New York 2008 York New

Cozy House Publisher Publisher House Cozy

in Asia Asia in WW of History the Preserving for Alliance Global Ⅱ

Iris Chang Memorial Fund Fund Memorial Chang Iris

from Iris Chang Memorial Essay Contest 2007 2007 Contest Essay Memorial Chang Iris from

Best Essays Essays Best

of Essays Honor

70 years ago and beyond beyond and ago years 70

Reflections on the Nanking Massacre Massacre Nanking the on Reflections

The Denial and Its Cost Cost Its and Denial The

Cover photo courtesy of Asian Week

PUBLISHED BY COZY HOUSE www.cozygraphics.com

Copyright © 2008 by Iris Chang Memorial Fund

All Rights Reserved Printed in the of America September 2008

ISBN 978-1-59343-080- $12.00



Robert T. Marcell ………………………………………..106 ………………………………………..106 Marcell T. Robert

Wei Li…………………………………………………….100 Li…………………………………………………….100 Wei

Carol Leung ……………………………………………….94 ……………………………………………….94 Leung Carol

Joe Goodwill……………………………………………….88 Goodwill……………………………………………….88 Joe

Victor Fic…………………………………………………..81 Fic…………………………………………………..81 Victor

Adrienne Y. L. Chuck……………………………………...72 Chuck……………………………………...72 L. Y. Adrienne

Minjie Chen………………………………………………..65 Chen………………………………………………..65 Minjie

Shayaan Zaraq Bari………………………………………...57 Bari………………………………………...57 Zaraq Shayaan

Essays of Honor Honor of Essays

Tianshu Zhang……………………………………………..53 Zhang……………………………………………..53 Tianshu

Daniel J. Pearlstein………………………………………...47 Pearlstein………………………………………...47 J. Daniel

Glenn McLaurin……………………………………………41 McLaurin……………………………………………41 Glenn

Jenny Chen…………………………………………………33 Chen…………………………………………………33 Jenny

of Essays of Honor) Honor) of Essays of Writers (High-school-aged

Receipients of Iris Chang Youth Award Award Youth Chang Iris of Receipients

Philip D. Iglauer ……………………………23 ……………………………23 Iglauer D. Philip

Prize Third

Kevin Ng………..………………………….15 Ng………..………………………….15 Kevin Prize Second

………………………7 ………………………7 Kaneda… Yoshikuni Prize First

70 years ago and beyond beyond and ago years 70

Reflections on the Nanking Massacre Massacre Nanking the on Reflections

The Denial and Its Cost Cost Its and Denial The

………………………………………………………5 ………………………………………………………5 Preface

Essays of Essays Honor

………………………………………………...1 ………………………………………………...1 Introduction


Delroy Oberg …………………………………………….113 Thomas Park……………………………………………..122 Michael D. Sepesy……………………………………….129 Lillis Taylor……………………………………………...136 Jerry Jun-Yen Wang……………………………………..140 Mary E. Whitsell………………………………………...152

Essays of Distinction Melissa K. Benson………………………………………..159 Edward C. DuBois………………………………………..167 Zahid H. Javali……………………………………………173 Iris Lee……………………………………………………179 Mary Yan Lee…………………………………………….183 Lei Liu……………………………………………………187 Virginia Lohrmann……………………………………….194 Jenny Zheng……………………………………………...201

Reflections on the Nanking Massacre After 70 Years of Denial In Memory of Our Daughter Iris Chang By Ying-Ying Chang……………………………………205 Photographs……………………………………………...213



been affected by the aggressor’s post-war denial? And what can one one can what And denial? post-war aggressor’s the by affected been

the world learned from man’s inhumanity against man and how has it it has how and man against inhumanity man’s from learned world the

nese atrocities committed in Asia during the Pacific War? How has has How War? Pacific the during Asia in committed atrocities nese

heighten awareness for the Japa- the for awareness heighten to do one can What II? War World

trust and respect of its neighbors who were brutally victimized during during victimized brutally were who neighbors its of respect and trust

against its Asian neighbors for so long? How can Japan regain the the regain Japan can How long? so for neighbors Asian its against

able to escape responsibility for its horrific war crimes committed committed crimes war horrific its for responsibility escape to able

the Rape of Nanking in the following directions: How has Japan been been Japan has How directions: following the in Nanking of Rape the

