CLK-24CPU An S100 real time clock -calendar card with a battery on the card giving a typical readout like THURS 8-1-81 3:55:21 E355 AIM -12An S I 10 A/D card with 16 or 32 input channels giving 12 bit resolution and accuracy. E245 ADM -12An 5100 D/A card with 4 output channels/actuators with an accuracy of 12 bits +/- 0.5Lsb. El 6 5 4K CMEM An S 100 CMOS 200ns memory card working at 4MHz. The battery E290 8K back up will enable data or program to be held for up to a year. Matrox E 176 ALTR2480 An S100 TV CRT controller displaying 24 x 80 of alpha or graphic data. E235 ALT256 An S100 256 x 256 graphics controller stackable for multiple grey/colour effects using X -Y addressing £343 ALT512 As the card described above but 2 graphics modes, 512 x 256 or 256 x 256 x 2 giving live animation effects. 15 Newington Green, London. N16. Tel. 01 254 7419 Micro Computer systems, S I 00 I EEE Cards & Peripherals. Codified Computer Systems supply British in London. CALCULATOR CORNER Compiled by Dick Pountain EVEN QUICKER COMPUTATION ON THE CASIO

The only complication comes whenverse also holds true. When a GOSUB the resultin the leftmost placefalls command is encountered, a search is in- negative or greater than 9, ie, requires aitiated from the beginning of the stack. tens carry. In this case a 10 may beThis gives us the cardinal rule: Just afterIsent my last column to carried in from one place further to the1) Themostfrequentlyusedsub- press,Ireceived a long treatise fromleft by writing a [00] as follows: routines should be placed at the bottom Michael Leigh of Salford which con-EP -20 [13] [11] of the program stack. To this we may tained much of interest concerning the [02][00] - add; Casio fx 502p. Inparticular,itcon- 2) Shorter subroutines should be placed tained the full algorithm for subtraction [00][11][11] as low in the program stack as possible. ofalphanumericsplusaveryfull Thecombinationoftheserules rationale for the concatenation of alpha [00][16101] results in a trade-off where if PO has characters. This material, however, is [4-.]001121] length Lo and is to execute No times rathertechnical,involvingtruncated and P1has parameters L1and N1 , adders and shift routines, and moreover [9][20][21] then if L0N1 > Li No then L1 should it duplicates much of what I said last -16 -16 take precedence over Lo month, albeit more rigorously. The program stack is built up accord- I've extracted a part of Michael's ar- [09][04][05] = 945. ing to the following rules: ticle which deals with the Casio's jump Whereas EP -30 [13][11] 1) The program sequence in the stack andsubroutinedestinationsearches, [03][00] - follows the order in which the programs suggesting program structure for are keyed in, irrespective of the program optimal execution speed. This is printed [10][11] number; below. 2) When steps are added/deleted, the Before launching into these, I shall [0[1] program sequence remains unaltered - present Michael Leigh's algorithm for -16 only the relative spacing of the pro- alpha subtraction in the same notation grams changes. used in last month's addition algorithm [09][05] 95. Thus, the stack sequenceisdeter- for the sake of consistency. This extra tens carry is limited to onemined by the order in which the P keys Take as our example 92E-C1. place as shown and results in a leading 9 are pressed. a) Express asstrings of place values:in the answer, which has one more digit ie, [09][02][13] and [12][01]. than the subtrahend. Jump commands Subtraction always proceeds by taking a Incidentally this process makes sense shorter string from a longer string, andofthewaythe'magicnumber'loop control if of equal length, then the one with the- a$30130)300 converts strings. lesser value from the greater value in the It doesA key factor in the usefulness of a com- not, as I wrote last month, violate theputer isits ability to test for a given leftmost (most significant) place: addition rules, but complies with the ie, [09][02][13] condition and then, on the basis of the above subtraction rules, since the magicresult, carry out alternative procedures. [1211011- number is negative! I accept a slap onThe GOTO/LBL type commands there- [09][-10J[12] the wrist. fore form the backbone of a program by Had our example been Cl - 92E, we defining its logical flow structure. should still proceed as above, but theCasio program The GOTO/LBL commands serve answer would be negative. structures two purposes: b) Wherever a place result is less than 0It has been noted in previous articles1) Toenablealternativeprocedures or greater than 9, carry a 10 from thethat the alpha characters D, P, C, E, pending the result of a test condition next place on the left and subtract one ( ), may be used as indirect addresses for(conditional jump); from this place. Do this starting at thethe INV IND, GSBO command, control2) To enable a sequence of steps to be rightmost place: passing to the first 0, 1, 2, 3, or EXPrepeated (loop control). 1091[-10Q2] respectively encountered in the program Recognising the fact that loop con- then [09][-11][22] stack, execution commencing from thetroljumpsareexecuted morefre- next step. While this technique is onlyquently than conditional jumps, the then [0i31P21] [22] likely to be of use in the one-off situ-Casioisdesigned so that GOTO in- Note that the criterion for a carryation,itpoints to the clear need toitiates a backward search through the applies to the value after any carry fromunderstand the way in which the pro-program. Should thisfail,a forward the right has been subtracted gram stack is structured. This article issearchthen begins from the GOTO so that [10][11] therefore devoted to programming tech-command. The search is restricted to [09] [1] niques which may be used to speed upthe program in which the GOTO state- stops there as the second place is notprocessing time. They are particularlyment occurs; if PO has GOTO 1 at step now greater than 9. relevant, therefore, where response time20 and LBL 1 at step 40, then the c) Any place which now exceeds 15 oris important, eg, games, iterative statis-search will be: is still less than 0, is adjusted by addingtical computations, function evaluation,1) Steps 19 to 0 then; 2) Steps 21 to or subtracting 16 to put it in 0

PCW 129 ADVANCED COMPUTER EQUIPMENT(LEEDSATD 95, MEADOW LANE, LEEDS, 11. TeI.0532 446960 LEEDS COMPUTER CENTRE -PRICES SHATTERED----- COMMODORE PET 12 months warranty APPLE II PLUS 12 months warranty 32K Professional keyboard green screen £575 48K Auto start £695 Dual disk drive 347k £625 Disk with controller £383 Cassete deck C2N £ 50 Disk without controller £295 Printer 3022 Matrix Tractor £375 Hitachi 9" monitor B/W £120

SHARP Z80 12 months warranty SUPERBRAIN 48K with 34K user RAM £475 64K with single density 320K disk £1650 36K with 22K user RAM £450 64K with douple density 700K disk £2150 20K with 6K user RAM £410 Operating system * MBASIC * COBOL * FORTRAN Disk drives, printers etc.

SUNDRIES PRINTERS Data tapes super quality (10) £4.78 BD8OP - Hi -speed bi-directional with adjustable 514" certified verbatim (10) £27.00 tractor feed 750 byte buffer. Fantastic offer £425 Plain listing paper 2000 units £12.50 IEEE * Parallel or RS232 Books * Games * Programs * galore RICOH RP1600 Daisy wheel printer £1150 Visicalc * Desktop planner special offer(P+P £1) Please add VAT to all goods except books - cash & carry or 24 -hour delivery - your choice. All equipment is factory fresh and fully tested in our own workshops Standard conditions of sale applies too all products.

CALCULATOR CORNER 2) Labels may be used repeatedly as long as the logic is right. PO 3) Forward jumps should be avoided if at all possible. P1 GOTO LBL 0- LBL 0 LBL 0 Incorporate GSB 1 in P1 INV DSZ GOTO 0 NV DS INV DSZ - OTO 0. (a) (b) GOTO 2 Fig 2 Use of subroutines to reduce LBL 0 loop read time. Replace (a) by the combination (b) with P1 placed near the beginning of the program stack. X F Programming OTO C

for speed GOTO 1 One method of reducing loop search LBL 2 time is to incorporate some or all of (a) thecontents of the loopina sub- routine. Figure 2 illustrates this and the (a) table in Figure 4 shows that we may tradeoff GSB searchstepsagainst (6) GOTO search steps in the ratio 10:9. Fig 3. Reverse sequence programming. Fig 1. Multiple use of GOTO/LBL So, in Figure 2(a), if the loop comprises (a) Normal logic flow path; combinations. In Fig 1(a) execution will45 steps then a saving in read time will (b) Programmed in reverse sequence. follow routes A -B, C -B, E -D and F -D. In Fig 1(b) the route C -D is invalid. be made if the beginning of P1 can be from acombination of forward and NB, for convenience, the logical jump located within the first 50 steps of the backward sequence programming. tests are not shown. program stack. This analysis is rather Figure 3(a) shows a logic structure for- crude in that it ignores the effect of P1 ward programmed. Figure 3(b) shows on the read time associated with lower the samesequenceprogrammedin We deduce three programming rules:priorityprograms andtheresultant reverse. If we assume the GOTO 0/LBL 1) The number of steps within a loopreduction in read time of other loops/ 0 loop is to be repeated a large number should be kept to a minimum, both tojumps in the main program. of times and that the probability of eliminate unnecessaryrepetitionof The problem of forward jumps is x fin the GOTO 1/LBL 1 is p, then steps and to reduce search time; more difficult. Speeding up may result GOTOpage 158


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Software Options: we market a full supporting Graphics - Hardware @ £435 with Software Financial Modelling - T/Maker @ £155 and range of standard languages, including, BASIC from £80 Micromodeller @ £645. @ £175, FORTRAN @ £225, PASCAL @ £225, Integrated Accounting System - Stock Control Data Base Management -DMS @ £400 and CIS COBOL @ £425. We have a growing @ £350, Order Entry and Invoicing @ £350, Word Processing - Wordstar @ £250 and and comprehensive library of software Sales Ledger @ £450, Purchase Ledger @ Mailmerge @ £75. programmes available. £450, General/Nominal @ £400, Name & Also available - Form Creation, Debugging etc Incomplete Records for Practising Address @ £250, Complete Package so far Alternatively we will design and implement Accountants @ £750 @E1650 plus Payroll @ E500. software packages to suit your specific needs. KCB MICROS LIMITED KGB Micros Ltd., 88 High Street, Slough, Berks SL1 1EL Tel: Slough 38581/38319 Prices exclude VAT and are subject to fluctuation. please phone for an up-to-the-minute quote PCW 131 Micros have really taken off in Cambridge! TRS-80 Model III 8. Ill Acorn Atom Apple II & Ill Hewlett-Packard HP85 North -Star Horizon UK101 kit computer Communicator Sharp pocket computer Commodore Pet Wordstar/Datastar Daisy -wheel printers Plotters/digitisers Computer books Electronic components First time buyer or experienced user? See what's best in microcomputers today, all generally on demonstration and available from stock at: Cambridge Computer Store 1 Emmanuel Street Cambridge CB1 1 NE Telephone 102231 65335/4

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PCW 132 3 VA ;1 d This is our unique quick -reference guide, reprinted every month to help our readers pick their way through the most important pieces of (necessary) jargon found in PCW. While it's in no way totally comprehensive, we trust you'll find it a useful introduction. Happy microcomputing!

Welcome to the confusing comparing them with other memory, RAM (Random hard sectoring where holes world of the microcomputer. data. It's the latter function Access Memory) and ROM are punched through the First of all, don't be fooled; that gives a computer its (Read Only Memory). The disk around the central hole, there's nothing complicated apparent 'intelligence' - the CPU can read information one per sector. about this business, it's just ability to make decisions andstored in RAM - and also Half -way between that we're surrounded by an to act upon them. It has to beput information into RAM. cassettes and disks is the immense amount of necessarygiven a set of rules in order toTwo types of RAM exist - stringy floppy -a miniature jargon. Imagine if we had to do this and, once again, thesestatic and dynamic; all you continuous loop tape continually say 'numbering rules are stored in memory asreally need know is that cartridge, faster than a system with a radix of 16 in bytes. The rules are called dynamic RAM uses less cassette but cheaper than a which the letters A to F programs and while they can power and is less expensive disk system. Hard disk systems represent the values ten to be input in binary or hex than static, but it requires are also available for micro- 15' when instead we can (machine code programming),additional, complex, circuitrycomputers; they store more simply say 'hex'. No doubt the usual method is to have ato make it work. Both types information than floppy soon many of the words and special program which trans- of RAM lose their contents disks, are more reliable and phrases we are about to lates English or near -English when power is switched off, information can be transfer- explain will eventually fall into machine code. This whereas ROM retains its con- red to and from them much into common English usage. speeds programming con- tents permanently. Not sur- more quickly. Until that time, PCW will be siderably; the nearer the prisingly, manufacturers You, the user, must be publishing this guide - every programming language is to often store interpreters and able to communicate with the month. English, the faster the the like in ROM. The CPU computer and the generally We'll start by considering aprogramming time. On the can only read the ROM's accepted minimum for this is microcomputer's functions other hand, program execu- contents and cannot alter the visual display unit (VDU), and then examine the phy- tion speed tends to be slower.them in any way. You can which looks like a TV screen sical components necessary The most common micro-buy special ROMs called with a typewriter -style key- to implement these functions.computer language is Basic. PROMs (Programmable board; sometimes these are The microcomputer is cap-Program instructions are ROMs) and EPROMs (Erase - built into the system, some- able of receiving information, typed in at the keyboard, to able PROMs) which can be times they're separate. If you processing it, storing the be coded and stored in the programmed using a special want a written record (hard results or sending them some- computer's memory. To run device; EPROMs can bb copy) of the computer's where else. All this informa- such a program the computererased using ultra -violet light. output, you'll need a printer. tion is called data and it uses an interpreter which Because RAM loses its comprises numbers, letters picks up each English -type contents when power is The computer can send and special symbols which instruction, translates it into switched off, cassettes and out and receive information can be read by humans. machine code and then feeds floppy disks are used to save in two forms - parallel and Although the data are (yes, it into the processor for programs and data for later serial. Parallel input/output it's plural) accepted and out- execution. It has to do this use. Audio -type tape recor- (I/O) requires a series of put by the computer in each time the same instruc- ders are often used by con- wires to connect the compu- `human' form, inside it's a tion has to be executed. verting data to a series of ter to another device, such as different story - they must Two strange words you audio tones and recording a printer, and it sends out be held in the form of an will hear in connection with them; later the computer can data a byte at a time, with a electronic code. This code Basic are PEEK and POKE. listen to these same tones andseparate wire carrying each is called binary -a system of They give the programmer re -convert them into data. bit. Serial I/O involves send- numbering which uses only Osaccess to the memory of Various methods are used for ing data one bit at a time and ls. Thus in most micros the machine. It's possible to this, so a cassette recorded along a single piece of wire, each character, number or read (PEEK) the contents of by one make of computer with extra bits added to tell symbol is represented by a byte in the computer and won't necessarily work on the receiving device when a eight binary digits or bits as to modify a byte (POKE). another make. It takes a long byte is about to start and they are called, ranging from Moving on to hardware, time to record and play back when it has finished. The this means the physical com- speed that data is transmitted 00000000 to 11111111. information and it's difficult is referred to as the baud rate To simplify communica- ponents of a computer sys- to locate one specific item tem as opposed to software - and, very roughly, the baud tion between computers, among a whole mass of infor- rate divided by ten equals the several standard coding sys- the programs needed to makemation on a cassette; there- tems exist, the most commonthe system work. number of bytes being sent fore, to overcome these pro- per second. being ASCII (American Stan- At the heart of a micro- blems, floppy disks are used dard Code for Information computer system is the on more sophisticated To ensure that both (CPU), receiver and transmitter link Interchange). As an example systems. up without any electrical of this standard, the number a single microprocessor chip A floppy disk is made of with supporting devices such horrors, standards exist for five is represented as thin plastic, coated with a serial interfaces; the most 00110101 - complicated for as buffers, which 'amplify' magnetic recording surface the CPU's signals for use by common is RS232 (or V24) humans, but easy for the rather like that used on tape. while, for parallel interfaces computer! This collection of other components in the The disk, in its protective system. The packaged chips to printers, the Centronics eight bits is called a byte and envelope, is placed in a disk standard is popular. computer freaks who spend a are either soldered directly todrive which rotates it and lot of time messing around a printed circuit board (PCB) moves a read/write head Finally, a modem connects or are mounted in sockets. a computer, via a serial inter- with bits and bytes use a half- across the disk's surface. The face, to the telephone system way human representation In some microcomputers, disk is divided into concen- the entire system is mounted allowing two computers with called hex. The hex equiva- tric rings called tracks, each modems to exchange infor- lent of a byte is obtained by on a single, large, PCB; in of which is in turn subdivi- others a bus system is used, mation. A modem must be giving each half a single ded into sectors. Using a pro- wired into the telephone character code (0-9,A-F): comprising a long PCB hold- gram called a disk operating 0=0000, 1=0001, 2=0010, ing a number of interconnec- system, the computer keeps system and you need British 3=0011 4=0100, 5=0101 ted sockets. Plugged into track of exactly where infor- Telecom's permission; instead E=1110 and F=1111. these are several smaller mation is on the disk and it you could use an acoustic Our example of 5 is therefore PCBs, each with a specific can get to any item of data coupler, which has two 35 in hex. This makes it function - for instance, one by moving the head to the obscene -looking rubber cups easier for humans to handle card would hold the CPU andappropriate track and then into which the handset fits, complicated collections of Os its support chips. The most waiting for the right sector and which has no electrical and ls. The machine detects widely -used bus system is to come round. Two methodsconnection with the phone these Os and is by recognis- called the 5100. are used to tell the computer system - British Telecom ing different voltage levels. The CPU needs memory where on a track each isn't so uppity about the use The computer processes in which to keep programs sector starts: soft sectoring of these. data by reshuffling, perfor- and data. Microcomputers where special signals are re- ming arithmetic on, or by generally have two types of corded on the surface and

PCW 133 Application Machine Price Code PCW's 'Packages' section is produced bi-monthly, alternating with our 'In Store' CP/M £325 LI hardware guide. We have confined coverage to business packages which are CP/M £150-350 C4 Cromemco £100 B3 available and supported at national level and which have been in use for at least North Star six months in a minimum of five sites. Producers of packages which fall within Horizon £100 B3 these constraints should send details or updates to: Packages, PCW, 14 Rathbone PET £350 Al PET/CBM £25-50 BI Place, London W1P 1DE. PET/CBM POR JI The layout has been designed to allow you to discover which packages are available for the Tandy Model I £90 MI application you have in mind and to show you which packages are available for your Tandy Model II MI computer if you already have a machine. In either case the code enables you to look up the TRS-80 £25 HI TRS-80I £75 TI supplier's name and telephone number in the table below. TRS-80I £75 K1 All details published are the latest made available - some may have TRS-8011 £125 TI changed since this issue went to press. 11080/Z80 £325 LI ITT 2020 E300 PI CodeCompany Telephone H4 Hipposoft 0332 23127 Job costing Apple II E125 P2 AI ACT/Petsoft 021-4545348 11 Intereurope Software Design 0734 786644 Apple II £300 P1 A2 Arden Data Processing 0533 22255 12 lntex Datalog Ltd 0642 781193 CP/M £700 C4 BI B + B Computer Ltd. 0204 26644 ,11 T. V. Johnson 0276 62506 £300 B2 Beam Business Centre 01-6361392 KI Katanna Management Services 0245 76127 ITT 2020 P1 B3 Benchmark Computer Systems 0726 61000 K2 Keen Computers 0602 583254 Tandy Model I POR MI B4 Bristol Software Factory 0272 23430 LI Lifeboat Associates 01-8364663 Tandy Model II POR MI CI CAP-CPP Products Ltd. 01-404 0911 L2 Liveport (Exidy Sorcerer Firmware) 0736 798157 Job order control 8080/Z80 E275 G3 C2 Commodore 01-388 5702 L3 Ludhouse (Computing) Ltd. 01-6794321 C3 Compsoft 0483 39665 MI Micro Computer Applications Ltd. 0734470425 Leasing Cromemco £400+ B3 C4 Comput-a-crop 01-4996987 pl Padmede Computer Services 025671 2434 £1100 C4 C5 Computastore Ltd. oI -499 6987 P2 Personal Computers Ltd. 01-626 8121 Legal precedents CP/M C6 Computech 01-7940202 RI Rockliff 051-521 5830 Letter writer Apple II £80 VI DI Data Bank 0509217671 SI SMG Micro Computers 0474 55813 GI Graf fcom Systems Ltd. 01-7348862 S2 The Softwarehouse 01-637 2108 Lisp PET/CBM E75 C2 G2 Grams (Winter) Ltd. 01-6368210 S3 Stage One Software 0202 23570 G3 Great Northern 0532 589980 S4 Systematics International 0268 284601 Lotteries PET £45 H2 HI A. J. Harding 0424 220391 S5 Sumlock Bondain 01-2500505 Mailing list Altos (CP/M, £75 BI H2 Hartford Software 0606 76265 TI Tridata Micros Ltd. 021 622 1754 MP/M) H3 N.B. Computers 0536 83922 VI Vlasak Electronics Ltd. 062-84 74789 Apple E300 A2 Apple £50-150 S2 Apple £300 S5 Apple E300 K2 Applications Application Machine Price Code Apple II £40 P2 Financial modelling CP/M £400 GI Apple II £50 DI Application Machine Price Code Apple II/ITT Financial planning Applell/ITT2020 £250 S4 2020 £100 S4 Appointments Commodore/ CBM f35 H3 planner Computhink £100 S3 General ledger/NL Apple £300 A2 Commodore/ Apple £300 S5 Assembler dev PET/CBM £50 L2 Computhink £100 S3 Apple £300 K2 CP/M £50-150 C4 Bank accounts Apple II £10 DI Apple II £295 P2 CP/M £250 GI VI Commodore/ Apple II £225 ITT 2020 £50 DI £295 C6 Computhink E100 S3 Apple II PET £45 H2 CBM £200 H3 ITT 2020 £10 DI PET £50 DI Commodore/ PEt £10 Dl PET £15 Al Computhink POR S3 PET/CBM £75 BI Bonds/pension Commodore/ CP/M £500 L3 PET/8032 f75/150 SI quotations Computhink £100 S3 CP/M £500 KI Tandy Model I £40 MI CP/M £375 LI Tandy Model II £75 MI Budgeting package MCZ Zilog E500+ II CP/M £500 C4. CP/M TRS-80 E50-150 S2 Bureau de change CBM £8 H3 E400 GI TRS-80 £25/38/55 HI £250 B3 Cash flow APPIe II £75 P2 ITT 2020 E295 C6 Mail shot Apple £14 S2 Apple II £80 VI ITT 2020/Apple II£250P S4 Apple II £225 P2 CP/M £250 L3 North Star Commodore/ PET £8 Al Horizon £250 B3 Computhink £125 S3 PCC 2000 CP/M £200-360C4 Cash register Apple II £10 DI Simpelec Triton 3£350 B2 MCZ Zilog £250 11 ITT 2020 £10 DI PET/CBM £200 C2 PCC 2000 PET £10 DI Tandy Model 1 £90 MI Simpelec Triton 3£450 B2 CBasic Tandy Model II E70 M I Tandy Model II £90 MI Tandy Model II £75 MI TRS-80 £225 HI Company secretary CP/M £450 C4 TRS-80 I £225/325T1 Membership accting PET £85 H2 TRS-80 I £325 KI Order entry/invoicing CP/M £350 GI Conference organiser MCZ Zilog £500 + 11 TRS-80 II £425 TI Contract costing CP/M £2000 L3 Vector £400 C5 Order processing CP/M £550 LI 8080/Z80 £357 LI 8080/Z8O £550 LI CP/M & utilities Tandy Model II £150 MI 8080/Z80 f275 G3 Office admin Apple 11/ITT 2020 £100 S4 Credit control Apple II f98 P2 Hire purchase Cromemco £400+ B3 PET £650 B4 Pad to plotter systems Apple II £250 P2 Incomplete records Apple £250 S2 Database manage- ACT800 £225 H4 Apple POR K2 Pascal PET/CBM £120 C2 ment/Information Apple £150 A2 Apple II £125 P2 Payroll Apple POR A2 retrieval Apple £150 K2 Commodore/ Apple E200 S2 Apple £60-140 S2 Computhink £750 S3 Apple POR S5 Apple £150 S5 Tandy Model I £40 MI Apple POR K2 Apple II £98 P2 TRS-80 £40 HI Apple II £200 P2 Aple 11/ITT 2020 £100 S4 Commodore/ Individual designed TRS-80 £100+ 1(1 Apple II £375 VI Apple II £375 C6 Computhink £45-250 S3 programs Apple II £10 DI CP/M E150-750C4 Integrated Accts Altos (CP/Iv, CP/M E100 G3 Apple II/ITT 2022 £250P S4 MP/M) £300 B1 CBM £10 H3 Cromemco f250 B3 Apple II £450 PI North Star CP/M £450 L3 Apple II E340 P2 CP/M £500 KI Horizon E250 B3 Apple II £855 VI PET £170 C3 CP/M £475 L 1 Commodore/ CP/M £495 PET £325 AI C4 Computhink POR S3 PET £225 H4 CP/M £500 GI CP/M £950 L1 Cromemco £350 PET/CBM £75 B1 B3 CP/M £1500 C4 PET/CBM £50/150 C2 ITT 2020 £375 C6 CP/M £1100 GI PET/CBM £150 JI ITT 2020 £10 DI Cromemco £950 B3 PET/CBM £150 G2 North Star ITT 2020 E450 PI Horizon Tandy Model I £25 -SO MI £350 B3 MZ-80K £150 P2 PET E200/350 CS TRS-80 £60 S2 North Star TRS-80 £150 JI PET £50/25/ Horizon £950 B3 TRS-80 £32 .50 HI 195 Al PET/CBM £300 BI 8000 Series POR C2 PET £50/195 12 PET/CBM (E50) C2 PET E10 DI Disk operating system PET/CBM £150 BI PET/CBM £650 .11 PET/CBM £150 G2 PET/CBM E650 G2 PET/CBM £150 Estate agent Apple £850 A2 .11 Tandy Model I E350 MI PET/CBM £150 C2 Apple £850 S5 Tandy Model II £350 MI Sorcerer £250 L2 Apple £850 K2 TRS-80 £75 31 Tandy Model 1 £249 M1 Apple II £175 P2 Vector £1000 C5 TRS-80 £200 HI Apple II /ITT 2020 S4 £750 8000 Series POR C2 TRS-80I £218 KI CBM £30 H3 8080/Z80 £950 L1 TRS-801 £218 Commodore/ TI 8080/Z80 £995 G3 TRS-8011 £375 TI Computhink £250 S3 8000 Series £250 C2 CP/M £750 Investment portfolio TRS-80 £20 S2 C4 8080/Z80 £475 PCC 2000 LI Invoicing Apple E295 S2 8080/Z80 £275 G3 Simpelec Triton 3£350 B3 Apple II £300 PI PET £25 Al Personnel records Apple II £125 P2 Apple II £98 P2 CP/M £450 C4 Equipment lease/rent/CP/M £400 GI Apple II £140 VI Commodore/ MCZ Zilog £500 + II HP PET £85 Computhink POR S3 H2 CP/M £500 KI 134 PCW 1._..., PACKAGES .%IC

Application Machine Price Code Application Machine Price Code Statistics Apple £150 G3 Petaid report Commodore/ Apple II £100-195P2 Machine Application Price Code generator Computhink £125 S3 TRS-80 £45 S2 ACT 800 Database management/ £225 H4 Petsoft programs PET/CBM £160 11 Stock control/ Altos (CP/M, Word processing £375 H4 recording MP/M) £300 B1 Planning/MaintenancePET/8032 £595 SI Apple POR A2 Altos (CP/M, Integrated accts £300 BI Apple POR IC2 MP/M) Mailing list £75 BI Postal advertising Apple £350 S2 Apple POR S5 Stock control/recording E300 B1 response package Apple £150 G3 Apple E80 S2 Apple Database management/ PR/advertising Commodore/ information retrieval £150 K2 package Computhink £1000 S3 Apple II £35/98 P2 Apple II £10 DI Database management/ Price lister CBM £12 H3 Apple II £285 V I information retrieval £150 A2 Apple II £300 PI Database manament/ Printers job control Commodore/ Apple II/ITT 2020£500 S4 inforretrieval £60-140 S2 Computhink L250 S3 CBM £35/25 H3 Database management/ information retrieval £150 S5 Production analysis Apple II £75 P2 Commodore/ Computhink £100/250S3 Estate agent £850 S5 CP/M £700 C4 Estate agent £850 A2 PET/CBM £300 BI CP/M £500 K I CP/M £325 L1 Estate agent £850 K2 Prof appts groups 8080/Z80 £275 G3 CP/M £500-1500 C4 General ledger/NL £300 K2 £350 GI General ledger/NL £300 A2 £220 CP/M Prof appts individ 8080/Z80 G3 Cromemco £450 B3 General ledger/NL £300 S5 Incomplete records POR K2 Prof client billing 8080/Z80 £330 G3 ITT 2020 £10 DI ITT 2020 £300 PI Incomplete records E250 S2 Programming aids Apple II 140 P2 MZ-80K £150 P2 Invoicing £295 S2 North Star Jobcosting £450 S2 CP/M £450-1000 C4 Property management Horizon £450 B3 Mailing list £300 K2 Mailing list £300 A2 £300 PCC 2000 Purchase lodger Apple A2 Mailing list £50-150 S2 Apple £300 S5 Simpelec Triton 3£350 B2 PET £12/25/ Mailinglist E300 S5 Apple £300 K2 Mail shot £14 S2 Apple II £295 C6 350 Al PET £10 DI Payroll POR S5 Apple II £300 PI K2 PET £195 12 Payroll POR Apple II £295 P2 Payroll POR A2 Apple II £315 V 1 PET £300 B4 PET £15 A2 Payroll £200 S2 Apple II/ITT 2020£250P S4 Postal advertising CBM E350 H3 PET/CBM ENV BI PET/CBM f 150 C2 response package £350 S2 Commodore/ K2 PET/CBM £150 J1 Purchase ledger £300 Computhink POR S3 Purchase ledger £300 A2 £500 C4 PET/CBM E150 G2 CP/M Purchase ledger £300 S5 £450 PET/Computhink£250 RI CP/M GI Sales ledger £300 A2 £500 L3 PET/8032 £395 SI CP/M Sales ledger £300 IC2 CP/M E500 K I Tandy Model I £30-50 MI Tandy Model II £300 MI Sales ledger £300 S5 CP/M £425 LI Solicitor's complete B3 TRS-80 £48 S2 Cromemco £250 record accounting E3000 S2 ITT 2020 £295 C6 TRS-80 E200 HI TRS-80 £115 J1 Statistics £150 G3 ITT 2020 £300 P1 Stock control/recording £150 G3 North Star TRS-801 £200 K1 TRS-80l £200 TI Stock control/recording POR K2 Horizon £250 B3 A2 TRS-80I1 £375 TI Stock control/recording POR PCC 2000 Stock control/recording £80 S2 Simpelec Triton 3£350 B2 8080/Z80 £275 G3 8080/Z80 £325 LI Stock control/recording POR S5 PET £300 B4 Time/cost recording £450 S2 PET £95/120/ TAP business system PET 1125 H2 Video message £200 G3 350 Al Word processing £75 K2 PET/CBM £200 C2 Text file librarian Apple 11/ITT 2020£125 S4 Word processing £75 A2 PET/CBM POR J1 Word processing £60 S2 Time/cost recording Apple £450 S2 PET/8032 £395 SI Word processing £75 S5 Tandy Model 1 £90 Ml Apple II £300 P1 Tandy Model II £90 MI Apple II £125 P2 Apple II Bank account £10 DI TRS-80 £225 H I Commodore/ Cash flow £80 V I TRS-801 £225 TI Computhink POR S3 Cash flow £75 P2 TRS-80l £225 K I CP/M £400 GI Cash register £10 DI TRS-801 1 £375 TI Cromemco £250 B3 Credit control £98 P2 Vector E400 C5 ITT 2020 £300 P1 Database management/ 8000 Series 1250 C2 North Star information retrieval £98 P2 8080/Z80 £275 G3 Horizon E250 B3 Estate agent £175 P2 8080/Z80 £425 LI PCC 2000 General ledger/NL E225 VI Simpelec Triton 3£350 B2 General ledger/NL £295 P2 Revolving credit Cromemco £400+ B3 PET/CBM 000 B1 General ledger/NL £295 C6 Tandy Model 1 POR M 1 P2 Sales ledger Apple £300 A2 Incomplete records £125 Tandy Model II POR MI Integrated accts £855 V I Apple E300 S5 Integrated accts £450 PI Apple £300 K2 Utilities Apple II £20 C6 Apple II £295 C6 ITT 2020 £20 C6 Integrated accts 1340 P2 Apple II £300 P1 Invoicing £140 VI Apple II £295 P2 Utility set CBM £78 H3 Invoicing £300 P1 Invoicing 1125 P2 Apple II £315 V 1 VAT PET E17.50 Al Apple II/ITT2020£250P S4 Job costing £125 P2 P1 CBM £350 H3 VAT master CBM £25 H3 Job costing £300 Commodore/ Letter writer £80 V1 H1 Computhink POR S3 VAT register TRS-80 £15 Mailing list £50 DI £500 C4 Mailing list £40 P2 CP/M Vet package PET/8032 POR SI CP/M £450 GI Mail shot £225 P2 Pad to plotter system £250 P2 CP/M E500 L3 Video message Apple 1200 G3 CP/M £500 K I Payroll £375 VI SI P2 CP/M £425 L 1 Warehousing PET/8032 POR Payroll £200 Cromemco £250 B3 Payroll E375 C6 Word processing ACT 800 £375 H4 Payroll £10 DI ITT 2020 £295 C6 Apple £60 S2 ITT 2020 £300 P I Personnel records £98 P2 Apple £75 K2 Production analysis £75 P2 North Star Apple £75 S5 Horizon £250 B3 Programming aids £40 P2 Apple £75 A2 Purchase ledger £315 V 1 PCC 2000 Apple II £150-300 P2 Simpelec Triton 3£350 B2 Purchase ledger £300 P1 Apple II £75 J1 P2 PET E300 B4 Purchase ledger £295 Apple II £120 VI Purchase ledger E295 C6 PET 0 Cl00 Apple 11 E40 DI PET £95/350 Al Sales ledger £315 VI Apple 11/ITT2020 £180/95 S4 Sales ledger £300 P1 PET/CBM POR J1 CBM £35 H3 £295 P2 PET/CBM £200 C2 Sales ledger Commodore/ £295 C6 PET/8032 £395 SI Sales ledger Com £120 S3 £10 DI Tandy Model I £90 MI Salesman CP/Mputhink £500 K I n00-195 P2 Tandy Model II £90 MI Statistics CP/M £150-260C4 V1 TRS-80 £225 HI Stock control/recording £285 CP/M £40400 GI Stock control/recording £300 PI TRS-601 £225 TI ITT 2020 £ DI P2 TRS-801 £225 RI Stock control/recording £35/98 MCZ Zilog £500+ 11 DI TRS-80I1 1375 TI Stock control/recording £10 PET £85/65/ £300 PI Vector £400 C5 Time/cost recording 40/20 H2 P2 8000 Series £250 C2 Time/cost recording £125 PET £40 DI C6 8080/Z80 £275 G3 Utilities £20 PET £375 H4 Word processing £120 VI 8080/Z80 £425 LI PET £25/325 Al Word processing £150-300P2 C5 Apple II £10 Dl PET £325 Word processing £40 DI Salesman C2 ITT 2020 £10 DI PET/CBM f75/150 Word processing £75 JI PET £10 DI PET/CBM £75/150 11 PET/CBM £75/150 G2 Apple II/ Database management/ Screen generator MCZ Zilog £75+ II Tandy Model I £50/75 MI ITT 2020 informatiOn retrieval E100 S4 Tandy Model II f175-240 MI Estate agent £750 S4 S/L, P/L & TRS-80 £30/60/90 S2 Financial planning £250 S4 £1000 L3 . stock control CP/M TRS-80 £45/95 11 General ledger/NL £250P S4 Solicitor's complete Apple £3000 S2 TRS-80 f 15 HI Mailing list £100 S4 record accounting TRS-801 £70 K1 Office admin £100 S4 Vector £400 CS Payroll £250P S4 Solicitor's package PET/8032 £750 SI 8000 Series £250 C2 Purchase ledger £250P S4





AFFORDABLE CBM 'PET' PRICES!! Available from stock.. SOFTWARE 4008 (8K) £420" TRY US! As well as a full range of Petsoft and Commodore Software, we 4016(16K) £499' YOU WILL NOT BE have some highly reliable "Home -Brewed" programs available. 4032 (32K) £630* DISAPPOINTED STOCK CONTROL & INVOICING £60 8032 (32K SUPERPETS) P.O.A. (Handles up to 500 items- 32k) (80 on 16K). Stock depleted EXT CASSETTE DECKS (inc. Counter) £55 on invoicing, search etc. Cassette, disk (8( colour print option) CASH BOOK £90 Printers Disk Drives Sundries Enter daily/weekly amounts printout and totals, weekly CBM 4022 CBM 8050 INTERFACES: C12 CASSETTES monthly analysis, totals and balances. CENTRONIC 779 CBM 4040 DISKS: LIBRARY CASES (4032, & 8032 Versions £110 & £120. CENTRONIC 737 CBM 3040 PAPER (ROLL & TRACTOR FEED) SPINWR ITER 5510 COMPU/K 800K LABELS: DUST COVERS STOCK TAKING Cuts out all the hard work £230 OUTSIDE SERVICES (For Mini -Cabs etc.) £220 TOOL KITS (BASIC 2 & 4), SUPERCHIPS . AND ALL SORTS OF OTHER CHIPS... Sae for free software booklet UPGRADE YOUR PET EVEN MORE!! Commodore Business Programs The "MUPETs" are HERE! Specialists in: Bristol Trader, Item & Monitor 3 to 8 PETs only need 1 DISK DRIVE. Superpay, Word Processing. Daily demonstrations: Ring for details. COMPLETE SYSTEMS FROM £170011 SPECIALISED SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS Gmazazzi UNDERTAKEN. RING FOR DETAILS 2 FOR JUST OVER THE PRICE OF 1! THE ESTIMATES WE SUPPLY & INSTALL ARE COMPLETE We now have limited stock of new cassette ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE WITH NO HIDDEN EXTRAS: decks with a built-in counter soundbox FULL BACK-UP: GUARANTEED EXPERTISE. for PETS! At ONLY £65* "*- PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE VAT Orders dealt with in strict rotation.


136 PCW winirtr PACKAGES AlCcEi

Machine Application Price Code Price Code Machine Application Machine Application Price (ode -TPET/ S4 Sales ledger £250P SalesMan £10 Di Stock control/recording £250 R I Stock control/recording £500 S4 Stock control/recording £10 DI Computhink Text file librarian £125 S4 Stock control/recording £300 PI Word processing £180/95 S4 Time/cost recording £300 PI PET/8032 Mailing list £75/150 SI Utilities £20 C6 . Planning maintenance £595 SI £8 H3 CBM Bureau de change Word processing £40 DI Purchase ledger £395 SI Estate agent £30 H3 Sales ledger £395 SI H3 General ledger /NL £200 MCZ Zilog Budgeting package £500+ 11 Solicitor's package £750 SI Mailing list £35 H3 Conference organiser £500+ II Stock control/recording £395 SI Payroll £10 H3 Mail shot £200 II Vet package POR SI Price lister £12 H3 Personnel records £500+ II Warehousing POR SI Purchase ledger £350 H3 Screen generator £75 + 11 £250 L2 Sales ledger £350 H3 Word processing £500 + 11 Sorcerer Payroll Stock control/recording £35/25 H3 Utility set £78 H3 MZ-80K Integrated accounts £150 P2 Tandy Model 1 Database management/ VAT master £25 H3 Stock control/recording E150 P2 information retrieval E25-80 MI Word processing £35 H3 General ledger/NL £90 MI North Star Database management/ Incomplete records £40 MI Commodore/ Appointments planner£100 S3 Horizon information retrieval £250 B3 Integrated accts £350 M1 Computhink Bank accounts £100 S3 General ledger/NL E250 B3 Invoicing £90 MI Bonds/pension Integrated accts £950 B3 Job costing POR M I quotations £100 S3 Invoicing £100 B3 Mailing list £40 MI Database management/ Payroll £350 B3 Payroll £249 M1 information retrieval £45-250 S3 Purchase ledger £250 B3 Purchase ledger £90 M 1 Estate agent £250 S3 Sales ledger £250 B3 Sales ledger £90 M I General ledger/NL POR S3 Stock control/recording £450 B3 Stock control/recording £30-50 MI Incomplete records £750 S3 Time/cost recording £250 B3 Time/cost recording POR MI Integrated accts POR S3 Word processing £50/75 MI PCC 2000 Estate Agent £350 B2 Invoicing POR S3 Simpelec General ledger/NL £350 B2 CBasic £70 M I Mailing list £100 S3 Tandy Model II Mail shot £450 B2 £150 MI Mail shot £125 S3 Triton 3 CP/M + utilities Purchase ledger £350 B2 General ledger /NL £90 MI Petaid report generator £125 S3 £350 B2 £350 M I PR/advertising package £1000 S3 Sales ledger Integrated accts B2 Printers job control £250 S3 Stock control/recording £350 Invoicing £90 MI Time/cost recording £350 B2 Job costing POR MI Purchase ledger POR S3 Mailing list £75 Ml Sales ledger POR S3 £10 PET Bank account DI Mail shot £75 MI Stock control/recording £100/250 S3 £8 Cash flow Al Purchase ledger £90 M 1 Time/cost recording POR S3 Cash register £10 DI Word processing £120 53 Sales ledger £90 M I Credit control £650 B4 Stock control/recording £300 M I CP /M Cash flow £250 L3 Database management/ Time/cost recording POR MI Company secretary £450 C4 information retrieval POR CI Word processing £175-240 MI Contract costing £2000 L3 Database management/ Database management/ information retrieval £325 Al TRS-80 Database management/ information retrieval £150-750 C4 Database management/ information retrieval £60 S2 Database manatement/ information retrieval £225 H4 Database management/ information trerieval £100 G3 Database management/ information retrieval £32.50 H 1 Equipment lease/rent/ information retrieval £170 C3 Database management/ HP £400 GI Estate agent £25 Al information retrieval £150 .11 Estate agents £750 C4 General ledger/NL £1000 CI General ledger/NL £225 H1 Financial modelling £400 GI Invoicing £350 AI Incomplete records £40 HI General ledger/NL £500 L3 Invoicing £400 CI Integrated accts £75 J1 General ledger/NL £500 C4 Lotteries £45 H2 Investment portfolio £20 S2 General ledger /NL £400 GI Mailing list fI5 Al Invoicing £25 HI General ledger/NL £500 KI Mailing list £50 Dl Mailing list £25/38/ General ledger /N L £375 LI Mailing list £45 H2 55 HI Membership accting £85 H2 S2 Integrated accts f1500 C4 Mailing list £50-150 £50/195 12 £200 HI Integrated accts £1100 GI Payroll Payroll £10 DI £225 HI Integrated accts £950 L1 Payroll Purchase ledger Payroll £50/25/ Sales ledger £225 HI Invoicing £325 L1 Invoicing £150-350 C4 195 Al Statistics £45 S2 POR CI H1 Invoicing £500 KI Payroll Stock control/recording £200 Payroll £200/350 C5 Stock control/recording £48 S2 Job costing £700 C4 Personnel records £85 H2 Stock control/recording £115 J1 Legal precedents £1100 C4 Purchase ledger £95/120/ VAT register £15 HI Mailing list £50-150 C4 350 AI Word processing £45/95 II Mailing list £250 GI £1000 CI £15 HI Mail shot £200-360 G4 Purchase ledger Word processing Purchase ledger £300 B4 Word processing £30/60/ Order entry/invoicing £350 GI £300 B4 S2 Order processing £550 LI Sales ledger 90 £800 Cl Payroll £450 L3 Sales ledger Sales ledger £95/350 AI TRS-80I General ledger/NL £225/325T1 Payroll £495 C4 K1 Salesman £10 Dl General ledger/NL £325 Payroll £500 GI Individual designed Payroll £500 KI Stock control/recording £195 12 Stock control/recording £10 Dl programs £100 up K1 Payroll £475 L I Stock control/recording £12/25/ Invoicing £75 K1 Personnel records £450 C4 Invoicing £75 T1 C4 350 Al Production analysis £700 A2 Payroll £218 T1 Property management £450-1000 C4 Stock control/recording £15 B4 Payroll £218 KI Purchase ledger £500 L3 Stock control/recording £300 £125 H2 Purchase ledger £225 KI £450 GI TAP business system Purchase ledger £17.50 AI Purchase ledger £225 TI Purchase ledger £500 K1 VAT Word processing £40 DI Sales ledger £225 TI Purchase ledger £425 L 1 Sales ledger £225 K 1 C4 Word processing £85/65/ Purchase ledger £500 40/20 H2 Stock control/recording £200 K1 £500 L3 Sales ledger £375 H4 Stock control/recording £200 TI £500 C4 Word processing Sales ledger Word processing £25/325 Al Word processing £70 KI Sales ledger £450 GI Word processing 325 CS Sales ledger £500 K I TRS-8011 General ledger/NL £425 TI Sales ledger £425 LI PET/CBM Assembler dev f50 C2 Invoicing £125 T1 S/L, P/L + stock Database management/ Payroll £375 TI control £1000 L3 information retrieval £75 BI Purchase ledger £375 TI Stock control/recording £325 LI Database management/ Sales ledger £375 T1 Stock control/recording £500-1500 C4 information retrieval £50/150 C2 Stock control/recording £375 TI GI Stock control/recording £350 Database management/ Vector General ledger/NL £400 C5 K1 Stock control/recording £500 information retrieval £150 G2 Integrated accts £1000 C5 £400 GI Time/cost recording Database management/ Purchase ledger £400 C5 Word processing £500 K1 information retrieval £150 11 CS GI Sales ledger £400 Word processing £400 Disk operating system £150 BI Word processing £40 C5 Word processing £150.260 C4 General ledger/NL £200 C2 Integrated accts £300 BI 8000 Series Database management/ Database management/ Cromemco Integrated accts £(S0) C2 information retrieval POR C2 £250 B3 information retrieval Integrated accts £650 G2 Integrated accts POR C2 £250 B3 General ledger/NL Integrated accts £650 Payroll £250 C2 Hire purchase £400+ B3 ll Invoicing POR 11 Purchase ledger £250 C2 Integrated accts £950 B3 Invoicing £25-50 B1 Sales ledger £250 C2 Invoicing £100 B3 Lisp £75 C2 Word processing £250 C2 Leasing £400+ B3 Mailing list £75 B1 Purchase ledger £250 B3 £275 G3 Pascal £120 C2 8080/Z8° General ledger/NL Revolving credit £400 + B3 L I Payroll £150 G2 General ledger/NL £375 Sales ledger £250 B3 Integrated accts £950 LI Payroll £150 11 Stock control/recording £450 B3 G3 Payroll £150 C2 Integrated accts £995 £250 B3 L I Time/cost recording Petsoft programs £160 I I Invoicing £325 Job order control £257 G3 £10 DI Production analysis £300 HI ITT 2020 Bank account Order processing £550 LI £10 DI Purchase ledger £200 C2 Cash register Payroll £475 LI £295 C6 Purchase ledger POR JI General ledger/NL £275 G3 Sales ledger POR 11 Payroll Integrated accts £450 PI £275 G3 Sales ledger £200 J1 Prof appts groups Invoicing E300 P1 Prof appts individ £220 G3 Job costing £300 P1 Stock control/recording £150 C2 Stock control/recording £300 BI Prof client billing £330 G3 Mailing list £50 DI £425 LI DI Stock control/recording £150 G2 Purchase ledger Payroll £10 Purchase ledger £275 G3 £375 C6 Stock control/recording £150 11 Payroll Sales ledger £275 G3 £300 PI Time/cost recording £300 BI Purchase ledger Sales ledger £425 LI Purchase ledger £295 C6 Word processing £75/150 JI Word processing f75/150 G2 Stock control/recording £325 LI Sales ledger £300 PI Stock control/recording £275 G3 Sales ledger £295 C6 Word processing £75/150 C2

