Architect Avinash Nawathe Architects R.C.C. Consultant Sunil Mutalik & Associates Landscape Design Landart Designs Developers Kumar & Potnis DISCOVER A PRICELESS LIFESTYLE CORPORATE OFFICE - PUNE : Kumar Capital, 2413, East Street, Camp, Pune - 411 001, India. Tel : +91-20-3052 8888, 3058 3661/62 Fax : 2635 3365 e'14 MUMBAI : 21, Hazarimal Somani Marg, Waudby Road, Opp. Bombay Gymkhana, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001, India. Tel : +91-22-2209 4876, 2209 4797 Fax : 2209 4796 un J BENGALURU : No. 33, Crescent Road, High Grounds, Opp. Taj West End Hotel - Back Gate, Bengaluru - 560 001, India. Tel : +91-80-4128 0992 om/ a.c di Sales Enquiry : 9595 110011, 9595 660066, 9595 770077 o-in un E-mail :
[email protected] o er Follow us on .num w w w . k u m a r w o r l d . c o m www AWAKEN THE CONNOISSEUR IN YOU AND WALK INTO A TREASURE TROVE OF LUXURY. FOR THE DISCERNING EYE, HERE’S A BOX OF SPARKLING OPULENCE. 'KUMAR PINAKIN' BECKONS YOU TO INDULGE IN A PRICELESS EXPERIENCE OF FINE LIVING. D I S C O V E R A P R I C E L E S S L I F E S T Y L E 2 & 3 b e d r o o m l u x u r i o u s a p a r t m e n t s MOHAN NAGAR, BANER H i n j a w a d i I T P a r k : 5 k m P R E C I O U S L O C A T I O N Kumar Pinakin’s advantage is its brilliant location.