FOS Approved Customers & Suppliers & Retailers

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FOS Approved Customers & Suppliers & Retailers FOS Approved Customers & Suppliers & Retailers : Country Account Name Production Chain FOS certified species .Albania (1) Coral shpk Fishery - Processor;Fishery - Ship Owner European anchvy-engraulis Encrasicolus .Australia (22) EYRE PENINSULA SEAFOODS PTY LTD Aquaculture - Processor;Aquaculture - Mediterranean Mussel-Mytilus Aquaculture site galloprovincialis . Health World Limited Omega3 - Distributor Anchoveta-Engraulis ringens . Spring Bay Seafoods Pty Ltd Aquaculture - Aquaculture site Blue Mussel-Mytilus galloprovincialis . Clean Seas Aquaculture - Aquaculture site Yellowtail Amberjack-Seriola lalandi . A Raptis and Son Pty Ltd Fishery - Ship Owner;Fishery - End Banana Prawn-Fenneropenaeus Processing;Fishery - Exporter merguiensis . Direct Wellbeing Pty Ltd Omega3 - Distributor Japanese Flying Squid-Todarodes pacificus, Argentine Shortfin Squid-Illex argentinus, Jumbo Flying Squid-Dosidicus gigas . Angel Oysters Australia Pty Ltd Aquaculture - Aquaculture site Giant Cupped Oyster-Crassostrea gigas . Tasman Pacific Holding Pty Ltd Omega3 - Producer Anchoveta-Engraulis ringens, Atlantic Chub Mackerel-Scomber colias . Ferngrove Pharmaceuticals Australia Pty Ltd Krill Oil - Distributor Antarctic Krill-Euphausia superba . Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Aquaculture - Distributor;Aquaculture - Southern Bluefin Tuna-Thunnus maccoyii Association Ltd Exporter;Fishery - Ship Owner;Aquaculture - Aquaculture site . Myti Blue Aquaculture - Processor Blue Mussel-Mytilus galloprovincialis . Australian Fishing Enterprises Pty Ltd (Sarin Aquaculture - Aquaculture site;Aquaculture - Southern Bluefin Tuna-Thunnus maccoyii Group Pty Ltd) Exporter;Aquaculture - Distributor;Fishery - Ship Owner . Australian Tuna Fisheries Pty Ltd Aquaculture - Aquaculture site;Aquaculture - Southern Bluefin Tuna-Thunnus maccoyii Exporter;Aquaculture - Distributor;Fishery - Ship Owner . Blaslov Fishing Pty Ltd Aquaculture - Aquaculture site;Aquaculture - Southern Bluefin Tuna-Thunnus maccoyii Exporter;Aquaculture - Distributor;Fishery - Ship Owner . Dinko Tuna Farmers Pty Ltd Aquaculture - Aquaculture site;Aquaculture - Southern Bluefin Tuna-Thunnus maccoyii Exporter;Aquaculture - Distributor;Fishery - Ship Owner . Tonys Tuna Pty Ltd Aquaculture - Aquaculture site;Aquaculture - Southern Bluefin Tuna-Thunnus maccoyii Exporter;Aquaculture - Distributor;Fishery - Ship Owner . Marnikol Fisheries Pty Ltd Aquaculture - Aquaculture site;Aquaculture - Southern Bluefin Tuna-Thunnus maccoyii Exporter;Aquaculture - Distributor;Fishery - Ship Owner . Sarin Marine Farm Pty Ltd Aquaculture - Aquaculture site;Aquaculture - Southern Bluefin Tuna-Thunnus maccoyii Exporter;Aquaculture - Distributor;Fishery - Ship Owner . Sekol Pty Ltd Aquaculture - Aquaculture site;Aquaculture - Southern Bluefin Tuna-Thunnus maccoyii Exporter;Aquaculture - Distributor;Fishery - Ship Owner . Mori Seafood Pty Ltd Aquaculture - Processor;Aquaculture - Red Rock Lobster-Jasus edwardsii;Southern Exporter;Fishery - End Processing;Fishery - Bluefin Tuna-Thunnus maccoyii Exporter 1 . Ferguson Australia Pty Ltd Fishery - Ship