PCW 137 TRANSACTION FILE We charge a flat fee of 11 for one insertion of up to 30 words. Ads for this section are accepted only from non-commercial readers. Please type or write clearly. Send your ad plus PO or cheque for £1, payable to Sportscene Publishers (PCW) Ltd, to: Transaction File, PCW, 14 Rathone Place, London W1P 1DE

PET 2001... 8k, inc Soundbox, Ohico Superboard II... case, 5 Olivetti TE338... terminal, manual, PET Revealed, mags, A PSU, RS232 int, UHF or direct 110 baud, RS232 full duplex lots of software inc Space Invad- For sale video output, 38 -way expansion int, 120 col carriage, paper tape ers, Word Processor, 3D OX, etc, conn,8k RANI, software inc punch & reader, roll or pin original packing, £375 ono. Also Alien, Invaders & much more, feed, good working order, can Creed 7B teleprinter, £50 ono. £220 ono. Tel: Tilbury 71554 deliver most areas, £185. Tel: Tel: 061-747 0284 (home), 061- PET 8k... old ROM, with Super - after 6.30. 0670 712624 eves. 748 3363 (work) or call at 62 chip & Toolkit, £345. Tel Jon OSI C2, 8k RAM, new Casio fx502p... good cond, Cheriton Road, Flixton, Boon St Ives (Cambs) (0480) Cegmon monitor, OSI & Sams prog library, instruction book, Manchester. 63981. manuals, 5 utility & games tapes, original box, £60ono. Tel: 021- £350. OSI 527 24k exp brd with 355 5458 after 5. ITT 2020 48k... colour, 6 ZX80... Sinc built, PSU, leads, 12k, £150. Mk 14 with sep calc- months old, swap for Apple II manual, book 'Making the most UK101... 8k RAM, cased & with less memory or just b&w. type kbrd/display, PSU, manual, fully working with software, Reason: hi-res display incompat of your ZX80', as new, £75. Tel micro information books, £55. with some commercial games Wokingham 786194. Tel: Bristol (0272) 659278 eve. £220 ono. Tel: 041-942 8813. progs. Excellent chance to up- MK14...revised monitor, tape Nascom 1... with buffer brd, UK101... new monitor in grade bus system! Tel: 0602- int, new keybrd, £40. Prof 16k RAM brd, PSU, fast cass int, ROM with orig instruction sheet, 255935 eve. ASCII keybrd, new, £25 or exch vid monitor, cased with sep £16. Tel: Dave, 0442 42603. Acorn Atom... 5 months old, both for ZX80. Tel Hull 443316. keybrd case, Basic, Zeap, doc, hardly used, can be seen work- £250 ono. Tel 0803 555831. UK101, .. 8k RAM, new miii - ZX80. . .built, leads, printer tor chip, cased, plenty of gat es ing, £150. Tel: Coventry 62038 interface & s/ware, inv video sw, ZX80... fact built, good cond, inc 'Space Invaders', books ii.c eves, Mon-Thurs only. £116. A Slim, Cross Keys, Little PSU, leads, £39.95 or p/ex for Programming the 6502' and Philips G7000. Videopac Bealings, Suffolk, tel Ipswich 8k PET. P Osbond, 5 Quarter - '6502 Applications', all with computer takes cassettes, range 624308 after 6. croft, Pyramid Close, Weston cassette recorder, £300. Tel: of about 35, complete with 2 Favell, Northants, tel 07072 051-724 5563 eves. cassettes & hand controls, cost Superboard II... new, 4k RAM, 63411. £100 new, will exchange for 10 I/O ports, PSU, cased, newcass Hardware (software... for TI58C ZX80 or sell £70 ono. Tel: rec, £16'5 will send. M Atari. .. prog TV game, perfect prog talc, eg cass int, printer Clitheroe 24336. Ozbilen, 18 Houndiscombe Rd,Plymouth. cond, joysticks, paddles, instruc- port, any hardware adds/ tions, carts inc Combat, Breakout,peripherals. Tel: Rob, 061-445 8k PET... & cassette plus Tool - Space Invaders. £90 no offers. 9385 after 6. kit, int Soundbox, tape monitor, Atari carts... Skydiver, Bowling, Tel 01-555 8054. full set TI workbooks (6) in Hunt'n'Score, Codebreakers, FAL cass int for fx501/2p, brand new cond, very large collec- Air-sea Battle, Outlaw, Golf, PET 2001... old ROM, 8k, also Sharp MZ-80K. Tel: Burgh tion progs inc mini assembler, Video Olympics, Breakout, exc cond, £350 ono. Tel Kerl, Heath 57327. Space Invaders, super rhino, £12.50 ea. Tel Wellington (Som) 01-831 6'781 ext 281 office hrs. Othello, fully serviced, £425 ono. 2095. Two VDUs... (Hazeltine or Tel: Tony, Looe 2333. Acorn System 1... exc intro to Pericom), One TUART S100 I/O Honeywell... high speed paper Apple II+ 48k... 2 disk drives, m/c programming, built with board, one day/date S100 clock tape punch (150 ch/sec), 5/7/8 mod, £200 worth progs, £1200. PSU, manuals, several progs, boards, and 2 DMB6400 S100 channel with auto tape winder, Integer card £100. Romplus exc cond, £55 ono. Tel Alastair, 64k RAM boards. Harold Easton, 10 V PSU & some transistor card, £100. Supertalker £150. 031-449 3944. 7 Ingrebourde House, Broadley driving circuitry, needs very Silentype printer with int & 4 St., London NW8, tel: 01-723 minor mechanical adjustment, rolls paper, £300. Tel 0277 ZX80. 6 wks old, Sinc built, 5822. offers. Tel: Loughborough 224539. all leads, PSU, manual, tape with 216164. games if req, £75. Tel 01-708 Radio control equipment. to ZX80... Sinc built, PSU, manual, 1703 after 4. exchange for a suitable working PET 8k... small keyboard, int leads, tapes, book of 30 progs, micro. A Jenkins, 55 Ash Grove, cassette automatic fan, software, 3m old, good cond, £85. Tel ZX80... built, inc leads books, Craigshill, Livingston, W Lothian quick sale,£300.Tel: CoventrY Peacehaven 3222. etc, £70 ono. Tel 01-853 5860 501099. after 6 or w/ends. EH54 SJH. PET 8k... int cass, old ROMs, Nascom 2... 32k RAM, 8k UK101 8k... cased, with 48 x green screen, tape ctr, lots of UK101... 8k Basic, 8k RAM, Basic, 4k Zeap2 and 2k Naspen 32 display, £150. Smart 2 ext s/ware worth £100, manual, set new monitor, perfect cond, over in EPROM, Graphics PROM, 16k memory, with PSU, £100. TI workbooks, £350 ono. Tel 70 progs, Compukit case, cass PSU and Video 100 monitor, Easicomp sound board (inc 2 Bourne End 26576 eves. rec, £350 ono. 33 Baresdale offers over £500. Tel: Ascot I/O ports), £30. Compshop's new Close, Orpington, Kent, tel 21935 after 6. monitor ROM £16. Video 100 ZX80... Sinc built, lk RAM, 6673793 4-6. monitor, greatly improves defi- extra progs, £70. Tel Reigate TRS-80 L2 16k... with green nition, £60. Tel: Gordon Bevis, 42034. TRS-80 16k L2... with 1/case screen, cass rec, Edtasm, Renum, Portsmouth 731151 after 7. mod, green screen, cass rec, underInvaders, books on assembly Radio Shack... Quick printer warranty, hardly used, £400. Tel language and Basic programming Nascom 1... with NasSys 3, 2, 2 rolls paper, upper/lower 01-778 835. techniques, Level 1 and 2 Nas-dis, debug assembler, case, 3 ints switch selectable 120 manuals, 6 months old, as new, graphics, sound, all in box, plus lines/min, 5x7 dot matrix, 96 2X80... working, special heat - £500 ono. Tel: (0273) 501901 extras, must be seen. Also Oki char set, with keybrd cable, sink, built, leads, PSU, manual, eves. Microline 80 printer, brand new, manual, boxed, little used, £100. progs, £70. Tel 01-397 6792. £900 or may split. Tel: 021- Tel John, Kirkham (0772) Sinclair ZX80... 6 months old, 351 4881 after 7. 683504 after 6. PET 8k... small keybrd, exc as new, stint built, with book, cond, soundbox, dust cover, adaptor etc. £50 ono. Tel: Acorn Atom... 8k ROM 3k ZX80... Sinc built, leads, manual,s/ware inc m/c Space Invaders, Northwick (0606) 41995, after RAM, mains adaptor, all leads & £55. PSU if req, £7. TelHorndean£390. Mr K Hashimoto, 16 6. Book '30 programs for the manual built & running, as new, (0705) 592478. Hartland Rd, Epping, Essex. £130. Teleton 12"138zw TV, 1 ZX80' also for sale. month old, £40 or £160 for PET 16k... new ROM, large UK101... 4k RAM, sound int ZX80... assembled, perfect both. P Smith, 21 Lamerton keybrd, cass, progs, books, £550 brd with spkr, transformer, oncidition, complete with PSU, le Close, Bordon, Hants GU35 ono. Tel John, 01-886 3922 cased, 300/600 baud cass int, leads, manual and ex board with OHZ. eves, 01-556 3023/6040 day. new & old ROM5 fully switched 3k static RAM, £90. & socketted for TV, monitor, MK14... RAM I/O, extra opt Superboard 2... 8k RAM, PSU, cass, all leads inc, tape s/ware inc 48k ITT 2020... + disk drive, RAM, SoC revised monitor, cass UHF mod, cased, offers around Invaders, extended m/c monitor, controller, paddles, Oki, int, £40. Steve Birch, 18 Eardisley £200. Tel Photos, 01-889 6414 manuals, Basic course, info, microline 80, interlace card, Rd, Allerton, Liverpool L18 OHS. after 6. £225. Tel Elstead, Surrey will separate, offers to 01-961 702135. 6013. UK101... 8k RAM, 8k ROM, ITT 2020... 48k, 1 yr old, tape cased, all leads, new monitor, s/ware, £700 ono. Tel 0323 AIM.. Rockwell Exorciser- Brand new... Video Genie, with £250 ono. Tel: 01-363 5961 22546 after 6. compat exp board all documen- sound, tapes (Startrek, The after 5. tation plus 3 new (Vector Inc) Count, X Wing II) plus demo Acorn Atom... 4k RAM, manual,prototyping boards for AIM or tape and manuals. £300 ono. FREE 2001-8k PET... to anyone PSU, leads, Acorn built, 6 m Motorola systems, cost over Tel: Hartlepool 60281. who'll give me £325 for my old, £160. J Macleod, 64 Perceval£200, £80 complete or sell separa- sound box!. Lots of software Rd, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, tely. Tel: Mike Grimwood, Viscount M70... electronic thrown in as well! Also - Epson Scotland. Royston (0763) 60762 after 7. organ, two key board manuals + 1TX80 printer with PET interface 13 pedals, piano, harpsichord, & cable (usually £60 extra on IBM Selectric 735... golfball Nascom II.. . 16k RAM, key- clavichord, + orchestral voices top of advertisers prices!), offers typewriter/printer, complete withboard case, £70 of software inc synthesised strings on lower around £340 on 01-886 7354. the horrid IBM multiway plug Space Invaders, tested by prof manual & full automatics, & sckt, £200. Fax machines: I engineer, works perfectly, selling walking bass, clarinet counter 32k Apple II+.. disc drive with have 3 GSI DEX machines, £25 because of move to University. melody + sheet music + Stax + control card, integer card, Sony for the lot. Teletype ASR33, Tel: Jonathan, 05305 3824 headphones, £650 or exchange 9" B/W monitor plus plenty of 120 V supply needed, £60. Tel: after 4. best micro offered, prefereably software worth £250.00, all for Dr Bulger, 01-985 1314. PET or Apple. Tel: 01-455 1652. only £1290. Tel Jay on 01-440 ASR -33 Teletype... with paper 8731 eves. tape punch & stand, in good ZX80... perfect working order, cond, £220 ono. DEC RK-8 12 Video Genie... 16k, 4 months TI 58C.. .prog talc & PC100C 4k RAM, PSU, manuals, leads, Mbyte disk drive in good order old, plus manuals and some gameswith math/utilities, leisure progs cassettes, etc. Tel: 0734 with manuals, £400 ono. Tel: tapes, (StarTrek, Super Nova & modules, constant memory, full 790989 after hours. 0206 45099. Galaxy Invasion), £300. Tel: doc and dust cover for PC100C, Crawley 35003. 12 mths old. £170 ono. Tel Medway 375500. 138 PCW TRANSACTION FILE

Anadex DP -8000 ... printer TRS-80 Pocket comp... VGC, Superboard... 4k, PSU, Acorn Atom 12k+12k. ,. with with Bailey IEEE - RS232 with manual, box, cless, carry modulator, offers around PSU manual, leads etc, fully interface, suit PET and disk pouch, owner gone micro, first of£170. Tel Dr M Pilling 061- assembled and tested, m pristine system, complete with manual, offer of £89 gets free cassette 793 5000 ext 425 office hrs. condition £255. Tel: St Mary leads and plugs, 2400 ono. J interface and many progs. S Bourne 424. Nuttall, St John's Seminary,Wonersh, Hutt 138 Springvale Rd, Kings Texas Silent 700... terminal Guildford, Surrey. Will Worthy, Winchester, Hants with full ASCII keyboard and TRS-80 L2 16k... inc manuals, gladly demo. electro-thermal printer, RS232 T -bug, editor/assembler, instant Casio FX502P; prog sci talc, and V24 at 300 baud, £150. sort/search database, sargonii, Nascom 2... 32k RAM, built £50 (ono). Tel Gary Newmarket Paul Marshall 03302 2688 (eves) startrek, backgammon, £300 the by Interface, NASPEN, TOOLKIT,(0638) 68964 after 6. lot. Buyer collects. Phone 01- Graphics ROM, Kenilworth case, ZX80... Sinclair built, as new, 906 1966 eve. 8 months old, Inc tape rec, TRS-80 12 16k... with monitor, three months old, complete, Portable TV, Creed 7E teleprin- cass rec, covers various taped inc leads, mains adapter & ZX80... Fully ass, working, ter with interface and software, programs inc Chess, Maze, Black- manual E50. Tel Chester 36242. inc. manual, mains adaptor, all taped software, two programming jack, many books inc Learning leads 'Magic Book', £90. M books and INMC publications. level 2 The Basic handbook, HP41-C... calculator complete Grant, 1 Craigpark Rd, Scallo- Cost over £800 new, yours for over 60 mags (PCW etc), desk, with maths & circuit analysis way, Shetland. Tel: 595 88 394 £600. Tel: Bourne End (062 85) £350 ono. Tel: Basingstoke modules, case etc, E120 inclu. after 6. 23454. 28729 after 4. both application modules. Alan Haim, tel Bracknell 51811 CEGMON.. . for 32 line UK101, TRS-80 L2 16k... with c/recor- ZX80... 2 months old, VGC ext 42 office hrs, Windsor 64026 £25. With 32 line conversion E33. der, VDU, power supply, manuals, inc Basic manual, all leads and eves & w/ends. Also 16 line Compshop New some cassettes with games, only mains adaptor, £75. Tel Monitor £15. T Kenahan, 109 4 months old. £400 ono. Tel Abingdon 24762. ZX80... assembled, little used, Devonshire Drive, North Anston, Mon -Fri, 8-5, Huntingdon 52451 complete with all leads, Sinclair Sheffield, Yorks. Tel: Rotherham ext 384, ask for Martin. Chess Challenger 7... little used, mains adaptor and manual, 60166 ext 3250 (office hours) £75 ono with mains adaptor. ZX80 Magic Book, leaflets and Basic 77-68... cased, working, P Stilliard, 55 Morley Rd, information about the Users ZX80... complete (all leads, complete with PSU, all switches, Twickenham. Tel: 01-892 1909 Club. £85. Tel Ilford, 01-554 manual, adaptor), Smc built, manual, ready to expand, 260 3997. several progs, £50. It J Hollick, ono. Tel Littlewick Green 3235 Sinclair... 3k RAM expansion 34 Woodvale Rd, Gurnard, Isle for ZX80. Only £22. Tel: 0256 ZX80... bargain, Sinc built, of Wight. AIM 65... Rockwell Exorciser - 75717. original packing, perfect working compatible expansion board ord.er, 3 months old, over 30 ZX80... Sinc built, as new, with all documentation PLUS ZX80, .. 1k, working, assemb- programs inc moving graphics, complete with 2 excellent three brand-new (Vector Inc) led, inc. all leads, PS15, manual Breakout, Space Invaders program books - 30 Progs for prototyping boards for your and 40 progs on tape £80 ono. (requires 2k), £70 ono (unwanted ZX80 and ZX80 Programs Vol AIM or Motorola system. Cost inc p/p UK only. Binetone gift). Tel: 021-742 8422 eve. 1, value over £10, also 2 tapes over £200, £80 complete or cassette recorder (easy load/ with numerous games - accept will sell separately. Tel: Mike save) available if required 215 Nascom 1... built & tested, £75 the lot. Ms Watts, 90 The Grirriwood, Royston (0763) G Barrett, 465 Marine Road, Nas-sys 1 and 2k integer basic. Clarksons, Barking, Essex. 60762 after 7. Morecombe, Lancs. 4k RAM & PSU all housed in 19" frame, with full documen- ZX80... Sine built, good con- 32k Sorcerer... Basic and T159... complete with charger, tation, £185. Tel: Chalfront St dition. Inc adaptor, leads, manual assembler/editor (in ROM) with master and business decision Giles 2966. and a few progs, ideal first com- manuals; V.g. working cass rec, modules,programming pakette, puter, first offer around £50 motor -control cable for 2 recor- all manuals and Engelsohn's Nascom 1... + PSU (Nas-sys takes. Tel: 031 552 2503. ders/modem connection; Startrek, book 'Programming with Pro- monitor), inc all manuals + Adventure, terminal routine grammable Calculators' £110 programming the ZX80 (Zaks), S10016k..' Static RAM boards s'ware, plenty of Sorcerer litera- ono. Steward Watford 35352, eve.fully built and in completely (114)2 with bank select tu828re, £640, ono. Ring 01-670 working order. First £70 each (2); S100 IthacaAudio£120 1 Acorn Atom -12k + 12k... with secures. P Corrigan, 112 Clark- disk board, untested, so £75. 3A PSU, assembled and working, ston Rd, Cathcart, Glasgow. ono. INS 8295 (NIBL) £15 ea; Nascom 32k... boxed, floppy tap £220 inc postage. Write K Yeap, 2102's, £2.50 per 8. Tel Dave, tape drive, Pascal & Assembler, Northampton Hall, Bunhill Row, Sinclair built ZX80... 3 months 02367 36570 after 6. £550 ono. Write: B L Giles, London EC1Y 8LJ old, inc leads, mains, adaptor, London Rd, Daventry, Northants originnal packing, 2 books, TRS-8048k...with twin 125k NN11 4DB Sharp MZ-80K... 24k RAM, cassette & several program drives using Newdos-plus, all VDU and cassette, 6 months listings, all for £85. Tel Luton manuals including TRSDOS and Exidy Sorcerer... word processor old, hardly used, excellent 51986 after 6. tape EDT/ASS, virtually unused, pac, £90; development pac £60, graphics, inc Basic manual and £1100 ono. Caterham (0883) as new, 01-946 8467 (eve). tape, 8 games and Demagnitiser, Sinclair ZX80... as new, all leads,47320 evenings, Brighton best offer over £380, secures. PSU, and manual. Sinc built £70. (0273) 559711 ext 39 ask for Apple accessories... Videx Tel: (77) 44935 (eve). Tel: Baintree 44712 or write AndyJim. keyboard enhancer, £80; Super - Pierce, 208 Cressing Rd, B'tree. talker, £148; M&R Sup -R Fan, ITT 2020... colour computer Suberboard II...8k RAM, cased, £39; Tractor for Microline-80 + 48k RAM, excellent condition, ZX80... Sinc built, PSU, leads, complete with manuals, programs Printer, 237; Bit copier ('Lock- over 100 superb programs incl manual, loads of software and a book of game programs, smith'), £99; Smart -Term 80 many popular games, paddles, (programs inc Breakout, Lunar, as new £250 ono. Tel: 01-554 column board, £185 Z-80 Soft - manuals and original packing inclLander, Clock), £50 Tel: Coven- 9548. card, £165; Applesoit firmware included, £800 ono. Tel try 613816. card, £90. Tel: Cobham (Surrey) Telford 594540. Olympia type SGE 50... input/ 5371 Video Genie. .. 16k, 3 months output typewriter with inter- Centronics 101 printer... 165 old, inc sound and many excellent face boards and multi -way plug, UK101... 8k RAM, Microtype 3 cps, 132 col £225; SWTP CT64 progs. (Galaxy, Timetrek etc), £120 ono. Bowmansgreen 23824 case, sound board, new monitor, Terminal £200, Marconi Elliott £250. Tel: 021-501 1359. (St Albans). 1 or 2 MHz switch, leads & Videodata 4000 terminal £125; documentation + dozens of tapes, Autonomics VDU with 35mm ZX-80... 1k Sinc built, all leads, Ohio Scientific Superboard HE perfect operation, £250 nego- back -projector (not working) manual, adaptor etc, perfect (32x48 format) 8k RAM, AY - tiable. Also Creed 3B printer + hence only 1E15. Tel 0525 working order. £65 ono. Tel: 8910 programmable synthesiser, interface for UK101 £80 + 220261. 01-769 2115 eve. Power supply, cassette recorder, carriage. Tel: 041 956 1768. some tapes and an ASR33 tele- S100... 4k EPROM board, uses Challenger 1P... 8k, few months printer which needs an interface, Boris... multi -level chess 1702 PROMS, working, complete old, all manuals, few tapes, £280 £300 ono the lot. Contact Gino computer in beautiful walnut with 1k of erased PROM £30. ono. Tel: Maidstone 678782 6 - Masoero on 01-759 2811 Ex 41 box, mint condition, £115 inc Tel Camberley (0276) 61543 8. working hours. boarcl,pieces etc: tel Aylesbury after 6. 27357 ZX80... Sinc built. As new, IMSAI 8080... desktop micro- Teletype 43... approx 1 year complete with PSU, manual and computer (8080/S100 based), PET 2001 8k... VGC plus old, together with free interface leads, £50. Tel: Reading CPM/IMDOS, 32k RAM ext manuals, green screen, soundbox, and driver software for TRS-80 6958,42. 65k. 3 S -I/O + 2P -I/O + F/D joystick, reset button, cover, £20 Mk 1, originally cost over £800 controller (8080/Prog-EPROM) £200+ worth of software inc accept £425. Tel 01-539 7756, TRS-80 LII 16k... inc. video with matching unit dual 8" F/D Microchess, WP, Invaders, Adven- after 6.30. monitor, tape recorder, some drives, very good con,. complete ture, m/c monitor, 6502 assembler tapes inc debug, £350. Tel: with H/W and S/W manuals, business & educational, first ZX80... Sinclair built, inc Westbury (0373) 823764. £1850 ono. or exchange scale offer over £350 secures. Tel: all leads, adaptor & manual, still steam locomotive/traction engine. Crawley (0293) 24504. in maker's box, only 2 months ZX80... with 8k expansion, Tel: 093-781 330 (Yorks). old, works perfectly, bargain at manual and all leads, cassette of Atom... 8k + 2k, PSU, all only £75 (cost £100), inc postge.utility programs (inc machine - ZX80 1k... Excellent cond.only manauals, some simple programs, Tel: 01-571 4461 (eve) ask for code driven display) and user 3 months old, Sinc built with £175. Write: P Norman, 84 Tarik. club magazines, £50. Tel: 061- mains adapter and leads (inc. Welland Way, Oakham, Leics 773 6468 Special cassette lead which LE15 6SL. Micro Technology... K-1007-1 allows you to moniter the load- interface for use between old PET 2001-16k... Old ROMs, ing of programs), £70 ono inc. Percom LFD-400 (Siemens style PET and MTU high resolu- soundbox, Petsoft Basic tutorials cassette software and UK post- FDD-100... double -sided mini tion graphics and other boards, + othr software and games, ideal age. Tel: 0632-863713 after 4. disk drive, controller card with £30. Tel: 01-398 2902 evenings for beginner, £450 ono. Tel: Minidos, Minidos Plus DOS 2k after 8/weekends. Copy manual 092685 616. Nascom RAM -B... board, ROM, operates on any 6800 available to check suitability. working, tested, with 32k system cased, interconnecting UK101... 8k RAM, new and old RAM and diagnostic on tape cable, diagrams, listings. 4 disks, Sinclair ZX80... all leads, monitors plus documentation, (N1 format), £180. Write: assembler, editor, flextran, index, manual, £16 worth of software 1/2 MHz and 300/600 baud Graham Honigman, 63 Kew all items brand new, genuine (including active display progs), cassette I/F both switchable, Green, Richmond, Surrey reason £320 ono. Welwyn Garden book (make the most of your cased, blower fan power supply TW9 3AH. City 29668 ZX80), inverse video switch mounted seperately, utilities connected, no PSU. All for and games on tape including UK101... cased, 8k, new moni- Nascom 2... 16k RAM, PSU, £55. J E McGrath, 2 The Green, Basic line renumber and m/c tor, assembler on tape, and a graphics ROM, Vero case & Lilbourne, Warks. Tel: code Invaders, £220. Phone couple of games, £225 ono or keyboard enclosure, £410. Tel: Svvinford 670 Hemel Hempstead (0442) 45014. Acorn (0359) 50619 (Stanton, Weybridge 53680 eves. Suffolk) eve.

PCW 139 Wilkes Computing Wilkes Computing for Announce DEC0lefrattIGIS The VISUAL 200 40b' vit V to:r

LA34 DECWRITER IV LOW COST -HIGH Desk Top 30 cps PERFORMANCE Full 128 ASCII Character Set Detachable keyboard Switchable 4 Character pitches Numerical pad emulations Upper and lower case DEC VT52 6 different line spacings Hazeltine 1500 Left and right margins Editing Lear Seagler ADM3A Smooth scroll ADDS 520 Optional forms control Cursor addressing Many more standard features and options LOW PRICE Digital Equipment Company Ltd. Printer port Wilkes Computing Bush House, 72 Prince Street Bristol BS1 4HU Bush House, 72 Prince Street, Bristol BS14HU Tel. (0272) 25921 Telex. 449205 Tel. (0272) 25921 Telex. 449205 Wilkes Computing Wilkes Computing Present Announce

150-200 cps Automatic Bi directional smart printing bi-directional printing Up to 40 cps (32 cps average) 132-176columns Complete forms control Interchangeable metal/plastic print wheels Horizontal and vertical tabs RS232 -c or 20 mA interface Double width printing 9wire print head Word processing options High density graphics Up to9600Baud Optional tractors Optional cut sheet feeder

Bush House, 72 Prince Street, Bristol BS1 4HU Bush House, 72 Prince Street, Bristol BS1 4HU Tel. (0272) 25921 Telex. 449205 Tel. (0272) 25921 Telex. 449205

140 PCW TRANSACTION FILE 8k PET... integral cassette plus ZX80... with 16k RAM pack, Computer work... 2nd year Acorn Atom... 2k RAM, in relia- sevral games programs inc Micro Sinc built with all leads, adap- university student seeks summer ble working order. R Doyle, tel chess, also books and manuals, tor and manual, in perfect work- vacation work. Programming, 01-546 6646 eves, Ashtead £350 the lot. Phone South ing order, £100. Tel: Abson keying -in programs or data, etc, 778811 day. Ockendon 7755. (027 582') 2380 (w/ends only) are possibilities. Please write Mr S Barrett, 10 Tuttles Lane (East), MZ-80K.. . descript & price to ZX80... standard lk, Inverse Wymondham, Norfolk NR18 W Prescott, St Anselms, Stratton ZX80 lk... fully assembled inc, video switch, all lead to connect OEN. on the Fosse, Bath. manual, leads and cassette of to your TV and cassette recor- software, but no PSU, £50. 6 -level der, instruction manual, all in Nascom 2... in working order. IBM golfball ... printer or 735 chess computer £30. All of above original box, 6 months old (no Tel: 01-977 8305 eves. I/O typewriter any cond. A for £75. Tel: 051-342 4446. mains adaptor) only £50. Tel: Smith, Head of Science, Walling- Wellington (Somerset) 2095. Computer mags....wanted by ford School, Oxon, tel 0491 ZX80 lk... fully assembled (in new enthusiast -reasonable. 37115. box) with manual, mains adap- ZX80. Sinc tested, boxed withG H O'Reilly, 96 Boulevard tor and leads, as new, £55. Tel: 16 programs on cassette, with all North, Bayside, Dublin 13. UK101... 8k RAM, cased, plus 051-648 4362. leads, manual & adaptor, ready software worth £40, only £220. to use on your own TV, cost Apple II or Apple II plus.. . Tel: 01-251 3769 eves. ZX80... 3 months old, Sinc £100, selling for £65. Tel 01- recent model. Offers over £550 built with PSU, leads, manual 606 9274/5, office hours. Ask for TRS-80 model I Level 2 with UK101... cased, 8k RAM, new and cassette of 30 prog, £75 for Mr Plumb or leave message quick printer, editor assembler. monitor, assembler, some games ono. Tel Mildenhall (0638) if out. Plus, level IV Basic, adventure, inc Space Invaders, only £320. 713933. pyramid, incomplete records Write Mark Posen, Churchill Anadex DP8000... Printer, and sundry software. Tel: Hall, Stoke Park Rd, Bristol ZX80... Sinc built, inc mains 96 ASCII set, 84 lines per Sheffield 304467. eve. BS9 1JG. adaptor, manual, leads, and minute RS232 int, £290 plus separate programming course carriage. Tel: Bradford (0274) Lonely... Sharp MX -80K would TTY ASR28... keyboard, print- book and cassette plus many 875503 or 872546. like to meet local compatible ing, perf tape transmitter reader, games on cassette, inc draughts, printer with a view to occasional Page printer, with motor start '30 Progs for ZX80' book, worth ZX80... boxed, inc interfacing. (Non -technical owner relay & 3 handbooks, working at least £130, sell for £75 ono. PSU, manual, leads and com- wants occasional hard -copy when taken off circuit, £20 buyer Phone Kevin on 01-449 1049 prehensive program library listings.) Tel Rugby (0788) collects. Tel: 01-242 4433 (day), only £60. Tel St Albans 61712. 815612. PET 2001-8k... as new, inc. 0732 62227 eves. assembler, micro chess and PET 2001... 8k (old ROM) 48-64k RAM... Z80 processor PET 8k... new ROM, large key- Space Invaders, £320. Tel: Plus £100 worth of various with 5V4 or 8" floppy and key- board, green screen, cass deck, Bitton, Bristol 027588 5040. software: games, utilities, board able to run CP/M. Tel h'ware reset switch, manual, statistics, basic tutorial, small 0209 831274. 'PET Revealed', a few progs, Video Genie EG3003... with keyboard, built-in cassette £370 ono. Tel: Cliff, 01-671 joysticks and sound box, 2 recorder, £350. Tel: 01-769 PET 8k... 16 or 32 with cassette 3265. months old, several prog and 5002. deck, will consider similar set-up, manuals, £320. Can deliver with- tel 0492 67288. Video Genie... EG3003 16k, in 20 miles Heathrow. Tel: ZX80... as new with 16k add- sound unit, tab key, plenty of Colnbrook 3328. on RAM £90. Tel: 0977-554105 Computer fanatic.. . wishes to software, £285 ono. Tel Stoke- day 552525 eve. purchase a 16k Nascom II. Any- on-Trent 642819. ZX80, .. ex condition, inc. body who wishes to part with manualm mains adaptor and Keyboard & video... S E Labs their working machine for around PET 2001 8k... £325 ono. PET all leads, genuine reason for computer terminal type 2000, £250 please contact M Riley - cass deck £40. PET int to TX80 sale, £60. Tel: Ware (0920) 80x24 line display, 600/1200 174 Avenue Rd, Erith, Kent DA8 printer £15. Tel: 01-550 0546 3772, eve and w/ends. baud, switchable, £65. Tel: 01- 3AZ. (day), 01-550 3595 (eve). 788 0045 ZX80... with 16k RAM FEB 1979... issue of PCW to Has anyone . out there got a memory expansion, inverse Acorn Atom... 12k ROM, 12k make up a complete set. Ring disk drive to sell for around £100? video switch,spare case, extra RAM fitted with the new colour 0603 811005. Please contact Chris Payne at long cassette wire, fully work- encoder, fully tested by Acorn, Rose Cottage, Ewell Minnis, ing with manual and £265; 5 volt 3 amp PSU housed PET.. . 16k or 32k, large key- Dover, Kent or phone 03047 power supply, £130 (owner in handsome metal case with board, new ROMs, green screen, 4550. getting larger machine). Tel: room to fit 3 extra eurocards, willing to pay up to £400 cash. 01-340 6545 (Matthew). £30; Acornsoft games packs 1 and'Ring Mike, Nazeing (Essex) ZX80... any condition, Sharp PC -1211... pocket 4 and soft VDU pack, £10 each; 3654. working or not, will pay up to computer 1.9k continuous Sinclair ZX80 £60; S R Jones, £25 or swap for AM/FM radio memory, Basic, with cassette 5 Kings Road, Mumbles, Swansea TRS-80 4k.. . or 16k L2 or Videdcassette recorder in good cond. interface, beginners Basic, SA3 Genie & any s/ware etc. Tel Ring Graham, 0394 33267. instruction manual; ideal if ZX80... 3k extension board, Sacriston 711904 eves. ZX81... with 16k RAM (if you're just starting out, cost with lk already plugged in. Fits Acorn Atom. .. UK101, Super - possible) & programs, adaptor etc, £120, accept £100. Tel: Richard into rear of ZX80, £15 ono. board, or sim. If Atom, pref with will Pay generously. Tel 051-928 Upminster 23222. Contact S Shorte, 12 Colwick 4k RAM & col graphics brd. Tel 1245 after 4. Clse, London N6 5NU, tel 01- Hartlepool (0429) Tangerine Microtan 65. .. 272 1655. TRS-80 LZ... stringy floppy prof, built, cased, perfect PCW back issues... Vol 1 nos unit. Contact M Pedley, Christ working order, hex keypad, TRS-80... pocket computer as Church, Oxford. power supply and manual, pro- new, cassette interface, 2 games 5,6 12; Vol 2 no 8. Will pay graming the 6502 (zaks), space cassettes and full instructions. £1.50 ea. Write: Njal Fisketjon, Business Studies Student.. . in case for tanex, cost £120, £100 ono. Cassette recorder if Dalsetveien 42a, N-4000 Stavang- requires system for 3rd year pro- will sell for £100. Tel (after required. Tel: 01-892 0836 er, Norway. ject, preferably 32 TV 64k RAM, 5pm) Owain, 06234 4446. eves. 80x24 monitor, disk storage, Video Genie. .. or Acorn Atom, Printer? eg Superbrain. Have IBM Sharp PC1211... Elf II, Sinc- Texas TI59... calculator and 12k ROM+ 12k RAM, in working golf -ball printer with RS232 lair Cambridge programmable printer, spare rolls of print order. Tel David Lever, Warring- interface, approx £1000 to calculator, Tandy keyboard EA paper, maths utilities chip, ton 61087 eves & w/ends. spend. Phone Rochdale 354521. 24031, all with instructions manuals, all in original boxes, manuals in good working order, cost over £450, will accept £150 ZX80... must be in good cond. HP9845.. or other 16 -bit ideal teaching outfit posted, ono. Tel Colchester 73744 eve Tel Tadley 5930 eves & w/ends. system for DATA processing in Packed and insured for £125 or or w/ends. exchange for my 1954 Austin may split. Write: D J Merry - ZX80... Sine built, with PSU, Healey 100/4 BN1, plus massive weather, 82 Southbury Rd, Acorn System One... Inc addi- Pay approx £70. Tel Phil, 021- spares backup. Tel: Ken Bower Enfield Middx EN1 lYB. tional RAM/I0 device, PSU and 459 5069. 01-953 6161 Ext 12, office 'Programming the 6502' by hours or Bowmans Green 25114 TRS-80 L2 16k... 2 months Rodney Zaks. Contact D Compute... Vol 1 no 6 (Sept/ eve. old, perfect condition, inc Elworthy, 3 Carrwood Road, Oct 1980), good price paid. numeric keypad, manuals, TV Wilmslow, Cheshire; or at St Also want complete set "The Add-on memory... for ZX80- mod etc, plus Tandy software, Catherine's College, Cambridge PET Paper" to date. Ron Casan, ZX81, could swop a 5V.15A IQ builder, budget manage- 15 Parkway, Sawbridgeworth, or a 24V 5A regulated power ment, casino games, Basic course during term time. Price: £55. Herts CM21 9NR. tel 0279 supply, both with manual part 2. £300. Write LT Cdr PJ 724037. control of amplified remote volt- W Thompson, Wardroom, HMS Nascom 1... on alum chassis, age sensing. D Noble, Billiemains, Nelson, Portsmouth. with PSU, manuals, £150. Can 16k memory extension... for Duns Berwickshire, TD11 3LF, only be seen Sats, 2 extra ZX80. Send details to D Nuttall, Tel Chirnside (089 081) 526. Diablo 1650 KSR. .. daisy wheel EPROMs free. Tel 01-200 0444 10 Sandhills Ave, Blackpool, terminal, brand new, unboxed ext 214 (office). Lanes FY4 1QQ. Teletype ASR33... Teleprinter, worth £2100, also second-hand paper tape punch and reader, AJ630 matrix ASCl/APL termi- Micro wanted... PET, Apple, full RS232 interface, working at nal, good working order. Offers Wanted Tandy or sim, up to £200. Detailspresent with Nascom 2, complete to 01.-864 9537 eve. to: D Dunmail, 70 High Ash with stand and all accessories, Printer... suitable for TRS-80 Ave, Leeds LS17 8RT. goodcond, £110. Will delivery Aculab floppy tope... plus over 16k level II, also Aculab floppy 50 miles of Liverpool. Tel: 051 £40 worth of wafers, suitable for tape or equivalent. Write: Mr G PCW... Vol 1 nos 4&5; Comput- 487 9586. TRS80 or Genie, first £130. Tel: Wernham, 47 Strichen Rd, ing Today March, June, Dec 80, 021-350 6464. Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire Feb 81; Practical Vol 1 nos 1,3, ZX80... Factory built, working, AB4 5SA. Vol 3 nos 11,12, vol 4 no 1. Tel inc PSU, leads, manual and Sinclair ZX80... Sinc built, Peter O'Rourke, 051 486 6837 cassette of 25+ programs, £75. PSU, leads and manual, 2 months Acorn Atom... or ZX81, must eves. Tel 0905 21664. old, over £20 of software, £80 have leads and manuals, tel: the lot. G Mairs, 2 Heathcote, 01-764 4453 after 5. Impoverished but keen... teacherZX80... Sine built, complete Stoke -on -Tern, Market Drayton, needs back issues of computing with all leads, adaptor and Salop TF9 2JJ. Student... requires personal mags to satisfy demands of next manual, good cond and full micro, 8k ROM 2k RAM or generation of programmers: PCW, working, £70. Tel P Kao 01-247 ZX80... Sinc built, boxed as more, Basic, with manuals. Practical, CT, Creative - you 3740. new, 8 weeks old, PSU £85. Collect if in area, otherwide send it, we'll use it. J P Elsmore, no offers. Tel: Crawley 512043. make suitable arrangement. Hill House, Beacon Hill, Woking, Any possibles, details to: G Surrey GU21 1QR. Wilson, 27 Servia Drive, Leeds LS7 1NN, Yorks. PCW 141 105 TRANSACTION FILE L Space intruders, other software ZX80... fully assembled and £390. Mr F J Syfield, 148 Parish also, cost over £170, sell for £120complete with all leads, mains Lane, Penge, London SE20 7JH ono. May sell expansion and ZX8Cadaptor, manual, etc, perfect For sale seperately. Tel: 021-783 8345. condition, £55 ono. Berry, 246 RS232 and DAC on board, also Nascom 1... 8k user RAM' Casio FX502P... £65. Tel 01- London Road, Earley, Reading Atari Video computer, with 27 Nas-sys and Nasbug monitors, 949 0120 after 6, ask for Mike. RG6 lAJ. Tel (0734) 663650. cartridges and all controllers, buffer board, 8k Basic ROM, £550 the lot or will split: £230 Zeap 2 on tape, Super Tiny ZX80... Sinc built, inc adaptor Grandstand Video Entertainment superboard £330 Atari. Tel Basic, 3 amp PSU, all in Vero and leads, etc, 'Making the most Computer... still in box and in Robert on Derby (0332) 701 case, manuals and programs, of your ZX80' Tim Hartnell also good cond. Complete with 10 964 after 6. worth £450, accept £350 ono. included. Excellent working order.carts: Backgammon, Maze, Tel: Newark 76415. Reason for selling is upgrading Robot War, Blackjack, Drag ZX80... factory built, power 2 months old. Inc Sinc manual, Strip, Basebll, Magic Numbers, supply, manual and leads, only Disk Nascom... 64k/4MHz £65 p+P. Tel: 01-508 6200 Tic-Tac-Toe, Desert Fox, Space 3 months old, £75 ono. Tim Nascom 1 with twin drive CP/M (Loughton - Essex) eve only. War, plus extra games and varia- Atkins, 82 Willow Way, Hurstpier- Gemini disks and software and tions on most cartridges, the lot point, .Vest Sussex BN6 9TJ. Anadex DP8000 printer, 2 Par/ Sharp MZ-80FD... twin D/S £95 ono. Phone Adlington 2 ser ports, expanded keyboard, disk drive, interface card, all (0257) 482311. ZX80... Sinc built 3 months graphics and monitor, cassette cables, handbooks, DOS etc, ZX80... as nw, boxed assembled old, good condition with all interface, to 2400 baud, all as and some software, £550 ono. plus '30 games for ZX80'. £106 leads and power supply unit, new, sensible offers. L Stroud, Tel: Blackburn (0254) 63644 ext value for £70 ono. Luton (0582) also listings of about 30 programs, evenings Castleton., (N Yorks) 25 (Dave) will accept £70 ono. Tel: 281. 33483. Brighton 501155 after 5pm. TRS-80 16k L2... system, TRS-80 Level II 16k... complete Deliver within a 50 mile ZX80... Sinc built, all leads and manuals leads, dust covers, with lower case modification radius. manuals +2k memory expansion Galaxians, Asteroids, and CTR-80, modified cassette board, 3 months old and inc Scripsit. 4 mths old, £350. recorder for computer little book and live action breakout andCrayford 54942 (eve). used, with maker's warranty. NETWORK NEWS Personal computer networks have been springing up all over the States for 18 monthsor more and now we have two in Britain. As more networks appear - and as more facilities are added to existing networks - we'll report them in this section, which appears monthly. Forum 80... operated by library for downloading programs Frederick Brown, tel: Hull (all in Microsoft Basic), program National TRS-80 Users' Group... will be reduced and refunds (0482) 859169. No access charge, uploading for adding your own being set up at time of writing, made accordingly. Facilities: open to any micro owner. Operat-progs to library; Forum 80 will be available to all micro bulletin board & programs for ing Tues & Thurs 1900 - 2200, Users Group (membership free) users, not just TRS-80 owners. downloading. Contact: Brian Sat & Sun 1200 -2200. Facili- enables access to programs not Initially access charge will be a Pain, tel 0908 566660 (office). ties: bulletin board, program in public domain. £10 sub, but as more join, this

USER GROUPS INDEX These are updates/new entries received since our last full listing. The next complete list will be printed in our August issue. INTERNATIONAL Rushton, 123 Roughwood Drive, Plymouth. Contact: Stuart Bell, Northwood, Kirkby, Merseyside 31 Victoria Place, Plymouth, SUFFOLK KAOS -the official 6502 users' L33 9UG. Devon. PL2 1BY. group of Australia. Has a range of Suffolk Microcomputer Club. projects within special interest LANCASHIRE Meets monthly, produces news- groups: hardware, software, Educational Users' Group for letter, sub £5 pa. Contact: Mr S amateur radio, Pascal, education. TRS-80 & Video Genie. Off- N Lancs User Group. Covers Pratt, c/o Microtek, 15 Lower Publishes monthly newsletter. shoot of Nat TRS-80 UG, other Blackpool, the Fylde & Preston, Brook St, Ipswich, Suffolk Contact: Mr Ian Eyles, 10 Forbes TRS-80/Vid Genie users welcome.meets monthly. Contact: John IP4 1AQ, tel 0473 50152. St, Essondon, Victoria, Australia Contact: D J Fatcher, Head Robinson, 12 Harold Avenue, 3040 Teacher, Beaconsfield First & Blackpool or Julian Morgan on Middle School, Beaconsfield Rd, Blackpool 47514. NATIONAL Southall, Middx. TRS-80 Level 1 User Group. For DEVON MERSEYSIDE Model I and Model III owners Merseyside TRS-80/Video Genie using Level 1 Basic. Produces Plymouth and District Amateur Users' Group. Contact: Peter bi-monthly newsletter, runs Computing Club. Meets each Tootill, 101 Swanside Rd, software library. Annual sub: Wednesday, 7 - 9pm at King Liverpool L14 7NL, tel 051-220 £5. Contact (with SAE): N Street Methodist Church, 9733. New ComputerTowns: Caversham: Pat Colley, 52 Queensway,Gloucester:SteveHaynes, 5 Guinea New Addington: Brigitte Gorton, 18Caversham Park Village, Reading, Berks Street,Kingsholm,GloucesterGL1 PirbrightCrescent, New Addington,RG4 OSJ. 3BL. Croydon CR0 ORT.

