The CROSSROADS Old St. Patrick’s Bulletin A Catholic Community in 's West Loop


2 | St. Valentine's Mass

3 | Awakenings

4 | Broadway on Adams

5 | Green Team

6 | Pancake Breakfast

7 | Giving

8 | Living into the Vision

Pancake Breakfast has been a Foundations tradition for fifteen years. While we cannot be 9 | Happenings together in the Old St. Pat's hall this year, will you help us carry on the tradition?! 10 | First Friday We invite you to make pancakes for your family, your roommate, or your neighbor this Sunday 11 | Evenings with Encore and donate $5 to Foundations Youth Ministry Worktours. 12 | Community Life To donate, visit

| Hearts & Prayers See page six for more details! 13

14 | Directory

old st. patrick’s church oldstpats oldstpatschicago ST. VALENTINE'S DAY MASS directory valentine's mass Saturday, February 13 | 6 pm |

"We believe that where any married people are living together in love, God is present, and good things happen, and lives are full." ~ Jack Shea

Please join us for this annual tradition at Old St. Pat's - one which will not be missed because of a global pandemic! The St. Valentine's Day Mass is a chance to carve out time to celebrate liturgy, community, and the mysterious and treacherous love called for and lived out in marriage. All are welcome to celebrate with us via Livestream, and all married couples are welcome to renew their expressions of commitment during the liturgy.

Instead of filing our limited number of available seats for this Mass, we will all celebrate this liturgy remotely: at home and in the places where we try to live into this sacramental reality of marriage each day.

"SEE YOU ON THE STEPS" Every Sunday after 10 am Livestream!

Do you sometimes wish you could just catch up with people after Mass like in the days before the pandemic? Well, now we can! Every Sunday after the 10 am Livestream anyone interested in chatting with others can join us “on the steps" of the church.

An OSP leader will be there on Zoom to welcome us and send us into small groups to chat about the liturgy and the season we are in. So, bring your coffee... let’s get to know one another and share in some good church.

We will share the link at the end of the Livestream each week or you can bookmark it ahead of time:

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 10 am & 5 pm Livestream Masses Please join us for 10 am and 5 pm Livestream Masses next Sunday at!

WATCH MASSES ANY TIME! Archived Masses are always available at

2 visit us at directory

Awakenings | Sunday, January 31, 2021 awakenings By Bernadette Gibson A great leader listens not only to others, but also to His conscience and to the promptings of God.

Jesus’ teaching is different from that of the scribes and it has a powerful effect on those listening. We are told that Jesus teaches with authority. It is the beginning of a new era heralded by one whose power angers some and amazes others. While in the synagogue at Capernaum, he encounters a man who is possessed by an unclean spirit. The spirit knows who Jesus is and that His coming means the spirit’s demise. The people were amazed at Jesus teaching, for he taught with real authority - quite unlike the teachings that they were accustomed to. Ask anyone about the most important learning experiences of their lives, and they will tell a story about a relationship with a teacher. They’ll tell of that person’s efforts to expose them to new perspectives, an impression on the soul. In other words, love opens up its spur their reflection, and support them through the difficult life to another person. It goes beyond sentimental feelings. It moments. And, if you listen carefully, you’ll hear evidence of breaks down barriers. It exposes the heart. the teacher’s joy and fulfillment in their role. Such teachers take their place among the friends and family who shape our Given the goings on in the world today, the turmoil and sense of self and how we engage with the world. brokenness around us it is probably harder to hear Jesus’ command to make disciples of all people. God wants more It’s no wonder, therefore, that people were amazed by the from us as persons and more from us as the Church. We teaching of Jesus. Jesus spoke plainly of the approaching have a tendency to major in the minors - dialoguing with reign of God, calling people to turn their lives around in one another over doctrine and sociology and sexuality, response to this good news. Jesus taught, not in the mode of when the world is crying out for the hope of God and a just the rabbis of his day, but in the dynamic, confident voice of society. We were made to live justly in relation to God, to the prophets. I always imagine Jesus’ teaching had authority each other, and to creation. This justice which comes from because His capacity to generate excitement was deeply God is intimately personal. It is meant to serve people, to affected by His interest in the other, in hearing their voices, foster their well-being. People, then, are at the heart of true in recognizing their presence. We all know how it feels when justice. But justice is not merely personal and individual someone looks us in the eye and truly listens to us. I feel in – relationships are at the heart of justice. Justice is closely the marrow of my bones that Jesus was a listening leader. linked to shalom. Shalom means “peace,” but it is more than A great leader listens not only to others, but also to His the absence of conflict and wrongdoing. Shalom describes conscience and to the promptings of God. a state of material and spiritual wholeness, wellness, and fullness for people, both individually and corporately. Justice Jesus said many times, “Come, follow me.” His was a program can be thought of as both a foundation for shalom and a of “do what I do,” rather than “do what I say.” His innate result of shalom. Justice in our world, then, is about restoring brilliance would have permitted him to put on a dazzling shalom or wellbeing of individuals and relationships. It is display, but that would have left his followers far behind. concerned with upholding rules and laws only as they serve Instead, he walked and worked with those he was to serve. to overcome wrongs and restore people to rightness and His was not a long-distance leadership. He was not afraid wellness. We will see this even more clearly when we look of close friendships; he was not afraid that proximity to him at love as an invitation to become love. That's the virtue of would disappoint his followers. The leaven of true leadership love incarnated. That kind of love makes a difference. Christ cannot lift others unless we are with and serve those to has no hands, but our hands; no feet, but our feet. We are his be led. Jesus saw sin as wrong but also was able to see sin ambassadors, representing him to the world. And when we as springing from deep and unmet needs on the part of love as he as loved us, it will make the difference. People will the sinner. This permitted him to condemn the sin without notice. This kind of relational love is indispensable. condemning the individual. I guess I am suggesting that Jesus had authority because he risked to be present. Because Bernadette Gibson is the Director of Pastoral Care at Old St. Jesus knew love gets it hands dirty. It takes a chance. It goes Patrick's Church. out on a limb. It takes a gamble. Love makes a statement and leaves a legacy. It does the unexpected, surprising, and stirring thing. It performs acts that steal the heart and leave