The Essay Contest Committee asked the contestants to reflect on on reflect to contestants the asked Committee Contest Essay The

to raise the conscience of Japanese people as well as the world. world. the as well as people Japanese of conscience the raise to yond”

Massacre 70 years ago and be- and ago years 70 Massacre Nanking the on Reflections Cost,

“The Denial and Its Its and Denial “The as Contest Essay Memorial Chang Iris 2007 the

Rape of Nanking, the Essay Contest Committee decided the topic of of topic the decided Committee Contest Essay the Nanking, of Rape

In light of this and in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the the of anniversary 70th the of commemoration in and this of light In

deny the Rape of Nanking ever occurred and claim it is a fabrication. fabrication. a is it claim and occurred ever Nanking of Rape the deny during WWII to this day. Worse yet, Japanese nationalist groups groups nationalist Japanese yet, Worse day. this to WWII during

countries Asian other and in committed crimes war heinous

its for responsibility evade to continues Japan Massacre. Nanking the

nese government still did not make a formal apology to the victims of of victims the to apology formal a make not did still government nese

historical tragedy. Ten years after the book’s publication, the Japa- the publication, book’s the after years Ten tragedy. historical

the silence and shocked the Western world with details of this horrific horrific this of details with world Western the shocked and silence the

Rape of Nanking, the Forgotten Holocaust of WWII of Holocaust Forgotten the Nanking, of Rape ” which broke broke which ”

niversary of the massacre, that Iris Chang published her book “ book her published Chang Iris that massacre, the of niversary The The China during its aggression in WWII. It was in 1997, on the 60th an- 60th the on 1997, in was It WWII. in aggression its during China Introduction

against committed Japan Imperial that crimes war atrocious most

Essays of Essays Honor

Nanking. The Nanking Massacre, as it is also known, was one of the the of one was known, also is it as Massacre, Nanking The Nanking.

The year of 2007 marks the 70th anniversary of the Rape of of Rape the of anniversary 70th the marks 2007 of year The

Introduction Introduction

do to help bring this tragic chapter of history to a proper closure?

This year, we received a total of 270 essays, among which over half (56%) were from the United States. The rest came from around the globe, including Australia, Canada, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Among the 270 contestants, 77% were students at the graduate, undergraduate, high school and middle school level. Other partici- pants came from diverse fields including education, business, engi- neering, homemaking, law, medicine and news media. The age range of the contestants was also highly diverse; spanning the early teens to 87. Many of the essays were of exceptional quality. Indeed, it was a rather challenging process to select the top winners as there were a large number of unique and distinguished writings.

This year we were very fortunate to have a jury panel of seven- teen scholars to review the essays through three rounds. To ensure fairness in the selection process, each essay had been read independ- ently by at least two reviewers. In the first round, a total of 51 essays were selected. In the second round, 21 essays were selected from the previous pool of 51. In the last round, the top three essays were se- lected from the previous 21. This year, we also selected four top es- says written by high school students and designated them for the Iris Chang Youth Award. The remaining 14 essays from the top 21 were designated as essays of honor, and the remaining 30 from the 51 es- says were the essays of distinction.

We felt these top essays were exceptionally outstanding in an- swering the questions given in this year’s topic. We hope that by compiling and publishing these top essays, the message for education of this tragic chapter of history can be spread. Remembering history is the first step to preventing such tragedies from ever repeating. This is 2 the goal of the Iris Chang Memorial Fund: to raise the awareness of


carefully edited some of the essays published in this volume and for for and volume this in published essays the of some edited carefully

thank Victor Fic, Rodger Scott, Susan Hsieh and Amy Hsieh for their their for Hsieh Amy and Hsieh Susan Scott, Rodger Fic, Victor thank

website and the artistic design of this volume’s cover. We also like to to like also We cover. volume’s this of design artistic the and website

Zheng-Durbin for her continuous support and maintenance of our our of maintenance and support continuous her for Zheng-Durbin

cation of this volume would not be possible. Special thanks to Cinian Cinian to thanks Special possible. be not would volume this of cation

Without their passion and dedication, the essay contest and the publi- the and contest essay the dedication, and passion their Without

Chan, Cinian Zheng-Durbin, Jane Wu Tcheng and Ping Tcheng. Tcheng. Ping and Tcheng Wu Jane Zheng-Durbin, Cinian Chan,

We like to thank Essay Contest Committee members Cindy Cindy members Committee Contest Essay thank to like We