DIARY DATA London, (West Centre Hotel) International Commodore PET Show. Contact: 18 - 20 June Baroness International on 01-734 2907 London (Wembley Conf Centre) Int Word Processing Exbn & Conf. 23 - 26 June Contact: Business Equipment Trade Assoc, 01-405-6233 Sydney, Australia Consumer Electronics Show. Contact: Riddell Exbn 13 - 19 July Promotions, 166 Albert Rd, S. Melbourne 3205 London (Wembley Conf Centre) Microcomputer Show. 13 - 19 July Contact: Online, 09274 28211 London (Cunard Int Hotel) Computer Software Exbn - SOFT. Contact: 2 -4 Sept Executive Conf Organisers, 01-748 0287 Paris, France Int Conf & Exbn Microprocessing and Microprogramming - 8 - 10 Sept Euromicro. Contact: Euromicro, 18 Rue Planchat, 75020 Paris London (Cunard Int Hotel) Personal Computer World Show. Contact: 10 - 12 Sept Montbuild, 01-486 1951 Anaheim, USA Electronic Show & Convention - Wescon. Contact Network, 028 02 5226 14 - 16 Sept


PCW Great products from Mutek SUBSET BASIC 1 & 3 Alan Tootill presents more useful assembler- language subroutines. Replacement PROMs for OSI/UK101 If you'd like to contribute your routines (for any of the BASIC -in -ROM popular processors), send them to: BASIC) allows direct entry of graphics from Sub Set, PCW, 14 Rathbone Place, LondonW1P ME. keyboard or cassette, adds a CALL command. BASIC 3 fixes the string-handling 'garbage- collector' bug in the Microsoft BASIC.

Before we get immersed in any code,HL could then be returned: £1 5.00'AT itshould be saidthat we have beenPOPEM: POP HL ;return addr for the pair, including documentation taken to task for printing, in Class 1, ;to HL routines that alter registers that could POP IY 1000 users can't be wrong! be returned unaltered. Other readers POP IX think that, in order to make the use of POP AF multiple/conditionalRETurnseasier POP BC and economical, general purpose rou- POP DE CEGMON tines should not be obliged to save all EX (SP),HL registers possible, provided what they RET The only full -feature mon.tor do is declared. Some processors have so for all OSI and UK101 systems few registers that they are not expected The problem was to carry HL also - now also for Superboard Series 2! to carry values beyond the immediateunchangedfrom PSHEMintothe processing task anyway. furtherprocessing. Thoughseveral * Twin -cursor screen editor * The standard for Sub Set is that Classreaders noticed it in FOWIA, only Mark * New screen -handler * 1 routinesarere-entrant,position -Restorick,apostgraduate of Salford * Machine -code development support * independent,notself -modifying andUniversity, pointed out that the last two with assembler -compatible editor, return unaltered all registers and flags,instructions of PSHEM, PUSH HL and full machine -code monitor except those declared as being used toRET, could be replaced with JP (HL). * Disc bootstrap * passinformationtoandfromthe Both Tom Napier of Livingston and routine. So we are aiming to keep toDavid Chambers of Aberdeen gave this * Full compatibility * this infuture. Routines that are notingenious way of combining PSHEM Class 1 for any good reason can be justand POPEM inan 8080 equivalent as interesting and will still be printed.version, requiring only one CALL to L29.50' In February'sissue we posed theboth save and restore registers, found in omplete with full manual and reference card problem of PSHEM, which saved regis-the Compucolor 11: ters and carried forward unchanged the values of allthe registers except HL,ISAVE:XTHL E3 which was usedtocarry PSHEM's PUSH D D5 8K memory/ return address to the bottom of the PUSH B C5 stack thus: PUSH PSW F5 PSHEM: EX (SP),HL ;HL to stack CALLJMPHL CD YY YY PIA board PUSH DE POP PSW Fl A professional -quality expansion board POP B PUSH BC Cl for allSuperboard and UK101systems. PUSH AF POP D D1 PUSH IX POP H El * 8K of reliable static memory (2114L3) * PUSH IY RET C9 * Two-way parallel port (6821 PIA) * PUSH HL ;return addrJMPHL: PCHL E9 * Fully buffered - boards can be linked * ;to stack To borrow from the superb docu- Assembled, tested and guaranteed RET mentation of another similarly struc- After some further processing, thetured routine sent by Barry Philcox of original values of all registers, includingLeafield near Oxford, it is used like this: L65.00' Ribbon -cable and plugs: add f8.00+VAT

Pick a Bargain for your 6800(6809 System! 1. CSH008 SWTPC compatible 5" floppy disk CARDIFF MICRO controller, bare PCB - as above, assembled and tested with 1771 chip £140.00.00 New products 2 CSH009 6800 to 6809 convertor board for CENTRE 6800 CPU board, bare PCB E8.00 APPLES + PETS 3. CSH010 16k STATic RAM, uses 2114's, Many more products will be ready silk screened, bare PCB E35.00 -- as above, assembled, fully socketed with 16k RAM £150.00 SHARP M2 -80s by the time this advert comes out, 4. CH020 6800 chip set, 6800 6810 6820 6875 6850 - a bargain at £16.50 includingnew 16KRAM board, 5. CSH021 Molex connectors, female, pack of ten E3.00 HEWLETT PACKARD 6. CSH022 Molex connectors, male, pack of ten £2.50 newBASIC support monitor, sw'rec Motherboard MPB/2 6800 PU MPA/ 2 111.00 COMPUTER BOOKS serial -to -parallel converter, and others. E24.20 (assemCbled) E75.00 Serial Interface Parallel int. Ring for details now! MPS E6.60 MPL/A £6.60 DEMONSTRATIONS - all the above PCB's are offered ate fraction of their original cost. SE I KOSHA PRINTERS Hillh2B5o) x7,4W32i8I t,; NEW! 6809 Disassembler, dissasembles 6809 or QuaTel:rBr,y1 6800 code, available £35.00 ONLY £250 + VAT on FLEX 5" or 8" disk. it's DYNAMITE!! MUTEK Please add VAT at 15%, prices include postage. SIGMA SYSTEMS COMPUSENSE LTD, PO BOX 169, Palmers 54 PARK PLACE Green, London N13 41 -IT. Tel. 01-882 0681 CARDIFF 21515/34869 Dealers for SWTPC. Full ranee of software & hardware

PCW 143 Main Sub- subroutinetothemainprogram. Prog. routine.ISAVE. Neither does itsolve the PSHEM pro- MIC . . CALL ,stack blem, since there is no way the original ISAVE.'" registers. value of HL can be carried forward on a CALL.... CALL PCHL (JP (HL)) instruction. SUB.' . . JMPHL. The same solution, given in Data - Timedata RET. > restore sheetPUSHM, wassentby Mark registers. Restorick and Dave (arithmetic) Limited RET. Barrow. This doubles the length of the Z X80 Moving Graphics Games!! JMPHL= £4 per cassette with 2 superb games. No flicker, no original PSHEM butaroutine that fuss. S.A.E. for latest list. JP (HL) carries forward every register unchanged The 2X80 Magic Book This method could be used on the Programs, programming tips, hardware notes includ- does save us from having to remember ing circuits for extension memory and i/0 £4.75 Z80 and expanded to save the IX andwhich one is altered. Paul Bloomfield of Making the most of your 2X80 IY registers. But, since the registers areBryanstonSchool,Blandford and Tim Hartnell's superb book for all ZX80 enthusiasts automatically restored after the proces- £6.95 Richard Steedman of Edinburgh sent Getting Acquainted with your 2X81 (and 8K ROM sing between the PCHL (JP (HL)) andcorrect solutions on the same lines but 2X80) POP PSW (POP AF) instructions,ittwobyteslongerinrestoringthe 40 programs including Draughts1 £4.25 cannot be used where the registers are The Atom Magic Book original value into HL from the stack. Hardware notes, Programs (including speech I/O), needed to pass information from the and useful ROM & RAM addresses. A must for every ATOM user. £5.50 Atom Games Cassettes 4 games on one cassette for £5. S.A.E. for list. Datasheet TIMEDATA Ltd 57 Swallowdale, Basildon; Essex. ;= PUSHM - Save all registers. ;/CLASS: 1 " NEED MORE MEMORY FOR ;/ TIME CRITICAL ? No YOUR 8K SUPERBOARD/ ;/DESCRIPTION: Pushes all regs, keeping their values unchanged UK101? ;/ and above the return address on the stack. Look no further. We offer a ;/ACTION:(SP) .t-- HL 16K DYNAMIC RAM BOARD. Fully built and tested for ;/ STACK -4 --other registers; HL; AF LESS than a kit price. ;/ Point HL at stack -saved H 16K DYNAMIC RAM BOARD A <- (HL); L <- (HL -1); H4 -A ONLY £85.99 ;/ AF *- STACK Features Fully built, tested and guaranteed. ;/SUBr DEPENDENCE: None Includes on board power supply (uses no ;/INTERFACES: None mother board power). Price includes transformer. ;/INPUT: None Further expansion socket on board. Pseudo -static operation Ino refresh hold ;/ OUTPUT: All registers on stack upsl. ;/REGs USED: None Orders/Enquiries Baringwood Ltd. ;/ STACK USE: 14 Apt. 6, 56 Cameron Rd, Seven Kings, ;/ LENGTH: 20 Ilford, Essex. 1G3 8LF. Phone No. 01 599 6898. ;/ TIME STATES: 169 Also available: 40 Pin DIL Jump Lead only £5.20 ;/ PROCESSOR: Z80 4116 200nS Dynamic PUSHM: EX (SP),HL; get return address in HL E3 Rams E1.37 ea. D5 Add £1.50 P/P then 15% VAT for RAM PUSH DE ; and put HL and Board. Add £0.30 P/P then 15% VAT PUSH BC ; all other C5 for all other items. F5 COMING SOON LOW COST 32K PUSH AF ; registers RAM BOARD. PUSH IX ; and flags DD E5 PUSH IY ; on stack. FD E5 PUSH HL ; return address to stack head. E5 PUSH AF ; save AF for local use. F5 LD H HL,+15 ; point HL at H 21 OF 00 r10systems ltd. ADD HL,SP ; on stack and 39 LD A,(HL) ; get in A. 7E VERY HIGH RESOLUTION FOR NASCOM 2 DEC HL ; point at L on stack 2B 380 x 220 individually addressable points 6E FEATURES: LD L,(HL) ; restore to L. LD H,A ; restore H 67 fully bit mapped from dynamic POP AF ; and AF. Fl software controlled RET ; return. C9 software supplied for point - plot, line -draw, - block shading and display control Shorter and faster, at 15 bytes andEXX D9 mixed text and graphics real time plotting 121t -states, but using the alternatePUSH DE D5 display size variable to suit registerset we originallydecided to PUSH BC C5 memory available Price E55 + 15% VAT keep for the fast interrupt service and PUSH AF F5 (poet free) also changing H`L', is this code sent in PUSH HL E5 EPROM PROGRAMMER FEATURES: by both Gordon Grant of Manchester PUSH IX DD E5 and Neil Imrie of Bedford: PUSH IY FD E5 programs: 3 -rail2708, 2716 and single rail:2758, 2508 EXX D9 EXX D9 2716, 2516 POP HL El PUSH HL E5 2732, 2632 EPROM type selected by plug- in modules -3 modules supplied with simple wiring diagrams for all EPROM

types driven from NASCOM 1 or 2 MAIL ORDER DISKETTES PIO powered from NASCOM and 51/4"35 track Single tralistormersupplied) COMPUKIT software supplied for READ/ sided (inc VAT) £1.95 PROGRAM/VERIFY 5'4" 35 track Double sided £2.75 **CAN BE USED WITH OTHER 8" Singlesided/Single density£1.95 MACHINES WITH 2 PARALLEL PORTS ADVENTURES Price £63 + 15% VAT 8" Double sided/Double INCREDIBLE MACHINE CODE (post free) density £2.75 PROGRAMS FOR ALL MONITORS Both products built & fully P&P 50p (orders under £20). Cheque tested supplied with comprehen- sive documentation and full with order (please!) Delivery by return 1. NEW YORK SUBWAY/TROLL'S TUNNEL . E5 instructions for simple install- ation of post. For large orders Tel: 01-388 2. ZOMBIE FOREST/VAMPIRE CASTLE £5 3. KY TEMPLE OF THE DRAGON KING . . . . £6 Send SAF for free data sheets 0746 ALL ABOVE 2x8K (SUPERBOARD COMPATIBLE) AVAILABLE NOW direct A& 1 4. ALIEN ADVENTURE 16K...... £6 from: we relcomeAcces MORNINGTON MICROS LTD TWO OR MORE LESS 20% 6 Laleham Ave., Mill Hill London NW7 3HL 40 Mornington Crescent, From Mr M Perkins, 290 Station Road Tel: 01-959 0106 LONDON NW1 Stechford, Birmingham B33 8QR

144 PCW EXX D9 this can be effective in private single- RET C9 user environments it is not so useful for Other solutions depended on receiv-general purpose routines to be used in ing a small area of RAM as a temporarymany different systems. One such solu- store for one or more registers. Whiletion from Barry Philcox, to be used like ISAVE, is given in Listing 1 Wida Software SPECIALISTS IN COMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE TEACHING SVALL: LD (TMPHL),HL ; saveHLinRAM. 22 YY YY APFELDEUTSCH: Complete self -tuition package in German for Apple/ ITT LD (TMPDE),DE ; saveDEinRAM. ED 53 YY YY 2020: 9 diskettes, 6 audio cassettes, workbook, textbook, Takes Beginners to Post O'Level. EX (SP),HL ; HL swap and return addr.E3 (Classroom version also available) PUSH DE ; saveDEon stack. D5 Special introductory offer until July 30. Apple/ITT disks E99 PUSH BC ; saveBCon stack. C5 GERMAN ROUTINES: Stand-alone sets of perpetual self .testing drills and routines PUSH AF ; saveAFon stack. F5 in German - article and adjectival endings, word order, time of day, money, etc. Fine for 0 Level revision (BA LD DE,RESTR ; put co -routine 11 YY YY Finals too!) (Selection of any four routines) PUSH DE ; address on stack. D5 Apple/ITT disk: E20 PUSH HL Pet Cassette, El 5 ; put return addr on stack.E5 TEACHERS TOOLKIT: Define and Write your own instant assessment tests - LD HL,(TMPHL) ; restoreHL. 2A YY YY any text -based subject - with no knowledge of computing. LD DE,(TMPDE) ; restoreDE. ED 5B YY YY Apple/ITT disk: £20 RET ; to calling subroutine. C9 Pet cassette. EIS MULTIPLE CHOICE TOOLKIT: RESTR: POP AF ; restoreAF. Fl Define and Write your own multiple choice tests -any subject - using specimen provided and changing only POP ; BC restoreBC. C 1 data statements: Apple/ITT disk. E15 POP DE ; restoreDE. DI Pet Cassette: £10 POP HL ; restoreHL. E1 APPLEWR ITER LOWER-CASE ADAPTOR Beats OptreZ! Give your e/4s a treat and insist on lowercase RET ; to main program, C9 f or Applewriter word processing on screen (and foreign character sets). Plug-in ROM /Revision 7 Apples TMPHL: DEFW ; HL. two bytes for only/ £28 TMPDE: DEFW ; two bytes forDE. Send for details to: Wida Software Listing 1 2 Nicholas Gardens, London W5 5HY (01-567 6941) or (062-882 5206) Does this point the way to a single-randomly selected character) the call save and restore routine like ISAVE,routine is not as random as it might be. which will carry HL forward unchangedIf the same key is used all the time to . after the registers are saved but, as intrigger the selection of a character, some our revised PSHM, will use the stackkeys (on the Nascom 1 anyway) result BIG EARS instead of its own revised area of RAM?ineitherallodd oralleven table addresses being generated, while other SPEECH keysgivealternateoddandeven INPUT Random numbers FOR Firstsome improvementstoApril'saddresses. Next, in Datasheet RAND, is a 16 - YOUR RNDCH from Dave Barrow. Replacebit pseudo random number generator COMPUTER! JP P,LOOP 3 by JR NC,LOOP3, saving BIG EARS opens the door to direct one byte.Betterstill,the followingfrom Gerald Evans of Merthyr Tydfil. man -machine communication. The'System code saves three further program bytesIt uses the formula Xi+1 = aXi + C mod comprises analogue frequency separation filters, M where: preamps and signal conversion, together with a and two stack bytes at the expense of quality microphone and extensive software. up to 280 or so t -states:- M = 2**16 Words, in any language, are stored as "voice- C may be any odd number (RAND uses prints" by simply repeating them a few times in RNDCHS: PUSH HL ; table addr. "learn" mode. Using keyword selection techniques, LD A,R ; random no. 41) large vocabularies can be constructed. LOOP: SUB (HL) ;table length. a = 1 mod 4 (1,5,9,13 etc.) Use BIG EARS as a front end for any application: JR NC,LOOP ; get Some a's are better than others; 765, dataenquiry,robotcontrol,starwars - the ADC A,(HL) ; displacement 889, 989 and 2009 being some good possibilities are unlimited... A,L ADD ; and add BUILT, TESTED & GUARANTEED ONLY £49 LD L,A values. RAND uses 257, which is rea- _ ;into PRICE INCLUDES POSTAGE 6 PACKING PLEASE ADD VAT AT 15% JR NC,SKIP ; table sonably good and easy to multiply by. PLEASE STATE COMPUTER. UK101. SUPERBOARD. NASCOM2. INC H ; address. The sequence of random numbers will PET. TF1580, ETC.

SKIP: LD A,(HL) ; get chr. POP HL repeat after 65,536 numbers have been MICROGRAPHICS RET generated. Note that HL should contain Colour Conversion for UK1O11NASCOM 1 & 21 Superboard. KIT£45 the previous random number. It must (Modulator included) BUILT £60 While adequateinthe context intherefore be seeded (the R register can COLOUR MODULATOR KIT El 2 which it was used (selecting a characterbe used) before the first call and saved RG8 in, PAUUHF out BUILT £18 between subsequentcalls after pressing the key of the previous to RAND. Please add VAT at 15% to all prices Barclay/Access orders accepted on telephone, WILLIAM EDleowoenr House,,eBe13 ay Brentwood, Datasheet STUART EssexgCM1.3 3SD Aill' %SYSTEMS Ltd Telephone: Brentwood 10277) ;= RAND - 16 -bit pseudo random number generator ;/CLASS: 1 ;/ TIME CRITICAL: No ;/DESCRIPTION: Generates a 16 -bit random number from the series ELECTRONIC ACCOUNTING Ri+1 = Ri*257 + 41 mod 2**16 SERVICES ;/ ACTION: Save AF, BC SOFTWARE FOR CPM-tm SYSTEMS ;/ Save HL Compiled with C -Basic -2 & M -Basic ;/ HL <- HL * 256 ignoring carries and supplied on 8 IBM Standard Floppy Discs ;/ HL ÷- HL + value off stack ignoring carry C -Basic° M -Basic 1.Discounted Cash Flow:£100 £120 using both Yield and NPV Methods. SPECIALISED ELECTRONIC 2. Fully Algebraic £60 £75 GAMES FOR THE PET Programmable CIRCUITS We believe we are the first to implement the following games on a microcomputer: Calculator Simulation

Do you have an idea for a circuit WORLD WAR III . . . £5.00 Up to eight armies fight it out over a map of the World. Add VAT to all prices. whichyou havedifficulty in A game of strategy, luck and downright nastiness. Excellent graphics. Write for further details to: implementing? MATHSTREK £5.00 Designed to teach manipulation of mathematical expressions. Electronic Accounting Services, We undertake all types of circuit A mind bending game of strategy. Full graphics. We have completely new versions of the following old 41, Budleigh Crescent, Welling, design from initial concept through favourites: Kent. DA161DX. circuit diagram to completed board. LUNAR MODULE . . . £5,00 Tel No:01-3034468 Can you get to the Moon and back to the space station? VAT Reg No:335 New Bungalow Any number of degrees of difficulty. Operates in real time 9720 40 mode with full graphics Essendlne Road KLINGONS £5.00 Terms Strictly Payment with Order. Ryhall Three dimensional space battle. Are you quick enough to NOTE: CPM C -Basic -2 & M -Basic are all Wenleystorm Stamford dodge when they fire back? limited Lincolnshire All prices include VAT but add 25p for post and packing. Registered Trademarks. PI-LOK Systems Ltd. 313 Bury & Rochdale Old Road, MR70 arnputer Systems Tel 0945 71 2741 Heywood. LANCS. OL10 48G. *Required to be a Registered User of C -Basic -2.

PCW 145 HL +- HL + 41 ignoring carry ;/ Restore BC, AF ;/ SUBr DEPENDENCE: None ;/ INTERFACES: None ;/INPUT: HL contains the previous random number or, MICROPROCESSOR NESTRA ;/ at the first call, a seeded number ELECTRONICS LTDDESIGN ENGINEERS ;/ OUTPUT: HL contains the new random number which must be saved for the next call ;/REG's USED: HL ;/ STACK USE: 6 ;/ LENGTH: 20 ;/ TIME STATES: 223 ;/ PROCESSOR: Z80, 8080/85 RAND: PUSHAF ; save registers F5 PUSHBC ; and flags. C5 PUSHHL ; stack random number. E5 the high quality VIDEO GENIE * 16k ram+ 12k BASIC ADDHL,HL ; *2 29 * TRS-80 level 2 software ADDHL,HL ; *4 29 * Hugh range of software ADDHL,HL ; *8 29 * Ready to go: simply plugs ADDHL,HL ; *16 29 into mains, and monitor ADDHL,HL ; *32 29 or TV. ADDHL,HL ; *64 29 * Fully expandable ADDHL,HL ; *128 29 ADDHL,HL ; *256 29 Backed up by 12 months warranty POP BC ; old random number. C1 from: ADDHL,BC ; *257 09 NESTRA ELECTRONICSLTD LD BC,+41; 01 29 00 The Tabernacle Laboratory ADDHL,BC ; *257+41 09 Bookers Lane, Earnley, POP BC ; restore Cl Chichester, Sussex P020 7JG POP AF ; registers and flags. Fl TEL: 0243 512-861 RET C9

LEISURE LINES 6800 SOFTWARE by J J Clessa * EDITOR ASSEMBLER - Supports all Moto- rola mnemonics plus FCB, FCC, ORG, RMB, FDB. Up to 200 labels. Arithmetic expressions. Comment field. Requires 4k Ram or Rom at B000. LISTING/MANUAL £19.65 *4K BASIC INTERPRETER - Floating point arithmetic. 9 digit. All usual expressions, commands etc. 4k romable at C000. LISTING/MANUAL £14.50 April's puzzle was very easy - we hadthere are any left afterlast month's Above Programs run under MIKBUG or about 200 replies, all of them correct!puzzle. Compatibles. Several readers, hoping to increase their1) Findthelargestprimenumber Send 50p for catalogue, which includes infor- chancesof being randomly selected,which, when its digits are translated into mation on , Disassemblers, Monitors, sentinmultipleentries; these werecharacters, gives an English word. Games etc. detected, however, and the excess ones2) Translate as follows: J. MORRISON (MICROS). Dept (W), 2 Glensdale Street, Leeds LS9 9JJ. duly binned. 0 = R 5 = N Tel. LEEDS (0532) 480987. Anyway, the, chosen winner was Mr 1 = D 6 = I TERMS Strictly Cash With Order. All prices A R Ashtonfrom Knaresborough, N 2 = A 7 = S inclusive. Yorks, who'll receive this month's prize 3 = G 8 = T of an exciting book token. The winning 4 = B 9 = E solution is 62, obtained as follows: A6,3) The word must be an entry, or the A7,Bl, D2, F6, F7, G4,H1 (labellingderivative of an entry, in the Concise I the rows A -H and the columns1-8). Oxford Dictionary,Fifth Edition (not the appendices); no foreign words or Quickie proper nouns are permitted. I Asusual,no prizes,so no answersSend your answer on a postcard, in- required. Rearrange the following letterscluding both the number and the word, -41rnimiliOr to form one word: NEW DOOR. to Puzzle 23, PCW, 14 Rathbone Place, rMICROLINE 80 London W1P 1DE, to arrive no later 11 than 31 August. This month's prize will Prize puzzle be acopyoftheaforementioned £299* Another one to bust your micros, ifdictionary! We can also supply:

NEC from . £1350* MX80 range from £259* ZX81 ZX80 DIP 81 . . . . £249* 6 Market Street, Centronics 737. £349* ACORN ATOM! Standish, Anacom 150 . £799* Lancs, WN6 OSQ INTER- Base 2 . . . . £295* The monthlymagazine Seikosha GP80 . £199* FACE gives you a number of ready - Start your computer hobby with an to -run programs for each computer inexpensive or TVI 912C. . . £475* SUPERBOARD 3 in each issue, plus a host of hints CHALLENGER CIP, and expand NORTHAMBER LTD and tips. Large s.a.e. for free copy. later. Great Oak House, Esher, Surrey *Full range of Software and Add-ons* KT10 9BR Tel: 0372 62071 INTERFACE44 Earls Court Road, S.A.E. or call in for our new catalogue *p/us VAT and delivery London, W8 6EJ detailing our SPECIAL OFFERS (limited period)

146 PCW, PROGRAMS MICROIVIART ZX8O Sliding letters MULTITEXT for the ZX80 by B Cope Businessmen, Teachers, Restauranteurs, Foreign language speakers, Party -givers!

Here is the computer version of the Type in the letter that you wish to 4k,styles, 6ikn RAMenabI you irc!yn text inT9EdXifTferfeon't 8k includingocluld differentsizes.esDisplays gamewhereyouslideinterlockingslideintothe blank position. Illegal may be SAVED on tapefor subsequent reprinting. 16k lettered tiles around on a 4 x 4 boardrequestswillbeignored. A correct version also features lower caseletters (large and medium sizes),facilitiesfor printing your firm's logo or a simple until they are all in alphabetical order.board with the blank in the lower right diagram (up to 24 x 16 pixels resolution); special characters Enter this program and press RUN.cornerwillbeacknowledged,and (mathematical symbols, accented vowels, etc.); even alterna- tivealphabets (Greek, Hebrew, Cyrillic) may be printed There are three degrees of difficulty -another turn offered. (details on request(. All versions supplied on C12 cassette. If you give up during the game, enter 4k and Bk versions include 12pP technical manual. 16k so try the easy one first. A randomly version prints instructions and prompts on screen. generated board will be displayed with99. The program runs in 1k. MULTITEXT (please specify 4k, Bk 16k) . , £7.00 one blank tile. ALSO 1k GRAPHICS PACKAGE (cassette + 12pP manual) . . £8.00 GRAPHICS manual only (includes technical notes). £3.00 1k Audio MORSE SIGNALLER (cassette + 300 manual) £3.50 1k GAMES PACKAGE (cassette + 6pp manuall £5.0 10 RANDOMISE GAMES manual only (6PP, 3 games + technical notes). £2.00 20 DIM A(35) SPECIAL OFFER (all progs on 3 cassettes + manuals). £19.95 30 FOR B = 0 TO 35 BRIDGE SOFTWARE 1W), 36 Fernwood, Marple Bridge, STOCKPORT, Ches SK6 5BE 40 LET A(B) = - 1 (Mail Order Only) 50 NEXT B - inland postage and packing free - 60 FOR B = 1 TO 4 - send S.A.E. for details - 70 FOR C = 1 TO 4 ZX81 programs available soon 80 LET A(6*B+C) = 33+4*B+C 90 NEXT C 100 NEXT B 110 LET B = 28 PET COMPUTERS 120 LET A(B) = 0 130 PRINT "1-EASY 2=NORMAL 3=HARD" Southampton FREE with any Commodore Computer 140 INPUT F TOOLKIT (value £35) and Duetcover (£4) 150 LET F = 200 + 150*(F=2) + 180*(F=1) Price List 20015 (16K) £425 160 LET C = 0 4008N £420 170 LET D = RND(4) 4016N £495 180 LET E = (D=1)-(D=2)+6*(D=3)-6*(D=4) 4032N £595 4040 Disk Unit £460 190 IF A(B + E) < 0 THEN GO TO 170 ine FREE box disks 200 LET A(B) = A(B + E) 4022 Printer £355 210 LET A(B + E) = 0 In inc FREE box paper Tensai Cassette Deck (sound and counter) 220 LET C = C +1 £70 230 IF C = F THEN GO TO 410 HIRE Commodore equipment by the week 240 LET B = B + E 8K £2332K £30 Disk, Printer £30 Nearly NEW ex -hire and demo machine. 250 GO TO 170 available eg 16K £450 32K £500 with 260 CLS TOOLKIT 270 PRINT "MOVE";E See the new VIC 20 on display 280 LET D = 0 6550 RAMs £10 each 290 FOR B = 1 TO 4 SHARP r,C1211 Computer £78.00 300 PRINT CE121 Cassette Interface £12.00 All prices are cash-and-carry and exclude 310 FOR C = 1 TO 4 VAT 320 PRINT CHR$(A(6*B + C));"*" OFFICIAL COMMODORE DEALER 330 IF A(6*B+C)=33+4*B+C THEN LET D=D+1 340 NEXT C SUPER -VISION 350 PRINT 13 St James Road, Shirley, Southampton 360 PRINT Telephone (0703) 774023 370 NEXT B After hours (0703) 554488 380 IF D = 15 AND A(28) = 0 THEN GO TO 550 390 PRINT "LETTER PLEASE?" 400 RETURN 410 LET E = 0 420 GOSUB 260 topmark 430 INPUT A$ 440 IF A$ = "99" THEN STOP 450 FOR B = 7 TO 28 NEW ! NEW ! NEW ! 460 IF A(B) = CODE (A$) THEN LET C = B 470 IF A(B) = 0 THEN LET D = B IkaPPIci 480 NEXT B APPLE FORTRAN (Needs language card) Send only £120 + VAT £18 (Fortran only) OF £419 + VAT £62.85 (complete STOKE on TRENT MICROCOMPUTER system, includes Pascal and language card) APPLICATION & NEW ! NEW ! NEW ! for PROGRAMMING NEW !DOS 3.3 - much improved TUSCAN COURSES capacity £40 + VAT £6. and Discover a new world by attending ASK Eurocolour card - vastly TANGERINE Microcomputer Programming Courses. NEW ! Learn how to apply the new technology superior to previous versions £113 + VAT and of the Micro revolution to your business £16.95 VIDEO GENIE + SOFTWARE or career, including writing your own Official Government and Educational and programs and running them on a choice orders accepted. BOOKS of microcomputers and peripherals. Write or telephone for Brochure. Contact Tom Piercy at MICRO -PRINT Ltd., Ask Systems Limited Topmark Computers, 77 Wilkinson Close, 59, Church Street, Stoke on Trent. 19-27 Kents Hill Road, Eaton Socon, St Neots, Cambs. PE19 3HJ Benfleet, Essex S57 5PN Huntingdon (0480) 212563 (0782) 48348. Barclaycard and Access ..for the answers Tel: S. Benfleet (0374512644


490 LET B = C -D

500 IF NOT(ABS(B)=1 OR ABS(B)=6) THEN GO TO 430 North Star 510 LET =A(C) 520 LETAA(D)(C) = 0 is (all prices exclude VAT/carriage) 530 LET E = E + 1 Horizon Computers (32k 2Q/D Drives) £1790 540 GOTO 420 Extra 16k RAM (bank select) £230

F/P Arith. Board £205 550 PRINT "WELL DONE" TVI -912C VDU £587 560 RUN NEC Spinwriter (with tractors) £1390

CPM V2.2 £90 WordStar V2.2 £170 DataStar £140 Full range S-100 by N/Star, Morrow Designs; SSM, plus Lifeboat Associates software - eg. Microsoft, Digital Research etc. available. UK101 Car Rally ALSO Apple goods, viz: Microsoft Z80 Softcard (CP/M,WS.Bas) £173. by Martin Stiby Microsoft 16K RAM Expansion Card £105 For full details of above and other items contact: Steerthecar through the well littered S -SYSTEMS race track. 9Goffs Close, Crawley, Sussex Tel: Crawley 515201

40 g9=INT(RND(1)*100+10(1) 49 FORT=1T016:PRINT:NEXT

50 GOSUB3000 65 i0KE54221,32:S=64:0=53565:M=53536:Z3=53340



THE BRAIN SURGEON (Apple) 205 IF:'EEK(U)=94THENGOSUB1000 This Diagnostic's package is designed to check 220 POKEU,F every major area of your computer, detect errors

300 IFRNE(P5)(P6GOT0600 and report any malfunctions. The Brain Surgeon will put your system through exhaustive, thorough 400 I=S*INT(RND(P5)*P7) procedures testing and reporting all findings. £30.00 410 POKEDi-I,(-'4 RS232 Serial Interface. £50.00 600 C.4=1.44.P5:Z=Z-l-P5 Apple Serial I/O. £45.00

620 :F0)(.39TI,ENZ=Z4-95:00T0100 PET TV Interface £35.00 PET Soundbox. £22.50 640 FORT=P5TOPB:NEXT Disk Head Cleaning Kit £17.50 99)3 GOT0100 PET IEEE/Parallel Interface (addressable). £80.00 4 -channel A/D Converter. £45.00 999 REM crash routines & score 8 -channel programmable Relay Switching Unit 1000 H=H+.1:0=0 £45.00 UART & BAUDRATE Generator £50.00 1005 F'OKEU-PS, F'3 (converts parallel to serial and serial to parallel) 1020 FORT=1Tn10

Apple Action Adventure Games FORT1=16T023 1030 RED BARRON £14.95 BATTLE OF MIDWAY 1040 90MEUtTi £14.95 SUB ATTACK £14.95 1050 FQRT2=1T010 Mail order welcome. Please send for catalogue. 1060 NEXTT2,T1,T

PEDRO COMPUTER SERVICES 1070 POKEU,18 65 Glebe Crescent 1075 IFH=5THEN2000

Kenton,Middx. HA3 9LB 1080 POKEZ3-1,834POKEZ3-2,73 0 Tel. 01-204 9351 1090 90KEZ3-4,69:POKE/3-5,82:P0REZ3-60/9

1095 POKEZ3-7,67:POKEZ3-8r83 1100 Zs=STRS(Z)ti1=LEN(7$) 1120 FORZ2=Z3T073+Z1-P5:Z4=Z4+P5

1140 POKEZ2tASC(MIDS(ZSt24tP5)):NEXT:Z4=0 1170 FORT=1T05000:NEXT

1180 09=INT(RN0(1)*100+100) -;4211)USED 1200 FORZ2=Z3-P7TOZ3+71-P5:POKEZ2,P3:NEXT

1300 FORT=1.13000:NEXT TELETYPE ASR 33's 1998 RETURN 19q9 REM final score & end


PRICES SLASHED ( As our introductory offer the following prices are held firm until 31 August CHEAP V24 INTERFACES ARE STANDARD £40 off VISICALC Now £85 £20 off DESKTOP PLAN . . . Now £55 ALL UNITS CARRY 30 DAY £15 off PASCAL CARD . . . . Now £284 RETURN -TO -DEPOT WARRANTY Games Software From £8 Educational Software PETS From £10

Business Software. . £200+ VAT . From £90 (QUANTITY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE) Add 15% VAT and £1 p&p to above 3032 Computer £550.00 prices. For full catalog send to: 3040 Disk Drive £550.00 Call or Write to Chris Turner ANDER LEE COMPUTING SERVICES, ADP Network Services Ltd. 17 ADELPHI CRES, HAYES PARK, 4040 Disk Drive £550.00 179-193 Great Portland Street HAYES, MIDDX UB4 8LY London W1. Tele: 01-637 1355 or telephone 01-841 1507 Tel: Rickmansworth 71306


2010 POKE530t0:POKE518#255 2020 PRINT" YOUR FINAL SCORE IS"92 2030 PRINT:F'RINT:PRINT 2040 PRINT"Do you want another go"; 2045 POKE51.9r0:INPUTA$ 2050 FORTP1TOLEN(AS):IFMIDVAS,T11)="Y"THENRUN 2060 NEXT ZX8I

2070 FORT.1T016:PRINT;NEXT 2090 END

2999 REM code for car movement S. instructions SOFTWARE 3000 DATA 162,1,189t0,210,157,255,209r169132 16K ADVENTURE DRUAGHTS 3010 DATA 15710,210,129,0,20157r255208,169 OTHELLO HEXAPAWN 3U20 DATA 97,157#0,209,2PP-20-:-291,16992,141 LUNAR LAND TORPEDO

3030 LIF 1:,202:141,76.:0?.:41k14C209,14.1.

3040 201.20'6 141 -141,76,210,141 ARCADE GAMES GRAPHICS 2fM0 Send a large sae for the new

9100 EORTP546T0599:REAUT1:POETtTI:NEXT range of 1K and 16K software 3200 INPUT"Do you need inf3tructions'lAS for the SINCLAIR ZX81


3290 G0T03600 2200 PRINTTA0(15) CAR RALLY" 10 Westfield Close, Tickhill

Doncaster DN11 9LA 3310 PRINT 3320 PRINT- fou have to work your waythoughr the cars" Mail Order Only

932() PRINTfly.)u are over -taking, without hitting them. - 7340 11::NT"Aftcrthc,5th tiro.- you crash the game

41 will end" 3355 PPINT


3370 PRINT" f. 1 MoveUP" 3380 PN!NT- E Move d. " ZX80 81



3410 PRINT" 'four car will accelerate some time during" 3420 .e.'RINT"ech oi the race Po watch out !" 1.00 tape and 50p manuscript exchange.

2440 PRINT Increase your program library fast, by 350 P0KL11,0:POKE12,253 joining P.I.C. Tape or manuscript program

3510 PRINT"Dat your crash helmet on and Pr, -s any Key." interchange service - programming aids- 3520 X=USh(X; binders - indexesfree competitions for

3600 PRINTRRINT:PPINT:PRNT:PRINT:PRINT Club members. 3610 PRINT" - Send cheque/postal order f'5.00 annual

3620PRINT:PRINTINII:PP- INT:PRINT:- PRINT:PRINT membership - rules - fulldetails and 3630 PkINT" - free samples -payable to: - PROGRAM INTERCHANGE CLUB 3640 PRINT:Pk'INT 292B PETLRN 2 NEVVTOWN P CHICHESTER WEST SUSSEX P019 1UG DEPT 092 TRS-80 Calendar by J E Barker This program providescalendar details says 1582 onwards in the listing but foranyyear from 1753 to 4902.It that does not apply to Britain.


BUSINESS SOFTWARE FOR APPLE PAYROLL (UP TO 300 EMP) ZX80-81 SOFTWARE PURCHASE LEDGER ZX81 MINI NOMINAL LEDGER Many games, Educational and Utility programs available for ZX80 and ZX81. STOCK CONTROL "ZX80-BASIC", as reviewed by Sync, a dissasembled listing SALES LEDGER of the 4K BASIC, with Hex, Assembly, Cross reference table end annotations NOW only E7.00 INVADERS INVOICING ZXBUG - a machine code debugging program, runs in 4k ALL THE THRILLS OF ITS BIG HARDWARE FOR APPLE or 16k, it allows you to, set registers, set Quit points in BROTHER ON A 24x16 DISPLAY ALL machine code programs, run programs, display only 64 bytes in Hex or charactors, display registers, search for byte IN 1K RAM. £5 for M/C CODECASSETTE FULL BUSINESS SYSTEM FOR UNDER or word, copy a block of memory, set a block of memory to £2495.00 any valve. Utilises IN ICEVS and scrolls screen even on ZX81 ALSO TV GAMES (4K) New low price £500 ZX80/81 INVADERS PLEASE CONTACT US FOR DETAILS Other programs include, Startreck, Sword of Peace, Mega ZX80/81 GALAXY WARS Blackpool Airport, Wumpas and many more! m/c code routines with continuous non - Blackpool, Lancs. Send SAE for latest catalogue, or orders to: flicker display & fast moving graphics £5 Phone Blackpool 404676/42660 ARTIC COMPUTING each listing or SAE for details 396, James Reckitt Ave, Hull, HU8 OJA J EDMONDS, 29 Chestnut Ave. Grays, Essex PCW 149 MICROINIART PROGRAMS

120 PRINT"MONTH NUMBER. (I.E. 1 TO 12) Superboard / UK 101 130 PRINT"OTHERWISE PRESS ENTER FOR )"4-! COMPLETE YEAR."; Low Cost Add-Ons 140 INPUT K:IF K=0 THEN 160 150 IF K 0 INT 00 OR 1112THEN I:LS: PRINT CHRs: rft INT : PR INT" WHAT?---"K:"M ALL PRICES INCLUDE VAT & POST ONTHS IN A YEAR, ":PRINT" WAKE 11P.":6OTO 140 8K RAM + 16K EPROM board, fully buffered and 160 CLS decoded. Top quality PCB -40 pin DIP connector. 170 'a** FIND DAY OF WEEK 0, JAUAR, -ST cue 190 Y1=INT((Y-1)/100) All memory bank selectable in 4K blocks anywhere

190 Y2=Y-1-100 a Y1 in memory. Includes 4K 300ns RAM (2114). Full 200 Y3=Y instructionsetc.supplied. 210 'aaa THIS IS ZELLERS CONGRIJAV:F. ea. Kit £48.99 built and tested £56.99 220 D=799+Y2+INT(Y2/4)+INT(Y1/4)-2aYI High speed cassette interface kit, 300/2400/4800/ 230 D=-(D-(INT(D/7)*7)) 240 L=0 switchable to suit recorder. 250 'a** CHECK FOR LEAP YEAR aaa Easy to fit kit £16.90 260 IFC(INT(Y/4).4) 0 Vi THEN 7E0 Enhanced Video Display. True 48 x 32 Display 270 IF((INT(Y/400).400)=Y) THEN 290 Full kit and instructions £15.95 2E0 IF((INT(Y/100)*100)=Y) THEN r:-60 290 L=1 Software for all Superboard/UKI01 screen formats. 300 PRINTCHR$(23) Chess 1.9£7.90,Draughts£3.50. 310 FOR T=1. TO 50

Superboard IISeriesIIfullybuilttested and 320 IF L=1 AND Y(1991 THEN PRINTR448,Y;"WAS A LEAP YEAR." guaranteed. £139.99. 330 IF L=I AND 10 1991 THEN PRINTA448) Yl H !RAP YEAR." 350 NEXT T: CLS NORTHERN MICRO Tel.Holmfirth 360 FOR N=1 TO 12:PRINT:PRINT 29 Moorcroft Park (048489) 2062 370 READ AS, M 3E0 DATA "a JANUARY a", 31, "a Irr+3Ril.-1-iv "a* MARCH aa",31 New Mill S.A.E. for list please 390 DATA "cc APRIL ae",30,"*.,,, 140,, +a.",31, "aa+ ,r1J4-, 30 HUDDERSFIELD Callers welcome by appt. 400 DATA "*** JULY ca.", 31,"* HOOUST cc"'71, SEPTEMHER ",30

410 DATA "* OCTOBER *",31,"* NOVEMH-R a" "* 11ECEMBER 420 IF 5=0 THEN 440 430 IF N ( I( THEN 470 440 CLS: PR1NTTAB (4)S4; A$; HS; 450 PRINT" SUN MON TIJF WEI) THLI aRt SAT" goes 460 PRINTTAB(4)S$;"---";Y:"---";S$ 470 IF N 0 2 THEN 490 4E0 M=M+L ACORN ATOM 490 FOR 1=1 TO 6:PRINT QUALITY PROGRAMS NOW AVAILABLE 500 FOR J=1 TO 7 (*Lower test areal 510 D=D+1 520 IF D M THEN 610

INVASION FORCE 530 IF D(= 0 THEN 570 4 AND K -N=1 THEN PRINT9270,"ALMOST THERE"; (5K` + 6K graphics) 4 invader types + 540 IF K Mother ship -6 skill levels -increasing 550 IF N (K THEN PRINTCHR$(23:PRINTH2,40."O FEW MOMENTS PLEASE!"5:0070570 £895 difficulty. Hi -score 560 PRINTTAB(J*E)D; 570 NEXT J STAR TREK(5K + floating point) 8x8 galaxy, starbases, torpedoes etc £695 590 J=1 590 IF D=M THEN 610 DISASSEMBLER 13K') 600 NEXT I Lists object code & assembler mnemonics £6.95 610 D=1 -J DEMON DUNGEON (5K') 620 IF N=12 AND K=0 THENTill Find the treasure, the way out & 630 IF K=0 THEN 660 escape the demons. £6.95 640 IF1,1( K THEN NEXT N SKETCH PAD 131C9 650 IF N=12 OR N=K THEN 710

Draw in black & white or vice versa. 660 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"PRESS N FOR NEXT MONTH, OR -- - - TO DA

Save & recover routines £6.95 NCEL."; LIFE 14K") 670 ZS=INKEY$:IF 7$="C" THEN 740ELSE 690 Fascinating patterns generated. Amend option £5.95 690 IF 7$="N" THEN 690ELSE 670 690 CLS: K=0 3DNOUGHTS AND CROSSES(4K) Play the computer.4x4x4matrix. 5 skill levels£5.95 700 NEXT N BREAKAWAY13K/ 710 K=0:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"FOR ANOTHER YEAR PRESS ENTER. FOR ANOTHER £4.95 MONTH IN"TY3 20 ball speeds. 5 bat sizes. High score feature REACTIONRACE (2K`) 720 INPUT"ENTERMONTH NUMBER r TO 2,";1( £4.95 730 IF K=0 THEN 740 ELSE RESTORE:C-.S:AOTO '50 Testing 2 player race. Times & scores given 740 RESTORE:GOTO WRITTEN ANYPROGRAMS? WE PAY HANDSOME ROYALTIES! Please add 55p p&p/order + VAT @ 15% PROGRAM POWER 5 VVensleY' Road, Leeds LS7 2LX Telephone, (05321 683186 UK101 Machine Language to Basic Converter pHex EPROM by J G Patton Have you got a machine code routineattach a small loader to make it easy to that you'd like to save and load simply?reload. A samplerunfollowsthe PROGRAMMERS Use this program to convert the codeprogram listing. intoBasic DATA statements and to




480 2704/2708 Kit £35. Built £40. All programmers require onlystandard power supplies. The 426 & 416 are cased and have push- ALGOL -60 button selection. FORTH Z80 - CP/M, PDP11, PDP8 A family of high level languages Program any length block into the Eprom. A new compiler for NASCOM I/II from R HA (Minisystems) Ltd. Software included. Range covers Z80. ALGOL -60, the language from which PASCAL is 8080, 6800 and 6500. State machine. or any Z80 based micro. FORTH is derived. A mature implementation with comprehensive operating system and machine a structured high level language which code interfaces. runs over 10 times faster than BASIC. SYSTEM -ALGOL, the subset of Algol.60 in which all the compilers are written. Compiled code is PIO, PIA INTERFACE MODULES - Runs in under 8K shorter, execution faster. Available for Z80/8080 and 6800/6500. 280 based CP/M systems including TRS80 - Supplied on cassette with full RML Algol -60, including the option of 32 bit integers Prices inolude carriage. Please add VAT instead of floating point. About 7 times faster than SAE for further product information. documentation TRS80 Level II BASIC, speed comparable with Microsoft Fortran. Document £10, system £99 + VAT. - Nascom users please quote System -Algol £50 + VAT, free leaflet. NAS-SYS or NASBUG Price - £25 PDP11 WITH RT-11, RSTS, RSX or IAS and PDP8 MICROHEX COMPUTERS with OS/B or stand alone Send SAE for further Complete package including both compilers in machine readable source form, £250 + VAT. UNION STREET, TROWBRIDGE, WILTS. information to: Mr A F T Winfield, The author of the compilers is available as a consultant. 148 Goddard Avenue, Hull HU5 2BP 83, Gidley Way, Horspath, Oxford OX9 1TO (08677) 3625






83 REM LINES 5000-5005 INCREMENT LINE NO. AND CHECK NOT TOO HIGH All you'd expect in a £75-E150 program, PLUS redefine

84 REM LINES 10000-10130 IET VECTOR & SPLIT TO HIGH&LOW BYTE keyboard, auto repeat, tape or disk files, old & new

85 REM LINES20000-20020 ERROR ROUTINE IF LINE NO. TOO HIGH(BIG FROG!) ROMs, PET or ASCII printer, AND 80 -column PETS. As 100 INPUT -START ADDRES":SA:REMSTART ADORES No need to change when you upgrade. We didn't w believe it either! £35 tape can be saved to disk, has 80 - 105 SA=INT(SA) column mod listing. E37 disk includes sample files plus 110 IFSA(OORSA>2.16THEN100 0 full 80 -column version.