visit us at 3 broadway on adams Members of OSP Music Ministry announce the 10th anniversary edition of: THEN & NOW

Join us virtually for a 10th Anniversary Special Edition on Friday, February 26th

Complimentary tickets available February 1 at with an opportunity to support the Firehouse Community Arts Center in Lawndale and the Harmony, Hope, and Healing choir. SAVE THE DATE! for this unique look back through the years

4 visit us at Green Notes from OSP Green Team: A New Year, A New Administration, and a Continued Fight for Our Common Home green team

“Climate change is the existential threat to humanity… This is not hyperbole. It’s real.And we have a moral obligation.” – U.S. President, Joe Biden

Just a month into a new calendar year and Administration, it’s common to focus our eyes toward a new chapter. We make new goals, we hold new hopes in our heart, we seek new opportunities and anticipate the moments to come. We start anew. We also pick up where we left off: we water the seeds we’ve already planted, develop the foundations we’ve laid, and we resume the good work. We are each called into the ongoing work of stewardship for our common home. The new Biden Administration is answering this call with the introduction of a number of executive orders designed to combat climate change.

Here are some of the executive actions introduced:

• Executive order prioritizing a response to the climate emergency.

• Creation of a climate task force focusing on environmental justice and renewable energy job creation.

• Executive order recommitting the U.S. to the Paris Agreement on climate change — an international pact aimed at curbing emissions that cause global warming. Trump withdrew from the agreement in 2017.

• Executive order revoking the Keystone XL permit— a 1,200-mile pipeline system projected to carry crude oil from Canada to the U.S. that cuts through Indigenous lands.

• Executive order pausing oil and gas leasing on federal land and in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Undoing previous environmental rollbacks takes time, and surely there are no quick fixes in the climate emergency. However, a commitment to continue the work of caring for our common home and, in return, one another is a step in the right direction.

Meatless Mondays: Lent Edition

During the Season of Creation 2020, we invited members of the OSP community to learn about the impact our food choices have on the world around us. Many of you accepted the Meatless Mondays challenge and refrained from eating meat on Monday for six weeks.

As is our Catholic tradition, we abstain from meat on Friday during the Lenten season. We invite you to participate in our Lenten edition of Meatless Mondays for new and creative meatless recipes and more information on how your food choices can improve your health and the health of the planet.

OSP Green Team Welcomes You! Are you inspired by the message of Laudato Si? Want to be OSP a faithful steward of our common home? OSP Green Team shares your inspiration. Green To learn more, contact Kayla Jackson at (312) 798-2399 or Team [email protected]


pancake breakfast pancake MINISTRY PANCAKE BREAKFAST Sunday, January 31, 2021

To donate please visit pancakebreakfast2021

Pancake Breakfast has been a Foundations tradition for fifteen years. While we cannot be together in Old St. Pat's hall this year, will you help us carry on the tradition?! We invite you to make pancakes for your family, S A V E T H E D A T E F O R T H E 2 0 2 1 F O U N D A T I O N S your roommate or your neighbor on Sunday, January 31 and donate $5 to Y O U T H M I N I S T R Y P A N C A K E B R E A K F A S T Foundations Youth Ministry Worktours.

Pancake Photo Raffle HOMESTYLE

Take a picture of your pancakes and tag @ospfoundations on Instagram or send HOTCAKES a picture to foundations@oldstpats. org so we can enjoy homestyle SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 hotcakes as a church community!

#homestylehotcakes #stilltogether Make pancakes for your family, roommate, or neighbor and donate to support Foundations Worktours! Everyone who submits a picture by 8 pm on Sunday, January 31 will be entered into a raffle to win a summer weekend (Thurs-Sun) at a house on Miner Lake in Allegan, MI. (Specific dates will be mutually agreed upon by the raffle winner and homeowner.)

Donate to Foundations Worktours

Can you donate $5 the cost of a kid’s Pancake Breakfast ticket to help support Foundations Worktours? As a thank you, all donors will receive an electronic version of “Pancakes and Prayers,” a Foundations cookbook that includes family favorite breakfast recipes and reflections written by our Foundations teens.

What’s Worktour you ask?! Each summer, Foundations travels to various cities around the country to serve others. We spend a week learning about justice, laughing, praying, and building God’s Kingdom. These experiences are truly life- changing and faith-changing. Check out this video from our 2019 Worktours to get a glimpse of these weeks.

We plan to spend four weeks serving this summer, but we need your help to make it happen! All Pancake Breakfast proceeds benefit Foundations Worktours.

