Skippers of the Skyways

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Skippers of the Skyways Skippers of the skyways Autor(en): [s.n.] Objekttyp: Article Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1938) Heft 890 PDF erstellt am: 04.10.2021 Persistenter Link: Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. Die systematische Speicherung von Teilen des elektronischen Angebots auf anderen Servern bedarf ebenfalls des schriftlichen Einverständnisses der Rechteinhaber. Haftungsausschluss Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr für Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit. Es wird keine Haftung übernommen für Schäden durch die Verwendung von Informationen aus diesem Online-Angebot oder durch das Fehlen von Informationen. Dies gilt auch für Inhalte Dritter, die über dieses Angebot zugänglich sind. Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, December 8eij 1988. THE SWISS OBSERVER. 2559 SKIPPERS OF THE SKYWAYS Some three years ago, we had the proud some time he acted as flying instructor. In 1929 experience to see for the first time Nif'LSlS'A/R he was engaged as a pilot of the Ad Astra-Aero machines flying over this great Metropolis. and he accompanied Walter Mittelholzer as second Since then hundreds of in weather pilot to Africa on the hunting flight of flights, all These the have been made the Baron Rothschild. two men were first conditions, without slightest the Numerous his mishap. to overfly Kilimandjaro. are flights over the Alps. Hundreds of our compatriots have since The figure of total kilometers flown by A. flown in golden sunshine or high above the clouds Kiinzle at the end of September 1938 was back to our homeland, in perfect comfort. 1,156,568, having been honoured as a millionnaire These golden hours high up in the skies are in October 1937. for of us an experience and many unforgettable A. Kiinzle assists E. Nyffenegger are kept as treasured memories. Capt. Capt. as head of the navigation dept. — He is married Thanks for all this should go in the first and father of three children and in his spare time place to those fearless and highly skilled pilots likes hunting. of the iS'tc/.v-vrt/'r, and we venture to publish here- with the photographs of these messengers from home, together with a few biographical notes, thanking them at the same time for having piloted us in safety for thousands of miles. Capt. Walter Borner. Walter Borner is a French-Swiss and before his engagement as a, pilot of Swissair was director of " Aero-Traffic S.A." in Geneva. He lias flown on all the various Swissair routes and lias 1,033,130 flying km. to his credit (figure of 30th September 1938). Walter Borner always takes his holidays in Winter, being an accomplished skier and very fond of this sport. Capt. Franz Zimmermann. Born in 1901 in Mitlödi/Glarus. Like many of his colleagues he made his Capt. Ernst Nyffenegger. apprenticeship as a skilled mechanic and later attended the school of military pilots. In 1929 he was appointed a pilot of the "Ad Astra." Born September 1900 in Hochstetten/Canton After the amalgamation with the " Berne, made Iiis örcrcf as in 1928. Balair," military pilot from which the S'wnssatr emerged, he became a He a of " " from was pilot Balair 1926-1930; pilot of the latter Company. with when this the " Acl Together Capt. Company amalgamated with E. Nyffenegger he was one of the to the Astra Aero " to form the Swissair he continued first fly Lockheed Orior. He was frequently charged Capt. O. Heitmanek. his services with the new Company. Ile is the with special flights and his name is well-known. Born in 1903 in Ragaz. oldest pilot employed in civil aviation in Switzer- He accomplished his kilometer since millionth in A lie was some land, and the death of Walter Mittelholzer, 1937, and at the end of military pilot, working for chief of Swissair's January September 1938, time in the automobile trade. Before to is navigation department. the figure totalled 1,316,539. going the U.S.A. in spring 1929 he spent three months He has flown 80 different of over types |»lanes Like his cousin B. in England. As a pilot of Curtiss Wright, New the small Klemm-Daimler to the 21 Zimmermann, director of from up Swissair who died last he is keen York Airways and other concerns O. Heitmanek DC3. He the year, very on seater Douglas was first to operate chamois-hunting. acquired valuable experience in day and night the Lockheed Orion four seater when his Com- flying and on his return to Switzerland he was 1932, of these machines pany, in put two into engaged by Swissair and in the first place en- service on the Zurich-Munich-Vienna route. trusted with the night air mail service Basle- In October 1936 Capt. E. Nyffenegger accom- Frankfort. This does not exclude, of course, his plished a million flying kilometers in civil avia- flying on the day routes as well and the route to is tion and was awarded a cash-prize and a medal London his favourite. from the Swiss Air Ministry, as presented to all Total of km. flown bv the end of September pilots on this occasion. 