120 INPUT"END ADDRESS":EA LIGHT PEN + SOFTWARE - plugs in. E22 125 EA=INT(EA) PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT - 16/32K new ROM: 130 IFEA(OOREA(=SAOREA)2"16THEN100 makes programming less like work! E29

140 INPUT"IS THERE A VECTOR TO SET":As ADVENTURE 1 & 2: authentic Scott Adams 24K 150 IFLEFTS(AS,1)="Y"THENGOSUB10000:V=-1:REMGETVECTORVFLAG=-1IFTRUE classic games. Each £7 (both, E131 160 INPUT"STARTLINE NO.":SL:IFSL>630000RSL(0ORSL<>INT(SL)THEN160 FANTASTIC MUSIC MACHINE: hardware +soft-

161 REM HIGHEST LINE NO.IN BASIL IS 63999 ware to write music on your PET and see it play. Add 170 DIMAS( 7 ): FORT=OTO7 : READAV T) : NEXT small speaker or play through hi-fi. 4 voices. Trans- ptise, change tempo, repeat segments etc just by typing 171 REM READ IN 'PROGRAM STATEMENTS' a row of characters. Save music to diskor tape. 180 DATA"DATA"."."."FORX=","TO"."READA","POKEX,A","NEXT"."POKE" Beautifully simple: write tunes within minutes! Old & 190 POKE11.0:POKE12,253 :PRINT"PRESS PLAY AND RECORD AND HIT A": new ROMs, 8-32K. E37 complete.

191 POKE15,255:PRINT" KEY WHEN READY":X=USR(X) Add VAT to all prices please, but post/insurance 195 REM JUMP' TO MONITOR SUBROUTINE WHICH WAITS UNTIL KEY PRESSED included. Unconditional Instant Refund Guarantee 199 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT on hardware, also software if not up to description. Write for more details, more items. 200 SAVE:L'OKE15.72:RLM SET THE SAVE MODE AND TERMINAL WIDTH 201 PRINTCHR$(64):PRINT:REM CLEAR NOISE CHARACTERS SIMPLE SOFTWARE LTD 205 GOSUB5000:REMNEWLINENO. 15 HAVELOCK ROAD

210 FORT=SATOEA BRIGHTON, SUSSEX BN1 6GL elomr kar.e. 220 VI=PEEK(T) 102731504879


.... 241 REM NEAR END OF LINE. w 244 IFT)=EATHEN250

245 PRINTA$(1):

250 NEXTT To advertise in 270 PRINT 280 SL=SL+10:IFSL>63999THEN20000 MICROMART

290 PRINTSL: AS( 2> :SA:AS( 3 ): EA Please ring Jacquie Hancock 295 SL=SL+10:IFSL)63999THEN20000

300 PRINT::PRINTSL:A$(4):":":AS(5) on 01-631 1682

305 SL=SL+10:IFSL>63999THEN20000 310 PRINT:PRINTSL:A$(6)

320 IFVTHEN340 330 POKE517,0:END 340 SL=SL+10:IFSL>63999THEN20000 "I 350 PRINTSL:A$(7):VB:A$(1))VL:":":A$(7):VB+1:A$(1):VH

360 POKE517,0:END

5000 PRINTSI.JA$(0)::SL=SL+10:IFSL)63999THEN20000 5005 RETURN 0 10000 INPUT"VECTOR-IN HEX":A$

10004 REM ERROR CHECK 10005 IFLEN(AS)(>4THEN10000 w.. 10007 FORV6=1T04:WS=MIDS(A$6,6.1) oftware 10008 IF(08)="0"ANDO$(="9")0R(9$>="A"ANDOC="F")THEN10010 10009 GOT010000

10010 NEXTV6

10015 IFLEFTS(A$.1))"9"THENV1=9+ASC(LEFTS(A$.1))-64:00T010030 10020 V1=VAL(LEFTS(AS,1)) forT8O®

10030 IFMIDS(AS,2t1))"9"THENV2=9+ASC(MIDS(AS,21))-64:GOT010050 10040 V2=VAL(MIDS(AS,2,1)) III (and Video Genie) ii 10050 VH=16*V1+V2 ''' 10060IFMIDS(A4,3,1)>"9"THENV3=9+ASC(MID$(A$.3,1))-64:GOT010080 10070 V3=VAL(MIDS(A$.31)) WE'VE BEEN GENIEFIED! 10080 IFMIDS(A$.4,1)>"9"THENV4=9+ASC(MIWAS,4,1))-64:GOT010100

10090 V4=VAL(MID$(A$,4,1)) 10100 VL=16*V3+V4 All programs now

10110 INPUT"ADDRESS OF VECTOR LOW BYTE IN DEC.":VB 10120 IFVB(OORVB>2"160RVB(>INT(VB)THEN10110 adapted for Video

10130 RETURN Genie (non -disk). Send for list.

BUSINESS & COMPUTER SERVICES SHARP MZ-80 (£449 + VAT for 48K) VIDEO GENIE (£289 + VAT for 16K) Microcomputer Consultants ACORN ATOM ASSEMBLED (£150 EDIT FullScreen BASIC Editor £17.50 + VAT) EXEC DOS Command Programmer £ 9.50 + INTELIVISION + ACE TV GAMES (TRS 80 Specialists) ACCEL2 BASIC Compiler £39.95 + CHESS COMPUTERS ACCEL2 now furtherenhanced!Faster + HAND HELD ELECTRONIC GAMES Tel 01 607 0157 compile, less code expansion, better ease - + SF, FANTASY & WAR GAMES of -use, better program chaining, TRSDOS, + ALL KINDS OF GAMES & PUZZLES 292 Caledonian Rd NEWDOS, NEWDOS 80, etc. 18 SYDNEY STREET London N1 1BA SOUTHERN SOFTWARE, P.O. Box 39 BRIGHTON 0273 698424 Eastleigh, Hants. S05 5WG



are specialists in the repair and service of Sample run

Commodore Pets. , 50006 DATA 152 , 72 , 172 , 249 , 2 , 173 248 t 2 t 145 249 136

. t t t r t We offer a fast on -site service, or alter- 50016 DATA :126 . _249 2... 32 244 31 104 168 .169_,0 qb

, f r 1 r . t . 2 natively repairs can be carried out at our 50026 DATA 76 , 185 30 152 72 32 214 31 172 249

, workshops should you wish to bringin 50036 DATA 169 t 35 . 145 249 r 238 . 249 . 2 208 2 230 , 250 your Pet. 50046 DATA 200 32 r 244 t 31 . 104 . 168 t 169 r 0 t 96 , 202 t 16 50056 DATA 4 t 232 f 76 153 . 163 138 r 72 . 152 r 72 r 172 t 249 Pet maintenance contracts are available , 50066 DATA 2 174 0 2 t 173 t 250 2 240 I 5 r 173 r 248

at very competitive prices. Trade inquiries W50076 DATA 2 . 145 t 249 t 169 t 32 t 157 I 0 I 211 r 202 r 136 t 206

, , t welcomed. 50086 DATA 249 , 2 206 0 . 2 169 r 95 157 0 211 206

, . r 50096 DATA 246 , 2 , 173 , 250 2, 240 , 3 . 32 244 31 104

. t r . . r , 50106 DATA 168 r 104 170 169 0 96 32 186 255 201

t I . For further information, tel or write to: 50116 DATA 21 240 , 26 201 , 95 r 240 r 182 201 4 240 150

, r , . 2 r 240 143 201 6 . 240 111 201 13 240 John Meade 50126 DATA 201 50136 DATA 80 t 32 r 214 r 31 r 76 . 153 163 r 56 r 152 , 72 r 173

t , Anita Electronic Services 50146 DATA 250t 2.240 f 8 t 172 249 r 2 . 173 248 2 145

, r . , , . t 15 Clerkenwell Close, London EC1 50156 DATA 249 238 250 2 173 250 2 201 28 240 31

r t 50166 DATA 201 . 1 208 6 r 173 r 0 r 2 , 141 249 2 173 01-253 2444 50176 DATA 249 , 2 . 233 , 32 . 176 t 2 t 198 r 250 141 r 249 2

r t , r , 50186 DATA 168 I 32 244 31 104 168 169 0 96 169 0

, t . . r r . , 0 2 t We also specialise in the repair of all 50196 DATA 141 250 2 169 211 133 250 173 141

, t makes of office equipment. 50206 DATA 249 t 2 t 208 r 230 . 169 0 , 141 , 250 2 133 249

r t w50216 DATA 169 r 211 t 133 250 , 169 r 32 141 248 2 169

t . r t 50226 DATA 101 , 141 . 246 . 2 141 249 2 169 13 96 152

t . 50236 DATA 72 32 . 214 31^ 173 248 2 172 r 249 2 145

t r . . , 50246 DATA 249 141 247 200 238 249 r2 208 2 230

, . r , r 50256 DATA 750 r :32 244 . 31 104 168 173 247 2 76 153

r r . . NASCOM 50266 DATA 163 72 173 0 2 205 246 2 16 ,r 13 56

r r 50276 DATA173 I 249 , 2 233 . 32 176 2 198 250 141 249 1 Et 2 r . r 50286 DATA2 173 t 0 2 . 141 246 2 104 96 177 249

r 50296 DATA 141 , 248 r 2 . 169 . 95 r 145 , 249 96 50316 FORX:a /965TO8189 *** NEW LOW PRICES *** 50326 READA:POKEXrA

50336 NEXT . 31 Lunar Lander Supreme (16K/B/G) £9.95 50346 NIKE 536 45 :POKE537 0

£9.95 Startrek II (32K/B/G) Nascount-Personal Finance (16K/MC) £9.95 Invasion Earth (MC/G) £8.95 Alien Labyrinth (16K/B/G) £6.95 Club Membership (32K/B) £9.95 PET Examination questions WIRRAL PILOT V4.0 £12.50 Super Life (MC/G) £6.95 by Stephen Lucking Music Box (16K/B/G) £9.95 Cowboy Shoot-out (MC/G) £4.95 WO R DE ASE - Word Processor £25.00 Please add 55p/order P & P + 15% VAT PROGRAM Just for once, here's a useful program - groups of multiple choice questions, POWER, 5 Wensley Road, well,teachers shouldfindituseful,random selections of which can then be Leeds LS7 2LX anyway.Itallows you tobuild upprinted out for examinations. or send Sae for FULL catalogue. Tel (0532) 683186 1cl2=100: INKIT":11ILL YOU WILL LE DEALING WITHMORETHAN 100 QUEST ift 4111.11111" At

20 IFLEFTV. AS..1 i="N"THEN40 NOW - ,:tit INPUT".01ABOUTHOW MANY W ILL 'c'OLI BE USIMG08101.-11111" . A .2=A+100 ACORN ATOM CATALOGUE - Send Sae 4-0DIMAS(1.1), ES ..: 3, W... CS( Wi_. Fi(M:,,,, A1$( ia) ..13 is<3.14,., , CI $.1,j)

45 REM 50 REM*********** MENU *********** 55 REM Itpays to increase your A 513FRINT"TIDO YOU WANT TO-" '"' 70 PRINT"NWI) MAKE A DATA TAPE" 0 80 PRINT" -a12) LOAD A DATA TAFE" iii 90 FRINT")(13)ADDTO THE DATA TAPE IN MEMORY"

.. 100 PRINT"I14) A PRINT OUT OF ALL THE QUESTIONS" PET 110 PRINT"A15) A LIST OF ALL THE QUESTIONS" a, 120 PRINT"46) TO CHECK THE QUESTIONS" w 125 PRINT"47) SOME QUESTIONS FUCKED RANDOMLY" 126 PRINT"BE) TO FICK YOUR OWN QUESTIONS" .. 127 FRINT"B19) TO RUN THE EXAM" POWER Why not make use of the spare ROM sockets :n your w 128 PRINT"A110) END" large keyboard PET or CBM machine? Let's take a 129 POKE158,0 ,.. 130 INPUT".11914411111r,OONOGOT0200,400,600,1300,900,250,40050006000,1500, look at some the of options: SUPERCHIP (451 is the most successful British chip. w 140 GOT060 150PRINT"n":END Itadds many of the features of the8032 to a 40 150 REM

column machine,and has numerous other functions `FIF 200 REM ****** MAKE A DATA TAFE ***** includingauto -repeat. 201 REM FASTER BASIC (E30)speeds upmost Basic programs, 205 R.1 cutting running time by as much ashalf, No knowledge -... of Basic is necessary. PIC-CHIP 1E451makes it really simpleto plot points or draw lines, butithas many other graphic facilities. Now available for the 8032. CHIP BY GENERAL MIKRO ASSEMBLER (£50)really does make mach Inc! SCOOP Professional ASCII Keyboards INSTRUMENT (G I language programming as simple as Basic! ONLY SUPER-PIC 1E901 is an unbeatable combination!All TEL OUTPUT 0 the facilities of Superchip and Pic -Chip in one 4k 'SUPERBLY MADE 11).11.)./D 117-)Dargizilrf EPROM. £29.95 SIZE 13 x 5.5x +V.A.T. 1.2)Yd-01291.'30.0:1-212-.110r-.0r-71 We have many other utilities on cassette ordisk,in- 1.5 ins. cluding SP EEDSORT (E12), BRITISH MADE DISK SEARCH (£251, ' BLACK KEYS WITH L-ii).120161911111901.1.4013-11 MASTER DIRECTORY 1E221, DISK MERGE 1E151 ' 52 KEY 7BIT 1,1;1.0123 Iv-iii2).1Ei I and J -K -L which copies the screen to a printer is just WHITE LEDGENS K lb £8 (please state model of printer/. ASCII CODED ESCAPE. SHIFT. g:h C0I1tPUtet ° POSITIVE STROBE RETURN & RESET .00'11 Prepaid ordersare postfree. Add 15% VAT. +5V - 12V. KEYS 1he i'FULL ASCII CONTROL. REPEAT Ideal for usewith TANGERINE, Computer Kit Division, CHARACTERS & BELL TRITON, TUSCAN, APPLE and mast 404 Edgware Road, computers. Ex -Stock from HENRY'S SUPERSOFT PARALLEL OUTPUT Complete with DATA London, W2. England Dept P6, 10-14 Canning Road, WITH STROBE This is definitely the BEST BUY. FULLY POWER LIGHT ON GUARANTEED. Supplied BRAND NEW in Wealdstone, Harrow, Middlesex manufacturers original packing. Just post Telephone:01-861 1166. CONTROL HENRYS remittance total f3595(incl. VAT & Post) 01-402 6822






360 INPUT"AlANSWER = ",C.$


400 REM 00** LOAD A DATA TAPE *00 31/33 Church Street, Littleborough, 405 REM 410 M=1:00SUB3000,INPUT"A4NAT IS THE NAME OF THE TAFE TO LE LCADED",T$ Lancs.

420 OPEN1,1,0,T$ 421 PF1NT"XFOUND "T$,FR1NT"ANOW LOADING QUESTMNS" Tel: (0706) 79332/74342 425 INPUT#1,A


460 REM Woftcentre 600 REM ****** ADD TO DATA TAPE ***** 605 REM OVER 1500 PROGRAMS




940 WAIT158,1:NEXT:GOT050 ORIGINAL programs - 950 REM send cassette 1000 REM *************************** 26 ALBANY ROAD 1010 REM ***** SAVE QUESTIONS ****** RAYLEIGH

1020 REM *************************** Callers strictly by appointment (0268-774089) 1pm - 8pm Mon - Sat 1021 REM Dealer enquiries welcome. 0 1025 INPUT",101,1HRT DO YOU WANT TO CALL THE TRPE",T$

1030 OPEN1,1,1,T$,PRINT#1,A 1040 FORX=1TOA,PRINT#1,A$(X),NEXT



3010 PRINT"XE) REWIND THE TRFE" presents 3020 PRINT"103) PRESS STOP WHEN FULLY FEWOUND''FOKE15SAS (for TRS-80 Level II): ., D025 PRINT"AMPRESS CSFACE) WHEN READY" "' 3030 GETWIFFM<>" "THEN3030 3040 RETURN DI SAS (fn/c) - Disassembler produces sourcecode ,.. 4000 REM*** RANDOMLY PICKED QUESTIONS*** inEDTASM format L6.00 W 4010 INPUT"alOW MANY QUESTIONS DO YOU WANT FICKED",0 4020 IFO.ATHENPRINT"OTTHERE ARE ONLY"A" GUESTIONS":GOSUB10000 GOT041:1,_ INVADERS FROM SPACE (m/c)- The old favourite £4.00 .. 4025 1305U84030,00T04050 W 4030 FORX=1T0A,A1$(:F:).A$(X):A$(X)="",C1$ X)=0$(X,C4(X)="" DEBUG (m/c)-singlestep through micprograms 4040 FORY=11.03,B1$(Y,X)=E;(),E$(Y,X)= ",NEXT:NEXT inRAM and ROM withfull control

4045 RETURN ofregisters + many otherfeatures

4050 FORX=ITOA:R(X)=0:NEXT £6.00 4055 V=1 EOS(m/c ) - Extended Operating System adds 4060 FORX=1TOQ 17 commands toBASIC including 4070 W=INT(A*RND(1)+1):IFA(W)=1THEN4070 multiple USR calls, controlled delays, 4080 Rf(V)=A1$(14):C$

4100 A=0 :00T050 TRACE(m/c)-More civilized than T RON,line 4999 REM number is displayed in topright 5000 REM*** PICK OWN QUESTIONS *** hand corner. Can be used inLo3oor out of programs MAGRATHEANS (m/c)- Battle it out with the Magratheans who are steadily whittling away the shelters protectingyour bases L5.00 SUPERBOARD ofHOME TUTORIAL Allprices are completely inclusive REAL-TIME CLOCK: occupies no user 10% discount on orders over £15 memory space after initial load. Time Cheques and postal orders made payable to: - is displayed on screen to nearest minute, CRAB SOFTWARE second or 1/100 second (user selectable). 1 min per day accuracy. Computer functions APPLE/ITT Order by post only to: CRAB SOFTWARE, asi normal, including LOAD and SAVI. 2 PONDWICK RD., Time can be stopped, started, set and read by HARPENDEN, basic programs allowing timing applications HERTS AL5 2HG (eg Reaction timer, game timing. etc). PET Program supplied on tape, with timing module which requires one connection to expansion socket, and two to computer for power, Full DEBUG PROGRAMS To advertise in MICROMART instructions provided, with sample program. Ring Jacquie Hancock - 01-631 1682 Send cheque or PO for £10.00 only to 01-249-9895 B H Fletcher, 3 Arne Grove, Horley, Surrey RH6 8DQ. M/C BASIC


5001 REM 5005 FORX=ITOA:A(X)=0:NEXT Micros & Memories 5010 FORX=1T0A,FRINT":113UESTION"X") ",AS 5020 FORY=1703,PRINT"A"CHRS"> "BS(Y,X),NE:,:7 8 x 4116, 250ns £10.00 8035L £ 5.80 5030 PRINT":000 YOU WANT THIS ONE "FOKE158,8 8 x 4116, 200ns E12.00 8243 E 2.80 5040 OETAS:IFAS="Y"THENFiC0=1:60T05050 2708 £ 3.00 8085A E 6.80 5045 IFASO"N"THEN5040 2716 £ 3.35 8085A-2 E 8.50 5046 A(X)=0 2532/2732 £ 8.80 8155 £ 9.95 5050 NEXT:PRINT"n" 2114L, ceramic, 200ns £ 2.99 8155-2 £11.81 5055 V=I

6514, 20Ons £ 5.30 8251A £ 5.60 5060 GOSUB4030:FORX=1TOAIFA(X)=OTHEN5100 6116L, 20Ons £28.15 8253-5 E 8.95 5070 AS(V)=A1$00:CSM=C1S(X> FORY=IT03,I4(V,V)=D1S( NEXT 8264-15, 150ns £25.00 8255A-5 £ 4.99 5080 V=V+1 uPD 765 £28.15 8257-5 £10.40 5100 NEXT,A=V-I,GOT050 Crystals - 5,6 10 MHz E 3.00 8259-5 £ 7.20 5199 REM TTL delay lines - 8279-5 E 9.99 6000 REM ***** RUN EXAM 0** 100ns, 1Ons taps 5.99 Z80 £ 6.25 6001 REM 200ns, 2Ons taps £ 5.99 Z80 PIO £ 5.75 6010 SC=0:FORX=1T0A,PRINT":10LIESTION"X" i"Af(X) FORY=1703 INTCHRS(Y+64 Z80 CTC £ 5.75 6011 PRINTSVY,X7,NEXT

Quantity discounts available on 280 DMA£19.95

6020 PRINT"OR,B, OR C ",:POKE158,0 10+ of one device Z80 S10/2£29.95 All components guaranteed new, full 6030 GETWIFAWA"ORAWC"THEN6030 specification devices. Please add P & P 6040 PRINTAS:IFF4=CS(X)THEN6140 6050 PRINT"INWRONG!" 30p. to orders under £15. Add VAT to total. 6060 PRINT"XITHE ANSWER IS "B$((ASC(CS(X))-64),X)" ("CS(X)")" BDS Microsystem Designs Ltd., 28, Pine- 6070 GOT06150

6140 SC=SC+1:PRINT"AlCORRECT "FRINT"WOU NOW HAVE"SC"QUESTIONS RIGHT" wood Close, St. Albans, Herts. A L4 ODS. Telephone: St. Albans 10727) 31831 6150 FORP=1703000:NEXT,NEXT 6160 PRINT":RHAT IS THE END OF THE TEST" 6165 PRINT"WOU GOT"SC"OUT OF"A"RIGHT"


EMULATOR BOARD 10000 FORP=IT02000,NEXT4RETURN Plugs into 78 -way Nasbus and addressable on any 4k boundary by Dil switches. Up to 4k of on board ram can be loaded up by the Nascom and then used by any MZ- 80K Designer other system (or the Nascom itself) via by Norman Webster a 24 -way cable. Emulates 2732,2716, 4118, 4801, 4802 devices. Useful development tool. Prove software before programming eproms. Can be used as P.G.G. 1 PRINT"6":GOSUB20100:GOSUB9000:GOSUB11000

Built and tested on quality board with 2 S=0 1K £55. Extra ram £6 per 1k. Available 3 PRINT"S" 4 GOSUB10000 for other systems including PET.

100 X=53409:P=202 Z80 CONTROLLER BOARD (ZCB 80) 110 GETR$:1FAS=""THEN110 Enrocard containing CPU, EPROM, 120 IF Af="." THEN500 125 IF Fa=1," THEN510 RAM, PIO and Atto D, and 2 I/0 ports. 130 IF Af="I" THEN520 Designed for control applications. £95 140 IF Af=1 " THEN530 Z80 SIMULATOR 141 IF Af="-" THEN540 Plugs into 40 pin cpu socket addresses/ 142 IF Af="r" THEN550 143 IF Af="-" THEN570 ports can be read/written using its thumb- 144 IF Af="x" THEN600

wheel/dil. Switches and 7-seg displays. 150 IF Af="5" THEN310 For test and development. P.O.A. 155 IF AWE" THEN2 156 IF Af="0" THENPOKE X,ENG0T0309

157 IFA$="F"THEN 1 MO TO IHOUSTRY SYSTEMS 158 S=T(RSC(W) 44 (prices exclude VAT) 309 GOT0110 310 K=53248 4 Dursley Close, Yate, 315 WOPEN Bristol, BS17 4EL 320 Erf="" Tel. (0454) 319746 325 FORI=0T022

ATV 330 FORJ=0T039 332 2$=CHRWEEK(K+(I*40)+J)) 333 IF 2$="" THEN Z$=" "

339 B$44+2$ 340 NEXT J HITCH-HIKERS 345 PRINT,1 8$:Bs=ee

350NEXT I 360 CLOSE GUIDE £16 500 IFPEEK(X-I)=163THEN110 505 POKEX-1,196:POKEX,S:X=X-I

At last - an adventure game for the PET 507 G0T0110 which doesn't need disks! Based on 510 IFPEEK(X+I)=163THEN110 Douglas Adams' characters (with 515 POKEX+1,195:POKEX,S:X=X+1

permission from the author and Pan Books) THE HITCHHIKERS GUIDE 517 GOT0110 TO THE GALAXY is a wholly remark- 520 IFPEEK(X+40)=163THENII0 able game. In fact the chances of 525 POKEX+40,193:POKEX,S:X=X+40 discovering such a remarkable game have 527 GOT0110 been calculated as two to the power of 530 IF PEEK(X-40>=163THENI10 two hundred and sixty-seven thousand 535 POKEX-40,194:POKEX,S:X=X-40 seven hundred and nine to one against. 536 GOT0110 By a totally staggering coincidence that 540 IFPEEK(X+39>=163THEN110 is also the VAT number of SUPERSOFT 545 POKEX+39,193:POKEX,S:X=X+39 who sell the program fora mere £16 plus Vogon Added Tax at 15%.Hitch-hikers will need a 40 or 80 column machine with 32k of memory. Also for cassette bound PET owners we haw HALLS OF DEATH at £14 (needs 16/32k), whilst disk owners have the opportunity of sampling CATACOMBS 1£271, a truly epic adventure game. Now available for ZX81 8050 drives!

VISICALC OFFER! FOR NASCOM 2 Buy V ISICALC from us before the end 410- 3 independent Software sound channels of July at our regular price of £125 and controlled by the AY -3-8910 chip A wide variety of software for the well give you free copies of 4-3" on -board speaker CATACOMBS and HITCHHIKERS 110- Demonstration software on cassette ZX81, Many games - including GUIDE worth £43. Offer open to enablesquick, simple programming PCW readers only Prepaid orders are post of music in basic your old favourites.Prices from free. Add 15% V.A.T. 60 page data manual .411- AllInclusive price: 139.50 SUPERSOFT For further details send sae to: Send SAE for details.IC 3 Dept P6, 10-14 Canning Road, 27 FENWICK DRIVE refig ELECTRONICS RUGBY, WAR KS. 26 Vincent Rd Wealdstone, Harrow, Middlesex. CV21 4PQ. Telephone: 01-861 1166 APOLLOThatcham Berks


546 GOT0110 550 IFPEEK(X-39)=163THEN110 555 POKEX-39,194:POKEX,SIX.X-39 PET PROGRAMS 560 G0T0110 CODE -DECODE PROGRAM 570 IFPEEKCX-41)=163THEN110 Thoroughly codes messages up to 79 characters long. 575 POKEX-41,194:POKEX,SIXX-41 Messages can then be easily decoded. Facility for 580 GOT0110 reading/writing messages on cassette. Supplied on 600 IF PEEK(X+41).163TNEN110 cassette for 8K and upwards. Old and new ROMs. Only 605 POKEX+41,193:POKEX,S,X=X+41 £7.00 inc. VAT and pp.

610 GOT0110 HANGMAN 630 G0T0110 At last! A hangman with disk -based files, that can be 9000 DIM 1(255) easily updated. With good graphics. For old and new

9010 FORI=170255 ROMs, 2040, 3040, and 4040 compatible. Supplied on 9020 READ T(I) cassette for 8K and upwards. Only £7.00 inc. VAT andpp 9030 NEXT 9035 RESTORE MINETREK 9040 RETURN - Work your way through a minefield with the aid of a 9100 DATA0.0,0,0,0,0,0,0i0i0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 faulty metal detector. Supplied on cassette for 8K and 9110 DATA97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,107,106,47,42,46,45,32,33,34 upwards. Only £7.00 inc. VAT and pp. 9120 DATA35,36,37,38.39,40,41,79,44,81,43,87,73,85,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 9130 DATA 11.12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,82,89,84,80,69,199 Designex Ltd., 344 High.Street, Rochester,Kent. 9140 DAN 200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,223,231,232,233,234,236.237,239,209 9158 DATA 210,211.212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,67,0,189.157,177 9160 DATA 101,185,180,158,178,12,186,190,159,179,183,187,191,163,133.164,165 9170 DAN 166,148,135,136,156,130,152,132,146,144,131,145,129,154,151,147,149

9180 DATA 137,161,175,139.134,150,162,171,170,138,142,176,173,141,167,168,169 9190 DATA 143,140,174,172,155,160,153,188,184,0,59,58,112,60,113,90,61,67,86 9200 DATA 63,30,74,28,29,62,92.31,95.94,55,123,127,54,122,126,51,75,76,29,108 To advertise in 9210 DATA 91,120,65,53,52,116,48,56.117,57,77,111.110,

9220 DATA 115,71,56,83,49,78,109,72,70,125,68,27,88,121,66,96 MICROMART 10000 PRINT"SEI 10005 FORI=31.022 Please ring Jacquie Hancock 10006 PRINTIO";TAB(37);"0" 10807 NEXT on 01-631 1682 10008 GOTO 10210 10210 PRINT 10220 RETURN 11000 PRINTNIESCCEOPTIONS TABLE" 11003 PRINT"M8111311 11005 PRINT"81.DRAW PICTURE 11007 PRINT"82.READ PICTURE FROM TREE"

11009 GET Z$:IFZ$=""THEN11009 11011 IF Z$="1" THEN3 11013 IF. 2$="2" THEN20000 11015 607011011 20000 K.53248 20005 ROPER 20010 FORI=07022 in MIDDLESEX 20015 INPUT/T B$ 20020 FORJ=0TO39 APPLE 11 Europlus 48K 20021 C.E.MIDCB$,J+1,1):IF C$=" "THEN C=0:601020025 ONLY £695 20022 C=ASC


20220 PRINT" .DOWN -RIGHT DIAGONAL 20230 PRINT"O=These keys are situated at the bottom" 20240 PRINT"Cliright hand corner of the blue keys." SYSTEMICS LIMITED 20250 PRINT"IICICBy depressing the X key YOU produce" 21-23 The Bridge 20260 PRINT" " a, a trail." 20270 PRINT"11 HIT ANY KEY TO DESIGN." Harrow Middlesex HA3 5BH 20280 GET ABS:IFABS=""THEN20280 20500 RETURN (01)422 3276 (24 hours)

HI-RES PROBLEM SOLVER £45 an all purpose hi-res processor,includes SENDING A PROGRAM TO PCW upper/lower case, mixed graphics and We welcome readers' programs whichvolume of programs received, we can text, two way window scrolling, user are original and fully debugged. Pleasenow only consider programs which are shape definition with rotation, enlarge- don't send your adaptation of programsoncassette and accompanied by a ment, slanting, stretching,reflection, a Send inversion and other hi-res functions. whichwe'vealreadypublished -listing,preferably printout. LITERATURE SEARCH £25 check through the back numbers indexyour program (with an SAE) to: PCW asuiteoffour programs forming a first to seeif you're really the firstPrograms, 14 Rathbone Place, London complete magazine article filing system person to think of it. W1P 1DE. allowing retrieval of references to items Please note that, because of the large by keyword(s) within category. DISC ORGANISER £15 a program to maintain alist of your discs;printlabels andcatalog discs THE ZX80 automatically. MZ80 K Many other quality packages include FULL MACHINE CODEMONITOR Club membership £95 No memory restrictions, runswith or (81, Coming soon!!) Linear programming £85 without xtal or sharps basic, break points 16k Cassette: ZX LOG ICs' Time recording £125 onscreen edit, named files etc. £9.95 Mailing list £75 DISASSEMBLER Z80 Machine code,perfect company for the LOGIC GATES Part 1 Dealer enquiries invited extensive machine code monitor,£13.95 This 16K cassette, LOGIC GATES PART1 SOUND EFFECTS GENERATOR givesyou a step by step introduction to logic Machine code, guns, sirens etc. 5 control with the use of graphics, tutorials and variables, attack, decay etc + 2 basic control randomised test questions- thefirst - steps programs. 100% software £5.95 44111101iTi Servicecornpular to a better understanding of the inner workings All prices inclusive TAPE + MANUAL of your personal computer ONLY £5.95 each State RAM size. Chequeor p.o. to incl. VAT P &P ASK FOR OUR CATALOGUE M & G (SOFT) from A.M. KIRK, Software House, 26 Park St., ADD15%VAT- POST FREE 18LEAGATERD Access & Barclaycard Welcome GYPSYBRIDGE? Shifnal, Shropshire. BOSTON, LINCS


PETS PETS - We Sell Them ZX81 Sketch pad As authorised Commodore Dealers we stock and supply all PET Hardware., Computhink by Neil Hutton Discs, Oki Microine 80 Decwriter LA34, Texas 810, Qume Sprint 5 - all at com- petitive prices Our first ZX81 graphics program. The PETS - We Buy Them controls work like this: Part Exchange is very welcome, we also buy for cash. PETS - We Hire Them W Our specialist hire service, with main- tenance included for all Commodore equipment. - Complete systems for evaluation A E - Multiple units for educational courses - Single units for individual use From 1 day upwards, all units available. Delivery by arrangement, anywhere in UK. PETS - Software. We are fully authorised BUSINESS SOFT- WARE DEALERS for Commodore Soft- ware - COMPAY COMSTOCK. A4 c' WORDPRO etc. Also PETSOFT, BRISTOL SOFTWARE, LANDSLER PAYROLL & HOTEL SYSTEM. PLUS for ACCOUNTANTS, the unique CSM INCOMPLETE RECORDS PACKAGE - this is the best available. MAIL - ORDER z All Hardware and Software can be bought by Mail Order Delivery by Securicor, or Registered Post. Discounts for Cash & Carry x or Mail -Order. Access accepted or by Leasing (subject to acceptance) MICRO -FACILITIES LTD 129 High Street, Hampton Hill, Middlesex,

TW12 1NJ C1-9794546 or 01-941 1197 10 SLOW

20 LET Ai = INKEY£

30 IF A£ = "C" OR A£ = "D" OR A£=

"E" THEN LET X = X+1

40IF A£ = "Z" OR Al = "A" OR A£=

MICROTYPE "Q" THEN LET X = X-1 50IF A£ = "Z" OR A£ = "X" OR A£ = "C" THEN LET Y = Y-1

60 IF A£ = "Q" OR A£ = "W" OR A£ = "E" THEN LET Y = Y+1

70IF X63 ORY 43 THEN GOTO 30 ir 80 PLOT X, Y


PRODUCED IN BLACK ABS PL ASTIC. COMPLETE WITH SCREWS AND INSTRUCTIONS. SPACE FOR EXPANSION, FORCE FEED FAN, NUMERIC PAD AND ADDITIONAL KEYS. ON, E24.50E1.50 P.P V. SEND CHEQUES OR PO1S FOR E29.40 TCT I/MCKIE-I/PE, P.O.BOX 104, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HERTS. HP2 TOE DEALERS OEM ENQUIRIES WELCOME SAE FOR DETAILS Program packing The article by Morgan et al in (the input from a 12 bit A/D March PCW in which the converter) the data generated PET MACHINE CODE authors suggested that data are already in a form that fits could be stored most eco- into a two byte field - no IS EASY nomically in the form pf high when you use an assembler - like our MIKRO need to play games with ASSEMBLER, the only assembler for the PET base numbers seems to have numbers; store the data raw; in a single chip! overlooked the fact that, no they are already as condensed Let's run through the way that you'd use matter how presented, the as any of the routines presen- MIKRO. First you switch it on with a single computer stores data as ted in the article could SYS command; MIKRO automatically turns on binary fields, and that charac- manage. the Tool kit if you've got one. Then just type in lines of assembly language as if you were terisation uses extra space ; If space is really restricted, typing in Basic lines. As far as PET is concerned indeed, the high base system a saving of 25 percent can be that's just what you're doing, so if you make a is merely a circuitous attempt effected when storing 12 -bit mistake you can move the cursor over it and to return the data to the fields on an 8 -bit micro, by type the correction. binary original. With the Toolkit fitted you can use commands condensing two 12 -bit num- like RENUMBER, FIND, DELETE and AUTO To take the example given to help you edit your program, Then when you'll satisfied, just type IA to assemble your code. Don't worry, if you've made a silly mistake you will get an appropriate message! NASCOM BASIC When you want to save your source code it A breakdown of how it works SHARP MZ8OK really is easy - because you can treat it just like * How and where GOSUB, FOR/NEXT, a Basic program. You can even verify it, just to variable and string information is stored. FULLY INCLUSIVE PRICES make sure. It doesn't matter whether you've * Description of floating point maths. MZ-80k 148k RAM) £549 got disks or cassette - you can even go from * Data areas in the ROM listed. FULL SYSTEM (WITH DISCS AND PRINTER) £1725 one to the other if you wish, * Workspace, each byte is explained, FREE GAMES AND UTILITIES MIKRO comes with a helpful manual which * The ROM is broken down into over 200 BUSINESS SOFTWARE AVAILABLE gives simple examples and explanations: never- parts with notes on each part. PR ICE £5 theless we do recommend that you purchase MZ-80k GAMES a reference hook on 6502 programming. BASIC TOO LK IT * Uses spare RAM 0080-1000. (WITH SOUND AND GRAPHICS) MUNRO COSTS 130 f VAT Nine functions featuring string array e.g. PRO -SHOT GOLF, SNAKE PIT, SAVE/LOAD and intelligent re -number. MANTRAP £4 each On tape for NAS 1 or 2, with demo. SUPERSOFT Program and instructions. State monitor PHONE OR S.A.E. FOR DETAILS. and tape format. PRICE £6. Dept P6, 10-14 Canning Road, AS. WATKINS 7, WARWICK CLOSE, MICROSPEC Wealdstone, Harrow Middlesex MAIDENHEAD BERKSHIRE. 143 BALMALLOCH ROAD, Telephone' 01 861 1166 Tel. (0628) 30494. KILSYTH G65 9PH.TEL. 0236 821473) 156 PCW PROGRAMS MICROMART bers in three 8 -bit bytes the stored data are later (12x2=8x3). Thus: retrieved. 1. Store the wholly used byte I am not familiar with of the first number. Basic, so I cannot suggest any 2. Store the wholly used bytebyte assembly/disassembly LONDON of the second number, routines in that language, but 3. Assemble the two remain- the code in Figure 1 should ing 4 -bit sections into one run on a PET, or any other COMPUTER byte. 6502 machine. 4. Store the assembled byte. Derek Moody, Dorchester, The process is reversed when Dorset CENTRE

Code Mnemonic Unique! Superbrain and WordStar AD LDA ; To assemble two 4 -bit remainders held in Users! Upgrade your WordStar YZ YZ ; address WXYZ (any location) WX WX ; and address STUV into one byte, with the WordStar Patch plus

29 AND ;and put the result into WXYZ. 20 multi -coloured key tops. OF OF OA ASL ; ie, if WXYZ contains 05 By adding 20 multi -coloured

OA ASL ; and STUV contains OA dedicated function keys, you will OA ASL ; after running OA ASL ; WXYZ contains 5A upgrade your WordStar.

8D STA YZ YZ In CPM all keys as normal. Under

WX WX ; This subroutine is relocatable, and WordStar numeric pad becmes AD LDA ; WXYZ and STUV may be anywhere in memory. UV UV dedicated functions. For your

ST ST WordStar Patch plus 20 Multi- 29 AND coloured Key Tops send £65 OF OF 18 CLC with order to: 6D ADC LONDON COMPUTER CENTRE


60 RTS ; Return to calling routine. Code Mnemonic

AD LDA ; To disassemble the byte held in WXYZ and put the YZ YZ ; results into addresses WXYZ and STUV. WX WX SUPERCASE - will support your T.V.

For UK 101/SUPERBOARD & others. AA TAX ;ie, ifWXYZcontains B6. 29 AND ; After running, Rigid 4 part metal case, back punched for

FO FO ; WXYZ contains OB DIN sockets, mains fuse & switch. Remove - 4A LSR ; and STUV contains 06 able rear panel for easy mounting of own 4A LSR sockets etc. State computer type. PCB 4A LSR supported by rigid inclined plate. 4A LSR £28.00 + £3 P.& P. 8D STA




ST ST 60 RTS ; Return.

Fast 125 cps Bi directional 80/132 Column continuously rated business printer. Uses MICROCHESS ex -stock paper. £280 p.p. at cost. SUPER INTERFACE - Gives SUPER- Continued from page 68 BOARD/UK101: 2-8 Bit output ports, 1-8 Bit input port 1-4 Bit input port, Tape will be heldaspart of the Fourth The closing date for entriesis 15 motor relay. This will drive Centronics August 1981, although entries may be parallel interface with NO extra software, Personal Computer World Show at the just plug in then one POKE and all PR INT Cunard Hotel, Hammersmith, London, acceptedafterthatdateatthe dis- statements can operate the printer. 10-12 September. cretionof the organising committee. £25.00 +50p p.&p.built & tested. SUPER VIDEO -12"Hi. Resolution Monitor. 12 MHz. - Low distortion )2'/a% SIXTY ZX81 or ZX80 PROGRAMS DYNADRIVE PERIPHERALS max.) Open frame. Centre Res. -900lines. 601K program listings for only £4.95 Harbour Road Corner Res. - 750 lines. Green screen/ Specify which. Includes many games, Home Troon KA10 6DU Antireflective coating £85.00 White screen Finance, Utility, Maths, Chequebook and We sell: P4 Phosphor £78.00 more. Also includes Hints'n'Tips. COMPUTER POWER SUPPLY UNITS - £69 + 5v at 5 Amps - + 5v has logic shutdown PRINTER KITS - Limited offer. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY capability and over voltage protection 40/80 Column bi-Directional printer Are you missing out on the greatest business -5v at 1 Amp mechanism. Driver card with Centronics opportunity this century? New computer +12v at1 Amp interface & case. Requires 24V & 5V -12v at1 Amp career opportunities, full or part time, any STANDARD 8 INCH FLOPPY DISCS - £2.75 power supply. Similar to above printers. area, little or no capital needed. £24,50 for 10 £180.00 + p.p. at cost. Training avail. SAE details PHONE US AND LET US KNOW OF YOUR Add 15% VAT to all orders. Self teach prog course avail. SAE details. PERIPHERAL REQUIREMENTS Postage free on orders over £20. Ring or write for further details. Cheque with order, add V.A.T. at current rate. Jayman Electro Devices Ltd, SUSSEX SOFTWARE (DEPT PCW2), SAME DAY DESPATCH 15 Ash Grove, Springhead Oldham, WALLSEND HOUSE, PEVENSEY BAY, FURTHER PRODUCTS PENDING Lancs, OL4 4RD Tel.: 0292-311800 Tel No. 061-652 1604 SUSSEX. Telex: 778978

PCW 157 Confirmation of acceptance or rejection Allqueriesregardingthecom- of entries will be made known by 25petition shall be addressed to: Second MICRO August 1981. European Microcomputer Chess Cham- The full rules were published in thepionship, Personal Computer World, 14 VASTLY INCREASE YOUR MICRO'S CAPACITY WITH June 1980 PCW. Rathbone Place, London W1P 1DE.