Pancake Contest

Think you can make the biggest pancake? The pancake with the weirdest toppings that someone eats? The coolest shaped pancake? Include #homestylehotcakescontest in your picture submission. Foundations teens will vote to determine a winner in each category. Winners in each category will receive a $25 GrubHub gift card. Are you able to give more and want to help sponsor a teen's summer experience? We are so grateful for your support! Please visit for information on Worktour Sponsorships.

6 visit us at GIVING TO OSP giving Thank You for Your Generosity! You’ve heard us say it again and again… and never has it been more apparent: your commitment to Sunday Giving truly sustains us. It funds the day-to-life life of Old St. Pat’s — a life that, despite our inability to safely gather in large groups — is more vibrant than ever before!

Your generous support — your expression of your gratitude for God’s gifts to you — ensure we can continue to bring livestream mass to thousands each Sunday and throughout the week, while welcoming safe numbers of people into our pews. Your support ensures we can build our faith community through sacramental preparation and celebration; through spiritual direction, faith formation, and education of our members and friends, both young and old. Your support ensures our Pastoral Care and Ministry of Care can walk with the many, many people who are hurting right now due to illness, loneliness, and grief. And your generosity helps us work toward true kinship and justice throughout our city, through the North Lawndale Kinship Initiative, our Immigrant & Refugee Ministry, and so many other social justice and outreach ministries.

We are grateful you have committed to contributing a share of your resources — with gratitude and generosity — in support of the mission of Old St. Pat’s. For our part, we pledge to responsibly and transparently steward our resumes in the spirit of our shared Catholic faith.

Text to Give

Please text "OLDSTPATS" to 77977 and follow the prompts to make a gift through our secure giving platform, Pushpay. Vehicle Donation: As you shop for essentials online, be sure to log into and select Old St. Pat's as your beneficiary. 2020 GIVING STATEMENTS

Thank you for your wonderfully generous giving to Old St. Pat’s in 2020! The development office is mailing giving statements by January 31 to all donors who contributed $250 or more to Old St. Pat’s in 2020, as required by law. You may also access your statement by logging into your myOSP account and following these steps:

• click on the involvement tab on the financial tab, • click on the three dots in the top right corner • select giving statement • under “quick date range,” select last year • select deductible • click run

visit us at 7 “We believe we can find meaning and purpose in our lives and build a better world through a vibrant and distinctive faith experience. We envision this to be community-driven, lay-led, and Christ-centered in a way that challenges and living into the vision supports the institutional church, acting as a model for the future of Catholic communities in our city. Leading us onward and upholding our vision is an emphasis on community, justice, spirituality, and service.” - VISION 2020

LIVING INTO THE VISION VISION 2020 Three Evenings of Prayer, Song, and Reflection Leading a movement of change within the On Pentecost Sunday 2020, Old St. Patrick’s articulated a shared vision for theCatholic future church of marked by radical inclusivity, our church. As we continue to live into this vision, we invite you to join us (viaexquisite livestream) worship, and transformative kinship.

for these special evenings as we prayerfully explore the deepest aspirations ofWe believeour wechurch. can find meaning and purpose in our lives and build a better world through a vibrant and distinctive faith experience. We envision this to be community- Leading a movement of change within the Catholic Church markeddriven, by lay-led,radical and Christ-centered in a way that challenges and supports the institutional , , and church,. acting as a model for the future of Catholic communities in our city. Leading us onward inclusivity exquisite worship transformative kinshipand upholding our vision is an emphasis on community, justice, spirituality, and service. We are honored that three leading voices, familiar with Old St. Patrick’s Radical Inclusivity

but rooted in their own religious traditions, have accepted our invitation The Reality Human communities suffer from policy- For through faith, you are all children to share their wisdom with us. Together with our guests, our Pastor, and driven barriers and a polarized socio- of God... all of you who were baptized economic landscape. Exclusion as the norm into Christ have clothed yourselves with supported by the Old St. Pat’s Music Ministry, we will look to use these impoverishes our communities and creates Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, harmful divisions that not only hinder there is neither slave nor free person, evenings to deepen our understanding and commitment to the vision. full participation, but jeopardize justice there is not male and female; for you are equality and self-actualization. all one in Christ Jesus. Won’t you please join us! Galatians 3:26–28 Our Response Š We welcome and value the leadership of women in ministry, What You Can Do Visit to watch each program LIVE. prayer, and preaching. ‰ Invite and bring someone who feels The recording will be available immediately after at the same link. Š We receive with open arms those excluded from the broader church. who are institutionally excluded, ‰ Support civic, business, and religious especially LGBTQ individuals. leaders who stand for unity, inclusion, Š We will continue to invite and and justice. To watch Rabbi Chava Bahle's reflection on Radical Inclusivity embrace racial, ethnic, generational, ‰ Actively challenge systems and attitudes and economic diversity and inclusion. that marginalize and exclude. from January 27, please visit Š We promote a culture of healthy ‰ Expand yourself —beyond existing leadership through equality in relationships—toward the margins and word and action and collaborative risk forming new relationships. Wednesday, February 3 at 7 pm dialogue between clergy, ministers, and members. Exquisite Worship: A Reflection led by Ms. Kate Williams Š We create a community of Old St. Pat’s that is distinctly and unapologetically inclusive. Ms. Kate Williams is the Senior Managing Editor of sacred music at GIA Publications, a leading source for sacred and choral music and educational resource materials. Along with her love of shaping sung prayer with GIA’s finest composers, she serves as a music minister in the Archdiocese of Chicago, following her passion to serve in multicultural, multigenerational communities.