Owner;Fishery - Pre Chinaman Leatherjacket-Nelusetta Processing;Fishery - End Processing;Fisheryayraudi;Deepwater Flathead-Platycephalus - Exporter;Fishery - Distributor conatus;Gummy Shark-Mustelus antarcticus;King George Whiting- Sillaginodes punctatus;Red Rock Lobster- Jasus edwardsii;Southern Garfish- Hyporhamphus melanochir;Tasmanian Giant Crab-Pseudocarcinus gigas . ASBTIA Australian SBT Industry Association Southern bluefin tuna - Thunnus maccoyii .Austria (3) Delikatessa Lebensmittelhandels- und Fishery - Distributor Atlantic Chub Mackerel-Scomber colias, Erzeugungs Gesellschaft m.b.H. European sardine-Sardina pilchardus . APOMEDICA Pharmazeutische Produkte Omega3 - Distributor Achoveta-Engraulis ringens, European GmbH Pilchard-Sardina pilchardus . REWE International AG Fishery - Distributor Atlantic Chub Mackerel-Scomber colias, European sardine-Sardina pilchardus .Belgium (9) Delimed NV Fishery - Importer;Fishery - Distributor European Anchovy-Engraulis encrasicolus . Sopralex & Vosmarques SA Fishery - Distributor European Anchovy-Engraulis encrasicolus . Setraco Frozen Seafoods NV Fishery - Distributor Chilean Mussel-Mytilus chilensis . Marine Harvest VAP Europe Fishery - Exporter;Fishery - Pre European Plaice-Pleuronectes platessa, Processing;Fishery - End Processing Atlantic Cod-Gadus morhua, Golden Redfish-Sebastes marinus, Saithe- Pollachius virens . Bio-Life SPRL Omega3 - Distributor Anchoveta-Engraulis ringens, Chub Mackerel-Scomber japonicus . GreenSea Chartering B.V.b.a. - GSC Green Karmoy (IMO 8804531) Green Maloy (IMO 8804579) Sierra Queen (IMO 9127928) . Nutrogenics bvba Omega3 - Distributor European Anchovy-Engraulis encrasicolus, European Sardine-Sardina pilchardus, Anchoveta-Engraulis ringens . Seatrade Group N.V. BVBA IMPERIAL HERITAGE Aquaculture - Distributor Danube Sturgeon-Acipenser gueldenstaedtii; CORPORATION Siberian Sturgeon-Acipenser baerii .Belize (2) Sea Breeze Ventures Ltd. Fishery - Ship Owner;Fishery - Pre Yellowfin Tuna-Thunnus albacares, Skipjack Processing;Fishery - End Processing Tuna-Katsuwonus pelamis . INPESCA FISHING BELIZE LIMITED Fishery - Ship Owner Yellowfin Tuna-Thunnus albacares, Skipjack Tuna-Katsuwonus pelamis, Bigeye Tuna- Thunnus obesus .Brazil (5) Leal Santos Fishery - Exporter;Fishery - Ship Yellowfin Tuna-Thunnus albacares, Skipjack Owner;Fishery - Pre Processing Tuna-Katsuwonus pelamis, Albacore- Thunnus alalunga . GDC Alimentos S.A. (Gomes da Costa) Fishery - Ship Owner;Fishery - End Skipjack Tuna-Katsuwonus pelamis, Processing;Fishery - Exporter Yellowfin Tuna-Thunnus albacares, Albacore-Thunnus alalunga . Attivos Magisttrais Ind e Com Ltda Krill Oil - Distributor Antarctic Krill-Euphausia superba . Polenectar Enterprise Internacional Ltda Fishoil - Processor Anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), European pilchard (Sardina pilchardus), European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), Atlantic Chub Mackerel (Scomber colias) . EQUALIV PHARMA INDÚSTRIA, Fishoil - Distributor Anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), European COMÉRCIO E DISTRIBUIÇÃO pilchard (Sardina pilchardus), European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), Atlantic Chub Mackerel (Scomber colias) 2 .Cabo Verde (1) Frescomar