Continued from page 130 Execution time OVERLAYS in seconds Operation 10,000 steps Comments INV NOP 27.0 VERA is a simple root +segment an analysis of the flow structure shows that the reverse sequence will execute 123.2 + + = = overlay system. Supplied as 250 faster, providing p(A+B+2C) > 2A+D. X 200.3 1 x x = = line 8080 assembler listing plus The beauty of Figure 3(b) is that if Min 0 89.2 1 Min 0 manual. £63 inc. vat from : we modify the steps INV DSZ, GOTO 0 MR 0 64.0 by replacing them with INV DSZ, INV M+0 167.2 114+0 ENGINEERING 3 Clissold Court, Enquiries NOP, MRO, INV x = 0, then the loop GSB 10.7 Read time COMPUTATIONS Green Loner, 800 3362 GOTO 0/LBL 0 will be followed once 10,000 steps London N4 2EZ only and the reverse sequence will be GOTO 11.8 Read time faster if: 10,000 steps p(A+B+2C) > A as p 1 this will in-Fig 4. Comparison of execution NASCOM SOFTWARE variably hold. and read times. We offer the following quality software for NASCOM systems: NASPAS -a 12K PASCAL compiler which in terms of 'wet tarmac' instead of 'a produces Z80 code directly i.e. no -P-code. TOM'S TANDY coefficient of friction of 0.5', making The compiler offers floating point and integer airthmetic, arrays, sets, strings and all major things far more user-friendly. Pascal statements together with fully recursive PROBES PRANGS And Tom knows that exactly the functions and procedures with value and varia- Continued from page 95 same principles could be applied to any ble parameters. The object programs run very sort of disaster, including shipping and quickly. Price: £35.00 NASMON - A new monitor for NASCOMs. would be possible for the program to beaeroplanes. The potential to make a Occupies 4k and includes a sophisticated made available to insurance companies,fortune there must be vast, but Tom's screen editor, a 'front panel' mode, blocked and probably on a time-sharing system, sooverridingconcernistohavejust buffered tape routines and powerful debugging commands. Price: £30.00 in EPROM that he can keep control over changesenough money coming inso that he BAS12K -a 12K BASIC interpreter offering and updates without getting into im-cancontinuehisvitalresearchinto 11 digit precision arithmetic, PRINT USING, mense administration hassles.In thisroadsafety. He tells me that when IF... THEN... ELSE and other advanced way, insurance clerks would be able toyou've dug a few people out of crashes, features.Price: £25.00 NASGEN - a fast 3K assembler generating a check claim forms as they come in. Theallthefortunesin the world seem full symbol table and with many assembler system could easily be modified to talkrather irrelevant. directives and commands. Price: £15.00 on tape. £25.00 in EPROM. know that by the time they get to NASNEM - a 2'/aK disassembler which inter- faces to NASMON's front panel to produce school. You'll remember learning about single step disassembly. Optionally it produces SECREAROFhow to file bits of paper, even if you did labels and o/p may be directed to a text buffer findita bit of a bore. Looking after suitable for NASGEN. computerised dataisactuallyeasier, Price: £10.00 on tape, £15.00 in EPROM. Continued from page 83 All the above software runs under NASMON eventhough youcan'tseewhat's except NASPAS which can run under NASMON happened to the data by looking at the or NAS-SYS. becarefultostorepaperrecordsdisk. All prices are fully inclusive. properly and take copies of anything FREE: a free CHESS program with every order of NASMON. which might get lost; well, now youNext month Full details may be obtained from: have to do this with your data files.Next month will be the final install- HISOFT 60 Hallam Moor, Liden, Swindon You've probably forgotten by now thatment, covering the monitoring ofa Wiltshire. you had to learn how to look aftersystem in operation and listing a whole paper with things written on it.Kidslot of books that you might like to read. BLUDNERS ilb.\13.4"Use your 16K ZX80 as a powerful chess recording machine. Beat you to it this month - page 104.248, 256, 266 contain characters which This 7K programme features fourthparagraph:therearemanylook like colons (:) should be inverse hundreds of possible states in noughtsbackslashes. Finally, last month's on screen: and crosses but not during the courseUK101 Zor, line 180, contains POKE 4 Double board so each player sees of a single game. And the Acorn AtomL - 44,96,but the minus sign didn't board from his point of view. Maze program published in April: linesreproduceclearlyonsomecopies. NW Move indicator. J Move number. ji Pieces on both boards moved simultaneously. SOFTWARE WE WRITE PROGRAMS TO Stores 20 games per C60 TRS 80 cassette. FIT YOUR REQUIREMENTS MODEL III Send cheque/P.O. for £3.99 to receive SPECIALISTS IN PET SOFTWARE The Model Ill has arrived in the U.K. Tolinka (cassette and listing), plus lists of it NEW FEATURES AVAILABLE it * Upper and Lower Case characters (standard Real Time other high quality/ software to: ARMBAM LTD Clock * 500 or 1500 Baud Cassette *Parallel Printer Interface Istandardl * Auto Repeat keys * Flashing Cursor * New sow KILN LANE Characters Greek Japanese Kana *Numeric Keypad *16 32 or 48K *Room for two D D Disc Drives & Interlace *12" VDU LEIGH * All in stylish cabinet geeett datian TONBRIDGE 16K £649 INCLUSIVE atilt KENT TN11 8RT MARC rmi3 M.P. Riddell, 22 Bramber, Unit 7. 61 Broad Lane. London N15 4DJ[-=1, HILDENBOROUGH 832130 Daytime 01-808 0377Evenings 0'4939 9736 Belgrave, Tamworth, Staffs B77 2LL. 158 PCW MicRo We bring you the lowest prices -first! *nCompare our prices before you buy elsewhere! All devices are brand new, ,factory prime, full spec. and fully guaranteed! Introducing the incredible ty ji Single Board Computer a. BIGBOARD 64K RAM! Z80 CPU! FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER! 24x 80VIMJ. PFM 3.3 2K SYSTEM MONITOR! ALLTHIS ON ONE BOARD COMPLETELY ASSEMBLED ANDjUSTE375I Musa' NEW 8809 S-100 SINGLE BOARD COMPUTER THE NEW GI Meets IEEE SADO Standard! RS - 232 Handshake! COMPUTER SOUND Uses Motorola's Powerful Selectable BAUD Rates! CHIP NEW LOW PRICE P" andBARE PCB AND ROMS MC6809 CPU! Manual includes: 11" x 7" 4K, 8K, 16K ROM! Schematic, Parts List. User Notes. ONLY £5.95 VAT 2K RAM! Software Listings and MORE. The amazing AY.3.8910 is a ACIA, PIA, 8080 Simiulated 110! fantastically powerful sound and £150. P.P. VAT BAREBOARD now only £35 music generator, perfect for use with any 8 -bit micro processor. Contains ADSMON, Monitor (2716) now only £15, 3 tone channels, noise generator 3 channels of amplitude controls 16 Three years' development went into bit envelope period control 2 parallel BigBoard. designed from scratch to run the SALE! EXCITING, ENTERTAINING SOFTWARE FOR THE APPLE II I/O. 3D/A converters plus much more. latest version of CP,M, so lust imagine Serial I/O Full 2 channel, us4ny the Z 80 SIO and the SMC and APPLE II. PLUS!!ASTEROIDS IN SPACE!!! All in 40 pin DIP Super easy to what software you could run WITH 8116 Baud Rate Generator You get ill, RS212' For mnchronous or asynchronous communication interlace to the S 100 or other NO MODS. Add a couple of 8" If you liked Invaders you'll love ASTEROIDS IN SPACE by Bruce Wallace! Busses. £5.95 a. clocks can be transmitted or received by a Your spaceship is travelling in the middle of a shower of asteroids_ Blast Disk Drives. a Video Monitor and /tam, in the former Both channels can he set up Keyboard, an enclosure and the Power for either data communication o. data terminals the asteroids with lasers, but beware - BIG ASTEROIDS FRAGMENT INTO ONLY E8.50 -0- VAT, including FREE Sup.rts mode 2 Int SMALL ASTEROIDS! The apple game paddles allow you to rotate your reprint of BYTE 79 article! Also, add Supply option - and you've got a complete £2.25 for 60 page data manual. business system for about ONE THIRD Two Portuses Z 80 PIO to ve hot 16 bits. lully Puttered and spaceship, fire its laser gun, and give it thrust to propel it through endless Parallel M direct.. Use, selectable ha. shake polar, space. From time to time, too, you'll encounter an alien spaceship whose "Perhaps the next lam°us composer the COST' 061.5E20 (Mt. p&p) mission is to DESTROY YOU, so you'd better destroy it first! High will not direct a 150 piece orchestra That's what BigBoard can offer - resolution graphics and sound effects add to the arcade -like excitement but rather a trio of microcomputers flexibility. power, and incredible economy' Real Time Uses Z 80CTCand can he configured as a counter on Clock Real Time Or.96. this program generates. RUNS ON ANY APPLE II WITH AT LEAST 32K controlling a bank 01 AY.3.8910s. Send for your BigBoard TODAY' AND ONE DISK DRIVE! ON DISKETTE ONLY £9.95 BYTE July '79. CP'M 2.2 The popular CP MOOS as modified by Micron. Including Monitor listing and Printer WHILE STOCKS LAST Size 81/2 x 13% inches. Routine C150 I VAT Requires+ 5V CF 3 Amps Power Supple For 8,91toaccl 2 Diskdrum El /5 If30Rol Sensational low price on 64K Dynamic RAMs. Only £12.95 - 12V t'ep 0.5 Amps. Floppy disk SRmans SID, 5/5 £275 YE1 79 0/0. 0/5 13 Drive, Full set of cables and connectors for Roboo, Minimum order: 8pcs (p&p 50p & VAT) (for quantity 1-7, only E25. £14.95 + p&p + VAT) Ex STOCK WHILE SUPPLY LASTS! Microchips at micro prices! From HITACHI. HM4864-3 (65K x 1) 200NS, Single + INTERFACE SUPPORT CPU'S 5V Supply, 16 pin. Complete with Data sheet and Cross LINEAR DEVICES 6502 wp Z80 4965 MC1488 70p 652t 3255 6504 1150p Z80A 5955 reference list. 705 6522 6255 6505 7000 28001 E99 MC1489 Lao DM8123 1 2 5p 6532 795p 6800 4009 X8002 75150 125p 6551 9000 6802 6005 75154 125p 6810 2255 6809 214 NEW, LOW, LOW PRICES ON MEMORIES!!! 75182 195p 6820 330P 8080A 4000 Compare our prices before you buy elsewhere! Ali devices are brand new. 75322 250p 6821 1965 8085A 60011 684', E14.00 factory prime, full spec and fully guaranteed! 75324 325p 6850 200e All prices exclude p&p and sfAT Please refer to Ordering Information before ordering. 75325 325p 6852 325p DON'T DELAY - BUY TODAY -SUCH LOW PRICES DON'T LAST FOR EVER!! 75361 350p 8212 1500 EPROM. 100+ 75365 295p STATIC RAMS 1-24 25-99 100+ CMOS RAMS 1-24 25-99 8214 426p 2708 450 NS 375p 75451 50p 2114L 200 NS TC5514P 4K (1Kx4) 8216 1605 2716 5V 45ONS 495p 75491/2 75p 1.45 1.30 8224 2505 253232K450 NS 595p Lower Power 1.60 Same as 6514 450 NS £3.25£2.95£2.60 8726 1405 8228 395p 2732 lntel.type 450 NS 6969 4118 250 NS 6.95 6.25 5.95 HM6116 16K (2Kx8) 8T28 1400 8251 4800 2564 646 x 13) £9.95 9195 1400 200NS £12.95 £11.95 8253 796p 450NS 28.pin NEW! £75 DYNAMIC RAMS 8797 1 7 55 EPROMS 1-24 25-99 100+ 8255 4465 4116 150 NS £2.50 £2.25 £1.95 8257 796p 4116 Ceramic Package 2708 450 NS 2.95 2.75 2.50 2.50 KEYBOARD 8259 7965 Gold Plated 200 NS £1.40 £1.25£1.15 2716 5V 450 NS 2.95 2.75 MC 144 12VL 8.25 ENCODER 5560 HM4864 64K (64 kx1) 2532 5V 450 NS 8.95 8.50 AY -5.2376 795p Z8OPIO 3965 FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLERS Single 5V 200 NS £14.95 £13.95 £12.95 2732 450 NS 8.95 8.50 8.25 Z80 CTC 396p FD1771 8.01 SID Inverted Bus El8 KR 3600 695P Z80A PIO 496p FD179113.01 DID Inverted Bus £29 Z80A CTC 4955 RIBBON CABLE AND CONNECTORS 280 DMA £10.85 CHARACTER Z80A DMA £11.96 Price each - 280510/0 222.95 All Bigboard Interfacing GENERATOR E24.96 R0.3.2513 UC 450p 280A510/0 Type Ways Price each assembled with 1 Z80510/1 £22.96 metre cable is by block headers and 280A510/1 224.95 Z80810/2 £22.99 IDC Socket 10 1.25 2.95 280A510/2 224.55 16 1.95 3.95 require flat ribbon cable DEVELOPMENT UARTS 26 2.95 4.95 MODULE AY5.1013A 325p 40 3.50 5.95 (IDC) type header 213000 DM £1099 AY3-10150 308p 50 4.50 7.50 sockets. We stock all IM64021PL 325p P.C.B. Mounting Ordering Information. Uni weeks delivery on books. Block Header 10 1.25 necessary types. otherwise stated, for cedar. under 16 1.75 £50 add 505 pip. Add 15% VAT to The Micro Division of Macklin-Zand total (no VAT on book). All devices Electronics Ltd. 26 2.50 are brand new, factory prime and full MIcrobyte, 40 3.25 spec. and subject to prior sales and Dept.PCW8Unit 9/10, 50 3.95 availability. Prices ubject to change lot Floor, E Block, Price/Metre without notice. Minimum telephone IC RO 38 Mount PI t, IDC Edge Con- Ribbon Cable 26 1.49 order using ACCESS I. C10. If ordering London WC 1 X OAP. nector (for 8" 40 2.30 by post with ACCESS, Include Telephone: 01.278 7359 Disk Drives) 50 4.95 7.95 50 2.90 nme, and card no. Telex: 895 3084 written clearly. Please allow 4/6


SIMPLY PLUG A J S SYSTEMS PIP INTERFACE CARD INTO A SLOT IN YOUR APPLE AND CONVERT IT INTO A POWERFULL MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEM All PIP cards incorporate: *STEP MOTOR CONTROL Programmable number of steps, speed and direction *CRYSTAL CONTROLLED TIMER Programmable from 0.1 secs to 108 mins. You can then specify: *COUNTER INPUT (PIP 1) Up to 4 channels of counting

or : *VOLTAGE INPUT (PIP 2) 10 bit ADC with 30 usec convert PIP 1: £337 Counter input We can also supply step motor drives and PIP 2: £397 Voltage input advise on your choice of motor also PIP 0: £337 (a step motor control only card) Driving programs supplied PIP X/Y (for X/Y drive systems control) Special purpose software for spectrometers COST EFFECTIVE CONTROL from J S Systems Ltd 18 PORTMAN ROAD, READING. 0734 599615

THENEWDEALFORAUTHORS Aschemefor marketingsoftware bytheauthorson a co-operativebasis

Copyright is retainedby the author. A licenseis given to the Companyto copy formarketing only. Authorsreceive90% of profits in direct proportiontothe value of their salesto total sales. Guaranteedreturn to the author of 25%of sale valueat time of sale. Balanceof distributableprofits determinedby annualaudit subject to scrutiny of trustees appointedby the Members. Co-opsoftLimited

To: Co-opsoft Limited Enclose SAE for reply 10Triangle South BRISTOL BS8 1 EY I am interested in the scheme. Please send detailed prospectus. I enclose a brief description of a programme(s)I may wish to market. (Indicate when available, approximate selling price and harware required.) Name Address

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TELETYPE ASR33 SCOOP PURCHASE EX ICL TERM !PRINTER STOCK SOFTY I/O TERMINALS 300 BAUD TERMINALS 12" VIDEO MONITORS EPROM BLOWER Software development system invaluable tool for designers, hobby- ists, etc. Enables open heart surgery on 2716, 2708 etc. Blows, copies, PRICES reads EPROMS or emulates CONNECT EPROM/ROM/RAM insituwhilst REDUCED displaying contents on domestic TV DIRECT TO receiver. Many other features. £115 ONLY YOUR MICRO+ carr. + VAT. Optional 2716, 2716 Function Card £40 + VAT. PSU £20 £295 + £1.50 cart + VAT Write or phone for more details. + CAR Made by the "BALL MIRATEL" CORPORATION LISA From Elfifi + CAR + VAT the CD12 is a self contained, mains powered chassis - + VAT professional monitor. All controls are inbuilt on a Made under licence from the world famous GE Co. single PCB with exception of the brightness control Fully fledged industry standard ASR33 data ter- The ICL Termiprinter is a small attractive unit with which can be brought out for external use. Many JUSTIN minal. Many features including: ASCII keyboard so many features itis impossible to list them in the features such as composite video, quoted bandwidth Secondhand chassis 9" Blue -best and printer for data I/O, auto data detect circuitry, space available!Brief spec.as follows; RS232 of 19 Mhz, superb linearity and definition make this a mains powered, video monitors, RS232 serial interface, 110 baud, 8 bit paper tape serial interface, switchable baud rates 110, 150, must for any MICRO/CCTV application. 300, 130 cpsl, upper and lower case correspond- composite video input with inbuilt punch and reader for off line data preparation and Brand new and booed only 5v 3 amp DC P.S.D. Tested, but ridiculously cheap and reliable data storage. Sup- ence type face, standard paper, almost silent run- + carriage £7.50 + VAT. £97.50+ VAT unguaranteed. pliedin good condition and in working order. ning, form feed, electronic tab settings, suited for Input harness, brightness pot and connector £2.50 Options: Floor stand E12.50 + VAT word processorapplicationsplus many more + VAT. Dimensions 9"H x 11"D x 11VW £39.99 + E7.50 carriage features. Supplied in good condition and in work Sound proof enclosure 115.00 + VAT Complete with circuit. ing order. Limited quantity. HURRY WHILE STOCKS LAST EQUIPMENT CASES GIVE THE PRINTER SCOOP OF THE YEAR STEP INTO THE 80's YOUR THE LOGABAX Z80 MICROPROCESSOR CONTROLLED WITH TOMORROWS WORLD M. P. U. LX180L MATRIX PRINTER TECHNOLOGY TODAY A HOME A massive bulk purchase enables us to offer you this THE TANTEL ONLY superb professional printer at a fraction of its recent PRESTEL-VEWDATA £9.95 wwwWwwwiseserel.". cost of over £2000. Utilising the very latest in 185 pp microprocessor technology, it features a host of ADAPTOR Superb professional fully enclosed, made for the facilities with all electronics on one plug in P.C.B. Just At last this amazing piece of micro technology is G.P.O. to the highest standard, offered at a GOO study the specification and you will instantly realise it fraction of their original cost they feature meets all the requirements of the most exacting available at a price you can afford. Just connect to aluminium sides, hinged removable front panel, professional or hobbyist user. the aerial socket of any colour or black and white which can be secured by 2 screws to prevent STANDARD FUNCTIONS * Full ASCII character set * Standard prying fingers. All are finished in two tone G.P.O. ink ribbon * RS232/V24 serial interface -7 xtal controlled baud rates up domestic TV receiver and to your PostOffice grey and although believed brand new may have to 9600 *194 characters per line * Parallel interface * Handshakes on serial and parallel installed jack socket and you are into the exciting minor scuff marks/scratches due to bad storage. ports *4 Type fonts, italic script, double width, italic large, standard * Internal buffer world of PRESTEL. Via simple push button use you Dimensions 16"0 x 6 Y:"H x 14%"W '* Internal seff test * 170 CPS * Variable paper tractor up to 17.5" wide * Solid steel construction * All software in 2708 eproms easily reconfigured for custom fonts etc. are able to view a staggering 170,000 pages of up to NATIONAL MA1012 LED the minuteinformationon many servicesand CLOCK MODULE All this and more, not refurbished but BRAND NEW At Only £525 + VAT utilities, order goods from companies, even play *12 HOUR + carriage and ins. £18.00 + VAT games!! All this and more without ever leaving your OPTIONAL EXTRAS * Lower case 125.00*16K buffer £30.00 * Second tractor for armchair! * ALARM r .! simultaneous dual forms £8500 * Logabax maintenance. P.O A. *50/60 HZ ONLY £170 The same module as used in most ALARM/CLOCK + £1.75 carr + VAT radios today, the only difference is our price! All rigGsHARD DISK DRIVES SEND £197.51 electronics are mounted on a PCB measuring only 3" x 1k" and by addition of a few switches and 5/16 Another major purchase allows us to bring you the professional technology of hard volts AC you have a multi function alarm clock at a disk drives at a price you can now afford. Just imagine absolutely masses of correct fraction of cost. Other features include snooze data transferred or saved on your system by the time your finger leaves the carriage timer, am pm, alarm set, power fail indicator, flash- return key!! All drives offered are made to the highest professional standard by the ing seconds cursor, modulated alarm output etc. DRE Co., perhaps the largest of UK OEM peripheral manufacturers. All components Supplied brand new with full data only are batch selected to obtain the utmost reliability and after having run two series 30 Suitable transformer 0.75. £5.25 and a 4000 drive continuously 24 hours a day for over a year without a single IDEAL - read/write error we can most certainly vouch for the quality. TANGERINE, DIABLO/DRE series 30. Fully refurbished this 2.5 MB drive accepts 2315 exchang- OHIO ETC, SEMICONDUCTOR able (via removing top cover) disk cartridges. Sectoring is a feature of the disk pack and may range from 8-48. Fully DEC RK05, Nova, Texas, system computable. Straight from the U.SA. made by the world famous R.C.A. Co, the 'GRAB BAGS' Requires + & -15v DC Supply. VP600 Series of cased freestanding keyboards meet all require- Amazing value mixed semiconductors, include Series 30 Drive £475 + VATSeries 30 Front Loader f695 + VAT ments of the most exacting user, right down to the price! transistors, digital, linear L C 's, triacs, diodes, budge 'DC Power Supply £125 + VAT Utilising the latest in switch technology. Guaranteed in excess of recs. etc etc. All devices guaranteed brand new, full DRE 4000 B Series. Model 4044. Technology at its finest, this drive currently 5 million operations. The keyboard has a host of other features spec with manufacturers markings, fully guaranteed manufactured by DRE features 10 MB's of on line storage split into two disk plattens,including fullASCII 128 character set, user definable keys, 50 + BAG E2.95 100 o BAGS [5.15 1, 5 MB fixed and 1 top load 5 MB type 5440 exchangable cartridge. Features, DC upper/lower case, rollover protection, single 5V rail, keyboard drive motor, built in air conditiong system, write protect, mains powered, etc. impervious to liquids and dust, TTL or CMOS outputs, even an Supplied Brand New and Boxed complete with Manual and Rack Slides. on -board tone generator for keypress feedback, and a 1 year full Manufacturers current price £3100, our price £1495 + VAT R.C.A. backed guarantee. 111 VP601 7bitfully coded output with delayed For DEC computability or alternate sectoring please enquire. Xylogics DEC LSI 11 Keep your equipment Cool and Reliable with our tested ex -equipment strobe, etc. £43.95 controller for 4 S30 or 2 4000 drives £850 + VAT Newton Labs S100 controller for 4 "Muffin Fans" almost silent running and easily mounted. Available m VP611 Same as VP601 with numeric pad. £54.95 two voltages. 110 V.A.C. E5.05rpp 909 OR 2110v A.C. E6.15 r pp S30 or 2 4000 £625 + VAT Controller for TRS80, PET APPLE, price to be announced. NEW 2315 12 sector disk packs £40 + VAT VP606 Serial, RS232, 20MA and TTL output, with 90p DIMENSIONS Of" x4f x 13 NEW 5440 any sector packs £48 + VAT 6 selectable Baud Rates. £60.95 ORDER NOW!! These prices may never be repeated. Specialist carriage S3005.00 + VAT 4000 VP616 Same as VP606, with numeric pad, £72.50 ELECTRONIC £20 +VAT Plug and cable for VP601, VP611 £2.25 COMPONE NTS Plug for VP606, VP616 £2.10

Post, Packing and Insurance. £1.95



Due to our massive bulk purchasing programme PLIES 5v D.C. POWER SU

which enables us to bring you the best possible

bargains, we have thousands of I. C.' s, Transistors, Following the recent "SELL OUT" demand for our 5v

Relays, Cap's., P.C.B.'s, Sub -assemblies, Switches,, 3 amp P.S.U. we have managed to secure a large quan- etc. etc. surplus to our requireinents. Because we tity of ex -computer systems P.S.U.'s with the following don't have sufficient stocks of any one item to spec.; 240 or 110v A.C. input. Outputs of 5v @ 3-4 Include in our ads., we are packing all these items ELECTRONICS amps, 7.2v @ 3 amps and 6.5v @ 1 amp. The 5v and 7.2v outputs are fully regulated and adjustable with into the "BARGAIN PARCEL OF A LIFETIME" Dept P.C.W. 64-66 Melfort Rd., Thornton Heath, Thousands of components at giveaway prices! MAIL OR DER variable current limiting on the 5v supply. Unit is self Guaranteed to be worth at least 3 times what you Croydon, Surrey. Tel: 01-689 7702 or 01-689 6800 INFORMATION contained on a P.C.B. measuring only 12" x x 3'. pay plus we always include something from our ads. Unless otherwise stated all prices inclusive of V.A.T. Cash with order. Minimum The 7.2v output is ideal for feeding "on board" regu- for unbeatable value!! Sold by weight order value £2.00. Prices and Postage quoted for UK only. Where post and lators or a further 3 amp LM323K regulator to give an packing not indicated please add 60p per order. Bona Fida account orders effective 5v @ 7 amp supply. 2.51tis f 4.75+pp E1.25 5kIs 6.75+pp £1 .80 minimum E10 .00 . Export and trade enquiries welcome. Orders despatched Supplied complete with circuit at only £10.95 +£1.75pp. 10k1s D1.75+1)1] E2.25 20kIs f19.99+ pp E4.75 same day where possible. Access and Barclaycard Visa welcome. Believed working but untested, unguaranteed. Of


MAGIC WINDOW allows youtotype up to EIGHTY CHARACTERS per knel, This allows you to see your letter report. etc.. exactly the way it will be printed Inserting dpieting centering. and justifying can be done on the so , without the need to print a work copy The real power and sophistication of a word processor is judged by how easy it is to use MAGIC WINDOW is as easy to use as a standard typewriter vet it has the POWER a PROFES- SIONAL requires.

PRICE79.95 + V.A.T. MAGIC WINDOW LOOK INTO OUR MAGIC WINDOW AND EXPERIENCE A postage and packing free WONDERLAND IN WORD PROCESSING. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR ABILITY. MAGIC WINDOW'S HUMAN ENGINEERING WILL GUIDE YOU FROM BEGIN- NING TYPING THROUGH PROFESSIONAL DOCUMENTS Novice typists to professional secretaries and administrators INSTANTLY AND EFFORTLESSLY. are amazed at the ease and simplicity of MAGIC WINDOW. MAGIC WINDOW is a Apple II word processing/text editing EDITING & FORMATTING system that is designed to increase your office productivity- USING VERY SIMPLE KEY STROKES. MAGIC WINDOW those time-consuming typing tasks can now be done quickly WILL MANIPULATE PARAGRAPHS. MAKE ADDITIONS, and efficiently. DELETIONS AND CORRECTIONS. THE DAYS OF RETYPING ARE OVER. The simplest and best-known word processing machine is the standard typewriter. We have retained the simple operating AFFORDABLE & EXPANDABLE features of the typewriter while providing complete editing See your local dealer facilities. MAGIC WINDOW DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY MODIFICA- MAGIC WINDOW is a word processing system that allows TION TO YOUR APPLE II COMPUTER. YOU CAN MODIFY MAGIC WINDOW TO USE ANY CUSTOM ADDITIONS YOU or send cheaues to: text to be entered, edited, printed, and saved on a diskette. MAGIC WINDOW isunique in the way itperforms these HAVE IN YOUR APPLE: LOWER CASE MODIFICATION. SBD SOFTWARE functions. LANGUAGE CARDS, CUSTOM PRINTER INTERFACES 15 JOCELYN ROAD ETC. RICHMOND TW9 2TJ HUMAN ENGINEERING Most systems separate the tasksofeditingtext andMAGIC WINDOW'S FOUR WAY SCROLLING ALLOWS TEL :01- 948 0461 formatting for printing. This separation requires formattingYOU TO VIEW EIGHTY -COLUMNS ON YOUR FORTY - Telex : 22861 commands to be placed in the text file. MAGIC WINDOW has no COLUMN SCREEN. MOST PAPERSIZES CAN BE need for these commands because it formats the text as youSIMULATED. MAGIC WINDOW WILL SHOW ALL FOUR enter it. What you see is truly what you get. There is noEDGES OF THE "PAPER" AS YOU TYPE. THIS SIMULATION guesswork in laying out your document. OF A STANDARD TYPEWRITER HAS CAUSED A REVOLU- TION IN APPLE II WORD PROCESSING. MAGIC WINDOW will instantly convert your Apple system into a word processor-no modifications or fancy gadgets toMAGIC WINDOW WILL KEEP YOU SPELLBOUND WITH buy. Simply insert the MAGIC WINDOW diskette into your disk OUR SPELLBINDER-A WEBSTER S WORD SPELLER! drive and experience word processing as never before DIVIDER. microwave MEMOREX FLOPPY DISKS WHOLESALE PRICES FOR END USERS 51" SINGLE SIDEDSINGLE DENSITY £1.65 LOW MAIL DOUBLE SIDED DOUBLE DENSITY£2.10 LOW ORDER 8"SINGLE SIDEDSINGLE DENSITY £2.39 PRICES DOUBLE SIDED DOUBLE DENSITY£3.45 COVER CRAFT PLASTICCOVERS SOLD IN BOXES OF 10 FLOPPY DISK SUBSYTEMS FOR: MICRO's Double density single sided drives PRINTERS We also stock Wheels and with power supply and enclosure V.D.U.s Mutli-coloured ribbons Single 5.25" Drives £175.00 FROM £6.95 -£9.95 For: Qume, Diablo, N.E.C. Dual 5.25" Drives £295.00 Single 8" Drives £395.00 Dual 8" Drives £695.00

INCREASE THE LIFE EXPECTANCY OF YOUR FLOPPY DISKS INDEXING SYSTEMSFLOPPY SAVER KITS5+"DISK STORAGE SYSTEMS8"DISK STORAGE SYSTEMS £1.505+" Saver Kit £7.95 * Capacity: 50 Disks *Capacity: 50 Disks 8" £5.95 Refill pack £4.95 * Colour: Smoke/Sand *Colour: Seville/Black For use with our 8" Saver Kit £8.95 * Construction: Polymer *Construction: Polymer Polymer Plastic Boxes Refill Pack£5.95 Plastic/3 partitions Plastic/6 partitions *** £14.95 *** *Carrying Handle *Lock and Key *** £24.95 *** Terms: payment with order in favour of Microware (London) Ltd. Please add 15% V.A.T. and 50p Postage. Telephone and Mail Orders accepted. Tel: 01-346 8452 Microware (London) Ltd., 5 Western Court, Huntly Drive, London N3 I NX 162 PCW MO OFFER A GREAT DEAL & MORE

NEW SUPERBOARDSEIKOSHA SERIES IC GP8OA This Unihammer dot Matrix Printer gives Normal and Double Width Characters " as well as Dot Ready 19:1111 resolution Graphics. Printing Speed 30 cps 111114111'4, Character Set 5 x 7 built Matrix Wilco Print Density 12 CPI Other Interfaces £199 visors P & P £4.50 VAT at 80 CPL RS 232E49 + VAT Paper Feed 8" Tractor IEE 488 or 111441V111111111113 Apple £35 + VAT &Tested ISSN Parallel Interface 500 Sheets of Pet E35 + VAT ignite Standard New from OSI - Series II. paperFREE! Everything series I had but Ia I O 1141 with more on a single board. Ideal for the beginner or experienced engineer alike. It needs only a 5V 3A power supply EPSON to be up and running. Fully expandable to a Floppy Disc and small business system. TX80 A complete 80 column dot matrix printer, available in ONLY £149 tractor or friction feed + P&P £3.50 4 VAT versions. 625 lines free Display. 6 latch outputs available for control Speed: 125cps. Memory MappedMapped Video Display with purposes. upper/lower case graphics and gaming 8 bit Digital to Analogue converter. Undirectional print characters. Full machine code monitor and I /0 Software selectable Display utilities in Rom. PET compatible graphics. 24 x 24 48 x 12 Superboard II Series II £149.00+ VAT 500 Sheets of paper FREE! £235 Uses the ultra powerful 6502 Micro. Black ABS case £ 24.50+ VAT 8K Microsoft Basic in Rom. Extra 4K Ram £ 12.00 + VAT Various Interfaces available from £35 P & P £4.50 VAT Full feature Basic runs faster than PSU 5A Ready Built E 23.00 + VAT currently available computers and all Numeric Key Pad Kit £ 11.95+ VAT DIL switches COMPUTER IC's '0' CONNECTORS OIL PLUGS 8080 based business computers. 610 Expansion Board with 8K fitted 2114L.300n 160 (Cannon type) (Headers) SPST 4K static Ram on board expandable (expandable to 24K) £150.00+ VAT 2114L200n 210 4 way 10 way 7531-31K EIO Plugs Sockets plastic 14 pin 44p 85p 175p to 8K. CD3P Floppy Disc £269.004- VAT 2708 325 118p 16 pin 49p 2732.450n 9 way 90p - 6 way Full 53 Keyboard with upper/lower caseWEMON £ 19.95 + VAT E10 15 way 120p 167p 150p 24 pin 88p 98p SPDT 2716-5V 330 40 pin 249p and user programmability. 4116 150 25 way 180p 280p 170p 8 way 4 way Power on reset -standard. Video swap tapeFREE! 6502 675 37 way 268p 390p 185p 115p 190p 6520 325 2 second action break key. Series 2 User's Manual 6522 570 Kansas City standard Audio cassette The best single source of 6532 795 DIL SOCKETS JUMPER LEADS 6545 1450 (TEXAS) Low Wire (Ribbon Cable Assemblies) interface for high reliability. information £6.95, no VAT 6551 785 6592 2572 profile wrap Single end DIP Jumpers length 24" 6800 490 8 pin 10p 25p 6802 595 14in 10p 16 pin165p 3 6p5p 14 pin145p 6810 280 16 pin 10p 4 24 pin240p 40 pin385p 6821 315 18 pin 16p 52p 6840 750 6850 315 20 pin 22p 65p Double end DIP Jumpers The Definitive Monitor 6852 390 22 pin 25p 70p Length No. of pins 8080A 450 24 pin 30p 78p 14 16 24 40 A 4k monitor specially designed to 8085A 1100 28 pin 35p 85p 6" 185p205p300p465p WEMON 99 81L595 215p315p490p Look at these superb facilities: produce the best from your 81L596 99 36 pin - 105p 12" 195p 81L597 99 40 pin 40p 109p 36" 230p250p375p595p Full screen editing. Superboard, Superboard Series 2, 8212 210 Fully programmable cursor control with 8214 425 UK101 or Enhanced System. 8216 200 meaningful symbols on screen. EDGE CONNECTORS (TEXAS) 8251 475 SPECIAL OFFER Single key Basic 8153 999 double type 1 156 1+ 50+ Auto remote control of tape recorder (requires only a relay). Monitor functions include: 8609 1550 82p 8126A 160 2 x lOway - 2114 -450n 1506 128p Scrolling list in data mode. 98p Open line facility. 8128A 160 2x 15 way 2114L- 300n 1659 135p 160 140; 120p Named tape files. Warm restart vector. 81955 2x 18 way 2114L- 200n 215p1856 Cursor indication of quotes mode. Fill memory. 81975 150 2 x 22 way 150p 125p 41-31 015 420 165p 160p 2532 C10 £.13 Auto list on error (displays faulty line upon carriage return). Search memory. 375 2 x 25 way 41-5-1013 2 x 30 way 188p 2708 350p295p Single command save (automatically returns "list"). Two save and three load routines. A1-52376 750 299p MC1488 90 2 x 36 way 197p 2716 3509 Centronics compatible printer driver. Floppy disc vector. MC1489 96 2 x40 way 205p 4027 25062156 Tabular display of memory. MC14411 950 2 x43 way 250p 4116 1508110p INCLUDING Highspeed Cassette Save & Load MC14412 Ell MK4027-2 450 To order: Send £23.52 or phone your RO-3-2513U 600 51196364E 950 ACCESS number for same day despatch. All this for only SFC71301 820 ACCESSORIES £19-95 TMS4027 250 State version required. VAT TEX Eprom Eraser £33 8" Fan -Fold Paper 50p P&P TM56011 365 280CPU 25 600 6Mhz Modulators £2.80 500 sheets £5.95 280ACPU 4M 800 91/2" Fan -Fold Paper 280 P10 550 8Mhz Modulators £4.50 280A PIO 645 500 sheets £5.95 2E10 CTC 550 microproc VIDEO A Complete 280A CTC 645 STAKPAK 10 Cassettes £5.50 TELEPRINTER ROLL £3.00 SOFTYdevelopmentsysteni 280 DART E12 Computer 2804 DART EIS ASCII Keyboard 756 £40 9" B & W Monitor £65.00 for the Engineer and the beginner alike GENIESystem Displays memory contents on standard 16K User Ram ALL PRICES EXCLUSIVE OF VAT & CARRIAGE UHF TV. 12 K Microsoft Basic in Rom. The above is just a selection of our vast stocks of Can replace monitor Rom to test and 64 x 16 line Display brand new, full spec, electronic components. develop programs. 128 x 48 dot graphics resolution. To Order: Please add 15% VAT to all orders unless Ideal training aid. stated. On orders of less than £10 add 40p P&P. Two 8 -bit I/O ports. Software compatible with Terms of Business: Cash/Cheque/P.O.'s or Buy it with Access Fast cassette interface. TRS80 level II. Bankers Draft with order. On -board Eprom programmer. Built in Cassette Recorder. Access Orders: Minimum £10 please. Copies software. Government, Education Authorities & Trade Welcome. Simple modification for single rail. Output and Control for Second Cassette. JUST PHONE IN YOUR ORDER WE DO THE REST. Price: Kit 99.00 + VAT Full expansion via Expansion box to Ready built £120.00 + VAT PSU £ 20.00 + VAT Disc -Printer P&P £ 1.50 + VAT 33/35CARDIFF ROAD, P & P £5 WATFORD,HERTS. Telephone 40588 FREE 2716 with each Softy £289+ VAT HaWATFORD ELECTRONICS


You Can't Work Harder, So Work Smarter. CASH011.41,4 Imagine being able to bring the world and Y1.% of data processing right into your own office without the need for extensive training or large expense. You have the ability with "The Data Factory" of CARRY on organizing your record keeping system. You decide what you want to keep track of, and easily develop solutions to your own problems. No need for a course in computer programming. You don'tevenhaveto know how to PET operate a computer to use The Data Factory. Our comprehensive step by step manual iseasily understood and teaches you and your staff how to use the program to set up the systems you need-inventory, customer lists employee APPLE records Itisnot and surprisingthataleading computer magazine survey showed that The Data Factory is consistently the best selling data base system on the market for the economical Apple micro computer. Consumer Oriented. 58 HIGH ST 255a ST ALBANS RD Micro Lab's products have been sold NEWPORT PAGNELL WATFORD, HERTS to thousands of corporations.Itis a BUCKS (entrance in Judge St) name that you can rely on. Our Ex- TEL: (0908) 610625 TEL: 32006 tended Warranty and customer service policies are the standard in the small computer industry. When you decide to buy a Micro Lab product, you can be assured that our system will work. UTILITIES Fora minimum investmentinthis Software inexpensivecomputer system,your entireofficewill function smoothly AOPT: andefficiently.Largecorporations Applesoft Program Optimizer is a 2.2k machine language utility that need nottie up their main computer will substantially reduce the size of the program without affecting the with specialized office procedures-you operation of the program £19.95 APLUS: can place one computer in each depart- Applesoft-Plus Structured Basic is a 4k machine language utility ment, or tie a branch office into your that adds strucutred programming commands to Applesoft basic. For system with a modem. You can't af- example 'DO CURVE -FIT' £19,95 ford to be without our products. CRAE: A co -resident Applesoft Editor. Global changes & finds. Quote (copy) Each product described above retails a range of lines. Append, Renumber, Modify, 15 commands in all for 100. Forfurtherinformation £14.95 CRAE & MCAT: about Micro Lab products, contact us Editor (as above) & MCAT which creates a sorted Master directlyor goto your local Apple Catalog. £19.95 computer dealer for a demonstration. APPLE PROTECTOR III: Protect your programs against piratins. The protected disks Distributed Exclusively in UK cannot be copied by presently available commercial copy programs. £60 by SIX Ill: Super Disk Copy IIIis a menu driven program that allows manipu- Personal Computer Ltd, lation of all types of files under DOS 3.1, 3.2 & 3.3 COPY single files, DOS, entire disk, UNDELETE, FIX filesizes etc. Allow files to be 194-200 Bishopsgate, transferred back to DOS 3.2 £24.95 DISK RECOVERY: LONDON EC 2 01-626-8121 This utility will examine all the sectors on the disk, BAD BLOCK SCAN option, And the REDO VTOC option may correct "messed -up" disks. Repair your disk. £24.95 DOS PLUS: This utility adds 8 new commands to APPLE DOS. Three are builtin & 5 are user -definable. Now you can 'flip' between DOS 3.3 & micpo lab DOS 3.2 while a program is running!? £19.95

systems that work Add 15% V.A.T. Postage & Packing Free. Write or phone for full catalogue of available software. 3218 Skokie Valley Road Dealer Enquiries Welcome. Highland Park, IL 60035 312-433-7550 Contact:- S.B.D. SOFTWARE, 15 Jocelyn Road 1981. Micro Lab. Inc Richmond TW9 2TJTel: 01-948 0461 Telex: 22861 Apple is a trademark of Apple Computers. Inc

164 PCW


Now for floppy and hard disks, single and multi-user microcomputer systems.

3,000 SALES STOCK 20,000 PURCHASE 3,000 PAYROLL 500+ a/c's items a/c's Personnel

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PCW 165 ROMFORD COMPUTER SHOP Presents The ACORN ATOM With paddles -printers -monitors- -games Plus ram--colour encoder -magic book

72 North Street, Romford, Essex. (51v1PUSKILL Telephone Romford 751906

IBM SELECTRIC GOLFBALL PRINTERS AND INPUT, OUTPUT 735 TYPEWRITERS THE BODY OF ANY SYSTEM PRINTERS FROM £195.00 Lets face it - you 735 TYPEWRITERS FROM £245.00 WIRING AND COMMISION can't produce as crisp TO SUIT ACULAB INTERFACE £48.00 an image on a ACULAB INTERFACES EX STOCK £155.00 domestic T.V. as you can on a Crofton ALSO AVAILABLE monitor. IBM 71, 72, 82 typewriters. 9" Crofton Monitors Full workshop facilities for rebuilds and servicing. P4 White £64.97 Keyboard ASCID-ASCII, 10-12 pitch, language P31 Green £77.62 conversions undertaken. SHUGART FLOPPY DISK DRIVES 11", 13", 15" platen lengths, split platens pin No case, No Power Supply feed platens. Operational keylever repeats fitted SA 400 5%" S.S.S.D. £149.05 on request. SA 450 5'/.." D.S.S.D. £283.31 Full IBM range of 10-12* pitch heads including SA 8008" S.S.S.D. £340.52 language, symbol and metric. FLOPPY DISKS - BOXES OF TEN Language keybuttons blue or grey Single sided 35/40 Track f26.45 Double sided35/40 Track 5%." £ 37.95 Single sided 77 Track £ 41.40 WE BUY SELL OR EXCHANGE ALL IBM Double sided 77 Track 5%" 47.15 SELECTRIC TYPEWRITER MODELS Single sided 8- £ 40.25 IKEGAMI 12" MONITORS For further details phone Stuart Kirby or P 4 White £171.50 Louis Baker Prices excl VAT @ 15% carriage & P31 Green £184.97 packing, callers by appt only please 2/3" FULLY INTERLACED C.C.T.V. CAMERAS £149.00 ALL THE ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE V.A.T. AND CARRIAGE ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Small surcharge 17 ITU CROFTON ELECTRONICS LTD Saul Lodge, Saul, Gloucester GL2 7JE 35 Grosvenor Road, Twickenham, Middx TW1 4AD Tel: 0452 740 612 01-891 1923/1513

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In the Twenties, talking pictures came to corresponding to the required word, and the cinemas of Europe. Sixty years later the electronics does -the rest. Hi -tech Electronics presents an evaluation Delivery is currently from stock. If you board which brings talkies to the require further details, please call or computers of Europe. write to £185 brings you an S100 computer card, with a chip set preprogrammed with 144 words (spoken in English not Dalekese) HI TECH ELECTRONICS and incorporating the natural inflection 54 HIGH ROAD SWAYTHLING SOUTHAMPTON S02 2JF and emphasis of the original speech. TEL 0703 581555 TELEX NO 47388 HTEL Getting the board to talk is simplicity itself- lust sendthe number GIFINES oFtwart.