Wednesday, February 10 at 7 pm Transformative Kinship: A Reflection led Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III

Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III built his ministry on community advancement and social justice activism. As Senior Pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois, Dr. Moss spent the last two decades practicing and preaching a Black theology that unapologetically calls attention to the problems of mass incarceration, environmental justice, and economic inequality.

Dr. Moss is part of a new generation of ministers committed to preaching a prophetic message of love and justice, which he believes are inseparable companions that form the foundation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was recently recognized as one of the “12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World” by Baylor University’s George W. Truett Theological Seminary.

Funding for this program and other At the Crossroads Lectures is provided by a generous gift from Richard and Ann Carr.

8 visit us at OLD ST. PATRICK’S ADOPTION CELEBRATION MASS directory happenings February 14, 2021 at 8 am

Mass attendance by Reservation here: or viewed on Livestream here:

VISION 2020 Please join us for thisOld celebration St. Patrick’s of Adoption life and love Celebration for adoptive Mass families, adoptees, birthparents, friends, and anyone whose February 14, 2021 at 8am life has been blessed by the miracle of adoption. Leading a movement of change within theMass attendance by Reservation or viewed on Livestream at

Catholic church marked by radicalAlthough Pleaseinclusivity, join we us will for thisnot celebration be able to of meet life and after love mass for adoptive for our traditionalfamilies, adoptees, social gathering, we will continue our traditions of a exquisite worship, and transformativeGuestbirthparents, kinship. Speaker friends, Reflection and anyone and Candlewhose lifeLighting has been Blessing blessed towards by the miracle the end of of mass. For those who will be with us through livestream,adoption. please have a candle ready so you may join us as we light our candles and receive the priest’s blessing. We believe we can find meaning and purpose in our lives and build a better world through a vibrant and distinctive faith experience.Although We envision we this will to not be community- be able to meet after mass for our traditional social gathering, we driven, lay-led, and Christ-centered in a way thatPlease challengeswill continue contact and supports our us traditions with the institutional any of questions/comments a Guest Speaker Reflection or to and be Candle placed Lighting into our Ble Adoptionssing Group database for future towards the end of mass. For those who will be with us through livestream, please church, acting as a model for the future of Catholiccommunication communities in our city.and Leading activities. us onward We’re looking forward to hearing from you! have a candle ready so you may join us as we light our candles and receive the priest’s and upholding our vision is an emphasis on community,blessing. justice, spirituality, and service. OSP Adoption Group RadicalCynthia PleaseInclusivity contactand Ed usSt. with Peter, any Co-chairs questions/comments or to be placed into our Adoption Group database for future communication and activities. The Reality [email protected] / [email protected] Human communities suffer from policy- For through faith, you are all children driven barriers and aWe’re polarized socio-looking forwardof God... allto of hearing you who were from baptized you! economic landscape.The Exclusion Adoption as the norm into Creed Christ have clothed yourselves with impoverishes our communities and creates Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, harmful divisionsNot thatOSP not flesh only Adoption hinder of my Group thereflesh is neither nor slave bonenor free person, of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn’t Cynthia and Ed St. Peter, Co-chairs full participation, growbut jeopardize under justice my heart,there is not but male and in female; it. for you are equality and [email protected] all/ [email protected] in Christ Jesus. ~ Author unknown Galatians 3:26–28

Our Response Š We welcome andREFUGEE value the FAMILIES’ JANUARY WISH LIST leadership of womenThe in Adoptionministry, CreedWhat You Can Do prayer, and preaching.Not flesh of my flesh‰ Invitenor boneand bring of someone my bone, who feels but still miraculously my own. Š We receive with openNever arms forget those for a singleexcluded minute, from the you broader didn’t church. growOld under St. Pat’s my heart, Immigrant but in it. & Refugee Ministry (IRM) is currently sponsoring five family who are institutionally~ Author excluded, unknown ‰ Support civic, business, and religious especially LGBTQ individuals. leaders who stand for unity, inclusion,households. Here is a list of some of their needs/wants just in case you can give them Š We will continue to invite and and justice. a hand by donating new or gently used items, embrace racial, ethnic, generational, ‰ Actively challenge systems and attitudes and economic diversity and inclusion. that marginalize and exclude. • Gift/grocery cards (Target, Aldi, Walmart, Amazon, etc.)

Š We promote a culture of healthy ‰ Expand yourself —beyond existing• Used (but still operating) tablets/iPads leadership through equality in relationships—toward the margins and word and action and collaborative risk forming new relationships. • Disney movie DVDs dialogue between clergy, ministers, • Reusable face masks in adult and children sizes and members. • Disposable diapers (size 3) Š We create a community of Old St. Pat’s that is distinctly and unapologeticallyIf youinclusive. have other items available that in good condition, please let us know and we will determine if our families have a use for them. Please send a photo of your donation item to Keri Kolozsi-Greene at [email protected] or text to 872/529-7444. A FAITH JOURNEY Scripture connections for January 31, 2021

“A new teaching with authority...” Mark 1:27

We were called to listen to God as servants, and then change our ways to act for justice. Today we are reminded to trust in the authority of God’s word. Anxiety and judgement by the world may accompany your actions, but trust in God. Ask our new administration to: Rescind all Muslim/refugee/asylum bans and policies; resettle 100,000 refugees in FY21 with increases to follow; ensure sufficient appropriations to rebuild infrastructure. Loving God, help us to bring your compassion, fairness and morality to immigration and refugee policies in our country.