Kaimay Yuen Terry. Terry. Yuen Kaimay

Jane Wu Tcheng, Ping Tcheng and and Tcheng Ping Tcheng, Wu Jane Stanek, Peter Scott, Rodger Price,

Michael Lee, Peter Li, Thekla Lit, Jiu-Fong Lo, Jack Meng, John John Meng, Jack Lo, Jiu-Fong Lit, Thekla Li, Peter Lee, Michael

Clemons, Richard Chu, Ignatius Y. Ding, Werner Gruhl, George Koo, Koo, George Gruhl, Werner Ding, Y. Ignatius Chu, Richard Clemons,

ey are: Kuei-Sheng Chang, Steven Steven Chang, Kuei-Sheng are: ey Th appreciated. highly are lives

selection process. Their generosity and sacrifice among their busy busy their among sacrifice and generosity Their process. selection

tion throughout the entire essay essay entire the throughout tion evalua scholarly and devotion their for Here we like to express our thanks to everyone on the jury panel panel jury the on everyone to thanks our express to like we Here

Nanking. of Rape the for awareness public raising

ve been full of activities aimed at at aimed activities of full been ve ha years few past the Indeed, tives.

campaign to pass House Resolution 121 in U.S. House of Representa- of House U.S. in 121 Resolution House pass to campaign

China Study Tour, as well as a a as well as Tour, Study China annual the for teachers school high

Massacre. The Iris Chang Memorial Chang Iris The Massacre. Fund has also been supporting supporting been also has Fund

sity students on the occasion of th of occasion the on students sity e 70th anniversary of the Nanking Nanking the of anniversary 70th e invited to participate in several panel discussions organized by univer- by organized discussions panel several in participate to invited Introduction

Iris Chang—The Rape of Nanking of Rape Chang—The Iris “ docu-drama the also were We .”

Essays of Essays Honor

Asia, helped to publicize two films, the documentary “ documentary the films, two publicize to helped Asia, ” and and ” Nanking

gether with Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in in WWII of History the Preserving for Alliance Global with gether

the many activities we were involved in the past two years. We, to- We, years. two past the in involved were we activities many the

At the end of this book, we also printed several photos depicting depicting photos several printed also we book, this of end the At

lish 21 top essays plus 8 of essays of distinction in this volume. volume. this in distinction of essays of 8 plus essays top 21 lish

Asian history. But due to the limitation of space, we could only pub- only could we space, of limitation the to due But history. Asian

tion and research of younger generati younger of research and tion ons in the U.S. with regard to to regard with U.S. the in ons the painful history of World War II in Asia and to support the educa- the support to and Asia in II War World of history painful the their valuable suggestions in improving our essay contest.

We also like to give special thanks to the following organizations for their kind support and assistance in publicizing the contest: Asian- Week, Asian American Journalist Association, BayareaDragon.com, California Center for the Book, Chinese Southern Weekend Magazine Newspaper, Douwei News Net, public communication department, KTSF Channel 26, New America Media, Rape of Nanking Redress Coalition, U. S. Holocaust Memorial Mu- seum, University of Illinois Laboratory High School, University of Minnesota Center of Holocaust Studies and Human Rights, Washing- ton State Holocaust Education Resource Center, World Journal Chi- nese Newspaper, and Yale University Library.

Finally, we like to thank Bihua Zeng and the Cozy House Pub- lisher for their careful planning in publishing this book.

Ying-Ying & Shau-Jin Chang Co-managers of Iris Chang Memorial Fund www.irischangmemorialfund.net



shared her feelings about the process of writing the book. Her courage courage Her book. the writing of process the about feelings her shared

1997, during the 60th Anniversary of the Rape of Nanking. She She Nanking. of Rape the of Anniversary 60th the during 1997,

at the book launching events in Vancouver and Toronto Dec. 8-14, 8-14, Dec. Toronto and Vancouver in events launching book the at

still so vivid that it seems like yesterday when Iris presented her book book her presented Iris when yesterday like seems it that vivid so still

vember, 1997. The memories are are memories The 1997. vember, No in published was it after ately

recognize the value of Iris’ work and to promote the book immedi- book the promote to and work Iris’ of value the recognize