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Think of a 48K, 8" Twin Disk Based Convert System, complete with VDU, Printer, Software and Manuals. your PET Now think of a price. How does £2790.00 (Ex. VAT) sound. to a terminal Now think of it installed, tested and running anywhere in the U.K. for the same price. for 84.180! Why spend £4000 on a terminal Useful in programming and linking to Interested, then ring 0473 823698 and when you can convert your paper tape punches. instrumentation we'll send you the details. Commodore PET for only £180 to and control devices. do exactly the same thing? Can be used as a normal printer Kingston offer you this with NETKIT interface. -a hardware/firmware package High speed transmission via which dramatically widens the scope RS232 and not IEEE. Tomorrow still has vacancies in some areas of the PET, and maintains Kingston's Detailed manual, cable correc- reputation as market leaders in tions and supporting software also of the U. K. for additional independent sales computer communications and included. agents. Please write or telephone for further interfaces. Hundreds of NETKITS have well Netkit allows the PET to documented operational reliability in information. link to any RS232 Device, numerous applications. Find out including another PET. more for yourself, just send micro,most mini and for further information on main frame computers. NETKIT and other Easy to use, no Kingston products: Once complicated machine you've seen our leaflet you code for input. may wish to take up our 30 TOMORROW MICRO -SYSTEMS Gives automatic day sale or return offer. We character conversion. are sure you'll be convinced. Number One Queen Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk. KinGsTon Telephone:0473-823698 Kingston Computers Limited, Electricity Buildings, Filey, Yorkshire, U.K. Telex:987669 Telephone: 0723 514141 Telex: 52163 A member of the Kioxmas Group

168 PCW TRANSAM COMPUTER SYSTEMS THE TUSCAN S100 DESK TOP S100 SYSTEMS MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEM TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS Designed, built and supported in Britain by We support the S100 bus! Our experience in TRANSAM, the Tuscan S100 system is an microcomputer design and development enables economical and very powerful computer system, us to support a whole range of computer designed to be used in several configurations hardware, to help and explain systems aid to otter dependent of user requirements. the level of support you can only get when dealing Using the Z80 processorit is uP/M direct with the manufacturer compatible with S100 expansion onboaruIt that We have laid out in our new systems doesn't mean much to you now, then rest assure(' catalogue all you need to know about choosing that it will when it comes to ease of expansion and your hardware, how to choose the right printer and software availability An ideal system for use at the size of disc drive, and what future expansion to home. in the office, at schodl, in the lab or in consider Our advice is free and our systems are development applications, TRANSAM take care of very competitive. all your requirements. Our new systems catalogue Even if you don't have an S100 system, our covers the Tuscan and a whole range of computer catalogue has something of interest to everyone. hardware now available Send for your copy now, or better still call in and see us and collect your copy from our London showroom We sell direct and by .nail

11111=M111111111111=111111111=01 order worldwide. SOFTWARE TCL SOFTWARE -- SOFTWARE PACKAGES TO A DIVISION OF TRANSAM SUIT YOUR APPLICATIONS 11;1_ Software specialize in producing British We have compiled a new software catalogue software for the British market We have several primarily aimed at CP/M users. This lists all the major software packages to our credit, the most applications packages we have available, several famous being TCL Pascal, our own British Pascal languages and plenty of interesting program compiler It was originally produced to run on our development aids. It's hard to think of an own Triton and Tuscan computers, but is now occupation for which a micro would not be an aid. available as a standard CP/M package and for the Software is continually being developed and CBM PET computer, officially marketed by improved for use in almost every professional field. Commodore worldwide An example of British With good advice you can choose the right software at its best package to suit your application Our software catalogue has something for all AND SPARES MIGRoGoMPUT ER SPARES PROTOTYPING AND AND ACCESSORIES DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS Have you ever nad problems getting the light Fast, ieturn of post mail order service on all our connector or replacing a faulty interface cable? products Telephone credit card orders accepted Have you ever thought you could do a better job if or call at our showroom All our products are brand you could only get the right spare parts? new and fully guaranteed. From prototype through We specialize in microcomputers and stock a to production our range of microcomputer comprehenSive range of components and spares: products will cover your requirements. Hobbyist, memory and support chips; microprocessors TTL school, university, R 8 D or OEM. Send for our logic, and all those hard to get connectors new components catalogue. and cables. threenewcatalogues

EThree new catalogues available from Transom, the Bntish microcomputer-1 , specialists Catalogues are 40p each or all three for £1 (free to government I departments schools and companies) Please send large (A4) SAE

TRAINAM Pleasesend me the computersystemscatalogue i_ j I S Please send me the software catalogue 0 NOBODY DOES IT BETTER! Please send me the componentsand spares catalogue 0 I I I rransani Components Ltd THEOBALD S RD NAME 59/61 Theobald's Road I ADDRESS London WC1 1L Tel: 01-405 5240/ 21 13 NEW OXFORD ST Callers welcome Tottenham Holborn Court Rd. LELEpHoNE ' _J

PCW 169 Profeqqionat Data *p5tetit5. Carne House, Markland Hill, Chorley New Road, Bolton. KAI Starter Pack 0204 493816 Apple II Europlus 48K, Disk Drive with Controller (DOS 3.3), Epsom MX80, 9" Hitachi Monitor and 'Using your Apple course' by Little Genius. Ref Si LEVEL I APPLE ACCREDITED SERVICE £1549.00 DEALER ONE YEARS FULL WARRANTY Apple II Europlus 48K, Disk Drive with Controller (DOS 3.3), ON ALL APPLE EQUIPMENT. DEALER Disk Drive, Paper Tiger 445 with Interface, 9" Hitachi Monitor and Pack of 3 Little Genius Courses. Ref S2 ENQUIRIES WELCOMED. £2079.00 KAI Business Pack RING FOR OUR COMPLETE CATALOGUE Apple II Europlus 48K, Disk Drive with Controller (DOS 3.3), ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO 15% VAT + Disk Drive, 12" Green Screen Monitor, Paper Tiger 445 with POSTAGE & PACKING CREDIT CARD Interface, Pack of 3 Little Genius Courses, Visicalc, Desk Top SALES SUBJECT TO 5% CHARGE OVER PlanII,Appleplot, Applewriter and Hi -Tech Information ADVERTISED PRICE. WE NOW Master. RefB1 DISTRIBUTE FOR SIRIUS, MICROSOFT, £2449.00 STONEWARE HIGH TECHNOLOGY Apple II Europlus 48K, Disk Drive with Controller (DOS 3.3), CREATIVE COMPUTING Disk Drive, 12" Green Screen Monitor, Olympia Scripta Letter Quality Printer/Typewriter. Double Vision 80 Column Display and Serial Interface, Visicalc, Desk Top Plan II, Format 80 Word Processor System, Hi -Tech Information Master. Ref B2 DATABASES £3099.00 D.B. MASTER A total of 9 Screen Pages per record with up to 1020 bytes per record & 100 fields. This is KAI Financial Planning/Modelling Pack THE databse. Rave reviews in U.S.A. £109.95 Apple II Europlus 48K, Disk Drive with Controller (DOS 3.3), INFORMATION MASTER From High Technology. Disk Drive, 12" Green Screen Monitor, Paper Tiger 445 with One of the better systems available for Apple. £73.95 Interface, PASCAL Language SystemMicromodeller, D.M.B.S. Also from High Technology. Lower cost system Visicalc, Desk Top Plan II, Appleplot, Hi -Tech Information for those on a tight budget. £49.95 Master and Applewriter. Ref Fl £2999.00 DATA MASTER A must for purchasers ofHigh Apple II Europlus 48K, 2 x Disk Drives with Controller (DOS Technologies data bases. Allows redefinition of fields 3.3), Disk Drive, 12" Green Screen Monitor, Pascal Language & transfer of data £49.95 Systems, Double Vision 80 Column Display Card,Serial Interface,Qume Sprint45R0DaisyWheelPrinter, WORD PROCESSING Micromodeller, Visicalc, Desk Top Plan II, Appleplot, Hi - Tech Information Master, Format 80 Word Processing System WORD STAR is regarded as the best word processor Ref F2 on the market for the small computer. All functions of £4599.00 a sophisticated w.p. available. Additional hardware requirements are Z80 & 80 col. cards. This is the same AccountingSoftware programme other suppliers are offering at £300 + £195.00 TABS Accounting System for sales, purchase and nominal APPLEWRITER Simple easy to use text editor complete ledgers, stock control, job costing, payroll, order processing, with manual £35.00 invoicing, mailinglist,sales order processing and word PLUG IN CARDS processor. PASCAL LANGUAGE £250.00 £99.00 per module. INTEGER CARD £99.00 Foundation module available from us at £89.00. 80 COLUMN CARD 80 col x 24 line with upper and KAI Progress Pack (Upgrades your existing 48K Apple II with lower case -true descenders. £165.00 2DiskDrives DOS3.3). Z80 SOFTCARD Allows implementation of CPM Upgrade your system to business standards with letter quality capability(seeBusiness Pack above). 2 Olympia Scripta, software £175.00 Format 80, Double Vision80Column Display Cards, Serial 1. 16K RAMCARD Expand the c.p.u. on the Apple Ref FUl up to 64k. £110.95 £1399.00 Financial Planning/Modelling Upgrade, PASCAL Language HARDWARE System,the popular Micromodeller and Disk Drivewith APPLE 16kAn unbeatableprice from one of the Controller.Ref U2 leading suppliers ofApple Businesssystems. We are a £949.00 Level 1 Service Dealer with full support capabilities for KAI Over -the -Counter Service all hardware suppliedbyus. £595.00 * Bank Draft,Cheque or Money Order only accepted DISC DRIVES 5'4 inch Apple Drives £265.00 with order CONTROLLER £75.00 * All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT and Delivery 12" GREEN/BLACK MONITOR Exceptionally clear * Collections by appointment only screen. The best we have seen With cable £154.00 * Allow 30 days for delivery GAMES * Warranty for Apple products - 1 year The following are just a brief selection of games we stock. non -Apple products - 90 days We have a permanent Apple set up for visitors who want on a return to supplier basis to test products before purchase. Telephone to make * Offer subject to availability appointment to visit our showroom. For a comprehensive listof our software and accessories competitively priced for our Over -the -Counter Service Write TOP TEN SELLERS or Telephone NOW! SPACE EGGS £14,95 KAI Professional Service ADVENTURE £14.95 KAIalsooffersacomprehensivebusinessservicefor ASTEROIDS IN SPACE £12..50 companies intending to use the microcomputer applications A.B.M. £16.00 for the first time. APPLE GALAX IAN £13.95 PUCKMAN £16.00 KOMPUTATION AUTOMATION INFORMATION LTD HELL FIRE WARRIORS £15.50 203A Belsize Road, LondonNW6 TEMPLE OF APSHAI £15.50 Telephone FLIGHT SIMULATOR £20.00 01 3287038 01 328 3968 STAR CRUISER £13.00 24 hour personalansweringservice 01 486 4808

170 PM [PLUS likaPplaoApple is a trade mark of Apple Computer Inc., Cupertino, CA. USA. Sales and Service


London Office For full details OpeningSoon Contact :

Authorized Apple Dealer


We supply all Apple products at competitive prices For Free Advice Telephone: 0273-695264 15 GRAND PARADE, BRIGHTON, SUSSEX, BN2 2QB

PCW 171 TOMORROW TODAY PO Box 12, Bentham at Lancaster = irmingham Computer Centre Phone: Commodore official distributors (0468) 61848 AUTOACCOUNTS - an integrated accounting system with invoicing, journals, nominal & personal ledger and analysed cashbook (bank, cash, VAT & analysed net). Disk only £225. + VAT. ANALYSED CASHBOOK - the core of the system. Item, Cheque No., VAT Rate, Bank, Cash, Vat, Net & Account. Auto Vat calculation & Totals for each page. Autoselection of nominal & personal items for posting 12 months to Ledger. £75 + VAT warranty LEDGER/STATEMENT -Dual purpose program 4008-16-32 PETs creates Ledger for each Account, balancing when you -8032-8050 wish. Also provides a Statement for customers. The reliable value for money system £25 + VAT. with after sales support, instruction INVOICE -- Formatted Invoice with Item, Debit, Vat, and training facilities and a wide Vat Rate, Net and Account columns & Totals. range of programmes. £25 + VAT. DATASTAX -all purpose utility for transferring data: keyboard/tape/disk/video/printer in any logical 48K direction. Disk not needed. On tape or disk. 12 months Disk £15 + VAT. warranty EASYWORDS easy to use word -processor, justi- P=1:33 drive with controller fication, block tab & single line tab, enhanced lines £1075 option, variable column width, title centering. + VAT £15 + VAT. IMP Programs are written for 32K/16K CMB PET, CBM Disk or Computhink or Tape, CBM Printer or Tele- Apple authorised distributors type etc. Please state which combination. The sophisticated quality system with Add15%VAT. a reputation for advanced design and innovation. SHARP Z8OK APdO©rMaRE The Wizard and the Princess - Hi-res adventure in 21 colours. £18.95 M48K Mystery House - Hi-res adventure using over 100 pictures. £13.95 M48K Oldorf s Revenge -Hires adventure with 100 rooms. £11.95 A48K Tarturan - Yet another hi-res adventure with 1 60 rooms. £14.95 A48K D/DATABASE -- Ultra -fast database using advanced program techniques. £39.95 A48K 12 months DDA FILES CONTROLLER - Sorts and manipulates D/DATABASE files. £39.95 A48K warranty Alien Rain (Galax ian) - Colour + hi-res version of pub game. £13.95 M48K Cyber Strike - 3D hires action adventure in space. MIND BOGGLING. £21.95 M48K Both Barrels -2 hi-res action games on one disk. £13.95A48K The incredible computer system. Star Cruiser - Real-time hi-res action game with sound. £13.95M32K Mission: Asteroid - Hi-res adventure in 21 colours. Relatively easy.£10.95M32K Now available ex -stock including the Hi -Res Soccer - English football for 1 or 2 players in hi-res. £21.95M48K new dual drive duble sided Missile Defense - Hi-res animation and sound arcade game. £16.95M48K Thrilogy - Three super games on one disk. £13.95148K floppy disk. Warp Factor - 1 or 2 player hi-res Star Trek/Space War game. £23.95A48K Cartels & Cutthroats - Business game for up to 6 players. £23.95A48K THE ULTIMATE IN DAISYWHEEL PRINTERS Asteroids in Space - Superb hi-res implementation of the pub game. £10.95M48K RICOH RP 1600 Fracas - Graphics and sound effects in this multi -player adventure.13.95M48K Alien Typhoon -A much more difficult version of Alien Rain. £13.95M48K Demon Derby (Hyper Head -On) -4 skill level hi-res car race game. £13.95M32K Galaxy Wars - Colour graphics + Sound effects + hi-res. £13.95M32K Snoggle (Puckman) - Hi-res maze of ghosts. Great fun. 13.95M48K Hi -Res Cribbage - The title describes it. Even hear the pegs move. £13.95M48K SuperScript - Word processor with true upper/lower case on screen. £49.95M48K 1111r....111111112 Phantoms Five - 3D action -packed hi-res game. £16.95M48K Space Eggs - Hi-res super fast arcade style game. £16.95M48K Pulsar II - 2 games on one disk. £16.95M48K Orbitron - Fight off enemy forces and avoid meteor showers. £16.95M48K Autobahn - Road race game with sound and hi-res grpahics. £16.95M48K Torpedo Fire - 3D hi-res World War II submarine simulation. £35.95A48K Operation Apocalypse - Hi-res World War 11 wargame. £35.95 THE BEST WORLD PROCESSOR A48K A: Requires Applesoft in Rom. I: Requires Integer Basic. M: Will PRINTER AVAILABLE run on any Apple. All software is available on disk only and boots under DOS 3,2 (Some programs will also boot under DOS 3.31. DEALER ENQUIRIES WELCOME Many of the games require paddles. Please write or telephone for your FREE copy of our catalogue of Apple software. Prices Camden Electronics Ltd. include VAT @ 15%. Please add 50p P + P for orders under 462 Coventry Road, Small Heath, £30.00 totally. DEALER ENQUIRIES INVITED. MAIL ORDER ONLY. Birmingham B10 OUG. 111111CLWCAIID .(PULD).0 C)P1'WAR Telephone 021 773 8240 VISA 11411. VAIN Open Mon. -Sat. 9.30-6.00 p.m. 98, AVONDALE ROAD, SOUTH CROYDON, SURREY. A MEMBER OF THE COMPUTER RETAILERS ASSOCIATION Tel: 01-661 2365

1 7 2 PCW LONDON COMPUTER CENTRE DAISY WHEEL PRINTER II INCLUDING BI-DIRECTIONAL TRACTOR £1095 EXCELLENT PRINT QUALI FY- SUPERIOR TO MOST FAMOUS MAKES + Built in proportional spacing+ Look -ahead logic 60 CHARACTERS PER SECOND THE FASTEST DAISY WHEEL PRINTER. 4-- TRS 80 Model I Et II FAST, heavy duty commercial DAISY WHEEL printer, with high quality printout, coupled 4- SUPERBRAIN with low noise necessary for office environment. 4-- APPLE 124 char: upper/lower case. * 10/12 chars per inch giving 126 or 163 columns. * 15 inch wide -4- PET friction platen. * BOLDING, underline, and 4-- HORIZON Etc host of other features. * Centronics type TRACTOR FEED OIE f175 parallel interface as standard options: serial SHEET FEEDER OPTIONAL EX1 HA £550 interface £60. * PET interface £65. * APPLE JAPANESE RELIABILITY OPTIONAL EXTRA SHEETFEEDER £550 interface £75. Dealer enquiries invited EPSON MX 80E395 Epson Mx100 Fir WITH DUAL PRINT MODES Other + ROLLER ATTACHMENT CORRESPONDENCE QUALITY The only full 15" width AND STANDARD DOT MATRIX Daisywheel printers LETTER LIKE PRINT QUALITY platten dot matrix IN ONE LOW COST UNIT 3 -WAY PAPER HANDLING Qume RO £1,550 printer with dual print 1. Letterheads or A4 Qume KSR £1,695 2. Fanfold modes. Nec Ro £1,550 3. Paper Rolls Correspondence quality LOW NOISE and standard The quietest dot Matrix Printer 132 COLUMNS PER LINE Dot matrix £575 Directly replaces big, expensive 90 day on site warranty printers, eg: Texas 810, Centronics 700 on qumes included HIGH RELIABILITY Full specification as Precision engineered by Shinsu mx80. FIT, as right Seiki asubsidiary of Seiko Watch AimommilCo. livJapan TRS 80 Model 1

TRS-80 ji-rrurrrrrjou MODEL II

NEW LOW PRICES State of the art second generation computer. SUPERBRAIN 48K System with dual Over 10,000 already sold in USA, 8 slot 350K £1695 disk drives £1175 bus ensures expansion of hard discs & other with tpson Printer £1350 peripherals., 76 Key professional keyboard, 700K £1995 self test on power up, TRSDOS & Level New green screen VDU with rock steady 1600K £2595 display. Redesigned 32K expansion inter- III basic standard. CP/M available as option. face with trouble free operation & two making a wide range of accounting, 64K RAM Standard on 40 track disc drives. educational, scientific & word processing all models 16K Keyboard with Modulator £382 packages instantly usable. 16K System: Keyboard, Nationwide service through 180 Tandy Green screen & cassette £485 stores & computer centres. NOW with MULTICOLOURED DEDICATED Dual 40 track disc drives & cables £425 KEYS for MAGIC WAND, the ULTIMATE 32K Expansion Interfarp £299 NOW WITH CP/M 2.24 £1999 WORD PROCESSOR VISICALC for TRS-80 MODEL 1 £52

CPM SOFTWARE Wordstar £250.00 Wordstar, Mailmerge £315.00 Magic Wand £250.00 Special LCC System 48K Apple, Data Star £195.00 Apple 48K £805 T/Maker (similar to Visicalci £175.00 dual 35 track disk drives 12" Report Writer £90.00 green monitor £1395 Accounts Packages from £295.00 Dual 35 track disk drives including Payroll from £295.00 integral power supply 3.2/3.3 CBasic2 £75.00 Double Vision 80 x 24 card £170 MBasic80 £150.00 controller £650 MBasic Compeer £195.00 Pascal/M £195.00 CPM Softcard £175 Pascal/Z £155.00 As above 80 track drives 655K Cobol £325.00 CP/M £95.00 total with 3.3 controller (equal to 16K RAM (integer) card £95 Fortran £205.00 5 Apple drives) £795 Superpostman £125.00 CENTRONICS PARALLEL CARD £75

SOFTWARE FOR TRS-80 12" green monitor £89 Electric Pencil (Disc) E60.00 Serial Printer Communications card £85 Electric Pencil (Tape) £35.00 Scriptsit (Disc) E75.00 Scripsil (Tape) £60.00 All prices exclusive of carriage & VAT Mailmerge for Pencil E45.00 DEALER ENQUIRIES INVITED ON ALL VAT Aid Programme E45.00 PRODUCTS 43 GRAFTON WAY, LONDON W1P 5LA (OppositeMaples 1 Tel: 388 6991/2 OPENING HOURS: 11-7 MON-FRIW-4 SA1 24 hour answer phone: 01-388 5721

PCW 173 We are exclusive distributors for UK of SERENDIPITY SYSTEMS packages for Apple & CP/M; of MAGSAM index sequential access routines for CBASIC and MBASIC and IFO-Information If you are puzzled by the lack of File Organiser - the best good application software for CP/ M micros; data base package available then puzzle no longer. - Ask about for use with Apple. DATAF LOW The easy -to -use, fast and flexible Data Base Management and Information Retrieval package.

Also ask about; Inter-Stat, Advanced Maths and 'Video Message packages for Apple Ask for leaflet on; Serendipity Ledgers and Stock Control for CP/M Professional Client Billing for Accountants, Lawyers etc. CRA GREAT NORTHERN Computer Services Limited 55 East Parade, Harrogate, HG1 5LQ Telephone 104231501131 Telex 57453 For Great Northern 116 Low Lane, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5PX. Telephone (0532) 589980

0o Tryus ti * MEMORIES IN A S CO M USERS 2732 32K EPROM (4x8) 450ns £6.25 2532 32K EPROM (4x8) 450ns £6.25 YOU CAN HAVE A DUAL DRIVE SYSTEM 2716 16K EPROM (2x8) 450ns £3.50 2708 8K EPROM (1x8) 450ns f2.80 FOR LESSTHAN £300 2114 4K SRAM (1x4) 450ns £2.00 2114 4K S RAM (1x4) 300ns £2.20 2114 4K S RAM (1x4) 200ns £2.30 Based on the highly reliable Philips Mini Cassette Drive.. 4116 16K DRAM (16x1) 200ns £1.25 5101 1KC MOS (256x4) 450ns £1.20 6504 4K C MOS (4x1) 250ns £3.50 16K C MOS RAM (2x8) 250ns £13.00 Uses the powerful Z80 SIO * LOGIC IC's Faster than stringy floppy 74LS09P £0.13 LS174P f0.42 LS48P £0.36 74LS175P £0.42 LS9OP £0.33 LS257P £0.48 Highly Structured Command Set LS138P £0.30 LS367P £0.33 LS163P £0.65 LS368P £0.33 Includes Catalog /Transfer / Jumps, etc.

*CMOS ' 4001 £0.14 4049 £0.19 4011 £0.14 4081 £0.14 Single drive kit £230 * EPSON PRINTER MX70, TX8OB EX STOCK Dual drive kit £299 Please add 50p for postage and packing for orders under £50. Prices include VAT. Minimum order £15. Send sae for details.

Calona Limited COMPUTER INTERFACING BE UIPMENT LTD Third FloorBroadway House C.I.E.L. NAME 112-134 The Broadway Wimbledon 46 MOOED AN PARK 411( London SW19 1RH GARDENS ADDRESS Telephone 01-543 1008 Telex 923416 CLNLDN G EDINBURGH EHli TEL 041 221 3399

174 PCW 13110LIPI COMPUTER CEPTRE MICROCOMPUTERS FOR BUSINESS, COMPUTER S EDUCATION AND HOME From as little as £20 per week for your own business system with video screen, keyboard, twin floppy disk unit and printer. Choose any of the software programs available i.e.: FOR ALL YOUR BUSINESS, EDUCATION & LEISURE * Word processing *Incomplete records COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS!!! *Payroll * Time recording *I nvoicning *Information retrieval APPLE II *Stock control *Cash flow *Book-keeping *Projection analysis TRS-80 And when you've finished your easy days work we've got a few SHARP games for you to relax to including Space Invaders. NORTH STAR Cromer We have first hand experience in dealing with businesses and can HORIZON King's Lynn offer you expert advice in setting up your very first system. TANGERINE We can also offer installation, training and maintenance contracts. J.K. 101 Dereham Great Yarmouth >--LNOW IS THE TIME NASCOM NORWICH EXTRAS & OPTIONS Special desk work station CBM 8032 Computer Inew model) Floppy disks Lockable disk boxes CBM 8050 Floppy I New model/ Continuous Stationery Payslips Oume Springs Daisy Wheel Printer +PRINTERS AND Dustcovers Sound boxes SERVICES Automatic sheet feeder HARDWARE Installation OTHER PERIPHERALS Thetford Tractor feed CAM 3032 Computer Training Lowestoft Daisy wheels CBM 3040 Floppy Maintenance BOOKS** Bury Printer ribbons CBM 3022 Printer Al ter Sales Service SOFTWARE* St. Edmunds Call into the DA VINCI COMPUTER SHOP MAGAZINES** Diss leggIAMINO STATIONERY*** NSA 65 High St., Edgware, Middx. MEM' Tel. 952 0526 BUSINESS+ Open Mon -Fri. 9-5.30. Sat 9.30-5.00 INDUSTRIAL or send for details CONTROL Floppy Discs £2 each + VAT. WE ARE HERE!!! Qume sorint 5 £1,595 + VAT. 88 St. Benedict's Street CBM 8026 Daisywheel Printer inc Keyboard NORWICH NR2 4AB Tel. (0603) 29652 £995 + VAT. 24hr. Answering Service.

AFTER NUMEROUS REQUESTS, HERE IT IS.... LOW COST MEMORIES THE ZX 81 FULL SPEC DEVICES 2114-350ns £1.75 COMPANION 2114-250ns £2.75 4116 -200ns £1.80 PRICE £7.95 INCL. UK POSTAGE 2716- 2516 +5v£ 3.50

LINSAC's latest publication includes over forty LOW PROFILE SOCKETS ZX81 programs and routines, and sections on 14pin-10p 16 pin -11p real-time graphics and the monitor. It is designed 18pin-16p 24pin-30p as an extension of the Sinclair manual, with all 40pin -40p the quality and depth found in its predecessor, DISCOUNTS 1-9 nett THE ZX80 COMPANION. Owners of 8K ROM 10 -24 less 5% 25+ less 10% ZX80's will also find the book an invaluable To Order: -Send Cash/Cheque/P.0:s or asset. Bankers Draft with order Add 159' -VAT to all orders. P&P add Send cheque for £7.95 to: 50p for orders of less than £10 MEMTEC 218,STATION RD L1NSAC 68 Barker Road, Linthorpe, KNEBWORTH Middlesbrough, Co.Cleveland TS5 5ES HERTS Tel (0438) 812137/811525

PCW 175 PET EPROM PROGRAMMER MAKE YOUR OWN PET GR APH ICS & £ SIGN Pete & Pam Computers ONLY INCLUDING Micro Computer Hardware and Software Specialists in Applefare INSTRUCTION TAPE 2716 EPROMS £5.00 We aredistributorsforMicrosoft,High Technology,Stoneware Broderbund California Pacific. United Software. Videx, On -Line Systems EACH Sirius. Stellatior.-Two. Daken Corporation, Micro -Pro Sub -Logic ABT Computer Station, Versa Computing, Symtec, Micro -Lab, Synergyotic coming soon Avant Guarde Lazer Systems. M & R Enterprises South Coast Enterprises and Street Electronics NEW TOOLKIT We welcome dealer enquiries All the products we advertise are available from your local dealer

RAMCARD CIO. 95 A 16K Fxpan,107 rd ro: your AppleIt will provide ndditicnal memos' PFT r4pApHirs Visicalc 'sad totegei trcrrSystem Master and in folly cornpatable wit!'^tit Pascal System MADE TO ORDER Z80 SOFTCARD El 69 00 A Z-80 microprocessor for Apple Comes with CP/M operating system and ONLY 6"x4"x2" S.A.E. FOR DETAILS Microsoft Basic 5 COBOL 80 E299.00 COMPLETELY SELFCON- FORTRAN 80 E109.95 NEW ELECTRONIC SYMBOLS BASIC COMPILER £199.00 TAINED. ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT £79.00 * PLUGS INTO I-EEE PORT FOR EASY PROGRAMMING OF PCB BOARDS AND CIR- THE MILL 6809 E169 00 * EASY TO FOLLOW A 6809 processor add-on for Apple Can work in conjunction with 6502 INSTRUCTION CUIT DIAGRAMS ON YOUR Compatable with FLEX operating system Assemblers are available PROGRAMME. PET SCREEN. PASCAL SPEED-UP KIT E79.00 * MAKE YOUR OWN THE EPROM REPLACES Works in conjunction with the 6809 to greatly increase the speed of execution of EXISTING CHARACTER Apple Pascal programs TOOLKITS PERMANENT COPIES OF GENERATOR ON YOUR 80 COLUMN BOARDS PET Take your pick MACHINE CODE PRO- SUP -R -TERMINAL E195 00 GRAMMES TO SLOT INTO VIDEX E185 00 AVAILABI F SPARE ROM O PASCAL JOB CONTROL SYSTEM -- From High Technology. £395.00 PLUS A fast, sophisticated job control/costing system able to control costs on 400 jobs SOCKETS MONSTRATION providing useful reports and maintaining 50 cost centres with 500 sub cost TAPE centres Worth its weight in gold, EPROMS ERASED only £1.00 FLIGHT SIMULATOR by Sub -Logic DiskE19.95 So realistic you might feel airsick' - he warned' CassetteE14.95 COMPUTER INTERFACE DESIGNS DB MASTER E129.95 The Data Base with 100 fields operating on multi -diskette files for large capacity 4 ALBERT ROAD, MARGATE, KENT CT9 5AN INFORMATION MASTER - Data Base £79.00 p&p 50p EXTRA A dream to use, has advanced facilities such as global change and 7a!,..ilatnr mode of entering figures A system that a novice can use with ease DATA MASTER £55.00 A utilityfor use with Information MasterAllows the splitting of a data base systemselectivity,changeoffieldtypesandtransferofprintformats TRANSIT E29.00 A utility that enables you to link Information Master to many files including those created by Visicalc MICRO PRODUCTS E49 95 Editor/ Assembler/Disassembl er/Debug. /111111EBRATI ECHO II E129.00 A speech synthesizer consisting of a card speaker and a diskette with software using -Linear Predictive Coding to produce sound. Based on Texas Instruments WIDEBAND PRODUCTS TMS 5200 an upgraded version of speak and spellchip Presents CCS INTERFACE CARDS - at bargain prices Centronics Parallel £66 00 Parallel E59 00 Synchronous E79 00 Arithmetic Processor E199.00 Clock/Calender Card £69 95 MEMORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM £29 00 A utility that moves DOS onto a 16K expansion card freeing motherboard Ram SPEAKEASY space for largerprograms. MUSIC SYSTEM from Mountain £275.00 Speech Synthesiser 16 oscillator music synthesizer in stereo! Program your own waveforms to create any instrument sound. We put you in touch with the UK users group. EXPANSION CHASSIS E399 00 Long awaited here at last More slots for your Apple Complete with loudspeaker and parallel CLEAR PLEXI-GLASS LIDS £14 95 Be vain - show off the inside of your Apple, input, suitable for most computers: eg. Apple Galaxian -- Galaxy Wars Head -On -- Galactic Revolution Galactic

Trader Galactic Empire - Olympic Decathlon - - Mystery House Bridge Partner Checker King Gammon Gambler Roulette --Craps Apple 21 Ptickman Global War All at £13.95 ACORN, PET, APPLE, NORTHSTAR,

Microsoft Adventure ARM Dog Fight Phantoms Five Orbitron - Pulsar Microchess 2 0 Odyessy La Land Monopoly Mcrloc s Tower -Rescue PEP11, IBM370 at Rigel- Space Eggs -Trilogy of Games The Prisoner All atE14.95 Computer Conflict Computer Quarterback- Cartels and Cutthroats -- Space Album Bill Budge 3D Graphics Tutor --Cyber Strike 3 Mile Island --

Adventure 123 Adventure 456 -Adventure 789 - Hi -Res Soccer Temples Clear intelligible male speech is program med of Apshai Hellfire Warrior - Zork All at E20 95 with phonetic codes. Buy any five games and you can deduct 5% off the total price' Prices do not include VAT Please add 15% VAT to your remittance Postage and packing FREE As featured on BBC 4, BBC and ITV

BARCLAYCAilli) television. 11E_M I RETAIL PRICE ONLY £69 + VAT Yest We do take Visa Cards Authorised Apple Sales and Service Dealer Enquiries Invited. 98 MOYSER ROAD, LONDON SW16 6SH Tel 01-677 2052/7341 I TEL' CAMBRIDGE (0223) 208017 176 P('W *CF A C






1. The Programme resides totally "in care" leaving BOTH DISKS FREE for files and enabling disks to be changed during use. 2. Every Progrqmme issued is "PERSONALISED" with your Company's details. The programme is only available from ourselves or through Dealers as our Agents. We pay them commission and retain all "After Sales Service" ourselves. Our "After Sales Service" is positive, giving you constant access to the Author of "CFACC". 3. You need only enter invoices and other payments in and out and "CFACC" will produce all the DATA for the MENU Programmes (it will ask the user for any other information it needs). 4. All relevant information is stored for CUSTOMERS, SUPPLIERS, EMPLOYEES and Others. 5. Automatic VAT Calculations. 6. Automatic calculations of WAGES and SALARIES. 7. INVOICES can be produced automatically using Customers' names and addresses from file and Stock Items from file - all calculations are automatic. 8. INVOICES are automatically printed on plain paper (CFACC can easily and cheaply be adapted by us to print on your own stationery). 9. STOCK FILE is automatically UPDATED whenever a Purchase or Sales Invoice is entered and the User's attention is drawn to any item which has reached RE -ORDER LEVEL. 10. Customer and Supplier Statements printed on demand showing Current, 1 Month, 2 Months, and 3 Months and over figures. These are automatically updated as payments are entered. The User's attention is automatically drawn to any Customer exceeding his CREDIT LIMIT. 11. Automatically calculates COMMISSION due to Agents and Salesmen. 12. DEBTOR and CREDITOR lists available on demand. 13. PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT, BALANCE SHEET and TRIAL BALANCE printouts on demand. 14. MANAGEMENT FINANCIAL REPORTS include: GROSS PROFIT RATION ii) RATE OF STOCK TURNOVER iii) NET PROFIT as a PERCENTAGE OF SALES iv) INCOME STATEMENTS. 15. CASHF LOW FORECAST on demand. 16. INCOME & EXPENDITURE is analysed into 80 ledger classifications and the amounts in any one of these can be called at any time. 17. ENVELOPES or ADDRESS labels can be printed from Address Files. 18. Full Random Access to any record in any file No Limit on Record Lengths. 19. Ledgers are automatically updated after every transaction. 20. All sections of the Programme and files are fully integrated. 21. Some Programmes on the market claim to be easy to use with no need for a manual (BUT TO THE LAYMAN THEY SIMPLY ARE NOT). "CFACC" really is USER ORIENTATED -- WE ARE PREPARED TO LET YOU PROVE THIS FOR YOURSELF. MONEY RE- FUNDED IN FULL IF YOU CAN SHOW US A BETTER MICROCOMPUTER ACCOUNTS PROGRAMME WITHIN 7 DAYS OF USE. 22. The PRICE makes "CFACC" the best VALUE FOR MONEY on the Market. 23. Fully tested and debugged. 24. All Equipment is fully tested by us prior to installation - Normal Guarantees on all Equipment Service Contracts available - Finance and Leasing can be arranged. 25. DELIVERY and INSTALLATION FREE within UK. 26. We have examples of other Accounts Programmes on the market which you are welcome to try, and compare them with "CFACC".


Computers For All Ltd. Stratford on Avon (0789) 840064

24 -Hour Service on 021-236 1794 Ext. 224.


CENTRONICS737 LETTER I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 11 1 II 1 I QUALITY PRINTER ONLY IIII..111 £345


ALL PRICES INCLUDE POSTAGE&PACKING BUT EXCLUDE V.A.T. KR AMELECTRONICS, VICTORIA HOUSE, 17 HIGHCROSS STREET, LEICESTER TRS 80 and VIDEO GENIE PET' MACHINE LANGUAGE GUIDE PROGRAMS PE T. DUPLITAPE £9.50 MACHINE A copy program which can copy any length program or data -file on a machine with 4K of RAM. DUPLITAPE is not a simple copy LANGUAGE program but is designed to alter and reposition the tape pulses so Contents include sections on: that difficult tapes will load easily. It requires two cassette recorders. GUIDE Input and output routines. It will copy most protected tapes and adventures. Fixed point, floating point, CHAIN.LINK £9.50 and Ascii number conversion. This program allows long BASIC programs to be split up so that they Clocks and timers. will run in a small memory size. It allows variables including strings to be passed from one program to another. It has a built in MERGE Built-in arithmetic functions. for BASIC programs and allows two BASIC programs to be kept Programming hints and sugges- separate in memory if needed 16 Kt 11 only. tions. WIZARDS CASTLE £9.50 Many sample programs. A role playing adventure with real maps. The objective is to find the treasures in a 500 room castle The castle has monsters which have to be fought, together with other hazards. Every time the program is run, the castle will be different Magic spells are also used. For Dwarfs, Hobbits, Elves and Humans, 16K L.I I only.

ACULAB DATA -BASE £9.50 A general purpose data base to run with an Aculab Floppy Tape If you are interested in or are already into machine language under Extended BASIC. The use of the PIMS manual by Scelbi Publications is recommended. Functions supported include Help programming on the PET, then this invaluable guideis for Command, Arithmetic, Searching, Sorting, Listing, Printer output you. More than 30 of the PET's built-in routines are fully if required; Printing of 5 line address labels. Commas are allowed in the text lines. As this is intended for present owners of PIMS, the detailed so that the reader can immediately put them to good instructions will only cover the new commands fully, other use. commands being summarised. Available for $7.95 + $2.00 postage and handling. Payment is AND NOW in U.S. dollars or charged to your Barclaycard or Eurocard - NIGHT DRIVER by B DANIELS include card number and expiration date. Quantity discounts A fast 3-D car drive along a road at night You see the twisting are available. road through your windscreen Can you control your car and avoid police speed patrol? With sound. Disc F11.50 Tape 9.50 ABACUS SOFTWARE ALBION SOFTWARE Lammas Rd, Layton London E.10 P. 0 Box 7211 01. 539 7071/4 mmitiuGrand Rapids, Michigan49510


Kit comes assembled and tested as illustrated. Full installation instructions given. Kit includes: -








Call your nearest dealer for more information:

RADIO SHACK LTD., P J EQUIPMENT LTD., ENSIGN; MICRO CHIP SHOP, BR IARWOOD 188, Broadhurst Gardens. 3. Bridge Street, 13-19, Milford Street. 93, F nargate, COMPUTER SERVICES London NW6 Guildford, Swindon, Wilts Preston, Lancs Br iarvvood House, Tel: 01 624-71 74 Tel: 0483.504801 Tel: 0793-42615 Tel: 0772-22669 Preston Street, Bradford. COMPSHOP LTD., R.D.S. ELECTRICAL EMPRISE LTD., HARDEN MICRO- Tel: 0274-306018 14, Station Road, LTD., 157-161, Kingston 58, East Street, SYSTEMS, 28-30, Back New Barnet, Herts. Road, Portsmouth Colchester Lord Street, Blackpool. GNOMIC LTD., Tel: 01-441-2922 Tel: 0705-812478 Tel: 0206-865926 Tel, 0253-27590 46, Middle Street, Black hal I, Hartlepool COMPSHOP LTD., TANDY HASTINGS CAMBRIDGE NORTH WEST LTD., 48. Queens Road, Tel: 0783-863871 311, Edgware Road, COMPUTER STORE, COMPUTER, Hastings. 1, Emmanuel Street, London W2. Tel 0424-431849 CONSULTANTS LTD., Tel' 01-262-0387 Cambridge. 241. Market Street, BRIERS COMPUTER SERVICES, 1, King MICROWA RE Tel: 0223-65334 Hyde, Cheshire LONDON COMPUTER Tel: 061-366-8624 Edward Square, COMPUTING Middlesborough, CENTRE, 43, Grafton SERVICES,57,Queen I.C. ELECTRONICS, Way, London W1. Flagstones, HEWART MICRO- Cleveland Charlotte Street. Bristol ELECTRONICS, Tel: 0642-242017 Tel: 01-388-5721 Tel: 0272-279560 Stede Quarter, Biddenden, Kent 95, Blakelow Road, N.I.C. Tel: 0580-291816 Macclesfield. 3 LINE COMPUTING, SEVET TRADING, Tel: 0625.22030 36. Clough Road, Hull, 61, Broad Lane, 14, St. Paul's Street, Tel 0482-445496 London N15 Bristol MICRO CHIP SHOP, 190, Lord Street, Tel: 01-8080377 Tel: 0272-697757 KARADAWN LTD., H.C. COMPUTER Fleetwood, Lancs. 2, Forrest Way, CROYDON COMPUTER SALES LTD., 182 PARWEST LTD., Tel: 0391 7-7951 1 Great Sankey, Earlsway, Team Valley CENTRE, 29a, Brigstock Warrrington. Road, Thornton Heath, 58, Market Place, Trading Estate, Chippenham MICRO CHIP SHOP, Tel: 0925-572668 Surrey Gateshead Tel: 0249-2131 197, Waterloo Road, Tel: 0632.874811 Tel: 01-689-1280 Blackpool. PHOTO.ELECTRICS, Tel: 0253-403121 459, London Road, EWL COMPUTERS LTD, Sheffield. 8, Royal Crescent, Tel: 0742-53865 Glasgow Tel: 041.332-7642

Please add VAT to all prices. 35 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4UN. CUMANA LTD Delivery at cost will be advised Telephone: (0483) 503121. at time of order. PCW 179 TEMPLEMAN THE ON SORCERER SOFTWARE I CENTRE EMG MICROCOMPUTERS LTD. 30 HEATHFIELD ROAD, CROYDON, SURREY CR0 1 EU. LIMITED TEL: 01-688 0088 25-26 Greenhill Street, Stratford Upon Avon Warwickshire CV37 8LR We are specialists in complete installations, tailormade software for your business needs. Telephone: Stratford Upon Avon (0789) 66237 WORD PROCESSING SYSTEM £14.99/WEEK COMPLETE BUSINESS SYSTEM £24.99/WEEK Software includes customer and invoice system, leads and sales system, VAT outputs and debtors, insurance agents system, car sales program, order processing program. We provide any printer to fit your Sorcerer e.g. Qume, Starwriter, Spinwriter, Centronics 737 and NEW Adcomp printer plotter matches '848 Graphics capability of Sorcerer to give complete graphics. * SPECIAL OFFER * Sorcerer 48K for only £595 ---- * Special Educational Discount 1 * Demonstrations and Quotes given s - * Free Software and Hardware catalogue ------* 6 copies of Source magazine £6 . ALL PRICES EXCLUDE VAT AN EMG COMPANY

8"DOUBLESIDED, SINGLE DENSITYFLOPPYDISC DRIVE. 44 CIA 44 44 44 44 44 R.E.M. *THEYHOLDFIVE TIMES AS 010 REM RELIABLE ELECTRONIC MEMORIES. MUCHINFORMATIONAS 5" 020 REM DRIVES,I.E.ONE MILLION 030 REM 1-7_8-99__100+ CHARACTERS. 040 REM 4116 200ns .61 1-.50 1.40 050 REM 21141300ns 1.70 1.60 1.50 060 REM 21141200ns 2.00 1.90 1.75 070 REM 2708 3.10 2.90 2.80 080 REM 2716 4.50 4.40 4.30 *INCLUDESS.V.A. CARD 090 REM 100 REM 110 REM 120 REM These prices are bottom line costs *PASCALISAVAILABLE. 130 REM No extra for V.A.T. or P&P. 140 REM 1.50 REM One year guarantee. *ITTSILVEROR APPLE CREAM 160 REM 170REM Minimum order of £5.00 please CASING. 180 REM Send cheque postal order cash to 190 REM 200REM RELIABLE ELECTRONIC MEMORIES, *R.R.P.£1550(exc. VAT). 210 REM 13 Allan Court 220 REM East Kilbride 230 REM Glasgow *DEALERENQUIRIESWELCOME. 240 REM 875 8BU SOFTWARE IS OUR MIDDLE R.E.M. NAME 44 i4 44 4 4;1 4 44 180 PCW "...in conclusion, the best all-round business system that I have seen."