Learn more at

visit us at 9 directory first friday The First Friday Club of Chicago

Richard Moore Founder & CEO of Children in Crossfire Join Us For a Free Video Conversation Learning to See Again - but Differently Friday, February 5, 2021 Program Goes Live @ 12 Noon Registration Required

Within the space of one month in 1972, the family of young Richard Moore in Derry, Northern Ire- land, would endure two family tragedies. One of them would profoundly change ten-year-old Richard’s life forever. As Richard grew up, finished school, and entered the business world, he began to recognize the conditions that had enabled him to rebound: not only a loving family, but also a quality education and a supportive community offering him countless opportunities to grow and to succeed. In his mind’s eye, he began to see all the children across the world who were not so lucky. In his 30s, he sold his business and began the international charity Children in Crossfire to help them. Since 1996, Moore has assisted thousands of children in Tanzania and Ethiopia, focusing his atten- tion on early childhood education, so vital in a region where many children do not start their educa- tional journey until age 8 or 9, having missed out during their most important developmental years. Recognized across the world for his charity work, Moore made a friend in the Dalai Lama, who calls him “my hero.” Join us as Richard Moore tells his extraordinary story of what he has been able to see with the eyes of his heart and faith.

Registration Required Go to the following LINK to register: founder-ceo-of-children-in-crossfire- First Friday registration-135556179181 Club of This is a Free Live Webinar | Donations Greatly Appreciated Non-Members: $20 Member: $10 Chicago’s Mission Provide a forum for men and women Go to the following link to donate: to make connections between work, faith, values and issues that affect nation-to-ffcc their daily lives. Questions? Go To

10 visit us at directory Evenings with encore ...for those 50 and Better! Please join us for our weekly Encore Zoom speaker's series. Encore initiated a weekly speaker's series via Zoom in late April. The objective of this endeavor was to gather the community in a virtual shared experience meant to inform, entertain and bring respite from the isolation of COVID sheltering. This weekly Zoom series is ongoing and features talents of OSP members, presentations provided by OSP staff, who direct various parish programs, as well as a myriad of programs meant to uplift the spirit and promote a little laughter.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 An Evening with Father Jack Wall, President of Catholic Extension and former pastor at Old St. Pat's.

Fr. Wall will address the mission and impact of Catholic Extension throughout the United States.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11 A Zoom Live Music Event

The Look of Love, Songs from the Heart with Jo Ann Daugherty on Piano. Donated by Maureen Kurcz, Encore member.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 The Jewel of the Gold Coast; Mrs. 's Chicago: Sally Sexton Kalmbach, author and notable tour guide.

Discover the renowned architecture and rich history of Chicago's magnificent Gold Coast while tracing the footsteps of the famous society matron, Impressionist patron, and leading lady of the World's Columbian Exposition, Mrs. Potter Palmer. Learn how Bertha Palmer shaped the interests, fashions, and social issues of the day.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 A Neighbor Among Neighbors: Erie Neighborhood House – 150 Years as a Home with No Borders: Maureen Hellwig author, Co-Chair of the OSP Immigrant & Refugee Ministry committee, Vice-President of the board of the Chicago Women’s History Center.

Maureen’s presentation will focus on the history and development of Erie Neighborhood House. She will also discuss the contributions that Erie Neighborhood House has made to the community it serves as well as to the broader city of Chicago. To receive more information and registration information for all of these upcoming speakers' series events, please sign up for Encore emails at

Resilience: Grab Ahold of Yourself and Hang On Tight with Mary Kay Slowikowski Watch the recording of this talk from January 14, 2021 at

When you find hidden reserves of courage and resilience, you gain the capacity to choose good and bounce back from any obstacle. During this presentation , Mary Kay leads us through strategies for tackling obstacles in our lives including: 1) reestablishing our purpose; 2) learning the "HEAL” Method for addressing painful and harmful thoughts; 3) understanding self compassion and emphasizing the positive; and 4) learning four ways to grow Grit. When you become more courageous and resilient as the result of applying, you will be able to meet your needs in the face of life's challenges and gain an overall sense of well being

Mary Kay is a professional Trainer/Speaker in her own company. An internationally known speaker, she was the first female to appear on her own Emmy nominated PBS Special. Formerly a victim of panic attacks and agoraphobia, she was unable to leave her home – now she speaks to thousands. She is an expert in delivering Human Resource training and customer service applications in companies, health care, and education systems today. Mary Kay has established herself lately in giving Spiritual talks and Retreats. She is the grandmother of 11 grandchildren, who like to call her "Granny." "Mary Kay doesn't come out of a book, she comes out of life."