We are very proud to be the first organization in the world to to world the in organization first the be to proud very are We

rkest chapters of human history. history. human of chapters rkest da the of one is which atrocity, known

a ripple effect in arousing the interest in and awareness of this vastly un- vastly this of awareness and in interest the arousing in effect ripple a

ing Massacre, Iris’ book shocked the West’s conscience and generated generated and conscience West’s the shocked book Iris’ Massacre, ing

tensive research materials and many historical details about the Nank- the about details historical many and materials research tensive

Being the first book written in English on the subject, with ex- with subject, the on English in written book first the Being


,” brought new hope to AL- to hope new brought ,” II War World of Holocaust Forgotten the

The Rape of Nanking, Nanking, of Rape The “ book Chang’s Iris that Massacre, Nanking

It was also 10 years ago, the year of the 60th anniversary of the the of anniversary 60th the of year the ago, years 10 also was It

. Asia

to promote education and awareness of the World War II history in in history II War World the of awareness and education promote to

hard in two Canadian provinces, British Colombia (BC) and Ontario, Ontario, and (BC) Colombia British provinces, Canadian two in hard

Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (ALPHA) has been working working been has (ALPHA) Asia in WWII of History the Preserving

In the past 10 years, the Canada Association for Learning and and Learning for Association Canada the years, 10 past the In

We are honored to be invited to invited be to honored are We Preface book. this for Preface the write

Essays of Essays Honor

the 70th Anniversary Anniversary 70th the

to to

From the 60th Anniversary Anniversary 60th the From

Preface Preface

to seek the truth and her conviction to seek justice touched and in- spired every one of us. We had a strong feeling: How could the world, particularly 1.3 billion , put all the burden on her shoulders to uncover and tell the story of the Massacre on our behalf? Iris’ book and her spirit brought us not only hope, but also confidence and encouragement that one day the truth about Nanking would be known the world over.

Inspired by Iris, and through many years of hard work and per- sistence, Canada ALPHA succeeded in gaining the recognition of the Ministries of Education of British Columbia and Ontario and convinc- ing them to incorporate the Asian holocaust into the high school cur- riculum. These two provinces became the first Western jurisdictions to introduce this neglected part of world history to high school stu- dents.

Iris Chang’s book also became a major reference to the teachers’ guide on Human Rights in the Asia Pacific 1931-1945: Social respon- sibility and Global Citizenship, jointly published by the BC Ministry of Education and BC ALPHA in 2001, and the Ontario teaching re- source guide published by Toronto ALPHA in 2005. The former is the first of its kind in the world featuring human rights violations during WW II in Asia for high school students.

There are close to 100 educators from BC and Ontario who have participated in the “Peace and Reconciliation Study Tours” organized and financed by Canada ALPHA since 2004. Iris’ book, “The Rape of Nanking,” is a must read for their pre-tour preparation to facilitate a better understanding of and deeper reflection on the lessons learned from this chapter of history. After returning to Canada, these teachers have shared their knowledge and testimonies with their colleagues and students. Many of them initiated projects and programs, with or with- out support from ALPHA, keeping the promises to the victims, bring- ing their stories and pain to people in other parts of the world.

In addition to participants from B.C. and Ontario, educators from Alberta and Australia are joining the 2008 Study Tour. The tour will 6


apologize formally in a clear and and clear a in formally apologize and system slavery sex the of ity

gress, urging Japan to “acknowledge the facts and accept responsibil- accept and facts the “acknowledge to Japan urging gress,

history. The unanimous passage of H. R. 121 in the American Con- American the in 121 R. H. of passage unanimous The history.

and the worldwide movement to preserve the truth of Asian WWII WWII Asian of truth the preserve to movement worldwide the and

t milestone for Canada ALPHA ALPHA Canada for milestone t importan an was 2007 year The

these survivors. survivors. these

ated. The world can’t continue to disregard the cry for justice from from justice for cry the disregard to continue can’t world The ated.

t-wingers will no longer be toler- be longer no will t-wingers righ Japanese the by crimes war for

media. The denial of historical facts and the evasion of responsibility responsibility of evasion the and facts historical of denial The media.

