Tungestølen - Program Master Thesis in Architectural Design 2015 Jeanne Juel Lichon & Line Toft Jensen Aalborg University

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Tungestølen - Program Master Thesis in Architectural Design 2015 Jeanne Juel Lichon & Line Toft Jensen Aalborg University Tungestølen - Program Master Thesis in Architectural Design 2015 Jeanne Juel Lichon & Line Toft Jensen Aalborg University TUNGESTØLEN - PROGRAM THEME Sustainability 4st SEMESTER M.Sc. PROJECT Aalborg University Department of Architecture, Design & Media Technology PROJECT PERIOD 02.02.2015 - 27.05.2015 PAGES: 56 NUMBER OF COPIES: 6 MAIN SUPERVISOR Lars Brorson Fich, Arcitect MAA TECHNICAL SUPERVISOR Peter V. Nielsen, Ph.D., M.Sc. from DTU Line Tof Jensen Jeanne Juel Lichon 3 PREFACE People from all around the world have travel- Te west coast of Norway was the 25. of De- led to experience nature in connection with cember 2011, aficted by the hurricane Dag- the largest glacier in continental Europe, Jo- mar. Dagmar generated great devastation, stedalsbreen. Traditionally it was mostly gla- and especially the infrastructure was harshly cier hikers and climbers, who visited the area, stricken. During the storm the former tourist and when nature was too hard or the night cabin in Tungestølen was totally destroyed too dark, they found shelter in the cabin at (Fetveit, J., 2013). Tungestølen. But in the last hundred years, all kind of people have used the tourist cabin, Te cabin is going to be rebuilt as a part of when they come to experience the dramatic the Norwegian tourist association DNT, to nature (Fetveit, J., 2013). help them promote their ideals concerning Te tourist cabin Tungestølen was placed in a simple, active, versatile and sustainable the village Vietastrond in Luster municipality, outdoor life, while simultaneously preser- Norway. Tis village is one of the few around ving the natural and cultural values along the Jostedalsbreen that still can be experienced as Norwegian tourist routs. untouched. Te landscape surrounding the glacier is dramatic and characterized by its deep valleys, and the climate is ofen deman- ding with cold and stormy winters. 4 CONTENT 1 NORDIC ARCHITECTURE 4 STRATEGY Te environment of the nordic 10 Vision 42 Te environment of Norway 12 Atmosphere 45 Te welfare of the nordic 15 Environment 46 Te future welfare of the nordic 16 Functionprogram 48 Social 50 Economy 51 2 USER GROUP Durability 51 Te Norwegian tourist association 20 Users 21 5 EPILOGUE References 54 3 SITE Illustrations 56 Typography 25 Veitastrond 28 Tungestølen 29 Mapping 32 Climate 34 5 DURABILITY Firmitas ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL ECONOMY FUNCTION ATMOSPHERE Utilitas Venustas Ill. 1.01: Brundtlandsmodel for sustainable living and vitruvian triad METHOD Designing a building is a complex process, Te design process is defned by Mary-Ann tecture, but also how welfare is generally de- where many diferent parameters have to be Knudstrup, and aspires to link knowledge of fned. How these qualities, interplay with the taken into consideration. When choosing to the architectural and the engineering feld, qualities the site ofers, and how these can be make a building that is sustainable in relation within the design process. Te method im- integrated with the topic of tourism. Te con- to how it efects its surroundings, the com- plements parameters, that serves as a catalyst clusions made, will during the design process plexity is further increased. Te design will of the design development, and therefore function as parameters that will be examined become more dependent on how it imple- helps to detect aesthetic as well as technical concerning their ability to beneft from their ments sustainable solutions, both in terms of issues early in the process. It focuses on the energy and architectural possibilities. Tese the indoor climate and energy, which makes creative element in the process, and helps to point out the relevant potentials, and issues it essential for these parameters to be integra- fnd new opportunities and innovative soluti- for further development of the design, which ted early in the process. ons to diferent issues. will be stated within an overall strategy. To create a sustainable building, it requi- res a balance between both the functional, First a program is made, to register the dife- Te initial sketching is based on the para- aesthetic and technical parameters, to meet rent parameters and potentials of the project. meters obtained from the analysis, and con- the requirements for energy and climate, Te program contains diferent analysis made cerns the development of the design, where while not compromising the quality of the to generate an understanding of the site, and the concept evolves. To be able to create a project. the subject of sustainability, concerning buil- sustainable solution, climatic and technical ding a tourist cabin in a Nordic context. Te issues will already be included in the refecti- Te Integrated Design Process have been analysis concerns our approach to implemen- ons towards each solution. Te initial design prescribed as the