S.A.R.L. Fishery - Ship Owner Skipjack Tuna-Katsuwonus pelamis, Yellowfin Tuna-Thunnus albacares, Bigeye Tuna-Thunnus obesus .Canada (18) Neptune Wellness Solutions Fishery - End Processing;Fishery - Importer Antarctic Krill-Euphausia superba . Jamieson Laboratories Ltd. Fishoil - Producer;Fishoil - Distributor;Krill OilArgentine Anchovy-Engraulis anchoita, - Producer;Krill Oil - Distributor Antarctic Krill-Euphausia superba . DSM Nutritional Products Canada Inc Fishoil - Distributor;Fishoil - Producer Anchoveta-Engraulis ringens, European Sardine-Sardina pilchardus, European Anchovy-Engraulis encrasicolus, Atlantic mackerel-Scomber scombrus, Atlantic chub mackerel-Scomber colias, South American Pilchard-Sardinops sagax, Pacific Chub Mackerel-Scomber japonicus . Biodroga Nutraceuticals Inc. Omega3 - Distributor Anchoveta-Engraulis ringens, European Sardine-Sardina pilchardus, Antarctic Krill- Euphausia superba, Yellowfin Tuna-Thunnus albacares, Skipjack Tuna-Katsuwonus pelamis, Bigeye Tuna-Thunnus obesus . The Clorox Company Omega3 - Distributor Anchoveta-Engraulis ringens, European Sardine-Sardina pilchardus, Antarctic Krill- Euphausia superba . Viva Labs, Inc. Omega3 - Distributor Antarctic Krill-Euphausia superba . Factors Group of Nutritional Companies Inc Krill Oil - Distributor;Krill Oil - Antarctic Krill-Euphausia superba Processor;Omega3 - Distributor;Omega3 - Processor . Santé Naturelle (A.G.) Ltd Fishoil - Distributor;Fishoil - Producer Anchoveta-Engraulis ringens, European Sardine-Sardina pilchardus, Antarctic Krill- Euphausia superba . TallGrass Natural Health Ltd Fishoil - Distributor;Omega3 - Anchoveta-Engraulis ringens Distributor;Omega3 - Producer;Fishoil - Producer . Nature's Way of Canada (Ascenta Health) Omega3 - Distributor Japanese flying squid-Todarodes pacificus, Argentine shortfin squid-Illex argentinus, Humboldt squid-Dosidicus gigas, European anchovy-Engraulis encrasicolus, European sardine-Sardina pilchardus, Anchoveta- Engraulis ringens, Chub Mackerel-Scomber japonicus, Atlantic Chub Mackerel-Scomber colias, Atlantic Cod-Gadus morhua, Pilchard- Sardinops sagax, Round sardinella- Sardinella aurita, Madeira sardinel-Sardinella maderensis, Souther African anchovy- Engraulis capensis, Pacific anchoveta, Slender thread herring-Opisthonema bulleri, Middling thread herring-Opisthonema medirastre, Pacific thread herring- Opisthonema libertate, Whitehead's round herring, Atlantic mackerel-Scomber scombrus, Atlantic horse mackerel- Trachurus trachurus, Jack mackerel- Trachurus symmetricus, Yellowfin Tuna- Thunnus albacares, Skipjack Tuna- Katsuwonus pelamis, Bigeye Tuna-Thunnus obesus . Life Science Nutritionals, LLC Omega3 - Distributor European Sardine-Sardina pilchardus, European Anchovy-Engraulis encrasicolus, Chub Mackerel-Scomber japonicus 3 . Assured Natural Distribution Omega3 - Distributor Anchoveta-Engraulis ringens, European Sardine-Sardina pilchardus, Antarctic Krill- Euphausia superba . Dr. Dobias Healing Soutions Inc Omega3 - Distributor Argentine Shortfin Squid-Illex argentinus, Jumbo Flying Squid-Dosidicus gigas . NutriCorp International Omega3 - Processor Peruvian Anchovy, Chinchard, European anchovy, Club mackarel . Gordian Health Products
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