“Comfort Women”) are no longer totally ignored by the international international the by ignored totally longer no are Women”) “Comfort

Massacre and Japan’s military sexual slavery system (the so-called so-called (the system slavery sexual military Japan’s and Massacre

movement of the Asian holocaust victims. Nowadays, the Nanking Nanking the Nowadays, victims. holocaust Asian the of movement

sister organizations all over the world have contributed to the redress redress the to contributed have world the over all organizations sister

The writings of Iris Chang and the efforts of Canada ALPHA and its its and ALPHA Canada of efforts the and Chang Iris of writings The

cember, 2007 marked the 70th Anniversary of the Nanking Massacre. Massacre. Nanking the of Anniversary 70th the marked 2007 cember,

Many commemorative events in Toronto and Vancouver in De- in Vancouver and Toronto in events commemorative Many

history. of chapter dark this from learned lessons the of

pants of different ethnic backgrounds to have a better understanding understanding better a have to backgrounds ethnic different of pants

ing.” Her vivid discussion and in-depth analysis enabled the partici- the enabled analysis in-depth and discussion vivid Her ing.”

speaker, Iris made a presentation on “Racism and the Rape of Nank- of Rape the and “Racism on presentation a made Iris speaker,

source Network, and three departments of UBC. As our keynote keynote our As UBC. of departments three and Network, source

Japanese-Canadian Citizens' Association, Canadian Asian Pacific Re- Pacific Asian Canadian Association, Citizens' Japanese-Canadian

ganized by Canada ALPHA, the Human Rights Committee of the the of Committee Rights Human the ALPHA, Canada by ganized


ity: Lessons from the Asia Pacific War (1931-1945),” was jointly or- jointly was (1931-1945),” War Pacific Asia the from Lessons ity: British Colombia (UBC), titled “Preventing Crimes Against Human- Against Crimes “Preventing titled (UBC), Colombia British

Essays of Essays Honor

of University at 2003 in held was that seminar One holocaust. Asian

ences to increase the awareness of Canadians about the forgotten forgotten the about Canadians of awareness the increase to ences

system, Canada ALPHA also holds academic seminars and confer- and seminars academic holds also ALPHA Canada system,

Apart from promoting Asian holocaust education in the school school the in education holocaust Asian promoting from Apart

in 2007. 2007. in

our counterpart in the U.S. to start their own study tours for teachers teachers for tours study own their start to U.S. the in counterpart our

Japanese Military during WWII. Our educational initiative inspired inspired initiative educational Our WWII. during Military Japanese

rific “Comfort Women” sexual slavery system perpetrated by the the by perpetrated system slavery sexual Women” “Comfort rific also take educators to Seoul, Korea for an in-depth study of the hor- the of study in-depth an for Korea Seoul, to educators take also unequivocal manner” is a tremendous breakthrough the world has been waiting for since the end of the war over 60 years ago. Canada ALPHA, working together with the Korean and Filipino communities in Canada, has been able to get over 50,000 Canadians to sign a peti- tion asking our Parliament to pass Motion 291, similar to H. R. 121 passed in the U.S. House of Representatives. With four “Comfort Women” victims coming from Korea, China, the Philippines and Hol- land, Canadians and their Members of Parliament have had the oppor- tunity to learn about this horrific sexual slavery system devised by the Japanese Military during WWII. On November 28, 2007, the Parlia- ment of Canada unanimously passed a motion, joining the U.S. and Holland in a collective voice for justice demanding that Japan ac- knowledge the facts of history and make a formal apology to the vic- tims. Two weeks after the passage of the Canadian motion, on the precise date of the 70th Anniversary of the Rape of Nanking, the European Union Parliament also passed a strongly-worded motion to the same effect.

The completion of the docudrama film “Iris Chang--The Rape of Nanking” in November 2007, conceived and funded by Toronto AL- PHA, caps dramatically that very successful year. The two stories of the film, one of Iris Chang’s courage and conviction to reveal the his- torical truth, and the other of exposing the massive horrors of the Nanking Massacre, interweave together so well that we believe it will have a great impact in promoting public awareness worldwide of the Nanking Massacre. It is our fervent hope that hundreds of millions of people the world over will see the film. The legacy of Iris will live forever.