methodological approach. ting Nordic traditions, both in terms of archi- process is categorized into diferent studies, 6 ATMOSPHERE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT FUNCTION DURABILITY ECONOMY Ill. 1.02: Delimitation that have been examined both in terms of stated through adjustments and calculations, Vitruvius triad for architectural quality have atmosphere and environment. Mainly BSim in relation to optimizing the considered para- been composed into a scheme (Statensnet, will be used for initial calculations of simp- meters and solutions existing in the analysis 2000). It is the intention to use this scheme lifed models. Bsim will work as a tool to in- and sketching phases. Bsim will now be used as a navigation tool that can help navigating vestigate how the diferent design concepts to test and optimize the concept design, and the project through the various stages, by and solutions, efects the indoor climate and fnally to verify the goals concerning environ- ensuring the objectives for each parameter is energy use. Te results will function as guide ment. Te design will further be evaluated in meet. lines, when the design further develops. Te relation to the parameters defned within the calculations will be decisive for the decisi- strategy. on-making, but we fnd it important to point out, that the best technical result, not neces- Te project will fnally be conveyed and sary is the best solution to a given design task. documented through explanations, presenta- Te calculations will functio as a guidance for tion models and graphic material (M. Knud- the decisions of the design. strup, 2006). Trough several iterations, the design will Te project aims to create architecture with a further develop into a more realistic level, high level of quality, while simultaneously de- where the information from each study signing a sustainable building. To obtain both should help create a consistent whole. Te objectives, the Brundtlandsmodel for sustai- projects fnal form and expression, will be nable development (Keiner. M, 2005), and 7 NORDIC ARCHITECTURE 1 THE ENVIRONMENT OF THE NORDIC If the word north refers to a geographical one thing is for sure in this climate - the chan- self-perception among Northerners seems identity, you may assume that architecture in ge of seasons (Norberg-Schulz, C., 1996). closer to a description of “nightlands” (For- the north refers to architecture, where place ster, K.W., 2012). operates as a starting point. Tis approach is Louis Kahn descries light as something that coherent with the idea that architecture re- gives all things their presence (Wurman, R. presents the environment to which it belongs. S., 1986). Te light of the north is no excep- In the following diferent parameters will be tion. Te sun frames objects, in a symphony illuminated to describe the environment of of difuse light and shadow. Te light creates the north. space of moods, with shifing nuances of colours, even when the light is fltered th- Te climate and weather is frst and foremost rough an overcast sky. In Italian the north is an important part of the environment. In mezzanotte - translated into midnight (Nor- Norway the word vær (weather) relates to å berg-Schulz, C., 1996). Tat may describe the være (to be). Å være, relates to the mentality light in the north, both in the summertime the Norwegians have when facing changing where the midnight is light, and in the win- and unpredictable forces in climate and we- tertime where the day may seem as dark as ather. It is the mentality, not to sit and wait the night. While people from all around the for the sun, but to be,w however the weather world is enthused by the Northern light, and is. Te sun is something extraordinary. Only have a perception of a land full of magic, the 10 Ill. 1.03: Northern Lights in Tromsø, Norway 11 THE ENVIRONMENT OF NORWAY Te endless plain upon which I stood was bathed in half light and mysterious shadow. I saw defor- med, twisted and overturned trees, mute indications of nature’s inconceivable powerful forces, for the storm’s might and fury. Now all lay calm and still: the stillness of death. I could hear my own rapid breathing. Before me in the distance rose a range of mountains, beautiful and majestic in the moon- light, like petrifed giants. Te scene was the most magnifcent and flled with fantastic stillness that I have ever experienced. Over the white contours of a Nordic winter stretched the sky’s endless vault, flled with myriad glimmering stars. It was like a holy service in a great cathedral. Haradl Sohlberg’s winthernight in Rondane (Nasgaard, R., 1984 p.110) In the nature of the Nordic, the nature of On the top we are exposed. On the top the Norway appears strongest and most imme- weather forces are unleashed. Te panorama diate. Norberg-schulz describes Norway as and prospect puts you in a fragile condition. one enormous Rock, riven with valleys. Even Here things do not exist in a harmonic pre- though the land is large and vigorous it seems sence, but instead as Norberg-Schulz descri- smaller because it is missing prospect.
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