Price:1E2699plus V.A.T.


91 High Street, Evesham, Worcestershire WR11 4DT Telephone: Evesham (0386) 48240


VIGIL is an exciting new interactivelanguage foryour

PETICBM micro. VIGIL Video Interactive Game The TINY Pascal System turns your APPLE II or PET micro into a 16-blt P -machine. InterpretiveLanguage isan easytolearngraphicsand you quickly create interactive You too can learn the language that Is slated to become the successor to BASIC. game language that lets TINY Pascal offers the following' applications.

LINE EDITOR to create, modify end maintain source More than 60 powerful commands permit you to easily manipulate graphics figures on the screen COMPILER to produce Pcode, the assembly lengeuepe of the P-mochlne * INTERPRETER to execute the complied Pcode 0. TRACE)

Structured programmed constructs: CASE-OFELSE, WHILEDO, IFTHEN. Double density graphics give you 80 X 50 plot positions on your 40 column ELSE, REPEATUNTIL, FORTO/DOWNIO00, BEGIN -END. MEM, CONST, PETICBM VAR ARRAY Large number display capability, access to two event timers and tone generation Our new TINY Pascal PLUS+ provides graphics and other bulltin functions: (if you have ext. speaker) GRAPHICS, PLOT, POINT, TEXT, INKEY, ABS AND SOR. The PET version sup- ports double density plotting on 40 column screen giving BO x 50 plot positions.

Load and save your VIGIL programs to cassette The APPLE IIversion supports LORES and for ROM APPLESOFT owners the HIRES graphics plus other features with: COLOR, HGRAPHICS, HCOLOR, Breakout, HPLOT, POL and TONE. For those who do not require graphics capabilities, you Nine interactive programs demonstrate the power of VIGIL SpaceWar, AntiAircraft, U.F.0.. SpaceBattle. Concentration, Maze. Kaleidoscope may still order our original Tiny Pascal package & Fortune PET BASIC 4.0 version also available of TINY Pascal Plus « GRAPHICS VERSION -Includes manual user'smanualwithcompletelistings Comprehensive PET 32K NEW Roma cassette enclosed programs 666 PET 32K NEW Roms diskette $60 VIGILcomes oncassette,ready torunonany 40column APPLE II wIROM Applesoft only wIDOS PETICBM microwithatleast 13K ofmemory.SpecifyROMset 6 502 of theVIGILInterpreter TINY Pascal NON -GRAPHICS VERSIONS4ncludes menus! when ordering. listing PET 18K/32K NEW Rows cassette available separately. 550 US & Canada Foreign PET 16K/32K NEW Roma diskette $45 VIGIL for PETICBM on CASSETTE (w/nine programs) 535 $40 APPLE II w/ROM Applesoft 32K wIDOS 545 VIGIL User's Mannual (refundable with software) 510 512 APPLE II w/RAM Applesoft 48K wIDOS 845 $25 530 VIGIL Interpreter listing (6502 Assembly language) USER's Manual (refundable with software order) PET MACHINE LANGUAGE GUIDE . 58...... 510 512 6502 Assembly Listing of INTERPRETER -graphics 530 non -graphics 525

.nclucles Almbbil Pmts. lo Flews Orden " be .3.1.0 of Cr ...bad cast r.onlacy bncl SCO In 00.1 ABACUS SOFTWARE Eisrourd. Atoms bmblaycard er P. 0. Box 7211 ABACUS SOFTWARE 49510 Grand Rapids, Michigan P. 0. Box 7211 MinnGrand Rapids, Michigan49510 Prices include postage. Michigan residents include 4% sales taxOrders must be prepaid or via bankcard (Mastercard, VISA. Eurocard, Access, etc.). Include card number and expiration date.

IC) 1981 by Roy Wainwright

W 181 TECPACS The reliable technical programs fordesktop computers Professional designers. are needed, and computing Data checking facilities engineers and scientists must experience is unnecessary. 1 Trend facilities carry out a variety of routine With TECPACS, designers and Choice of units calculations in the course of their engineers can explore the design High -quality presentation of work. Today, these routine alternatives with ease and results calculations can be automated to confidence. Modifications can be TECPACS add another save time and cut costs. But for made as the program runs, savingprofessional to your team. real economic savings, reliable further time. In your office, or in the design technical software is necessary. TECPACS are produced by the office, just switch on, select your TECPACS are high -quality, Technical Software Centre, set upTECPAC program disk, and in technical software packages, by BHRA Fluid Engineering and minutes you have the answers you written and tested by professionals NRDC. need. for professionals. They can be TECPACS offer such features as used in your office, no large E Built-in high technical standard \0A Ppti. centralised computing facilities E Easy to use, friendly style

For further details. LI* and up-to-the-minute lists La. Ww° of TECPACS available contact the: tTechnical Software Centre Technical Software Centre O `24 BHRA Fluid Engineering Cranfield. Bedford MK43 0AJ o 4, England or telephone Dr Eugene Sweeney on 4%11000* 0234 750 102 v vr Datron ofSheffield Cromemco New System Zero,D for Cromemco -the ultimate name in micros DIRECT FROM * Datron import CROMEMCO AND SUPPORT * Datron supply NATIONALLY I CROMEMCO SYSTEMS, CARDS &SOFTVVARE Wide range of languages, * Datron stock 16K and 32K Basic, Datron Prices Cobol,Rational Fortran Complete Systems and Fortran IV, Lisp, Unit RAM ROM Disc supplied for RPG etc. Operating systems Business, Research, Cromemco CDOS, CP/M System Zero/ D 64K 4K 2 x 390K f2,756 Education and Compatible or Cromix System 2 64K 4K 2 x 390K f2,842 Industry for Multi -User System 3 64K 4K 2 x 1.2M £ 4,556 Hard Disc Z2 -H 64K 4K 10M + 2 x 390K £ 6,045 Z2H Colour Graphics 64K 4K 10M +2 x 390K f8,775f Write or 'phone for free advice and catalogue or call in for a Prices include Interfaces for VDU, dot matrix and letter quality printers, demonstration. C R A documentation and systems familiarization. DEMONSTRATIONS 9am-5pm talso includes 13" RGB Monitor and 2 x 48K graphic memory cards. r MONDAY -SATURDAY DEALER ENQUIRIES WELCOME 2 Abbeydale Road, Sheffield S71FD. MX DATRON MICRO CENTRE Telephone 0742-585490/ 585400. DATRON INTERFORM LTD Telex 547151.

182 PCW BULK EPROM It.Npos) %1,1., PROGRAMMING 4),).

P400 PRODUCTION EPROMPROGRAMMER ALL PRODUCTS GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR . . Repairs onany equipment carried , out by trained engineers

i., 4016 - 16K £449 + VAT 4032 - 32K -- £559 + VAT 4040 - Disk unit - £565 + VAT imijmu-in This unit provides simple,reliableprogramming of up to 8 8032 - 32K -- £759 + VAT EPROMS simultaneously it has been designed for ease of operator use - a single 'program' key starts the self check - blank check - 3050 - "1MB" Disk £759 + VAT(/VMPISt program - verify sequence. LATEST 4000 and 5000 series PETS with Independent blank check & verify controls are provided along with mode, pass/fail indicators for each copy socket and a sound- large Keyboards and 8K basic in ROM. er to signal a correct key command & the end of a programming Popular easy to use Microcomputer. run. Any of the 2704/2708/2716 (3 rail) & 2508/2758/2516/ 2716/2532/2732 (single rail) EPROMS may be selected without MX8OT £275 + VAT hardware or personality card changes. PRICE £545 + VAT. Postage paid. MX80F/T £349 + VAT Epson printers, quiet, 4 bi-directional logic seeking. BULKEPROM 9 x 9 matrix £ sign Pet and Apple ERASING interface lower case descenders SUPERBRAIN withdrawn due to quality problems

...... 32K Dual Drive DD - £1549 + VAT ,...... , _ 32K Dual Drive CID - £1649 + VAT 0-4 .. - ...... 64K Dual Drive (ID - £1999 + VAT - _-. .... II I...--- North Star Horizon an established reliable basis for any microsystem complete with MODEL UV141 EPROM ERASER DOS 5.2 and Basic language 14 EPROM capcity Fast erase time Built-in 5-50 minute timer Convenient slide -tray loading devices Safety interlocked to prevent eye and skin damage Rugged construction Speech output for the MINS & ERASE indicators Price £78 + VAT postage paid. Speakeasy. MODEL UV140 EPROM ERASER invnEamly Similar to Model UV141 but without timer. Price £61.50 + VAT A low cost speech unit suitable for any post paid. small microcomputer. Ideal for anyone interested in developing speech output. Has infinite vocabulary - £69 + VAT.

EPROMS \ EXTRAS Toolkits from £24 + VAT 1-9 10-24 25-49 50-99 100 up Cassettes £45 + VAT 2716 (450ns) £6.00 5.50 £5.00 £4.50 £3.90 (single rail) Forth for Pet £45 + VAT 2708 (450ns) £3.90 £3.50 £3.10 £2.90 Watanabe Plotter only £699 + VAT Pet Disk Debug - £18 + VAT Popular aid to disk Postage and Packing is included in all prices. ADD VAT at 15%. programming and removal of disk corruptions. All our EPROMS are manufactured by leading companies and are fully guaranteed, branded and to full specification. Please send me WRITE OR TELEPHONE FOR FURTHER DETAILS OR SEND OFFICIAL COMPANY ORDERS/CHEQUES TO: PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS & TELEPHONE NUMBER Name Address GP INDUSTRIAL I enclose cheque/P.O. for ELECTRONICS LTD (add (15 for P&P for each item of hardware). Unit 6, Burke Road, Totnes Industrial Estate, Totnes, Devon Telephone: Totnes (0803) 863360 sales, 863380 technical INTELLIGENT ARTEFACTS LTD. Telex No. AS 42596 Cambridge Road, Orwell, ROYSTON, Herts. DISTRIBUTORS REQUIRED - EXPORT ENQUIRIES WELCOME Cambridge (0223) 207689

PCW 183 MALVERN MICRO SYSTEMS 414!) 911V ViIV 92'dV 910 TEL. 06845 68500 4:1141 46htild ..._.. YOU MED ---...- _ COMPUTERS: 1 \s--sounD EFFECTS FOR PET,SUPERBOARD,UKI01,NASCOM. Adler Alphatronic * COMPLEX EFFECTS AND MUSIC Gemini G801 * USES INCREDIBLE AY -3-8910 * COMPLETELY BUILT, SIMPLY PLUGS IN £43 Intertec Superbrain * BASIC OR MACHINE CODE * BUILT IN AMP & SPEAKER + STEREO + VAT Most makes supplied including * INCLUDES 2 8 BIT I/O PORTS EX STOCK Commodore and S100 Systems. * COMATIBLE WITH OTHER EXPANSIONS * FREE DEMO PROGRAM + INSTRUCTIONS PRINTERS: Send for free information leaflets. NB: 8T28 buffers (Superboard/UK101) next 6502 @ £3.00 per pair if required Adler DRH80 Microline 80/82 r SOON Peripheral board 24 I/O lines for Epson MX70/ MX80 AVAILABLE! ! relay driving etc., etc. Seikosha GP80 PHONE WRITE FOR DETAILS.

EPROM Programmer £122 + VAT CD3P FLOPPY DISC £285 + VAT Microtrend Professional Software 610 EXPANSION £159 + VAT BASE 2 800Mst PRINTER £309 + VAT CP/M Software including Microcases £26, 2114L 300ns RAM 8 for E22, 4116 300ns 8 for £22.50. 5V 3A power supply for Superboard £15. Vision Modu- MBasic-80, CBasic, Wordstar lator high quality £4.50. Sound modulator to match £3.75.40 pin Osbourne A/P, A/R and G/L ..:::. ribbon cable 40pin DIP 40pin PCB suit Breadboard £4.50. Proto- type Breadboard for Superboard UK101 comprehensive labeled Fig -Forth bus £5.50. Bus extender to take 610 & peripherals £4.95. Header plugs, 40pin £2.50. 40pin sockets £0.40. 8728 buffers £1.50 ea. AY 3 8910 sound chip £8.25. Joystick mechanisms £9.95. Blank DATA cassettes £5.25 for 10. Black discs 57." £3.25. Tradeenquiries welcome. PLEASE ADD VAT TO THE ABOVEPRICES =CD 57 PARANA COURT, SPROWSTON NORWICH NR7 8BH WYCHE CUTTING, UPPER COLWALL, EaSICOMP 0603 416352 MALVERN, WORCESTERSHIRE, WR13 6PL III 24 HR ANSWERING SERVICE


CROMEMCO Systems & Software

CP/M 2.2 for Cromemco -£95 1.1for Cromemco - £350

CROMEMCO SYSTEM ZERO - £575 S100 Peripherals: Dump your Hard Disk to 'Reel' Tape in 10 minutes - 1/2" 9 -track 1600 BPI IBM/ANSI compatible tape drive + controller + software £2500. Hard Disk Systems - from £2500 Cartridge Disk - from £3950

California Computer Systems EPSON MX80 SERIES DOT MATRIX PRINTERS 5100 Boards and Systems *9x9 matrix (true descenders lower case) 64K Dynamic RAM (Bank Select) £350 *80cps bidirectional printing, with I logical seeking print head All prices exclude VAT *96 ASCII character set, plus 64 graphics incorporating 4 Software packages/Hardware maintenance/Hardware switch selectable European language options configuration and design *Programmable forms handling *12 different print modes, up to 132 characters per line Further details, please contact: *Operator controls & indicators, self test ICE Independent Computer Engineering, *Options - high resolution graphics, 16/18 Littleton Road, Ashford, Middlesex TW15 1 U C. dual friction/tractor feed unit Telephone: Ashford (STD 07842) 47171 *£395 with standard parallel interface Telex: 8952042 (DPCUST G) (interface options = RS232, Pet, TRS80, MZ80, Apple)


184 PCW PRINTERS SEIKOSHA GP -80 OKI MICROLINE 80 & 82 The Smallest 80 Column Dot Compact 80 Column Printer. Matrix Printer. 80 cps. Uni direction (ML82 bi- Unique printer principle. 80 col direction) Parallel interface. Serial lines, 30 cps, 12 cpl. Plain paper interface option. (ML 82 standard) Tractor drive weight 2.5 kg. Pin and friction feed. Tractor Footprint 12,6 eq. ins. Bit option Condensed and expanded addressable graphics. Parallel -gala' characters. 80, 40, 66 and 132 cpl interface standard. RS 232 Apple Pet TRS 80 options 111 ML 80 £299 £199 ML 82 £449

EPSON MX SERIES OKI MICROLINE 83 Low Noise, High Price - Medium Speed 15"Printer. Performance Printer. 120 cps. Bi-direction. Pin and Five models. 80 cps. Bi-directional. friction feed. Tractor option. 132 cpl Parallel interface. RS232 Pet Apple at 10 cpi, 4 character sizes, Graphic TRS 80 Video Genie Sharp characters, Parallel and serial options, Letter quality. Lower case interface. Fast serial interface descenders. Condensed enlarged option, and bold characters, Models provide tractor roll and sheet feed MX -80 £359 bit image graphics - up to 15 ins MX -80 F/T-1 £399 paper MX -80 Type II £425 MX -82 £449 MX -100 £575 £799

ANADEX DP -9000 RANGE TEC STARWRITER High Quality Fast, Versatile Best -Buy Daisy Wheel Printer. Printer. Bi-direction. 25 cps. Low cost Four models. Up to 15 inch paper supplies. Standard Daisy Wheel width. Lower case descenders, Carbon and fabric ribbons Parallel 160-220 cps bi-directional printing or RS232 interface. Sheet feeder RS232 current loop & parallel options. interface. X on X off. Optional 2K buffer. Multiple print densities. Fast print off high -density bit image graphics. DP -9000 £795 Parallel Interface £1020 DP -9001 £895DP -9500 £895 DP -9501 £995 Serial Interface 0087

LEAR SIEGLER 310 FROM Professional Dot Matrix Printer. High throughput. 180 cps. Bi- direction, Fast head travel. Space skip over, Lower case descenders, Enlarged and bold fonts. Parallel RS232 and current loop interfaces. X on X off. Condensed character option. Sound reducing option.


Authorised distributor RNA TERMINALS LTD. Rapid delivery Glendale Park, Fembank Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 8JB Dealer educational & quantity discounts Tel: Winkfield Row (03447) 5193 Telex:847530 Prices exclude VAT Northern Office: Tel: Wetherby (0937) 61885

PCW 185 Try Hunting in the North East

DEALER FOR MICROS SUPEBRAIN AND CALCULATORS DISTRIBUTORS MZ-80K PERSONAL COMPUTER 48K FOR SUPERBRAIN SHARPONLY £500 DEALER ENQUIRIES WELCOME COMPETITIVE PRICES Language Translator: £7 French, German, Spanish, FULL RANGE OF Japanese PRINTERS - Modules £17 each ANADEX Full Accounts/Payroll System Talking Time Clock £36 including Superbrain SD NEC SPINWRITER and Printer from only £3650 OLYMPIA SCRIPTA RICOH RP1600 Word Processing System from only £3125 All Prices exclude VAT/Delivery All Prices exclude VAT/Delivery Other Packages available include Hotel Billing, Job Costing, Product Estimating etc. PC1211 Pocket Computer only £95


Hunting Business Systems [Hunting Computer Services Limited] 3 Brus House Mitchell Avenue Thornaby Town Centre Cleveland Tel:(0642)64709 Established 1874


50-150 times speed of Commodore Basic. Several extra low-level commands for precision I/O programming, eg DELAY, SETBIT, MOVE, Any length variable names. etc.

Single dimension string and integer arrays.

Automatic insertion of code into interrupt Full Integer arithmetic & logical (1 byte variables) routine. for extra speed.

Variables can he individually set to reside at any Code & Data can he set to reside anywhere in location allowing direct access to page zero 1/0 memory. ports, etc.

Many facilities for interface with Commodore

Full logical file handling. Basic programmes. Compiling speed of I lines per minute. New commands can be added to Commodore Basic automatically using WEDGE statement. Suite includes resident compiler, disk compiler, editor, loader and debugger. Editing environment and language similar to Commodore Basic. Produces ready -to -run 6502 Machine Code.

Detailed Manual £15.00incVATCompiler: 3000 serie £150.00 inc. VAT 8000 series £150.00 inc. VAT

5 Oxford Street Woodstock Oxford0X71 TQ Telephone: Woodstock109931 812838




MATRIX PRINTERS_ FROM£28 5_ Please contact us to discuss which of our range of quality Matrix Printers will best suit your needs and budget. Printer prices include FREE DELIVERY to U.K Mainland plus 90 days parts and labour warranty. MICROLINE PRINTERS MICROLINE PRINTERS MICROLINE 80- 80 cps uni-directional printing £285 - Parallel Centronics Interface plus VAT -Serial interface & Tractor Feed Options MICROLINE 82 &

- Head life of 200,000,000characters - Bi-directional printing with short line seeking - Centronics Parallel and RS 232 Serial Interface -4 Character sizes, ASCII and block graphics - Programmable VFU and Self Test. - Optional High Speed Serial Buffers MICROLINE 82 MICROLINE 83 7 80 cps Pin & £390 aTk reasc4t a&r.F1 r6i ct ion 5 From Telefusion Friction Feed plus VAT pF1a2e pe0ed cr. VAT 750 line resolution Compact construction suitable EPSON MATRIX PRINTER for rack mounting MX -80 SERIES - 80 cps bi-directional printing 10 MHz frequency reponse - Centronics Parallel Interface Looping video input Suitable for apple nascom etc. -4 Character sizes with true decenders on UHF input connectors. 75 ohm. lower case Please make cheques, - Emphasised and Double Emphasised printing Complete P.O., etc. payable to - Horizontal and Vertical Tab Control. Telefusion Ltd. price to 11," 14," 17," 23" monitors also MX -80T MX-80F/T MX -82 include Tractor Feed £345 Friction & £395 High Res. Graphics £410 packing, available. Plus rack kits and colour monitors' for graphics. + VAT Tractor Feed + VAT Tractor Feed + VAT delivery Details on request. Optional Interface Boards for Epson to suit APPLE, PET, TRS-80 and VAT Trade enquiries welcome. Sharp, RS232 APPLE & ITT SALES and SERVICE PRINTER PAPER SPECIAL Ei7 Extra 32K RAM supplied with 11 x 9Y, Plain with pert. TELEFUSION every complete system purchased 2,000 sheets FREE DELIVERY + VAT Telefusion Limited, Engineering Division, Educational discounts available on request. Unit 11, Barr's Fold Close, Wingates Industrial Remittance plus VAT please to: - Estate, Westhoughton, Bolton BL5 3XH. MICRO GENERAL, 6 The Birchwoods, Tilehurst, Reading, Berks RG3 5UH. Telephone: 0204 66393. Tel: 0734 25226. t PCW 187 l3 MICRO 131.15111ESS CEITTBE LTD._ 1st FLOOR, LEWIS HOUSE, LINTHOUSE LANE,WEDNESFIELD,WOLVEnHAMPTON. Tel (0902) 725687 NEW LOW LOW PRICES UiTApple hardware & software examples from our extensive range include: *VisicalciA26-our price £90 *Pascal Lang System.£299our price £249 *Z80 Softcard.£225-our price £175 *New! double sided 3.2/3.3 DOS utility pack £35 *New! 8" double sided/double density 2.0 megabyte twin disk drive unit £1950.00 *51/4 disks - box OF10 - 1st quality £22.95 including case *Utilise both sides of your discs - gadget & simple instructions £9.95 *Complete business system inc. Visicalc + Printer £1749.00 or lease from £8.75 per week.

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Access/Barclaycard: terms - please add 15% VAT on all prices. Leasing: mail order: add 75pp orders under £20: over £20 post free.


741.5851116 741.828 22p 741.676 38p 740125 50p 74L5153 1,00p 74L6221 1.200 741.6279 85p , 741.8375 1,201 74L527 22p 741.676 46p 74L8126 50p 741.6184 90p 741.6240 1.75p 741.6290 1.75p 74L8377 1.60p 741.503 14p 741.621 22p 741.8634 70p 74L8132 eop 741.8185 1,00p 74L1241 1,75p 74L5253 000 741.8378 1.30p 741.501 14p 741.830 20p 74E185 80p 741.8133 40p 741.5186 1.70p 741.6242 1,75p 74L8290 95p 74L9379 1.90p 741.802 15p 741.532 26p 741.886 40p 7413135 50p 741.5181 1.70p 74L5243 1,75p 74L6293 96p 74L8381 3.80p 741.803 119 741.933 28p 74L590 40p 741.5138 65p 7403159 1.70p 74L5244 1,50p 741.5295 1,45p 741.3386 80p 741.1.04 18p 741.837 26p 741.801 99p 741.8139 70p 74L5170 1.95p 741.8245 2.50p 741.5298 1.45p 74L S390 1.20p 741.806 22p 741.838 28p 741.892 72p 748145 110p 741.9173 1.10p 741.8247 1.40p 741.9324 1.86p 74LS393 1.200 741.906 20p 741.040 22p 741.893 50p 741.8148 1.70p 741.3174 1.00p 7413248 1.80p 741.8325 3.00p 74LS395 2.03p 741.309 22p 74LS42 85p 74LS95 103p 741.5151 80p 74LS175 1.00p 741.8249 1.40p 74LS328 3.03p 74LS396 2.03P 741.810 18p 741.947 75p 741.388 110p 741.9153 80p 74LS181 280p 74LS251 1.30p 740327 3.000 74L S398 2,75p 74LS 11 22p 74LS48 85p 74LS107 45p 740154 1,80p 74LS190 1.00p 74LS213 90p 74LS352 110p 74LS399 2.00p 741.912 25p 74LS49 100p 74LS109 35p 74LS 166 65p 74LS191 1.00p 74LS257 90p 74LS363 1,80p 74L S424 4 50p 74LS13 40p 74LS54 25p 74LS112 36p 74LS158 75p 74LS192 1.00p 74LS258 1.20p 74LS365 50p 74LS445 1.86p 74LS14 50p 74LS55 25p 74LS113 45p 74LS157 80p 74LS193 1.00p 74LS259 1.80p 74LS368 65p 74L S447 1.86p 741.818 25p 74LS8.3 1.50p 74LS114 45p 74LS158 60p 74LS194 1.30p 74LS280 45p 74LS387 65p 74LS490 1.60p 74LS20 20p 74LS73 45p 74LS122 75p 74LS180 90p 74LS196 1.10p 74LS261 4.25p 74LS368 66p 741.8888 1.05p 74LS21 22p 74LS74 28p 74LS123 75p 74LS181 76p 74LS196 1.20p 74LS288 45p 74LS373 1,55p 74LS689 1.06p 74LS22 22p 741.875 38p. 74LS124 145p 74LS182 1.15p 74LS197 95p 74LS273 1.75p 74LS374 1,80p 74LS870 2.50p

188 PCW intexDATALOG LTD INTEX DATALOG announce the 'PC -BASIC' BASIC compiler for the CBM range of microcomputers A program which has been SAVED normally on disk is compiled back onto disk into a directly loadable program file. The compiler is completelywritten in machine code and is fully compatible with CBM-Microsoft interpreted BASIC It supports all BASIC commands and all CBM peripherals The largest program that can be compiled is about 28K (depending on its structure). The increase in speed depends again on the type of program, but P.C.W. benchmark tests indicate that a compiled program will run at up to10 times faster than its interpreted equivalent. Extra facilities available in a compiled program include,- 1) Integer loops for faster excution. 2) RUN/STOP disable/enable command. 3) Optional fully formatted listing ofthe program as it is compiled. 4) Optional production of a cross reference table of variables and line references at compilation. FULL DETAILS ON REQUEST. PRICE ITEM PRICE TOTAL ITEM PRICE TOTAL ITEM PRICE TOTAL ROOKS INC VAT INC.RAT INC VAT DUSTCOVERS Rums PET Z. THE IEEE ABB BUS 9 95 COMPUTHINK EX DEMO DISK UNITS 3000 SERIES PET - ALL MODELS 575 690 TELETYPE 43 772 9 II PROGRAMMING A MICRO 6502 7 25 400K DISK ()RIVES 695 00 799 15 1/T43 PRINTER 5 75 6 90 ANADEX DP8000 2 75 3 45 A QUICK LOOK AT BASIC 8 95 HOOK DISK DRIVES 895.00 1029 25 7 15 ANAOEX DPB000 3 50 4 35 ANADEX DP9500/1 15 00 18 40 111 COOKBOOK CBM 3040 DISK (4040/8050) 3 50 4 35 CBM 3022 1 75 3 45 APPLE SOFTWARE - ON DISKETTE TTL EXPERIMENTS VOL 1 725 7 25 CBM 3022 PRINTER 3 99 4 80 OUME (FABRIC) 4 25 5 18 TTL EXPERIMENTS VOL 2 25PD0FF IASI PRICE VAT CUMPUTHINK DISK 3 03 3 75 DOME (CARBON MIS) 4 50 5 46 TV TYPEWRITER COOKBOOK 7 25 ACCOUSTIC COVER FOR OUMEICARBON S/SI 5 00 r 04 555 TIMER 5 35 PLEASE A00 II 00 POST B PACKING TO ANY ORDER CAM 3022 PRINTER 49 00 61 00 DAISY WHEELS PROGRAMMING THE 6502 B 75 BOOKS I MANUALS VAT FREE 8 75 DID DISKETTES IN FREE CASE DOME SPRINT 5 6 5L 7 16 6502 APPLICATION BOOK 4 95 BASF 35 00 40 83 PET ENNHANCEMENT UNIT ACCENT ON BASIC MAIL ORDER SERVICE BY RETURN OF 85 VERBATIM 30 00 35 OR INCLUDES 45 00 51 /6 ADVANCED BASIC LIBRARY CASE 350 460 REPEAT KEYS KEY CLICK PER IKEY MUSIC TAU 11y POST BASIC BASIC 6 75 BASIC COMPUTER GAMES 5 50 BLANK CASSETTES FOR 3/4000 SERIES ONLY 24HR TELEPHONE ANSWERING C15 (PER 101 ADO 5/5 PROGRAMMERS TOOLKOS 15 00 1725 THE BASIC HANDBOOK 11 00 6 95 C60 (PER 10) 600 1305 PET DIGITIZER 10 00 11 50 SERVICE BASIC PRIMER CONNECTORS REPEAT KEY 5 DO 5 /6 BASIC PRIMER 6 95 USER/EEE PORT 130 178 PETSET 1A tu 0 CONVERTER 99 00 11380 BARCLAYCARD - ACCESS FACILITIES. BASIC PRODS FOR PET 10 95 6502 ASSEMBLY LANG PROS 10 50 CASSETTE PORT 99 1 43 1CM 100 PRINTER WITH APPLE USER PORT COVER 250 316 INTERFACE (Ex Demo) 200 00 230 00 PRODS IN BASIC FOR ELECT ENG 4 35 8 95 MALE 0 PLUGS 2 50 3 16 PAPER PRINTOUT TRAY PROD 8 INTERFACING THE 6501 PET LIBRARY OF SUBROUTINES 10 00 FEMALE 0 SOCKETS 3 50 4 31 FORMS RECEIVING TRAY PEI LIBRARY OF SUBROUT DISK 11 50 CONNECTOR COVERS 250 316 (CBM 3022 OP8000MICROTEK) 17 00 195

-1- Showroom Leasing, Hire 9- Barclaycard Commodore Appleware Books, Manuals, & Mail Purchase, Short Accessoies, aer, s & Access & Pet Time Hire, ask for I&.) Order Software Nas&com Diskettesr, CasPsettes.p g. Welcome Departments written details P .0 Eaglescliffe Ind. Est. Stockton Cleveland TS16 OPN Tel(0642) 781193initex

Matrix Rom for Pet E35plus VAT NEW FROM STACK For all Dynamic RAM PETS (3008-3032, 4008-4032, 8032) (state which) * Matrix Functions on a chip see detailed panels * Fully integrated with Basic * Does not interfere with toolkit 1 Matrix 1 = Matrix 2 * Fits in right hand ROM slot 6 Matrix 1 = Transpose (Matrix 2) 2 Matrix 1 = Matrix 2 + Matrix 3 * Fast machine code operation 7 Matrix 1 = Zero Matrix 3 Matrix 1 = Matrix 2 - Matrix 3 * Repeat key 8 Matrix 1 = Unity Matrix 4 Matrix 1 = Matrix 2* Matrix 3 * Simple easy to use instructions 9 Matrix 1 = Identity Matrix 5 Matrix 1 = Expression * Matrix 2* A must for scientific, statistical and 10 Repeat Key Function mathematical users To Stack Computer Services Ltd To order State which model Pet and send a cheque for £40.25 payable to Please supply ( ) Matrix Roms for Pet Model Stack Computer Services Ltd. I enclose a cheque for £

Please add me to your mailing list. ANOTHER USEFUL PRODUCT FROM Stack Computer Services Ltd 290-298 Derby Rd. Bootle. Merseyside 051 933 5511 Trade enquiries welcome STACK

PCW 189 MICROS MEMORIES TTLs AND INTERFACE DEVICES Z80 £5.506800 £3.75 6502 £5.50 APPLE::PET::TRS Z80A £6.506802 £6.506502A £7.50 8085A £6.506809 £16.002650A £16.00 Software Z8OCTC £4.508205 £2.20 6522 £5.50 Z8OACTC £5.508212 £1.80 6532 £8.00 Z8ODMA £12.008216 £1.80 6821 £1.80 Z8OADMA £15.008224 £2.50 6845 £10.00 Z80 ADART£15.008228 £2.50 6850 £1.80 Iirri\lijp(l'eNocfEAEpssrliai Z80 PIO £4.508251 £4.00 6852 £2.50 Z80A PIO £5.508255 £4.00 6875 £6.00 Graphics! Z80 S10-1 £24.008279 £9.50 (Apple uses high - Large range of PERIPHERAL devices available. resolution & color!) Real time! A fantasy role-playing experience! SPECIAL OFFERS For ages 10 through adult 1-24 25-99 100 Complexity: Intermediate 2114L - 450ns £1.30 £1.20 £1.10 Playing time: 30 minutes to 2114L - 200ns £1.60 £1.50 £1.40 forever! 2716 (+5v) £3.00 £2.75 £2.50 TempleofApshai during playonthe For one player 2732 (+5v) £8.00 £7.50 £7.00 Apple computer. 2532 (+5v) £8.00 £7.50 £7.00 4116 - 200ns £1.30 £1.20 £1.10 Now, you can enter a universe in which quick wit, the strength of your sword arm and a talisman around your neck might beTF1880 what separates you from a pharoah's price- 18k LII; SPEECH SYNTHESISER less treasure -or the death -grip mandibles of a giant mantis. PET 32k (A PROJECT BY TEXAS INSTRUMENTS LTD) "Temple:.." is a role-playing game (RPG ) Casa Superb major solid state speech project for under £100 that catapults you into a world of magic and Promises to have a dramatic impact on State -of -Art monsters -doomed cities and damsels in Electronics - now, and for generations to come distress. More than a game, it's an alter -ego A talking library of over 200 words with room for experience. In an RPG, complex factors that 14.95 expansion. make up a human being are abstracted into Easy interfacing to a microcomputer a few basic characteristics: strength, con- Pitch control has exciting electronic music applications. stitution, dexterity, intelligende and ego. Via (A Reprint of original constructional article in E & MM your role-playing character, you'll venture (June 81) available at 65p + large SAE) into an essentially unknown world, and beTRISDOS COMPLETE KIT (inc. PCB) £87.00 at home with the likes of skeletons, zombies, 32k; (NB. We are fully authorised TEXAS INSTRUMENT spiders and wraiths. You'll bargain with a distributor for the above project) tight-fisted innkeeper for the weapons and armor you'll need in the dunjon. APPLE When you play the "Temple of Apshai," 48k you'll be both a character within and a ACORN ATOM: Basic Atom Kit £120, Built £150 reader of the epic you're actually helping (Disk] SOFTY (Ideal for software development) Kit £99, to create. In this labyrinth, the choice is Built £120 always yours ... fight or flee, parry or thrust, slay the monsters or see ifthey'll listen 16.95 to reason. EXPANSION PCB: A low cost plated thru board for After you've bargained for your sword, 8k RAM (2114) plus 4 sockets for 2716, 2732 or 2532 armor, shield and your bow and arrows, Fully bufferred and decoded lay -out. Ideal for UK 101 most of your time in the dunjon will be spent and Superboard. Suitable for other computers £17.50 exploring the 200 rooms on four different levels ... trying to find 80 types of treasures All prices of priceless worth. But wait -the treasuresinclude p & p UK101 : INTERFACING COMPUKIT are surrounded by traps -needles, daggers, and V.A.T. flames and bottomless pits -closely guarded DECODING MODULE KIT £27.50 by monsters vile and noxious. Do you dare ANALOGUE BOARD KIT £47 to thrust your t)roadsword at the giant The analogue board kit includes D/A converter, 8 - leech, the skeletal bat, the zombies or the channel A/D couverter, AY -3-8910 Prog. Sound ghouls with mouths full of razor fangs? Generator, 6522 VIA giving timing and counting We invite you to project yourself into the functions plus extra 16 bit part labyrinth. See and touch the treasures, hear PLEASE ADD P & P 40p AND VAT AT 15% and smell the creat4res that inhabit the place. Discover for yourself the fantasy world of Apshai! !7 TICHNOMATIC LIMITED RETAIL SHOPS: MAIL ORDER 17 BURNLEY ROAD 17 BURNLEY ROAD L GRA Y gill LONDON NW10 LONDON NW10 ALGRAY House. 33 Bradbury Street. Barnsley. big§ Tel: 01-452 1500/450 6597 305 EDGWARE ROAD South YorkshireTel: Barnsley (0228) 83199 Telex: 922800 LONDON W2 Tel: 01-723 0233

190 PCW Professional ASCII Keyboards LONDON SW1

Based in the heart of Westminster, Logic Box is well -positioned to supply all your microcomputer . The 'CHERRY' Computer Keyboard requirements. As specialists in Commodore PET and 52 KEY 7 BIT ASCII CODED APPLE we provide a complete service to any company POSITIVE STROBE 5V 12V looking at microcomputer as a serious business tool, and FULL ASCII CHARACTERS will be happy to supply: PARALLEL OUTPUT WITH STROBE POWER LIGHT ON CONTROL * PET and APPLE hardware and perihipherals, NATIONAL mm 5740 CHIP TTL OUTPUT *a wide range of dot-matrix and letter quality printers, SUPERBLY MADE SIZE 12x5 5x1 5ins * packaged software for business planning, accounting, BLACK KEYS WITH WHITE LEDGENS ESCAPE. SHIFT RETURN Et RESET KEYS stock control, payroll, word processing and data Complete with CIRCUIT b DATA management, *customised software, Idea ,r use min TANGERINE TRITON *operator training, Ex -Stock from HENRY'S TUSCAN *full after sales and maintenance service. APPLE b most computers This is definitely the BEST BUY If you are interested in any of the above please contact us Supplied Brand NEW manufacturers ong,rai jacking for further details. IANTI STATIC) Just post remittance total £35 95 iinci VAT b Posh LOGIC BOX LTD 31 PALMER STREET oLrgie LONDON SW1 Homey's (near St James's Park underground) Computer Kit Division 404 Edgware Road, London, W2, England Tel: 01-222 1122/5492 01-402 6322

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DO YOU KNOW the cure for the Summer Time Blues?

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EVERY MONTH we publish at least one application program in Level I BASIC, one in Level II BASIC and one in DISK BASIC (or disk compatable Level II) plus utility programs in Level II BASIC and Machine Language MICRO -80. The specialist monthly magazine for the TRS-80 and Video Genie user.

Please send me a sample copy.I enclose £1.50 O or Please enrol me for an annual subscription.I enclose E16.00 (tick the box and enclose your cheque/P.O. made payable to MICRO -80 for the correct amount and send to the above address)


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PCW 191 Some new introductions by the )19111' fitMidlands Computer Centre... We celebrate our first birthday with news of new iiiJi introductions available from the Micro Computer Centre.

In addition to Nascom and Commodore ROMEMCO micro computers HEM S ISOONAiiit illiebialiSFORIOASCOM XXXXt:XXXX:t5s;3?.: (Excluding printers) Input/Output Board. PIO Kit. Tool Kit. Port Probe. Hex Key Pad. Northstar. CAP-CPP. Cromemco. Sharp Cassette Decks. Crofton 10" Counter Timer Kit. UART Kit. Cased Monitors. Petsoft. Supersoft. Nascom (Colour Board Programmable Games. Character Generator Board . Floppy WILIAMMAst 111001NOW Disc System (Single Drive)available Colour Graphics for Nascom 1 & 2. Nexos Ricoh RP 1600 Daisy Wheel in September). Nas-Pen Text editor. .110000P' Printer. Diablo Daisy Wheel Printer. ZEAP 2.0 in EPROM or on Tape. Nas- Sys 3 Enhanced version of Nascom Micro Imp, Dot Matrix Plain Very full range of books on 6502, Paper Printer. Centronics Dot Nas-Sys 1. Nas-Dis-Disassembler. Z80, Languages, Interfacing, Debug - Dynamic Debugger. Introductory books and games and Matrix. Anadex Dot Matrix. Newbury ROM/EPROM Board for Nasbus. Laboratories Dot Matrix Impact General Programs. Printer. -i-t-tof tEXTRAS ASKA51111 Henry's EPROM Burner. Antex NataelESSititeSURk.k, Soldering Irons & Bits. Personal Computer World. THEKENIIWNTHCAgEVONCROPOMPOIRSigt Computing Today. Practical The Kenilworth Case. Computing. Educational Microtype Case. Veroframe. Castle Interface. Computing. Liverpool Software Gazette. Printout. Business & Leisure Micro Computers 16 The Square, Kenilworth, Warwickshire CV8 1EB. Tel: (0926) 512127

SCIENTIFIC CHEAPO EXPANSION OHIO OFFER Buy a 610 expansionwithboard P. Et R 8K ram on board and COMPURRS space for another 16K for £159 and get a free 5V 3A SUPERBOARD 3 power kit and any extra ram COMPUTER you want for £3/K. Buy a mini -floppy + case + power supply + 2 copies of DOS for 6. £275 and we will do the SHOP extra ram for £2/K (Max , 16K). We can also supply a OM version to suit UK101. a Mw bill 41-1*! ot ..n SPECIAL OFFER

EPSON MX -8080.GPs. DOT MATRIX I ' 711-1 Superboard 3 + power supply triktil and modulator kit + guard band kit (converts the display PRINTER WITH SPECIAL INTERFACES. to 32x32, gives 1200 and 300 Baud tape speeds increases 3982 IBM I/O PRINTERS. VDU's. ASCII Superboard 3 £159. Power computing speedb50% supply kit S11.95 or and converts to 50 Hz). S3.5. Guard banCI Wino KEYBOARDS. ASR. KSR, TELETYPES. 4Kextra ram 815.60. Case Only £172. 827. CassetterecorderS111. Colman improved monitor rom £29.50. Amembler/ PAPER TAPE READERS PAPER TAPE Editor tape 825. Word SERIES 2 triZrauy*eraPp= Ifilt0i0 lines CHALLENGER 54. characters for Superboard PUNCHES. SCOPES. TYPEWRITERS. 2 (not 3) 814. Wemoa S19.95. Microcase versions 4K £212. FANS 4" 5" 6". POWER SUPPLIES. Centronics interface kit S10. 8K £228. Postage £4.50 extra PRINTERS STORE CORES, TEST EQUIPMENT, 5V POWER KITS Fully stabilized 5V computer , AND MISCELLANEOUS COMPUTER and TTL power kits. Auto- matic current limiting and EQUIPMENT. OPEN:- MON TO FRI short circuit protection. Crowbar over -voltage protect- , 9am-5pm SATURDAY TILL 1pm. iiik ion. 11/2A £7.83, 3A £12.17, 1111 6A £19.13.

Buy any of the below and get a free interface kit and word COME AND LOOK AROUND processor program for 1.1)(101 or Superboard . OKI Micro - MEMORY CHIPS line 80 (dlustrated) E299. 2114 45Ons £1.95. 4116 Epson MX80 tractor £359. Epson MX80 tractor friction 200ns £199. 4027 £1.30 All £399. Epson MX80 £279. low current. Epson TX80 £295. Seikosh GP80 E199 SOLCOTT MILL, GOLDHANGER RD, SWAN LEY ELECTRONICS HEYBRIDGE, ESSEX. Dept. PCW, 32 Goldsel Rd, Swan ley, Kent BR88EZ. Postage £3.50 on Superboard, £4.50 on printers and 45p on PHONE MALDON 57440 orders. Lists 27p post free. Please add VAT to all prices. Official credit orders welcome. ZX81 part exchange possible. Mini -Digital Recorder THE FAST AND SIMPLE ALTERNATIVE TO DISC 0 High Read/Write speed - 6000 baud (10-20 times faster than audio cassette) 0 High data integrity (error better than 1:107) o No keys - under software control normally only available with disc o Uses proven Philips mechanism o Large capacity - up to 120K bytes o Additional RAM and ROM

o Robust construction/ Attractive appearance o Compatible with 6502 based computers including PET, AIM 65, KIM, OHIO, COMPUKIT etc

COMPUTER Also Available (Prices Excluding VAT) URRAH Tape Cassettes (boxes of six) C COMPONENTS MDCR 220 Mechanism Interface Board (1 MHz) SANDGATE INDUS EST, HARTLEPOOL Memory Board with Firmware ) MDCR CLEVELAND TS25 1UB Telephone (0429) 72996

Old tricks for new Pets... 60-flq/ARO COMMAND -0 isa FOUR KILOBYTE Rom for the 4000/8000 Basic 4 Pets with all the 'Toolkit' commands RENUMBER (improved), AUTO, DUMP, DELETE, FIND (improved), HELP, TRACE (improved gincludes STEP), and OFF - plus PRINT USING - plus four extra disk commands INITIALIZE, MERGE, EXECUTE, and SEND - plus extra editing commands SCROLL, MOVE, OUT, BEEP, and KILL - plus SET user -definable soft key,190 characters - plus program scroll up and down - plus 8032 control characters on key. Ask for Model CO -80N for the 8032 or CO -40N for the 4016/4032. £50.00 plus Vat New tricks for old Pets... DISK -O -PRO isa FOUR KILOBYTE Rom that upgrades 2000/3000 Pets. but lets you keep all your old software -including Toolkit. As SPIN well as REPEAT KEYS and PRINT USING, you get all the Basic 4 disk commands CONCAT, DOPER, °CLOSE, RECORD, HEADER, COLLECT, BACKUP, COPY, APPEND, DSAVE, OLOAO, CATALOG, RENAME, SCRATCH and 4:14.0topm DIRECTORY -plus extra disk commands INITIALIZE, MERGE, EXECUTE and SEND -plus extra editing commands SCROLL, MOVE, OUT, BEEP and KILL - plus SET user definable soft -key, 80 characters - Ane-Adifiv plus program scroll -up and scroll -down. We recommend the 4040 disk or upgraded 3040 for full benefit of disk commands. Ask for r IVATWARKs Model OOP -16N for new Pets 2001-3032, and 2001-8 with retrofit caperiems Roms L TK160P Toolkit. £50.00 plus Vat, other models available. WORSOzOGXSS/A PRONTO -PET hard/soft reset switch for the 3000/4000 Pets. We don't think you'll *crash* your Pet using our software, but if you do the Pronto -Pet will get you out) Also clears the Pet for the next job, without that nasty off/on power surge. £9.99 Vat KING OF THE and no tricks missed! KRAM Keyed Random Access Method. Kid your Pet it's an IBMI VSAM disk handling for 3032/4032/8032 Pets with 3040/4040/8050 disks means you retrieve your data FAST, by NAME - no tracks, sectors or blocks to worry about. Over 2,500 users worldwide have joined JUNGLE Lion has tamed the microcomputer market by amassing a the "Klub'l Now you can too, at the 1981 price, £75.00 plus Vat. wealth of experience in micro -based small business systems, and SPACEMAKERAll our Rom products are compatible with each other, by selecting the best systems available to market and support. but should you want, say, Wordpro with Kram, or Disk -o -pro with Lion's Business Systems Division is ready to demonstrate the Visicalc, then SPACEMAKER will allow both Roms to address one Rom socket, with just the flip of a switch, for £22.50 plus Vat. power and flexibility of the micro in commercial applications, and is backed by Lion's established reputation for professionalism and We are sole UK distributors for all these fine products. If your support. CBM dealer is out of stock,they are available by mail from us, by cheque/Access/Barclaycard (UK poet paid) or send for details. Phone now, at either location, to arrange a demonstration to show how micro's can help you, and why Lion is King of the Jungle. Credit cards welcome and lease facilities available.

