Ministry of Defence Main Building (06/D/00) Whitehall London SW1A 2HB United Kingdom +44 (0)20 721 89000

Telephone [MOD]: +44 (0)20 721 89000

Ref: E-mail: PersTrg-Sec- PW 24-09-2013-145030-001 [email protected] Ms Barbara Groombridge request-178022- [email protected]

8 October 2013

Dear Ms Groombridge,

Thank you for your correspondence dated 24 September, in which you requested the following information:

Dear Royal Navy, Please send me the following information: Details of all schools in (with postcodes if possible) visited by the Royal Navy between September 2010 and July 2013, including local authority schools, private schools and sixth -form colleges. How many times did they visit each of those schools? What year groups in those schools were visited? What kind of activity were they engaged in when they visited those schools (e.g. careers days, presentations, schools challenge, other (please specify)? Which schools have a Combined Cadet Force?

Dear British Army, I would be grateful if you would send me the following information: Details of all schools in Walsall (with postcodes if possible) visited by the British Army between September 2010 and July 2013, including local authority schools, private schools and sixth- form colleges. How many times did they visit each of those schools? What year groups in those schools were visited? What kind of activity were they engaged in when they visited those schools (e.g. careers days, presentations, schools challenge, other (please specify)? Which schools have a Combined Cadet Force?

Dear Royal Air Force, Please send me the following information: Details of all schools in Walsall visited by the Royal Air Force between September 2010 and July 2013, including local authority schools, academies, free schools, private schools and sixth-form colleges. How many times did they visit each of those schools? What year groups in those schools were visited? What kind of activity were they engaged in when they visited those schools ( e.g. careers days, presentations, schools challenge, other (please specify)? Which schools have a Combined Cadet Force?

I am treating your correspondence as a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).

The Armed Forces never visit schools for recruitment purposes and would only ever visit a school after being invited by a teacher to support school activities. Similar contributions to schools are made by the Police, Fire, Ambulance and other emergency Services. The Armed Forces get numerous requests from schools each year and the three Services take these opportunities to explain to children their role in protecting the nation, and to pass on valuable skills such as leadership, teamwork and citizenship.

A search for the information has now been completed within the Ministry of Defence, and I can confirm that some information in scope of your request is held, broken down by the Services in the tables below.


The Royal Navy has provided information in the table below for the recruitment years that cover the period from 2010 – 2013.

SCHOOL/COLLEGE DATE YEAR ROYAL NAVY GROUP ACTIVITY Streetly School 03/11/2010 Careers Convention School WS8 7QG 09/11/2010 Year 8 Science Road Show Shire Oak School WS9 9PA 11/01/2011 Years Careers Convention 10,11,12,13 Willenhall Schools Sports College 18/03/2011 Years Careers Fair Wv12 4BD 10,11,12 & 13 Shire Oak School WS9 9PA 06/04/2011 Year 11 Technology Road Show

St Thomas Moore Catholic School 08/04/2011 Year 11, 12 & Students Networking 13 Walsall 03/05/2011 Year 11 Fit 4 Life Chefs Team WS1 1NX 09/06/2011 Public Service RMVT Brief & Fitness course aged Session 16+ Woodgreen High School College 13/06/2011 Year 11 Initial Carriers Presentation (ICP) Woodgreen High School College 13/06/2011 Public Service Initial Carriers W10 9QY course aged Presentation (ICP) 16+ Walsall College WS1 1NX 22/09/2011 Public Service Walsall College Jobsfair course aged 16+ Shelfield Community Academy 01/12/2011 Years 11,12 Helo Visit WS4 1BW Pool Hayes School 09/01/2012 Careers Brief Alumwelll Business College 12/01/2012 Public Service Initial Carriers WS2 9UA course aged Presentation (ICP) 16+ WS5 4PG 10/02/2012 Year 11 RNSPT – RN presentation Pool Hayes School 21/02/2012 RMVT Black Country University Technical 24/09/2012 Year 10,12 RMVT Visit Report College WS3 2PA Brownhills School WS8 7QG 27/9/2012 Year 11 Shire Oak School WS9 9PA Walsall College WS1 1NX 10/11/2012 Public Service Remembrance Parade course aged 16+ Walsall College WS1 1NX 14/11/2012 Students RNSPT – RN presentation Brownhills School WS8 7QG 15/11/2012 Year 10,12 RNSPT – RN presentation Joseph Leckie Academy WS5 4PG 16/11/2012 Year 10 RNSPT – RN presentation Brownhills School WS8 7QG 07/12/2012 Year 10 RNSPT – RN presentation Willenhall E-ACT Academy Wv12 13/03/2013 Years Careers Fair 4BD 10,11,12 & 13 Walsall College WS1 1NX 03/06/2013 Public Service RMVT - Brief/PLT’S course aged 16+ RMVT – Royal Marines Visibility Team RNSPT – Royal Navy Students Presentation Team