Joseph Wong and Thekla Lit Co-founders and Co-chairs of Canada ALPHA



and looked at the numerous detailed pictures of an orgy of violence violence of orgy an of pictures detailed numerous the at looked and

and their descendants in writing her book. As she heard the witnesses witnesses the heard she As book. her writing in descendants their and

collected the data by conducting numerous interviews with the victims victims the with interviews numerous conducting by data the collected

and learning of the war crimes in Nanking, and proceeded to how she she how to proceeded and Nanking, in crimes war the of learning and

She started the lecture with her own life experience of hearing hearing of experience life own her with lecture the started She

crimes in Nanking. Nanking. in crimes war of scope reaching

I was not fully aware of the far- the of aware fully not was I although 1937, December in Army

massive atrocious genocide committed by the Imperial Japanese Japanese Imperial the by committed genocide atrocious massive

. I was deeply concerned about the the about concerned deeply was I . II War World of Holocaust gotten

The Rape of Nanking: The For- The Nanking: of Rape The seller, best her with herself guished

Texas, on February 8th, 1998. That was when Chang had distin- had Chang when was That 1998. 8th, February on Texas,

Chang in the community hall of a downtown bookstore in Austin, Austin, in bookstore downtown a of hall community the in Chang

I was one among fifty or so people listening to a lecture by Iris Iris by lecture a to listening people so or fifty among one was I

Meeting with Iris Chang Chang Iris with Meeting

our tribal gods that we have made them our idols. idols. our them made have we that gods tribal our

to long so for obedient been have We gods. our to loyal are we cause

all other animals) are often done in "good faith." We kill others be- others kill We faith." "good in done often are animals) other all

viduals. Our massive, organized killings (which distinguish us from from us distinguish (which killings organized massive, Our viduals.

mit crimes to serve a wider allegiance which we would shun as indi- as shun would we which allegiance wider a serve to crimes mit

because of our capacity for misplaced loyalty. We have and will com- will and have We loyalty. misplaced for capacity our of because

Humans are killers not because of any biological imperative, but but imperative, biological any of because not killers are Humans

Essays of Essays Honor

First Prize Massacre Nanking the

The Denial and Its Cost of of Cost Its and Denial The

Misplaced Loyalty With Racism Racism With Loyalty Misplaced

Bonita, California, USA USA California, Bonita,

United Church of Christ Christ of Church United

Retired Minister Minister Retired

Rev. Yoshikuni Kaneda, D. Min. D. Kaneda, Yoshikuni Rev.

Kevin Ng University Graduate Singapore

The Great Denial

How Japan's policies regarding its actions during Prize Second WWII are denying both its own people and the world moral betterment, social progress and political integra- tion.

The numerous stygian and saturnine concrete slabs lay row after row, column upon column. Each cubic slab varied in height to convey the reality and truth that the victims consisted of a multitude of per-

sonalities and pasts, but whose lives converged on a similar tragic end. Each glossy block had been paid for by the very institutions that profited from the injustices that prevailed during a time of madness. Each block had the names of the Jewish victims that perished during an era of lunacy indelibly carved upon it. The Holocaust memorial in Berlin is a profoundly poignant symbol of a new Germany's acknowl- edgement of its past mistakes, and its deep desire to seek forgiveness from those who suffered. The alleys that crisscrossed the massive me- morial are nevertheless redolent with a dignified air of truthfulness and openness. The central location of the memorial between the Ger- man parliament and the Brandenburg Gate further demonstrates the unabashed manner in which Germany has come to terms with the events of the Holocaust. When I strolled ponderously along the path- ways within the Holocaust memorial, my own thoughts strayed inevi- tably to another catastrophe that unfolded during the course of the Second World War, with a certain propinquity to events of the Holo- caust. Events that followed that other catastrophe had however taken a very different path. That event was the Asian Holocaust. 10 17

25 11

tory in East Asia is palpable. palpable. is Asia East in tory

es, it is clear the value of his- of value the clear is it es, consulat and businesses Japanese izing

across China in April 2005, sending crowds thousands strong vandal- strong thousands crowds sending 2005, April in China across

certification of a history textbook in Japan can spark weeks of riots riots of weeks spark can Japan in textbook history a of certification

unfairly singled out for wrongs committed decades ago. When the re- the When ago. decades committed wrongs for out singled unfairly

present by Chinese feelings of injustice and a Japanese sense of being being of sense Japanese a and injustice of feelings Chinese by present

The bitterness of the war years is frequently summoned to the the to summoned frequently is years war the of bitterness The

vived and overshadows the country's many accomplishments. accomplishments. many country's the overshadows and vived

try with jingoism, as a perception of Japan's former aggression is re- is aggression former Japan's of perception a as jingoism, with try

competition of nationalisms. But Japan's leaders only hurt their coun- their hurt only leaders Japan's But nationalisms. of competition

well as the Chinese. The ghosts of Nanjing feed an increasingly bitter bitter increasingly an feed Nanjing of ghosts The Chinese. the as well

on, and the memories of Nanjing continue to haunt the Japanese, as as Japanese, the haunt to continue Nanjing of memories the and on,