1938: 1,056,335 kin. The first Swissair millionnaire was Capt. Otto Heitmanek goes in chiefly for swimming S'c/iaer who retired in 1936. and tennis in summer, and in winter skiing up at Davos or St. Moritz. By the end of September 1988 Capt. E. Nyffenegger had flown 1,258.619 km. Capt. Walter Ackermann. Born in 1903. He was appointed a pilot of the Ad Astra Aero " in 1927 and won in that year the national prize for acrobatics at the International Aero- nautical Meeting in Zurich. The following year lie flew the Zurich-Berlin non stop route with a good regularity. He experienced the rapid Robert Fretz. development from the days of the old-one-engined Born in 1901. planes without wireless to the aircraft of to-day with all the modern equipment including robot- Robert Fretz had already covered a good number of kilometers as pilot on the regular air Capt. Alfred Kiinzle. pilots. In September last year he joined the ranks of the Swissair millionnaires. He lines of the " Ostschweiz. Aero Gesellschaft." specialises in Alpine flights. When *S'u;m'tt/r took over the services of this Born in 1902 in Konstanz. Company in April 1937 he joined the Swissair Walter Ackermann is not only an experienced staff and he was glad to find a wider field of As a small he took a keen interest boy in but he is also a and lie lias aviation and desired to become He pilot, splendid author, activity. a pilot. written a number of books which have met with succeeded in admission to the School of Robert Fretz takes much interest in art, receiving great success. Military Pilots and obtained his hrcret in 1925. chiefly music and painting. In 1927 he was awarded a prize in an acrobatic Km. flown at the end of September 1938 : At the end of September 1938 the figure of competition at an aeronautical meeting, and for 1,220,010. km. flown was 516,600..
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    „SWISSAIR” SCHWEIZERISCHE LUFTVERKEHR-AKTIENGESELLSCHAF T BERICHT OBER DAS VI. .OESCHAFTSJAH R VOM 1 . JANUAR BIS 31 . DEZEMBER 1931 SWISSAIR" SCHWEIZERISCHE LUFTVERKEHR-AKTIENGESELLSCHAF T Bericht des Verwaltungsrates an die Ordentliche Generalversammlung der Aktionare vom 6. Mai 1932 Ober das sechste GeschAftsjahr vom 1 . Januar bis 31 . Dezember 1931 . Wir erlauben uns, fiber das abgelaufene 6. GeschAftsjahr folgenden Bericht zu erstatten : 1. Fusion. Die Generalversammlungen der „Ad Astra Aero” vom 17. Marz and der „Balair” vom 26. MArz 1931 haben riickwirkend auf 1 . Januar 1931 die Fusion der beiden GeselIschaften beschlossen, indem die „Balair” das Aktien-Kapital auf Fr. 800,000. — erhdhte and die Firmenbezeichnung in „Swissair” Schweizerische Luftverkehr- Aktiengesellschaft abAnderte . Die Eingangsbilanz der „Swissair” per 1 . Januar 1931 lautet wie folgt : VERWALTUNGSRAT : President : * Dr. A. Ehinger, Basel Vize-President : *Oberst E. Schwarzenbach, Zurich. Mitglieder : *G. Bordier, Genf. Dr. H. Buhler, La Chaux-de-Fonds. Stadtrat Dr. H. Haberlin, Zurich . Paul Jiirin, Basel . Dr. Rob. Labhardt, Basel . Oberst E. Messner, Thun . Ing. A. Oehler, Aarau. Konsul F. Schwarz, Basel . Alph. Simonius, Basel . Dr. Rudolph Speich, Basel . Dr. Albert Wirth, Liestal. Rechtsanwalt G . Wirth, Zurich . * Diese Herren bilden den Verwaltungsratsausschuss. KONTROLLSTELLE : Schweizerische Treuhandgesellschaft, Basel . DIREKTION : W. Mittelholzer. B. Zimmermann. PROKURISTEN : E. Groh. U. Keller. H. Lips. O. Weber. 2 Eingangsbilanz der Aktiven Fr . Flugzeugzellen . Balair 292,473.65 Ad Astra 214,006. — 506,479. 65 Flugzeugmotoren . Balair 178,381. 45 Ad Astra 110,488. — 288,869.45 795,349. 10 Ersatzteile ftir Zellen and Motoren, Radio- einrichtung, Propeller, Bordinstrumente , Werkstatt-Einrichtung, Autos, Werftmate- rial, Verbrauchsmaterial and Betriebsstoffe Balai r 5,292.25 Ad Astra 2,608.12 7,900.37 Negative, Photomaterial and Apparate Ad Astra 11,938.60 Bureau-Mobiliar Balair 1 .
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