visit us at 11


DOMESTIC VIOLENCE:DOMESTICThe THERE Domestic Violence IS HELP VIOLENCE: Ministries from Old St. THERE Mary’s, Old St.IS Pat’s, HELP and ssumtion arishes ill resent a ebinar on this toic on The Domestic Violence Ministries fromThe Old Domestic St. Mary’s, Violence Old St. Pat’s,Ministries and from Old St. Mary’s, Old St. Pat’s, and ssumtion arishes ill resent a ebinarssumtion on thisTuesday, toicarishes on February ill resent 2, 2021, a ebinar at 6:30 on thisp.m. toic – 7:30 on p.m. Tuesday, February 2, 2021, atThe 6:30Tuesday, ebinar p.m. –ill 7:30February be p.m.moderated 2, 2021, by eraldine at 6:30 Piorosi, p.m. – 7:30Ph.D., p.m.retired Clinical Psychologist and member of Old St. Pat’s Domestic Violence The ebinar ill be moderated by eraldineTheMinistry. ebinar Piorosi, ill be Ph.D., moderated retired by eraldine Piorosi, Ph.D., retired Clinical Psychologist and member of Old St. Pat’s Domestic Violence Clinical Psychologist and member of Old St. Pat’s Domestic Violence Ministry. The anelists include Ministry. The anelists include  londra Montes, MS, Director of the Illinois Domestic Violence The anelistsotline include  londra Montes, MS, Director of the Illinoisan oldberg, Domestic a Crisis Violence Line Volunteer at Sarah’s Inn otline  londra Montes, MS, Director of the Illinois Domestic Violence  Virginia Torres yan, MS, Suerisory ttorney for Life San Center  an oldberg, a Crisis Line Volunteer atotline Sarah’sfor Legal Inn Serices docacy  Virginia Torres yan, MS, Suerisory anttorney oldberg,reresentatie for Life a San Crisis of Centerthe Line Chicago Volunteer Police Deartmentat Sarah’s Inn for Legal Serices docacy  Virginia Mary ndino, Torres amilyyan, MS,ctiity Suerisory Coordinator, ttorney ouse of for ood Life Sheherd, San Center  reresentatie of the Chicago Police forDeartmenta Legalshelter Serices for omen docacy and their children ictimied by domestic  Mary ndino, amily ctiity Coordinator, ouse of ood Sheherd,  reresentatieiolence of the Chicago Police Deartment a shelter for omen and their children ictimied by domestic iolence  Mary to follo.ndino, T heamily ebinar ctiity ill be Coordinator, recorded for later ouse ieing of ood. There Sheherd, ill be aa linshelter on the for ebsites omen for theand sonsoring their children arishes. ictimied by domestic to follo. The ebinar ill be recorded&iolence for later ieing. There ill be a lin on the ebsites for the sonsoringRegister arishes.: & to follo. The ebinar ill be recorded for later ieing. There ill Register: be a lin on the ebsites for the sonsoring arishes. & Register: Register: GREATER CHICAGO FOOD DEPOSITORY AND OUTREACH Help Stamp Out Hunger in Chicago Upcoming Outreach Dates: We have been partnering with the Greater Chicago Food Tues., Feb. 9 | 9 am-noon Depository here at OSP for over 25 years. By volunteering Sat., Feb. 13 | 8:30 - 11:15 am at GCFD, our Outreach Partners (Su Casa, The Boulevard, All over age 16 are welcome and House of Mary and Joseph Shelter) receive food Contacts: Mary Beth Riley credits for their programs. [email protected], 630.460.7889 & Jim Holbrook These food credits help feed the residents while [email protected] providing nutritional food items too. 773.237.2625

12 visit us at All were amazed and asked one another, “What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him.” His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee. - Mk 1:27-28