In East Asia, historical wounds are still festering. Seventy years years Seventy festering. still are wounds historical Asia, East In

jing Massacre and finally put the past behind them? them? behind past the put finally and Massacre jing

How can China and Japan rid themselves of the nightmare of the Nan- the of nightmare the of themselves rid Japan and China can How

is, the ghosts of Nanjing are for real, so how do we exorcise them? them? exorcise we do how so real, for are Nanjing of ghosts the is, century East Asia as it was for 19th century Europe. The only problem problem only The Europe. century 19th for was it as Asia East century

21st for true as is living" the of minds the on nightmare a like weighs

generations past of history "The that observation Marx's Karl guilty.

ghosts of Nanjing indiscriminately torment the innocent and the the and innocent the torment indiscriminately Nanjing of ghosts

nese onryo, or vengeful spirit, the the spirit, vengeful or onryo, nese Japa a like But Pacific. the and Asia

history of the Pacific War torments China and Japan – indeed, all of of all indeed, – Japan and China torments War Pacific the of history

ghost. History works like this as well, like an Asian horror movie. The The movie. horror Asian an like well, as this like works History ghost.

Memories stay with people. Bad memories can haunt you like a a like you haunt can memories Bad people. with stay Memories

First Prize

Essays of Essays Honor

Third Prize

Nanjing's 70-year-old ghost story story ghost 70-year-old Nanjing's

Republic of Korea Korea of Republic

The National Agricultural Cooperative Federation Federation Cooperative Agricultural National The

Cooperation Department Department Cooperation Economic International

Communications Officer, ICAO ICAO Officer, Communications

Editor, ICD ICD Editor,

Philip Dorsey Iglauer Iglauer Dorsey Philip

Reflections on the Nanking Massacre After 70 Years of Denial In Memory of Our Daughter Iris Chang

By Ying-Ying Chang

My husband and I were born in China during the Japanese inva- sion and occupation. Our parents endured those eight difficult years of the Sino-Japanese war from 1937 to 1945, experiencing the horror and tragic events of that war. Their stories were passed down to us as we were growing up, much as we would later pass our stories down to our children, including our daughter Iris Chang. I was born in 1940 in Chungking, the wartime capital of China, during the intense battles of the Sino-Japanese war. The hardest year for China was 1937: Nanking, China’s capital, fell to the invading Japanese army, and in subsequent years, Japanese forces occupied the major cities and many parts of China. The Chinese government re- treated to Chungking, which was bombed day and night. In fact, I would not exist if my mother had not been fortunate enough to sur- vive the bombs dropped on the hospital where she was waiting to give birth to me. Three years earlier, my parents and my older sister had barely escaped from Nanking one month before the fall of the city to the ad- vancing Japanese troops. My parents traveled hundreds of miles after fleeing from Nanking, enduring the horrible Japanese air raids until they finally arrived in Chungking. They could never forget the grue- some scenes of human destruction by Japanese air bombardment. Those shocking and frightening stories of the carnage and devastation, which my parents told their children repeatedly at the dinner table, became deeply embedded in my memory. After the Sino-Japanese war, China was immediately plunged into civil war. Again, my parents took five of their children as they 12 205

13 213

photo courtesy of Ignatius Ding Ding Ignatius of courtesy photo

national apology to its wartime military sex slaves. slaves. sex military wartime its to apology national

fornia. The resolution called on Japanese government to offer a formal formal a offer to government Japanese on called resolution The fornia.

press conference in Cupertino, Cali- Cupertino, in conference press a at 2007 31, July on Representatives

H. Res. 121 in U. S. House of of House S. U. in 121 Res. H. of passage the celebrated Alliance Global photo courtesy of Flora Chong Chong Flora of courtesy photo

Tsai. Stan and Wong Joseph Chong,

(from left): David Tsang, Cathy Tsang, Barry Chang, Daisy Chu, Flora Flora Chu, Daisy Chang, Barry Tsang, Cathy Tsang, David left): (from

Res. 121 in U. S. House on July 31, 2007. Front: Michael Honda. Back Back Honda. Michael Front: 2007. 31, July on House S. U. in 121 Res.

chael Honda in his office in Washington D. C. before the passage of H. H. of passage the before C. D. Washington in office his in Honda chael