The Army has confirmed that no data is held for the recruitment years that cover the period from 2010 – 2013. The information below shows data held for the period 04 April – 31 July 2013.

School/Institution Activity Type Initial Personal Campian School, Sydenham Drive, Lemmington Spa, Warks, CV31 1QH Development Activity Initial Personal President School, Development Activity Initial Personal Chase Terrace Technology College, Burntwood, Staffs. Development Activity Initial Personal Norton Canes High School, Burntwood Road, Norton Canes, Staffs Development Activity Initial Personal , Walsall WS9 9PA Development Activity John Taylor High School, Dunstall Road, Barton Under Needwood, Staffordshire, Initial Personal DE13 8AZ Development Activity Cardinal Griffin Catholic High School, Cardinal Way, Stafford Road, Cannock, Initial Personal Staffordshire, WS11 4AW Development Activity Initial Personal Dormston School, Millbank, Sedgley, DY3 1SM Development Activity Initial Personal Hanley Castle High School, Church End, Worcester, WR8 0BL Development Activity Abraham Darby Academy, Ironbridge Road, Madley, Telford, Shropshire, TF7 Initial Personal 5HX Development Activity Initial Personal Sandwell Academy, Halfords Lane, West Bromwich, B71 4LG Development Activity Initial Personal Landau Forte QEMS, Tamworth, Staffordshire B79 8AH Development Activity

Details of the Army’s Cadet Force detachments are in the public domain and the link is provided below:


The RAF has provided information below held for the period from 2011-2013.

Combined Date Date Date EDUCATIONAL Year Cadet Post Code Visited Visited Activity Visited Activity ESTABLISHMENT Group Force 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 (Y/N) WS9 0BG 12/05/2011 N Alumwell Business & Enterprise College WS2 9UA 12/05/2011 N Barr Beacon Careers WS9 0RF 13/07/2013 15 - 16 N Language College Presentation Black Country University Technical Cosford College WS3 2PA 19/09/2012 Visit N Blue Coat Cof E Comprehensive School WS1 2ND 21/01/2011 N Brownhills Commmunity Technology College WS8 7QG 12/01/2012 PDT N Frank F Harrison Engineering College WS2 7NR 20/06/2011 N Great Wyrely High School WS6 6LQ 22/10/2012 Careers Fair 13 - 17 N WS1 2QG 08/03/2011 N Joseph Leckie Community School WS5 4PG 11/07/2011 N Queen Mary's Mock Grammar School WS1 2PG 15/11/2011 Interviews Y Queens Mary's Girls High School WS4 2AE 14/07/2011 N Rushall Adult Education and Sport Centre WS4 1EG 08/03/2011 N Shelfield Sports & Community College WS4 1BW 12/05/2011 N Shire Oak Academy WS9 9PA 08/03/2011 N Literature Walsall City Academy WS3 3LX 16/11/2011 Drop N

PDT – Personal Development Training

I hope this information is helpful.

Yours sincerely,

Defence Personnel Secretariat

If you are not satisfied with this response or you wish to complain about any aspect of the handling of your request, then you should contact me in the first instance. If informal resolution is not possible and you are still dissatisfied then you may apply for an independent internal review by contacting the Deputy Chief Information Officer, 2nd Floor, MOD Main Building, Whitehall, SW1A 2HB (e-mail [email protected]). Please note that any request for an internal review must be made within 40 working days of the date on which the attempt to reach informal resolution has come to an end.

If you remain dissatisfied following an internal review, you may take your complaint to the Information Commissioner under the provisions of Section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act. Please note that the Information Commissioner will not investigate your case until the MOD internal review process has been completed. Further details of the role and powers of the Information Commissioner can be found on the Commissioner's website,