Sunday, January 31, 2021 Foley, Harvey Brothers, Judy & Norman Glassberg, hearts & prayers Timothy Hughes, Jerry Martin, Bill & Joan O'Shea, Women and Men of Faith Readings: Dt 18:15-20/Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 7-9 [8]/1 Cor Angeline Riley, Rita Rosen, Jeanne Slack 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 Friday, February 5, 2021 Mass Remembrances: Readings: Heb 13:1-8/Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9abc [1a]/ 10:00 am Jorie Pollard (†) Mk 6:14-29 Nicholas Emanuele (†) Jerry Downey (†) Book of Patrick: Leo Black, Colleen Burns, Hilda Dale Chiavene (†) & Joseph Coltellaro, Nora Elizabeth Flannery, Frank Nowinski (†) Rosemary Grogan Loerzel, Richard G. Co, Chuck Thomas Patrick O'Brien (†) Goro, John E Partelow Saint John Bosco Isabel Bangasser (†) Saturday, February 6, 2021 P. Kevin Reidy (†) Saint of the Day for January 31 Rita Muersch (†) Readings: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [1]/Mk 6:30-34 5:00 pm Patrick Reidy (†) John Bosco’s theory of education could well Janet Loza (†) Book of Patrick: Mary Jo Campbell, Jaryn E. Burns, be used in today’s schools. It was a preventive John Patrick Van Petten (†) Ann R. Capesius, Amy Grimwood, Kim-Marie system, rejecting corporal punishment and Bong Barracoso (†) Lombardo, Conner Lowry, Cpl. Conner Thomas placing students in surroundings removed from Lowry U.S.M.C. , Gregg A. Mathews, Betsy Meehan, the likelihood of committing sin. He advocated Book of Patrick: Christopher Carroll, Ida Graney, Dick & Rita O'Connell, Ronald Reagan, James H. frequent reception of the sacraments of Edward J. McCarthy, Mary & Tom Owens, Jack L. Penance and Holy Communion. He combined Murphy & Marion Shannon, Alice Skilling, Marily Parrino, Sr., Frances Price, Antonia Stavros, Sheila catechetical training and fatherly guidance, Springhorn Mehigan seeking to unite the spiritual life with one’s Sunday, January 31, 2021 work, study and play. Monday, February 1, 2021 Readings: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/Ps 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [cf. 3a]/1 Encouraged during his youth in Turin to become Readings: Heb 11:32-40/Ps 31:20, 21, 22, 23, 24 [25]/ Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/Mk 1:29-39 a priest so he could work with young boys, Mk 5:1-20 John was ordained in 1841. His service to young Prayer Requests Mass Remembrances: Brian W Comiskey (†), Waring people started when he met a poor orphan in Turin, and instructed him in preparation for Scribner Jenkins (†) For Those Who Are Sick receiving Holy Communion. He then gathered Chris Ward, Donna Oker, John McCann, Book of Patrick: Bill & Mary Aronin, Emmett Joseph young apprentices and taught them catechism. Bobby (Robert) Tsioles, Marie Jo DeSan- Burke, Krystal Amanda Bursey, Christopher S. Fay, Michael J. Gallaghan Sr., Colleen Conway Grace, to, Virginia Hill, Manny Madayag, Meg After serving as chaplain in a hospice for Patricia Grapenthin, Nancy O'Malley Hage, Theresa Mahoney Coughlin, Sharon Dobbs, Linda working girls, Don Bosco opened the Oratory of V. Lombardo, Riley P. Mygatt, Frances Marie Price, Wiesman, Dave Zeke Kulhanek, Ann Smith, St. Francis de Sales for boys. Several wealthy and Rosie Casey, Norine Quinn Chip JoAnn & Chip O'Brien powerful patrons contributed money, enabling him to provide two workshops for the boys, Tuesday, February 2, 2021 For Those Who Have Recently Died shoemaking and tailoring. Judy Jordan, Patrick J. Harney, Jim Palmer, Readings: Mal 3:1-4/Ps 24:7, 8, 9, 10 [8]/Heb 2:14-18/ Susan Price, Challen Sullivan, June Witt, By 1856, the institution had grown to 150 boys Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 PFC Julie Shanahan and had added a printing press for publication of religious and catechetical pamphlets. John’s Mass Remembrance: Catherine Rose Wall (†), interest in vocational education and publishing Dorothy Mazzina (†) Please contact Bernadette Moore justify him as patron of young apprentices and Catholic publishers. Book of Patrick: Jack Durkin & Eileen Durkin, Jack Gibson at 312-798-2389 for Pastoral Hughes, Joseph J. Labedz, Josephine Laterza, Care Services. John’s preaching fame spread and by 1850 Mary Meccia, Rose Marie Moore, Bartholomew T. he had trained his own helpers because of Murphy, Mary Ellen & Ray O'Donnell, Ann Moffatt difficulties in retaining young priests. In 1854, he Rash, John Adams Rourke, Allen L. Simmons, Dr. and his followers informally banded together, Ruben Chuquimia inspired by Saint Francis de Sales. Wednesday, February 3, 2021 Parish Counselor: If you or someone you know is in need of counseling services, With Pope Pius IX’s encouragement, John please contact Old St. Patrick’s Parish Readings: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17- gathered 17 men and founded the Salesians in Counselor, Sarah Thompson at saraht@ 1859. Their activity concentrated on education 18a [cf. 17]/Mk 6:1-6 or 773-234-9630. and mission work. Later, he organized a group Book of Patrick: Stella Connor, Robert H. Groff, of Salesian Sisters to assist girls. Sr., Fred & Marcella di Leo, Peter Ogonowski , The Sugrue Family Thursday, February 4, 2021

Readings: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Ps 48:2-3ab, 3cd-4, 9, 10-11 [cf. 10]/Mk 6:7-13

Book of Patrick: William J. Vanek, Thomas H. Alcock, May Brown, James Dolan, Raymond E. Fink , Jim