CaicoSoftware LION MICRO -COMPUTER SHOPS LTD. Lakeside Houee Kingston Hill Surrey KT27QT Tel 02-546-7256 At Lion House 4.1" 227 Tottenham Court Road London W1P OHX Tel: 01-580 7383 21 Bond Street Brighton Tel: (0273) 601838


ASTEROIDS IN SPACE (32K -d) Blas approaching Asteroids - beware aliens £12.00 THIS IS OUR NEW 'EPROMPT GT' MODEL EPROM CHIP ERASER. HORRIBLESCOPE (32K -d) Funniest horoscopes, great for A SAFETY -INTERLOCK SWITCH AND TESTED LIGHT -PROOFING parties! Includes your own insults! £10.75 ENSURE LOW RISK OF ACCIDENTAL EXPOSURE TO DIRECT UV. SPACE (48K-3) Simulation of human life in space. You IT RUNS COOL AT THE EXACT WAVELENGTH FOR ALL EPROMS. develop characters -6 games £18.00 IT WILL ERASE UP TO 32 EPROM CHIPS IN 30 MINUTES. SPACE II (48K -D1 A continuation of SPACE, with more IT OPERATES ON 200-250V A.C. LINE AT ABOUT 20 WATTS characters and games £15.00 ADVENTURELAND (32K-ClAn enchanted world of lost * AND IT COSTS ONLY f49 INCLUDING SHIPPING AND VAT. treasures, wild animals - magical beings £9.00 PIRATE ADVENTURE (32K -C) Can you recover Long John's lost treasure? £9.00 ADVENTURELAND AND PIRATE ADVENTURE (48K) Both Sew games on one disk £16.00 FASTGAMMON (M -24K -C or 0) Best computer backgammon ERASE TIMER available, with sound, hires graphics and cartoons. C £13.01) You'll play for hours D £15.00 £15 TEMPLE OF APSHAI (48K -D) Mythical labyrinth with fearsome monsters & treasure £18.00 THE WIZARD AND THE PRINCESS (48K -D) Best game ever! 100's of beautiful Hires pictures. It is possible to win! - We haven't donef20.50 THIS IS OUR NEW 'TEXTIME' SOLID-STATE POWER -DOWN TIMER. it yet IT CAN TIME-OUT POWER TO MOST TYPES OF EPROM ERASER. DATESTONES OF RYN (48K -C or ID) Built in scoring system -C £9.25 IT RUNS ON 200-250V A.C. AND INCLUDES A 1/2 AMP FUSE. beat your friends. D £12.00 IT HAS TWO PUSHBUTTONS AND AN AMBER TIMING LIGHT. "MYSTERY HOUSE" HI-RES ADVENTURE (M -48K -D) See each THE GREEN BUTTON TURNS IT ON TO POWER -UP THE LOAD; room in 3D -type graphics £15.00 IT POWERS ITSELF DOWN ABOUT 30 MINUTES LATER; OR CONEY ISLAND (16K -c) 22 Fast paddle games for 1 or 2 players. YOU CAN PUSH THE RED BUTTON TO TURN IT OFF SOONER. Colour graphics £8.00 IT IS LIGHTWEIGHT, COMPACT, SAFE AND TOTALLY RELIABLE OTHELLO (16K -C) - by Softape - the best Othello game we've seen£9.00 * AND IT COSTS ONLY £19 INCLUDING SHIPPING AND VAT. SAUCER WARS (24K -C) Oneperson game, with 150 levels of difficulty £11.25 'TEXTIME' ALSO SUITS ANY A.C. LOAD TO 100 WATTS AND CAN VOYAGER EXCURSION (24K -C) Hires lunar loading game £11.25 INCLUDE ANY FIXED OR VARIABLE TIMING TO ORDER. FORTE (16K -C) A music language -You can save your songs £12.25. APPLE TALKER (M -16K -C) Create programmes so your Apple talks * SPECIAL OFFER: 'EPROMPT GT' + 'TEXTIME' £66 INCLUSIVE. to you £9.75 APPLE LIS'NER (M -16K -c) Create programmes which understand up to 31 spoken words £12.25 We are the manufacturers and you can buy direct from us. Mail-order prices: Eraser TALKER and LIS'NER are compatible with each other £49. Timer £19 all inclusive. Terms C.W.O. or C.O.D. (add £11 or trade references GOLF (20K -C) 18 holes for 1 or 2 players - full choice of clubs please. Educational & Public Authorities obtain immediate credit. and direction £5.00 A// orders and enquiries post-free to: - AIR FLIGHT SIMULATION (16K -C) only £6.50 OIL TYCOON (16K -C) only £6.50 TEXMICROSYSTEMS LTO. FREEPOST WINDFALL (32K -C) The oil crisis game £9.25 ST.ALBANS, HERTS. All 1BR ST.ALBANS 640771TRING 4797 ANYTIME B-1 NUCLEAR BOMBER (16K -C) Fly this Russian defences - and back! £9.25 NORTH ATLANTIC CONVOY RAIDER (16K -C) The Bismark convoy raid of 1941 £9.25 ELECTRIC CRAYON 18K -C1 Full colour graphics editor £11.00 U -DRAW (16K -C) Hires graphics editor £11.00 MUSIC BOX (8K -C) Full 3 octaves by semitones, Note -time, rests, tempo + full colour eight show) £9.50 MAZE GAME (16K -C) 3-D Colour Maze Game £9.50 Master Your RACER (24K -C) Best arcade racing game - Hires graphics £8.00 BREAKTHRU (M -16K -C) only £6.50 SPIDER TAG (M -16K -C) only £6.50 ATOMIC CASINO (16K -C) only £5.00 HIRES BASEBALL (M -16K -C) £10.25 Micro FAST with... E.S.P. (32K -C) Test yourself - Telepathy and Psycho-kinesis £6.00 NETWORK (48K -D) for 2 players -Try and programme a Little Genius floppy diskette TV network £12.00 THE COUNT (32K -C) You awake in a brass bed - in a based courses will teach you, castle - in Transylvania) £9.00 VOODOO CASTLE (32K -C) Rescue Count Cristo from his fiendish how to use your system and how curse) £9.00 to realise the full potential of the STRANGE ODYSSEY (32K -C) Escape from an ancient alien civilisation £9.00 "Mighty Micro". These fully ALL THREE ABOVE GAMES ON ONE DISK £25.00 interactive computer lessons will MYSTERY FUN HOUSE (32K -C) Days of fun, but very difficult! £9.00 guide you quickly to a high level AKA LABETH (48K -D) 10 Hires monsters, infinite dungeons, perfect perspective £21.50 of understanding and confidence FRACAS (32K -C or 0) up to 8 players - monsters, sound - greatC £13.00 in your ability to make the most of D £15.00 BATTLESHIP COMMANDER (32K -C or DI Strategy with sound, your microcomputer system. cartoons & lights! C £10.00 Courses now available D £12.00 HELLFIRE WARRIOR (48K -D) A dreamworld of danger - - Applesoft BASIC Palsoft BASIC very difficult) £21.25 - Advanced Advanced Palsoft ASTRO APPLE (32K -D) A serious horoscope £12.50 Applesoft BASIC BASIC THE PRISONER (48K -D1 A nightmare world of 1984 - - Using your Apple Using your 2020 avoid brainwashing! £19.25 COMPUTER NAPOLEON ICS (48K -D) Traditional war game - - PET BASIC meticulous detail £37.75 - Advanced PET ACANTHOPTERYGIAN FORTUNE TELLING (22K -D) BASIC Great for parties) £10.75 SARGON II (M -24K -D) The champ - No better chess for the Apple £21.25 COMPUTER BISMARK (48K -D) Accurate simulation of epic battle £37.75 A2-FS1 FLIGHT SIMULATOR (M -34K -D) Extended and Little Genius improved version, including British ACE 3D Aerial Battle Game only £21.00 Each course, comprising a floppy diskette, and starting PLUS LOTS MORE!! S.A.E. for full list instructions, costs only £40.00 plus VAT.

All programmes in Applesoft, unless M (machine code) SPECIAL"3 in one" OFFER for 3 courses covering the same C - on cassetteD - on diskette system only £99.00 plus VAT. VAT ALREADY INCLUDED!! Just add 50p P and P to your order and Little Genius courses are available from most computer retail sned with cheque /P.O. to:- outlets, or direct mail order iirorni Gfilt MICROSYSTEMS LITTLE GENIUS umno Suite 504, Albany House, 324 Regent Street, London W1 R 5AA. The Nethergate Centre, Telephone: 01-580 6361 35 Yeaman Shore, Dundee.


-t.:1:- \ f `-_ (BITS%1" ------,-,, COMPUTER PRODUCTS LTD Come and try it, andTEST The North's Leading Nascom Specialist the sensational software FULL RANGE STOCKED NASCOM SERVICE & ADVICE NorthStarBUSINESS SYSTEM OUR SPECIALITY WORDSTAR, complete only £4400 withSPINWRITER, See the Nascom Distributor ads for full details IllZmiff3 E It Video Genie **NEW FOR NASCOM 1** BOOKS PC1211s + printer SOFTWARE THE Mk11 BITS & P.C.S. GRAPHICS SYSTEM GIVES NASCOM 2 EPSON PRINTERS MX80F/T£395 cGRAPHICS ON A NASCOM 1. MX80 T £345MX70 all interface available £255


C1T1Software for MZ8OK £7.00 each Soft -sectored mini -discs with free plastic library case£19.95per 10. GAMES (1)Star Trek, Spacefighter, Stock car, Labyrinth, Reverse, Test. GAMES (2)Electric organ, Othello, Ambush, Low profile I.C. sockets: Fox & hounds, Metric conversions, Pins: 81416182022242840 Hangman, Shuffle. Pence:101112161719212837 GAMES (3)Ten pin, War, Swamp, Minefield, Biorythm, Scramble. GAMES (4)Paper stone, Jumping balls, Memory Upgrade Kits for Bounce, Race, Calendar,Alarm TRS-80, Apple, 20-20 etc clock, One armed bandit. from £13.60 GAMES (5)Poker, Stamp, Obstacle, Please phone (054-422) 618 Battleships, Surround, Animal. ALL PRICES VAT INCLUSIVE PC1211 POCKET COMPUTER £96.00inc VAT Please add 30p postage to orders under £15. PC1211 POCKET COMPUTER Government + Educational orders welcome PRINTER £88.00inc VAT £15 minimum PC1211 CASS INTERFACE £16.95inc VAT Dept PCW Happy Memories MIKIS/CAM BITS & P.C.s Computer Products Ltd. 4 Westgate, Wetherby, West Yorkshire. Gladestry NSA Kington LS224LL Tel: 0937 63744. Herefordshire SAE for details: prices include VAT and postage and HR5 3NY package. Tel: (054 422) 618


Again, it's a fast moving, all -action genuine arcade game, with you as the U-boat captain sinking the enemy ships, by either single or volleys of torpedoes.

There are no less than 16 different types of ships travelling at various speeds and distances - and what is unique - in both directions!

The convoy is protected by destroyers which drop clusters of depth charges, modern ones, which home onto the last position from where you fired, and which of course, unless you move quickly, can put you out of action.

It's all in real-time, with a time limit and scores kept, with the best five displayed together with the names of the players.

The game is like the 'Sea -Wolf' of the Arcades, but better, for Mike has given it much more variation. P IT'S ONLY AVAILABLE FROM KANSAS AT A SENSIBLE £9.50. kicie0/?st"c'et4)eoqzie

UNLEASE THE POTENTIAL OF YOUR TANDY OR VIDEO GENIE WITH LEE EDWARDS' NEW ADVANCED PROGRAMMING AID This is one for the serious programmer giving the know-how to get into the realms of advanced programming.

It shows in detail how to manipulate the computer's operating system so you know exactly what does what. It also describes how and where Basic is stored, so you can use the information to write your own utility programs. It shows how you can obtain ultra -fast graphics, anywhere around the screen, manipulating by string concatenation. Also there's a useful graphic block table.

The program gives the secret of being able to actually transfer data from one program to another and how to store it in memory for later use in another program.

You learn how to easily manipulate the cursor around the screen to position it just where you want.

Dissable procedure is explained, showing how to dissable either the whole keyboard or say the Break key. You are shown how to turn off the video. If you loose a program you can learn how to get it back. A keyobard de -bounce is given as is the routine to change Print statements to LPrint and much, much more.

This is not a simple program like the Video Genie program, for beginners, but for those really wanting to upgrade their programming techniques considerably.


All prices VAT paid and post free. First class return post service. Barclay- card, Visa orders dispatched same day if phoned in by 3pm. Answering machine ordering service after 6pm and Sundays to allow use of cheap rate. Catalogue available on request.

itnsaKansas City Systems, Unit 3, Sutton Springs Wood,Chesterfield,Derbys.Tel 0246 850357 196 PCW- The Sinclair ZX80 is innovative and powerful. Hard -Hitting, Objective Evaluations Now there's a magazine to help you get By selecting the ZX80 or MicroAce as the most out of it. your personal computer you've shown that you are an astute buyer looking for good performance, an innovative design and economical price. However, select- ing software willnot be easy. That's where SYNC comes in. SYNC evaluates software packages and other peripherals Get in and doesn't just publish manufacturer descriptions. We puteachpackage through its paces and give you an in- depth, objective report of its strengths sync and weaknesses. SYNC is a Creative Computing pub- lication. Creative Computing is the num- ber 1 magazine of software and applica- tions with nearly 100,000 circulation. The two most popular computer games booksinthe world, Basic Computer SYNC magazine is different from other on many levels, with tutorials for the be-Games andMoreBasicComputer personal computing magazines. Not just ginner and concepts that will keep the Games (combined sales over 500,000) different because itis about a unique pros coming back for more. Well show are published by Creative Computing. computer, the Sinclair ZX80 (and kit ver- you how to duplicate commands avail- Creative Computing Software manufac- sion, the MicroAce). But different be- able in other Basics. And, perhaps, how tures over 150 software packages for six cause of the creative and innovative phi- to do things that can't be done on other different personal computers. losophy of the editors. machines. Creative Computing, founded in 1974 Many computer applications require by David Ahl, is a well -established firm A Fascinating Computer that data be sorted. But did you realize committed to the future of personal com- there are over ten fundamentally differ- puting. We expect the Sinclair ZX80 to The ZX80 doesn't have memory map- ent sorting ? Many people be a highly successful computer and ped video. Thus the screen goes blank settle for a simple bubble sort perhaps correspondingly, SYNC to be a respect- when a key is pressed. To some review- because it's described in so many pro- ed and successful magazine. ers this is a disadvantage. To our editors gramming manuals or because they've this is a challenge. One suggested that seen itin another program. However, Order SYNC Today games could be written to take advan- sort routines such as heapsort or Shell - tage of the screen blanking. For exam- Metzner are over 100 times as fast as a Right now we need all the help we can ple, how about a game where characters bubble sort and may actually use less get. First of all, we'd like you to subscribe and graphic symbols move around the memory. Sure, 1K of memory isn't a lot to SYNC. Subscriptions are posted by air screen whileitis blanked? The object to work with, butit can be stretched directly from America and cost just £10 would be to crack the secret code gov- much further by using innovative, clever for one year (6 issues).£18 for two erning the movements. Voila! A new coding. You'll find this type of help in years (12 issues) or, if you really want to game likeMastermind or Black Box SYNC. beat inflation, £25 for three years (18 uniquely for the ZX80. issues). SYNC is available only by sub- We made some interesting discoveries Lots of Games and Applications scription; it is not on newstands. We gu- soon after setting up the machine. For arantee your satisfaction or we will re- instance, the CHR$ function is not limit- Applications and software are the meat fund the unfulfilled portion of your sub- ed to a value between 0 and 255, but of SYNC. We recognize that along with scription. cycles repeatedly through the code. useful, pragmatic applications, like finan- Needless to say, we can't fill up all the CHR$ (9) and CHRS (265) will produce cial analysis and graphing, you'll want pages without your help. So send in your identical values. In other words, CHR$ games that are fun and challenging. In programs,articles, hintsand tips. operates ina MOD 256 fashion. We the charter issue of SYNC you'll find se- Remember,illustrationsandscreen found that the "=" sign can be used se- veral games. Acey Ducey is a card game photos make a piece much more inter- veral times on a single line, allowing the in which the dealer (the computer) deals esting. Send in your reviews of peripher- logical evaluation of variables.In the two cards face up. You then have an op- als and software too-but be warned: re- Sinclair, LET X=Y=Z=W is a valid ex- tion to bet depending upon whether you views must be in-depth and objective. pression. feel the next card dealt will have a value We want you to respect what you read on Or consider the TL$ function which between the first two. the pages of SYNC so be honest and strips a string of its initial character. At In Hurkle, another game in the charter forthright in the material you send us. Of first, we wondered what practical value it issue, you have to find a happy littlecourse we pay for contributions-just had. Then someone suggested it would Hurkle who is hiding on a 10 X 10 grid. In don't expect to retire on it. be perfect for removing the dollar sign response to your guesses, the Hurkle from numerical inputs. sends our a clue telling you in which The exploration has begun. Join us. Breakthroughs? Hardly. But indicative direction to look next. of the hints and kinds you'll find in every One of the most ancient forms of arith- The reagaze,e for Selcleor 2%80 users issue of SYNC. We intend to take the metical puzzle is called a "boomerang." Sinclair to its limits and then push be- The oldest recorded example is that set LIM= yond, finding new tricks and tips, new down by Nicomachus in his Arithmetica 27 Andrew Close applications,new waystodo what around 100 A.D. You'll find a computer Stoke Golding couldn't be done before. SYNC functions version of this puzzle in SYNC. Nuneaton CV13 6EL. England

PCW 197 Personal Computer shad 10th -12thSeptember 1981

This year's PCW show is all set to beatthe moment they'rekeeping theSo, whatever your interests - whether bigger and more varied than ever before.details a closely guarded secret. Watchyou want to learn Basic, shoot silicon It will be something like twice the sizethis space. Martians or automate your payroll - because we've now taken two floors of Molimerx knows a good thing whenmake a note in your diary right now. the hotel instead of last year's one. Withit sees one: ours is the only show that one floor specialising in business, scien-it's attending this year! This company Companies booked at the time of tific and engineering applications andspecialises in software for all TRS-80going to press: the other in home and hobby interests,and Video Genie machines and is soleBeta Systems thisis definitely the show to see thedistributorforAcornSoftwareofCetronic micro inallitsguises - from SpaceWashington and of the LDOS operating Chromasonic Invaderstowordprocessors,fromsystem. With a bit of luck, some ofCommunity Computers teaching applications (both floors) toAcorn Software's personnel will be on Comp Shop company accounting. And, of course,the stand to answer your questions. Computer User Aids everything you need to go with it - Cetronic will have some interestingContour Computer Systems software,peripherals,power suppliesdevices on its stand, in particular, the Creative Computing and books - everything in fact to makeconstant voltage transformers for per-Data Applications thebestof your personal computersonal computers and a shaft positionEasicomp world. encoder for use with the PET. Elcomp To make sure the show really goes Portatel Conversions will have a wide Feedback with a swing, it will be organised so thatrange of Apple products on show andA J Harding you will know exactly where to go towillbehighlightingitsunique highHumac Computer Services find the stands that interest you most.resolutiongraphicscolourmonitorsIngersoll (Atari) Visitors will be given different coloureddedicated to the Eurapple and operatingIntex Datalog badges according to their interest. Ofwithout the need for a colour card. Kansas City Systems course, this won't stop you seeing the Mapcon-authorisedconsultants MCLittle Genius whole show, but it will mean that ex-Computers is another early booking. ItsLondon Computer Centre hibitors can see at a glance who is justrange of products includes a data ac-Lowe Electronics browsing and who is a potential buyer. quisition system which can be used in aLP Enterprises (MPI) Of the 46 companies who had bookedvariety of ways, from measuring tem-Macronics by the time we went to press, a few evenperature in central heating systems toMaplin managed totellus what they'd bethe monitoring of sheet metal pressingMarch Communications doing. Here's a selection: processes. MC Computers The business section will comprise Among theexhibitors of businessMicroperipherals more than just computers. Mind Yourapplications is Beta Systems who willMind Your Own Business Own Business magazine will be happyhave an interesting selection based onMine of Information to help any baffled businessman who,the Apple, including one for commodity NEC Communications faced with such an array of systems,brokers and anotherfor hotel reser- Newbear doesn't know how to decide which onevations. Tandy tells us that it will havePersonal Computers willbe rightfor him or even whatthe entire TRS-80 range there as well asPortatel Conversions questions to ask the salesmen. For PET many business packages. Printout magazine enthusiasts,'Squire'Allasonwillbe Popping downstairs tothelowerRadio Shack there with his Printout team to provide floor, you 11 find a number of clubs and.Research Machines thelatestlowdown on Commodoreof course, ComputerTown UK! - moreRoxburgh Printers pro ducts. about that next month. The EuropeanSBD Software Among the new products on show MicrocomputerChessChampionshipSilica Shop will be Commodore's new £200 baby, should make rivetting viewing, too. DAISinclair Research the VIC, which offers colour graphics hasjustannouncedthatitwill beSouthern Software and plugs into the domestic TV. Whyawarding thefirstprize in our IYDPST Commercial Systems not visit the stand and get some hands-competition atthe show. The luckyTandy on experience - and maybe even buywinner will be notified in mid -August.Ties Investments one? Roxburgh Printerswillhave a Remember, there will be somethingVero Electronics mysterious new product on display butfor everybody at the 4th PCW Show.John Wiley


Abacus 178,181 Creative Computing 197Intex Datalog 189NSC Computer Acorn Computers 94 Crofton 179JS Systems 160 Shops 34 Advanced Computer Currah 193Jarogate 22 Nascom Dealers 72 Equipment 130 Currys Micro 8KAI 170Newbear Computing 40 Albion Software 178 DJ AI Systems 48KGB Micros 131Northamber 4,5 Algray 190 DRG Business Machines 21Kansas City 196Online Conferences 118 Almarc Data Systems 123Datalink 20Keen 29,31Oxford Computers Anglia Comp Centre 175 Data Plus 106Keytronics 166 Systems 186 Arfon Micro Electronics 75 Datron Microcentre 182Kingston Computers 168P & R Computer Shop 192 Axon 172Davinci Comp 175Kram 178Personal Computers OBC BHRA 182 Digico 43L & J Computers 136Petalect 9 Bits & Pc's 195 Display Electronics 161Leicester Comp Centre 88Pete & Pam Computers 176 Bug Byte 77 EMG 180Linsac 183Photo Acoustics 164 Business & Leisure Easi Comp 183Lion House 193Printout 98 Microcomputers 192 Electronics Brokers 40Little Genius 194Professional Data Butel 88 Elfton 77Logic Box 191 Systems 170 PCS Data 33 Equinox 120London Computer Q-Tek Systems 8 Calisto 42 Essential Software 28 Centre 173Qume 47 Calco 193Feedback Instr 49Lowe Electronics 7 Rair 76 Calona 174Ferguson Computers 18Lucas Logic 52REM 180 Cambridge Comp Store 132 GP Industrial 183Magtronics 188SBD 162.164.168 Camden Electronics 172 Gate Microsystems 189Malvern 175Science of Cambridge 69 Centronics 35 Gibson 24Maplin 27Sharp 19,41 Chromasonic 14,15 Grama Winter 12,13Melbourne House Sinclair Research 124,125 Codified Comp Great Northern 174 Publishers 79 Spider Software 172 Systems 128Guestel 171Memtec 175Stack 194 Comart 117 HL Audio 39Micro -80 191Strumech 26 Commodore 56 Hal 36Microact 114Swanley Electronics 192 Commodore VIC 20,2 Happy Memories 195Microbusiness Centre 188Technomatic 190 Comp Shop 200 ,IBC AJ Harding 16,17Microbyte 159Telefusion 187 Compuskill 166Henry's 191Microcentre IFCTempleman Software 180 Computace 23 Hewlett Packard 32Microcosm 132Tex Microsystems 194 Computech 44 Hitech Electronics 167Microfacilities 25Thermal Precision 89 Computer Book Club 59 Hunting Computer Micro General 187Tomorrow 168 Computer Bookshop 108 Services 186Micro -K 47Transam 169 Computer Interfacing ITT 45MicroLab 164Watford Electronics 163 Equipment 174 Independent Computer Micro Networks 46Westfarthing Comps 77 Computer Int Designs 176 Engineering 184Micro Peripherals 83,85Westwood Comps 77 Computers for All 177 Intelligent Artefacts 174,184Microstyle 30Wilkes 140 Computer Supermarket 37 Interam Computer Microtek 195Xitan Systems 60 Co-op Soft 160 Systems 92Microware London 162Zilog 64 Cream Microcomputer Interface Components 38Mike Dennis 181 Shop 187 Interface Software 165

(1111 itil , , ,,,,mk((«((crll/t, ,,,)")\',\";\\\) Just in case you haven't known firm of solicitors - haven't even got computers you wondered about that odd noticed, we have a new see the letterhead reproducedyet. .. Micromole Inc cove pictured on page 70, he (improved) phone number: elsewhere on this page.. . suggests we investigate a is Shino Zuka Iga no Kami - 01-631 1433. .. Speculation Latest buzzword from the rumour that a certain one of the 12 heroes of that Acorn has a 68000 -based States is 'snarl', as in 'we justTangerine director has gone ancient Japan. The painting system in the pipeline was snarl up data from Prestel'. .. into the demolition business is by Kuni Yoshi Utagawa fuelled by the sight of Another Silicon Valley equipped with a brand-new and it depicts the hero Herman Hauser at a recent favourite is 'set verbosity to Jaguar XJS. The score so far: dressed up as a lance man Motorola seminar, hob- zero'. .. Mike Gurr spends hisa garden wall and a garage. one of the shogi pieces. nobbing with that company's spare time visualising the Oddly, Micromole Inc technical bigwigs. .. Still on havoc caused by computer - enclosed an unprintable Acorn, Chris Curry calls the literate kids when they go to photo of Toady 's Diego BBC micro the `Beebon'. work and find that businessesRincon... Finally, in case Malcolm Peltu returned from a Monte Carlo jaunt just in time to see one of the DEWIE, CHEATHEM & HOWE computer -controlled boards at Heathrow announce the Solicitors and Commissioners for Oaths arrival of a flight from 14 SEVINGTON ROAD Stuttfart. .. PCW's editor Vat No. went to hear Philippe Dreyfus Swiss Bank No HENDON explain France's information LONDON NW4 3SB. technology plans - the day Your Ref. following the election of a Telephone: 01-202 7245 new President. .. Before Our Ref. making his name in software protection, barrister Alistair Date Nelman worked for a little-

PCW 199 NEW REDUCED THE NEW it WE ARE NOW STOCKING THE PRICES - EXCITING AUTOSTART APPLE II AT TRS80 REDUCED PRICES 16K £449 MODEL 16K £549 III 32K £499 r 1111111101004, 32K £579 48K £599 RRP £795 for32K Very popular lor Getting StartedAPPLE IIis faster, smaller, and more The PEDIGREE 5 honre Et business powerful than its predecessors. And it's more fun to use too use 8K Microsoft Basicin ROM 8K Pel 32K b 16K with because of built-in features like: new improved keyboard BASIC - The Language that Makes Programming Fun. High -Resolution Graphics lin a 54,000 -Point Array) for Cassette Deck£55extra Interface PET IEEE - Finely -Detailed Displays. Sound Capability that Brings Centronics ParallelDecoded £77.00 + VAT 16K £559 32K £589 48K £619 Programs to Life. Hand Controls for Games and Other + VAT + VAT + VAT Human -Input Applications. Internal Memory Capacity of 48K Bytes of RAM, 12K Bytes of ROM; for Big -System Per- The Radio Shack TRS-80TM Model IIIis a ROM -based formance in a Small Package. Eight Accessory Expansion pPPPr., GET YOURSELF ,,__,,,.!,vp,b- computer system consisting of: Slots to let the System Grow With Your Needs. A 12 -inch screen to display results and other information You don't need to be an expert to enjoy APPLE II.It is a 107 OT A NEW MX80 Ccar...4,8v/-_,_ A 65 -key console keyboard for inputting programs and data complete, ready -to -run computer. Just connect it to a video 00 to the Computer A Z-80 Microprocessor, the "brains" of display and start using programs (or writing your own) the v PRINTER AND SAVE the system A Real -Time Clock Read Only Memory first day. You'll find that its tutorial manuals help you make it A FORTUNE0000006. (ROM) containing the ModelIIIBASIC Language (fully your own personal problem solver. compatible with most Model I BASIC programs) Random only £299 + VAT Access Memory (RAM) for storage of programs and data Interface Cards for Apple, Pet, while the Computer is on (amount is expandable from "16K" TRS80, Nascom and Compukit -- to "48K", optional extra) A Cassette Interface for long-term APPLE DISC II RS232 Interface Cards not storage of programs and data (requires a separate cassette 3.3 Dos necessary for parallel.£49+ VAT recorder, optional/extra) A Printer Interface for hard -copy output of programs and data (requires a separate line printer, Disc with Full TRS80/ Genie Graphics Y EX -STOCK optional/extra) Expansion area for upgrading to a disk - Controller based system (optional/extra) Expansion area for an RS- £349 + VAT 232 -C serial communications interface (optional/extra) Additional Drives All these components are contained in a single moulded case, THE VIDEO GENIE SYSTEM and all are powered via one power cord. £299 + VAT Ideal for .small businesses, schools, colleges, homes, etc. Powerful Disk Operating Software Supports up to 6 Suitablefortheexperienced,inexperienced,hobbyist, drives Name Access to Files for Ease of Use BASIC teacher, etc. Program Chaining to Link Software Together Random /G4,440.- E G3000 SPECIAL OFFER or Sequential File Access to Simplify Programming Dynamic Disk Space Allocation for Efficient Storage 4e4r/ Series FOR MODEL III PURCHASERS Individual File Write -Protection Eliminates Accidental We will take keyboards only for TRS80 Model I and Level File Alterations Loads an 8K Byte Binary Image in 6.5 WITH IIin part exchange. sec. (1.2 sec. in Pascal) Storage Capacity of 116 NEW There will be refurbished Model I and Level II keyboards Kilobytes (143K Bytes with Pascal) on Standard 5'/." EXTRA available later in the year Phone for availability and price. Diskettes Powered Directly From the APPLE (Up to 6 Drives) for Convenience and High Reliability Packaged \"\\....,-- _.._ KEYS! in Heavy -Duty, Colour -Coordinated Steel Cabinet 16K \,,---- 16K user RAM plus extended 12K Microsoft CENTRONICS 737 £279 BASIC in ROM Fully TRS-80 Level II v A I software compatible Huge DOT MATRIX MICROLINE 80 range of software already available Self contained, PSU, UHF modulator, and cassette Simply plugs into video PRINTER only monitor or UHF TV Full expansion to disks and printer Absolutely complete - just fit into mains plug. The Video Genie is a complete computer system, requiring only £399 VAT + VAT only connection to a domestic 625 line TV set to be fully including cables operational; or if required a video monitor can be connected to provide the best quality display. 51 key typewriter style Standard Features keyboard, which features a 10 key rollover. Supplied with 80 CPS - Proportional 11111.1111111=111111111011111111111111MONS101WIlki the following accessories:- BASIC demonstration tape; Spaced Mode 50 CPS - Video lead; Second cassetee lead; Users manual; 9 x 7 dot matrix 96 ASCII and 64 graphic character set Monospaced Mode Proportional Spacing, Plus 10 CP1 Selectable line spacing Condensed, double width print BASIC manual; Beginners programming manual. Write and 16.7 CP1 N x 9 (Proportional) or 7 x 8 (Monospaced) useful programs in the BASIC computer language yourself. Friction or pin feed 40/80/132 columns Upper and Dot Matrix 7 x 8 Dot Matrix 3 Way Paper Handling lower case Centronics parallel interface System 96 Character ASC1 1plus 6 European character sets Microprocessor Electronics Expanded Print Right Margin Justification Print Underlining 9 -Wire Free Flight VIDEO GENIE Print Head Bidirectional Stepper Motor Paper Drive Full NASCOM 2 GAMES TAPE EXPANSION BOX One Line Buffer 21 LPM With 80 Columns Printed 58 featuring Space Invaders and.Android Nim, LPM With 20 Columns Printed 6 Lines Per inch Vertical Complete with RS232 interface and floppy disc Spacing Paper Tear Bar Centronic Colours and Logo Re -numbering program and other goodies! controller. 0 memory.E225+ VAT. £7.50 + VAT Memory expansion card (S100) 16K £110 32K£159+ VAT Further 5100 cards available later in the year. HITACHI TV GAME BREAK OUT ---N PROFESSIONAL THE NEW ANADEX Has got to be one of the ------:t 04a.t. MONITORS world's greatest TV games. ci DP9500 and DP9501 You really get hooked. As 9" - 1.129£99.95 featured in ETI. Has also 4 other pinball games and lots A PROFESSIONAL PRINTER 1 2" - £4.99- £149 of options. Good kit for Reliability Solid state circuitry using an IC and silicon up -grading old amusement games. Bi-directional printing transistors ensures high reliability. 500lines horizontal resolution Horizontal resolution in excess of 500 lines is MINI KIT - PCB, sound & vision modulator, memory chip . Up to 220 chars/line achieved in picture center. Stable picture Even played with 4 print densities and de -code chip. Very simple to construct.E14.90+ VAT back pictures of VTR can be displayed without jittering. OR PCBE2.90MAIN LSI01.50Both plus VAT 500 char buffer Looping video Input Video input can be looped through lie RS232C and Centronics with built-in termination switch. External sync opera- Parallel interface built in tion (available as option for U and C types) Compact Full software control of matrix construction Two monitors are mountable side by side in a ENGLISH COLOUR Tv/ needles allowing graphics capability standard 19 -inch rack. 200 chars/sec Adjustable width tractor feed. AMERICAN NTSC COLOUR MONITOR DP9500 - ONLY £795 + VAT COMP PRO MIXER Suitable for Apple, Atari and Texas 99/4 £295 + VAT Professional DP9501 - ONLY £845 + VAT audio mixer e that you canT NEC build yourself RRP +- II SPINWRITER and save Orel £540 over £100. only £899 --71,Pe .6111 Only £1390 , VAT It £99.90 + VAT ANADEX plus VAT for . NEC's high quality printer uses a print "thimble" that has DP8000 complete kit. less diameter and inertia than a daisy wheel, giving a quieter, Plus FREE Super Quality faster, more reliable printer that can cope with plotting and - Low cost printerTractor Feed with full 96 printing (128 ASCII characters) with up to five copies, fric- ASCII character set. Accepts RS232C at band rates between power supply valued at tion or tractor fed. The ribbon and thimble can be changed in 100 and 9600 and Parallel Bit data. seconds. 55 characters per second bidirectional printing - Attaches either directly or through interfaces to Pet, Apple, £25.00 with red/black, bold, subscript, superscript, proportional TRS80, Sorcerer, Nascom, Compukit etc. ACCESSIT AUDIO ADD-ONS spacing, tabbing, and much, much more.

200 PCW EUROPE'S FASTEST SELLING ONE BOARD COMPUTEROMPUKIT NEW ISSUE COMPUKIT PANASONIC WITH ALL KX-T1520 THE FEATURES THAT MADE IT THE AUTOMATIC 1 PROFESSIONALMOST TELEPHONE COMPUTER MARKET. KIT ON THE ANSWERING * 6502 based system - best value for Now WITHFREE money on the market. * Powerful 8K NEW EXTENDED SYSTEM MONITOR (a Basic - Fastest around * Full Owerty saving of £22), Keyboard * 4K RAM Expandable to 8K which includesFlashing on board. * Power supply and RF Cursor, Screen Modulator on board. * No Extras Editing, & needed - Plug-in and go * Kansas City Save Data Tape Interface on board. * Free on Tape. £190 Sampler Tape including powerful VAT Dissassembler and Monitor with each KU ONLY , VAT Oneof themosttechnicallyadvancedtelephone Kit. * If you want to learn about £149 answering units available, the KX-71520 features a double Micros, but didn't know which machine cassette system, a C60 cassette for incoming calls, which to buy then this is the machine for you. Fully Assembled -£199 VAT can be limited to 30 secs each or recorded in their entirety, and a 20 sec continuous loop cassette for your outgoing and Program your DEALER ENQUIRIES INVITED messages whichare recorded through thebuilt-in Build, Understandfor only asmall outlay. microphone. Your telephone conversations can also be own Computer recorded after a bleep tone has notified your caller they are being taped. Incoming calls can be monitored and the ring NEW EXTENDED MONITOR IN EPROM - available separately at E22 +VAT. 41( UPgradeKit control is adjustable. Improved Basic function - revised GARBAGE routine. Allows correct use of STRING ARRAYS. AT The remote call -in pick-up with Playback/Reset/Repeat This chip can be sold separately to existing Compukit and Super board users. £15.90 and Skip controls, activates the system to play back your messages to you over the phone wherever you are in the FOR THE COMPUKIT - Assembler Editor E14.80 Screen Editor Tape E1.90 world. GAME PACKS - 11Four Games £5.00 21. Four Games £5.00 31. Three Games 8K only E5.00 Super Space Invaders 18K1 £0.50 Chequers E3.00 Realtime Clock E3.00 Case for Compukit E29.50 40 pin Expansion Jumper Cable E8.50 All Prices exclusive VAT TEAC DISK FANTASTIC FOR FILE HANDLING ,_ ACULAB DR IVES YOUR ZX80 IS FLOPPY TAPE NOW NO LONGER The tape that behaves like a disc, for TRS-80 LEVEL 2. TEAC FD -50A has40tracksgiving125K Bytes REDUNDANT unformatted single density capacity. Upgrade your ZX80 to the full animated graphics of only £169 + VAT The FD -50A can be used in double density recording the ZX81. (No screen flicker). The Aculab Floppy Tape for the TRS-80 and Video Genie is a mode. highly reliable digital storage system that provides many of The FD -50A is Shugart SA400 interface compatible. FOR ONLY£12.95+ VATIN KIT FORM the advantages of floppy disks at less cost. Automatic Directlycompatible with Tandy TRS80 expansion debounce routine for the Level 2 keyboard. interface. Works only in conjunction with NEW 8K ROM from Connects directly to TRS-80 Level 2 Keyboard. Operating Also interfaces with Video Genie, SWTP,TRS80, Sinclair (Not Included). North Star Horizon, Superbrain, Nascom, etc, etc. and file handling software in ROM. 8 commands add 12 powerful functions to Level 2 BASIC. Address selection for Daisy chaining up to 4 Disks.

Disks plus power supply housed in an attractive grey case. IF IT WASN'T FOR THE 40 TRACK 8MHz Super Quality Modulators £4.90 Single E225 Double LOWEST PRICES, + VAT £389 + VAT 6MHz Standard Modulators £2.90 Disk Drive Disk Drive THE BIGGEST CHOICE 77 TRACK C12 Computer Grade Cassettes 10 for E4.00 Single enimai Double AND THE BEST + VAT £499+ VAT Anadex Printer Paper - 2000 sheets £15.00 Disk Drive '-" Disk Drive AFTER SALES SERVICE, Floppy Discs 53/4" Hard and Soft Sectored f2.90 WE JUST WOULDN'T BE Floppy Disc Library Case 51/4" f3.50

WE HAVE ONE OF THE LARGEST COMP SHOP Ribbons DP8000 E3.50 COLLECTIONS OF COMPUTER BOOKS DP9500/9501 (12.50 UNDER ONE ROOF, ALONG WITH RACKS OF SOFTWARE FOR SHARP ftE.A5e ADD I5k, V. A.T. THE GENIE AND TRS80. PC1211 COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. ogoet ,..A.A4.006Toila £79.90 via We give a full one, year's guarantee Illustrating Basic 3.90 0.0 + VAT Basic Handbook 11.00 on all our products, which 6502 Software Gourmet Guide & Cookbook 8.50 COMPUTER normally only carry 3 months guarantee. POWER THAT 9.20 Programming the 6502 ONCE FILLED A ROOM 6502 Assembly Language Programming 12.90 CAN NOW BE CARRIED IN YOUR POCKET! 32 Basic Programs for the PET Computer 10.50 PET/ CBM Personal Computer Guide 12.00 Programs in BASIC "OWERTY" Alphabetic A SELECTION OF APPLE INTERFACES 10.00 Keyboard 1.9K Random Access Memory ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT OUR PET Revealed Long Battery Life. Library of PET Subroutines 10.00 EDGWARE ROAD SHOWROOM Apple II Users Guide 12.00 Computer power that once filled a room can now be carried 1 Beginner's Guide for the UCSD Pascal System 7.90 in your pocket! It's easy to load with ready -to -run software 280 Microcomputer Handbook 7.50 from cassette tape (interface and recorder optional)or program ityourself in easy -to -learn BASIC. 24 -character ATARI CARTRIDGES Programming the Z80 10.60 liquid crystal readout displays one line at a time. Special IN STOCK TRS80 Basic: A Self -Teaching Guide 7.20 featureis advanced non-volatile memory allows you to TRS80 Interfacing Book 1 7.50 power on and off without losing the contents of memory. Phone for availability TRS80 Interfacing Book 2 7.50 Note: Memory must be transferred to tape before changing 10.50 batteries. Automatic statement compaction squeezes every 32 Basic Programs for the TRS80 Level II ounce of memory space. Features power -off retention of Microsoft Basic Decoded & Other Mysteries 18.50 programs and data. Powerful resident BASIC language MEMORY UPGRADES ZX80 Pocket Book 5.00 statements, math functions,editing, includesmultiple + VAT 30 Programs for the Sinclair ZXBO 7.00 strings, arrays and much more. Multiple program loading 16K (8 x 4116) £15.90 Making the Most of Your ZX80 7.90 capability subject to RAM availability. Carrying case and batteries included. 4K Compukit (8 x 2114) £15.90+ VAT PLEASE ADD 40p P&P

Delivery is added at cost. Please make cheques and postal orders payable to COMPSHOP LTD., or phone your order quoting BARCLAYCARD, ACCESS, DINERS CLUB or AMERICAN EXPRESS number. MAIL ORDER AND SHOP: CREDIT FACILITIES ARRANGED - send S.A.E.for application form. 14 Station Road, New Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 1QW (Close to New Barnet BR Station- Moorgate Line). Telex: 298755 TELCOM G Telephone: 01-441 2922 (Sales) 01-449 6596 TELEPHONE SALES OPEN (BARNET) - 10am - 7pm - Monday to Saturday OPEN 24 hrs. 7 days a week NEW WEST END SHOWROOM: 311 Edgware Road, London W2. Telephone: 01-262 0387 01-449 6596 OPEN (LONDON) - 10am - 6pm - Monday to Saturday "Europes Largest Discount * IRELAND: 80 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1. Telephone: Dublin 749933 1"2#5791 el) Personal Computer Stores" * COMPSHOP USA, 1348 East Edinger, Santa Ana, California, Zip Code 92705. Telephone: 0101 714 5472526 We are now entering our fourth financial year of dealing solely in 80 Character Card (below left) the personal computer market - in fact, we started it! Over this ... opens up the real commercial world for all Apple owners. period, Personal Computers Limited have formed a group of grad- Paper Tiger (Below centre) uate specialists who will help you in the fields of word processing, 132 character line, plus graphics, 8 character sizes, ordinary paper, mutliple financial planning,statistics, economic modelling, forecasting, copy, upper and lower case 96 character, parallel/serial, form control. accounting systems, foreign exchange, banking ind oil exploration. Centronics 730 (Below right) We also do rather well with computer graphics and highly recom- A substantial, robust printer from a major manufacturer. 3 way paper mend the graphics tablets and our plotter for Apple. handling system, 100 character per second. Special low-cost including We can also offer two excellent items of software - Format 40 interface. 96 characters. and Visicalc - at a combined price of ONLY £189, and the Super Sound Generator for only £90! (excl. V.A.T.)

Items pictured Sharp MZ - 80K A new generationof personal computer, self contained, versatile and 8" Disk Drive (above left) starting at only £570 (excl. VAT). Explore the now the easy Our 8" disks are still as popular as ever - 2 drives give you 1.2MB with all way. Disks and printer available shortly. the reliable security of Shugart Technology. Easily interfaced to Apple, Numeric Keypad uses the same D.O.S. ... with 8 function keys is a must in all financial applications. A.I.O. Serial and Parallel Card (above centre) TCM 100 & TCM 200 Three hand -shake lines(R.T.S., C.T.S. and D.C.D.). Firmware for serial . both now have graphics as well as their own power supply, essential interfaces on -board, software for parallel printer available, 2 -bi-directional with this type of printer. 8 bit parallel ports, plus 4 additional interrupt and hand -shaking lines. Qume Sprint 5 The quality word processing printer. Clean, clear executive reports the way Light Pen (above right) you want them. Can print up to 5760 points per square inch - or even A much sought after product which we introduced to the U.K. print in 2 colours. This iswhatwe do.. andwedo it rather wel 1.

Personal ConDuter6 Limited 194-200 BishopsgatQ, London EC2M 4NR Tel 01626 8121