Representatives from U. S. and Canada visiting U.S. Congressman Mi- Congressman U.S. visiting Canada and S. U. from Representatives of Essays Honor

First Prize Global Alliance led by Peter Li and Ignatius Ding organized a high school teacher China study tour in the summer of 2007. The group vis- ited Sino-US-Russian Airmen Martyrs Memorial in Nanjing. The study tour was designed for high school teachers to visit various sites of war crimes committed by Japanese military during its invasion in the 1931- 1945. Iris Chang Memorial Fund was one of the supporters for the study 21414 tour. photo courtesy of Ignatius Ding


ISBN 978-1-59343-080-9 $12.00 $12.00 978-1-59343-080-9 ISBN

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—Tianshu Zhang, a high school student from Fujian, P.R. China China P.R. Fujian, from student school high a Zhang, —Tianshu

bering the darkness and evil, can we be away from them.” them.” from away be we can evil, and darkness the bering

“Only not forgetting the past, can we be the masters in the future. Only by remem- by Only future. the in masters the be we can past, the forgetting not “Only

—Delroy Oberg, a teacher from Boondall, Australia Australia Boondall, from teacher a Oberg, —Delroy

to know from the records.” records.” the from know to

expunge what they do not want the world world the want not do they what expunge they history; rewrite just not do “Deniers

—Kevin Ng, a graduate student from Singapore Singapore from student graduate a Ng, —Kevin

flicts, and even to prevent them, is through education.” education.” through is them, prevent to even and flicts,

and aggravations of conflicts today….Perhaps the best way to mitigate future con- future mitigate to way best the today….Perhaps conflicts of aggravations and

s of reinforcements reinforcements of s cause primary the of one is consciousness historical of lack “The

—Glenn McLaurin, a high school student from NC, USA USA NC, from student school high a McLaurin, —Glenn

strengthen its relationships abroad, and closure will be reached.” reached.” be will closure and abroad, relationships its strengthen neighbors to take action…. By taking responsibility for its actions, Japan will will Japan actions, its for responsibility taking By action…. take to neighbors

Asian their and themselves to it owe Japan of citizens basis, individual an “On

minister from CA, USA USA CA, from minister retired a Kaneda, —Yoshikuni

edgment and apology for the past brutal war crimes.” crimes.” war brutal past the for apology and edgment

symbol and the living idol of Japan, to lead the whole nation in sincere acknowl- sincere in nation whole the lead to Japan, of idol living the and symbol

trust and respect for Japan. …. It is up to the emperor himself, as the most powerful powerful most the as himself, emperor the to up is It …. Japan. for respect and trust

“The denial of wartime atrocities costs to costs atrocities wartime of denial “The o much. It has jeopardized international international jeopardized has It much. o

itor from South Korea Korea South from itor ed an Iglauer, D. —Philip

aggression, has failed to effect true effect to failed has aggression, reconciliation with its neighbors.” neighbors.” its with reconciliation

“Japan, without building a base of cred of base a building without “Japan, ibility through acknowledging its wartime wartime its acknowledging through ibility

Essays of Essays Honor

First Prize

Joe Goodwill, a graduate stude graduate a Goodwill, Joe nt from Vancouver, Canada Canada Vancouver, from nt —

at least South Africans are on it.” it.” on are Africans South least at

“The path of remorse, apologies, forgiveness and rebuilding is not an easy path – but but – path easy an not is rebuilding and forgiveness apologies, remorse, of path “The

Jenny Chen, a high school student from MD, USA USA MD, from student school high a Chen, Jenny —

finally be forced to face their history.” history.” their face to forced be finally

ment realize that its wartime crimes are are crimes wartime its that realize ment not taken lightly by other nations. It will will It nations. other by lightly taken not

“Only when the international community pressures Japan will the Japanese govern- Japanese the will Japan pressures community international the when “Only

Shayaan Z. Bari, a law student from Lahore, Pakistan Pakistan Lahore, from student law a Bari, Z. Shayaan —

a solely Chinese concern. In concern. Chinese solely a fact, Nanking is a proper concern of all humanity.” humanity.” all of concern proper a is Nanking fact,

a kind of racial abuse that negates the pain the negates that abuse racial of kind a of victims and survivors and demeans it as as it demeans and survivors and victims of

“ We must make others aware of how denial of massacres such as Nanking amount to to amount Nanking as such massacres of denial how of aware others make must We