(†) = Deceased visit us at 13 directory

Accounting [email protected] Grief Support Facilitators Janette Nunez Special Olympics Judi Black, Bill Brennan 312-798-2305 Greg Benacka 312-798-2358 [email protected] 708-271-4460 Hospitality Adult Education Ministries [email protected] Linda Vasquez Bob Kolatorowicz St. Agatha’s Sharing Parish 312-798-2370 312-831-9379 Beth Marek [email protected] [email protected] 312-831-9361 Immigrant & Refugee Ministry Annulment Support Ministry [email protected] Kayla Jackson, OSP Liaison [email protected] Su Casa [email protected] Baptisms Jim Karczewski Jewish Catholic Ministry Tammy Roeder 630-279-0144 Jewish Catholic Dialogue [email protected] [email protected] Gina Lakin Clergy - Pastor Trinity Volunteer Corps [email protected] Fr. Thomas J. Hurley Annice Coughlan Eileen O’Farrell Smith 312-831-9363 773-981-2225 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Family School Skye Darke U of I Hospital Pediatrics David Kovacs Admin. Assistant to Pastor Sue Sierkierski [email protected] 312-831-9377 312-546-4312 Interfaith Union [email protected] [email protected] Eileen O’Farrell Smith Visiting Clergy Counseling Services [email protected] Fr. John Cusick Sarah Thompson Liturgy Fr. Edward Foley, OFM Cap. 773-234-9630 Tom Micinski Fr. Pat McGrath, SJ [email protected] [email protected] Fr. Paul Novak, OSM Crossroads Runners Maintenence Fr. William O’Shea [email protected] Develop- Jake Blake Fr. Ed Shea, OFM ment (Giving) Maintenance Supervisor Msgr. Kenneth Velo Molly Galo & Polly Mulhearn [email protected] Fr. John J. Wall [email protected] Cho Gardner Communications [email protected] [email protected] Leanne Kelly Polly: 312.798.2316 Molly: 312.798.2355 JC Halpin 312-831-9364 Director of Operations [email protected] [email protected] Tom Borah Cornell Hodges Community Outreach [email protected] [email protected] Beth Marek 3127982381 Andre James 312-831-9361 Divorce Ministry [email protected] [email protected] Bernadette Gibson Erin Cruz Adult Literacy Program [email protected] Lou Montgomery Marilyn Antonik Encore: 50+ Active Adults [email protected] 773-286-3390 Mary Kay Slowikowski Stephanie Montoya [email protected] [email protected] Marriage Preparation Blood Drive Family Ministry Jack Berkemeyer Mark Buciak Bea Cunningham Pre-Cana Experience 773-307-0033 312-831-9351 312-798-2386 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Cara Chicago Katie Brandt Membership/New Members 312-798-3300 312-831-9352 Polly Mulhearn Chicago Food Depository [email protected] [email protected] Mary Beth Riley Funerals Men's Group 630-460-7889 Bernadette Gibson [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Music Jim Holbrook 312-493-8737 Pastoral Cell Mark Scozzafave 773-237-2625 FXW (Frances Xavier Warde School) Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Head of School [email protected] The Children’s Place Michael Kennedy 312-798-2382 Katie Byrne 120 S. Desplaines Dominic Trumfio 312-863-1120 312-466-0700 Associate Director of Worship Music [email protected] Gay + (Gay Plus) [email protected] House of Mary and Joseph Chairperson: Michael Politano Laura Higgins Kate Boege [email protected] Worship Music/Pastoral Care 312-337-7953 Staff Contact: Bob Kolatorowicz [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 312-798-2384 Interfaith House Listening Parent Resource Michael Neary Beth Marek Maureen Schuneman Children's Choir 312-831-9361 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 312-933-6368 Bill Fraher Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly Green Team Director of Concert Music Joe Harzich Kayla Jackson [email protected] 312-835-4932 [email protected] 312-831-9353

14 visit us at directory

North Lawndale Kinship Initiative [email protected] Vincent L. Guider [email protected] For Parking information and maps, 312-798-2374 [email protected] Youth Ministry: Foundations please visit Courtney Malawy Pastoral Care Ministry 312-798-2329 Bernadette Gibson [email protected] 312-798-2389 prayer line STAY CONNECTED WITH THE [email protected] Mackenzie Doyle 312-493-8737 pastoral cell Youth Ministry Associate 312.798.2391 OLD ST. PAT'S COMMUNITY Reception (711 W. Monroe) [email protected] Deniese Montgomery ON SOCIAL MEDIA [email protected] The Mary and Bill Aronin 312-648-1021 Center for Social Concerns Rite of Christian 703 W. Monroe Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Chicago, IL 60661 Keara Ette 312-798-2328 Career Transitions Center [email protected] Deb Wilson 312-906-9908 Resident Theologian Presenter [email protected] Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson OldStPatricksChurch 312-831-9373 Coprodeli, Peru [email protected] Beth Marek Retreat Program: Beloved 312-831-9361 Polly Mulhearn [email protected] 312-798-2316 Friends of Fabretto, Nicaragua [email protected] Tom Gleason Social Justice 773-227-6556 Kayla Jackson [email protected] 312-798-2399 Harmony, Hope & Healing [email protected] Marge Nykaza Special Events (Fundraisers) 312-466-0267 Sheila Greifhahn marge@harmony 312-798-2343 [email protected] Honor Lorenzini Horizons for Youth Brian Broccolo 312-798-2348 312-627-9031 [email protected] [email protected] Spiritual Direction Tammy Roeder LIFT Instagram: 312-798-2350 Michelle Jimenez @OldStPatsChicago [email protected] 773-818-5605 Tours of Old St. Pat’s [email protected] Jim McLaughlin 630-852-7269 NOW YOU CAN TAKE [email protected] OLD ST. PAT'S WITH YOU! Wedding Ministry Board of Advisors JoAnn O' Brien Colleen Healy, Keara Ette, Michael Our new app is now [email protected] Kennedy, Tim Keneally, Roseanne available, free of cost, [email protected] Loftus, Kevin Hanley, Mike Hobbs, Ken for all iOS and Android 312-831-9383 Hiltz, Tom Hurley, John Weinheimer, Wedding Volunteers Jennifer Wyatt devices! Donna Kamuda [email protected] Watch the latest livestream, Mary Jo Graf Old St. Pat’s Mailing Address 312-360-1622 Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center read the Crossroads, [email protected] 711 W. Monroe, Floor 3 register for events, listen Women’s Spirituality Chicago, IL 60661 Mary Anne Moriarty to the OSP Podcast, and [email protected] more! General Email - [email protected] Women's Spirituality North Phone Number - 312-648-1021 Beth Perry Text "OSPAPP" to 77977 to receive a [email protected] Fax Number - 312-648-9025 download link directly to your phone. OSP Next (Young Adult Ministry) Meg Boyle

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